If the famous people and musicians don't get caught will I at least find out whether they were involved or not? When the FBI and FCC investigate will I at least get to know what famous people and musicians were involved by getting to see every name of a person that was involved? In other words, if they show me a list of names of people who were involved will I be able to at least see the famous people's and musician's names on this list? Or what about if I tell the FBI and FCC to ask the perpetrators if any famous people or musicians were involved to get the perpetrators to spill the beans?
All Posts (12221)
Has anyone else noticed any problems when entering the Peacepink site? My computor gets very slow and sluggish and only when logging in to Peacepink..
“Shall we play a game?” – War Games
"We fear a personal dossier that knows everything anyone ever wanted to know about each of us, that may be packaged and sold to others without our knowledge or permission. There is no law that prohibits most of the private sector from doing just that" (Branscomb).
Link; http://www.asis.org/Bulletin/Dec-94/branscom.html
The Economics of Information
Public and Private Domains of Information: Defining the Legal Boundaries
by Anne Wells Branscomb
© 1994, Anne W. Branscomb
from 2009 - Human experimentation without consent has been prohibited in any setting since 1947, when the Nuremberg Code, which resulted from the prosecution of Nazi doctors, set down 10 sacrosanct principles. The code states that voluntary consent of subjects is essential and that all unnecessary physical and mental suffering should be avoided. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/sep/02/cia-usa
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navanethem_Pillay (06 -july 2012)
((( change wikipedia automatically in your language
http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alto_Commissariato_delle_Nazioni_Unite_per_i_Diritti_Umani )))
ITA) In che lingua deve essere inviata? Solamente in inglese? Non sarebbe utile, essendo l'unione europea costituita da più di 20 lingue, inviare la stessa identica versione, nella lingua madre (italiano nel mio caso) in inglese e francese?
For example: in my case italiano, francese e inglese.
Dear John, è possibile riuscire a convincere alcune vittime a attivisti, a riflettere e collaborare per avere una versione unica in più lingue? Io non sò, essa è solo una domanda. Se noi siamo riusciti a creare un "MEDIA RELEASE" in più di 10 lingue, cioè lo stesso identico testo, tradotto perfettamente in più lingue, perchè noi non riusciamo a collaborare tutti insieme per avere la versione dello stesso testo.
Nella mia piccola regione, ci sono delle minoranze.
Esse sono riconosciute. Tutti i documenti, sono obbligatoriamente scritti in due lingue. Nella mia piccola regione è obbligatorio scrivere i documenti, in due versioni per evitare errori.
Rispettabile dottoressa Fubini. Lei che è presidente di un'associazione di medici e di avvocati, può spiegare come deve essere inviata tale documentazione al Parlamento Europeo? E All'alto Commissariato per i Diritti umani? è possibile creare un prospetto unico?
Io non sono avvocato,ma ho altre specialità. Ogni persona, ogni membro, ogni vittima, collabora con gli altri aggiungendo le proprie specialità. Siamo tutti indispensabili. Ognuno di noi ha delle specialità.
Desiderate tutti collaborare per un unico scopo e dimostrare che siamo una forza internazionale, oppure emulare l'U.E. e colare a picco come la moneta unica cioè l'euro? Noi siamo una forza galattica...
Anche le giovani vittime e i nuovi arrivati, devono avere cura dell'eredità dei più anziani.
Oggi ci sono bambini di 08/12/15/18 anni, forse, tra 10 anni diventeranno vittime anch'esse come me. Noi giovani, in futuro,quando saremo più anziani, dovremo prenderci cura dei nuovi arrivati, come voi più anziani di noi,avete avuto cura di noi. La vostra eredità è al sicuro.
La vostra eredità consiste in milioni di links,emails, schemi, petizioni, lettere A/r e dei vostri websites e/o blog. Io ritengo di far parte della 4a generazione di Mind Kontrol.
La 1a generazione è composta dalle primissime cavie degli anni 50/60 con a capo Allen Welsh Dulles
La 2a generazione è quella degli anni 70/80 come ad esempio Cathie O'Brein.
La 3a generazione è quella composta da vittime che sono state prescelte negli negli '90.
La 4a generazione è quella di "MIND KONTROL 2000" (o project Monarch se preferite questo termine).
Questo è solo un mio ragionamento e una mia opinione personale che andrebbe ampliata,rivista e perfezionata perchè non è prettamente corretta. Però io sono abbastanza vicino alla tesi corretta. In futuro, mi riservo di modificare questo ragionamento.
Tutto ciò per demarcare che in futuro, se non fermeremo queste sperimentazioni individuali contro civili, giungeranno coloro che da me saranno identificati come:
Ovviamente io potrei già esser morto di induzione al suicidio oppure per altre cause. Chiedo scusa,già che ci sono, voi avete pensato e preparato un testamento virtuale? Siete al corrente che esiste anche il testamento biologico come ad esempio quello su youtube del Dr Topino di Torino? Cosa chiedete e desiderate che venga fatto, della vostra eredità virtuale cioè websites, blogs, accounts, etc. in caso di decesso? I nativi americani, (indians d'America) sostenevano che la Terra è dei nostri figli...

For example: in my case Italian, French and English.
Dear John, it is possible to convince some victims to activists, to reflect and work together to have a single version in different languages? I do not know, it's just a question. If we are able to create a "MEDIA RELEASE" in over 10 languages, that is the exact same text, translated into several languages perfectly, because we do not we all collaborate to get the version of the same text.
In my small region, there are minorities. They are recognized.
All documents are required to be written always in two languages.
In my small region is required to write documents, in two versions to avoid errors.
Respected Dr. Fubini. She is President of an italian association of doctors and lawyers, can explain how these documents should be sent to the European Parliament? And the High Commissioner for Human Rights? You can create a single prospectus?
I'm no lawyer, but I have others specialties. Every person, every member, every victim, collaborating with others and add their own specialties. We are all indispensable. Each of us has the specialties.
You want all work together for one purpose and demonstrate that we are an international force, or emulate the EU and sinking as the single currency that is the euro? We are a galactic force...
Differenze tra i documenti
Differences between documents at a glance
### Fac-simile carta identità ladina
### Fac-simile carta identità provincia autonoma Bozen
### Fac-simile carta identità Provincia autonoma della Val D'Aosta (italiano francese)
### Fac-simile carta identità Svizzera | Suisse | Schweiz
### Fac-simile Document of MINISTER RENATO BRUNETTA, ITALIAN PARLAMENT. Very NICE at a glance !!!
My Driver's license of 1995 (12 languages)
In which languages are to be sent faxes and letters?
In Latin? Aramaic? Ostrogoth? Esperanto?
This is not a stupid question.
We shall seek the advice of a judicial legal or a lawyer.
Dear Torture Victims and Friends - please send your torture cases and Petitions to
The United Nations High Commissioner For Human Rights
Cari vittime di torture e Amici - si prega di inviare i vostri casi di tortura e le petizioni per la signora NAVANETHEM PILLAY al
Commissariato delle Nazioni Unite per i Diritti Umani
Si prega di inviare i vostri casi di tortura e le petizioni per posta raccomandata o la conferma della firma di:-
Alto Commissario delle Nazioni Unite per i Diritti Umani
Ufficio dell'Alto Commissariato delle Nazioni Unite per i Diritti Umani (OHCHR)
Palais des Nations | Palazzo della Nazione
CH-1211 Ginevra 10, Svizzera
Più informazioni e più petizioni riceve Ms NAVANETHEM PILLAY più è meglio per tutti noi.
Di seguito una copia della petizione che io ho inviato a lei.
Nelle vostre ricerche e nel vostro interesse per l'apertura ad un' indagineper a favore dei diritti umani
Indirizzo: 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627
EMAIL: tijohnfinch@gmail.com, MCmailteam@gmail.com
MS Navanethem Pillay
Alto Commissario delle Nazioni Unite per i Diritti Umani
Ufficio dell'Alto Commissariato delle Nazioni Unite per i Diritti Umani (OHCHR)
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Svizzera
Per MS Navanethem Pillay
Questa lettera serve per chiedere il vostro aiuto per me e per le tante altre vittime che vengono attaccate con psicotronica (o Mind Control, armi elettromagnetiche, armi energia diretta, neurologihe,armi non letali ).
Siamo un gruppo dei oltre 1300 civili torturati elettronicamente con abusi di ogni tipo e vittime di sperimentazione.
Vi preghiamo di aiutarci per far terminare questo tipo di torture elettroniche, di abusi e fermare la sperimentazione.
Alcuni dei nostri AGGRESSORI CON QUESTO TIPO DI ARMI, torture e mutilazioni dettaglio le violazioni più estreme e totalitaria dei diritti umani nella storia umana, compreso quello psicologico più orrendo torture, stupri, abusi sessuali, aggressioni fisiche, mutilazioni chirurgiche, 'controllo mentale', e altri mutilazioni fisiche e mentali.
Tra le altre cose gli autori di questi crimini possono posizionare il soggetto umano sotto la sorveglianza continua, non importa dove lui / lei si trova, loro soino comunque in grado di monitorare il cervello umano, compresi i pensieri, reazioni, comandi psicomotori, eventi uditivi e immagini visive e possono continuamente alterare la coscienza , introdurre voci, rumori, altri disturbi, comandi subipnotici, immagini nei "sogni" nel cervello, e possono direttamente abusare un soggetto, con tortura fisica e psichica, tra cui l'esecuzione avanzata di procedure mediche da postazioni remote. La tecnologia che stanno utilizzando è così avanzata che permette "ai controllori" di vedere attraverso gli occhi della persona presa di mira, in sostanza, vedendo ciò che la vittima vede e tutto ciò in tempo reale.
Molti di noi sono stati torturati e maltrattati in questo modo 24 ore al giorno, 7 giorni alla settimana, anno dopo anno.
Abbiamo contattato la maggior parte dei governi, agenzie di sicurezza / intelligence, Organizzazioni religiose, Organizzazioni internazionali, organizzazioni dei diritti umani, università, istituti scientifici e di altro tipo, e i media internazionali di tutto il mondo, più e più e più volte - e hanno avuto i nostri appelli per darci assistenza, protezione e/o di pubblicità per svegliare il mondo e ci hanno quasi completamente ignorato e/o soppresse e/o denigrato.
Questi sono crimini estremi e mostruosi CONTRO L'UMANITA' - indescrivibilmente terribile in se stessi - accoppiati con la segretezza orwelliana e la negazione di qualsiasi sostegno a tutti noi di ciò che stiamo vivendo,ciò li rende ancora più orrendi e mostruosi.
Alcune persone coinvolte, hanno cercato di ottenere assistenza, protezione su questi crimini in quanto nel 1990 - e ancor prima - questo si estende lontano nella storia dell' illegalità 'scientifica e medica' e alla sua sperimentazione come MKULTRA e gli orfani Duplessis.
Stiamo ancora raccogliendo RIASSUNTI di CASI da persone coinvolte in tutto il mondo, e abbiamo anche consigliato loro di inviare a voi a testimonianze,registrazioni e il contrasto in modo che:-
A. Possiamo essere sicuri che quante più persone possibile di conoscere questi crimini orrendi.
B. Possiamo essere sicuri che tali autorità e le organizzazioni sono o cercando di difendere lo stato di nazionale, internazionale e dei diritti umani, e che noi, prima o poi, essere protetti da queste leggi.
C. O che possiamo essere sicuri che questi AUTORITÀ E ORGANIZZAZIONI sono complici e / o acquiescente a questi crimini contro l'umanità e che il National, Diritto Internazionale e Diritti Umani non sono più applicabili - in questo caso il nostro compito sarà quello di ottenere la regola di queste leggi restaurato.
Più tardi questi record dovrebbero diventare una fonte d'informazione - come l'Ufficio internazionale per il rintracciamento impostato per registrare le sorti e di permanenza degli ebrei (e gli altri?) Dopo WW11. Le informazioni raccolte possono essere utilizzate dalle persone appropriate per LEGALI, assistenza medica, le registrazioni ecc STORICI.
Oltre ad essere illegali i crimini commessi contro di noi sono in contrasto con i principi ei valori di tutte le grandi religioni e sistemi etici - così ci sarà anche una dimostrazione a tutte queste persone e le autorità ed ORGANIZZAZIONI l'enorme divario tra i loro principi professati e I valori e la realtà. Sarà inoltre possibile vedere la loro mostruosa Bipensiero doublespeak Doubledo l'ignoranza, la stupidità e / o ipocrisia.
Non è esagerato dire che i nostri casi sono così orrenda e urgenti, come le persone in fuga nazista o campi di concentramento di Pol Pot - in particolare il dottor Mengele tipo torturatori e macellai.
Si prega di contattare me e io vi manderò ulteriori informazioni e le sintesi dei casi di tortura.
Si prega di contattare me e io vi manderò ulteriori informazioni e le sintesi dei casi di tortura.
Vostro nella ricerca di apertura e di rispetto dei diritti umani universali
John Finch
MAIL: 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627
EMAIL: tijohnfinch@gmail.com, MCmailteam@gmail.com
INDIVIDUALI MIRATI e membro della campagna mondiale contro gli assalti, torture e mutilazioni satellitari che utilizzano ARMI CEREBRALI
THE AMERICAS 524 names
EUROPE 241 names
E 'nostra responsabilità di registrare e segnalare il mondo per questi crimini orrendi - e il pericolo estremo che queste tecnologie, i poteri e le tendenze rappresentano per i diritti umani, la libertà, la democrazia, la privacy e la libertà mentale e fisica, l'individualità, l'integrità, la salute e la crescita di tutte le persone - in tutta la loro ricchezza "infinito?", gradi, dimensioni, aspetto, qualità e la diversità!
Non commettere errori queste sono le armi più orrendi crimini totalitari e immaginabili e le persone e le organizzazioni che li utilizzano sono massa-assassini cospiratori che perseguono totalitari regimi fondamentalisti.
Attenzione del cervello e del gene frenologi / deterministi / riduzionisti, e coloro che cercano di controllare e ridurre la qualità, la gamma e la diversità dei pensieri umani, gli immaginari, sensi, sensibilità, stati d'animo, atteggiamenti, linguaggio e psico-fisiologie - gli aspiranti monopolisti socio-economico, culturale e psicologico / intellettuale / fisiologico, monoculturalists, la polizia e pubblici ministeri che sono già letteralmente e fisicamente attivamente al lavoro in mezzo a noi! Sia mostruosamente e penalmente, e anche molto più insidioso.
E attenzione di questa banalizzazione-down, privazione dei diritti civili, il degrado e monoculturalisation causata dalla scarsità e dal degrado totale dell'informazione pubblica e del discorso, e la conseguente degradazione e la conseguente e la distruzione delle culture in precedenza autonome, le professioni, i campi delle attività umane, i ricordi e le intelligenze .
Siamo costretti, Cooptato E in inganno un fascista / nazista orwelliano POLIZIA DI STATO - ovunque sulla Terra! - Come la maggior parte 'News', 'Eventi' e 'Storia' è stato degradato in drammi penalmente prodotti e gestiti / atrocità (ad esempio guerre, catastrofi, guerre civili, ecc) e penalmente presentato come infotainment, endogeni cambiamenti socio-politici, la propaganda, e / o bugie criminali. E come quasi tutti gli altri discorsi pubblici tra cui la 'scientifica', 'accademica', e 'arte / cultura' è stato degradato in penalmente prodotti e gestiti infotainment, la propaganda, pseudo-scienza, e / o speciose, produzioni tendenziose o folcloristiche e discorsi .
Attenzione alla pseudo-scienza NAZISTI - I nemici della libera informazione e APERTO E DIBATTITO, RESPONSABILITÀ, RIESAME E REGOLAMENTO.
Per non parlare dei pazzi proseguire tale Frankenstein scientifico del transgenico, e la "fusione" DEL BIOLOGICO-TECNOLOGICO E RECORD ANCHE COME DISTRUZIONE BIODIVERSITA 'E DIVERSITA' CULTURALE è fatto.
SI PREGA DI TESTIMONIANZA E RECORD e combattere tutte le dei reati suddetti, e assistere gli Stati Uniti URGENTEMENTE!
MAIL : area|zone of Rovereto (TN - Trento)
WEB: https://peacepink.ning.com/profile/AtlantiTeo
Italian case n.77 https://peacepink.ning.com/profiles/blogs/adjournment-mcmailteam
(*) Began 1995, but with sporadic episodes of stalking, quirks and meetings.
(*) 1998, voice to skull for seven months. I thought I was crazy.
(*) November 2007, the real start with Mind Kontrol every day and reduced to a form of enslavement.
(*) Personal notes: I contend that from 1995 until 2007, they cooked me a little at a time and in 2007, they decided to torture and torment me every day. I was born in 1977. In 1995, I am 18 old years. I began to realize that I was not crazy, only in 2005.
They got angry because I wanted to do a lot of complaints to the police.
From 2005 to 2007, I suffered many kidnappings. In November 2007, every day and every night in Mind Kontrol.
They have always been here in November 2007 but my history began in 1995.
responsibles : MIB (Men in Black) and/or MILAB (MILITARY ABDUCTION) a possible explanation of abduction of Prof Helmut Lammer.
SOURCE 1 MILAB in ITA : http://www.altrogiornale.org/news.php?item.829
SOURCE 2 MILAB in ENG : http://netowne.com/ufos/sightings/lammers.htm
I've done sessions of hypnotic regression.
My big problem is all microchips in my brain and in my body, and Voice to skull (V2K). I have no sexual torture, but they continue to talk and to turn many microchips. bla bla bla bla bla bla bla synthetic telepathy and buz buzz buzz up buzz buzz buzz up or down. Also 800 herz. I also had trouble with dreams. They can manipulate dreams. In 2006, the MIB (men in black), They had talked to me about NSO (space navigator oobe). They call it Project NSO to me. Also Afred K Bender from USA problems with MIB and also other person in the world.
Personal note: They have perfected the Cronovisor.
Imagine an ORDINARY telecamera with the following option: TO SEE THE PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE and DESTINY. With a button for rewind and contrary. Indeed it's not infrequently to see the MIB havinig only ordinary objects like pens and ballpoints or even handkerchiefs but PORTABLE TELECAMERAS as well. The most common telecameras, very familiar to us but with very special and unique options.
Therewith besides the portables on their bases they have a SCREEN noless than 200 inches Ø μm. That's why and the M.I.B. are able to catch you in no time. SPACE, DIMENSIONS and TIME travellers.
The MIB have a wrist watch very strange. Is it a clock space-time.
I encountered them many times. They chronovisor is not affidable 100%. Maybe 80/90% but it's terrible tool. They made me look in the monitor. I have seen what would have happened much later. They play with us like a cat with a mouse.
Tried and true romana: Il tempo rivela tutte le cose (revelat Omnia tempus)
Tempus omnia revelat = Il tempo svela ogni segreto by John Fleming
number plate of BMW Black is a fake
I feel sorry for the third-world countries whose citizens are being made pawns in this sick form of modern day slavery. Corporate entities are but a front. The real money-maker is what happens beyond the curtain unbeknownst to the pawns being played with. ARG, Fan Fiction, Fantasy Sports for the elite.
Why is the government and the military allowing it?
Oh, I forgot.. it serves as the testing ground for covert warfare weapons.
The Canadian Cowards that are responsible for my suffering are nothing more than cockroaches that needs to be exterminated. Controlling my farts and burps to feel superior against me. They are worst than nazi pigs when they rape my brain and body. I can't believe Canadian Human Rights is allowing these criminal events to take place. I feel faithless in this system where our rights are being stolen and stripped right under my nose. Stealing everything important from me. Face me cowards!
This site was created to provide information on psychological harassment and its many forms.
It reveals the psychological harassment and other psychological manipulations used to target individuals (Individual tzv.Targeted - targeted individually). Information that is published on this site draw from various sources around the world.
am one of the people who know firsthand what it's mind control (V2S - Voice to Skull and ST - Synthetic telepathy) and was the victim of gang stalking and harassment but diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic. Those of us who suffer with hearing voices (V2S) from an external source (ST) or failure of our own brain come a miserable and lonely way to go. It is difficult to convey the horror of having to constantly listen to foreign ideas and words that are offensive, negative and derogatory. But for victims of mind control like me, it's a double nightmare in the sense that there is no relief through all the standard treatments or medications. Did you know that you are being harassed, but you can not bring about any hard evidence. Some of us like me, had to undergo forced publicity without their knowledge and sensory experiences that are unwelcome and painful. It's as if we were available in every sense of the word demonic entities from trying to suck all the joy from every moment of our lives and yet keep alive. Our suffering lasts through the years, and it could be likened to an unfortunate existence of quasi-often separated from "normal" world as a whole. I once looked at himself in such a way that I was imprisoned on a small island, where my only contact with the outside world were periodic drives passersby in a small boat from which the only thing to me ever got was a wave of it as they passed. Otherwise, my company and I've got people that somehow I keep a few people with me about this issue ever speak or listen to me and say what they think about me now, I'm crazy because we were friends for several years. Another group of people are also more or less without their own opinion and identify with it that I'm deranged paranoid schizophrenic. Some of them I hear in my head and there are also those whom I loved and trusted them more than anything and what I got was belittling and insulting me or dropping, that I say bullshit. The last group of people who are in his personal life and I hear you hit your head is in either of their voices and know or reproduced according to their interpretation are the ones who decide when this hell will end and who give me different questions and examine my behavior and thoughts to various stimuli and their reakce.Jsem one of the people who know firsthand what it's mind control (V2S - Voice to Skull and ST - Synthetic telepathy) and was the victim of gang stalking and harassment but diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic. Those of us who suffer with hearing voices (V2S) from an external source (ST) or failure of our own brain come a miserable and lonely way to go. It is difficult to convey the horror of having to constantly listen to foreign ideas and words that are offensive, negative and derogatory. But for victims of mind control like me, it's a double nightmare in the sense that there is no relief through all the standard treatments or medications. Did you know that you are being harassed, but you can not bring about any hard evidence. Some of us like me, had to undergo forced publicity without their knowledge and sensory experiences that are unwelcome and painful. It's as if we were available in every sense of the word demonic entities from trying to suck all the joy from every moment of our lives and yet keep alive. Our suffering lasts through the years, and it could be likened to an unfortunate existence of quasi-often separated from "normal" world as a whole. I once looked at himself in such a way that I was imprisoned on a small island, where my only contact with the outside world were periodic drives passersby in a small boat from which the only thing to me ever got was a wave of it as they passed. Otherwise, my company and I've got people that somehow I keep a few people with me about this issue ever speak or listen to me and say what they think about me now, I'm crazy because we were friends for several years. Another group of people are also more or less without their own opinion and identify with it that I'm deranged paranoid schizophrenic. Some of them I hear in my head and there are also those whom I loved and trusted them more than anything and what I got was belittling and insulting me or dropping, that I say bullshit. The last group of people who are in his personal life and I hear you hit your head is in either of their voices and know or reproduced according to their interpretation are the ones who decide when this hell will end and who give me different questions and examine my behavior and thoughts to various stimuli and their responses.
An example of the petition government
Dear Mr. President (Prime Minister),
We are aware that some agencies of your government and possibly some other entities or individuals in this country are in the possession of technical means enabling remote control of human nervous system. (People who live in NATO countries should use here a following quotations: Which is proved by the European parliament’s STOA report on Crowd control technologies. It states: “In October 1999 NATO announced a new policy on non-lethal weapons and their place in allied arsenals”; and “In 1996 non-lethal tools identified by the U.S. Army included… directed energy systems” and 'radio frequency weapons'.
Directed energy system is further defined by STOA document: „Directed energy weapon system designed to match radio frequency source to interfere with human brain activity at synapse level“ http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/etudes/stoa/2000/168394/DG-4-STOA_ET%282000%29168394%28PAR00%29_EN.pdf Appendix 6-67).
It is obvious that the use of such means for manipulation of human beings is in sharp contrast with the constitution of this country guaranteeing its citizens the right of personal freedom. Under those circumstances it is hard to understand why there is no law in this country prohibiting the possession of means enabling remote manipulation of human nervous system and their use against people. Of course such law should include provisions establishing teams equipped with technologies capable to detect those detrimental radiations and their sources.
According to the bill proposed by Dennis J. Kucinich in the U.S. congress the means capable to manipulate human nervous system include "land-based, sea-based or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood managment or mind control of such persons or populations" http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?c107:chemtrails .
Therefore we ask you to take decisive steps toward the legislation which would protect the citizens of this country against the radiations used for remote manipulation of their nervous system and consequently their thoughts and behaviour. In our opinion the teams capable to detect detrimental radiations should be supervised by either the ombudsman or some human rights commission with participation of representatives of Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch.
Stories about Soleilmavis Liu
The Fact and evidence of abuses and tortures of mind control technologies:
I was controlled by remote Voice to Skull technologies and Mind Control technologies, and I was brought inside US Embassy in Hong Kong
(https://peacepink.ning.com/profiles/blogs/kidnapped-by-mind-control )
Life of Soleilmavis in Brief Summary
Soleilmavis case summary of mind control abuses and tortures
I believe there are famous people involved in my electronic harassment. Mainly actors and musicians. If the famous people and musicians that are involved in my electronic harassment don't get caught, will I at least get to know whether they were involved or not?
At my neighbors house, all sitting around a fire pit, enjoying the fourth, my neighbors husband looks behind me on the street and a guy in a truck with an antenna out the window, bizzare! So I ease up and move out of the way of the antenna, being a bit nervous about wifi 'ing me...... anyway how weird, what is up with a guy in a truck with a HUGE antenna holding it out the window, like toward me??? I'm telling ya, something is up with the wifi antenna thing HUH?
I'm really tired of playing these stupid childish games with my perps. I'm surprised they are still alive in the first place because Karma would surely do them in any time now. If they had the guts to show their ugly faces I would put them in their place and teach them a lesson on respect and courtesy. If they are doing this evil to me for money they might get away with it this life however I believe when they reincarnate they will have several life times of poverty and suffering. Common Sense 101
The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network | Gordon's Bay | Cape Town | 7140 | South Africa |

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This is from a perp that I had fallen in love with before I knew what he was.....he also fell in love with me too and as a woman I could tell. even though he was "not supposed to", he defended me "against orders" and gave me "hints" that I was not supposed to be privy to. That had been my plan from the beginning, was to lure him in to get information from him because I could tell "he was sent to me" and so I played dumb.....I might add, "very well". I did not expect to end up having feelings for him but I did and I could tell that he "did not want to have them for me but he did" . We had parted ways years ago but he still sends me these odd riddles and rhymes, catch phrases and poems. Myself, I suspect that they are "Trigger phrases", possibly for mind control, thats a guess but a good one in my opinion. He is a lawyer, with two degrees. One in Law and one in the Linguistic Language Arts. He knows many different languages. From what I have read during my research into mind control, many handlers are often sought out for their diverse language skills. This is just a synopsis of what my suspicions are. During our on and off relationship years ago, he disclosed to me that he belongs to an international "Con-ring" but it was not "just" a con ring from the phone conversations that I had listened in on, but also involved the original, true mafioso'. His hands were into "everything". From what I gathered, all different types of organizations work hand in hand with each other. Rubbing each others backs. Makes sense to do so, because your tentacles can span in every nook and crevice on earth as long as you all work together...as long as you are all "Corrupt and Crooked" in the same bed, all the better. (To be Continued...tired) but here is one of his recent emails....a poem;
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2011 1:15 PM
Subject: Nightmare of Family Reunion.
Had another reunion dream. Picked u up at your hotel. There were a lot of Mexicans staying there. You gave one your cell phone to fix. He gave it back to you fixed I guess. Ireland went running down a pier. I made that sound to her with my lips like she does. She made it back and you blamed her. We walked to the reunion down the pier. You slipped on a board fell and hurt your chin. I asked if you were ok. I said you really shouldn't let strangers work on your phone. You got pissed off started walking ahead of me. We got to the reunion. I got stuck in the buffet line. Someone I knew was across from me drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer. I asked him did he know how much Pabst sold for in Paris. He walked ahead and I never got to tell him the answer. When I got through the line I saw the panorama of a beautifully manicured lawn with tents and booths and games. Directly in front of me there was a bar. Several beautiful girls in summer dresses were sitting there. I looked for you. I couldn't see you. I wanted to sit at the bar but I was afraid you would get angry thinking I wanted to sit next to the girls. All I wanted was a drink.
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
Remembering "Una salus victus, nullam sperare salutam or 'The only salvation for the defeated is to hope for no salvation'.
This may be our best and only shot.
We are the uncontrolled/unexpected result of their experiment.
We are not the only ones with this 'burden', 'mark of a TI', or whatever we want to call it.
We are but a small percentage of those being controlled, except that by some quirk of fate, of genetic make-up, of God's design - we can sense, understand and determine when we are being targeted. Call it EMF sensitivity, call it intuition, call it being observant or being attuned to our bodily functions - the point is we can act as human dowsers or human sensors.
Much as the military or the medical field may hope we self-implode or just disappear -their ERRORS in estimation - we are important to them. They need to identify what the actual source of our resistance is - what makes them unable to fully control us.
Understandably so. If they need to fully control those they wanna control, they have to make sure they neutralize whatever's causing us to be free of their brainwashing and electronic manipulation.
Now, we have two options:
1. First, have the military or the government realize we KNOW how we are being used by those who seek to destabilize the government and different religious, political or economic organizations.
Have them know that since we are their mistake, an error in their experiments, we are their responsibility. If indeed they don't wanna have us used by insurgents who are set to destabilize governments and the spiritual, political and economic organizations , it would be mutually beneficial to us, and actually to the world, if they accord us the RIGHT TO CHOOSE to collaborate with them.Meaning, they can cut the crap, talk to us straight and tell us yes, we had been experimented on.
That's the only way we can arrive at a solution together, if they admit that indeed there's a problem to be solved.
We can work alongside them in a secluded place, specifically designed so we can be away from an environment with electronic and telecommunication triggers so we can work together in finding a solution on how we can alleviate the condition of people like us who have been victims of this evil experiment.
Question however is: Is the government willing to help us on this?
Or is it dead-set on continually using people as guinea pigs to come up with that ultimate control button?
If it is dead set on doing this... They should be reminded: we already know how they are using - controlling - us... and the rest of those around us.
That we know how we can be used by terrorists and how we are actually being used by rich crooks to control the economy.
That even if they want people to believe it is us who's causing the security breach, they're glossing up on the truth.
We are but a minimal percentage. Again, the error in their experiment, their uncontrolled version.
The large majority of those who they've experimented on, they do not know they are being controlled. They do not know they are being used as political, economic and defense weapons.
Left alone, we are similar to a dormant volcano. The ones in control of the system are the ones who trigger the activity. Those perping are the ones triggering the activity.
We are not the problem, they are.
The military, those in the medical field privy to this, and those controlling the technology will understand this line of thought.
It's either they help us help them in solving this gravest sin against mankind - if they really intend to.
2. ... or if they don't wanna do that, we try to do it on our own.
If ever, are there any electronic, telecommunications and programming geniuses here who can help set up an environment not controlled by them? What's the best way of working together? We need to work alongside each other, the real victims.
They are setting up the One World Government thru human experiments. Human machines. Conduits. Human robots.
We shouldn't help them do that.
We can work following God's plan and help realize the fulfillment of the New Jerusalem.
New International Version (©1984)
Looking to confront my perps. Looking for answers. There will be Hell to pay. I'm tired of getting tortured day in and day out. Where do I start to start collecting evidence? How can I beat them at their own game?
Alpha Centauri Activation for Mind Expansion
Full Moon July 2012
Click here for: The Full Moon Transmission for July 2012
Last month we began to prepare the mind to receive and interpret rather complicated patterns of energy now being transmitted from the star system of Alpha Centauri.
At the beginning of these four 26,000 year cycles of time that are now ending on Earth, the Star Nations of Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, Andromeda and Lyra gave an aspect of their own genetic code to the creation of a new, upgraded type of man and woman for the Earth.
In this time of the beginning, the beings from the star Alpha Centauri were invited to contribute to the new human creation their advanced abilities in use of mind power to expand from what is known to what is not thought possible.
In this beginning time, they refused to give these gifts of advanced use of the mind to Earth man. They felt that these advanced capacities might be misused. Now, with the Earth's shift to the fifth dimension, it is safe for them to give us these gifts of using the mind in advanced and expanded ways.
The energy transmission for July will begin to expand your mind in ways that have not previously been possible. When you listen to this energy from Alpha Centauri you will be assisted in the following ways:
* Enhanced problem solving;
* More groundedness and peace;
* Greater strength of will and determination;
* Commitement to achieving goals;
* Greater clarity of thought.
[source page: http://www.thesoundoflight.com/index.php?id=342]
Included in this audio recording is information from the Galactic Council and a 13 minute transmission set to the music of the Song of Lyra. If you wish to listen again to the transmission on its own, you will find it under the tab: FREE ACTIVATIONS/ACTIVATION MENU/PHYSICAL REGENESIS on the website, www.TheSoundOfLight.com Previous Full Moon transmissions dating from October 2011 may be found under the tab FULL MOON ARCHIVE.
Full Moon Transmissions
Recreation, Re-synthesis, Re-genesis
These transmissions are from the Elohim, the Creator aspect of God. They are designed to prepare us to hold fifth dimensional vibration and are part of physical and consciousness upgrade for the Earth that is happening at this time. You need only listen to each transmission once, but if you choose to listen more this will serve to strengthen and consolidate the energy.
The transmissions are energy codes, new words of creation and encompass sound, light and vibration.
[source page: http://www.thesoundoflight.com/index.php?id=342]
The children now being born are evolved, pure, loving beings. They are incarnating at this time on Earth to assist in the grounding on the new fifth dimensional energy. This transmission helps these vulnerable souls adjust to Earth life. It surrounds the child with energy protection. To listen once is enough, but the transmission can be played as desired.
Assist in Protecting the Innocence of Children from outside malicious forces
[source page: http://www.thesoundoflight.com/index.php?id=176]
There is a v2k victim from america named leslie crawford who has proof from her perpitrators.They have made a mockery of a picture of her face by painting her eyes red and using her mouth as a puppet which speaks the words"we have such sights to show you"which is taken from the film hell raiser,it is the only peace of evidence we have that proves there are people using technology to make people hear and see things.look up leslie crawford on utube and you will come across it.