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Dear Mr. Eric Holder:Recently you said that this country is filled with cowards when it comes to tackling the issue of race. I was wondering if you could draw out for me what you feel would be an effective and lasting and aggressive way of achieving a world free from hatred and violence, and in doing so, outline what a person like me can do to achieve justice and peace on a personal level, for instance, what are the key factors that need to be considered before the doors open up, before the acting bodies that are designed to help citizens really start to work? I am referring to my situation as a targeted individual being hit nearly daily with direct energy weapons, being on display and tossed around in intellectual and rogue circles, being left out of the discussion, cast aside, ignored and otherwise left facing a life sentence that makes no sense to me. I am a fighter, I just want to be smart and not waste my time and see if the powers that be can really empower me to make the kind of change I think you are talking about.Sincerely,Sheri M. Grutz
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800 Cases of torture-- scroll down to download the testimonials. I am number 9 on the USA listCases of torture in the America's Download PDF file of the testimonials of Directed energy torture Friedman/US Secret Service
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The Aramark Facility Service/Aramark Foodservice 911 Connection. I worked for Aramark Facility Services in Chicago and discovered they were tied to the World Trade Center Attack.;article=120758;I am a member of My profile is here: of human rights abouse inside the USA by directed energy weapons: MK-Ultra Project Documents: The NSA's mission and the NSA's domestic Intelligence operation. Communications Intelligence (COMINT) Blanket coverage of all electronic communication in the U.S. and the world to ensure national security. The NSA at Ft. Meade, Maryland has had the most advanced computers in the world since the early 1960's. NSA technology is developed and implemented in secret from private corporations, academia, and the general public. Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) The Signals Intelligence mission of the NSA has evolved into a program of decoding EMF waves in the environment for wirelessly tapping into computers and tracking persons with the electrical currents in their bodies. Signals Intelligence is based on the fact that everything in the environment with an electric current in it has a magnetic flux around it which gives off EMF waves. The NSA/DoD has developed proprietary advanced digital equipment which can remotely analyze all objects whether man-made or organic that have electrical activity. Domestic Intelligence (DOMINT) The NSA has records on all U.S. citizens. The NSA gathers information on U.S. citizens who might be of interest to any of the over 50,000 NSA agents (HUMINT). These agents are authorized by executive order to spy on anyone. The NSA has a permanent National Security Anti-Terrorist surveillance network in place. This surveillance network is completely disguised and hidden from the public. Tracking individuals in the U.S. is easily and cost-effectively implemented with the NSA's electronic surveillance network. This network (DOMINT) covers the entire U.S., involves tens of thousands of NSA personnel, and tracks millions of persons simultaneously. Cost effective implementation of operations is assured by NSA computer technology designed to minimize operations costs. NSA personnel serve in Quasi-public positions in their communities and run cover businesses and legitimate businesses that can inform the intelligence community of persons they would want to track. N.S.A. personnel in the community usually have cover identities such as social workers, lawyers and business owners. Individual citizens occasionally targeted for surveillance by independently operating NSA personnel. Christians against mental slavery All things can change for the better. Jesus is the prince of peace If God sent Moses to give us the Ten Commandments and one of those commandments is "Thou Shall not kill" then I don't understand why God would want any war at all. So that is why I am a pacifist - Because of the 10 commandments. Believe in Good and not evil. Do not believe in evil. Evil is fear and hate. We hate those we fear. We fear those we hate. Try only to believe in Good and God. No matter what God or religion you follow or do not follow Good exists. Follow the path of the just and the righteous and you will be led out of slavery and torment into a promised land of freedom, love and happiness. The Promised Land is where you are now... you just have to make sure the promise is kept. Ask that promises be kept and cast off those that lie. In turn seek truth and be truthful. Do not cheat, and expect not to be cheated. Reject Hate, Reject Fear. Do not discriminate against your neighbor and work to love your enemy. "Let me now warn you in the most solemn manner. Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all. The Nation which indulges toward another an habitual hatred or an habitual fondness is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest." --President George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796 All humanity loses when war wins Body: WWII was eugenics against the Jewish People, German People, French People, Polish People, Italian people, Ukranian People, Czech people, British people, American people, The only ones that did not lose out were the neutral countries. They gained in assets of those that deposited money in their countries. It was done by spreading both FEAR and HATE. Reject Hate, Reject fear- against all people.. no matter how hard it is. By fighting back you continue the cyle. What must be understood is that WWII was a eugenics operation against not only the Jewish people, but the German people, the British people, the polish people, and the world at that time. The wealth taken from the Jewish people was done initially be the German people. What happened to the Germans after WWII? They too were killed. What happened to the bank accounts of the German people that died under Stalin after the war? Those were taken by someone else that had the paper trail. What happened to the Jewish bank accounts from those that died? All wealth was redistributed in chaos and in the end Europe was left in ruins. The money stolen from Jews, Christians, and Muslims. The oil in Iraq was also stolen and used by Germany and the US for the war... so even Muslims were robbed. No winners.. .only losers in war.. except for an elite few. The war on the middle east is the same and it leads to the null set. Please stop for the sake of all humanity. All humanity loses when war and torture wins.Website for European Victims of Technological Abuse
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Mass Petition to United Nations

Soleilmavis Wrote: 17 Feb 2009 Please write to The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute - UNICRI Headquarters Viale Maestri del Lavoro, 10 10127 Turin, Italy Tel.: (+39) 011 6537 111 Fax: (+39) 011 6313 368 Liaison Office in Rome di San Marco, 50 00186 Rome, Italy Tel.: (+39) 06 6789 907 Fax: (+39) 06 6780 668 Media Contact Marina Mazzini Tel: (+39) 011 6537 114 Please write to The The International Commission of Jurists P.O. Box 91, 33 rue des Bains, 1211 Geneva 8, Switzerland. Tel : +41(0)22 979-38-00 Fax : +41(0)22 979-38-01 E-mail : Correspondence from the ICJ network to be posted on the ICJ website: ICJ worldwide offices: Related articleExperts: Torture in war on terror eroded rights Eminent jurists issue report, say U.S. policy 'inconsistent' with human rights updated 4:27 p.m. ET Feb. 16, 2009 GENEVA - The United States and other countries that used torture in the so-called war on terror seriously damaged respect for basic human rights, an international panel of legal experts said Monday. The eight-member panel, led by former Irish President Mary Robinson, said the three-year investigation found that the damage to human rights law was more severe than they had expected. Soleilmavis wrote: 23 Jan 2009 Dear all, Please write to:- Ms Navanethem Pillay - UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, write to UNESCO UNESCO Seminar: “Electromagnetic Fields: Mechanisms Of Action And Potential Threat As A Terrorism Agent” There is more and more use of electricity and RF communication frequencies in both civilian life and for military purposes. The clarification of cellular and molecular mechanisms of their biological effects is extremely important in order to rationally evaluate their harmful effects from the point of public health. Moreover, the possibility to using EMF-induced modulations makes EMF potentially a powerful instrument for environmental terror. The most obvious danger is use of electromagnetic pulses to disrupt communication. However EMF also pose direct threats to human health through mechanisms that are poorly understood. These involve different physical and chemical factors, as well as multiple effects on biological systems including humans. Therefore, this problem is an appropriate and important subject for consideration under the Environmental Antiterrorism Program. The primary goal of the proposed Workshop is to conduct a multidisciplinary discussion of the data obtained by different laboratories on the mechanisms whereby EMF of various frequencies alter function of physical and biological systems, what are the public health implications of these actions, and what are the dangers and potential of use of EMF as a terrorist weapon. Contact Info : Prof. Sinerik Ayrapetyan Head of Org. Committee President UNESCO Chair-Life Sciences International Postgraduate Educational Center 31 Acharian St., Yerevan, 0040, Armenia Tel: (374 10) 624170/612461 Fax: (374 10) 624170 Email : Url: We call all victims to write to UNESCO for Mass petition of Mind COntrol Abuse and Torture. (1) UNESCO Office in Geneva Liaison Office. Director: Mr Luis Tiburcio Senior Secretary: Ms Mairéad Maguire E-mail address: Work Phone: +41-22 917 78 80 Fax: +41-22 917 78 05 Address: UNESCO-GLO, Palais des Nations CH 12 11 Geneva 10, Switzerland (2) UNESCO Office in New York Liaison Office. Director: Ms Helene-Marie Gosselin Administrative Office: E-mail address: Work Phone: +1-212 963 59 95 Fax: +1-212 963 80 14 Address: 2, United Nations Plaza, room 900 NY 10017 New York, United States of America (3) The ICTP general postal address is: the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics Strada Costiera 11, 34014 Trieste, Italy Switchboard: (+39) 040 2240 111 , Main Fax: (+39) 040 224 163 URL: E-mail: (4) ICTP Offices Director's Office Ms. Anne Gatti (MB room 272) Phone: (+39) 040 2240 251 , Fax: (+39) 040 2240 410 E-mail: Administrative Offices Ms. Cinzia Giancovich (EFB room 201) Phone: (+39) 040 2240 591 , Fax: (+39) 040 2241 63 E-mail: (5) HECAP - High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle PhysicsSecretariat: The High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Section of the ICTP is located on the second floor of the Leonardo Building. The postal address is: ICTP, High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Section Strada Costiera 11 ,I-34014 Trieste (Italy) For any further information, please contact the group's secretary: Ms. Rosanna Sain (LB room 280) Phone: (+39) 040 2240 231 , Fax: (+39) 040 2240 304 E-mail: Head: The head of the HECAP Section is Seifallah Randjbar-Daemi. Permanent Scientific Staff: B. Acharya P. Creminelli K.S. Narain G. Senjanovic A. Smirnov G. Thompson (6) Medical Physics Contact: Office: LB room 227 Phone: (+39) 040 2240 254 Fax: (+39) 040 224163 Email: Physics of the Living State Biophysics. Contact: Office: LB room 276 Phone: (+39) 040 2240 392 Fax: (+39) 040 224163 Email: Mathematical Modeling Contact: Office: LB room 225 Phone: (+39) 040 2240 461 Fax: (+39) 040 224163 Email: Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Contact: Office: LB room 275 Phone: (+39) 040 2240 607 Fax: (+39) 040 224163 Email: Optics and Laser Physics STEP Programme ICTP Winter College ICTP Associates Contact: Office: LB room 275 Phone: (+39) 040 2240 607 Fax: (+39) 040 224163 Email: (7) ESP - Earth System PhysicsSecretariat: The postal address is: ICTP, Earth System Physics Section Strada Costiera 11 , I-34014 Trieste (Italy) For any further information, please contact the group's secretary: Ms. Pandora Pieri (LB room 136) Phone: (+39) 040 2240 374 Fax: (+39) 040 2241 63 E-mail: Permanent Scientific Staff: Xunqiang Bi Fred Kucharski Adrian M. Tompkins (8) ARPL - Aeronomy and Radiopropagation Laboratory at ICTPSecretariat: ICTP, Aeronomy and Radiopropagation Laboratory (ARPL) Strada Costiera 11 ,I-34014 Trieste (Italy) For any further information, please contact the group's secretary: Ms. Stanka Tanaskovic (MLab) Phone: (+39) 040 2249 911 Fax: n/a E-mail: (9) SAND - Structure and Non-Linear Dynamics of the EarthSecretariat: ICTP, Structure and Non-Linear Dynamics of the Earth (SAND) Strada Costiera 11 , I-34014 Trieste (Italy) For any further information, please contact the group's secretary: Ms. Gabriella De Meo (EFB room 124) Phone: (+39) 040 2240 355 Fax: (+39) 040 2241 63 E-mail: (10) Math - Mathematics at ICTPSecretariat: ICTP, Mathematics Section Strada Costiera 11 ,I-34014 Trieste (Italy) For any further information, please contact the group's secretary: Ms. Alessandra Bergamo (LB room 109) Phone: (+39) 040 2240 201 Fax: (+39) 040 2240 490 E-mail: Permanent Scientific Staff: Charles Chidume Li Jiayu Lothar Gottsche Ramadas Ramakrishnan,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Thank you Soleilmavis

we are all very indebted to you for creating a forum where mind control victims can speak about our problems.It was actually your blogs on that gave me idea of posting there. Since you have written so many blogs there and you have been writing there for a long time, is it possible that you can raise this issue that my blogs be restored there or you could post them in a blog of your own. As you would have read my blogs that were removed from and that I pasted in my post in this forum, there was nothing objectionable. It is really unimaginable for me that my blogs could be removed from a forum like If our blogs are removed from such a forum, what expectations can we have from Barack Obama. I would request you to please look into whether something could be done to restore my blogs. If we do not speak, we continue to suffer.I would also request other readers of peacepink to see whether something can be done to restore my blogs there.
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I found out something by having a balancing test!!!!

I feel I must tell you this. As I have been experiencing unbalance. I have kept falling, and needed stitches last month. Well, I was wondering if the torture I experienced could have damaged my right vestibularnerve. I found out (my vertigo) it is caused by nerve damage in the vestibular area of the inner ear.I asked the Doctor what would have caused this damage. As I didn't want to endulge into to much informationto him. He did say "Were you abused as a child." I said, yes. But, this is all I said to him. I keep hearingringing, sometimes it gets so loud, I have to turn on the television to rid me of the sound. Also, since I amexperiencing balance problems, (I have been falling down way to much). The Microwave I have is small.Yet, It can not be used by me, because of the headaches I get. The Doctor did say, "Well, you could be experiencing Vestibular Migrain headaches.Do any of you experience this kind of problems? I just know that while testing? They put me in a tubularshaped area, in which I was seated on a chair, that moved in different directions, and was dark, then, theyshowed a red light. I was suppose to follow the red light. I got so dizzy, I felt a migrain coming on.They then, placed hot water inside of my ear. All the while I had to raise my head off the table and makemy neck muscles stretch. All I do know, is I have to go back for 2 more tests. One is when I am asleep.I don't see myself sleeping!! The other, is something I don't understand.Anyways, I do know that I felt as if I was being tortured all over again!!! I do have to go back, and I amtrying to tell myself, it is only a test.Thanks for listening, and if anyone has anything to say? Please, tell me.Cindy
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Post #468I hope this puts things in there perspective. LRAD and theaudio spotlight are listed as acoustic weapons there is a good show on "Future weapons" on the military channel showing this LRAD weapon. American Technologies Corporation in California manufactures this weapon for the military and law enforcement.The funny thing is I was attacked with a weapon that soundedexactly like the LRAD weapons attack mode on 1-1-2001. It was very loudin my head no one else head it and I described it as crickets blastingin my head. It caused physical ailments like pissing brown and I wasshaking by morning. A vehicle had pulled up to the side of my home andwasblasting me. This side of my home doesn't have windows so I only realized it when it sped off just as the sun was coming up. The fact that it was through wall and only I could hear it means it was likelymicrowave like the MEDUSA weapon or V2K(military term). V2K is sometimes called the "voice of God weapon" and some TIs call it V2S. It nowappears that I was attacked with what is called MEDUSA but it may wellhave been an altered version of LRAD with microwave transducers insteadof acoustic transducers. The fact that I heard the same attack mode asLRAD tells me at least that there is a connection.LRAD has also been classified as a hailing devise bypassing lawsagainst weapons and weapons treatise. If V2K or the "Voice of Godweapon" are similarly classified as hailing devises then they bypassthe weapons laws and weapons treatise. This might be why these weaponsare being used on us, by twisting laws. It is clear now that an attempt has been made to use terrorism laws to allow torture and murder. It is obvious that LRAD and V2Kare weapons even if they could be used as a hailing devise. A psychological attack in ones own mind is not non-lethal. Suicide is many times the result and paranoid schizophrenia masks the reality of the psychological attack.When you consider that when V2K is used to torment and terrorize atarget secretly or covertly while millimeter wave surveillance monitorsthe breathing and heart rate then this combination is a weapons system, it can be used as a liedetector or to gain maximum terror. The most extreme being apsychological attack with the desired goal of terrorizing the victim ortarget until they commit suicide. Again they are shirting the law asthis form of murder and terrorism is not considered a crime as yet. Thegovernment has a twisted sense of humor by taking away ourconstitutional rights in the name of fighting terror when it is theywho are actually using terror to kill with these weapons. If you lookup the suicide rates you will see an increase starting in the late1990's, about when many of us becametargets. There has been a 30 percent increase in my state alone.I personally experienced an attempt to force me to commit suicideusing this psychological attack. I was made to believe that my daughterhad been kidnapped by the same criminals/agents/ military that had been attacking me forquite some time covertly and that they were harming her as she calledto me for help while my attackers were telling me to kill myself and they would stop. They usedmy love for my daughter to attempt to kill me. I had been attacked withMEDUSA the night before, hospitalized and involuntarily committed so Iwas brought to about as low as they could take me when they attemptedthis. A call to her in the morning exposed this psychological attack Ihad just gone through. Her voice was either recorded or fabricatedusing another weapon that is listed in Donald Friedman's FOIA requestto the army to disclose non-lethal weapons. "Voice cloning", was listed asanother non-lethal weapon so it was possible thather voice was cloned by computer to make the psychological attack possible. They used other weapons on the FOIA list as well. It seems they had a field day or twelve to be exact testing many non-lethal weapons on me.Taking V2K, milimeter wave surveillance, or voive cloninmg alone does not in anyway describe what they can do together in concert as a weapon system. It is like tthe barrel of a gun the handle or even the bullet are not such a threat alone as when the weapon is assembled.One further note is that while proving my sanity years later, bystopping massive doses of psychotic meds that I was told were anxietymedicine(over twice the maximum dose) to silence me and cover theattacks and experimentation done on me I had a conversation with an FBIagent. The FBIhad already admitted to V2K years earlier but this agent was nowdenying it, playing dumb and asking what V2K meant. When I explainedthat it was a military term for the weapon he went quiet and agreedthat they would talk it over and would get back to me. Instead the army took the term anddefinition off of it's website in a week or two.I later found in my medical records that I had been accused of bomb making and that my home was being searched while I was being tortured in an attempt to make me commit suicide. Therecords also say nothing was found in my home. The entire thing was asetup by police who were trying to silence me from exposing a stagedfalse arrest and attack set up by them that didn't work. They stilldeny any knowledge but I now have these records and know the truth. Itwas likely the JTTF(Joint Terrorism Task Force)came in based on the suspicion and false accusation made by police.These attacks took place before 911 showing me their intent to find an excuse to use these new weapons.This V2K or "Voice of God weapon" has not been admitted to and isprotected under national security. This is my belief and opinion as itwas not listed under the non-lethal weapons disclosed in the FOIAresponse from the Army, even though years earlier FBI agents admittedto the existence of the weapon saying it was only used on foreign nationals. A microwave scientist from an air Force Base working on the ADS weapon suggested that I had been attacked bymicrowave weapons like our embassy in Moscow had been years earlier.What has to be understood is that these weapons working together as aweapons system is far more lethal and don't belong in the group ofnon-lethal weapons. They are together an extremely dangerous and deadlycovert and lethal weapons system. They still won't admit to V2K. It has to make me wonder how many people have been diagnosed as paranoid schizophenic because of this weapon and their life destroyed.Peter Rosenholm
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《致中国“秘密机构”头头的公开信》我们是一些长期遭受你们管辖下的“特别机构”滥用特权,秘密使用“遥控人体(大脑)技术”,对我们的肉体和精神,实施日夜骚扰折磨迫害和阴谋暗害的受害者。网络使我们相识,受害的遭遇让我们走到了一起。为了捍卫宪法的尊严和公民基本人权,我们特此向你们写这封公开信。谁都知道,人脑的主要功能之一是“思维”。各类“思维”的组合,构成了人的全部“思想”。这种“思想”活动,是人的一种内在生理行为,也是人正常的本能精神活动。并且,任何人,也包括你们在内,在社会生活中,时刻都需要互相进行交流,时刻都需要对外界事物进行感知、认识、分析、判断、认同、否定等种种“思想活动”。由此可见,人脑进行“思想活动”,就犹如人需要和有权享用“空气、阳光、水”一样,是人赖以在社会中生活和生存的基本要素和条件。而这种“思想活动”的“内容”,又时刻呈现出不确定的、游离状态的特点。因为,其随时都可能因外界情况和条件的改变,或因自身认知发生变化,而随之进行相应的变更。比如,当二个人发生激烈冲突时,其中任何一方都可能因愤怒而产生出“要杀死对方”的“念头”。而这种“思想活动”,是随时可以发生变更的。也许愤怒者在冷静下来后会自我否定而改变初衷;也许经朋友劝说厉害后会改变想法。又如,一个男人,在看到一位漂亮、丰满、衣着外露的女性时,一瞬间极可能产生出一种冲动的“性占有念头”。而这种“思想活动”,会由于或条件限制,或自我控制,或惧于法律惩治等种种因素,而随时会自我否定变更消失。再如,当某人受到不公正对待时,一瞬间也可能产生出对现实的“强烈不满念头”。而这种“思想活动”,同样随时会或者因为自己认识的提高,或者因为别人的劝说,或者因为原有的“不公正对待”情况的消失而随之变更消失,等等。从法律意义上说,只有当人的“言行”确有违犯法律的事实时,法律才予以惩处。而人的“思想活动”,纯属是一种合情、合理、合法的,绝对自由的个人隐私,也是人类神圣不可侵犯的最基本人权。因此,任何组织和个人都不允许用任何方式实施窃取传播和骚扰侵犯,更无权依此作为评判依据。然而,在“文革”中,林彪、四人帮一伙大搞法西斯特务专政。他们对被秘密关押的大批干部群众,非法使用“遥控人体(精神)技术”手段,秘密窃取“思想活动”作为“犯罪依据”,并进而依此对受害者的肉体和精神实施惨无人道的秘密遥控残酷折磨迫害,致使许多干部群众无辜遭到诬陷,并以莫名其妙的一些“怪病”被阴谋暗害,或不堪忍受秘密凌辱而自杀,含冤而死。毫无疑问,这种秘密窃取公民头脑中的“思想活动”作为“犯罪依据”,并进而依此实施秘密肉体、精神折磨迫害和阴谋暗害的罪恶“整人理论”,从法律上讲,是完全违背了“法律只对于那些在言行上确有违犯法律的事实,依法予以惩罚”的原则;从政治上讲,是公然侵犯人类本能思维权利的反人类、反人权的法西斯主义的体现;从科学上讲,是明显与人类“思想活动”时刻处在变更的不确定状态的事实格格不入的;从道德上讲,是不折不扣的窃取公民个人全部“思想隐私权”的无耻的道德罪恶。因此,在上个世纪八十年代初,为了在全国“拨乱返正”,顺利“落实政策”,平反一切“冤、假、错案”,一位司法界资深人士专门在《人民日报》上发表文章,郑重地指出了:“在中国没有思想犯!!”这一条重要的法理原则。显然,历史已经对这种罪恶的秘密“整人理论”做出了严正的宣判!对于这样一段历史事实,毫无疑问,你们一定是记忆犹新,十分清楚的。不幸的是,你们管辖下的专门监控民众的“特别机构”,却接过林彪、四人帮一伙大搞法西斯特务专政的衣钵,秉承他们那一套非法罪恶的秘密“整人理论”,长期以来,一脉相承地对公民的“自由思想活动”进行秘密监控窃取,进而对公民实施种种非人道的、无耻的、残酷的秘密肉体、精神折磨迫害和阴谋暗害!改革开放后,随着这种“秘密遥控人体(大脑)技术”越来越先进,随着你们管辖下的“特别机构”的“广泛基层化”;人员素质的“低下庸俗化”,这种“秘密遥控人体(大脑)技术” 被更加普遍的恣意滥用,成了对遭监控的受害者实施种种“变态狂式”的无耻骚扰折磨迫害的发泄工具。从大量揭露出来的事实表明,你们手下的“特别机构”人员,正是秉承那套罪恶的秘密 “整人理论”,对许多无辜受害者的肉体和精神,实施着24小时不间断的、长期的、无耻的秘密遥控折磨迫害和阴谋暗害手段:(1)侵犯公民隐私权。通过秘密窃取受害者的“思想活动”,进行广泛传播,恣意侵犯公民的全部“隐私权”。并以此对受害者进行“恐吓对话”,胁迫受害者时刻生活在毫无隐私可言的惶惶不可终日的痛苦精神状态中。使一些受害者经受不起这样长期的个人隐私被时刻暴露无遗的精神恐怖折磨,有的甚至于走上了“自杀”的道路。(2)精神骚扰。日夜制造受害者耳朵内出现:威胁恐吓、造谣诽谤、讥讽辱骂等骚扰声音,扰乱受害者的精神,使受害者无法正常思维,无法正常休息,无法正常生活、学习和工作。有的还在受害者入睡时,大量灌输种种凶杀暴力、色情淫秽、反动恐怖的画面进入受害者的大脑,施展无耻的流氓式的“钓鱼”伎俩,设下“陷阱”,诱骗、陷害受害者。(3)肉体折磨。恣意制造受害者身体内各个部位随时出现:痛、痒、热、冷、颤抖、难受等种种肉体异常痛苦。并且,无耻地实施毫无人性的“性折磨”的手段,使受害者日夜生活在无比煎熬痛苦,生不如死的境地。甚至,还制造受害者体内出现种种“怪病绝症”;或在开车或过马路等需要注意力集中的关头,控制改变受害者的视听感知,制造事故,凶残地阴谋暗害。(4)通过对受害者亲属的身体和精神实施各种折磨痛苦,对受害者施压,竭力增加受害者的精神负担。通过窃取受害者的“思想”,传播给其亲属、朋友、同事等,或合成制作后者的声音,将其传送给受害者,大肆制造假象、混乱,竭力挑起矛盾、冲突。进一步恶化受害者的社会生活环境,加剧和促使受害者的精神趋向崩溃。……凡此种种秘密手段,其目的就是要把受害者折磨迫害成:或者“精神失常”被送进精神病院;或无法忍受残酷折磨痛苦而“自杀”身亡;或产生和公开发出“强烈愤慨不满”的偏激言行——而“授人以柄”,被“依法惩处”;或制造“绝症”,借助医生的“手术刀”,实施冠冕堂皇地 “借刀杀人”阴谋暗害,或通过干扰受害者的感觉认知,制造“意外事故”。而这许多分明是货真价实的阴谋暗害,却又嫁祸于受害者自身、于“疾病”、于他人,以掩盖其秘密迫害和暗害的真相。如此目无法纪、惨无人道地秘密侵犯公民人权,其蛇蝎之心,又何其毒也!毋庸置疑,在一个“依法治国”的国家里;在建设“以人为本”的和谐社会中;在“人权”已明确载入中国宪法的今天,这种滥用“特权”,肆无忌惮地遥控侵犯公民人体(大脑)的秘密行为,更是地地道道的反人类的秘密恐怖犯罪!是对神圣宪法尊严的亵渎!是对人类文明的严重挑战!中华人民共和国宪法第33条明确法定:国家尊重和保障公民人权。这样的“人权”,当然包括公民起码的思想自由权、睡眠休息权、身体健康权和基本生活生存权。民法第98条还具体法定:公民享有生命健康权。而在宪法第5条中又郑重法定:任何组识和个人都不得有超越宪法和法律的特权。面对神圣的宪法法律,你们手下的秘密“特别机构”人员,为何竟敢如此胆大包天,竟敢如此横行不法,作恶累累?!作为中国“秘密机构”的头头,如果你们对此不知情的话,难道就不应该承担这种“秘密罪恶”的领导责任?!如果你们知情的话,难道就不应该站出来说清楚,究竟是谁赋予了你们这样可以凌驾于宪法法律之上的“罪恶特权”?!如果只是你们手下的“特别机构”在滥用“特权”的话,那么,你们就应该以一个“共产党员”的光明磊落立场,从对公民人权、对社会和谐、对国家信誉高度负责出发,立即坚决地、毫不迟疑地制止你们手下这种非法滥用“特权”,秘密侵犯公民人权的罪恶行为!!对那些滥用“特权”,蓄意秘密残害公民造成严重后果的秘密罪犯依法论处!!并给遭受秘密折磨迫害的受害者以合理的精神和经济赔偿!!在这里,还必须正告那些滥用“特权”的秘密施恶犯罪者:不要以为这种“秘密遥控人体(大脑)技术”的高度机密性和隐蔽性就可以矢口否认,百般狡辩;不要以为广大受害者无法找到直接证据,广大民众暂时不知情就可以恣意欺骗,掩盖真相;不要以为政府的其他部门不敢过问就可以甚嚣尘上,一意孤行;不要以为中央领导不知道这种“秘密罪恶”的真相就可以有恃无恐,无法无天!古话说得好:纸是包不住火的!多行不义必自毙!任何危害人民的罪恶,不管其隐匿得多深;不管其有什么样的“特权”;不管其是何等的猖獗,都只能是横行于一时。到头来,是必定要被汹涌澎湃的文明社会发展的历史所淘汰,变成被钉在历史耻辱柱上的不齿于人类的狗屎堆!!历史的辩证法就是这样!!联名发起者:(签名)南京 忻中庆 13776686557桂林 易胜林 13978302663丹东 高晓维 13898510756上海 郁荣建 13120847702鞍山 李中祥 0412-6528124湖南 李春泽 13435768567 myinno@126.com湖北 喻峰 13995768279重庆 吴廷楷 13668154260成都 彭进  13568819725   pengjin915123@163.com广州 蒋进 13535358871 65141399@qq.com云南 王荣海 15008719951 baiyun024@vip.qq.com福建 甘志恒 (0596)2302076广东 孤雁儿 13268018561 872488754@qq.com广东 彭旭 13533298544 pm99994@qq.com山东 祁昌玲 15154602071 635602318@qq.com湖南 朱卓雄 13187326593 514546363@qq.com湖北 刘炜 13597878369 liuw71@163.com广东 容锦华 13620133782 849399733@qq.com四川 郑芸 13559949568 854195278@qq.com湖南 郭汝泉 15974413876安徽 寒冰 05596534219 2010lf@sina.com上海 余灵波 13321981271 lingbo-yu@163.com江苏 孙玮 13917698052 tamako@qq.com安徽 彭宜杉 13275779355 pys624@126.com浙江 曹世杰 0576-86814070 847654242@qq.com宜昌 王洋 13307203797 972188722@qq.com河北 李冠萍  0310-2326981  ligp741212@163.com徐州 裴维传 13033539006 105118758@qq.com广西 邱勇进 2565332 qyjcvn@sina.com辽宁 石宇 0410-2828530 minamijie@163.com云南 于小伟 13628872885 freecns@qq.com湖北 张承柱 13545372812 793556424@qq.com驻马店 沅元 13525333332 aney0011@yahoo.cn四川 :陈小意 15982732725 babyhl@vip.qq.com湖南 范丽 13646218013 fan0769@yahoo.cn上海 刘华茗之 13818051167 274735961@qq.com石家庄 狄曼琦 zheduandechibang2008@yahoo.cn荆州 张四海 15927724461 739394881@qq.com广东 姚多杰 15818566839 aa19679268@qq.com黑龙江 赵雪 15094579527 63898663@qq.com陕西 石丽 15850110015 yoyoshili@126.com襄樊 王丹清 13094127687 182197291@qq.com山东 Soleilmavis 13854570873 “Soleilmavis注:我及其他一些受害者,在国外读书时成为了受害者,由于是在国外时受害,所以,我们对是谁造成了自己遭受多年秘密遥控酷刑虐待的真相尚还不十分清楚和确定。但是目前我们在中国境内仍然遭受酷刑虐待和骚扰,中国政府有明确的法律规定,反对酷刑。政府有责任和义务维护法律的尊严,政府有责任和义务保护合法公民的合法权利不受侵犯,政府有责任和义务对受害者进行法律援助以及生活援助。 很多中国受害者因为自己的亲身经历,而认定是中国秘密机构内非法滥用特权的人对中国公民实施秘密遥控酷刑虐待,而且因为中国政府对这样的虐待一直保守秘密,所以更加坚定了中国受害者的这样的想法。 我以及其他的受害者支持这封签名信,目的就是要求政府对这样的法西斯暴行进行公开,将这些法西斯分子绳之以法,并且对所有的受害者提供法律援助和生活援助。”)2008.5.5
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I suffered torture for several long years so I came to discover some simple things that can decrease the intensity of torture though not totally eliminate it. These are not technologically advanced ways to counter electromagnetic torture but just commonsense ways to decrease its intensity. Importnat thing to remeber is that they charge the outer part of our skull, face and to some extent the inner part of our mouth. They want to charge all the areas that encircle the brain. Our hair get charged and also any dust and foreign particles that settle on them. Here are some points to alleviate this.1. If you feel that you are being charged, wash your face, hair and skull with soap and cover them with thick soap foam for a minute. It will for time being give instant relief, and they will have to recharge the outer part of your skull and face again. One reason for this may be that dust particles that settle on our head and face get charged and aid them in controlling us.Also brush your teeth frequently as any food particles that remain in mouth get charged and aid them in controlling you.2. We do not usually know but our nose and ears are very important conduits for transfer of electromagnetic waves to outer parts of brain. If you are suffering extreme torture, you should try putting compressed cotton in your ears. It really helps and deprives them of a medium to control some parts of the brain. I would mention again that you should try using new cotton everyday because they continue to charge the cotton but some frequencies are blocked. It just decreases their ability to torture . When I try this, several time I literally hear a strong pulsating sound indicating that they are charging the cotton at some high frequencies.3. Keep your hair as short as possible. They get charged very easily. All of us love to look good and have our own hairstyle, but getting rid of torture is more important.4. If you are on voice to skull, never pay any attention to them. This is very important. When people listen to them, it becomes very easy for them to re-wire the brain. When people do not listen and continue to do things as usual, our brain continues to use regular neuro-transmitters we always had and natural activity of our brain interfers with their ability to re-wire our brain. This is more important than you think.Best regards,Ahsan Amin
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I was a student of undergraduate Electrical Engineering at Northwestern University from 1995-97 and NYU from 97-99. I am a victim of neuroelectromagnetic brain control torture by US agencies for more than past ten years. I want PeacePink community to support me in my fight against mind control torture and get freedom. I wrote the following blogs on and I am copying them here to give a brief idea about my situation. My blogs were later removed from on the instigation of Us agencies. my voice was stifled on a very respectable forum. I would request you to show support for me in tough times when I am going through brain control torture. You can also get some information about me from my web site: first blog follows:Dear Mr. President,I was a foreign student at Northwestern University from 1995-97 and NewYork University from 1997-1999. I am from Pakistan where I am currently residing.I was extremely passionate student of mathematical finance and did a lot of research at trading, pricing and risk management of derivative securities. I was noticed by one of my professors for my extreme passion for mathematical finance. Since I was a Muslim, it was taken as a threat by several people. I know most Americans do not care but apparently some care a lot.I was tortured by neuro-electromagnetic weapons in my last part of stay in USA. I left America and came to reside in Pakistan where I have set up a small firm that exports mathematical finance trading and risk management software. For past five years, I am on Voice to Skull torture in which victim continues to get to hear from the source that targets his brain. This is extremely inhuman and no society or culture can tolerate it.Since there is a new government in America now, I have some hope that my voice will finally be heard and somebody may ask for inquiry on torture on civilians who in their remotest thoughts do not want to commit any crime or wrongdoings. Again, I never committed any crime and do not have any remote relation to any terrorist or anti-American orgnization. Can you do something to help me in this situation?It is a passionate plea to save me from further torure. Saving one human being is saving humanity as Quran says. Again I am not, and never was Anti-America or anything of the sort but did happen to be a Muslim who wanted to excel in this world. I do feel that in new America such persecutions are part of history.You can get some information about me from my web site at second blog followsI went through extreme torture over the years. They altered my brain again and again using mind altering drugs. I am giving some examples of torture I wentthrough. These are just physical symptoms of torture. However true damage to brain cannot be described easily in terms of any physical problems we suffer. It is far deeper than others are ready to believe.Voice to SkullI am on Voice to Skull torture for more than five years now.Sleep deprivationI would be kept awake for several weeks in a row using neuro-electromagnetic weapons. Once this torture lasted nore than a month.pain in bones and skullThey charge the skull using EM waves. Sometimes my skull would be so charged that I would have intense pain in my forehead, skull, cheekbones and ears. Icould not resist but shout from intense the torture started, I started to face the following one-sidedness problems due to mind control. This was never the case before the episode of mind control torture.1. When I walk my one step is considerably larger than the other.2. I see differently from both eyes. One eye has decent enough brilliance while the other sees only hazy images of the world around.I see things meaninglessly without regisering any effect on my brain and without keeping anything I see in my memory.3. When I raise my hands, one of my hands has a different feeling while the other hand is lifeless and has a different feeling.4. Sometimes when I talk half of my tongue resonates differently and the other half of my tongue resonates differently.5. When I blurb, only one side of my mouth expands and opens.6. One side of my head is always totally numb and feelingless.blurred visionThey released several chemicals in my brain and it is unbelievable how colors in my eyes change. Sometimes there will be real but artificial brightness in colors and at other times there will be total dullness. Sometimes, it would be just blurred vision. At times I would have far-sightedness or near-sightedness. I see at least four different shades of same red or yellow color at different times while seeing the same thing. Just changing perception of reality all the time. Many times, my vision is blurred for several weeks and I could just see vague images of things.forced sexual arousalThere were times when I was forcefully sexually aroused. This is the greatest insult to any human being.I would have forced erection. I do not want to write much about it. But it is total human disgrace and was a quite frequent thing. Nazis wanted full control over me.Tongue controlAn example of extent of body control using neuro-electromagnetic weapons is something that occurred last year. My tongue totally came out of my mouth and washeld there for fifty minutes. My nostrils would tend to close and I would have serious difficulty breathing. It is ultimate insult for anyone to have beenforced into a situation with total disgrace before others.I was innocent and I had no remote connection to any anti-American activity. I was tortured, I was humiliated, I was retarded and I was failed because I was a Muslim who wanted to succeed in life. It was unacceptable to CIA Nazis who knew I was proud of my being a Muslim and avowed allegiance to my country, Pakistan.My last blog follows:Passionate Appeal to President Barack ObamaThis is my passionate appeal to President Barack Obama to save me from mind control torture or at least initiate an inquiry into torture of civilains using mind control weapons. These weapons are far more potent and damaging than people who have not gone through the torture are ready to believe. Since People are not able to see the medium through which the damage is inflicted, the perpetrators always get away with it. Some times drugs used to damage the victim are so potent that damage to the victim is permanant. These weapons are far more frequently used in third world where common public has no remotest knowledge about mind control weapons. There was an inquiry into Abu-Gharib torture. Since all the world looks to you with hope, Mr.President, I request you to immediately set up an independent inquiry into use of these weapons by American Agencies.There really should be some comprehensive overhaul of whether these weapons can be used by American agencies in peace time on civilians. The people who know the true sophistication of these weapons, suffered fromit and speak about it can be called paranoids by general gullible public due to their ignorance and disbelief. As I have earlier stated that no society, culture or religion allows such methods of control and torture. Though there is growing realization in American public about potency of these weapons and damage they can cause, public is still very ignorant about it. I would ask you, Mr. President this question whether Non-Americans living in other nations are not human, and these weapons are used on them far more frequently than anyone could be willing to believe. All the world wants you, President Barack Obama, to see to that nobody anwhere in the world is wronged by America.My blogs were later removed from on the instigation of Us agencies. my voice was stifled on a very respectable forum. Not a word of what I said was objectionable as you have read yourself. People who know the gravity of situation and know how I was tortured moved someone to remove my blogs fromthe forum because they have enough realization that it can be another Abu-Gharib. People who are never tired of saying that America does not torture know that if there is an open inquiry into mind control torture by American agencies, it will be far more shocking and revealing for general good-natured but otherwise gullible American public and American agencies may be barred from using cruel and potent methods of mind control forever and this is precisely what all victims and opponents of mind control torture and violence want. President Barack Obama is a strong proponent of human rights and some people in American agencies might fear that my voice could actually reach him so they moved someone to remove my blogsPlease support me in any way you can as this is an issue of grave human rights violations and I really hope that Peacepink will stand for my inalienable human rights.Best regards,Ahsan Amin
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12 Feb 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends

12 Feb 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) Cindy Dyer gave us a letter from Mr. Obama team A letter from Mr. Obama team to President Bush To: George w h Bush Jr and staff. From: Obama/Biden Team. It Has Come To Our Attention That The White House Is ware Of Mr Eric Griffin Ms Cindy Dyer and State house of Representative Jim Guest Chief Of Staff Assailants. We At The Obama/Biden Camp Ask That The White House Turn Over All Assailants And Information To The Incoming Attorney General And To Have The United State military Arrest All Assailants Who Has Broken The Law Ageist Mr Eric Griffin Ms Cindy Dyer and State house of Representative Jim Guest Chief Of Staff Today Due To The Weaponry That Is Being Used On Victims By Assailants. Thank You. Obama/Biden Team. 1/12/2009 (2) Radio Interview -- Talk Star Radio Station in Toronto 10-11 Pacific This station is in Toronto. We can forward 10 questions ahead that he will ask. If anyone has great questions and a brief summary, I will forward the best ones. I believe Jimmy is going to join me. Stop Neurological Weapons Experimentation on unwitting citizens Aaron Avalos (3) Write to Now I started to get newsletters from NOW when I wrote to them for help; no reply but, maybe if large numbers of us write to them especially to request help with: Including Use oof Electronic Weaponry /Warfare iin Violence against Women Act or VAWA......perhaps, they will help . Pass it on to otherss if you'd like men included. mary (4)one our now international [summit] companies: I)American Technology Receives $500,000 in New LRAD(R) Orders... 1/13/2009 American Technology Corporation (ATC)(NASDAQ: ATCO), a leading provider of directed sound products andtechnologies, announced today it has received new LRAD® orders from theU.S. Army and a commercial shipping customer. The orders, totalingapproximately $500,000, are scheduled to ship this quarter. II)American Technology Announces $2.7 Million in New LRAD(R)... 1/8/2009 American Technology Corporation (ATC)(NASDAQ: ATCO), a leading provider of directed sound products andtechnologies, announced today it has received two new LRAD® orderstotaling $2.7 million from the U.S. Navy. The orders were received latelast quarter (fiscal Q1) and are scheduled to ship in fiscal Q2. (5) Support a Truth & Reconciliation Commission I have proposed the idea of a truth and reconciliation commission to investigate abuses during the Bush-Cheney Administration -- so they never happen again. These abuses may include the use of torture, warrantless wiretapping, extraordinary rendition, and executive override of laws. Please sign this online petition, urging Congress to consider establishing a truth and reconciliation commission to investigate the Bush-Cheney Administration's abuses. Thank you, Patrick Leahy U.S. Senator (6) Please sign the ACLU petition "Help Get the Truth Out" Just as we're in court challenging the government's use of the "state secrets" doctrine, we must also confront the doctrine on Capitol Hill. (7) Mr. President: Please Establish a Truth Commission on Torture You can leave your comments to this article to let them know remote mind control abuse and torture. Please write to Human Right First and let them pay attention to remote mind control abuse and torture. New York Headquarters Human Rights First 333 Seventh Avenue, 13th Floor New York, NY 10001-5108 Tel: (212) 845 5200 Fax: (212) 845 5299 Human Rights First 100 Maryland Avenue, NE; Suite 500 Washington, DC 20002-5625 Tel: (202) 547 5692 Fax: (202) 543 5999 For comments, please write to: For technical issues, please write to: (8) Sign Campaign to restore justice Please also write to People for American Way to let them pay attention to remote mind control abuse and torture.
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post #465This is my response that TIs are imagining our attacks that it is a side effect in our own minds caused by the nerophone weapon and hypnosis.......Control of ones own mind is the single most important thing we can do.I've come to just trust who I am. My father who they some how got to help get me involuntarily committed cries if I try to make him talk about it. Some times he will say, You are to good that's your problem".It's a sick world we are part of with the evil leading the unaware who go merrily about their life. Just like a lamb before the slaughter. The people attacking us have been forced to do it in some cases. I'm sure some try to think they are part of the powerful elite but they are one of us. I would rather take the abuse then do it to someone else. These monsters have perfected turning people they control against a target. I imagine they would have tried to make me a perp too if they could have.This is all based on the sheep not realizing that they are being stalked by a predator. That in turn is based on the 3 percent rule where three percent of a population can be attacked killed or what ever because the herd doesn't recognize a major threat to it's existence.But now all the evil, the corruption in government and everywhere else is bringing this country down. The sheep are going to become aware. People are arming themselves every where as my weapons have long been taken. Our words will be our swords now because of what we can tell the public of the crimes our government has been committing.Count on a lot of people on the other side to break ranks with this evil control when things begin to break down. A lot of people are going to have their eyes opened. It has never been us against them it is us as a population and how we govern and live our lives. The truth can't be kept silent much longer. They made the same mistake by keeping interest rates too low and letting house prices increase to high to keep the economy going when it should have declined a long time ago, so the bubble burst. They knew this would happen and that is why they have been building up the police and arming them with weapons to fight their own people like us. I think they are beginning to see that they are in the same boat as us and that if we are going down we are all going down.Targeting is no myth there have been three attempts on my life, one by another targeted individual told that I was behind his targeting. Two was a MEDUSA and V2K attack that put me in the hospital where they tried a forced suicide by telling me to kill myself to save my daughter using V2K to make me think my daughter had been kidnapped and was being harmed (love used to kill). Then three by giving me massive doses of a deadly drug and telling me it was anxiety medicine and not telling me it was over twice the maximum dose.Others around me who had guns and would have defended their families and friends have been attacked by police and have committed suicide there families don't realize it was murder yet. The game is on and it's not imaginary.Peter Rosenholm
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DEPUTY AG-NOMINEE IS "A BIG BELIEVER IN WHISTLEBLOWERS" David W. Ogden, who has been nominated to be the next Deputy Attorney General, last week expressed strong support for government whistleblowers who help to expose corruption or malfeasance. "I am a big believer in whistleblowers," he said at his February 5 confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, "and in the need to make sure that people feel comfortable coming forward to make complaints." "I think what we need is a process that encourages whistleblowing in this administration and any other administration going forward. The business of making sure that we're doing the right thing is an ongoing business," Mr. Ogden said in response to a question from Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse. He said he would work with the Attorney General "to fashion an appropriate process that encourages whistleblowers to raise issues that need to be addressed." Mr. Ogden also indicated a willingness to consider public disclosure of certain legal opinions of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Sen. Ron Wyden noted that "there are a lot of important rulings that go to the meaning of surveillance law, and I think that a lot of those kinds of judgments really could be redacted and declassified so that the country could be brought in in a more informed, a more complete way to these national-security debates." "I absolutely will commit to take a fresh look at this issue if I'm confirmed," Mr. Ogden said. FIS Court opinions that interpret surveillance law were one of several categories of "secret law" that were identified (pdf) in an April 30, 2008 Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the subject.
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#463 Wikipedia-Stalking- police involvement

post #463 #463 Wikipedia-Stalking- police involvementWikipedia's definition of stalking is a start, even if it doesn't mention group stalking as a form of attack, or that a stalker may be compensated, monetarily or with some other form of compensation like a government job.Also at the end of the "Stalking Definition", that is listed below it was mentioned about the, "Accumulative Effects", of stalking over a prolonged period. It is hard for someone to imagine this lasting for years or a life time.It kind of makes sense that police would be involved as in my case. One reason is that it isn't a large jump to go from a covert and secret surveillance to covert, secret harassment, stalking and attacks. Police see victims of assault who have also been stalked so they would be aware of the psychological effects that stalking has on a victim over time. They also arrest stalkers and question them and their targets or victims. They know how it works.It is becoming common for criminals also to become police to avoid prosecution. Police are known for getting involved with the drug dealing trade, other crimes and take bribes to look the other way. There was even the case of the two police detectives who were hit men for the mob in New York. I actually think they eventually got off, having the policeman's bill of rights to protect them.In Massachusetts and New York they have even robbed banks and an FBI agent is on trial now locally for committing a mob hit on a businessman while covering for and informing the Irish mob.Internal investigations is a joke and that in part with making a complaint against an officer is how I have been stalked, attacked, falsely arrested, attacked with directed energy weapons, involuntarily committed and given a false diagnosis and almost drugged to death.It amounts to organized crime putting on a badge, legally possessing a gun and having more rights than the average person. Add to that free legal representation afforded by the, "Policeman's Bill of rights". Anyone who lays a hand on them even in defense is screwed by extreme laws protecting law enforcement no matter what the police do. Police when charged always plead to a lesser charge so the abusive surveillance and stalking that results in suicide may not even be a crime yet. They know the legal game well and take advantage of it. The worst that ever happens is the loss of their job. The only police officer to be convicted and serve his sentence actually robbed something like $40,000.00 from the policeman's union dues in my town. Now that's a crime, police actually robbing police. It would be funny if it wasn't so sick.A common practice around where I live is for drug dealers who aren't sanctioned to be beat up and robbed by police.As Valentine's day approaches it reminds me of, "The Valentine Day Massacre", where one gang dressed as police and slaughtered a rival gang. Or were they actually police? The victims completely submitted and faced a wall with their hands up while they were machine gunned to death.When They attempted a psychological attack on me with V2K and military directed energy weapons in an attempt to cause a forced suicide I over heard an attacker say a day earlier,"This is how hits are done now".That's why TI's are suffering all these attacks, OS, EH, and why police or the FBI won't take complaints.It would leave a paper trail and add our attacks to statistics. This might bring attention to crimes committed by law enforcement.The terrorism scare and terrorism laws even further allow for law enforcement to torture and kill anyone in their way, free from prosecution. I was accused of bomb making and hospitalized by police while my home was searched. I found this in official records but police never said a word, have even denied I have been under investigation at all. I don't know if the people who came in to kill me with directed energy weapons caught on that I was set up. That might be why I am still alive to talk about it. Since all Internet traffic is monitored by the NSA they can choke on this one. Let's hope the Obama's administration will reverse this trend or we will be fleeing this country to Russia before long because of the government sponsored police state and persecution.Peter RosenholmEffects of stalkingStalking does not consist of single incidents, but is a continuous process. Stalking can be a terrifying experience for victims, placing them at risk of psychological trauma, and possible physical harm. As Rokkers writes, "Stalking is a form of mental assault, in which the perpetrator repeatedly, unwontedly, and disruptively breaks into the life-world of the victim, with whom they have no relationship (or no longer have). Moreover, the separated acts that make up the intrusion cannot by themselves cause the mental abuse, but do taken together (cumulative effect)."[3]n "A Study of Stalkers" Mullen et al. (2000)[8][5] identified five types of stalkers:* Rejected stalkers pursue their victims in order to reverse, correct, or avenge a rejection (e.g. divorce, separation, termination).* Resentful stalkers pursue a vendetta because of a sense of grievance against the victims – motivated mainly by the desire to frighten and distress the victim.* Intimacy seekers seek to establish an intimate, loving relationship with their victim. To them, the victim is a long-sought-after soul mate, and they were 'meant' to be together.* Incompetent suitors, despite poor social or courting skills, have a fixation, or in some cases a sense of entitlement to an intimate relationship with those who have attracted their amorous interest. Their victims are most often already in a dating relationship with someone else.* Predatory stalkers spy on the victim in order to prepare and plan an attack – usually sexual – on the victim.
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New Auschwitz concentration camp

New Auschwitz concentration camp1. Crimes, Lies, and Mind Control [2005/10/01 updated]"Crimes, Lies, and Mind Control" is the tentative title of a Project Media Matrix documentary. It's subject is that title. ...2. Defeating the Totalitarian Lie the Totalitarian Lie (Book)By: Hilmar von Campe"The main preoccupation of my parents during the Nazi years was to save us children from Nazi indoctrination," says Hilmar von Campe. At 10 years old, like every other child, he had to enter the Hitler Youth and at 18 he was conscripted into the army. He was a gunner in a tank in the Yugoslavian theatre fighting the Soviet army, became in 1945 a prisoner of war of the Communist Tito government and in the same year staged a sensational escape crossing seven borders. His reports about the Nazi years and the war are a lesson of history as he brings facts unknown to most Americans. He describes why it came about, his own moral responsibility and how his life changed. The Nazi system, like any other totalitarian system, he says, is based on lies. Lies are at the root of the problem in the world. You can't defeat them with money or armies but only with the truth. Hilmar compares developments in American society and in the world today with what happened in pre-Nazi Germany and warns America to turn away now from the destructive ideological path we are on.�Socialism is the phantastic younger brother of despotism which it wants to inherit. Socialism wants to have the fullness of state force which before only existed in despotism... However, it goes further than anything in the past because it aims at the formal destruction of the individual� who� can be used to improve communities by an expedient organ of government.� -Friedrich NietzscheProduct Details:Paperback: 300 pagesPublisher: HighWay (October 1, 2008)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 0981509193ISBN-13: 978-0981509198NOTE: Purchasing "Defeating the Totalitarian Lie" from WND's online store also qualifies you to receive three FREE issues of WND's acclaimed monthly print magazine, Whistleblower. Watch for the FREE offer during checkout.3. ...Nazis started before World War II ..."... he plans to create a mind controlled workers society have been in place for a long time. The current technology grew out of experiments that the Nazis started before World War II and intensified during the time of the Nazi concentration camps when an unlimited supply of children and adults were available for experimentation. We've heard about the inhumane medical experiments performed on concentration camp prisoners, but no word was ever mentioned by the media and the TV documentaries of the mind control experiments. ..."4. New World Order and Nazi Germany - Operation Paperclip Paperclip casefileDate: Fri, 08 Aug 1997Dossier: Documented EvidenceCase File: 5X067Compiled by Agent OrangeOPERATION PAPERCLIPAfter WWII ended in 1945, victorious Russian and American intelligence teams began a treasure hunt throughout occupied Germany for military and scientific booty. They were looking for things like new rocket and aircraft designs, medicines, and electronics. But they were also hunting down the most precious "spoils" of all: the scientists whose work had nearly won the war for Germany. The engineers and intelligence officers of the Nazi War Machine.The U.S. Military rounded up Nazi scientists and brought them to America. It had originally intended merely to debrief them and send them back to Germany. But when it realized the extent of the scientists knowledge and expertise, the War Department decided it would be a waste to send the scientists home. Following the discovery of flying discs (foo fighters), particle/laser beam weaponry in German military bases, the War Department decided that NASA and the CIA must control this technology, and the Nazi engineers that had worked on this technology.There was only one problem: it was illegal. U.S. law explicitly prohibited Nazi officials from immigrating to America--and as many as three-quarters of the scientists in question had been committed Nazis.Data-Points:Convinced that German scientists could help America's postwar efforts, President Harry Truman agreed in September 1946 to authorize "Project Paperclip," a program to bring selected German scientists to work on America's behalf during the "Cold War"However, Truman expressly excluded anyone found "to have been a member of the Nazi party and more than a nominal participant in its activities, or an active supporter of Naziism or militarism."The War Department's Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) conducted background investigations of the scientists. In February 1947, JIOA Director Bosquet Wev submitted the first set of scientists' dossiers to the State and Justice Departments for review.The Dossiers were damning. Samauel Klaus, the State Departments representative on the JIOA board, claimed that all the scientists in this first batch were "ardent Nazis." Their visa requests were denied.Wev was furious. He wrote a memo warning that "the best intrests of the United States have been subjugated to the efforts expended in 'beating a dead Nazi horse.'" He also declared that the return of these scientists to Germany, where they could be exploited by America's enemies, presented a "far greater security threat to this country than any former Nazi affiliations which they may have had or even any Nazi sympathies that they may still have."When the JIOA formed to investigate the backgrounds and form dossiers on the Nazis, the Nazi Intelligence leader Reinhard Gehlen met with the CIA director Allen Dulles. Dulles and Gehlen hit it off immediatly. Gehlen was a master spy for the Nazis and had infilitrated Russia with his vast Nazi Intelligence network. Dulles promised Gehlen that his Intelligence unit was safe in the CIA.Apparently, Wev decided to sidestep the problem. Dulles had the scientists dossier's re-written to eliminate incriminating evidence. As promised, Allen Dulles delivered the Nazi Intelligence unit to the CIA, which later opened many umbrella projects stemming from Nazi mad research. (MK-ULTRA / ARTICHOKE, OPERATION MIDNIGHT CLIMAX)Military Intelligence "cleansed" the files of Nazi refrences. By 1955, more than 760 German scientists had been granted citizenship in the U.S. and given prominent positions in the American scientific community. Many had been longtime members of the Nazi party and the Gestapo, had conducted experiments on humans at concentration camps, had used slave labor, and had comitted other war crimes. ...5. ... The Nazis continued their work in developing mind control ... Joseph Mengele of Auschwitz notoriety was the principle developer of the trauma-basedMonarch Project and the CIA'sMK Ultra mind control programs. Mengele and approximately 5, 000 other high ranking Nazis were secretly moved into the United States and South America in the aftermath of World War II in an Operation designated Paperclip. The Nazis continued their work in developing mind control and rocketry technologies in secret underground military bases. The only thing we were told about was the rocketry work with former Nazi star celebrities like Warner Von Braun. The killers, torturers, and mutilators of innocent human beings were kept discretely out of sight, but busy in U.S. underground military facilities which gradually became home to thousands upon thousands of kidnapped American children snatched off the streets (about one million per year) and placed into iron bar cages stacked from floor to ceiling as part of the 'training'. These children would be used to further refine and perfect Mengele's mind control technologies. Certain selected children (at least the ones who survived the 'training') would become future mind controlled slaves who could be used for thousands of different jobs ranging anywhere from sexual slavery to assassinations. A substantial portion of these children, who were considered expendable, were intentionally slaughtered in front of (and by) the other children in order to traumatize the selected trainee into total compliance and submission. ...6. HOLOCAST MEMORIABLE 1933-1945, The Nazi's created a race of hate and victimization on Germany that eventually consumed Europe. Driven by raciest belief that killed as many million men, women and children on their quest to dominate Europe and to create a "pure superior race". The Nazi's singled out the Jews for total extermination – their very existence to be erased from history and memory. Before their defeat in 1945, the Nazi regime murdered six (6) million Jews – more than half of Europe's Jewish population. ...7. Fourth Reich behind the scenes since the end of World War II to enact at least some of the principles of Nazism (e.g. militarism, fascism, conquest, widespread spying on citizens, use of corporations and propaganda to control national interests and ideas) ...8. Towards a New World Order? Kontrol IndexNew World Order Terrorism Index9. Nazis Plotted Post-WWII Return YORK (Reuter) - Realizing they were losing the war in 1944, Nazi leaders met top German industrialists to plan a secret post-war international network to restore them to power,according to a newly declassified U.S. intelligence document. ...10. ...the German experiments in mind control, genetics, and hybridization ... of the more startling claims made by Terziski in this interview was that the German experiments in mind control, genetics, and hybridization (between humans and animals) -- which were apparently aided by the discovery and perfection of the microscope in Germany, including a Teslan scaler-wave microscope which helped the Germans to unlock the human genome -- were repeated in ten times their intensity in the underground Nazi South Polar colony or 'city'. This base-city, rumor has it, is known by it inhabitants as the 'NEW BERLIN' and contains a population of over 2,000,000 people loyal to the Nazi philosophy. These include so-called pure-bred 'Aryan S.S.' who apparently utilize slave labor to expand their underground empire. The genetic experiments in this underground metropolis (as in the trilateral Dulce-Dreamland-Luna facilities) is reportedly continuing unabated.oV:\....11. CIA-Nazi-Corporate So it's not too hard to imagine how the Nazi-Gray collaboration led to the present CIA-Gray collaboration -- and the hundreds of thousands of mental and emotional wrecks that have been left in the wake of the joint Rockefeller-Nazi-CIA-Gray- Reptiloid mind control / new world order / technocratic agenda....... ou can investigate CIA-Nazi-Corporate connections to such organizations as EXXON/ STANDARD OIL [formerly Standard/I. G. Farben], ARCO OIL [or Atlantic Richfield, which sponsors the HAARP project in Alaska]; I.T.T. [owned largely by the German Krupp family who built munitions plants for the Nazis and funded the Montauk-Phoenix Projects]; WACKENHUT; FEMA, etc. etc. ...12. Hitler was hypnotized during the World War Imind control - laser beam - eye blind Big Brother is watching you The scheme is reminiscent of George Orwell's novel 1984, where Big Brother looms out from public screens entreating the subdued populace to work for the state and telling them 'Big Brother is watching you'.The reality television show, Big Brother, in which contestants are under constant surveillance, is based on Orwell's concept. ...14. The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America (Hardcover) ReviewsProduct DescriptionThrow out everything you think you know about history. Close the approved textbooks, turn off the corporate mass media, and whatever you do, don't believe anything you hear from the government—The Rise of the Fourth Reich reveals the truth about American power. In this explosive new book, the legendary Jim Marrs, author of the underground bestseller Rule by Secrecy, reveals the frighteningly real possibility that today the United States is becoming the Fourth Reich, the continuation of an ideology thought to have been vanquished more than a half century ago.This concept may seem absurd to those who cannot see past the rose-colored spin, hype, and disinformation poured out daily by the media conglomerates—most of which are owned by the very same families and corporations who supported the Nazis before World War II. But as Marrs precisely explains, National Socialism never died, but rather its hideous philosophy is alive and active in modern America. Unfortunately, most people cannot understand the shadowy links between fascism and corporate power, the military, and our elected leaders.While the United States helped defeat the Germans in World War II, we failed to defeat the Nazis. At the end of the war, ranking Nazis, along with their young and fanatical protégés, used the loot of Europe to create corporate front companies in many countries, including the United States of America. Utilizing their stolen wealth, men with Nazi backgrounds and mentalities wormed their way into corporate America, slowly buying up and consolidating companies into giant multinational conglomerates. Many thousands of other Nazis came to the United States under classified programs such as Project Paperclip. They brought with them miraculous weapon technology that helped win the space race but they also brought their insidious Nazi philosophy within our borders. This ideology based on the authoritarian premise that the end justifies the means—including unprovoked wars of aggression and curtailment of individual liberties—has gained an iron hold in the "land of the free and the home of the brave."For the first time Jim Marrs has gathered compelling evidence that an effort has been underway for the past sixty years to bring a form of National Socialism to modern America, creating in essence a modern empire—or "Fourth Reich"!About the AuthorAward-winning journalist Jim Marrs is the New York Times bestselling author of Rule by Secrecy, Alien Agenda, and Crossfire—which served as a basis for the Oliver Stone film JFK. He lives in Texas.
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