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Here is the film from today's mass. There were two women who sat next to me during the mass and they did not move from the bench. These women and a large man who sat left side of me came on the same time, so the large man with blond short hair might be also with them for the gang stalking. He can speak out "pater nostra" in Latin, so that he might be easily identified in the church as he was praying in Latin during the mass. These two women stood up and took the communion when the priest came by. I guess they do not want to look suspicious, but if they move later, that makes them suspicious. Why such people only sat next to me in the church?
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Of birthmarks and symbols

Trivia: Active RFID implants are charged via fluctuations in body temperature. The part of the body where electrolytes most usually go out of balance (thus, the cramps), is the calf. You may want to check if you have birth marks or noticeable marks in that area (near your ankle)

Another trivia: Do you know that the ankh is called the "key of life", the "key of the nile"?

Do you know that it looks somewhat like a fish or an ichtus, Jesus' sign?

It is also called "handled cross". (I was given a gold cross ballpen by the friend who I mentioned in my earlier entries. He said his doctor uncle had a lot of those.  She's the one who was with the NGO pushing for the Rome statute. The one who as it turned out, knew my bf before  I thought he just "randomly" saw me.   She's The niece of an NPA rebel.

When I had the first extreme health attacks: my body became too hot, literally burning i could not let my legs touch because it was like being singed by a hot object (a pregnant friend pulled away from me when i touched her tummy and said, your hand's too hot,  you're burning my tummy"), i found it difficult to sleep, i had hives all over my body, it was too sensitive to the touch it felt like my extremities were being tickled with the slightest touch, i had small pimple-like break-out in my face and on my back, it felt like i was floating while walking. I even fell off the stairs and was surprised I had no reaction. I was an extremely shy kid before, such an instance would make me cringe with shame. That time I was too out of it, feeling nauseated, floating, I just stood up and walked home.  Before that, I was rarely sick, I never had allergies, I was rarely down with colds. Soon after, I would have colds and coughs at a minimum of 2 or 3 months straight, without being cured.

I  went to different doctors in different areas, specialists in their areas. Not one of the simultaneous health concerns was cured. Then a cousin recommended a doctor, said he might be able to cure me. I went there. It turned out he was the uncle of the friend I mentioned above (the one who gave me the cross ball pen). He gave me meds for allergies. I finally found respite from the health discomforts.  It was cured temporarily and it was an on and off affair (till I found the actual cause - i'll discuss this in detail later).

An aunt, the one who took care of me since I was a baby had been having health issues, too at that time. When she asked me how my health concerns are and looked at my prescriptions, she told me to get the meds in her room. Apparently the same allergy meds were prescribed to us. We were having the same non-stop coughs and colds. As it turned out, we were hoving to the same doctor (from a different province).

A few months later, she died of lupus. Before she did, my grandmother and aunt rushed to our house, asking my parents for permission to let me go to the Metro (12 hours drive from our place) because my aunt was dying and she requested that I be fetched from the province and brought where she was.

I was caught off-guard, not knowing that the sickness worsened (I was studying in a different province, a number of hours away from home).

My grandparent and an aunt wanted to accompany me to the Metro. They were not allowed to. They said it was because my grandmother was sickly (yet she also went there soon after I left). I was asked to travel with my uncle's (her husband's) two brothers: one, a military, another, one who worked in the company owned by the family I mentioned in an entry prior to this (the clan of the guy whose "boys" came to the house today looking for my father).

Apparently, she went to our house and stayed in my room before she was hospitalized (I do not know if the reason she gave others was the real reason. All my growing up years till college, she never did that. We were not able to see each other and talk though, it was already near the end of the semester and we had a lot of school projects. )

I remember now she mentioned something about CDs. Did it plainly mean CDs? Or See D? What's D?

I was not able to talk to my aunt ALONE before she died. There were a lot of people in her room 24/7. 

The ankh is also called the belt-buckle of the mother goddess Isis (I sees. Eye sees).

It is also speculated to depict  sandal strap with the loop going around the ankle.

 It is represented by an oval or point-down teardrop set atop a T shape.

Additional Trivia: 

The eye has magnetite.

The region from the forehead to the nose is called the T-zone.

RFID implants transmit  best in Electro Magnetic Fields (EMF).

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domingo, 27 de enero de 2013

the paradox is a way to learn in the astral

the paradox is a way to learn in the astralThe term "anagnórisis" Hellenism is a meaning "revelation", "recognition" or "discovery". This concept was first mentioned by Aristotle in his 'Poetics'. Describe the moment of revelation when ignorance gives way to knowledge

It is the turning point of the play in which everything is revealed to the protagonist, with devastating effects, from shadows and ignorance to light. "">It usually occurs when the hero discovers a truth about himself or of some actions, finding that overturns her attitude and the plot changes direction."">This discovery is often given after a more or less complex chain of vicissitudes, even when a character is recognized by the other, either by a statement of its own, either through a self-recognition of his true identity.">The plot anagnórisis and are perfectly interrelated in the evolution towards the outcome of the work or tragic, well happy.

"">This field is discovered in the astral or mental, when connected to other minds, but with technology, not magic.If I can tell this is because "I" am in the same mental circumstances when she was three, she could see but not wise words to express what he knew. "">So I need the other to represent verb.When he was three years and something, I went to preschool, could read and write, was upgraded to an advanced course in which I was not allowed to keep up with the class, I fustraron, while the older girls in height and age, wanted to be my mothers, absurd. "">I learned against the will of the teacher a poem of guns on each side under full sail, forbade me fustra faced kids ..."">And when you enter the new school in first bored me to tears with a jerk of chips and cartoons, I fustrar finished with 4 years and never recovers.Being with children harmed me. I needed another environment. ">But what he had was overprotection and ignorance to create people submissive.

Look at the picture represents ignorance and knowledge, both are a paradox in mind. "">Are the two simultaneously.One is the lack of the other, but when a truth DISCOVER, increasing the otro.Los two exist, the one without the other can not survive as a concept. ">But when more knowledge gap that something horrendous black and absorbs up to gobble you and kill you.

"">I invite you to play ..... And I will tell you my experience withthe mind control."">"">This is a song by The 5th Dimension.">I love her strength.
">But this song is a paradox same mind.
Paradox: a paradox (from Lat. Paradoxus, and this παράδοξος Greek) is a strange idea opposite to what is considered real or opinion. [1] In other words, is a seemingly true statement that leads to a contradiction logic or a situation that violates common sense. In rhetoric, a figure of thought is to use expressions or phrases that imply contradiction. An example of paradox is the "Jevons Paradox", better known as the rebound effect. The paradox is a powerful stimulus for reflection. Often philosophers paradoxes serve to reveal the complexity of reality. The paradox also allows to demonstrate the limitations of the tools of the human mind. ">Thus, identification of paradoxes based on concepts that at first glance seem simple and reasonable has driven significant advances in science, philosophy and mathematics.

"">This song if you hear an engaged mind or shit or you triumph."">If for example I am a woman and I have that attitude, I hear a male mind intelligent, autonomous, free, and be sexually will be successful, you really conveyed the sheer elevation."">You feel triumphant and sexual energy to win and show the world that mind control exists, that life is wonderful and you can do anything you want.But as feminine or masculine minds put, no attitude, they are gregarious, they are still at the stage that they are not separated from the mother, and do not see her reflection in the mirror, as someone who needs autonomous and free ">discover the world, and make your own destiny .... You look dragged fustrada mourn the feeling, without love, always waiting for someone to save you, and cry to the world to see queien have compassion for you.
"">So don Juan's teachings should be taught in primary, from Carlos Castaneda guarderia.El performed a miracle of paradox, an artist was not recognized in the world."">He had the opportunity to awaken, and to create a literature aprobecho to teach, with devil and angel at a time, so we win."">People do not want to be taught with the reality of life, you want as much film tells the boys is unparalleled: Life of Pi.In that movie you want to say how you tell the story? ">And we always want beautiful fiction.
So Castaneda chose that life, to defend a truth, and that people choose, so it was constantly lose triunfador.Yo instead, because I tell the hard truth, according to what I see and discover. Nobody wants to know ">why millions of people are suffering, nobody wants to know who killed, raped fisicamentem, abused, killed or gentrified for you to have a cell phone or a computer last generation, that bothers the area of ​​pleasure.
">What we want is to be playing angel, well, pay for coffee or a drink to a beggar, donate money for the Children of Africa, but not be responsible for Why do governments create wars to plunder the country's minerals abused?
"">So I dedicate myself to tell the truth, studying teachers and practitioners of mind control to whom it was heard loud and we all die of embarrassment at some point.This I do for amusement, for fun. "">Because people are poor, petty, stupid and wants to continue clinging to ignorance to avoid having to take repsonsable the suffering of others.I have no hope that you know, do not expect any recognition or deseo.Don what John teaches us that a wizard or a warrior in the fight, everything should be clear when enough knowledge to understand what it does not have any "">fruit, good for nothing, and therefore has to act without hope of anything, must assume their failure before you start fighting injustice.">I've assumed that's why I feel free, freedom is only obtained when you see your fate and accept it but as you own attitude, get over it and laugh at it.

Omniscience (or omniscient point of view), is the ability to know everything you need to know. It is an attribute of God in the Abrahamic religions. By assimilation, in literature, in the event that the narrator knows all thoughts and events of history is called omniscient narrator

The mind is a means to accept defeat awareness of his ignorance, and grow, believe me, just someone to pull a fart in the astral, you create a universe of information for each person connected.This is how psychiatrists and people tell us how well things have learned mind, if I'm only a laboratory product've learned in a short time, imagine as they should know who devote their whole lifeBy the paradoxes engages the mind, which is a programming x, to decide to act. If the individual is contradictory pulls his ignorant child.For example if you submit to a psychological stress someone, by a paradox, stays out for a while, because normally people are very important and adapted to living abroad face masks to be worshiped and respected, and that socielmente are welcomed.If your an individual with a relevant profession apparently beyond us, what a paradox submit to mental collapses. Do not resist because she lives in lies.the first half will demand that you delete that individual who breaks the rules of respect shown to a dinosaur, and then you will feel pataleara victim of society, drawing in the middle etheric primary emotions.A psychic and watch the would capture this person is unmasked, that is psychiatry.

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The BRAIN FARM: Modern Day Slavery

It is said some people are born criminals. However their minds are wired, whatever resources they have, they will look for the shortest route to amass what they want to have, spending time focusing on how to steal, rather than how to earn their keep.

Most families have stayed in power not because they deserve it but because they have institutionalized stealing and modern slavery: from womb to tomb.

Here's how they do it:

1. The perps have a very dangerous but legal way of identifying targets, they have access to government and private educational and career-testing facilities: they know whose genes will come in handy. They know whose lineage have exceptional brains. They know who will later be their mind machines, their farm animals.

You may want to read Guillermo Flores' and Ronald Bailey's take on internal colonialism and how ability tests help its proliferation.

Here's another take on this:

And another... Ever heard of the human Genome project? Do you know that Google's founder's wife is deep into the project? How best can you identify everything about a person but via a tool that stores ALL data about each person ?

Once they have identified the host parents: the royal genes, they make sure they are monitored. Here's where their different monitoring "tools" come in.

Remember , it's institutionalized, talk about the necessities of life: food, water, clothing, house, electronic gadgets - they have everything covered.

2. They are closely connected to the health sector. Big pharma, doctors, hospitals.

Yes, even your ob-gyne.

A lot of TIs have been talking about being adopted or suspects they are adopted. In most likelihood, yes.  

Identify their goal, their purpose: to breed man-machines in their brain farm. To have inventors/scientists/prime-movers they can breed and control for the price of a slave or a farm animal. 

They need to ensure they can cuff them, chain them.

How best can they do that after identifying the royal-gene-targets? 

Place them in an environment they can control.

Place them with host parents. Parents within the organization. Those who will further the organization's cause.

Monitor everything about them. Their thoughts, their ideas  especially. This is their gold-mine. This is how they can continually build their empire.

So it's either any of these or all:

a. The baby will be assigned to host parents via IVF or adoption or baby stealing or baby switching

b. The baby will be injected  implants

c. The baby will be in an environment surrounded by people within the organization

(It's interesting to note that in our country, 'hilots' who deliver babies at home are no longer allowed. Most are advised to go through the C-section (wonder why it's called the C-section) even when not necessary where they don't get to see the child they gave birth to until the  sedation wears off and they wake up. In my case, my baby's taken daily so the nurses can bathe them but no one is allowed inside as they do this, not even a guardian or the mother. Even when they do the Newborn testing where they take the blood from the foot, no one is allowed inside with the baby).

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More than five men are in our place now. Connected to the person whose family might be behind the curtain of the star chamber.

I wanted to delay writing about their apparent connection because I had high respect for one of the powers-that-be in that clan, my former boss (I was hired there without even knowing how they knew i was looking for work. )

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