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There is a private army at work inside Ireland and back in the spring of 2003 they  connected me to their computerized control system against my will and without my permission .   They speak to me via microwave direct communication which is sometimes known as voice to skull or synthetic telepathy or microwave hearing or by a number of other names.  One of their operatives is stationed inside Aras an Uachtarain.   

I dont know anything about this private army but I believe that they are composed of individuals who have compromised themselves in some way so that they allowed themselves to be weakened to the point of takeover, for example,  some of them are drug addicts, some of them are possibly murderers and some are heavily in financial debt.  The globalists own and run many private prisons which cruelty is widespread and because of this ownership and power which that ownership gives them  they can easily enlist as many prisoners as they wish for their private army.  

 I believe that the private army are being paid by the globalists who are composed of Federal Reserve Private Bankers, Corporate Owners, United Nations officials and World Health Organisation officials as well as  Sabbatean Frankist Satanists, Luciferians , a selection of Vatican officials and some but not all of the European monarchy. 

 The inner core of the globalists are unknown to the public because they remain in the background at all times.   The inner core of the globalists do not subject themselves to chemtrail spraying of the skies over their heads.   They are not connected to the would-be  worldwide computerized control system.   They never show their faces.   If their plan for worldwide takeover fails their front men and front women will possibly be imprisoned without ever mentioning them because they could be wirelessly tortured from a remote location if they named them.     This hidden inner core of globalists belong to a break away society which has broken away from the rest of the human race for thousands of years.  They have hoarded knowledge for multi generations because knowledge is power.  They have given us misinformation and disinformation.   They have created organised religions because organised religions destroy critical thinking in their followers.  They have created the church/ state paradigm in order to exert hidden control over almost all nations. 

The anonymous inner core of the globalists wish to wirelessly enslave their fellow men and women under an ionized sky.  If we succeed in stopping all chemtrailing of the skies over our heads and if we succeed in having all microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia disassembled and banned we will free ourselves from both their wireless mind control and their wireless body control.  

I know of no scientific way of proving that I am wirelessly connected to the computerized control system of a hidden private army who are at work inside the Republic of Ireland .   The government of the Republic of Ireland may be able to provide technology which would enable myself and others who have become wirelessly connected to the computerized control system of the secret private army of the globalists to prove that this is the case.  I hope they agree to do so because we can free our country from the grip of worldwide wireless enslavement and mind control manipulation if they succeed in helping us prove this.  To the Official Irish Government.  Please help us to scientifically prove without any doubt that I and other Irish residents are wireless slaves.

Yours Sincerely,

Gretta Fahey,  Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560,  Republic of Ireland. 

My website is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net. ;

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The following linked youtube video which is called "A SOLUTION THEY DO NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW" has been posted online by Dana Ashlie from California and it informs us that there is a computer simulation of the world being created now and there are virtual versions of each of us placed inside that computer simulation. It also states that nanobots which are inside our brains and bodies are being used to collect all kinds of biological data from us and that HAARP phased arrays are providing the carrier waves which transmit data from our bodies to the virtual versions of us inside the real world computer simulation. We are also being informed that the connections between our real selves and our virtual selves which are inside the computer simulation are bi-directional.
I am a non-consenting targeted individual of wirelessly enabled extreme research for many years and because of my extreme experiences I believe that what is being told to us in the aforementioned video is true in many respects and I also believe that this real world computer simulation of the men, women and children of the world is ultimately an illegal virtual human enslavement system and it should be abolished immediately. When will the HAARP phased arrays which are being erected and activated throughout the world be disassembled and banned in order to stop this aforementioned illegal enslavement system. When will the microwave transmitters which I believe are being used both to mind control the people of the world as well as to dampen down the intellectual capabilities of most of the people of the world in order to eventually enslave them or genocide them disassembled and banned. My third question is as follows :- Is the ingestion of a quarter teaspoon of boron in the form of borax in a glass of water three times per day the best way of inhibiting the replication capabilities of the nano filiments which are inside us. Here below is the link to the aforementioned video by Dana Ashlie.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9V1U_hnxEjo&t=204s

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Because I have been a targeted individual of remote neural manipulation and voice to skull internal voice to skull communication for nearly sixteen years I sometimes hear information from these unknown wirelessly transmitted voices which I believe may be valuable to anybody looking for an antidote to wireless electronic harassment and torture. The following pieces of information may be helpful.
I have been wearing the same model of shoes for the last seven years or more. I recently purchased a new pair of shoes which were considerably higher than the type of shoes I usually wear. When I first wore the new shoes the technologically induced inner voices informed me that they had lost their alliance to me because all of their settings now needed to be changed and such a job was insurmountable at this late stage of my induction .
The neuro operative staff who reproduce their voices inside my head using classified technology also informed me on another occasion that they lose wireless anodyne connection to me anytime the technology inside my body endures undue stress such as whenever I bend down and stretch into an awkward position such as when I reach under the kitchen sink in order to retrieve something from the cupboard.
On a completely different occasion the neuro operatives informed me via inner voice technology that if dust sized technology passes the blood brain barrier and enters the basil ganglia then the targeted individual can be totally controlled from there on in.
Many people violently deny that technology which can wirelessly reproduce human voices inside peoples heads exist at all. However, only extremely ruthless people get to the top in todays society because they can now torture their opponents wirelessly without leaving any evidence. They have taken over control of the pharmaceutical industry, main stream medicine, psychiatry, public education, banking and all other government institutions of power. They also have taken control of the Vatican from behind the scenes.
We are at a pivotal point in human history. If we succeed in disassembling all wireless enabling capabilities and all microwave generating capabilities which are all ground based and under our capability to do so we will have set in motion a method of ensuring freedom for many future generations to come. It has become obvious to researchers that the existence of satellites is a hoax and what we originally presumed were satellites were in fact stationary drones. We have it in our power to defeat the would-be enslavers of the human race if we act quickly.

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