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I AM AN UNWILLING BRAIN WEAPON RESEARCH SUBJECT AND THOSE WHO MONITOR AND MANIPULATE MY BRAIN AND BODY BROADCAST MESSAGES INTO A LOCATION INSIDE MY BRAIN CONSTANTLY BY MEANS OF VOICE TO SKULL OR MICROWAVE HEARING OR ELECTRONIC TELEPATHY OR BY BRAIN TO BRAIN INTERFACE. Here is a small selection of what they have been broadcasting inside my head recently, including the date and time of each broadcast. The time zone in which each of these messages have been broadcast to me is Grenwich Mean Time which is also known as Irish time or London time.

"We have nothing on this one. We need to hit her with something" 8.27 am 31st Oct, 22.
"Bring her in because I can't interface with her unless I see her." (They imply that the police will come to my home and force me to attend for psychiatric evaluation.)
"Your information is going nowhere except where we send it, you stupid dirty shit." 7.35 pm 30th October, 22.
"We have to get her out of there" 11.15 pm 30th Oct, 22.
"I want to humiliate her."
"Kill yourself tomorrow because if you don't do it now you wont be able to do it later when we control your whole body" (heard between 11pm and 1 am on 30th October 22.
"Enter her home forcefully" 1.05 am on 31st October 22.
"Has she splayed herself yet." 1.30 am 31st October 22
"Inordinate amount of time online" Heard between 1.30 and 2.30 am 31st October 22
"Gretta is a disappointment" followed by "Dumb Bitch wrote it down." 1.40 am 31st October, 22
"It loves you" 6am 31st Oct 22.
"Denying her a full nights sleep will have to be permitted for now because we have to get our work done" 7.35 am 31st Oct 22
"You know she is not mentally ill so why do you want her to gl into a psychiatric hospital" "We need to control her" approximately 7.40 am 31st Oct, 22.
"Rescue this case" approx 8 am 31st Oct 22.
"Can we control her use of electricity. Yes, if you wish."
"Giving in to these people who we monitor and subjugate is not the way forward."
"Why isn't she in hospital, on the presumption that she is mentally ill."
"Don't quote me on this but we are not ready for this at all."
"You are eating cat shit." 11.48am 28th Oct,22 (They often try to put me off my food by implying that there is something bad in whatever food I am eating.)
"She never goes to Dublin ever, which means that ye dont need to be here then" "In that case we will lose money." 1,30 pm on 28th Oct 22 ( I believe that that information was about some gang stalkers of Dublin not being paid to watch out for me coming to Dublin because I never go there.)
"There is long standing work going on here we can't destroy" 11.52pm 27th Oct 22

If I shop online, those who remote neural monitor me then know exactly what I purchase and they can make me feel guilty about each purchase and they can wirelessly cancel my purchases occasionally. However, if I use cash and purchase what in need in my local town with cash, some of the remote neural monitoring team do not appear to know about those type of purchases and they then do not guilt me about any of my purchases, so it is safer to purchase my requirements with cash in my local town. I am on a low budget so most if not all of my purchases are for essentials such as repairs and renewals and food and clothing.
"She is gifting herself" 5 past 12 noon 30th October 22.
My name is Gretta Fahey and my postal address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. The reason I am including my name and address is because is because an ongoing wirelessly enabled crime involving neuro weapons is being committed against me and both the police and psychiatrists remain uninformed about the capabilities of wirelessly enabled remotely generated electronic harassment and torture. I believe that they remain uninformed because they and many others are under mental electronic subjugation.


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You can find this information at the following linked vidoe
When the current maps we use were made more than 2160 years ago during the age of Aries, the sun was in the constillation of cancer during the June solstice, and the sun was in the constillation of capricorn during the december solstice. That is the reason why we call the two tropic lines on our maps, the tropic of cancer and the tropic of capricorn.
There are no maps which present the tropic lines correctly as they should be during the age of Pisces, which is our current age, and which is the age we have been in for more than two thousand years. The circles of latitude which are also known as the tropic lines should now be called the tropic of gemini and the tropic of sagitarius instead of the tropic of cancer and the tropic of capricorn.
Maps are practical instruments of navigation. Our ancient historical ancestors depended on celestial navigation, on the position of the stars in the firmament above to guide their way when at sea by following the north star. Knowing the map of the stars above would have been critical if ever their compas failed. They would certainly have updated their maps and they would have designated the tropic circles to their correct constillations. They would never have neglected their maps.
Our current maps are more than two thousand years out of date. They are tools of deception.
According to the following linked video, our known world is a circle within a much larger circle. The smaller circle is our known world and it contains the sun and moon and the land within the toroidal magnetic field. It moves around a much larger circular world known as the realm every 25,920 years. When the toroidal magnetic field moves away from the known world where we live now then our world and everything in it becomes too dark and cold for any life to exist on it, and it isnt capable of supporting life again for another 25,920 years when the toroidal magnetic field containing the sun and moon reappears over our known world again.
True north and magnetic north are at two different locations. Navigators can get to magnetic north by using a compas but the only way navigators can ever get to true north is by celestial navigation by being guided by Polaris, and this is a skill set which has been generally eradicated from common knowledge .
The presenter of the enclosed linked video claims that if you look at the moon you will see a mirror image of the entire world which is known as the realm and which includes the land masses within our own known world which is the area contained within our toroidal magnetic field. . Here is the link to that video

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Take at least forty or fifty slow deep breaths.
Take any type of exercise to release the build up of cortisol in your body which was generated by the upset and shock. Jumping, stamping your feet and shaking your body in order to release the cortisol is particularly recommended.
Take a shower and wash your hair and finish your shower off with cool or cold water and stay in the shower for longer than normal under the stream of cold water.
Scream loudly into a pillow or a towel while your radio is turned up loudly in order to drown out the noise of your screaming. In Chinese medicine, screaming is recommended to release the build up of stress in the body. Some Chinese people go out in nature and scream loudly each morning in order to release the build up of stress in their bodies, and they have been practicing this technique of releasing stress for centuries or millenia. There is much information in online forums about the benefits of screaming therapy, which is essential for good mental health.
Unresolved trauma from the past causes emotional disregulation and those who suffer from emotional disregulation feel emotions much more strongly than those who don't have a build up of unresolved trauma. If your emotions are too strong then they affect all aspects of your life negatively. Never make decisions or speak to anyone or write to anyone while under the effects of strong emotions. Wait until your strong emotions subside and then you will be able to make entirely different and more beneficial decisions. There exists many other methods of releasing strong emotions from your mind which have not been listed here.

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A secret society covertly controls the world and they have being doing so for hundreds of years. Those who belong to that secret society wish to take away our ability to interpret reality objectively. They wish us to falsely believe that objective reality does not even exist. They wish to destroy our ability to think logically because they are attempting to take over the world and enslave us.
They have created at least twenty or thirty major hoaxes over the past many hundreds of years. The following are a list of some but not all of their hoaxes:- climate change, the spinning ball earth, space exploration, religious apparations, near death experiences, demonic possession, poltergeist activity.
Before they had brain weapon technology at their disposal they possibly used magic lanterns and actors to pull off their hoaxes. Now that brain weapon technology is in widepread use they are able to download approximately two thousand different experiences into any human brain which contains what is known as neural lace and they can also download experiences into any part of any human body which contains an intra-body nano-network.
Those of us who are being subjected to wirelessly enabled Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation over many years have experiences most if not all aspects of their brain weapon capabilities. The unwilling subject of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation is wirelessly connected from self-replicating and self-assembling nano technology inside their brain and body to a computerized control system where data is both uploaded and downloaded to and from their brain and body.
That unwilling subject is made to hear sounds and voices, to see both still and moving images both in their minds and in locations around them, to feel pain, electric shock and other sensations throughout their bodies, including sexual abuse and they can also be subjected to fabricated smells and tastes. They can also have their muscles both immobilized and moved against their wills. Holograms can be made to appear close to them and sounds can be made to appear to come from both inside their heads and from other locations close to them. They can be locked inside virtual reality holds where sounds, visions, sensations and feelings can all be downloaded into their brains as the same time, making them believe that they are in a heaven or a hell without them being able to realise that they are simply locked inside a virtual reality hold. Because of these mostly unknown brain and body weapons capabilities, unknown secret agents have been using them to attempt to make us misinterpret reality. They have used their brain weapons to create and enhance many and varied hoaxes which have lead to worldwide misunderstandings on a wide scale.
The unknown secret agents have also manufactured many and varied mechancial robots of all shapes and sizes which contain nano technology both inside and outside their bodies. These mechanical robots can be externally wirelessly controlled to walk and talk. . They have been presented to members of the public as extra-terresterials and supernatural entities and as many other creatures.
Now, that we no longer believe in the many and varied hoaxes which they created for us we are able to interpret reality accurately again and we know without any doubt that objective reality exists now and always has done so.

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Psychiatrists are committing acts of extreme evil by wrongly documenting totally sane and sensible men and women as mentally unwell whenever those men and women inform the psychiatrists that they are being subjected to wireless directed energy weapon attack and/or that they are being subjected to wireless electronic subjugation.
Former psychiatric patients who eventually escape the net of psychiatry are normally so extremely fearful of involuntary psychiatric hospitalization and forced psychiatric treatment that they would prefer death than ever get caught in the net of psychiatry again. Psychiatry causes more suicides than it prevents because the psychiatric patients are mandated to ingest drugs with extremely distressing side effects and they are not allowed by their psychiatrists to come off those drugs in spite of the distressing side effects which most if not all psychiatric drugs are known to generate. If the patient complains about the extremely distressing side effects of their drugs then the psychiatrist will invariably prescribe yet another drug which they tell their patient will dampen down some of the destressing side effects. However, in most cases, this action does nothing whatsoever to alleviate those extremely distressing side effects. Sometimes, the psychiatric patient can no longer endure the distressing side effects so they commit suicide because of them.
Forced treatment of anyone is always morally wrong. Please avoid psychiatry at all costs and if you feel mentally unwell consider that you may be suffering from low grade poisoning or nutritional deficiencie sor allergies to some type of food or else remote neural manipulation, which is now in widespread use throughout most if not all countries in the world.

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Fear of Psychiatry: It’s Not Irrational Lee Coleman, MD Recently a story in the I-G took up the suicide of RJ. The clear message was this: RJ would probably be alive today if he could have been committed to a mental hospital and treated involuntarily. I want to point out, by discussing what the article did not say, precisely the opposite. RJ might be alive today if he could not have been involuntarily put on a mental ward and subjected to things he did not want. Coercive psychiatry, I maintain, causes more suicides than it prevents, and the sad death of this man seems to be an example of this. His obvious fear of involuntary psychiatric hospitalization and treatment was presented as irrational — part of his pathology. This is a routine argument used by the psychiatric establishment. After he was locked up at Herrick, we read that he “responded with a kind of panic after he was released. He said the doctors at Herrick Hospital had concealed drugs in his food. He developed an irrational fear that people were trying to drug him . . .” Readers, unfortunately, were not told that such secret drugging is commonplace on the mental wards of America. Drug ads in psychiatric journals even boast of this. They speak of the fact that these powerful tranquilizers are available in liquid form which is “colorless, odorless and tasteless,” for “ease of administration” when dealing with “The resistant patient.” This example is not the only one I have seen where fear of such secret drugging is labeled as “sick.” Even if he were not being secretly tranquilized in this way, he seems to have heard or seen that it could happen. This, I believe, would only have added to the serious problems he already had. Most of the time, however, such drugs need not be given secretly. The patient is given little choice, knowing that if he or she will not swallow the pills, an injection can be given. With available technology, one such injection may last for weeks or months at a time. RJ, it seems, wasn’t sure if he liked these drugs. But considering that they can have devastating “side effects,” and sometimes cause permanent brain damage, his hesitations may not have been merely the result of his “pathology.” One more deception about this admission to Herrick. We read that “Together they (RJ’s mother and doctor) decided — with his agreement — that he would be checked into the psychiatric ward at Herrick Hospital for 72 hours observation.” If RJ had truly agreed, why the mention of “72 hours”? This is the maximum period of the first stage of involuntary treatment, a period which is easily extended by the psychiatrist. With a truly voluntary patient, admission would have been open-ended, to be terminated when the patient and the therapist mutually decided such help was no longer necessary. The article not only lamented our current commitment laws, arguing that it should be easier to invoke involuntary treatment and for longer periods of time, but in so doing created a false impression of' their actual enforcement. For while California changed its laws in 1967, these laws are routinely violated every day by psychiatrists and mental hospitals. How does this happen? First, patients are routinely treated involuntarily, despite their not being a danger to self, danger to others, or gravely disabled (unable, due to mental disorder, to provide food, clothing, or shelter). No one is there to take the patient’s side, and the family and the doctor are relieved to have the person in a psychiatric ward. The article gave the impression that with public defenders, patients’ rights advocates, writs of habeas corpus, and “repeated hearings,” the patient is well protected against abuse. This is simply not true. Public defenders have neither the time nor the budget to take on such cases in a serious way. Many patient advocates are part of the same bureaucracy they are supposed to oversee. Writs are extremely difficult to win, even if the patient, while involuntarily drugged, can get it together enough to insist on one. The “repeated hearings” are a farce in which one doctor simply joins another in signing a 14-day certification. In other words, the article made the mistake of equating the laws as written with their day-to-day enforcement. But RJ himself was facing the reality of the system, not the rhetoric, and what he saw apparently made him want to run away from it. We will never know, but he may also have been afraid of something else — shock treatment. Since this is still used regularly at psychiatric facilities across the country, RJ would have learned of other patients receiving it while he was hospitalized against his will. Thus, when his mother and doctor “made repeated efforts to get help for Jordan” (tried to get him committed), he may well have become frightened of them. Is this way, families and doctors are doing what they have been taught is best, while the RJ’s of this world are only driven further away from real help. Psychiatry becomes something to fear. If all psychiatric institutions had no locked doors, no forced drugging , no shock machines, RJ and those like him would go to such places for help, free of fear. Psychiatry would become, finally, part of the solution, instead of being part of the problem. We would have, I believe, less suicide. RJ might even be alive today. (an editor
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File 1


Before Thanksgiving, On October 09, 2022, Mr Prime Minister of Canada, on behalf of Canadian government, swear to "fight for human rights in Canada and around the world." Please count me in.

Please see what "Canada..." keep doing.

Recently, just recently, Canada's No.1 media told me who they are.

Their drones guarded by 4 aircrafs from 4 directions, trace me wherever I stay and even follow my every step, especially around my workplace. You all have those photos and videos about them, UN Human Rights Office and UN Human Rights Council. They must commit war crimes and crimes against humanity by drones, by aircrafts...

Let's work together to launch International (legal) proceedings against them , who keep committing terror, psychological torture, and MK Ultra in Ontario, Canada no matter how strong their interference is when making phone calls and how strong their firewall is when using Internet. Serious? Dangerous? Urgent? UN Human Rights Office and UN Human Rights Council left their phone numbers in case of emergency.

I have never opened International Olympic's website. "Canada..."at once paralyzed its website when I tried to open it's website. This is one way they are still hacking UN , International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court, International Bar Association after and once I contacted you. Almost 18 years!

They have hacked UN Human Rights Council's external link to this below regarding" psychological torture" which UN, UN Human Rights Office and UN Human Rights Council worked together on :

UN Human Rights Council
Forty-third session
24 February - 20 March 2020
Agenda item 3


" Canada.."

Canada, all my neighbours ( who don't work at all for 5, 10 years), 3 Philippine couples ( Prime Minister of Canada, Canadian government... have known their IDs) , those who are still gathering around and hiding in my workplace, those who are driving , operating aircrafts , drones, and special engineering vehicles to trace , attack and threaten me....

1. ( they changed this address on my phone's notepad )

2. ( they changed this address on my phone's notepad. )

Supporting document and further evidence for Canada's War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.

Within 20 years, in chronological order,
Amnesty International, World Organization Against Torture, UN, UN Human Rights Council, UN Human Rights Office, International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims , International Criminal Court, Human Rights Watch, UN Security Council, ... they all stand up for me. However, these can not stop Canada's
ongoing War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity according to ICC's message to me several years ago.

"Canada..." must commit what I alleged for nearly 20 years because they are so afraid of my email from International Bar Association. Terror, psychological torture, and MK Ultra. By them, they are attacking, remotely attacking; controlling, remotely controlling my head, my heart, my hearing, my body.

"Canada... " must commit what I alleged for nearly 20 years according to what all Canadian lawyers refused me and stated 15 years ago: You have no where to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors. Terror, psychological torture, and MK Ultra.

"Canada..." must commit what I alleged for nearly 20 years because they are hacking everything I am using, emails, secure emails, anonymous emails, SMS...

Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing 1.terror, (psychological ) 2.torture ( what UN and UN Human Rights Office, UN Human Rights Council deeply began to worry about 2 years ago) , 3.MK Ultra ( which was reported by all Canadian media several years ago ) , 4. poison ( how and why "Canada..." repeatedly poison me, UN Human Rights Office has them ) , 5.death threats and 6.attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, I am not alone and I need your help.



Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and, thanks.


File 2


Please send to Prime Minister of Canada, Canadian government because no body can see what will happen.

Prime Minister of Canada, Canadian government must take actions you should to stop all my neighbours, 3 Philippine couples, war criminals and criminals against humanity according to ICC. Canada's No.1 media told me who they are recently. It happened and is still happening in Canada.

Prime Minister of Canada, Canadian government...have known all my neighbours' IDs, 3 Philippine couples, who don't work at all for 5 years, 10 years:

1. ( they changed this address on my phone's notepad )

2. ( they changed this address on my phone's notepad. )

But, they still wear invisibility cloaks, enter, hide in my house and my house attic without using any doors to do everything possible, evil, and brutal. They keep attacking madly my hearing with Microwave weapons, they keep attacking madly my head with rays guns, they keep attacking my heart with some weapons confirmed by the University of Toronto, they keep committing terror, psychological torture, and MK Ultra. Any of them can destroy your body and your life totally. (  invisibility cloaks )

How did I find it, how do I find it now? Both UN Human Rights and Human Rights Council knew it 6 years ago. ( Microwave weapons, rays guns )

Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing terror, (psychological ) torture ( which UN and UN Human Rights deeply began to worry about 2 years ago) , MK Ultra ( which was reported by all Canadian media several years ago ) , poison ( how and why "Canada..." repeatedly poison me, UN Human Rights Office has them ), death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, I am not alone and I need your help.



Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and, thanks.


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Microwave Hearing is electromagnetic frequency technology that utilizes radio frequency signals to induce sound and voices within the cranial cavity of the target. There are many scientific patent numbers to back up the existence and abuse of technology which can transmit voices to a location inside the heads of unwilling human subjects who know of no way as yet to block these voices. These capabilities are in use for decades if not centuries and yet governments are vehemently denying their existence and furthermore they have installed policies to send all complainers of such voices for mandatory psychiatry evaluation and if the subject maintains their stance they are then locked inside psychiatric hospitals and mandated to accept poisonous substances posing as medicines. Why haven't members of parliament openly admitted to the existence and abuse of microwave hearing. Is it because the maratime and admiralty courts would collapse immediately if it was known that the judiciary can be wirelessly externally controlled from unknown remote locations by unknown criminals.
I am being subjected to microwave hearing so I have included here below a small selection of what the voices which I hear being broadcast into my head by wireless means have been broadcasting into my head recently.
"Hostile to Religions and yet (the fact that you are) not one of us is not something we like"
"Stop wasting electricity." 8.22 am 18th Oct. 22
"An inventory of her home" 7.55 am 18th Oct 22
"There is a behavioural system involved."
"Why aren't you changing your sheets more often than every ten days." 3.40 pm 17 th Oct. 22
"She is banned from Her freedoms are restricted. She will be an outcast."
"My purpose is to stop her in every capacity." 13th Oct 22
"We can get our misdeeds through as her misdeeds." 1.30 pm 13th Oct 22
"She is allowed to purchase on ebay but she can't purchase on a whim." 9.08 pm 13th Oct. 22.
"It is non-negotiable. You will do it or you will die." 1.48pm 14th Oct 22
"Get her sorted. We need to tie her down." 3pm on 18th Oct. 22.
"She will eat what I give her or else she will be beaten to death. 5.53pm on 18th Oct. 22.
"Find this woman and tell her to shut the fuck up. We have enough of her." 5.55pm approx on 18th Oct. 22
I scratched myself and then I heard the following being said "Can we have her repeat that action. 2.40 am 19th Oct.
"They are prepping her." 5.25 pm on 19th Oct.22
"We don't want you to feel sorry for yourself" 10.40 pm 19th Oct 22
"We don't want her. She is only a fool" 9.34 am 20th Oct, 22
"We dont want her. We want her to commit suicide. " 9.40 pm 20th Oct, 22
"Can we give her an alcoholic problem please" 9.45pm 20th Oct, 22
"The Dog has two tails" 10.39pm 20th Oct, 22
"There is not a nice lady here" 11.40am 22nd Oct 22.
"She is looking at washing machines" 4.15pm 22nd Oct 22.
"You will soon be aware of me" 6.11 am 23rd Oct, 22.
"We have a vacant line here." 9 am ib 23rd Oct, 22.
"A breakdown of what you spend" 10.35 am 22nd Oct 22.
"Why isn't she gone out" 11.34 am 22nd Oct 22.
"She appeals to an online audience whenever we say too much to her." 1.25pm 22 Oct 22.
"We have no frontiers" 1.27pm 22 Oct.22.

My name is Gretta Fahey and my postal address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland and a wireless crime is being committed against me and when I officially reported the matter I was not believed by officialdum. These voices which I hear are not being generated by my own subconscious mind but instead they are being wirelessly transmitted to me by means of what is sometimes known as microwave hearing or voice to skull or synthetic telepahty or by brain to brain interface capabilities. However, general practitioners, the police, psychiatrists, social workers and many other government employees are wrongly being trained to believe that the voices which voice hearers hear are being generated by their subconscious minds and because of this ongoing evil situation they are also wrongly providing covers for hundreds of thousands if not millions of criminals who commit wireless crimes. Please help expose this ongoing situation because if you do nothing you and your children may be subjected to externally administered wireless torture and enslavement in the future and if you report to officialdum that you are being wirelessly harassed and wirelessly tortured you will not be believed. Please share this widely. I have a bitchute video channel under my own name grettafahey. I have a facebook page but under the name Gretta Fahey Newbrook TI but I am temporarily banned from it because I have been telling the truth on facebook, which some individuals don't like.


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Equality versus Enslavement.

The bestowing of titles by members of Royal Families promotes the false belief that we are not all equal. Have the bestowing of titles banned. The existence of royal families is being used to promote the false belief that we are not all equal. Have the false belief that some of our own equals have royal blood and aught to be bowed to strongly discouraged and then have those aforementioned families pensioned off so that we can return to living lives where we all known that we are equal and we treat each other accordingly.
Whoever controls the main stream media is strongly promoting racism by mentioning the colour of the skin of someone or mentioning the ethnic group they belong to when discussing them. Categorising men and women by the colour of their skin or by their ethnic group is only done by those who wish to promote racism.

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Book club books are possibly being recommended by those who wish us to think only inside a particular box. If everyone who lives in a particular country was to join a national book club and then only read those books recommended by that national book club then all members of that book club would begin to think alike and their knowledge base would be similar to each other which would result in the intellectual poverty of that particular country. Furthermore the pool of books in circulation within that country would gradually decrease which would then lead to the intellectual poverty of the whole population of that nation or country. Asking people to belong to a book club or to select books only from a recommended book list is a form of censorship. Those who censor always have something to hide. We must always provide counter arguments when we disagree with public opinion and we must never censor and that is a good way to solve problems. Stay away from book clubs and always read outside any and all recommended book lists and continue to do this for the intellectual betterment of society in all areas.

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Mairead Nifhathaigh <>

22:30 (0 minutes ago)
to alan.dillon
It has been legally proven by Dr Pablo Campra of the University of Almeria in Spain that what are known as covid-19 vaccines contained injectable nano technology and the legal document which Dr Campra published which is proof of this can be found at the following online link
   Because of that aforementioned legal document we now know that any type of nano sized  weapon can be injected into our bodies by any member of the medical profession and as we, the public, don't have RAMON  or Electron microscopes ourselves or neither do our general practitioners, nurse practitioners, psychiatrists or dentists,  we or they  have no way of checking the contents of any injection in order to ascertain if it is free from weaponized  nano technology  or not, so what do we do instead of accepting injections in the future.   Does it mean that we will not be able to go to the dentist ever again in case the dentist, unknowingly injects nano technology up into the roof of our mouths which can then be used to wirelessly link us to computerized control systems for the purpose of our enslavement.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey,  Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, 
My landline home phone number is 094 9360901.
Today's date is 20th October, 2022 and the time now is approximately 10.25 pm G.M.T. 
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It has been legally proven by Dr Pablo Campra of the University of Almeria in Spain that what are known as covid-19 vaccines contained injectable nano technology and the legal document which Dr Campra published which is proof of this can be found at the following online link Because of that, we now know that any type of weapon can be injected into our bodies by any member of the medical profession and as we the public, don't have RAMON or Electron microscopes ourselves or neither do our general practitioners, nurse practitioners, psychiatrists or dentists it is no longer safe to ever accept any type of injection ever again. Knowing this, how do we go about repairing our teeth from now on without the ability to be able to trust the content of injections ever again. Can we use frequency generating tools to stop pain or to heal us when we are ill.

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I believe that the Ice bucket challenge in combination with the smart phone of the participant was deliberately created for the purposes of wirelessly conducted brain weapon research.

Every few weeks for many years I publish online a small sample of what the voices which I hear coming from inside my head say to me and about me. 
These voices are broadcast into my head by wireless means from unknown remote locations by anonymous cowards.
"Hostile to Religions and yet not one of us is not something we like"
"Stop wasting electricity." 8.22 am 18th Oct. 22
"An inventory of her home" 7.55 am 18th Oct 22
"There is a behavioural system involved."
"Why aren't you changing your sheets more often than every ten days." 3.40 pm 17 th Oct. 22
"She is banned from Her freedoms are restricted. She will be an outcast."
"My purpose is to stop her in every capacity." 13th Oct 22
"We can get our misdeeds through as her misdeeds." 1.30 pm 13th Oct 22
"She is allowed to purchase on ebay but she can't purchase on a whim." 9.08 pm 13th Oct. 22.
"It is non-negotiable. You will do it or you will die." 1.48pm 14th Oct 22
"Get her sorted. We need to tie her down." 3pm on 18th Oct. 22.
"She will eat what I give her or else she will be beaten to death. 5.53pm on 18th Oct. 22.
"Find this woman and tell her to shut the fuck up. We have enough of her." 5.55pm approx on 18th Oct. 22
My name is Gretta Fahey and my postal address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland and a wireless crime is being committed against me and when I officially reported the matter I was not believed by officialdum.


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I very much subscribe to the belief that the earth is flat. We now have infra red cameras which can zoom out to a distance of sixty miles and then be used to take photographs sixty miles away across a flat lake at a laser beam which is switched on, on the other side of the lake and there is no curvature whatsoever over a distance of sixty miles. I also own a book which is called 'Two Hundred Proofs  the earth is not a spinning ball' by Eric Dubay, and most of those reasons are very easy to understand. The only reason people believe that the earth is a spinning ball is because they were lied to since they were infants by Satanists who run the earth in secret. Whenever Satanists wish to push a falsehood they must repeat it constantly at every opportunity and that is why they show the image of a globe at the beginning of almost every television news many times per day and they also use the word Global at every available opportunity. The reason for that is that you can not perpetuate a lie without constant repetition and furthermore the NASA staff and others are believed to be freemasons who are sworn to perpetuate the lie and if they refuse to do so they would be sacrificed to death in a ritual human sacrifice.

I believe that children are being tortured and ritually murdered because I have researched the matter and many traumatised individuals are coming forward on the internet claiming that they were ritually tortured as children and they are coming forward from many different countries and they are all recounting similar stories. If we believe children are being tortured we must not ignore it. We must raise awareness of it while we still have the opportunity to do so, before laws are enacted stopping our freedom of speech and our freedom to write. Now is the time to act to expose the activities of all Satanists so that they can be brought to justice. Please listen to Dr Kevin Annett on youtube and on bitchute. He is a representative of the Common Law Court of Justice which is based in Vancouver and in Brussels and between him and his many colleagues they have accumulated vast amounts of evidence of child trafficking, child pornography and child torture and sacrifice. Also research what is known as 'The Nineth Circle' which is a Satanist group and which involves some members of the Vatican and some members ofthe Royal Families of Europe, many of whom are considered to be hard core Satanists.
If we refuse to believe that extreme evil exists in the world then we have been electronically mind controlled to be child like and trusting of those who run this world, and that is not what we are like.

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The following information can be found at the following video link where Christopher James is interviewing David Hawkins who is a Artificial Intelligence (AI) pioneer and inventor among other things. Below are his latest videos and his website link is If you want to get notified of his latest video, you can subscribe at this link

David Hawkins who was being interviewed had insider knowledge of world affairs. He believes that Tesla cars are spy mobiles which can be remote controlled and they pick up information by means of signals intelligence without the awareness of those who purchase and drive them, and he believes that the information which they pick up may be being transmitted to a Tesla Base called Star Net Communications in Vancouver, Canada. He stated that Tesla cars should be banned forthwith because they have an inertial guidance system built into them so that they can be switched remotely to attack mode so that the driver loses control of them and can be externally controlled to to drive into people. He also believes that Star Net Communications may have been set up in 1995 by the now Prime Minister of Canada, Mr Justin Trudeau in order to operate an International hard core pornography industry and online gaming facility which operatives in sixty countries. He believes that it involves the sexual expolotation of women and children mainly for the purposes of the entrapment of politicians and others so that they can be manipulated to do the bidding of Justin Trudeau and others. David Hawkins went on to say that he believes that women and children were being murdered in the basement of Star Net Cmmunications, and that influencial people from sixty countries could dial up and ask for what they wished to see happen on their screens and it would be made to happen for their maximum sexual pleasure. By that means they would be entrapped to do the bidding of Justin Trudeau and his criminal organisation. This pedophile ring ran for five years from 2015 until August, 20th 1999, when it was raided by the police. The police took away all of the evidence of adult and child pornography and all other evidence. David Hawkins believed that it possibly was brought to the Treasury Building for the I.R.S. and Customs in New York which is building number Six and that building was then blown up during the September 11th 2001, Ground Zero Event. The Interviewee DAvid Hawkins then went on to say that not many companies anywhere in the world had the technical capability to carry out such a precise operation as that aforementioned Ground Zero even of September 11th 2001 but he said that both British Aerospace and Boeing had such capabilities. David Hawkins went on to say that he suspects that the entrapment team may have entrapped some of the Boeing directors by means of child pornography and blackmailed them to carry out the aforementioned actions. In order to recap so that the listeners and viewers would understand him clearly David Hawkins repeated his beliefs as follows :- He suspects that the now Prime Minister of Canada Mr Justin Trudeau is directing an international hard core adult and child pornography ring in order to entrap and then blackmail world leaders in some sixty countries in order to manipulate them to stay silent when incidents like the pipeline occur. ( He did not explain what he meant when he said the pipeline.) David Hawkins went on to say that he believes Star Net is now called Clear View A.I. He said that Clear View AI is taking images of people from the internet so that they can create false narratives which connects anyone to any event which never happened. No politician is safe from this technique which was perfected by Justin Trudeau and his father the late Pierre Trudeau who died in the year 2000. So far those who belong to this criminal organisation have collected between 10 and 20 billion images from the internet so they have images of us all by now. It is believed that Pierre Trudeau is responsible for setting up a branch of MK Ultra which is a mental torture system in Canada. Justin Trudeau is believed to have set up a fossel fuel sabotage program. Carbon dioxide is being falsely portrayed as a pollutant so that we can be penalised for using fuel in the future in order to empoverish and eventually enslave the human race under Justin Trudeau and his cabal. The interviewee, David Hawkins went on to say that he believes Clear View AI have been equipping compromised police with advanced weaponry without the knowledge and consent of their superior officers to the extent that now a rogue police force has been created similar to the Stazi police force of East Germany. This rogue police force may have been the ones who raided Donald Trump's Mari Lago home in the past number of weeks. David Hawkins also believes that Donald Trump may be being advised by compromised advisers. Today's date is 16th October, 2022.

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October 10, 2022

London, UK:

Today, on the 58th anniversary of the permanent disappearance of ten children from the Kamloops Indian residential school, new evidence has surfaced linking British monarch King Charles to their fate and to the death of other native children.

A group of witnesses have presented their affidavits to the special Tribunal that has convened to investigate Charles’ complicity in both the abduction of the ten children by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip on October 10, 1964, and the medical murder of eyewitness William Combes in February 2011. (Breaking News, September 19/20, 2022: King Charles ordered to appear before International Tribunal over the death of William Combs and Others. – Murder by Decree)

According to the Tribunal’s Public Information Office,

“Our Tribunal has today received sworn statements from British and Canadian nationals. They claim to have witnessed the personal participation of Charles Mountbatten-Windsor, aka King Charles III, in ceremonies involving native children that occurred in Carnarvon Castle in Wales and at the former Catholic Indian school in Fort Providence, Canada, on October 30, 1964, and July 11, 1970, respectively.

“The first ceremony involved the ritual killing of Cecilia Arnold, age ten, and Edward Arnuse, age ten, two survivors of the original ten children abducted by Charles’ parents from the Kamloops Indian school. The second ceremony involved a similar ritual killing of an undetermined number of Inuit children provided by the clergy of the Catholic Sacred Heart Indian residential school in the Northwest Territories.

“Another witness, a former government employee, claims that then-Prince Charles had personal knowledge of and sanctioned a ‘kill order’ issued by the British MI-6 against William Combes, the sole living eyewitness to the October 1964 Kamloops abductions. Combes subsequently died of arsenic poisoning administered to him in St. Paul’s Catholic hospital in Vancouver on February 26, 2011.”(See nurse Chloe Kirker’s statement at

(38) Eyewitness to medical murder of William Combes – YouTube)

This new evidence and accompanying documentation has been entered into the docket of the Tribunal and will be presented at its opening session on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. Charles Mountbatten-Windsor has been issued a Public Summons to appear before the Tribunal.

More updates will be available at under ITCCS Updates and every Sunday on at 6 pm eastern.

Following is an elaboration and commentary from Kevin Annett Eagle Strong Voice, the special advisor to the Tribunal’s Prosecutor.

Issued by the special Tribunal of the International Common Law Court of Justice

Monday, October 10, 2022

Here We Stand, October 9, 2022 | BBS Radio

Details and Commentary by Kevin Annett Eagle Strong Voice

Ten days before he was murdered by royal decree, William Combes met me at the Ovaltine café on Hastings Street in Vancouver. He was happier than normal because our movement had just held another church occupation and, in the glow of that victory, William had given up drinking the alcohol he needed to dull the memories of his torture by electric cattle prods when he was a child. With a shy smile, he handed me some poems he had just written. One of them read,

Truth can’t be written on dead hearts and minds that think they know.

The whites all talk of healing but they’re sicker than they know.

I still remember what they’ll never let themselves see:

Rez school babies crying all night, saying, “Billy, I’m hungry, please feed me!”

So Georgie and me we hunted for food, raiding the orchards at midnight,

Then I froze! I saw figures and a strange light, priests bending over a hole.

“Georgie, who are they?”

“Shh!” he said, “They’re burying another one! Be quiet or we’ll be dead too!”

I still have nightmares, the screams of the babies never leave, and the ones in the ground, saying,

“Billy, Billy, set me free!”

Those dreams and those faces I still can see, for the murder at the Kamloops residential school, I will tell it all:

I saw! I saw! I saw!

After I read William’s poems, he asked me to hold on to them for him. We shook hands but we didn’t say goodbye, because we expected to rendezvous that same month in London, England, where William was scheduled to speak to our common law court about what he saw Queen Elizabeth do in Kamloops on October 10, 1964. But the crown struck first. Ten days later, William Arnold Combes was dead from arsenic poisoning.

The ones who killed my friend think that enough assassinations and midnight burials and official lies can rewrite history and swab memories. But fortunately, the truth can’t be controlled by us, because it comes from elsewhere, and has a life and force of its own that eventually wears down time and crime. And so now, even the enormous lie the crown and church have built around their Christian death camps is crumbling.

Today, it collapsed some more. William Combes has come alive and is pointing his accusing finger at the killers through living eyewitnesses who are telling our Tribunal who killed William and ten Kamloops children and many tens of thousands of other innocents. And that finger points directly at Charles Mountbatten-Windsor, the so-called King of England.

Here is what we know so far:

1. At sunset on Saturday, October 10, 1964, in the hills above Dead Man’s Creek 40 miles west of Kamloops, eight of the ten children who were abducted by Elizabeth and Philip Mountbatten-Windsor from the Kamloops catholic residential school were ritually and brutally killed. We know from a retired British security officer that both Elizabeth and Windsor were present at the ritual. Two of the ten children were kept alive and brought to England, to the Roman-built Carnarvon Castle in north Wales. The two children were Cecilia Arnold, an interior Salish girl from Kamloops, and Edward Arnuse, a Metis boy from Quesnel. Both children were ten years old. Barely two weeks later, at midnight on Samhain, October 30, 1964, Cecilia and Edward were ritually raped, tortured, killed, and cannibalistically devoured in the sub-basement crypt of Carnarvon Castle by a coven of the Vatican-led Ninth Circle cult. Present and participating that night in that blood feast were Philip Mountbatten-Windsor and his eldest son Charles, who was inducted into the cult that night: the man now called the King of England.

2. On July 1, 1969, Charles was invested as the Prince of Wales in the same location, at a ceremony in Carnarvon Castle. Exactly one year after, on July 1, 1970, Charles Mountbatten-Windsor began his first official visit to Canada along with his parents and sister Anne. The ultimate destination of this so-called “royal tour” was rural aboriginal communities in Manitoba and at Fort Providence in the Northwest Territories. And there, at another catholic residential school called Sacred Heart, aboriginal children once again died at the hands of the Mountbatten-Windsors and their Vatican accomplices.

3. In the ocean of blood deceptively called Indian residential schools where child murder was the norm, these killings remained cloaked in secrecy and terror. But years later, the sole surviving eyewitness to the Kamloops abduction spoke publicly of what he saw. William Combes was then ordered to be killed by a royal decree enacted through the British foreign intelligence agency MI-6 and its counterparts in the RCMP in Canada: specifically, by the west coast “E” division of the Mounties under the authority of its black ops coordinator Inspector Peter Montague. On February 19, 2011, William was forcibly abducted from his East Pender Street slum hotel by three Mounties and brought to the catholic St. Paul’s hospital in Vancouver. William’s nurse Chloe Kirker states on record that he was in good health and had no symptoms of his official cause of death, tubercular meningitis. But by February 23 he developed what are called Mees’ Lines on his fingernails, which indicate arsenic poisoning. And yet nurse Kirker was ordered by St. Paul’s administrators to keep William off any intravenous and thereby dehydrated: in hindsight, to allow the poison to disseminate quickly and fatally. After William died, nurse Kirker was threatened not to speak of it. After she was subjected to repeated of harassment and death threats, she quit her job and moved out of the country.

4. The Vancouver Coroner, Claire Thompson, took nearly four months to issue a report on the death of William Combes. On June 13, 2011, Ms. Thompson stated on record that William Combes died of “disseminated tuberculosis”, despite William’s absence of TB symptoms and the indication of arsenic poisoning. Ms. Thompson refused to answer all inquiries about William’s death. The Vancouver Coroner’s office threatened to sue anyone who publicly challenged her report.

5. William Combes died the same week that Kevin Annett was invited in writing by Mohawk elders to begin investigations into mass graves of children at the former Church of England school in Brantford, Ontario: the same “Mush Hole” school where British and Dutch royal family members abducted aboriginal children routinely for over a century. A church insider with considerable evidence of these abductions and the ritual killings of children at the Mush Hole, Leona Moses, was officially silenced by Anglican Archbishop Fred Hiltz after Kevin Annett appeared in Brantford in the spring of 2011. Hiltz acted under the direct instructions of the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, according to Leona Moses. But Leona died and her incriminating evidence was destroyed in a house fire after Kevin came to Brantford and commenced investigations at the Mush Hole mass grave site. Prior to that, while Kevin was in London, England researching the Mush Hole archives, he was summarily arrested and deported from England, on May 26, 2011: three months to the day that William Combes had been murdered.

All of this proves again the murderous and criminal nature of the British Crown and its Vatican accomplice in genocide. For many years we have exposed and proved this crime in courts of law and through the suffering and blood of eyewitnesses like William Combes. But the criminals are still in charge, and they have absolved themselves of the crime and erased their atrocities and now even are erasing the erasure. And so, the genocide continues.

We have learned there is no possibility of justice in their system, which is why we have created our own inquiries and our own courts of law outside their jurisdiction. Our present Tribunal that is putting King Charles on trial is a continuation of that struggle. But we are also arming ourselves with the means to enforce the verdict of this latest trial, by building our own common law Republics that can fight and overcome these crimes against humanity. For we are engaged in a war to the death against tyranny and mass murder; and the first step in resisting those evils is to collectively declare our independence from their genocidal system in London, Rome, Beijing, and elsewhere.

If we refuse to honor and learn from our fallen heroes like William Combes, we not only dishonor their sacrifice for us, but we ensure our own destruction. Remember, pick up their fallen sword, and carry on, lest the darkness hold final sway over humanity.

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