Support (4)


If you are working in the privately organised and secretive gang-stalking and electronic harassment co-operative you are setting up an enslavement system for the children of the Irish nation.  You are helping to enslave the children of the Irish nation by legal means as well as by means of wireless tethering of all future children of Ireland to computer networks via illegal implants, where all of their words and actions would be constantly monitored and evaluated for further discipline. Said discipline would then be administered wirelessly by way of a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy in the form of pain signals and remotely administered tasering. We must urgently disable all microwave radiation transmitters and telephone towers in order to disable wireless capabilities so that this fast growing situation can be stopped. Many unacknowledged Irish men and women are already wirelessly tethered to this enslavement system despite denial by Irish state attorneys who aught to know better.   This Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation system is a back door to slavery.

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If you are working in the privately organised and secretive gang-stalking and electronic harassment co-operative you are setting up an enslavement system for the children of the Irish nation.  You are helping to enslave the children of the Irish nation by legal means as well as by means of wireless tethering of all future children of Ireland to computer networks via illegal implants, where all of their words and actions would be constantly monitored and evaluated for further discipline. Said discipline would then be administered wirelessly by way of a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy in the form of pain signals and remotely administered tasering. We must urgently disable all microwave radiation transmitters and telephone towers in order to disable wireless capabilities so that this fast growing situation can be stopped. Many unacknowledged Irish men and women are already wirelessly tethered to this enslavement system despite denial by Irish state attorneys who aught to know better.   This Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation system is a back door to slavery.

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If you are working in the privately organised and secretive gang-stalking and electronic harassment co-operative you are setting up an enslavement system for the children of the Irish nation.  You are helping to enslave the children of the Irish nation by legal means as well as by means of wireless tethering of all future children of Ireland to computer networks via illegal implants, where all of their words and actions would be constantly monitored and evaluated for further discipline. Said discipline would then be administered wirelessly by way of a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy in the form of pain signals and remotely administered tasering. We must urgently disable all microwave radiation transmitters and telephone towers in order to disable wireless capabilities so that this fast growing situation can be stopped. Many unacknowledged Irish men and women are already wirelessly tethered to this enslavement system despite denial by Irish state attorneys who aught to know better.   This Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation system is a back door to slavery.

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Fact, Fiction, or Manufactured Fantasy

This past week I finally realized that what I have been living with for the past year and half is not a figment of my imagination (which I already knew but now it is confirmed) nor am I the only one on the planet being followed by multiple individuals 24/7, being electronically monitored every way imaginable (and then some), or having any number of other unthinkable attrocities inflicted on them at any given time. Is this good news to learn that I am not alone in this hellish nightmare? At first I think so. At first I experience an overwhelming sense of relief and for the first time since this all started I feel validated and understood. I realize that if I want to I reach out to others who are in the exact same position as I and potentially befriend some of you i can. This hits me as a tall glass of water would to someone in the desert. I haven't had a real friend to talk to in months I have been forced to live as though I am a hermit for months now and I trust no one!It is with these thoughts in my mind that I start scouring this site as well as several others. I have learned of things that are happening to us all that until a few weeks ago I thought only existed in Sci Fi movies. I have learned that most likely I am being targeted with microwave energy attacks, V2k (a form of brainwashing but the person doesn't have to even be physically close to you but instead uses a microwave to transport their message to my brain), other types of direct energy weapons that can cause any type of physical symptom and/or pain, they can project holograms (that I could potentially believe are real), manifest any type of sound either at will or continuously depending on their chosen tactic dejure and the list can go on and on.So far I have only mentioned the physical attacks to your person which does not say anything about what all of this does to us psychologically. For the past year and half my personal items have been hidden randomly from me on a regular basis. My children have been directed by "them" to also hide my things which has meant that I have to guard my keys, phone, and anything else I don't want to lose my mind over when it isn't in the place I left it only 5 minutes before. My husband then went on a smear campaign to everyone in my life using my paranoia, erratic behavior, and anger as evidence of my new mental illness. To this I say, heck yes I am paranoid, erratic, and down right pissed off! I don't know many (actually nobody) people that wouldn't be given the above mentioned circumstances. So yes, when I found out that there was a whole community out there who not only understands what I am going through but knows what it feels like because they suffer from the same things I was relieved.However the reality of this has now sunk in to what is left of my energy damaged brain and I am saddened beyond belief in fact I am broken hearted. The idea that there are millions of people in our world who are all being tortured 24 hours a day, 365 days a year is almost more than I am able to fathom. I can honestly say to you all that I wish I were alone in this nightmare that all of you out there could not fathom the kind of pain (emotional and physical) I have endured or the level of fear I live with on a daily basis. No one should be able to comprehend this kind of life!But here we are and this is our reality now we deal with it, right? I am sincerely grateful for all of you who are here before me who can offer their experience, strength, and hope as to how you all live with this day in and day out. I need all the help I can get because I am fresh out of ideas. Please post anything you can think of that you think any "newbie" should know.I would also appreciate it if you would check out the pictures I have posted on my page and let me know what you think it is or if you have seen anything like this in your communities.Thank you and God Bless
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