grey (2)

A cartel of individuals have been projecting frequencies containing information into human brains within the frequency band of human brain activity and senior politicians and others who unknowingly receive the information contained in the projected frequencies believe that information is their own private thoughts and private opinions. Senior politicians who receive their thoughts and opinions from a central preprogrammed data base go on to enact laws based on that information. Said senior politicians have signed documents which have initiated the erection of enslavement technologies throughout the world based on that information which is coming to them from the central proporgrammed data base. Psychiatrists, police officers and others are being controlled by the same method which is leading to our slow enslavement.
Because the brains and bodies of our senior politicians have become wirelessly linked to said central data base of mostly misinformation from metallic particulates inside their brains and bodies which is sometimes called neural dust, we must urgently act to locate and to switch off those super computers. Those super computers can also be used to take over and control the physical body of a human being through control of their central nervous system as described in patent number US6965816.
We are now receiving frequencies from the central data base which is making us all wish to wear nothing but black, white and grey clothing, decorate the interior of our homes in many shades of black, white and grey and purchase vehicles in mostly black, white and grey. Many high profile women such as Caroline Kennedy Schlosburg and Deborah Taveres are mostly wearing black, white and grey. Many clothing stores contain black, white and grey clothing for the most part. Two thousand years ago the Romans only allowed their slaves to wear one uniform colour while the slavemasters wore multicolour clothing. The current would-be slavemasters of the human race appear to wish to return to this mode of dress which would identify the status of an individual by the colour clothing they wore. All of this is occurring gradually and incrementally. When purchasing clothes in future please purchase and wear multicolour garments if you can still source them.

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I am being subjected to non-consensual remote neural monitoring. I have been informed recently via voice to skull bio-communication that at some future time if the dark new world order get their own way we will then be classified into lower, middle and upper classes. The clothing which the lower classes would be obliged to wear would be non-coloured, only black, white and many shades of grey.
I have researched many online clothing stores and already the clothes they sell are most black, white, and many shades of grey. New micro apartments are being decorated in black, white and many shades of grey.
We must urgently disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities and return to using only hard wired devices in order to put a stop to the slow and incremental enslavement of the human race by the dark new world order criminal cartel. The existence of satellites are an easily proveable hoax. Most if not all of the NASA staff are freemasons. All of the so-called astronauts who lied to us about travelling to the moon and back were high level freemasons who are obliged to lie if ordered to do so by high level Jesuits who ultimately control them. The one and only source of information in the world about space and space based weapons is NASA who are a military organisation. We have no way of verifying what they tell us because none of us have ever been to outer space in order to verify that these so called satellites are actually there. In fact, air and the vacuum of space can not co-exist side by side. This feat has never been achieved in a laboratory setting. Therefore, does outer space even exist.
I am a targeted individual and I have been so for nearly sixteen years. My website which I alone own and control is called I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Ireland.

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