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I pray for a financial miracle for all the true believers around the world, USD 10 million will be manifested on each of their bank accounts within the next 12 hours, in YAHUSHUA'S name.
Five Eyes’ Surveillance Under Fire By U.N. Human Rights Committee
PUBLISHED: 4 August 2015 LAST UPDATED: 13 January 2023
By Max Anderson
Last week was a busy one for the U.N. Human Rights Committee. It graded the United States on its surveillance practices (hint: the U.S. probably should not hang this report card on the fridge). It also issued “concluding observations” for seven countries on human rights, including “Five Eyes” members Canada and the United Kingdom. In the conclusions the Committee strongly condemned the use of surveillance as a violation of the right to privacy.
The U.S. report card
Access, along with partners at the Brennan Center for Justice and Amnesty International, made a submission to the U.N. Human Rights Committee responding to the follow-up to the recommendations the Committee had made to the U.S. on how to curb the unlawful surveillance conducted by the U.S. National Security Agency.
The Committee’s mid-term review of the implementation of its recommendations is done using a report card format. It is easy to see that the Committee was nonplussed with the poor implementation by the U.S. For each of its five recommendations, the U.S. performed as follows: C,C,C,C, and D. Earning a C means that the U.S. response or reply was deemed unsatisfactory; the D grade means that the U.S. offered no cooperation whatsoever.
The Brennan Center for Justice has analysis of the grades, as does The Intercept here.
Concluding observations for seven countries
The Committee also published responses to government reports by Canada, France, Macedonia, Spain, the United Kingdom, Uzbekistan, and Venezuela. In these responses, the Committee underscored key principles for government surveillance that we at Access share. These include that:
- Any interference with communications, as well as retention of data, must respect the principles of legality, proportionality, and necessity.
- Governments should not treat individuals differently when it comes to their fundamental human rights, regardless of their nationality.
- Governments that have conducted unlawful surveillance need to notify the victims and provide adequate channels for remedy.
The U.N. Human Rights Committee is a panel of independent experts established by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), an international treaty. One of the roles of the Committee is to oversee the implementation of the rights guaranteed by the treaty. This happens through a process where the state parties to the treaty (of which there are 162) submit regular reports, and the Committee responds.
What did the Committee have to say?
- On Canada, which recently gave itself broad spying abilities, the Committee directly referred to Bill C-51, asking Canada to “refrain from adopting legislation that imposes undue restrictions on the exercise of rights under the Covenant,” and expressed its concern that the bill “confers a broad mandate and powers on the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) to act domestically and abroad, thus potentially resulting in mass surveillance and targeting activities that are protected under the Covenant without sufficient and clear legal safeguards.”
- On France, which like Canada has very recently approved sweeping surveillance powers, the Committee expressed its concern about these powers, both within France and outside of its borders. The Committee made reference to Article 17 of the Covenant, which guarantees the right to privacy, and asked that all interference in private life be consistent with principles of legality, proportionality, and necessity.
- On Macedonia, the Committee expressed concern, referring to reports that thousands of Macedonians had been under surveillance by the Security Services. The Committee called on Macedonia to undertake measures to ensure that “any interference with the right to privacy complies with the principles of legality, proportionality, and necessity.” It also asked that individuals that had been victims of unlawful surveillance be notified and given access to adequate remedies.
- On Spain, the Committee did not offer any concluding observations on violations of the right to privacy.
- On the United Kingdom, which is not in the habit of applying human rights to its surveillance practices, the Committee took note of the reports that Amnesty International’s email communication had been intercepted under a general warrant, and expressed concern over the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act’s (RIPA) untargeted warrants for “external” private communication. It also expressed concern over how Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act (DRIP or DRIPA) allows for surveillance that is not limited to “the most serious crimes.” The Committee asked the U.K. to review its surveillance regime, to respect Article 17 on the right to privacy, and to take measures to “to ensure that any interference with the right to privacy complies with the principles of legality, proportionality, and necessity, regardless of the nationality or location of the individuals whose communications are under direct surveillance.”
- On Uzbekistan, which uses Soviet-era surveillance technology that Access has reported on in the past — and which is also the site of the TeliaSonera corruption scandal — the Committee expressed continued concern over “harassment, surveillance, arbitrary arrests and detentions, torture, and ill-treatment by law enforcement officers and prosecutions on trumped-up charges of independent journalists, government critics, and dissidents, human rights defenders, and other activists, in retaliation to their work.” The Committee expressed further concern about “reports that freedom of expression on controversial and politically sensitive issues is severely restricted in practice, and websites providing such information are blocked and news agencies forbidden to function.”
- On Venezuela, the Committee did not offer any concluding observations on violations of the right to privacy.
While many U.N. processes are intergovernmental and leave only limited room for civil society participation, we are pleased to see that there is nevertheless increasing recognition in many parts of the U.N.— from principal organs to human rights expert bodies — that digital rights are important, and member states are called out when they violate these rights. Access will continue to push for technology policy that respects human rights, at the U.N. and elsewhere, as well as engaging users in advocacy and offering direct technical support as we fight for open and secure communications for all.
ScamGPT: Hackers and criminals are harnessing the power of AI
Parker McKenzie
Jul 20, 2023, updated Jul 20, 2023
10 News First
Hackers and criminals are using older versions of AI language models to create targeted and sophisticated scams, with the potential for greater damage when more powerful technology becomes available.
WormGPT, an alternative to ChatGPT which “lets you do all sorts of illegal stuff”, according to its developer, uses a two-year-old language model without ethical constraints placed upon it like other publicly available artificial intelligence models.
Professor Seyedali Mirjalili, the director of the Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research and Optimisation at Torrens University, said as much as people can use ChatGPT to assist and automate work, hackers and malicious actors can use the same technologies for nefarious reasons.
“The dark web is full of leaked personal data from companies like Optus, which means a data set that has leaked can be used by hackers to train something like ChatGPT,” he said.
“It produces not just a spam or phishing email, but it can also be personalised or target the victim using their data. It’s a big concern.”
WormGPT is available on a well-known forum for hackers, and with ethical constraints removed the chatbot can be instructed to create malware, create phishing emails and give advice on how to assault networks, using the GPT-J open source language model.
Older technology
Dr Andrew Lensen, senior lecturer in artificial intelligence at Victoria University of Wellington, said WormGPT is based on an older version of a language model from 2021 because nefarious actors don’t have access to the newest technology.
“It’s very likely that as we see large language models developing further and more are being used, things like it will become more convincing and more misused as well,” he said.
“Facebook just released their open source version yesterday, and I can really see that, for example, being used for nefarious purposes.”
WormGPT has been used for wide-scale phishing attacks against businesses, where emails and text messages are sent to employees in an attempt to gain access to networks and sensitive data.
Professor Mirijalili said the reason why hackers repurpose older models is because of the huge cost of building a large data set for generative AI.
“Large infrastructure requires billions of dollars in infrastructure and competing devices,” he said.
“Instead they take an existing model, retrain and rewire it so it can be used for other purposes. It’s not that hard to do, but what is difficult to do is to scrape the data from the dark web because it isn’t indexed on other platforms.”
The dark web consists of sites on the internet that aren’t listed on search engines like Google, making them difficult to find unless you know their address.
Dr Lensen said many scams that models like WormGPT can automate are already illegal, making it difficult to regulate.
“All this is doing is making it easier to automate on a large scale, so rather than having to, for example, handcraft your phishing attack you’re doing to target a specific corporation or individual, you may be able to have an automated approach where the model is tailored to everyone in your database,” he said.
“The question is then should big models be released publicly? Should we have more constraints on how companies develop them and what they release them for, and who can access them?”
He said we need more education about cyber crimes and how not to fall victim to an attack, as well as preventing their use in the first place.
“If you’re using a chatbot, you may think it’s a real person, but it could well be a large language model or a bot,” Dr Lensen said.
“When you start to combine these things with AI voices and you get a convincing phone call that could be from someone at the bank, people are going to struggle and be much more likely to be victimised.”
In 2022, the Australian Cyber Security Centre recorded 76,000 reports of cyber crime in Australia, an increase of 13 per cent from 2021.
Personalised and targeted scams may become a reality for many Australians in the near future. Photo: Getty
Professor Mirijalili said he would like to see greater collaboration between cyber security experts, law enforcement and developers to ensure AI isn’t used for the wrong reasons.
“You can’t blame anyone because regulation always lags behind technology, but what makes this space different is we can’t wait for an incident to happen because by then it will already be too late,” he said.
“Mandating ethical guidelines and frameworks for companies, businesses and organisations is important.”
Further regulation
The Australian government announced its intention to regulate AI technology in June, in an effort to ensure there are safeguards against any risk associated with the technology.
Professor Mirijalili said there is always fear and excitement around any technology, but AI can be harnessed as a force of good.
“I’m a big advocate for responsible and inclusive AI; I buy into a more balanced view in this type of discussion,” he said.
“I believe we have the capability, expertise and resources in businesses, organisations and government to address this and kill it …”
Generative AI is set to contribute between $45 billion and $115 billion annually to the Australian economy by 2030, according to research from TCA and Microsoft, but questions remain on whether the widespread adoption should continue at the current pace given the potential for harm.
Dr Lensen said the issue of widespread adoption of AI comes down to a question as a society on how much we want things to become automated.
“Do you want to have a robot ring up and book an appointment with you or talk through your mortgage repayments? Is that something we want because it is cheaper and more efficient?” he said.
“Or are we going to say that’s not how we want to interact, we want to have that human direction still? Whether or not there will be pushback on some of this technology, I think there’s some really interesting conversations and questions in there.”
Topics: AI, ChatGPT, scams, Technology
AI in the hands of stalkers, abusers, and traffickers: a new frontier in victims’ rights
Home› Blog› ai› AI in the hands of stalkers, abusers, and traffickers: a new frontier in victims’ rights
April 22, 2023
Posted by: C.A. Goldberg team
AI and Tech-Facilitated Abuse
As advancements in machine learning and natural language processing technologies accelerate by the day, the weaponization of AI against a targeted individual has gone mainstream.
The ways in which technology is impacting our lives is evolving on an almost hourly basis, and AI is at the forefront of this. While it has the potential to increase efficiency and make information more widely available, it also presents new risks, including the facilitation of intimate partner violence, child exploitation and harassment.
AI as a tool of Stalking
As a surveillance tool, AI could enable offenders to track and monitor their victims with greater ease and precision than ever before. AI-powered algorithms could, for example, analyze and predict a person’s movements by gathering data from an array of sources: social media posts, geotagged photos, etc., to approximate or even anticipate a victim’s location.
Advanced facial recognition technology powered by AI is far more effective than humans at identifying individuals from images or videos; even when the quality is low or the person is partially obscured. Stalkers could track victims in real-time through surveillance cameras, social media, or other online sources. Those with access to these databases, for example members of law enforcement, could exploit them.
AI-powered software can analyze vast amounts of data in the blink of an eye, enabling stalkers to surveil their victims’ online activities. By monitoring their victims’ digital footprint, from browsing history to emails to downloads, abusers could gain insights into their daily lives and use this information to manipulate, control, coerce, or blackmail them.
AI could even automate and scale the process of manipulation by tracking interactions, identifying patterns in posting behavior, and even analyzing the sentiment of a victim’s communication. This could be used by interpersonal abusers, or even scammers looking for a target.
AI-powered tools can create convincing impersonations of people through voice synthesis and text generation. An offender could use AI tools to pose as a victim in order to endanger or frame them. Or an abuser could pose as someone the victim trusts in order to get access to them, gather information about them, isolate them, or manipulate their personal or professional relationships. Offenders could use AI-powered tools to fabricate text messages or emails that appear to come from trusted sources, and use that access to threaten or deceive victims, or isolate them from their support network.
An abuser could also generate or manipulate digital evidence to frame a victim for a crime.
In the last few weeks, stories have surfaced of scammers using artificial intelligence to sound like a family member in distress to con people out thousands of dollars. An abuser or scammer could use similar techniques to convince a victim to send intimate images which would then be used to sextort or exploit them.
AI and image-based abuse
Have you tried using AI to create fake headshots for your LinkedIn profile? Or maybe you saw the pic of the Pope in a puffer jacket? What about the images of Trump being arrested, a week before he was actually arrested? AI-powered image-generating systems are now enabling even the most tech-inept among us to manufacture photos and videos that are almost impossible to detect as fake. Deepfake technology uses deep learning algorithms (which are designed to learn from data to improve their own performance) to create convincing fake images and video. Almost as soon as deepfake technology was born, it was weaponized against women to create or mimic non-consensual pornography. Abusers already destroy lives by distributing intimate images or videos that were shared with the expectation of privacy (so-called ‘revenge porn’). Thanks to AI, abusers can carry out image-based abuse without ever having to receive an intimate image; they can just create one.
Child Sexual Abuse/Exploitation and Trafficking
Technology will likely mainstream photorealistic animated AI-powered avatars in the near to medium term. Voices are basically already there (see impersonation above). Sex traffickers could use these to recruit victims. Currently, C.A.Goldberg, PLLC, regularly sees cases of adult predators impersonating teens to target minors for grooming, sexual abuse, and trafficking. As kids and teens may be less inclined to perceive a peer as dangerous, predators often pose as such, gaining information on social media about where a kid goes to school or what their interests are to create a convincing backstory. It’s about to get exponentially easier for predators to access and groom minors in this way.
AI is going to make it far easier for bad actors to create and deploy “bots”. The technical barriers are dropping in real-time, and soon bad actors will be able to mobilize an army of avatars posting on social media at their instruction. This tech currently exists, but most of the general population don’t know how to weaponize it. That won’t be true much longer.
Secondly, AI search is going to make it easier than ever before for bad actors to find sensitive information. These two things – better, more relevant info, plus the ability to create seemingly organic mobs, might contribute to doxxing getting more regular, intense, and harmful.
This ability to deploy bots, or “intelligent bots” could also have a role in stalking and harassment, for example a stalker or harasser could generate bots to send emails to an employer or even fake a voice to make an angry call.
Social media platforms will likely play a central role in perpetuating AI-facilitated harms by providing a platform for, and amplifying efforts to, dox victims of targeted harassment campaigns.
The Impact of AI-Facilitated Harms on Victims
There is no ‘going offline’ anymore. In order to live, work, learn, connect, most of us must be online.
Tech abuse in any form is isolating and terrifying. But the pain and disruption experienced by victims can be overlooked or underplayed.
As victim’s advocates, we must anticipate the needs of those we advocate for by assessing the risks and potential for harms from emerging technologies.
We will continue to explore:
- What difficulties will victims face in obtaining justice for AI-facilitated harm?
- Are law enforcement and prosecutors prepared to handle AI evidence or prosecute AI crimes?
- How will the regulatory and legal landscapes keep pace with evolving technology?
- Will legal and social attitudes towards tech abuse change?
- How will victims’ rights advocates collaborate with cybersecurity experts, therapists, and other professionals to best serve our clients?
AI: positive potential
Can we imagine a world in which AI helps victims? While risk analysis is essential, we ideate and create outcomes that serve victims, too.
Currently, AI is being used to spot and remove Child Sexual Abuse Imagery at a rate human moderators can’t rival – while also sparing humans the psychological damage of sifting through the very worst content imaginable to stem its’ spread.
In the future, trained AI technologies could look like:
- 24/7 support services that connect crime or abuse victims with service providers
- Advancing technologies to help victims of domestic violence assess their digital footprint or scan their devices for vulnerabilities or security compromises
- Algorithmic prediction of intimate partner violence perpetration through
- Detecting warning signs or patterns of abuse and alerting authorities or community moderators
- Advanced and immediate takedown for non-consensual pornography and deepfakes
As artificial intelligence continues to evolve, so must our understanding of its potential impact on tech-facilitated violence and domestic abuse. We will continue to help those affected, and advocate for a safer digital landscape.
Luke 21:34
And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.
The Battle for Your Brain
Author: Nita Farahany
A Clarion Call to a Sleeping and Ignorant Citizenry and US Congress
Chapter: 8 Bewilderbeasts
Page 181 first and second paragrahs
These real-life and fictional stories force us to grapple with the terrifying possibility of losing our minds. When you add to this common anxiety the reality of governments' past, present, and future weaponization of cognitive control, the people who spoke before our committee don't seem quite so delusional.
Recent claims by US service personnel make it plausible that the thing we fear is already here.
Connie Marshall
Paraphrasing a Talmudic sage, it is not the responsibility of any single person to finish the task, but neither is any person permitted to avoid it. Elizabeth Holtzman
Tzipora> Sermons> Targeting (30 sermons)>Videos>Hi Tech Weapons - Celeste and Romola D.
Dr. James Giordano: The Brain is the New Battlefield of the Future (youtube)
Lens 2023 | Keynote: The Battle for Your Brain: Neurotechnology and National Security, Duke Univversity School of Law, Prof. Nita Farahany (
Google> Dr. Robert Duncan and Tyrone Dew, choose> - 2015-01-26 CIA Engineer Dr. Robert Duncan & Tyrone Dew (two videos)
Total Population Control- 700 Club (youtube)
Google> Bill Binney & Katherine Horton >choose> "Torture in America"
Report 280 Dr. Len Ber on Havana Syndrome (youtube)
Neuroweapon Misue Conference 2 Dr. Len Ber (youtube)
Mariana Maritato's ITNJ - American Civilians - Targeted Individuals - V2K (youtube)
God forever changed the form of His existence for you.
Christ in the Flesh.
A Clarion Call To A Sleeping And Ignorant Citizenry
The Battle For Your Brain
Author: Nita Farahanny
Nita A. Farahanny is a leading scholar on the ethical, legal and scocial implications of emerging technologies. She is the Robinson O. Everett Distinguished Professor of Law and Philosophy at Duke Law School, the Founding Director of Duke Science & Society, the Faculty Chair of the Duke MA in Bioethics & Science Policy, and a principal investigator of SLAP Lab.
Lord your love is deep
I am playing for keeps
If you love me
Bless me with money
Why do you sometimes fail me
When it comes to money
Why do I always have bad luck
Why do I always get stuck
Turn all my bad luck
Into good luck
Turn all my enemies' cursings
Into blessings
I am not perfect
But I am doing my best
You are perfect
Why are you making me depress
Please have mercy on me
Hurry please send me money
Lord if you love me
Please bless me with prosperity
My dream is to live in a hotel
Fighting the forces of hell
I want a king's life style
Put on my face a smile
I need to get out of debt
I need to quit the cigarettes
Thank you so much
I cannot thank you enough
Please make my dream come true
I know I can count on you
"Torture as a weapon of war must cease." Just from UN.
They are evil and brutal in Canada for over 20 years. But, you must help me send it.
They were for UN CAT around 10 years ago, which "Canada ..." are hacking , intercepting and blocking, 10 pages. UN CAT must have them.
Before and after that, Canada, all my neighbors, 3 Philippine couples, who don't work at all for 5 years, 10 years... attack and control madly my hearing with Sonic Weapons and Hearing Control Weapons , plus in inmy work place.
3 Philippine couples'
Sonic Weapons ( extremely being hacked )
Hearing Control Weapons
This is terror, this is psychological torture, and this is MK Ultra, defined by UN Human Rights Office and UN Human Rights Council.
Fight for my life being threatened ; fight against ongoing terror, psychological torture ( which UN and UN Human Rights Council deeply began to worry about 2 years ago) , MK Ultra ( which was reported by all Canadian media several years ago ) , poison ( Amnesty International, UN Human Rights Office knew how and why Canada repeatedly poisoned me) , death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, plus EMF.
I am not alone and I need your help.
Although English is my second language,
It is time for "Final Account"
Robin Yan
Canadian victim of torture
December 25, 2023
Please send to them :
International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax and
Daniel 11:37
Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.
Concerning the Antichrist, from the above verse he must be a homosexual.
I pray for all the true believers around the world for their salvation, divine protection, health, wealth, love and happiness in the name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.
They were for UN CAT around 10 years ago, which "Canada ..." are hacking , intercepting and blocking, 10 pages. UN CAT must have them.
Before and after that, Canada, all my neighbors, 3 Philippine couples, who don't work at all for 5 years, 10 years... attack and control madly my hearing with Sonic Weapons and Hearing Control Weapons , plus in inmy work place.
3 Philippine couples'
Sonic Weapons ( extremely being hacked )
Hearing Control Weapons
This is terror, this is psychological torture, and this is MK Ultra, defined by UN Human Rights Office and UN Human Rights Council.
Fight for my life being threatened ; fight against ongoing terror, psychological torture ( which UN and UN Human Rights Council deeply began to worry about 2 years ago) , MK Ultra ( which was reported by all Canadian media several years ago ) , poison ( Amnesty International, UN Human Rights Office knew how and why Canada repeatedly poisoned me) , death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, plus EMF.
I am not alone and I need your help.
Although English is my second language,
It is time for "Final Account"
Robin Yan
Canadian victim of torture
December 25, 2023
Please send to them :
International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax and
UN's newest stance
UN's newest, clear and strong stance ; and Canada's donation to UN Human Rights nearly 7 million dollars ; and Canada's ongoing hacking UN Geneva, International Bar Association, International Criminal Court , everything I am using; and ongoing terror, psychological torture, MK Ultra in Canada. I have provided you all with Canada's hacking IPs around 15 days ago.
Without one special url , I can not find, open and read this from UN .
Accountability for gross violations is an obligation - UN expert
"Accountability is a legal obligation of States, based on international human rights law. Therefore, neither political will nor State reason can be invoked to breach it," said the Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence, Fabián Salvioli."
UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
Amnesty International
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
International Court of Justice
Canadian Government
UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer
CC :
Contact :
Temporary email :
No matter how UN , UN Human Rights , UN Human Rights Council, International Bar Association, International Criminal Court ... speak out and stand up for me , Canada, "all my neighbors", those who are gathering around /in my work place, those who are driving and operating aircrafts and drones... never stop their ongoing terror, "psychological torture", "MK Ultra" for nearly 20 years. By them, by everything possible, they attack and remotely control my heart rates , my hearing, my head, and my body.
Here are our emails between UN Human Rights Office and me:
You all neighbors?
The media, the whistle blower : " more than 200
police officers are living around and surrounding
one human rights lawyer."
All my neighbours , at least 2 Philippine couples,
they don't work at all for 5 , 10 ,or 15 years. But,
they are so rich.
Canadian government, Canadian Intelligence
Services, Canadian police "can not "stop my
neighbours, at least 2 Philippine couples, who are
now again wearing invisibility cloaks to enter
( without opening any doors) and hide in my
house to do everything possible, evil and brutal. ( invisibility cloaks)
They are still bridging my home internet (found by
computer expert) to do everything you can't
imagine. I provided the information about my
neighbors' strange behaviors to Prime Minister of
Canada and Canadian Government.
My neighbors at once hided their cars. Can you see their cars?
Psychological torture?
UN Human Rights Council
Forty-third session
24 February - 20 March 2020
Agenda item 3
MK Ultra ?
Regarding MK Ultra, you all have much more than I have and much more than I provided. They at once blocked and filtered one media on YouTube which whistleblew MK Ultra. Plus ,
If they don't commit such gross crimes , why are they hacking UN Geneva, International Bar Association, International Criminal Court ,all emails , especially, secure emails, all apps , in fact ,everything I am using regardless of anything?
For 18 years,all Canadian lawyers have refused my request and stated: " you have nowhere to go if you want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctor.If you don't believe me, please try it."
Fight for my life being threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror, poison, death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons. I am not alone and I need your help.
Robin Yan
Canadian victim of torture
Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax and, thanks.
UN Human Rights ChiefS'
After seening what they are still doing in Canada regardless of UN Human Rights ChiefS' warnings in Canada , you must take actions and send it to them.
Stop Canada's, all my neighbors', 3 Philippine couples' ( who don't work at all for 5-15years )...ongoing war crimes and crimes against humanity by means of all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, weapons of mass destruction defined by UN, UN Human Rights Office, ICC.
3 Philippine couples'
Canada...must do what UN, UN Secretary-General , UN Human Rights chiefS ,ICC...have asked at least 14 years ago.
Their dirty hands on my 2 cars 1) engine dead 2) transmission dead.
Hearing control
Sonic weapons for hearing attack used by policemen , who hided that sonic weapon in their hands by hacking technique when I uploaded it to UN Human Rights Office and UN Human Rights Council
Microwave weapons to slowly damage our hearing
Attacking ,controlling my hearing is only one way of their terror, psychological torture, and MK Ultra, lasting over 20 years.
Fight for my life being threatened ; fight against ongoing terror, psychological torture ( which UN and UN Human Rights Council deeply began to worry about 2 years ago) , MK Ultra ( which was reported by all Canadian media several years ago ) , poison ( Amnesty International, UN Human Rights Office knew how and why Canada repeatedly poisoned me) , death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, plus EMF.
I am not alone and I need your help.
Although English is my second language,
It is time for "Final Account"
Robin Yan
Canadian victim of torture
December 10, 2023
Please send to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax and
After seening what they are still doing in Canada regardless of UN Human Rights ChiefS' warnings in Canada , you must take actions and send it to them.
3 Philippine couples, PM of Canada .pdf
( can not open it), check down here:
Stop Canada's, all my neighbors', 3 Philippine couples' ( who don't work at all for 5-15years )...ongoing war crimes and crimes against humanity by means of all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, weapons of mass destruction defined by UN, UN Human Rights Office, ICC.
Canada...must do what UN, UN Secretary-General , UN Human Rights chiefS ,ICC...have asked at least 14 years ago.
Their dirty hands on my 2 cars 1) engine dead 2) transmission dead.
Hearing control
Sonic weapons for hearing attack used by policemen , who hided that sonic weapon in their hands by hacking technique when I uploaded it to UN Human Rights Office and UN Human Rights Council
Microwave weapons to slowly damage our hearing
Attacking ,controlling my hearing is only one way of their terror, psychological torture, and MK Ultra, lasting over 20 years.
Fight for my life being threatened ; fight against ongoing terror, psychological torture ( which UN and UN Human Rights Council deeply began to worry about 2 years ago) , MK Ultra ( which was reported by all Canadian media several years ago ) , poison ( Amnesty International, UN Human Rights Office knew how and why Canada repeatedly poisoned me) , death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, plus EMF.
I am not alone and I need your help.
Although English is my second language,
It is time for "Final Account"
Robin Yan
Canadian victim of torture
December 10, 2023
Please send to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax and
Dear CM , I want this letter of mine to be the simplest version of my text My Taliban.
It is obvious that we targeted individuals are doing everything to prevent and stop this evil.
Soleilmalis has published several books about it.
We all write complaints to institutions around the world, and above all to the UN International Court of Justice. Two years ago, we hoped that the matter of the day would be the prosecution of our lawsuits. It was said that they were pulled out from under the UN carpet and all hopes were tied to Nils Melzer ((by the way, a Serbian son-in-law who speaks perfect Serbian and who even converted to Orthodoxy), UN special rapporteur for torture and other cruel, inhuman or humiliating treatment or punishment. We know about his involvement with Julian Assange. We thought that we, as Mr. Noam Chomsky would say, citizens from the margins, can hope that our suffering will end. We also know and it is definitely that behind each of us in 95% of cases, our country and the representatives of our people stand! We also know that the targeted individuals are always packed with such abominations and lies, such fakes, incredible, which they cannot refute with great difficulty or at all. They can only say "God is my witness that I am innocent"!
What is done to children is especially terrible!
Dear, help us to get to know your country, your government and your people. We all know that it always starts from the top of the pyramid of power, goes down to the lower levels and finally as they are the agents of deep evil are cowards, they know that they are attacking God, they mainly employ psychopaths, sociopaths, never lived, poor men and women, those from the bottom of the social ladder, relatives who have their own problems and reasons, neighbors and not infrequently, one can read prisoners of multiple murderers who they have time to spare and who get small privileges for it.
Tell us specifically what they do to you, how and in what way, and the part called "street theater" is especially important. We don't need to be gifted with writing to list all our experiences!
I was very lost and sad reading Sugey's confessions and testimonies... She doesn't write anymore. Maybe she, like my son, is not more with us. Almost not a day goes by that I don't think about her. The horrors she went through, claiming that she was in the hands of a drug cartel and a drug addict, not the authorities, and whose testimonies came close to mine, so that I don't endlessly despise Colombia and Colombians.
Write what they are doing to you! One day, if this planet does not live its last days and if this evil of ours ends, our testimonies will be our pictures from the digital concentration camps even more terrible than the originals.
Evil has happened again!
In order to get to know Serbia as a country and the Serbs as a people, I will cite just a few examples of my abuse and my suffering.
-- They, my gangstokers say that those who were war heroes, warriors, volunteers and various patriots (right black) handed me over to prisoners who try to abuse me and call me "madame", which does not cause the outrage of the people in a mass percentage, but a reason for mockery and contempt!
- Because they made my son commit suicide. He jumped from the fifth floor, in his own country among his own people, illegally exposed to the public who watched him grow up in front of their eyes. He was a guinea pig from the seventh years. He turned to the sky with every bone broken after the autopsy. They program my dreams and when in my sleep I rejoice that they brought him to life and those dreams are so real, while I cry from happiness they tell me: "Fuck we are your mother"! Dreams, similar to that, were repeated almost dozens of times!
-- Every night for the last seven years, they programmed me the most diverse dreams that I, knowing myself well, would never have dreamed!
- They programmed my dreams in which I am (it's true that I have absolute tolerance for diversity) a lesbian. It was especially painful for me since I'm not. They asked me to swear and I did it to make it stop! Those were erotic dreams with this content. It was especially scary when they programmed my dreams related to my childhood friend who died a few years ago and I swore that I had never even had a thought like that and that was the truth.
- In addition to working as a journalist, I worked in a school with children for 4 years, so they programmed me pedophile dreams, claiming that I was a pedophile. Idiots!
- I just entered my eighth decade, they killed my son, I had bilateral breast cancer surgery and they want to turn me into what we, the targeted individuals , call - an electric woman.
- Except that in the letter to Elizabeth, I wrote that I now know and completely reconstruct that I was raped in May 1997 and that it was in the presence of my two small sons, because I woke up covered in blood and went to the gynecologist terrified when I told him that I was very afraid that it was a tumor and my face was completely convincing to him. I remember every word he said.
- In the 1990s, they falsified me, using my face and turned me into a fierce and passionate porn diva with my baby face and a face that is incompatible with such brave experiments.
- I doubt that now they are using me in the same way, using my face again, my head and someone else's body in some games for raping women, which I call - games of the dictator! The reasons for my doubts are because my neighbors tell me that they love me because I know how to enjoy myself and even at the cemetery when I go people keep telling me that I'm alone now at home and that I'm enjoying myself all night long. The combination of so-called street theater and “hearing voices” is synchronized! While I'm sitting on the bench next to my son's rosary, the workers, apparently participants in the alleged wars for the "Serbian world" throw me the most shameful comments related to fake porn movies about me and all kinds of the worst propaganda, and the voices in my head at those moments are shameless, vulgar with the most incredible contents which I cannot write here.
- As for the "street theater", the reaction to me was different! Sometimes, the target group for my persecution was children, and I saw children on the streets of Belgrade mocking me and literally spitting on me when I came across them because they received such instructions. Sometimes they were refugees from Bosnia. Sometimes angry women. Often these are members of the Roma communitty, which is especially tragic when you know the scale of their suffering in the Nazi concentraion camp Birkenau. Here, Serbia gave them the opportunity to be the realization of Josef Mengele's unfulfilled dream. I could write a lot more about it! The most important thing is that I know that everything I write is absolutely known to the police and state security, since it is the work of their organization, and the president personally. If he is not the initiator, gave the green light, without hesitation. Also, I know too that all foreign embassies in Belgrade can confirm this.
I hope that it is enough for you, my dear CM, to get to know life in my country!
What are they doing to you?
Are you a random sample like the majority of targeted individuals or are there political reasons for you too! I hope that I have comforted you a little and that you think like me that there is evil everywhere, but just like this - nowhere!
Our friends tell you very well - "We are all on the same boat”, if not all boats sink!
I am fully aware that if there is anyone in the world, who can succeed in trying to save us all from this torment - it is me, with all the evidence that goes with me, with recognized voices, with numerous witnesses, with my biography, with my human qualities and above all, with my brave son who, like me, ran far, far ahead of me sacrificing himself for - freedom!
Many greetings!
Five Eyes’ Surveillance Under Fire By U.N. Human Rights Committee
PUBLISHED: 4 August 2015 LAST UPDATED: 13 January 2023
By Max Anderson
Last week was a busy one for the U.N. Human Rights Committee. It graded the United States on its surveillance practices (hint: the U.S. probably should not hang this report card on the fridge). It also issued “concluding observations” for seven countries on human rights, including “Five Eyes” members Canada and the United Kingdom. In the conclusions the Committee strongly condemned the use of surveillance as a violation of the right to privacy.
The U.S. report card
Access, along with partners at the Brennan Center for Justice and Amnesty International, made a submission to the U.N. Human Rights Committee responding to the follow-up to the recommendations the Committee had made to the U.S. on how to curb the unlawful surveillance conducted by the U.S. National Security Agency.
The Committee’s mid-term review of the implementation of its recommendations is done using a report card format. It is easy to see that the Committee was nonplussed with the poor implementation by the U.S. For each of its five recommendations, the U.S. performed as follows: C,C,C,C, and D. Earning a C means that the U.S. response or reply was deemed unsatisfactory; the D grade means that the U.S. offered no cooperation whatsoever.
The Brennan Center for Justice has analysis of the grades, as does The Intercept here.
Concluding observations for seven countries
The Committee also published responses to government reports by Canada, France, Macedonia, Spain, the United Kingdom, Uzbekistan, and Venezuela. In these responses, the Committee underscored key principles for government surveillance that we at Access share. These include that:
- Any interference with communications, as well as retention of data, must respect the principles of legality, proportionality, and necessity.
- Governments should not treat individuals differently when it comes to their fundamental human rights, regardless of their nationality.
- Governments that have conducted unlawful surveillance need to notify the victims and provide adequate channels for remedy.
The U.N. Human Rights Committee is a panel of independent experts established by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), an international treaty. One of the roles of the Committee is to oversee the implementation of the rights guaranteed by the treaty. This happens through a process where the state parties to the treaty (of which there are 162) submit regular reports, and the Committee responds.
What did the Committee have to say?
- On Canada, which recently gave itself broad spying abilities, the Committee directly referred to Bill C-51, asking Canada to “refrain from adopting legislation that imposes undue restrictions on the exercise of rights under the Covenant,” and expressed its concern that the bill “confers a broad mandate and powers on the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) to act domestically and abroad, thus potentially resulting in mass surveillance and targeting activities that are protected under the Covenant without sufficient and clear legal safeguards.”
- On France, which like Canada has very recently approved sweeping surveillance powers, the Committee expressed its concern about these powers, both within France and outside of its borders. The Committee made reference to Article 17 of the Covenant, which guarantees the right to privacy, and asked that all interference in private life be consistent with principles of legality, proportionality, and necessity.
- On Macedonia, the Committee expressed concern, referring to reports that thousands of Macedonians had been under surveillance by the Security Services. The Committee called on Macedonia to undertake measures to ensure that “any interference with the right to privacy complies with the principles of legality, proportionality, and necessity.” It also asked that individuals that had been victims of unlawful surveillance be notified and given access to adequate remedies.
- On Spain, the Committee did not offer any concluding observations on violations of the right to privacy.
- On the United Kingdom, which is not in the habit of applying human rights to its surveillance practices, the Committee took note of the reports that Amnesty International’s email communication had been intercepted under a general warrant, and expressed concern over the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act’s (RIPA) untargeted warrants for “external” private communication. It also expressed concern over how Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act (DRIP or DRIPA) allows for surveillance that is not limited to “the most serious crimes.” The Committee asked the U.K. to review its surveillance regime, to respect Article 17 on the right to privacy, and to take measures to “to ensure that any interference with the right to privacy complies with the principles of legality, proportionality, and necessity, regardless of the nationality or location of the individuals whose communications are under direct surveillance.”
- On Uzbekistan, which uses Soviet-era surveillance technology that Access has reported on in the past — and which is also the site of the TeliaSonera corruption scandal — the Committee expressed continued concern over “harassment, surveillance, arbitrary arrests and detentions, torture, and ill-treatment by law enforcement officers and prosecutions on trumped-up charges of independent journalists, government critics, and dissidents, human rights defenders, and other activists, in retaliation to their work.” The Committee expressed further concern about “reports that freedom of expression on controversial and politically sensitive issues is severely restricted in practice, and websites providing such information are blocked and news agencies forbidden to function.”
- On Venezuela, the Committee did not offer any concluding observations on violations of the right to privacy.
While many U.N. processes are intergovernmental and leave only limited room for civil society participation, we are pleased to see that there is nevertheless increasing recognition in many parts of the U.N.— from principal organs to human rights expert bodies — that digital rights are important, and member states are called out when they violate these rights. Access will continue to push for technology policy that respects human rights, at the U.N. and elsewhere, as well as engaging users in advocacy and offering direct technical support as we fight for open and secure communications for all.
The U.N. Warns That AI Can Pose A Threat To Human Rights
September 16, 202112:10 PM ET
The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet speaks at a climate event in Madrid in 2019. A recent report of hers warns of the threats that AI can pose to human rights.
The United Nations' human rights chief has called on member states to put a moratorium on the sale and use of artificial intelligence systems until the "negative, even catastrophic" risks they pose can be addressed.
The remarks by U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet were in reference to a new report on the subject released in Geneva.
The report warned of AI's use as a forecasting and profiling tool, saying the technology could have an impact on "rights to privacy, to a fair trial, to freedom from arbitrary arrest and detention and the right to life."
China's Microsoft Hack May Have Had A Bigger Purpose Than Just Spying
The report, and Bachelet's comments, follow the recent revelation that widespread use was being made of spyware, known as Pegasus, to target thousands of phone numbers and dozens of devices belonging to international journalists, human rights activists and heads of state.
Bachelet acknowledged that AI "can be a force for good, helping societies overcome some of the great challenges of our times," but suggested that the harms it could bring outweigh the positives. But she also warned of an "unprecedented level of surveillance across the globe by state and private actors," that she said is "incompatible" with human rights.
"The higher the risk for human rights, the stricter the legal requirements for the use of AI technology should be," she said.
Facebook Apologizes After Its AI Labels Black Men As 'Primates'
Upon the release of the report, Tim Engelhardt, UNHRC's human rights officer, rule of law and democracy section, called the situation regarding AI "dire" and said it has "not improved over the years but has become worse."
The document includes an assessment of profiling, automated decision-making and other machine-learning technologies.
Artificial Intelligence could kill us all. Meet the man who takes that risk seriously
March 8, 2014 - 3:30 pm
Thinking about the end of the world is something that most people try to avoid; for others, it’s a profession. The Future of Humanity Institute at the University of Oxford, UK specializes in looking at the ‘big-picture’ future of the human race, and notably, the risks that could wipe us out entirely.
As you’d probably imagine, the risks considered by the Institute include things like nuclear war and meteor strikes, but one perhaps unexpected area that it’s looking into is the potential threat posed by artificial intelligence. Could computers become so smart that they become our rivals, take all our jobs and eventually wipe us all out? This Terminator-style scenario used to seem like science fiction, but it’s starting to be taken seriously by those who watch the way technology is developing.
“I think there’s more academic papers published on either dung beetles or Star Trek than about actual existential risk,” says Stuart Armstrong, a philosopher and Research Fellow at the institute, whose work has lately been focused on AI. “There are very few institutes of any sorts in the world looking into these large-scale risks…. there is so little research… compared to other far more minor risks – traffic safety and things like that.”
HAL 9000 from ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’
“One of the things that makes AI risk scary is that it’s one of the few that is genuinely an extinction risk if it were to go bad. With a lot of other risks, it’s actually surprisingly hard to get to an extinction risk,” Armstrong explains. “You take a nuclear war for instance, that will kill only a relatively small proportion of the planet. You add radiation fallout, slightly more, you add the nuclear winter you can maybe get 90%, 95% – 99% if you really stretch it and take extreme scenarios – but it’s really hard to get to the human race ending. The same goes for pandemics, even at their more virulent.
“The thing is if AI went bad, and 95% of humans were killed then the remaining 5% would be extinguished soon after. So despite its uncertainty, it has certain features of very bad risks.”
An AI meets a human in a bar…
So, what kind of threat are we talking about here?
“First of all forget about the Terminator,” Armstrong says. “The robots are basically just armoured bears and we might have fears from our evolutionary history but the really scary thing would be an intelligence that would be actually smarter than us – more socially adept. When the AI in robot form can walk into a bar and walk out with all the men and/or women over its arms, that’s when it starts to get scary. When they can become better at politics, at economics, potentially at technological research.”
The first impact of that technology, Armstrong argues, is near total unemployment. “You could take an AI if it was of human-level intelligence, copy it a hundred times, train it in a hundred different professions, copy those a hundred times and you have ten thousand high-level employees in a hundred professions, trained out maybe in the course of a week. Or you could copy it more and have millions of employees… And if they were truly superhuman you’d get performance beyond what I’ve just described.”
Why would AI want to kill us?
Okay, they make take our jobs, but the idea that some superior being would want to kill us may seem presumptuous. Google’s Director of Engineering, Ray Kurzweil, for example, has an optimistic view of how organic and cybernetic lifeforms will become increasingly intertwined in a more positive way – Skynet doesn’t have to become a reality, and if it does, it doesn’t necessarily have to turn against its creators. Armstrong thinks we should be aware of, and prepared for, the risks though.
“The first part of the argument is they could get very intelligent and therefore very powerful. The second part of the argument is that it’s extremely hard to design some sort of motivation structure, or programming… that results in a safe outcome for such a powerful being.
“Take an anti-virus program that’s dedicated to filtering out viruses from incoming emails and wants to achieve the highest success, and is cunning and you make that super-intelligent,” Armstong continues. “Well it will realise that, say, killing everybody is a solution to its problems, because if it kills everyone and shuts down every computer, no more emails will be sent and and as a side effect no viruses will be sent.
“This is sort of a silly example but the point it illustrates is that for so many desires or motivations or programmings, ‘kill all humans’ is an outcome that is desirable in their programming.”
Couldn’t we program in safeguards though? A specific ‘Don’t kill humans’ rule?
“It turns out that that’s a more complicated rule to describe, far more than we suspected initially. Because if you actually program it in successfully, let’s say we actually do manage to define what a human is, what life and death are and stuff like that, then its goal will now be to entomb every single human under the Earth’s crust, 10km down in concrete bunkers on feeding drips, because any other action would result in a less ideal outcome.
“So yes, the thing is that what we actually need to do is to try and program in essentially what is a good life for humans or what things it’s not allowed to interfere with and what things it is allowed to interfere with… and do this in a form that can be coded or put into an AI using one or another method.”
Uncertain is not the same as ‘safe’
Armstrong certainly paints a terrifying picture of life in a world where artificial intelligence has taken over, but is this an inevitability? That’s uncertain, he says, but we shouldn’t be too reassured by that.
“Increased uncertainty is a bad sign, not a good sign. When the anti-global warming crowd mention ‘but there are uncertainties to these results’ that is utterly terrifying – what people are understanding is ‘there are increased uncertainties so we’re safe’ but increased uncertainties nearly always cut both ways.
“So if they say there’s increased uncertainties, there’s nearly always increased probabilities of the tail risk – really bad climate change and that’s scary. Saying ‘we don’t know stuff about AI’ is not at all the same thing as saying ‘we know that AI is safe’. Even though we’re mentally wired to think that way. ”
When might we see true AI?
As for a timeframe as to when we could have super-intelligent AI, Armstrong admits that this is a tough question to answer.
“Proper AI of the (kind where) ‘we program it in a computer using some method or other’… the uncertainties are really high and we may not have them for centuries, but there’s another approach that people are pursuing which is whole-brain emulations, some people call them ‘uploads’, which is the idea of copying human brains and instantiating them in a computer. And the timelines on this seem a lot more solid because unlike AI we know exactly what we want to accomplish and have clear paths to reaching it, and that seems to be plausible over a century timescale.”
If computers can ‘only’ think as well as humans, that may not be so bad a scenario.
“(With) a whole brain emulation… this would be an actual human mind so we wouldn’t have to worry that the human mind would misinterpret ‘keep humans safe’ as something pathological,” Armstrong says. “We would just have to worry about the fact of an extremely powerful human – a completely different challenge but it’s the kind of challenge that we’re more used to – constraining powerful humans – we have a variety of methods for that that may or may not work, but it is a completely different challenge than dealing with the completely alien mind of a true AI.”
As for those true AIs that can outsmart any human, timeframes are a lot more fuzzy.
“You might think you can get a good estimate off listening to predictors in AI, maybe Kurzweil, maybe some of the others who say either pro- or anti-AI stuff. But I’ve had a look at it and the thing is there’s no reason to suspect that these experts know what they’re talking about. AIs have never existed, they’ll never have any feedback about how likely they are to exist, we don’t have a theory of what’s needed in any practical sense.
“If you plot predictions, they just sort of spread over the coming century and the next, seemingly 20 years between any two predictions and no real pattern. So definitely there is strong evidence that they don’t know when AI will happen or if it will happen.
“This sort of uncertainty however goes both ways, the arguments that AI will not happen are also quite weak and the arguments that AI will not happen soon are also quite weak. So, just as you might think that say it might happen in a century’s time, you should also think that it might happen in five years’ time.
“(If) someone comes up with a nearly neat algorithm, feeds it a lot of data, this turns out to be able to generalize well and – poof – you have it very rapidly, though it is likely that we won’t have it any time soon, we can’t be entirely confident of that either.”
The philosophy of technology
What became apparent to me while talking to Armstrong is that the current generation of philosophers, often ignored by those outside the academic circuit, have a role to play in establishing the guidelines around how we interact with increasingly ‘intelligent’ technology.
Armstrong likens the process behind his work to computer programming. “We try to break everything down into the simplest terms possible, as if you were trying to program it into an AI or into any computer. Programming experience is very useful. But fortunately, philosophers, and especially analytic philosophers, have been doing this for some time. You just need to extend the program a bit. So see what you have and how you would ground it, so theories of how you learn stuff, how you know anything about the world and how to clearly define terms become very useful.”
AI’s threat to your job
The biggest problem Armstrong faces is simple disbelief from people that the threat of mass extinction from artificial intelligence is worth taking seriously.
“Humans are very poor at dealing with extreme risks,” he says. “Humans in general and decision makers at all levels – we’re just not wired well to deal with high-impact, low-probability stuff… We have heuristics, we have mental maps in which extinction things go into a special category – maybe ‘apocalypses and religions or crazy people’, or something like that.”
At least Armstrong is making headway when it comes to something that seems a little more impactful on our day-to-day lives in the nearer term – the threat AI poses to our jobs. “That’s perfectly respectable, that’s a very reasonable fear. It does seem that you can get people’s attention far more with mid-size risks than with extreme risks,” he says.
“(AI) can replace practically anybody, including people in professions that are not used to being replaced or outsourced. So just for that, it’s worth worrying about, even if we don’t look at the dangerous effect. Which again, I’ve found personally if I talk about everybody losing their job it gets people’s interest much more than if I start talking about the extinction of the human species. The first is somehow more ‘real’ than the second.”
Car assembly, one area where robots long ago replaced many human roles.
I feel it’s appropriate to end our conversation with a philosophical question of my own. Could Armstrong’s own job be replaced by an AI, or is philosophy an inherently human pursuit?
“Oh interesting… There is no reason why philosophers would be exempt from this, that philosophers would be able to be AI much better than humans because philosophy is a human profession,” he says.
“If the AI’s good at thinking, it would be better. We would want to have done at least enough philosophy that we could get the good parts into the AI so that when it started extending it didn’t extend it in dangerous or counterproductive areas, but then again it would be ‘our final invention’ so we would want to get it right.
“That does not mean that in a post AI world that there would not be human philosophers doing human philosophy, the point is that we would want humans to do stuff that they found worthwhile and useful. So it is very plausible that you would have in a post-AI society philosophers going on as you would have other people doing other jobs that they find worthwhile. If you want to be romantic about it, maybe farmers of the traditional sort.
“I don’t really know how you would organise a society but you would have to organize it so that people would find something useful and productive to do, which might include philosophy.
“In terms of ‘could the AIs do it beyond a human level’, well yes, most likely, at least to a way that we could not distinguish easily between human philosophers and AI.”
We may be a long way away from the Terminator series becoming a documentary, but then again maybe we’re not. Autonomous robots with the ability to kill are already being taken seriously as a threat on the battlefields of the near future.
The uncertainty around AI is why we shouldn’t ignore warnings from people like Stuart Armstrong. When the machines rise, we’ll need to be ready for them.
Urgent. This is for 2 UN Rapporteurs, UN Security Council and UN Peacekeeping about what Canada...are doing after UN Human Rights Chief's recent warings in Canada. Not only for me, thanks.
Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression ,
Rapporteur on Torture and on Human Rights Defenders.
"Electromagnetic Torture" from
UN Human Rights Office ( without vpns and something else, I will never find this page in Canada.)
Take actions and stop "Canada"`s ongoing war crimes and.crimes against humanity regardless of UN Human Rights Chief 's warnings in Canada. Canada. once shut down the internet I am using ; at once paralyze all "dangerous " websites I am using.
I sent this to Prime Minister of Canada last Friday, December 01,2023. Something evil and brutal happened and will be happening in my home and in my workplace.
Dear UN Security Council
Dear UN Secretary-General
From these below , you all received what I sent just recently about what are still happening madly in Ontario of Canada regardless of New UN Human Rights Chief's recent warnings in Canada. ( its webpage can not open after I contact UN, UN Human Rights Office...)
( its webpage can not open after I contact UN, UN Human Rights Office...)
Or, ( its webpage can not open after I contact UN, UN Human Rights Office...)