1. I've finished preparing The Elixir ! |
3. Modulus Operandi |
t = g(x) |
Destination: ____________
4. Dr Side-F(X) feat. Intelli-Gents ! |
Roil Atse
1. I've finished preparing The Elixir ! |
3. Modulus Operandi |
t = g(x) |
Destination: ____________
4. Dr Side-F(X) feat. Intelli-Gents ! |
Roil Atse
This isn’t the first time that people have claimed that they are the unwilling victims of implants. Many readers will remember the great days of the 1990s when contactees claimed that extraterrestrials had surgically implanted devices inside them for tracking or communication. There was a wave of excitement over the possibility that these implants would provide hard evidence of alien technology; they were even featured in The X-Files television series.
However, the implants themselves proved elusive. Some seemed to evaporate on removal from the body. Analysis tended to show normal biological origin – bits of the patient’s own body. In one case, the ‘implant’ analysed by Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston was found to be connective tissue, collagen, and some external cotton fibres. Such calcified tissue can be produced in reaction to a foreign body such as a splinter; here the tissue included fibres, apparently from the victim’s underwear.
Metallic implants may also have more prosaic origins than Zeta Reticuli. When Dr Susan Blackmore was given a 2mm x 3mm “implant” from an abductee’s mouth to study, she took it to various colleagues in the physical sciences who submitted it to a battery of tests. The conclusionwas that its composition – mercury 40 per cent, tin 30 per cent and silver 16 per cent – was a close match for dental amalgam. The ‘implant’ was a bit of tooth filling which had come loose.
Dr Roger Leir has removed at least 14 objects alleged to be alien implants from patients; he says that some of them have emitted radio signals, or moved to avoid being extracted, and that lab analysis suggests they may be extraterrestrial. However, Dr Leir has not had any success in persuading others of his beliefs. Some of the published analyses describe mysterious irregular nanoscale structures, fibres and crystals, and anomalous isotope distributions. To some, these suggest an alien technology beyond our comprehension; but they might equally be mundane fragments of Earth material subjected to overly hopeful scrutiny. Of course, alien implants might be too advanced for us to make sense of, but the lack of anything that looks convincingly like manufactured objects has meant that implants have failed to make it as more than a footnote in ufology.
However, there is now a possibility that there will be a revival of the implant idea, perhaps with the new twist that the implanting was not carried out by aliens, but by secret military/intelligence organisations
Interesting book for you that have not already read it./Annie
I am headed to the supreme court next week. I am trying to get information of the case of David Larson v. Alfred Mann Foundation in the 9th circuit court of appeals. The case number is 09-56091. They are tampering with my computer. They actually broke into my home and physically destroyed the seventh laptop now. Trying to get justice from these criminal law enforcement is a tough road, but I am committed. I wonder what would happen if we all went to the airport and just thought bomb. Civil disobedience - it would cost millions. thoughts are not actionable offenses.
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Plusieurs sortes d'inducteurs existent dans le commerce.
Certains coûtent plusieurs milliers de dollars et utilisent la puissance d'un ordinateur.
D'autres ne sont que de simples métronomes qui requièrent toute votre attention.
Tous essaient de "brasser" le cerveau plus ou moins énergiquement, pour l'inciter à se mettre dans l'état
[...] Tous les zappers fonctionnent, par définition, avec du courant continu.
Ce courant continu accumule ses effets sur le corps humain, suivant la formule Q=I*t
Le bon côté de cette formule, est que l’on peut zapper avec un courant plus faible, à
condition de zapper plus longtemps.
Le mauvais côté de cette formule, est que si l’on zappe trop longtemps (le TROP peut être
différent pour chacun), un phénomène d’électrolyse au niveau de la peau peut survenir.
I have come to realize that I do this for us, and it is fruitless to think I can open the eyes of the ignorant, that only creates resentment. The public will stay passive and that is where they feel comfortable and safe, they dont want to know the truth because if they did they might feel compelled to do something about it.Unless it comes in the form of a new app for their smart phone , they will never see it as a reality.In a sense I feel honered to be chosen for this task , and at the same time I long for the days of blissful ignorance as well.I will endure this for us, and my love and support go out to all T.I. and any human being subjected to this abomination.
Scott the snot I am happy you are so well informed.
So Ha Ha and I raise U a HA LOL
My interest in Harrp is like the A bomb they have now clue what they are doing.
They did not know what would happen if they blew one up or about the radiation.
Same here, blasting the ionosphere partial beams. It shields us from the sun.
Harrp to me looks like a big ion generator like the smoke eaters in bars. Charge up some
really big capacitors and discharge into the grid. Spacecraft like the ones go to mars
will be using Ion drives. Back to Tesla, these were his ideas death ray, radio, broadcast power
mind control radio talks with aliens. Everyone thought he was crazy but then they tought
about the power station at Nigeria falls the first one ever built. The model for the rest and
the electric motor. Like all of us want an end to evil and V2K. I believe a simple countermesure
could defeat V2K. By Grounding myself I have relief but it only practical not moving around to much.
Later J :)
It is closed but word is the Air force is taking possession. Unknown if they are going to
turn it on again. Military has many portable weather control units. They brag about it all the time.
This is dangerous science Tesla discovered this he third-ed his plans and gave it to 3 major
world powers. So they would have to work together to use his work. He should have burned it.
This is an off shoot Tesla death ray particle beam/starwars weapons. As for the planes flying
over you take pictures of them. If they fly below 500ft you can bitch to the faa. Likely they are
local. You have a perfect right to visit your local airport. Say you want to learn to fly.
Just seeing there will make your perps very nervous. LOL Later J :)
I just want to know how much money is spent just to torture me alone? Then add that up for all the hundreds, no thousands that are being tortured and calculate how much that must cost. In the US alone, that must be millions if not billions. Doesn't the public have a right to know what their tax dollars are being spent on? I want to know if I have a line in the actual defense budget? Am I listed as TI number 8xx,xxx?
The gang stalking, the DEW, the electronic surveillance, it's mind boggling how much it must cost and for one person. Add in all the torture of my pet, family and friends it's astronomical! With so many other things right now that need money the government should be ashamed.
All jokes aside this may become a reality someday.Two people who know all about "thier" games , although bringing children into the world would be a different story, I dont know if I could do that knowing what I know.
I just want to know how much money is spent just to torture me alone? Then add that up for all the hundreds, no thousands that are being tortured and calculate how much that must cost. In the US alone, that must be millions if not billions. Doesn't the public have a right to know what their tax dollars are being spent on? I want to know if I have a line in the actual defense budget? Am I listed as TI number 8xx,xxx?
The gang stalking, the DEW, the electronic surveillance, it's mind boggling how much it must cost and for one person. With so many other things right now that need money the government should be ashamed.
Major General Boris Ratnikov was in charge of Federal Security Dept in Russia which involves psychotronic weapons usage and psychic personnels during Boris Yeltsin presidency, after USSR collapsed.
I suppose he, in this video, was interviewed about psychotronic weapons technology in Russia,
but I don't know Russian. Hopefully someone who knows Russian can help to translate by adding
English subtitle.
Ever since " THEY" the perps, have been harrassing me they have let every potential girlfriend know about them . Im 41 and the only way I think I can find someone is if she is a T.I. too.I am on a dating site and the first date I went on was going well and I really liked her and she liked me as well. Near the end of the date she started saying catch phrases that only I say, that is how I know they were talking to her. She never returned my phone calls after that even though we were both excited for our next date . This happens every time I get close to someone , I cant be the only one that they do this to, any suggestions?
I would like to share some info to help TIs:Over the past couple of years i've been living in a pull-along camper.Alot of people may think this is not an ideal life to live.Contrary,their are many advantages to living in a camper.When gangstalkers enter your home they begin calculating how long it would take for you to pack and move.When you have an average furnished home,they refer to it as being "nested." If you are mobile,this makes them very uncomfortable.Another advantage is that a camper is your own personal property and nobody has the "right" to enter.(unlike apartments) This gives more legal standing if anyone enters.Campers are easier to keep secured,as most of them have only one door.If your a TI that requires shielding,your new home will take less effort to keep shielded.If you decide to reside in an RV park,making friends with your neighbors will keep intruders from your home.A DVR security-cam facing the front door can help a bit too.If your a free spirit and have the lifestyle of retirement,with the convenience of a generator camping trips can be quite comfortable,their are many scenic places to visit across the country.Keeping protection and being mobile can put allot more comfort and security in your life...but their are risk that gangstalkers lurking around your camper may get ate by a bear.