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Thank you Carl for your response, you are quite right, there are a number of God's out there, some of them are considered to be demons actually.  It is each persons RIGHT as to which one they believe in, however I know that most people here believe in a Christian God, who is completely different from other God's out there, and who gives us free reign, but very definite rules to live by, if we are to be saved or protected by him, that includes the 10 commandments, it is not on to say you believe in God, without clarifying to the Christians on this site, which ONE you are referring to, as it is directly and deliberately misleading otherwise. My prayers to my Christian God are powerful Carl, and this is the reason I promote the same prayers to the same God to other TI's, because I believe it will help them IMMENSELY, with the targeting, because I believe this is a war between GOOD and EVIL, I cannot speak on behalf of the other God's out there, I just want to make this point clear, and ask you to PLEASE clarify which God you are referring to please, otherwise this is misleading.  Thank you again Carl, and sure, I will stop commenting on your posts, and you will ignore me as well. Works for me!!

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搜【《拍案惊奇》警匪“无间道”】,【福州警匪勾结杀人案3人判死刑 公安副局长外逃】

山西政法无间道:黑帮成员考警校 卧底当内鬼


警匪无间道:父亲当黑老大 儿子潜伏派出所当协警


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Wots up God's Grace? '2'. As I was saying God's Grace. You believe in God. My belief only is that God will av full control over us when we pass & be judged before him.... Now if God giv free will? Then he giv free will for us to believe in what we want?. To follow in wot matters in our life. Every life & every belief is different from the next human being. So let me just point out. Errr? Oh there's Rama & Krishna.. Hashem.. Allah.. Christ.. Ahura Mazda.. Quetalcoatl.. Biame.. Jupiter Optimus Maximus.. Zeus 'The Father Of The Gods'.. Breged 'The Mother Goddess'... That's to name just a few ;) .. Now which one is right or which one is wrong? The answer is it ONLY matters to the individual who follows their heart & wot they truly believe in!!!. I dnt care wot u find in my blogs? I dnt care wots in you'rs either. You sooo go out of your way to mention my name on Peacepink!. Wot due gain? Due fancy me? Am i the 1st 1 u think of when u wake up in the mornings. & the last 1 when you close you're eyes at nyte??? I mean really? No disrespect to you ;) . Wots up? Are u that weak minded & can't handle the perps tech they av on you. That the frustration u build up inside of you? U direct it at me!. All u got2 say it yes. & I'll understand. I dnt need to understand. But if it makes u feel better to av a dig at me? Go for it. Let a bit of anger out. Why do u care so much in nit pickn my posts?. Your the only 1 that does this? I thought u agreed not to comment ever again? Oh well. You keep up the good work God's Grace & take care! For this is truly a goodbye from me to you. Dnt bover commenting nomore to my blogs as I will delete the lot! & not approve a single 1 ;) Phew!! Now its back to calm Ahhh. So. Its time for the intelligence side to take over. So i'll finish wiv a few quotes! That's if nobody doesn't mind? "Cough cough" ... "My words will attract a strong mind or offend a weaker one"... "I refuse to entertain negativity. Life is too big & time is too short to get caught up in empty drama"... "You're opinion is not my reality"... "The Lion does not turn around when a small dog barks!"... "I will ignore you sooo hard. You will start to doubt you're own existence!"... "Just remember when I'm ignoring you? I'm teaching you to live without me"... " Weak people seek revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people IGNORE!"... Which 1 are you God's Grace??? ;) To all TI's take cares! ;)
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Wots up Gods Grace? '1'. Sori to every1 for me to put the record straight once again. But this is clearly for only God's Grace's amusement! I myself will promise not to mention her name ever again. I will only choose to IGNORE. Due think she could do the same wiv me? Deeeep breath... Ahhhhh.. Ok. So on 22/4/16. I put a blog up on Peacepink "All we av2 do is focus!". So my very own guardian angel who sits on my left shoulder & sees all that i do on Peacepink. The Almighty God's Grace added a comment & asked me a Q. " Do you believe in God 'Carl'?". In which i did not reply to her. Then on 26/5/16. I blogged "Can perps tech/computer feel our crying emotion?" & in that blog I sed somewhere? 'From God above, its his way of protecting us. The inner us. He will always be there for us! Whether we realise it or not?'... In which again the Almighty God's Grace spoke "You stated accurately you didn't believe in a Christian God? Wot God are you preferring to? Its an extremely important question? Because if its not the 1 we believe in? Then I'm missing here something in your post? You can't suddenly be speaking about a God you stated quite confidently that you dnt believe in?"..... God's Grace its not an extremely important question at all. Its only 'you're' question wiv you're beliefs put to me!!! Arrragghh!!! ;s .... God's Grace your angels wings where clearly covering up you're eyes & ears when i blogged on 22/4/16 when i commented at 21.37pm wiv sumat like '& trust me. I believe in God!'. Whether that be God. He or She. Or Spirit. Or some kind of force. Energy. Something mor powerful than we can ever imagine?!!!. I certainly believe in God. In something!. I am God & God is me. Metaphorically speaking of course ;) . Something is within all of us. & we kno this because we feel it!... Now I'll put a question to God's Grace. God.He/She/Spirit/Force. Wotever you believe in? You av clearly commented in the past to unfortunately 1 of my blogs again wiv "God is in control of all of us!". Now I think you're wrong there. Because how can sum1 be in control of us? If your God giv you free will? Everyone on mother earth can do wot they want & go where they wanna. Is that right or wrong? If I'm writing this blog for you God's Grace. & u think its wrong? Then why is God still letn me write if he has control over us?. You see 'life' is all about choices we make. When we come to a crossroads? We can choose which road to take. We might take the wrong road. & it might be a difficult journey ahead. But that will make you become a stronger person inside. Through choice is who we become. I wud rather av a harder ride in life than an easier 1. I wana test my limits to the max! But everyone is different. We are tested everyday. & everyday we get up & get on wiv it. I'm being tested right now. My girlfriends mum is in hospital. She is certainly being tested but she has strength within I hope to get through her illness. Her kidneys are failing. I av2 be strong for her mum & strong for her daughter as well as staying strong myself. I've got sooo much strength & energy within me. It scares me! Even my perps are scared!! They think they cud just attack me 24/7 for the rest of my life? Watch me fail & fall in wotever I do. How wrong they all are. Ha. Perps are sooo weak minded. And I'm beating them & their tech wiv the 1 thing that works! MY MIND!!! I can think of anything & everything to use against their rf 'waves'. I can block anything my perps do to try to make me think differently?. To make me think on their terms!. Just by thinking to block their shit out! Soooo WORKS!!! Ha. Perps want us TI's to cry. Moan. Weaken our minds. They so want us to put the frightening frequency in us. The 1 when we jump & feel the knot in our stomachs. We start to shake & our palms sweat wiv the fear they put on us. I dnt get ANY of this no more! I'm prity much free of it all ;) & if you dnt use you're mind in a way you cant even begin to imagine? You will suffer in fear!
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     If you are being harassed by electronics and you think you are paying the electric bill causing the harassment, try to narrow down where the device is by shutting off your circuit breakers, one at a time (if possible). Your TWC cable box needs to also be considered as a source of energy (or energy booster) for the devices, as does a vehicle battery, if it is parked close by.

     Another way to find the device energy source is to give electric appliances, lights (inside and outside), etc. a sharp rap w/a stick or wooden spoon to see if you detect any change in your level of electronic harassment. Sometimes it takes a couple of minutes to detect the change, if there is one. Also, if/when you do detect your energy source that perps are using to power their devices, and you manage to interrupt it, your success will get an immediate reaction from them, confirming you have hit pay dirt. What you choose to do with this knowledge is up to you.

     Be logical - it’s NOT magic or rocket science, and there are answers. The least you can do is make it a little bit more difficult for them to injure you using your own resources against you.

     They will punish, cause pain, harass and vandalize whether you act pro-actively or not. Doing something, ANYTHING, is better than accepting your role as a victim and suffering w/o fighting back every chance you get, in any way you can.

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Poem: River Run

Disclaimer: not all community members are a part of this odd movement. No particular person is indicated.

River Run


Abruptly, without a plan, he breaks away

from synchronized hounding by

red and black vehicles, police cars, ambulances

and unmarked vans at every turn;

from pink-shirted strangers loudly mimicking

his private thoughts; and uncanny

internet ads and radio songs.


He saunters, jogs, then dashes

down to the river path, yearning

for a moment of peace.

As he traces the river’s curves

he feels her pulse ferrying him

past the packs of service trucks,

jeering pedestrians, and brain-tampered

neighbors; out-of-range of the microwave

jolts, aerosol dosing and AI programs.

He hears the river chanting, never mind,

never mind, never mind.


The man drops into a small, grassy dip.

Listening, he begins to breathe again

the way he used to, with effortless focus.

He digs out a pencil and crumpled receipt

to jot some phrases for a poem.

He has eight minutes until the lull

is cracked by a boisterous hoard

of kayakers clamoring by

as a low plane buzzes over,

two indistrinctly uniformed walkers

march past and back again, twice,

and sirens and chem-trails rip through the sky,

demanding his reconnection.

But they are too late.

The timeless river now paces his brain,

dipping beneath bridges, around buildings,

bypassing fleeting eyes and ears systems.

She endlessly messages, never mind, never mind,

never mind, never mind.

Nourished by deep river silt,

rugged willows anchor the bank,

dwarfing the fractured sky.

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Can perps tech/computer:Feel our crying emotion?

Hi TI's. Hope your all doing OK? ;) . When I ad the 'wake-up! Call' in the beginning. I use2 get so badly hit wiv attacks! to my body parts all over. At 1st I would think wots going on? Then the attacks wud get worse & worse!. Then I wud get soooo angry! ;( . Then they wud hit me so bad! & the pain I'd feel wud hurt that much!! That I'm not to proud to tell here that I did cry my eyes out! ;( . In these last few years that av passed. My perps av made me cry a few times more. I'm no machine. And like every human being/T'i. I've got feelings that can be put to the test & to test my limits!. But there's 1 thing I've noticed when I brake down & cry? When my body is full of emotion!. As soon as this happens? The pain stops! The fake tinnitus stops!. Then I think?. Does the pain stop because we are giving off various frequencies of emotions. That the perps tech/computer can't figure this out? Its like we av a little escape when we brake down? Computers can't feel our crying emotion right? Like the Terminator film. It couldn't cry? If it can't cry? Then it can't feel our emotion???. So is crying our defence. In our favour?! I know from the start of my attacks! That I sooo did so much crying. But these days I do not!. Also my attacks are sooo less than from the start. Anyways I was jus wondering on that? Take care TI's ;)
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PP friendship

Have you ever been on facebook and gotten bombarded by hundreds+++ of requests to be "friends"?  My feeling is that quality is more important than quantity.  Some people (TI, perps & civilians) feel that if they can show they have 3000 friends (most of whom they've never had any contact with), they are telling the world that they have value, and must therefore be a good legit person.  I have to ask why anyone would ever want to include a total stranger as a friend, just bcz this total stranger wants it.  Perps, perverts, gvt, etc. like to worm their way into our lives by whatever means possible.  The name of the game is to invade, invade, invade.

In our need to recover from imposed isolation and loss of credibility, TIs often frantically grasp for other TIs for support, especially those where they live.  However, in speaking with other long time TIs, I've discovered that seeking other TIs in ones area will most likely turn up perps or TIs that are NOT on the same track as you (ie want you as a friend so you will go over and kill their perps for them, then promise to throw mama from the train), not other TIs you can trust.  So, proceed very carefully who you choose to befriend, and evaluate the inherent problems in that type of relationship.

On PP, I want to read a lot of posts and comments before befriending a total stranger simply because they are trying to build their numbers and TI credibility.

MISSED YOU Suzie, glad you are back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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We are a Toronto based TI group hoping to gather in more numbers and gain more strength to fight electronic harassment. If you are dealing with electronic harassment in Toronto or surrounding areas. Please contact me at

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DEW here to stay?

There will be no need for bombs. Air to air missiles. Atomic bombs nomore. Why use these if they can all be stopped wiv emp 'Electronic Magnetic Pulse' & other DEW?. Nomore land blown-up! No so called visable explosions! For the eye to see & investigate? No visible evidence? Why go to all the trouble to make rockets/missiles in the future? When its alot more cheaper to make and a lot more silent and deadly wiv Directed Energy Weapons!!!. I don't see anything other than this tech being used in the future. I mean really? Wot can be made to protect us in the future???. Unless we move to a planet where there is no air or sound? But we all need this to survive! Aarraagghhh!!!! ;( Sori.. I'm just avn a rant!
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From Carl to God's Grace wiv reessssspect! ;)

Thanx God's Grace for your comment to me & how u met your perp & with detail. I respect you for this and will not approve it on Peacepink for all to see unless u want me to???, I understand now wot u are going through and my positive energy goes out to you... Also because it is so hard for many TI's to av a partner in their lives wiv all this shit we av2 deal wiv. I do av a partner. She sometimes sits next to me wen I blog. But because she excepts the fact and stands by me and supports me through the crap us TI's are going through. Its only right to share things on here wiv her. She still doesn't understand most things on here. She's more into that site called.. Ermmm??? Oh Facebook! That's the one. Why anybody wants to go on that site and let everyone know she took the trash out an hr earlier today than normal? I will never understand. But I guess she's entitled to av a goss about wotever. Ha. Anyways back to the important stuff!. My heart goes out to you God's Grace! And in time I know this will be over soon for all TI's. I wonder if we will still continue on this or a new site when the tech is stopped and finished for good? Wot will we do? Of course we will all go back to our lives doing wot we use2 b4 this all started. Being our tru selves!. There's nothing stopping us from doing this now?. Never stop being 'You' Have faith & stay strong minded!!! Take care God's Grace. & Thank you!! ;)
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Challenge My Perps!

I love to challenge my perps!. They only attack me with either hits to the body because I'm doing something right against their Tech. Or they attack me to make me scared!... In my case none if their crap works wiv me nomore!. They don't intend to kill ME or us TI's. If they intended to kill us? We wud be dead already! Thats why its called Electronic 'Harassment.'. The perps like to scare us in thinkn 'THEY' are in control. Wot control av they got over us? I mean really...Wot control? Are we on a dog lead? Do we av2 stay in doors? Can we pee when we want? Or poop when we want to??? If I go out my door now? I don't think in my head "oooh that guy or lady over ther is looking at me weird. They must be a perp of mine?"... The perps av2 put obstacles in our way. In front of us to notice!. For it to av an effect on us!. And they build it up and up and up and up everyday! To make us crumble!. To make us fear them!. Example: If I was taking a short cut to get home and i decided to walk through a field full of cows? And I was wearing a white T-shirt wiv red shorts. Would I think to myself " Oooh 1's lookn at me in a weird way. I think its gona attack me?" In truth cows don't attack humans. And I'd be happy to walk through a heard of cows wiv a hop, skip and a whistle as I did so... Now if I took the same short cut & the field was empty except for only a Bull mooching on some grass. Would I stop and avoid the shortcut or wud I continue through the field? Of course I wud continue through the field. They say Bulls charge if they see red? This is just a myth!. It comes down to wot u believe. And wot circumstances are put in front of you?! And how you perceive the World through your own 2eyes... The perps don't care in attacking us wiv hits to our body. That's like using a cattle prod to force cattle to go 1way or the other into a field where a farmer wants it to go. You'll still get the odd cow that turns around or runs the other way! ;) . Don't be scared in thinkn that perps are gona kill us! When u think like this? Your putting a thought out there. Which is frequency. For the perps tech to pick up and attack you mor!!!. Try this method... Next time you get hit to the body? Say out loud! "Wot are u trying to do to me perps? Your attacking me to scare me and to keep making me scared!, Sorry this doesn't work nomore perpys. I thought the whole idea of your tech was to get in here? My brain! To my thoughts! To change the way I think in reality?? Wots a matter perpys? Av I pissed you off?!. C'mon perps! Its my brain your after!!!. You can attack my body parts everyday! But where's that gona get you? NOWHERE!!!.".... SO PLEASE TI'S. STAND UP FOR YOURSELVES! DONT LET ANYBODY BULLY YOU! DO WOT I DO. THINK POSITIVE ALWAYS! YOUR IN CHARGE OF YOU! NOBODY ELSE! CHANGING THE WAY YOU 'THINK!' IS THE KEY TO FREE YOURSELVES!!!. Take care! ;)

This article reviews a new app that anyone can use if they take a photo of you, and the app will search the internet and social media and compare it with millions of photos and find ones that are a close match, which can give away your personal details. Stalkers` paradise in other words.

It`s only in Russia so far, but of course it will spread.

What can you do? Just don`t put pics of yourself online I suppose!

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My True Statement & For The Record 17/5/2016

This is to confirm for the record & in my own true words. I am not a member of Facebook or Twitter or any other websites or any forums on the WorldWideWeb. Other than 'Only' PEACEPINK!. Any other websites or forums that av my name attached to it. Is all lies & is false!... I am a T'i 'Targeted Individual' of EH 'Electronic Harassment'. I am constantly being attacked everyday! Wiv DEW 'Directed Energy Weapons'. I av joined Peacepink to tell my personal story in my life & wot is happening to me on a daily basis. & chatn to other TI's who experience the same harassment. This is my true & only statement that is to be believed & in my own words as a Targeted Individual. & this is to be used in a court of law to bring the perps who target me to justice. Your's sincerely 'Carl' United Kingdom...
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I'm currently new to peace pink , wondering how long most people survive ? this I've called it ELF & MIND CONTROL GAME , I've read tons of article about the different stages of the torture . Anyone been program to do something out of the normal ? Are there any sheilding materials that anyone would recommended ? Any input would greatly guide me from isolation , despair , hatred, sadness . Anger .
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