Transhumanism is simply caused by unknown neuro operatives over-riding the brain patterns of men with the brain patterns of women and also over-riding the brain patterns of women with the brain patterns of men.
According to a selection of independent archaeologists, evidence has been found to support the theory that human beings have been living on planet earth for more than four thousand, five hundred million years and during all of that time up until the invention of brain weapons in the past number of years there was never any mention of transhumanism. Now, with the aid of brain weapons and their capabilities, unknown criminal neuro operatives have the capability to interfere with all of our brains from vast distances while they themselves remain unknown to their victims and also unknown to the police throughout most of the world accept the Garda who is in charge of weapon research in Dublin city, Ireland.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
My landline home phone number is 094 9360901.
transhumanism (9)
After more than nineteen years of continued violation of my privacy by the use of the brain net and also continued electronic harassment and psychological torture, what is occurring to me is the following:- different men and women hack into my brain on a daily basis who appear to know nothing whatsoever about me and they continually make wrong assumptions about me which leads me to believe that millions of evil doers throughout the world have access to my unique neurological signature and by this means can access my brain and body whenever they wish without my consent. I now believe that there is no limit to the number of evil doers who can access my brain and body remotely. My name is Margaret M. Fahey aka Gretta Fahey and my postal address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560 and my landline home phone numberis094 9360901. My date of birth is 3rd February, 1960. For those who wish to study the capabilities of brain weapons further I enclose links to some of the documents of Professor David Salinas Flores who is an expert on the matter and whose profile I include here below as follows:-
Seven Scientific Backed Documents by Professor David Salinas Flores, MD, Professor of Medicine at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru, where he warns the world about the extreme dangers of Transhumanism and the Brain Net.
Transhumanism The Big Fraud: Towards Digital Slavery
An Alert to 2018 Fifa World Cup Mind Control with Brain Nanobots.
The "Human GPS"
The Secret Program of US Mind Control Weapons
The Brain Net: Violating the Privacy of University Students.
The First Robotization of Africans with Foreword by investigative journalist of note, Ramola D, whose own website is
The Nanomafia: Nanotechnology’s Global Network of Organized Crime
Transhumanism and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
1:23 PM (26 minutes ago)
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It is surprising that the advocates of the 4IR are silent about the dangerous effects of transhumanism to human beings. Klaus Schwab (2016) in this book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” does not mention nano-diseases or nano-criminals. It is necessary to highlight that the main partners of transhumanist mafia are the police, prosecutors and intelligence services in the world. They hide complaints about crimes committed by nano-criminals using their nano-weapons.
The illicit nanotechnology has created a new kind of criminals, criminals that could be called “nano-hired killers” or “nanotorturers”, those responsible for the “dirty work” of nanomafia; these mainly include journalists, university students, nurses and illegal immigrants like many Venezuelans in Peru: these people would be responsible for performing several works including: selection of the victims, choice of “the persons of interest”, persons who can assist the nanomafia; they intoxicate the victims with nanobots through food, drinks or pills or they can kidnap the victims in order to insert in them the brain implants; they can also edit, select and market mind videos obtained from the daily espionage using the Brain net, they also do mind torture, victim torture, breaching the victims’ privacy, they perform information and espionage of victims’ dreams; they obtain information from the victims’ dreams, they use the Brain net for extortion; they create pseudo-diseases blocking the function of organs by telemetry in order to then extort the victim with “the cure” (Salinas, 2018d).
Professor David Salinas Flores, MD: Transhumanism: The Big Fraud – Towards Digital Slavery
Transhumanism is promoted according to the World Transhumanism Association as a philosophy that advocates for the use of technology in order to be able to overcome our biological limitations and to transform the human condition.
Transhumanism is an international movement that states that adding technological implants and inserting DNA will improve the human being. This movement is promoted as a benefit to society, as part of the natural evolution of the human being, or an extension of humanization1, and even as a “revolution”.
Transhumanists Aim to Insert Brain Nanobots and DNA in All Human Beings
Transhumanists state that adding technological implants and inserting DNA in human beings will improve their condition; man would leave biological evolution and begin an evolution based on technology; the post-human species would be born.
The essence of Transhumanism is applying the so-called four emerging technologies that include Nanotechnology (N), Biotechnology (B), Information Technologies (I), and Cognitive Sciences (C) in the human being (NBIC). Transhumanists do not only seek to improve health, to eliminate disabilities or to cure diseases but also to produce stronger, faster, more athletic and more intelligent human beings with technology.
For Transhumanists the time has come for human beings to take control of their own evolution, this evolution based on technology will open the doors to create a new species descending from Homo Sapiens. Human beings will be replaced progressively by “trans-humans” (H +) or “post-humans” ( H + +) who will live 500 years.
Probably the main icon of Transhumanism in the media, is Ray Kurzweil. He was working with the Army Science Board in 2006. Kurzweil has been called “the successor and legitimate heir of Thomas Edison” and was also cited by Forbes magazine as “the supreme thinking machine.”
In 1999, President Bill Clinton at a ceremony in the White House gave him the National Medal of Technology, the United States’ highest honor in technology; (other Transhumanists like) Nick Bostrom has been awarded the Professorial Distinction Award of the University of Oxford, Donna Haraway has been awarded by Yale University with the Wilbur Cross Medal — the school’s highest honor — for an alumnus of this university, and Aubrey de Grey is a Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Professor.
Transhumanists’ affirmations are public and are made with conviction and confidence; that surprising confidence is the most mysterious aspect of their statements since they even lead in expressing dates close to the launching of their implants in human beings massively.
Transhumanism uses a series of advertising cliches, these being the main ones: “innovation,” “evolution,” “excellence,” and “digital citizen,” and different advertising campaigns in which the most promoted intellectuals and businessmen like Elon Musk, Larry Page, and Nobel Prize winners like Mario Vargas Llosa, who promote human robotisation participate.
In spite of the millionaire promotion and support of mass media to Transhumanists and in spite of statedly considering as “philosophy” the science of love of wisdom, they hide the truth, the most important information: The harmful effects of the technological implants in the human being and the method their almost delirious Transhumanists objectives are being developed with.
Harmful Effects Of Technological Implants In The Human Being: Brain Nanobot Implications Include Loss of Mind Control, Autonomy, Privacy, and Identity
Technological implants like brain nanobots might cause losing mind control and thus, the carriers can be controlled by others and lose their autonomy; they can be spied on permanently with the cerebral Internet and can lose their privacy; their memory can be deleted and they can lose their identity. Thus, the humans who carry technological implants can be permanently spied on, mentally controlled, and lose their identity, becoming human slaves at the service of Transnational companies and the economic powers.
An objective analysis reveals that Transhumanism is only an intellectual swindle that leads to digital fascism, a society where a millionaire elite will govern citizens with technological implants, who will be digital slaves at the service of an oligarchy.
Most amazing is that in spite of the unrealistic and almost delirious affirmations of Transhumanists, their theories are promoted and supported at the highest official level in the world and are promoted daily by the Press, and most remarkable is that they practically have no opposition from scientists or intellectuals, who even spread their unrealistic postulates.
It is striking that Transhumanist postulates have been analyzed from different philosophical, sociological and religious points of view, as symbolized by Wikipedia’s summary on Transhumanism, however there is a surprising lack of questioning about the main high point of Transhumanist thought, and that by common sense, should be the first to interrogate Transhumanists on: the method by which they develop their risky and almost delirious Transhumanist projects and the adverse effects of their technological implants.
In relation to the effect of technological implants on the human being, Transhumanists only promote brain nanobots as a benefit to society, Transhumanists do not inform people that the brain microchips and nanobots can be a weapon against the citizen; they would make us lose our mind control, citizens would be controlled by others and thus would lose their autonomy turning us into human robots; they would lose their privacy due to being permanently spied on with the cerebral Internet; they would lose their identity since their memory can be deleted with brain nanobots. Thus, if the citizens are spied, controlled mentally and do not have identity, they would become human slaves at the service of transnational companies and economic powers.
Transhumanists Themselves Baulk at Using the Dangerous Brain Implants They Promote
Probably the best proof of the Transhumanist scam is that none of the Transhumanists use the dangerous brain implants and the technological innovations that they promote. In the massive public lectures they perform, they do not perform the “mind uploading” with the Brain Net, which allows a person’s entire private life to be made public.
Kevin Warmick, a promoter of the cyborgs, says: “I have one goal in my life. I want to be a cyborg …I want to be the world’s first half man half machine.“
However, he does not use brain implants either, he says: “I really like my life and there are many possibilities that something goes wrong, both when implanting the chip and when removing it.“
Regarding the method they are developing their Transhumanist projects with, almost like science fiction, such as fusing the human brain with that of a machine, this is a mystery.
Criminal Methods, Organized Crime Networks, Deceptive Propaganda Used by Transnational Technology Companies to Conduct Transhumanist Nanobot and Implant Experiments
In recent scientific books, the following is expressed:
“Nowadays, human beings using the Intel brain chip voluntarily seem unlikely…it could probably have applications for people like the quadriplegics.”
For that reason, for a person to be part of the almost amazing Transhumanist experiments like that of brain fusion so promoted by them, recent research provides evidence that transnational technology companies would be resorting to criminal methods: violence, swindle, extortion or organized crime.
Probably the main swindle is the overestimation of Artificial Intelligence without scientific support, this includes the millionaire promotion of “Singularity,” a term very promoted by Transhumanism; this is defined as the moment when the machines acquire an intelligence superior to the human one and can even govern us. This points to be only an intellectual campaign to intimidate the population and induce it to use the brain implants, as also the recent campaign of “the threat of robots” being “very intelligent” or “super dangerous,” “they will leave us without jobs” or “they will exterminate us.”
The solution for “the threat of robots” is “the technological innovation,” the use of invasive neurotechnology; thus, multimillionaires like Elon Musk promote this solution to “the threat” of the Artificial intelligence as follows:
“Humans will turn into cyborgs or will be irrelevant.”
“Humans shall turn into cyborgs to survive.”
Obviously, these affirmations have no scientific support.
Dangerous Experiments Under Cover of Technological Innovation Likely in Poor Countries like Latin America
It is clear that Transhumanist experimentation with this new technology in humans is high risk; the big transnationals like Google, the main Transhumanist promoter have publicly expressed their refusal to carry out biomedical projects in countries like the United States. Sergey Brin, the co-founder of Google has mentioned in a newspaper: “Generally, health is just so heavily regulated, it’s just a painful business to be in. It’s not necessarily how I want to spend my time. Even though we have some health projects, we’ll be doing it to a certain extent. But I think the regulatory burden in the U.S. is so high, I think it would dissuade a lot of entrepreneurs.”
The newspaper reinforces Google CEO expressions: “The sentiment – disruptive innovation is hampered by sluggish regulations- isn’t new.“
Due to the high regulation that protects its citizens in rich countries, these dangerous experiments are probably carried out in poor countries such as those in Latin America.
The transnational technology companies like Google transmit a message in their lectures that reveals an uncontrolled and dehumanized ambition towards technological innovation development in Latin America, probably due to the great economic power and the poor controls that they have.
In the recent meeting of transnational technology companies in Latin America, the following messages are taught as basic lessons for innovators:
“If necessary, cannibalize.”
“Kill something that works to create something that may or may not work.”
The almost amazing Transhumanist experiments like fusing the brain of a human to that of a machine, using bionic eyes, making changes in DNA, using implants in one’s own skeleton, all dangerous experiments that harm or put in danger the health of the experimentation subject, would be developing in Latin Americans at the expense of their health, honor, privacy and in some cases their lives.
Nanomafias: Global Organized Crime Network to Illicitly Develop Transhumanist Projects Using Nanotechnology; Well-Known Billionaires Investing in Neurotech in Latin America Involved
This suspicion is reinforced by recent researches alert to the existence of a global organized crime network to develop illicitly Transhumanist projects using nanotechnology in order to create human weapons, known as “nanomafias,” mainly in Latin America.
For that purpose, citizens would be intoxicated with drinks and foods contaminated with Brain Nanobots or even would be kidnapped to install brain implants in them like the cortical modem or artificial hippocampus without their consent, using hospital surgeries mainly neurosurgery, and the victims who have suffered brain mapping whereby a robot has been constructed with their own brain algorithms would be beheaded to fuse their heads with those of robots created from their brain mapping.
This (already existing) Mafia of transnational technology companies and corrupt governments involves administrators of hospitals, corrupt health unions, rectors, professors, librarians and university students, mafias of Police, prosecutor’s offices, judges, Intelligence services, and especially Press media and its extensive network of journalists who develop an insolent campaign to promote the use of technological implants.
In a general view, the evidence points to the fact that the Transhumanist experimentation network is an interconnected global network, surprisingly organized by the billionaires of the world most promoted by the world Press, such as Carlos Slim, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos. Bill Gates, through his foundation, funds projects of neurologists at the Sabogal Hospital in Peru that really develops neuroscientific projects that are camouflage for Transhumanist projects of mental control and cerebral Internet; Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon Books finances a neuroscience institute in Princeton University, a university with close links in Latin America; Mark Zuckerberg, Carlos Slim, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and George Soros are suspected of organizing the cerebral Internet in Latin America.
Global Vision of Transhumanism Reveals a Great Swindle: “Supermen/Bionic Men” will Really Be Mandatorily Nanobotized Digitized Human Slaves of Tech Billionaires
Really, a global vision of Transhumanism reveals only a great swindle; Transhumanism does not seek to improve the individual as its promoters affirm but on the contrary, to turn the human being with technological implants into a slave at the service of Transnational companies and the economic powers.
Transhumanists affirm that the human beings who use the technological implants and genetic engineering will be superior men and those who do not use them will be inferior men, according to Transhumanist symbology, the h + and the h-.
For this reason, following their promotion, the rich with their great economic power will be able to buy technological implants and will be more superior and the poor without implants will be more inferior, thus, the social gaps will enlarge between the poor and the rich “the digital gap,” for that reason, the poor shall fight to also get “that advantage” and seek to get those technological implants. However, the truth is totally opposite.
The global Transhumanist mega-project created by the elite that secretly rules the world, grouped in different groups like the Masons, the Council for Foreign relations or the Bilderberg Club, would seek to create a world society with two groups:
An elite of millionaires who will not use brain microchips and nanobots, and who will have access to the video stations to control mentally, spy and enslave the rest of the citizens.
The rest of the society, the promoted “supermen,” “bionic men,” and the “h +,” will be human robots who will mandatorily use nanobots and cerebral microchips, devices that will be promoted as a compulsory requirement to get a job 9 in a very near future; really the h + will be the new slaves. In synthesis, reality is that h + will be the lower ones and the h – will be the superiors. The new slavery will be human robotisation promoted by Transhumanism, and the brain nanobots and chips will be the new chains and shackles.
In simple terms:
Transhumanism only seeks to achieve human slaves for the millionaires who rule the world.
The fact of hiding the adverse effects of technological implants by Transhumanists, the non-use by Transhumanists of the brain implants that they promote, the billionaire promotion and financing of Transhumanism by the economic powers and transnationals of technology and the illicit human experimentation that is suspected to be the real secret method of these Transhumanist projects reveals that Transhumanism is a swindle, in order to lead us towards Digital Slavery and towards a fascist society where an elite will enslave digitally the rest of the citizens with technological implants.
Salinas D. Transhumanism: the big fraud-towards digital slavery. Int Phys Med Rehab J. 2018; 3 (5):381‒392
A worldwide network of criminal scientists have selected good living and good will people from all countries throughout the world for the purposes of human experimentation. They often implant non-consensual human beings with a wide variety of different types of implants from which they wirelessly link them to computer networks. They do this in order to collect data from the human brain and body and they also do it in order to send information back to the human brain and body so that they might gain slow and incremental control over that human being and to eventually turn that human being into a digital slave. If they succeed in turning one non-consenting human being into a digital slave they might then fully automate the human digital enslavement process in order to more easily turn most other human beings throughout the world into their digital slaves. As this is all being done without the expressed permission of almost all of the human race we should disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities urgently in order to stop this human digital enslavement process going any further and in order to stop these transhumanist criminals such as Ray Kurzweil in their tracks.
I am being permanently monitored, perhaps in preparation for digital slavery. I have been a non-consensual human experimentee victim for sixteen years. I am wirelessly and non-consensually linked by a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to a computer network for all of that time and I am being unwillingly forced to hear the voices of the neuro operatives who speak to me constantly as I go about my everyday life. I often write down what the voices say to me and I post it online the following day so as to enlighten any readers of my blog as to what a total loss of mental privacy feels like. Here below is a small sample of some of what the inner voices said to me in the past while.
"If the public find out about this system before it is rendered viable they will block it."
"A lady of no fixed abode would be easier to terrorise than Gretta."
"For God's sake Gretta, I am not a sadist. I am simply experimenting on you."
The existence of "Black Magic" is a hoax. The whole concept of the existence of the supernatural has been hoaxed for thousands of years by the use of secret science and technology and by the use of black operations. Dark occultists own and control most organised religions and secret societies which they have set up thousands of years ago. In order to effectively control the human race they use fear. Demonic possession is easily hoaxed. Human beings can be made to grimace and contort and swear against their wills and without their permission either by the use of imbedded technology inside them or by outside control of their human energy fields, thereby controlling their muscles. Dark occultists can not conjour up anything whatsoever. They can falsely lead you to believe that they have the power to conjour up the supernatural in order to instill fear in you.
The clergy do not think logically. They support faith over logic. Faith is a vice. Logical thinking is a virtue. The dark occultists twist every human belief by 180 degrees. The clergy support organised dishonesty. They have been inculcated at an early age. It is not their fault that they have been deliberately misled. Money and ingenuity has been used to deliberately mislead them. Please align with the truth rather than with popular sentiment.
Natural law is backed by science. Always align with nature. Do not align with transhumanism. It has been created by dark occultists in order to enslave and torture the human race.
If you are a targeted individual of forced transhumanism the neuro operatives whose voices you hear coming from inside your head by wireless means will constantly look for weak points in your character. To that end, stay away from cigarettes, alcohol, both illegal and prescription drugs, psychiatry, debt, gambling, promiscuity, refined sugar, and any other activity that might weaken your defences. Do not believe in any aspect of the supernatural. All aspects of the supernatural including demonic possession, extra-terresterials, moving statues, religious apparations, poltergeist activity, near death experiences can easily be perpetrated by both neuro weapons and by uploading experience sets into the human mind. Many organised religions were also created in the distant past to manipulate humans and to distract them from logical and rational thinking. Religious rituals are simply acts of mesmerism. Do not make any new friends because they will be agents of the transhuman agenda who will infiltrate your live in order to destroy it. Do not own a television set or do not go to the cinema because you may be mind controlled by these activities. These criminal neuro operatives dislike anybody who live ordered and organised lives.
If you are a targeted individual of forced transhumanism the neuro operatives whose voices you hear coming from inside your head by wireless means will constantly look for weak points in your character. To that end, stay away from cigarettes, alcohol, both illegal and prescription drugs, psychiatry, debt, gambling, promiscuity, refined sugar, and any other activity that might weaken your defences. Do not believe in any aspect of the supernatural. All aspects of the supernatural including demonic possession, extra-terresterials, moving statues, religious apparations, poltergeist activity, near death experiences can easily be perpetrated by both neuro weapons and by uploading experience sets into the human mind. Many organised religions were also created in the distant past to manipulate humans and to distract them from logical and rational thinking. Religious rituals are simply acts of mesmerism. Do not make any new friends because they will be agents of the transhuman agenda who will infiltrate your live in order to destroy it. Do not own a television set or do not go to the cinema because you may be mind controlled by these activities. These criminal neuro operatives dislike anybody who live ordered and organised lives.
Hello everyone,
I am a 19 year old german voice-to-skull victim since may this year. I figured out that the mind control started about a 1.5 years ago.
At that time a feeling in my nose started which felt like something is pressing from the inside plus it was running all the time. I thought it was some kind of nose disorder but after getting information I now think it is an effect caused by the infection of the V2 nerve
I got my information over the months from various sources (, multiple blogs and homepages, videos and pdf documents) and I also found out that they are able to do this since at least 2001 (
My guess would be that it is some kind of nanotech infection but I still think about wether they do this with single persons or entire populations. And there is also the big question wether we talk about use or abuse of this technology. The book by electric angel offered a lot of information, especially when it comes to the V2k, which electric angel tells us does not mean "voice to skull" but is an acronym for the parasitic infection of the V2-nerve with k which is a technical short for coupling coefficient
You have to spread that information about the V2k acronym, it is very accurate and important!
Now there are limits for guessing what the technology might be but I specialized on analyzing the crap they talk all the day and I can tell you it is nothing but Hypnosis! They use a technique called "classical conditioning" , it is very important for you to look that up and study it!
They use this ->
Maybe they also use NLP - Neurolinguistic Programming where we come to my next guess that we are all confronted with coldblooded/pedophile/sociopathic/cocaine-snuffing satanists.
Well, NLP is just some specialized form of hypnosis and there we got its (german) mascot called Vakog:
Now let's compare it with this picture of Baphomet:
Satan is also referred to as "the one-eyed".
Now don't get me wrong I'm not a strict christian, but it is very much likely that these people are devil worshippers.
So I wanted to ask you all some questions about your experiences with this particular problem of being mind raped day after day:
1. Did it start all of sudden? Was it that you woke up and there they were discussing like it was the most regular thing on earth? Voices that you never heard before?
2. Do they use words or simple phrases often and always with the same accent? Words and phrases that you didn't use to say?
3. Do you see flashing lights when you close your eyes, hear a steady frequence noise, hear clicks in your head or notice radical changes in mind activity or elselike?
4. Did you notice difficulties in visual imagination, loss of eyesight, blury vision, loss of focus?
5. Do they keep on radically talking their hypnosis bullshit no matter what you think?
6. Did you notice memory loss or especially short-term memory loss?
7. Did you find countermeasures/methods/tactics/devices/body movements which help?
I will continue this post and tell you some experience how to use psychological warfare to beat them at their own perverted game. Never forget that you still have your imagination which is more powerful than bullshit talks, you can use to harass them with their own strategy.
Good luck and keep it up everyone!