analysis (9)

We have been wirelessly connected from neural dust inside our brains to supercomputers and we have been analysed according to our weaknesses. If you have a weakness such as a guilt signature or an addiction your slave masters already knows about it and they are busy concocting ways to manipulate you by using your weakness against you. If you think I am being premature I am not. Approximately three million of us have been activated so that we can hear the voices of our slave masters directly coming from embedded technology inside our heads.  The rest of you are being subliminally influenced for now.
The current covid-19 virus hoax was created in order to take down all economic activity throughout the world so as to facilitate insider trading.    It was created in order to shut down small businesses so as to redistrubute corporate power and wealth to the super rich slave masters themselves.  It was created to shut down our economies in order to then introduce four or five world companies who would manage the supply chain of absolutely everything that we purchase.  If we then challenged their false authority we would be blacklisted and denied all access to food and other necessities.  It is thought that this would enslave many of us into a state of absolute obedience.   Billions of Euros were spent on fake scientific research in order to engineer the covid-19 virus hoax according to Professor Eric Karlstrom  who is  being interviewed at the  link provided  here
What is really occurring to make people ill is as follows:-
5g or fifth generation millimeter wave radiation is so poisonous that it poisons the cells of the human body to the extent that they being made to secrete a virus in an effort to detoxify themselves.    The virus is inert material.  It can not travel and it is not contagious.  5G radiation also interferes with our ability to absorb oxygen into our blood.    People collapsed on the streets in Wuhan, China when 5G was switched on.  This caused the slave masters to create the virus hoax  which was then immediately  marketed by the privately owned main stream media throughout most of the world as a real event.  According to Dr Andrew Kaufman M.D., the covid-19 test has never been purified and visualized and the gold standard test has not been achieved.  Dr Andrew Kaufman M.D. is linked here.
 What may be killing senior citizens in some instances is the fact that they may be being given a separate extra strong vaccination which is being reserved only for them.
Because of rigid and unethical standards of care in medicine the physician must treat the patient in a mandated way and he or she has no free will to follow their own conscience.   
5G is not a telecommunication system.  It is a bio-weapon which is to be used to electronically enslave the men, women and children of the world by a small cabal of super-rich individuals. 
It has now become apparent that the Gates community owned by the industrialists Bill and Melinda Gates as well as the World Health Organisation and the United States Centre for Disease Control are all fronts for criminal activity.  
Please support U.S. President Donald Trump who is working against the slave masters.  However, he is surrounded by traitors who work for the liberal banking financiers.  He does not bring his own team to the White House.  He is attempting to disassemble the liberal banking financiers and he is being demonised by the mostly privately owned main stream media.
Please provide the police in this country with technology which would enable them to identify digital signals  when such signals  are being received and transmitted to and from the brains and bodies of your fellow country men and women who complain that they are being wirelessly harassed and tortured both outside and inside their own homes as they attempt to go about their lives quietly and peacefully. This act alone of providing the police with the aforementioned technology would finally provide absolute proof that targeted individuals of remote electronic wireless control are telling the truth to the police whenever they inform them of their plight.
I have not sent this email to all of the members of Mayo County Council.  Please make it available to all of them if that is possible.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, F12 Y560,
My landline home phone number is 094 9360901
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There are now at least half a million targeted individuals in the world. Targeted individuals are individuals who have been wirelessly connected to a network of computers from remote data analysis material which is both on their skin and inside their bodies.
Many targeted individuals including myself are long term and non-consenting victims of wirelessly conducted remote analysis and remote manipulation of our brains and bodies. We were neither asked for our permission or informed about being wirelessly connected to this remote wireless systems analysis system before we became connected to it. We were also not informed or asked for our permission before we began to be wirelessly physically manipulated via the aforementioned wireless remote system. We only found out about it after it was up and running inside our brains and bodies. We found out that we were now connected to a computerized control system complete with systems analysis capabilities by unknown voices which we heard coming from inside our heads because they are being transmitted to the hearing centres of our brains by wireless electronic means.
Because I am wirelessly connected to a network of computers or a supercomputer from particulates which are inside our brains and bodies most if not all of the electrical activity which by brain and body generates each moment is wirelessly transmitted to the aforementioned computer system where it can be data analysed and partially translated into everything I think, say and do throughout my life. I have been lead to believe by the voices which I hear coming from inside my head that I have no mental or physical privacy.
Criminals who are unknown to me can know every thought I think and every word I say and every movement I make. They can know how many times I inhale and exhale each and every day. They can know how many times I sit on the toilet each and every day. They can data analyse my clothing to check if it is clean. They can data analyse my home in order to check if it is clean. They can data analyse my stomach to check if I have recently eaten a meal and also to check what I have eaten and if I have ingested the correct medication in the case of any medication being prescribed to me. They can data analyse the contents of my large bowel which they do because of the fact that on one single occasion I complained in private to a disability allowance assessment medical doctor in Claremorris town in the West of Ireland that I suffered from irritable bowel syndrome and that I was erroneously denied a request for disability allownace by a another doctor on a previous occasion.
The aforementioned criminals who speak to me on a continual basis via direct inner communication which is sometimes known as voice to skull or synthetic telepathy have informed me that I was placed under wireless control simply because of what I said in private to the aforementioned disability allowance assessment medical doctor in Claremorris on that one single occasion in the distant past.
Further to that, because of the particulates which are inside my brain and body I have been Remote Neural Manipulated over many years as well as being Remote Neural Monitored. Unwanted and damaging information has been wirelessly sent to my brain and central nervous system over many years in order that the aforementioned criminals can gain external wireless control over my muscles and my central nervous system in order that they can some day fully bio-robotize me for the purposes of eventually being able to remote control me like a robot. They now have gained the ability to remote control my facial and neck muscles and they also have the ability to move my left knee by remote wireless means and they move all of the aforementioned muscles whenever they wish against my will and without my permission. They can also partially immobilize me by remote wireless means anytime they wish. They use an unexplained method to force my mouth and jaws to move in alignment with their words sometimes when they speak to me to the extent that they can effectively speak through me using a combination of my own voice and the voice of the criminal operative. One more than one occasion what sounded like a mans voice was generated to come from my mouth as if I was the one who was doing the speaking even though I was being spoken through by a member of the aforementioned unknown criminal neuro operative team. The science behind the aforementioned capability of gaining remote control of a human being is scientifically explained under patent number US 6965816.
No targeted individual can inform the Gardai of their experiences of being wirelessly electronically harassed and psychologically tortured by this technology because the Gardai themselves have not yet been informed that this technology even exists so said Gardai consistently refuse to believe us or to accept statements off us when ever we report this.
I am friends with many other targeted individuals of this technology throughout the Republic of Ireland where I live and where I have lived all of my life. We are worried that if fifth generation wireless technology is allowed to be erected throughout the Republic of Ireland then the band width necessary to wirelessly enslave all of the people of Ireland will be available to the criminal intelligence services and others who carry out these crimes against me and my fellow Irish targeted individuals many of whose names and addresses I have in my possession.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website which I alone own and control is called

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I live five miles west of a small town in the West of Ireland by direct route, (as the crow flies) and seven miles by road. That town is called Claremorris. My name is Gretta Fahey and I am a targeted individual of remote neural analysis and control. That computerized human control and enslavement system which I have become non-consensually wirelessly tethered to from possible implants inside my brain and body or else from my unique brain signature or possibly from both constantly collects data from the electrical activity which goes on inside my brain and body on a continual basis.
The personnel who analyse and collate the collected data from both my brain and body now have detailed records of my whole life to date some of which they have gleaned from analysing my internalized memories while I sleep. If through their detailed analysis they found that I had ever committed a crime at some time in my life, they would then fetch all records from CCTV cameras and other record halls in order to prove in a court of law that I had committed that crime. However, they would make it look like that said crime was solved by accidental means and nothing would be disclosed about the fact that they had wirelessly analysed my internalized memories by the use of as yet undisclosed advances in brain science and technology. Both the military and secret police are using this process on a continual basis now against anyone they wish to use it against, even small children in Ireland and throughout most of the world.
Because there were no closed circuit television cameras (CCTV) in operation before 1980 in the Republic of Ireland, this process can not be used against anybody who committed a crime before 1980. In that case, the secret police usually plant evidence against the offender in order to manipulate a situation where they can falsely interrogate them.
I have not committed a crime so they have no reason to take proceedings against me and therefore I am free to write about their immoral activities which I have written about in detail in my website which is called

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Those among the British police who are not initiated into the almost worldwide rigid computerised control system call the individuals that we know as perps or criminal neuro operatives as "the systems analysis team".    The "systems analysis team" force their voices inside the heads of targeted individuals of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation every day all day long, while issuing repremands and insults to us on a constant basis.   There are currently at least four different technologies which have the capacity to place voices inside the heads of unwilling human beings.    The systems analysis team  wake us up in the middle of the night and are happy to keep us awake all night if they so wish.  They have tortured me into making two serious suicide attempts many years ago when I first become a targeted individual of both remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation.

Said "systems analysis team" are under the control of the most unethical group of human beings on this planet, far worse than the Nazis ever were.   If you are a police officer reading this please urgently investigate who you are communicating with on an almost daily basis while asking them questions about innocuous individuals.  It is the systems analysis team and their employers who you should really be investigating.

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Technology has been placed inside my body against my will and without my permission at a time when I was unaware it was being placed there.    According to voice to skull induced voices which I constantly hear coming from inside my head I was first innoculated with a myriad of biochips many years ago.   They further informed me that I have since inhaled and ingested further technology  from chemtrail spraying of the skies over my head.   They also added that my human energy field is also being manipulated.  Because of this technology that has become imbedded into all of my primary systems inside both my body and brain, remote analysis of my body and brain functions can be carried out by a team of scientists and neuro operatives whenever they wish to do so.  The voice to skull induced voices have informed me that the town of  Monisterevin in Ireland has played a large part in the attempted destruction of my sense of automony.  They also have informed me that they will download more information into my hearing centres at a later date.

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For millions of years well informed human beings have known that it is much easier to use mind control cults in order to control their fellow human beings rather than to keep them under their control by the use of a standing army.   These well informed  bloodline families have become experts in the type of psychology that is necessary to keep the masses under mind control rather than body control.   These bloodline families have created most if not all of the organised religions on the planet and they have done so over thousands of years if not hundreds of thousands of years.

Logical thinking has no part to play in organised religions.   The control cult leaders dissuade all use of logic in the primary and secondary school system.   When initiating any new organised religion the control cult leaders use any and all means possible to initiate their possible followers into a new false belief system.   They use repetition  and reverence and ritual.  They use opulent displays and magnificent surroundings.  They use fear as the corner stone of all belief systems.    If they succeed in convincing their congregation that something of a super-natural nature has taken place during a solemn procedure then they are well on their way to success in the takeover of the whole country via the minds of the population.

From that day on they begin to organise themselves into a hierarchical based control system.  Heirarchical based systems are always intrinsically evil because once you belong to a hierarchical based system you are expected to be obedient to the hierarchical based chain of command.  You are dissuaded from using your own free will.  You are persuaded to unquestioningly follow the dictates of the leader.   In order to do that you must never exercise your own conscience.   Whenever somebody asks you to ignore your conscience and obediently follow their orders without any perspective of their true objectives they are the embodiment of evil.

Human beings have enjoyed freedom of expression ever since we first lived on earth.  Archaeologists  have found evidence to suggest  that humans have lived on earth for at least five hundred million years.    Therefore human beings have enjoyed freedom of expression for at least five hundred million years.   Who has the authority to take away our freedom of expression after five hundred million years of us enjoying it.   Nobody of course.  However,  leaders of control cults are well aware that their organised religions will fall into disuse if we are freely allowed to express the truth of what they really are.   They really are mind control methods which are in widespread  use to persuade us to abandon logical thinking,  and  to give away our money and our free will to individuals whose true agenda we can never know.

The logical definition of the phrase " a faith based belief system "   is a belief system that has been given to children at a very young age.  They have never been taught to analyse the faith based information logically.   It is taught  that if they question the faith based teaching they could face eternal damnation.  They are inculcated into the false  belief that having "faith" without analysis is a positive attribute when in actual fact it is a negative attribute.  Constant repitition in the form of prayer and church attendance is then used to keep the faithful inside the false belief system.   Because of this repetition, they are unable to deprogram themselves for the entirety of their lives.    The controllers of the organised religion then become wealthy and powerful and enjoy a high status in society.

If the Irish referendum is passed on 26th October, 2018, blasphemy will no longer be a criminal offence and that is wonderful news.

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I am being remote neural monitored and I hear the technologically induced voices of the remote neural monitoring staff coming from inside my head on a constant basis. These remote neural monitoring staff appear to be able to wirelessly analyse everybody I speak to in some way that I do not yet understand.

On one occasion two members of the same family came to my home to make a delivery. However, I myself did not meet them as another member of my own family took the delive...ry. The voices of the remote neural monitoring staff which I am hearing from inside my head informed me at that time that they were unable to wirelessly analyze the two delivery men because these delivery men did not have the required uptake of something needed to make a wireless analysis.

I wondered at that time if the two delivery men did not have the required number of vaccinations in their bodies or the required amount of time in front of a digital media screen in order to make them vulnerable to this covert wireless remote analysis. They were both men who lived in a rural countryside location.

I am  aware that clothing can be wirelessly analysed for their level of cleanliness because of nano particulates in laundry detergent. I am also aware that targeted individuals of remote neural monitoring can have the food in their stomachs wirelessly analysed by remote means because of nano particulates in all processed foods.

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Re-engineering the human race, as in forced transhumanism is occurring behind the scenes in our lives,  in that each selected  victim is being individually wirelessly linked to a computer network via implants which are imbedded throughout their brain and body to the extent that that computer system monitors all of their bodily functions on a continual basis every minute for the rest of their lives.  Said computer system uses data analysis of the electrical activity sourced from the brain stem of the victim to decipher what the victim has said and done, even down to what the victim has eaten and how long they have slept on any given day. This is a worldwide enslavement system being perpetrated on humanity in the sense that anybody who does not obey the commands given to them by human voices which are transmitted to them from inside their heads can then be punished by a large variety of means.  In conjunction with this type of remote neural monitoring, the home of the selected victim is also analysed for food usage as well as electricity, water and heating oil usage, among many other usages.  There will be limits placed on food, electricity, heating oil and water usage in the future. If you are considered a slave, the colour and brand of the clothes you wear may be decided by unknown slave masters behind the scenes of your life in the future. I have been wirelessly linked to this system which is sometimes known as Remote Neural Monitoring for more than fifteen years.  Extensive Remote Neural Manipulation is being used against me.   Please block signals to my home if you know how. Propulsions of magnetic energy may damage the nano implants in our bodies in order to set us free. Brain entrainment is also being used to render all people who are not yet initiated into the system into a state of unconcern. Said brain entrainment is coming from telephone towers which are being placed near schools and churches as well as police stations. We must remove our children from state run schools.  Their best interests are not being served. They are being misinformed.

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I am a non-consensual neuro weapons test subject. The technologically induced voices which I constantly hear coming from inside my head informed me that nearly all shampoo and nearly all laundry detergent contain particulates which are being used to wirelessly analyse both the sebacious glands in the human head and the cleanliness level of the clothing worn by random members of the public, totally unknown to those chosen members of the public who are generally totally that they are being analysed while they are out in public.

I have known about this situation for some time. I now wash my hair with hand soap or dish soap which I am assured does not contain such invasive particulates and I wash my clothing with a mixture of baking soda and white vinegar which is just as effective a cleaning agent as laundry detergent ever could be.

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