You aught to act now while you still have the freedom to act because I believe that plans are being made to erect invisible electric fences around your city and all cities throughout the world, which would be so hot that one would not even be able to approach them. They could easily be erected from poles which send and receive both microwave signals and millimeter wave signals and the microwaves would be able to carry electrical signals and sound signals on them. You might also be implanted with implants which would be programmed from a distance by unknown programmers while the implants are inside you and they would be programmed to disallow you from passing a certain point in your town and city and if you attempt to pass that point your muscles would automatically spasm up and you would fall to the ground. This type of programming is already in existence and it is already in use. I have already become a partially controlled wireless slave and I frequently attempt to warn the public about what lies ahead for them but I may be being partially censored. Please share this post if you agree with it in order to help save most of the men, women and children of the world from enslavement by the new world order cabal who are mostly unknown because they use front men and women to bring about the worldwide enslavement by slow and incremental means. The militaries of the world are being drugged and mass mind controlled by the use of technology so do not wait for someone in so called authority to come and save you. You must find ways to save yourself. My website which I alone own and control is called targetedindividualsireland,net. Please read a website called antitinnitusv2k,com for a possible solution to voice commands and other abuse which is being administered to many from unknown remote locations by means of directed energy weapons and neurological weapons.
worldwide (20)
There is a private army at work inside Ireland and back in the spring of 2003 they connected me to their computerized control system against my will and without my permission . They speak to me via microwave direct communication which is sometimes known as voice to skull or synthetic telepathy or microwave hearing or by a number of other names. One of their operatives is stationed inside Aras an Uachtarain.
I dont know anything about this private army but I believe that they are composed of individuals who have compromised themselves in some way so that they allowed themselves to be weakened to the point of takeover, for example, some of them are drug addicts, some of them are possibly murderers and some are heavily in financial debt. The globalists own and run many private prisons which cruelty is widespread and because of this ownership and power which that ownership gives them they can easily enlist as many prisoners as they wish for their private army.
I believe that the private army are being paid by the globalists who are composed of Federal Reserve Private Bankers, Corporate Owners, United Nations officials and World Health Organisation officials as well as Sabbatean Frankist Satanists, Luciferians , a selection of Vatican officials and some but not all of the European monarchy.
The inner core of the globalists are unknown to the public because they remain in the background at all times. The inner core of the globalists do not subject themselves to chemtrail spraying of the skies over their heads. They are not connected to the would-be worldwide computerized control system. They never show their faces. If their plan for worldwide takeover fails their front men and front women will possibly be imprisoned without ever mentioning them because they could be wirelessly tortured from a remote location if they named them. This hidden inner core of globalists belong to a break away society which has broken away from the rest of the human race for thousands of years. They have hoarded knowledge for multi generations because knowledge is power. They have given us misinformation and disinformation. They have created organised religions because organised religions destroy critical thinking in their followers. They have created the church/ state paradigm in order to exert hidden control over almost all nations.
The anonymous inner core of the globalists wish to wirelessly enslave their fellow men and women under an ionized sky. If we succeed in stopping all chemtrailing of the skies over our heads and if we succeed in having all microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia disassembled and banned we will free ourselves from both their wireless mind control and their wireless body control.
I know of no scientific way of proving that I am wirelessly connected to the computerized control system of a hidden private army who are at work inside the Republic of Ireland . The government of the Republic of Ireland may be able to provide technology which would enable myself and others who have become wirelessly connected to the computerized control system of the secret private army of the globalists to prove that this is the case. I hope they agree to do so because we can free our country from the grip of worldwide wireless enslavement and mind control manipulation if they succeed in helping us prove this. To the Official Irish Government. Please help us to scientifically prove without any doubt that I and other Irish residents are wireless slaves.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
My website is called ;
A secret society known as the Illuminati have been manipulating world events for thousands of years. They control almost all organised religions from the very top of each religious heirarchy, most especially the catholic church. They own and control the federal reserve banking system which is a private banking system and all profits from this banking system go to them. They are so wealthy that they have gained some ownership and control of most central banking systems throughout the world. They own and control a large amount of the resources of the world such as apartment buildings, worldwide businesses and oil. They practice human sacrifice in secret.
The illuminati are experts in mind control. They use it to keep their fellow men and women of the world in a state of unconcern regarding their evil activities. The illuminati have a list of objectives towards worldwide domination which they have broken down into components. They have mind controlled unaware individuals into bringing into effect these components of their list of objectives in order that it would eventually appear that their worldwide dominion happened accidently and by no fault of theirs. If one of their mind controlled agents carry out a mission for them they agent is then electroshocked in order to splinter their short term memory so that said agent has no memory of that act.
The illuminati are now inserting mind control frequencies into their electronic mind control system and these mind control frequencies are being received and radiated by any accessing device such as a television or a computer or a cellular phone which is sometimes known as a smart phone. The illuminati also use smart street lighting to entrain the brains of urban residents into states of happy apathy and inertia so that those urban residents will take no action while their birth rights are being eroded. Emotional states and behaviour can be remotely influenced simply by placing a man, woman or child in an electromagnetic field, according to the late Dr William Ross Adey, M.D. 1922-2004 who was Professor of Anatomy and Psychology at the Brain Research Centre at the University of Southern California, U.S.A. Therefore, if all men and women are obliged to carry smart phones or TETRA communication devices on their person during the working day their behaviour and emotional states are being externally influenced and this has been the case ever since smart phones became ubiquitous. Their behaviour and emotional states can also be externally influenced from electromagenetic fields generated by technology which is built into the dash boards of their vehicles.
It is self-evident to those who are not under illuminati mind control that the earth is flat and fixed. However, mind control is so strong that those who are under it continue to believe that water can be curved rather than level at all times which is in reality the case.
Many men and women throughout the world have been implanted with bio-technology against their wills and without their awareness. Materials such as bio-sensors have been put into their bodies which is not from nature. They are now being externally and physically partially controlled by wireless means from unknown locations but whenever they attempt to complain to government agents in any country throughout the world they are being met with disbelief and then they are being misdirected to psychiatry where they are given false diagnoses by mind controlled psychiatrists.
The United States politician Dick Cheney is a member of the illuminati. Hillary Clinton is also a member of the illuminati and so is Henry Kissinger. Christine Le Gard who is head of the International Monitory Fund is a member of the illuminati. The Tavistock Institute in the United Kingdom is a well known illuminati mind control centre and has been so for many decades.
In order to save ourselves from total enslavement by the illuminati we aught to consider having smart street lighting, microwave transmitters, HAARP phased arrays and all related paraphernalia disassembled and banned in the shortest possible amount of time. We also aught to consider having the United Nations disassembled and banned as well as having the U.N. Agenda 21 document which I and others believe to be a protocol for worldwide enslavement annulled immediately.
My name is Gretta Fahey and my website which I alone own and control is called
The worldwide power grids may be taken down by the unelected worldwide hierarchical based chain of command by electromagnetic pulse weapons. The worldwide heirarchical based chain of command new world order commanders see their fellow men and women as their enemy because we compete with them for what they believe are worldwide finite resources.
Then, waste water treatment plants would no longer operate.
There would no longer be water supply or sanatation.
The internet and smart phones would no longer be functional.
Supply lines for food distribution would be cut off.
There would be civil unrest, mass starvation, disease, rioting and lawlessness.
The main stream media is possibly owned and controlled by those who may wish to genocide us. The main stream media have been unknowingly used to create and maintain a false reality construct over the past few decades. They obtain their news from a central worldwide news agency. It is fake news and trivial nonsense combined.
Most government staff have undergone subliminal brain interference to the extent that they can no longer think adequately enough to take care of their own country men and women.
Further to that, targeted individuals are being set up to become remote controlled assassins by means of wirelessly and invisibly controlling their central nervous systems from unknown remote locations to create havoc such as vamparism and zombiefication in order to frighten others into submission.
The covid-19 pandemic is a hoax and right now today corona virus sceptics have taken to the streets of London to demonistrate their lack of trust in the United Nations New World Order self-proclaimed elite.
I obtained most of the above information at the following website of Deborah Tavares called
The world is currently being set up behind the scenes in a world wide pyramid shape where we receive orders from the a small group of men and women at the top of the pyramid and because we have standardized the functioning of the world wide pyramid in a rigid and ordered way what ever orders are sent from the top of the pyramid must be carried out in the same systematic way throughout most of the world.
We have wrongly been led to believe that Bill and Melinda Gates, Elon Musk, Nancy Pelosi, the Bushes, the Clintons, Mark Zuckerberg, George Soros, Barack Obama and other well known figures are at the top of the worldwide pyramid. That may be the case but they are not the ones who run the world. The individuals who run the world do so from outside the pyramid. For the benefit of this article I am calling them the controllers. They control the technology which allows them to wirelessly mind control those at the top, middle and bottom of the pyramid. We are all being wirelessly mind controlled by those who operate the worldwide wireless mind control and wireless body control technology. The controllers have no public face. They are unknowns.
The controllers have set up Bill and Melinda Gates and the others who are currently at the top of the worldwide pyramid to take the heat when the anger of the masses increase to a level of widespread civil disobedience while the controllers themselves remain anonymous and inconspicuous while living in a quite part of the world. The controllers would then likely watch us on their screens if and when we arrested and imprisoned those at the top of the heirarchy without realizing that their actions stem from being heavily wirelessly mind controlled by the controllers themselves. The controllers would then watch us on their screens while we reorganised the world in a way that would be based on the wireless mind control messages which they would continue to send us. The controllers would then watch us on their screens while we settled back to living our lives believing that we had all of our enemies imprisoned and that we were once again living and working under our own free will.
The worldwide controllers have access to technology which is at least fifty years ahead of what you and I have access to. They have superior health to us due to their hoarding of knowledge and technology. They are aware of the fact that refined sugar is so poisonous that it is as bad for human health as cigarette smoking is. They have knowledge of the optimum diet that supports human health. They are disciplined, healthy, wealthy, and knowledgeable. They take their work of worldwide takeover and enslavement of their fellow men very seriously. They ensure that we are manipulated to eat refined sugar, drink alcoholic beverages and watch depraved television programming as a distraction while they set about dumbing us down, destroying our health and wirelessly both mind controlling and body controlling us while many of us are unaware of their very existence. When you see a senior politician eating refined sugar or drinking an alcoholic beverage you then know for sure that they could never be one of the controllers. The controllers despise every form of undiscipline.
We have been deliberately led to falsely believe that the earth is a spinning ball. Mind control of the masses has now become so strong that those who are largely unaware of its existence and use against them will believe anything they are mind controlled to believe provided the lie is constantly repeated on an almost daily basis. Images of a spinning ball earth are projected onto our screens constantly throughout each day. The word ‘global’ is attached to most newspaper and television headlines. The controllers know their plan for worldwide domination will fail if we begin to research flat earth science and if we then realise that we have been lied to on an unimaginable scale for hundreds of years by an unknown breakaway secret society. Because the earth is flat and fixed it has been arranged that not all countires are under aerial surveillance. If the earth were a spinning ball nobody anywhere would be able to live their lives without being surveilled from the air. If you speak to civil engineers and airline pilots they will inform you that they do not take any curvature of the earth into consideration in the course of their work. You will discover that railway lines have been built which travel for a thousand miles or more while remaining level without any curvature whatsoever. However, electronic mind control has now become so strong that it takes alot of mental strength to over ride false teachings. We must disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities immediately.
I am connected to the illegal worldwide human control system by wireless means from implants which I illegally received without my consent. I recently received the instruction from the voice command centre by wireless means to join a slimming assistance group called Unislim and I was informed that if I did not join Unislim I would have fifty points deducted from my social credit score. I am aware that if too many points are deducted from my social credit score I would then be blacklisted to the extent that I might no longer be allowed to have a pass port or use public transport or use a public library or I might be given a variety of other punishments.
Why is Unislim which is a privately owned business allowed to profit financially from a worldwide social credit score scheme. That would in fact be illegal. The social credit score system is illegal because it was installed in my life without my consent. The fact that I am wirelessly connected from my brain and central nervous system to a human control centre is also illegal. Anyone who supports this system is supporting a worldwide criminal network and therefore they are deemed to be a criminal. I have been wirelessly and non-consensually connected to this illegal system for many years and I know of what appears to be hundreds of thousands of other individuals who are also connected to it. The whole story is being covered up by the main stream media which is now mostly privately owned by the same criminals who own and run the worldwide human control system and who govern what type of information is given to psychiatrists while they are students.
Those at the top of the worldwide hierarchy of power are unelected corrupt individuals who are using their false power to abuse those underneath them in the worldwide hierarchical based chain of command in many ways, especially through financial irregularities. What can we do to change all of these situation?
Here below is a synopsis of the following linked youtube video by American Intelligence Media of how a small group of individuals enslaved the human race economically and otherwise over the past more than one hundred years.
A hierarchical based chain of command is being set up throughout the world and less than two thousand people sit at the top of that hierarchy. They are the Pilgrim Society and they are now in the driving seat of worldwide economic fascism. They are a terrorist group who practice economic predatory tactics and because of this we have all become economic slaves to them. They are mostly composed of the grand children and great grand children of a small number of men who held enormous power in the early twentieth centure.
Cecil Rhodes of the British East India Company is known to have been a psychopathic insane individual. He visited South Africa on behalf of the British empire and while he was there he stole both their gold and diamond resources. He distributed the gold among the Rothschilds and he gave the diamonds to the deBeers who were also members of the Rothschild family. While he was in South Africa he had tens of thousands of people killed under the auspices of British Imperialism. He set up the Round Table Society which was a fore runner of the Pilgrim Society. The Pilgrim Society control the United States by their control of the Senior Executive Service and they control the United Kingdom by their control of the British Privy Council. Many other feeder groups feed into their worldwide control system including The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, The Bilderburgers, The World Economic Forum, The Aspen Institute, The Bohemian group, the FBI, the CIA and the United States state Department.
In 1909 members of the british parliament recruited spies inside the Duma in Russia. In 1917 the British cabinet authorized the war cabinet to provide funds to the Tsar of Russia for the purposes of stopping the Bolshovicks. Sir Alfred Milner was assigned to go to Russia and to provide the Tsar with the assigned money. They met in Linengrad and Sir Alfred Milner pulled the plug on the plan and refused to hand over the money to the Tsar. He defied the instructions of his own parliament. In order to be able to get away with such an act Sir Alfred Milner would have to have been the head of the British Empire with total decision making power. He continued the Round Table which Cecil Rhodes had set up and which later became the Pilgrim Society. Sir Alfred Milner went on to set up concentration camps with the help of General Lord Roberts and he had thirty thousand people killed in the Transvaal region of South Africa. Sir Alfred Milner made British Imperialism which was really fascism corporate and world wide.
In 1905 the British parliament hosted a meeting where Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin were present. Trotsky, Linen Stalin and later Marks and Engels all received similar if not the same British Marksist training.
In 1909 a similar meeting was held by the British parliament which luckily for the world has been documented. At that meeting Mi5, Mi6 and GCHQ were set up. They were composed of newspaper men whose job it was to lie.
Currently we have no free markets. The Federal Reserve bank makes sure of that. Algorithms are being used to set prices of all goods and services. The United States is now a collective corporate dictatorship.
The Pilgrim Society are using their own privately owned main stream media to attack United States President Donald Trump. They are white supremacists and racists. A portion of the top members of the Pilgrim society are Sabbatean Satanic Sorcerers. They are experts at creating false flag events. False flag events are known by the extreme levels of details which are published on the main stream media only one day after the event. The whistleblowers names are never mentioned which generally means that what is being published is propaganda rather than news. No one is doing any investigative journalism anymore.
The agenda of the Pilgrim Society has gone on for more than one hundred years without being exposed because they use several layers of secrecy to cover up their activities. Cecil Rhodes instructed them to use Jesuit like tactics of layers of secrecy. Not alone do they use Jesuit secrecy methods but they also use state secrets of each country to help cover up their deeds. Further to that, the British Privy Council has its own supreme court which trumps all of the other courts in the United Kingdom and in the British common wealth and which they use to get them out of trouble.
The Power of the Pilgrim Society mostly lies in Fleet Street, London, England because the British Privy Council is situated there and the Inner temple of lawyers is situated there and both the media and intelligence service and worldwide banking centre is based there. All is based in Fleet Street.
The most senior members of the United States Senior Executive Service are also members of the Pilgrim Society. They do not control all of what occurs in the United States, they merely control the direction of what is occurring. The United States Senior Executive Service belong to a union which means that with one command they all must obey.
The United States voting machines are now being controlled through optex software. The people of the United States must return to paper voting rather than electronic voting.
The Jesuit methodologies of taking over a country from the inside are as follows:-
Inter a country and infiltrate its control system. Take over the education system and the communication system and use both of them for the purposes of brain washing the citizenry. Receive the keys of the city from the citizenry and by the time their army arrives they come out and hand the keys of the city to the army. The Jesuits own and control over twenty universities in the United States. These universities are thought by some to be brain washing centres in the sense that the students are taught to be materialistic rather than spiritual.
Here below is a synopsis of the following linked youtube video by American Intelligence Media of how a small group of individuals enslaved the human race economically and otherwise over the past more than one hundred years.
A hierarchical based chain of command is being set up throughout the world and less than two thousand people sit at the top of that hierarchy. They are the Pilgrim Society and they are now in the driving seat of worldwide economic fascism. They are a terrorist group who practice economic predatory tactics and because of this we have all become economic slaves to them. They are mostly composed of the grand children and great grand children of a small number of men who held enormous power in the early twentieth centure.
Cecil Rhodes of the British East India Company is known to have been a psychopathic insane individual. He visited South Africa on behalf of the British empire and while he was there he stole both their gold and diamond resources. He distributed the gold among the Rothschilds and he gave the diamonds to the deBeers who were also members of the Rothschild family. While he was in South Africa he had tens of thousands of people killed under the auspices of British Imperialism. He set up the Round Table Society which was a fore runner of the Pilgrim Society. The Pilgrim Society control the United States by their control of the Senior Executive Service and they control the United Kingdom by their control of the British Privy Council. Many other feeder groups feed into their worldwide control system including The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, The Bilderburgers, The World Economic Forum, The Aspen Institute, The Bohemian group, the FBI, the CIA and the United States state Department.
In 1909 members of the british parliament recruited spies inside the Duma in Russia. In 1917 the British cabinet authorized the war cabinet to provide funds to the Tsar of Russia for the purposes of stopping the Bolshovicks. Sir Alfred Milner was assigned to go to Russia and to provide the Tsar with the assigned money. They met in Linengrad and Sir Alfred Milner pulled the plug on the plan and refused to hand over the money to the Tsar. He defied the instructions of his own parliament. In order to be able to get away with such an act Sir Alfred Milner would have to have been the head of the British Empire with total decision making power. He continued the Round Table which Cecil Rhodes had set up and which later became the Pilgrim Society. Sir Alfred Milner went on to set up concentration camps with the help of General Lord Roberts and he had thirty thousand people killed in the Transvaal region of South Africa. Sir Alfred Milner made British Imperialism which was really fascism corporate and world wide.
In 1905 the British parliament hosted a meeting where Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin were present. Trotsky, Linen Stalin and later Marks and Engels all received similar if not the same British Marksist training.
In 1909 a similar meeting was held by the British parliament which luckily for the world has been documented. At that meeting Mi5, Mi6 and GCHQ were set up. They were composed of newspaper men whose job it was to lie.
Currently we have no free markets. The Federal Reserve bank makes sure of that. Algorithms are being used to set prices of all goods and services. The United States is now a collective corporate dictatorship.
The Pilgrim Society are using their own privately owned main stream media to attack United States President Donald Trump. They are white supremacists and racists. A portion of the top members of the Pilgrim society are Sabbatean Satanic Sorcerers. They are experts at creating false flag events. False flag events are known by the extreme levels of details which are published on the main stream media only one day after the event. The whistleblowers names are never mentioned which generally means that what is being published is propaganda rather than news. No one is doing any investigative journalism anymore.
The agenda of the Pilgrim Society has gone on for more than one hundred years without being exposed because they use several layers of secrecy to cover up their activities. Cecil Rhodes instructed them to use Jesuit like tactics of layers of secrecy. Not alone do they use Jesuit secrecy methods but they also use state secrets of each country to help cover up their deeds. Further to that, the British Privy Council has its own supreme court which trumps all of the other courts in the United Kingdom and in the British common wealth and which they use to get them out of trouble.
The Power of the Pilgrim Society mostly lies in Fleet Street, London, England because the British Privy Council is situated there and the Inner temple of lawyers is situated there and both the media and intelligence service and worldwide banking centre is based there. All is based in Fleet Street.
The most senior members of the United States Senior Executive Service are also members of the Pilgrim Society. They do not control all of what occurs in the United States, they merely control the direction of what is occurring. The United States Senior Executive Service belong to a union which means that with one command they all must obey.
The United States voting machines are now being controlled through optex software. The people of the United States must return to paper voting rather than electronic voting.
The Jesuit methodologies of taking over a country from the inside are as follows:-
Inter a country and infiltrate its control system. Take over the education system and the communication system and use both of them for the purposes of brain washing the citizenry. Receive the keys of the city from the citizenry and by the time their army arrives they come out and hand the keys of the city to the army. The Jesuits own and control over twenty universities in the United States. These universities are thought by some to be brain washing centres in the sense that the students are taught to be materialistic rather than spiritual.
Here below is a synopsis of the following linked youtube video by American Intelligence Media of how a small group of individuals enslaved the human race economically and otherwise over the past more than one hundred years.
A hierarchical based chain of command is being set up throughout the world and less than two thousand people sit at the top of that hierarchy. They are the Pilgrim Society and they are now in the driving seat of worldwide economic fascism. They are a terrorist group who practice economic predatory tactics and because of this we have all become economic slaves to them. They are mostly composed of the grand children and great grand children of a small number of men who held enormous power in the early twentieth centure.
Cecil Rhodes of the British East India Company is known to have been a psychopathic insane individual. He visited South Africa on behalf of the British empire and while he was there he stole both their gold and diamond resources. He distributed the gold among the Rothschilds and he gave the diamonds to the deBeers who were also members of the Rothschild family. While he was in South Africa he had tens of thousands of people killed under the auspices of British Imperialism. He set up the Round Table Society which was a fore runner of the Pilgrim Society. The Pilgrim Society control the United States by their control of the Senior Executive Service and they control the United Kingdom by their control of the British Privy Council. Many other feeder groups feed into their worldwide control system including The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, The Bilderburgers, The World Economic Forum, The Aspen Institute, The Bohemian group, the FBI, the CIA and the United States state Department.
In 1909 members of the british parliament recruited spies inside the Duma in Russia. In 1917 the British cabinet authorized the war cabinet to provide funds to the Tsar of Russia for the purposes of stopping the Bolshovicks. Sir Alfred Milner was assigned to go to Russia and to provide the Tsar with the assigned money. They met in Linengrad and Sir Alfred Milner pulled the plug on the plan and refused to hand over the money to the Tsar. He defied the instructions of his own parliament. In order to be able to get away with such an act Sir Alfred Milner would have to have been the head of the British Empire with total decision making power. He continued the Round Table which Cecil Rhodes had set up and which later became the Pilgrim Society. Sir Alfred Milner went on to set up concentration camps with the help of General Lord Roberts and he had thirty thousand people killed in the Transvaal region of South Africa. Sir Alfred Milner made British Imperialism which was really fascism corporate and world wide.
In 1905 the British parliament hosted a meeting where Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin were present. Trotsky, Linen Stalin and later Marks and Engels all received similar if not the same British Marksist training.
In 1909 a similar meeting was held by the British parliament which luckily for the world has been documented. At that meeting Mi5, Mi6 and GCHQ were set up. They were composed of newspaper men whose job it was to lie.
Currently we have no free markets. The Federal Reserve bank makes sure of that. Algorithms are being used to set prices of all goods and services. The United States is now a collective corporate dictatorship.
The Pilgrim Society are using their own privately owned main stream media to attack United States President Donald Trump. They are white supremacists and racists. A portion of the top members of the Pilgrim society are Sabbatean Satanic Sorcerers. They are experts at creating false flag events. False flag events are known by the extreme levels of details which are published on the main stream media only one day after the event. The whistleblowers names are never mentioned which generally means that what is being published is propaganda rather than news. No one is doing any investigative journalism anymore.
The agenda of the Pilgrim Society has gone on for more than one hundred years without being exposed because they use several layers of secrecy to cover up their activities. Cecil Rhodes instructed them to use Jesuit like tactics of layers of secrecy. Not alone do they use Jesuit secrecy methods but they also use state secrets of each country to help cover up their deeds. Further to that, the British Privy Council has its own supreme court which trumps all of the other courts in the United Kingdom and in the British common wealth and which they use to get them out of trouble.
The Power of the Pilgrim Society mostly lies in Fleet Street, London, England because the British Privy Council is situated there and the Inner temple of lawyers is situated there and both the media and intelligence service and worldwide banking centre is based there. All is based in Fleet Street.
The most senior members of the United States Senior Executive Service are also members of the Pilgrim Society. They do not control all of what occurs in the United States, they merely control the direction of what is occurring. The United States Senior Executive Service belong to a union which means that with one command they all must obey.
The United States voting machines are now being controlled through optex software. The people of the United States must return to paper voting rather than electronic voting.
The Jesuit methodologies of taking over a country from the inside are as follows:-
Inter a country and infiltrate its control system. Take over the education system and the communication system and use both of them for the purposes of brain washing the citizenry. Receive the keys of the city from the citizenry and by the time their army arrives they come out and hand the keys of the city to the army. The Jesuits own and control over twenty universities in the United States. These universities are thought by some to be brain washing centres in the sense that the students are taught to be materialistic rather than spiritual.
Here below is a synopsis of the following linked youtube video by American Intelligence Media of how a small group of individuals enslaved the human race economically and otherwise over the past more than one hundred years.
A hierarchical based chain of command is being set up throughout the world and less than two thousand people sit at the top of that hierarchy. They are the Pilgrim Society and they are now in the driving seat of worldwide economic fascism. They are a terrorist group who practice economic predatory tactics and because of this we have all become economic slaves to them. They are mostly composed of the grand children and great grand children of a small number of men who held enormous power in the early twentieth centure.
Cecil Rhodes of the British East India Company is known to have been a psychopathic insane individual. He visited South Africa on behalf of the British empire and while he was there he stole both their gold and diamond resources. He distributed the gold among the Rothschilds and he gave the diamonds to the deBeers who were also members of the Rothschild family. While he was in South Africa he had tens of thousands of people killed under the auspices of British Imperialism. He set up the Round Table Society which was a fore runner of the Pilgrim Society. The Pilgrim Society control the United States by their control of the Senior Executive Service and they control the United Kingdom by their control of the British Privy Council. Many other feeder groups feed into their worldwide control system including The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, The Bilderburgers, The World Economic Forum, The Aspen Institute, The Bohemian group, the FBI, the CIA and the United States state Department.
In 1909 members of the british parliament recruited spies inside the Duma in Russia. In 1917 the British cabinet authorized the war cabinet to provide funds to the Tsar of Russia for the purposes of stopping the Bolshovicks. Sir Alfred Milner was assigned to go to Russia and to provide the Tsar with the assigned money. They met in Linengrad and Sir Alfred Milner pulled the plug on the plan and refused to hand over the money to the Tsar. He defied the instructions of his own parliament. In order to be able to get away with such an act Sir Alfred Milner would have to have been the head of the British Empire with total decision making power. He continued the Round Table which Cecil Rhodes had set up and which later became the Pilgrim Society. Sir Alfred Milner went on to set up concentration camps with the help of General Lord Roberts and he had thirty thousand people killed in the Transvaal region of South Africa. Sir Alfred Milner made British Imperialism which was really fascism corporate and world wide.
In 1905 the British parliament hosted a meeting where Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin were present. Trotsky, Linen Stalin and later Marks and Engels all received similar if not the same British Marksist training.
In 1909 a similar meeting was held by the British parliament which luckily for the world has been documented. At that meeting Mi5, Mi6 and GCHQ were set up. They were composed of newspaper men whose job it was to lie.
Currently we have no free markets. The Federal Reserve bank makes sure of that. Algorithms are being used to set prices of all goods and services. The United States is now a collective corporate dictatorship.
The Pilgrim Society are using their own privately owned main stream media to attack United States President Donald Trump. They are white supremacists and racists. A portion of the top members of the Pilgrim society are Sabbatean Satanic Sorcerers. They are experts at creating false flag events. False flag events are known by the extreme levels of details which are published on the main stream media only one day after the event. The whistleblowers names are never mentioned which generally means that what is being published is propaganda rather than news. No one is doing any investigative journalism anymore.
The agenda of the Pilgrim Society has gone on for more than one hundred years without being exposed because they use several layers of secrecy to cover up their activities. Cecil Rhodes instructed them to use Jesuit like tactics of layers of secrecy. Not alone do they use Jesuit secrecy methods but they also use state secrets of each country to help cover up their deeds. Further to that, the British Privy Council has its own supreme court which trumps all of the other courts in the United Kingdom and in the British common wealth and which they use to get them out of trouble.
The Power of the Pilgrim Society mostly lies in Fleet Street, London, England because the British Privy Council is situated there and the Inner temple of lawyers is situated there and both the media and intelligence service and worldwide banking centre is based there. All is based in Fleet Street.
The most senior members of the United States Senior Executive Service are also members of the Pilgrim Society. They do not control all of what occurs in the United States, they merely control the direction of what is occurring. The United States Senior Executive Service belong to a union which means that with one command they all must obey.
The United States voting machines are now being controlled through optex software. The people of the United States must return to paper voting rather than electronic voting.
The Jesuit methodologies of taking over a country from the inside are as follows:-
Inter a country and infiltrate its control system. Take over the education system and the communication system and use both of them for the purposes of brain washing the citizenry. Receive the keys of the city from the citizenry and by the time their army arrives they come out and hand the keys of the city to the army. The Jesuits own and control over twenty universities in the United States. These universities are thought by some to be brain washing centres in the sense that the students are taught to be materialistic rather than spiritual.
“The ultimate goal of this proposed elite group is to bring about a single global marketplace, controlled by a world government, policed by a world army, financially regulated by a world bank via a single global currenty, and populated by a microchipped population connected to a global computer, a computer that both monitors and updates our personal location and financial status, and regulates our emotional state via transmitted electrical signals – technology that already exists.” The above is a quote from an article called “Blueprint for Total Control” which was written by Nick Sandberg in 2001 and which is freely available to read online.
The author, Nick Sandberg further writes as follows “The elite believe that all their power is ultimately derived from the repression of emotions. The entire source of their power is their ability to corrupt natural instincts and direct subconscious needs into channels of expression that further the ends of total control.” The author claims that they bring about this situation by making sure we are all conditioned in early childhood through both school and church system which they ultimately control from behind the scenes. He goes on to suggest that we could use any of the following therapies to free ourselves from this damaging childhood conditioning as follows – psychosynthesis, gestalt therapy, rebirthing, primal therapy, psychodrama, hypnotherapy, reiki, transactional analysis, and pulsing – to name but a few.
Minimal sized electrodes can now be put in a network within a human brain which allows neuro operatives to read and write into the brain function of that human being in real time while working from a remote location. The aforementioned minimal sized electrodes could be sprayed close to a human being and they would then adhere to the mucus membranes of the eyes, nose, mouth and ears of that human being and they would then navigate the human vasoculture, cross the blood brain barrier and precisely auto-position themselves among or even within brain cells. They would then wirelessly transmit encoded information to and from a super computer network for real time brain state monitoring and data extraction. The minimal sized network of electrodes provides direct real time monitoring and control of signals to and from the brain cells, leading to the capability to bio-robotize a human being and remote control that human being in real time. Please watch the following youtube video which is being presented by Professor James Giordano of Georgetown University, United States for information on current capabilities in brain science and technology.
Many individuals have been non-consensually wirelessly linked by a bi-directional link to a network of super computers where all of the electrical activity being generated by their brains and bodies are downloaded to super computers and where all of that electrical activity is automatically translated in real time to everything that individual thinks, says and does and this happens on a continual basis. Unknown neuro operatives who work from unknown remote locations use the bi-directional link to upload sounds, voices, images, sensations, pain, feelings and forced muscle movements to those non-consenting individuals. A pre-ordained path has been mapped out by which all targeted individuals of the above non-consensual wirelessly enabled remote experimentation must follow if they wish to officially complain about their experiences. No matter how well we voice our complaints and no matter who we complain to, whether it be the police, psychiatrists or general practitioners, that pre-ordained path which has been mapped out for all of our complaints more than likely leads to involuntary intervention, and because of this pre-ordained path that we must follow when we officially complain of being wirelessly tortured, our complaints never get heard from an official perspective. More often than not, we are wrongly regarded as insane.
If the unnecessary and unwanted psychiatric intervention was successful it would then be followed by psychiatric incarceration and the forced ingestion of poisonous substances complete with extremely agonizing side effects which would be unapparent to an observer and difficult to define such as the feeling of having been extremely poisoned combined with the feeling of not being able to think as clearly as one normally would as well as a feeling of having no motivation to do anything as well as extreme tiredness as well as other symptoms such as tardive akathisia which is an extreme need to pace constantly and tardive dyskinesia which causes involuntary muscle movement.
Many individuals throughout the world are being forced into experiencing virtual reality experiences for short spaces of time which has led to further confusion about what is happening behind the scenes in the world today. In order to cover up the existence and widespread abuse of neuro science and neuro technology combined with directed energy weapons, many cover stories have been invented to misdirect the public so that they would not be able to realize what is really occurring behind the scenes of their lvies. Some of the false cover stories which have been invented to cover the vast capabilities of neuro science and neuro technology are as follows :- the religious apparation hoax, the demonic possession hoax, the extra-terresterial visitation hoax, the channelling hoax, the psychic ability hoax, the moving statue hoax, the poltergiest hoax, and many other hoaxes. Objective reality is real but it is being allowed to be confused with virtual reality and this situation is being supported by both governments and the press. The dark luciferians wish us to believe in all types of supernatural falsehoods and other types of deception so that they can more easily control us. A differential in knowledge leads to a differential in power and they have been lying to us for multi generations both through the school system and through the main stream media and they continue to do so to this day.
When African Americans were first being enslaved inside American shores some of the young men were tortured while the rest of the African American people were forced to look on at the torture process. From then on, through extreme fear, Arican American parents would raise their children to be extremely obedient slaves rather than allow them to experience similar torture through rebellion. I have read that the dark occultists who wish to wirelessly tether all of us to a central computerized control and enslavement system plan to operate a similar torture system which we would all be forced to witness through a virtual reality system which is already in place for some targeted individuals.
Professor James Giordano can be found online presenting many youtube videos outlining the current vast capabilities of neuro science and neuro technology. We must urgently disassemble all wireless enabling capabilities and have them banned before fifth generation millimeter wave technology is fully operational because if we wait until 5G is fully operational you may then be forced to hear voice commands being transmitted inside your head as well as applied pain if and when you fail to carry out the commands issued by those voices, some of which may be generated by artificial intelligence. 5G which is also known as fifth generation millimeter wave technology has the well known capability to carry pain signals and it is currently being erected throughout my country Ireland and most other countries throughout the world in order to technologically enslave us. Further to this, preprogrammable microchips exist which can induce pain in the microchip implant victim if they should attempt to cross pre-set boundaries such as the boundaries of their own town or city. The non-consensually inserted microchip could be programmed to send signals to the electrodes which have already become imbedded inside the brains and bodies of most individuals causing the electrodes to induce pain in the individual. A microchip actually picks up and amplifies ambient electrical energy. If you have a micro chip inserted in you either non-consensually or consensually and you then get in the range of a powerful electromagnetic field the microchip can actually be used to burn you! If we act urgently we can save ourselves from technological enslavement to the dark luciferian would-be slave masters.
We should discuss having all microwave transmitters as well as 5G millimeter wave transmitters taken down. We may even consider severing all undersea fibre optic cables. It is now common knowledge that satellites do not even exist but many main stream scientists are afraid to come forward and say so. Many senior politicians, high court judges, lawyers, police officers and civil servants among others are probably hearing voices combined with receiving pain signals and may be too compromised to speak freely. Some may even be under electronic mind control or remote influencing or some other thought influencing technology. All of the aforementioned thought influencing technologies depend on both microwave transmitters and/or 5G millimeter wave transmitters being in active use so that is another good reason to ban all transmitters urgently.
By their use of data which was obtained by a classified psychological torture program universally known as remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation, senior Irish Gardaí are either knowingly or unknowingly supporting this wirelessly enabled non-consensual psychological torture system. It is my opinion that senior Irish gardai obtain usable data from the worldwide intelligence services. The worldwide intelligence services themselves obtain a large portion of the data at their disposal by way of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation as standard procedure. The victims of this classified system known as remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation can not prove that they are wirelessly linked to said system because this is an invisible system which uses energy weapons to collect data from mostly good living human beings.
This system is being carried out by the following method - intelligent dust particles are being dispersed throughout our bodies and brains through inhalation and ingestion. These intelligent dust particles are then connected by a two way link of electromagnetic energy to a computer network which is currently manned by unknown neuro staff who work outside the control system. These largely unknown neuro staff never come in contact with the police because there appear to be wireless limitations placed on their freedom.
All of the electrical activity which is generated by brains and bodies of the wirelessly linked individuals are downloaded to said computer network for data analysis. These wirelessly lined individuals have no further mental privacy from that day forward. The brains and bodies of almost everybody in the western world now contain vast quantities of intelligent dust particles which are being used to mind control many of them into a state of unconcern and incredulity whenever the subject of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation is raised.
The Gardaí at senior level are possibly well aware of the existence and abuse of wireless directed energy weapons within the Republic of Ireland but they have not warned the Irish people about them at this point because they can not yet prove the existence of said wireless directed energy weapons. Honest people who claim they are targeted individuals of said weapons have found that strong radio frequency signals come from their heads at random times of the day. Spectrum analysers could possibly be used by the Gardaí on targeted individuals in order to prove that they are indeed being attacked by said weapons.
Many targeted individuals throughout Ireland have reported being attacked by wireless weapons which includes having the voices of the neuro staff uploaded into their hearing channels. However, front line Gardaí have not been informed about the existence and abuse of these wireless directed energy weapons and they currently have no option other than to force the targeted individual to attend for unnecessary psychiatric evaluation. The targeted individual can be transferred from there to a psychiatric hospital where they lose all of their credibility from then on. This and many other reasons are why the existence and abuse of this technology is being kept hidden from the public.
We must urgently have all wirelessly enabling capabilities demolished and we must return to the use of hard wired devices only. The existence of satellites is now a well known hoax because it is firmly believed that NASA staff have been under wireless constraint for many decades and has been forced to lie to the public about both the existence of satellites as well as being forced to hoax space travel over the years.
We have reason to be afraid of the Jesuits, who own and control the Vatican from behind the scenes. They appear to be the real new world order crime cabal. The Jesuit order was founded in 1534. Pope Clement VIX abolished the Jesuit order in 1773. The Jesuits then needed a new organization to hide behind so they created the Illuminati as a front. The Illuminati is simply a distraction to take the focus of attention away from the activities of the Jesuits.
The Rothschilds did not come into power until the late 1700s. They are simply papal banking pawns.
The first Zionist meeting did not occur until 1897.
The Jesuits have gone from strength to strength. They not only own and control the Vatican state which is a private country within another country, they also own and control the British Crown Corporation. They own and control the London Financial District which is a private country within another country. They own and control Washington DC which is a private state within a state.
All three private states within states of the Vatican State, The London Financial District, Washington DC are above all laws and all three work as one unit.
The Vatican itself is a privately owned corporation. It is purported to be worth 115 trillion Euros approximately which makes it the richest corporation on the planet while Eight million African babies are allowed to die of starvation each year. The Vatican owners and controllers are about controlling and enslaving the human race. They are a mind control cult. The belief system they promote has no foundation in reality.
The story of Jesus has numerous parallels with many other ancient Gods, e.g. Horus, Attis, Kirshna, Dionysys, and Mithra to name a few. They were all born on 25th Dec. by a virgin birth. They all had twelve disciples and performed miracles. They were all eventually crucified, died for three days, and were then resurrected. The reason most of the ancient religions have the same general mythological structure, is because they, as well as Christianity, are all based on astrotheology. The virgin Mary is based on the star constellation Virgo. The Jesus crucification sequence is based on the sun moving south in the sky for six months. By December 22nd, the sun is at its lowest point in the sky, in the vicinity of the Southern Cross star constellation. This is where we get the symbology of the crucifiction . Three days later, on December 25th, the sun moves one degree north, giving us the resurrection. For more information see And for further information see a book called “THE WORLDS SIXTEEN CRUCIFIED SAVIORS” by Kersey Graves. We are told that the Vatican library has millions of books and archived documents, therefore, it is safe to assume that the Vatican clergy already know of the numerous duplications between the story of Jesus and numerous other ancient saviours. Yet they never mention this fact to their followers. They have lied to us by omission.
The laws of the land are being violated in mass in a lawless attempt to impose worldwide totalitarian dictatorship. Agents within the military, the police and the intelligence agents are violating their oaths of office in order to assist in imposing thiw worldwide totalitarian dictatorship.
Judeo masonic illuminati satanists, who currently control the major nations are planning to exert full spectrum dominance over humanity by waging unconventional electronic, psychotronic, cyber warfare against civilian populations.
This warfare deploys special operations forces and psychological operations of all military branches, all intelligence agencies, police, private security contractors, first responders, and civilian citizens on patrol.
In combination with total surveillance, big data, the worldwide information grid, artificial intelligence, super computers, directed energy weapons, remote neural weapons, and the worldwide neural network hive mind, no touch torture, psychological operations and man-machine integration, this system identifies, tracks, targets and eliminates innocent individuals who are secretly and extra-judicially classified as threats, adversaries, enemies and terrorists, etc.
By 2030 the self-proclaimed elite planners expect the artificial intelligence warfare system to be fully automated and to combine the above elements with 5G, the internet of things, smart cities, smart devices, and the internet, which is the one world brain.
The freedom fighters for humanity have truth as well as all laws on our side.
Professor Eric Karlstrom on the youtube video which is linked here.
The New World Order cabal privately own a large percentage of the money and other resources on our earth. They are attempting to own everything and to enslave us. Further to that, government employees throughout most of the world now work to serve the interests of the new world order cabal more so than the interests of their own fellow country men and women.
Under natural law which is the only acknowledged law on this earth, and which is fixed and immutable, we all own a equal share of our earth and its vast abundance. The new world order cabal have gained false ownership of most of the earth and its resources by means of treachery. We do not recognize their right of ownership or their right to claim a higher status that the remainder of us. Therefore, we should act as follows -
We should ban all private ownership of property and resources across the earth in order to stop their world wide enslavement attempt. Furthermore, we should disassemble and ban all technological infrastructure in each country in order to stop them. The existence of satellites is a hoax according to those in the know.
The New World Order Cabal can easily be persuaded to hand over their share of all world money, land and all other worldwide resources because there are seven billion of us and there are only a few remaining thousand of them. When all technological infrastructure has been disassembled and banned they will no longer be able to use an array of wirelessly enabled weapons to enslave us individually and by remote means which they have been doing secretly for many years by linking a selection of private individuals from WBans inside their bodies to computer networks, where they receive internal commands from the voices of unknown private security staff in combination with the voices of senior police officers.
W do not know who the members of the new world order cabal are. They may be wirelessly controlling the current shareholders of the privately owned and controlled worldwide federal reserve banking system.
Members of the European Parliament in conjunction with their corresponding diplomats across the world should meet with the shareholders of said Federal Reserve bank in order to facilitate the hand over of all worldwide resources currently in the hands of said shareholders to the diplomats.
We must urgently act on this matter.
Please share.
My name is Gretta Fahey. My landline home phone number is Republic of Ireland 0949360901.
XinJiang, a large part of western China is considered to be the worlds largest open prison.
There is an all pervasive social credit system being implemented where each individual gets credit points or debit points for everything they do, everything they purchase, whether they pay their taxes on time, or even how many steps they take when out walking, among other things. Algorhythms decide your fate based on the amount of credit points you gain.
The people of XinJiang live in a digital totalitarian state. This social credit system is due to be implemented across the world if we fail to disassemble and ban microwave transmitters which currently provide the wireless capabilities to hold this social credit open prison system in place. A system called Remote Neural Monitoring where each individual is wirelessly connected by their brains and spinal cords to a computer system is being set up throughout all European countries right now. Many unwilling Europeans are already wirelessly linked to this Remote Neural Monitoring system without their permission. Dark occultists are and never will be part of the system. They plan to be our slave masters. Ban microwave transmitters now.
Please see the following link
There are secret which are also known as shadow governments being generated throughout the world which are generally not known about by members of elected governments. They are far reaching and are being run by dark occultists who do not have our best interests at heart.
Your secret government may already have set up a permanent record of your whole life by using computer programs which are known as algorithms which collect all discernable data that can by found about you based on your school and college reports, your work records, taxes paid, academic credentials, church donations, medical card records, government grants received, online activities, credit card records, loans, telephone contact numbers and many other details. Combined with this, if you are already a subject of remote neural monitoring either known to you or unknown to you where implants buried inside your brain and body are wirelessly interlinked by a two way steam of energy to a computer network, then other data is being collected from you also and it is being blended into your permanent record. When you are being remote neural monitored all of the electrical activity generated by your brain and body is collected and stored in data banks and it is then translated into some of the following categories such as number of hours slept in any given day, number of steps taken in any given day, amount of bathroom visits in any given day, amount, times and duration of sexual activity in any given day, blood pressure in any given day, and a myriad of other deeply personal facts about you. These any many other details are all being collected by algorithms and placed in your permanent record.
Algorithms are also being programmed to ensure that every aspect of your life runs smoothly if you fall in line with the enslavement agenda of the dark occultists. If you refuse to fall in line with the dictates of the dark occultists algorithms can been preprogrammed to ensure that your credit card refuses to work at inappropriate times or that your car breaks down constantly or that your computer broadband becomes so slow as to be unworkable.
When your brain and body are wirelessly intertwined with a computer network from bio implants which you may have obtained surreptitiously you can be made to have either positive or negative virtual reality experiences without the need to wear a virtual reality headset. All of your senses can be taken over simultaneously and digital signals can be sent to you by outside forced where you then can be made to have unwanted experiences which you might then mistake for supernatural events.
Food, air, water, clothing, building materials, medicine, electronics and many other items have already been weaponised. History has been rewritten. Human beings have lived on planet earth for at least five hundred million years according to archaeologists. However, organised religions which are owned and controlled by dark occultists would not stand up to scruteny if placed in such a time frame so therefore a false reality has been created for us by social engineers which reduces the time frame which we are directed to focus on for the most part.
Many human beings are being in-home electronically harassed to the point of torture by means of the remote neural monitoring system and are are being wrongly categorised as being mentally unwell whenever complaints are made. Other individuals have been electronically mind controlled into a state of absolute trust in their enslavers . Still others are being electronically mind controlled to make wills leaving all of their property to state controlled charities. The would-be enslavers wish to own and control everything on this planet and leave the rest of us with absolutely nothing to the extent that we would not be allowed to even own our own clothing. There is one easy solution. All aspects of this enslavement system depends of wireless interconnectivity. Please consider disabling wireless capabilities urgently. The existence of satellites are an evident hoax and drones can easily be shot down if necessary. Take action now.
Many good will human beings throughout Ireland and the rest of the world are being monitored and harassed by criminal neuro operatives who use wireless electronic weapons while these good will human beings are trying to go about their lives peacefully. Wireless electronic capabilities are also being used to mass mind control the whole of society by entraining their brains into a state of false contentment while their civil rights are being slowly but surely eroded on a daily basis.
Individuals who have already been linked by wireless means to a covert in-home monitoring system are attempting to convince the rest of the human race to urgently have all wireless capabilities disassembled and banned across the board. Some others reply that wireless capabilities are essential to maintain the economy of our country which in turn would maintian our current standard of living. However, the economy can no longer be part of the equasion because wireless capabilities are being used to burn down homes by remote wireless means. Wireless capabilities are also being used to inflict pain and torture of a number of human beings via deeply imbedded implants and other means while these human beings are inside their own homes attempting to live peaceful lives.
Wireless capabilities can be used to burn human beings to death in a covert war. When metal objects such as spoons are placed in a microwave oven they catch fire. We are now being informed that we have metallic particulates inside our bodies and brains which we inhale and ingest due to chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads in a process known as geoengineering. These metallic particulates are currently being found in our food supply. The capability exists to turn microwave transmitters which are attached to telephone towers way up to a much higher power transmission. It may be possible to control these microwave transmitters from one central location. Therefore the capability now exists to burn us inside our homes due to these metallic particulates being inside our bodies. A cover story could then be provided that we were burned to death by the spread of wildfires during hot weather.
Wireless capabilities are being used to force private human beings to hear intelligent voices issuing commands to them via implants during which these intelligent voices are being heard by them coming from inside their own heads. If the victim should refuse to obey the commands of these inner voices they are being informed by these inner voices that their utilities including electricity, water and waste collection will be stopped and their bank accounts will be disabled and if their are in public housing they will be evicted forthwith. These intelligent sounding inner voices are telling the human subjects concerned that this wireless enslavement system is being means for everyone. It is currently being set up throughout the republic of Ireland. It is commonly known within the network as remote neural monitoring.
Please consider having all wireless enabling transmitters and related paraphernalia disassembled and banned urgently.
Individuals who have already been placed on remote neural monitoring attempt to explain to psychiatrists and others exactly what they are experiencing. A strongly conditioned false belief in the validity of psychiatry has been etched into the minds of society over many decades and centuries. They are giving credence to a university discipline that has can not be backed by scientific means. Psychiatry is based on non-science. Psychiatry is based on the subjective opinions of psychiatrists. There is no test available to support their subjective opinions.
Psychiatry is currently being furthered as a back door to currently disempower anybody who attempts to highlight the truth that they have been placed on a remote neural monitoring system. The victim is being told that there is no such system in existence as remote neural monitoring. They are being told that they have a chemical imbalance in their brain which is genetically determined and they will have it for life and there is nothing they can do about it and they will forever be limited and restricted and they must continually ingest tablets which dampen down their creativity, their sensitivity and their awareness. They are being told that they are sick and the psychiatrist can see this but that they can not.
The entire field of psychiatry is now implicated in covering up the crime of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation. However, because of the wide use of electronic mind control especially against individuals who live or work near telephone towers and because of the fact they all of Irish society are unknowingly ingesting and inhaling nano particulates which eventually become imbedded in their bodies and brains, their brains are now working to the dictates of external programming rather than the power of their own minds. The signals which subliminally influence them are coming from telephone towers in their environment and are redirected to their brains from smart engineered technology inside their homes and offices. We can easily return to wired technology without it impacting our quality of life. Please consider having telephone towers and related paraphernalia urgently banned.
There is currently a small hole in the Titanic. It can very easily be repaired. However, many on board are asleep and are unaware of the danger. If we wait until 5G which is fifth generation wireless technology become operational within the next year the technological capabilities of our enemies to wirelessly enslave us will become infinitely more powerful. 5G can remote neural monitor hundred of thousands of human beings simultaneously, whereby they would hear a voice issuing them commands via voice to skull direct communication. These commands would come from the hearing centres of their own brains. If they failed to obey these commands they could receive an electric shock or they could have their utilities cancelled within days. I know this situation to be the case because I have been on this cruel system for more than fifteen years, and I am aware of at least one dozen of my fellow Irish men and women who are also currently on a similar control and enslavement system.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo. My website where I outline my experiences of being on a remote neural monitoring control and enslavement system is called
Guardian Angels for a Smarter Life
Project status:Completed
Administrative contact | Address |
Tel:+41-216933978 | |
Fax:+41-216933640 | |
E-mail:Contact | |
URL: | Organization Type: |
Objective: Guardian Angels (GA) are future zero-power, intelligent, autonomous systems-of-systems featuring sensing, computation, and communication beyond human aptitudes. GA will assist humans from their infancy to old age in complex life situations and environments. Zero-power reflects system-of-systems ability to scavenge energy in dynamic environments by disruptive harvesting techniques. The project prepares zero-power technologies based on future energy-efficient technologies, heterogeneous design, and disruptive energy scavengers.
Three zero-power generations of GAs are foreseen:
- Physical Guardian Angels are zero-power, on-body networks or implantable devices that monitor vital health signals and take appropriate actions to preserve human health. - Environmental Guardian Angels extend monitoring to dynamic environments, using disruptive scavengers, personalized data communication, and first “thinking” algorithms. They are personal assistants that protect their wearers from environment dangers. - Emotional Guardian Angels are intelligent personal companions with disruptive zero-power, manmachine interfaces deployed at large scale. They sense and communicate using non-verbal languages playing an important role in health, education, and security worldwide.
This project addresses the following scientific challenges for energy-efficient visionary Guardian Angel autonomous systems: (i) energy-efficient computing (down to E=10-100kT), (ii) and communication (approaching the limit of 1pJ/bit), (iii) low-power sensing, (iv) disruptive scavenging (bio-inspired, thermoelectric, etc, targeting energy densities of tens of mW/cm2), and (v) zero-power man-machine interfaces. A selection of emerging technologies based on energy efficiency is proposed. We will also develop design tools that integrate electrical, mechanical, optical, thermal, and chemical simulation tools over length and time scales currently achievable.
Mind Computers:;id=1077122004 Jul 2008, 04:22 amGoogle Patent #4647773 ![]() ![]() AltaVista fand 486 Ergebnisse Method of continuous production of retroviruses (HTLV-III) from ... A cell system is disclosed for the reproducible detection and isolationof human T-lymphotropic retroviruses (HTLV ... United States Patent4647773. Abstract: ... ![]() Weitere Seiten zu AIDS is man-made - Interview with Dr. Boyd Graves Dokumententyp:PDF - Download PDF Reader Insimpler terms, he received a patent (U.S. Patent No. 4647773) tocontinue the ... BG: The patent was issued to Rabbi Dr. Marvin Antelmanof Morantech ... ![]() Weitere Seiten zu humanmilkpatentpending: HIV...patents Patent# 4647773 called "Method of continuous production of retrovirus(HTLV-III) ... The patent inventors were Gallo, Popovic, andSarngadharan and it was also owned ... • Translate Weitere Seiten zu Assay and apparatus for detecting feline immunodeficiency virus ... Compositionsderived from a novel viral isolate designated feline T-lymphotropiclentivirus (FTLV) ... United States Patent 5565319. Abstract: ...4647773 ... ![]() Weitere Seiten zu AIDS CURE: U.S. Patent #5676977 , page 1 Discusionabout AIDS CURE: U.S. Patent #5676977 in the ...4647773 - This is the actual intellectual property of the virus provingthe ... ![]() Weitere Seiten zu AIDS estimates surge in America See the killer patent. Copy this patent number: 4647773. Click on ![]() • Translate Weitere Seiten zu Read Article ... you the 1997 patented CURE for AIDS, U.S. patent #5676977, ![]() ![]() Weitere Seiten zu UK Indymedia - US Patents for HIV AIDS and Patent for CURE UnitedStates Patent 5,676,977 Antelman October 14, 1997 ... 4647773 Method ofcontinuous production of retroviruses (HTLV-III) from patients ... ![]() Weitere Seiten zu - indigenous - 33 - Male - BROOKLYN, New York - www.myspace ... MySpaceprofile for indigenous with pictures, videos, personal blog, ... U.S.Patent #4647773 United States Patent 4,647,773 Gallo -Continuousproduction ... • Translate Weitere Seiten zu It's over and you did nothing It’sOver and You Did Nothingby Daniel J TowseyWhile you slept on your couchand your Pacifier ... Here's the Patent for HIv US Patent For Aids #4647773 ... ![]() Weitere Seiten zu ![]() ![]() AltaVista fand 486 Ergebnisse Method of continuous production of retroviruses (HTLV-III) from ... Acell system is disclosed for the reproducible detection and isolationof human T-lymphotropic retroviruses (HTLV ... United States Patent4647773. Abstract: ... ![]() Weitere Seiten zu AIDS is man-made - Interview with Dr. Boyd Graves Dokumententyp:PDF - Download PDF Reader Insimpler terms, he received a patent (U.S. Patent No. 4647773) tocontinue the ... BG: The patent was issued to Rabbi Dr. Marvin Antelmanof Morantech ... ![]() Weitere Seiten zu humanmilkpatentpending: HIV...patents Patent# 4647773 called "Method of continuous production of retrovirus(HTLV-III) ... The patent inventors were Gallo, Popovic, andSarngadharan and it was also owned ... • Translate Weitere Seiten zu Assay and apparatus for detecting feline immunodeficiency virus ... Compositionsderived from a novel viral isolate designated feline T-lymphotropiclentivirus (FTLV) ... United States Patent 5565319. Abstract: ...4647773 ... ![]() Weitere Seiten zu AIDS CURE: U.S. Patent #5676977 , page 1 Discusionabout AIDS CURE: U.S. Patent #5676977 in the ...4647773 - This is the actual intellectual property of the virus provingthe ... ![]() Weitere Seiten zu AIDS estimates surge in America See the killer patent. Copy this patent number: 4647773. Click on ![]() • Translate Weitere Seiten zu Read Article ... you the 1997 patented CURE for AIDS, U.S. patent #5676977, ![]() ![]() Weitere Seiten zu UK Indymedia - US Patents for HIV AIDS and Patent for CURE UnitedStates Patent 5,676,977 Antelman October 14, 1997 ... 4647773 Method ofcontinuous production of retroviruses (HTLV-III) from patients ... ![]() Weitere Seiten zu - indigenous - 33 - Male - BROOKLYN, New York - www.myspace ... MySpaceprofile for indigenous with pictures, videos, personal blog, ... U.S.Patent #4647773 United States Patent 4,647,773 Gallo -Continuousproduction ... • Translate Weitere Seiten zu It's over and you did nothing It’sOver and You Did Nothingby Daniel J TowseyWhile you slept on your couchand your Pacifier ... Here's the Patent for HIv US Patent For Aids #4647773 ... ![]() Weitere Seiten zu Of course. Thatshow politics work these days. Wars are not necessarily fought withweapons but through a variety of other means, including economic ones. S. Mr Carnicom as well as Dr. Staninger are experts in this. ![]() ![]() Dr Carnicom is an expert in chemtrail composition and morgellon research. It is worth a look. Also I havespoken with Dr. Hildiegard Staninger and she too is a morgellon expert. Google Morgellon disease ![]() Itis something the UN is not familiar with and needs to become becausethe United States is attempting world control-that you must see andshould be obvious that if countries to not comply with the UnitedStates then they are punished economically. Bush did this whenSchroeder did not agree with the US attacking Iraq. Bush placed economic sanctions on Germany. Be open minded and judge for yourself. You seem very well educated and very logical. Danke, Ron Angell |