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E Scooters are a new invention that has taken the world by storm. They are two-wheeled vehicles with an electric motor that is powered by batteries. They are often used to getting around congested cities or campuses.

The scooter is activated by pressing a button on the handlebar and then you can ride it at speeds of up to 16 km/h. The electric scooters for adults also have a brake that is activated by pushing down on the handlebar, and it will stop immediately.  They are a new form of transportation that can be used to get around in a city, to commute to work, or just for fun.

Metropolitan areas are experiencing an increase in population, with the stress accompanying this. New travel options are being encouraged, incentivized, or mandated by municipal governments to lessen travel congestion.

The e-scooter is not only environmentally friendly but also economical because they cost less than owning or renting a car for short distances. You can save money on gas, insurance, parking fees, and repairs while enjoying the convenience of not having to find parking spots or worry about traffic.

E-scooters have been invented and manufactured in China for decades, but it wasn't until recently that they became popular in North America. The first e-scooter company was founded in the United States and they were quickly followed by European competitors. Now there is an e-scooter for every type of person and every type of use case.

The popularity of e-scooters has also led to some problems such as people not knowing how to use them, people riding them on sidewalks, and people riding them without helmets which is against the law in many cities like Toronto.

Click here for more information... E-Bikes For Sale .

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Human beings do not digest cellulose well. Cellulose is plant fibre which is derived from grains, vegetables and fruit. This leads to ongoing digestive problems.
The optimum diet for human beings is believed to be any food that is derived from animals such as milk, meat, fish, eggs, butter, cheese and honey. However, if we cook our food, the act of cooking destroys many of the nutrient in the food and causes the food to take too long to be digested leading to digestive upsets. Therefore we should all be eating a raw carnivore diet for optimum health.
Several hundred years ago the native American people and the Inuit people and many other tribes ate all of their food raw. They would never cook their food and they had excellent health and excellent teeth. The act of cooking food and pasteurising milk damages and destroys many vitamins and generates toxins in those foods. In spite of eating cooked foods often we become malnourished which results in excessive overeating often resulting in obesity.
Sometimes people experience side effects when they first eat raw meat. This phenomenon has wrongly been attributed to the presence of pathogens in the meat. However, the real reason for the distressing side effects which can be experienced by some the first time they eat raw meat is because their liver is then able to expel extra toxins due to eating the raw meat.
If you are worried about the presence of viruses in raw meat you need not be because many tribes throughout the world ingest salmonella and E. coli regularly in food. In fact Dr Patrick Lee from Duke University observed that viruses penetrate and dissolve unhealthy cells. Also, oncologist Don Morris at Calgary's Tom Baker Cancer Center said 'It is common to hear that cancer patients who pick up a virus get a regression of their disease'. Dr Antoine Bechamp 1816-1908 believed that all microbes were beneficial to the human body, some for cleansing, some for maintenance and others for regeneration and that none were responsible for causing disease.
If you have difficulty eating raw meat for the first time please use salt and black pepper on the meat until such a time as you become more accustomed to the taste of it.
You should also occasionally drink the green juice of raw celery, raw cucumber and many other raw green vegetables. You remove the difficult to digest cellulose (plant fibre) by juicing it. This green juice will provide you with extra vitamin, enzyme and mineral supplementation.
If you feel that you can not eat raw meat, fish or eggs for any reason then you aught to drink a diet entirely of vast quantities of raw milk and nothing else and you will find that it will cure whatever illness you have. Cancer will be cured within days. Please read further information in the enclosed online article about the curative properties of raw milk which you will find directly under article.
The above diet is economically viable for the entire world population because if we all transitioned to it we would then be able to close down hospitals, nursing homes, dental clinics, psychaitric institutions, optitions , the entire pharmaceutical industry as well as factories which manufacture medical supplies and all other industries which support the world wide medical industry. However, the shareholders of both pharmaceutical and medical manufacturing corporations are strongly believed to be Satanists, Luciferians and Ultra Zionists who wish to establish a one world government where we all submit to their wills. They can best achieve their aims if we are all chronically ill. This is the main reason that easy cures for illnesses are heavily suppressed throughout the whole world at this time.
Even though I myself have been using a cooked carnivore diet off and on for the past year and a half I have not yet fully transitioned to a raw carnivore diet. I am still experimenting with it and researching it.
In 1929, the Mayo Clinic’s Dr. J. R. Crewe wrote an about the miraculous healing abilities of raw, grass-fed milk.
The protocol for his “Milk Cure” was simple – put patients on bed rest and feed them nothing but a couple of gallons of milk a day.
While some of you may be thinking that sounds like a recipe for a severe case of lactose intolerance, consider that the milk he was speaking of is nothing like the kind you find in the grocery store today.
Like almost all milk of that time, the milk Dr. Crewe was speaking of was the unpasteurized, non-homogenized, rich-in-butterfat milk of heritage-breed, pasture-raised cows.
The results were so “uniformly excellent” that they changed Crew’s entire “conception of disease and its alleviation” and inspired him to open a sanitarium where he used raw milk almost exclusively in the treatment of all kinds of disease.
His 1929 article, “The Milk Cure,” became the subject of two subsequent books and quoted an earlier medical textbook of the day, suggesting he was not the only doctor of his time using milk as medicine.
“For more than 16 years I have conducted a small sanitarium where milk is used almost exclusively in the treatment of various diseases,” Crewe wrote in Certified Milk Magazine. “The results have been so regularly satisfactory that I have naturally become enthusiastic and interested in this method of treating disease. We used good Guernsey milk, equal to 700 calories to the quart.”
Crewe and his colleagues used the milk cure to treat countless conditions, including tuberculosis, cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, diseases of the nervous system, diabetes, anemia, obesity and underweight patients.
“Striking results are seen in diseases of the heart and kidneys and high blood pressure,” he wrote. “Patients with cardiac disease respond splendidly without medication.”
“One patient reduced from 325 pounds to 284 in two weeks, on four quarts of milk a day, while her blood pressure was reduced from 220 to 170.”
“One patient with very advanced cardiac and nephritic disease lost over thirty pounds of edema in six weeks. One would expect the large quantities of fluid would increase the edema but the above experience has been repeated many times in lesser degrees.”
Crewe spoke of the “worst case of psoriasis” he’d ever seen: “This boy was literally covered from head to foot with scales. We put him on a milk diet and in less than a month he had a skin like a baby’s.”
He also spoke of a “very sick” diabetic man: “As milk contains about five percent milk sugar, it was feared that he could not manage this amount of sugar. But he did manage it, and improved in every way, and in eight weeks was sugar free”
“A professor of surgery in one of our state universities once said to me, ‘Since I have used your method in preparing prostate cases, I have had most excellent results and no mortality.’” Crewe wrote. “I replied that if he had continued the treatment a little longer, he would not need to operate. All infections of the urinary tract are greatly improved by this treatment.”
Crewe received a letter from a soldier quarantined in a government hospital with tuberculosis. He’d heard about Crewe’s method from a former patient and was doing so well on it he’d inspired several other patients in the ward to try it.
“The patients had to buy their own milk and received no encouragement from the hospital authorities,” he said.
Crewe said he even had a number of patients who used the raw milk fast as a beauty treatment: “The tissues become firmer and the general appearance is markedly improved.”
“It is well known that there is no time in the life of practically any mammal, but especially of the human, when the body is so beautiful and perfect as during the period when milk is the only food,” Crewe writes.
“The Arabs are said (Encyclopedia Brittanica) to be the finest race, physically, in the world. Their diet consists mostly of milk and milk products with fruits and vegetables, and some meat,” he adds.
“The treatment of various diseases over a period of 18 years with a practically exclusive milk diet has convinced me personally that the most important single factor in the cause of disease, and in the resistance to disease, is food. I have seen so many instances of the rapid and marked response to this form of treatment that nothing could make me believe this is not so.”
Despite the wild success of “The Milk Cure,” it has since been long forgotten. The Weston A. Price Foundation speculates two reasons for this: 1. Mainstream milk is no longer a medicinal super-food, it’s a disease-causing, denatured, highly processed product of factory farming. 2. The medical industry can’t make any money from it.
“The method itself is so simple that it does not greatly interest most doctors and the main stimulus for its use is from the patients themselves,” Crewe noted.
Luckily, if you look hard enough, you can find a growing number of farmers providing the good, old-fashioned stuff, straight from healthy, pasture-raised cows. Find a farmer near you on
I found the article 'The Raw Milk Cure at the following online link:-

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Human beings do not digest cellulose well. Cellulose is plant fibre which is derived from grains, vegetables and fruit. This leads to ongoing digestive problems.
The optimum diet for human beings is believed to be any food that is derived from animals such as milk, meat, fish, eggs, butter, cheese and honey. However, if we cook our food it destroys many of the nutrient in the food and causes the food to take too long to digest leading to digestive upsets. Therefore we should all be eating a raw carnivore diet for optimum health.
Several hundred years ago the native American people and the Inuit people and many other groups ate all of their food raw. They would never cook their food and they had excellent health and excellent teeth.
Sometimes people experience side effects when they first eat raw meat. This phenomenon has wrongly been attributed to the presence of pathogens in the meat. However, the real reason for the distressing side effects which can be experienced by some the first time they eat raw meat is because their liver is able to expel toxins due to eating the raw meat.
If you have difficulty eating raw meat for the first time please use salt and black pepper on the meat until such a time as you become more accustomed to the taste of it.
You can also occasionally drink the green juice of celery, cucumber and many other green vegetables provided you remove the cellulose (plant fibre) by juicing it.
Even though I have been using a cooked carnivore diet off and on for the past year and a half I have not yet fully transitioned to a raw carnivore diet. I am still experimenting with it and researching it.
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Operation MK-Ultra & the Canadian connection. Dr. Ewen Camerion was at various times, the President of the Canadian, American & World Psychiatric Associations. Eventually, the American victims won a lawsuit against the CIA but their Canadian counterparts struggle to this day for a formal apology. 

Broadcast on December 15, 2017 on The 5th Estate which began investigating the story in 1980.

CIA Mind Control Survivors Seek Restitution from the Canadian Government (Published on July 16, 2018 by Inverse, author is Peter Hess)

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The Luciferians, Satanists and Ultra Zionists who run the one world government and who wish us to submit to their will have drawn up a list of possible ways that they can wirelessly injure anyone who challenges their wills. They can wirelessly injure anyone they wish from an unknown remote location while they remain anonymous cowards and they do it in some of the following ways:-
When you book an online appointment with a government official the appointment date and time are automatically changed by pre-programmed algorithms.
When you order a package by means of online shopping the package is delayed or entirely lost or when you look at your order on that online website the following day the order has been mysteriously placed in the cancelled orders column.
When you attempt to use a kitchen appliance it is externally controlled to malfunction or it is externally controlled to switch itself on while you are in the room beside it even though it is not a smart appliance such as my water distiller switched itself on while there was no water in it whatsoever.
A modern car, tractor, truck or any motor vehicle can be externally controlled to malfunction and the accellerator and steering wheel can even be externally controlled to cause you to crash against a wall. On the other hand, if you use an olds mobile you can not be tracked or traced and it can not be externally controlled. That also applies if you have an old tractor. Never sell and old tractor or car because in the future all other vehicles can be brought to a complete standstill by wireless external control. Due to nano technology in our bodies and brains which is being introduced mostly by means of injection, people can now be externally wirelessly controlled by their central nervous systems to experience force muscle movement to their limbs and to their facial muscles. The perpetrators need to have a DNA sample of that individual in order to achieve this and the person needs to be bathed in an artificial electromagnetic field, the type which comes from using a computer, a smart phone, from wearing a smart watch or from driving an electric car or electric bicycle.
The perpetrators now have databases of farm animals due to the fact that farmers obtain grants for supplying their own governments with DNA samples of all farm animals. Nano technology can be introduced into the farm animals through their food and water supply or through injections. If the farm animal is placed in an electromagnetic field then that farm animal can be killed or injured by wireless means and it can be achieved from an unknown remote location. Farm animals who are grazing in fields could possible be placed in artificial electromagnetic fields if there were microwave transmitters within a few miles of that field or they could possible be placed in an artificial electromagnetic field due to the fact that the sky is continually being ionized by means of chemtrail spraying of the skies which electrifies the sky and turns clouds into plasma. This turns the whole world into a wireless hotspot and this also turns the sky into a video screen which allows the military to show videos in the sky of space ships and religious figures.
If we stop chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads our digital wireless enslavement would cease to be a capability within one month which is as long as it would take to dissipate the chemtrail spray.

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It's been a while since I've posted. The implants are gone from my brain but there's still some inside my body somewhere. The perps have teleportation technology. They say there's an implant in my left arm. It seems the perps don't want to let me go so easily. Odd since the United Nations are doing something for us, seems the perps would be removing all implants from us. I got a call from a guy on Christmas day, said he was a gangstalker. I think he was a joker playing games, or a perp tactic. Cover story of some type. Going to be taking it easy the next little while, the illness has progressed and I'm done up. Might be the technology doing this, I think it's the genetic engineering. Keep on keeping on people.


Be Strong Be Love

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PURPOSE: Practically, the Neurophone could be used to communicate with the deaf but more often, it is used to terrorize targets. The tracked individuals here recorded/live threats, propaganda, etc. which those around them do not hear (delivered mainly via satellite laser). This harasses and discredit’s the targets; especially if the problem is communicated to those unaware or the relevant technologies.
US Patent # 3,393,279. July 16th, 1968
US Patent # 3,647,970. March 7th, 1972
The Neurophone was developed by Dr Patrick Flanagan in 1958. It’s a device that converts sound to electrical impulses. In its original form electrodes were placed on the skin but with defense department developments, the signals can be delivered via satellite. They then travel the nervous system directly to the brain (bypassing normal hearing mechanisms). Dr Flanagan’s “3D holographic sound system” can place sounds in any location as perceived by the targeted / tortured listener. This allows for a variety of deceptions for gullible victims.
Today, the CIA, DIA (etc) use satellites and ground – based equipment to deliver verbal threats, deafening noise and propaganda; using neurophone technology. Anything from TV’s/radio’s appearing to operate when switched off through to “Voices from God” and encounters with “telepathic” aliens are all cons using neurophone technologies to torment, deceive and (most importantly) discredit agency/targets. Naturally, the system can mimic anyone’s voice and automatic computer translations (into any language) are incorporated.
Anecdotal evidence indicates that people like David Koresh, Martin Bryant and others could have been programmed then remotely triggered (or tricked) using harassment technologies like the neurophone. (Although most of the targets are intelligent and law-abiding). For example, John Lennon’s killer, Mark Chapman, reportedly heard voices before and after silencing the agency-hounded peace advocate. “God” apparently told him to confess verbally.
To explain why others physically moving into the path of the laser (or whatever) do not pick up the signals, please note the following “possibilities”…
a) Kirlean photography may be an ancillary system so it’s attuned to the targets personal energy field (their unique EM waves).
b) The magnetite in our brains can act as a detectable fingerprint.
c) Equally each of us has a unique bio electrical resonance frequency in our brains. EMF brain stimulation may be encoded so that pulsating EM signals sent to the targets brain cause audio-visual effects which only the target experiences. This, to me, is the best explanation.
d) The individuals “vibrational pattern” could be used as a signal filter like a radio receiving only the sound modulating the frequency of the station it’s tuned to.
e)The monitors simply adjust the volume downwards when you’re in a position where the signal could hit someone else’s body. Even if they heard it (briefly) they’d attribute it to another voice in the crowd etc.
If it wasn’t so effective it would not be used to facilitate silent communications between U.S. Government agents/military personnel. And, by numerous reports, today used in relentless, ongoing, technological harassment of thousands of targets in a government program harassed around the clock as targeted victims from state-of-the-art operation centers nationwide, and many report globally. They system is also portable.
I am a victim of the ability of the intelligence services and other criminals to broadcast voices and visions into the minds of non-consenting and extremely unwilling law abiding good will people. Here below is a sample of some of what has been transmitted into my mind in the past several days as follows:-
"She is not our secretary."
"F*** You. She will do what she is told."
I myself asked those who transmit their voices or simulations of their voices inside my head the following:- "Who was that?" One of them answered as follows "I dont know who it was. I was afraid to ask him." This was followed by another voice as follows:- "Since when is Gretta Fahey supposed to be your secretary" Another voice then answered as follows:- " I assumed we have the right to ask them to do simple jobs."
"We hate her but she responds by hating us even more. It is a hate hate relationship."
"Nobody will be allowed to be in a prone position during the day in the future." ( I was in bed in the afternoon.)
I myself said the following to one of those who transmits their voice inside my head as follows :-
"You are a meat bag full of s---. " They responded as follows "We can not work within these parameters."
The team were telling the supervisor what I had been doing over the last few days and the supervisor then was heard by me to say " I dont want to know about her because I dont want her to appear human."
At another time a voice said the following "No more lagresse for you." ( I do not know them and I do not receive lagresse from them and I have never done so and I never would do so in the future and I dont know who they are because they broadcast voices, visions, sensations on my skin and forced muscle movement from a distance by means of neural stimulation and by other means while they remain anonymous cowards.)
"We could easily access her and pull her out of that house."
"She is remaining in her home most of the time so we cant access her."
"Is she sleeping around." (I am single, alone and celibate by choice.)
"Is she a drunk." "No. She is not." " I would prefer if you would allow me to decide that." ( I never drink alcohol.)
When I am asked a quetion by the main staff that question is sometime directed to a team member and they give an appropriate answer in a way that they believe I would answer in order to falsely make the main staff member believe that I am co-operating with the control system. I never co-operate with the control system. It is an partial enslavement and psychological torture system.
"What are you doing to Gretta Fahey (Gretta Fahey is my name)
"We have her wirelessly connected to a computerized control system from implants in her brain and her body and the news is worse than that because we have also you all similarly connected and we influence your thoughts, and beliefs and behaviour."
"She is suicidal. She can commit suicide if she wants. We dont mind."
"She hasnt got a licence to own a home."
"Your ignorance is beyond measure."
"I am getting sick of her. She is talking about the same thing all the time."
"Freeze her account."
"Why don't you f***** have a shower at a decent hour of the day." ( I dont shower till midday approximately.)
"I thought she would adapt to the system."
"She is only a waster."
" We dont want you to wash your clothes for 44 minutes any longer because that is not economical. (I normally chose the program on my washing machine which washes my clothes for 44 minutes.)
"We have plans to externally control the inside temperature in everyone's home from now on. However, we can not externally control the inside temperature in your home because it is an old house with no thermostat which would be required to enable us to do that."
If I purchase a package online, the criminal neuro operatives sometimes ask if I deserve it. If it does not arrive on time they expect me to grovel to them verbally through the online link which constantly connects me to them or else I wont ever get the online product which I have already paid for which makes it my own property..

You will all soon be receiving voice commands directly into your heads if the DNA databanks are not destroyed as a matter of urgency and if the chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads is not stopped.   A sample of your DNA plus electrified skies plus your body and brain being embedded with nano technology allows unknown others to digitally enslave you.

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Government Databases of both Human and Animal DNA samples can be used later in warfare and they need to be urgently destroyed.
In order to transmit and receive data to and from a human or animal you would need their DNA sample and they would need to have nanotechnology preinstalled in their body and brain and thirdly you would need brain aquisition software while the human or animal in question would need to be in an electromagnetic radiation environment. If all of the above requirements were met you would then be able to make a digital physical and mental slave of that human being or animal.
RAND defines the Internet of Bodies as a growing industry of devices that monitor the bodies of living creatures, collect health and other personal information and transmit that data over the internet. It can also alter the function of that human body or other living creatures. If unknown others have a DNA sample from a man or woman or other living creature and if that man or woman or living thing has nano technology inside their bodies then unknown others can turn them into a wireless digital slave. It is now known that covid-19 Vaccines are vectors for the installation of nanotechnology into the human body and brain. That situation has been verified by Dr Pablo Campra of the University of Almeria in Spain who has examined covid-19 vaccines under an electron microscope and my other scientific means. His final offical and legal report on the matter is to be found at the following online link Detection of Graphene in COVID-19 vaccines by Micro-Raman Spectroscopy by Dr. Pablo Campra - ORWELL CITY All dna databases throughout the world should be urgently destroyed by the governments of each country today in order to protect us from wireless enslavement which is ongoing throughout the world now.  Further to that, the skies over our heads have been ionized by means of chemtrail aerosol spraying which is also known as geoengineering.  Our skies have been rendered electrified.    This ionization process allows our skies to be covered in plasma which then allows others to play movies across the sky,  which would be presented as supernatural events in order to frightened onlookers because extremely frightened people who are uninformed about current capabilities are easy to control and manipulate.  .
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Tito de Alencar Lima - one of us


Many of us are on the pages of our Peacepink portal because we are strengthened by the words of “God Bans Mind Control”, whether we are believers who go to their churches or not or those  who carry their God within them!

An important question for all of us is how our Churches are announced and posed when we, the targeted individuals, are in question! For us, members of the Christian religion, the question whether our priests were Catholic, Protestant or Orthodox is very important, whether they would hold a memorial service to our murderers, and not to us, who did not want to or could no longer endure the humiliation or torture we were subjected to, and which ones are most often aimed at our revision?  How do they see us? Some of us think we are - the greatest saints and martyrs!

 I recommend the story of Tito de Alencar Lima, Brazilian Dominican friar who was severely tortured during his country’s rule by a military dictatorship. This torture eventually led to his suicide! Would the priests you know hold a funeral service for him or those who brutally tortured and forced him to do so? There is nothing in his biography that we know, no digital torture and there are no executioners whose unethicality surpasses the Nazi, fascist one, however, there is no science that gets his hands dirty and yet - everything is the same!

I know the views of the top of the Serbian Orthodox Church, since I have already informed them in detail about all the decades of experience and persecution that I know and that my brave and rebellious son has obviously gone through, since his earliest childhood! The Serbian Orthodox Church Serbian are under the rule of the country in which I live!

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"A man"


If any of us had just read Oriana Falaci’s “A man”, a biography of Alexandros Panaogoulis, a Greek hero of the Resistance Movement during the fascist military dictatorship in Greece, he would have been appalled by the gruesome torture of this Greek anti-tyranny fighter. He would be appalled by these torturers in prisons and the imaginativeness of his executioners and the hatred that accompanied it. Each of us might think that we could discuss the similarities and differences of the evil of abuse that we have had the misfortune to know! Similarities and differences of torture in the real and digital world! There is no answer to the question of how these executioners could have been so determined, how they were not sorry!

Is it just an addiction to the pleasure of Inflicting pain or obedience in fulfilling orders? In dictatorial regimes, it is – the unpunished possibility of probing not the limits of the victim’s endurance, but the limits of endurance of both the one who issues orders and the one who executes them.

Does this mean that there is already a way to replace torture in camps and prisons for political disobedient people in dystopian societies, which may be waiting for us? How many of us have already been anonymous Alexandros Panaogoulis? Haw many have lost the battle with such gruesome punishments and   persecutions? Have our homes become our prisons in which we suffer without knowledge and evidence for others in the Orwellian lying world of persecution? And how passionate it would be if it was known to a large part of the public, which would follow it with the compassionate arms crossed?  This could lead to a gruesome collective collapse of a community, society, state and difficult paths of recovery. The decision on the impunity of such crimes should not be commented on!

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Denver real estate

Are you looking to purchase or rent a home in Denver real estate in Colorado? It's just as vital to pick the correct city or neighborhood as it is to pick the right house. REcolorado has tools to help you choose the ideal city and neighborhood for you, from lofts in LoDo to family homes in Littleton or log cabins in Vail. Colorado has a diverse range of neighborhoods, from tranquil mountain towns to bustling downtown Denver, so you're likely to find one that fits your needs. How can you find the appropriate area for you when there are so many fantastic options? Begin by perusing our comprehensive list of popular living destinations.

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I am being tortured by means of wirelessly enabled directed energy weapons and neurological weapons from an unknown remote location by assailants who are unknown to me . In the distant past, I have informed the Claremorris Gardai, (police), my general practitioner, psychiatric nurses and psychiatrists of this situation and I have wrongly been accused of being mentally ill and I have been in the past mandated to ingest psychiatric drugs which have had such extreme side effects that they have tortured me from the inside out.
The Gardai have refused to validate my statement to them about this matter and instead at the time I made that complaint to them they brought me to see a psychiatrist, an act which threatened my safety and freedom, and in so doing the Gardai made it unsafe for me to ever return to them with the same complaint again even though my remotely administered directed energy weapons torture and neurological torture is ongoing.
In refusing to validate my statement of my experiences of ongoing wirelessly enabled directed energy weapon and neurological weapon torture the Gardai also refused to formalize my complaint , an act which would have allowed the Irish general public to come to the knowledge of a serious threat to their own freedom from said wirelessly enabled directed energy weapons and neurological weapons remotely administered torture. Because of this ongoing situation the Irish Gardai are a threat to the freedom of the Irish people who they purport to protect and serve. However, I believe but can not yet prove that the Gardai and members of the judiciary and many other Irish people are themselves being subjected to remotely administered mind control which is being accomplished using mobile phone BTS (base transceiver station) sites which are being used to inject post hypnotic commands and other information directly into the human mind. For further information on this topic please read an online article called 'Remote Mind Control' by Steven J Smith as well as numerous other article on remote mind control which can be found throughout the internet.
I have repeated this complaint on numerous occasions both in online videos and in online articles and I will continue to repeat it because it is unresolved and it is more important to the whole human race than anything else that is happening throughout the world at this point in human history and it needs to be urgently resolved without any further input from me.

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Canada "can not" stop what all my neighbours are doing:

" more than 200 police officers are living around and surrounding  one human rights lawyer."

By bridging my home Internet ( confirmed by computer expert) , they are hacking and disabling my 360° home security camera, making it face wall all the time so that they wear invisibility cloaks to enter and hide in my house any time to commit anything evil and brutal:
( Floor vibration lights and something else in my home told me.)

Invisibility cloaks: 

My neighbours :


360° home security cameras :



My neighbors, Kuna  couple, one of  at least 2 Philippine couples,are now attacking madly my hearing with Microwave Weapons , which cause serious tinnitus  in my home. Here is evidence, which includes nearly all Non-Lethal Weapons ; which includes how Non-Lethal Weapons can be used to  incapacitate and control human hearing, especially, in my home and my workplace :

Every day , I drive home and to my workplace over 2 hours. I have no problem at all with my hearing when listening to the radio. However, in my home and workplace, my hearing is just like a switch. I can hear clearly far away. But I can't hear some people 's talking around me. 2 minutes ago, I can hear. 2 minutes later, I can not.


My neighbors wear invisibility cloaks and kill one baby bird one day. Five days they kill them all.




UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
Amnesty International
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
International Court of Justice
Canadian Government
UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer

CC :

Contact :

Temporary  email :


You all have everything I have provided since 19 years ago about why I must launch international (legal  ) proceedings against them for committing terror, psychological torture, and MK Ultra; for breaking International Law.

Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror, poison, death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons. I am not alone and I need your help.


Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and, thanks.



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Some if not all of the electrical appliances in my home can be placed under external wireless remote control.   Because I have nano-network embedded in my body and brain I can and am also be placed under external wireless remote control, physically, emotionally and mentally.   Should we take down all transmitters and receivers in order to break free from this enslavement system which is under the control of Satanists and others.?

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