clothing (2)


Opulent surroundings combined with elaborate posturing , titles, expensive possessions and ornate uniforms have been used throughout human history in order to help persuade the human race to erroneously believe that some human beings have a higher status than others. This form of trickery is widely used within all organised religions in order to make some individuals erroneously believe that religious leaders have become empowered with mystical capabilities owing to having had rituals performed on them earlier in their lives.
During the sacrament of holy orders elaborately dressed arch bishops perform grandiose displays in an atmosphere of candle light and incense and background organ music in order to create a mesmerising show which is inclined to hold an audience spell bound long enough to make them believe that something of a supernatural nature has just taken place. The young men who have just become ordained are in most normal cases willing to believe that they have now become imbued with supernatural powers which they previously did not have.
After the supposed sacrament of holy orders has taken place the young man who has become supposedly ordained is never again seen out and about while wearing jeans and short sleeved tee shirts because the individuals who run the organised religion are aware of the extreme importance that uniforms play in the minds of the human race. If the Pope, Cardinals or Arch Bishops appeared out in public while wearing track suits we would not be held spell bound in their presence. If fact we might even treat them with distain.
If organised religions were harmless I would not bother to write this article drawing attention to their methods of mesmerism. They have become extremely dangerous. The Vatican have known for many decades that a plot exists to enslave every man woman and child on this earth by wireless technological means and they have not warned us in spite of the fact that they have their own private army of intelligence agents located throughout every country of the world. Many individuals throughout the Republic of Ireland and throughout most of the rest of the world are being slowly and incrementally wirelessly bio-robotized inside their own homes and organised religions have not lifted a finger to make it stop.
You have a moral duty to withdraw all financial support for the Vatican in every way possible as a matter of urgency. Do not contribute any more funds. The individuals who own and run the Vatican are profoundly evil in my opinion. It is time they were officially investigated. Set about making this occur.
Because of the power to mesmerise us through uniforms there appear now to be plans to colour code our clothing in future years if the predatory new world order cabal who appear to have strong alignments with the Vatican get their way. Colours are being slowly and incrementally reduced in the clothing supply which is being made available to the human race. Many clothing stores now sell mostly, black, while and about fifty shades of grey. Vehicles are now being manufactured in shades of mostly black, white and grey. New Apartments are to be found online with their interior decoration in shades of black, white and grey for the most part. Ikea now seems to sell mostly black, white and grey furniture. Why is this? In ancient Rome, slaves were only allowed to wear one or two colours while slave owners wore as many colours as they wished. This situation appears to be on the return but many human beings are under microwave mind control via close proximity of their brains to their smart phones or some other reason and they are still asleep to the dangers we are in form wireless technological enslavement.
The closer we align with the truth in this world the more harmonious life will be for the human race as a whole. Please use logic rather than faith to govern your life.

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I am being subjected to non-consensual remote neural monitoring. I have been informed recently via voice to skull bio-communication that at some future time if the dark new world order get their own way we will then be classified into lower, middle and upper classes. The clothing which the lower classes would be obliged to wear would be non-coloured, only black, white and many shades of grey.
I have researched many online clothing stores and already the clothes they sell are most black, white, and many shades of grey. New micro apartments are being decorated in black, white and many shades of grey.
We must urgently disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities and return to using only hard wired devices in order to put a stop to the slow and incremental enslavement of the human race by the dark new world order criminal cartel. The existence of satellites are an easily proveable hoax. Most if not all of the NASA staff are freemasons. All of the so-called astronauts who lied to us about travelling to the moon and back were high level freemasons who are obliged to lie if ordered to do so by high level Jesuits who ultimately control them. The one and only source of information in the world about space and space based weapons is NASA who are a military organisation. We have no way of verifying what they tell us because none of us have ever been to outer space in order to verify that these so called satellites are actually there. In fact, air and the vacuum of space can not co-exist side by side. This feat has never been achieved in a laboratory setting. Therefore, does outer space even exist.
I am a targeted individual and I have been so for nearly sixteen years. My website which I alone own and control is called I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Ireland.

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