invasion (5)

The Luciferian world dictatorship control the school system, the organised religion system, the entertainment system, the main stream media system and the university education systems throughout most of the world. They create a false reality for us and they force us to believe it because we hear it repeated continually from almost every information outlet throughout the course of our lives. If any group claim to disbelieve any aspect of this false reality construct they are then ridiculed on the main stream media or some are even incarcerated inside psychiatric hospitals by mind controlled psychiatrists. NASA has faked space exploration because NASA employees are mostly high level freemasons who have taken a vow of secrecy under pain of torture and death.
The world dictatorship have consolidated nations, corporations, banks and even organised religions under their management. They are neuro connecting unaware men, women and children to a central internet of bodies via implants and neural dust where they steal data from our brains and bodies and they also transmit data to our brains and bodies in order to gain more and more physical and mental control over us. The rand corporation has recently published a book called 'The internet of bodies' which is a basic introduction to the topic and is free to download at their website which is It is misleading in the sense that most of the information in the book focuses on collecting data from the human body and sending it to a central data storage system rather than the other capability of the internet of bodies which is about transmitting information from an external location into the human brain and body, mostly without the awareness or consent of the individual concerned.
As soon as you register a smart device or a digital media device to your name it begins to gather information about you and transmit it to an electronic data file under your name. This is made possible because the brains and bodies of most men, women and children are now permanently embedded with dust sized implants which they either inhaled, ingested or had vaccinated into them at an earlier time without their awareness.
The data which is gathered about you can be used to build a map of your brain. This map of your brain would allow unknown others to identify any weakness you have such as an addiction, a health problem, financial problems, potential enemies and false belief systems. If you ever challenge their false authority their agents are ordered to infiltrate your life and further manipulate you through exploitation of your weaknesses. This map of your brain is ultimately used to help the world dictatorship with the process of digitally enslaving you because when this brain map exists it can be used to externally physically, mentally and emotionally control you by your central nervous system by wireless means from an unknown remote location under United States patent number US6965816. When your brain is sufficiently mapped you can be placed under remote brain to brain interface with a team of neuro scientists against your will and without your permission. While you are brain to brain interfaced the bodily movements of the dominant member of the brain to brain interface team would be made to over ride your bodily movements so that you could be then physically controlled from a distance like a robot or puppet. Many individuals who are being non-consensually experimented on by black budget military experimentation have reported that they have experienced partial or total external physical remote control of their bodies. Some of these individuals have been interviewed on the Ramola D Reports youtube channel. All smart devices are dangerous weapons.
Because of this capability, Smart phones, smart radios, smart watches, Fit Bits, Smart televisions, Alexa and generally all smart technology as well as some digital media devices which are not registered as smart are dangerous weapons.
There is a possible solution to technological invasion of the human brain and body to be found by listening to a signal jamming CD which can be purchased at In order to jam all digital signals from coming into your brain and body you need to own a cd player and a specialized brand of reasonably priced head phones, details of which can be found at the aforementioned website.
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Telephone towers and a large variety of other towers are being used to transmit different types of electromagnetic radiation throughout the earth and this electromagnetic radiation is severely damaging to the human race in the following ways:-
Unknown individuals have the knowledge and capability to project their sight and hearing onto a hologram of their choice and then project that hologram of themselves or of another human being or of an apparation into the homes of others while their own bodies remain in the broadcast building where they work. They use this method to both monitor and manipulate their victim which is usually an unwilling and non-consenting man or woman. Their plan is, over time, to gain the ability to totally immerse the electromagnetic field of the hologram which they are using and place it inside the electromagnetic field of the unwilling victim and by doing so they then take over and use the body of the unwilling victim in criminal ways such as using the body of the unwilling victim to commit murder or to commit suicide.
The unwilling victim has already unknowingly given the perpetrator the information they need to carry out this criminal act simply by sitting in front of a computer screen which they have registered using their own name or by keeping any smart engineered technology which is also registered under their own name close to their person. Whenever they sit near a digital communication device their personal human body electromagnetic field (which is sometimes called the human aura and which eminates at least five feet from our bodies in all directions) overlaps with the electromagnetic field of whatever digital communication device they are using or keeping close to their person. Our personal human body electromagnetic field eminates through our human skull and through our human eyes. The electromagnetic field which eminates through our eyes is far stronger than the one which eminates through our skulls because it is not being blocked by the bone structure of our skulls and it is known as the human eyebeam and it can be photographed by a specialized energy field camera, some of which may have been deliberately taken off the market in the past few years. Our human electromagnetic field which surrounds our bodies contains extreme details of all our past memories and all of our past actions and these past memories and past actions can now be uploaded to our computers or smart phones and then transmitted by wireless or other means to a centralized data base where they can automatically be translated by the unknown perpetrators into our past deeds as well as our past memories and as well as all of our current thoughts words, feelings and actions. This data is then translated into the type of aura which we hold and which can be wirelessly manipulated to be prepared to have and electromagnet field of a pre-prepared hologram emmersed into it at some unknown date in the future.
I am an unwilling participant of this process of unconcealed immersion but until now I did not know the full implications of what was happening to me and therefore I did not know how to stop it occurring. I now know that all digital communication devices will have to be banned throughout the world in order to stop our electromagnetic fields being invaded and in order to stop the process of whole body takeover or human bio-robotization or human cyborgization which are some of the names that this process is sometimes called. My facial muscles and neck muscles can already be moved entirely against my will and without my permission. Many targeted individuals throughout the world some of who are on my own facebook page are also reporting that they experienced their own fist punching themselves in their own face or their legs being made to walk against their wills or other similar phenomena.
A slightly different process which also uses the human electromagnetic field is being used to mind control the police and psychiatrists among others into resisting all information which comes to them from any source other than what comes to them from officialdum.
For the past few generations the human electromagnetic field has been deliberately banned as a field of study along with another similarly important field of study known as magnetobiology. Why was this allowed to occur?
I dont know how to protect myself from this occurrence but I do know that a stone found in Russia and avialable to purchase at a reasonable price online called Shungite has been found to be very helpful in protecting the human electromagnetic field from attack. There are many other helpful suggestions to be found online.

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Every time you think a thought, feel an emotion, move a body part, speak or act, then the neurons in your brain fire up and they generate an electromagnetic frequency which would then show up as a unique pattern on an electroencephalogram machine which is more commonly known as an EEG machine.
Each of these electromagnetic frequencies which you are generating all day long have totally unique patterns similar to words in a book. These unique patterns have all been identified and categorised and placed in a type of computerized dictionary. Software has been created that uses that computerized dictionary to translate all of the electromagnetic frequencies that a human brain and body generates at the same speed which the brain works at into the thoughts, words, feelings, actions and movements of that human being on a continual basis.
Therefore if you were continually attached to an electroenchepalogram machine as you went about your daily life and if some body else had access to the software that automatically translates the unique electromagnetic frequencies that your brain and body were generating they could know from looking at their computer screen every word that you say each day in combination with every emotion that you feel, every thought that you think, every time you move a body part, how long you sleep and how often you eat, among other deeply personal details of your life that you thought were private.
People have been illegally implanted with either nano technology or micro technology or both to the extent that it allows unknown criminals to wirelessly translate and to wirelessly analyse and store all of the electromagentic frequencies which their brain and body generate against their wills and without their permission. The unknown criminals now can know everything you say, do, think, feel, how long you sleep for and how often you eat. They can analyse the data and sell it to foreign powers so that other unknown criminals can also know your most private thoughts, words and actions.
The story is alot worse than losing all of your privacy. These unknown criminals can also broadcast frequencies into you without your permission if they have obtained your unique brain signature. They can broadcast frequencies which contain words, images, pictures, pain, forced muscle movement as well as emotions and feelings. They can broadcast pornographic images into the mind of a child. They can broadcast voice commands to you and if you disobey them they can then broadcast a pain signal into your brain and body. They can broadcast frequencies into you that cause your brain or body to malfunction and you might never know who they are or why they are doing it.
We need to urgently disassemble and ban whatever technology is enabling the wireless capabilities which allows human beings to be tortured inside their own homes on a continual basis. There could be devices on the electricity poles ajacent to peoples homes which is allowing them to be wirelessly tortured on a continuous basis for years at a time. What do we in Ireland need to have disassembled and banned in order to free ourselves from being constantly tortured by this evil technology?.
I got much of this information from a youtube channel called Sherry’s Research and Reviews

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My nether regions are being photographed by the use of energy imprint technology while I am alone in the privacy of my own home with the doors locked, and the images gained by this energy imprint technology are being transmitted all over the world under my own name totally against my will and totally without my permission. I am a non-consensual and totally unwilling targeted individual of neuro research and I have been so for more than fifteen years. I live in the west of I...reland. I am a good living, good will woman. Please do not treat me like this. I have not seen any such pictures but the technologically induced voices which are transmitted inside my head by the use of microwave hearing technology have informed me that this is the case.

The microwave hearing transmitted voices once informed me that a map can be made of my body shape by the following means:-
Neuro research staff send pulses of energy to the surface of my body. My skin registers these sensations. Signal processing software technology allows for the recorded data to be transmitted from my skin surface to the computers of the neuro staff for translation into the exact shape of my body. They can then use this information to see my naked body and to send said images around the world.

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An information, diplomatic and legal offensive is needed to break through this.There exists a global surveillance and monitoring system that can be used to see and hear and tamper through almost any structure with molecular/brainwave/communications-signal accuracy - and yet we are led to believe that borders are porous and rife with uncontrolled terrorist activity, weapons-smuggling, training camps, and transnational conspiracies - and that evidence, communications and data are to be trusted.THIS IS NOT EVEN REPORTED, INVESTIGATED, OR CONTROLLED!!There exists a massive, coordinated propaganda and public relations machine – that makes Goebbels look like a mere manipulative editor, and J Edgar Hoover look like a Sunday school teacher - controlling and managing the input, output and effects of most information and media worldwide. And which are being used for heavy geopolitical and criminal blackmail and extortion.THIS IS NOT EVEN REPORTED, INVESTIGATED, OR CONTROLLED!!There exists Secret Geophysical Weapons which are being used to create earthquakes, storms, floods, fires, electrical and mechanical crashes and disasters (cars, planes, trains, ships etc.) and building and bridge collapses, killing millions of people. And which are being used for heavy geopolitical and criminal blackmail and extortion.THIS IS NOT EVEN REPORTED, INVESTIGATED, OR CONTROLLED!!There exists Directed Energy and Neurological Weapons which are being used to cause the most horrendous psychological tortures, rapes, sexual abuse, surgical mutilations, ‘mind control’, and other mental and physical mutilations on many, many thousands of people worldwide – citizens, combatants and leaders (coup-de-etats and puppet governments, literally), and serious violations of the integrity of electronic data and systems. And which are being used for heavy geopolitical and criminal blackmail and extortion.THIS IS NOT EVEN REPORTED, INVESTIGATED, OR CONTROLLED!!In the past decade “terrorists” have killed perhaps 30,000 people – ‘The Wars on Terror’ have resulted in the deaths of well over a million people and the ongoing destruction of Iraq and Afghanistan – a veritable Moslem Holocaust - and many other brutal, brazen and extensive crimes against humanity, war crimes and serious violations of human rights and civil liberties worldwide, as the criminals pretend that the world’s most powerful surveillance and military forces can’t establish peace and stability there in 6 and 8 years respectively.THIS IS NOT EVEN REPORTED, INVESTIGATED, OR CONTROLLED!!Since 2001 these criminals have made Dirty Wars and Black Operations fomenting and prolonging conflicts and civil strife in Algeria, Sudan, Congo, Somalia, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, South Africa, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Turkey, Russia, the Caucasus, Pakistan, India, Kashmir, Sri Lanka, China, Tibet, Cambodia, Korea, Thailand, Colombia, Bolivia causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.THIS IS NOT EVEN REPORTED, INVESTIGATED, OR CONTROLLED!!Universal human rights, transparency, the rule of law, democracy, accountability, free and open media, equal rights and opportunities, and serious, responsible, investigative and diverse public discourse etc. have been so completely violated, overridden, degraded and reduced.THIS IS NOT EVEN REPORTED, INVESTIGATED, OR CONTROLLED!!These very serious and horrendous wars and crimes - along with the other such supposedly hugely society/civilization threatening things as criminals, mental health patients including pedophiles, meteors, drunks, human diversity and freedom itself, as well as the incessant pop/tabloid circus and idiocy culture – are being used to lead us into a pseudo-scientific technologically and “medically” determined fascism/naziism – totalitarian and reductionist – i.e. nazi.WE ARE BEING COOPTED, FORCED AND TRICKED INTO AN ORWELLIAN FUNCTIONALIST TOTALITARIANISM – EVERYWHERE ON EARTH! - as almost all public discourses including ‘scientific’, ‘academic’ and ‘arts and culture’, and as much as 80% of ‘international news’, ‘events’ and ‘history’, have been degraded into produced and managed dramas/atrocities (i.e. wars, disasters, civil strife etc), and criminally presented as infotainment, endogenous socio-political changes, propaganda, pseudo-sciences and/or specious, tendentious or folkloric productions and discourses.Regarding these NWO Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes, Dirty Wars, Black Operations, Secret Weapons, Destruction of Democratic Institutions and Standards, Total Degradation of Media and Public Discourses, Total Degradation and Disenfranchisement of Civil Society and Institutions there is a complete ORWELLIAN/STALINIST PUBLIC INFORMATION AND INQUIRY BLACKOUT.It is our responsibility to record and alert the world to these horrendous crimes - and the extreme danger that these technologies, powers and tendencies pose to human rights, liberty, democracy, privacy and the mental and physical freedom, individuality, integrity, health and growth of all people – in all their “infinite?” richness, degrees, dimensions, aspects, qualities and diversity!Make no mistake these are the most horrendous totalitarian weapons and crimes imaginable and the people and organizations using them are mass-murdering conspirators pursuing totalitarian fundamentalist schemes.Beware of the brain and gene phrenologists/determinists/reductionists, and those who seek to control and reduce the range of permissible thoughts, imaginations, feelings, moods, attitudes, speech and psycho-physiologies – the would-be socio-economic, cultural AND PSYCHOLOGICAL/INTELLECTUAL/ PHYSIOLOGICAL monopolists, monoculturalists, police and prosecutors who are already literally and physically actively at work amongst us!! Both monstrously and criminally, and also far more insidiously.And beware of this dumbing-down, disenfranchisement, degradation and monoculturalisation caused by the paucity and total degradation of public information and discourse, and the subsequent and consequent “Fahrenheit 451-ing” of previously autonomous cultures, professions, fields of human endeavour, memories, and intelligences.BEWARE OF THE PSEUDO-SCIENCE NAZIS - THE ENEMIES OF FREE AND OPEN INFORMATION AND DEBATE, ACCOUNTABILITY, REVIEW AND REGULATION.NOT TO MENTION THE NUTCASES PURSUING SUCH FRANKENSTEIN-SCIENCES AS THE TRANSGENIC, AND THE “BLENDING” OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGICAL– EVEN AS RECORD BIODIVERSITY AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY DESTRUCTION IS DONE.(please see the REFERENCES below)A LIST OF THE CRIMES COMMITTED BY THE NWO-NazisLike the WWII Nazis the NWO-Nazis must answer for their crimes.THE CRIMES:-Secret Geophysical Weapons (earthquake, floods, storms, fires, 9/11) Crimes Against Humanity in Myanmar, China, Japan, Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Iran, Yemen, Turkey, Greece, USA, Central America, the Carribean, and the Pacific killing well over a million people and massive destruction. And which are being used for heavy geopolitical and criminal blackmail and extortion. (please see the REFERENCES below)War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and Torture using Directed Energy and Neurological Weapons to cause the most horrendous psychological tortures, rapes, sexual abuse, surgical mutilations, ‘mind control’, and other mental and physical mutilations on many, many thousands of people worldwide – citizens, combatants and leaders (coup-de-etats and puppet governments, literally). And which are being used for heavy geopolitical and criminal blackmail and extortion. (please see the REFERENCES below)Dirty Wars and Black Operations fomenting and prolonging conflicts and civil strife in Algeria, Sudan, Congo, Somalia, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, South Africa, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Turkey, Russia, the Caucasus, Pakistan, India, Kashmir, Sri Lanka, China, Tibet, Cambodia, Korea, Thailand, Colombia, Bolivia causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.Crimes Against Peace, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity in Iraq and Afghanistan resulting in the deaths of well over a million people and the ongoing destruction of those countries, as the criminals pretend that the world’s most powerful surveillance and military forces can’t establish peace and stability there in 6 and 8 years respectively.Crimes Against Humanity using Directed Energy Weapons to cause electrical and mechanical crashes and disasters (cars, planes, trains, ships etc.), building and bridge collapses, and serious violations of the integrity of electronic data and systems killing thousands of people and causing much criminal malfeasance. And which are being used for heavy geopolitical and criminal blackmail and extortion. (please see the REFERENCES below)Active Criminal Complicity in all of the above crimes by other Governments, Agencies and International Organisations as there’s no genuine information or analyses about any of these crimes – at all.Active Criminal Complicity in all of the above crimes by the Media Monopolies and “professionals” as there’s no genuine information or analyses about any of these crimes – at all. (please see the REFERENCES below)WE ARE BEING COOPTED AND FORCED AND TRICKED INTO AN ORWELLIAN FUNCTIONALIST TOTALITARIANISM – EVERYWHERE ON EARTH! - as almost all public discourses including ‘scientific’, ‘academic’ and ‘arts and culture’, and as much as 80% of ‘international news’, ‘events’ and ‘history’, have been degraded into produced and managed dramas/atrocities (i.e. wars, disasters, civil strife etc), and criminally presented as infotainment, endogenous socio-political changes, propaganda, pseudo-sciences and/or specious, tendentious or folkloric productions and discourses.Regarding these NWO Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes, Dirty Wars, Black Operations, Secret Weapons, Destruction of Democratic Institutions and Standards, Total Degradation of Media and Public Discourses, Total Degradation and Disenfranchisement of Civil Society and Institutions there is a complete ORWELLIAN/STALINIST PUBLIC INFORMATION AND INQUIRY BLACKOUT.It is our responsibility to record and alert the world to these horrendous crimes - and the extreme danger that these technologies, powers and tendencies pose to human rights, liberty, democracy, privacy and the mental and physical freedom, individuality, integrity, health and growth of all people – in all their “infinite?” richness, degrees, dimensions, aspects, qualities and diversity!Make no mistake these are the most horrendous totalitarian weapons and crimes imaginable and the people and organizations using them are mass-murdering conspirators pursuing totalitarian fundamentalist schemes.Beware of this dumbing-down, disenfranchisement, degradation and monoculturalisation caused by the paucity and total degradation of public information and discourse, and the subsequent and consequent “Fahrenheit 451-ing” of previously autonomous cultures, professions, fields of human endeavour, memories, and intelligences.THE NWO-NAZIS:-the USA, UK, NATO (with Secret Geophysical Weapons “Weather Machine” War Crimes Bases in Alaska, Norway, Greenland, Australia), Canada, and the Agencies, Corporations, and the Media Monopolies and “professionals” actively involved in the planning, initiation and perpetration of these crimesLike the WWII Nazis the NWO-Nazis must answer for their crimes.Remember the real story of the causes of WWII and the Cold War.ABOUT SECRET GEOPHYSICAL WEAPONS:-US CONGRESS, EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT & UK PARLIAMENT - BRIEFINGS ON SECRET GEOPHYSICAL WEAPONS & 'MIND CONTROL' RESEARCH - HAARP IS A WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTIONHAARP is fully operational and has the ability of potentially triggering floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes. From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction CHINA CONSIDERS WAR AGAINST USA OVER EARTHQUAKE ATTACK PENTAGON'S SECRET SPACE WEAPONS PROGRAM, FOR COOPERATION IN SPACE - HAARP IS A SPACE-BASED WEAPON OF MASS-DESTRUCTION'S "WAR ON TERRORISM" by MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY WAS DONE BY THE NWO CRIMINALS USING HAARPThe "war on terrorism" is bogus. The 911 narrative as conveyed by the 911 Commission report is fabricated. The Bush administration is involved in acts of cover-up and complicity at the highest levels of government........” THE 9/11 CONSPIRACY AND CRIMES , , , , , ,,THE LONDON BOMBINGS WERE DONE BY THE NWO CRIMINALS AND ITS ROLE IN 9/11/ 2001 FOREIGN MINISTER SERGEI LAVROV - "THE THREAT OF NEW WEAPONRY" PRAVDA - SECRET GEOPHYSICAL WEAPONS - "UNPREDICTABLE NATURAL DISASTERS AND MAN-CAUSED CATASTROPHES" GEOPHYSICAL WEAPONS IT WEATHER OR GOVERNMENT TERROR? HAARP: GEOPHYSICAL WARFARE DIRECTED ENERGY & NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS:-VIDEO:- MIND CONTROL & ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT SHOCKING MENACE OF SATELLITE SURVEILLANCE by John Fleming ST. CLAIR AKWEI VS. NSA, FT. MEADE, MD, USA OF SURVEILLANCE & REPRESSION by Judy Malloy DOMESTIC SPYING: KICKING CIVIL LIBERTIES TO THE CURB CONTROL TECHNOLOGY EXPOSED link to our OVER 880 DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING TORTURE AND ABUSE VICTIMS' CASE SUMMARIES OR username – johnfinch password - TORTURECASESVICTIMS' ACCOUNTS FROM THE WHOLE WORLD600 + VICTIMS' ACCOUNTSWEB: ELECTRONIC WARFARE ON CIVILIANS PETITION - 400+ SIGNATURES AND MESSAGES OF VICTIMS & SUPPORTERSWEB:,,WANTTOKNOW.INFO:- MIND CONTROL YOURSELF:- MIND CONTROL CONTROL & SUBLIMINAL SUGGESTION - 100 USA PATENTS THE NEED FOR NEW CRITERIA OF DIAGNOSIS OF PSYCHOSIS IN THE LIGHT OF MIND INVASIVE TECHNOLOGY, CAROLE SMITH, JOURNAL OF PSYCHO-SOCIAL STUDIES , VOL 2(2) NO 3 2003 CENSORED - HUMAN RIGHTS AND FREEDOM OF THOUGHT VIOLATIONS BY US MILITARY/INTELLIGENCE ORGANIZATIONS.WEB: REPRESENTATIVE JIM GUEST’S (MO) LETTER“October 10, 2007Dear Member of the Legislature and Friends:This letter is to ask for your help for the many constituents in our country who are being affected unjustly by electronic weapons torture and covert harassment groups. Serious privacy rights violations and physical injuries have been caused by the activities of these groups and their use of so-called non-lethal weapons on men, women, and even children.I am asking you to play a role in helping these victims and also stopping the massive movement in the use of Verichip and RFID technologies in tracking Americans. . . . . .”Sincerely,Representative Jim Guest EMAIL: , jimoguest@msn.comWEB: HUMAN RESEARCH SUBJECT PROTECTION ACT OF 1997 – INTRODUCED BY USA SENATOR JOHN GLENN MIND CONTROL by Walter Bowart STREET JOURNAL - NSA's DOMESTIC SPYING GROWS FIRST TO ADMIT "WE'RE PART OF GLOBAL SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM" - ECHELON OUTED BY THE HEAD OF AUSTRALIA'S DEFENCE SIGNALS DIRECTORATE (DSD), MARTIN BRADY. THE NWO-Nazis:-VIDEO:- PRESIDENT EISENHOWER WARNS OF THE ‘MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX’ ENDANGERING DEMOCRACY & LIBERTIES PRESIDENT KENNEDY ON THE ‘SECRET GOVERNMENT’ – BEFORE THE ASSASSINATION/COUP'S "WAR ON TERRORISM" by MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY WAS DONE BY THE NWO CRIMINALS USING HAARPThe "war on terrorism" is bogus. The 911 narrative as conveyed by the 911 Commission report is fabricated. The Bush administration is involved in acts of cover-up and complicity at the highest levels of government........” THE 9/11 CONSPIRACY AND CRIMES , , , , , ,,VIDEO:- USA EXTREMISTS STAGED THE 9/11 ATTACKS ON AMERICA LONDON BOMBINGS WERE DONE BY THE NWO CRIMINALS AND THE "WAR ON TERROR" QUESTIONED IN BRITAIN`S PARLIAMENT BY FORMER BRITISH FOREIGN SECRETARY ROBIN COOK - SHORTLY BEFORE HIS “UNTIMELY DEATH”former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook told the House Of Commons that "Al Qaeda" is not really a terrorist group but a database of international Mujaheddin and arms smugglers used by the CIA and Saudis to funnel guerrillas, arms, and money into Soviet-Occupied Afghanistan. 9/11 AND THE "WAR ON TERROR" QUESTIONED IN JAPAN`S PARLIAMENT - LANDMARK SPEECHES BY CONGRESSMAN YUKIHISA FUJITA AND ITS ROLE IN 9/11/ 2001 9/11: WORLD TAKEOVER AND THE WAR OF TERROR CATASTROPHE:–NWO FASCIST/NAZI CONSPIRACY THE BUSH LEGACY: GLOBAL WAR, WAR ON AMERICANS, TORTURE, DESTRUCTION OF CIVIL LIBERIES, AND MEGA-THEFT IMPERIAL BEEF-UP ECONOMIC COST OF THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX”SPACE WAR – YOUR WORLD AT WAR” OF JUSTICE: WHO WAS BEHIND THE OCTOBER 2002 BALI BOMBINGS? LEGAL ADVICE TO WAGE WAR ON IRAQ WAS NOT JUST "SEXED-UP", IT WAS CONCOCTED TERROR: BRITISH AND AMERICAN BLACK OPS IN IRAQ'S SHOCKING HUMAN TOLL: ABOUT 1 MILLION KILLED, 4.5 MILLION DISPLACED, 1-2 MILLION WIDOWS, 5 MILLION ORPHANS, ANOTHER UNTOLD STORY AN "ARC OF CRISIS": THE DESTABILIZATION OF THE MIDDLE EAST AND CENTRAL ASIA DESTABILIZATION IN SOUTH AND CENTRAL ASIA: THE ROLE OF THE CIA-ISI TERROR NETWORK'S 9/11. WHO WAS BEHIND THE MUMBAI ATTACKS? UNLIMITED: US SEEKS TO TURN SOMALIA INTO GLOBAL FREE-FIRE ZONE MASS MURDER IN AFRICA RESOURCE WARS INVOLVEMENT IN THE RWANDAN GENOCIDE LITTLE WAR CRIMINALS GET PUNISHED BUSINESS FOR AMERICA: TORTURE CRIMES COMMITTED BY HIGH LEVEL CIVILIANS AND GENERALS NEEDS TO BE SERVED IN 2009 – IMPEACHMENT IS NECESSARY JUSTICE AND IMPUNITY: THE CASE OF THE USA ed. Nils Andersson et al. NEWS FROM THE FAS PROJECT ON GOVERNMENT SECRECY THE NEW PHOENIX PROGRAM ,, by Paul Baird CENSORED - NO HABEAS CORPUS FOR 'ANY PERSON'the new law appears to create a parallel ‘star chamber’ system for the prosecution, imprisonment, and possible execution of enemies of the state, whether those enemies are foreign or domestic CENSORED - AN ELECTION WITHOUT MEANINGwill habeas corpus and posse comitatus be restored to the people? Will torture stop?...will the us national security agencies stop mass spying on our personal communications? Will the neo-conservative agenda of total military domination of the world be reversed? CENSORED - THE PROPAGANDA MODEL & ACCELERATED MEDIA CONCENTRATIONa handful of multinational corporations controls nearly everything we see and hear on the screen, over the airwaves and in print. NEW MEDIA MONOPOLY - BEN BAGDIKIANdescribes the cartel of five giant media conglomerates who now control the media…. They manufacture politics and social values AND RULED IN THE US EMPIRE: BANKERS, ZIONISTS AND MILITANTS by JAMES PETRAShttp://www.claritypress.comTHE GLOBALIZATION OF POVERTY AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER by MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY OF DESTRUCTION: THE HIDDEN AGENDA OF GENETIC MANIPULATION by F. WILLIAM ENGDAHL GREAT LAND GIVEAWAY: NEO-COLONIALISM BY INVITATION ARE THE ARCHITECTS OF ECONOMIC COLLAPSE?…IT TRIGGERS AN UNPRECEDENTED CONCENTRATION OF WEALTH - WAR CRIMES & HITLER CONNECTIONS THE CAUSES OF THE 2ND WORLD WAR:-1. Falsifiers Of History: An Historical Document On The Origins Of World War Ii P. Zhilin, They Sealed Their Own Doom, (Moscow 1970)3. R. Gibson, Soviet Foreign Policy 1917-1974, (Sydney 1975), Chapter 214. D. F. Fleming, The Cold War and its Origins, 2 volumesPLEASE CONTACT US FOR FURTHER INFORMATION:-Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rightsJohn Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627EMAIL:, MCmailteam@gmail.comTARGETED INDIVIDUAL and a member of THE WORLDWIDE CAMPAIGN AGAINST TORTURE AND ABUSE USING DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONSDIRECTED ENERGY & NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS VICTIMS' ORGANISATIONS & FURTHER INFORMATION:-FREEDOM FROM COVERT HARASSMENT AND SURVEILLANCEMR DERRICK ROBINSONWEB:,,MIND JUSTICEMS CHERYL WELSHWEB: COMMITTEE ON OFFENSIVE MICROWAVE WEAPONSMR HARLAN GIRARDWEB: HUMAN EXPERIMENTING & ELECTROMAGNETIC MINDCONTROL ASSOCIATION AGAINST THE ABUSE OF PSYCHOPHYSICAL WEAPONSPRESIDENT SWETLANA SCHUNINEMAIL:,,WEB: AMERICAN COGNITIVE LIBERTIES ASSOCIATIONWEB:,,MIND CONTROL - TECHNOLOGY, TECHNIQUES & POLITICSMR ALLEN BARKER Ph.DWEB: ISSUESMR PAUL BAIRDWEB: www.surveillanceissues.comEMAIL:,SECRET ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE AND ATTACKSMS LESLIE CRAWFORDWEB: lesliecraw40@talkamerica.netTHE FEDERATION AGAINST MIND CONTROL EUROPEMS MONIKA STOCES, MR DANNY BONTEWEB:,,,,THE OMINOUS PARALLELSWEB: http://www. theominousparallels.blogspot. com/EMAIL: ,,EXOTIC WARFARE.COMWEB:, texassupport@fastmail.fmORGANIZED CRIME WAVESMS ELIZABETH ADAMS organizedgovcrimes@yahoo.comUS GOVERNMENT TORTURE & HEROES OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THEIR STAND AGAINST HUMAN EXPERIMENTATIONWEB: timetogo2@optonline.netFASCISM - "9-11" - MIND CONTROLMR JAMES MARINOWEB: peaceseeker12@hotmail.comINTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT TO BAN THE MANIPULATION OF THE HUMAN NERVOUS SYSTEM BY TECHNICAL MEANS,MR MOMJIR BABACEKWEB:,,,FRANCE - INFORMATION DOSSIERWEB: rudyrud2004@gmail.comGERMANY – STOP MIND CONTROLWEB: http://stopptmindcontrol.lima-city.deEMAIL: ruth.gill@freenet.deGERMANY - VEREIN GEGEN DEN MISSBRAUCH PSYCHOPHYSISCHER WAFFENWEB: - ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA, SCIENTIFICA E GIURIDICA, CONTRO GLI ABUSI MENTALI, FISICI E TECNOLOGICI - ASSOCIAZIONE VITTIME ARMI ELETTRONICHE-MENTALIMR PAOLO DORIGOWEB: , www.associazionevittimearmielettroniche-mentali.orgEMAIL:,,,,,INDIA - NO MORE COVERT MIND CONTROL WEAPONSMR FEISAL SALIM A.S.WEB: ,, informvictim@gmail.comCHINA - PEACEPINK -粉红和平MS SOLEILMAVISWEB: , (IN CHINESE) ,,CHINA - MINDCONTROL - STOP MIND CONTROL のサイトは、兵器技術や心理学等を悪用した、マインドコントロールの強制人体実験に反対しますWEB: , , (in JAPANESE and ENGLISH) (in JAPANESE)JAPAN -WEB: - THE MOSCOW HOUSING ECOLOGY COMMITTEEMS ALLA PETUKHOVAWEB:,,,,,RUSSIA - THE ST.PETERSBOURGH SOCIETY OF PERSONS SUBJECT TO REMOTE CONTROLLED BIOENERGETIC TERRORWEB:,, ,,,BAN ELECTRONIC WARFARE ON CIVILIANS PETITION400+ SIGNATURES AND MESSAGES OF VICTIMS & SUPPORTERSWEB:,,MIND CONTROL FORUM VICTIMS' ACCOUNTS600 + VICTIMS' ACCOUNTSWEB: - ADVOCATING FOR VICTIMS OF MIND CONTROL, TORTURE, SLAVERY & RELATED TERRORMS KATHLEEN SULLIVANWEB: mail@naffoundation.orgCITIZENS AGAINST HUMAN EXPERIMENTATIONMR RICHARD PERLMANNWEB:, rjp@healthycitizens.comTHE CENTER FOR COGNITIVE LIBERTY & ETHICS (CCLE)MR RICHARD GLEN BOIRE, DR WRYE SENTENTIAWEB:,GANG STALKING WORLD OF LAW DEFENDERSMR MOE HOSNYWEB: www.hosnyinfo.comEMAIL: defend_law@yahoo.caMIKROWELLENTERROR.DE/WEB:, webmaster@mikrowellenterror.deFREEDOM FIGHTERS FOR AMERICAwww.freedomfightersforamerica.comEMF TORTURE CHAMBERMS T. JOSEPHINEWEB:, xposperps@yahoo.comTECHNOLOGICAL TORTUREMS PAT STEWARTWEB: stewardp34@bellsouth.netUS CITIZENS ARE SECRETLY BEING USED AS RESEARCH RATSWEB: targetelephant@yahoo.comTHE DECLARATION OF ALARMED CITIZENSMR JEAN VERSTRAETENEMAIL: verstraeten.jean@belgacom.netMR WALDEMAR LOTZ -EMAIL:,,MR WALTER MADLIGEREMAIL:,MR DARIUS MOCKUSEMAIL:,Our (very, very partial) LIST OF VICTIMS OF DIRECTED ENERGY & NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS:-the link to our OVER 880 DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING TORTURE AND ABUSE VICTIMS' CASE SUMMARIES OR username – johnfinch password - TORTURECASESIt is no exaggeration to say our cases are as horrendous and urgent as people fleeing Nazi or Pol Pot concentration camps – specifically Dr Mengele-type butchers.We urgently need access to SAFE HOUSES to get protection from the directed energy and neurological weapons being used to torture, mutilate and kill us.Such SAFE HOUSES are available in Laboratories, Hospitals and Scientific/Military Facilities.PLEASE ASSIST US URGENTLY!!!THE AMERICAS1.NAME: 3V3NG3LA2.NAME: ELIZABETH ADAMS3.NAME: AKU4.NAME: al235.NAME: NEAL ALCHALABI (NEAL CHAMBERS)6.NAME: ALETA7.NAME: GARY ALGAR8.NAME: CARLOS AMADOR9.NAME: ANGELA10.NAME: RON ANGELL11.NAME: JUSTIN ANGIERS12.NAME: ANN13.NAME: ARIZONA - 6 VIGILANTE/ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT VICTIMS14.NAME: ANNYCE ARNTZEN15.NAME: RANDY ARRASMITH16.NAME: SUE ANNE ARRIGO MD Former Special Operations Advisor to Directors of CIA, Former Intelligence Advisor to the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 2003-2004, assigned a rank of a 2-star general.17.NAME: ARTHUR18.NAME: AARON AVALOS19.NAME: DEVORAH BAKER20.NAME: LINDSAY G. BALDWIN21.NAME: VERNON WAYNE BALL22.NAME: KHMER BARANG23.NAME: BRENDA BARAQUIL24.NAME: ALLEN BARKER25.NAME: KAY BARNES26.NAME: ERIC BARTLETT27.NAME: ERIC BAZAN28.NAME: DAVID ALAN BEACH29.NAME: MATT BEAL30.NAME: PAUL BEGGS31.NAME: SHERRY BELL32.NAME: MARILYN BERRY33.NAME: STACEY BERRY34.NAME: KATA BILLUPS35.NAME: BIOLOGICAL-ELECTRONIC EPIDEMY36.NAME: KAYLON BLACKBURN37.NAME: JOHN BRASWELL38.NAME: ALMA BRECKENRIDGE39.NAME: DAVID BRINSKO40.NAME: LAURIE BRODIE41.NAME: EMILIO BRUGUEROS42.NAME: BETH BUCHANAN43.NAME: MARC BURNELL44.NAME: KEVIN BURNOR45.NAME: ROBERT BUTLER46.NAME: ROBERT O. BUTNER47.NAME: CADEWCH48.NAME: CARLO CALANDRA49.NAME: KELLY CASLAR50.NAME: MILAGROS CEDANO51.NAME: RICHARD CENTENO52.NAME: DIANA MARIE CHAPMAN53.NAME: CHRIS – FREEDOM FIGHTERS FOR AMERICA54.NAME: LEE LYNN CHRISTIANSON55.NAME: CHRISTINA56.NAME: ROMY COCHRAN57.NAME: GREGORY COUSINS58.NAME: ACKSON COYET59.NAME: LESLIE L. CRAWFORD60.NAME: MARY CROCKETT61.NAME: MARY CROOK62.NAME: OPHNELL CUMBERBATCH63.NAME: VALERIE CUTLER64.NAME: D65.NAME: N D66.NAME: WANDA AND SARA DABLIN67.NAME: DAVID68.NAME: D DEERWOMAN69.NAME: ANDY DE LORENZO70.NAME: Raúl Luis DEL VALLE71.NAME: ROBERT ALAN DESROSIERS72.NAME: BETH DONAHUE73.NAME: ALLAN CARLOS DOS SANTOS74.NAME: DR PHIL75.NAME: DR ROBERT DUNCAN76.NAME: DONALD DUNLAP77.NAME: BOB G DUNLAP78.NAME: CINDY DYER79.NAME: DICK EASTMAN80.NAME: HELEN EDWARD81.NAME: TARGET ELEPHANT82.NAME: SAM EVANS83.NAME: DOUGLAS EVERMAN84.NAME: RAISA EYDELMAN85.NAME: MARY FAIR86.NAME: PAM FARNSWORTH87.NAME: SCOTT FITZGERALD88.NAME: DONALD FOSTER89.NAME: KEVIN FOWLER90.NAME: KATHLEENE SUSAN FRANCIS91.NAME: DON FRIEDMAN92.NAME: FUTUREBUISNESS93.NAME: BILL GALLAGHER94.NAME: LYN GALLAGHER95.NAME: HERBERT GARTNER96.NAME: GENA aka FREEDOM97.NAME: EDGAR G GILLHAM98.NAME: PAUL GOLDING-CLARK99.NAME: FLORA GOLTSMAN100.NAME: RAFAEL GONZALEZ101.NAME: ERIC R GOODMAN102.NAME: MARY GOODWIN103.NAME: AARON GOODWIN104.NAME: GORDON105.NAME: JAMES HENRY GRAF106.NAME: ERIC GRIFFIN107.NAME: SHERI GRUTZ108.NAME: ERIC H109.NAME: MARGARET HABIB110.NAME: MIKAL HALEY111.NAME: DEB HALL AND SON112.NAME: JIMMY HALLER113.NAME: JENNIFER HANNA114.NAME: JONATHAN C HANSEN115.NAME: MOLLY R. HARDIN & DEE HARDIN116.NAME: NAOMI HARRIS117.NAME: RONALD HAUCKE118.NAME: LEE HAWTHORNE119.NAME: KATHLEEN T. HECKMAN120.NAME: RAFAEL HERNANDEZ JR121.NAME: DORIS HICKS122.NAME: SUSAN HONAKER & FAMILY123.NAME: ANGELA HOOD124.NAME: MOSTAFA HOSNY125.NAME: ROSARIO HOUSEHOLDER (MARA)126.NAME: MICHELLE HOWARD127.NAME: BRIDGET S. HOWE128.NAME: JULIE HOWELL129.NAME: HUGGLES130.NAME: JOHN HUGHES131.NAME: MARLENA HUGHES132.NAME: MARK IANNICELLI aka. Muhammad Iannicelli, aka MuhammadLi,133.NAME: INTERIQ134.NAME: “IQPRISONER”135.NAME: JACK136.NAME: PHILLIP JACKSON137.NAME: RICHARD DEAN JACOB138.NAME: JALBY139.NAME: JANIS140.NAME: JEANNIE141.NAME: JENNIFER142.NAME: JIM143.NAME: JILLYJOHNSON144.NAME: MARY JOHNSON145.NAME: JON146.NAME: GEORGE JONES147.NAME: MARK JONES148.NAME: STEVEN JONES149.NAME: T. JOSEPHINE150.NAME: JUNE151.NAME: KEVIN JUNIOR152.NAME: KATHI153.NAME: THE KATS FAMILY154.NAME: JOE KEEGAN155.NAME: KEITH156.NAME: ARLENE KEITH157.NAME: TANYA KELLER158.NAME: SHAFIQ KHAN159.NAME: KIM160.NAME: KIMBERLI161.NAME: PATRICIA A. KINSELLA162.NAME: NICHOLAS KIRKLAND163.NAME: THOMAS J. KLUEGEL164.NAME: LINDA KMIOTEK165.NAME: TREVOR KOKOTYLO166.NAME: KOMMY167.NAME: VICTORIA KUPHALL168.NAME: GALINA KURDINA169.NAME: JOHN GREGORY LAMBROS170.NAME: GARY N LANDRY171.NAME: EDGAR R. LAVERDE172.NAME: DONALD LEE aka the Shadowillowist, Geshe Roache Lee173.NAME: MARCIA LEE174.NAME: NADINE LEE175.NAME: JANET LEIH176.NAME: CASSANDRA LEWIS177.NAME: JENNIFER LICHY178.NAME: JOHN M LITO179.NAME: VICTOR LIVINGSTON180.NAME: STEPHEN LONG181.NAME: RAMONA LOPEZ182.NAME: RENE LOSADA183.NAME: ROGER R. LOWE184.NAME: C C M & FAMILY185.NAME: BARRY MADISON186.NAME: WAYNE MADSEN187.NAME: CHRISTINE MAGIOTTO188.NAME: SANDRA L MAIZLAND189.NAME: CECILIA MALLON190.NAME: WAYNE MANZO191.NAME: BRUNO MARCHESANI192.NAME: STEFANO MARESCOTTI193.NAME: JAMES F. MARINO194.NAME: JON MASON195.NAME: MICHAEL A MATLOFF196.NAME: A J MCKAY197.NAME: FRED McKENNA198.NAME: DARREN C MCMAHON199.NAME: BRIAN MCNATT200.NAME: JOHN MECCA & DEBBIE LAMB201.NAME: MICHELLE MELLEMA202.NAME: MEMORIALS OF 7 MIND CONTROL AND DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPON VICTIMS203.NAME: LYNN MENDES204.NAME: JESUS MENDOZA205.NAME: BARRY MICHAEL206.NAME: NANCY MILLER207.NAME: MELODY MINEO208.NAME: FERNANDO ARAKAKI MIRANDA209.NAME: CINDY MITCHUM210.NAME: ABSHIR MOHAMED211.NAME: AMIR MOHAMADI212.NAME: M. ALEX MOLARO213.NAME: RICHARD MONGEON214.NAME: DAN MONTGOMERY215.NAME: DANIEL L. MOORE216.NAME: KATHERINE MOORE217.NAME: DANIEL MORGAN AND FAMILY – LORNA, NICOLE, PATRICIA, CHRISTOPHER, DYLAN, AVERY218.NAME: ANGELA MORGAN219.NAME: CAROLYN MORIYAMA220.NAME: JANICE MORTON221.NAME: CINTHIA MARIANA MOSCOSO222.NAME: VICTOR N. MOTURI223.NAME: MASSIE MUNRO224.NAME: CHUCK MURPHY225.NAME: DENISE MYLES AND BROTHER226.NAME: T N227.NAME: KAMRAN NAQVI228.NAME: GLORIA NAYLOR229.NAME: BRYAN NAZAM230.NAME: CONNIE NEAL231.NAME: KERRI NEAL232.NAME: NEBRASKA - 6 YR TARGETED INDIVIDUAL233.NAME: DEBBIE N., FAMILY & FRIENDS234.NAME: N N235.NAME: RICHARD NOEN236.NAME: MAUREEN NORMAN237.NAME: TIMOTHY A. NORMAN238.NAME: L O239.NAME: CAROLYN PALIT240.NAME: TERRY PARKER JR. /AKA ROBERTSON241.NAME: PAMELA PARKER242.NAME: DELLY PELC243.NAME: ROBERTO PEREIRA244.NAME: WELLINGTON ANTONIO DONINELLI PEREIRA245.NAME: RICHARD PERLMAN246.NAME: CHRISTOPHER PHILLIP247.NAME: ARIEL FELICE PHILLIPS248.NAME: MARCIA PINHEIRO249.NAME: DENISE S. POMPL250.NAME: SARA YVETTE POTTER251.NAME: POW252.NAME: SKIZIT POWER253.NAME: TOM PRACINOS254.NAME: BYRON PRIOR & FAMILY255.NAME: ANDREA PSORAS256.NAME: MARY R257.NAME: NORMAN R RABIN258.NAME: KELLY RASMUSSEN259.NAME: KELLY RAY260.NAME: REFLECT261.NAME: CHARLES REHN JNR IV262.NAME: RHONDA263.NAME: TIM RIFAT264.NAME: ROBERT265.NAME: ROBERT - 2266.NAME: HELEN ROEDRIG267.NAME: R. S. ROGERS268.NAME: MR AND MRS GARRY ROMANIK269.NAME: PAUL ROSE270.NAME: VICTORIA ROSE271.NAME: PETER ROSENHOLM272.NAME: JUSTICE RUIZ273.NAME: D S274.NAME: PIERRE SAMSON275.NAME: MELISSA SANDERSON276.NAME: LUCIA SANTOS & FAMILY277.NAME: JILL SAWYER278.NAME: SARAH SCHAEFFER279.NAME: STEFAN A. SCHOELLMANN280.NAME: DELISA SCHOOLER281.NAME: DOROTHY SCHULTZ282.NAME: BEVERLY A. SCHWEITZER283.NAME: BOB SDEWTELL284.NAME: SHELLY285.NAME: RYAN SHIELDS286.NAME: BBOY SKATE287.NAME: SLATEBREAKERS288.NAME: DAVID SMITH289.NAME: STEPHEN SMITH290.NAME: MIRIAM SNYDER291.NAME: DR CARLOS SOSA M.D.292.NAME: GERAL SOSBEE293.NAME: CARL SPERR294.NAME: ARCHIE STAFFORD295.NAME: STEPHEN296.NAME: STEPHEN297.NAME: MARIE STEVENS298.NAME: PAT STEWART299.NAME: CHRIS STUDIO & GIRLFRIEND300.NAME: KRISSI STULL301.NAME: ANNE SUCHARSKI302.NAME: ANDRZEJ SUDA303.NAME: SUE304.NAME: LYNN SURGALLA305.NAME: SUSPICIOUS DEATHS OF WRITERS AND JOURNALISTS WHO INVESTIGATED MINDCONTROL CRIMES/ MUERTES SOSPECHOSAS DE PERIODISTAS SOBRE CONTROL MENTAL306.NAME: DOROTHY SZCZEPKOWSKI307.NAME: B T308.NAME: ADAM TAMBLE309.NAME: GRIMS TAROEEL310.NAME: LOLITA TAYLOR311.NAME: TERESA TAYLOR312.NAME: TEKMASTER313.NAME: MICHAEL TERRY314.NAME: MARSHALL THOMAS315.NAME: BETH TIOXIN316.NAME: TONY317.NAME: CHRISTOPHER LAMONT TRICE318.NAME: JOSHUA TRITT319.NAME: LYN TROXEL320.NAME: ANNA TSENTSIPER321.NAME: TORRANCE TURNER322.NAME: SAMEER USHER323.NAME: URI AKA DOCTOR NO.324.NAME: DON VALENTINE325.NAME: CHAD VANDERGRIFF326.NAME: DR CASSANDRA VAN NOSTRAND327.NAME: THÉRÈSE VERSAILLES328.NAME: RENA VETTLESON329.NAME: JAMES M. VIERLING JR.330.NAME: BAY RIDGE VIETNAM331.NAME: J L VITT332.NAMES: MARY VIVIAN, MARLENE VIVIAN AND FLORENCE VIVIAN333.NAME: PETER K.VOSOUGH334.NAME: JAMES WALBERT & FAMILY335.NAME: TIMOTHY WAITE336.NAME: ROBERT WALKER337.NAME: FELICIA WARD338.NAME: MARK WATERHOUSE339.NAME: STEW WEBB340.NAME: LUCIAN WEBER341.NAME: DR ALFRED WEBRE342.NAME: MICHAEL WEGRZYN343.NAME: CLARE WEHRLE344.NAME: DOMINIE WELCH345.NAME: JOHN WELLS346.NAME: TERRY WENTZELL347.NAME: ELEANOR WHITE348.NAME: TIMOTHY WHITE349.NAME: GLENDA WHITEMAN350.NAME: ANN WILLIAMS351.NAME: STEVE WILSON352.NAME: ROBERT WOOD353.NAME: BRIAN WRONGE354.NAME: KAIS YACOUB355.NAME: GEORGE ZACHYSTAL356.NAME: IDA ZAMANSKAYA357.NAME: ANANDA ZAREN358.NAME: CHRIS ZUCKEREUROPE1.NAME: SHOMAN D. ADEH2.NAME: GABRIELE ALTENDORF3.NAME: HERBERT ALTENDORF4.NAME: JÜRGEN ALTENDORF5.NAME: BRIGITTE ALTHOF6.NAME: VIVIANE, BEN AND RACHAEL ANAMUAH7.NAME: ANATOLIJ8.NAME: RUDY ANDRIA9.NAME: DENNIS ARNOLD & YASMIN JEREMY10.NAME: NAMAN ASGHAR & FAMILY11.NAME: AZA12.NAME: MOJMIR BABACEK13.NAME: WALTRAUB BABL14.NAME: STEPHEN BAKER15.NAME: REZA BAYAT16.NAME: JENNIFER BERKEMEIER17.NAME: DENIZ BESIM18.NAME: JEAN-PAUL BOLEA19.NAME: BRIAN20.NAME: STEVEN CALVEY & PETER W MARTIN21.NAME: ALFREDO NIETO CENTENO22.NAME: ALJOSA CERNE23.NAME: “CHICKEN”24.NAME: MICHAEL CHMELIK25.NAME: JØRGEN CHRISTIANSEN26.NAME: CARL CLARK27.NAME: JOHN CLIFTOZ28.NAME: ANDREW COLE29.NAME: JEAN-NOEL CORDOLIANI30.NAME: DAVID COULSON31.NAME: KARLHEINZ CROISSANT32.NAME: STAN CUMANS33.NAME: DANIELA34.NAME: DARRIM & FAMILY35.NAME: MARIA PAULA ONOFRE DAS NEVES36.NAME: PETRIT DEMO37.NAME: BEN DEMPSEY38.NAME: NANS DESMICHELS39.NAME: KATHERINE DE SOUZA40.NAME: R. DIECKMANN41.NAME: FEJERVARY DOMINIK42.NAME: OVIDIU DONCIU43.NAME: PAOLO DORIGO44.NAME: DR LES DOVE45.NAME: LINDA DREW46.NAME: CAROL DUKE47.NAME: MARTIN EMMEN48.NAME: DEVON FOWLER49.NAME: KATHERINE FRIEDLI50.NAME: AB FRIS51.NAME: ASTRID FUCHS52.NAME: SIGRUN GEBHARDT53.NAME: PRICOPI GELU54.NAME: ANI GEWALT55.NAME: RUTH GILL56.NAME: RAY GOEBEL57.NAME: OXANA GRUNWALD & FAMILY58.NAME: GUMIND59.NAME: gybfefe60.NAME: SIMON HAYES61.NAME: JOHAN HELLER62.NAME: PETER HELWIG63.NAME: STEIN E HENRIKSEN64.NAME: REGINALD HODGES65.NAME: TON HOOGEBOOM AND GERARD HOOGEBOOM66.NAME: AREND TER HORST67.NAME: HUGGLES68.NAME: MERV HUGHES69.NAME: INA70.NAME: LINDA JANE INCE71.NAME: MICHAEL IRVING72.NAME: ITALY - OVER 60 VICTIMS73.NAME: JULIAN JACKSON74.NAME: DOSSIER JOSEPHINE75.NAME: DANIELA K76.NAME: MAURICE KELLETT77.NAME: DEREK KINMOND78.NAME: BRIGITTE KLAUS79.NAME: J.KLAWATSCH80.NAME: MATTHIAS KLEIN81.NAME: JAN KREWINKEL82.NAME: IRMGARD KRONSBEIN-BELLCHAMBERS & FAMILY83.NAME: PETER KUTZA84.NAME: AUDRIUS KVILIUNAS85.NAME: SERGE LABRÈZE86.NAME: GAGIU IULIAN LAURENTIU87.NAME: PERNES LAURENTIU88.NAME: HENRY LICHTERFELDT89.NAME: LINDA90.NAME: FALLON LIPSCOMB91.NAME: BARTLOMIEJ LISTWAN92.NAME: TATJANA LOTZ93.NAME: WALDEMAR LOTZ94.NAME: FERNANDO SANTAMARIA LOZANO95.NAME: FRANCES ANN LUFF96.NAME: A M97.NAME: MARIUS M98.NAME: WALTER MADLIGER99.NAME: JARKKO MAKKONEN100.NAME: LUKE MARSH101.NAME: RAMON MARTINEZ102.NAME: CHRISTINE MARX103.NAME: BRIGITTE MATTE104.NAME: MATTERWAVE105.NAME: BERND MEERKAMP106.NAME: CATHERINE MILLS & FAMILY107.NAME: DARIUS MOCKUS108.NAME: Victor MONCHAMP109.NAME: THIERRY MOUTON110.NAME: JEAN MULLAN111.NAME: C N112.NAME: SARUNAS NEKRASIUS113.NAME: MAUREEN NORMAN114.NAME: IMELDA O' CONNOR115.NAME: DEBBIE PARTRIDGE116.NAME: LIDIA POPOVA117.NAME: NADIE PRIEUR118.NAME: DRAGINJA NATASHA PUSICH119.NAME: CAROL RAE120.NAME: WILLIAM RAE121.NAME: RANDOLPH122.NAME: REDMANN123.NAME: RICK124.NAME: KAREN RODDY125.NAME: RONALD126.NAME: FABRIZIO ROVEDI127.NAME: KLAUS RUDOLF128.NAME: JACQUELINE SALII129.NAME: RUUT SALO130.NAME: PAUL SAUNDERSON131.NAME: PAOLA SBRONZERI132.NAME: ROBERTO SCARUFFI133.NAME: SWETLANA SCHUNIN AND FAMILY – DIMITRI, SERGEY, DMITRI134.NAME: ANGELINA SCHWEYEN135.NAME: SIRBILLGATESJNR136.NAME: RICHARD SLUITER137.NAME: CAROL SMITH138.NAME: JAVIER RUIZ SOBRINO139.NAME: MONIKA SOKAL140.NAME: WALDTRAUT SRERNITZKE141.NAME: KIM STIRLING & FAMILY142.NAME: MONIKA STOCES143.NAME: REGINA STOLL144.NAME: SUSPICIOUS DEATHS OF WRITERS AND JOURNALISTS WHO INVESTIGATED MINDCONTROL CRIMES/ MUERTES SOSPECHOSAS DE PERIODISTAS SOBRE CONTROL MENTAL145.NAME: TI29187146.NAME: MO TAHANI147.NAME: FRANCIS TAILOKA148.NAME: NATALIE TEULON149.NAME: TARA TILLY (THOMAS RITA)150.NAME: HELMUT TONDL151.NAME: SAHAR TORKY152.NAME: INGRID TREMEL153.NAME: UN JEUNE INGENIEUR154.NAME: EMILIA MARIA VAZ-MARCH155.NAME: JEAN VERSTRAETEN156.NAME: JACQUES VUILLOD157.NAME: TRACIE WALKER158.NAME: WATERFALL159.NAME: RANDOLF WEINAND160.NAME: MAIRE WOLF161.NAME: CHRISTINA WYATT162.NAME: ZENBEL163.NAME: OVER 60 VICTIMS FROM ITALYCHINA & ASIA-PACIFIC1.AN ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE WHOLE WORLD BY OVER 50 CHINESE VICTIMS2.NAME: JOHN AIDMANN3.NAME: ah2006-cwy 天涯无处寻4.NAME: ALEX5.NAME: ahzsp26126.NAME: BAIBING (aka 2010lf)7.NAME: PAUL BAIRD8.NAME: 白云 BAIYUN0249.NAME: MR SHIJIE CAO10.NAME: CHAH00111.NAME: SHINE CHANG12.NAME: QIJIA CHENG13.NAME: CHINA – 62 VICTIMS14.NAME: STEVE CROFT15.NAME: RAJ D16.NAME: HAI DANG17.NAME: DAVIS18.NAME: MARGARET DOWN19.NAME: DEBORAH DUPRE20.NAME: JOHN FINCH & FAMILY & NEIGHBOURS21.NAME: JAMES YUE GEE22.NAME: JOSEPH GIBSON23.NAME: MIYOKO GOTO24.NAME: TAKAHIRO GOTO25.NAME: LISA H26.NAME: KYUNG-GUK HA27.NAME: JOHN HANDLEY28.NAME: HARUKA29.NAME: hongzx30.NAME: ZHANG HUIMIN31.NAME: imary66061032.NAME: 来自 jiaodian902的自动回复33.NAME: JUNG, IL SUN34.NAME: jinyi69100135.NAME: THOMAS KOH36.NAME: TERUYUKI KURAHASHI37.NAME: GEORGE KWONG38.NAME: laofa9939.NAME: LEE40.NAME: JUDITH LESUE41.NAME: LI GUAN-PING42.NAME: WEI LI43.NAME: lijing689844.NAME: lilylinxin45.NAME: MIKEY LIU46.NAME: XIN LIU47.NAME: LUCIA48.NAME: MR WENLONG MA ((IVAN)49.NAME: MABEL50.NAME: BETH MACLEAN51.NAME: LIZ MCCLELLAN52.NAME: DAVID LUKE MENDHAM53.NAME: MOKUREN54.NAME: PHIL MOON55.NAME: OSHANA156.NAME: KHANH DAC PHAM57.NAME: MOREEN PHILLIPS58.NAME: Pp59.NAME: pys62460.NAME: XIN ZHONG QING61.NAME: HAROLD B QUIBAN62.NAME: RAYMOND63.NAME: ANDREW ROBINSON64.NAME: MISS RUQUAN-GUO65.NAME: GARY D SIMMONS66.NAME: XIN WANG SHEN鏉ヨ嚜鐨勮嚜鍔ㄥ洖澶67.NAME: SOLEILMAVIS68.NAME: ELIZABETH ANNE SUTHERTON69.NAME: 鐜嬬嚂 tclwyy70.NAME: 3crobot71.NAME: 3V3NG3LA72.NAME: TONY TU73.NAME: WORARAT TUMMALUCKSAMEE74.NAME: LIZA VELUZ75.NAME: WWW2006BAILIU76.NAME: MISS XIAN-SUN (RINOA)77.NAME: SHENGLIN YI78.NAME: YINGLI79.NAME: “KELLY” TANG ZHAO80.NAME: 523062953@qq.comINDIA, THE MIDDLE-EAST & AFRICA1.NAME: F. A.2.NAME: NADA ABBAS3.NAME: BABAK AMIREBRAHIMI4.NAME: ANNE5.NAME: DEB CHAKRABORTY6.NAME: RAJ D7.NAME: AHMAD FANI8.NAME: ABDURAHMAN HUSSIEN MOHAMED ISLAAM9.NAME: DEEPTHI JOHN10.NAME: RAHUL S JOSHI11.NAME: SIMRAN SINGH JUNEJA12.NAME: SHAFIQ KHAN13.NAME: SHIJU KRISHNA14.NAME: SURESH S. KUMAR15.NAME: TERUYUKI KURAHASHI16.NAME: MAHESHKUMAR17.NAME: PATRICIA MILLER18.NAME: OTILLIA19.NAME: PARIKSHIT PATHAK20.NAME: DR FEISAL SALIMRUSSIA & BELARUS1.NAME: AGAFFONOV Pavel2.NAME: ALBERT (девятин сергей)3.NAME: ALEKSEYEV Igor Georgievich4.NAME: ALEVTINA Pawlowna Gudzenko5.NAME: BASHKOVSKIY Vladimir6.NAME: BELARUS – OVER 14 CASES7.NAME: BOLOTSKIY Sergey8.NAME: BORODIENKO Vladimir9.NAME: DANILOV Victor Yegorovich10.NAME: DOMOJIROVA Tatyana Kondratyevna & Family11.NAME: DRUZHININA Irina Vladimirovna & Family12.NAME: EREMIN Andrey13.NAME: ERMAKOV Vladimir Petrovich14.NAME: FROLOV Sergey Timofejevich & Family15.NAME: GALANIN Vitaly Ivanovich16.NAME: JUNOSHEVA Valentine17.NAME: KANDYBIN Edward Nikolayevich18.NAME: KATSERIKOVA Galina Ivanovna & Family19.NAME: KOCHETOVA Natalia Ivanovna20.NAME: KONDRATOVA Svetlana Vasilyevna & Family21.NAME: KOPYLOVA Liliy22.NAME: KOSTROVA Liy23.NAME: KOZLOV Valentin Alekseyevich & Family24.NAME: LEVINA Anna Petrovna25.NAME: PAVLOVSKY Grigoriy Fedorovich26.NAME: PETUKHOV Vitaly27.NAME: PETUKHOVA Alla Yakovlevna & Family28.NAME: PRODIUS Gennady29.NAME: PROHANOV Jury30.NAME: PROHANOVA Margarita31.NAME: REDKINA Swetlana32.NAME: ROMANENKO Galina33.NAME: ROZANCHUK Margarita Ivanovna & Family34.NAME: RYBIN Pyotr Lukich , RYBINA Alexandra Filippovna & Family35.NAME: SAMSONOV Nick36.NAME: SEREBRYAKOVA Ljubov37.NAME: SOSHINA NÁdÅjidÁ38.NAME: DMITRY SUCHKOV39.NAME: TORIN Sergei40.NAME: TRETIAKOVA Tamara Vitalievna, son Mikhail & Family41.NAME: VLADIMIR42.NAME: VORONTSOV Vladimir Borisovich43.NAME: VORONTSOVA Swetlana44.NAME: ZYBINA Nadejida PyotrovnaWE ARE BEING COOPTED AND FORCED AND TRICKED INTO AN ORWELLIAN FUNCTIONALIST TOTALITARIANISM – EVERYWHERE ON EARTH! - as almost all public discourses including ‘scientific’, ‘academic’ and ‘arts and culture’, and as much as 80% of ‘international news’, ‘events’ and ‘history’, have been degraded into produced and managed dramas/atrocities (i.e. wars, disasters, civil strife etc), and criminally presented as infotainment, endogenous socio-political changes, propaganda, pseudo-sciences and/or specious, tendentious or folkloric productions and discourses.Regarding these NWO Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes, Dirty Wars, Black Operations, Secret Weapons, Destruction of Democratic Institutions and Standards, Total Degradation of Media and Public Discourses, Total Degradation and Disenfranchisement of Civil Society and Institutions there is a complete ORWELLIAN/STALINIST PUBLIC INFORMATION AND INQUIRY BLACKOUT.It is our responsibility to record and alert the world to these horrendous crimes - and the extreme danger that these technologies, powers and tendencies pose to human rights, liberty, democracy, privacy and the mental and physical freedom, individuality, integrity, health and growth of all people – in all their “infinite?” richness, degrees, dimensions, aspects, qualities and diversity!Make no mistake these are the most horrendous totalitarian weapons and crimes imaginable and the people and organizations using them are mass-murdering conspirators pursuing totalitarian fundamentalist schemes.Beware of the brain and gene phrenologists/determinists/reductionists, and those who seek to control and reduce the range of permissible thoughts, imaginations, feelings, moods, attitudes, speech and psycho-physiologies – the would-be socio-economic, cultural AND PSYCHOLOGICAL/INTELLECTUAL/ PHYSIOLOGICAL monopolists, monoculturalists, police and prosecutors who are already literally and physically actively at work amongst us!! Both monstrously and criminally, and also far more insidiously.And beware of this dumbing-down, disenfranchisement, degradation and monoculturalisation caused by the paucity and total degradation of public information and discourse, and the subsequent and consequent “Fahrenheit 451-ing” of previously autonomous cultures, professions, fields of human endeavour, memories, and intelligences.BEWARE OF THE PSEUDO-SCIENCE NAZIS - THE ENEMIES OF FREE AND OPEN INFORMATION AND DEBATE, ACCOUNTABILITY, REVIEW AND REGULATION.NOT TO MENTION THE NUTCASES PURSUING SUCH FRANKENSTEIN-SCIENCES AS THE TRANSGENIC, AND THE “BLENDING” OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGICAL– EVEN AS RECORD BIODIVERSITY AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY DESTRUCTION IS DONE.PLEASE WITNESS AND RECORD AND OPPOSE ALL OF THE ABOVE CRIMES, AND ASSIST US URGENTLY!!
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