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'Less Than Human': The Psychology Of Cruelty

"During the Holocaust, Nazis referred to Jews as rats. Hutus involved in the Rwanda genocide called Tutsis cockroaches. Slave owners throughout history considered slaves subhuman animals. In Less Than Human, David Livingstone Smith argues that it's important to define and describe dehumanization, because it's what opens the door for cruelty and genocide."
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Christians Against Mental Slavery



The microwave auditory effect, also known as the microwave hearing effect or the Frey effect, consists of audible clicks induced by pulsed/modulated microwave
frequencies. The clicks are generated directly inside the human head
without the need of any receiving electronic device. The effect was
first reported by persons working in the vicinity of radar transponders during World War II.
These induced sounds are not audible to other people nearby. The
microwave auditory effect was later discovered to be inducible with
shorter-wavelength portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. During the Cold War era, the American neuroscientist Allan H. Frey studied this phenomenon and was the first to publish (Journal of Applied Physiology,
Vol. 17, pages 689–692, 1962) information on the nature of the
microwave auditory effect; this effect is therefore also known as the
Frey effect.

Dr. Don R. Justesen published "Microwaves and Behavior" in The American Psychologist (Volume 30, March 1975, Number 3).

Research by NASA in the 1970s[citation needed] showed that this effect occurs as a result of thermal expansion of parts of the human ear around the cochlea,
even at low power density. Later, signal modulation was found to
produce sounds or words that appeared to originate intracranially. It
was studied for its possible use in communications. Both the US and USSR studied its use in non-lethal weaponry.[citation needed]

Pulsed microwave radiation can be heard by some workers; the
irradiated personnel perceive auditory sensations of clicking or
buzzing. The cause is thought to be thermoelastic expansion of portions
of auditory apparatus.[1]
The auditory system response occurs at least from 200 MHz to at least 3
GHz. In the tests, repetition rate of 50 Hz was used, with pulse width
between 10–70 microseconds. The perceived loudness was found to be
linked to the peak power density instead of average power density. At
1.245 GHz, the peak power density for perception was below 80 mW/cm2. The generally accepted mechanism is rapid (but minuscule, in the range of 10−5 °C) heating of brain by each pulse, and the resulting pressure wave traveling through skull to cochlea.[2]

The existence of non-lethal weaponry that exploits the microwave auditory effect appears to have been classified "Secret NOFORN" in the USA from (at the latest) 1998, until the declassification on 6 December 2006 of "Bioeffects of Selected Non-Lethal Weaponry" in response to a FOIA
request. Application of the microwave hearing technology could
facilitate a private message transmission. Quoting from the above
source, "Microwave hearing may be useful to provide a disruptive
condition to a person not aware of the technology. Not only might it be
disruptive to the sense of hearing, it could be psychologically
devastating if one suddenly heard "voices within one's head".

The technology gained further public attention when a company
announced in early 2008 that they were close to fielding a device called
MEDUSA (Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio) based on the principle.[3]


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Can A Satellite Read Your Thoughts? - The Target's Story


Now you don't even need to leave your home for this privilege. You and your family are on speed dial.


With so many articles on this topic, I thought it was about time that a high level overview was produced. So, in this article we are going to focus on what this system can do and present it in plain English. We have already discussed the mechanisms at length, the reception of radio telemetry from the brain and the retransmission of that telemetry to induce neural networks into firing. Now we are going to show you the entire process, from the perspective of a target. Depending on the ultimate purpose, this scenario may be quite different in terms of how it plays out. Also, given that a lot of it is dynamic, that is, related to current activity the exact sequence of events will vary.

I will split this article into multiple articles due to its length.

Humble Beginnings

It all begins so simply, one day you decide to have a drink and suddenly, before you have even taken your first sip, you feel a very mild drunk sensation. At the time, it will just seem a little odd and it will be years before you recognize the significance of this moment, or the fact that you have not been alone for a number of years.

As the years progress, a deep rooted feeling of anxiety will build with no discernible source to attribute it to. Small events, such a minor mugging, will be blown completely out of proportion, leaving the target progressively socially isolated as time passes. The mere thought of social interaction brings an immediate response of anxiety and repulsion. Little does the target realize that this response is artificial. Sleep is disrupted, strange lucid dreams manifest and slowly a paranoid mindset begins to creep in. You begin to think, or at least you feel that you are thinking, that people want to break into your home, or perhaps your girlfriend is cheating on you.

Motivated by these drivers, the personality of target slowly begins to change as a range of neurotransmitters build up in the brain.

The build up of neurotransmitters causes regions of the brain to cross-communicate information, neurons to fire sporadically. This malfunction of the brain presents itself as disordered thinking, violent/aggressive behavior and even sexual violence. Of course, the target is not meant to notice telemetry focusing them on specific actions, rather like a guided bomb. As cortisol is pumped into the body of the target, it impacts memory by making information difficult to recall and boosting the formation of new memories. This expedites the corruption of the target's cognitive abilities as the majority of relationships between this new information is frivolous (i.e. rhyming, basic patterns, etc.). At a certain point, short term memory begins to fail, slowly initially, almost imperceptible. At later stages, even to the subjective experience of the target, this will be highly perceptible.

Over the next months, the target is introduced to more "unreasonable thoughts". Ideas are introduced into the collapsing psyche that events and thoughts are related, a beeping horn, a random noise become confirmation of subjective ideas. Certain notions that the world is somehow changing, or you can "read" the world in a different way start to take root. Watching television or radio, certain words or phrases will make you realize that the shows have been written for you or are about you in some way. The target may even begin to see parallels in every event, giving the impression that world is based around a single hidden theme and you just needed to work it out to be released.

All the while, the target is blind to the big invisible radio-based hand that has been inserted into his mind, guiding the experience with nano-second precision. Slowly, the process is headed for a crescendo and stage one draws to a close. By this stage, the target will have been on the system for at least 3 years, perhaps as much as 11.

The target is primed and stage 2 can begin.

The Waking Nightmare

Like all good Hollywood nightmares, this one starts serene. The target, happily deluded, enjoys music whilst bathing in the feeling of euphoria caused by a flood of neurotransmitters. Remotely stimulated thoughts, concepts, relationships and images are woven together reinforce delusions now held by the target.

In many cases, the specific delusions are based upon demographic information. Thus, a target may start expressing ideas and concepts that are not native to their own belief system. For example, demographics may create a psychotropic sequence aimed at the religious majority of a particular group, however, the target within that group may hold a different religious viewpoint. So, a Hindu may start experiencing a christian-based sequence simply because of the area they live in.

The main concepts of the delusion are slowly exaggerated upon and gradually take a darker twist. Depending on the target's personality, the length of the process is variable. The idea is to gradually introduce them to more assertive and aggressive behavior, whilst suppressing inhibition. One of the most powerful tools is the "What if...". By introducing the target's collapsing mind to "moral dilemmas' or imaginary scenarios where they are forced to make a decision on a course of action, the ever-guiding hand will progressively select increasingly radical solutions. Until the point that you are convinced that using a rocket launcher to stop a speeding car is acceptable or worse.

Whilst this is occurring the target is progressively drawn into a world that forms in their spacial reasoning. This can be as mild as visualizing a beam coming from the next room, or a high quality visualization with almost lucid dream detail. In the extremes, it can manifest as something like a cartoon character, slightly behind you, patting you on the shoulder. Interestingly, this latter radio stimulated sequence will raise alarm bells as reports suggest it feels like a computer animation.

Throughout this process, each of the sequences follows a pattern of humiliation, although this may not be quite clear to the target at the time. Subjectively, the target is experiencing the event as though it was part of them, rather than externally stimulated. Thus, the "humiliation factor" may come across as mere comedy.

In addition to this, an attack on the central nervous system occurs, particularly motor functions with a key focus on the subjective perception of the body as a whole. That is, the body can almost feel somehow split down its center providing the sensation that each side of the body can slip past each other for a few centimeters.

This stage may include mild hallucinations that last for a few seconds. During these several weeks of intense assault, the perception of time is altered and due to ever increasing short-term memory loss, there is no difference between hours, days, weeks or months.

Then comes the bomb.

The Drop

Having built the target to a crescendo of Euphoria, it is time to introduce them to a social situation. The delusions have taken root, the psyche is compromised, the target is under the effective control of the radio signal. I say effective, because as the psyche is compromised, it cannot weigh factors in a decision properly and thus radio stimulation of neurons acts as a guide to behavior. Things will "feel right", "connected", thus the target will follow the tune. We can see how the "agreement requirement" of methods such as hypnosis is clearly compromised by the long term assault. The net effect is that the psychotropic sequence becomes blended with corrupt worldview, it does not replace it entirely. Thus, the sequence may intend a certain theme to be established, but this becomes tainted with the subjective experience of the target. They are, after all, genuinely psychotic at this stage despite the interference of the radio signal.

In any social situation you can expect your personal views to be challenged. This is something we encounter every day. When a psychotic mind meets a challenge to its worldview, it is ignored and the delusional viewpoint must be upheld by all. The result of non-compliance is to become, in the mind's eye of the psychotic target, an 'evil' element in their delusion. That makes you a legitimate target for aggression or violence.

It is at this point what I like to call 'the drop' occurs. (note: 'the drop' is a concept from Dubstep music production, it is where the song kicks in).

The drop occurs for a number of reasons, firstly the flood of neurotransmitters promotes anger and frustration. The aggression has it basis in chemicals, whilst the frustration comes from being unable to keep a consistent thought pattern in your head. Throughout this stage, the target is subjected to an complex radio signal that amplifies the signal patterns. In short, it acts like an accelerent on an open flame.

The psyche shatters, like a grenade went off in your soul. Suddenly, the target is subjectively separated from the actions of the body. Like a dreamer in a dream, they watch as the body explodes with an anger that could lay waste to entire continents if unleashed. Almost serenely, the consciousness observes the events unfold in a haze of flashes unencumbered with the consequences.

As you can see, this stage is one of the most useful in terms of military applications. It is at this point that a target can be directed at a person or group. That said, the target is highly unstable and could broaden their attack to include unintended victims. It is an unpredictable situation.

After the explosion of violence has occurred, the psychotropic sequence attempts to maintain the situation by subjecting the target to array of progressive animations, in the visualization portion of the brain, that are dynamically generated based on input from the target. This coupled by sequences of stimulated emotions, sensations and concepts.

It is at this stage that the idea of "just having died" is introduced. As the target is taking comments, words, phrases, books and TV out of context, they begin to see the world in the same way. They hear the words someone says, the see the way the move, but it is interpreted to mean something in relation to their worldview.

In this sequence, the perception of people around you is electromagnetically stimulated to provide the impression of angels, or whatever the demographic equivalent, operating people without their knowledge trying to guide you to an after-life or new world. It is surprising how easy the mind accepts such a situation.

So, at this point you are supposed to be convinced you are dead. As I mentioned earlier, due to your own worldview, this stimulated viewpoint may not fully take hold. That is, whilst you have no real choice but to follow along with it, the mind can reject the concept at a very deep level, thus minimizing the impact to the psyche. At a subjective level, this may manifest as an undefined confusion at the stimulated psychotropic sequence. That is, everything can be viewed as a puzzle that you must interpret correctly. Given the mind is collapsing and subjected to an electromagnetic attack, you are effectively blinded to the fact that the source is a signal and the brain is lost when trying to define and isolate the problem.

That said, it is at this point that an unconscious recognition of an important fact can occur. We will come to this later.

The target will have been on the system for at least 4 years, perhaps as much as 12.

The Ghost

Continuously blacking out from the trauma, partially dissociated, the subject would normally be admitted to psychiatric services as an acute case at this point. These blackouts are not your normal fainting, from the external perspective the target would continue to rant, move, etc., but subjectively they would only be experiencing time slices of a few seconds, separated with gaps of hours or days. From the perspective of the target, days are edited into minutes as the world goes by in a series of snapshots.

From the outside, the target would look like any other psychotic individual. The only difference is the severity of the case. Paying close attention to the classification of symptoms may reveal that the target has multiple illnesses at once. This is to with the fact that the psychosis is not genuine and that the psychotropic sequence borrows from a wide variety of illnesses. That said, most psychiatric services do not have the resources for such analysis, so the illness is misdiagnosed and the target forced to take medication that could prove harmful.

The target is now subjected to very intense bombardment of the psyche and central nervous system. In a dissociative state, the target is subjected to an electromagnetic 'stroke'. This confines the subject to a bed due to its power. A pulsing pressure is present in all the major muscle groups, twisting them in opposite direction. Extremely painful, the target will continue to black out repeatedly. Every time the target becomes conscious, images, concepts and a continuous monologue is present. Occasionally, auditory hallucinations may appear but this seems to have the hallmark of repeating something heard earlier suggesting it is radio based rather than a manifestation due to chemicals.

The moments of lucidity gradually begin to increase, as this happens our theme of being dead is now played upon. This next psychotropic sequence begins to attack the visual system. It draws your attention to particular features, such as a face, and then begins to induce a mild hallucination which exaggerates those features. At the same time, complex concepts are streamed to the brain in real-time manifesting the subjective experience that you are about to pass through hell itself and you can now see the demons behind certain people. Focus is also directed to low frequency noise, increasing the perception of power and the feeling of dread.

Intense fear, coupled with perfectly timed hallucinations, make this a horrific experience.

This period lasts about 4-8 weeks to conform with expectations of a psychosis if performed in the context of a psychiatric setting.

End Of Part 1

If you sit back and look at this objectively, you can basically see the goals emerge, both short term and long term:

1. Proven feasibility of remote activation of an oblivious assassin.

2. Established long term cover for continued experimentation.

3. Proven to fool trained medical professionals

4. Established a control mechanism over the target.

5. Secured long term capability to conduct experiments, both in terms of social isolation and inability to work.

6. Established a method of inducing an electronic form of a "stroke", without killing the target outright.

7. Established barriers to identification by compromising the psyche of the target.

I am sure this is a lot to take in at the moment, as the above description is very detailed and disturbing. It really brings to life the work I have been publishing for over a year now. I am sure everyone is wondering if this is a true story, the answer is yes, it is from an eye-witness testimony.

The next article will cover what happens over the next decade. Yes, you read that correctly, this is a continuous experiment run over decades, until the target either commits suicide or their heart gives out.

It gets a lot worse.

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#1123 The good and the bad about implants

#1123  The good and the bad about implants

There is another implant victim Named ED Kats, a Russian immigrant. He and his kids have been implanted. I was on an Internet radio talk show with him, his wife Claudia and Ken Rhoades last week. Ed's children have been
implanted he says as well. He has X-rays of his and they are in his sinuses. He talked about how x-rays are and image but the others are digital and can be doctored. Something we may what to consider.
    He made a nice DVD showing these images. There is also a recording of him talking to the FBI and they are telling him he is going to have to  learn to live with it. I'm going to do my best to play the video and get an image of his implants for everybody.
    I will also look into seeing if we can't get this put on Youtube. I just looked so it hasn't been done yet. If there is any benefit to implants I guess it would be this.... Here is a video of a deaf baby boy of 8 months getting his cochlear implants activated for the first time.

It is good to get a glimpse of the good that can be done with this
technology after knowing how much suffering many have endured.

Peter Rosenholm
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Well, I'm back to post what has been going on with me by these abuse and torture weapons being used on me. Tonight while I was laying in my bed I suddenly got sharp pains in my heart for a few minutes. I know it had to be the Military doing this to aggravate and cause pain to me. I see a doctor tomorrow and I'm going to explain my very best on what's going on with me and tell him about the electronic harassment and direct energy that is being directed at me. I'm going to ask him if I can get a doctor's approval for blood work to see if I have radiation poisoning in my blood stream. It's a 50/50 percent chance that he'll agree to it, but just in case his excuse is he doesn't know any place that does that, I will already have 3-4 hospitals lined up that do do tests like that. If everything goes smooth with him and I do get the test done, hopefully I'll have a small amount of radiation poisoning in my blood stream. I don't care if it's a lot or a little, just something in writing that says I came up positive for radiation. Then if that goes smooth as well, I'm going to be looking for a lawyer that will take my case for electronic harassment and provide all documentation to him/her plus my blood test I got done as more proof that this is happening to me. But if for some reason I come up negative in the test, I'm screwed for now. I'll just have to wait it out until something happens (like an investigation taking place/a law being passed by congress). Anyways, I still have the repetitive music playing in my head a lot of times and I still hear random voices in my head. I still get stings on my body and itchiness everyday. I still have pain and pressure in my skull as usual, but I'm getting numb to it more and more. Okay, that's all I wanted to share with you for the time being. Take care.


                                                                                         - James

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This has been reported to IPCC


I am writing this due to the amount of abuse and torture i have

received from at least 14 members of staff from Lancashire Constabulary “Special Operations Unit “ during Sept 2009

6 males and 8 females maybe 1 or 2 more involved have been using electronic microwave non-lethal weapons under the PSYOP terminology. (Psychological Operation).




The system is a combination of L- rad and a broadcasting unit which is low frequency that similar of the brainwave frequency, it is capable of reproducing the third voice within me as well as reproducing smells and nasal senses like cannabis and sweaty feet as well as the ability to remote view my sight and communicate to me with telekinesis or remote telepathy incorporating L- rad low sound technology below 16 hertz, rare in human beings but possible.


 Shadows can be created and noises and sounds within cavity walls and ceilings and also the ability to trigger window sensor alarms. Many of other variations of such have been witnessed with the technology the psyop staff are using. The technology is also incorporating millimeter wave imaging and pulse wave generators. The technology is nothing new and this may be verified by Military or authors of psyop for example Tim Rifat.


Electronic Beam Forming Passive Millimetre Wave Imaging 







The team also have the technology to gain access to my phone sim card and listen into conversations at my parents home and others addresses even when i am not present they have told me about conversations taking place at those addresses proving this by playing back the sounds.


I am subjected to psychological conditioning and they tell me that they want me to be a “special person “ who is able to use my experience to operate for them and be a special person for a special person over and over again 30 times a day initially. This person was said to be somebody importants daughter, who wanted me to be special for Sunflower.


Due to refusals to go out and operate for them looking for crime and viewing vehicle registrations as an ANPR machine i have been subjected to excruciating pain torture to the brain and head and all over my body but mainly the head. I have also refused to be a special person for a special person.


They have tried to use psychological confidence in achieving me ruin and to jeopardise my existing injury legal claim including telling me to accept a lower final offer as they know the other party personally , they have also been present whilst in a private meeting with my solicitor for 1 hour discussing the case and been able to read all my correspondance aswell as asking countless questions regarding the case and questioning fully my injuries.


 They have tried in vain hoping to cause injury or fatality to my life when i was told to drive to Scotland in November 2009 and to undertake a high speed advanced driving course in which 1 male known as King Arthur appeared to be an ex tutor for Police driving courses.


Several occasions saw me driving at speed whilst giving commentary on my surroundings, speed , weather, road conditions and the reason for driving at speed and “saying i am an advanced driver with Lancashire Constabulary” every 5 minutes. This was all carried out professionally and although no tutorage required I had been instructed by a person with professional history in advanced driving.


This was all carried out on the M6 Northbound from Carlise to Scotland and around Southern Scotland East to West as high up as Ben Nevis and back down to Dumfries and Galloway where i spent the time driving at speed day and night during November and December 2009 until i returned home. Many trials where initiated in testing my driving abilities.


I was never left alone over any 24 hour period since Sept 2009

even typing this now i am in discussions with them to leave me alone or i will use this information publically and with Government Agencies in order to bring this torture and abuse to an end.

From January to March 2010 i did not really leave my home much after not having any money having spent over £1000.00 mainly on fuel and needed to refresh my overdraft.





They told me that they wanted me to be “somebody special” for “ somebody special “ and this required me to show them i had no personal items that was illegal or had any drugs in the premises , due to me being finger tip search trained i was required to do so and every inch of the home was searched


Whilst i began to pack away personal belongings under instruction i was advised a new home was being built for me and i would be moving soon.


All the time i was being Psycologically conditioned into believing that i was going to be a “ special person “ for “ somebody special “ .

I even disposed of personal belongings that was valuable and collectable and although i had no need to i was instructed to do so. These items alone was over £2000.00


I took at least 3 car boot loads of personal possessions to the local refuge center , this would sound absolutely ridiculous to anybody reading this or to be told of this but I was acting under instructions , anybody would of thought I was going mad or not acting normal.


In March 2010 i moved to my parents address whilst they went on their vacation , this was also so then i could use it as a base and operate from away from my own area.

From March 2010 until July 10th 2010 i was carrying out special duties and named by the Psyop staff as James Bond.


During the day i frequently went to countryside locations and strategic locations and  places giving ANPR type information to “ my ding a ling “ who was supposed to be the “somebody special person “ as in my ding a ling girlfriend , whom acted as a comms operator. I used to spot certain vehicles and watch for crime whilst passing on over 100 car registrations per daytime and being told if it was a good one or not , due to legal reasons i was never told any intel reports or insurance, tax or V5 present information.


I spent a few daytimes in the summer parked up in Blackpool on the park and ride carpark just off Amy johnson way watching vehicles entering and leaving the town whilst giving the vehicle details phonetically and how many on board as well as any relative information of interest . In any one day i was passing on over 2000 vehicles for PNC.


In the evenings i became “ James Bond “ covering Lancashire

starting at 21:00 hrs and driving to various locations by request of the psyop team or it was left up to me as i am someone with good knowledge of Lancashire and where to look for crime.


I have sound experience in looking for the right characters and the ability to find the crime taking place due to suspicion or body language or just because of the area itself.


I found that my skill set led me to a lot of suspicious activities taking place in the early hours of the night which was good intelligence reported.

I frequented the red light areas of Preston, Burnley , Blackburn and ether became a stationary observation personell operating within my vehicle sat in the dark and obscure locations where i would not be noticed whilst passing on vehicle registrations which are  either picking up sex workers or kerb crawling .


I would also pass on discriptives of any men on foot frequentlng the areas of the red light districts and spend 30 minutes in various areas whilst carrying out covert observations.


In any one night in Preston i would be able to pass over at least 50 vehicle registrations and over 20 male descriptives on foot whilst driving around the area of where the sex workers operate.





This was also done in Burnley but only on 2 occasions. I went to Blackburn under instructions and operated in the same manner as Preston working as a covert Government agent giving details of kerb crawlers on foot and those mobile. I always returned home at around 03.00 hrs to 04:00 hrs.


I asked for a night off from the psyop operation in April as my money was not stretching far enough for petrol and for my own luxeries. I was even asking Big Chief for me to be spoken to for only 6 hours per day through telekenessis as it is so exhausting to speak and listen with remote telepathy but was told i will see what i can do. I stated on several occasions that i wanted a break from all of this as i really did not want anything to do with the operation.


Big Chief replied “ you can have a holiday for one week “ and “we will not speak to you as long as you do not speak to us ! “,


This itself is near impossible due them listening to my thoughts and replying to them which is how we was communicating anyway with remote telekinessis or remote telepathy.


I was always being spoken to by various staff from their operational office 24 hours a day and never able to have any privacy , all my visual thoughts were interrogated and so was all my personal life , present all the way back to childhood.


This would include girlfriends , friends, family , aquaintances , careers , holidays and future thoughts and plans.


It was not until July 12th 2010 or 13th when I was first subjected to pain and torture just because I refused to leave the home due to having no finances . I was subjected to being soaked to the skin with Microwave Rf signals.


I have had my dreams manipulated whilst asleep , I have been sexually abused whilst sleeping and awaking , the equipment they have which works with brain wave frequency and pulse generators have been giving me immense headaches and pain torture to the body , just to make me be “james bond “

Some weeks I stay home and sleep just to get away from them, some days I am friendly with them but when the pain torture increases , so does my emails to get them to stop.


Microwave Milliwave imaging is being used by the psyop team at home 24/7 and when driving , this has been constant since sept 2009.


Electronic Beam Forming Passive Millimetre Wave Imaging







At least 2 of the staff have been to my  Junior school which is 2 females and maybe 1 male. At least 1 female was in my year and has confirmed ex pupils faces via remote telepathy. Another female confirmed my  year.


01- female Sunflower 26 to 35 years of age  THE SPECIAL PERSON  (MY DING A LING)


02- female Snow drop 26 to 35 years of age


03- female Dr strange love 26 to 35 years of age


04- female Ultra Violet 47 to 52 years of age


05- female GSXR 42 to 46 years of age


06- female Canada Dry 39 to 45 years of age


07- female Dr strange love 30 to 39 years of age


08-female Afternoon 40 to 47 years of age


09- male King Arthur 55 to 65 years of age


10- male Sir Lancelot 44 to 46 years of age


11- male Big Chief 52 to 58 years of age


12- male Junior 25 to 30 years of age


13- male David Beckham 43 to 50 years of age


14- male Not named 40 to 45 years of age





During the whole time of this Psychological Operation it has been possible for at least 4 people to speak to me at any one time, with all staff using headsets and microphones.

Nobody is allowed to enter where they are working as stated by themselves.


They have also said on many occasions that they should not be doing this and do not have permission to use this equipment. One member of staff at least has the authority to deploy the force helicopter. Probably the same person who has the authority also says “ smashing pumpkins on my head “ a lot, this means giving him headaches.  THE SAME PERSON ALSO HAS THE AUTHORITY TO DEPLOY THE FORCE HELICOPTER  which has been deployed over 30 times for my benefit.





“ SMASHING PUMPKINS ON MY HEAD “ to give headaches


“Get in “

“ yippee”

“ Thats the truth of it “

“ screw yourself “

“ we want you to be a special person “




Electronic Beam Forming Passive Millimetre Wave Imaging


L-RAD – Low frequency output speaker system

Remote Telepathy equipment– brainwave frequency using ULF/VLF/RLF

Skeletal biometricity – visual display of my pain , giving heart rate , blood pressure etc

Gsm interrogating and tracking equipment

Gps of my locations without my cellphone

Simcard block and mobile phone block


Ability to cause pain and harm using brainwave frequency including choking , slowing heart rate or stopping , severe pain to head and filling room with microwave RF.

Ability to manipulate dreams

3rd voice initiation

X-ray vision and equipment capable of identifying people outside property perimeter and inner perimeter

Eavesdropping long range












During March 2010- July 2010 i gave in to their demands and went out into Lancashire in my vehicle and operated as a civilian covert police officer.


I have uncovered terrorist information whilst carrying covert observations in Blackburn and Preston in May /June 2010 aswell as a suspect person waiting for a lift on the A6 Garstang Road whom i watched get into a vehicle connected to a terrorist cell from East Lancashire.


They have said that they have been manipulating intelligence on PNC and locally about me and tagging me as a criminal just to make me keep going out and use the covert observations system to gain intelligence as I have done so much for them from April 2010 to July 2010 . I stopped going out then for the psyop team after I was soaked in microwave rf as punishment for not spending my last £10 on petrol. The microwave rf was enough to smell the dust burning off my curtains , soaking me through the skin and drenched in clammy like Microwave.



I am not anti police , I am not a trouble maker nor do I have a mental illness


I worked in security for over 10 years. I am looking for someone to use their contacts and technical skills to close them down torturing me . I can not make a formal complaint to the constabulary in my county for reasons of reprisals and misunderstanding. This is the whole truth and i have no mental disorders or reasons to make this up. 


Yours truly with best regards


 Mr A non





Phillip wilsons wife and friend mandy

Jill and paul  1 burrington close fulwood preston


Jackie from western division  


1 female my year at school LEFT IN 87 x psyop team member POSS A TERRINS
1 female my brothers year LEFT IN 81 x psyop team member
1 female x psyop team member 91  (silly spoilt bitch sunflower aged 34,35,36 SMALL DARK HAIR BIG TITS AND SHE THINKS SHE LOOKS LIKE CHERYL COLE)sarah pearl and Justine fazackerlys ,sally greenwood , friend and year  at  same school but left in 91/90 (all same school)

Jason knights sister – cottam preston  DEFINATELY ABUSING ME


cid Police officer bill or ben nicknamed after to cid officers who worked together known as bill and ben (flower pot men ) , but one left for being corrupt.

pc hough – western division blackpool, stationary  obs in preston  a6 may/june 2010 
manchild – western division  blackpool followed me  in black seat in preston oct 2008





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Cross-Cultural Neuroethics: Look Both Ways

"Cross-cultural neuroethics aims to overcome potential misunderstandings that might arise when the worldview of researchers differs from that of the community they are investigating. Elana Brief of the National Core for Neuroethics at the University of British Columbia is involved in community-based participatory research, an approach that fosters collaboration between the investigators and their subjects, recognizing unique strengths that each brings to the work."
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Open Air Testing and Mind Control.. chemtrail planes.. Imperial Chemical Company.. They spray toxins all over Florida.. the govt and counties cover it up. Everyone working in a state or federal job is covering up the genocide here. Why? Are they victims of torture and mind control? or are they profiting from the dead and murdered. Tested in San Fran and FLORIDA.>>> still going on today.. ILLEGAL>> INHUMANE Torture. Violation of The Geneva Conventions.. the US signed the Geneva Conventions in 1

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General Counsel of the Department of Defense- Washington DC September 20th 1977- CIA HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION

DOD/CIA Mind Control Program- Declassified Sept 20th 1977

Electromagnetic Weapons of Torture.pdf

Over 500 Cases of Torture in the USA and Over 1200 cases of Torture...
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#1121 Invited Ted Gunderson to May Bioethics meeting

    We found an individual who knows Ted Gunderson and has had him on their Internet radio show as a guest. Gunderson was a top FBI agent in southern California who began uncovering corruption after retiring. A google search will show numerous writings and videos. He has cancer now and hasn't been well. Ken Rhodes was able to call and leave a message telling Ted that if he is up to it his flight and accommodations will be paid for the next President's Bioethics Commission scheduled for May 18-19, 2011.
    A TI contacted me yesterday saying he had called the President's Bioethics Commission and was told that the meeting was to be in NY. I tried to confirm this today but was told this isn't true. I explained that people will need some time to prepare so asked if they knew when the location will be announced and was told they haven't even discussed the subject yet.
    To be honest there were a lot of umhum...umhum. I think the politeness we first encountered isn't as prevalent now. I can only hope this committee will keep an open ear to our participation, testimony and evidence.
    I hope TIs are giving this committee courteous respect when communicating with them. We are after all asking them to consider our testimony and evidence as current non-consensual human test subject. I've already read of a TI demanding an interview at the University of Pennsylvania with the Chair Dr. Amy Gutmann and was deemed a threat. This isn't going to help them make a favorable recommendation to the President on our behalf. That doesn't mean that I don't realize TIs are suffering. I think it is more like a court of law. We have to show respect or it will decide against our interests.
    A lot of people have given effort and spent money to attend the the Feb. 28-March 1, 20011 meeting in Washington DC and all went well. If we aren't careful the May 18-19 meeting could be in a remote location like Nome Alaska.

                                                                                    Peter Rosenholm

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Here's what you need for printing a nice logo or slogans on blank t-shirts for yourself :


- computer

- printer (inkjet, laser)

- blank t-shirts  and cotton made is best as thetransfer paper lasts longer (am sure you can get in neighbourhood store)

- iron on transfer paper (you can buy online or eBay I believe).

   Most branded printer manufacturers like HP, Cannon sells it.

- household irons + ironing board.


Please check with iron on transfer paper manufacturers first the suitable printers as some can be printed using inkjet, some laser jet etc etc.


Some need to print mirror image only, some just print as usual. Pls check with manufacturers.




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Brain Implants for MIND CONTROL // Minduploading

The government is obliged to inform the public about the new digital communication system “telepathy”.

We want this website to create a general awareness and attention that these technologies are developed in many years, including EUROPE.


Do you know someone who is a multimedia online but do not dare talk about it?

It is easy not to be believed for a person who alleges that a paradigm shift in computer-brain integration and multimedia technology is already here.

We are aware that part of the information here may sound like science fiction, but there is already a real reality.

Read more about the future under the various tabs!


Brain Implants for MIND CONTROL!

There could be conflict between the personal freedom to use one‘s economic resources to get an implant that will enhance one‘s physical capabilities and what society at large considers desirable or ethically acceptable.“

How threatening for mankind is an Artificial Brain ?


First let me state that at this moment the biggest threat for mankind is the human specie ! ABC-weapons in wrong hands can result in extreme damaging behavior.




25-04-2010. MINDTECH seeks to establish a network of laymen and media. This group will be dealing with the social and ethical sides to research, development and the implementation of emerging technologies in our society.

Meanwhile, philosophers working alongside the researchers say it’s time to find out more about how the public feels about such bionic research, which in some cases is being used to enhance human memory, physical abilities and perception.“



Not yet published research materials in interdisciplinary brain research and development of computer-brain interface must therefore be attributed to an unknown number of defenseless experimental subjects, many with families whose lives are destroyed in a wild orgy of computer abuse.This is to copy the cognitive behaviors and human perception in the development of quantum physics.Try The items have no options or informed consent, served as on-line research materials on aging. addresses the specific issues that may arise when neural prostheses are customized to a specific patient, and when large scale neural prostheses lead to whole brain emulation: the emulation of a patient’s complete brain function in a prosthetic substrate. Site content is focused on neuroscience and computational research that is involved in an eventual progression from neural prostheses to the applied science of whole brain emulation, including the concept of “mind-transfer”.
The natural conclusion is that the perpetrators have something to gain by doing this to us. We are victims of experimentation done on humans without consent. Two areas of research are Artificial Intelligence and Non-Lethal Weapons.


It is inevitable. In the near future, someone will decide to record every moment of a human life from birth to death in digital storage. This will be more than an extreme reality TV stunt. It will mark the era of personal memory offloading, an adaptive memory technology that records and indexes every single moment of your life. Offloading personal memory begins with a personal memory device, or a PMD. The basic PMD would be no more complex than a nano chip implant in the brain that captures your every experience. A PMD could be easily fitted shortly after birth; the least invasive option would be like a Bluetooth headset worn over the ear connected wirelessly to a local device no larger than a cell phone. Once installed, the PMD would capture and upload all first-person memories to a centralized database for indexing, search, and recall.


Would the PMD remember where you parked? Always. Will it warn you when you are about to walk away and leave your hat and sunglasses on the bench behind you? Totally. Will it send you birthday reminders, schedule your meetings, remind you to pick up your dry-cleaning and let you program your DVR with voice commands? Yes. Will it find your car keys and remote control for you? Maybe. Will it record your innermost thoughts? Probably not. It won’t always be perfect, but it will greatly extend your normal range of memory, and over time it will become like an indispensable part of your brain.

External data is easy to record and index, but internal memory such as feelings, thoughts, ideas, and dreams present some engineering challenges. The PMD could be fitted with an invasive brain implant to extend functionality, but to keep things simple, let’s consider some cheap, non-invasive solutions. Biometric data such as temperature, galvanic skin response, brainwave activity, pulse, respiration rates, and perspiration levels can monitor mood, arousal, activity levels, and so on. This biometric data, no matter how spotty, can be used to generate a dynamic emotional profile for any individual as they move through their day. Speech and behavioral analysis can also track levels of focus and activity to indicate mood and engagement in reality. Facial gestures and voice pitch can be tracked to sense subtle emotional reactions to stimulus. There could be a service that monitors your diet and daily routines to see if you are acting in healthy or unhealthy ways. If environmental data capture is complete, filling in emotional data from biometric analysis would be a simple software task.

With your PMD you would be able to say, “Remember the time I did (activity) with (person) at (location)?” and your PMD would search your memory database and stream the audio, video, and emotional rendering of the experience to your cell phone. Or you could ask, “Remember that book I read on chimpanzees? Who was the author?” Multiple memories may fit your query and be returned as a basic search list with text, video, and audio links. Similar memories with substituted variables might be offered up as tangents. Your request may provide you with “links” to other activities at that same location or to other books you have read by the same author. Beyond that, you could watch yourself relive important memories, or if friends and family members had similar devices, you could share personal events and watch group memories through multiple perspectives. Human memory integrity need no longer rely on lossy neural compression and the unreliable he-said/she-said narratives that compose written history. It would all be a matter of public record stored in time-stamped relational database tables for all of history. At the very least, it may save a few arguments between married couples.

The PMD sounds like science fiction, but the technology for creating it exists today. It could be an iPhone app. The engineering hurdles would be the physical disk space and CPU cycles needed for daily storage, compression, and indexing of video and audio data for every person with a PMD. Let’s assume storage and CPU cycles are solvable problems and that indexing and compression of video and speech data will only get better and faster over time. So pretty soon, for a moderate monthly fee, you could get a PMD system bundled with your cable, cell-phone, or internet bill. With a pocket or desktop unit, your daily memory will be locally stored and indexed. The relevant data points would then be uploaded to a central server for global storage and cross-indexing with other personal memories and digital records over the course of your lifetime. Like a Tivo, your PMD would be able to predict which memories you want to save, which memories your friends and family will like, and which memories are private, redundant, or expendable. It would be easy to customize these features for each individual, making indexing personal memory an intuitive task that would involve automatically setting user preferences based on daily routines; mirroring actual learning and memory networking in the brain.




Most interestingly, the PMD can be used a social memory or cloud memory device. If you select the social memory networking option, then your public memories can be shared with anyone who shares overlapping memories with you, making shared social memory (the collective consciousness) an instantly accessible reality. This raises some privacy issues, but cell phones already track our location and capture audio and video; capturing every moment of environmental data for cloud-memory rendering is merely the logical endpoint of this technology. You could jump in on a friend’s memory stream and share their experiences over the internet; you could watch a rock concert through the eyes of the guitarist, lead singer, or anyone in the crowd. Then you could replay that concert over and over from different angles. With environmental data capture from multiple PMDs, recreating any event in virtual space becomes a matter of video crunching and graphics rendering. Rendered PMD cloud data could recreate crime scenes or accidents for review in court; create virtual classrooms and training centers; or make vacation memories available to friends on Facebook. You would never again have to ask, “Remember that time…?” All you would have to do is send a link to their PMD. They will remember.


Webb: Targeted Individuals EUROPE:


Implant chip in the human brain.Synthetic telepathy is communication systems built on thoughts, not speech. Multimedia communication network is based. Brain copying is performed around the clock, largely by learning computer, copying is nothing short of serious torture. No one would voluntarily give informed consent to this serious research abuse. It takes years of learning and program development to develop the new computer-brain interfaces and multimedia language between man and computer. Subjects are now against their will has been online for five years on Man-Brain-Computer-Interface.
The Human Brain Project






Read  E.U -commisioner Professor Rafael Capuros presentation.






And look at  Ray kurzweils video:






Magnus Olsson (SWEDEN)

Bioethics,,,Look at this,,,

















Our Mission: Will humans have a free will in the future? MINDTECH Sweden, EUROPE has been established to create an awareness of nanotechnology and disadvantages of human-machine integration, and the great race between computer companies for reverse engineering (mind uploading) of the human brain.

Read more: “The Human Brain Project”




BMI and the new system brain science

Mitsuo Kawato
Director of ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories


Supernatural powers are highly popular among the subjects of paranormal phenomena, so if I say that a new technology called “Brain Machine Interface (BMI),” which links cranial nerve science with information and telecommunications technology, is turning some of these powers into reality, people outside of this field will probably be astonished. There are tricks and gimmicks behind this.


“Telekinesis,” which is an ability to move objects with only the mind, has been realized as BMI that manipulates computers only by thinking, generates orders to control robots, and moves wheelchairs. “Psychography,” which produces images that were visualized in the mind on photographic printing paper, has been realized as decoding (decoding of brain information) technology that reproduce images from the activity of the visual area of the cerebral cortex measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging. “Teleportation,” which is instantaneous transportation to a remote location, has been realized as a two-way communication through the internet that uses the brain activity of a monkey in the east coast of the U.S. to control a humanoid robot in Kyoto.

Also, research on “telepathy,” which is direct information exchange between minds, has been developt as a research theme of neural science. There are two ways as described below on how the dreamlike BMI technology can enrich our lives.

The first way is to apply BMI technology to the medical/welfare fields. Here, BMI can be considered as follows: “An attempt to reconstruct, treat, and enhance the three main functions of the brain; sensation, nerve center and locomotion with electrical artificial circuits.” This might sound like a wild imagination in science fiction movies, but the sensory and nerve center functions have already been put to practical use. A representative example of artificial sensory BMI is the cochlear implant, which restored the hearing of two hundred thousand people around the world. The artificial retina is almost at the stage of practical use, and the artificial vestibular organ to cure dizziness is also being researched. Deep brain stimulation to stop tremors of Parkinson’s disease patients which could not be treated by drugs has been good news for one thousand people just in Japan.

Regarding the locomotion control type BMI, various countries around the world are fiercely competing in the research and development to restore the physical functions and communication abilities which were lost by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, spinal cord injury or stroke, and to treat them. It has been said that Japan is 10 years behind the U.S. and Germany, but aided by the support of Strategic Research Program for Brain Sciences by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, it has now emerged to the top position in the world in two applications: minimally invasive type BMI that uses electrocorticogram and treatment type BMI that promotes rehabilitation.

The second way is to apply BMI to the information and telecommunications field. It can be said that communication, and information and telecommunications such as language, characters, printing, telegraph, telephone and internet are the most important technologies that distinguish humans from other animals, but we are still just communicating data such as characters, codes, sounds or images, and have not gone beyond the bounds of data communication. In another words, we still do not have the technology that selects what we really want to know and tell through communication, such as emotion, feelings, affectivity or information within the brain, and to transmit them directly. Because of this, a large amount of useless data is wandering around the internet, consuming tremendous energy and damaging the environment.

If we take a wider view without being limited to the medical and welfare areas, BMI can also be described as “a technology to directly connect the brain with information and telecommunications equipment.” Whereas the conventional information and telecommunications technology, no matter how advanced, could only realize communication between brains through the bottleneck of human sensory receptors and locomotion effectors which have narrow bandwidths, it will become possible to communicate by a kind of telepathic, nonverbal communication. As a result, if we can choose only what we really wish to communicate and transmit a small amount of data, it will become possible for us to instantly understand the intention without feeling any stress from the flood of information, and we will enjoy happy communication with low carbon consumption. Apart from this, as for civilian use of BMI, games have already been commercialized, and manipulation of robots has been under research.

It is said that in revolutionary technology, the stronger the brightest side is, the darker the shadowy side will be. BMI is literally such an example, and although it has the potential to change not only medicine/welfare but even the future industrial structure, on the other hand, various ethical problems could occur. First, there is a danger of military use. Also, when the brain is connected directly with information and telecommunications equipment, the brain will change through synaptic plasticity. Since BMI is directly connected to the brain, there is a possibility that a drastic change will occur in the brain, more than the changes that occurred when humans used automobiles or word processors. Also, electric stimuli such as deep brain stimulation is considered to be safer because unlike medicine, it only affects certain parts of the brain; but on the other hand, it is hard to foresee what sort of long term effect might emerge as it is different from medicine which has a history of thousands of years.


Also, even if treatment with BMI is accepted, there may be criticism that it would be morally unacceptable to use it for enhancing abilities that could create supermen, or that it would be questionable to use it for games when there is a possibility that it could drastically change the brain. The Japan Neuroscience Society is dealing with BMI in its newly revised ethics rules, and the Strategic Research Program for Brain Sciences by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology tried a revolutionary approach to request the involvement of several ethics specialists from the start of the projects in order to address the so-called “neuroethics” head-on. We, researchers, need to tell the society about the reality of BMI research and future effects as comprehensible as possible, and must widen and deepen our communication with the society.

BMI technology is not just an application, but it is useful as a tool for new researches that can fundamentally transform system neuroscience. In most of the conventional brain research at the system level, the methodology was to perform experiments in limited aspects according to a certain hypothesis, and examine whether or not the obtained brain activity or the behavioral data correlates with certain explanatory variables that appear in the hypothesis to verify this hypotheses. This was done because the objects of the research were things such as higher cognition functions of the human brain, which were overly complicated. Accordingly, discussions that went across the deep hierarchies unique to brain science inevitably became anecdotal.

In summary, the conventional research method was led by hypotheses, used correlation as the main tool, and interpreted the data. More and more researchers are not satisfied with this. The method is changing direction toward being led by data, predicting the dynamics of brain activity or behavior, experimentally manipulating the expression of information in the brain, and to verify the theory or model including the principle of cause and effect.

The trigger for this new academic trend is largely due to matters such as the ability to predict various physical/mental conditions from the brain activity by making use of BMI or its basic technology, the algorithm to decode brain information; also by the ability to extract contracted common expressions of the brain, body, and environment from a huge amount of data; and also the possibility to manipulate the expression of information in the brain in real time by incorporating the brain within the experimental system.

I sincerely hope that BMI continues growing to become a respectable major application field of brain science in the future and contributes to the society, and also becomes an impetus to transform brain science itself.







Government Thought Policing: The NSA and Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM)




The following information was evidence provided in a civil suit against the federal government in the case Akwei v. NSA (92-0449). John St. Clair Akwei is a former National Security Agency employee and whistle-blower who exposed the use of neural monitoring to spy on individuals. The Signals Intelligence mission of the NSA has evolved into a program of decoding EMF waves in the environment for wirelessly tapping into computers and tracking persons with the electrical currents in their bodies.


How The National Security Agency (NSA) Illegally And Unconstitutionally Harasses Law-Abiding Americans Everyday. How, you ask? Quite simply, actually. It’s done by EMF or ELF Radio Waves, and a technology known as “Remote Neural Monitoring”. Haven’t you ever wondered about that ringing in your left ear? Well, here are the reason(s). And just why should the NSA do this, you ask? To silence any who who dare to speak out against them or any other agency, or the Government or simply to think for themselves, and “outside the box”, if you will. Think not? Then, read on……….

Blanket coverage of all electronic communication in the U.S. and the world to ensure national security. The NSA at Ft. Meade, Maryland has had the most advanced computers in the world since the early 1960′s. NSA technology is developed and implemented in secret from private corporations, academia, and the general public.
The Signals Intelligence mission of the NSA has evolved into a program of decoding EMF waves in the environment for wirelessly tapping into computers and tracking persons with the electrical currents in their bodies. Signals Intelligence is based on the fact that everything in the environment with an electric current in it has a magnetic flux around it which gives off EMF waves. The NSA/DoD has developed proprietary advanced digital equipment which can remotely analyze all objects whether man-made or organic that have electrical activity.

Domestic Intelligence (DOMINT)

The NSA has records on all U.S. citizens. The NSA gathers information on U.S. citizens who might be of interest to any of the over 50,000 NSA agents (HUMINT). These agents are authorized by executive order to spy on anyone. The NSA has a permanent National Security Anti-Terrorist surveillance network in place. This surveillance network is completely disguised and hidden from the public.

Tracking individuals in the U.S. is easily and cost-effectively implemented with the NSA’s electronic surveillance network. This network (DOMINT) covers the entire U.S., involves tens of thousands of NSA personnel, and tracks millions of persons simultaneously. Cost effective implementation of operations is assured by NSA computer technology designed to minimize operations costs. NSA personnel serve in Quasi-public positions in their communities and run cover businesses and legitimate businesses that can inform the intelligence community of persons they would want to track. N.S.A. personnel in the community usually have cover identities such as social workers, lawyers and business owners.

Individual citizens occasionally targeted for surveillance by independently operating NSA personnel.

NSA personnel can control the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals in the U.S. by using the NSA’s domestic intelligence network and cover businesses. The operations independently run by them can sometimes go beyond the bounds of law. Long-term control and sabotage of tens of thousands of unwitting citizens by NSA operatives is likely to happen. NSA Domint has the ability to covertly assassinate U.S. citizens or run covert psychological control operations to cause subjects to be diagnosed with ill mental health.

NSA’s domestic electronic surveillance network

As of the early 1960′s the most advanced computers in the world were at the NSA, Ft. Meade. Research breakthroughs with these computers were kept for the NSA. At the present time the NSA has nanotechnology computers that are 15 years ahead of present computer technology. The NSA obtains blanket coverage of information in the U.S. by using advanced computers that use artificial intelligence to screen all communications, irregardless of medium, for key words that should be brought to the attention of NSA agents/cryptologists. These computers monitor all communications at the transmitting and receiving ends. This blanket coverage of the U.S. is a result of the NSA’s Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) mission. The NSA’s electronic surveillance network is based on a cellular arrangement of devices that can monitor the entire EMF spectrum. This equipment was developed, implemented, and kept secret in the same manner as other electronic warfare programs. With this technology NSA personnel can non-obtrusively tap into any communication device in existence. This includes computers, telephones, radio and video-based devices, printers, car electronics, and even the minute electrical fields in humans (for tracking individuals).

Signals Intelligence Remote Computer Tampering

The NSA keeps track of all PCs and other computers sold in the U.S. This is an integral part of the Domestic Intelligence network. The NSA’s EMF equipment can tune in RF emissions from personal computer circuit boards (while filtering out emissions from monitors and power supplies). The RF emission from PC circuit boards contains digital information in the PC. Coded RF waves from the NSA’s equipment can resonate PC circuits and change data in the PC’s. Thus the NSA can gain wireless modem-style entry into any computer in the country for surveillance or anti-terrorist electronic warfare. Radio and Television signals can be substituted at the receiving end with special EMF equipment. Replacing signals in Radios and Televisions is another outgrowth of the NSA’s Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) mission.

Detecting EMF Fields in Humans for Surveillance.

A subject’s bioelectric field can be remotely detected, so subjects can be monitored anywhere they are. With special EMF equipment NSA cryptologists can remotely read evoked potentials (from EEGs). These can be decoded into a person’s brain-states and thoughts. The subject is then perfectly monitored from a distance. NSA personnel can dial up any individual in the country on the Signals lntelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA’s computers will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours-a-day. The NSA can pick out and track anyone in the U.S.

NSA Signals Intelligence Use of EMF Brain Stimulation

NSA Signals Intelligence uses EMF Brain Stimulation for Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) and Electronic Brain Link (EBL). EMF Brain Stimulation has been in development since the MKUltra program of the early 1950′s, which included neurological research into “radiation” (non-ionizing EMF) and bioelectric research and development. The resulting secret technology is categorized at the National Security Archives as “Radiation Intelligence,” defined as “information from unintentionally emanated electromagnetic waves in the environment, not including radioactivity or nuclear detonation.” Signals Intelligence implemented and kept this technology secret in the same manner as other electronic warfare programs of the U.S. government. The NSA monitors available information about this technology and withholds scientific research from the public. There are also international intelligence agency agreements to keep this technology secret. The NSA has proprietary electronic equipment that analyzes electrical activity in humans from a distance. NSA computer-generated brain mapping can continuously monitor all the electrical activity in die brain continuously. The NSA records aid decodes individual brain maps (of hundreds of thousands of persons) for national security purposes. EMF Brain Stimulation is also secretly used by the military for Brain-to-computer link. (In military fighter aircraft, for example.) For electronic surveillance purposes electrical activity in the speech center of the brain can be translated into the subject’s verbal thoughts. RNM can send encoded signals to the brain’s auditory cortex thus allowing audio communication direct to the brain (bypassing the ears). NSA operatives can use this to covertly debilitate subjects by simulating auditory hallucinations characteristic of paranoid schizophrenia. Without any contact with the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can map out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a subject’s brain and show images from the subject’s brain on a video monitor. NSA operatives see what the surveillance subject’s eyes are seeing. Visual memory can also be seen. RNM can send images direct to the visual cortex. bypassing the eyes and optic nerves. NSA operatives can use this to surreptitiously put images in a surveillance subject’s brain while they are in R.E.M. sleep for brain-programming purposes.

Capabilities of NSA operatives using RNM

There has been a Signals Intelligence network in the U.S. since the 1940′s. The NSA, Ft. Meade has in place a vast two-way wireless RNM system which is used to track subjects and non-invasively monitor audio-visual information in their brain. This is all done with no physical contact with the subject. RNM is the ultimate method of surveillance and domestic intelligence. Speech and 3D sound, and subliminal audio can be sent to the auditory cortex of the subject’s brain (bypassing the ears) and images can be sent into the visual cortex. RNM can alter a subject’s perceptions, moods, and motor control. Speech cortex/auditory cortex link has become the ultimate communications system for the intelligence community. RNM allows for a complete audio-visual brain-to-brain link or brain-to-computer link.

National Security Agency Signals Intelligence Electronic Brain Link Technology

NSA SigInt can remotely detect, identify and monitor a person’s bioelectric fields. The NSA’s Signals Intelligence has the proprietary ability to remotely and non-invasively monitor information in the human brain by digitally decoding the evoked potentials in the 30-50 hz, .5 milliwatt electro-magnetic emissions from the brain. Neuronal activity in the brain creates a shifting electrical pattern that has a shifting magnetic flux. This magnetic flux puts out a constant 30-50 hz, .5 milliwatt electromagnetic (EMF) wave. Contained in the electromagnetic emission from the brain are spikes and patterns called “evoked potentials.” Every thought, reaction, motor command, auditory event, and visual image in the brain has a corresponding “evoked potential” or set of “evoked potentials.” The EMF emission from the brain can be decoded into the current thoughts, images and sounds in the subject’s brain. NSA SigInt uses EMF-transmitted Brain Stimulation as a communications system to transmit information (as well as nervous system messages) to intelligence agents and also to transmit to the brains of covert operations subjects (on a non-perceptible level). EMF Brain Stimulation works by sending a complexly coded and pulsed electromagnetic signal to trigger evoked potentials (events) in the brain, thereby forming sound and visual images in the brain’s neural circuits. EMF Brain Stimulation can also change a person’s brain-states and affect motor control. Two-way Electronic Brain-Link is done by remotely monitoring neural audio-visual information while transmitting sound to the auditory cortex (bypassing the ears) and transmitting faint images to the visual cortex (bypassing the optic nerves and eyes, the images appear as floating 2-D screens in the brain). Two-Way Electronic Brain Link has become the ultimate communications system for CIA/NSA personnel. Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM, remotely monitoring bioelectric information in the human brain) has become the ultimate surveillance system. It is used by a limited number of agents in the U.S. Intelligence Community. RNM requires decoding the resonance frequency of each specific brain area. That frequency is then modulated in order to impose information in That specific brain area. The frequency to which the various brain areas respond varies from 3 Hz to 50 Hz. Only NSA Signals Intelligence modulates signals in thisfrequency band. :

Brain AreaBioelectric Resonance FrequencyInformation Induced Through Modulation
Motor Control Cortex10 HZMotor Impulse Co-ordination
Auditory Cortex15 HZSound which bypasses the ears
Visual Cortex25 HZImages in the brain, bypassing the eyes
Somatosensory Cortex09 HZPhantom Touch Sense
Thought Center20 HZImposed Subconscious Thoughts











This modulated information can be put into the brain at varying intensities from subliminal to perceptible. Each person’s brain has a unique set of bioelectric resonance/entrainment frequencies. Sending audio information to a person’s brain at the frequency of another person’s auditory cortex would result in that audio information not being perceived. The Plaintiff learned of RNM by being in two-way RNM contact with the Kinnecome group at the NSA, Ft. Meade. They used RNM 3D sound direct to the brain to harass the Plaintiff from 10/90 to 5/91. As of 5/91 they have had two-way RNM communications with the Plaintiff and have used RNM to attempt to incapacitate the Plaintiff and hinder the Plaintiff from going to authorities about their activities against the Plaintiff in the last twelve years. The Kinnecome group has about 100 persons working 24-hours-a-day at Ft Meade. They have also brain-tapped persons the Plaintiff is in contact with to keep the Plaintiff isolated. This is the first time ever that a private citizen has been harassed with RNM and has been able to bring a lawsuit against NSA personnel misusing this intelligence operations method.


Read more…


发布时间:2007-11-04 21:59

我致moss david posner :


moss david posner 致我:

它是显然的, 您是通过一个可怕的考验。我祝愿我能帮助您愈合您的创伤。如果汉语技术被推进并且如果他们能做这样事对您我必须相信, 美国与中国共享技术这不使我惊奇根本。

我可以有您的照片吗? 我不知道如果您是在您发送的任何照片。

我致Moss David Posner, M.D.


Moss David Posner, M.D.致我:

详细谢谢您的回应。我希望帮助您, 如果它是可能做如此。
您的转换软件是好的。我了解几乎所有您说。软件, 我使用不是非常好的。我设法查找一个更好的程序为我的Mac 。
我通晓您提及的政府项目。我同意您和我认为, 大多数头脑控制程序和研究是非常政治的。并且, 您是正确的当您比许多人不知道或不相信说头脑控制是可能的和是非常真正的。
冲突存在在美国和中国之间。我认为, 这个情况担当一个支票和平衡在国家(地区)之间。(您了解?)
您是还正确的技术存在读想法和无线传送指令。我知道这因为我是群众的当中一个被使用在一些实验。它是没有我的权限。我甚而不知道, 它做着。
我们的总统是在严肃的麻烦; 但是, 那个情况做一点说服我我们的下位总统将将任何改善。美国共享是愚笨的在信仰之外。美国共享是undereducated 在世界上, 除三世界国家(地区)之外。
请告诉我什么我能做。我会愿意访问中国, 但我认为它也许证明危险对我。我有中国文化爱。我学习了一些普通□当我是少年。
您的朋友, 大卫
Moss David Posner, M.D.
e-mail: david.posner(at)
phone/voicemail: (831) 262-2434
toll-free: (866) 488-4644
fax: (559) 272-5015
all communications are confidential and should be honored as such.
You can read my published articles at "The American Chronicle" and
Writers for The American Chronicle can join "chroniclewriters" group at:

我致Moss David Posner, M.D.:
我曾怀疑你不是David,是因为那些科学家经常冒充别人和我联系。我被引入试验后,科学家就阻止了我的一切通讯。现在,我相信你是那个美国作家了。我看到你的网站时发现,你了解一些政府用电磁高科技控制人脑的事,是吗?我知道美国Stanford大学有一个叫Judy illes的神经科学家,他很清楚政府有了通过卫星捕获并破译人脑电波的高科技,也知道政府正在强迫公民做很残酷、很卑鄙的研究人脑的试验。我告诉过你的,主要是精神摧残,非常隐蔽、相当高超,他们用纳粹式、流氓式、畜生式的研究方式来研究我们的大脑。他们还淡化我们的记忆,制造一切都没发生过的假象。Judy illes也是"神经伦理论坛"的组织者,这个论坛主要是为了督促这种高科技被光明的使用。所以,我要你找到他,问个清楚,为了你自己的好奇,为了新闻价值。并且,叫他来中国会见中国的试验品。我这样做的目的是,为我们这些试验品争取一些权利。试验太残酷、太阴暗、太隐蔽,而且,我们是被强迫的,我们活活折磨到疯的程度,我们大脑废了,不仅不能谋生,而且还相当悲惨。可恶的是,从头到尾我们都没有知情权。我已忍无可忍,尤其在那些科学家的安排下我被毒打过。我已忍无可忍,太过分了。无论怎样,世界不会突然变得这么黑暗,简直无法无天。无论怎样,人权是至高无上的,你说对吗?现在我告诉你Judy illes的联系方式: email:illes@stanford tlp:650-724-6393 fox:650-725-6131 work address:701 WelchRd.,A1105 stanford,canifornia,94304-5748


我致Moss David Posner, M.D.:

Moss David Posner, M.D.致我:
我了解。请知道, 多数人的我们恨这里我们的当前政府并且我们设法去除它。
象您, 我们有很少说关于什么我们的政府做着。一部分的问题是, 人员在我的国家(地区)是正义期初了解是什么问题。
许多人这里相信, 我们的政府导致9/11 发生以便政府可能说谎和攻击伊拉克。多数人员现在相信那。
我的国家(地区)是什么我爱。我不爱这个政府, 和这位总统。

Moss David Posner, M.D.致我:
On Jun 19, 2007, at 1:48 AM, 郭佩茜 wrote:




我会愿意再访问中国。我访问了我是在海军, 1981 年。人员是非常爱恋和种类。子项很愉快! 他们招呼了我们充满巨大喜爱。



它是有趣, 您不拿着您的科学家负责任。那是非常成熟的, 当您考虑他们造成了的损伤。

这我的姐妹和我的儿子的照片: 我的姐妹死了在12月。一个悲剧。您有您能发送的一张照片?

Moss David Posner 是一位医生,目前在加利福尼亚州管教部工作。他多产又多才多艺,并且写下了很多作品,包括哲学,宗教和在加利福尼亚州管教部的医疗卫生状况。Posner博士曾在各种刊物发表文章, 包括转录期刊和海军部门。他带着他的儿子阿伦,一个新的机械工程师,住在弗雷斯诺。

这里是一篇Moss David Posner,博士的文章,驳斥了某些人对我们受害者说"受害者拿不出受大脑控制武器攻击的证据"的言论。Soleilmavis在此翻译成中文,请指正。

How to Control Americans-thought control mind control, disinformation
and other naughty things-concl

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发布时间:2007-11-04 21:55


From:李莉莉 2007/06/29 20:51



From:李莉莉 2007/06/29 21:02





From:李莉莉 2007/06/29 21:26





From:李莉莉 2007/06/29 21:50











3.对我们精神摧残的方法是---- 一松一弛、循序渐进。科学家在折磨我们一段时间后又高度沉













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发布时间:2007-11-04 21:54














( 从20世纪60年代开始,人类就进入了“读脑时代”,在“冷战”的时代背景下被严密保守的秘密。






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发布时间:2007-11-04 21:48





























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