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Industrial hemp is the worlds number one resource and it is capable of generating sixty thousand different products and yet it has been banned from the market place by individuals who wish to empoverish us for some of the following reasons:-
The first step to taking over a country and its people is to first of all find ways to empoverish the people of that country. That has already been achieved by banning industrial hemp and by thereby banning all of its products from the market place. We could build, furnish and carpet and power our homes by using industrial hemp as the main raw material to achieve this. We could feed our animals with industrial hemp. It takes only ninety days for industrial hemp to grow to full maturity from seed. It has been banned from the world market place by individuals who wish to take over our countries and to enslave us.
A second step to taking over a country and its people is to destroy the health of the people of the country which has been designated for takeover and enslavement. In medical school, students are being deliverately misinformed about all aspects of human health. This has now become apparent because medical practitioners are coming to the fore online and relating stories of how they given misinformation at medical school and since then through their own private endeavours have found much better ways of treating and curing illnesses, information which was denied to them during their medical training. Further to that, Iatrogenic events in medical practice is the third leading cause of death in the United States at this time.
A fourth step needed in taking over a country and its people is to intellectually dumb them down so that they are unable to think logically and rationally. Magical thinking is encouraged in all areas. Government education is mainly about subjugation, brain washing, mass control and conformity. Children are not been taught how to think critically. A future dictatorship does not wish to be challenged by individuals who are truely educated and independend minded. They would like the population they control to think collectively because they hate individuality because they can not and never could mind control individual thinkers. School has become a process of non-educational programming. Schooling is also being used to make children aware of time constraints so that they could be controlled by this means in the future. Public schooling is now being used to indoctrinate students into the political principal of collectivism which means central control of people.
A fifth step needed to take over a country and its people is to take total control over the main stream media which has already been achieved throughout the world. The dark occultists and others who aim to enslave us have purchased most newspapers, magazines, television stations,publishing houses and film studios. They push the same propaganda from all avenues so that it then becomes more believable when people begin to hear the same message from several different sources. All avenues of information have now been centralized into fewer and fewer hands and those fewer hands are attempting to manufacture a false reality where we would be given fewer basic human rights that those within the dictatorship.
A sixth step needed to take over a country and its people is to take control of the police of that country. At present, masts over police stations affect the beta rhythm of their brains which is responsible for sound judgement in emergency situations. Police are being forced to enforce unjust laws. Police are being denied access to information about directed energy weapons and their true capabilities. They are being wrongly guided to send complainers of directed energy weapons attacks for mandatory psychiatric evaluation, thereby mistakingly covering up in-home wireless torture and in-home attempts at wireless enslavement of good living people through attempts at controlling them through their central nervous systems. An attempt to turn human beings into cyborgs through control of their nervous systems has been partially achieved. With the use of invisible and silent weapons, peoples biological and electrical systems and their minds can be controlled via telephone masts.
A seventh step needed to take over a country and its people is to use brain entrainment and subliminal programming of the populace through television, smart phones and wifi whenever the would be enslavers wish to introduce unjust government ligitation such as privatising property which is owned by the people of that country and thereby allowing it to be purchased by unknown investors who are acting for the dictatorship. Such brain entrainment and subliminal programming and other mind control techniques are being used on you without your knowledge and consent during elections, political meetings, conferences, demonstrations, large consumer purchases such as when purchasing private homes or holiday homes, as well as during court cases. Brain entrainment and subliminal programming has become so advanced now that it can be used to cover whole countries or whole continents at the same time.
An eight step needed to take over a country and its people is to keep them working continually while often performing pointless tasks so that they will not have time to figure out what is really occurring behind the scenes in their lives. It has been widely discovered that at least eighty percent of all work being performed across the world only benefits the would-be enslavers of the human race. In order to provide ourselves with everything we need and in order to lead lives of absolute abundance each man and woman in this world would really only need to work one day per week. Further to that, it is advantageous to the would-be dictatorship to keep both students and workers permanently tired and stressed because conditioning which is installed when somebody is in a state of stress or fatigue goes deeper that conditioning which is installed at other times.
A nineth step needed to take over a country and its people is to deny the people a platform of complaint whenever they are being subject to unjust treatment or when they are being wirelessly tortured inside their own homes. The main stream media refuse to print our stories and politicians refuse to act on our requests for assistance and they refuse to provide technology which would enable us to prove that we are under wireless attack. Universities refuse to reply to our requests for help.
A tenth step needed to take over a country and its people is to encourage everyone to belong to groups or teams. Anyone who lives alone or who acts alone or who is an individual thinker is to be portrayed with suspicion by agents within the main stream media. Group members try to minimize conflict in order to reach a consensus often without critical evaluation of alternative viewpoints. If you belong to a group you are often isolated from outside influences.
An eleventh step to taking over a country and its people is to manipulate the young people into becoming addicted to substances and to sexually depraving themselves by offering them misleading advice when they are too young to be able to assess it critically. If we live lives of loyalty and fidelity to one partner throughout our lives and if sexual behaviour is moderate rather than extreme then we will have peace of mind throughout our lives. The nuclear family is destroyed when people become sexually promiscious thereby paving the way for greater intervention into our lives and manipulation of our lives by a would-be dictatorship.

A twelfth step needed to take over a country and its people is to deny the people adequate living space because by living in over crowded spaces we are being subjected to undue stress which would make us move maleable to being controlled by false authority figures . If there were a stable six billion individuals on earth and each apartment building was only six floors high we could then give every man, woman and child on earth their own large fifty square metre apartment for the duration of their whole life and it would take approximately twelve million acres of space to build those six floor apartment buildings on and considering that there are thirty six thousand, seven hundred and ninety four million acres of land on earth, after we subtracted the twelve million acres of land needed for the spacious apartment blocks, we would then have thirty six thousand, seven hundred and eighty two million acres of land left for food and for wild animals.
36,794,000,000 Acres of land on earth.
- 12,000,000 Acres needed to give every one their one fifty square metre apartment for life
provided each apartment building was six floors high and the population of earth
remained at a stable six billion.
36,782,000,000 Acres left over for farm land and wild land.
We should enact laws where we are all entitled to own personal property such as our own fifty square metre large home which could be built by industrial hemp building blocks and furnished by industrial hemp furniture and carpeted by industrial hemp carpets. Nobody could then accuse us of wasting the resources of the planet because it only takes ninety days to grow industrial hemp from seed to full maturity so therfure we would not be burdening the planet in any way whatsoever. We would no longer allow laws which would entitle us to own private property such as land, roads, lakes, seas, apartment blocks, banks, museums and government buildings because these publicly owned resources are now being privatized all over the world and are being purchased by the same group of would-be dictators of the world who if allowed to continue would eventually own all of the resources of the planet and legally enslave the rest of us so that we would not be able to live if we ever dared to challenge their future dictatorship. Please raise awareness of this.

Whenever those who run governments from behind the scenes commit crimes they apply the word "classified" to each crime and by this means secrecy allows evil to flourish. Senior politicians and other government staff should refuse to sign secrecy clauses and they should disclose whatever they know about government criminality because full disclosure allows good to flourish. Honesty and truth holds society together.
We must become self-sufficient within each country. We must refuse to finance the intelligence services. We must switch back from digital to analogue communications. We must own and control our own central banks. We must use common law courts whose laws would be enforced by a peoples militia. We must take down HAARP phased arrays. We must not allow children to become unquestioningly obedient order followers because by becoming unquestioningly obedient they could in later life easily be persuaded to commit acts of extreme evil by the would-be dictatorship.

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We have inhaled and ingested nano particulates which are wirelessly connected to supercomputers and we have become wirelessly enslaved. Our brains, central nervous systems and bodily functions can now be wirelessly controlled from a distance by unknown neural experts and mind programming experts and medical experts. Algorithms are being used to conduct most of the work of wirelessly enslaving us and mind controlling some of us, especially those work work directly for governments. Those whose wireless connections are more fully activated than others are more aware of what is occurring that those whose wireless connections are only being used for subliminal programming of their minds and because of this the fully activated targeted individuals have had more time to decipher what is occurring from a worldwide perspective. I am one such targeted individual and I understand that the spinning ball earth hoax is the most important hoax needed to finalize the enslavement plan. If we refuse to believe in the spinning ball earth hoax we can be free of this. The earth is flat and fixed and therefore some large areas or whole countries are not being sprayed with chemtrails and those same countries are not under aerial surveillance or so-called satellite surveillance. Those who live in those areas are the individuals who are not connected to the worldwide brain initiative and they are the ones who wish to eventually torture and genocide most of the rest of us . Please research flat earth science which is widely available online and please canvas your political representative to have all wireless enabling infrastructure disassembled and banned throughout the world now. Exactly when will the worldwide wireless infrastructure be disassembled and banned?

The following are some of the words of former Prime Minister of Canada Paul Hellyer, Bryan Koffron who is a former insider in the world of wireless enslavement of people and the late President John F Kennedy who knew about the wireless enslavement plan and was about to expose it before he was assassinated, as well as other speakers.
Most of the western world is being controlled by an unelected, unaccountable cabal. Its apex is the banking and financial cartel, the oil cartel, the CEOs of the most powerful transnational corportations, major intelligence agencies including the CIA , the FBI, the NSA and a major slice of the US military. Their collective power and influence is incalculable and it is their plan for the US and the rest of us that is so alarming .
Automated super-computer software programming will manipulate the emotions, the behaviours and the thoughts of everyone in the United States of America. It is horrifying and it is a crime against humanity. This is something that needs to be tackled by lawyers and civil rights advocates immediately.
It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
I know for a fact, having been an insider and actually been a part of this program and seen it operate on a day to day basis I am aware that there are now entire cities in America that are nothing more than a massive social engineering experiment.
For we are opposed around the world by a monolythic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on gorillas by night instead of armies by day,
What these people have done is turned this technology into a video game and that is exactly how they approach it. They approach it as though they are playing a cross between Syd Myers civilization on their computer and syms where they are controlling all of civilization and also controlling people on the individual level. The overall effect of this technology is one that could control the mood, the attitude, the thoughts, the feelings, the emotions and thus the motivations and then the actions of the target, all day, every day, twenty four hours a day, three hundred and sixty five days a year. It is a highly sophisticated technology . It is one that produces literal and total and complete mind control over the targeted individual and it is in the hands right now of people that are using it for nefarious purposes, extremely evil and destructive purposes against individuals like myself (Bryan Koffron). I am now a targeted of this technology because I have decided to speak out about it.
Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its decenters are silenced not praised. No expendature is questioned. No rumour is printed. No secret is revealed.
I was told not to reveal certain things or they would kick my ass, kill me and dump me in a lake. This is why before going public I reported all of this to the FBI four times. I reported all of this to local and state police. I was told by the FBI and by a police department that what you are describing is a federal program, we know exactly what it is and as a result there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. It is obvious that in this day and age an American citizen can not come forward to blow the whistle on a highly illegal and unconstitutional program that is being used to torture the American people each and every day. I am sorry but that is unacceptable. It is your job to protect the American people. It is your job to investigate high crimes and felonies that have been committed by the people who have been entrusted with the safe keeping of this country and constitution and the American people.
This social engineering program experiments on the homeless population and the general population of Seattle, utilizing what most people know as voice to skull technology. However, this technology is infinitely more advanced than most people know. It can be used to completely control the thoughts and emotions of the target and thus it can be used to completely control the targets actions. This program is illegal, unconstitutional and absolutely terrifying because this technology could be being used against tens to hundreds of millions of Americans every day. It can literally stop your own thoughts from happening and replace them with other thoughts by sending thoughts to your head and it is so sophisticated that you can not tell where these thoughts are coming from. There is no way to discern that they are coming from somewhere other than your own mind so you can imagine how bad this would be for people who dont even realize that this technology exists and they are having these thoughts which they think are spontaneous and that is exactly what it can be used for. It can be used to sway people in terms of their opinion to make them go along with a certain agenda. It can be used to turn groups of people or individuals against each other. When you consider that use of it and the fact that it is used for emotion and thought and behaviour modification we could be looking at potentially millions of people across the country that are under the influence of the technology today, right now.
Many of the homeless test subjects of this program start out as highly educated successful people. Their lives are systematically destroyed by this program using voice to skull technology, organised stalking, career sabotage, and an intense character assassination effort which isolates them from society, leaves them unemployed, and turns family and friends against them. It is a highly illegal program.

Those words are taken from the first nine minutes of the following linked youtube video which is approximately thirty one minutes long. I will type the rest at another time and post it online for those who dont have youtube.

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The Pilgrim Society.

What the Pilgrim Society and their minnions  have feared the most down through the past few decades is that technological progress would enable the rest of us to disempower them which would end their plan of enslaving the world under their own rule.  To that end they have consistently sabotaged all beneficial world progress over the past few decades  and it is my belief that the corona virus is just another of their attempts to sabotage the worldwide economy in order to set up a system of socialism across the world which would then eventually lead to worldwide enslavement if not stopped.  They have  attempted tot enslaving us by wirelessly tethering many of us  by our central nervous systems to their computerized control and genocide system as well as using smart phones to bio-digitally program still others into a false reality of indifference to the now encroaching worldwide enslavement system. One solution is as follows:-   Each of us must wear on a constant basis a head band which has repelling magnets attached to it while will enable us to keep safe from wireless directed energy attacks while we go to war against them.  Many of the people who have awakened to this real truth of what is now happening know who the members of the Pilgrim Society are and where they are located. Many if not all of them are dark occultists and they hide behind many organised religions while they ply their trade. 

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Posted on August 19, 2019 by gretta fahey
If community activists are making leaflets or other documents to offer to members of the public they should create the original leaflet with a pen or marker in their own handwriting and their own drawings rather than creating it digitally. When they photocopy the original leaflet it can not be decoded by digital means and blocked from the printing process which is now an ongoing capability.
Currently there is an effort by the would-be enslavers of the human race who are strongly believed to be mostly members of the British Privy Council combined with bloodline families, members of the Vatican and Washington DC to create a false belief in the ability of machines to make uninformed decisions. According to a group of researchers who are known as the American Intelligence media, computer code does not drag ideas out of the sky.  Instead of making uninformed decisions as we are being asked to believe by the would-be enslavers of the human race, computers rely on hundreds of pre-programmed algorithms acting simultaneously to come up with a decision.    Computer programmers are renewing computer code on an almost daily basis because of anomalies. Subroutines are being implemented in computer software to make it appear that a computer can make uninformed decisions but said subroutines are being constantly created by hundreds of millions of computer programmers in the background. The would-be enslavers of the human race constantly create hoaxes in order that we direct our anger away from them and towards a non-existent enemy.
We must consider removing the sovereignty of the Vatican State, Washington Dc and The British Financial district all of which are legally considered sovereign states within sovereign states and which act as one unit in an effort to control and enslave the human race.

My website is called

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I believe that there is pain beyond believable capable of being transmitted from the supercomputers of the neuro operatives into  our bodies, because  our brains and bodies have become imbedded with nano technology through inhalation and ingestion of these dust particles.   Many of us have already been wirelessly tethered to supercomputers via two way streams of energy where we now could be virtually enslaved.   The broadband capability does not exist to tether the rest of humanity to this virtual enslavement methodology until fifth generation transmitters have been erected throughout our countries.   Do not allow fifth generation wireless technology to be erected within your country or within any country.   You will then save yourself and your children from permanent wireless enslavement.   Please have microwave transmitters banned in order to free targeted individuals from virtual enslavement.  Many politicians are under permanent electronic mind control.  The existence of satellites are strongly believed to be a hoax along with many other hoaxes that have been generated by NASA wirelessly tethered slaves.

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This is largely the work of Bryan Tew which has been summarised by Gretta Fahey.

Remote Neural Monitoring is being used to image, measure and transmit brain and neural activity.

Many human beings throughout most of the world are now wirelessly tied to a super-computer via nano technology which has been imbedded inside their brains and bodies. The Remote Neural Monitoring super-computer monitors and manipulates all electrical activity in their brains on a constant basis throughout each day. It uses physical and psychological trauma to map out and reverse engineer the sensory and neural pathways of the brain and central nervous system of the targeted individual in order to then build a cognotive model of that brain.

A computer multiplexer routes the brain signals to a tower or mobile platform. The tower or mobile platform then relays the signals to a digital receiver.

The cerebral cortex is remotely tied to a supercomputer which monitors and manipulates all of the electromagentic activity of the human brain.

There are hive mind teams involved which aid and abet the process for the purposes of training, research and development. The hive mind teams manually inject information into the human brain when whenever they need to but up to twnety percent of all of the manipulation is now being done automatically by the supercomputer. The automated work of the supercomputer involves muscle manipulating via the motor cortex of the human being, as well as inducing sleep disturbances when necessary and the supercomputer can automatically decide to kill a targeted individual of remote neural monitoring.

The brain of the victim has been digitized by nano technology which they have both inhaled and ingested from illegal chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads. Nano technology is already in the brains of all 318 million Americans as well as all Europeans and further afield. Once ingested, the nano technology then migrates to the brain and adheres to the neuro transmitter of the brain. It begins to decode those neuro transmitters after it is activated. Your brain can be activated from thousands of miles away using a process called Directed Energy Flashing Photons. Even though everyone is infected with nano technology only a few million human beings have been activated throughout the world so far.

The hive mind teams force the targeted individual into a pattern of response and a pattern of speech. They try to develop and identify patterns of behaviour of the targeted individual which they then remotely measure and re-intigrate into the Remote Neural Monitoring data for the purposes of building a cognotive moel of the human brain. The hive mind teams deliberately generate anxiety and fear in order to generate emotional responses which can be measured and reintigrated back into the remote neural monitoring data.

The super-computer has copies of the bio-algorhythms of the will, intellect and emotions of any targeted individual that has become wirelessly tethered ot it. The will, intellect and emotions of these targeted individuals is used to further program the super-computer. Naturally the super-computer, being non-sentient can not actually feel the emotions. It can only simulate them through the tone of voice that it is programmed to use.

The hive mind team turn the brain of the victim into their very own visual, verbal and auditive communication system.

Remote Neural Monitoring locks on to the emotional state of the victim. If the victim uses pleasing music or a pleasant pass-time to dampen down the neural link to the hive mind team and to the super-computer trauma will then be used to re-entrain the brain of the victim back to the desired frequency of the Remote Neural Monitoring system.

Remote Neural Manipulation is the ability of the system to predict and influence your memories during thought composition in order to pitch you into some type of action or access sequence.

It is imperative that the hive mind team do everything in their power to discredit the targeted individual so that the targeted individual will not be believed. They use slander campaigns and false psychiatry to discredit targeted individuals. In some situations the hive mind create a hostile environment everywhere the victim goes in order to isolate the victim so that there is no external interference which might dampen down the desired neuro programming.

The hive mind team can introduce sound, voices, aromas, sensations, images, thoughts, and emotions into the brain of the targeted individual or on some occasions targeted group. They are using a fabricated and falsefied stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves specifically to match the brain wave sequence of the victim. This bio-directional stream, known as the information and injection feedback loop which scientists call the neural link contains a hidden carrier frequency which is specificaly tuned to the unique one of a kind brain wave signature of the victim.

The hive mind team obtain the digital brain imprint of the victim which they remotely measure and then they upload it into a super-computer and they wirelessly tie the victim to that super-computer for life by way of the bio-directional stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves, turning the brain of the targeted individual into their very own visual, verbal and auditive communication system. The victim is then a walking digital receiver. They attempt to restrict the victim at will using remotely induced trauma and pain. They use bio-communication to project their voices inside the brain of the victim. They eventually are able to manipulate the visual cortex of the victim to introduce images into the victims field of vision. They introduce signals into the audio cortex of the victim to introduce sounds and voices. They manipulate the sensory cortex of the victim to introduce sensations or pain. They manipulate the motor cortex of the victim in order to cause movement to the muscles of the victim anywhere throughout the victims face or body. By modulation of the phase, frequency and amplitude of the stream of energy they can target any area of the human anatomy.

There is a perceived seventy or eighty year gap between the technology available in the market place and the technology available to the satanic and luciferian control system. They wish to determine what a society can maintain is true.

Further links to the work of Bryan Tew.




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I believe politicians throughout the western world are being attacked and compromised in a myriad of ways by dark occultists who will stop at nothing in order to gain control of the whole human race.   Politicians who dare to challenge the creeping fascism of the deep state suddenly meet with an accident or sudden death.  We must support our political leaders by first of all listing the many and varied ways in which they can be undermined and then we must find a way of helping them by writing about issues that they appear unable to discuss at this point in time, one of which is Remote Neural Monitoring.

Remote Neural Monitoring involves placing illegal implants inside the bodies and brains of all individuals through chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads with nano particulates which we inhale and ingest.  These nano particulates then become encased inside our bodies and brains and can be used in combination with remote neural monitoring to virtually enslave us by wireless remote means and from a distance.   All people in western society now are embedded with nano particulates throughout their brains and bodies but only a small selection of people are having their implants activated, a process which can be carried out  from thousands of miles away.


When a human being has their internal nano implants activated  all of the electrical signals coming from their bodies and brains are then analysed wirelessly  by a supercomputer so that everything is known about that individual from that time forward.   The supercomputer tracks them everywhere they go.  It  keeps a record of their breathing rate, their blood pressure,  how long they sleep and what they say among hundreds of other details.    If a politician has been activated for the purposes of remote neural monitoring they  they could not secretly  inform  any member of the public about the extreme dangers of remote neural monitoring without  it being known by agents  the deep state who would then act against them in unknown ways.

There is no defence against remote influencing capabilities if you choose to surround yourself with digital technology, especially high definition televisions, wireless modems and smart engineered technology.  Remote Influencing capabilities are being used to subliminally    influence much of society to believe only what their government  and main stream media tells them and to disbelieve online sources of information.

We can almost instantly re-empower ourselves by outlawing all microwave transmitters, 5G millimetre wave transmitters and related paraphernalia.  The existence of satellites and space based weapons are easily proveable hoaxes along with a vast number of other hoaxes.   All worldwide data is currently being transmitted via undersea fibre optic cables which then carry digital signals to microwave transmitters.   Please research and raise awareness of Remote Neural Monitoring.


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Military intelligence do not socialise outside their own station. They are not allowed to do so. Military intelligence staff are wirelessly tethered to a supercomputer at all times by digital signals being sent to and received by an implant deep within their skulls. Military intelligence staff are under remote neural monitoring at all times by artificial intelligence and as such
military intelligence staff can not reveal information concerning the slow inslavement of the ...human race to anybody outside their own station.

As part of their control operation military intelligence staff are obliged to obtain knowledge and information about certain individuals without the consent of said individuals. In order to achieve this, they similarly implant said individuals with modular implants for a limited period of time until such a time as they gain total and absolute control over these individuals by means of control of nano technology inside the body of said individuals. When that time arrives the individuals body is totally taken over by the military intelligence staff who may use said individual for military missions or worse.
The only way to stop this illegal and cruel activity in its tracks is by disassembling and destroying all microwave transmitters throughout the world and by ceasing all installation of millimeter wave transmitters.
Satellites are genuinely believed to be one of many elaborate hoaxes.

World wide takeover is being achieved by a deliberate misinformation campaign in order to dumb down humanity to the extent that they will ingest poisonous substances posing as medicines and also receive poisonous vaccinations and to the extent that they will believe any and all hoaxes which they hear and read about, including such elaborate hoax as the extraterresterial hoax, demonic possession hoax, moon landing hoax, space based weapons hoax, and many others.

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All targeted individuals who feel their muscles taking on a life of their own and even occasionally being remote controlled against their wills should research the area of nano assemblers and nano assemblage engineers. Unbeknownst to many of these engineers the nano technology which they are being asked to assemble is inside human bodies and these human bodies are being slowly and incrementally bio-robotized over many years and even decades. Please research this topic.
The nano assemblage engineers are working on computer networks which are attached to a super computer and which is also attached by remote means to the human being destined for bio-robotization and total remote control at some future time. I have been informed by my wirelessly enabled technologically induced inner voices that I am destined for such a fate.

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Comment: This may actually be the weapon that secretly create earthquake around the world.


Published in Commander X's Guide To Incredible Conspiracies



The following seems like science fiction, but scalar beam weapons were invented in 1904 by a American immigrant genius called Nicola Tesla (1856 or 57 -1943) from Yugoslavia. Since he died in 1943, many nations have secretly developed his beam weapons which now further refined are so powerful that just by satellite one can: make a nuclear like destruction; earthquake; hurricane; tidal wave; cause instant freezing - killing every living thing instantly over many miles; cause intense heat like a burning fireball over a wide area; induce hypnotic mind control over a whole population; or even read anyone on the planet's mind by remote; affect anybody's REM dream sleep by sending in subliminal pictures to the visual cortex; cause hallucinagon drug like effects or the symptoms of chemical or biological poisoning; make a disease epidemic by imprinting the disease 'signature' right into the cellular structure; paralyze and or/kill everyone instantaneously in a 50 mile radius and lastly remove something right out of its place in time and space faster than the speed of light, without any detectable warning by crossing 2 or more beams with each other and any target can be aimed at even right through to the opposite side of the earth. If either of the major scalar weapon armed countries e.g. U.S. or Russia were to fire a nuclear missile to attack each other this may possibly not even reach the target, because the missile could be destroyed with scalar technology before it even left its place or origin. The knowledge via radio waves that it was about to be fired could be eavesdropped and the target could be destroyed in the bunker, fired at from space by satellite.

Alternatively invisible moving barriers and globes made of plasma (produced by crossed scalar beams) could destroy any nuclear missile easily while it moves towards the target and failing all these, it could be destroyed by entering the target's territory by passing through a Tesla shield which would explode anything entering its airspace. To begin with, defense using scalar technology could intercept it before it even landed. Secret eavesdropping of radio communications tapping into ordinary military radio contact using undetectable 'scalar wave carriers' hacking in may have heard military personnel say it was about to be fired. The missile may be destroyed from above the site, using satellites equipped with scalar or particle beam weapons or a cloaked UFO (American or Russian made anti-gravity disk originally made by back engineering crashed alien saucers) or aircraft using scalar or particle beams which could invisibly (and undetectably with standard equipment) cause the target to malfunction and drop down. By using a scalar wave (radar like) 'interference grid', which covers both country's entire military activities in the air, underground or undersea, scalar transmitters send waves over large areas at 90 deg angles to each other. These waves follow the earth-ionospheric wave guide and curve around the planet. It is called an 'interference grid' because all solid moving objects show up as a spot of light moving through marked grid squares on an operator's video screen. Scalar waves are a higher form of radar waves, but they go one step further by passing through anything solid too and are able to detect and be able to be made into a focused beam to target anything through the earth or sea as well. 

A scalar beam can be sent from a transmitter to the target, coupled with another sent from another transmitter and as they cross an explosion can be made. This interference grid method could enable scalar beams to explode the missile before launch, as well as en route with knowing the right coordinates. If the target does manage to launch, what are known as Tesla globes or Tesla hemispheric shields can be sent to envelop a missile or aircraft. These are made of luminous plasma which emanates physically from crossed scalar beams and can be created any size, even over 100 miles across. Initially detected and tracked as it moves on the scalar interference grid, a continuous EMP (electromagnetic pulse) Tesla plasma globe could kill the electronics of the target. More intensely hot Tesla 'fireball' globes could vaporize the missile. Tesla globes could also activate a missile's nuclear warhead en route by creating a violent low order nuclear explosion. Various parts of the flying debris can be subjected to smaller more intense Tesla globes where the energy density to destroy is more powerful than the larger globe first encountered. This can be done in pulse mode with any remaining debris given maximum continuous heating to vaporize metals and materials. If anything still rains down on Russia or America, either could have already made a Tesla shield over the targeted area to block it from entering the airspace. 


Scalar wavelengths are finer than gamma rays or X rays and only one hundred millionth of a square centimeter in width. They belong to the subtle gravitational field and are also known as gravitic waves. Uniquely, they flow in multiple directions at right angles off electromagnetic waves, as an untapped energy source called 'potentials'. Potentials are particles which are unorganized in hyperspace - pure etheric energy not manifest in the physical world. In comparison, electromagnetic waves (measured by so many hertz or pulses per second, which we are familiar with e.g. radio waves) exist normally in the physical world, but can only be measured up to levels determined by the sensitivity of the equipment being used as to how many cycles per second they operate.

Scalar waves were originally detected by a Scottish mathematical genius called James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) He linked electricity and magnetism and laid the foundation for modern physics, but unfortunately the very fine scalar waves (which he included in his research) were deliberately left out of his work by the 3 men, including Heinrich Hertz, who laid down the laws taught for physics as a discipline at colleges. They dismissed Maxwell's scalar waves or potentials as "mystical" because they were physically unmanifest and only existed in the "ethers" and so were determined to be too ineffectual for further study. These enigmatic (but more powerful than even microwaves when harnessed and concentrated into a beam) scalar waves may have been forgotten except that Nicola Tesla accidentally rediscovered them. He'd originally worked with Thomas Edison who discovered direct current, but Tesla discovered alternating current. The two men disagreed and eventually parted ways and Tesla later experimented using the research of the German Heinrich Hertz, who was proving the existence of electromagnetic waves. Tesla found, while experimenting with violently abrupt direct current electrical charges, that a new form of energy (scalar) came through.

By 1904, Tesla had developed transmitters to harness scalar energy from one transmitter to another, undetectably bypassing time and space. He could just materialize it from one place to another through hyperspace, without the use of wires, it was just sucked right out of the space-time/vacuum and into a transmitter and into a beam which could be targeted to another transmitter. Unfortunately he got no financial support for replacing electricity, which used wires and therefore earned money, and to this day, this is the reason why scalar energy is still not acknowledged in mainstream physics. Tesla, even though he discovered more for mankind in science than many others, is still not credited in science books for his discovery of scalar waves, a source of "free-energy" obtainable as a limitless source of power that costs nothing. Other inventors have sporadically rediscovered "free-energy" but have come to harm or have been silenced by the sum of millions of dollars hush money, a small sum compared to the sale of electricity, oil, gas and a myriad of other energy producers which would then be rendered worthless. Money hungry big business has harshly crushed any opposition to their own riches, generated by multiple obsolete earth polluting fossil fuels.


These finer scalar wave-forms also have been discovered periodically by other mathematicians, who have been able to calculate new equations especially in harmonics (used in hyperdimensional physics) connecting the wavelengths of matter, gravity and light to each other and how all these lock in and create our expression of time (as it manifests in space) - which has been now discovered to be untapped 'potential' energy flowing in hyperspace. Time flows like a wave-form river in hyperspace in a grid pattern. This consists of interlocking great circles which circle the poles and include a lattice grid of lines that are 30 nautical miles or 55.5 km apart. When scalar beams charge through hyperspace these 'rivers of time' get blocked and redirected temporarily. There is a covert plan underfoot to change the way time is expressed on this planet altogether using hyperdimensional physics and Tesla technology, by splicing earth back onto a now defunct Atlantean timeline in which Lucifer hadn't fallen from grace. (see my other work on this in the books The Universal Seduction Vols 2 and 3 at the end of this article)

Our present 'reality' is expressed in the way time runs around the corridors in hyperspace by the pattern it takes. Other 'timelines' exist in a different kind of grid pattern, creating alternative versions of our 'present'. Multiple versions of reality (or for example 2 April 2004) can be manipulated given the right technology, and people can enter into parallel universes do all sorts of things and then enter back into this one. One needs a Tesla Zero Time Reference Generator, which can lodge a specific reality into the time at the center of the universe, in which it stays still, acting like an anchor. Both America and the UK govt are able to manipulate and enter into different realities. 

The various dimensions each comprise a complex pattern of interlocking wave-forms. Matter has been found to be only one wave of a pulse comprising a positive cycle, while the negative cycle manifests as 'anti-matter'. The 'matter' pulse brings something 'into' physical visibility, then it disappears momentarily and returns. But the pulses are so rapid we don't see something as unmanifest while temporarily dematerializing. Physical time is only measured by the visibility of something's aging process, or in other words its passage through a journey starting at one measured time-reference point to another. Different wave-forms only appear to us to be solid because we are comprised of the same matter. If the frequencies governing the time between a matter pulse and an anti-matter pulse are shortened or lengthened with technology, time will go faster or slower in the surrounding space or what it effects. Therefore scalar waves belong to space-time in which anti-matter or hyperspace exists. Time can be altered by harnessed and directed scalar waves (including magnets which give off scalar waves which bend time) because they disrupt the pulse of matter and anti-matter and therefore the rate at which something normally passes through time with its usual smoothness. An experiment with scalar waves in USA once caused all the clocks and watches in the test neighborhood to go berserk for 4 days, until the flow of time resettled back to its normal flow and they returned as before. This was noted by Frank Golden.

Scalar 'potentials' can be created artificially and when focused into a weapon, can do major damage to an object's location in space-time. That which determines the object's natural pulse of matter and anti-matter cycle can become stressed when targeted by scalar waves made of artificial potentials, because they are almost always absorbed by the nucleus of an atom, not the electrons in orbit. Hyperspace can become warped temporarily, although space-time naturally curves around natural vortexes the earth has which form 'chakras' to absorb and release universal energies. These are opened and closed in natural cycles according to the positions of the sun and moon in relation to earth. Because scalar waves are finer than gamma waves they can pass through any physical substance undetected. However the damage inflicted can be so powerful that they can dislodge an object right out of time and space and cause it to temporarily disappear away from its normal movement in time. All objects move in time, and they will also move in space if a physical external force activates the object's own natural internal scalar waves to point in the direction it is sent to causing it to move from A to B depending on how much force is used. Or they are trapped motionless in space by the internal scalar energy within swirling around interlocking into a deadlock, (making it appear still) however the object still moves in time. A beam of scalar energy can cause the timeframe the object resides in to get warped, making it disappear into another reality. 


Particles which are unorganized in hyperspace (potentials) can be harnessed into recreating multiple frequencies of scalar waves and these can now be manufactured artificially and can include frequencies between infrared and ultraviolet. If a transmitter is at a higher reference 'potential' than the interference zone of 2 crossed scalar beams, energy emerges into the plasma 'bottle' which materializes physically and this is called 'exothermic' mode. This can cause explosions and can be 'nuclear like' if set at a high frequency. Even though no electromagnetic energy has flown through space between the transmitters and the target, and because it has bypassed physical space, the energy can suddenly appear faster than the speed of light and destroy something without warning. It is only as a locked in artificial potential that is a directed 'river of force' in hyperspace and it is entirely undetectable with conventional scientific equipment, which is where the danger lies. Nobody can ever know what the enemy is planning or who their enemies are and because it never gets any press normal military personnel without this knowledge would never know what hit them, especially if it is scalar mind control. To extract energy back to the transmitters from the energy bottle of 2 crossed scalar beams the potential must be set at a lower mode and this is called 'endothermic' mode and as energy is extracted out of the 'bottle' area, a freezing will occur, possibly causing a thunderous sound. 

When 2 transmitters send timed pulses, which meet, an explosion will occur which either produces energy or extracts it. If 2 crossed beams are in 'continuous' mode the energy between beams is continuous and Tesla globes and hemispheres can be made which act as a continuous shield to either destroy incoming weapons and aircraft entering it. If multiple frequencies are transmitted on the beams, at the intersection a 3 dimensional globe appears. This can be manipulated to have very high infolded energy with any desired light emission, shape, color or intensity. It can even cause metal to soften or melt. This 'bottle' of energy can be detonated inside the earth to create an earthquake or into a building to make a 'nuclear like' explosion. This 'bottle' can be moved anywhere on the planet or through it and made any size.

The Russians in 1985 once threatened the earth itself by activating their scalar weapons with multiple scalar transmitters turned on at once, endangering the survival of the entire planet. According to nuclear physicist Bearden, they conducted a massive, 'full up' scalar weapon systems and communications strategic exercise. During this sudden exercise American Frank Golden discovered the Russians activated 27 gigantic 'power taps', established by resonating the earth electrogravitationally on 54 powerful scalar frequencies (27 pairs where the two are separated from each other by 12 kHz.) transmitted into the earth and they utilized this to stimulate the earth into forced electrogravitational resonance on all 54 frequencies. Each of the 27 power taps extracted enormous energy from the molten core of the earth itself, and turning it into ordinary electrical power. Each giant tap is capable of powering 4 to 6 of the largest scalar EM howitzers possessed by Russia. Bearden writes: "Apparently over 100 giant scalar EM weapons were activated and a large number of command and control transmissions and it lasted several days. By alternating the potentials and loads of each of the two paired transmitters, electrical energy in enormous amounts can be extracted from the earth itself, fed by the 'giant cathode' that is the earth's molten core. Scalar EM command and control systems, including high data rate communications with underwater submarines, were also activated on a massive scale. The exercise went on for several days, as power taps were switched in and out, and command and control systems went up and down. Bearden claims not one American intelligence lab, or scientist detected this as they didn't have a detector for scalar EM radiation, and that not one officially believes that the exercise ever happened." However, it was monitored on an advanced, proprietary detection system by Frank Golden for several days and by Bearden for several hours. 

This exercise proved Brezhnev's 1972 statement that by 1985 the Soviets would be prepared to do as they wish, anywhere in the world. The Soviets are using unknown attributes of matter, phenomena and laws of nature by research covering the equivalent of 7-8 U.S. atom bomb projects back to back already. However both America and Russia are doing through the earth scalar beam transmissions and ever since then earth's internal dynamo has been affected. It suddenly experienced a sudden unexpected slowdown in rotation 1984. It has become like an unbalanced washing machine, wobbling as it spins. Scalar waves pass naturally between the center of the earth and the sun, and this coupled with multiple annual nuclear tests (which have been proven to disturb the ionosphere and magnetic field) the balance of the earth with the moon, may even cause the earth to flip, if the naturally produced scalar waves are diverted onto another course, which are keeping the earth spinning harmoniously. 


A Tesla shield protecting a military target could be made of three or more concentric shields, that would produce multiple electromagnetic pulse energy and severe heating of anything which enters it. These concentric Tesla shields can also clean up and sterilize any gamma radiation resulting from an explosion of a nuclear warhead. Nicola Tesla even in the 1920s could create a protective 3 dimensional 'shield' or 'dome' formed by 2 or more transmitters sending widened scalar beams linked together over a target in a hemisphere shape. Instead of causing the target to explode which narrow more intense crossed beams would, a wider more encompassing beam could form a large plasma shell outside something to be protected. This acted like an electrifying force field shaped like a dome, which could cause anything which entered it to have its technology dudded, (inoperative) make incoming aircraft pilots die by destroying their nervous system and/or make an incoming missile, aircraft or tank blow up.

Multiple layers could be nested made of different kinds of plasmas which would ensure nothing could penetrate a protected target's groundspace or airspace. The Russians can make a Tesla shield up to 200 miles wide. These large luminous plasma shields have been witnessed by sailors over the oceans from time to time, as various nations test their scalar weapons in secret. Tesla, as early as the 1920s created globes or bullets of plasma with crossed scalar beams sucking the energy out of the air space in a 'cold explosion' causing it to freeze, or sending extreme heat into it to burn as a very powerful laser beam. These powerful beams can also travel right through the earth and create an earthquake at the antipodes of the earth and Tesla also experimented doing this. Hyperspace flux energy (potentials) flows as waves in a sea of intense power in the next dimension unharnessed, however when energy is manufactured artificially it can be made into different modes e.g pulse mode, energy extraction mode or explosion mode. If 2 timed pulses meet, an explosion extraction makes a sharp cooling and all heated energy is extracted out of the air back to the transmitter. This can make everything and everyone frozen. It preserves machines and buildings but not people. If a burning energy is sent the target has a nuclear like 'detonation' because energy emerges to a target destroying the nucleus of the atoms. Multiple scalar wave modes and frequencies can also be blended together into one beam as well.

Tesla globes can be manipulated to be small or large in manifold kinds of energy frequencies and directed to a target by 2 or more far away scalar transmitters. Many intense frequency small globes can be directed towards multiple incoming targets, like cannonballs causing major explosions. Alternatively a larger less intense globe sent can cause the electrics to dud in a plane, helicopter or missile causing it to malfunction and crash land. This technology has been used many times to crash planes or helicopters by using a portable scalar bazooka carried by a hidden terrorist or soldier. The Vietnamese and Soviets used this technology in the Vietnam war against American aircraft. Many planes crashes with inexplicable causes can be traced to this. These Russian made portable bazookas were also used by the Serbs against American helicopters during the Bosnian war. The Soviets used scalar weapons against the Afghanistans during their war. One may wonder if this explains current American helicopter crashes in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Scalar waves can be used for impenetrable communication inside an ordinary carrier wave. Artificial potentials can be used for 2 way communication with submarines, aircraft and ships. Scalar waves can be used to tap into normal communications even when encrypted. They can even destroy the enemies equipment if they wish using lock-in mode to locate the source or just continue eavesdropping. radar invisibility can be done by putting multiple transmitters around something to make a spherical interference shell in the bandwidth of the searching radar. Nothing in the air is safe with scalar weapons or anything on the ground, because any building can be penetrated and the inside contents destroyed from either narrow or wide crossed beams. There is nowhere to hide. Scalar beams can be sent by aircraft or satellite or even from the government UFOs of Russia, Britain, Australia and America. They can be sent from the UFOs the Nazis developed secretly in Germany during WW2, and which were relocated to their underground bases in Antarctica and all over South America before the war ended. 


To totally destroy a person's nervous system and kill them instantaneously, a scalar weapon can be set on 'high intensity pulse mode'. This will destroy every living cell, bacteria and all germs so the body falls down like a limp rag, not even decaying in even 30-45 days. There is no living aspect left to decay. Entire groups of people can be killed this way even in a 50 mile radius on peak power. Scalar beams set on a lower power can render a person unconscious to be revived at a later date for interrogation. Crossed scalar beams can cover a whole range of targets from something right through the other side of the earth, to anything under the sea or ground. Not even metal will suffice to protect, as a metal softening mode can be deployed. Scalar beams can be put into X ray mode where a screen can show what is inside something, even under the sea and earth or inside buildings. This is called a remote viewing radar. 

Anything in the sky can be instantly destroyed even from one country to another. All one country needs to destroy anything skybound in an enemy's country is to put 2 or more scalar transmitters forming a scalar wave-form interference grid whereby a shield is locked over a country in high intensity mode and this will cause anything which enters it to be destroyed. This can also destroy anything in the sea and detonate mines. The explosion shows up on the screen as a blossoming of the moving light on the square. The Russians mainly use their interference grids over the USA to control the weather moving hot or cold air where they can meet and create storms, hurricanes, torrential rain or droughts as they please. Earthquakes can be created along with volcanoes erupting according to Tom Bearden. Moisture can be brought from the ocean and sent overland and cold air from the north sent south. Violent thunderstorms can be created. He also claims since 1989 the Japanese Yazuka and Aum sects lease scalar interferometers from the Russians to do weather engineering over the USA. 

However America can fight back with their own scalar weapons. One can silently down passenger planes as need be by sending low frequency scalar beam to make the engine fail, either from the interference grid squares or from even portable shoulder scalar weapon bazookas which can be targeted at helicopters or any aircraft above. Surface naval vessels can be attacked through their hulls as well as ocean bottom mines detonated. Any aircraft, or land vessels including tanks can be fitted with portable scalar weapons. Though tanks can easily be destroyed with them. 

Tom Bearden claims that the Soviets and Americans have been silently downing each other's aircraft since the 1980s. Soviet made scalar weapons downed American aircraft in Vietnam. Right from when USA put up their first satellites the Russians have been shooting them down in cloaked Russian made UFO's with scalar and particle beam weapons. Between 1977 and 1982 Russia shot down many US satellites. At that time they wanted complete control over the skies and had put up killer satellites complete with beam weapons to target US satellites and even the space shuttles. It has been claimed by Tom Bearden that all the early space shuttles were shot down by the Russians and duplicate shuttles were landed from another base. There was a mad rush by the US govt to develop beam weapons to defend themselves against the Russians and they did this eventually shooting down a couple of the Russian made UFOs containing beam weapons. Revenge silently followed by passenger planes of each other's countries being targeted. 


In the early 1970's Hundreds of inmates at the Gunniston Facility of the Utah State Prison were subjected to scalar wave mind control. Inmates tried unsuccessfully to fight back in court. The University of Utah researched at that time how scalar waves could induce the mind into hearing voices, overriding and implanting thoughts into the mind, as well as reading the thoughts. They also developed eye implants. In 1998 scalar waves were used to test subliminal voices in the head in 2 Utah prisons. In Draper Prison, Utah a man called David Fratus in 1988 claimed voices in his inner ears were induced in him as clear as if listening to a set of stereo headphones. The mind control victims of US govt implants are also subjected to artificial voices in the head which are sent on scalar beam by satellite and and the HAARP transmitters and relayed to the GWEN Towers placed approximately every 200 miles across USA. Many of the messages relayed into these American mind control victims are said to come from aliens, with a 'message for mankind'. These 'alien messages' were first given to the prisoners in Utah and they all got the same messages.

The Russians, having a head start on decoding the brain can send subliminal messages by satellite over whole countries in their own languages, in scalar waves so subtle that the victims think they are their own thoughts occurring. They could make people think "God" is speaking to them and can also give a people suicidal thoughts. There is a suicide wavelength. The Russians and Israelis have been said to do this on mind control data websites. As well, the Americans have been using these subliminals to give 'voices in the head' messages (which includes to those with CIA or military controlled implants) that are supposedly from 'aliens' or "The Holy Spirit" to say e.g. the Second Coming will be here soon or earth needs to be evacuated and the person has been 'chosen'. Only certain people can pick this up according to whether they have implants (which relay messages into the head) or if they are natural telepathics. The mineral selenium when ingested beyond normal levels is said to increase the capacity to hear voices in the head. Though certain races have a higher hearing threshold and are able to pick up synthetic telepathy sent through the atmosphere more than others.

Russia's scalar transmitters are called "Woodpeckers" because of the woodpecker type tapping transmissions detected from them on the radio band. They have the technology to send subliminals right into a person's subconscious, bypassing the brain and could drastically influence the thoughts, vision, physical functioning, emotions and conscious state of a person by sending in subliminal signals even from a great distance. In the late 1960s the Soviets broke the genetic code of the human brain. It had 44 digits or less and employed 22 frequency bands across nearly the whole EM spectrum. But only 11 of the frequency bands were independent. The Soviets found they could make a person do something just by sending subliminals into the body, bypassing the ears. 

Up to 16 of the Russian Woodpecker scalar transmitters have been observed to carry a common phase-locked 10 Hz modulation. 10 Hz is used to put people into a hypnotic state. The Russians can manipulate the moods of everyone in a 75 mile radius, with a circularly polarized antenna, and people's bodies have been shown to pick up the "new" mode of expression. Even "sleep" frequency will make everyone tired and fall asleep. 


According to the book Project L.U.C.I.D by Texe Marrs, John St Clair Akwei claims that the US National Security Agency (NSA) has had the most advanced computers in the world since the 1960's. The Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) mission of the NSA uses scalar waves for blanket coverage of the USA and can wirelessly tap into any computer in the USA and read the contents. As well as track people by the electrical currents in their bodies, which emanates a particular 'signature frequency'. This is possible because everything in the environment gives off scalar waves at right angle rotations off the normal electromagnetic wave. These can be searched for and tracked and are not subject to constraints of time and space. A person's frequency can be stored on a supercomputer and this can be tracked anywhere. They can be sent subliminal words sent in scalar waves which are so subtle that the person will think they are their own thoughts. Also NSA uses a secret program (developed since the MKULTRA mind control program of the 1950s) what is called "Radiation Intelligence". Scientific research from this is withheld from the public and there are international intelligence agreements to keep this technology secret. Using this technology the NSA records and decodes individual brain maps of hundreds of thousands of people for national security purposes. It is also used secretly by the military for a brain-to-computer link. Activity in the speech center of the brain can be translated into the subject's verbal thoughts and can also show up activity from their visual cortex on a video monitor. NSA operatives can see what the subject is seeing. Visual memory can also be seen and the NSA can place images directly into the visual cortex, bypassing the eyes and the optic nerves. 

When a target sleeps secretly images can be installed into the brain during REM sleep for brain-programming purposes. Speech, 3D sound, and subliminal audio can also be sent to the auditory cortex of the brain, bypassing the ears. This "Remote Neural Monitoring" (RNM) can completely alter a subjects perceptions, moods and motor control. Different brainwave frequencies are connected with various parts of the body and when the right frequency to activate a section of the body is sent a person is powerless to stop it. Pain can be induced in mind control victims this way by targeting a section of the body. This has been spoken of by many mind control victims, accompanied by 'voices in the head' by the operators cruelly asking if it hurt and all done remotely without any physical contact with the victim. There has been a SIGINT wireless scalar wave brain monitoring network in the US since the 1940s according to John St Clair Akwei. He tells us how it is done with digitally decoding the evoked 'potentials' (see first section for more on potentials) in the 30-50Hz, 5 milliwatt electromagnetic emissions from the brain. In these emissions spikes and patterns show as evoked potentials. "Every thought, reaction, motor command, auditory event and visual image in the brain has a corresponding "evoked potential" or set of "evoked potentials". These can be decoded into the current thoughts, images and sounds going on in a target's brain. When complexly coded signals are sent to a victim, bypassing the eyes, optic nerves and ears, the faint images appear as floating 2D screens in the brain. Auditory hallucinations can be induced, creating paranoid schizophrenia. 

The frequency the brain areas respond to are from 3 Hz to 50 Hz. For each brain area these are used: Brain Area: Bioelectric Resonance Frequency: Information Induced Through Modulation. Motor control cortex: 10 Hz: Motor impulse coordination Auditory cortex: 15 Hz: Sound which bypasses the ears Visual cortex: 25 Hz: Images in the brain, bypassing the eyes Somasensory: 9 Hz: Phantom touch sense Thought center: 20Hz: Imposed subconscious thoughts Only the NSA modulates this signal band into evoked potentials or scalar carriers. There are about 100 people working 24 hrs a day for the NSA at Ft Meade on this "Remote Neural Monitoring" (RNM). John St Clair Akwei, after being harassed by this NSA technology brought a lawsuit against the NSA. During the lawsuit process he was harassed by 3D sound, and his associates were also harassed to keep him isolated. No action was taken against the NSA in the 1991 lawsuit. In 1967 an "internationally renowned scientist" and Christopher Hills, a pendulum expert, communicated with some ETs. (It is not known who the scientist was but at one time both Hills and Puharich were working with the medium Eileen Garrett and Puharich was communicating with ETs called The Nine.The same ETs that the Bilderberger group (comprised of world leaders and European royals) who control the affairs of the planet) This is what the ETs told Christopher Hills via pendulum:

In short, ETs communicated with us via modulated radio-waves, between 10,000 and 20,000 cycles below the known electromagnetic-spectrum. In the carrier-wave by amplitude modulation, mixed with frequency modulation. Single band energy, transmission power less than 25 watts. A naturally present wave on earth the brain modulated - a wave that resonates between the earth and the ionosphere. All humans influence the ionosphere in this manner. A reflecting technique involved. The brain modulation consisted of pulses, akin to those known from neuro pulses. Two humans can use this. Related to something akin to low frequency radar and to ultrasonic techniques but qualified. A mixed electro-acoustic wave function. The electromagnetic-wave induced an ultrasonic transduction in human tissue. The brain radiation has a sonic component to it as well as an electromagnetic component. Electromagnetic-radiation has a sonic component and it's dependent on the medium through which it travels. The scientist cut through months of work. Now HAARP is slicing up the ionosphere, the world-brain, like a microwave knife, producing long tear incisions destroying the membrane which holds the reservoir of data accumulated by all earth's history. HAARP has already punched 360 x 30 miles holes in the ionosphere.


Tom Bearden also writes that a more advanced form of scalar weapon is known as a 'quantum potential' weapon has been developed by US, Russia, China, Israel and possibly Brazil . These weapons mimic the signature or frequency of a disease by recreating them on scalar carriers. Also any disease can be imprinted onto our cellular system using frequencies ranging from ultraviolet to infrared. Whole populations can have new diseases and death induced as well as latent diseases being activated with quantum potential diseases in targeted areas. Manufactured symptoms of radiation poisoning, chemical poisoning, bacterial infection and even the effects of many kinds of drugs including hallucinogenic ones can be induced with these very subtle scalar waves which flow in hyperspace or the sea of ether. They become imbedded right into the immune system or etheric counterpart of the physical body. 

On the site a man called Kaznacheyev found that the induction of diseases could be effected by the Woodpecker scalar transmitters in the near ultraviolet range. Experiments at the University of Marburg in West Germany duplicated these disease inducing scalar wave experiments in infrared. Dr Popp of West Germany, after analyzing the virtual photon master control system of the cells found that scalar virtual particle flux which determines the genetic blueprint pattern of the cells can be easily entered with scalar techniques to induce disease and cell disorder at will. 


While the American government rejected Tesla's energy without wires and left him penniless, Russia and Germany asked Tesla to work for them. He turned them down, but according to Preston Nichols he faked his death in 1943 and was spirited away to the UK. From then on it was a frenzied battle between the Soviets and Germany to develop scalar technology. Russia got a head start in learning how scalar waves can be drawn from hyperspace by sending an agent to seek out a man in Utah who built a machine for doing this Utah. A Soviet agent destroyed the device after learning how the machine operated. 

The man, T H Moray learned about Tesla's 'sea of ether' and had made a scalar interferometer. Germany had developed anti-gravity technology in 1939 by back-engineering a crashed UFO. By WW2, they led the world in radar and infrared science as well as radar absorbing materials and radar cross section. Some leading western experts think they developed radar cross section beyond western levels today, but there is evidence of an alien alliance during the war so this may have been influential. The Germans were using time reversed waves, which caused a scalar wave to follow back and respond to the source of a received ordinary electromagnetic wave. During WW2 many of the best Nazi scientists escaped to a base they'd developed secretly in Antarctica, getting supplies from South Africa as well as to German communities in Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and other Latin America countries. After the war Americans moved the remainder of the best Nazi scientists to US, with the Soviets, French and British taking the remainder to their countries. However the Soviets became angry at the Americans for taking first choice of Nazi scientific brains, so in 1946 they just cleaned out the majority of scientists and technicians back to the Soviet Union, about 275,000 men plus all their families from Soviet occupied eastern Germany. By the 1950 the Soviets had developed time-reversed waves. They has also forced the captured Germans to build them a fleet of anti-grav saucers complete with particle beam and scalar beam weapons. In Antarctica the Nazis had Tesla's "Death Ray", capable of sending a lethal beam even to the moon to create an incandescent spot, when aimed at it. Tesla devastated with his "Death Ray" - likened to a modern day particle beam weapon. According to Al Bielek the Russians have particle beam weapons which can shoot 1000 miles into space, and they use these to shoot down any UFO within 200 miles radius of their sky. The Americans also have many particle beam weapons and they too shoot down UFOs. There is apparently a war going on in space, and the Russians and Americans have secretly got together to fight it. It is unknown who the UFO occupants are, but the Nazi's in Antarctica are said to be invincible with their superweapons.


Japan now has scalar weapons and has got together with Russia to develop them. In 1991, according to Harry Mason, Russian President Gorbechev offered to lease the Japanese the super-secret intercontinental scalar weapons, capable of producing earthquakes for $900 million, which they'd used in the Soviet Union since the 1960's. Tom Bearden also claims they leased them in 1989. A Joint Russian-Japanese university was set up to develop new weapons with Japanese microchips to overpower the US and jointly rule the world. After Tesla "died" in 1943, his papers were sent to a Tesla Museum in Yugoslavia, where the Japanese obtained the knowledge of Tesla technology. The scalar weapons were developed by a Japanese scientist an IQ higher than Einstein.They too, like the Americans tested their scalar weapons in the outback of Western Australia, possibly using a base in Antarctica in which to send scalar waves to their Australian transmitter to produce earthquakes and Tesla globes. The Japanese scalar scientists are tied up with various cults and feel that the Japanese emperor should rule the planet, as well as having a policy of exacting revenge on former enemies culminating in a "Final War" against the Christian west and Islamic world. It is the Japanese Aum sect and Yakuza mafia who are still leasing the Russian scalar transmitters and have steadily used them for weather engineering over America since the nineties for target practice. Bearden claims that the Japanese may be allowed by the Russians to down planes now and then. The Japanese cult members in their govt are also tied up with North Korean cult members. The Russians have been weather engineering over America since the 1960's using their interference grid to target specific areas. 


Unlike Western universities, Eastern Europe and Russia have always included Tesla's scalar wave research openly in their curriculum and so they got a head start with multiple facilities built all over the Soviet Union to build scalar weapon transmitters starting from the 1950's. This was further hastened by making captured East German scientists work for the Soviets leading that country straight into the space age, giving them UFOs fitted with scalar and particle beam weapons. The UFOs even had cloaking technology. America, even though they had Nazi scientists working for them after the war at Area 51 on anti-gravity, didn't realize how advanced the Soviets had become with scalar technology until they found out they'd been secretly attacked during the 1950's undetected. In 1960 the Soviet premier Kruschev announced to the world, that they had "superweapons". In 1963 they deliberately destroyed a US atomic submarine undersea by Puerto Rico with scalar weapons. They next day over the Puerto Rico Trench the Soviets used scalar weapons in a different mode to produce a giant underwater explosion. US was defenseless against an unknown type of weapon. In 1965 the Great Sandy Desert in Western Australia was mapped out and chosen by the US govt to begin scalar weapons testing. Even though 'officially' Tesla's papers were kept by the FBI after he died and were labeled 'top secret', lest they get into the hands of the enemy, Tesla had passed all his knowledge and research onto a young American physicist 2 weeks before he died in 1943. The US military in Western Australia tested crossed scalar beams aimed into the ground to create earthquakes on a target map of squares and also created Tesla globes from crossed scalar beams in the sky. Pine Gap the secret underground American military base has 2 scalar transmitters and they also have at least another in Exmouth, N Western Australia. Other American scalar transmitters besides various ones all over USA are at Alaska, Puerto Rico, Greenland, Norway and Antarctica.

Though many countries have scalar weapons now, other countries could easily be a target of those with scalar weapons and never know what was the cause of their explosions, mind control or weather engineering. So of course more and more countries are getting the scalar technology needing it to defend themselves as well and this keeps getting passed on especially by the Russians. The other thing is one may know it is a scalar attack but have no idea who did it. The known countries which have scalar weapons are: America, Russia, France, Australia, Germany, Japan, China, Taiwan, South Africa, Israel, Brazil, UK and Argentina as well as various populations of Nazis still operating in Antarctica and all over South America. It is unknown how Brazilians got scalar weapons and quantum potential weapons, but the Brazilians have had alien technology for some time and also the Vatican has covert technology and has been said to have a base for this in Sth America for their secret space program. There is extensive coverage of Brazil's space program in my 40 page article "Scalar Weapons: Read it and Weep" in Vol 3 of the book series. This covers China and Japan's weapons as well as extensive coverage of Russia's attacks on America, especially the space shuttles and the technology of the Nazis in Antarctica. Others may have them such as Ukraine and Nth Korea but as yet no proof exists for these countries. Even in the alternative press not enough has been said about scalar weapons to the extent where normal conspiracy researchers and writers are as familiar with their dangers as they should be because even online they hardly get a mention on conspiracy sites. Yet they are probably the most life threatening thing on the planet.

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