All Posts (12217)
Acknowledge that war is not a natural human trait, but rather a learned human behavior.
Embrace Justice and International Equity as a way of Peace.
Unmask the self destructive tendencies of War Making.Freeze Military Budgets at the current level and reduce them every year by 20% putting the savings into UN currency that can only be used for Human NEEDS, & Environmental Cleanup.
Learn to love and appreciate ALL biological Organisms....and the intricacies of the web of Life!
Teach your Children to Make Peace, to break the habit of anger and violence.
See Yourself as One with your Planet HOME, a child of the Universe capable of feeling a blow to any part of
the life System anywhere in the UNIVERSE.
The web of life is intricately CONNECTED and Fragile. Fracture it and we are all Doomed.
AND FROM JURASSIC PARK: Dr Malcolm said he was staggered by the lack of humility of mankind before Nature. Men wielding an awesome power,"like a kid who just found his Dads Gun"
The lack of Humanity exchanged for Power, it breaks my Heart and I know all of you truly understand. It is really something that has consumed me my whole life, maybe just the lack of humanity, I really thought by the time I died I would be "wise" confusion gone. I think when that day occurs I will be no different. I understood Jesus a while ago, nothing has changed. I pray every night for life, eight years now. I pray for you and your children too.
April 3, 2011
VT State Senator Bernie Sanders
Burlington, Vermont 05401
Hand Delivered
VT State Senator Patrick Leahy
Burlington, Vermont 05401
Hand Delivered
Pursuant to past correspondence to your offices, I have not received a response.
I know you are doing your best to be attentive to this matter trying to put an end to State-Sponsored Terrorism with Satellite Space-Based Directed Energy Weapon Systems and Organized Community Group Stalking or COINTELPRO operations– designed to torture, abuse, injure and slow kill this defenseless American citizen in addition to criminal, unethical, amoral, risky experimentation by SRI (Stanford Research Institute), Lockheed Martin and U C Berkeley.
There are thousands of others in Vermont alone who don’t have a clue about what is going on. I am talking about ordinary citizens like yourself who are not being abused and slow killed with EM Torture Technology but who are instead being used for the profits of large global multi-million/ multi-billion dollar corporations – Americans who have come down with a form of cancer, heart disease, arthritis or another serious ailment. Or, maybe you know someone with a bad knee or a stiff shoulder or someone who is losing his or her eyesight. This insidious Mind – Body Invasive Technology does it all. People cannot be expected to know about the technology when the media is under strict orders to keep it quiet.
Others are being used without their informed consent or knowledge for new drug clinical trials. Still others to test the latest directed energy weapon systems; i.e., slow-kill EM torture weapons manufactured by Lockheed Martin and Raytheon, for example. No one is going to sign up to be tortured and it is, therefore, doled out to those deemed ‘undesirable.’ All of the above is targeted on those deemed 'undesirable' and that unlucky portion of the population consists of the entire senior community - including those who have worked hard their entire lives. It also includes former government employees, whistleblowers, prisoners, people on disability, single women, the homeless and others. When this happens to people – they often end up homeless.
No one will ever again know if a medical condition they have developed is due to so-called ‘natural causes’ or was just as easily the creation of artificial electronic U. S. Patent Technology. THINK TANKS and corporate contractors to the Pentagon are collecting huge taxpayer dollars and classifying their work as research and development. It is called making people sick and profiting from it.
Isn't it time people started asking some questions (?)
What happened to Congresswoman, Gabrielle Giffords and six others who died; Andrea Yates who drowned her five children in the bath tub after the voice of God told her that her children could be saved if she drowned them. Andrea Yates who had never been diagnosed as schizophrenic and was reportedly a good mother - IT'S REALLY NOT ALL THAT DIFFERENT FROM MY BEING TOLD THAT MY SON WOULD BE SAFE IF I COOPERATED; the Columbine and Virginia Tech shootings; Timothy McVeigh who was involved in the Oklahoma Federal Building bombing; and the military wife who recently shot her son and went home and executed her daughter. These are the more visible faces of Mind - Body Invasive U. S. Patent Technology that puts voices in the heads of people who can be programmed and mind controlled to kill – compliments of U. S. government intelligence agencies, its THINK TANKS and corporate contractors. It can happen anywhere, any time with weapons like Silent Sound and Microwave Auditory Effect – weapons systems that are deployed - being secretly unleashed on the unwitting American public. The name Lockheed – Martin comes to mind as does SRI International as major offenders and criminal organizations involved in these military applications. Some targets (victims) have been threatened their entire adult lives; others throughout their childhoods. These people who do the shooting are not only killers – they are victims of the most horrific weapons ever to be manufactured by evil malicious men of science and used by intelligence agencies such as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) whose long-time quest for a Manchurian Candidate I understand continues to be ongoing.
I’ve had the technology directed at me; and know the kind of damage it can do – deliberately intentionally targeting unwitting American citizens and carried out by criminals wearing an Armani sweater and slacks and loafers with tassels – in full disguise. Like the Mafia in a tuxedo.
Another side of Mind – Body Invasive U. S. Patent Technology I will describe as a ‘psychological’ warfare tool. It is not only being done to women - but also men over the age of 50. I see it all around me – it can be written on people's faces. During the summer months when women sometimes expose bare legs beneath a dress or skirt, evidence can be seen of a mechanical – electronic system on the backs of their calf muscles running down the leg. It isn't just me they're going after with a vengeance. I am able to identify these things because the technology leaves visible signs behind. Evidence appears to be saying that somehow the U. S. government is able to target populations of people whether it's via the HAARP facility or the cell phone towers, I wouldn't know – but people are being targeted and there's no question about it.
When someone suddenly begins to appear old with 'wrinkles' on their face and neck with a breakdown of collagen it is automatically attributed to getting old when it often is nothing of the sort. It is artificial electronically manufactured and just mimics getting old – but in fact is something quite different.
I enclose a personal photo gallery so that you will have a greater understanding of what this hideous Mind – Body Invasive Technology is capable of doing – and to give you a glimpse into my life since it came to a screeching halt.
A 'handler' as the CIA calls themselves or a technician sits at a display screen in a remote location with his “illuminati” pen to point of influence where he spends his nights assaulting my face and neck. wRINKLES IN THE FACE ARE ACCOMPLISHED USING ADVANCED NANOTECHNOLOGY AND THE APPLICATION OF AN ILLUMINATI PEN TO POINT OF INFLUENCE WHERE IT LIGHTS UP THE DISPLAY SCREEN AND TRANSFERS TO MY FACE. Artificial electronic pockets are manufactured around the eyes and filled with fluid or air transforming delicate area around the eyes which is smooth and unlined as reflected in recent photos into a mass of wrinkles and other 'aged' appearance. They are even able to alter the texture of the skin as well so that it takes on an 'aged' appearance. Other areas of the face are assaulted using various techniques but basically to artificially electronically manufacture wrinkles (lines) a template is used and modified to the face being worked over. The technician more or less uses his pen to display screen to sketch wrinkles and moves from one area to the next.
The 1st area of my face the technician set out to destroy two years ago was the area above lips between nose and mouth and inside laugh lines. Nano devices which appear on the surface of the skin as tiny pimples or bumps were used as markers with penciled (penned) in vertical lines emerging out from these tiny devices and also take on the appearance of a 'V' shape on top of the tiny pimple/bump. By tweaking a nerve, a squiggly line can be created - for a variety of wrinkles. When the technician completed the job and before moving on to the next area of my face, he would tweak or "activate" the nano devices with a frequency so as to reinforce what he'd done and as a way of threatening me... as though nudging me with a "ha ha ha - look what we can do"
before moving on to the next area of my face which turned out to be my jawline.
I should note here that just before they began assaulting my face - one morning I was standing at the bathroom mirror - having just gotten up - I looked in the mirror and my face was covered with wrinkles but only for a split second - just enough to register, as though a mask had been put in place and quickly whisked away. Perhaps to imprint the image on my visual cortex.
When this procedure is 1st undertaken, the face is targeted minimally and then they go back later and fill in where they left off - so it's not an immediate monumental shock so as not to alarm friends, etc. with the drastic alteration. Robbing one of his/her physical identity is in line with engineering the maximum deleterious effect on victim's psyche. As I was reminded for a 2nd time not long ago - "Little by little we will break you." It is designed to ultimately cause target (victim) to self destruct. Victims are disposed of in a variety of ways - some kill themselves to escape the pain and injury that is so severe; others are targeted with the Remote Heart Attack weapon (the other Vermont ti, Kay Barnes, was killed in this way in July, 2009. There was no autopsy done and her death was chalked up to heart 'attack;' others are given lethal diseases - others are slow killed and come down with diseases and still others are sometimes poisoned - all done covertly / remotely. That way nobody gets in trouble. Convenient, isn't it (?)
My son was viciously attacked over the Thanksgiving holiday and was almost out the door ready to go to the hospital when it ended as abruptly as it began -like the flick of a light switch which he simply couldn't figure out and because he has been so thoroughly brainwashed into not believing any of this – I could not convince him of the truth of the matter. I went into the other room and documented in my diary that I intended to notifly the FBI and they immediately backed off. Maybe they're afraid of the FBI (?) His (L) side was targeted just up under the rib cage delivering pain; and he believed there was something seriously wrong – obviously! >BODY INVASIVE< they can give you any disease known to man or they can scare you into believing something is seriously wrong.
Those who have been given diseases have no way of proving that their DNA was altered or that a few damaged cells were introduced or that their autoimmune system was disseminated BECAUSE IT IS INCONCEIVABLE AND INCOMPREHENSIBLE THAT THIS IS GOING ON and going on IT IS. People like Apple's Steve Jobs who suspiciously came down with pancreatic cancer at 43. I'd say that Silicon Valley is not big enough for a giant like Apple and the Stanford Research Institute and Mr. Jobs is being taken out.
I was told a super computer within split seconds spit out methods of operation designed to break or destroy me – PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSASSINATION IT'S CALLED . First, they would go after my son; 2nd they would destroy my face. Your tax dollars are not only going to bomb Libya with cruise missles – they also pay these idiots they call handlers to do this sort of thing and while I don't mean to scare you - you could be next.
With this technology, they can rearrange your brain;
With this technology, they can rearrange your face
With this technology, they can give you any form of cancer; heart disease, every joint crippled with arthritis – and everything else.
This is where your tax dollars are going; and it's all kept quiet.
American citizens over 50 years of age are easier to destroy with fewer questions asked. This technology allows seniors to be made to look old and infirmed very quickly as I said and when death comes it's no surprise. With younger targets, they cannot rearrange their faces because their collagen and everything is still firmly structured and intact – they are manipulated in other ways almost as evil as destroying a person's face -the result of which steals one's identity and further isolates the target and this is what they set out to do.
Entire senior communities are being targeted – senior recreational facilities as well as HUD housing which shows evidence of being blanket targeted.
Getting back to my face – It's kind of like the reverse of how a plastic surgeon works. In the case of my neck – my body is manipulated and within seconds (like the flick of a light switch) extreme changes take place to exaggerate a wrinkled-up transformation on a face that has none. With an illuminati pen at the display screen he pencils in an outline at precise location/s he intends to target as you'll notice in photos. On Wednesday night last at 12:32 a.m. I was awakened and noticed it was difficult to swallow and that my throat was sore. The next morning I captured zoom-in photographic shots of what had been done the night before when the operator implanted and positioned nano devices at center (mid) points of my neck. Photographs reveal how the neck is marked in ink and manipulated with the application of psychotronic weaponry and trickery – much the way a plastic surgeon uses a marker; and, of course, this procedure was fashioned and engineered by medical doctors some of whom were obviously schooled in the specialty of plastic surgery at SRI International aka the Stanford Research Institute in one of their 150 medical – scientific laboratories in Menlo Park, CA where this sort of thing goes on in the shadows. It's all so reminiscent of Adolph Hitler and the German Reich; Pol Pot – Cambodia's ruthless dictator; the Rwandan genocide and wherever such a hatred for mankind exists. It's now in the United States and leaders dare to show themselves on television talking about democracy as though it still exists in this country. Elected officials are seen on the street with a security detail. Are these same elected officials concerned about their safety with regard to the weapon's research they endorse to fund each year with billions and billions of taxpayer dollars - weapons technology used to target, torture and murder defenseless American citizens (?)
It's one thing to grow old. We all will eventually as the natural course of events. It's quite another story to have a bunch of high-ranking flunkies in the military and criminal contractors to the Pentagon hell bent on my destruction and working feverishly towards that end.
Please let me know what is being done about this breach of my civil liberties and gross criminal violations of the law not to mention the Constitution - if anyone in a position of authority still believes it stands for something.
Lynn C. Bahrenburg
Enclosure (Photos)
cc: Burlington Mayor Bob Kiss w/enclosures
Letter and photos also to: VT STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL, WILLIAM SORRELL, ESQ. hand delivered
I have been speculating about why we were targeted and what their criteria possible could be for targeting us.
So I have some questions to you all:
Do any of you victims have either a parent or family member that suffers from ALS, ALzheimer, Parkinson or Stroke? (or other brain diseases that possibly could be passed over to the next generation)
Or do any of you have a parent who committed suicide, or did any of you lost a parent in quite an early age?
These are patterns I have seen when speaking with some victims, it could be coincidences but it´s worth a check.
Also I have found that when leaving blood for lab tests, my torture goes down. The majority of victims seem to be men, men usually have better blood results than women, I have very good blood results (much blood in the body system) and when leaving blood, as said the torture goes down. That makes me wonder if they somehow use our blood for making the radiation with their weapons more efficient, and the more blood, the more effect their weapons will have...and when thinking about it, our blood really contains a lot that could benefit the radiation. So what about you victims blood results? These are all speculations, I could be totally out of line here, but it´s important we look for similarities in our histories, in trying to find out why this is done to us, and why us??//Annie
Hi everyone,
I haven't been here much lately. Intend to post a whole bunch of photos very soon so you will learn even more about psychotronic weaponry and trickery. It will boggle your mind that this wretched technology is capable of even so much more in the way of holographic projections. They have messed with the cd where i posted the photos but will get it straightened out.
Regards, Lynn
Post creato in data 04 dicembre 2010 ore 2:00 AM
10) from Italy (case 77 of the list Association weapons victims mental AVAE-m)
Mi hanno diagnosticato un acufeni soggettivo,ma le posso dire con tutta franchezza che il ronzio nell'emisfero destro che sento, è da me identificato come un micropimpianto. Quando (a distanza) alzano il volume in maniera smisurata,mi và letteralmente a fuoco l'emisfero destro. Per me, Campo MAGNETICO = ELETTRICITà ed ELETTRICITà = CALORE , CALORE = BRUCIORE e BRUCIORE = DOLORE fortissimo. Ho usato un esempio banale per rammentare che non è solo fastidioso,ma che scotta e usando un altro esempio con parole mie è come avere il FUOCO di SANT'ANTONIO o HERPES localizzato però all'interno della testa. SCOOOOOTTA aaaaaaa fa male e sono solo esempi che cerco di trovare per descrivere ciò. Io sono un MANCINO ed ho il problema generalizzato nell'emisfero DESTRO. Paolo Dorigo è destromame ed ha il problema generalizzato nell'EMISFERO SINISTRO.
Io dispongo già di un'ecografia che presenzia un corpo estraneo di natura non biologica dello spessore di 1,2 mm. Allego delle foto del mio braccio destro dove è stato rilevato il corpo estraneo. Sono eziandio sicuro di averne in testa ed in altre parti del corpo e ne ho trovato almeno uno dopo anni di ricerche e di inutili diverbi e tentativi superficiali e mal eseguti. ALLEGO INOLTRE FOTO DELLA NUCA dove è evidente una CICATRICE GRANDE UNA CAPOCCHIA DI SPILLO. HO UN RICORDO molto NITIDO di aver subito un'iniezione a NOVEMBRE 2007 e molto dolorosa nel cranio. In testa ho altre cicatricine simili e che ogni tanto spurgano liquido. Da miei studi ho potuto constatare che sono più o meno in prossimità di meridiani cinesi come nella tabella che allego e questo dato non và preso sottogamba.
- Italian Association, Scientific and Juridical, Against Mental, Physical and Technological Abuses
(acronym asijca-mft)
I have an echography with a"foreign body". Thickness is 1,2 mm.
I do not give my radiological evidence to anyone,
only those who really affect my case.
Michael from U.S.A. with skype has seen my radiological evidence, and he showed me his.
Michael did the surgery on his right arm and on 25 May 2010 in AISJCA there is a picture of the foreign body.
Thank you Michael, you are a very friend !!!
Thank you for your contact SKYPE :o]
*▬ *▬*
3 holes perfect and
1cm and 1cm of distance
Uhm ehm a job of surgeon or Neuroscientist !!!
Avambraccio destro.
Espianto chirurgico del "corpo estraneo" avvenuto in data 25 maggio 2010
Rovereto (Trento)- Marghera (Venezia)
La ns.terza convention nazionale si è tenuta a BOLOGNA presso l'Hotel Pallone
ACOFOINMENEFLa ns.terza convention nazionale si è tenuta a BOLOGNA presso l'Hotel Pallone via Pallone vicino stazione Fs Bologna centrale
dalle ore 10 alle ore 19 di domenica 13 dicembre
ordine del giorno:
- Responsabili regionali e incarichi specifici ARGOMENTO RIMANDATO AL 10 GENNAIO
- Ricerca medici chirurghi e studi legali AGGIORNAMENTI
- Casa collettiva ARGOMENTO TRATTATO
- Strumenti di protezione individuali ARGOMENTO TRATTATO
Alla riunione sono ammessi i membri attivi, le Vittime in contatto con noi, i ns.sostenitori ufficiali
Dopo le riunioni e congresso AVae-m (2007) e le prime riunioni ACOFOINMENEF (luglio 2009 Marghera, settembre 2009 Torino), ottima riuscita e partecipazione della 3a riunione, a Bologna presso l'Hotel Pallone.
La prossima riunione è convocata per le 9,30 del giorno domenica 10 gennaio 2009 sempre a Bologna stesso luogo. Complessivamente alle prime 3 riunioni hanno partecipato 24 diverse Vittime ed alcuni sostenitori.
BILANCIO 2a riunione nazionale ACOFOINMENEF
BILANCIO 2a riunione nazionale ACOFOINMENEF (che è seguita agli incontri di Marghera giugno 2007, Anzio congresso settembre 2007, Bologna ottobre 2007, Milano dicembre 2007, della AVae-m, e alla riunione di Marghera 25 luglio 2009).
Dopo la prima riunione di Marghera, cui avevano partecipato Vittime del Veneto, Lombardia, Piemonte, Emilia Romagna e Calabria, si è svolta in un ottimo clima di lavoro la 2a riunione nazionale, cui hanno partecipato Vittime del Veneto, Lombardia, Piemonte, Lazio. Assenti giustificati Maria Russo in TSO a Roma, Matteo Teone in TSO a Rovereto, il caso censito n.3 in malattia, il ns.sostenitore Marco Sacchi per impegni di famiglia, la ns.coordinatrice per la Liguria Fernanda Ferrari per motivi tecnici, un caso censito dalla Germania, un caso censito da Novara, entrambi per difficoltà oggettive, un caso censito dal Veneto per problemi di salute. Hanno dato la loro adesione decine di Vittime, che telefonicamente abbiamo riscontrato il giorno prima, dalla Calabria alla Toscana, dagli Abruzzi all’Emilia Romagna alle Marche alle Puglie alla Campania, ecc. Si è espressa solidarietà a “Sir Violet” con una comunicazione telefonica: la rappresaglia economica di regime colpisce anche questo audace sputtanatore di messaggi subliminali nascosti nella pubblicità, autore del film POSTUMANO, scaricabile dal web.
Si è convocata per novembre la 3a riunione nazionale, da tenersi a Bologna per favorire la partecipazione delle Vittime dalla Toscana dall’Emilia Romagna e dalle Marche ed Abruzzi.
Altre notizie saranno rese note di volta in volta.
Si è confermato lo Statuto provvisorio ed incaricato il caso censito n.80 di provvedere alla stesura di una bozza di statuto Onlus.
Casi censiti persone prestatesi a comportam.provoc. Lazio 1
Casi censiti persone prestatesi a comportam.provoc. Toscana 1
Casi censiti persone prestatesi a comportam.provoc. Veneto 1
Casi censiti persone prestatesi a comportam.provoc. Trentino 1
Nessun ALIAS. TEONE è il nomignolo che mi ha dato il maestro elementare e brigatista Dorigotti che di recente è stato querelato e denunciato per diffamazione.
Verranno aggiunte le email e se finamente riuscirò a terminare l'intelaiatura del mio sito,verrà resa finalmente pubblica tutta la sua ssurda trovata denigratoria che è al pari dei torturatori.
Forti con i deboli,ma deboli con i forti.
Un infame resterà sempre un infame e in Sicilia non è bello esser etichettato come un INFAME.
Sembra di essere a scuola con il
maestro che poi mette la nota sul registro perfino se manchi ai suoi meeting,
scrive pure gli assenti ingiustificati. Ma robe da matti ...
Matteo Matthew DJ AtlantiTeo Italian €uro case n.77 CENSITO
e-mail prioritaria inviata sabato 26 marzo 2011 20.53.29
Facebook violazione Dorigo (; polizia di trento (; MORENICA ******; PAOLO BARNARD (comparaggio) (********; DIA PADOVA (********; ANGELA T(*****; LUOGOTENENTE FALAI (GDF Rovereto) (******; Ten. Col.llo Loris Echelon Esercito Italiano (******; AVV 1 (*******; AVVOCATO-MAGISTRATO C P (*******; FACEBOOK 3 (; ROBERTINA BIONDINA (************; DOC 1;;; MASSIMO BALDI (RAI TRENTO) (******; INCHIESTA77 l'ADIGE (******; INCHIESTA RAI (******; taveseventyONE (*****; BIG KING (WH) (*******; facebook offert (; Guardia di FINANZA (***; AVV CORONA PATRIZIA (*******
QUALE è il nome della setta? Vorrei sapere quale è il nome della setta perchè siccome questa è una delle ennesime falsità abominevoli di un uomo allo sbando,vorrei tanto sapere dalla POLIZIA POSTALE, dalla QUESTURA e dalla GUARDIA di FINANZA se appartengo a qualche setta ed eventualmente che mi comunichino il nome visto che costui è un INFAME e un provocatore oltre che un falso ipocrita pieno di bestialità.
Si precisa inoltre che non ho ricevuto nessuna diffida dal presunto cica-t,e che semmai chiesi delucidazioni a due loro appartenenti per una presunta operazione chirurgica in quanto venivo avvisato che c'era un tavolo operatorio pronto per me e per il sig. Dorigo a Roma in data 21 dicembre 2010,ma non ricevevo nessuna risposta alla mia e-mail di chiarimenti,oltre a non aver mai avuto nessuna diffida scritta da essi. Quante sono le menzogne e le bugie? Chi è il vero provocatore,che poi inscena di attribuire ad altri provocaszioni subìte? Quanti sono coloro che hanno abbandonato la sua pseudo-associazione e di cui poi egli invece scrive il contrario e cioè che è lui che li ha cacciati? Chi è l'abile truffaldino mentitore che inguiria sia con lo scritto che con il linguaggio verbale e cambia le carte in tavola milioni di volte come era solito fare un mio parente che chiamo serpente e che almeno nella vita mi ha insegnato a inquadrare subito questo tipo di persone?
Aggiunti anche AVVOCATI.
Allego di nuovo screen-shot.
Quale è il nome della setta?
Questa persona sta scrivendo autentiche falsità e nefandezze e prive di fondamento.
Io non faccio parte di nessuna setta e ciò è di una falsità e assurdità abnormale.
La querela per DIFFAMAZIONE c'è e resta.
Aggiungo anche
Ecco il sito o pagina sociale facebook da dove sono stati attinti gli screen-shot.
Se non verranno riscontrate prove oggettive,ma DIFFAMAZIONE nei miei confronti attendo sentenza nei confronti del calunniatore.
... ( ) Matteo Teone: non abbiamo più rapporti con lui sin dal 2009, a parte una sua presenza a S.Benedetto alla conferenza organizzata dall'associazione che ora si chiama Cicat, che pure lo ha diffidato dall'utilizzare contenuti non propri. Il problema NON E' che Matteo Teone non possa più "aiutarci", ma che ci sabota, depistando le persone dal ns.sito ufficiale ( ) ...
N.B. : Io sinora non ho ricevuto nessuna DIFFIDA da codesto CICA-T con sede a San Benedetto del Tronto (AP). Il sig Dorigo rappresenta il CICA-T ???
Devo aggiungere le email di dicembre 2010 inviate ad un certo Andrea e a un avvocatessa?
Il sig Andrea sosteneva che c'era un tavolo operatorio pronto per me e per il sig. Paolo Dorigo.
Io ho chiesto ragguagli su chi avrebbe dovuto operare ed è mio pieno DIRITTO avere ragguagli per operazioni chirurgiche.
Ho prove molto oggettive di ciò che affermo e non è giunta più alcuna risposta dai sanbenedettesi.
Vostro onore, mi pare ovvio che anche lei se si dovesse operare chirurgicamente vorrebbe ragguagli e sapere chi deve effettuare espianto chirurgico di "corpo estraneo".
Post scriputum:
Faccio eziandìo notare che al sig.Dorigo Paolo io personalmente non ho firmato nulla.
Nessuna delega,nessun documento niente di niente ed egli fa una commedia spaventosa.Già altre persone anni addietro lo additavano per querela e per lo stesso mio motivo e cioè DIFFAMAZIONE che non è lo stesso reato di DIFFAMAZIONE A LIVELLO STAMPA.
Una signora aveva firmato ad egli un documento e chiedeva che egli pubblicasse dei suoi documenti e esami radiologici e poi assai pentita fece pervenire solleciti su solleciti anche tramite legali per intimargli di smetterla di "linkarla" dappertutto e di toglierla.
Ahimè ella è ancora linkata con le sue prove radiologiche di "corpi estranei" iperosonici di natura non biologica.
Ahimè la storia si ripete e le presunte forze dell'ordine poco ci metterebbero ad accertare anche queste mie dichiarazioni se esse lo voglionoi
Basta solo che gli organi di polizia facciano delle verifiche in quanto io saprei anche nomi e cognomi di persone che avevano perfino firmato dicumenti (a differenza mia che non l'ho fatto e che non ha neanche mai dato assenso a nessuna pubblicazione del sig. Dorigo Paolo) e che poi pentiti non volevano più avere nessun rapporto con il medesimo,ma che avevano firmato una sorta di delega.
Ribadisco che io NON ho firmato nulla e poi nulla alla sua persona ed egli è maggiormente nel torto e se ciò dovesse divenire nuovamente dimostrabile con i fatti e con prove oggettive e non con le chiacchere da bar o da talk show.
Volgo una domanda agli organi di Stato: "Trattasi forse di "circonvenzione di incapace" o sono io nell'errore grossolano"?
Eventualmente a voi la risposta cara e rispettabile giurìa.
Su internet è possibile trovare: IL BRIGATISTA PAOLO DORIGO (BR) e l'attentato ad AVIANO con bombe molotov e molte altre versioni.
Rinchiuso in carcere egi lamenta di aver subito innesto fraudolento di microimpianti nella testa ed ha molte prove radiologiche,tutavia ciò non gli da il diritto di violare la legge più sana: "LA LEGGE DEL BUONSENSO" e nessuno potrebbe obbiettare che nel periodo natalizio (lo ridabisco di nuovo) la mia persona tentava una pacifica mediazione ricevendo invece insulti e sberleffi e arrivando oggi al limite della sopportazione.
Aggiungo che sono tanti i civili nel mondo che lamentano rapimenti e cose analoghe (come innesto microchip) e/o gangstalking e realmente accertabili e dimostrabili solo con attenti esami medici radiologici o con altri mezzi e non certo da inespertidi provincia o di paese,ma moltissimi sono civili e comunque incensurati.Si registrano anche militari ovvero soldati e la notizia e di pochissimi mesi fa.
Sono i famosi CANDIDATI MANCIURIANI e anche la rete è piena di prove e documenti e perfino di telegiornali e anche di notizie dei quotidianio regionali,nazionali e internazionali.
Sempre a vostra disposizione esimi.
Questo è il MIO account facebook che corrisponde a questa email.
Ho già inviato due volte la mia cartà identità a facebook e come ho già scritto,sono stato sempre riammesso.
In allegato lo screenshot con ciò che non ritengo più sopportabile e inoltre allego indirizzo Polizia Postale via Vannetti a Trento e potenziali testimoni oculari e di cui mi scuso con loro per il disturbo arrecato con questa nuova email,ma essendo amici intimi e vista la necessità,non era proprio mia primaria intenzione arrivare a tanto.
Con la massima onestà,io sono un tantino stufo in quanto se lo volesse, il sig. Barnard Paolo (a cui chiedo scusa per allegarlo alle due testimoni e scomodarlo nuovamente in quanto è sempre stato cortese e disponibile oltre che siognorile nel prendersi i tempi per rispondere) sà benissimo come dove e quando è nato il litigio tra me e il sig. Dorigo Paolo e cioè su nostra corrispondenza privata in email multipla in data 2 Sep 2010 02:57:41 +0200
Essendo egli la persona che ripetutamente dopo il 22 settembre 2010 ha iniziato una campagna diffamatoria denominandomi più volte Matteo Teone,oggi mi ha letteralmente fatto imbufalire perchè adesso (come da screen-shot in allegato) è passato direttamente a nome e cognome e quindi andrebbe messo un freno visto che è ovvio che attacca la mia persona.
Su facebook vige essenzialmente la legge di Santa Clara (California) come da regolamento ammesso che non sia stato esso modificato di recente ed io non sia a conoscenza delle ultime disposizioni.
Mi ritengo quindi a vostra disposizione e se necessario accetto anche sanzione disciplinare nei miei confronti,ma tutti i presenti sanno benissimo chi ha iniziato dopo il 22 settembre 2010 esternamente a facebook e che invece di amici,il citato Dorigo Paolo di Mira (VE) gode nel farsi nemici e nell' attaccare ripetutamente coloro che sono finiti ad avere a che fare con lui.
Si demarca che suddetta persona si è iscritta su facebook molto di recente ed infatti si suppone che abbia già parecchi battibecchi perchè assai famoso anche alle cronache mondane.
Si demarca inoltre che anche io mi faccio prendere da nervosismi e sono umano come voi tutti,ma adesso basta, perchè avevo già provato a risolvere questa situazione nel periodo di Natale 2010 ( ho una email inviata privatamente e sò che la data dovrebbe esser attorno al 28 dicembre 2010) e sempre esternamente a facebook con posta privata, ricevevo ulteriori offese e ingiurie (conservo tutte le email per quanto esse possano valere) e il mio era un chiaro tentativo di mediazione e riappacificazione.
Si richiede a facebook un ammonimento verbale e lettera di richiamo. Come si usa nel gergo del "soccer" un cartellino giallo.
Purtroppo sò già che sui siti tale di tale persona le affermazioni non termineranno,ma la persona và compatita e semmai aiutata a uscire dal tunnel del mindkontrol come molte altre persone.
La pazienza è la virtù dei forti,ma certa gente farebbe perdere la pazienza ai santi ed io sono sempre stato disponibile con tutti nello scritto e nella lettura ed ho un contatto skype ed anche webcam se nell'eventualità fosse tutto nato da un equivoco verbale in quanto lo scritto può trarre in inganno e ciò,dovuto al fatto che manca IL TONO. Onestamente anche voi dello staff,sapete benissimo che molte volte si può fraitendere se il tono di chi scrive e fraintendere se esso è colloquiale,confidenziale, scherzoso,serio,nervoso, demoralizzato,allegro,solare, etc.
In questo singolare caso invece risulta offensivo e inequivocabilmente disonorante e con questo continuo "MATTEO TEONE" molto allusorio,mentre oggi si è passati al nome e cognome e quindi all'evidenza.
Anche la DIA (che in Italia è per me paragonabile a FBI americana e solitamente reparto molto scelto e non certo costituita da cadetti),la
POLIZIA POSTALE e altri dovrebbero avere email multipla datata martedì 23 novembre 2010 19.35.24 e con altri fatti che facebook ignora e comunque inerenti alla vicenda.
Vostro onore,sempre a disposizione della giuria purchè onesta e imparziale oltre che ben ferrata e chiedo anticipatamente se essa voglia anche sentire la controparte come fosse arbitro e/o perito. In questo caso (e cioè nel mondo facebook) conosco bene la legge,procedura e regolamento. (Ammesso che esso non sia stato modificato e/o aggiornato).
I must translate the email in English?
I apologize for the bad and terrible translation underlying.
Bests regards and take care.
Saluton !!!
Inviato:domenica 27 marzo 2011 10.36.30
Scusate l'osservazione: nessun intervento "esterno" di nessuna tipologia o
interesse ha cancellato FC TORINO dalla lista dei GRANATA di aisjca-mft.
E' una lista di VITTIME e il TORINO NON lo è. Benché possa "ospitare"
file/capitoli altrui, istituzionalmente non si pone infatti sullo scenario
internazionale come "lista" e neanche come "presentazione" di vittime in
quanto tali. E' soltanto un contenitore di raccordo internazionale di FATTI
- siano essi relativi o meno a quanto denunciato o testimoniato o anche
osservato da parte di o a carico di "vittime".
Per questo mentre abbiamo segnalato a lista delle squadre International
<**********> indicazioni nominative di vittime da noi conosciute,
ed anche proposto pagine di loro testimonianze, abbiamo FATTO TOGLIERE
FC TORINO dalla loro lista - come pure da "Peacepink" - in quanto non c'entra niente con i loro
Riassumendo: la cancellazione di FC CALCIO TORINO da SOCCER International
<**********> è OPERA NOSTRA
e non certo di poteri altri più o meno
"occulti" e malevoli.
- Martedì 26/04/2011 fino a venerdì 13 maggio 2011
- 1 agosto 2011
- infamia dorigo maggio 2011
My name is SILVIA MIRAS SANCHEZ, my country is Spain,(barcelona).I am a victim of aneighborwhoraped meinradio frequencies in Vilanova i la geltru, Barcelona Spain. In 2009.
after a congress of quantum scio in a village near the city is full of scientists and physicians throughout the world sat on the terraces to talk about their professions.They said that it had one of them was flirting with my ex-partner, and the floor and my ex would be it.
Began to change his attitude to it, it became more aggressive and lonely, all I did was disgusting I was ugly, and began to behave as a tyrant and hmillarme as a human being, and did not realize its actitud.cambio to cold and very serious.
To physical gestures that were not his, suddenly changing the language and attitude in front of life. One day even to two feet in front of me made a perfect kick to my stomach without touching me, me scared of what the neighbors could really do with a person conceited jerk and was not able to talk to our actitudes.Me logic said that he probably did it because he was angry with me. I rebel against what can be done to entire families, from father to son rape, beatings, asesiatos and then commit suicide when they are aware or given to the police.
When people are wrapped in an egg elf, leaving a wake that is perceived.
I felt as I wrapped the skull with such low frequency energy and was used as a radio thanks to that technology can create me a balloon in my head elf, as I suppose mobiles. then my senses were suffering separation, a separation perceptual consensus with the rest of the world.
And in that state can not be perceived moods of another person, nor any human information even when your body changes can not love you isolate the environment as if you were one of those savages with children who experienced the isolation and lack of high benchmark with life.
For if, from that day to stupid comments just to provoke people, and I take more of a surprise.
DE FEDAME, psychotronic weapons And even show you how to witness to the journalist GABRIEL SILVA RAFAEL PALACIOS, a video in which this gentleman admit that I work for a government military group.
For the multistage not empathetic to my former partner preferred to think it was wrong of the nerves by saying he was not crazy. And ADVANTAGE of these circumstances we parted.
This is the biggest thing I've done, because our common life was not good and we had to separate before, but I can not stand is that the victim of a cruel and despicable act like this, and discover that we are all computerized of no interest to the human DNA chain which he lived.
And do not try to understand this new reality that is killing many people living with diseases created by science and biomedical professionals for the pharmaceutical and banks bear fruit.
He has an apartment, a job, family, friends and a very dear and respected, spiritual and beautiful, but lacks the necessary humanity to share the same air with any empathetic human being.
I'm silvia miras sanchez view and I have a picture of Kermit the Frog.
TO THE CONGRESS OF QUANTUM SCIO, 2009 Sitges, Barcelona.
I thought how much many people and who will live, because people came from humble South America, Northern Europe, Spanish castellanos.Y that if full of chamancillos because now after I have this complication chamancitos reduced to second class.
Talked about "sleight of mind" deceiving victim of electronic mind control etc.
SCARPE taglia 45 donate a finto vù-cumprà ed usate per DEPISTAGGIO dopo esser state immerse ne...
4 episodi che hanno contraddistintro io mio NOVEMBRE 2007 e difficile sarà metter insieme tutti gli indizi e scrivere bene:
1) MI hanno rubato o comunque fatto in modo di avere un mio indumento e oggetto personale e cioè un paio di scarpe tipo "converse all star" basse, per avere un oggetto mio personale e usarlo in un messa nera. Le scarpe non mi andavano bene ed infatti erano un 45 e il finto vù cumprà che NON aveva lineamenti e pelle olivastra mi ha veramente fregato alla grande. Era una domenica di Novembre e più preciso,di mattina. Subito fuggiti con un furgoncino bianco e il panino con il formaggio che gli ho donato lo ha buttato in mezzo alla strada,infatti la fatalità ha voluto che poi l'ho trovato a circa 100 metri da casa in direzione nord e gli aveva dato solo un morso per convincermi che era affamato. Aveva degli occhi scuri e veramente diabolici,ma l'ho capito solo dopo e il complice lo aspettava sul furgoncino.
NOTE: Verificare se la strada era già stata allargata e andare in MUNICIPIO o in COMUNE a chiedere all'ufficio del catasto per avere data precisa,perchè il furgoncino con il complice era imboscato dietro al muro.
2) ho subito un rapimento la parola corretta sarebbe ABDUCTION e mi hanno fatto un iniezione nel cranio ed infatti c'è ancora la cicatrice che è questa e mi hanno dato una manganellata nella parte destra della testa e c'è ancora una cicatrice trasversale sull'emisfero destro che si vede solo quando c'è la ricrescita dei capelli e più passano gli anni,più si affievolisce e dovrei scattare foto molto più esaustive e non rasarmi continuamente i capelli.
Chi mi ha dato la manganellata era il solito M.I.B. da me denominato Raiden oppure Kappa.
3) C'era la messa del patrono del mio paese che è SAN MARTINO in data 11-11-2007 e me l'hanno rovinata e tra i banchi si aggirava Carlo Mazone alias "scarpemarze". Scommetto che i baffetti sono finti e che è tutto un abile travestimento.
Complimentoni, abili maestri del travistimento e nell'assumere sembianze e voce umana.
SONO CHIRAMENTE SATANISTI QUESTE ORGANIZZAZIONI e tentato anche esprimenti di ESOTERISMO con magia nera e avrei molto da scvrivere di ciò che è successo.
UMANI e ALIENI SATANISTI che collaborano?
4) incontro al DIVEL GAMES CAFè : VINCENTE PERDENTE e la botte.
Fusto di birra recapitato al gestore e con la scritta rossa 666 e sicuramente con all'interno sostanze psicotrope,ma dal mio diario noto che era accaduto nel Natale 2005-2006.
Molto ingegnoso regalare un fusto di birra da "provare" al gestore. Quella birra era dolce come il miele.
La birra solitamente ha un sapore amarognolo perchè fatta con grano orzo e luppolo.
Non è dolce come il miele delle api.
Quella birra conteneva una miscela psicotropa e dosata nei minimi particolari.
Soliti stupidi SBIRRI,POLIZIOTTI E CARABINIERI PROVINCIALOTTI di paese che prima mi chiedono se sono matto e poi si vedono i risultati di quel periodo 2006 su tutti coloro che l'hanno assaggiata.
Mai svolta nessuna indagine,mai presa nessuna denuncia, VIOLAZIONE ARTICOLO 28 COSTITUZIONE e SBIRRI da rimandare al C.A.R. e da degradare a SOLDATO SEMPLICE,strappando loro dalle spalline i gradi come si usa nell' ESERCITO ITALIANO per disonorarli.
Se io ho ragione (ed ho già ragione perchè pocedura e regolamento li obbligano a raccogliere testimonianze denunce etc) posso tranquillamente sedermi sulla loro scrivania e loro andare a pulire i cessi.
Brava Cecilia Gatto Trocchi che con la sua dichiarazione mi ha fatto rammentare he il satanismo moderno è distinto in varie tipologie che partono tutte dallo stesso ceppo. I massoni e questa gente non fa parte di un satanismo casereccio e di coglioni rockerttari come Manson. Essi sono molto più alti nella piramide e Manson in confronto non è neanche alla base della piramide.
DEMENTI ( discorso nelle parole nelle opere ed in tutto il loro operato)
DISPETTOSI, (soprattutto i piccoli grigi)
ESPERIMENTATORI, (esperimenti DIABOLICI non solo di genetica)
IMMATURI (frivoli e pieni di stupidaggini oltre che discorsi)
MANIPOLATORI, (della mentee non solo)
MUTILATORI, (non solo di bestiame)
PUZZOLENTI (acqua stagna o zolforosi)
ROGNOSI, (come cani rognosi)
SADO-MASOCHISTI (nelle loro BASI SOTTOTERRA pieni di oggettini SAFFICI)
SPIONI MORBOSI, (spiano anche 24/24 con sguardo perverso)
TRASGRESSIVI, (trasgrediscono le REGOLE)
In data da ricostruire in questo PUNTO trovavo un SACCHETTINO CELESTE con all'interno CARNE e OSSA e' dall'altra parte una BAMBOLA con le MANi LEGATE e il CUORE BRUCIATO.
Chiamai il 117, 113 112 ecc. e feci segnalazione istantanea.
Erano le 9 di mattina ed era autunno.
UNa BAMBOLA da UNA PARTE e un SACCHETTO con all'interno CARNE dall'altra.
Sarebbe utile ricostruire ciòperchè a mio avviso collusi con i VANDALISMI nelle CHIESE.
OSSA e CARNE UMANA ??? Non si venne + a sapere niente dai C.C., ma restano tutte le mie segnalazioni e basterebbe TORCHIARE i CARABINIERI e RICERCARE LE SEGNALAZIONI che feci quella mattina.
Rammento che dovevo portare la mia auto dal meccanico e che mi fermai perchè dovevo fare pipì.
Casualmente vidi la bambole con mani legate e il cuore bruciato.
Mi guardai attorno e oltre a notare che vicino al sacchettino celeste c'era una sorta di DISCARICA ABUSIVA, c'era quel sacchettino celeste molto grosso.
INORRIDII e vidi che conteneva carne e mi ricordava stinco di maiale e cose simili.
Chiamai lesto lesto tutti i militari possibili e perfino il 117 a TRENTO.
Mi dissero che avrebbero fatto un sopralluogo e siccome io la pipì l'avevo fatta e mi ero liberato, mi diressi frettolosamente dal meccanico che è VINICIO.
Non mi hanno più detto un azz ma la BAMBOLA Voo-doo bruciata con le mani legate era troppo sospetta e io di certo non ho toccato nulla e neanche guardato che tipo di carne c'era all'interno del sacchetto.
BISOGNERA' TORCHIARE GLI SBIRRI e CHIAMARE di nuovo DIA, FINANZA PROCURE, PRETURE ESERCITO e tutti gli avvocati, dottori, giornalisti e conoscenti in una nuova MAXI EMAIL MULTIPLA con ricevuta di RITORNO e trovare la data e l'anno esatto.
Forse, ripeto forse era il 2004.
Qualche giorno (una volta aggiunti tutti i particolari in mio possesso,sarà utile più che torchiare i carabinieri,partire da via ASTICHELLO a PADOVA e andare a tropvarli con la DROP e pantaloni militari.
Utile acquistare una cintura 'ottone cromaca e rimettersi i vecchi anfibi.
PRONTO A MENARE LE MANI per cominciare a vedere cosa succese quando una DIVISA VERDE (dell'E.I.) che è nel giusto è stata presa per il culo da una divisa BLU e da una divisa ROSSONERA.
Se ci sarà lo scontròe si verrà alle mani,sarà inrerssante vedere quali tra le divise di vario colore è più INCAZZATA e IMBESTILITA e perchè tira calci nei denti a tutta questa merdaglia statale.
Prima però bisogna depositare tuttoil materiale alla solita persona di fiducia in modo che se la divisa VERDE verrà arrestata, su tutta la rete verranno tutti avvisati e ovviamente le prove del loro FALSO IDEOLOGICO o comunque ABUSO d'UFFICIO e NEGLIGENZA e INOTTEMPERANZA delle loro MANSIONI messa in evidenza.
Peccato non avere anche un MG da portare con me ...
Female NanJing,Jiangsu China, mainland
Ramon, school safety agent
In questo punto furono lasciati volantini del GRAAL a MARZO 2006.
"BETTA" ricorda vagamente,ma ricorda la bionda del GRAAL.
Perchè non facevo in tempo ad arrivare al BAR ed ordinare un caffè che SUBITO mi venivano a cercare un SACCO di ROMPIBALLE?
QUANTE me ne son successe qui al DEVIL ...
come al PUN ANCORA, allo SNACK di DRO
La polizia: forse gli incontri con una ventina donne sono stati filmati
Riti erotici su donne, arrestato guru trentino
L'accusa è di truffa aggravata ma avrebbe usato poteri di persuasione per compiere riti a sfondo sessuale in sua presenza.
T...RENTO - Studioso di discipline esoteriche o abile profittatore delle debolezze psichiche altrui? Secondo le indagini della squadra mobile di Trento la bilancia pende verso la seconda ipotesi, tanto che ieri all’alba lo hanno arrestato con l’accusa di truffa aggravata. Ma su di lui pende anche l’accusa di aver utilizzato poteri di persuasione per indurre una ventina di donne a compiere riti a sfondo sessuale in sua presenza. Il guru è Antonio Bruno, 48 anni, presidente dell’Associazione culturale storico-filosofica Graal, che ha sede in un rustico ristrutturato che si chiama Maso Agnellini e si trova sulle montagne della Valsugana, a una quindicina di chilometri da Trento.
Tutte poi sarebbero state invitate, per dare più forza all’azione sovrannaturale e per eliminare ogni negatività, a versare del denaro all’associazione. Secondo gli inquirenti sarebbero state intascate alcune centinaia di migliaia di euro.
Toni Visentini
28 aprile 2006 mo_Piano/Cronache/2006/04_ Aprile/27/guru.shtml
FW: Plant Operations/Maintenance Manager - Healthcare-Chicago at ARAMARK
From: Throw, Daniel []
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 11:57 AM
To: Ron Angell
Subject: RE: Plant Operations/Maintenance Manager - Healthcare-Chicago at ARAMARK
ron, can you give me a call on my cell. 630 631 6390
From: Ron Angell []
Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2006 8:39 AM
To: 'Ron Angell'; Throw, Daniel; 'Hinkebein, Matt'; Hutchins, Robert L.; Throw, Daniel; Frey, Mike;; 'Renault Robinson Staffing Associat inc'
Subject: FW: Plant Operations/Maintenance Manager - Healthcare-Chicago at ARAMARK
From: Ron Angell []
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 9:44 PM
To: 'Ron Angell'
Subject: FW: Please tell Mike Doyle not to grab me by my tie and pull or touch me again
From: Ron Angell []
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 7:02 PM
To: Clauson, Andrew
Subject: Please tell Mike Doyle not to grab me by my tie and pull or touch me again
Dear Andrew,
I do not think my boss Mike Doyle should grab me by my tie and pull it or touch me in any way. I learned at about the age of three that there should be no body contact. I am too busy with work to spend hours talking with him and prefer to deal as little as possible with him if he swears and gets angry. He grabbed me a few days ago and I let it slide but the pulling of my necktie that is tied around my neck today was very wrong. I prefer not to be alone in the same room as him and ask that you be present. There is too much to do and too little time to do it this month on the account that I have 25 schools and 4 of those are new schools that I must spend 4-6 hours in inspecting everything. If you want a description of my character go to the link below.
In peace,
Ron Angell
773 908-0261 work cell
FMA Region 1&2 Chicago Public Schools
From: Human Resources []
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 3:05 PM
To: Ron Angell
Subject: Plant Operations/Maintenance Manager - Healthcare-Chicago at ARAMARK
Dear Ron,
Thank you for your interest in ARAMARK, a leader in professional services, providing award-winning food services, facilities management, and uniform and career apparel to businesses around the world. Your application has been received for the position of Plant Operations/Maintenance Manager - Healthcare-Chicago on 08/24/06. We will be reviewing your information against the criteria for the position to determine if there is a fit with your qualifications. If there is a match for this position, someone within our organization will be contacting you in the next few weeks. Your application has also been entered into our database of candidates which our recruiters use to search for qualified applicants for other positions within ARAMARK.
You can learn more about our application process on our Careers site by clicking here.
If you would like to review your candidate file, or update your profile information, please click here. Your user name is rpangell, and you will need this user name and your password to access your file each time.
Thank you again for your interest in advancing your career with ARAMARK.
Best regards,
Human Resources
This message was auto-generated by our recruitment system; replies to this message will not reach the Human Resource Department. Please do not reply as your message will be undeliverable.
Google Search : Aramark FBI and Find:
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? The Mob!
By Patrick Burkart, Travis Donoho, and Paul Odekirk
This month MIT must decide whether to renew its contract with an
unscrupulous and lawbreaking dining services provider. Aramark,
formerly ARA, is a multibillion dollar mammoth, operating various
services illegally throughout the world. Aramark currently operates at
MIT, Boston University, and numerous other college campuses across the
country; it is one of the top three food service providers in the U.S.
For years, Aramark has committed and admitted to unfair and
illegal trading practices, including violating federal anti-trust
laws. Also, Aramark has been suspected of having massive organized
crime connections in its transportation and vending-machine
divisions. The food service giant first got into trouble with the law
in 1964, when the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) negotiated a consent
order in which ARA did not acknowledge guilt, but agreed anyway to
dispose of some of its vending machine companies worth an annual $7.7
million. Again, in 1973, ARA accepted another FTC consent order, this
one requiring disposal of the vending and periodical companies that it
owned. On top of that, ARA had to pledge to stay out of certain
markets delimited by the FTC. In 1979, the FTC successfully pressed
for and won a $300,000 civil penalty against ARA after the company was
found guilty of violating the terms of the 1973 agreement. This
penalty also required ARA to dispose of some of its business
assets. ARA was also fined an additional $80,000 in 1973 for
conspiracy to fix cigarette prices in Cincinnati.
In 1977, ARA admitted to making questionable and sometimes
illegal payments between 1970 and 1976, according to a Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) report. A total of $393,000 in payments were
made to politicians and "client related" recipients who were
influential in handing over state contracts to ARA. Also, ARA admitted
receiving $504,000 in questionable and sometimes illegal rebates from
1970 to 1976. ARA made $23,400 in political campaign contributions
that the company itself reported to the SEC as illegal, and another
$11,550 in legal but improperly recorded campaign
contributions. "Disbursements and gifts" to "client related
persons" amounted to $370,000 during the same 1970-1976 period. The
SEC investigated ARA without recommending action in 1982. The next
year, Gerald F. O'Leary, a member of the Boston School Committee,
pleaded guilty to extortion of $50,000 from ARA in return for awarding
ARA a $40 million dollar contract.
A mental retardation center owned by Aramark was decertified
in Texas, and the company has paid large fines for failing to meet
nursing home standards in Texas and California. In Colorado, ARA
nursing home abuses were described by an assistant state attorney as
"the most severe disregard of patient care of any case to my
knowledge." A 1992 Colorado case brought by the state against ARA
charged the corporate giant with violating nursing home standards in
order to cut costs. Back in Texas, ARA fought accusations that daily
health reports were routinely falsified, that bedridden patients were
seldom turned over and as a result developed painful bedsores, and
that three nights of every week 90 of their patients were under the
care of an intoxicated nurse.
Aramark also has a reputation for engaging in unfair business
practices. A former Executive Vice President of ARA's transportation
division testified in a Hawaii court that ARA conspired to kill
competition by submitting below-cost bids to clinch a contract, with
the intention of raising prices once the competition had gone out of
According to The Wall Street Journal, Aramark also has links
to organized crime. Reportedly, Aramark paid an ex-FBI agent-and
former ARA employee - $167,000 plus lawyers' fees out of court not to
discuss his deposition, which highlights the dining service
corporation's organized crime connections.
Sources: Passing the Bucks: The Contracting Out of Public Services
(AFSCME), The Wall Street Journal.
This article is adapted from an earlier version that appeared in
(sub)Tex, an underground newspaper publishing out of Austin, Texas.
[thistle homepage] [Volume 9] [9.13 - contents]
From: Ron Angell []
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006 11:16 AM
To: 'Throw, Daniel'; 'Hinkebein, Matt'; ''; ''; ''; ''; 'Renault Robinson Staffing Associat inc'
Cc: 'Ron Angell'; 'John Stuckey'; 'Robert Wilkin'; 'Patricia Turner'; 'Andrew Tinich'; 'John Thayer'; 'William Sota'; 'Vinita Scott'; 'Bob McCullum'; 'Robert McCollum'; 'Kevin McCarthy'; 'Susan Kurland'; 'Lou Jarosz'; 'Richard Huy'; 'Beverly Hides-Moriello'; 'Jesse Garcia'; 'Franklin'; 'David Domovic'; 'Willie Daniels'; 'Curry-James'; 'Brennemann'; 'Charles Brace'; 'Renaud Beaudoin'; 'Haydee Alvarez'; ''; ''; 'Tony Abbinati'; 'Colagrossi, Don R'; ''; ''; 'Kelly, Patrick J'; ''; 'Mawrence, Sandra J'; ''; ''
Subject: RE: COBRA- My Aramark Business Card
Importance: High
Your commitment was to place me after Chicago Public Schools. Here is my business card given to me by Aramark. I was told that I had all the same rights as an Aramark Employee by Richard Horner, by Matt Hinkenbein, by Mike Dobson. I was told by you that you would place us after CPS in the same manner. I was told to tell all of Chicago Public Schools that I was an Aramark Employee. I was told that all the benefits were the same, and that I would have use of the Aramark web site that would assist in placement. I was denied employment benefits by Renault Robinson, and I am denied health coverage under Cobra that is guaranteed under Illinois State Law.
I was told after the first year I would be made an Aramark Employee, so I worked as hard as I could for that. Then I was told that I could not become an Aramark Employee, but I would have all the benefits of an Aramark Employee. Then after the Death of my father I returned to work and was working late to catch up after my dad’s funeral, and Mike Doyle grabbed my tie and told me that he was boss and that Stuart Anderson was no good and that he was great.
Aramark runs the foodservice at the University of Michiagn as well as the hospital services at U of M. I abided by all the ethics of Aramark that were at one time Service Master’s ethics. I worked hard for Aramark, Chicago Pubilc Schools.
I was told to report to Aramark for supervision and that Ararmark was my direct Boss. I was told never ever tell anyone that you are not an Aramark employee. So now you have told me that I am a Renault Robinson employee….
You brought us into the Aramark office, fed us Aramark food, and told us that we would be placed by Aramark.
Ron Angell
Discarded non-Aramark non-minority vendor who use to work for a minority vendor Renault Robinson
From: Throw, Daniel []
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 12:22 PM
To: Ron Angell
Subject: RE: COBRA
My commitment was to help facilitate connecting you with the insurance provider so that you could continue your insurance.
Your employment was with Renault Robinson Staffing and they are your direct contact regarding employment and benefits questions.
Please take me off of your email distribution for future emails.
Daniel Throw
HRD Aramark Education
From: Ron Angell []
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2006 9:59 PM
To: Throw, Daniel; 'Ron Angell'; 'Renault Robinson Staffing Associat inc'
Cc: Hinkebein, Matt; Hutchins, Robert L.; Frey, Mike
Subject: RE: COBRA
I still do not have an answer in regards to this. It is Illinois State law that guarantees an employee 18 months of Cobra insurance. I have been trying since June 15th to find out an answer to this.
The due date is the 28th. Please call me!!
From: Throw, Daniel []
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:07 AM
To: Ron Angell; Renault Robinson Staffing Associat inc
Cc: zzHinkebein, Matt; Hutchins, Robert L.; Frey, Mike
Subject: RE: COBRA
as we discussed yesterday. i will assist you with your cobra, however since you are not an aramark employee the cobra will not be related to aramark or any aramark insurance provider. the cobra needs to be coordinated with Blue Cross Blue Sheild and Renault Robinson.
i spoke with mr. robinson yesterday and he informed me that his organization has sent you the required information for cobra. i will follow up with blue cross and communicate back with you.
sue is an aramark employee and thus is not related to this situation. i will be the aramark contact and i think you will find me responsive.
daniel throw, hr director, aramark
From: Ron Angell []
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 4:56 PM
To: 'Ron Angell'; 'Renault Robinson Staffing Associat inc'
Cc: zzHinkebein, Matt; Hutchins, Robert L.; Throw, Daniel; Frey, Mike
Subject: RE: COBRA
I called Sue Mueller and left another message.
From: Ron Angell []
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 9:07 AM
To: 'Ron Angell'; 'Renault Robinson Staffing Associat inc'
Cc: 'Hinkebein, Matt';;;;; FBOYLE@LAW.UIUC.EDU
Subject: FW: COBRA
I called Stacy on 7/18/2006 and she said she was going to get in touch with Mike Frye, matt Hinkebein, and Daniel Throw regarding my insurance continuation for my family plan. I must have an answer Today. I worked with Matt to figure out my Cobra plan in the Middle of June and now it is the Middle of July. Please figure this out so I can go onto bigger and better things.
From: Ron Angell []
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 8:19 AM
To: 'Ron Angell'
Subject: FW: COBRA
I called 800 729-5432 Aramark benefits Dept In Philadelphia PA. I spoke with Nancy who would not give her last name at 800 526-2720 is ADT is located.
From: Throw, Daniel []
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2006 10:20 AM
To: Ron Angell
Subject: RE: COBRA
correction sue's number is 630 271 2579
From: Ron Angell []
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 9:56 PM
To: 'Ron Angell'; 'Renault Robinson Staffing Associat inc'
Cc: Hinkebein, Matt; Hutchins, Robert L.; Throw, Daniel; Frey, Mike
Subject: RE: COBRA
I have faxed the COBRA payment to “Susan” and have wrote a cover letter asking for “Susan” to call me and tell me that the COBRA form has been properly submitted and that the coverage will last for 18 months.
Could you give me the number of Susan so I can confirm that the forms were received.
From: Ron Angell []
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 3:27 PM
To: 'Ron Angell'; 'Renault Robinson Staffing Associat inc'
Cc: Hinkebein, Matt;;;;
Subject: RE: COBRA
Here is my COBRA Form filled out. I would like the phone number of Susan’s Company so I can fax it and then confirm that she received the fax.
Also, last summer Mr. Horner denied my expenses from last summer and I so I have not filled out an expense report since June of 2005. I have mileage and other expenses that Aramark owes me. Matt Hinkenbein has a copy of my last rejected expense report.
I believe you are the food service company for the University Of Michigan. I am not impressed and have never been impressed with any actions that Aramark has ever performed.
In peace and friendship,
Ron Angell
Pacifist, believer in freedom, civil liberties, and democracy circa 1776
CC: President Jimmy Carter
Robert McNamara
From: Ron Angell []
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 5:13 PM
To: 'Renault Robinson Staffing Associat inc'
Cc: Hinkebein, Matt
Subject: RE: COBRA
Please give me the name of Susan’s Company as well as Susan’s actual phone number so I can make sure she receives this. Manny Arce said his Cobra for his entire family was $172.00 per month and mine is $349.61. Once again the benefits were not the same as Aramark’s and all the promises that they were as usual false. The last time I went on COBRA the employer ran it through. My coverage should also legally be up to 18 months according to Illinois State Law and not 9 months.
From: Renault Robinson Staffing Associat inc []
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 11:13 AM
To: Ron Angell
Subject: RE: COBRA
Since we last spoke, I've learned from our broker that continuation of your medical coverage is with the Illinois Continuation Plan, instead of COBRA. The cost is the same - $349.61/month; dental coverage is not available.
It's necessary for you to complete the attachment and fax it by 8/25/06 to:
847/640-8011 - Attention: Susan. Be sure to place a check in the "IL Continuation" box and write-in the date "7-1-06" in the "IL Continuation Privilege: Start Date." Coverage can be continued for up to 9 months. You will be billed directly by the company, so no payments should be forwarded to me. Therefore, I'm returning your check to you by USPS. My note of advice is to fax the application to Susan asap...certainly within the month of July--well before the deadline.
Feel free to reach me if you have any questions.
Cheryl Bryant
Ron Angell wrote:
Thanks Cheryl.
From: Renault Robinson Staffing Associat inc []
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 4:09 PM
Subject: COBRA
The monthly premium for continuation of health coverage is $349.00.
Cheryl Bryant
FW: Plant Operations/Maintenance Manager - Healthcare-Chicago at ARAMARK
From: Throw, Daniel []
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 11:57 AM
To: Ron Angell
Subject: RE: Plant Operations/Maintenance Manager - Healthcare-Chicago at ARAMARK
ron, can you give me a call on my cell. 630 631 6390
From: Ron Angell []
Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2006 8:39 AM
To: 'Ron Angell'; Throw, Daniel; 'Hinkebein, Matt'; Hutchins, Robert L.; Throw, Daniel; Frey, Mike;; 'Renault Robinson Staffing Associat inc'
Subject: FW: Plant Operations/Maintenance Manager - Healthcare-Chicago at ARAMARK
From: Ron Angell []
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 9:44 PM
To: 'Ron Angell'
Subject: FW: Please tell Mike Doyle not to grab me by my tie and pull or touch me again
From: Ron Angell []
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 7:02 PM
To: Clauson, Andrew
Subject: Please tell Mike Doyle not to grab me by my tie and pull or touch me again
Dear Andrew,
I do not think my boss Mike Doyle should grab me by my tie and pull it or touch me in any way. I learned at about the age of three that there should be no body contact. I am too busy with work to spend hours talking with him and prefer to deal as little as possible with him if he swears and gets angry. He grabbed me a few days ago and I let it slide but the pulling of my necktie that is tied around my neck today was very wrong. I prefer not to be alone in the same room as him and ask that you be present. There is too much to do and too little time to do it this month on the account that I have 25 schools and 4 of those are new schools that I must spend 4-6 hours in inspecting everything. If you want a description of my character go to the link below.
In peace,
Ron Angell
773 908-0261 work cell
FMA Region 1&2 Chicago Public Schools
From: Human Resources []
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 3:05 PM
To: Ron Angell
Subject: Plant Operations/Maintenance Manager - Healthcare-Chicago at ARAMARK
Dear Ron,
Thank you for your interest in ARAMARK, a leader in professional services, providing award-winning food services, facilities management, and uniform and career apparel to businesses around the world. Your application has been received for the position of Plant Operations/Maintenance Manager - Healthcare-Chicago on 08/24/06. We will be reviewing your information against the criteria for the position to determine if there is a fit with your qualifications. If there is a match for this position, someone within our organization will be contacting you in the next few weeks. Your application has also been entered into our database of candidates which our recruiters use to search for qualified applicants for other positions within ARAMARK.
You can learn more about our application process on our Careers site by clicking here.
If you would like to review your candidate file, or update your profile information, please click here. Your user name is rpangell, and you will need this user name and your password to access your file each time.
Thank you again for your interest in advancing your career with ARAMARK.
Best regards,
Human Resources
This message was auto-generated by our recruitment system; replies to this message will not reach the Human Resource Department. Please do not reply as your message will be undeliverable.
Google Search : Aramark FBI and Find:
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? The Mob!
By Patrick Burkart, Travis Donoho, and Paul Odekirk
This month MIT must decide whether to renew its contract with an
unscrupulous and lawbreaking dining services provider. Aramark,
formerly ARA, is a multibillion dollar mammoth, operating various
services illegally throughout the world. Aramark currently operates at
MIT, Boston University, and numerous other college campuses across the
country; it is one of the top three food service providers in the U.S.
For years, Aramark has committed and admitted to unfair and
illegal trading practices, including violating federal anti-trust
laws. Also, Aramark has been suspected of having massive organized
crime connections in its transportation and vending-machine
divisions. The food service giant first got into trouble with the law
in 1964, when the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) negotiated a consent
order in which ARA did not acknowledge guilt, but agreed anyway to
dispose of some of its vending machine companies worth an annual $7.7
million. Again, in 1973, ARA accepted another FTC consent order, this
one requiring disposal of the vending and periodical companies that it
owned. On top of that, ARA had to pledge to stay out of certain
markets delimited by the FTC. In 1979, the FTC successfully pressed
for and won a $300,000 civil penalty against ARA after the company was
found guilty of violating the terms of the 1973 agreement. This
penalty also required ARA to dispose of some of its business
assets. ARA was also fined an additional $80,000 in 1973 for
conspiracy to fix cigarette prices in Cincinnati.
In 1977, ARA admitted to making questionable and sometimes
illegal payments between 1970 and 1976, according to a Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) report. A total of $393,000 in payments were
made to politicians and "client related" recipients who were
influential in handing over state contracts to ARA. Also, ARA admitted
receiving $504,000 in questionable and sometimes illegal rebates from
1970 to 1976. ARA made $23,400 in political campaign contributions
that the company itself reported to the SEC as illegal, and another
$11,550 in legal but improperly recorded campaign
contributions. "Disbursements and gifts" to "client related
persons" amounted to $370,000 during the same 1970-1976 period. The
SEC investigated ARA without recommending action in 1982. The next
year, Gerald F. O'Leary, a member of the Boston School Committee,
pleaded guilty to extortion of $50,000 from ARA in return for awarding
ARA a $40 million dollar contract.
A mental retardation center owned by Aramark was decertified
in Texas, and the company has paid large fines for failing to meet
nursing home standards in Texas and California. In Colorado, ARA
nursing home abuses were described by an assistant state attorney as
"the most severe disregard of patient care of any case to my
knowledge." A 1992 Colorado case brought by the state against ARA
charged the corporate giant with violating nursing home standards in
order to cut costs. Back in Texas, ARA fought accusations that daily
health reports were routinely falsified, that bedridden patients were
seldom turned over and as a result developed painful bedsores, and
that three nights of every week 90 of their patients were under the
care of an intoxicated nurse.
Aramark also has a reputation for engaging in unfair business
practices. A former Executive Vice President of ARA's transportation
division testified in a Hawaii court that ARA conspired to kill
competition by submitting below-cost bids to clinch a contract, with
the intention of raising prices once the competition had gone out of
According to The Wall Street Journal, Aramark also has links
to organized crime. Reportedly, Aramark paid an ex-FBI agent-and
former ARA employee - $167,000 plus lawyers' fees out of court not to
discuss his deposition, which highlights the dining service
corporation's organized crime connections.
Sources: Passing the Bucks: The Contracting Out of Public Services
(AFSCME), The Wall Street Journal.
This article is adapted from an earlier version that appeared in
(sub)Tex, an underground newspaper publishing out of Austin, Texas.
[thistle homepage] [Volume 9] [9.13 - contents]
From: Ron Angell []
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006 11:16 AM
To: 'Throw, Daniel'; 'Hinkebein, Matt'; ''; ''; ''; ''; 'Renault Robinson Staffing Associat inc'
Cc: 'Ron Angell'; 'John Stuckey'; 'Robert Wilkin'; 'Patricia Turner'; 'Andrew Tinich'; 'John Thayer'; 'William Sota'; 'Vinita Scott'; 'Bob McCullum'; 'Robert McCollum'; 'Kevin McCarthy'; 'Susan Kurland'; 'Lou Jarosz'; 'Richard Huy'; 'Beverly Hides-Moriello'; 'Jesse Garcia'; 'Franklin'; 'David Domovic'; 'Willie Daniels'; 'Curry-James'; 'Brennemann'; 'Charles Brace'; 'Renaud Beaudoin'; 'Haydee Alvarez'; ''; ''; 'Tony Abbinati'; 'Colagrossi, Don R'; ''; ''; 'Kelly, Patrick J'; ''; 'Mawrence, Sandra J'; ''; ''
Subject: RE: COBRA- My Aramark Business Card
Importance: High
Your commitment was to place me after Chicago Public Schools. Here is my business card given to me by Aramark. I was told that I had all the same rights as an Aramark Employee by Richard Horner, by Matt Hinkenbein, by Mike Dobson. I was told by you that you would place us after CPS in the same manner. I was told to tell all of Chicago Public Schools that I was an Aramark Employee. I was told that all the benefits were the same, and that I would have use of the Aramark web site that would assist in placement. I was denied employment benefits by Renault Robinson, and I am denied health coverage under Cobra that is guaranteed under Illinois State Law.
I was told after the first year I would be made an Aramark Employee, so I worked as hard as I could for that. Then I was told that I could not become an Aramark Employee, but I would have all the benefits of an Aramark Employee. Then after the Death of my father I returned to work and was working late to catch up after my dad’s funeral, and Mike Doyle grabbed my tie and told me that he was boss and that Stuart Anderson was no good and that he was great.
Aramark runs the foodservice at the University of Michiagn as well as the hospital services at U of M. I abided by all the ethics of Aramark that were at one time Service Master’s ethics. I worked hard for Aramark, Chicago Pubilc Schools.
I was told to report to Aramark for supervision and that Ararmark was my direct Boss. I was told never ever tell anyone that you are not an Aramark employee. So now you have told me that I am a Renault Robinson employee….
You brought us into the Aramark office, fed us Aramark food, and told us that we would be placed by Aramark.
Ron Angell
Discarded non-Aramark non-minority vendor who use to work for a minority vendor Renault Robinson
From: Throw, Daniel []
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 12:22 PM
To: Ron Angell
Subject: RE: COBRA
My commitment was to help facilitate connecting you with the insurance provider so that you could continue your insurance.
Your employment was with Renault Robinson Staffing and they are your direct contact regarding employment and benefits questions.
Please take me off of your email distribution for future emails.
Daniel Throw
HRD Aramark Education
From: Ron Angell []
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2006 9:59 PM
To: Throw, Daniel; 'Ron Angell'; 'Renault Robinson Staffing Associat inc'
Cc: Hinkebein, Matt; Hutchins, Robert L.; Frey, Mike
Subject: RE: COBRA
I still do not have an answer in regards to this. It is Illinois State law that guarantees an employee 18 months of Cobra insurance. I have been trying since June 15th to find out an answer to this.
The due date is the 28th. Please call me!!
From: Throw, Daniel []
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:07 AM
To: Ron Angell; Renault Robinson Staffing Associat inc
Cc: zzHinkebein, Matt; Hutchins, Robert L.; Frey, Mike
Subject: RE: COBRA
as we discussed yesterday. i will assist you with your cobra, however since you are not an aramark employee the cobra will not be related to aramark or any aramark insurance provider. the cobra needs to be coordinated with Blue Cross Blue Sheild and Renault Robinson.
i spoke with mr. robinson yesterday and he informed me that his organization has sent you the required information for cobra. i will follow up with blue cross and communicate back with you.
sue is an aramark employee and thus is not related to this situation. i will be the aramark contact and i think you will find me responsive.
daniel throw, hr director, aramark
From: Ron Angell []
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 4:56 PM
To: 'Ron Angell'; 'Renault Robinson Staffing Associat inc'
Cc: zzHinkebein, Matt; Hutchins, Robert L.; Throw, Daniel; Frey, Mike
Subject: RE: COBRA
I called Sue Mueller and left another message.
From: Ron Angell []
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 9:07 AM
To: 'Ron Angell'; 'Renault Robinson Staffing Associat inc'
Cc: 'Hinkebein, Matt';;;;; FBOYLE@LAW.UIUC.EDU
Subject: FW: COBRA
I called Stacy on 7/18/2006 and she said she was going to get in touch with Mike Frye, matt Hinkebein, and Daniel Throw regarding my insurance continuation for my family plan. I must have an answer Today. I worked with Matt to figure out my Cobra plan in the Middle of June and now it is the Middle of July. Please figure this out so I can go onto bigger and better things.
From: Ron Angell []
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 8:19 AM
To: 'Ron Angell'
Subject: FW: COBRA
I called 800 729-5432 Aramark benefits Dept In Philadelphia PA. I spoke with Nancy who would not give her last name at 800 526-2720 is ADT is located.
From: Throw, Daniel []
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2006 10:20 AM
To: Ron Angell
Subject: RE: COBRA
correction sue's number is 630 271 2579
From: Ron Angell []
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 9:56 PM
To: 'Ron Angell'; 'Renault Robinson Staffing Associat inc'
Cc: Hinkebein, Matt; Hutchins, Robert L.; Throw, Daniel; Frey, Mike
Subject: RE: COBRA
I have faxed the COBRA payment to “Susan” and have wrote a cover letter asking for “Susan” to call me and tell me that the COBRA form has been properly submitted and that the coverage will last for 18 months.
Could you give me the number of Susan so I can confirm that the forms were received.
From: Ron Angell []
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 3:27 PM
To: 'Ron Angell'; 'Renault Robinson Staffing Associat inc'
Cc: Hinkebein, Matt;;;;
Subject: RE: COBRA
Here is my COBRA Form filled out. I would like the phone number of Susan’s Company so I can fax it and then confirm that she received the fax.
Also, last summer Mr. Horner denied my expenses from last summer and I so I have not filled out an expense report since June of 2005. I have mileage and other expenses that Aramark owes me. Matt Hinkenbein has a copy of my last rejected expense report.
I believe you are the food service company for the University Of Michigan. I am not impressed and have never been impressed with any actions that Aramark has ever performed.
In peace and friendship,
Ron Angell
Pacifist, believer in freedom, civil liberties, and democracy circa 1776
CC: President Jimmy Carter
Robert McNamara
From: Ron Angell []
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 5:13 PM
To: 'Renault Robinson Staffing Associat inc'
Cc: Hinkebein, Matt
Subject: RE: COBRA
Please give me the name of Susan’s Company as well as Susan’s actual phone number so I can make sure she receives this. Manny Arce said his Cobra for his entire family was $172.00 per month and mine is $349.61. Once again the benefits were not the same as Aramark’s and all the promises that they were as usual false. The last time I went on COBRA the employer ran it through. My coverage should also legally be up to 18 months according to Illinois State Law and not 9 months.
From: Renault Robinson Staffing Associat inc []
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 11:13 AM
To: Ron Angell
Subject: RE: COBRA
Since we last spoke, I've learned from our broker that continuation of your medical coverage is with the Illinois Continuation Plan, instead of COBRA. The cost is the same - $349.61/month; dental coverage is not available.
It's necessary for you to complete the attachment and fax it by 8/25/06 to:
847/640-8011 - Attention: Susan. Be sure to place a check in the "IL Continuation" box and write-in the date "7-1-06" in the "IL Continuation Privilege: Start Date." Coverage can be continued for up to 9 months. You will be billed directly by the company, so no payments should be forwarded to me. Therefore, I'm returning your check to you by USPS. My note of advice is to fax the application to Susan asap...certainly within the month of July--well before the deadline.
Feel free to reach me if you have any questions.
Cheryl Bryant
Ron Angell wrote:
Thanks Cheryl.
From: Renault Robinson Staffing Associat inc []
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 4:09 PM
Subject: COBRA
The monthly premium for continuation of health coverage is $349.00.
Cheryl Bryant
Tonight’s agenda includes:
Scriptures of the night
How to Plead the Blood of Jesus
for Deliverance and Protection
Audio analysis:
Counteract with PRAYER
Nuclear Bomb Induced Earthquakes/Massacres Disguised as Energy Power Plant Faulty Lines
We are on Talkshoe at:
Counteract with PRAYER
Nuclear Bomb Induced Earthquakes/Massacres Disguised as Energy Power Plant Faulty Lines
If you help me, I help you because
My problem is your problem.Your problem is my problem.
We must work together to solve our problem.
Do you understund my philosophy Sir/lady?
- (Danke 1000 David - 25oktober2012)
Wir wollen alle strategie für uns verteidigen.
Copy/paste my email 26-12-2010 (christmas) TO : MCMAILTEAM, DOC AISJCA, DOC RAUNI KILDE SUOMI FINLAND, Dr ROGER LEIR, MR D.ROBINSON freedomfchs (USA), McMailTeam Monsieur Rudy (France), McMail Team Gill (DEU), McMailTeam Dimitri (DEU), McMailTeam Michael B. (USA), McMailTeam LUCIUS, McMail Annie (Sweden), McMail Alfonso López (España), McMailTeam Soleilmavis (Asian case n°91), McMailTEAM Chris U.S.A., Enrique McMailTeam España MADRID, McMailTeam Pepo (España), Monikastoces (Belgium),,,
TITLE EMAIL: Methods,techniques and tactics of defense in multilanguage for all and synthetic and schematic ►►►NO REPLY◄◄◄
Spett. membri e “amici di sventura”
Vi scrivo questa email,nella speranza che seppur lontani, voi possiate trascorrere al meglio la vostra esistenza e queste feste di natale.
Finora,avete pubblicato e reso noti,moltissimi progetti di armi psicotroniche a presa diretta, armi non letali e armi elettromagnetiche.
Grazie a voi, ho imparato il termine V2K (Voice to skull) e molto altro.
Se è vero che l’unione fa la forza, vi esorto a continuare nella resistenza,ma vi pongo un quesito e vi chiedo umilmente,se possibile, di schematizzare e rendere pubbliche a tutte le vittime e agli attivisti, i sistemi,le tattiche,le tecniche e i metodi di difesa.
Siete stati tutti molto bravi nello attingere informazioni sulle armi “non letali”,sulla sorveglianza satellitare,ma dove sono tutte le tattiche di difesa?
Per favore,per piacere, per cortesia, se vi è possibile, riunite tutte le tattiche di difesa e fate giungere grazie al mcailteam uno schema in multilanguage .
Non importa se ci vorrà molto tempo,ma riunitevi e ragionate sul fatto che adesso, abbiamo bisogno di mettere insieme tutte le tecniche per difenderci.
Vi lascio un esempio di quello che vorrei che venisse reso pubblico per ogni sintomo di disturbo.
Solo i metodi di difesa,le tattiche e le tecniche per difendersi.
Nella speranza che questa email non vada persa,vi auguro di riuscire assieme a me, a vincere questi maledetti assassini e “wakaresaseya”.
So far, you have posted and made known, many projects psychotronic weapons , non-lethal weapons and electromagnetic weapons.
Thank to you, I learned the term V2K (voice to skull) and more.
If it is true that In union there is strength, I urge you to continue the resistance, but I ask you a question and I ask you humbly, if possible, to outline and make public to all the victims and activists, systems, tactics, techniques and methods of defense,synthetic and schematic .
You were all very good at drawing information on non-lethal weapons, satellite surveillance, but where are all the tactics of defense?
Please,if you can, meeting all the tactics of defense and then get mcailteam thanks to a scheme in multilanguage.
It does not matter if it takes a long time, but get together and think about that now, we need to put together all the techniques to defend ourselves.
I leave you an example of what I want it to be made public for any sign of disturbance.
Only methods of defense tactics and techniques to defend themselves.
In the hope that this email is not lost, I wish you success with me, to win these accursed murderers and "wakaresaseya".
Respektabel. Mitglieder und "Freunde des Untergangs"
Ich schreibe diese E-Mail, in der Hoffnung, dass auch weit entfernt, können Sie ausgeben, um besser Ihr Leben und dieser Urlaubssaison.
Bisher haben Sie gemacht, viele arbeit, und bekannt gemacht, viele Projekte psychotronische Waffen, nicht-tödliche Waffen und elektromagnetische Waffen leben.
Danke zu Ihnen,ich habe gelernt auch die worter: V2K (Voice to Skull ) und vieles mehr.
Wenn es ist wahr ist, In Gewerkschaft ist Stärke , ich fordere Sie auf den Widerstand fortzusetzen, aber ich stelle eine Frage Ihnen und ich emütig Sie bitte ,wenn möglich, zu umreißen und zu veröffentlichen, um allen Opfern und Aktivisten, Systeme, Taktik, Techniken und Methoden der Abwehr.
Sie waren alle sehr gut zeichnen Informationen über die Waffen "nicht-tödliche", die Überwachung Satelliten, aber wo sind all die Taktik der Verteidigung?
Bitte,wenn du kannst, das allen die Taktik der Verteidigung und dann bekommen mcailteam einer Regelung in mehrere Sprachen.
Vi lascio un esempio di quello che voglio per tutti i segni di disturbo.
Nur die Methoden der Verteidigung Taktiken und Techniken, um sich zu verteidigen.
In der Hoffnung, dass diese E-Mail nicht geht verloren, ich wünsche Ihnen viel Erfolg mit mir und gewinnen diese verfluchten Mörder und "wakaresaseya".
Vielen Dank
Je vous écris ce message dans l'espoir que, même loin de là, vous pouvez dépenser pour améliorer votre vie et cette saison de vacances.
Jusqu'à présent, vous avez déposé et fait connaître, de nombreux projets armes psychotroniques de vivre, les armes non létales et armes électromagnétiques.
Merci, j'ai appris le terme V2K (voix sur le crâne) et plus encore.
S'il est vrai que l'unité fait la force, je vous exhorte à poursuivre la résistance, mais je vous poser une question et je vous demande humblement, si possible, de définir et de rendre public à toutes les victimes et les militants, les systèmes, les tactiques, techniques et méthodes de la défense.
Vous avez tous été très bon en dessin renseignements sur "les armes"non-létales, le satellite de surveillance, mais où sont toutes les tactiques de défense?
S'il vous plaît, s'il vous plaît, s'il vous plaît, si vous le pouvez, répondant à toutes les tactiques de la défense et puis obtenir grâce à un régime de mcailteam en multilingue.
Il n'a pas d'importance si elle prend beaucoup de temps, mais se réunir et de réfléchir à cela maintenant, nous avons besoin de rassembler toutes les techniques pour se défendre.
Je vous laisse un exemple de ce que je veux qu'il soit rendu public pour tout signe de perturbation.
Seules les méthodes de tactiques de défense et de techniques pour se défendre.
Dans l'espoir que ce message n'est pas perdu, je vous souhaite du succès avec moi, de gagner ces meurtriers et maudit "wakaresaseya".
Merci beaucoup
Les escribo este mensaje con la esperanza de que, incluso muy lejos, puede pasar a mejor su vida y en esta temporada de vacaciones.
Hasta el momento, se han publicado y realizado proyectos más conocidos, muchas armas psicotrónicas de vivir, las armas no letales y armas electromagnéticas.
Gracias a que, jo aprendido el término V2K (Voice to Skull) y mucho más.
Si bien es cierto que la unión hace la fuerza, les insto a continuar la resistencia, pero puedo hacerte una pregunta y les pido humildemente, si es posible, ponga de relieve y dar a conocer a todas las víctimas y activistas, los sistemas, las tácticas, técnicas y métodos de defensa.
Usted fue muy bueno dibujando información sobre "las armas"no letales, la vigilancia por satélite, pero ¿dónde están todas las tácticas de la defensa?
Por favor, si puedes, cumpliendo con todas las tácticas de defensa y luego al mcailteam a un esquema en varios idiomas.
No importa si se tarda mucho tiempo, pero se reúnen y pensar en eso ahora, tenemos que juntar todas las técnicas para defendernos.
Os dejo un ejemplo de lo que yo quiero que se hagan públicos para todos los signos de perturbación.
Sólo los métodos de las tácticas de defensa y las técnicas para defenderse.
En la esperanza de que este mensaje no se pierde, le deseo éxito conmigo, de ganar estos malditos asesinos y "wakaresaseya ".
Muchas gracias
][\/][ATT RED BLOOD, ITALIAN CASE n. 77 on 191
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I ask with humility, patience and
"McMailTeam spirit"
ENG) Please, you can add all of the below methods of defense and translate in all languages for all?
ITA) Per favore, è possibile aggiungere qui di seguito tutti i metodi di difesa e tradurre in tutte le lingue per tutti?
SWE) Snälla, kan du lägga till alla nedan metoder för försvar och översätta till alla språk för alla?
CHI) 請,您可以添加以下方法所有國防和所有語言的翻譯嗎?
ESP) Por favor, usted puede agregar todos de los siguientes métodos de defensa y traducir en todos los idiomas para todos?
DEU) Bitte, können Sie alle unten Methoden der Verteidigung hinzufügen und übersetzen in alle Sprachen für alle?
- Solution 1: Neodymium Magnets
- Solution 2 : surgeon
- Solution 3 : Jammer (disturbatore di frequenze)
- Solution 5 : (31/03/2011) Grazie a Paolo Dorigo per questo.(File acqua.wma (file acqua/ file water) nel sito italiano da qualche parte)
- Solution 6 : An anti-tinnitus CD is available for free for victims suffering from high-pitched sounds; it has also been found to be therapeutic for other victims as well (requires separately purchased high frequency headphones). Contact David Case at (573) 870-0938 for the CD and details (leave message).
- Solution 7 : .................................................................
Question: "It's possible to demagnetize the microchips?" If you can not remove the microchips with a 'surgical operation, I'ts possible demagnetized and render them useless? How? Only with the Neodymium Magnets?
V2K (Voice to skull)
- Solution 3:.................................................................................
- Solution 4:.................................................................................
- Solution 5:.................................................................................
- Solution 6:.................................................................................
How to find foreign bodies or microchip
- Solution 1: How to scan and remove implants?
- Solution 2:.................................................................................
- Solution 3:.................................................................................
- Solution 4:.................................................................................
- Solution 5:.................................................................................
- Solution 6:.................................................................................
Sleep deprivation
- Solution 1: Danke a "Joen" por suggestion Gabbia di Faraday pour dormire. Il concetto è che l'alluminio riesce a schermare, quindi si può utilzzare una retìna (piccola rete) oppure l'alluminio da cucina (io l'ho rivestita per bene con nastro adesivo largo da pacchi, perchè non si rompa), anche i contenitori rigidi della misura più larga che trovi (schiacciati e coperti bene con nastro adesivo per non rompersi o tagliare su bordi e angoli,vanno bene). E' molto importante che non ci siano spazi aperti (giusto il minimo indispensabile per respirare) da cui possono penetrare le radiazioni elettromagnetiche. Non si può usare la gabbia di Faraday, se si soffre di claustrofobia.
- Solution 2: .................................................................................
- Solution 3: .................................................................................
- Solution 4: .................................................................................
- Solution 5: .................................................................................
Sabotaggi ai computers
- Solution 1:screen-shot or videorecording monitor is useful also a videophone. Examples:
Dahna from Boston U.S.A.
All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing"
China user bbhh
Italy case n°38 - sabotaggi sui computers this video, a my dear friend of Pakistan, phishing has been on two computers. My friend have an internet Cafè and he spoke only Urdu and little italian. My videophone has been very helpful. It is not necessary to use a camera. The computer froze. The only solution was to use the videophone and call the police.Police arrived at 'internet cafe in 10 minutes. The police, perhaps, have traced the PEPR of phisingh.
- Solution 2:.................................................................................
- Solution 3:.................................................................................
- Tecnico RFID informatico
- Smagnetizzatore di TAG RFID
- UNICAM - Università Ramo informatico RFID
- Protezione da onde radio. Come filtrare le onde radio
- Giubbotto anti onde elettromagnetiche (simile a quello della Protezione Civile)
Danke schòn zu WHITEPARL from Deutschland for THIS !
this copper tube is beside my computer and it is grounded - I feel bette now, I put it very near to my body when they torture me with direct energy.......and than I feel better......but do not touch it ......its full of very bad radiation........
dieses Kupferrohr ist bei meinem Computerarbeitsplatz und es ist geerdet, wenn ich bestrahlt werde, dann platziere ich es sehr nah an meinen Körper heran, dann geht es mir besser, aber nicht berühren, denn es ist voll schlechter Strahlung.......
This is austrian socket, this is my grounding of the copper with a copper cable.........diese ist eine österreichische Steckdose, so habe ich die Erdung des Kupfers mit dem Kupferkabel gemacht.......
go to there are shielding tips.
Danke 1000 David von Deutschland for dieses (25-10-2012)
Click hier,für diese Deusche idee
REPLY 01 APRIL 2011 : THANKS TO MICHAEL from U.S.A. for this book
ENG) It may work.
We have absolutely nothing to lose.
ITA) Esso potrebbe funzionare.
Non abbiamo assolutamente niente da perdere.
Later email of Michael 01-04-2011 to me, my Email for (04/04/2011_ 10.23AM)
ITA) Io scrivo dall'Italia e volevo sapere se c'è una versione in italiano nella mia lingua e se c'è anche in altre lingue. Se i vostri libri funzionano, è possibile tradurli in altre lingue? Italiano, tedesco,spagnolo, cinese,greco russo etc?
Ci sono molti casi in aumento e in Italia,siamo giunti a più di 200 casi. Molti italiani hanno prove radiologiche di microchip nel cervello e in altre parti del corpo.è possibile smagnetizzare i microchip? Qui c'è un link con un topic che ho iniziato.
Oggi, io aggiungerò questa email che ho inviato a voi. Spero che voi riuscirete a approfondire e fare anche dei video o dei DVD, perchè in queste condizioni è impossibile concentrarsi. Io faccio molta fatica a pensare nella mia lingua, a scrivere nella mia lingua e a vivere. In un'altra lingua è ancora più difficile.
ENG) I write from Italy and I wanted to know if there's an Italian version in my language and if there is in other languages. >- book -> If your books, you can translate into other languages? Italian, German, Spanish, Chinese, Russian greek etc? There are many cases on the rise and in Italy, we came to more than 200 cases. Many Italians have radiological evidence of microchips in the brain and other parts of the body. it is possible to demagnetize the microchip? Here is a link with a my topic.
Today, I will ADD this email here ,I sent to you. I hope that you will deepen and also videos or DVDs, because under these conditions is impossible to concentrate.
I do find it hard to think of my own language, to write in my language and to live. In another language is even more difficult.
Thanks and bests regards
Comments and suggestions after topic ricreated because "bug carachters" that now I have not. This topic is old.
- Comment by LIM SC on December 11, 2010 at 5:57pm
- Spectrum analyzer (costly but there are rental services worldwide) (Roger Tolces actually owns some good ones and use them to detect eavesdropping, hidden cam etc).There are companies that rents these high precision measurement equipment based on number of days used :,,,,
- But it could be quite technical to layman like myself. It needs an antenna (horn or omnidirectional, am not sure) and also a frequency generator if the implants are passive implant.
Comment by Soleilmavis on December 11, 2010 at 2:59pm
some shielding information
Comment by LIM SC on December 11, 2010 at 1:25pm
I had surgery in March 2008 to remove appendix, and had a barium enigma before the surgery in a hospital in another city. Its quite common in veterinary clinic too I believe, and there are mobile unitsfor vets to do field scanning for cattles.
They should be able to reveal the subderma microchip implants.
Comment by LIM SC on December 11, 2010 at 1:21pm
- Real time x-ray (fluoroscence x-ray or something) - usually for Barium enigma for colon complications since it can reveal moving objects. Vets use it for scanning restless animals since pets can't stay still for usual x-ray. (Hospital denied me this scan with reasons like the machine is down for repair).I stopped trying to get such scan because I can sense that it really put the perps on their nerve everytime.
- I had surgery exactly a year before the gang stalking began in April 2009. I believe they used about 6 months to a year to monitor my livelihood thoroughly, with hidden camera, covert stalking and eavesdropping.
Comment by Annie Svensson 13 hours ago
I also have posted this link here at PP several times, no one seemed to respond to it although... I have also actually been in contact with a victim that purchased it and have tried it and are under the "deprogram". She says she is better and making progress and that for example the induced dreams are not there anymore. It is unfortunately not (not surprisingly) sharable. The Mp3 download is not able to copy somehow. She also told me that the instructions are that you, along with listening to the tapes and instructions, also have to take "sessions" at Ochs Labs, I checked their website, and they have treatments for stress issues, and they do use brainwave equipment. There is also other instructions on what you have to do, exposure to certain things among other things.//Annie Kitos and thank you veri much Annie
I do not know if it works, whatever implanted or not (the victim I have been in contact with doesn´t know if she is or not, as none of really does, even if we suspect it) The sounds I got is available at: to download. I really agree on the fact that if knowing how to set people free from this horror (especially when having the experience from it yourself) shouldn´t be done with the aim of profit on other victims. It could be its a safety thing from the former victim who produced the e-book, I really do not know.