Whenever we expose our biofields to two way digital communication devices, other individuals can hack into our biofields and over time render us immobile. They can also read our current thoughts and our passed memories which are through to become stored in our biofields. For further information of human biofields please read a book called "Human Energy Fields" by Colin A. Ross M.D.
The electromagnetic field of the human body which is sometimes known as the human bio field or the human energy field or the human aura exists and can be photographed by a human energy field camera. There is an excellent human biofield camera currently on the market called the Samsung Galaxy New Energy Camera. This particular biofield camera was invented by a British scientist called Dr Harry Oldfield but there are many other similar biofield cameras available for purchase by the general public both on and off the internet.
It is generally believed that all of our current thoughts as well as all of our passed memories are contained in our human biofield. When we are closely located to a personal computer or smart phone which is registered to our given name we can be readily identified by staff who work for the United States National Security Agency or a similar registered secret society. These staff first of all identify us by using a special technique known as human energy field imprint identification. They then monitor all of our activities while we are in front of our computer if they wish to do so. They wirelessly connect their own biofield to the biofield of the largely unaware digital device user so that they can adjust it in ways that make it remotely controllable to them so that they could eventually get remote control over the human bodies of the individual who they are targeting for remote control.
These biofield scientists who work for the, by now, criminal elite can achieve total control over the human biofield of one of their fellow men, women or children anywhere in the world and by that means then achieve total control over their physical body while accessing them through their two way digital communication device. The scientists who work for the aforementioned criminal elite do so against their wills and without their permission because they themselves are accessed by their own human biofield and can be murdered at the will of the aforementioned criminal elite. I am in continual contact with these scientists and their staff via direct human communication which has come to be known as voice to skull or microwave hearing or synthetic telepathy because I myself am now going through the process of being bio-robotized through exposure of my own biofield to my own two way digital communication devices. However, I will shortly no longer be exposing myself to any digital technologies whatsoever in order to protect myself from this biorobotization process which has also come to be known as human cyborgization or whole body takeover.
I have over time received this information from the voices which I hear coming from inside my head via voice to skull and I am not entirely sure if I should trust it because by using our computers to share true information we can fight against the criminal elite who control the intelligence services. The intelligence agencies are secret societies whose salaries are paid by the general public but the general public are not allowed to scrutenise their activities. Why is this? What is the role of the intelligence agencies? Are the intelligence agencies controlled by any other secret society such as the Freemasons? Why are their areas throughout the whole world that are out of bounds to the general public such as Area 51. Can people be legally murdered now? Can people be murdered or tortured inside Area 51 without any public scruteny whatsoever? Who allowed this situation to come about and why? When will all areas throughout the world which are out of bounds to public scruteny be again exposed to publics scruteny?
For further information about my experiences of being remotely electronically harassed and remotely psychologically tortured please read my website which I alone own and control and which is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net. My name is Gretta Fahey and I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland.
All Posts (12221)
Experts say some people are "bridging" my home internet and hacking everything I am using, including my home security cameras.
UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government
International Criminal Court: If you're victims, professionals, or witnesses, provide testimony.
1) Who are my neighbors?
2) Who are gathering around and in my workplace ?
3) Whose aircrafts and drones are staying over my home and my workplace ? I provided some videos on YouTube and pictures to you all about how aircrafts and drones in Canada are tracing me around one year ago
4)Experts say some people are "bridging" my home internet and hacking everything I am using, including my home security cameras.
5) ...
All Canadian lawyers refused my request and stated 14 years ago : " You have nowhere to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors. "
They are hacking, blocking, filtering UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court and everything I am using, regardless of international law and International order.
What happened and what are happening ?
Here are our email letters between UN and me:
Fight for my life being threatened ; fight against ongoing torture, terror and attempted murder, I am not alone and I need your help.
Robin Yan
Canadian victim of torture
Please forward this to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office
by fax and sr-torture@ohchr.org
, thanks.
Most of the militaries as well as some of the police forces of the world now use voice to skull technology on a continual day to day basis in their everyday work. Voice to skull is sometimes known as microwave hearing or synthetic telepathy and it is a method of communicating voices inside the heads of members of the military and police forces of the world to ensure that no member of the public has access to the messages transmitted and for other reasons including black project research. There are now numerous methods of direct communication including but not limited to direct brain to brain communication. Secret methods of direct communication has been in use under the guise of secrecy for more than seventy years.
Because secret methods of direct communication which I will call voice to skull for the purposes of this article are now so widespread they are being used on a non-consensual basis on many members of the general public as a form of electronic harassment and they are being used in combination with many other types of wireless electronic weapons as well as directed energy weapons.
Many government employees and others are under a form of electronic mind control, the basis of which is that they are being programmed to filter out all information which comes to them which does not comply with the new world order view of the world. This electronic mind control appears to eminate from microwave transmitters because it has been noticed by some that any government staff who work close to microwave transmitters strongly defend the new world order view of the world despite overwhelming contrary evidence being presented to them. Is the electronic mind control apparatus being programmed on a worldwide basis or is it being programmed on a separate basis inside each country and who is programming it and where are they located whenever they are physically programming it? It is not the work of artificial intelligence because a lump of metal can not make independent decisions so the notion of the existence of artificial intelligence is rejected by all logical thinking individuals . It is my belief that thousands of staff work behind the scenes to continually program what some erroneously believe is artificial intelligence. Thousands of other staff also work behind the scenes to program elaborately costumed robots so that the hoax of an extra terresterial presence can be presented to the public in order to dupe them.
If you become a non-consensual recepient of voice to skull direct communication which is likely to happen unless we shortly put a stop to the goals of the new world order cabal you will hear a variety of voice commands throughout the course of each and every day. You will be commanded to carry out household chores and your personal financial habits will be commented on and you could possibly be repremanded if you make personal financial spending choices which are not in keeping with the wishes of the new world order cabal. Everything you do throughout each day and night will be observed on a screen. This is possible to achieve because each and every time you move a muscle in your body you generate a unique pattern of electromagnetic frequencies which can then be automatically translated onto a screen on the other side of the world by wireless electronic means so that criminal neuro staff who are unknown to you can see a likeness of you on their screens moving around a likeness of your home. This program is now commonly known as being Remote Neural Monitored and whenever someone is placed on this or similar programs their eyes are automatically being implanted while they are in a state of unawareness while under frequency control so that the aforementioned criminal neuro staff can see what ever you see on their screens if they should wish to do so.
If babies become placed on voice to skull direct communication through direct implantation after hospital births they could then while growing up be misinformed about all aspects of life while they are being simultaneously programmed to become obedient slaves to the new world order cabal who lurk inside large organisations such as the United Nations as well as the Council for Foreign Relations and the International Banking and Private Corporate shareholder groups. These implanted children would then grow up under constant voice to skull direct communication with unknown neuro operatives whose own agenda remains unknown. Are the neuro operatives themselves who work as teams throughout Ireland and live lives completely undetectable to the Irish police enslaved or are they willing participants in the technological enslavement of their fellow men and women of the world? In order to continue living their lives in a state of total anonynimity they use frequency devices which mesmerize the minds of the most senior Gardai whenever they are approached by said Gardai. They also hire chauffeur driven vehicles on occasions in order to avoid detection. They never register their births, marriages and deaths. I know this because I am being both electronically harassed and psychologically tortured by them now and for the past number of years. Does any one know of any methodology to track down these criminal neuro staff and bring them to justice as soon as is humanly possible? If so let me know .
The ring roads of the Republic of Ireland are now due to be imbedded with micro dust so that each individual motor vehicle including each individual electric bicycle can be identified and tracked and stopped if the driver or passengers dare to challenge any of the dictates of the would-be enslavers of the human race who are thought to be individuals who lurk inside the Vatican hierarchy as well as the United Nations as well as both the International banking and Corporate Control groups. The impending imbedding of the ring roads of the Republic of Ireland is due to go ahead without the prior knowledge and consent of the people who reside within the Republic of Ireland and who are most likely to use those roads. This process is also due to go ahead without even the prior knowledge and consent of the duely elected politicians of the Republic of Ireland who are now being entirely left out of the decision making processes of what is being made to happen to both the people who live within the Republic of Ireland and to the country itself.
Please write to your local County Councillor and ask him or her to have the process of implanting the ring roads of the Republic of Ireland with micro dust stopped now. When are we going to take back our power from the individuals who wish to scientifically and technologically enslave us and who are our own equals under common law which is based on natural law. Natural law is the only fixed and immutable law in this world. Civil law is neither fixed or immutable and therefore it is illegal. Because there are no binding laws forbidding us from reclaiming our own power there is now nothing stopping us from going to Dublin and demanding the resignation of the President of Ireland, Michael D Higgins, because he has done nothing to stop this situation from occurring.
I am not a TI anymore. You can get out too.
Silicea 30C is a very powerful homeopathic remedy that is able to bring implant chips to the surface of the skin without surgery. If you do not have implant chips in your body then the perps can't harras you. Please read the following excerpt about it:
Silicea 30 C homeopathic remedy on encyclopedia.com website:
"Silicea 30C is also useful in expelling material from the body.
It is used to remove splinters, bits of embedded glass, and other foreign irritants."
If you are a TI then you will have implant chips that the perps use to cause the harrassments to your body and the V2K voices in your head. If you can get these out of your body then they can't Gang stalk you any more. Please see my page for all the information.
You must not use this remedy if you have a pace maker as it can dislodge it.
I was a TI from 2012 to 2018 and I used Silicea 30C homeopathic remedy to get out the implants. I am not a TI anymore.
You can get it from here:
I do not make any money from the sale of this item. I am just trying to help Tis get out like I did.
Best wishes
Music teacher
Since the first appearance of manmade PSI-Terror and since it is assured that Kilic is behind this, many details of the actual perpetrators could be recognized and revealed. During many PSI-assaults and PSI-attacks several features of these turks were observed. There are enough features of these turks from these attacks to be convinced about their own physical appearance. They even liberated that some of them are wearing glasses. They also repeatedly showed themselves closing and locking the door of their apartment. These and many other typical telepathic images were seen or could be perceived over the many years they are active. In the past it is absolutely correct to say that actually all family members of this Kilic family were part the one or the other way in this PSI-Terror. That means special characters, a friend of the sister, several brothers, two older brothers or brothers in law, two female turks. When I met them back then I always had the impression of voodoo-like characters. Something odd, a bit strange, a certain stasis of the mind.
I have experienced that practically all of these turkish characters, physical persons, could be rediscovered or appeared in course of their telepathic experiments over the years. A male turk, a female turk and probably a sister and others more.
In the following I will try to give an overview about them.
For many years I did something called, "Shadow Stabbing." I would blame certain parties for the disturbances I endured, mostly sexual, being stalked and yelled at, along with a breakdown of my language abilities and emotions. Anyway, many people place blame on what they know, a known enemy, like a Turk, like a Jew, raw fear, and the perps enjoy this and find humor in it. Guess again. Oh, we're so stupid and paranoid. I wonder why. We're helpless and these people are sick.
Now I am schizophrenic, and I've been hospitalized 20 times. The difference between schizophrenia and psychotronic warfare is that when you're schizophrenic, your delusions are bizarre and have no logic. I believed they were releasing dead people from the elevators at night, that reptiles were controlling my mind (this is common, and I don't think it can be entirely dismissed, though it is a peasant belief nonetheless; I know I am but yeah), etc. I try to distance myself from illogical beliefs and so should you. Don't fall for "Shadow Stabbing." Saying that the government is after you is not totally illogical, as it has been after many people, especially undesirables, which, if you're reading this, you probably are. Remember Nazi Germany or Stalin's purges. Who did they go after? We have them, too, purges, we just hide them. Nothing like a death in June. It's hunting time then. I don't get a lot of air conditioning in June. Well, whatever. Nobody cares.
If you want to see an example of the agenda they are pushing, watch Love and Death's "The Abandoning" on youtube. There are several others, but it takes a while to open the mind. The doctors will ignore you. I only go there to get drugged after an attack or if I am filled with strange sensations, which is from the lobotomy I received. It's a waste of money, I know, but I've given up being heard by respectable members of society and just tell them to knock me out until it's over. I like going to Fayetteville. I receive beef once a week. My wasted life isn't without some pleasures.
Experts say some people are "bridging" my home internet and hacking everything I am using, including my home security cameras.
UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government
International Criminal Court: If you're victims, professionals, or witnesses, provide testimony.
1) Who are my neighbors?
2) Who are gathering around and in my workplace ?
3) Whose aircrafts and drones are staying over my home and my workplace ? I provided some videos on YouTube and pictures to you all
how aircrafts and drones in Canada are tracing me around one year ago
4)Experts say some people are "bridging" my home internet and hacking everything I am using, including my home security cameras.
5) ...
All Canadian lawyers refused my request and stated 14 years ago : " You have nowhere to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors. "
They are hacking, blocking, filtering UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court and everything I am using, regardless of international law and International order.
What happened and what are happening ?
Here are our email letters between UN and me:
Fight for my life being threatened ; fight against ongoing torture, terror and attempted murder, I am not alone and I need your help.
Robin Yan
Canadian victim of torture
Please forward this to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office
by fax and sr-torture@ohchr.org
, thanks.
Before you went missing, you had posted here a very helpful article explaining why it is a bad idea for TI’s to confuse targeting with Schizophrenia, which included some interesting material by Anti-Psychiatrist R.D. Laing. This material was quickly removed in your absence. Can you retrieve it?
Today I got a nugget of Shungite which is a black stone found in Russia. I placed in inside my cap close to the nape of my neck near my brain stem. Shungite is an EMF, microwave and nuclear shielding material and it balances the energy body that is a blueprint for the physical body.
I have worn it now for about two hours. I feel better than I have felt in many years.
I recommend all targeted individuals get some. I got mine on Amazon. It was less than fifteen Euros. Try and get the type of shungite which is labelled elite shungite. Purchase it in nugget form as shungite powder does not have the correct properties which are found in nugget form.
Shungite also cleans and purifies water.
It means a lot of problems. I am currently unemployed and had my last serious job interview in 2018. Although well educated with a science background and best or second best grades, it became over the years more and more clear, that the credibility can be that much damaged, or can look as if damaged, that effectively no one will instate you. In my opinion the reason is clearly a mindcontrol influence with the result of discrediting individual candidates to render them not recommendable.
The continuous telepathic rumor mill is the true reason. I have repeatedly had the case where the employer was channeled or there was a channeling from these turks. In the end it is deemed to risky and they will not instate you.
PSI has become the most disastrous mean to damage citizens.
Now I'm a polite schizophrenic. Don't immediately discredit me because they will hurt the deviants, of course. I had the disease before they messed with me, but since I'm useless, I get picked on like they have something to prove. They did change my backthoughts and tried to reprogram me, which resulted in me splitting everywhere and going nutty. I kind of had a 4D reality there for a while. Reality can only be so many ways, and we react in patterns that are predictable and hard to change due to the nature of reality, as I said. They think they can achieve world peace, or that's the lie they tell to the naive, but they don't want to fix the actual causes of poverty and crime, as it doesn't fit into their agenda or how they govern as a whole. Sometimes you have to oppress people or burn them in the game. If they're failing at the bottom, do you really want them to party hardy? Stuff like that.
Annoyance. They also tried to make me a pedophile. And world peace! I'm not one, don't worry. They don't have mind control down to an art yet.
UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government
International Criminal Court: If you're victims, professionals, or witnesses, provide testimony.
1) Who are my neighbors?
2) Who are gathering around and in my workplace ?
3) Whose aircrafts and drones are staying over my home and my workplace ?
4)Experts say some people are "bridging" my home internet and hacking everything I am using, including my home security cameras.
5) ...
All Canadian lawyers refused my request and stated: " You have nowhere to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors. "
They are hacking, blocking, filtering UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court and everything I am using, regardless of international law and International order.
What happened and what are happening ?
Here are our email letters between UN and me:
Fight for my life being threatened ; fight against ongoing torture, terror and attempted murder, I am not alone and I need your help.
Robin Yan
Canadian victim of torture
Please forward this to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office
by fax and sr-torture@ohchr.org
, thanks.
When the electromagnetic field of the digital media device which is registered to your name overlaps with the electromagnetic field of your human body then unknown operatives are now being paid to code messages into your brain in order to digitally mind control you. You can then be enabled to verbally hear these messages from inside your head or else you can be enabled to hear these coded messages subliminally without you having any conscious awareness of receiving these messages.
By using this same method codes can be coded into your body in order to make it malfunction in a wide variety of ways or even in order to render it immobile for a short space of time if you should fail to obey the verbal commands sent in this manner.
Other methods other than your digital communication devices can also be used to manipulate both your mind and body in a similar manner.
I do not yet know who is doing this to me and many other men and women of the world but I personally believe that it is dark occultists who hide inside the United Nations General Assembly as well as other dark occultists who hide inside the Vatican and similar worldwide organizations.
Dark occultists secretly manipulate government leaders and church leaders from behind the scenes and it is strongly believed that they have being secretly doing so for centuries if not thousands of years. They manipulate government staff when they are still at university level or police and teacher training school level. They slant their belief systems towards a strong belief in statism.
The primary school system was used down through the ages to administer trauma based mind control to the school children to such an extrme degree that those children would not ever have the courage to raise their heads above the radar at any time in the future in an attempt to question the false authority of the dark occultist run worldwide control system ever again. Trauma based mind control is now no longer needed because they secretly use technologically induced mind control on the children of most of the world in order to make them love the primary school system.
We need to disassemble the telephone towers and all other paraphernalia which is being used to covertly transmit mind controlling belief systems and which are being carried on microwaves and millimeter waves before we become entirely enslaved by the dark occult run church and state system which is now a possibility. However, many agents who work for the state appear unable to over ride the mind control at this stage. What should we do next to free them from their electronic mind controlled state?
I am not a TI anymore. You can get out too.
Silicea 30C is a very powerful homeopathic remedy that is able to bring implant chips to the surface of the skin without surgery. If you do not have implant chips in your body then the perps can't harras you. Please read the following excerpt about it:
Silicea 30 C homeopathic remedy on encyclopedia.com website:
"Silicea 30C is also useful in expelling material from the body.
It is used to remove splinters, bits of embedded glass, and other foreign irritants."
If you are a TI then you will have implant chips that the perps use to cause the harrassments to your body and the V2K voices in your head. If you can get these out of your body then they can't Gang stalk you any more. Please see my page for all the information.
You must not use this remedy if you have a pace maker as it can dislodge it.
I was a TI from 2012 to 2018 and I used Silicea 30C homeopathic remedy to get out the implants. I am not a TI anymore.
You can get it from here:
I do not make any money from the sale of this item. I am just trying to help Tis get out like I did.
Best wishes
Music teacher
I managed to get the implants out of my body which stopped the voices using a powerful homeopathic remedy called Silicea 30C by Boiron sold at ABC Homeopathy website. It only costs 10 dollars plus postage. I took the remedy 3 pillules once a week for the past 3 years. After about 18 months enough implants had come to the surface of my skin and the V2K stopped. That was the greatest day of my life! Be warned that once the implants started coming out the perps became very aggressive towards me but now I am free of them and their torment. It's a natural remedy but it works. If you want to end this nightmare. This is the answer. Please note that you cannot use this remedy if you have a heart pace maker. It is possible to get out. I did and you can too. It is not hard but it takes perseverance. I would also recommend getting some rare earth magnets for shielding. They are only a few dollars on eBay from China.
You can email me if you need more information musicteacher72@gmail.com
Telephone towers and a large variety of other towers are being used to transmit different types of electromagnetic radiation throughout the earth and this electromagnetic radiation is severely damaging to the human race in the following ways:-
Unknown individuals have the knowledge and capability to project their sight and hearing onto a hologram of their choice and then project that hologram of themselves or of another human being or of an apparation into the homes of others while their own bodies remain in the broadcast building where they work. They use this method to both monitor and manipulate their victim which is usually an unwilling and non-consenting man or woman. Their plan is, over time, to gain the ability to totally immerse the electromagnetic field of the hologram which they are using and place it inside the electromagnetic field of the unwilling victim and by doing so they then take over and use the body of the unwilling victim in criminal ways such as using the body of the unwilling victim to commit murder or to commit suicide.
The unwilling victim has already unknowingly given the perpetrator the information they need to carry out this criminal act simply by sitting in front of a computer screen which they have registered using their own name or by keeping any smart engineered technology which is also registered under their own name close to their person. Whenever they sit near a digital communication device their personal human body electromagnetic field (which is sometimes called the human aura and which eminates at least five feet from our bodies in all directions) overlaps with the electromagnetic field of whatever digital communication device they are using or keeping close to their person. Our personal human body electromagnetic field eminates through our human skull and through our human eyes. The electromagnetic field which eminates through our eyes is far stronger than the one which eminates through our skulls because it is not being blocked by the bone structure of our skulls and it is known as the human eyebeam and it can be photographed by a specialized energy field camera, some of which may have been deliberately taken off the market in the past few years. Our human electromagnetic field which surrounds our bodies contains extreme details of all our past memories and all of our past actions and these past memories and past actions can now be uploaded to our computers or smart phones and then transmitted by wireless or other means to a centralized data base where they can automatically be translated by the unknown perpetrators into our past deeds as well as our past memories and as well as all of our current thoughts words, feelings and actions. This data is then translated into the type of aura which we hold and which can be wirelessly manipulated to be prepared to have and electromagnet field of a pre-prepared hologram emmersed into it at some unknown date in the future.
I am an unwilling participant of this process of unconcealed immersion but until now I did not know the full implications of what was happening to me and therefore I did not know how to stop it occurring. I now know that all digital communication devices will have to be banned throughout the world in order to stop our electromagnetic fields being invaded and in order to stop the process of whole body takeover or human bio-robotization or human cyborgization which are some of the names that this process is sometimes called. My facial muscles and neck muscles can already be moved entirely against my will and without my permission. Many targeted individuals throughout the world some of who are on my own facebook page are also reporting that they experienced their own fist punching themselves in their own face or their legs being made to walk against their wills or other similar phenomena.
A slightly different process which also uses the human electromagnetic field is being used to mind control the police and psychiatrists among others into resisting all information which comes to them from any source other than what comes to them from officialdum.
For the past few generations the human electromagnetic field has been deliberately banned as a field of study along with another similarly important field of study known as magnetobiology. Why was this allowed to occur?
I dont know how to protect myself from this occurrence but I do know that a stone found in Russia and avialable to purchase at a reasonable price online called Shungite has been found to be very helpful in protecting the human electromagnetic field from attack. There are many other helpful suggestions to be found online.
does anyone know?
hello, how are you, i am under teh impression taht what i am postingsi real and am in need of help, please assist