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How long have you been a victim of mind control?

I very curious. I believe I have been a victim since 2004. I am under the impression that I am in prison for a crime I "did" commit. Everyone I know, knows I am here yet says nothing. So, I'm hoping I get out. Have any of you committed any crimes? anything? Or are you just victims who have no idea why you are here? I am very worried that I will never feel better. I can't think or feel and am scared out of my mind. i would very much appreciate your stories if possible. Some of the people I know say, "It takes a while", "Patience", "you'll be alright", "You are doing time".I am told to be patient, but I say "for what a miserable life?" It is impossible to survive for me under these circumstances. The people are the police, their job is to humiliate. I see all the similarities between here and real prison, even though I've never been to prison let alone jail. just the concept of "isolation and brutality"Very, very worried,kevin :(
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Mind Control Victim

I have read a few stories and am horrified. I also am a victim of electronic harassment. I have been infiltrated since 2004 or so. I am told i am in "prison" By my captor "via" the voice in my head. I have been told I have been imprisoned for a certain amount of time. "from A to B" I have committed a crime and realistically the punishment fits the crime. What scares me the most is hearing stories about people who have done nothing wrong. I don't know why they would be victims. Am told this is the new prison. It is world wide, but I am solely governed by The United States of America. "I am being punished for a crime, I will be free and have all of my free will and thought back." Those who are being infiltrated may want to soul search and figure out what it is you might have done against the laws of your country. You might find the punishment fits the crime. Listen to "some" of the things they say, you will most likely find them relevant. It is abuse and punishment, but think of it as prison. you are going to get out and be well someday. Think of it this way, would you rather be here or be in Leavenworth State Prison? Compare regular prison to how you feel, it it the exact same in many ways. "Isolation", "no privileges" While you are here you will be subjected to "Behavior Modification" or in prison terms "Rehabilitation" on every aspect of your being. Everyone knows what I think, what I ate last night, what I dream about just like the rest of you. As you all know it sucks terribly. Bare with it and you will be released from prison at some point depending on your crime. Remember the crime can be anything from theft, domestic abuse, drug sales, prostitution, embezzlement to murder. I am a very good giving loving person also, so that has nothing to do with my crime. You do the crime and you will do the time. Anyway, I hope I get out because I am as miserable as you can get, trust me. Be patient!!!! Free will for everyone..It sounds like you all are doing time like me. If anyone would like to talk or respond i also can be reached at
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Mass Petition to USA

President Obama:-
The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA
TEL Comments: 202-456-1111, Switchboard: 202-456-1414, FAX: 202-456-2461,,,,,,, ,,,

Vice-President Biden:-
The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA
TEL Comments: 202-456-1111, Switchboard: 202-456-1414, FAX: 202-456-2461,,, ,

Secretary Of State Clinton:-,,,,,,,,,,

The Council On Foreign Relations:- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

The Department Of Defense:-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;;;;;

The Attorney General Of The USA:-
U.S. Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20530-0001
TEL Switchboard: - 202-514-2000, TEL Office of the Attorney General: - 202-353-1555,,

The Secretary Of The Department Of Homeland Security:-
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Washington, D.C. 20528, USA
TEL Operator: 202-282-8000, TEL Comment: 202-282-8495 , FAX: 202-401-4708,,,

U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division,Criminal Section
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20530
Tel:(202) 514-3204 Fax: (202) 514-8336

The United Nations High Commissioner For Human Rights - Ms Navanethem Pillay,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,

The ACLU:-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,

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I have finally purchased the camera and mic for doing a podcast. It is not hooked up yet but will be within a day or two or as soon as I can get my son to do that for me...what is next? Who else is going to do the podcast?I need to do a test to see if the equipment I purchased works properly...Can we arrange a test podcast and in the process talk about what we want to do with this podcast?Debbie
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A sample petition letter (From John Finch)

We are a group of over 780 DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING TORTURE AND ABUSE VICTIMS - see - OR username – johnfinch password - TORTURECASES Some of our DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING TORTURE AND ABUSE CASES detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history, including the most horrendous psychological tortures, rapes, sexual abuse, surgical mutilations, 'mind control', and other mental and physical mutilations. There are MANY, MANY others, all over the world, who are being subjected to similar torture and abuse – citizens, combatants and leaders (coup-de-etats and puppet governments, literally). These are extreme and monstrous CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY – indescribably terrible in themselves – coupled with the ORWELLIAN/STALINIST secrecy and denial of any support at all that we are experiencing, makes them even more horrendous and monstrous. We have contacted most Governments, Security/Intelligence Agencies, International Organizations, Human Rights Organizations, Religious Organisations, Universities, Scientific and other Institutions, and the International Media all over the world - over and over and over again – and have had our appeals for assistance, protection and/or publicity almost completely ignored and/or suppressed. HERE'S HOW YOU CAN HELP:- 1. WE NEED TO PUBLICISE THESE WEAPONS AND HORRENDOUS CRIMES AS FAR AND WIDE AS POSSIBLE here is the link to our UPDATED EMAIL LISTS:- or username - johnfinch password - TORTURECASES 1. RELIGIOUS LEADERS, INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS, GOVERNMENTS & MILITARY 2. WORLDWIDE MEDIA 3. HUMAN RIGHTS, LEGAL, SCIENCE & POLITICAL ORGANISATIONS (1) 4. HUMAN RIGHTS, LEGAL, SCIENCE & POLITICAL ORGANISATIONS (2) 5. ACADEMIC, CHINA & OTHERS - We need to publicise these weapons and horrendous crimes as far and wide as possible – please assist by contacting all the Authorities, Organisations and People in these EMAIL LISTS! Simultaneous email, registered letter, telephone/fax, and visits to the Authorities, Organisations and People we are contacting are needed. It is only with their active support that we will achieve results. The aim of our ACTIVISM is EXPOSURE of these crimes and weapons, and JUDICIAL and HUMAN RIGHTS INTERVENTION and PROTECTION!! Please tell ALL about these weapons, and the terrible crimes that are already taking place - so that they become involved and we get some results. We need MORE EMAIL LISTS to use for this ACTIVISM - please assist! 2. WE URGENTLY NEED ACCESS TO SAFE HOUSES TO GET PROTECTION FROM THE DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS BEING USED TO TORTURE, MUTILATE AND KILL US. Such SAFE HOUSES are available in Laboratories, Hospitals and Scientific/Military Facilities. PLEASE ASSIST US URGENTLY!!! It is no exaggeration to say our cases are as horrendous and urgent as people fleeing Nazi or Pol Pot concentration camps – specifically Dr Mengele-type butchers. 3. WE NEED TO TELL EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD ABOUT THESE WEAPONS, AND THE TERRIBLE CRIMES THAT ARE ALREADY TAKING PLACE SO THAT:- A. We can be sure that as many people as possible know about these horrendous crimes. B. We can be sure that these AUTHORITIES, ORGANISATIONS and PEOPLE are either trying to uphold the rule of National, International and Human Rights Law, and that we will, sooner or later, be protected by these laws. C. Or that we can be sure these AUTHORITIES, ORGANISATIONS and PEOPLE are complicit and/or acquiescent to these CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and that National, International and Human Rights Law no longer apply - in which case our task will be to get the rule of these laws restored. As well as being illegal the crimes being committed against us are contrary to the Principles and Values of all the major religions and ethical systems - so we will also be demonstrating to all of these AUTHORITIES, ORGANISATIONS and PEOPLE the huge disconnect between their professed Principles and Values and the reality. We will be showing their monstrous Doublespeak Doublethink Doubledo ignorance, stupidity and/or hypocrisy. It is our responsibility to record and alert the world to these horrendous crimes - and the extreme danger that these technologies, powers and tendencies pose to human rights, liberty, democracy, privacy and the mental and physical freedom, individuality, integrity, health and growth of all people – in all their "infinite?" richness, degrees, aspects, qualities and diversity! Make no mistake these are the most horrendous totalitarian weapons and crimes imaginable and the people and organizations using them are mass-murdering conspirators pursuing totalitarian fundamentalist schemes. Beware of the brain phrenologists/determinists/reductionists, and those who seek to control and reduce the range of permissible thoughts, imaginations, feelings, moods, attitudes, and speech – the would-be socio-economic, cultural AND PSYCHOLOGICAL/INTELLECTUAL monopolists, police and prosecutors who are already literally and physically actively at work amongst us!! Both monstrously and criminally, and also far more insidiously. BEWARE OF THE PSEUDO-SCIENCE NAZIS, AND THE ENEMIES OF FREE AND OPEN INFORMATION AND DEBATE! It is no exaggeration to say our cases are as horrendous and urgent as people fleeing Nazi or Pol Pot concentration camps – specifically Dr Mengele-type butchers. PLEASE CONTACT US FOR FURTHER INFORMATION:- Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627 EMAIL:, TARGETED INDIVIDUAL and a member of THE WORLDWIDE CAMPAIGN AGAINST TORTURE AND ABUSE USING DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS Secret Geophysical Weapons (earthquake, floods, storms, fires, 9/11) Crimes Against Humanity in Myanmar, China, Japan, Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Iran, Yemen, Turkey, Greece, USA, Central America, the Carribean, and the Pacific killing well over a million people and massive destruction. (please see the REFERENCES below) War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and Torture using Directed Energy and Neurological Weapons to cause the most horrendous psychological tortures, rapes, sexual abuse, surgical mutilations, 'mind control', and other mental and physical mutilations on many, many thousands of people worldwide – citizens, combatants and leaders (coup-de-etats and puppet governments, literally). (please see the REFERENCES below) Dirty Wars and Black Operations fomenting and prolonging conflicts and civil strife in Algeria, Sudan, Congo, Somalia, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, South Africa, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Turkey, Russia, the Caucasus, Pakistan, India, Kashmir, Sri Lanka, China, Tibet, Cambodia, Korea, Thailand, Colombia, Bolivia causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. Crimes Against Peace, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity in Iraq and Afghanistan resulting in the deaths of well over a million people and the ongoing destruction of those countries, as the criminals pretend that the world's most powerful surveillance and military forces can't establish peace and stability there in 5 and 7 years respectively. Crimes Against Humanity using Directed Energy Weapons to cause electrical and mechanical crashes and disasters (cars, planes, trains, ships etc.), building and bridge collapses, and violations of the integrity of electronic data and systems killing thousands of people and causing much criminal malfeasance. (please see the REFERENCES below) Active Criminal Complicity in all of the above crimes by the Media Monopolies and "professionals" as almost all public discourse, and as much as 80% of 'international news', 'events' and 'history', has been degraded into produced and managed dramas/atrocities (i.e. wars, disasters, civil strife etc), and criminally presented as infotainment, endogenous socio-political changes, propaganda and/or pseudo-science. (please see the REFERENCES below) Active Criminal Complicity in all of the above crimes by other Governments, Agencies and International Organisations as there's no genuine information or analyses about any of these crimes – at all. Regarding these Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes, Dirty Wars, Black Operations, And Secret Weapons there is a complete ORWELLIAN/STALINIST PUBLIC INFORMATION AND INQUIRY BLACKOUT. ABOUT SECRET GEOPHYSICAL WEAPONS:- US CONGRESS, EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT & UK PARLIAMENT - BRIEFINGS ON SECRET GEOPHYSICAL WEAPONS & 'MIND CONTROL' GLOBAL RESEARCH - HAARP IS A WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION HAARP is fully operational and has the ability of potentially triggering floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes. From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction VIDEO:- CHINA CONSIDERS WAR AGAINST USA OVER EARTHQUAKE ATTACK THE PENTAGON'S SECRET SPACE WEAPONS PROGRAM, CAMPAIGN FOR COOPERATION IN SPACE - HAARP IS A SPACE-BASED WEAPON OF MASS-DESTRUCTION 9/11 WAS DONE BY THE NWO CRIMINALS USING HAARP The "war on terrorism" is bogus. The 911 narrative as conveyed by the 911 Commission report is fabricated. The Bush administration is involved in acts of cover-up and complicity at the highest levels of government........ Without 911, the war criminals in high office do not have a leg to stand on. The entire national security construct collapses like a deck of cards VIDEO:- USA EXTREMISTS STAGED THE 9/11 ATTACKS ON AMERICA TO IGNITE THE "WAR ON TERRORISM" "...that war is being fought and paid for with the blood, the lives, and the tax dollars of terrorised American (and world) citizens" HAARP AND ITS ROLE IN 9/11/ 2001 RUSSIAN FOREIGN MINISTER SERGEI LAVROV - "THE THREAT OF NEW WEAPONRY" FROM PRAVDA - SECRET GEOPHYSICAL WEAPONS - "UNPREDICTABLE NATURAL DISASTERS AND MAN-CAUSED CATASTROPHES" SECRET GEOPHYSICAL WEAPONS IS IT WEATHER OR GOVERNMENT TERROR? VIDEO:- HAARP: GEOPHYSICAL WARFARE ABOUT DIRECTED ENERGY & NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS:- THE SHOCKING MENACE OF SATELLITE SURVEILLANCE by John Fleming JOHN ST. CLAIR AKWEI VS. NSA, FT. MEADE, MD, USA SYSTEMS OF SURVEILLANCE & REPRESSION by Judy Malloy SPACE-BASED DOMESTIC SPYING: KICKING CIVIL LIBERTIES TO THE CURB the link to our OVER 780 DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING TORTURE AND ABUSE VICTIMS' CASE SUMMARIES OR username – johnfinch password - TORTURECASES VICTIMS' ACCOUNTS FROM THE WHOLE WORLD 600 + VICTIMS' ACCOUNTS WEB: BAN ELECTRONIC WARFARE ON CIVILIANS PETITION - 370 + SIGNATURES AND MESSAGES OF VICTIMS & SUPPORTERS WEB: EMAIL:,, WANTTOKNOW. INFO/MINDCONTROL MIND CONTROL & SUBLIMINAL SUGGESTION - 100 USA PATENTS ON THE NEED FOR NEW CRITERIA OF DIAGNOSIS OF PSYCHOSIS IN THE LIGHT OF MIND INVASIVE TECHNOLOGY, CAROLE SMITH, JOURNAL OF PSYCHO-SOCIAL STUDIES , VOL 2(2) NO 3 2003 PROJECT CENSORED - HUMAN RIGHTS AND FREEDOM OF THOUGHT VIOLATIONS BY US MILITARY/INTELLIGENCE ORGANIZATIONS. WEB: USA REPRESENTATIVE JIM GUEST'S (MO) LETTER "October 10, 2007 Dear Member of the Legislature and Friends: This letter is to ask for your help for the many constituents in our country who are being affected unjustly by electronic weapons torture and covert harassment groups. Serious privacy rights violations and physical injuries have been caused by the activities of these groups and their use of so-called non-lethal weapons on men, women, and even children. I am asking you to play a role in helping these victims and also stopping the massive movement in the use of Verichip and RFID technologies in tracking Americans. . . . . ." Sincerely, Representative Jim Guest EMAIL: , WEB: THE HUMAN RESEARCH SUBJECT PROTECTION ACT OF 1997 – INTRODUCED BY USA SENATOR JOHN GLENN OPERATION MIND CONTROL by Walter Bowart WALL STREET JOURNAL - NSA's DOMESTIC SPYING GROWS AUSTRALIA FIRST TO ADMIT "WE'RE PART OF GLOBAL SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM" - ECHELON OUTED BY THE HEAD OF AUSTRALIA'S DEFENCE SIGNALS DIRECTORATE (DSD), MARTIN BRADY. ABOUT THE NWO-Nazis:- VIDEO:- PRESIDENT EISENHOWER WARNS OF THE 'MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX' ENDANGERING DEMOCRACY & LIBERTIES VIDEO:- PRESIDENT KENNEDY ON THE 'SECRET GOVERNMENT' – BEFORE THE ASSASSINATION/COUP VIDEO:- USA EXTREMISTS STAGED THE 9/11 ATTACKS ON AMERICA TO IGNITE THE "WAR ON TERRORISM" "...that war is being fought and paid for with the blood, the lives, and the tax dollars of terrorised American (and world) citizens" VIDEOS:- 9/11 AND THE "WAR ON TERROR" QUESTIONED IN JAPAN`S PARLIAMENT - LANDMARK SPEECHES BY CONGRESSMAN YUKIHISA FUJITA 9/11 WAS DONE BY THE NWO CRIMINALS USING HAARP The "war on terrorism" is bogus. The 911 narrative as conveyed by the 911 Commission report is fabricated. The Bush administration is involved in acts of cover-up and complicity at the highest levels of government........ Without 911, the war criminals in high office do not have a leg to stand on. The entire national security construct collapses like a deck of cards 9/11 AND THE "WAR ON TERROR" QUESTIONED IN BRITAIN`S PARLIAMENT BY FORMER BRITISH FOREIGN SECRETARY ROBIN COOK - SHORTLY BEFORE HIS "UNTIMELY DEATH" former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook told the House Of Commons that "Al Qaeda" is not really a terrorist group but a database of international Mujaheddin and arms smugglers used by the CIA and Saudis to funnel guerrillas, arms, and money into Soviet-Occupied Afghanistan. HAARP AND ITS ROLE IN 9/11/ 2001 ASSESSING THE BUSH LEGACY: GLOBAL WAR, WAR ON AMERICANS, TORTURE, DESTRUCTION OF CIVIL LIBERIES, AND MEGA-THEFT l PENTAGON IMPERIAL BEEF-UP "SPACE WAR – YOUR WORLD AT WAR" AMERICA'S "WAR ON TERRORISM" by MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY CELSIUS 9/11: WORLD TAKEOVER AND THE WAR OF TERROR MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE: WHO WAS BEHIND THE OCTOBER 2002 BALI BOMBINGS? THE LEGAL ADVICE TO WAGE WAR ON IRAQ WAS NOT JUST "SEXED-UP", IT WAS CONCOCTED STATE-SPONSORED TERROR: BRITISH AND AMERICAN BLACK OPS IN IRAQ AFGHANISTAN, ANOTHER UNTOLD STORY CREATING AN "ARC OF CRISIS": THE DESTABILIZATION OF THE MIDDLE EAST AND CENTRAL ASIA POLITICAL DESTABILIZATION IN SOUTH AND CENTRAL ASIA: THE ROLE OF THE CIA-ISI TERROR NETWORK INDIA'S 9/11. WHO WAS BEHIND THE MUMBAI ATTACKS? ATROCITY UNLIMITED: US SEEKS TO TURN SOMALIA INTO GLOBAL FREE-FIRE ZONE NWO MASS MURDER IN AFRICA CONGO RESOURCE WARS WESTERN INVOLVEMENT IN THE RWANDAN GENOCIDE ONLY LITTLE WAR CRIMINALS GET PUNISHED UNFINISHED BUSINESS FOR AMERICA: TORTURE CRIMES COMMITTED BY HIGH LEVEL CIVILIANS AND GENERALS JUSTICE NEEDS TO BE SERVED IN 2009 – IMPEACHMENT IS NECESSARY INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE AND IMPUNITY: THE CASE OF THE USA ed. Nils Andersson et al. SECRECY NEWS FROM THE FAS PROJECT ON GOVERNMENT SECRECY MONARCH: THE NEW PHOENIX PROGRAM ,, COMPUTERSTATE by Paul Baird PROJECT CENSORED - NO HABEAS CORPUS FOR 'ANY PERSON' the new law appears to create a parallel 'star chamber' system for the prosecution, imprisonment, and possible execution of enemies of the state, whether those enemies are foreign or domestic PROJECT CENSORED - AN ELECTION WITHOUT MEANING will habeas corpus and posse comitatus be restored to the people? Will torture stop?...will the us national security agencies stop mass spying on our personal communications? Will the neo-conservative agenda of total military domination of the world be reversed? PROJECT CENSORED - THE PROPAGANDA MODEL & ACCELERATED MEDIA CONCENTRATION a handful of multinational corporations controls nearly everything we see and hear on the screen, over the airwaves and in print. THE NEW MEDIA MONOPOLY - BEN BAGDIKIAN describes the cartel of five giant media conglomerates who now control the media…. They manufacture politics and social values RULERS AND RULED IN THE US EMPIRE: BANKERS, ZIONISTS AND MILITANTS by JAMES PETRAS THE GLOBALIZATION OF POVERTY AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER by MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY SEEDS OF DESTRUCTION: THE HIDDEN AGENDA OF GENETIC MANIPULATION by F. WILLIAM ENGDAHL THE GREAT LAND GIVEAWAY: NEO-COLONIALISM BY INVITATION WHO ARE THE ARCHITECTS OF ECONOMIC COLLAPSE?…IT TRIGGERS AN UNPRECEDENTED CONCENTRATION OF WEALTH BUSH/USA - WAR CRIMES & HITLER CONNECTIONS ABOUT THE CAUSES OF THE 2ND WORLD WAR:- 1. Falsifiers Of History: An Historical Document On The Origins Of World War Ii 2. P. Zhilin, They Sealed Their Own Doom, (Moscow 1970) 3. R. Gibson, Soviet Foreign Policy 1917-1974, (Sydney 1975), Chapter 21 4. D. F. Fleming, The Cold War and its Origins, 2 volumes PLEASE CONTACT US FOR FURTHER INFORMATION:- Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627 EMAIL:, TARGETED INDIVIDUAL and a member of THE WORLDWIDE CAMPAIGN AGAINST TORTURE AND ABUSE USING DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS DIRECTED ENERGY & NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS VICTIMS' ORGANISATIONS & FURTHER INFORMATION:- FREEDOM FROM COVERT HARASSMENT AND SURVEILLANCE MR DERRICK ROBINSON WEB: EMAIL:,, MIND JUSTICE MS CHERYL WELSH WEB: EMAIL: INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE ON OFFENSIVE MICROWAVE WEAPONS MR HARLAN GIRARD WEB: EMAIL: ILLEGAL HUMAN EXPERIMENTING & ELECTROMAGNETIC MINDCONTROL THE ASSOCIATION AGAINST THE ABUSE OF PSYCHOPHYSICAL WEAPONS PRESIDENT SWETLANA SCHUNIN EMAIL:,, WEB: THE AMERICAN COGNITIVE LIBERTIES ASSOCIATION WEB: EMAIL:,, MIND CONTROL - TECHNOLOGY, TECHNIQUES & POLITICS MR ALLEN BARKER Ph.D WEB: SURVEILLANCE ISSUES MR PAUL BAIRD WEB: EMAIL:, SECRET ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE AND ATTACKS MS LESLIE CRAWFORD WEB: EMAIL: THE FEDERATION AGAINST MIND CONTROL EUROPE MS MONIKA STOCES, MR DANNY BONTE WEB: EMAIL:,,,, THE OMINOUS PARALLELS WEB: http://www. theominousparallels.blogspot. com/ EMAIL: ,, EXOTIC WARFARE.COM WEB: EMAIL:, ORGANIZED CRIME WAVES MS ELIZABETH ADAMS EMAIL: US GOVERNMENT TORTURE & HEROES OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THEIR STAND AGAINST HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION WEB: EMAIL: FASCISM - "9-11" - MIND CONTROL MR JAMES MARINO WEB: EMAIL: INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT TO BAN THE MANIPULATION OF THE HUMAN NERVOUS SYSTEM BY TECHNICAL MEANS, MR MOMJIR BABACEK WEB:, EMAIL:,, FRANCE - INFORMATION DOSSIER WEB: EMAIL: GERMANY – STOP MIND CONTROL WEB: EMAIL: GERMANY - VEREIN GEGEN DEN MISSBRAUCH PSYCHOPHYSISCHER WAFFEN WEB: ITALY - ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA, SCIENTIFICA E GIURIDICA, CONTRO GLI ABUSI MENTALI, FISICI E TECNOLOGICI ITALY - ASSOCIAZIONE VITTIME ARMI ELETTRONICHE-MENTALI MR PAOLO DORIGO WEB: , EMAIL:,,,,, INDIA - NO MORE COVERT MIND CONTROL WEAPONS MR FEISAL SALIM A.S. WEB: EMAIL:, CHINA - PEACEPINK -粉红和平 MS SOLEILMAVIS WEB: , (IN CHINESE) , EMAIL:, JAPAN - STOP MIND CONTROL のサイトは、兵器技術や心理学等を悪用した、マインドコントロールの強制人体実験に反対します WEB: , , (in JAPANESE and ENGLISH) (in JAPANESE) JAPAN - WEB: RUSSIA - THE MOSCOW HOUSING ECOLOGY COMMITTEE MS ALLA PETUKHOVA WEB: EMAIL:,, RUSSIA - THE ST.PETERSBOURGH SOCIETY OF PERSONS SUBJECT TO REMOTE CONTROLLED BIOENERGETIC TERROR WEB: EMAIL:,, BAN ELECTRONIC WARFARE ON CIVILIANS PETITION 370 + SIGNATURES AND MESSAGES OF VICTIMS & SUPPORTERS WEB: EMAIL:,, MIND CONTROL FORUM VICTIMS' ACCOUNTS 600 + VICTIMS' ACCOUNTS WEB: NAFF - ADVOCATING FOR VICTIMS OF MIND CONTROL, TORTURE, SLAVERY & RELATED TERROR MS KATHLEEN SULLIVAN WEB: EMAIL: CITIZENS AGAINST HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION MR RICHARD PERLMANN WEB: EMAIL:, THE CENTER FOR COGNITIVE LIBERTY & ETHICS (CCLE) MR RICHARD GLEN BOIRE, DR WRYE SENTENTIA WEB: EMAIL:, GANG STALKING WORLD RULE OF LAW DEFENDERS MR MOE HOSNY WEB: EMAIL: MIKROWELLENTERROR.DE/ WEB: EMAIL:, FREEDOM FIGHTERS FOR AMERICA EMF TORTURE CHAMBER MS T. JOSEPHINE WEB: EMAIL:, TECHNOLOGICAL TORTURE MS PAT STEWART WEB: EMAIL: US CITIZENS ARE SECRETLY BEING USED AS RESEARCH RATS WEB: EMAIL: THE DECLARATION OF ALARMED CITIZENS MR JEAN VERSTRAETEN EMAIL: MR WALDEMAR LOTZ - EMAIL:,, MR WALTER MADLIGER EMAIL:, MR DARIUS MOCKUS EMAIL:, Our (very, very partial) LIST OF VICTIMS OF DIRECTED ENERGY & NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS:- the link to our OVER 780 DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING TORTURE AND ABUSE VICTIMS' CASE SUMMARIES OR username – johnfinch password - TORTURECASES It is no exaggeration to say our cases are as horrendous and urgent as people fleeing Nazi or Pol Pot concentration camps – specifically Dr Mengele-type butchers. We urgently need access to SAFE HOUSES to get protection from the directed energy and neurological weapons being used to torture, mutilate and kill us. Such SAFE HOUSES are available in Laboratories, Hospitals and Scientific/Military Facilities. PLEASE ASSIST US URGENTLY!!! It is our responsibility to record and alert the world to these horrendous crimes - and the extreme danger that these technologies, powers and tendencies pose to human rights, liberty, democracy, privacy and the mental and physical freedom, individuality, integrity, health and growth of all people – in all their "infinite?" richness, degrees, aspects, qualities and diversity! Make no mistake these are the most horrendous totalitarian weapons and crimes imaginable and the people and organizations using them are mass-murdering conspirators pursuing totalitarian fundamentalist schemes. Beware of the brain phrenologists/determinists/reductionists, and those who seek to control and reduce the range of permissible thoughts, imaginations, feelings, moods, attitudes, and speech – the would-be socio-economic, cultural AND PSYCHOLOGICAL/INTELLECTUAL monopolists, police and prosecutors who are already literally and physically actively at work amongst us!! Both monstrously and criminally, and also far more insidiously. BEWARE OF THE PSEUDO-SCIENCE NAZIS, AND THE ENEMIES OF FREE AND OPEN INFORMATION AND DEBATE! It is no exaggeration to say our cases are as horrendous and urgent as people fleeing Nazi or Pol Pot concentration camps – specifically Dr Mengele-type butchers. We urgently need access to SAFE HOUSES to get protection from the directed energy and neurological weapons being used to torture, mutilate and kill us. Such SAFE HOUSES are available in Laboratories, Hospitals and Scientific/Military Facilities. PLEASE ASSIST US URGENTLY!! PLEASE WITNESS AND RECORD AND OPPOSE ALL OF THE ABOVE CRIMES, AND ASSIST US URGENTLY!!
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28 Jan 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends ( a court case is won and proven) USA Victim James Walbert has won protection order in THE DISTRICT COURT OF SEDGWICK COUNTRY, KANSAS. This is the very first time in the history of Kansas that A Protection From Stalking has been granted under these devices and Electronic Harassment and Electronic Stalking! Filed under any and all enrgized devices that effects the Human Nervous System! Please read attached PDF file. walbert file.pdf
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Although Hoodia can be found in some health food stores and grocery store chains, buying Hoodia online is by far the most popular method of obtaining it. Getting your supplements of Hoodia online is also the way that you are going to locate the most powerful extracts of the plant. Because it is an all natural and safe substance free of side effects, you can buy Hoodia online without any sort of prescription and not worry about violating any laws. However this does not mean you should not be a little bit wary about buying Hoodia online. First of all, while it is not technically a cactus it does grow like one: very slowly. This unfortunately makes it rather expensive. If a site will let you buy Hoodia online for less than about $40 for a month's supply there are two potential reasons for this. The first is they have diluted the extract substantially and usually to the point where it will have very little effect on the human body or they are selling a type of Hoodia plant that does not contain the appetite suppressing substance P-57. In either case you should not buy Hoodia online from these sites. You can be sure that you are getting pure Hoodia online from simply looking at the ingredients; while companies that dilute the extract are sometimes misleading the customer they will almost never outright lie about the ingredients. To make sure you are getting the right type of Hoodia online you should make sure that it is South African Hoodia gordonii, the only type with the molecule P-57.

While there are many different pills available for weight loss, only pure Hoodia can offer you complete appetite suppressing effectiveness without any side effects. Pure Hoodia extract is probably the best innovation in the area of weight loss in decades. Pure Hoodia is both more effective than prescription amphetamine based diet pills, and pure Hoodia is much safer. It is of course necessary to ensure that you are taking pure Hoodia gordonii, and not a diluted version of it or a different type of Hoodia altogether. That's right, there is more than one type of Hoodia plant but only pure Hoodia gordonii is the right type and will be strong enough to have the desired appetite suppressing effect. If you do get the right type of pure Hoodia, it can be the most powerful weapon you have ever had in your arsenal against weight. If you do not get pure Hoodia, and the right kind of pure Hoodia it is just a big waste of money. While the Sans Bushmen have been using the plant for centuries, pure Hoodia extract has not been available for a very long time, but education and awareness is growing rapidly. If you are serious about weight loss but would like a bit of extra help, order your pure Hoodia supplement today.

Hoodia supplements come in many varieties; sometimes they are pure extract, other times they are mixed with other appetite suppressants and sometimes hoodia supplements contain very little hoodia at all. Besides getting a hoodia supplement you can also chose to get a hoodia spray, but this is not recommended by anyone other than people who sell the sprays. When you are choosing a hoodia supplement it is best to go with one that is a pure extract. Mixing it with other substances only dilutes the strength and can give it side effects. You can take hoodia supplements on a regular, daily bases if you need or simply take a hoodia supplement before a meal to cut down on how much you will eat. It is also recommended to take hoodia supplements if you are going to be in a social situation which may encourage you to over eat. If you had not guessed it by now, hoodia is a powerful appetite suppressant which works to block hunger without having any of the effects of a stimulant. Hoodia supplements are also non prescription, so there is no need to visit a doctor and get their permission before placing an order. So treat yourself today to an all natural hoodia supplement and see a skinnier you tomorrow.

For more information visit my hoodia news, articles and reviews site.

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#444For all my complaining about military weapons being used on TIs and circumventing our "Human rights", the Internet supplied by our military has also allowed the public to financially support and fund a candidate of their choice. Normally the rich, the powerful and the well connected fund the presidential winner.I don't think a peoples choice has actually come to power since Jimmy Carter. The world fell apart then also, so be prepared for the wealthy and powerful to make this difficult. We will have to, "Stay the coarse", and continue taking back our country and government. Putting it in the hands of the public where it belongs once again.The implication that the Internet is empowering the citizens of America is only to obvious. It is very possible that keeping the Internet free may be the most important thing we can do to bring about the freedoms, equality and opportunities that have been lacking as of late. There are some articles about foreign donations that will have to be addressedI want to say, "Thank you", to the military for empowering the voice of the American people once again.Who is Funding Obama Campaign? Obama’s Internet Campaign Changed Politics Rejecting public funding won't hurt Obama's internet funding-from overseas? we will have to watch this one... Rosenholm
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Post #441 THIS IS OUR TIME AT LASTJanuary 2009 is the sixth annual observance anti-stalking month. Overhalf the states have adopted this month of January as an official Stateobservance. It started with the cell phone surveillance and stalking withhigh tech equipment of Sheri Peak by her estranged husband Rob Peak.Date Line aired an investigative report that I watched around 6-17-2007.Further below is a post from thattime starting with "6-17-2007"."Governor Janet Nepolitano of Arizona, now Secretary ofHomeland Security Elect", adopts the January anti-stalking Monthfor Arizona in the link below.http://www.highbeam .com/doc/ 1P3-998533251. htmlOur, "Vise President elect Joe Biden", helped establish January as theanti-stalking month in his address below....... ......... ................. ....Sen. Biden[D-DE]: Mr. President, I rise today with my good friend from Maine,Senator Collins, to submit a Resolution Marking January as NationalStalking Awareness Month. I introduce... Record Text Sen. Joseph Biden[D-DE]: Mr. President, I rise today with my good friend from Maine,Senator Collins, to submit a Resolution Marking January as NationalStalking Awareness Month. I introduce today's measure because I want torenew our Nation's resolve to fight stalking and to promote publicawareness about the newest stalking tool, technology.June 17, 2007 ............ . MSNBC's Dateline show about a woman divorcing her husband and how he stalked her.He had rigged and hidden a cell phone inside her car. It was wired tothe electrical system of the car for charging. and when this phone wascalled it was set not to ring. Her husband could hear her talk and thephone had a GPS(global positioning system) so he could track her. Thepolice had to rip the car apart to find it. I don'tthink they knew the half of it. He broke into her house and took a setof keys to the new locks she had bought because she knew he wasbreaking into her house. They found her internet pass words andpasswords to her accounts and other information at his apartment.They don't know the half of it. Like the people would slip in and outof my tenants apartment when I fell asleep. I only found out one nightas I woke just after falling asleep one night and saw with my own eyesall the people and equipment coming and going. How do they know if I'masleep or not? The perps name is ROB PEAK may he and theothers rot in hell. HE cried like a little girl as he plead guilty incourt to stalking, But I believe he got away with far more crimes.Peter Rosenholm
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#440 Killing Two TIs With One Stone

post #440Hi xxxx, I'm not really having such a bad time of things. My V2K had nearly stopped for a few years now until I started looking for more information in the form of records. While waiting in the police lobby they even made the cop who was drunk and off duty who started this walk in the front door of the police station so he would have to see me. They did this before with this guy, I guess to remind him of all the shit he started and how I'm going to expose it or die because of trying.My physical ailments were really bad but because of being drugged to over twice the maximum dose of Seroquel and over the maximum dose of Neurontin among other meds. I couldn't believe a doctor would ever do harm with the oath they take and all. I came as close to death as I ever want to come. So I'm different than most TI's in that they have tried to kill me three times now. The first one by another TI that they manipulated into thinking I was the reason for his attacks. I later got my police records and found out the police were hharassinghim and put him under "investigation" like all of us I imagine. they had written false reports as if they were mine and I had made complaints against him.They must have been rolling with evil joy, thinking they were getting him(one TI) to attack me(another TI). They set him up with a long screw drive to come at me with and had hidden a large hunting knife behind the railing of where he would have met me if he had gone through with the attack as a second weapon. The police were disappointed when the guy balked and didn't go through with it so they arrested me and made up bogus charges that fell apart. I even got them to put the second weapon in the report to explain it away. It tells me they didn't plan this attack. It spell of psyops or organized crime.I some times think they picked me because I was in such good shape or I would be dead by now. There is the experimental part to our attacks. It could be they wanted someone in very good shape to show how in the end they destroyed my business, family and attacked my mind and physical health. I wonder what they told the doctor to manipulate her into drugging me almost to death. She was Jewish and my attackers kept trying to implicate my last employer who was also Jewish. Was it another attempt at making one TI attack another? It looks like it it may very well be. A lesson for TI's not to believe the V2K and be manipulated. They also attempted to make me think it was the local mob or organized crime. Take killing two birds with one stone to a new level.So health wise my eyes have taken a beating and I have gained some weight. Having discovered the drugging I of couse got off the medicine and am trying to recover from near death. the doctor also didn't do any blood work when trying to kill me so when I did sugar diabetes was one problem and my triglycerides were 10 times above the high level. My feet had turned black with an 1/8 of an inch of dead black skin on my feet and ankles. the sugar diabetees appeared to go away when I got off the medicine but might be coming back now. My triglycerides went from over 1,500 to 200 a couple months ago and my feet are nice and pink again. I did sprain both ankles badly in the last year or two, so I'm going easy until they are at full streight if they will ever actually get there again.My eyes are going and that seem common for TI's and microwave exposure from V2K and I have had some heat attacks and other directed energy weapons used on me like MEDUSA also.One reason TI's are generally 40 when attacked might be so the bad health effects can be attributed to aging. Since my attacks stopped and I have gotten off the deadly doses of medicine I have lost weight and my eyes have not gotten any worst. I was so bad physically that all I could do for a while was sit on a stool in the yard and clip vines and pull the weeds of my neglected landscaped yard. Then I could stand for short times and that time has been growing. My yard is starting to look beautiful again and I just built 30 feet of a brick walkway that came out nice. I need the stool less and less now. I'm going to have it bronzed some day.My mind is clearing and I feel I'm getting better physically and mentally every day, I hope it doesn't stop. They also put a warning on Seroquel that it causes death in the elderly. the doctor who prescribed it to me specialized in geriactric psychiatry. she knew it would kill me. Document your attacks, it's the only way to fight back effectively.Peter Rosenholm
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Soleilmavis wrote 14 Jan 2009 Dear all, I could not add comments on members pages and send private messages to members on to invite people to join our action "Ban mind control/directed energy weapons abuse and torture" Could you help us to continue inviting people to join our action? According to my experience, if you leave comments or messages to members, 30% members will join our action. We wish to invite 3000 people to join our action. Now we have already gotten 100. if everyone can help us get 25 or more people to join our actions. we will surely achieve our goals. is a social entrepreneurship venture based in San Francisco, CA. The company was founded by Ben Rattray in the summer of 2005, and with the support of a friend from Stanford, Mark Dimas, and a founding team of Darren Haas, Rajiv Gupta, and Adam Cheyer, launched the first version of its site in 2007. Soleilmavis wrote: 13 Jan Dear all, Would anyone in USA like to "Host an event" in Mr. Obama's website which bring awareness of remote mind control/directed energy weapons abuse and torture If we can invite people support our events hosted in this website, we can let Mr. Obama and his people to notice our urgently demand of exposing mind control abuse and torture. (Please go to this website to register and host an event) Advisers say Obama preparing to close Gitmo This is a good news that we can make sure Obama fight torture. And we also wish mind control abuse and torture will go to public soonly. and torturers can be sentenced according to law soonly. Few websites which can let Mr. Obama hear our voices (1) You can submit your idea to let Mr. Obama hear your voices. (2) It’s a tool that will allow you to organize a service event in your community and recruit others to join you. Or, if you’d prefer to join an existing event, the site will direct you to what others have organized in your neighborhood. (3) Official Website of Barack Obama 2008 Presidential Campaign My page: (4) Dear All, Please support our actions to let Mr. Obama hear our voices. Please invite more people to join after 31 Dec 2008. (You need sign up an account with My URL If you have a nonprofit organization, you can add your organization to this site: This is one of the top 10 ideas in , I think this one have some idea related to our matter. Please help to vote. (5) More contact information of Mr. Obama
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post #436In a New York times article about denying Israel's request to bomb Iran. The bush administration is said to have started covert operations to impede Iran's enrichment process. One US official said this......While declining to be specific, one American official dismissed the latest covert operations against Iran as “science experiments.” that what they consider the covert surveillance attacks on TI's and the directed energy weapons they use on us? Just science experiments? I ssupposethat goes along with LRAD and possible V2K weapons being classified as hailing devises.So they secretly perform silly science experiments on TI's with silly hailing devises. They then throw in a little street theater by aspiring artists with a desire to be in the performing arts in an effort to destroy the targets lives and hopefully they will blow their silly little brains out or commit a terrorist act by going postal. Nothing serious really, nothing for the public to be concerned about just a little fun with science. ;-)Peter Rosenholm
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I found this on a google search for:MEDUSA MKULTRA ULF VLFthe above site was among one of only four that came up on that google search.i don't doubt that all the developed nations in the world are represented on line by people who know about this and who are working to spread awareness. So if you needed online documentation in Japanese, there it is.there are a couple of videos too...
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#433This is only my word but when I was attacked with what I believe was MEDUSA it was blasting loud and sounded just like LRAD's attack mode. It hurt in a way you have never hurt before. My nervous system was under attack. I suffered four hours of this attack while I tried to cut out a screen, lay it over me and ground it. I also tried to put the fridge and concrete between me and the attack. Mean while my guts were gurgling through me. When it stopped and they drove off from the side of my home I was just shaking and peeing brown.Of course I went to the hospital trying to prove the attack and the V2K I had been dealing with for a year or two and got committed while they continued testing other weapons and tactics all the way to the attempt at forced suicide. Still the psychological forced suicide attack was by far the worst but I was in a weakened state or still having my nervous system attacked silently. Some of the effects might have been after effects of the original attack. All bacteria and fungus on and in my body was dead for a week or two.It sucked being radiated by MEDUSA but at least at the level I was hit with it was endurable. I hoped so bad that I could prove the attacks I had been under that I took a chance. It was what they were hoping for and the ambulance was diverted to and obscure hospital half way to the normal one. It was all prearranged.When I had survived everything they had done they started V2K attacks on the guy in the other bed to screw with me. Making him scream and cry and run down the hall. I don't know what they said to him but he couldn't look at me and was scrared shit of me Until I told him to prey and not sleep in the same room as me for it to stop. Assholes.Of course I now know I was accused of bomb making and the records say I was hospitalized by police while my home was searched. That must have allowed some terrorism law to let them experiment on me and attempt to kill me.All to cover crimes by the police I was trying to expose. We have to expose this shit.Peter Rosenholm
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#432bThere is an explanation to hearing family or neighbors broadcasting V2K. We have all had this done to us and it appears to be a military weapon that can clone the voice of anyone. That then has a far greater psychological effect on the target.In my case they tried to get me to commit suicide while sending V2K that they had kidnapped my daughter and were harming her while she cried out to me. A call to her in the morning exposed it. I had also been attacked with directed energy weapons and hospitalized and then involuntarily committed. They took me as low as I could go and then went in for the kill.But don't believe that it is actually anyone you know because it isn't. Anyone caught in this and acts out is locked up, commits suicide or lashes out. All three promote distribution of these weapons to law enforcement to be used in abusive surveillance. It's a win win win for them unless we educate ourselves and the public.Take a look at the link below for a Washington Post explanation.Voice morphing Rosenholm
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#431 Catching the non-existent Fly

post #431I was looking through an old note book from college while taking philosophy of societies.A bit is written in the note book with a quote by my professor. It oddly relates to us, our attacks and how we perceive them. Especially the covert nature of our psychological attacks, the misdirection and our belief system and mental barriers that are attacked and used against us.Quote: "The mind at times becomes the believer of illusionary images which may change a life from upward to backward, from forward to reverse". Or otherwise known as(catching a non-existent fly).To survive we need to move forward and upward in spite of our challenges. The worst thing we can do is become overwhelmed and caught in the negativity thrown at our minds and lives. We will never have all the answers. It's enough to know we are being screwed with.Even while being attacked by what seems like psychological warfare tactics and directed energy weapons there exists a world untouched by what we deal with. Society appears to have always been manipulated by the information they receive. They are in a state of mind where everything is just fine and motivated to achieve and succeed. They are programmed to believe that anyone not following this picture is to be shunned and is not normal. That is the category they are attempting to herd us into. Everybody is not involved like some think, although I can see how they might feel that way. Being attacked causes a defensive response, hyper vigilance and suspicion.The majority of people are good, we have to remember that. The world other than man like nature is definitely something I can look at to see how things really are. That always lifts my spirits.It is our society and belief system that is variable. We can change it, but it will be slow till we can gain momentum.Peter Rosenholm
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5 Jan 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends

5 Jan 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) Help USA victim Sara 3 Jan 2009 Final call for a TI in the Los Angeles area who may be homeless as of tomorrow night. If anyone has a spare room for a month or so in the Los Angeles area or nearby, so that she can get on her feet, please contact Sara asap at: 323-541-3054. Thanks, Derrick (2) Join our actions to let government hear our voices Please help us to rise 3000 voices to let government hear our voices. We need continue to rise our voices after 31 Dec 2008. Please join our action "Ban Mind Control/Directed Energy Weapons abuse and torture" (3) Some news from Feb hearing organized by Senator Eric Adams Timothey wrote: I understand. The Senator asked that we to provide him with professional experts that can lend credibility to the fact that these crimes are going on now and must be addressed by our officials and law enforcement. Dr. Ross is an outstanding addition to our list of experts. Only myself or Senator Adams will make direct contact with the experts we are requesting information and testimony from. As I and Senator Adams are already victims of massive amounts of e-mails from victims around the world. Keep in mind we are in New York City, a city with a huge grass roots activist community, a city that is the media capital of the world. Eric Adams is not your average State Legislator, I know this man personality. Senator Adams is one of the strongest voices to come into the political arena in the last 20 years. He will not let up, he will not stop until we are all free of this injustice . ALL HE NEEDS IS EVIDENCE! Timothy R. White (4) Eleanor White Wrote: US CBS show "60 minutes" will air a segment on mind reading. It airs at 7pm Eastern Standard Time in the Eastern Time Zone on Sunday, January 4, 2009. Check your local listings for other time zones. (5)John Mecca and Debbie Lamb are bringing a court case together and is around 40% finished. (6) Possible method to test electromagnetic waves Cindy Dyer wrote: First of all; there most certainly IS equipment that can test sound waves and energy disturbances within and around you. These perps have to do a lot of this in CLOSE PROXIMITY. There are the "other" things that they do not have to be as close, but that is the V2K and stuff. They have people out there that can test us and if we get together as a group and perhaps set this up, as with ICS, we can ask how much they want to test some of us in one specific area, which would mean that everyone else that wanted to be tested, might have to travel to one location to have this done, but I think for the record and for legal reasons, that if we combine resources, those of us that are willing to pay out some money, we could have this done. We can then combine the results and show what we have as proof. It's just a thought. We all put in some money and try to gravel with this investigator from ICS and then maybe he will take the fee from combined resources. What do you think? wrote: First of all the evidence is easy as it is available eith cameras and medical reports...Itis not far away it is done with the Active Denial weapons technology and EMF or EMR waves... Call your electric company as they can tell you if you have anything in your home that is causing these types of problems. Note from Soleilmavis : I have bought a electromanetic waves detector which can detect electromagnetic waves between 50Hz--3000Hz, but it can not detect mind control weapons. I also bought a shielding clothes which can shield electromagnetic waves between 10Hz-3000Hz, but it also can not shield mind control weapons (7) an interesting website to help you pronounce a word in different languages
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Mind Control and Electronic Harassment questions and answersAfter 12 years of being a target myself and many years of research these are the most completequestions and true answers to every questions that people may hold in mind regarding MindControl (MC). These may not look very professional writing in terms of grammar andvocabulary but they are very simple and related answers to all the questions. This is a very gooddocument that can be used for legal action and to introduce the MC to someone who is new toMind Control such as; judges, doctors, psychiatrists, lawyers, politicians and ordinary people.They are also very good information for the victims to understand more about the matter andbecome more intelligent.What is Mind Control?Mind Control (MC) is a program originated by CIA in purpose of brain-washing a person(erasing person’s memory) and reprogramming him or her. “Between 1957 and 1961 a CIA frontfunneled about 62,000 dollars US for brainwashing research by Dr. Ewen Cameron. A programof chemical and electro-shock treatments they called de-patterning and psychic driving, a processwhich some experts have since called barbaric. Hidden among its most sensitive files were CIArecords documenting a project called MKULTRA.” (BBC)Today CIA and NSA are using more advanced technologies and techniques for this purpose.They are using electromagnetic-radiation, microwaves and satellites, etc. For further informationplease read about MKULTRA and the information by Julianne McKinney (Director of ElectronicSurveillance Project Association of National Security) in 1992 regarding the MicrowaveHarassment:Microwave Harassment and Mind Control Experimentation, By Julianne McKinney, 1992: History Of MKUltra: are in charge of this project?CIA, NSA and their co-operative agencies in other countries such as Canada, England, Swedenand Australia.What techniques and tortures are they using for Mind Control, today?These are some of the techniques and tortures they are using these days for mind control, but notlimited to. Some of them are from my own experience the rest are from victims interviews:• Sleep deprivation for two or more consequence nights.• Application of tortures such as artificial headache by passage of air-waves through thesubject’s skull and fake toothache by directing microwave to teeth at specific frequencies.• Involuntary movement of body part by aiming microwaves at the nerves.2• Induction of fake muscle pain and tiredness by directing microwaves at the person’s bodyand muscles.• Heating victims’ head and exposing them to electromagnetic radiation while they aresleeping. This kills blood white globule inside victims’ brain, causes blood thickness inthe head and the brain faces shortage of oxygen. In such situation the victims start todream of corps and dead people around them and have horrendous nightmares, theysometimes end up brain dead. They also apply the electromagnetic radiation on subject’shead whenever he or she is sleeping to induce him/her into deeper sleep and manipulatetheir memories.• Creation of breathing difficulty for the victims by squeezing their chests while aimingmicrowaves at their chests or heating their abdomens and chests with burningmicrowaves; these also cause artificial sweating. They usually apply this torture when theperson is exercising or doing a laborious work.• Transmission of voice to auditory cortex is a very well known method of Mind Controland harassment. It is also called mind rape.1• Because of exposes to microwave and radar victims experience annoying ear buzzing.2• Application of sharp microwave at abdomen that causes diarrhea.• Sex stimulation is very common techniques that they use to humiliate the victim.• Creation of blanket electromagnetic; this is done when the subject is sleeping andcovering his/her body with a blanket, in such cases subject feels like someone orsomething is pulling him/her to the air or toward, it created horrible nightmare andfeeling of fear that sometimes leads to heart attack.• Beaming inside the subject’s home, the purpose of this seems to be a mind game.• Creation of flu-like symptoms for the victim in order to make him socially undesirable.• Interference of brain consolidation; this prevents connection between brain cells and thesubject dreams that he or she has lost something or cannot access to something that he isneed of. It affects the subject’s personality and leave trace on daily life, the subject feelsdisappointed and hopeless, and of course it affects their memories.1, 2. The voice to skull and ear buzzing are labeled as symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia by U.S. AmericanPsychiatric Association. Please read the statement By Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, included in this document.What are the affect of sleep deprivation on victims or mind control subjects?A process called memory consolidation occurs during sleep. While your body may be resting,your brain is busy processing your day, making connections between events, sensory input,feelings and memories. Your dreams and deep sleep are an important time for your brain to makememories and links. Getting more quality sleep will help you remember and process thingsbetter.A good night's sleep makes you feel energized and alert the next day. Being engaged and activenot only feels great, it increases your chances for another good night's sleep. When you wake up3feeling refreshed, use that energy to get out into the daylight, do active things, and be engaged inyour world. You'll sleep better the next night and increase your daily energylevel… Deprivation, By C L Heywood:“Sleep deprivation arises when captives are denied sleep for two days or more, thereby stiflingthe nervous system’s ability to function to optimal performance. The manifestations ofprolonged sleep deprivation produce, in human subjects, loss of balance, hallucinations, slurredspeech, heightened confusion, exhaustion, disorientation, constant irritability andforgetfulness.”Conclusion; since they want the victims to lose their memories letting the victims to have a goodsleep is not a good idea.Why the do things such as entering someone’s home and placing marks on cloths, leavingwrong stuffs in the apartment or moving things around?This has few benefits for them;A. They enter the home and install their nano-surveillance and monitoring devices.B. Since they want to shake-up the victim’s self-confidence and believes, it is a good way toproduce hallucination in victim’s mind.C. It makes the subject sound crazy when he or she talks to family, friends, doctor or ajudge. They will think “why would CIA or NSA agents want to enter your apartment andplace marks on your cloths and leave a woman or a man underwear inside your drawer?!Leave us alone you idiot.” They do not know that there is tens of million dollars annualbudget behind this project.How do they transmit voices to skull?HEARING DEVICEUnited States Patent: 4,858,612 ; Aug. 22, 1989, Inventors: Stocklin; Philip LABSTRACT:A method and apparatus for simulation of hearing in mammals by introduction of a pluralityof microwaves into the region of the auditory cortex is shown and described. A microphoneis used to transform sound signals into electrical signals which are in turn analyzed andprocessed to provide controls for generating a plurality of microwave signals at differentfrequencies. The Multi-frequency microwaves are then applied to the brain in the region ofthe auditory cortex. By this method sounds are perceived by the mammals which arerepresentative of the original sound received by the microphone.What can be done in regards to recovering the memories?Since they are erasing the victims' memories little by little, there are some herbal medicines thatwill help the victims recover their memories in the same manner. These may look too little to dobut if they have planned to erase the victims' memories in 12 years, it will take them 20 years ormore to do so, or they might never be able to do that.4Several herbs are excellent for enhancing brain function. The following herbs are safe to takeover a long period of time and can be thought of as "brain tonics." In fact, they work best whentaken for at least three months or longer:Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), Brahmi, Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) and Gotukola (Centella asiatica)For more information on memory herbal medicines please visit following links: deep breaths during the day also helps and increases follow of blood to the brain.Other ways to remember things is to write down few lines of your dairy everyday and reviewthem after a year or so. I personally make movie clips of myself talking about the events of everyday. I use my mobile phone’s cameras for recording and save them to my pc. When it reaches asize of CD or DVD diskette I write them to the diskette and keep them for reviewing after a yearor so. It will refresh your memory and makes your brain function accordingly.What are other protection methods?• There are some protecting rooms exist which do not let any Radio Frequency in or outbut they are expensive, especially for the Mind Control victims who are out of job due tothe hassles, sleeplessness and pains that they are experiencing. These faraday rooms canbe very good protection for the victims as long as they can be with an untargetedindividual inside the room, because the Mind Control agents usually start scanning withmicrowave lines inside the places that are not reachable by radio frequencies. I contactedthe factory and they told me they are able to built rooms with ventilation as well.Link to faraday room:• Not letting your head to touch any material when you are sleeping is a good way to avoidthe electromagnetic radiations that Mind Controllers can produce from materials. Forinstant you can use a water bottle instead of pillow.• Aluminum foil is also helpful as long as they haven’t detected it; it is especially good toblock the sharp microwaves that are aimed at the victim’s body.• To find out either the pain is artificial or real; cover the affected area in your body byyour palm, aluminum foil or a metal if the pain went away suddenly then it is artificial.• If your are exposed to electromagnetic radiation, feel very tired and out of mood, anexplosive bursts of anaerobic exercise will bring your mood back and you will have yourenergy back.• If you see you are being followed, try taking movie clips and their photographs by usingyour mobile phone camera.• Better not to take medicines that are prescribed as for sleeping, relaxation, etc - especiallyI would check the side effects of the drug on the internet if there were side effects such as“akathisia”, - I would not take the drug even if it is was prescribed to save my life.5• Leave MC network’s e-mails with your family and friends; in case something happenedthey will let the rest of us to know. Or join the “facebook” on the internet and makechains of friends and family network.Will the CIA or NSA and their friends get to their goal of Mind Control or Mind Reading?Of course not, they could not even read from my screen when I was typing this document. Theyare aware of that too, but truth is that it is too late for them to come back. They have gone toofar, they have committed so many murders, destroyed many life and families by using people’sown money during decades. They are stuck in the middle; there are no ways back and forth forthem.Why they have increased the tortures after the e-mail campaigning and submittingapplications to United Nations?It shows how affective is our job and how mad the Mind Controllers are about it. When you wantto see either you have hit the target or not, look at the enemy’s reaction. It shows that our emailcampaigning is doing very good. It is like hammering a big rock with a big hammer; at first yourealize no change but it will suddenly crack the rock and eventually smash it. All the doors willbe opened soon. The good news is that CIA and its friends trying to shift their hiding place; theyknow that they are no longer able to keep the Mind Control in secret, instead they are trying toturn attention away from themselves by bringing Chinese and other governments into attention.Why voices of Mind Control victims haven’t reached the public so far?A. Because the Mind Control agents are infiltrating the network, submitting falsedocuments, fake case summaries and making unreliable claims that sounds funny orunbelievable. They are also using inappropriate words in their documents and their casesummaries. They are accusing the victims of being psychotics and paranoidschizophrenia person, and of course they have made a good preparation:By Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD, Former Chief Medical Officer of Finland;“One reason this technology has remained a state secret is the widespread prestige of thepsychiatric Diagnostic Statistical Manual IV produced by the U.S. American PsychiatricAssociation (APA) and printed in 18 languages. Psychiatrists working for U.S. intelligenceagencies no doubt participated in writing and revising this manual. This psychiatric "bible"covers up the secret development of MC technologies by labeling some of their effects assymptoms of paranoid schizophrenia.Victims of mind control experimentation are thus routinely diagnosed, knee-jerk fashion, asmentally ill by doctors who learned the DSM “symptom” list in medical school. Physicians havenot been schooled that patients may be telling the truth when they report being targetedagainst their will or being used as guinea pigs for electronic, chemical and bacteriological formsof psychological warfare.”link: Most politicians will not bother to interfere unless there is vote loss or gain.C. Some of the press and media are controlled and majority of the others are not looking forheadache and just thinking about their profits or want you to make a perfect documentaryfile or movie for them to publish or air it.What can be done legally?• The best place to take a legal action might be in the U.S.A., because apparently CIA,NSA and other government agencies and officials are not allowed to lie to the Court OfJustice or commit the obstruction of justice.• Most of the reasons that a committed, joint and organized legal action is not taking placeamong the victims are that CIA, NSA and other co-operative agencies and officials donot let the issue to get to the Court. They infiltrate the legal campaign as a leading guideor witness and at the last minute disappoint the victims by withdrawing from the action,they tell the victims that this legal action won’t reach anywhere or cause fears amongthem, etc. The infiltrators may join as a witness and not show up for the trail or whenasked for testimony act like crazy to discredit the lawsuit and make the judge think thatthe victims are psychotic.• Sometimes they torture the victims in order to give the lawsuit or fail to attend the trail.• They use different techniques on every different person as for torture, memory erasing,abuse and humiliation. For that reason the victims are not able to provide very good andsimilar testimonies.• In a trail victims should concentrate on wining the lawsuit rather than proving that somecomplicated technologies exist. For instant there is no need to mention that they can seetrough our eyes but it is good to highlight technologies that are registered with patent andis used for MC, for instant voice to auditory cortex machine.• On the other hand there is a fear created by CIA and NSA among the victims that youcannot accuse CIA or NSA without reasons. Need reason? Look at projects MKULTRA,Artichoke, Blue Beam and Julianne McKinney’s information. Who were behind all thoseexcept CIA and NSA? CIA and NSA monitoring every email and phone conversation inthe U.S., How can you say that they are not aware of what is going in the country fordecades?! Maybe we should put on a pair of long ears and go back to UFO stories again?!• They say in the U.S.A. you are not allowed to sue the government agencies, you mustappoint a specific person and tell them this person has committed a crime against me. Iam not sure if it is true? It has to be checked with a lawyer, because I see manydocuments about lawsuits that have been filed against CIA, on the internet. If it is true,why shouldn’t the head of CIA and NSA being accused of this crime? While they are theindividuals whom are in control of everything?• Because victims’ trusts have been deeply injured, level of trust among the victims is notvery high. This is because of the trick that CIA, NSA and other intelligent services haveplayed on them, also due to betrayals they have witnessed by their own government.7• Conclusion; victims have to hire a good lawyer to represent them and file a joint lawsuitin a US or international court. They must filter out to make sure there is no intruderamong them and keep all the above in mind.*john St. Clair vs. NSA: technologies do they have access to?These are some of the technologies they have access to and using on MC victims, but not limitedto:• They have access to nano-implants that can locate the subject anywhere in the world, bythis implant they are able to closely monitor the subject even his heart bit rate and bodytemperature. They are able to increase or reduce the subject’s heart beat by this implant.• They have devices that can identify any material via satellite, for example if subjectwearing any metals or materials around his or her body to protect his/her body, they willimmediately recognize that, they can also recognize all the materials that are surroundingthe subject.• They hold nano-monitoring and surveillance devices that never can be detected by anydetector, with no needs for maintenance.• They are capable of targeting and aiming microwaves to anyone via satellite.• Somehow they are capable of transferring smells from the surroundings or their centers tovictim’s nose, bed or living room. This causes breathing difficulty and the brain suffersshortage of oxygen. It may also poison the victim.• They have the capacity to generate electromagnetic radiation by heating a material atspecific frequency of microwave.• Transmission of sounds to any surface and to any place via satellite. It is a non-classifiedproject by Canadian Army research department. They are able to transmit voices to anysurface anywhere in the world via satellite. It is done to make the subject think that his orher wall to wall neighbor is spying on him/her, digging the walls or walking above theirplaces1. They also use this technology to mimic the victim’s snoring in order to inducehim/her into deeper sleep while the MC agent is raping their minds. It is also used tocreate fake phone or door buzzer ringing, a fake voice of a friend talking on your back,etc.• US PATENT 6,011,991--COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND METHOD INCLUDINGBRAIN WAVE ANALYSIS AND/OR USE OF BRAIN ACTIVITY--A system andmethod for enabling human beings to communicate by way of their monitored brainactivity. The brain activity of an individual is monitored and transmitted to a remotelocation (e.g. by satellite). At the remote location, the monitored brain activity iscompared with pre-recorded normalized brain activity curves, waveforms, or patterns todetermine if a match or substantial match is found. If such a match is found, then thecomputer at the remote location determines that the individual was attempting tocommunicate the word, phrase, or thought corresponding to the matched storednormalized signal. Link :• For more information regarding technologies used in MC with US patents please visit: Sometimes it is true and the MC agents reside beside the subject’s home in order to closely monitor him or her.*Be aware of some technologies that they spread rumors about on the internet and media with no US patents, theymay not be true. They may do that in order to mislead the people or keep the real technologies in the dark.Why they are causing nightmares or excitement to the victim when they are sleeping?To monitor brain waves, body temperature and emotion of the target at horror or excitement timein order to learn the alphabet of mind reading, also to erase memories and to producehallucination in target’s mind.Who are the targets?Usually people whom are unhappy with the system, those how know what is going on aroundthem, people whom are very serious, revolutionary people and whistleblowers. People whomshow little signs of paranoia or had visits to psychologists and diagnosed with paranoidschizophrenia are favorable. If you get into fight or argument with a wrong person, you maybecome a target also.What is the number of MC victims?There are about 700 names and case summaries in hand - but considering number of people whohave no access to internet, know no English and the people whom are not aware of what ishappening to them - exact figure must be much more than that.Victims who passed away due to MC and Electronic Harassment:ANANDA ZAREN, she passed away due to injuries sustained from anapparent car accident on Saturday Sept. 20, 2008.This was close to happening to me also. Once when I was driving on theHighway my car was going to jump out of highway and at last seconds Irealized and managed to control the car. It happened due to sleeplessnessand the tortures that I had experienced in two days. I had sleepdeprivation for two nights and the ongoing tortures. Conclusion is thatthe accident of the Ananda could not happen without reasons related toMC and Electronic harassment. It is hard for someone who had no sleepsand suffered tortures to focus on driving and make a good judgmentcomparing to ordinary people. Link to her website: Vettleson, she was a visually impaired victim. She committedsuicide on October 2008, due to the harassment. It is very obvious thatany person prefers to be murdered rather than being forced under torture,humiliation and isolation to commit suicide.Link to her blog: http://multistalkingcallforaction.blogspot.com9Let CIA and NSA be happy for not committing murder and instead forcing the people to commitsuicide. The truth is that they are fooling the people of U.S., the law, the justice system andthemselves.*There might be other victims who have passed away due to the MC issue but no information available to me yet.Final Words:Always be hopeful, the Almighty God said “never give up hope on me and I will come to help”.Keep strong and always be happy no matter what is happening in your life. Don’t give up yourhobbies; read books, specially the holly books such as Quran, Bible and your religious books.They will keep us sprightful and joyous.All the Mind Controllers are fierce, their sprits have left them and they have no human feelings.Look for no love, mercy or shame among them. They are somehow chained by the laws and fearof people other ways nothing could stop them from committing any crime. Their hearts are fullof darkness and no place for light inside them. As The God said in The Holly Quran “I will blocktheir hearts so no light can enter onto it”. Obviously the world and society moving toward love,peace and friendship, so all the efforts of those whom are thinking about war will be wasted.Soon there will be payback time for them; eventually everything will come to light.Recommended websites:Mind Control victims’ friends around the world: to OVER 690 CASE SUMMARIES of Mind Control Victims (Be careful some of themmight be submitted by Mind Controllers and not the MC victims!): REPRESENTATIVE JIM GUEST'S (MO) LETTER: more information, updates, changes and corrections please visit my blog-page:,Ahmad©Copyright: November 29, 2008, this document may be used, copied or published as a whole or part for any reason that mayhelp the victims of Mind Control and Electronic Harassment. You may not change the contents of the document or modify it.-Should you have any suggestion or correction, please email me and I will change the document upon approval.-Please keep in mind that I tried to keep this document as short as possible for a quick reference, don’t expect me to post allquestion and answers that you may submit.
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