Happening (7)

All Church and state employees throughout the world are now under such strong satanic mind control they they work constantly to enslave their fellow men and women. Here are many examples of how they are achieving our enslavement:-The telecom industry employees are busy installing fifth generation wireless technology throughout the world which will provide the satanist would-be slave masters with the band width to wirelessly monitor, mind control, body control, enslave, torture and genocide all of us as they as they wish. With the wireless band width that the telecom industry are now installing the satanists can send any of us extreme pain if we fail to obey the voice commands which you will soon begin to hear coming from inside your own head.The electricity supply employees are now busy installing mandatory smart metres on peoples houses so that the satanists can instantly know what device you are using, how long you are using it for and who you are communicating with. They can even know if you cooked a dinner based on your computerized cooker use.Employees of the pharmaceutical industry are unknowingly blending their products with small amounts of slow acting poison because the satanists who now own and run the pharmaceutical industry know that they can not enslave a vibrantly health and well informed world population.Psychiatrists are being mind controlled to force their patients to ingest poisonous substances to the extent that their patients are made to suffer internally from extreme side effects and they are not allowed to stop taking those substances while they are under the control of psychiatry, and they are normally never released from the supervision of psychiatry for the rest of their lives if they ever report having an emotional crisis.The police are enforcing dictates which they have no legal right to enforce because what they are inforcing is not constitutional law and because they are doing this they are committing criminal offences and therefore they are criminals. They are now helping to enslave their fellow country men and women by this means.Priests deny people the right to choose their own belief system because they inculcate them into christianity when they are still infants with no knowledge of the world. Because of this, those children are never allowed to think logically for the rest of their lives while they remain in the grip of this inculcation because they are then regularly further inculcated due to mandatory attendance at church at least once per week. Priests encourage their followers to pray in a crisis. If a community based crisis were to occur christians would be encouraged to sit at home talking to themselves while the satanic controllers would manage the crisis to further their own agenda. There were at least sixteen other crucified saviours before the fictional Jesus Christ who led lives which were similar to the live of the fctional Jesus Christ such as they all had twelve deciples and they died for three days and then rose from the dead. The Vatican know of the other sixteen crucified saviours and yet they deny all knowledge of them to their faithful followers. The Vatican is controlled by satanists and luciferians and it rules it followers by using a centralized control system.My website is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.
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The Richard C. Walker patent number US6965816 describes the ability to aggressively go in, take over, control, track and manage any system whether it be an airplane, a car, a motor cycle or the central nervous system of a human being. I Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland an a non-consensual victim of neuro experimentation where over many years more and more of my central nervous system is being externally, wirelessly controlled by unknown operatives who speak to me by wireless means as they work of my central nervous system. Here below is a short synopsis of some of what these individuals who transmit their voices to me via military technology and which I hear coming from inside my head have informed me of in the past few weeks.
"It is not a binary system. It is a digital system andit has taken over several aspects of the womans body and brain."
"If she continues to expose this system we will hurt her."
"The roads will be privately owned some time in the future and then no one will be allowed to use them without the permission of the slave masters."
"My name is Anastasia Lochlin."
"We dont hear anything from the staff that are monitoring her and we dont know why."
"We are attempting to preprogram your jaws to obey our commands as well as to over ride your superior commands."
"By relinguishing all rights to your home and family and then by coming with us is now the only way you would be given any freedom. Otherwise you would not be able to move a muscle by the time we are finished encoding your central nervous system."
"Can we feel the toes?" "Not yet." "I can feel all of your facial muscles." "When this process of totally submerging you in our consciousness is completed we will then be able to walk and talk through you."
"This information is not available to anyone else as yet because it is black budget military technology and we have been warned not to speak about it"
"Overt control of this woman Gretta Fahey has now become feasable."
The voice to skull military technology enabled voices once informed me via voice to skull that they informed their neuro operatives that I am a systems design rather than a real living non-consensual and extremely unwilling human being so that the neuro operatives would continue their work of encoding me for bio-robotization. They have already taken partial control of my facial, neck, eye and several other muscles.
The voice to skull inner voices once gave me the following name and address as follows:-
Eamon Clohessy, 14 Willow Lane, Clondalkin, Co. Dublin. They then told me that he is the Director of Public Information Systems for the Republic of Ireland as part of the criminal syndicate which they are all involved in.
The voice to skull inner voices have also given me the following names during the past few months or years as follows:-
Emma Byron - dealer. Maurice Chambers - passed away. He was murdered. He was once head of the secret police in the Republic of Ireland. Keith Summerville - one of the neuro staff. Peter Hoagland - with the C.I.A. and directly involved with my electronic harassment and non-consensual neuro evaluation. Jack Henderson, Allan Lucas, Max Stafford. Other names I have heard the voice to skull inner voices mention often over the past number of years are Jessica, Martha, Madeline and John Henry who was a previous neuro staff member and who was claimed by them to have been murdered.

I have informed the Gardai in my home town of Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland of my ongoing experiences of wireless remote controlled psychological torture. They refused to accept a statement from me on the grounds that I was mentally ill. They did not allow me to finish telling them of my ongoing experiences and instead they brought me to see a police psychiatrist Dr John O Toole for mandatory psychiatric evaluation. I was cool and composed when I first went in to the Garda Station in Claremorris to make that statement. I was then remotely made to feel far too warm by wireless remote means in order that I would be discredited in front of the Gardai who I spoke to on that day. I believed that I would be wrongly evaluated as mentally ill if I continued to pursue the topic with the police psychiatrist Dr John O Toole so I sidelined the conversation in order to protect myself from wrongly being incarcerated inside a psychiatric hospital and forceably made to ingest toxic substances which are so harmful that ingesting them is akin to being tortured from the inside out to the extent that I would prefer to be dead that to ever have to go through the experience of spending time inside a psychiatric hospital ever again.
I know sixteen other targeted individuals from the Republic of Ireland whose private contact details I have obtained and who are being wirelessly tortured inside their own homes, some of them are being wirelessly physically burned and at least one other is experiencing external wireless control of his central nervous system where his arms and legs are being forceably moved against his will.

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Telephone towers and a large variety of other towers are being used to transmit different types of electromagnetic radiation throughout the earth and this electromagnetic radiation is severely damaging to the human race in the following ways:-
Unknown individuals have the knowledge and capability to project their sight and hearing onto a hologram of their choice and then project that hologram of themselves or of another human being or of an apparation into the homes of others while their own bodies remain in the broadcast building where they work. They use this method to both monitor and manipulate their victim which is usually an unwilling and non-consenting man or woman. Their plan is, over time, to gain the ability to totally immerse the electromagnetic field of the hologram which they are using and place it inside the electromagnetic field of the unwilling victim and by doing so they then take over and use the body of the unwilling victim in criminal ways such as using the body of the unwilling victim to commit murder or to commit suicide.
The unwilling victim has already unknowingly given the perpetrator the information they need to carry out this criminal act simply by sitting in front of a computer screen which they have registered using their own name or by keeping any smart engineered technology which is also registered under their own name close to their person. Whenever they sit near a digital communication device their personal human body electromagnetic field (which is sometimes called the human aura and which eminates at least five feet from our bodies in all directions) overlaps with the electromagnetic field of whatever digital communication device they are using or keeping close to their person. Our personal human body electromagnetic field eminates through our human skull and through our human eyes. The electromagnetic field which eminates through our eyes is far stronger than the one which eminates through our skulls because it is not being blocked by the bone structure of our skulls and it is known as the human eyebeam and it can be photographed by a specialized energy field camera, some of which may have been deliberately taken off the market in the past few years. Our human electromagnetic field which surrounds our bodies contains extreme details of all our past memories and all of our past actions and these past memories and past actions can now be uploaded to our computers or smart phones and then transmitted by wireless or other means to a centralized data base where they can automatically be translated by the unknown perpetrators into our past deeds as well as our past memories and as well as all of our current thoughts words, feelings and actions. This data is then translated into the type of aura which we hold and which can be wirelessly manipulated to be prepared to have and electromagnet field of a pre-prepared hologram emmersed into it at some unknown date in the future.
I am an unwilling participant of this process of unconcealed immersion but until now I did not know the full implications of what was happening to me and therefore I did not know how to stop it occurring. I now know that all digital communication devices will have to be banned throughout the world in order to stop our electromagnetic fields being invaded and in order to stop the process of whole body takeover or human bio-robotization or human cyborgization which are some of the names that this process is sometimes called. My facial muscles and neck muscles can already be moved entirely against my will and without my permission. Many targeted individuals throughout the world some of who are on my own facebook page are also reporting that they experienced their own fist punching themselves in their own face or their legs being made to walk against their wills or other similar phenomena.
A slightly different process which also uses the human electromagnetic field is being used to mind control the police and psychiatrists among others into resisting all information which comes to them from any source other than what comes to them from officialdum.
For the past few generations the human electromagnetic field has been deliberately banned as a field of study along with another similarly important field of study known as magnetobiology. Why was this allowed to occur?
I dont know how to protect myself from this occurrence but I do know that a stone found in Russia and avialable to purchase at a reasonable price online called Shungite has been found to be very helpful in protecting the human electromagnetic field from attack. There are many other helpful suggestions to be found online.

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Posted on September 10, 2019 by gretta fahey
I am being subjected to non-consensual transhumanisation which is being forced on me by wireless means due to nano implantation and other types of implantation of my body and brain. Transhumanised individuals are also known as smart citizens. I am being forced to listen to the voices of the neuro staff which are being transmitted to me by wireless means on a continual basis. I often post some of what these neuro staff say to me on my website which is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net. Here is some of what the neuro staff have recently transmitted to me by direct wireless communication which is sometimes known as voice to skull or microwave hearing, as follows:-
“The more despised this woman is the better I like it.”
“Nothing in her pocket only the basics.” ” She is not one of us so.” “Hasten her death then.”
“I am going writing you up as abusive to staff.”
“Spinal column should have been calcified by now.”
“Not alive yet (referring to my arms) and when they are alive we can create havoc.”
“Nothing requires us to wake her up at night. We just do it as part of our harassment protocol.”
“The main team reside in Britian and work out of a system of departmentalization. We almost never see the other main team members or clients or antagonists or controllers. The main team were trained for this work from infancy. They have no knowledge other than this.” (I presume that when they said the word “work” they meant the work of transhumanising a real live deeply unwilling and frightened human being).
“We can control the email of the subject. Her emails don’t have to get out if we dont wish them to get out.”
“Field a system that will generate evidence against her.”

My name is Gretta Fahey.   My address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560,  Republic of Ireland,

My website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.

My landline home phone number is 0949360901.

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Mass surveillance is bad. Mass neuro surveillance is worse.

Many individuals have become implanted with extremely invasive neuro technology. Nanobots in their brains give them connectivity to the cerebral internet on a permanent basis. These individuals are known as smart citizens. They are permanently monitored. They have absolutely no privacy. They can be controlled by others. They can have their memories deleted. They can be subjected to a process known as human robotization.   I am one of hundreds of thousands of such citizens and I have been connected to the cerebral internet for more than sixteen years  where I am under permanent monitoring.   
We must urgently delete all infrastructure that allows this. Otherwise you and your family will be digitally enslaved soon. I enclose herein the link to the full article by Dr David Salinas Flores, Professor of Medicine at the Universidad Nacional, Mayor de San Marcos, Peru which I got from the following website, https://everydayconcerned.net/2019/06/05/personofinterest-cerebralinternet-flores/

I am Gretta Fahey from Claremorris, Republic of Ireland and I tell my story of around the clock monitoring in extreme detail throughout my website which I alone own and control and which is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net. My landline home phone number which I post online in order to verify that I am a real human being  is 0949360901.

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Aerosolized dust particles have become embedded in our bodies and brains. These embedded particles are now being used to wirelessly connect non-consenting people to computer networks for the purpose of brain to brain interface and brain to computer interface. Both brain to brain interface and brain to computer interface control systems provide a certain level of limitation and constraint over the everyday behaviour of anybody who becomes wirelessly linked to the system. These brain to brain and brain to computer system have been developed and programmed in order to control and manage the behaviour of most of the human race. This control system enables real time monitoring of all of the electrical activity being generated by both the human brain and human body. You can have no secrets or mental privacy if and when you become connected to this control system. This virtual enslavement system enables both mind control and body control both of which are already happening throughout most of the world. Mind control is occurring on a large scale throughout the world. Body control is only being experienced by a small selection of individuals but it is being developed as a control and enslavement tool for eventual use in curbing the behaviour of most of the human race.

It appears that the individuals who enabled this cruel control system to be developed and administered throughout most of the world wish to remain outside the control system themselves. They wish to be slave masters of the human race. Because of being unknowingly mind controlled most people are totally unaware of this plan for remote neural monitoring for the masses of humanity. This is wireless warfare. If we wish to remain free from enslavement all we need to do is to demolish all telephone towers and related paraphernalia. It is widely believed that the existence of satellites has been hoaxed by NASA who appear to be under some kind of constraint.

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I am a non-consensual subject of both remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation. I am bound by a two way wireless transmission link from embedded implants which are inside my brain and body to what I believe are a network of computers as well as a supercomputer. These computers are being operated by unknown neuro operatives who speak inside my head via the two way wireless transmission link. All of the electrical activity being generated by both my brain and body is uploaded to the supercomputer and the network of computers in a fully automated process. Further to that, the unknown neuro operatives have the ability to upload sounds, a variety of voices, moving images, tastes, smells, bodily sensations and pain signals to my brain and body.
In the past few minutes I heard a voice speaking to me and that voice was coming from inside my head. That voice was heard by me to say the following ” Send her the most extreme pain signals that you can muster up in order to get her to commit suicide immediately”.
I did not receive those aforementioned pain signals and I am doing fine.

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