Strategy against inhumane Microwave Terrorists
Do unto him as he does unto others.
Read more…Do unto him as he does unto others.
Read more…How can anyone help us? No one will believe you. The only thing I have going is I think I know who they are. I've also been taking plate numbers off cars. I'm scared. I have no family and do not know who to talk to. My neighbor is involved in this.
Read more…"Ich habe nicht genug getan", "Sie haben viel getan" /"I have done not enough", "You have done much" (Schindler's List)
Read more…Lots and lots of targets talk about torture, but I don't think all of us define it the same way. Torture, for me, is the use of direct energy weapons that inflict a layer of energy over the head and deep, total pain that is electronic. It is cripplin
Read more…MK-ULTRA ---- MK = Mind Kontrolle = Bewusstseinskontrolle (German) CIA Mind Control Operation MK-ULTRA
Read more…just listening to Cathy O' Brien's voice feeding back ever so slightly in the room she is addressing in the video on google fills me with a real excitement. And I have listened to it before. I can't say that she's my friend. I CAN say that she's my
Read more…the cruelest people in the world are average caucasian americans, it seems at times. while there is bragging about love for freedom and equality under the law, EVERY DAY a psychic form of lying and intimidation go on, and have for generations. The s
Read more…有组织盯梢和电子袭扰 (一)什么是有组织盯梢和电子袭扰? 有组织盯梢(Organized Stalking): 象校园里欺负同学的成人版本,是社区里的多个人参加对一个人的袭击和骚扰。然而,他们不是从身体上直接打击受害者,而是使用技术手段来破坏一个人的精神心理。这比身体的直接袭击后果更加严重。因为它不仅仅很难被证明,而且会产生极大的精神创伤。 电子袭扰(Electronic Harassment): 涉及非致命武器或定向能武器(Directed Energy Weapon),不仅对受害者造成精
Read more…The Problem ---- The humanity is having been insulted. The Solution ---- Humanity Surgical Radical Operation on the inhumane microwave terrorists. The three World Wars 1. The First Generation of Nazi ---- WW I 2. The Second Generation of Nazi ----
Read more…Mind Control itself is criminal against Human Being, such criminals must be UPROOTED from our earth to decontaminate the Human Being's living enviroment.
Read more…The same and the difference between anti nuclear weapon and anti microwave weapon: 1. The same: The only effective way against nuclear weapon is owning the weapon, the only effective way against microwave weapon is owning the microwave weapon. 2. T
Read more…免于被秘密袭扰和侦察之自由 Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance 一波秘密犯罪正扫过美国和世界上的其他国家。受害者被有组织的人们盯梢,并且秘密地被定向能武器攻击。这也被叫做电子袭扰和拷打。这种武器能产生的健康问题,简短列清单如下: -- 偏头痛 -- 肌肉抽搐 -- 癌症 -- 心脏痛苦 -- 脑血栓 -- 部分失明/视觉模糊和减退 -- 睡眠剥夺 -- 无法控制的四肢抽动 -- 微波烧灼 -- 神经损伤 -- 极度疲劳 -- 耳鸣
Read more…Yeah, I SORT of appreciate David Icke. But It Occurred To Me It was ORWELL who coined the term "doublethink" to the world. A high profile conspiracy exposer could conceivably be suddenly short on cash if certain key aspects of globalist conspiracie
Read more…1. Quantitative Nazi-Hund-Psychologie 2. 3. Generation der Nazis
Read more…大脑控制武器受害者的分析(根据现有的资料的一种估算) 大脑控制武器的受害者的命运一直是我所非常关注的,经过了多年的努力, 跟很多的站出来打官司的受害者们进行过长期的交流, 也跟很多没有站出来的受害者进行过长期的交流, 虽然我已经有了很多受害者的受害案例简介,也了解了很多受害者的故事,也知道很多受害者不愿意让人们知道自己是受害者. 当然也有些受害者说,自己被阅读思维和大脑控制技术监视和骚扰, 但是没有受到过酷刑虐待. 根据这些情况总结出来的大脑控制武器的受害者大致有以下几种: 对于那些知道自己是
Read more…It is the Human Being's commen responsibility to eliminate the inhumane Microwave Terrorists/Animals from our Earth.
Read more…1. These inhumane Microwave Terrorists can not be forgiven, they are condemned criminal/should be sentenced death penalty. 2. It is moral law, morality is the basic difference between Human Being and Inhumane Being. 3. I do not believe in so-called
Read more…ZHEEL SCIENCES studies the Human Excellence and Physical / Meta Physical Powers. ZHEEL SCIENCES guides us the right use of Human Mind Powers and Physical Skills. Learn Mind Sciences with Master Mind Prof. Dr. Abdul Samad Musafir. Prof. Dr. Abdul Sama
Read more…MK-ULTRA ---- MK = Mind Kontrolle = Bewusstseinskontrolle (German) CIA Mind Control Operation MK-ULTRA
Read more…We must be wary of those who promise us security and ask in return for our freedom. We must recognize that part of the price for freedom may well be insecurity, but that the price for complete security is inhumanity. -- Martin Luther King
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