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Matthew Domin, 52, a TI who has newly-arrived in the Salem, Oregon area from Missouri with the prospect of a home there, however, the leads that he had did not materialize and he is on the streets.  

He is a Christian and in possession of many marketable skills such as accounting, was an instructor at a college, and many more.  He is a whistleblower and the system has been turned on him.   

Whatever help anyone can provide for him in terms of housing assistance and/or cash would be greatly appreciated.

Here is his contact information:  

Matthew Domin

Cell:  417-299-2653



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Todays date is 2nd November, 2020 and my name is Gretta Fahey. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.

Microwave signals control the human mind at a distance. These signals consist of microwave carrier waves with ELF modulation and with audio encoded messages.
The audio messages are modulated into the microwave carrier via frequency modulation.
Emotional signatures are modulated into the microwave carrier via frequency modulation.
Frequency modulation is the encoding of information in a carrier wave by varying the instantaneous frequency of the wave. During microwave communication frequency modulation is widely used.
The ELF brain entrainmnet signals are amplitude modulated.
There is a carrier frequency embedded in the electromagnetic radiation which is coming from the supercomputer which is being used by the neuro criminal researchers to my brain and this carrier frequency is directly compatable with the EEG fingerprint of my brain.
I am being non-consensually subjected to unwanted microwave communication where I am being forced to hear voices coming from inisde my own head on an almost continual basis and this is occurring against my will and without my permission. I sometimes post on my website some of what those voices which I hear coming from inside my head say both to me and about me at random times. Here is a small sample of some of what I heard them say in the past few days:-

"We have invested a considerable amount of time and administration costs in Fahey."
"How do we get into her life." "We dont get into her life."
"Charge her with something and then we can say we are legitimate."
"Charge her with what." "Nothing. We havent got anything on her."
"Is she one of us." "No." "She can say what she likes so."
"Why is she tailored to fit something if she is not one of us."

"She will be one of us by then." "You can't force her to be one of us. It is against protocol."
"You are going to be court marshalled because the client heard it and she wrote it down."
"She is not a client."
"They are keeping up the Stocktons Wing. " (The v2k voices often mention the phrase 'Stocktons Wing.')
"The lady has put her digital media equipment into a faraday bag and refuses to take it out so we can't access her any longer."
"Why is she in a state of cognitive liberty."
"Are you cleaning yourself."
"She needs to be in secure surroundings."

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Huge fields of antennas known as phased arrays exist where each antenna can be directed in any direction by an operative.
All phased arrays can have their beams of energy directed at the same point in the sky and the combined power output of one field of phased arrays  amounting to 2.6 billion watts can be directed at that one single point in the sky.
Those 2.6 billion watts of power can be steered across the sky and also can be pulsed repeatedly and constantly at the sky.
Phased arrays are being used to turn the sky radio active so that in combination with stratospheric aerosol geoengineering which is also known as solar radiation management and which is also known as chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads, the weather can and is now being steered and controlled.

These aforementioned  systems are also being used to enable ground penetrating radar. Those who own and control these technologies can identify underground water channels to a debth of at least sixty metres. They can identify underground empty caverns and all underground structures to a certain variable debth depending on the type of soil which is being penetrated with radar.
These systems are also being used to generate earthquakes and sunamies and are also being used for oil and mineral exploration.
These systems are also being used to wirelessly physically enslave human beings via their central nervous systems while those tasked with carrying out the enslaving work from remote locations which are unknown to those being enslaved. Operatives can now gain control of a selection of human beings and immobilize their entire muscle strucuture remotely if they dare to challenge the Luciferian New World Order. They achieve this under the capabilities outlined in scientific patent number US6965816. Operatives can also wirelessly murder anyone they wish by the use of this system.
We aught to ask our governments to urgently have all phased arrays inside our countires disassembled and banned. We aught to also request that our government ban all stratospheric aerosol geoengineering because as well as being detrimental to our health it is also being used for our future enslavement by wireless remote means.
I obtained most of the above information from the book 'Under and Ionized Sky' by Elana Freeland. I am aware that the information Ms Freeland provides is true because I myself am a targeted individual of remote wirelessly enabled experimentation and torture and I have been so since 2003.

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Czasami źle jest być nastolatkiem. Uzyskaj autorytet wokół siebie, jak co. Nawet jeśli chodzi o klasę, nie możesz od razu z niej wyjść. Jak więc Like może skończyć się otrzymywaniem wiadomości i połączeń podczas zajęć?

Zaimportuj swoją wersję new.m4r do biblioteki i zsynchronizuj iPhone'a lub ręcznie przeciągnij i upuść plik do DzwonekNatelefon, komponentu Twojego iphone4g.


Wybór dzwonki na tel do naszych telefonów może być lepszy dla tego ucha niż domyślnych, które mają obecnie nasze telefony. Jeśli korzystamy z iPhone'a, możemy łatwo zainstalować dzwonki, wykonując po prostu kilka kroków. Pierwszą rzeczą do zrobienia jest po prostu wybranie przycisku „Ustawienia” na iPhonie, a następnie wybranie „Dźwięki” z opcji ustawień. Następnie możesz wybrać konkretny utwór, którego chcesz użyć jako dzwonka. Możesz nawet zdecydować, kiedy chcesz usłyszeć ten właśnie wybrany dzwonek. Mięśnie brzucha różne dzwonki do poczty głosowej, wiadomości tekstowych, a nawet e-maili. Zakładając, że zdecydowałeś na nie, przejdź przez przycisk „Pierścień” znajdujący się pod menu „Dźwięki” i naprawdę odznacz, z którym pochodzi brat ql-570. Zrób to na każdym z pudełek.

Większość popularnych dzwonków wideo jest obsługiwana przez dźwięk najwyższej jakości, który sprawia, że ​​cała koncepcja jest przyjemniejsza. Dzwonki wideo można pobrać z tego Internetu, pobrać z komputera lub z płyt DVD. Jednak rzeczywista żywotność dzwonka filmowego nie jest zbyt długa, ponieważ większość użytkowników woli zmieniać ją każdego dnia, kierując się prawdopodobnie najbardziej aktualnym. Ponadto wielu użytkowników lubi nagrywać wycinki siebie lub swoich bliskich i wszystkie z nich jako ringtunes. Wielu entuzjastów sportu woli wykorzystać wycinki z ulubionych chwil do uprawiania ulubionego sportu i cieszyć się każdą rozmową w takiej sytuacji. Wielu użytkowników ma klipy animowane, a także sceny filmowe jako dzwonki z filmów.

Aby wykorzystać pełną wyjątkowość i połączenie z zabawnymi dzwonkami dźwiękowymi, może to być szansa dla osoby. Więc weź to! Nie są wymagane żadne specjalne umiejętności ani utalentowany. Nie musisz być artystą ani kompozytorem; co zwykle jest takie proste. Pomogę Ci stworzyć idealny dzwonek, który całkowicie pomoże Twojemu telefonowi.

Kliknij „OK”, a następnie kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy utwór i wybierz „Konwertuj zaznaczenie na AAC”. ITunes przekształci go następnie w zduplikowaną wersję utworu. W tym procesie chęć odczekania kilku chwil.

Możesz pobrać darmowe dzwonki Bluetooth poprzez prostą nawigację w Internecie lub telefon z włączoną funkcją Bluetooth. Jeśli pobierasz dzwonki, które będą miały charakter Bluetooth przez Internet, będziesz potrzebować komputera lub laptopa z obsługą Bluetooth.

Fani Ushera z pewnością pokochają naukę z piosenek i przebojów tego męskiego hydraulika. Niektóre witryny proszą również użytkowników o zalogowanie się i uiszczenie jednorazowej opłaty członkowskiej, aby móc korzystać z nieograniczonej liczby dostępnych plików do pobrania. Pospiesz się i zdobądź odpowiednie dzwonki Ushera! Miłego słuchania.

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A list of Mindreading Articles

Synthetic telepathy  -microwave auditory effect

Mindreading - Synthetic telepathy  is reality collection of articles

Scientis develop mind-reading machine

Artificial intelligence, mind reading , Neuralink

China just buid mind-reading-chip

Mind-reading turns thoughts into text by using  brain implant

Mind-reading tech, your next big security nightmare

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Must See


Uploaded on YouTube, 20th, July, 2020.

CIA RDP96 - 00788R001700210016-5

approved for release 2003/0/10.

'The CIA on Time Travel and the Holographic Experience.'

Brain Hemisphere synchronisation in Perspective.

Actual document on screen & read.


PS It lasts about 2hrs.

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Must See


Uploaded on YouTube, 20th, July, 2020.

CIA RDP96 - 00788R001700210016-5

approved for release 2003/0/10.

'The CIA on Time Travel and the Holographic Experience.'

Brain Hemisphere synchronisation in Perspective.

Actual document on screen & read.


PS It lasts about 2hrs.

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The Mystery of the Immaculate Concussion
He was a senior CIA official tasked with getting tough on Russia. Then, one night in Moscow, Marc Polymeropoulos's life changed forever. He says he was hit with a mysterious weapon, joining dozens of American diplomats and spies who believe they’ve been targeted with this secret device all over the world—and even at home, on U.S. soil. Now, as a CIA investigation points the blame at Russia, the victims are left wondering why so little is being done by the Trump administration.

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There is a private army at work inside Ireland and back in the spring of 2003 they  connected me to their computerized control system against my will and without my permission .   They speak to me via microwave direct communication which is sometimes known as voice to skull or synthetic telepathy or microwave hearing or by a number of other names.  One of their operatives is stationed inside Aras an Uachtarain.   

I dont know anything about this private army but I believe that they are composed of individuals who have compromised themselves in some way so that they allowed themselves to be weakened to the point of takeover, for example,  some of them are drug addicts, some of them are possibly murderers and some are heavily in financial debt.  The globalists own and run many private prisons which cruelty is widespread and because of this ownership and power which that ownership gives them  they can easily enlist as many prisoners as they wish for their private army.  

 I believe that the private army are being paid by the globalists who are composed of Federal Reserve Private Bankers, Corporate Owners, United Nations officials and World Health Organisation officials as well as  Sabbatean Frankist Satanists, Luciferians , a selection of Vatican officials and some but not all of the European monarchy. 

 The inner core of the globalists are unknown to the public because they remain in the background at all times.   The inner core of the globalists do not subject themselves to chemtrail spraying of the skies over their heads.   They are not connected to the would-be  worldwide computerized control system.   They never show their faces.   If their plan for worldwide takeover fails their front men and front women will possibly be imprisoned without ever mentioning them because they could be wirelessly tortured from a remote location if they named them.     This hidden inner core of globalists belong to a break away society which has broken away from the rest of the human race for thousands of years.  They have hoarded knowledge for multi generations because knowledge is power.  They have given us misinformation and disinformation.   They have created organised religions because organised religions destroy critical thinking in their followers.  They have created the church/ state paradigm in order to exert hidden control over almost all nations. 

The anonymous inner core of the globalists wish to wirelessly enslave their fellow men and women under an ionized sky.  If we succeed in stopping all chemtrailing of the skies over our heads and if we succeed in having all microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia disassembled and banned we will free ourselves from both their wireless mind control and their wireless body control.  

I know of no scientific way of proving that I am wirelessly connected to the computerized control system of a hidden private army who are at work inside the Republic of Ireland .   The government of the Republic of Ireland may be able to provide technology which would enable myself and others who have become wirelessly connected to the computerized control system of the secret private army of the globalists to prove that this is the case.  I hope they agree to do so because we can free our country from the grip of worldwide wireless enslavement and mind control manipulation if they succeed in helping us prove this.  To the Official Irish Government.  Please help us to scientifically prove without any doubt that I and other Irish residents are wireless slaves.

Yours Sincerely,

Gretta Fahey,  Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560,  Republic of Ireland. 

My website is called ;

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1. Spray the sky with highly conductive metal particulates such as strontium, barium, aluminum and titanium in order to ionize the sky.
2. Transmit three beams of bi-directional electromagnetic energy to an area of the sky and cross the beams over whatever area that you wish to show the God image.
3. A moving image can then be projected onto that area of the sky.

In past centuries, images were mounted on a rotating disk and then projected through a magic lantern onto a screen such as the while gable wall of a church and this method would produce a moving picture. By this means and others, people were fooled into believing in organised religions. A confused and fearful citizenry are easy to control and manipulate.
When we inhale and ingest highly conductive metal particulates and other artificial nano material they enter our blood stream and pass our blood brain barrier. We can then be made to feel strong surges of electricity pulsating throughout our bodies. Our muscles can be made to move against our wills by the use of neurological weapons. Digital signals can be transmitted to the motor cortex of our brains and to our central nervous systems which allow others to take control of our brains and bodies for short amounts of time. One of the cover stories which is being used to cover up this scientific and technological ability is demonic possession. Demonic possession is a hoax which has been entirely created by the use of science and technology.

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"One can develop a system that can seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended period."
Quote by geophysicist J.F. McDonald who worked for United States President Lindon Johnson in the 1960s.
Our air space is being continually sprayed with metal particulates such as strontium, titanium, barium and others which make our air space highly conductible so that signals can be transmitted and received through it against our wills and without our consent.  We inhale and ingest some of this material which then makes our brains and bodies more accessible to those who wish to analyse or to damage our brains and bodies from unknown remote location.
Here are just a few patents relating to chemtrails and geoengineering for those who doubt the authenticity of what is being claimed:

Patent #1619183
Patent# 2045865
Patent# 2591988
Patent# 3437502
Patent# 3531310
It is now believed that the brain performance of all duly elected politicians,  government employed police and all government employed military personnel (as opposed to private armies which now exist and are presumed to be in secret use) throughout the world has been impaired because they appear unable to act in the face of millions of their fellow men and women being wirelessly and invisibly and silently tortured inside their own homes by microwave signals being transmitted to their brain and bodies from unknown locations by unknown groups.
We must call an abrupt halt to all spraying of the air spaces of sovereign countries. We must call an abrupt halt to forcing the police to work close to microwave transmitters and to carry TETRA communication devices on their person at all times during their working hours. TETRA communication devices are trojan horse devices which combined with nearby microwave transmitters assist in impairing the brain performance of the police, even at the most senior level in each country. We must have microwave transmitters disassembled and banned throughout the world and we must return to the use of wired/corded devices.
The enemy do not spray their own air space with metal particulates and other injurious materials. It is self evident to those who can still think clearly that the earth is fixed and flat. It has been proven that not all areas of the fixed and flat earth are being sprayed with chemtrails which is also known as geoengineering. Madagascar is one country that has been left unsprayed according to one mathematician who calculated the journeys and flight paths of both air craft and drones.

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My name is Gretta Fahey. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. I am being subjected to remotely administered wireless no-touch torture which is also being called virtual torture and microwave torture among other names. I am in contact with many other men and women who are also being subjected to similar experiences which we have not consented to ever. However, there is an easy solution to no-touch torture. Our elected senior politicians must stop all ability of criminals to subject their fellow country men and women to remotely administered no touch torture by passing laws which would make chemtrail spraying of our airspace illegal and by using our military to enforce those laws. In order for no touch torture, wireless mind control and wireless enslavement to continue those who wish to enslave us need to maintain the atmosphere in an ionized state at all times by continually spraying our airspace with highly conductive metals and other nano materials. If all chemtrail spraying of our airspace is discontinued the ionized atmosphere would gradually dissipate over one month and all remotely administered wireless torture and enslavement would come to a natural halt except for instances where individuals are being wirelessly tortured by the use of transportable and hand held wireless torture weapons which the police could easily have stopped.

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Convenzione Norimberga



<<<<<<<<<║CODICE DI NORIMBERGA (1946) ║>>>>>>>


►1. Il consenso volontario del soggetto umano è assolutamente essenziale. Ciò significa che la persona in questione deve avere capacità legale di dare consenso, deve essere in grado di esercitare il libero arbitrio senza l'intervento di alcun elemento coercitivo, inganno, costrizione, falsità o altre forme di imposizione o violenza; deve avere sufficiente conoscenza e comprensione degli elementi della situazione in cui è coinvolto, tali da metterlo in posizione di prendere una decisione cosciente e illuminata. Quest'ultima condizione richiede che prima di accettare una decisione affermativa da parte del soggetto dell'esperimento lo si debba portare a conoscenza della natura, della durata e dello scopo dell'esperimento stesso; del metodo e dei mezzi con i quali sarà condotto; di tutte le complicazioni e rischi che si possono aspettare e degli effetti sulla salute o la persona che gli possono derivare dal sottoporsi dell'esperimento. Il dovere e la responsabilità di constatare la validità del consenso pesano su chiunque inizia, dirige o è implicato nell'esperimento. E' un dovere e una responsabilità che possono essere impunemente delegati ad altri.

1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person concerned must have legal capacity to consent, should be able to exercise free will without the intervention of any element of coercion, deceit, duress, deceit or violence or other forms of taxation, should have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the elements of the situation is involved, which would put him in position to take a conscious and enlightened decision. This condition requires that before accepting an affirmative decision by the subject of the experiment should lead to knowledge of the nature, duration and purpose of the experiment itself, the method and means by which will be conducted; of all the complications and risks they can expect and effects on health or person which may result from undergoing the experiment. The duty and responsibility to ascertain the validity of the consent weigh on anyone starts, manages or is involved in the experiment. It 'a duty and a responsibility that can be delegated to others with impunity.

►2. L'esperimento dovrà essere tale da fornire risultati utili al bene della società, e non altrimenti ricavabili con mezzi o metodi di studio; la natura dell'esperimento non dovrà essere né è casuale né senza scopo.

2. This experiment should be such as to provide useful results for the good of society, not otherwise obtainable by means or methods of study, the nature of the experiment should not be random or without purpose.

►3. L'esperimento dovrà essere impostato e basato sui risultati della sperimentazioni su animali e sulla conoscenza della storia naturale del morbo o di altri problemi allo studio, cosicché risultati antecedenti giustifichino lo svolgersi dell'esperimento.

3. The experiment will be set based on the results of animal experiments and knowledge of the natural history of disease or other problems to study, so results justify before the experiment.

►4. L'esperimento dovrà essere condotto in modo tale da evitare ogni sofferenza o lesione fisica o mentale che non sia necessaria.

4. The experiment should be conducted so as to avoid any suffering or physical or mental injury that is not necessary.

►5. Non si dovranno condurre esperimenti ove vi sia già a priori ragione di credere che possa sopravvenire la morte o un'infermità invalidante, eccetto forse quegli esperimenti in cui il medico sperimentatore si presta come soggetto.

5. You will not have to conduct experiments where there is already a priori reason to believe that death can occur disability or infirmity, except perhaps those experiments in which the physician provides experimenter as the subject.

►6. Il grado di rischio da correre non dovrà oltrepassare quello determinato dalla rilevanza umanitaria del problema che l'esperimento dovrebbe risolvere.

6. The degree of risk to be run should not exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem that the experiment should be resolved.

►7. Si dovrà effettuare una preparazione particolare, e particolari attenzioni dovranno essere usate al fine di mettere al riparo il soggetto dell'esperimento da possibilità anche remote di lesione, invalidità o morte.

7. It will make a special preparation, and special care should be used in order to shelter the person from the experiment even remote possibilities of injury, disability or death.

►8. L'esperimento dovrà essere condotto solo da persone scientificamente qualificate. Sarà richiesto il più alto grado di capacità e attenzione in tutte le fasi dell'esperimento a coloro che lo conducono o vi sono comunque coinvolti.

8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. Will be required the highest level of skills and care in all phases of the experiment to those who lead or are otherwise involved.

9. Nel corso dell'esperimento il soggetto umano dovrà avere la libera facoltà di porre fine ad esso se ha raggiunto uno stato fisico o mentale per cui gli sembra impossibile continuarlo.

9. During the experiment the human subject must have the free right to terminate if it has reached a physical or mental condition to where it seems impossible.

►10. Durante l'esperimento lo scienziato responsabile deve essere pronto a interromperlo in qualunque momento se è indotto a credere in buona fede , dopo una ponderata riflessione con tutte le sue facoltà, che la continuazione dell'esperimento comporterebbe probabilmente lesioni, invalidità o morte per il soggetto umano.

10. During the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to stop at any time if it is led to believe in good faith, after a thoughtful reflection with all his faculties, that the continuation of the experiment would probably lead to injury, disability or death for the human person.




10 regole semplici e simili alle 15 positive direttive Borg che vanno contro l’antimedicina e antiscienza di Joseph Mengele e dei vari dottor froic dello space. La Terra è solo un parcogiochi (Luna Park) e meta di turismo sessuale per le creature intergalattiche? Milioni di anni di luce per venire sul pianeta con tali due scopi? (Solita ironia pilcanTora).


Alcuni umani ed alieni sono fatti l'uno per l'altro in fatto di sperimentazione nefanda e abominevole.

Mentalità da Joseph Mengele in versione aliena.

Dal programma abduction al progetto mind control (The battle of DULCE di Philip Schneider Phil Jay)

I livelli di programmazione Monarch a 5G

Alcuni reali addotti da programma abduction, FBI americana e altre agenzie governative affermano che dietro a tale progetto si nasconda una matrix aliena.

ALPHA. Considerato come “generale” o programmazione regolare all’interno della personalità di controllo di base, caratterizzata da ritenzione di memoria e sostanziale incremento della forza fisica e visiva. L’Alpha  si realizza suddividendo la personalità delle vittime che, in sostanza, sperimenta una divisione a tra parte sinistra del cervello e parte destra, consentendo un’ attivazione di L e R attraverso stimolazione del percorso neurologico.

BETA. Riferito a programmazione “sessuale”. Questa programmazione elimina tutti  i condizionamenti morali e stimola l’istinto sessuale primitivo, privo di inibizioni.

DELTA. Questo livello è noto come la programmazione “killer”, originariamente sviluppato per l’addestramento degli agenti speciali o soldati d’elite (cioè Delta Force, Primo Battaglione Terra, il Mossad, ecc) in operazioni di infiltrazione. La resa ottimale quando l’aggressività è controllata. I soggetti sono privi di paura e molto sistematici nello svolgimento delle loro assegnazioni. Autodistruzione o istruzioni suicidio sono stratificati in a questo livello.

THETA considerato il livello di  programmazione “psichica”. I Bloodliners (quelli provenienti da famiglie multi-generazionale sataniche) mostrano una maggiore propensione alle capacità telepatiche rispetto ai non-bloodliners. Sono state sviluppate e introdotte forme di controllo dei sistemi elettronici, le microonde e cioè, dispositivi bio-medicali di telemetria umani (impianti cerebrali), i laser ad energia diretta utilizzando  l’elettromagnetismo. Questi meccanismi vengono usati in congiunzione con i computer altamente avanzati e sofisticati sistemi di controllo satellitare.

OMEGA. è la forma di programmazione detta “autodistruzione” , nota anche come “codice verde”. I comportamenti corrispondenti includono tendenze suicide e/o auto-mutilazione. Questo programma è generalmente attivato quando la vittima inizia la terapia o l’interrogatorio e quando la sua memoria è in fase di recupero.

GAMMA. Un’altra forma di protezione del sistema è  la programmazione “inganno”, che suscita disinformazione e depistaggio (cover up). Questo livello si intreccia con la demonologia e tende a rigenerarsi in un secondo momento se impropriamente disattivato.

Metodo e componenti

9143227662?profile=originalIl processo iniziale comincia con la creazione di dissociazione all’interno del soggetto, di solito si agisce dal momento della nascita fino a circa sei anni. Questo è principalmente ottenuta attraverso l’uso di elettroshock (ECT) ed è a volte eseguito anche quando il bambino è nel grembo della madre. A causa del grave trauma indotto con ECT, abusi sessuali e di altri metodi, la mente si divide e più personalità si alternano nel nucleo. Precedentemente indicato come Disturbo di Personalità Multipla, è attualmente riconosciuto come Disturbo Dissociativo di Identità ed è la base per la programmazione Monarch. Un ulteriore condizionamento della mente della vittima è rafforzata attraverso l’ipnosi, la coercizione a doppio legame, le inversioni di piacere-dolore, privazione di cibo, acqua, sonno e privazione sensoriale, insieme a vari farmaci che modificano alcune funzioni cerebrali.

La fase successiva è quella di incorporare e comprimere i comandi dettagliati o i messaggi all’interno dello specifico nucleo di alterazione. Questo risultato è ottenuto attraverso l’uso di cuffie hi-tech, in combinazione con  computer che emettono onde sonore non udibili o armoniche che influenzano l’RNA di copertura dei percorsi neurali che vanno al subconscio e inconscio. I dispositiv “Virtual Reality” e i dispositivi ottici sono a volte utilizzati in contemporanea con i generatori di armoniche proiettando luci pulsanti colorate. L’ elettroshock ad alta tensione viene poi usato per la perdita della memoria.

La programmazione è aggiornata periodicamente e rafforzata attraverso i medium visivi, uditivo e scritto. Alcuni degli strumenti di prima programmazione sono il Mago di Oz e Alice e le Meraviglie, entrambi fortemente saturi di simbolismi occulti. Molti dei film recenti e cartoni animati Disney sono utilizzati in maniera duplice: desensibilizzare la maggioranza della popolazione, utilizzando immagini subliminali e programmazione neuro-linguistica, e volutamente costruire specifici trigger e chiavi per la programmazione base dei bambini Monarch.


  1. 9143227463?profile=originalMal nati

  2. Mal venuti

  3. Mal educati

  4. Mal dicenti

  5. Mal evoli

  6. Mal creanzadi

  7. Mal edetti

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1. If you speak first they may assess your weaknesses from your speaking style, your accent, your vocabulary, your level of confidence, the facts which you present, and your ability to express yourself. They could then use whatever weaknesses you present against you. You must always invoke the right to remain silent if you are ever asked anything whatsoever by a police officer.

2. When you are in the presence of the police they may project negative emotions or stand over you in order to appear dominant. Therefore always remain standing while in the presence of the police.

3. In your normal life, refrain from drinking tea or coffee because they are strong stimulents. If you are addicted to tea or coffee and you are ever obliged to speak to the police they may wait until you need a caffeine boost before they interview you so as to interview you when you are weak and tired. If you are not a caffeine addict they can not use this tactic against you. Many senior police and intelligence agents now have the use of technology which can remotely decipher your emotions and blood glucose levels and other personal information from a distance and without your awareness.

4. If you try to inform the police that you are being subjected to attacks from directed energy weapons while inside the supposed safety of your own home, instead of validating your statement which they are legally obliged to do , they will force you to attend for psychiatric evaluation which will then render it unsafe for you to continue speaking and it will also render it unsafe for you to speak openly to the psychiatrist and it will also render it unsafe for you to ever return to the police station again in order to reissue your complaint. You are denied the protection of the law under this type of ongoing serious and torturous crime. It appears to me that the police are not being taught about the existence and abuse of directed energy weapons when they attend police training colleges throughout the world.  If they are not being instructed about the existence and widespread abuse of both directed energy weapons and neurological weapons throughout the Republic of Ireland and the rest of the world then why not.?

5. The police, through no fault of their own, have been placed under thought control which is outside their awareness. Technology is now commonplace which is being used to enhance some thought patterns inside the brains of certain individuals and to completely block other thought patterns. Because the police and other government employees are obliged to work close to microwave transmitters they are more strongly affected by microwave mind control than those of us who live in rural areas far away from such microwave transmitters. Therefore it is futile to attempt to reason with a police officer because of this remote thought manipulation which they are being subjected to.

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Our brain cells generate electrical signals. Those electrical signals create unique patterns inside our brains.
Each unique group of pattern of electrical signals being generated by our brains can be remotely read by others and then translated into what we are thinking about.
Each unique group of patterns of electrical signals being generated by our brains can also be translated into our muscle movement.
Each unique group of patterns of electrical signals being generated by our brains can also be translated into what we hear, see, smell, touch and taste.
Each unique group of patterns of electrical signals being generated by our brains can be translated into how the muscles of our intestines and other internal organs are working.
Some of this information can now be transmitted from your brain and analysed by others without your knowledge and consent while they work from a distance from you and I and while they remain unknown to you and I. Some of this information which is legally owned by you and I can be stolen by others and sold to criminal commercial interests because knowledge of how the human brain and body works gives those criminals power over their fellow human beings.
Criminals can also transmit information in the form of codes  into your brain in order to stimulate your thought pathways for the purposes of enhancing any beliefs which you hold which are untrue. Criminals can also transmit information into your brain in order to jam certain thought pathways in your brain so that you will not be alerted to dangers to your freedom. This is now occurring. This is being done to the police, military and senior politicians among others. We are now in grave danger of being technologically enslaved.
It is not enough to have the microwave transmitters disassembled and banned throughout the world. We must also have banned the spraying of conductive metals and nano material into our air space. We must also have phased arrays disassembled and banned throughout the world. How can we achieve this while the police, military and senior politicians are having their thought pathways interfered with. It is your moral duty to raise awareness of this phenomenon immediately no matter who you are or where you live. Otherwise we are shortly to become technologically enslaved. There are endless books and online websites about this topic. It is your responsibility to carry out your own research.
It has been proven without any doubt that the covid-19 pandemic is a hoax. It is based on false science as well as on misattributing deaths from others reasons to covid-19. It is being used to usher in a worldwide totalitarian government where you would be totally enslaved without any rights whatsoever, under the policies which are outlined in the U.N. Agenda 21 document.

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The Vatican which is also known as the catholic church has the enormous responsibility of maintaining the inculcation levels of up to two billion followers. The Vatican hierarchy are and have always been experts in psychology. They use trauma based mind control to initially inculcate each child into their belief system.
In order to trauma base mind control a child you first need to put the child into a state of extreme fear or extreme shock. Then you give them a message and because they are in a state of fear or shock they will not be able to rationally analyse the content of the message so the message will go straight into their sub conscious minds as if it is true, without any analysis whatsoever.
Young children are informed that they will burn in the fires of hell for all eternity if they fail to be unquestioningly obedient to the teachings of the catholic church. The young children are in such a state of extreme fear and shock because of this message that they unquestioningly believe that message about burning in a fire for all eternity if they fail to obey. That is how the catholic church inculcate their followers. They then use repetition in order to keep them obedient to the end of their days. Repetition is one of the corner stones of mind control.
The catholic church manipulates their followers away from being ever able to think logically or critically. If their followers were able to think logically the catholic church would not have any followers.
For the past few decades the Vatican has found a new way of keeping its followers inculcated. Technology is being employed in order to technologically enhance the thought patterns of the followers of catholicism.
Conductive metal particulates and other nano materials are being sprayed on us from the sky. They permeate the air around us and we also inhale and ingest them. This allows others to transmit and receive signals to and from our brains and bodies. Transcranial analysis is one of the tools being used against us from afar, totally without our consent. Transcranial brain stimulation is being used to technologically enhance thought patterns inside our minds. Unknown others are now stimulating our neural pathways in order to co-ordinate the thinking patterns of whole communities at the same time. They are also using advanced technology to block thought pathways to thoughts which challenges their as yet hidden agenda.
I have noticed that many citizens of the United States are constantly repeating the name 'Jesus Christ' in almost every conversation when they are speaking in online forums. Many of them assure us that they are followers of Jesus Christ in almost every video. They were never fanatical to this degree before in the whole history of the United States. Their minds are being manipulated to an extreme degree. There is no proof that the so called 'Jesus Christ' ever existed. There is no basis in reality for catholicism or for any other organised religion. It is enough that we follow moral law
In order to bring this era of hidden mind and body control to an end we must have all chemtrail spraying of the skies brought to an abrupt end and we must ensure that all of the infrastructure which supports this hidden mind and body control is disassembled now.

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Inizio 7 dicembre 2015 - fine 9 dicembre 2019

A forza di interferenze, molestie, dispetti e/o torture ci sono voluti quattro anni per riuscire a scrivere sei misere paginette e depositarle. Presentano ancora errori. 

Pilcante, giovedì ♃ 28/11/2019 PCN

Oggetto: Nuove stagioni di “Siamo fatti così” in 3D e HD - (Bim Bum Bam The Next Generation)












Dividi et Impera con Panem et Circenses

Art 28 del codice deontologico e ART. 616 dal d l.vo n.196/03
Ai sensi del D.Lgs. 196/2003 si precisa che le informazioni contenute in questo messaggio e negli eventuali allegati
sono riservate ed a uso esclusivo del destinatario. Esso può contenere informazioni protette e riservate ai sensi della
normativa vigente e ne è vietato qualsiasi impiego diverso da quello per cui è stato inviato. Qualora il messaggio in
parola Le fosse pervenuto per errore, La invitiamo ad eliminarlo senza copiarlo e a non inoltrarlo a terzi, dandocene
gentilmente comunicazione.

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Conductive metal particulates, nanobot sensors, microprocessors, polymers, barium, strontium and other dust sized materials are being sprayed from the skies on top of us. We inhale and ingest them. They go into our blood stream and into our brain. This allows others to use transcranial analysis and stimulation of the neural pathways to co-ordinate thinking patterns in vast numbers of men and women and to block thought pathways to thoughts which are undesireable to the new world order leaders whose ultimate wish seems to be to neurally enslave each and every man, woman and child in the world who is not part of their own cabal. Hacking our brains and bodies is easy for them because of the conductive metal rich atmosphere that they continually create by chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads in what is sometimes being called geo-engineering. My website is called

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I am a targeted individual of non-consensual research, electronic harassment and psychological torture via voice to skull. The perpetrators of this crime against me expect me to be clean to the point of being almost sterile throughout each entire day and night. I take a daily shower and I put on a complete fresh outfit of clothing each day and wash the clothes that I had been wearing previous to taking the shower. However, that is not satisfactory enough for the criminal perpetrators who monitor, harass and psychologically torture me. They send pulsating energy under my arms and around my nether regions which I can feel quite strongly and they do this in order to check if I am clean enough to meet their standards. I reiterate that they expect me to be almost sterile. If I am less than sterile they taunt me and criticize me and harass me because of it. No human being can be spotlessly clean twenty four hours per day. It is impossible to live up to such an expectation. I know that there exists a field of psychological study about inducing guilt in human beings because they are never entirely clean and they can never be because we are made of dirt and the planet which we live on is also made of dirt. I know that the criminal perpetrators harass me about this matter because they have nothing else to criticize me about because I am not addicted to any substance and I am not in financial debt and I get on well with everyone I know. They get paid to goad me and they find it difficult to find reasons to goad me so this is what they are doing a lot. Further to that, they or any other criminal can now take images of the keys in your pocket by sending energy into your pocket and they energy can be used to take precise measurements of your keys in order to have copies of said keys made. Therefore, put barrel bolts in your outer doors for protection while you are sleeping at night.

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Targeted individuals of directed energy weapon attacks and other types of harassment and torture are being put through trauma for reasons of measuring their responses.
After a targeted individual is selected for non-consensual scientific research they are connected from nano implants and other foreign materials which have become embedded inside their brains and bodies to a super-computer as well as to a secret research group which is known as a hive mind team.
There is a carrier frequency frequency embedded in the electromagnetic radiation that is coming from the supercomputr to the mind of the targeted individual, and that carrier frequency is directly compatable with the EEG fingerprint of the brain of the targeted individual. This allows the leader of the hive mind team to inject his thoughts directly into the mind of the targeted individual. The team subject the targeted individual to continuous hostile and negative harassment in order to trauma the trageted individual and they then measure and map all of the responses of the targeted individual to each act of trauma. They continually enforce acts of trauma on to the targeted individual in order to get the information they wish for about the will, intellect and emotions of the targeted individual which then gets downloaded on to the super computer. By this method the personality of the targeted individual is then captured and put on a chip. It can later be uploaded onto the body of a robot and this allows an artificial copy of the personality of the targeted individual to continue long after the targeted individual has passed away.
I obtained most of this information from a targeted individual based in the United States called Bryan Tew.

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