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Of mice and men...

... radio technology, the leftist movement, men in frock, gambling lords, giant cages, angry birds, the milky way, dinosaurs, tattooes, life on the floor, the apple in the garden of eden, the gaming world, the LBGT attacks, the media attacks, electronic attacks, vampires, the dark lords, ARG, remote control, the death of an industry...

A compendium of pain for more than a decade...

If in the stories, you get to identify it is you I am talking about, I am sorry, I tried to let you see reason several times.

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What Twisted Reasoning!

I really can't understand how people can be so depraved of rational thinking they seek to justify their actions with self-righteous, evil , justifications.

I am in a net cafe infested by perps.

One of them said: That's what we should do to make her write. Feed her, make her angry.

Darn you.

The writing that you have now is so different from the writings I would have done if I still believed in the inner goodness of all men.

The writings I do now is so different from what I was doing before.

Darn you to hurt me just so you get your fodder fix.

One perp even said to his compatriots, in arrogance: "I was the one who started it," seemingly proud "he was the reason I am writing".


The reason I am here at this time is because I decided to write about this before I came in. I already know I would  write about this even before. That's the reason why I set up my website way before, duh!

I was just trying to weigh a lot of things.

Get over your ***** selves

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Please Pray for me....

I am now gonna write about the most painful parts I wanted to save for last.

I was waiting for these people to develop a conscience.

I wanted so much to protect them from the consequences of the pain they inflicted on me, even if it meant I had to wait this long.

I loved them that much.

I trusted them that much.

Sadly, it was misplaced love.

It was misplaced trust.

I am doing this now.

God, please help me.

Please let my words be tempered by your love for all of us.

May the truth unfold but may I do it with your thoughts, with your words, with your heart.

I have to pray for this and to request that I be covered by prayers of those who believe in you as well for I know how angry I am at this point.

I am going thru the same health issues I had when they first played with this technology... the same health issue that took the life of the person who taught me what selfless love really is.

I am witnessing how my kid is suffering the ordeal as well.

I am witnessing how the person we are with is changing as well.

I will not die without fighting for the rights of my kid to have a normal life.

I will not die without fighting for the innocent girl that I was that they destroyed.

I will not die without fighting for the lives of those they have also played with and those lives they are gonna control next.

God, please bw with me. Please lead the way. This battle is yours. I am gonna fight it your way.

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The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network
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08-08-2012 ~ The Eighth Initiatory Gateway of Light Invocation

 (File size: 17.434 MB - approx download time 3-6 min - audio 15  minutes )



08-08-2012 ~ The Elders on the Eighth Initiatory Gateway of Light

 (File size: 17.341 MB - approx download time 2-5 min - audio 37  minutes ) 



Higher Light  

As we progress through this sacred year of 2012 and into this new Golden Age of Light, we are undergoing a series of initiations into greater levels of Self Mastery. Often this is accomplished by moving through perceived challenges and into deeper levels of Self Love and Self appreciation, and truly being able to know ourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.  

Each month through these Initiatory Gateways of Light, we have been experiencing our Spiritual Robes of Self Mastery through the energy of the rays, our Beloved I Am Presence, the Overlighting of the Company of Heaven and our Mother/Father God. In so doing, we are experiencing deeper levels of both the shadow and the Light, increasing our Light Quotient, building our I Am Avatar Body of Light, activating the dormant DNA, experiencing the New Earth Templates of Light through the Cosmic Christ Timelines and with this, moulding and shaping our realities within the One Reality of All That Is, and the Center of Divine Love. We are experiencing this dance of Divine Love together and to truly know we are Divinely supported and deeply Loved through the many Legions of Light from On High assists us in co-creating Heaven on Earth, particularly in this Now moment as we experience so many shifts and changes on all levels of our beingness.


08-08-2012 ~ The Eighth Initiatory Gateway of Light

On August 8th, 2012, we enter into the eighth initiatory Gateway of Light through the eighth ray of Transcendence and the Overlighting of Lady Nada, and the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light.

 The eighth ray of Transcendence is a beautiful expansive Seafoam Green and Violet colored Flame, amplified in Light frequencies to assist in the purging, clearing, healing and releasing of old wounds, cellular memories and false beliefs as well as assisting the physical/etheric body to regenerate and heal itself. The energy of the eighth ray is primarily about the breaking up of old, outdated belief systems and structures, to create form through the rebirth of new energies and beliefs and the experience of Divine Love. In so doing, we transcend our dualities through the “sacred flame of transcendence”, and in detachment and Self Mastery, come into a deeper experience of One Unity Consciousness. 

In this “Blue Moon” month, beginning and ending with Full Moons, we undergo our eighth initiation as The Warden, a Keeper of Justice to Mother Earth and all her Life. It is in this Now moment that we are able to ease the tensions and stresses experienced within our daily lives through the focus on stability, equilibrium, understanding, unconditional Love and infinite expansiveness, increasing our ability to remain steadfast in the Light of Mother/Father God while bringing a focus to the injustices upon this earthplane. It may also be a time when we take on the mantle of new creative projects, discover new gifts or move into a new direction in our Service work. 

We are further offered an opportunity to build our multidimensional bodies of Light, to cloak ourselves in our sacred Spiritual Robes of Self Mastery and the Patterns of Perfection from On High as we experience the New Earth Templates of Light through the Photonic Rays of Light and the fifth dimensional frequencies of Divine Love.This allows for the Divine energy of pure Light and Love to ground into our lower bodies so our emotional, mental, etheric, physical and soul bodies can be filled with Divine energy. Additionally, it facilitates a pathway of consciousness that is experienced through the Group I Am Avatar Body of Light and allows all Life on this earth plane to experience the pathway of transcendence through forgiveness and Divine Love.

 To this end, we are invited into the Ascension Seat in Delphi, Greece, to ground the new energies of Light and to assist in the healing of ourselves and our relationships in detachment, forgiveness and Divine Love. From here, we are invited into the Temple of Transcendence within the Pleiades constellation.  

August 9th starts with the Central Sun Day, experienced through Alcyone. As we lift ourselves into the Temple of Transcendence within the Pleiades Constellation, we experience the Divine Consciousness of One as we actualize the Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light within our hearts, and connect to all the Spiritual Suns in alignment with our Beloved I Am Presence.  We further anchor and activate our higher dimensional chakras, to create our fifth dimensional Body of Light through the sacred geometry of the octahedron and the Photonic rays of Light. Additionally, we experience a deeper integration of the geometries of Light within the 144 Crystalline Grid of Divine Love, to be activated on December 21st, 2012. And for advanced Initiates of Light, there is a window of opportunity to enter into the Halls of Amenti.

The New Moon energies on August 17th/18th take us into a deeper alignment of our Service work and the ability to remain steadfast in the Light as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, truly being able to bring a focus to our co-creations as these Master Beings of Light.

On August the 21st, we anchor the eighth Silver Cosmic Christ Holographic Disc and two minor discs through the spinal column, while focusing on the Light integration within our 13 body chakra system and that of Mother’s Earth Light Body through her 13 primarily vortices and chakras.

August 22nd, World Healing Day, offers us the opportunity to take this sacred Seafoam Green and Violet Flame of Transcendence out to all of Humanity, assisting us in reconnecting in new way within our relationships, and allowing all Life on this earth plane to potentially experience the healing rays and Divine Love of Mother/Father God, and the Company of Heaven.

As we end this month with the second Full Moon on August 31st, we have a sense of the new encodings of Light coming in through the New Earth Templates of Light; and a sense of excitement in the knowing that we are indeed changing and shifting into a deeper alignment of Divine Love collectively through the Cosmic Heart of All Creation. The experience of the New Earth energies will start to be tangibly felt as we are propelled into a greater Planetary Light Quotient in the month of September and a deeper sense of interconnectivity, Self mastery and Divine Love as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. And so it is.  

~ Invocation to the Eighth Initiatory Gateway of Light ~

I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,

the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, all of the Light,

the Archangels and Angels, the Trinity Lords of Light, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek,

the Chohans of the Rays: El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, St. Germain, Lady Nada, Mother Mary, Allah Gobi, Quan Yin and Pallas Athena,

the Mighty Elohim,

the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light,

Lord Buddha, Sanat Kumara, Helios and Vesta and Lord Melchior,

the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis,

and all other Beings of Light I personally acknowledge,

as I now merge with my Beloved I Am Presence, the Highest Light that I Am within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.


I now call forth to Lady Nada and the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light

to take me in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light,

into the Ascension Seat within Delphi,

so I may undergo my eighth initiation as The Warden,

so I can cleanse and clear my lower bodies and sub-consciousness mind,

so I may create anew my relationships in Divine Love,

so I may assist in the healing of my physical/etheric body,

so I may assist all Life to experience the radiance of the One Heart of All Creation, through forgiveness and Divine Love.


As I enter into this Ascension Seat,

I am surrounded in this sacred Seafoam Green and Violet Flame of Transcendence.

I now request the return of all Soul fragments and energies that were manipulated through control and power issues,

I now request the purification, clearing and healing of my lower bodies,

I now request the removal of any blockages within my genetic lineage preventing me from loving and harmonious relationships and the full merger with my Beloved I Am Presence.


I now anchor the eighth major Cosmic Christ Holographic Disc and two minor discs along the spinal  column.                                                                                         

  I gently move my body from side to side and backwards and forwards, facilitating the process of the cerebrospinal fluid and the recalibration of my nervous system, meridians and chakras.


I am now taken in Soul Consciousness into the Ascension Seat within Alcyone.

Greeted and welcomed as an Emissary of Light by the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light,

I now find my Self in an octahedronal shaped Temple of Light.

As these Flames of Transcendence purify and heal my lower bodies,

the sacred geometry of the octahedron is now created around my etheric, emotional and mental bodies.


As I now experience the New Earth Templates of Divine Love,

and the Photonic Rays of Light,

the Golden Solar Sun Dics of Light is actualized within my heart.

I now connect to the Inner Earth Sun, the Sun, the Central Sun and now Great Central Sun,

as I merge with my Beloved I Am Presence,

experiencing my I Am Avatar Body of Light.

I now anchor and activate the higher dimensional chakras of Light through my chakra system,

and create my fifth dimensional Body of Light.

And now, with the Legions upon Legions of Light,

The Light Workers, Star Seeded Ones and all those awakened in heart and mind,

I connect into the Group I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light,

And from here,  into the 144 Crystalline Grid of Divine Love.

I now experience a deeper integration of the geometries of Light within this One Unity Consciousness Grid,

And the energetic planetary keycodes of this new Golden Age of Light.


I now assist in wrapping the Earth and all Her Life in this sacred Seafoam Green and Violet Flame of Transcendence,

allowing all Life the potential to experience these healing rays of Light,

and a pathway of Light through forgiveness and Divine Love.


I now find my Self back in my sacred space,

grounding into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth,

and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

I am now surrounded in this beautiful Seafoam Green and Violet Flame of Transcendence,

and the Golden Flame of Empowerment and One Unity Consciousness,

Overlighting this sacred year of 2012.


I Am courage, justice, integrity, and wisdom,

I Am stability, equilibrium, and unconditional Love,

I Am understanding, unity and infinite expansiveness,

I Am All That I Am.


Music by Micheal Hammer

Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek 


~ 12-12-12 ~ Twelfth Initiatory Gateway of Light ~

Table Mountain 


~  2012: Planetary Ascension Wave of Divine Love ~

 Ascension Retreat


Part II: Original Full Post:  Click here

~ Message from the Elders ~

Welcome sweet ones, it gives great please to be with you in this Now and indeed in this sacred year of 2012 as you experience the New Earth Templates of Light through the 2012 Planetary Ascension Wave of Divine Love, embraced within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.  December the 21st of 2012, sweet ones, is a very  important Now moment as you complete the end of a 260,000 year cycle and enter into this Golden Age through the New Earth Templates of Light as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.  Indeed, sweet ones, you are already experiencing many of these fifth dimensional frequencies of no time and no space in oscillating waves through the Photonic Rays of Light and Solar Flares upon this earth plane.  However, the full spectrum frequencies of these rays of Divine Love through the New Earth Templates will be experienced from December 21st 2012, as all dimensions shift into the next octave of Light and Mother Earth and all her Life commences their ascent into these fifth dimensional frequencies. 

To complete your ascension process sweet ones, your Planetary Light Quotient will be raised to a level of between 92-99%. In other words, this is the amount of Light that you will be able to hold within the body and will not only reduce the oscillating emotional waves of both the shadow and the dark, as you stand steadfast in the Light, but will further assist in the recalibration and transformational process you are undergoing, as your chakras start to merge in one unified column of Light, as your 12 Strand DNA comes online and indeed too, as you truly know yourselves as these multidimensional Master Beings and sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. Following the 11-11-11 Gateway of Divine Love, the first ascension wave occurred, and the second ascension wave was experienced through a window of opportunity between May 5th (the 05-05-05 Stargate) and June 20th/21st, the time of the Solstice. And due to these ascension waves sweet ones, 144 000 Master Beings of Light, yourselves sweet ones, have activated the ascension codes within your bodies and within the DNA specifically, to allow for all Life to make this  transition into this New Golden Age of Light.

And to further understand the importance of this, and how it impacts you in this Now sweet ones, we take you back into your dimensional past. In 104 000 B.C. through the collective signature of One Unity Consciousness from the Cosmic Heart and Divine Flame of Eternal Light of Mother/Father God, a call was put out across all dimensions and Galaxies requesting 144 000 Light Beings to physically embody onto Earth, and to anchor these frequencies of the Law of One through the three-fold flame and heart center of every atom and molecule on this Earth plane, within the Cosmic Law of Free Will.  These 144 000 Beings of Light stepped down their vibration to take on earthly form and many of you, sweet ones, were part of this core group, or the second or third wave of this core group who chose to be of service to Mother Earth and all her Life.  And the importance of this in this Now sweet ones, is that you are again at the point of ascending collectively and taking on this mantle of leadership as these Flames of Divine Love amplified and experienced through the keycodes of Light and sacred geometries within the Crystalline Grid of Divine Love holding these vibrations of Christ Consciousness. Furthermore, sweet ones, at zero point, Jesus the Christ was birthed, and embodied the 144 000 within One.  This amazing Divine event which was Overlighted by the entire Company of Heaven, allowed the rebirth of the Christed Consciousness of Humanity to be experienced at a Higher Light level. Through this Divine Dispensation, it has been decreed that when 144 000 Master Beings of Love and Light ascend to their Highest Potential simultaneously, each atom and molecule on this Earth plane will ascend to their next level of enlightenment and this entire Earth plane and your Solar System will again be embraced into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God for all eternity. And this will be experienced sweet ones, through the Planetary Ascension Wave on December 21st, 2012, as you collectively experience the Group I AM Avatar Blueprint of Light through connecting to the Christed Consciousness of all Humanity. Additionallya new sacred geometric shape was activated through the Unity Grid, the 144 Crystalline Grid of Divine Love from 1992, that which we call the double penta-dodecahedron, and reflected the 144 facets of Christ Consciousness and the 144 000 components of One Unity Consciousness for this multi-universe. 

The 12-12-12 gateway brings the completion of the 144 Crystalline Grid of Divine Love sweet ones, and with this, your ability to truly access all the sacred geometries and Light frequencies within the Unity Grid and further to this, the ability to activate your own Light Bodies/Merkabas into these higher dimensional frequencies and Christed Timelines of light.  And December the 21st 2012 brings a focus to the activation and actualization of these New Earth Templates as the thirteen major chakras and portals of Light on Mother Earth are activated in alignment with your Sun, the Central Sun and Great Central Sun, the Galactic Center and the Cosmic Christ Holographic Discs. Additionally, the 12 Strand DNA will be reactivated and actualized through the Crystalline Light Body of Mother and the Golden Solar Sun Disc Discs as you experience the remembrance of yourselves as starseeded ones and transfiguring Flames of Divine Love through your Beloved I Am Presence and the Group I Am Avatar Collective of Light. 

As starseeded ones and lightworkers you are the physical vessels of Light through which the  thirty-three Cosmic Portals of Light will be  anchored and activated on December the 21st, 2012.  The thirty-three Cosmic Portals of Light bring about the fifth dimensional Cosmic vibration of Christ Consciousness and are further connected to the thirty three Cosmic Christ Holographic Discs of Light being activated through the twelve initiatory Gateways of Light in this sacred year of 2012.  These Silver Cosmic Christ Holographic Discs, thirteen major and twenty minor discs, are being activated through the spinal column and cerebrospinal fluid throughout this year so you may indeed, come into the full magnificence of yourselves through the recalibration of the left and right hemispheres of the brain and increased Light through the pituitary, pineal and hypothalamus glands and indeed too, through the 12 strand DNA as it takes on the crystalline matrix keycodes of Light. 

The DNA activation process sweet ones is indeed a complex one, as is the Ascension process.  The Ascension Process is a process of decension of Spiritual Light, the experience of layers of Light being anchored into the physical plane of existence, which once integrated within the energy field of yourselves and Mother Earth, in turn activates the DNA Templates of Light. This process in turn activates the DNA as Portals of Light, bringing new energetic Templates of Light into the physical body and with this, the ability to experience many multidimensional realities simultaneously. Additionally, through this dimensional shift, you experience many of the ascension symptoms as you shift your cells into higher frequency patterns such as headaches, memory and time loss, sleeplessness or awakening at all hours, anxiety attacks, kundalini experiences, weight gain or loss, changes in diet, shifting of relationships, moving of location, jobs and so on, to name a few. So this process of "shifting frequency" can indeed be rather uncomfortable as it further brings up your deepest fears, old cellular beliefs and judgments, and we suggest that you truly take time out for yourselves, as well as trust, surrender and accept this process so you may transmute, transform and heal all aspects of yourselves, as it is amplified in this Now, and further experience the New Earth Templates of Divine Love in this sacred year of 2012.  This clearing too is being experienced by Mother Earth and all Life as you further work with the karmic patterning of the collective unconsciousness of the planet and all Life upon her while shifting dimensionally. And from a place of detachment, you may well recognise that many of these "issues" are not yours sweet ones, but coming from a place of frozen planetary miasms and debris that is being transmuted on an earthly level so that all Life on this earth plane may have the opportunity to experience this Ascension process, this New Golden Age of Light. 

All these sacred activities of Light, sweet ones, culminate in the Now moment of December the 21st, as the New Earth Templates of Light come online. As you experience the Crystalline Cities of Light and the New Earth Templates of Light through these sacred portals and Christed Timelines, you activate your Light Bodies/Merkabas and the Light Body/Merkaba Mother Earth.  It is a time, sweet ones, when all that you have ever wanted to be and experience through these Christed timelines in the co-creation of Heaven on Earth becomes the reality with which you live and experience your life as these transfiguring flames of Divine Love and the Group I Am Avatar Race. In this grand celestial Cosmic celebration of Light, in this collective ascension process, all Life, within the Cosmic Law of Free Will, is being lifted into these fifth dimensional Templates of Divine Love and commences the journey forward as Solar Beings of Light. For the Earth herself becomes a Spiritual Sun and the Center of Divine Love within which you live as you take yourselves beyond the ring-passeth-nots into Solar Christ consciousness.  For this is further the point in which you able to shift into Solar Christ Consciousness, beyond the ring-passeth-nots, as you start to experience your Adam Kadmon Body of Light, your etheric, electronic body of Light through your Beloved I AM Presence, and the Adamantine Particles of the Creator Light through this sacred Ascension Flame of Divine Love. Additionally, it is through this ascension wave that your many gifts of telepathy, clairvoyance , clairaudience, teleportation, healing and many others will be magnified and activated, as you truly experience yourselves as Self Mastery; in One Unity Consciousness and Divine Love with all Life.

We invite you to join us into this sacred space, connecting with your hearts and minds energetically or physically as collectively you experience the Highest Light of Who You Are, your Beloved I AM Presence, as these sacred Flames of Divine Love in service to Mother Earth and all her Life.  Your combined efforts sweet ones, will lift the frequency of Mother Earth into this New Golden Age of Light, as together you co-create Heaven on Earth.  We look forward to this Cosmic Now moment in time with you, sweet ones, and to the many Cosmic moments in time experienced throughout this year of 2012 and many more to come.  We bless you and thank you for your service to Mother Earth and all her Life.  And with this, we bid you the most magical day.


Blessings and much Love

Anrita Melchizedek




  Anrita Melchizedek is founder of The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network.



Brought to you by The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network 


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End Game


I wonder if anyone here on this site knows who my perps are. I'm located in Vancouver, BC in Canada. It would solve alot of problems once I confront them. I can find out their intentions and what not. They have no logical reason to bother poor old me. They've been electronically harassing me for well over 8 years. When I talk to the TV or Video Game it repeats what I say. There should be evidence of me being surveillanced and controlled. If I could gather more members or victims together in the same vicinity than we can have a fighting chance. I'll even give out a massive cash reward for their names, concrete evidence and whatever because I'll get rich from the lawsuit. I'd like to share the wealth and help you retire!

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If There Is A God


If there is a God or Goddess please send assistance to me. I need financial help to fix my body and brain. I ain't afraid to ask for help when I hit rock bottom. Please send some angels to get me back on track. I would also like concrete evidence against my perps. This will be the greatest lawsuit in History.  Thanks! 

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They could use this technology in so many good ways Instead of torturing us.There are people in prison that are in there for violent crimes, perhaps they could make them non-violent. Would anybody object to them taking this mind control stuff and use it on mankind in a matter that we would all be loving and caring and non-destructive race.Instead of mind control ,it could be mind enhancement. What a concept!

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End of life choices


If you had a choice to die how would you end your life? I would prefer a nice dignified death. Drinking nembutal and die comfortably with my loved ones. I don't want to lie in bed at a hospital suffering every minute. I've already experienced Hell first hand and it's not fun. However my family and friends don't understand what I'm going through. You have to walk a thousand miles in my shoes to understand where I'm coming from. I don't plan on dying yet as I feel it's not the correct time.

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IDGA's Non-Lethal Weapons Summit

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and the future of NLW, including Directed Energy Weapons and DESTO in advance of his
• keynote speech at Non-Lethal Weapons Summit. He also evaluates the different NLW needs
of maritime and ground forces.
Less-lethal Weapons: Helping the ATF Provide a Safer Environment for the Public
How can less-lethal weapons prevent confrontation, and how are they used to provide safe environments since they’re usually deployed after split-second’ decisions? Special Agent Robert Redd, ATF Response Team, discusses how less-lethal tools are used by the ATF to reduce the level of force needed to arrest violent individuals. He also highlights real-life scenarios where less-lethal weapons were used effectively, and discusses the potential of new technologies to immobilize vehicles when they are used as weapons.
Winning Hearts and Minds. Non Lethal Weapons in COIN Operations: Part I
In what situations are riot control agents permitted? What will make COIN operations successful? In the first part of this two-part interview, Lieutenant Colonel Christian De Cock, Chief of Operational Law, Belgian Armed Forces, explores these issues as well as the shifting nature of modern warfare and the role non-lethal weapons play going forward.
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Winning Hearts and Minds, Non Lethal Weapons in COIN Operations: Part II
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Non-Lethal Systems for Surface Vessel Defense
By Rear Adm. Massimo Annati, Italian Navy (Ret)
Repurposed with permission from SNA Surface SITREP.
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Non-Lethal Weapons Summit
8/2/12 6:27 AM
Non-Lethal Weapons Summit
August 20 - 22, 2012 - The Ritz-Cailton, Pentagon City, Arlington, United States, Virginia
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Minimizing Civilian Casualties and Limiting Collateral Damage
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IDGA s Non-Lethal Weapons Summit will examine current and advanced technologies, operational and tactical efforts, requirements, legal and public acceptance, and the effects of non-lethal weapons on their targets. Keynote speakers will discuss international human rights law, the laws of armed conflict and planning considerations for the employment of less-lethal’ weapons.
Be sure to see the highly-anticipated law enforcement and military operator panels on Days 1 and 2 as well as the unique Human Effects Day!
Speakers Include:
Rear Admiral Massimo Annati
European Working Group - Non-Lethal Weapons
Lieutenant Colonel Christian De Cock
Chief of Operational Law
Belgian Armed Forces
Lieutenant Commander Kenneth Nagie
Office of Specialized Capabilities
United States Coast Guard
Raymond Gwndv
Branch Head, Escalation-of-Force
USMC Deputy Commandant for Combat
Development and Integration
Alan Ashworth, Ph.D
Senior Science Advisor
Air Force Research Laboratory
Soecial Aaent Robert Redd
Special Response Team
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and
What makes IDGA s Non-Lethal Weapons Summit your must-attend event for 2012?
Exposure to the top government agencies and military offices dedicated to strategically enabling
operators with non-lethal weapons
Updates on the force options available to war fighters and law enforcement so they can adapt to
mission needs
Discuss the latest implementation strategies and program initiatives to ensure the flexibility of our
military and law enforcers
Discover soon-to-be-fielded non-lethal weapons, highlighting effects, performance and
IPlease Select J
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‘The committee reiterates its belief that nonlethal weapons can and should play an increasingly important role in meeting the evolving requirements of U.S. military strategy.”
— Report of the Committee on Armed Services U.S. House of Representatives National Defense Authorization Act
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Fç_Less-Lethal Weapons, the Occupy Movement and Beyond: An Infographic _______ This dynamic guide identifies top examples of less-lethal weapons deployment within the
Occupy movement These tools are used globally by law enforcement and military personnel, and the demand for them is steadily rising. Discover best use practices and see which Non-Lethal Weapons Summit speakers will discuss these topics.
. e---Topic Background: Over the next ten years. the Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW) market is forecasted to emerge
as a key domain for asymmetric warfare and law enforcement technology providers. Governments worldwide have undoubtedly understood the usefulness of non-lethal weapons following lessons learned in Egypt, Israel, Iraq and Afghanistan. Unforeseen street riots and mass demonstrations over the last decade have revealed the loopholes in the security dogma of the 21st century that must be closed.
There is a growing demand from combatant commanders, law enforcement officers and political establishments for non-lethal weapons capabilities. This demand is driven by their need to win civilians’ the hearts and minds to prevent the outcry and media attention that would result from to non-combatant casualties. These requirements have influenced governments worldwide to invest in non-lethal weapons R&D and procurement dedicated to the full spectwm of public safety, law enforcement, crowd control and asymmetric warfare.
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My perps and the world

The whole world hates me. What have I done to deserve this. In my head, sometimes I will think to myself and say "I don't deserve this", and then my perps will respond to my thought and say "yes he does". My perps tell me that I deserve this type of treatment. They have threatened to get me arrested if I go out by myself. I hate this world.

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Torture of last night.

Spoke out yesterday about what is happening.  Then, awoke to an excruciating headache this morning.  I felt dizzy and could barely keep my eyes open.  Not only do they torture me with DEW that cause my body to twitch, vibrate and have unnatural pain.  But, "they" can direct something at my skull and cause unnatural pain.  It is unquestionable what is happening, these monsters are using this technology to cause brain damage and pain to innocent people, law-abiding people.  

My God help us!

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Dream? Or Nightmare?

9143058856?profile=originalI feel like I'm dreaming in the Wizard of Oz and I need to have all the attributes to wake up. I need heart, mind, and courage before I can return home. It's been so long that this dream is turning into a nightmare. I don't have enough time to wake up before this world blows itself up. I'm constantly yawning, tired, and exhausted. I feel like a 100 year old man that is weak and feeble. I should have cherished my health while I had it. It's a warning for you young whipper snappers. Do not mock your elders because one day you will fall under this category too. Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect!!  

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Here are 4 beautiful videos with Mirabei Devi & Lilou Mace


. Clean Ups Needed In The Spirituality, Personal Development Industry!!!! ~ Lilou Mace



2. Light, Lightworkers, & New Earth ~ Mirabai Devi & Lilou Mace

3. Lightworkers & Power Of The Light ~ Mirabai Devi & Lilou Mace



Peace * Blessings


Esta Lior




Please use this Light Transmission Video anytime that you would like to receive a healing activation. Please view the video in silence with an open heart to receive the Light.

It will help with healing on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual. Receiving a Light Transmission raises your vibrational frequency and your consciousness; which opens you up to more Divine Grace to come into your life. The Divine Light transmutes blockages and transforms negativity into positive energy.



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Full Moon August 2012

Click here for: The Full Moon Transmission for August 2012

The Stargate of Aldebaran

Recalibration to 72 Dimensions of Reality


The Information from the Galactic Council and energy transmission from the Archangel Metatron are to do with bringing energy through a Stargate or portal opening from the star, Aldebaran into another more expanded galactic world.  This energy will recalibrate your physical body to receive energy from 72 dimensions of reality.  The music used with the energy transmission is composed by Marcos Frangos from the Czech Republic and is called 'The Peace of 2012'.  It was composed and recorded on 5 May 2012...555.



source page:

previous transmissions:




More Information

The month of August has two full moons, today 1 August and at the end of the month on 31 August. This time period is a 'once in a blue moon' opportunity for us all to begin to recreate and recalibrate to receiving energy from 72 dimensions of reality. This expansion of energy flooding into the Earth and indeed the entire Milky Way Galaxy comes through a stargate, or energy portal, opening on the star Aldebaran. This stargate is now beginning to open as part of a Divine Plan for the evolutionary advancement of all life within this galaxy.

The focus of this Full Moon Transmission is an energy transmission from the Archangel Metatron, which is designed to immediately re-synthesize our physical bodies to receive energy from 72 dimensions of reality. I am told by Spirit that within this galaxy there are 48 dimensions of reality. Our opening into receiving energy from 72 dimensions of reality will activate and enhance human potential.

August 1 Full Moon transmission also includes information about what we can all do to move through the ascension process with ease and grace, information about which foods best support your physical body, and an energy transmission to code you to energetically improve the nutritional quality of the food you eat.

We want to continue making these transmissions free.  Please only download once, save to your computer desktop and replay from your computer desktop.  It is suggested that you listen to this transmission lying down.



Free Energy Activations

These Energy Words are a Gift from God

Important: Please read before listening

Listening to these activation transmissions will affect you on all levels of body, mind and spirit and precipitate changes which cannot necessarily be predicted. We all hold energy frequencies in our DNA, cells and energy fields, which are the result of thoughts we have created in the past or had projected at us by others. The intention of the spiritual hierarchy in bringing these sound codes through Judy as the human conduit is to prepare humanity for soul ascension and the changes that lie ahead for us all as we 'shift' in energy vibration along with the Earth, our energy 'Mother'.

Each activation is 30 minutes. It is recommended that you listen to each at least three times for optimal benefits. Wait 72 hours before listening to other transmissions and during this time drink plenty of water. If you are listening prior to joining 2008 activations then listen to each in chronological order one time beginning with October 2006.

You MAY experience fatigue or emotional swings, or you may indeed feel really happy and peaceful. Don't judge yourself or the work based on your response. YOU WILL GO THROUGH CHANGE. Uncomfortable reactions are like a detoxification process of consciousness. BE GENTLE WITH YOURSELF.



Free Energy Activations Menu:  The Three Blessings for Health, Abundance and Joy...and more


Ascension and You:  Energy work to clear and work with current ascension symptoms


Karma Klear:  Energy activations to clear belief systems created by past and current life trauma




About 'The Sound of Light'


I have been trained by Spirit to speak 'Energy Words of New Creation' in the form of a spiritual light language, very rapid frequencies of sound and light that are transmitted through my hands and voice. 

I work together with the Elohim, the Creator aspect of God, the various Galactic Councils, the Ascended Masters and the Angelic Realms to bring this energy work and information forward as part of a Divine Plan. It is to do with consciousness evolution and physical recreation for the Earth and the people of the Earth. 

The Light Language that I speak is energy - sound, vibration and coding - designed to activate soul memory, restructure the energy circuits of the body, clear karmic energy distortion, and recode the DNA. The DNA recoding energy is transmitted by the Elohim. It is designed to activate a process of re-genesis so that as the Earth is advanced to a fifth dimensional energy pattern, so too might we. Much of this process is automatic. My work acts as a catalyst, to prepare as many people as quickly possible to hold higher dimensional light. 

I have created this website like a library of information and energy transmissions to assist you through Earth's ascension process and to more easily do the service work that YOU have come to do.


source website:

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Here are two writings on the subject of channeling by Joshua David Stone:
i. On Channeling
ii. The Issue of Using External Channels


I hope enjoy!
Peace * Blessings
Esta Lior


I. On Channeling

A great many people in this world think that if it is channeled, it is true. Nothing could be further from the truth. Not only is most channeling coming from the Mental or Astral Plane, but even when it is coming from the Ascended Masters and/or Spiritual Planes, because of the nature of channeling, it is filled with the belief systems, personality, philosophies, and personal agendas of the person who is doing the channeling. The development of one’s consciousness enormously affects the channeling process, even within the finest channels on this planet.

For a channel for GOD and/or the Ascended Masters is only as good as the development of one’s consciousness in a holistic perspective. If a person’s consciousness is not developed and balanced, the channelings and all psychic readings for that matter that come through that person will reflect that imbalance and ultimately be in danger of negative ego corruption, personal agendas, and contamination by the belief system of the person who gives the channeling or psychic reading!

This is not a judgement upon channelers, it is just the nature of the process of channeling itself. To give an example here, a person who is developed in the First Ray of Power will bring through powerful, commanding, and charismatic channelings. If developed in the Second Ray of Love/Wisdom, the channeling will be filled with love and Spiritual wisdom. If developed in the Third Ray of Active Intelligence, the channelings will reflect keen intellectual knowledge and very practical information, whereas a person developed in the Fourth Ray of Harmony and Beauty will bring through very poetic and beautiful words. If, however, the channeler is not developed in the First Ray, the information will lack a certain power, and if undeveloped in the Second Ray, lack certain Unconditional Love and/or specific Spiritual Wisdom.

A person developed in the Fifth Ray will bring forth incredible New Age science information, a person developed in the Sixth Ray will bring forth very devotional channelings, and if developed in the Seventh Ray, the channelings will come through in a very Divine order, with a certain pomp and circumstance.

Now, let’s have a look at the channeling process from the lens of the Chakra system. We all know that we create our own reality by how we think. This manifests within the Chakras as the Chakras being too open, too closed, or balanced. The overstimulation or understimulation of the Chakras is connected to our seven major glands. Improper thinking causes the Chakras to be overactive or underactive, which causes the glands to be overactive or underactive.

Well, let’s have a look at the channeling process now. If developed in the First Chakra, the person will be very grounded and their channelings will be very attuned to Mother Earth; if there is only little energy in the First Chakra, the channeling will be very heavenly or mentally oriented. If overactive in the Second Chakra, channelings will be very emotional in nature and usually very creative and poetic; if undeveloped in this Chakra, the channelings will be dry and intellectual. If a person is overactive in the Third Chakra, the channeling will be powerful and commanding, and timid, shy, and soft if underactive. Fourth Chakra: channelings will either be extremely loving and flowery, or very scientific and dry. Fifth Chakra: channelings are either highly communicative or focused on silent meditation. Sixth Chakra: highly mental and filled with visions and psychic experiences, or just very technical information. And if the Crown Chakra is overactive, then there will be a lot of information and light, but it will be very ungrounded and not integrated. It will be Spiritually uplifting but the person receiving the channeling will not know how to integrate it. If undeveloped in this Chakra, channeling will be more earthly in nature.

Every thought you think is reflected in the Chakras. Every negative ego thought you allow in your mind will reflect itself in the Chakras as being overactive or underactive. It is only when you practice and realize the goal of becoming an Integrated Melchizedek/Christ and Buddha that your Chakras can truly be balanced. Perfectly balanced Chakras are a byproduct of becoming an Integrated Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha. The ideal channel of information for the Aquarian Age is to become as integrated and balanced as possible within self, so the Love, Wisdom, Power that comes through your channel is integrated and balanced in nature.

This means carrying a balance of the Seven Rays. This means carrying a balance of the Three-Fold Flame of GOD of Love, Wisdom, and Power. This means reflecting a balance of the Seven Chakras, as well as the Twelve Major Archetypes, and the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac. It is perfectly in Divine Order for everyone to reflect a certain Ray or theme of GOD for that is how GOD created us.

So, the key understanding here is not that everyone should be exactly the same, or do channelings exactly the same way. The ideal is that every person strive to become an Integrated Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha in their practice of the Presence of GOD on Earth, and in doing so, even though your channelings may have a tinge or theme of your own monadic and Soul Ray, your channelings will also be reflective of being an Integrated Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha! One last thought on the issue of channeling: an enormous number of people and Lightworkers give their power to external channelings! Lightworkers are being asked by the Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy to be much more discerning regardless of who the external channeled entity claims to be.

Remember, in truth, there is no such thing as channeling. There are only people at different levels of Psychological and Spiritual development bringing through guidance that is being reinterpreted by all their filters, lenses, belief systems, subconscious programming, and level of Psychological vision. Take all external channeling with a grain of salt, and trust your own inner guidance above all else for the above mentioned reasons, and never give your power or your Spiritual discrimination and sword of discernment away ever again!




II. The Issue of Using External Channels


When I use the term "external channel", what I mean is someone who is channeling other than your own channel and inner guidance. The guidance I give you here may surprise you.


There is a common belief among some Lightworkers who say you should only rely on your own channel and inner guidance. I don't agree with this. That belief is too independent. On the other side of the coin, many, many Lightworkers are too dependent upon one or many external channels, and don't trust their own inner guidance. The ideal is interdependence, and this has its reflection in the issue of external channels.


Let's begin with the understanding that there is not a channel or medium who has ever channeled, who is not doing it through their own personality and their own information banks on some level. This even applies to the greats such as Edgar Cayce, Alice Bailey, and Godfrey Ray King. This is the nature of channeling. It is always colored somewhat by the personality, information banks, past lives, ray configuration of the channel, mission, and so on.


Some channels are much clearer and more advanced than others. Much of the channeling in this world, over 90% is astral and mental plane channeling and has not even touched the spiritual plane. This is why Lightworkers need to be very discerning. There is an interesting phenomenon among Lightworkers that I have noticed. If you say it's channeled, they believe it and if it is not, they are likely to not believe it.


This is faulty thinking. There is so much confusion of this issue of channeling. Just because someone tells you they are channeling the Ascended Masters doesn't mean they really are. I don't care if they have written 20 books that they say are channeled by the Ascended Masters. Lightworkers are often way too gullible.


The Ascended Masters may indeed come through at times but the information may be contaminated by personality and negative ego and other distortions as much as 50% to 75%. Lightworkers must learn not to give their power to channels as is so often done.


I am going to give two examples here, and normally I never do this, for I don't want to come across as judging or critical of others. I also don't want to embarrass other Lightworkers who are often very sincere, beautiful people who have some distortion in their channel and program. I am going to make an exception to this rule because this issue is so very important.


The first example is the work of Elizabeth Claire Prophet. The Masters have guided me to stay away from her work, even though she is one of the most well known Ascended Master channels. I am not saying all her work is bad, for it isn't. I have looked through her stuff and I have gained a few points. I think most Lightworkers recognize though, that something is not right with her program. She is channeling the Masters, yet there is an enormous contamination going on.


The second example is the I AM America Map, which you probably have seen. Here again this is supposed to have come form the Ascended Masters, yet it is extremely distorted and faulty information. That map may have been a possibility 50 years ago, but it is total illusion now. I mean this as no judgment, but I have checked this out very completely with the Masters.


I bring these examples up to point a word of caution in regards to channeling of all kinds, even those that claim to and/or do channel the Ascended Masters. I am sure they are helping many people, for distortions don't discount their whole spiritual path.


Sometimes astral or mental beings claim they are Ascended Masters and take on their names and the channel doesn't realize it. Sometimes the person is channeling their own subconscious mind and thinks it is a Master. Other times, they are channeling a thoughtform and not a real being. There are millions of Lightworkers on this planet whose normal every day talking is far more advanced than 98% of the channels on this planet.


Now on the other side of the coin, is the point of view that one should only get guidance from inside oneself, that every person is an island unto themselves. This is dangerous also because as I just said, everyone receives inner guidance through their own "lens", so to speak. One should obviously trust oneself above all else. "Above all else to thine own self be true."


Even though this clearly is the case when dealing with channeling, it is very important to be interdependent and sometimes check things out with other channels of a diverse background. When one is channeling sometimes some very strange information can come through and sometimes confirmation is needed from other sources. This is part of group consciousness. If a person believes they should never get guidance from anyone but from themselves, then they should also never read a spiritual book.


What do you think books like the Keys of Enoch, Course in Miracles, Alice Bailey books, Edgar Cayce material, Urantia, Theosophy, Tibetan Foundation, I Am Discourses, and even the Bible are? They are channelings by other people.


I forgot to mention in the previous paragraph that people often channel information they read in books that their personality thinks is true, like the I Am Map. It is obviously wonderful to read and study the channelings of others in books that people write, including this one.


After we hear or read the information, we need to check it out with our own inner guidance, channel, intuition, and spiritual discernment. No one person channels the whole prism, so to speak. In my series of books, which I have collectively called The Easy-To-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path, I have attempted to give a view through the lens of the entire prism by writing an encyclopedia of everything regarding religious, spiritual, philosophical, and psychological matters.


I personally find it exciting to see life through the lenses of other Masters and channels instead of just my own personal ascension lineage and ray configuration. It must be made clear again that just because it is in a channeled spiritual book doesn't make it true either. I am amazed how gullible Lightworkers can be with some of the books that are out there that are channeled and have enormously contaminated and inaccurate information.


What causes the contamination? This can be caused by negative ego, the personality, their philosophy, negative emotions, past lives, the photon belt, power, greed, fame, fatigue, moodiness, past books they have read, limited information banks in their subconscious mind from past lives on a given subject, the Dark Brotherhood causing interference, astral entities, negative implants and negative elementals, lack of psychological clarity, the level of initiation, whether they are operating out of the master a, b or c grid, and the biggest of all, their belief system! Other causes are their ray configuration, monad and soul, improper integration of the twelve major archetypes, their astrological configuration, electromagnetic interference, even physical health problems, to name a few.


Any one or all of these are effecting channels. I hope this makes Lightworkers a little more discerning in the future. Saying they are channeling the Masters means absolutely nothing. My guidance to you is to never give your power away to an external channel. Even though I say this, I also say that one shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water. Even people who are channels themselves need feedback and confirmation at times.


The fact is, 98% of the world's people are not clairaudient channels and cannot talk directly with the Masters. So, their information is limited to a certain extent. For those of you who would like information about yourself, such as your initiation level, or ray configuration, or light quotient level, and you would like help, there is absolutely nothing wrong with getting help from a qualified channel.


This is the key: finding a qualified channel. Finding one good external channel is better than having a thousand readings from mediocre channels. A channel is only as good as the level of evolution of their own soul, mental body, emotional body, and overall psychological clarity.


So as you can see, I am pointing out both the dangers of channeling and the benefits. The key is to not over-depend on external channels as a great many Lightworkers do, and to not isolate yourself or under-depend either. Even when using external channels, which is not really that different from reading a book or going to a lecture, be discerning and take what is of value and cast that which is not away.


Another most interesting phenomena in the New Age spiritual movement is how the great channels of the past such as Edgar Cayce, Godfrey Ray King, and Madam Blavatsky, have been immortalized by their followers. They actually believe that there are no other channels or telepaths of any value since the incarnation of these teachers. The absurdity of this is beyond belief.


In truth, this is what traditional religion also has done by stating that the only teachings that are true are those of Jesus, Mohammed, Moses, Buddha, or Krishna. What this does, whether we are speaking of traditional religion or the New Age movement, is to keep people locked into a specific time period in the past. Their consciousness is locked in 1942, 1930, 1890, the year zero, or 500 B.C. To think that there is only one prophet of God, or only one channel of God, is ridiculous and such beliefs should be let go of quickly without judgment.


God has incarnated into every human being, every animal, every plant, and every rock. God is always evolving and bettering Him/Herself. Don't stay locked into some past teaching. I am not saying you shouldn't study completely these past teachings, for I am the greatest advocate of this. I have written this encyclopedia to make this easy for everyone to do.


I love the Alice Bailey books and theosophy, and the Tibetan Foundation. However, even this information is constantly evolving and becoming updated. This is what I have been presenting in this book and my other books. Djwhal Khul prophesized in the Alice Bailey books that there would be a third dispensation of Ascended Master teachings towards the end of the century following the Theosophical Movement of Madam Blavatsky, and Alice Bailey. That which you read now is a part of this third dispensation he spoke of at that time. The Masters have told me that there may be as many as 40 books or more in this series by the year 2012.


In closing, regarding using an external channel, when you need help in this manner don't be afraid to ask for help. Find a good channel. Still be discerning and don't become over-dependent on the channel. We are all interdependent beings and asking for help in this regard is not different than any other service you offer Lightworkers. We are here to help each other, not be islands unto ourself. Taking advantage of a good external channel, or psychic for that matter, is not different than reading a good book or going to a good lecture. Integrate it from the perspective of not giving your power away, and it can be a wonderful tool, asset, and catalyst for spiritual growth.

{from the book Cosmic Ascension, Chapter 16 Cosmic Ascension Training}

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