Michael Graham's Posts (13)

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       First of all I am sorry that I did not answer emails nor posted here for awhile

As I stated, I am a TI whose been using my advanced knowledge (gained by many years of experience) of almost all of the perps tricks to out fox the perps and lead a pretty good life. As a TI, I joined the military, got married while in the military, had three lovely daughters, and even retired from the military with a decent amount of life time pension. After I retired, I got a job as a contractor and I was working with the same company for almost 2 years now. But guess what? My wife got a DUI; she hit three cars unattended cars in the parking lot, was arrested and taken into custody; In her drunken stupor refused alcohol test at the police station. She got total of 16 citations; majority of them a total BS. I finally was able to get her out of the police station about 2 am Monday morning. I slept for less than 4 hrs and went to work. At work, I was trying my best to suppress the perps attempt at trying to make me depressed and irritated....As all of you know well, unless you know how to out fox the perps, they will continually try to manipulate you, and if they can't trick you; they will manipulate those around you, such as co-workers and your bosses to persecute you. For my whole military career and for the past two years I was successful at out foxing the perps and also very careful to not give any fodder in a way I talk, behave, and conduct business around my co workers. Yes it is true that the perps can manipulate others around you but if you don't provide any reasons for them to behave negatively towards you; even if they feel dislike, and anger towards you, if you don't do anything to justify those feeling even a very little bit; most people will just dismiss it as just a weird vibe and tell themselves that its just a weird thought or feeling and disregard it. But on that particular morning; my feelings and emotions was negatively influenced strongly by the perps because of how they manipulated my wife into doing something so incredibly stupid. So I let my guard down and basically let the perps take over my tongue and said something to my boss that the perps latched on and inputted a lot of negative emotions, feelings and thoughts into my boss. So the boss spoke to me with a serpents poisonous tongue and I inturn lost self control and allowed the perps to put words into my mouth...I basically told my boss that I am almost 50 years old and I do not appreciate being talked down to; as if I was a young punk off the streets. I told my boss that I used to make my soldiers who disrespected me do push ups and other punishments to correct their disrespectful manner of speaking. I told her that her mannerism and the way she was speaking to me was very unprofessional. The perps had a hay day.....inputted lot of hurtful things to say to her and I have to admit; I forfeited my control of the perps for the first time in many years and basically told her to take the job and shove it up your ass and walked out. the HR called me the next day; I told them I will not tolerate being disrespected from anymore (I tolerated some disrespect in the past because I knew it was the perps doing it to piss me off and loose my job) I told them I resign, Packed my stuff and left......yeah I lost this battle....yeah it will be a little difficult financially because now I only have my retirement pay to support the family. Yeah it was stupid to quit at a time when the perps got my wife to get a DUI....I will probably have to use what little money I saved to pay the lawyer for my wife's DUI.....but you know what. Its just a couple of battles. the importing thing is to win more battles than loose because whoever wins more battle out of many battles will ultimately win the war.......The perps know that it is very difficult to trick and harass me directly because I became a old fox due to being exposed to their tricks for a very long time. It is true; fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice shame on me....this is how I never get fooled by the same trick by the perps.....Because they know that I am almost immune to their tricks. the perps are using people around me like my wife, co-workers etc to harass me indirectly. These type of harassment is very hard to overcome but it is not impossible. Although I lost the battle this time; I was able to survive the military where you are constantly around people, as well as keep my job for two years. ....yeah its hard but its possible....just don't give any reason to make those around you do or say negative things to you. no matter how hard the perps try; most will brush off such feelings, and thoughts when there is nothing that can be twisted to seem reasonable. But very rarely, there are some individuals who are basically taken completely over by the perps...most of them are very week TIs who has lost the war of the mind (spirit etc).....you must have or cultivate compassion, forgiveness, wisdom, will, craftiness, love of justice, etc as your basic character in order to keep your sanity and live your life. 

       One more thing I want to share with you is the following You tube video. This is a religious perspective of basically what I am talking about. She just uses religious (Christian terminology to describe the same thing that is happening to us....I have been posting some blogs why I think that the main world wide perps are not our current human governmental organizations. I posted about James Tilly Matthews; who I'd like to refer to as the father of the truth...the first person to correctly identify what the ancients thought of as the devil and/or demons. He is the guy who figured out more than 200 years ago that their is a artificial electric device that controls the thoughts of humans.....The perps has been around for thousands and thousands of years. Its just that the TIs who lived during the periods when electronic technology was unknown could only identify it as a natural demonic things. How else will ancient man living in a time of no technology describe evil mind waves flying through the air beside by drawing pictures of demons with wings? By the way. the devil is supposed to be in hell witch is deep in the earth below but why was devil and demons depicted with wings.....because thought broadcast are sent through the air!......I have conducted extensive research of the worlds, myths, legends, traditions, out of place artifacts, etc and concluded that the it is highly illogical that our generation since the last 200 years or so was the only civilization that have reached the level of technology we currently possess.....there are many physical, and testimonial evidence that mankind reached technology many times over.....Solomon even said that there are nothing new under the sun. I believe this is literal....even the word "research" indicates to search again...If we were experiencing the same things we are five hundred years ago....we would have concluded it to be the devil just like the religious did and still do.....everything the girl in the video says is true, just replace the devil and spirit into perps and radio waves....but I do not like her solution to the problem...she says the best thing to avoid attacks via other people is isolation. I think that is what the perps or in her case the devil wants us to do. the best thing is to out fox the perps, as well as their temporary minions...also when another does you wrong...forgive them because they do not know what they are doing. They don't know that they are being the puppets of the perps so hate the perps and have compassion for the foolish unknowing person and forgive them. this will make it easier for you to deal with the problem...please see the video below and make some comments....As for me, I will not be able to post too frequently because I will be busy recovering from my loss and doing damage control.....


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Biggest psychological condition of TIs

The biggest psychological condition we TIs are most likely to suffer is delusions. Just because it is a fact that all of us are aware that we are attacked by the perps via Electromagnetic Mind Control/Harassment Machine (EMCHM); and we know this for a fact does not preclude all TIs including myself from being deceived into believing something that is not true. I suggest that we try our best not to believe in anything except about the fact the EMCHM is being used against us. What I mean is that is OK to have a strong suspicion but it is not OK to be absolutely certain about anything. Especially when we know that the perps can influence our feelings, emotions, cause visual and auditory hallucinations, as well as influence others around us to a certain level. Perhaps that feeling of being certain itself is caused by the EMCHM. Don't you think it odd that the perps who can manipulate our thoughts, feelings, and emotions will not try to manipulate you into not having that certainty you have about some body if it really is true?...Do not trust your gutt feeling cause it can be manipulated. Do not trust all of your thoughts; it could be subliminally inputted.....I do have a certain suspicions about who the perps could be. But it is a strong suspicion that I arrived on via many years of research, critical thinking techniques, years of data analysis, etc but I still refuse to be certain about it. Because the moment you become certain; your mind become closed and you will not be able to accept or consider anything else. So the best thing to do is just have a strong suspicion. That strong suspicion should have been derived at by critical thinking and logical analysis; not just circumstantial or gut feelings.  Only time we should believe something with absolute certainty is when we actually witness firsthand someone operating a EMCHM in front of our eyes and we can touch, examine, and test that equipment. Only then, can we be certain of anything. Those of you who believe that the voice you hear sounds like certain individuals especially somebody's voice you did not actually hear being spoken directly from the mouth of the speaker; This is the first sign of the fact that you are tricked. Believing in a BS made up by the perps all have a evil agenda....the perps want you to go and act out violence; or the perps want you to make a complaint to the police, your friends, your family, etc....why do you think they want to do that? So that all your associates, family, friends, will condemn you as being mentally ill. If you go to the police with your story and accusing certain individual of using EMCHM to harass you or report that people are stalking you what do you think will happen? you think they will investigate the people you report? No I guarantee that only thing they will investigate is your own mental health history. At the least, you will loose all credibility; at the worst, you will be committed to a mental hospital against your will. This is exactly what the perps want. Don't be a victim and a statistic. These A holes are extremely conniving and are masters of deception. You must be a fox yourself and don't fall into their trap.....the first defense against becoming their victim is not believing anything with certainty until you can touch it, see it, test it. This is how I was able to live a normal life for the last 25 years of being a TI...see through their deception and don't be tricked into a delusion. As I already told you....all of the posts I put on this sight is what I suspect based on years of research using critical thinking techniques, logic, data analysis. But I am not absolutely certain even after 25 years. For those of you who are absolutely certain about something. I strongly suspect that very feeling of certainty is inputted by the perps. 

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I don't know if its just me but this website seems to have a large amount of ads and pop ups that navigate you to some products sites too frequently but I understand that this sites creator and administrator is also a TI who had quite a hard experience. That's why even if it is bothersome and irritating; I decided to stick with frequenting this site because I understand the administrator has to have a source of income to make ends meet.  But with the recent message from Ms. Mary Ager; I am having second thoughts......I hope our profile info is not being peddled out.....your thoughts....

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Who is this person? anybody tried to contact the email she left? I noticed she mass mailed the same message to most of us. What kind of a gimmick is this.....???

"Hello,Am Ms Mary Ager by Name I like your profile inhttp://peacepink.ning.com/ Can we get in contact to know each other? I'm sorry c if i am embarrassing you, i shall explain all about myself including my more pictures. contact me through…"

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I am trying to see if I can identify a certain pattern in how the perps operate when using a Voice to Skull. I would appreciate it if you can answer the following questions as best as you can

  1. Are you a male or a female:
  2. How old were you when you first heard the voice(s) talking to you?
  3. What was the voice(s) saying to you when it talked to you for the first time?
  4. Was the voice you heard seemed like; a female or a male?
  5. What was your reaction when you first heard the voice and were you able to pay attention to what it was saying in-spite of being startled?
  6. What was the voice(s) trying to pass itself off as to you? ie, dead relative, ancestor, God, Alien,  spirit, etc etc…..
  7. When the voice initiated talking to you for the first time, did it try to make you think that it was benevolent or was it malevolent from the very start?
  8. Did you notice any attempts by the voice to input and arouse a appropriate feeling (emotion) to supplement whatever it was trying to pass itself as?
  9. What was the tone of voice like? Ie; serious, businesslike, friendly, robotic, playful, sarcastic etc:
  10. Did it identify it as something particular?
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10 warning signs of defeat

Most of the indications below can be reversed once you realize that you don't want to be defeated except for the last one for obvious reasons.  

1. When you walk around the street homeless shouting and talking aloud with voices

2. When you suspect any and everybody to be stalking you

3. When you come to have blind faith in whatever religion it is that you worship without reason

4. When you find yourself to be a cult leader of a new religion based on channeled messages

5. When you are sure that you are the second coming of Christ/ Messiah / Maitreya / etc.

6. When your only goal in life is worshipping the golden calf (money)    

7. When you cannot overcome difficulties of relationships

8. When you cannot be wise enough to eventually that you cannot convince your family that EMCHMs exist

9. When you think the only possibility of the perps true identity is the secret government orgs.

10. When you commit mass murder

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Gang Stalking: to all victims pt 2 and the goal of the real perps.

In light of many comments; I realize that some clarification and re-phrasing of my earlier post is warranted to clear up some of what I said. Instead of stating that Gang Stalking do not exist; I will say that it did exist in the past and does still exist in some form or other to this very day.  Also, although I stand firm in my view that the majority of the TIs that exist all over the world are not being targeted by our own governments; I am aware that our governments did in the past and strongly believe that they are still engaged in experiments and/or operations which utilize the technologies to manipulate and harass unsuspecting targets.

But I believe that the overwhelming majority of the TIs in the world are not being targeted by our governments because their current in-your face way of operating is not what a secretive human governments will do. It just do not make sense.

As for the Gang Stalking: As I restated, it does probably exist is certain forms but overwhelming majority of the people who think they are victims of GS are tricked into believing it for reasons I posted earlier. The GS victims who are really stalked by groups of people who are conscious that they are stalking someone are very unlikely. If you are such a problem to them that it warrant spending enormous amounts of resources to stalk you day and night with groups of conscious people; it will be more cost effective to kill you. I know what I am saying now will be very unpopular from those who are currently absolutely convinced that they are being Gang Stalked by people who are on government payroll…….As I told you before; I understand because I too was at one time willing to swear to God, and my father’s grave that there were people who knew that they are stalking someone was stalking me. But I was finally able to overcome that strong delusion created by a technology light years (according to my research; at least 12,000 years) ahead of what is capable with technology of today. This doesn’t mean that you are not stalked at all. Most TIs are at one point or another stalked by using other people around the victim to commit negative actions and behaviors directed towards the targets. As for the items that you are sure have disappeared or stolen is most likely you who put it or moved it somewhere but the very advance tech of the perps are capable of causing amnesia of little details…….As for those who claim that their house was really burglarized; you have to understand that there is burglars in the world who are not part of the stalking gang. But yes, it is still a type of stalking because when a burglar was in your neighborhood, the perps likely moved their feelings to choose your place. At work, all of your co-workers will seem to conspire against you to make your life miserable…..this is also due to the influence of the perps….What will make it worst is when you constantly interpret all negative things as being done by the stalkers….the perps that interface with you are a form of very advanced Artificial Intelligence. No matter how advanced it is; it operates on a program it is programmed to execute. It is programmed to harass you. But if you do not give it feed back indicating that whatever it is doing is not really harassing you by purposely not noticing any stalking or different behaviors of those the perps are influencing around you; eventually it will stop doing things because it will determine that whatever it is doing is not working. It makes this determination based on your reactions.

The best way to wake up from the delusion of GS or if you prefer; stop the GS is to purposely not notice anything and not caring about it. I used to call it the philosophy of “F it”. When you feel the strong sense that you are being stalked; Just say “F it” to yourself. If you do this enough; the stalking you are experiencing will stop. I guarantee it.

Also, If you want to get away from the never ending loop conversation with the voices; you must learn to forgive yourself, and all others who you feel that has done you wrong. If you don’t, you will be caught up in the never ending loop of blame, feeling bad, repeating in cycles. If there are certain things you did that was less than good in the past; no matter how minute and irrelevant it seems; just truthfully admit it was no good and you will try to never do bad things again…….these are some techniques that helped me to quiet the never ending chatter and manipulation of feelings……….

As for some of you who believe that all these EMCHM activity is to create a one world totalitarian government; I am certain that will never happen because that will be contrary to the environment favored not only by the real perps but because it is contrary to the environment that the super rich elites of the world wants. The real perps want to divide and cause conflicts, the super rich elite wants occasional wars to fatten their bank accounts……no matter how totalitarian the one world government will be; that environment is not conducive to cause conflict among men and nations. This is not what the real lords of this world are aiming for…..without multiple nations, the possibility of wars and conflict will be eliminated. Therefore; the One world order conspiracy is just that; its just a unrealistic conspiracy….this could only happen when the true enemy of humanity is neutralized.

The perps Goal

 I believe the key word here is “unsuspecting” targets. As I mentioned before, the whole objective of these technologies is to influence people’s behavior, thoughts, and attitudes without letting their targets become aware that something is trying to control them. When you think about this basic reasoning behind the development of such machines; the effect it is having on most of the targeted individuals who are aware that their harassment is being done by utilizing technological mind machines that are not well known by the general public just do not make any sense.

The in-your face type of harassment experienced by the TIs of the world is the very reason why the TIs become absolutely positive that they are the victims of perpetrators who are utilizing high tech mind machines. It seems to me when, 25 years ago, when I first heard the voice to skull and was utterly startled; even during a time when it was not too easy to access information due to the fact that it was a time when internet was in its infancy; somehow I almost instantly knew that whatever is being done to me was caused by some type of a technological machine. Amazingly I knew that these manipulations of the feelings, voices in my head, visual hallucinations, the feelings that all the TV programs was talking to me or talking about me etc was all being forced on me via high tech machines, I really do not know how I knew this because before I heard the first Voices; I was not interested in nor did I even hear or read about anything relating to technological mind control. When I eventually was able to obtain various information attesting to the fact that such machines are not only possible but in existence already; all it did was to confirm what I somehow already knew.

I’d like to invite you to write comments about how long it took to figure out what was harassing you. Were you able to instantly figure out what it was or did it take some hard digging and research to figure out that the voices and various strange things that was happening to you was harassing were high tech machines?

I am asking this because there is a point I want to make. Although it took me awhile to figure this out but I finally realized that perhaps that instant “knowing” was inputted into my mind by the perps. It seemed that the perps wanted me to know that they are utilizing technology to do what they are doing to me. Also, it seemed like I was purposely led to see all the information about the fact that such high tech mind control devices are in the world.

Now one must wonder why do the perps who are utilizing such devices want to let its targets know what they are using? This seems totally counter- productive to the objectives of a secret covert government program. Let just say for the argument that maybe I was one of the earlier governments perfected Electromagnetic Mind Control/Harassment Machine (EMCHM)’s target; If I was one of the earlier targets when they were testing to develop a software (methods of operation); and I and others like me was able to figure out that they are being targeted by high tech machines, would they have continued to operate in a manner it is so easy to identify their methods as well as correctly (if it is really correct) identify that they are a secret government organization? I highly doubt that the secret government organizations will be so stupid and incompetent that they will continue to operate in a way to blow their classified equipment and cover for more than 25 years. Why would they continue to grow the number of people around the whole world whose greatest goal will be to expose the fact that such devices and organizations does exist? As far as the secret parts of the governments that are experimenting and operating these types of technologies; their biggest concern will be to keep the general public from becoming aware of their possible existence.

The very fact that there is a ever growing large number of TIs all over the world who for the most part are very certain or at the very least very suspicious of their own governments indicates that the real identity of the perps members of the known human civilization on the surface of the world. There is a very strong indication that the perps wants the TIs to believe that their attackers are the governments. They want the TIs to get angry at the governments. The perps wants to create a large number of TIs who believe their main perp to be our human governments, the real perps who are operating globally know that eventually the TIs will expose our governments dabbling in EMCHM technology. The real perps know that when our government’s involvement in this technology becomes exposed; it will almost certainly cause uprisings and lead to the collapse of our governments. The real perps will certainly help to amplify and inflame the minds and hearts of the public into taking up arms to topple the governments of the world when the majority of the people finds out that our governments was dabbling with such machines. This incredibly cunning perps know that because it is true that the government(s) of the world really does dabble in such technologies, Once this technology is confirmed by the majority of the public, it will not matter the extent of our governments use of these technologies. The only thing that matter will be the fact that the governments possess such a secret technology. As matter of fact, it will not even matter too much whether the governments only targeted a handful of people to conduct experiments; if such things become known by the public, it will start a armed revolution to over throw and destroy such technologies. This is what the perps are aiming at. They are using the very fact that such technology is in the government hands.

Right now, there is a small uproar in the world because of the various leaks that was released to the public by Snowden which seem to infringe on the public’s privacy. Just imagine the reaction of the public when what is happening to us is known by the rest of society and they too become certain that all the EMCHM attacts and influence were done by our government? That will be the last day of our civilization.         

The real perps are very confident that the world will never even consider their existence because they are comfortably hidden beyond the realm of believability. Their realm only exist in the myths, legends, and in science fictions. The perps are certain that they will never be found out because they’ve been causing mankind to self destruct for thousands of years. I just hope that this generation of humanity will be the one to finally stop the ancient serpent that has been deceiving humanity for countless generations.  

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Gang Stalking: To all Electromagnetic Mind Control/Harassment Machine (EMCHM) victims

I already mentioned in my other posts that I have been a target of EMCHM for 25 years. Despite my views disclosed in my other posts; I am receiving requests from people to sign a petition to our government(s) to investigate and stop Gang Stalking (GS). If I was asked to sign such petitions during my first 3-4 years of being targeted; I would have signed such petitions without a second thought because I too was absolutely 1000% sure that there were people on government payroll stalking me 24/7. But now, I cannot agree with those who are sure that they are the victims of GS for reasons I have expressed on several of my other posts. Although I agree that our governments are indeed conducting experiments and operations using the EMCM; I believe their operations are not wide spread over the entire globe and their modus operandi is much more subtle and their .behaviors covertly.

 I believe that the perpetrators who are targeting the majority of TIs around the world are not part of any governments of the known world. Additionally, I believe that all people of the world are targeted. It is just that the methods and influences used against the majority and the methods employed against the smaller percentage of the population (us) are different. But the fact is that no matter what methods (subtle vs bold) are used, the goal of the perpetrators is to cause, conflict between individuals, races, religions, ideologies, nations, social classes, etc in an effort to cause the downfall of human civilizations; and unfortunately they have been very successful thus far.

I know that those of you who are certain that you are also a victim of Gang stalking will get angry at me for what I am about to say. I can understand because I too was sure that I was a GS victim for the first few years of becoming a TI…Gang Stalking is not real, I repeat; GS is not real. At this point, I ask that all those who are sure that they are being Gang stalked to observe the sensations that is occurring in your body. You will feel all the sensations in your body and head area which you will then, through many years of entrainment; interpret as an emotion of anger, incredulousness, etc.

If you did not already notice; all your emotions has a physical sensation associated with it. For instance, the emotion of anger will cause you to have tightness in your chest and a dull pressure in your head. The question to ask is: is it your anger causing these physical sensations or are the physical sensations that arise at a seemingly appropriate time causing you to be angry? Another question to ask is; if your body did not produce the sensations it produces which we associate with different emotions; will you feel those emotions? The EMCHM is capable of producing those sensations in your body. At the same time it will whisper whatever thoughts that are appropriate to further their agenda of causing conflicts among men. The majority of humanity is under this type of emotional manipulation and subtle thought input program of control by the perps. No wonder there are so many married couples divorcing, friends fighting, groups of people warring etc……Observe the sensations of your own body and notice the relationship between the sensations and emotions. Learn to not let it control you. Do not believe your emotions. To make you a emotionally easy to manipulate person, it will and did throughout all of the people’s lives caused these sensations to accompany all the emotions whether they were positive emotions such as the good feeling of love, compassion, camaraderie etc which are normally accompanied with the physical sensation of your heart feeling mushy, comfortable etc. In order to make you trust your emotions the perps knew that it had to entrain you with occasional positive feelings also because if it only inputted physical feelings (sensations) of anger, doubt, fear,  hatred, disgust etc, you will not be easily manipulated. I say again, all emotions has physical feelings (sensations) that accompany them. Don’t trust your feelings and emotions. The feelings inputted by the EMCHM to further its agenda at the seemingly logical moment will trick you into being manipulated. Once again; don’t trust your feelings and resulting emotions.


Now next talk about how the EMCHM uses the Voice to Skull capability. To the majority of humanity; it does not have a conversation with them. This tech is used to subtly input voices into people’s heads in an attempt (successful most of the times) to trick the voice receiving person think that it is their own thought. Just because We, the TIs who are targeted in a more bold and direct manner are able to hear the EMCHM’s comments and are able to talk with them; it does not mean that they don’t also use the Voice to Skull tech to secretly whisper thoughts into us. They understand that whatever thought they wish to input must be packaged in a very sensible and logical package. Because those of us who are voice hearers are harder to trick then the rest of humanity……I will get back to the point of GS I am trying to make. All this info I am sharing has a lot to do with why the perception of being Gang Stalked is so strong……

I think it is appropriate to share one of my experience which I briefly discussed in another post. I hope the following experience will enable all of you to never die of an heart attack. At one point; when the perps realized that It can no longer trick and manipulate me into doing what it wanted me to do, it tried to kill me by giving me a heart attack. My heart started to beat real fast. I could feel the pounding of my heart stronger than what I ever felt. At the same time while my heart was pounding, I notice the physical sensations that all people will interpret as being that of fear as well as the head sensations associated with being very worried. Because when the perps was trying to kill me by giving me a heart attack; I already knew that they manipulate sensations and feelings which result in different emotions; I refused to believe that feeling of worry and fear even when my heart was pounding like crazy……while all these things are happening, the voices that was constantly talking and bugging me stopped making their usual remarks and making conversations. Instead I heard a whisper in the deepest back of my head where I normally associate with my own thoughts…..it was whispering while pounding my heart, inputting sensations and feelings of fear and worry: “oh no! I am getting a heart attack!, I will die!”. It was attempting to trick me into thinking that those whisperings was my own thought. Because I knew it was all a trick; I pounded my own chest like a Tarzan would after defeating his enemy, and shouted out: “F this BS, I am not afraid and I will not die of a heart attack!” When the perps realized that it could not trick me into becoming afraid and believe their whispers as my own thought, it kept on pounding my heart for a little more while but finally gave up and my heart went back to normal. I Suspect that all people who died of anheart attack died because they were tricked by the EMCHM. One thing I know for sure is that I will never die from a heart attack. All you have to do is not be afraid, and no matter how convincing the symptoms are just not worry about it. I know this cannot easily be done by the majority of the people who are not aware of the influence of the EMCHM but I believe all TIs who read this will be able to do the same thing I did if they understand the various manipulation and tricks employed by the EMCHM perps.

The reason I had to explain the above points about how the perps are able to manipulate our feelings and/or sensations to cause different kinds of emotions. How the voices can choose to trick you into think their thought input is your own; as well as the fact that they can manipulate all the people of our world. Couple more very important tricks you must know is the fact that they can even cause a sensation in your head of being absolutely certain. Test it out yourself; try to think of something that you are certain of and observe the sensations that arise in your head. Also, they can create auditory hallucination. In my experience, it even made the chirping of the birds sound like human speech. Imagine how easy it will be for the perps to change what you think other people are saying.  All this is done at the same time creating the sensation of being in your head to make you feel certain that other people around you whom you suspect to be a Gang Stalker are talking about you. I am sure that many of you are also aware that the perps can cause momentary visual hallucinations.

All of the TIs who believe they are being Gang Stalked are victims of a very high tech, and cunning delusion. The perps are trying to make you distrust everybody in order to make you a outcast of society so that they can eventually make you into a very angry person to drive you mad into working towards destroying the social order of human civilization. At the very worst; if you don’t overcome their trickery and start harboring hate towards all the people; the perps will grow your anger and amplify it so much that it will drive the weakest minded people into literal madness. This is one of the ways that the perps are driving individuals to commit horrendous acts of atrocities such as mass shooting of young children at the schools and most recently at the Navy yard. Yes it is the perps using the EMCHMs that are driving some of the weaker minded targets to commit incomprehensible acts of violence.

I plead to all of you who believe that you are being Gang Stalked. Observe your feelings, learn the tricks and don’t fall victim to its trickery…..As a person who was formerly deceived for a while, I am sharing my experiences and discoveries in an attempt to make it easy for the current victims of the strong delusion to overcome the lies of the perps…….please freely copy and post this writing to as many sites as possible. I know the perps delusion is very strong. So I do not expect this writing to wake most up from their delusions. But if even one person finds what I say feasible and worth the investigation; that will suffice. 

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Just sometimes, I wonder if I am actually in heaven because it feels like I am having the best science fiction adventure there could be. The things I know and the mission I have in this life makes me feel like a main character of the best possible science fiction novel. I actually feel sorry for all the so-called normal people of the world because their reality seems so mundane. Us TIs reality seems much more fun doesn’t it. It’s even more fun when you believe what I believe…if you don’t know what I am talking about; read my other posts….some might say, how can I think I am in heaven when there are so many people suffering and dying in this world…..I will explain.  As far as suffering, It is just a temporary thing that will pass and also serves to spice up happiness and joy. As for death; when if death is just an illusion? When if all is just your own illusion? After all can you be absolutely sure that all things that you think exist which are not within the range of your vision really exist? Are you sure that I really exist? Maybe I am just part of your personal simulation game called life…….If death do not exist; and suffering is just a device to spice up this game of life. Maybe we are really in heaven playing a game. I think the heaven I am currently in is much more fun and joyful then the picture of heaven portrayed by the Christian church….playing harp continually singing and praising God for eternity cannot compare with the heaven I am in now. Now I am fighting against a high tech evil perps to save the world from destruction. I even see the possibility that all diseases could be potentially wiped out.  Funny how all of the things I want to accomplish aligns with what is written in the Bible prophecy…J below is my explanation why death cannot really exist. Death is just a necessary illusion to make me think that I don’t have another quarter for the game and I am down to my last life. That’s when the game gets really exciting right?

We know that it is a fact that our minds are capable of receiving thoughts from external sources via technological machines. In non technical terms; these thoughts could be regarded as spirits. I am the one who believes that humanity’s minds have been invaded by external forces for thousands of years. This means that all of the people who exist in this world never experienced what it really is like to totally be free from external thought invasion. We also know that our bodies can and is manipulated by externally induced feelings. I wonder what it will be like to be totally free from all artificially inputted thoughts and feelings. ….All of our technology is an artificial imitation of what occurs naturally. I wonder if our own natural spirit which is not artificial can exist without a physical body. I think it is highly likely that it can exist without our body because I believe our body is merely like a radio receiver which receives the radio signal. Maybe our true self is in the form of a radio wave.  Maybe we are a purely spiritual being that temporarily is received by the radio known as our physical body. When the radio breaks down, it does not mean that the broadcast also dies. It keeps broad casting. This broad cast is eventually received by another radio that tunes in. This is a real possibility that we are eternal being. The next question is: where is the broadcast station located? I believe that is where God lives. Maybe it is everywhere…..I think death is just a device to make us play as hard and long as possible in the physical vehicle we call our body. Hence there is no death. Oh death where art thou sting? You have no power over me because I have seen the light of truth! If you don’t understand what I am saying; it’s my fault for lacking the power to express my thoughts articulately….sorry, 

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Check out the below sites or just google: black knight mystery satellite

I believe this is another supporting information that support my theory that the perps has been influencing humanity for thousands of years to cause us to destroy ourselves via their mind control technology. They used their superior tech to pose as gods to our ancestors and enticed them into killing each other. That is why our world is a graveyard of collapsed civilizations. 

There are tons of information attesting to the fact that our forgotten ancient past had periods of high technology. We as TIs must understand that if there were high tech periods in the earths history; Mind control tech would have also been developed in the past. Is it too far fetched to believe there is a ancient mind control machine that was programmed to harass humanity and ultimately make us self destruct is still operating or are being operated by the elites who went underground to escape the nuclear wars they started. If there is another global nuclear war; there will be elites of our society who will go into their underground bases stocked with alll the technology they will need to survive and thrive while the remnants of humanity will suffer and die away in a nuclear wasteland...If we (TIs) overcome the lie perpetrated by the perps that it is our governments and our neighbors who are stalking and harassing via mind control machines; We can prevent humanity from being trapped in the revolution of rising and falling of our civilizations. We can be the harbingers of the evolution of humanity. I trust that the billions or trillions of dollars being funneled to super secret black ops are actually being used to prepare humanity’s defense and ultimate victory against the evil hidden civilization who are scheming day and night to divide and destroy us…..




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I really appreciate the comments and logical questions being asked by all of you. Please keep asking and commenting. As for the involvement of our own governments; I agree that there are some people who are being used as targets by the governments of the known world. But I think that the whole humanity and those of us who have been targeted by the perps in a more blatant manner as to have enabled us to become aware of the harassment and hence made most of the TIs become aware of the remote control/harassment. I think the government who are involved in remote mind control/ harassment will be the last ones who would want to create dissidents who are aware of their machinations.

 Furthermore our governments will not want anybody to complain about such thing.  When we critically think about how the TIs are effected; it is clear that the perps want us to blame our own governments. They are keep doing this to more and more people because in their assessment; their plan is working because there are more and more TIs that become convinced that the only possible perpetrator of this evil technology is the governments.

I believe that if there is a group of people being targeted by our own governments as guinea pigs are more likely to be unaware that they are being targeted. The whole purpose behind remote mind control is to control and influence the people’s thoughts and actions covertly without letting the targets know that they are being remotely controlled. If the targets become aware that they are being controlled; they will not be controllable anymore. The methods being used on us are not something that covert human governmental organizations would logically conduct because it is counterproductive. Why would the government of the world want to keep growing the number of people who will become so upset at the government that they will do anything to stop them by exposing them? If the human governments really at first did do the things that are currently being done to us, I am sure that they would have improved their systems and methods as to become more covert to prevent people from finding out what they are doing.

Also most TIs consider themselves to be a victim of a sick mind control experiment. I do not believe it is an experiment at all. If it was an experiment, there should be improvements and changes in the modus operandi and effectiveness of their machines over the years. If you consider the pace of technological development of the world; I am sure that the effectiveness of their equipment and their modus operandi would have evolved drastically over time. But in my own experience as well as from what I read about other TIs experiences; I have not seen any improvement in effectiveness or changes in their methodology during the last 25 years of living as a  target.

I was able to see through their methods and developed counter measures which enabled me to join the army, retire after 20 years of service while at the same time getting married and having three children. I was able to accomplish this because I guess like cockroaches that become resistant to the same insecticide when repeatedly exposed to the same thing; I became less sensitive and resistant to their harassment. Even the V2K doesn’t bother me too much anymore because we fought, debated and discussed about almost anything there is to talk about. We basically ran out of things to talk about or criticize about and I only talk with them now when I initiate the conversation because I am bored

Getting back to the point; Yes, our governments are most likely conducting and/or developing Mind control machines and there are likely a very small group of people who are being targeted by our governments in a totally different covert method where the targets are not aware that they are being toyed with. The extremely large number of TIs springing up in almost all the countries of the world who are being targeted like us are not targeted by our or their governments. There is just no feasible reason for it. Why would they want to create people who will protest and complain against them and dedicate themselves to expose this evil technology? This is totally the opposite effect of those who desire to control their people. The only feasible explanation is that the hidden civilization who wants us to self destruct is doing what it is doing to create dissident groups in all the nations. They want us to get angry at our own governments and suspect each other in order to eventually bring about anarchy and chaos to cause the down fall of our civilization.  

Another point I want to make is that I believe that it is possible for us to develop some type of shielding that will stop any mind control waves that are being transmitted by our own surface dwelling governments. I also believe that the targets of our own government mind control machine could move to remote areas of the world and escape the influence of the machines.

My own experience as well as that of the famous TI: Eleanor White proved that the perps who are targeting us are using a type of radio wave that cannot be shielded by any known current methods. If you are contemplating on trying to shield or capture the perps signals; I suggest you don’t waste your time, energy and money. The technology the perps are using is so advanced that even a Faraday cage will not shield their signals including their V2K!..Additionally over the past 25 years; I have lived in Hawaii, California, Louisiana, New Jersey. I also traveled and lived in the Far East (Korea & Japan), was in Afghanistan, Ireland, England, Amsterdam, Germany. No matter where I was; the seemingly same perps followed me everywhere….They did not even stop while I was flying on a plane. So if some of you are considering moving; thinking that you can get away from the perps; it will not work. I even went deep inside the caverns without being able to shake them loose……the word of hope I have for you is that if you have a strong character and do not harbor hatred towards your neighbors etc….You will be able to learn to live a normal life despite it all. I will post some of the techniques I used to live with it sometime later…….Also; I am working on another long post which is a continuation of my first post to expose’ the true identity of the hidden perps and perhaps how we can eventually overcome it and bring about a world where there is no wars, conflicts, and diseases. Stay tuned people.


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I totally agree with Sue's blog post titled "how i believe gangstalking is carried out" its about what  the stalking as well as the possibility that the perps are not any known human government or organizations.'  What I am about to tell you now is a culmination of almost 25 years of research. I believe that anybody with a reasonable amount of intelligence will come to the same conclusion if they examine all the things and consider all the information I have. I can't possibly present all the materials I examined for the past 25 years here but I will share some of the conclusions I have come to. I also like to let you know that this is just the tip of the ice burg and it is even more fantastic and crazy. If you have a critical mind you will see the possibility. Please conduct some research before tossing this info aside. If you do, you will truly find your calling. ....When I first became targeted; for a long time I really thought there were hired stalkers stalking me. But I finally figured out that like Sue said; the perps are using other unaware people to say certain things (they are given their own feasible reasons in thought form) and/or look towards you etc....at the same time it inputs a very strong feeling and thought into the Targeted person to make them believe that those people are stalking them. It is a very strong delusion inputted by a mind control machine that could be thousands of years more advanced than anything our own governments currently possess. Google James Tilly Matthews. He is the first person to have been documented as claiming to be the target of some kind of an electronic machine. He made such a claim more than 200 years ago! He is the reason why the current field of psychology came to regard people who claim to be victims of mind control machines as lunatics. Besides, claiming to be a victim of the mind control machine; it is recorded that he was very sane in all other aspects of life.....was he crazy or was he sane? I believe that he will one day be vindicated and be celebrated as the father of truth. Perhaps we will even get to raise a statue in his honor when all of the TIs of the world become vindicated and the world finds out that we are actually pioneers who discovered a very ancient and horrible crime against humanity. Like Sue said; all humanity are victims of mind control. It’s just that the level of influence is different. Why are we so much more severely harassed? Because like Sue said; they want us to blame our own governments, neighbors and each other to divide us to create conflict among us. We are meant to become an anti government and anti social group of people. They want us to be at the forefront of destabilizing our governments and eventually the whole human society. The perps have been around for thousands of years....I don't think they are aliens though. According to my many years of research; they are part of humanity that has gone into hiding in the crevices of the earth, under the sea, and around other planets of the solar system. You see, humanity has reached high tech many times over. But eventually through natural disasters or man caused nuclear holocausts we revert back to the dark ages and outlaw technology and label it black magic because we destroyed ourselves with technology. The perps are the ones who escaped the destruction by literally going underground. That is where all the UFOs are coming from ...just look at the overwhelming amount of ufo sightings...if they are really extraterrestrial aliens; would there be so many sightings? Does what I say sounds too fantastic to be true? Just remember that our claims are not being believed for the same reason by the world. We should not make the same mistake; just because something doesn’t sound like what everyone else is aware of; it does not necessarily mean that it is not worth paying attention to. The truth is stranger than fiction. Just look at our ancient customs of amulets, the evil eye, buildings of stupas with eyes all around, totem poles to protect the person and towns from evil spirits. If you think of these customs and traditions as the remnants of trying to block the mind control waves witch through passage of time the effectiveness was lost and only the acting out remains. Just look at the custom of covering the heads. For instance, look at the Jewish skull cap. Does it have any practical function? Does it protect the wearer from the burning sun? Or does it protect the wearer from the environments....maybe it really was a functioning aluminum tin foil hat type of thing. Why would the ancient Greeks and Romans wear such a cumbersome helmets that have long bristles (did you know that wire bristles are used to scramble radar signals) to a life or death battle if it at one time did not have a practical function? look at the kings crowns. especially the old Silla dynasty Korean crowns from over a thousand years ago....it had a inner hat that was made of gold weaved into something that closely resembles microwave oven mesh......why is the devil and demons that is supposedly deep underground in hell represented in ancient paintings as having wings and fly through the air? Isn’t that a perfect way to describe a evil thought machines messages being broadcast through the air? Why was burning incense an abomination to god? Incense is a stick that is lit and the smoke rises to the air....maybe it is a way of describing that you should not transmit something through an antennae.....The bible also talks about evil doers who are hiding in the crevices of the earth doing evil in secrecy. Also, in the bible when it address the people it says many times; for those who have ears to hear on the earth, under the earth, in the sea hear me...etc to me this is because there are other human civilizations under the ground and the sea(sea could me two things. The big sea is the space) all of the ancient customs and legends, even the customs starts to make a whole lot more sense when you put the electronic mind control machine into the picture....just look at Jehowa it talked from a burning bush that does not consume the bush....the big bright search light could look like a burning bush....the glowing element in the middle that produces the light....some high tech asshole hidden civilization has been playing with humanity of the surface for thousands of years....They followed Jehowa and look where it got them? Thousands of years of persecution an they still did not get to the land of flowing honey or whatever….Did you know that another name for the V2K is known as voice of god technology? when if all the ancient people and even some people to this day is actually fooled by a high tech yielding hidden civilization? read about how the Mormon church started....it sounds like someone was using a projector to replay the same image and also play the same recording over and over again (for three nights the vision and the voice was seen; there was not even a slightest deviation from previous visions etc.....Their goal is to infiltrate religions, ideologies, nationalism into the world to make us destroy ourselves through wars etc....I suspect that they even remotely used their high tech to modify our gnome to create physical difference of races to use it to cause conflicts. All disease in the world are also infiltrated by these assholes...Read About the black death.....how just before the disease broke out some figures were seen spraying some type of gass or mists in the grain fields near the towns. This is where we got the image of the death with the sickle.....The forbidden fruit that the bible talks about is the electroninc mind control machine....you can do anything but do not eat the tree of knowledge. you see the technology is symbolically a fruit of knowledge......Only God supposed to naturally inhabit our minds but mankind developed something that can challenge god. Hence “it will open your eyes and make you like god”. Those who are using this tech to mess with humanity are religiously the devil....remember tower of babel? when mankind became united and attained technology to build the tower to reach the heavens (symbolic way of saying that mankind was starting to explore space) something called the lord (every time something bad happens notice that it’s referred to as lord and not god it is referred to as God for the most part only in genesis. So when you read the bible; there is a reason why there is God, and Lord, etc…they are not the same entity as taught by the so-called religious scholar) the Babel story basically says "hey if we leave them alone there is nothing they will not be able to do (in mankind view this is a good thing). let us go down and f them up(confuse them and disperse them: cause division).this is no God....its the assholes who think they own everything that’s why they are referred as “lord” which basically means one who is more powerful that lords over others. The only reason they don't want to invade us and take over our surface land is because as far as they are concerned; the surface world where we live is a radioactive wasteland where peoples hair starts to fall out very early and people barely live to be 75. Their natural life span is just like what it was for the patriarch in the bible. Close to a thousand years. Because of remnants of ancient nuclear wars, there is still radiation on the surface. What our scientist consider a natural amount of radiation is actually not natural. they think it is natural because when they finally researched (notice the word re (to do again) search; because everything was already found in the past) and developed geiger counters to measure radiation; they found a certain amount of radiation everywhere and because they do not know nor believe there were ancient nuclear wars, thought it was natural.....do some research you will know that everything I say is very feasible.....Don't fall for the tricks of the perps and don't dance to its tune...don't blame our governments, don’t suspect your neighbors. That’s what you want to do. Don’t be their puppet...I am pretty sure at the deepest and highest level of our government even above the president; they know this. That is why they insist that ufos are not real. We have to understand and allow our government to for the time being withhold the truth.  They have to because they know that they can't provide protection to its citizens. If all the people finds out that there are malevolent civilizations that can destroy us at anytime and our governments just do not possess the capability to defend them, their will really be a chaotic situation. I am pretty sure that at least the US knows that it is the hidden civilization that is infiltrating the minds of people through religion, nationalism, racism etc to cause conflicts in the world. All the people in the world who are currently fighting for their delusional causes are actually not dying in vain. No matter which side they are fighting for; they really are helping humanity to earn time to prepare itself against the hidden evil civilization. Because the conflicts are making the evil civilization that their scheme is effective. Guess what? If all the conflicts stop in the world and we achieve world peace; it is written in many prophecies of the world to include the bible that when the world thinks peace has finally come; there will be fire from the sky. 

When we achieve world peace despite the psychotronic influence of the evil ones; The  assholes will know that their scheme is not working and they will personally attack us.......I sure hope that there are governments of the world who are preparing for the final battle. If you are someone who is working to prepare us for the final battle and need a recruit; please take me in. I will let you know all the knowledge I have acquired. I could possibly give you information about ancient sleeping hibernation who could be lying in wait for thousands of years to help us fight these assholes. What I present here is just a tip of the ice burg…I think I have a lot more information to share.....so people thank all the sacrifices of our soldiers, the muslim fanatics, N Korean dictator, Iran, Seria, the Arabs and the Israelite conflict etc….those conflicts are keeping us from being run over….If all the TIs of the world believe what I say and don’t dance to their tune of suspecting their own neighbors, governments, and each other. That will be quite dangerous also but I am confident that will not happen because their magic, I mean tech is very strong. Only those who have eyes to see and ears to hear will hear my message. For those of you who can overcome; You will have a new name that no one but you will know. Your name will be truth; freedom fighter; Good! We shall overcome one day. Good speed! 

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