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A worldwide network of criminal scientists have selected good living and good will people from all countries throughout the world for the purposes of human experimentation.   They often implant non-consensual human beings with a wide variety of different types of implants from which they wirelessly link them to computer networks.   They do this in order to collect data from the human brain and body and they also do it in order to send information back to the human brain and body so that they might gain slow and incremental control over that human being and to eventually turn that human being into a digital slave.   If they succeed in turning one non-consenting human being into a digital slave they might then fully automate the  human digital enslavement process in order to more easily turn most other human beings throughout the world into their digital slaves.  As this is all being done without the expressed permission of almost all of the human race we should disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities urgently in order to stop this human digital enslavement process going any further and in order to stop these transhumanist criminals such as Ray Kurzweil in their tracks.  

I am being permanently monitored, perhaps in preparation for digital slavery.   I have been a non-consensual human experimentee victim for sixteen years.   I am wirelessly and non-consensually linked by a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to a computer network for all of that time and I am being  unwillingly forced to hear the voices of the neuro operatives who speak to me constantly as I go about my everyday life.  I often write down what the voices say to me and I post it online the following day so as to enlighten any readers of my blog as to what a total loss of mental privacy feels like.   Here below is a small sample of some of what the inner voices said to me in the past while.

"If the public find out about this system before it is rendered viable they will block it."

"A lady of no fixed abode would be easier to terrorise than Gretta."

"For God's sake Gretta, I am not a sadist.  I am simply experimenting on you."

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     We have all inhaled and ingested neural dust which has coagulated into larger units inside our brains,  which in turn leads the way for neuro operatives to create a circuit board inside the brain of a selection of targeted individuals.  This creation which is now being known as a brain circuit board allows unknown criminal neuro operatives to upload and download digital signals into your brain at their will.  They can create holograms in front of your eyes.  They can force you to hear and see and taste and smell and feel things that are not there at all except as an illusion to you.  

After many years of working on your brain circuit board by wireless means with a large staff of neuro operatives these criminals  can eventually force you to move your muscles against your will and without your consent.  They can also force you to speak, and then to say things that you would not be normally willing to say and that you have never said before that time.

These criminals can now paralyse you if you refuse to be an obedient slave.  They can close your mouth by remote wireless means and refuse to open it again forever if they wish.  You could never override their digital signals.

Please have microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia banned and outlawed urgently if you wish your children to live in freedom.  This matter is urgent.

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