If you are working in the privately organised and secretive gang-stalking and electronic harassment co-operative you are setting up an enslavement system for the children of the Irish nation. You are helping to enslave the children of the Irish nation by legal means as well as by means of wireless tethering of all future children of Ireland to computer networks via illegal implants, where all of their words and actions would be constantly monitored and evaluated for further discipline. Said discipline would then be administered wirelessly by way of a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy in the form of pain signals and remotely administered tasering. We must urgently disable all microwave radiation transmitters and telephone towers in order to disable wireless capabilities so that this fast growing situation can be stopped. Many unacknowledged Irish men and women are already wirelessly tethered to this enslavement system despite denial by Irish state attorneys who aught to know better. This Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation system is a back door to slavery.
Support (4)
If you are working in the privately organised and secretive gang-stalking and electronic harassment co-operative you are setting up an enslavement system for the children of the Irish nation. You are helping to enslave the children of the Irish nation by legal means as well as by means of wireless tethering of all future children of Ireland to computer networks via illegal implants, where all of their words and actions would be constantly monitored and evaluated for further discipline. Said discipline would then be administered wirelessly by way of a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy in the form of pain signals and remotely administered tasering. We must urgently disable all microwave radiation transmitters and telephone towers in order to disable wireless capabilities so that this fast growing situation can be stopped. Many unacknowledged Irish men and women are already wirelessly tethered to this enslavement system despite denial by Irish state attorneys who aught to know better. This Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation system is a back door to slavery.
If you are working in the privately organised and secretive gang-stalking and electronic harassment co-operative you are setting up an enslavement system for the children of the Irish nation. You are helping to enslave the children of the Irish nation by legal means as well as by means of wireless tethering of all future children of Ireland to computer networks via illegal implants, where all of their words and actions would be constantly monitored and evaluated for further discipline. Said discipline would then be administered wirelessly by way of a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy in the form of pain signals and remotely administered tasering. We must urgently disable all microwave radiation transmitters and telephone towers in order to disable wireless capabilities so that this fast growing situation can be stopped. Many unacknowledged Irish men and women are already wirelessly tethered to this enslavement system despite denial by Irish state attorneys who aught to know better. This Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation system is a back door to slavery.