Without CIA technical softers, the CIA tycoon boss could not be able to control so many CIA tools (no matter 100% robots or 20 % robots) to kill so many innocent people both inside CIA and outside CIA. It is those softers who enabled the killings of
The way they do it is to use our minds by scanning our thoughts in a laser beam and than send that into outer space creating infinite intelligence. This also is powerful to control haarp aka the weather. It is God pure and simple the intelligent mind
Rockefeller’s obedient helpers in CIA mind control FIRM helped to build up excuses of killing innocent people in the name of education and others. They are only making the killers feel good by doing things not related to exposing the Rockefeller fami
Please support my Petition. I am a victim of involuntary implantation of brain implants and I'm tortured 24/7 by the dutch government! Please share this with your friends and family, too! Victims need help! electronic harassment; v2k (voice to skull)
I woke in my condo one day to see 2 green laser rings on my ceiling. I'm on the top floor there so overhead is the rooftop patio and below me is the superintendent's unit who has been part of the gangstalking.
My question to anyone who can help
Hello Fellow Sufferers. I have been ABUSED fo 15 years from a nasal IMPLANT. The Source a Mr. Marty Buss 2204 Jackson ST Bellevue, NE 68005 USA. I take full responsibility as to accuracy of this info. TRANSMITTER LOCATION SE Corner of Basement. I hav
The US Office in Russia was well known to be attacked with microwave weaponry decades ago. The leaked memos are supposedly from people likely at high risk from the enemies of Freedom. What are the odds that they were talking about it with each othe
I can be called by most an inspirational writer of all things good. Except for one sunny afternoon, I returned home with my 8th grade age daughter and the shoe strings on my jogging shoes were tied together and left in a s
Hi Tis....there is a huge protest going on in US...serious actions against the government.....perhaps this may interest Tis to contact this guy running the truckies on 13th October, let them know what they are doing to our families with this DEW etec