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Hi All,

Just thought you would like to know that there is a simple way of checking whether you are a TI.  All you do is slap your ear with the flat of yur hand, it should not hurt, if you hear a, 'Tuning Fork Noise,' what I call, TUFS, tuning fork syndrome, you have proven point blank to yourself, that you are a TI.  This can be done on both ears.  If you are not a TI you will just experience a, 'thud.'  No technology necessary.

Hope you are all keeping well during these rather bad times and hope to be hearing from you soon , Robert. 

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Domestic PSI-Terror arbitraryly perpetrated against all laws and moreover with knowledge of different services in a country is a form of state sponsored terrorism, especially if not all means are undertaken to eliminate, banish and probate this illegitime and inhuman and unlawful behaviour, or even if intelligence programmes are establishes to sabotage, damage, deceive and distract citizens or for example making the turkish perpetrators legally immune. No other evaluation is possible under the circumstances that we currently have, because only destructive and negative effects result from Kilic's PSI-Terror. And it is about wrong doing. Kilic's PSI-Experiments started back in the 80's. Citizens have to take care of themselves in regards of PSI-Terror, telepathic manipulations, personality-deforming, covertly deprogramming and depatterning and all the other ugly perversions from this turkish PSI-group from Heidelberg.

In this blog I will develop an overview about Kilic's methods as they became known to me over the years.

First we have to understand that Kilic's methods were developed over many years. It surpassed many levels and many phases until any effect was registered. I am not of the opinion that Kilic's telepathy is worth any prize, because it is no real ability and the scientific problems of PSI-sciences are not overcome. Kilic's telepathy is merely a sex-telepathy-terror and developed around a psychological attribute, namely sexuality and/or sleep.

Ten different turkish perpetrators probably entangle their minds in such a way that powers are increased, intelligence is improved, the urge to sleep suppressed, sexual powers increased many magnitudes compared to a normal healthy person. In Germany this state was once called "Menschen-Kanone", which meant a weapon in the form of entangled minds, a telepathic weapon.

Many prerequisites are necessary to even come close to any probable effect, simply beginning any telepathy and psychokinesis from absolute zero proved to be impossible even for Kilic.

It is my understanding from analysis and observation that the Kilic brothers PSI-raped each other over years again and again. PSI-rape, sex-assaults, personality desintegration, personality-deforming and voodoo-methods became conditioning of their minds. They made themselves come with PSI, telepathy, psychokinesis, simulated orgasms and so on. This was expanded and extended soon to other citizens around them, it is difficult to say when to the day exactly it started, but Kilic is from Turkey and these turks experimented the first years among each other. The early years, this must have been outside Germany, because they just moved before or around 1990 from Turkey to Germany. This means that PSI-manipulations belong to their daily manipulative psychoterror since many many years, probably since their early puberty. It had it's first high when they were around 18....20 and this was in the 80's. There are rumors that this turkish family molested before in other countries including Turkey. It was then decided Kilic and his PSI-group be better preserved in Germany, which actually might reason or motivate very well the Kilic family's moving to Germany, as this happened with the help of intelligence. Other rumors say Memet Kilic(Die Grünen) was arrested as a student in Turkey, it is unclear if any early psychiatric hospitalisations also happened back then, because there are rumors about "rubber room" from that time, it is also unclear if psychiatric commitments of Kilic happened due to the family's early PSI-manipulations in any other country back then. Once in Germany, Kilic's hateful, revengeful, pervert, misanthropic and antidemocratic world view thrived quickly, it was from the very early days a sexual-PSI-rape-oriented pervert behavior, violating numberless laws of peaceful citizens, attacking citizens in a homicidal way. In those early days Kilic's PSI-group worked extensively on organizing a yet to happen mega-consequence of PSI-manipulation in our physical world. As such a mega-consequence didn't exist before 2000, he worked eagerly on weakening structures of society and government, several things happened in parallel back then. It was always a mixture of Psycho-Terror, Psychophysical Terror, telepathy, psychokinesis and machurian-candidate-principles, obviously it was a PSI-adapted version of the manchurian-candidate-principle which thrived covertly but on a domestic playground.

In Germany a certain idiomatic expression was on the rise in the 80's, meaning psychiatric hospitalizations in context of PSI, telepathy and psychokinesis, namely: "Der is dursch...."(Beschluss/Person ist durch/völlig erledigt!). This phrase meant a complex content and is originally from the 80's, a horrific phrase. It precisely meant involuntary psychiatric hospitalisations after Kilic's PSI-rapes, remembering back, many cruel and degrading treatments can be stated in context of Kilic's first terroristic appearance with PSI-Terror in many different countries, he PSI-raped and PSI-assaulted like a butcher these early years. 

The best theoretical and reality-conform explanatory-model for PSI-Terror as I describe it here in all of my blogs is certainly using bio-cybernetics. The human mind and the brain work due to their information-related and quantum nature, on the basis of the laws of quantum information or at least these laws can be re-indentified there and form the backbone of the structure of reality. So far certainly true and a most promising abstract quantum-model. What I am trying to say is that very certainly these turkish PSI-perpetrators(Kilic Heidelberg) use these kind of quantum-categorized approach, it is included there and automatically met, which finally we recognize as telepathy, psychokinesis, permanent mindcontrol and remote-viewing. So that means practically: one mind can be synchronized to another mind. Of course questions arise considering if this happens voluntarily or not, with consent or not. The method is then information-snychronization that we perceive effectively as telepathy, psychokinesis, mindcontrol and even remote-viewing.

Yet it remains absolutely true, that this information-synchronization doesn't happen out of the blue. A malicious and pervert and evil intent must exist with those who actively perpetrate dominant forms of telepathy, psychokinesis, PSI-rapes, and it is necessary to emphasize that not anybody has the possibility to PSI-rape another person, or to make them pain in their heart-muscle or to their genitals by telepathic or psychokinetic means.

It just doesn't happen out of the blue this arbitrary and malevolent PSI-Terror.

And here my other blogs fill in the gap. Because many difficulties must be overcome to project any thought or pain to anybody. Kemal Kilic, a most sadistic member of this turkish PSI-group, solved this problem by orchestrating and utilizing his whole family for his PSI-experiments, as far as I met them, eight males and two females, all turks. Using a small group of PSI-acquainted and experienced people, being even more familiar/silimar among each other, thereby establishing a kind of a proto-PSI-state of mind and getting closer to warm reading, a composite state of mind, has many decisive advantages and is probably only possible this way. Out of enforced similarty, a highly dense state of mind, of all the minds of all members of Kilic's PSI-group, develops a plateau-effect which is used to tremendously enhance synchronization-levels. A PSI-adaption of quantum principles, rebuild and applied on the cognitive level, is most probably Kilic's method. In the 80's Kilic's alleged ability was compared with an old indian or hindu statuette of a deity of ancient times, because of synchronization of many minds into one.

If this synchronization reaches a certain level, that obviously needs not to be that high, then manipulations become possible. These manipulations can include very, very damaging methods like psychological and psychophysical torture, psychophysical rapes(PSI-rapes), behaviour modification and personalty-deforming, other psychophysical effects with real physical consequences, terminal experiments and manipulations with deathly developments, it is described lenghty by many targeted individuals in their blog.  

In the following I will try to develop what I experienced of special methods by these turks(Kilic) from Heidelberg. According to what I came to know these turks started their fatous and unlawful PSI-double-life with the telepathic comment in german: "Was,...Ihr betreibt Telepathie,' euch werd' ich helfen". It is unclear how far this goes and what Kilic was and is up to.

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Just one sentence about this: It already was a detailed content of Kilics PSI-Terror and of his telepathy to terrorize, manipulate, urge and deceive people that much, playing fate with them, that their life or course of events actually lead them to mental institutions.

This turkish PSI-group is fully aware that their behavior is illegal and against the law, is fully aware of the fraudulent consequences they cause. It is their full intend. 

Since PSI-Terror started and it became more and more clear that turks, namely Kilic, are behind this another thing re-entered the society. Namely the so-called "political schizophrenias", and political and psychological method of info-war or PSY-War or PSI-Warfare or both PSI-PSY-Warfare.These are methods to paralyse, to distract, to deprogramm and to depattern citizens. One phenomenon of this info-war is that although widely known, proven enough in the news press, to still claim PSI-victims run risk that their own liberate opinions reflect anything else but the legitimate right to ask for a removal of terminal, unhealthy and dangerous influences in our society.

The Kilic-Heidelberg-case is not a new case, it was present in the past, many professionals recognized it and became aware of it. But the info-war around this Kilic-Heidelberg-PSI-case is going as far as blaming any innocent person from any distance at any time instead of the actual perpetrators.

As the case wasn't addressed seriously enough it thrived more and more over the years. Several fraudulent investigations, leading away from the real perpetrators, must be behind there, because every other normal person would have been stopped or gotten committed. In my opinion the molesting of PSI-victims with arbitrarily false diagnosis over many years over and over again not only amounts to protecting the actual perpetrators, it is of course a psycho-terror in its own. We firstly need to realize that PSI-Terror, the manipulation of the general public with manmade psychophysical, telepathic and psychokinetic means and with PSI-Terror is illegal and not allowed by the law. The turkish perpetrators do not have any allowance to experiment with citizens at all.

Many victims have repeatedly stated that fraudulent diagnosis or psychiatric experiences deeply concerns them. I am of the opinion that political motivated and political handicapped diagnoses with only the purpose to silence unwanted persons was and still is in certain regions very common. The reason for fraudulent diagnoses is authentically due to experimental PSI-Methods, experimental telepathy and psychokinesis and mindcontrol specifically in relation to Kilic Heidelberg. Simply put one could say that over the years and since PSI-Methods are available unofficial and secret agreements under special judges, certain attorneys, local CIA and psychiatric medical referees(Amtsärzte) and Memet Kilic(Die Grünen) himself were established in a certain way to explicitly deny the obvious influence of Kilic's dangerous PSI-experiments, to play with their anxieties and to make citizens fear and beg for their lives. A highest effort is behind this to talk citizens into believing a ordinary psychosis, I could spend a whole separate blog with showing the big difference of PSI, telepathic and mind control manipulations and psychosis. I have also observed how many psychiatrists(names available!) try to utilize Kilic's telepathy, influential mindcontrol to bring citizens very ordinary and ridiculous mentally-ill diagnoses or to press for commitment with Kilic's telepathy, very certainly not for the purpose to heal, if there's any need or any allowed possibility to "heal" what is already deemed PSI, telepathy and mindcontrol at all. The method isn't allowed. The most expensive mental health institution in the world cannot and actually does not "heal" PSI, telepathy and mindcontrol in any way. The UN-Health Standard is clearly that any PSI-effect isn't psychosis at the same time, no commitment legally possible. But this UN-Health Standard and the Right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health is made totally impossible, impossible in it's basic and founding principles. Many other standards on different levels are also made impossible by this radical, malevolent and malicious turkish PSI-Terror from Heidelberg.

Many commitments happen fraudulently or in error, because Kilic's PSI-Terror and PSI-Experiments can make people look superficially as if criteria were partially fulfilled in a way, unless they have a very strong personality. That's also a prefered PSI-Terror-Method by Kilic, probably one of the oldest. But this means that diagnostics can be tremendously in error, of course. And it also means that either psychiatrists can be horrendously in error or, the other possibility, that psychiatrists are fraudulent personalities who notoriously lie, and write lies about alleged psychiatric conditions of other people, unwilling to realize and to acknowledge the truth about modern turkish PSI-Terror, telepathy, psychokinesis, remote-mindcontrol and all the other methods. Psychiatrists who do not accept any paranormal aspects at all often call telepathy believes or imaginations(german: Einbildungen und Vorstellungen) regardless the fact that dangerous PSI-methods are (in the meantime) very well established. Neverthenless many PSI-victims were committed simply on the basis of the argument that they were non-compliant(krankheitsuneinsichtig), which must be understood as an attempt to consciously annulate the victim's defense. As I said, there are special pro-CIA judges or judges who act in favor for the german party "Die Grünen", judges who are most probably themselves affected by Kilic's yearslong PSI-Terror, yet(!) they produce the most stupid, faulty and fraudulent verdicts, although the opposite was and is obvious since years and never in doubt. They are certainly driven by the intend to generally ban their own problems, which again brings us back to political judgments, politically biased judges, attorneys who act merely in revenge of their own interest.

It is also very much a play to fill citizens with anxieties and then fatefully deny citizens any rational argument. I am here referring to arbitrary denying the rights. When asked about telepathy, psychokinesis and mindcontrol the turks officially answered: "ja, ja.... das sagt man über uns seit Jahren.....". Fully aware and with a malice. It is evidently unavoidable that many judges and attorneys are themselves under a dense impression of PSI, that remains true. But the other side of the coin is that many fraudulent investigations, manipulating proof and others are arbitrarily manipulated to influence chances before the court. I once said Kilic plays on both sides. It is also true that there are fraudulent attorneys, fraudulent judges and fraudulent expert witnesses, all those play occasionally or on a regular basis with the illegal PSI-methods of Kilic's PSI-group in Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg. All that contributed to the erosion of rights and the society.

I am here mostly referring to those arbitrary cases where commitment hearings were through and through arbitrarily and where any veto was neglected and denied. All are crazy - only Memet Kilic(Die Grünen) and his most dangerous PSI-Group would never be. That is basically the picture behind this. And that means fraudulently diagnosing is a political terror instrument, especially in Heidelberg and in relation to PSI-Terror from Kilic. The UN-Health-Standard is clearly that a suicidal behaviors must be present during a commitment hearing, which means that a psychiatrist has to determine if such a behavior is present. He has to determine it from only a very few sentences. The problem is that in numberless cases this principle was and is violated. For example a psychiatrist can lie and write his lies and simply acknowledge a commitment if other authorities press for it. That's by definition a political abuse, others want a commitment but the requirements are not fulfilled. Numberless cases are known in Heidelberg, where quick and fraudulent and faulty commitment hearings lead to short time hospitalization. Legally it wasn't justified, legally it wasn't necessary. I am talking here of a concrete and fraudulently abuse of psychiatric instruments and methods for the purpose to intimidate citizens politically. It all happened and happens before the background of present and known PSI-experiments, experiments that allegedly serve only the best for society. The opposite is the case. The truth is that it is the most illegitimate, fraudulent and antidemocratic influence of all times and definitely not allowed. I wondered so much about one UN-expert's comment that enforced commitments are torture or are equal to torture. Many countries are lightyears away from this certainly justified highest standard. It cost victims 6...8...10 years and a lot of money and of course requires an able lawyer to reach the highest courts, considering the affected qualities in the victim's lives and economic chances this is certainly very recommendable.

In the early 80's phase of PSI, telepathy, psychokinesis and mindcontrol many psychiatrist, doctors, citizens, professors, judges and others more became a PSI-target themselves and that's why especially in Baden-Württemberg, and in Heidelberg falsely and fraudulently diagnostics is more than political biased/handicapped it is merely a personal act of revenge at least for many of them. And that's precise! Many psychiatrists are that much biased/handicapped from own deeply disturbing PSI-experiences, that a hateful personality thrived over the years. Another ingredient is possibly a general skeptical attitude towards parapsychology, telepathy and psychokinesis and a pronounced will to refuse to believe(?) in parapsychology. The problem is that since 1988 a tax financed and public parapsychological research institute exists in Baden-Württemberg. The institute has also public consultatory functions and premises the possibility of telepathy, psychokinesis, remote-viewing and most importantly that it can pose an endangerment to individuals.

Many local psychiatrists were or still are a target of Kilic's PSI-Terror, the names are available or occoured during past years of Kilic's wild PSI-Terror against numberless peaceful citizens.

Who wonders then about fraudulent investigations and court cases, about arbitrarily fraudulent diagnoses and the whole diagnostics itself, it is no wonder anymore.

Many years ago I was myself a victims of a fraudulently conducted court case, a police officer committed the crime of fraudulently planting proof and in overall the court case wasn't justified legally at all. I know what it looks like if people begin to behave strangely before a PSI-background.

It is true that one is best advised to never go or move to Heidelberg. The truly bad and disadvantageous things become visible only with a time.

Another detail is most important. In recent years it became more and more difficult to find reliable lawyers in Germany. Most lawyers know it since a long time that our legal systems is in many ways fraudulent and excavated like a nutshell, especially in regards of PSI-manipulations. But what wondered me even more was when I discovered that the president of the bar association in Southern-Germany in Karlsruhe worked personally with Memet Kilic(Die Grünen) in a law office in Heidelberg for only a few years. I am wondering because in my view it suggests influencing, surely no independence and of course the oddity that a president would ever agree to that, especially considering the circumstances. It is well known that Memet Kilic(Die Grünen) and his PSI-group openly terrorized citizens, judges, attorneys, professors and psychiatrists and that all are under a sense impression of telepathic and psychokinetic influence, that consequences manifested and that it means a pervert sex-scandal of incredible proportion. It is also the turkish household who brought thousands fraudulent and ridiculous diagnoses only because these fatous turks(Kilic's) want to experiment with the health and lives of others.

Another interesting detail is this one. It is well known that this Kilic-PSI-Terror is not a product and the result of recent years, actually it is a story from the 80's and was already a known problem for the 80's generation. That means there's a preliminary story to it that already existed among a previous generation. When studying at Heidelberg University I have heard in many lectures how professors gave some voluntary hinds about how they felt disturbed by ongoing PSI-Terror by Kilic, also several hinds about the turkish identity of the perpetrators were given. It happened in several different faculties and there's absolutely no doubt that it posed a tremendous problem and tremendous difficulty for an academic community. Practically nobody is unaffected, especially in Heidelberg where the perpetrators live or lived for most of the time. Did you ever question yourself if exams, verbal exams and written tests are under a dense and fraudulent atmosphere of Kilic's telepathy, psychokinesis, mindcontrol and cognitive manipulation and that all that influences the results? Another question is if mindcontrol manipulative methods, helpful telepathy from his PSI-group to get the quickest and best answers to the advantage of Memet Kilic's(Die Grünen) own exam were present and applied, because I am very much doubtful about his degree and the circumstances around. When studying in Heidelberg professors made hinds during their lectures about these turks, it was and is known among professors. I myself can state concrete examples, including names, location, time and circumstances when comments and hinds were given during lectures. Nobody asked for it. The lectures were visited by a few hundred young students.

I have also heard it from psychology students, at one time during a seminar a female student started to speak out loudly: " Ooh, wir sind telepatisch ....", a phrase that clearly shows what is meant.

I have heard of cases of psychiatrists who left their jobs because of severe problems with telepathy, psychokinesis, mindcontrol and remote-viewing experiments specifically by these turks.

Another detail of terrorizing PSI-activity by these turks is about the many names of citizens of the town Heidelberg. Private citizens of any nationality including other turks, doctors, psychiatrists, man, women, professors, names of locals firms and businesses, employees of local firms and businesses in Heidelberg, judges and attorneys, politicians, employers of authorities and other local institutions in Heidelberg and of course the names of this turkish family Kilic(themselves). What also became clear over the years is that the turkish PSI-group preferredly attacks people who's name is similar or equal or who look similar to one of the turks(Kilic imposter) of this household. All that proves clearly that over the years many people were deliberately affected by these turks and their PSI-Terror and that greatest effort was and is behind.

The PSI-Zombification of the civil world is real and Kilic's PSI-group in Heidelberg is the cause and the reason for that.

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I am addressing the following problem: domestic PSI-manipulators, PSI-experimentalists, a privately motivated and financed PSI-group perpetrating continuously PSI, telepathic manipulations, psychokinetic experiment, PSI-rapes, psychological torture, psychophysical consequences to the general public......, the scenario described in my blogs. I am referring only to this single case due the reason that no other serious and dangerous source of domestic PSI-manipulations with severe consequences became known over several decades.
What rules, rights and laws are affected, violated and broken if a domestic PSI-group, Kilic's PSI-group, continues to illegally perpetrate their own privately motivated domestic PSI-Warfare, a form of psychological torure-warfare and psychological torture with all thinkable consequences on all levels in our physical reality. Attacking innocent ctizens and working continuously on overwhelming and overruling, citizens compares ....

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The U.S.A. was making excellent financial and technological progress back in the 1960. America was a place of abundance, truth, peace of mind and well informed citizenry. The dark Luciferians and Satanists wished to establish world rule under their own command and they were frightened that the financial and technological progress the people of the United States of America were making would eventually lead to a republican hegemoney if it were not slowed down. To that end, dark occultists who own and run British Military Intelligence and the C.I.A. organised a counter culture for the purposes of slowing down American technological and financial progress. They went on to organise a music festival called Woodstock which was attended by half a million young Americans who went on to be drugged and brainwashed on a farm for three days.
"The victims were isolated, immersed in filth, pumped with psychadelic drugs and kept awake continuously for three straight days and all with the full complicity of the FBI and government officials." From a Book called 'Tavistock Institute' by Daniel Estulin
Food, water and sanatary facilities were in short supply and worst of all there was no way for anybody who wanted to, to leave. After the weekend was over many went on to become fully fledged drug addicts who embraced a counter culture of hedonism. Whenever sexual promiscuity is tolerated in a society that society collapses after four generations because the family unit is then weakened which allows for excessive and often abusive government intervention into such families. Strong family connections are the back bone of any stable society.

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The Pilgrim Society.

What the Pilgrim Society and their minnions  have feared the most down through the past few decades is that technological progress would enable the rest of us to disempower them which would end their plan of enslaving the world under their own rule.  To that end they have consistently sabotaged all beneficial world progress over the past few decades  and it is my belief that the corona virus is just another of their attempts to sabotage the worldwide economy in order to set up a system of socialism across the world which would then eventually lead to worldwide enslavement if not stopped.  They have  attempted tot enslaving us by wirelessly tethering many of us  by our central nervous systems to their computerized control and genocide system as well as using smart phones to bio-digitally program still others into a false reality of indifference to the now encroaching worldwide enslavement system. One solution is as follows:-   Each of us must wear on a constant basis a head band which has repelling magnets attached to it while will enable us to keep safe from wireless directed energy attacks while we go to war against them.  Many of the people who have awakened to this real truth of what is now happening know who the members of the Pilgrim Society are and where they are located. Many if not all of them are dark occultists and they hide behind many organised religions while they ply their trade. 

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"Exposure can defend Human Rights."

"Exposure can defend Human Rights."

This is torture?  This is terror?  How brutal and evil they are!

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

Earlier, I showed you all the evidence about how they are remotely attacking and controlling my heart rate. UN Human Rights began to collect all related evidence by They have destroyed the evidence I provided.

They are only attacking and controlling my heart rate? No, absolutely not.

They are remotely attacking and controlling my hearing. My hearing is like switch, on, off , my home and in my work place.  For example,  I can hear what some people far away are talking about or are talking to me. But,  I can not hear some people's talk who are standing beside me. 2 persons,  one is beside and one is face to face . I can't hear face to face 's talk . However, I can hear beside' s talk.  I can hear someone's talk. Shortly, I can't hear another one's talk...

This is torture?  This is terror?  How brutal and evil they are!

"Exposure can defend Human Rights."

Recently ,  one professor of University of  California, San Diego stated: If you are secretly forced to take one medicine called " sensitizer ", they can start their torture, terror and murder by Microwave, Radio Frequency...Even, they can remotely  do them because you are now very sensitive to  Microwave, Radio Frequency. ( This paragraph is being filtered.) 

Here are our email letters between UN Human Rights and me. From them, you can understand what happened and what are happening.



All Canadian lawyers refused my request and stated 14 years ago : " You have nowhere to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors. "

Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror and attempted murder by every possible means,  I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this  to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office
by fax  and
, thanks.

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Jurus Sehat Rasulullah ﷺ (JSR) Hidup Sehat Menebar Manfaat • Buku JSR by Zaidul Akbar ISBN 9786239287351 • Jual Buku Jurus Sehat Rasulullah • Download eBook Jurus Sehat Rasulullah PDF : avjernik bi trebao izbjegavati degenerativne bolesti jer će dobar vjernik živjeti dobrim životnim stilom. Allah subhanehu weta'ala rekao je zaista Stvorili smo ljude u najboljem obliku QS U Tin 95 4 Iz gornjeg ajeta jasno je da su naša tijela najbolja tijela trebali bismo održavati tijelo zdravim. Kako onda stvoriti zdravo tijelo Slijedite Poslanika, sallallahu alejhi ve sellem, uvijek se optimalno brine o svom zdravlju, od buđenja do ponovnog spavanja. Zbog toga je kvaliteta njegovog DNK vrlo dobra. Zato samo je dva puta u životu doživio bol Zaidul Akbar i slijedite upute sallallahu alejhi ve sellem u održavanju zdravlja Počnite sada prije nego što žalite Sadržaj ove knjige Šallallahu 'Alaihi ve sellem Konzumiranje halal hrane i tajhib pet zdravih ključeva zdravi geni Liječenje koje preporučuje Poslanik, sallallahu alejhi ve sellem, realizirajući novu generaciju islamske zlatne civilizacijea JSR bvjernik bi trebao izbjegavati degenerativne bolesti jer će dobar vjernik živjeti dobrim životnim stilom. Allah subhanehu weta'ala rekao je zaista Stvorili smo ljude u najboljem obliku QS U Tin 95 4 Iz gornjeg ajeta jasno je da su naša tijela najbolja tijela trebali bismo održavati tijelo zdravim. Kako onda stvoriti zdravo tijelo Slijedite Poslanika, sallallahu alejhi ve sellem, uvijek se optimalno brine o svom zdravlju, od buđenja do ponovnog spavanja. Zbog toga je kvaliteta njegovog DNK vrlo dobra. Zato samo je dva puta u životu doživio bol Zaidul Akbar i slijedite upute sallallahu alejhi ve sellem u održavanju zdravlja Počnite sada prije nego što žalite Sadržaj ove knjige Šallallahu 'Alaihi ve sellem Konzumiranje halal hrane i tajhib pet zdravih ključeva zdravi geni Liječenje koje preporučuje Poslanik, sallallahu alejhi ve sellem, realizirajući novu generaciju islamske zlatne civilizacijeb.

Jurus Sehat Rasulullah

cvjernik bi trebao izbjegavati degenerativne bolesti jer će dobar vjernik živjeti dobrim životnim stilom. Allah subhanehu weta'ala rekao je zaista Stvorili smo ljude u najboljem obliku QS U Tin 95 4 Iz gornjeg ajeta jasno je da su naša tijela najbolja tijela trebali bismo održavati tijelo zdravim. Kako onda stvoriti zdravo tijelo Slijedite Poslanika, sallallahu alejhi ve sellem, uvijek se optimalno brine o svom zdravlju, od buđenja do ponovnog spavanja. Zbog toga je kvaliteta njegovog DNK vrlo dobra. Zato samo je dva puta u životu doživio bol Zaidul Akbar i slijedite upute sallallahu alejhi ve sellem u održavanju zdravlja Počnite sada prije nego što žalite Sadržaj ove knjige Šallallahu 'Alaihi ve sellem Konzumiranje halal hrane i tajhib pet zdravih ključeva zdravi geni Liječenje koje preporučuje Poslanik, sallallahu alejhi ve sellem, realizirajući novu generaciju islamske zlatne civilizacijec JSR dvjernik bi trebao izbjegavati degenerativne bolesti jer će dobar vjernik živjeti dobrim životnim stilom. Allah subhanehu weta'ala rekao je zaista Stvorili smo ljude u najboljem obliku QS U Tin 95 4 Iz gornjeg ajeta jasno je da su naša tijela najbolja tijela trebali bismo održavati tijelo zdravim. Kako onda stvoriti zdravo tijelo Slijedite Poslanika, sallallahu alejhi ve sellem, uvijek se optimalno brine o svom zdravlju, od buđenja do ponovnog spavanja. Zbog toga je kvaliteta njegovog DNK vrlo dobra. Zato samo je dva puta u životu doživio bol Zaidul Akbar i slijedite upute sallallahu alejhi ve sellem u održavanju zdravlja Počnite sada prije nego što žalite Sadržaj ove knjige Šallallahu 'Alaihi ve sellem Konzumiranje halal hrane i tajhib pet zdravih ključeva zdravi geni Liječenje koje preporučuje Poslanik, sallallahu alejhi ve sellem, realizirajući novu generaciju islamske zlatne civilizacijed.

Jurus Sehat Rasulullah ﷺ JSR Hidup Sehat Menebar Manfaat

evjernik bi trebao izbjegavati degenerativne bolesti jer će dobar vjernik živjeti dobrim životnim stilom. Allah subhanehu weta'ala rekao je zaista Stvorili smo ljude u najboljem obliku QS U Tin 95 4 Iz gornjeg ajeta jasno je da su naša tijela najbolja tijela trebali bismo održavati tijelo zdravim. Kako onda stvoriti zdravo tijelo Slijedite Poslanika, sallallahu alejhi ve sellem, uvijek se optimalno brine o svom zdravlju, od buđenja do ponovnog spavanja. Zbog toga je kvaliteta njegovog DNK vrlo dobra. Zato samo je dva puta u životu doživio bol Zaidul Akbar i slijedite upute sallallahu alejhi ve sellem u održavanju zdravlja Počnite sada prije nego što žalite Sadržaj ove knjige Šallallahu 'Alaihi ve sellem Konzumiranje halal hrane i tajhib pet zdravih ključeva zdravi geni Liječenje koje preporučuje Poslanik, sallallahu alejhi ve sellem, realizirajući novu generaciju islamske zlatne civilizacijee Jurus Sehat Rasulullah ﷺ JSR Hidup Sehat Menebar Manfaat by Zaidul Akbar fvjernik bi trebao izbjegavati degenerativne bolesti jer će dobar vjernik živjeti dobrim životnim stilom. Allah subhanehu weta'ala rekao je zaista Stvorili smo ljude u najboljem obliku QS U Tin 95 4 Iz gornjeg ajeta jasno je da su naša tijela najbolja tijela trebali bismo održavati tijelo zdravim. Kako onda stvoriti zdravo tijelo Slijedite Poslanika, sallallahu alejhi ve sellem, uvijek se optimalno brine o svom zdravlju, od buđenja do ponovnog spavanja. Zbog toga je kvaliteta njegovog DNK vrlo dobra. Zato samo je dva puta u životu doživio bol Zaidul Akbar i slijedite upute sallallahu alejhi ve sellem u održavanju zdravlja Počnite sada prije nego što žalite Sadržaj ove knjige Šallallahu 'Alaihi ve sellem Konzumiranje halal hrane i tajhib pet zdravih ključeva zdravi geni Liječenje koje preporučuje Poslanik, sallallahu alejhi ve sellem, realizirajući novu generaciju islamske zlatne civilizacijef.



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Activism Through The Web

I think right now would be the best time to be doing activismaw , spreading information about our cause through social media, also internet forums and message boards. With the Covid-19 pandemic we have a captive audience. People are stuck at home and on the internet. Now would be a VERY good time to be sharing information. Activism at this time would be extremely good for our cause.

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In the enclosed photograph you will see that have sewn a large deep pocket on to the front of my woollen cap and I place a roll of repelling neodymium magnets into that cap pocket and I wear it while I am sleeping at night. The cap and the magnets stay in place all night long. This is how Bryan Koffron the whistleblower said he stopped voice to skull direct transmission of voices into his head. I have only done this for one night so far. I keep other rolls of repelling neodymium magnets hanging from the head of my bed and still others left in the bed at night. You can even hang one roll around your neck. They set up a powerful protective forcefield around the brain and body. When I have being doing this for a month I will write about how effective it is at protecting me from directed energy weapon attacks.9143224699?profile=original

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I managed to get the implants out of my body which stopped the voices using a powerful homeopathic remedy called Silicea 30C by Boiron sold at ABC Homeopathy website. It only costs 10 dollars plus postage. I took the remedy 3 pillules once a week for the past 3 years. After about 18 months enough implants had come to the surface of my skin and the V2K stopped. That was the greatest day of my life! Be warned that once the implants started coming out the perps became very aggressive towards me but now I am free of them and their torment. It's a natural remedy but it works. If you want to end this nightmare. This is the answer. Please note that you cannot use this remedy if you have a heart pace maker.   It is possible to get out. I did and you can too.  It is not hard but it takes perseverance. I would also recommend getting some rare earth magnets for shielding. They are only a few dollars on eBay from China.

You can email me if you need more information

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It is possible to switch off a harrassment temporarily. The perps are using their mobile phones to cause the harrassments to your body. If you point your mobile phone toward them and hold it for 20 or 30 seconds it switches off that harrassment. Which direction is it coming from? Turn slowly in a circle pointing your mobile phone away from you horizontally toward the horizon. You will feel a change in the magnetic field when you reach  it and  it will switch off the harrassment. 

Also try holding  your arm above your head just  pointing your mobile phone towards the ceiling. This switches off all the harrassments at once temporarily (but not the voices).  Another thing to try is pointing your mobile phone towards the floor. Also try using tv remote controls and air conditioner remotes. 

I am not able to explain the science to you why this works, but it does. 

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Silicea 30C homeopathic remedy  is a very powerful homeopathic remedy that is able to bring implant chips to the surface of the skin without surgery. Please read the following excerpt about it:

Silicea 30 C homeopathic remedy on website:

"Silicea 30C is also useful in expelling material from the body.

It is used to remove splinters, bits of embedded glass, and other foreign irritants."

If you are a TI then you will have implant chips that the perps use to cause the harrassments to your body and the V2K voices in your head. If you can get these out of your body then they can't Gang stalk you any more. Please see my page for all the information. 

You must not use this remedy if you have a pace maker as it can dislodge it. 

I was a TI from 2012 to 2018 and I used Silicea 30C homeopathic remedy to get out the implants. I am not a TI anymore. I do not make any money from the sale of this item. I am just trying to help Tis.

If you use this remedy and it works for you please let me know so I can help other TIs with this information.

Kind regards

Music Teacher

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Where precisely does air end and space begin in the sky and how can air and space be separated from each other at that precise point nd wouldnt space suck all of the air away from the earths surface?

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When I lived in Heidelberg and learned more and more about the PSI-Terror and specifically came to know that Kilic is the real cause behind it another odd thing started to become recognizable.

First it appeared to me that Kilic was only interested that much in my childhood because he felt or gained the impression in any way that my childhood was so much perfect, was too much perfect, and how handsome I was. For many years I believed this to be the true cause for his special jealously interest in my childhood.

A little later I believed that the probable reason for this special interest is related to his PSI-Experiments and possibly to the question of how to make somebody do anything, to generate urges and needs and how all of this is relevant for manipulating the human mind.

Then while living in the floor above them I became aware of the weired ideology they started to propagate through telepathy. For example a female turk, probably a sister, was perceivable with the content: "a human without telepathy is only half of a human", or originally in german: "Ein Mensch ohne Telepathie ist nur ein halber Mensch....". It appeared this turkish PSI-group made this a principle for the following years. A weired development started. Then later it became more and more recognizable that this turkish group not only experiments with adults. I think it was experimenting with more younger persons, adolescents and possibly children.

I am today 100% certain that this turkish PSI-Group invented special methods, applied and concentrated their methods also on younger persons.

I will try to give a glimpse of how this was realized in detail.




Over the years Kilic became known for his secret or personal channeling to other persons. It only appeared as if persons thrived under his special influence. Intellectual thriving. In recent years it developed more and more to a intelligence-hybridization-experiment, to find out if telepathy can increase the intelligent mind of youngest children.

Relevant for the question of Kilic's special abnormal manipulative interest to hit the child, childhood of any victim can an also be the following observation or experience, I think the combination of these and other details can point to a pedophile behaviour with Kilic Heidelberg:

Other even more highly pervert and sadistic details could be named. Two most decisive details from my own experienced PSI-rapes are for example:

1.) Kilic was that much aggressive and pervert he always wanted to know where my bed was or is, and where all the cum(sperma) was spread out onto the bed, he loves to remember his Sex-PSI-victims about his rape or rape-assaults, still remembering that after such an attack and assault victims stay submitted.

2.) Kilic's abnormal interest in my childhood, which was and is more than he is permitted whatsoever. He always had the impression that I was too handsome and very much beautiful, it is definitely also true that Kilic plays with other children's childhood picture in his telepathy and mindcontrol, their personal pictures from earlier ages. It appears he collects these childhood pictures in a way, never ever forgets them again. Other details can be stated in great detail. Kilic's manipulative interests and methods are by itself very much identical to pedophiles and pedophilia. He is highly interested in the personal elements of success of other peoples and obviously not able to convince on a regular basis, that's why he had to assault citizens with pervert, cruel, inhuman and degrading methods, his favourite method is a pervert PSI-Sex-Terror-rape-method. Kilic destroys life and the lifes of millions of other citizens. I think we're all best educated to realize that this behavious is by far a genocital or genocide-aquivalent behaviour. And the question, especially in my case, is what kind of innocent citizens are hit and affected from Kilic's perversities. It is healthy and innocent citizens

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As far as I came to know it, this turkish PSI-Terror started sometime before 1990. It appears they started their PSI-Terror when they realized that Remote-Viewing-Experiments and Research existed. They started a privately motivated endeavor and were present with telepathy, psychokinesis, mindcontrol experiments and many other PSI-Experiments practically each day since that time. Check for yourself. When was the last time period without telepathy or any PSI? PSI is in this form a manmade product, a PSI-group is behind there and has to sustain it continuously, each hour, each day, each week and even throughout the night and even over many days and nights. Later more about the question of sleep-deprivation about how long to suppress the urge to sleep.

Memet Kilic, born Ali Güldane in 1967, moved according to his own curriculum vitae in 1990 to Heidelberg, Germany and was promoted sensationally to his new task.

It appears he joined the party "Die Grünen", while or after finishing his university degree.

Memet Kilic has many family members, and PSI-activities started according to my reconstruction and recollection several years before Memet Kilic himself came to Germany. This is important, and it is true.

The question of most interest is when sexually-oriented and rape-like PSI-Terror started and in what way it happened. In that early time period probably 1982...1983....1984 I have heard that the first PSI-assaults were incredibly cruel and hard. It is said that these first assaults were merely PSI-slaughtering to the genitals, hard, ruthless, no explanation, no help possible for years and no escape for years. One of the Kilic brothers, his name is probably Kemal Kilic, used an extremely terrific power to assault innocent citizens and any other people to the first time, probably to convince or to shock all those who were not willing to believe in modern voodoo, in active PSI-Manipulation, that Kilic actually has an alleged form of PSI-abilities, in manmade psychokinesis. The shock and trauma from this first time PSI-Terror or PSI-rape shockwave was that much heavy that it lasted for a long time. And there was no help and no escape at that time. Back then it was still commonly believed that parapsychology can not do harm to anybody. These early assaults were accompanied with comments through telepathy. For example there were comments that actually conveyed the will to assault and that this was the assault. Later this became more and more a commendation in 3rd person, because each telepathic comment used the 3rd person. Kilic started in the early days using an indirect form of address.

The first comments, or at least the first comments I know or became aware of through telepathy, were in german. But this might be incomplete as Kilic's telepathy started originally in his homeland and would have been in turkish. As practically all later telepathic comments can be attributed to Kilic or members of Kilic's PSI-group I am quite sure this was because Kilic was acquainted and highly fluent with the german language, otherwise he would not have moved to Germany planning to become a politician.

Manmade telepathy, arbitrarily telepathic comments, psychokinesis and a lot of PSI-deception and distraction started before Memet Kilic's official moving to Heidelberg in 1990, I think that other members of his family were already present several years earlier, namely before 1990 in southern Germany. One of the earliest psychokinetic manmade effects were actually sexually-oriented PSI-assaults, this is not necessarily the result of later developments synchronizing citizens more strongly. I have heard or became aware that there are citizens out there who were PSI-raped for the first time in the 80's and the following years. Then finally in 1988, a public parapsychological institute with consulting functions started work in southern Germany. According to the institute's public webpage it's goals are to help citizens who got problems with parapsychological methods, with telepathy, psychokinesis and other methods. Parapsychological institutes existed worldwide in many countries, but it must have been special circumstances and uncontrollable PSI-sources or dangerous PSI-perpetrators why this taxpayed institute started it's scientific work and public consultatory function. Obviously because of the existence of dangerous manmade PSI-manipulations that were on the rise back then.

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Sleep deprivation! Please transfer it. Thanks.

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

Please see my message below to Human Rights Watch, Europe about " sleep deprivation".

Why did I contact Human Rights Watch, Europe by VPN? They are now  hacking everything, everyone no matter who you are, particularly, UN Human Rights,  Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Europe.

Here are our email letters between UN Human Rights and me. From them, you can understand what happened and what are happening.



Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror and attempted murder by every possible means,  I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture



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I  acquired my first smart  phone a few months ago and I don't use it often and I keep it inside a faraday bag when not in use.  Before I purchased my smart phone I used a Doro phone which may sometimes be being presented as a smart phone but it has different frequencies than a standard smart phone.  I  use a land line home phone for all my phone use. I only purchased this smart phone because I could not access an account without verifying that account by downloading an app on to a smart phone and verifying the account through that system.  

  I use my smart phone an average of one time per week.  I have now noticed that after each time I use it I become more trusting and apathetic towards the worldwide control system than I usually am.  This feeling of false trust and false apathy lasts for about one hour.  Using my computer does not have the same impact on me at all. 

I am now reading a book called "Artificial Intelligence, Dangers to Humanity" by Cyrus A Parsa.  He claims on page 225 of this book that AI can enter people via smart phones more easily that other digital media devices because the smart phone has already created a bio-digital flow-cycle with the human being who owns it.   

I know that almost all individuals who are now using smart phones are heavily programmed into dangerous states of happy apathy.  We are in the greatest danger of being enslaved through our smart phones and yet they are dumbing down all of the people who hold smart phones close to their brains to an extreme degree.  They don't realise that they have been dumbed down.  They actually believe that they can think clearly.   They have been programmed to resist all information about the dumbing down capabilities of smart phones.  They have been programmed to believe every lie that the behind the scenes controllers of the main stream media generate and distribute.   Smart phone users who are senior politicians are even rushing in the erection of 5g millimetre wave transmitters which when installed and activated would then be used to send us voice commands as well as pain signals if we refused to be obedient to the dictates of the individuals who transmit the voice commands.  I believe that those politicians are not evil .  They have simply been programmed to be in alignment with programming which is coming through their smart phones and in a less powerful way their other digital media devices.

Your smart phone is a powerful transmitter and mind control programming device.  Keep it away from your head and keep it in a faraday bag when not in use.    

Through geo-engineering the skies have been sprayed with chemicals, biologicals, nano technology and conductive pieces of metal  to the extent that the atmosphere has now become electrified.  There are many reasons for this including enabling wireless capabilities throughout the entire earth for the purposes of plasma studies, weather engineering, and full spectrum dominance through interfacing our brains and central nervous systems  with compurters, thereby enslaving us through central nervous control which has been explained in patent number US6965816.  

If we put a stop to this aforementioned geo-engineering we can escape the  total enslavement fate that dark occultists have planned for us.

I have been a non-consensual victim of  wirelessly enabled experimentation for nearly seventeen years  and I have informed my general practitioner, psychiatrists and the police of this but they all failed to believe me because they have already been programmed to disbelieve anything that is contrary to the ongoing programming they are receiving through their digital media devices.  We need to disassemble and ban all microwave transmitters and HAARP phased arrays throughout the world as well as all related paraphernalia.

There are heavy metals included in the geo-engineering chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads which we inhale and ingest.  One of these heavy metals in particular is causing enormous problems for human health.  That is aluminium.  Alzheimers patients, autistic children, patients with Lou Gerigs disease and patients with parkinsons disease have all been found to have high levels of aluminium in their brains.  Aluminium is also being used as an adjuvant is most  vaccines and this is totally unnecessary and dangerous. Many children either develop autism or they die shortly after receiving their childhood vaccines.

Elana Freeland has published a book called "Under an Ionized Sky" which I plan to read in the future and which will support my claims. 

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I am reading a book called "Artificial Intelligence, Dangers to Humanity" where the author Cyrus A. Parsa claims that smart phones can more easily program the mind of the user than any other digital media device because smart phones create a bio-digital flow-cycle with the human beings who owns them allowing information to move at rapid speeds to and from the person and the smart phone. I myself believe that people are being heavily programmed to resist all knowledge of the capabilities of modern scientific and technological capabilities to enslave them and I believe that they will sincerely regret it if they refuse to acknowledge this situation as well as to put the situation to rights now.

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