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Tips for those submitting statements to the United Nations re: abuse by mind control “emf


Call for input to a report: Accountability for Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, deadline 15th May 2021


Prof Nils Melzer- OHCHR

Professor International Law (United Nations)

Special Rapporteur to the United Nations

Re: Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.


  • If you aren’t comfortable writing paragraphs keep your input as dot points
  • Try and be as clear and suscint as possible (put a lawyers cap on as though you’re presenting a case, if possible)
  • Deadline is 15 May 2021
  • Read and try and address the criteria and attached questionnaire (refer links below)
  • Address correspondence to

  • Copy and paste the subject line exactly as is (he’d probably use an Email filter)

Input for the report on accountability for torture and other ill-treatment


*tip make yourself familiar with the related links before writing your submission

Call for input to a report…

Link to Questionaire…


PS  put on your legal cap and I hope that as many people/ members come forward and submit their cases.!!!


Regards Jeremy

M:   61 (0) 428 928 308


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Nuns vow of obedience under review.

First Posted on February 5, 2019 by gretta fahey.
We have been given a conscience in order to use it to discern what is objectively right or wrong before we say or do anything. Under natural law, which is a known and respected science we are not allowed to abandon use of our conscience for any reason whatsoever. However, when nuns profess total obedience to the Pope they are abandoning use of their conscience from that day forward without knowing the true agenda of the Pope and the papacy which he serves. I believe that at the time that novices profess to become nuns they are under a state of brainwashing. They have effectively been manipulated to enslave themselves to an institution which I believe do not have the good of the human race as their agenda. When a religious ceremony is performed in which novices officially become nuns nothing of a supernatural nature actually takes place. This religious ceremony is simply an act of mesmerism. During the brainwashing that subtly takes place in order to get these novices to profess obedience to the Pope for the rest of their lives, a shift happens inside their brains moving them from a central and balanced position on the left brain/right brain continuum to a position of extreme right brain dominance. The characteristics of left brain dominance are cruelty, authoritariansim, intolerance, sadism, vindictiveness, selfishness and greed. The characteristics of right brain dominance are subservience, naivety, obedience, submissiveness and total compliance.
I do not wish to insult nuns. I wish to urge women to reconsider before professing obedience to the Papacy whom I do not trust. The Vatican are considered to be the wealthiest corporation on the planet. A corporation is a business. A business has money and power at the top of its agenda. Please reconsider before you become a nun.
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Natural Law is a proven science.  Natural law is fixed and immutable.  Man made laws such as maratime admiralty law is not fixed and it is not immutable so therefore it is illegal.

When a military engineer signs up with the United States military he or she is unknowingly signing up to commit crimes under natural law and those crimes are of the most evil nature.  All military employees sign their willingness to commit crimes when they sign up to join the military.   They are then enslaved by that signature and they can not leave of their own free will.  Who runs this criminal activity at the top level.   I heard myself that it is a secret group known as .the committee of three hundred..  Is that true.?

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I am a targeted individual of non-consensual wirelessly enabled neuro research.   I am linked by means of a bi-directional stream of energy from my brain and body to the computer network of the evil, unknown  neuro researchers against my will and without my permission.  They transmit coded digitalized information into my brain and central nervous system by means of this aforementioned bi-directional stream of energy.   My brain and body are now coded to receive the following experiences which I receive on a continual basis and they are  forced muscle movement, voices which come from inside my head, vision, images, sleep deprivation, pain, electric shock,  occasional disablement of a group of my leg muscles,  entrainment of my brain frequencies into frequencies of various unwanted emotions such as terror,  sexual abuse by means of their use of  haptic technology which they use to introduce sensations into my neither regions,   and as well as all that they occasionally transmit voices through my mouth because of the fact that they can control a large selection of the neurons in my brain and central nervous system.    However, I believe they are many solutions to this problem which is now a  worldwide problem as follows:-

Always wear an orgone generating pendant in order to protect yourself from attacks by energy weapons.   The orgone generating pendent will also help you to think positively  and it will protect your from getting cancer.   It will turn negative electromagnetic frequencies into positive energy.  A black stone found in Finland and Russia called Shungite has similar properties.  Pyramid shaped orgone generating ornaments are available for purchase which can be kept by your bedside or under your pillow.   Orgone generating pendants, brooches, bracelets, ear rings and pyramids are very powerful devices and can even be made from orgone making kits which can be purchased online.  Many good books are widely available on the subject of orgone.  It is powerful enough to change the whole world and to bring down the power of the private bankers and corporate owners who have become rogue. 

Ultimately, we will all have to return to using corded devices rather than cordless ones in the future and we will have to have all wireless enabling infrastructure as well as HAARP phased arrays disassembled and banned throughout the world. 

P.S.  Demonic possession does not exist in the supernatural sense.  It is simply technological possession and can easily be explained by means of neuro science.

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The Latest Call for Inputs from the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture

seeks Accountability for Torture and Degrading Treatment!

GREAT NEWS !!!  For those who have been awaiting some word from Nils Melzer, the Special Rapporteur on Torture, it seems he has not been sitting idle after all since delivering his report on cybertorture last year.  He is now preparing to take his mandate to the next level in calling for accountability for those who inflict torture and degrading treatment on their victims. 

He writes:  "in line with the Human Rights Council's encouragement to observe a victims-centred approach in the exercise of his mandate (HRC Res. 43/20), the Special Rapporteur considers it timely to dedicate his next interim report to the General Assembly to the topic of accountability for torture and ill-treatment."

Omg, it is so about time that someone is finally talking about accountability for the heinous atrocities that we see occurring daily in our community!

The next United Nations Human Rights Council meeting will be held June 21 - July 9, 2021. The questionnaire that the Special Rapporteur is calling for is due by May 15.  

Those who wish to visit his webpage and reply to his "Call for Inputs' may click here for the latest 'Call for Inputs' page.

The questionnaire itself may be found here at this link.


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Vaccine Information.

Here are a list of just a small number of the medical professionals, vaccine experts, laboratory technicians and university professors who are speaking out strongly against accepting any and all covid-19 vaccines because they believe all such vaccines are slow acting poisons which will possibly kill those who have been vaccinated within three years. They also have stated that the covid-19 pandemic is a hoax and that a possible  covid-19 virus  has never been isolated. The following are a some of these individuals
Dr Carrie Madej,
Dr Sherri Tenpenny,
Dr Vernon Coleman,
Professor Dolores Cahill,
Dr Andrew Kaufman,
Dr Judy Mikovitz.
Celeste Solum,
There are many others on the same video platform which is who are giving the public a similar message but I have not listened to the others yet. Other video platforms such as are censoring all who are critical of being vaccinated with as yet untested experimental covid-19 vaccinations. The main stream media are both censoring and silencing any and all individuals who criticize being vaccinated against the current so-called covid-19 pandemic.

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Using bible to deal with mind control

JOB is a form of testing allowed by god from Satan. It is more technical than you think. They take you through every part of your life and use constant programing and fear tactics and manipulation of sense with your nervous system. Its a four or five d horror story. They test you the way they do because it is a recruitment for good and evil there is nothing in the middle. If you recruiting for army that are spiritual then you want the strongest minded people of their chosen on each side. Depending on what type of person you are your characteristics personality your faith in whichever the side you decide to serve. Will be brought to life it is a form psychological torture but behavior modification also senses. They take you through every possible emotions back and forward until you don't respond to their testing and manipulation by fear. If you make it that far and you come out of testing mind strong and your faith in god is stronger than ever. You will start realizing that this all about. They will enhance humble and enlighten you. It will teach you about yourself and who you are inside. It will also start to reveal things to you but you do have to want it. It will be easy you have to work for it. This is ancient technology just modernized. I am not a book smart person but the knowledge I get when I am filtered through the teaching of god and the holy spirt and the love I have for them and everybody. Give me a Devine understating and appreciation. For who we are meant to be but JOB is a test of who you are and the way they test you is through fear and guilt. Everything that ever made you sad, happy anything. There is ways of bad and good and you can lie. You are already mapped out before being approached. When you start understanding the passages in the bible and find the under layer meanings of what's really going on. You will approach the bible with love for everybody. More doors of these passages will be opened.

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Implants coming out

I thought I should post an update. On March 25th my implants started coming out. They've been coming out ever since. I have been taking silicea 30ch for about a year and four months, three on Sunday and another three on Wednesday. These things don't look like microchips. They look like hairs and small sticks. I had a couple big pieces come out, these things were big. It's possible to get these implants out. I think they're antennas, some kind of super conductive polymer. Well that's an update. Perps are fighting me hard the past two weeks. It's been brutal. I asked God for strength. This might be my last update. It's possible to remove these implants. 

Be strong. Be Love.

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My name is Gretta Fahey also known as Margaret Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. This morning at approximately 14 minutes ro seven AM Irish Time on 6th April, 2021, a voice was heard by me coming from inside my own head to say the following 'Destabilizing the Country''. My response to tha individual who transmitted that voice inside my head by technological means is as follows :-
What is your legal name and what is your current location and what is your legal address and what is your occupation and why are you accusing me of destabilizing my country The Republic of Ireland and further to that why would you wish that the people of this country remain stable and happily apathetic while they are being slowly and incrementally technologically enslaved by means of covertly connecting our brains and bodies to the internet of living things which is also known as the internet of bodies  for the purposes of total technological enslavement. Still further to that, why are you transmitting your voice or else a simulation of your voice inside my head against my will and without my permission because by doing so your are committing a criminal and illegal act.
For further information on how I have become technologically enslaved which is also known as being virtually enslaved please watch the more than one hundred videos which I have made and placed on the video platform over the past number of years under the bitchute channel name of Gretta Fahey.-
“When the Internet of Things (IoT) connects with your body, the result is the Internet of Bodies (IoB) which is also known as the internet of living things. The Internet of Bodies (IoB) is an extension of the IoT and basically connects the human body to a network through devices that are ingested, implanted, or connected to the body in some way. Once connected, data can be exchanged, and the body and device can be remotely monitored and controlled.
Embedded technology is where technology and the human body are melded together and have a real-time connection to a remote machine.” I have been connected to the internet of bodies against my will and without my permission and because of this I am now a slave.

The Covid-19 vaccines are all untested and experimental. They have not been approved by any agency.
Corporations have offered untested vaccines to governments. They exploit fear in government staff in order to sell the untested vaccines to said governments for massive profits. Technologically induced mind control programming is being used on those self same government staff in order to manipulate them to purchase said untested vaccines.
It is contra to the Nuremberg Code to force someone to take an experimental treatment but many of those who attempt to raise awareness of the fact the the covid-19 vaccines are untested and experimental gets silenced.
Covid-19 vaccines will more than likely be withdrawn from public supply within six months due to mounting adverse reactions. If you accept the Pfizer vaccine , parts of it replicate inside your body. You can not take it out or switch it off. It will alter you genetically and those genetic alterations will be passed on to all of your future generations forever.
Further to that, the PCR test which is being used to test for covid-19 is faulty. Therefore the covid-19 pandemic is a hoax. People have been dying from a number of other reasons, possibly due to electromagnetic poisoning due to the switch on of 5G millimeter wave in some cases. Further to that, deaths due to many other causes are being reclassified as covid-19 deaths, possibly due to both public pressure and financial incentives for doing so.
" width="18" />
" width="18" />
8Catherine Quinn, Leandro De Sousa Freitas and 6 others
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The Covid-19 vaccines are all untested and experimental. They have not been approved by any agency.
Corporations have offered untested vaccines to governments. They exploit fear in government staff in order to sell the untested vaccines to said governments for massive profits. Technologically induced mind control programming is being used on those self same government staff in order to manipulate them to purchase said untested vaccines.
It is contra to the Nuremberg Code to force someone to take an experimental treatment but many of those who attempt to raise awareness of the fact the the covid-19 vaccines are untested and experimental gets silenced.
Covid-19 vaccines will more than likely be withdrawn from public supply within six months due to mounting adverse reactions. If you accept the Pfizer vaccine , parts of it replicate inside your body. You can not take it out or switch it off. It will alter you genetically and those genetic alterations will be passed on to all of your future generations forever.
Further to that, the PCR test which is being used to test for covid-19 is faulty. Therefore the covid-19 pandemic is a hoax. People have been dying from a number of other reasons, possibly due to electromagnetic poisoning due to the switch on of 5G millimeter wave in some cases. Further to that, deaths due to many other causes are being reclassified as covid-19 deaths, possibly due to both public pressure and financial incentives for doing so.

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The Covid-19 vaccines are all untested and experimental. They have not been approved by any agency.
Corporations have offered untested vaccines to governments. They exploit fear in government staff in order to sell the untested vaccines to said governments for massive profits. Technologically induced mind control programming is being used on those self same government staff in order to manipulate them to purchase said untested vaccines.
It is contra to the Nurenburg Code to force someone to take an experimental treatment but many of those who attempt to raise awareness of the fact the the covid-19 vaccines are untested and experimental gets silenced.
Covid-19 vaccines will more than likely be withdrawn from public supply within six months due to mounting adverse reactions. If you accept the Pfizer  vaccine , parts of it replicate inside your body. You can not take it out or switch it off. It will alter you genetically and those genetic alterations will be passed on to all of your future generations forever.
Further to that, the PCR test which is being used to test for covid-19 is faulty. Therefore the covid-19 pandemic is a hoax. People have been dying from a number of other reasons, possibly due to electromagnetic poisoning due to the switch on of 5G millimeter wave in some cases. Further to that, deaths due to many other causes are being reclassified as covid-19 deaths, possibly due to both public pressure and financial incentives for doing so.

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I send  it, you send it too. "They" are hacking all who I contact ; they are hacking everything I am using.

Prime Minister of Canada, on behalf of Canadian government, said as follows on Twitter :

"China's sanctions are an attack on transparency and freedom of expression - values at the heart of our democracy. We will continue to defend human rights around the world with our international partners."

Canada donates over 6 M dollars to UN Human Rights Office as they continue its MK Ultra, lasting over 40 years ; continue its systemic racism ; continue its (psychological ) torture,terror, lasting 17 years, which UN, UN Human Rights and UN Human Rights Council promise to investigate. Recently, they blocked, filtered those new medias according to their IPs,  which streamed the videos about MK Ultra in Canada.

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
Amnesty International
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

CC :

I sent these emails below to Mr. Prime Minister of Canada, UN Human Rights Office and International Criminal Court recently. I received response letters from UN Human Rights Office.


What happened and what are happening in Ontario of Canada?

Please see 3 letters I sent to them.

They are so afraid of my email letter to Prime Minister of Canada and Canadian Government


I must launch international (legal  ) proceedings against them


Recent statement from UN Human Rights Office about systemic racism and police brutality


Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror, poison, death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons. I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and , thanks.

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The internet of bodies connects the human body to an enslavement network through devices which are ingested, inhaled, vaccinated or implanted. The human body becomes melded together with software and remote machines. I have become connected to the internet of bodies against my will and without my permission. Reject all vaccines. Please share this message throughout the world now. Most people have become mind programmed through emotional and thoughth manipulation which come through their smart phones and/or through their TETRA police and military communication devices.

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Hello everybody,

I hate rascists. Limburg in Holland has a lot.  Sell outs, hurt me too. These people have no morals.

  • I hate when people violate my privacy.  God doesn't hate me. I just had to deal with a lot of hatefull Jehovah witnesses. When in trouble they didn't help me. They always think they're better than me. Yeah evil is everywhere. Wolfs in sheep clothes. They couldn't see me as a religious person. No place to sit, no place to stand, no place, to walk in the Kingdom Hall and no understanding. I still believe in God, there must be a special place for me in his heart. For all of us somebody said on this site. Being tortured like we are is not normal. God will carry us.

A lot of people take the Mark of the beast. I don't know if my boyfriend has the Mark of the beast all I know is that his friend, family and aquatances, bussiness parteners and clients who borther me do. They know they're wrong but still they fight with every breath for their lies. They believe I'm evil they keep on fighting for their lies to come true. The Gangstalker is their God with light and thruth. 

I deserf privacy.

The male perp hides stuff from me.

My spirit is strong. The gangstalker has a lot of cruelty. The Gangstalker and his supporters want me in the Land of confusion, ready for the mental hospital or homeless on the street. Now he plants thoughts in my head, thoughts of evil. The male perp want to Reprogram me. 

Who wants you, nobody wants you the male said.

Break up with your boyfriend and never go back to him, that's the male perps wish. I want you to end up alone and abanded the make Perp says.

When this Serveillance Program ends you will be a phatatic human being, a husk of a woman.

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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The language of bullies!

The language of bullies. 

The male Perp keep filling my head with their language and sex images. 

I don't understand the male perp and their supporters. It's confusing. It's a dumb language MKULTRA language.

The normal Dutch language is gone.

They perps offers me himself every day. He needs to give it a rest.

The burgalers do the same, they draw men genetilias in my house everywhere. The want to turn me into a whore. It's mind polution. Gangrapers are everywhere. The want black women as sexslaves. When I close my eyes the male perp starts raping my mind. He's dangerous a sex addict. He projects dirty sex pictures of himself in my mind. He calls me phedopfile, because I want my son back. He's so jealouse of my 17 year old son and that I have a 17 year old son.

He calls me a sex addict and says I only want sex. I still believe in Jehovah, God. I want to get married and have a normal life. Red light district is not my life.

When I think about my boyfriend he says I'm better then your boyfriend. He tells everbody that I want him on the illigal goverment App. I can be your lover he says and starts attacking my head. He sends artificial kisses. White women attack me because of this the most. We all heard you confess your love to the male perp they think.

My mind is tired. I want the male Perp gone. That's why I tell you this. He hates my intelliance, My thirst  for intelligent things, normal things, and Healthy thoughts.  I want to clean my spirit of bad thoughts and sadness. Yesterday he tried to talk me down.

The male has a negitive evil spirit. I don't believe a word he says.

Negitivity is like furtelizer, vitamines for the male perp.

JOIN us he says to me or we will destroy you!

I belong to the New World Order the male Perp said.

I told him NO, leave I said they will trail you!!!!

Now the male Perp wants deprogram me.

He hopes that his words stick in my mind, you are a whore, you are a phedophile, you are a thief etc.

He wants to brain wash me. He wants to leave me broken, destroy my spirit and good name.

They want to slaunder my good name.

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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Is it a coincedance

Hello everybody,

Every now and then I feel like the supporters of the Perps are on this site. I see familiar faces and read familiar names. They quote him and the so called things I said. I wonder why, is this the universe at work? Or are these fake accounts, are they here to give me a bad name? They want to track and trace me. They don't talk normal to me. The perp gives them words they should say. They listen en read the Perps instructions. I am being mistreated by these people, they are mean spirited. It's like judgement day came early for me. They Judge me and mock me. Aspecially my boyfriend, he parates the Perp. He only spoke to me normal for 2 days. They all agreed never to talk to me normal.

I feel so isolated by them. They are mean spirited. They have their own language. MKUTRA language. They have the time of their life with that. It's like my boyfriend knows everyone who has to give me a job. I walk in and they already know who I am. Infiltration, setup! His ex track and traced me online, maybe some are here watching me.

There's a lot of rascism in Limburg.

I am not an evil person. 

They wanted to diminish me for a girl called Babeck and Babbette. Babeck(Becky, Ba) is suppose to be my boyfriends undying love. The other one Babbette was also a man I use to know undying love. The Perps say I mean nothing to them. You're black a woman, stay away from our men. My boyfriend doesn't give me any security, so the Perp can make up everthing he wants about our relationship. My boyfriend muzzle me. Most of the time he doesn't want to talk to me. His friends parate what the Perp tell them. He puts his phone on the Speaker so I can hear them. They want to comfront me with my manipulated thoughts. They think I am a gossip. Even if it not about them they get angry for example the name John, his friend has the same name. He thinks it's about him. They are poisened against me. His father or Uncle pursecuted me badly. Theyhave the same last name. I never met his family. I think hus friends and family hate me maybe  business asociates too.They know they're wrong.

LMy boyfriend goes through my phone, maybe he contacted a few of my former dates. Some of them didn't have the App. They didn't mock me. Maybe he wants all my former dates to mock me just like he does. My boyfriend distance himself from me. We are not close. He goes through my phone every chance he gets. He's obsessed with my former dates. I am angry about it. It's like he's a perp. He's always working. He's too busy to talk to me or WhatsApp me. Work, work work work. He's never there for me. I am alone alot.

The Perp tortures me with the thought that he's spending a lot of time with Babeck. People on the street do the same. Aspecially the Moroccans. I am left alone to fence for myself. My boyfriend doesn't take care of me or protect me. He lets people just hurt me. He doesn't care at all. Every time I help him, he hurts me. He's never satisfied. He ignores me and feel I to blame, he never says sorry.

He muzzled about me about the subject conspiracy theorist. He keeps me in the dark about his life. It's not our life it's his life. He only speaks MKULTRA language. 

Some people mock and hate targeted individuals.

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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