controlled (18)

My name is Gretta Fahey. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. I am being subjected to remotely administered wireless no-touch torture which is also being called virtual torture and microwave torture among other names. I am in contact with many other men and women who are also being subjected to similar experiences which we have not consented to ever. However, there is an easy solution to no-touch torture. Our elected senior politicians must stop all ability of criminals to subject their fellow country men and women to remotely administered no touch torture by passing laws which would make chemtrail spraying of our airspace illegal and by using our military to enforce those laws. In order for no touch torture, wireless mind control and wireless enslavement to continue those who wish to enslave us need to maintain the atmosphere in an ionized state at all times by continually spraying our airspace with highly conductive metals and other nano materials. If all chemtrail spraying of our airspace is discontinued the ionized atmosphere would gradually dissipate over one month and all remotely administered wireless torture and enslavement would come to a natural halt except for instances where individuals are being wirelessly tortured by the use of transportable and hand held wireless torture weapons which the police could easily have stopped.

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"Today, the ability to remotely transmit microwave voices inside a targets head is known inside the Pentagon as 'Synthetic Telepathy.' According to Dr Robert Becker synthetic telepathy has applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with voices or deliver undetected instructions to a programmed assassin. In the 1970s, the University of Maryland invented a thought reading machine. The machine allegedly uses microwaves to deliver spoken massages directly to the human brain as well as using radio waves to hypnotize people or change their thoughts. Neuro-effective signals can now cause many other nerve groups to become remotely actuated."
The above is a quote from "SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY AND THE EARLY MIND WARS" by Richard Alan Miller.

Secrecy allows evil to flourish. Full disclosure allows good to flourish and that is the reason why I am revealing that the Republic of Ireland where I was born and where I have lived all of my life and where I hope to live until I die has in essence become a slave colony for some of its own men and women, including myself.
The passage of time has allowed advances in technology, most of which are still classified. Even though they are classified many of them are being used outside of government knowledge against a selection of Irish individuals. I and other Irish individuals have been implanted with technology which wirelessly links us to computerized control and enslavement systems. We have not found a way to prove that we are partial wirelessly controlled slaves but the Irish government could easily provide absolute proof that we are wirelessly controlled slaves if they had the will to do so. The Irish people must act on their own without government interference and they must do what ever is needed to prove without a shadow of a doubt that some Irish citizens have become wirelessly remote controlled slaves . We have asked the Irish government for help already but nothing was done to help us in this regard.
I personally believe that the reason some Irish politicians are hesitant in providing us the Irish people with technology which would allow us to prove that we have become wirelessly controlled slaves is because in doing so they would also be proving that judges and juries can now be wirelessly controlled, which would then cause the law courts to collapse over night. Further to that, no law court decision which has been made in the past several decades could be considered viable.
Here below I outline some of my experiences of being a wirelessly controlled slave as follows:
Voices are being transmitted by wireless means into what I believe is technology implanted or embedded in my inner ear on a continual basis. The voices appear to be of real men and women who appear to be able to monitor me on a virtual basis through monitoring a virtual image of my on their own computer screens or by some other means due to the fact that I have technology implanted or embedded throughout my person.
The unknown groups who transmit their voices into my head occasionally tell me what I should eat, what I sould be allowed to purchase and what I should think about . They have in the past cancelled orders for goods which I have placed online because they did not wish me to have them. They sometimes physically hurt me by wireless remote means. They sometimes force a selection of my muscles to move against my will by wirelessly enabled external control of my central nervous system, a capability which is described in United States Scientific Patent Number US6965816. When I am brain to brain interfaced with these unknown neuro staff which appears to be most if not all of the time they can then force a selection of my muscles to move against my will and without my permission.

One can now use technology to tune in all types of special effects to the human brain provided the human concerned has inhaled and ingested nano technology which eventually comes embedded in that brain as is described in United States scientific patent number US6965816. You can now have distrubing pictures as well as moving images forced into the mental imaging centre of your brain at a moments notice. Because these mental images are not generated in the same way as you generate your own mental images you will know that they are not being generated by your own mind and that they are being artificially transmitted into your mind by wireless remote means.
I do not know who my slave masters are. I have the contact details of more than a dozen other individuals who live in the Republic of Ireland and who are experiencing the same or similar experiences of being under wireless external control as I am. What we are experiencing is known as being Remote Neural Monitored as well as being Remote Neural Manipulated. Professor James Geordano of Georgetown University Medical Center, United States is one of the official spokesmen for the United States government on the subject of Weaponizing Brain Science. He validates the existence of the aforementioned capabilities in nearly all of his online presentations. Here is a link to his latest online presentation which is called Weaponizing Brain Science.

Professor Geordano informs us while speaking on this video that drones and other aerial vehicles can be used to deliver pay loads of neurological viruses, neurological microbes as well as neurological toxins to targeted individuals or targeted groups. He also informs us that nano technology can be used to provide scaffolds that then allow the auto assembly of molecules inside a biological system. When Professor Giordiano refers to a biological system it is understood that he means a human being or any other sentient being.
If fifth generation wireless technology becomes fully activated in the Republic of Ireland then the bandwidth will be available to criminal neuro scientists and their assistants to wirelessly enslave every man, woman and child in Ireland and this can all be achieved from an unknown remote location.
With regard to a different matter which is am including in this letter because I wish to warn the Irish people about the possibility of it occurring here , it is being claimed in the below linked video that psychological operations are currently being used by unknown individuals in order to create situations where the general public begin to lose trust in their own state police forces because some of the super rich wish to privatize the police forces of the world under their own personal control. It is also being claimed that they wish to privatize all prisons under their own private control. SERCO is a United States company which is believed to control the healthcare system in the United States. SERCO is also believed to own and control privately run prisons throughout the world. It is being claimed in the same video which I have linked here below that the World Economic Forum kill innovations before they can get off the ground. The below linked video has been placed online by the United States online journalist of note Ramola Dharmaraj and she is interviewing a whistleblower called Thomas of Alpha Omega Energy who is described as an energy entrepreneur.
If you decide to deny that wirelessly enabled remote controlled torture technology exists and is in use and that electronic mind control programming technology exists and is in use and that voice to skull remote transmissions of external voices being placed inside the heads of random individuals exists and is now in frequent use then you are committing an act of extreme evil against your fellow country men and women as well as against all future generations of this world. You have no right to deny that these capabilities exist and if you decide to acknowledge all of their existence to the police then you will be finally exposing the truth to the world. We can regain harmony and peace of mind in this world as soon as we realign with the truth.
My name is Gretta Fahey and I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.

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There is an ongoing effort by the unelected worldwide heirarchical based chain of command to eliminate the use of physical paper money throughout the world. They have kept the number of A.T.M. machines to a minimum throughout the world so that it is sometimes difficult for those who use banks to access physical paper money. They are now attempting to manipulate law makers by either using microwave mind control against them or by financially manipulating them so that those law makers would enact laws to make it illegal to pay cash on their door step when goods are being delivered to their homes. Instead, they are insisting that the goods are paid for by digital means at the time when those goods are being ordered online.
However, it has been found that those who have become wirelessly and invisibly linked to a computerized control system from implants inside their brains and bodies are sometimes informed that their spending is excessive when they attempt to order goods online and they are sometimes denied the right to purchase the goods they wish for. External control can be taken of all digital money. External control can be taken of all orders placed online and those orders can be immediately cancelled by external controllers who work out of state of the art control centres such as United States Fusion Centres.
If the human race are only allowed to use digital money and if all physical paper money is eliminated soon we will then have to beg those who supply us with online goods for the goods we wish to purchase. They will allow us to have goods based on the score we have on the soon to be implemented social credit score system. If we do not have a high score we will be denied whatever goods we require. This has already been put into practice in a small way. If you dare to challenge the rulings of the unelected worldwide chain of command who are known to be private owners of the private banking industry among others then your social credit score will be lowered to the point where you will be unable to survive. You will be allowed to starve to death. Others will not be allowed to support you without having their own social credit scores lowered.
I live far from my local town and I use a bicycle to travel to that town to the extent that I find it helpful to purchase my clothing online. However, on more than one occasion my orders were cancelled by the unknown staff who work at the state-of the art external wireless control centre because I was informed via bio-communication that I did not deserve the goods which I had ordered. On still another occasion, I was informed that due to excessive spending on my part I would not be allowed to purchase exactly what I wished to purchase on that occasion. I eventually obtained the goods that I required due to perseverence on my part. However, please remember that if you stop using physical paper money in favour of all digital money then your spending will be externally wirelessly and invisibly controlled by unknown operatives or even by fully automated pre-programmed algorithms. Keep using physical paper money.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
My website is called

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Certain individuals who practice Luciferiansim and Satanism are advocating for permanent centralizing of all power on earth in their hands. These dark occultists wish to control all agricultural land from a central location and they wish to control all energy use from a central location. They wish to wirelessly tether all men, women and children to computer control, enslavement, torture and genocide systems from a central location. They already control worldwide false psychiatry from a remote centralized location. When psychiatrists knowingly mandate that their patients forceably take drugs which torture their patients from the inside out, that psychiatrist is committing an act of torture. When psychiatrists force one of their patients into a temporary coma that psychiatrist is committing an act of torture. When psychiatrists knowingly force or brow beat one of their vulnerable patients to accept electroconvulsive therapy where is not ever in their interests to accept because it forever damages their cognative abilities, those psychiatrists are committing acts of torture. Psychiatry and the psychiatric rule book called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders have been devised by dark occultists over many decades and even centuries to control anyone who challenges unchallenged assumptions which are not in their interests and this is the case throughout most of the world. When psychiatrists because of guidelines pronounce sane individuals as being mentally ill because those sane individuals state that they are wirelessly controlled from a remote location by unknown individuals, those psychiatrists are covering up knowledge of criminal activity by their decisions. False psychiatry is a menace to society and it must be disassembled and banned throughout the world today.
Luciferians and Satanists are torturing a large number of microchipped individuals by wireless means from unknown remote locations at this point in history and both psychiatrists and lawyers are covering this up for the benefit of said Luciferians and Satanists in exchange for money. We would no longer be allowed to handle our own money if we were permanently enslaved so if you are acting out of financial self interest you are furthering your own enslavement and those of your fellow men, women and children of the earth for many centuries and even millinnia to come. Refuse all vaccines because they likely now contain microchips

The United Nations and all subsidiary organisations are in the hands of the satanic realm.
Take down the infrastructure which allows them to wirelessly torture people and animals by remote control.

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We all have inhaled and ingested nano technology from processed food, public water supply and chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads. This nano technology and other heavy metals can then pass through the blood brain barrier and become embedded inside the human brain because the blood brain barrier becomes more porus when in the presence of certain types of electromagnetic radiation fields.
When our bodies are embedded with heavy metals scientists can easily measure the speed and direction of the flow of electricity through our bodies by wireless remote means if and when the technology inside our bodies has proliferated around our bodies in sufficient quantities to be of use to them and others.
A potential wireless slave is usually secretly embedded with further technology to further the process of their enslavement at a time when they are unaware that it is occurring. Computer coding is wirelessly transmitted to the technology inside the human body so that the muscles of that human being can then be wirelessly controlled by unknown criminals while they work from an unknown remote location. If they gain enough wireless control over the physical body of the potential wireless slave they can wirelessly close the eyes of the wireless slave and never allow the wireless slave to open them again, thereby rendering the wireless slave blind for life despite having excellent eye sight. They can close the mouth of the wireless slave for ever thereby allowing the wireless slave to starve to death despite having good health. They can cause the wireless slave to be come disoriented or immobilized while taking a bath at a time when the hot tap is turned on thereby causing the wireless slave to be scalded to death. They can force the wireless slave to place their hand on top of a hot stove thereby burning the hand of the wireless slave whenever they might wish to do so.
Senior politicians who are widely believed to be under bio-digital programming from a flow-cycle of information which is being transmitted to them at high speeds whenever they use their smart phone have not yet considered supplying the police forces of the world with easily available technology which can be used to detect digital signals coming from the heads of wireless slaves so as to provide reasonable proof to the courts that these individuals are in fact wireless slaves. At the moment whenever wireless slaves attempt to bring up the subject of their wireless enslavement they are being scorned by bio-digitally programmed individuals who insist on believing that they are mentally ill instead of believing the truth which is that they have become and remain wirelessly enslaved. Please bring this matter to the police. For further information on the whole matter of abuses of technology please read the work of Professor Eric Karlstrom which is to be found at his website which is called
If you are a wirelessly controlled slave or if you are currently being coded with information in order to eventually provided unknown criminals with external control of all of the muscles in your body please research a youtube channel called HerbsPlusBeadWorks by a Canadian Engineer called Tony Pantalleresco who has devised many and varied anti-nano devices which should be released into the market place urgently. However, secret societies who now control the market place will probably ban them if they are not curtailed.
My website which I alone own and control and which gives details of how I have been wirelessly tortured for seventeen years and how I have been disbelieved by society is called I know many other individuals throughout the Republic of Ireland and further afield who are being wirelessly tortured. It has been estimated that one and a half million United States citizens are now being wirelessly tortured inside their own homes. There is a covert war against the civilian population by a small cabal of the super-rich. The aforementioned Professor Eric Karlstrom gives a list of who he believes they are in his website which is called
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey,

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I own a computer and I have been using it alot over the past ten years and during that time I have been busy as an online activist. As a targeted individual of non-consensual human experimentation I am fully aware of the grave danger we are in from hidden and still classified technologies which are being used against a selection of individuals throughout the world who are being used without their prior awareness or consent in human experimentation and psychological torture programs.
Up until very recently I used what I believed is a non-smart mobile cellular phone which I did not carry on my person and rarely used. I now own a very modern version of what is commonly known as a smart phone. I did not wish own one at all but in order to continue with my online activities on one particular website I was required to align my account on that website with an app on a smart phone. That is the only reason I got one and I rarely ever use it. I never carry it with me.
I have noticed something significant which happens to me whenever I use my newly purchased iphone which is sometimes known as a smart phone. Immediately after using it for about fifteen minutes I notice that my thinking processes change significantly. I begin to fall into a state of mind where I begin to feel that the current situation in the world with regards to the slow takeover of all of the resources of this world and the slow enslavement of the human race by a small number of dark occultists under the U.N. Agenda 21 and U.N. Agenda 2030 protocol is somehow acceptable. That is most certainly not how I feel at any other time and that is why I continue with my online activism on an almost daily basis.
Government employees who are mandated to use such smart technology for their work activities are in my strong opinion being subjected to heavy mind control to the extent that they are not aware of the mind control being administered to them through their work mandated technologies. Senior politicians are also using these smart phones which distort their ability to think effectively so that they are no longer capable of looking after the best interests of the individuals who elected them to do so.
Please ban all mind control devices which are also known as smart phones from government offices now. Politicians will no longer be allowed to represent us if they persist in using mind control devices known as smart phones because by doing so they are rendered unable to think independently. Colonal John Alexander is quoted as saying that the first mind control weapons was developed as early as 1801. Military and intelligence research is always fifty years ahead of academic research to the extent that as yet academia has received no formal information as to how targeted individuals of secret military research are having their central nervous systems slowly taken over and controlled by external means. They have as yet done nothing to supply us with a means of protecting ourselves from external control by neuro weapons and other still classified advanced weapons.
If mind control devices are banned across the world will academia then attempt to help targeted individuals shield from and jam the signals which are being used against them?
For further information about the above topic please read the following excellent document "International Movement for the Ban of Manipulation of Human Nervous System by Technical Means" by Mojmir Babacek which can be found at

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Our bodies and brains are now immersed in neural dust. The electric current which is generated in our neural system every time we move a muscle can be read and examined by external means by neuro scientists while they work from an unknown remote source. This capability allows them to know what muscles you are moving at all times while you are in the privacy of your own home if they should wish to do so. This capability also allows them to reconfigure these electrical signals and then transmit them back to your neural system and force your muscles to move entirely against your will if they should wish to do so. This system also involved you being implanted with many and varied types of implants at a time unbeknownst to you which you may never be allowed to know about.
The neural dust which is now inside our brains and bodies can only allow us to be either mind controlled or body controlled in the presence of strong electromagnetic radiation which comes from microwave transmitters as well as from our digital devices. We also need to be in the presence of an electric field.
We must switch off all microwave transmitters, electric grids and telephone transmissions for a period of at least three weeks in order to allow our leaders to think clearly again because they are certainly not able to do so at this time of technological enslavement of themselves and their people.
We must place dyes in our food supply which would indicate which foods contain neural dust and which foods do not so that we can choose to eat only safe foods and drink safe water.
We must cease to register all births, marriages and deaths because by registering the birth of a child you are signing that child into enslavement to the control and now enslavement system. Nothing can be done to your child without your consent if you refuse to register them.
We must provide all police officers with non-linear junction detectors and spectrum analysers so that individuals who confirm that they are experiencing forced muscle movement will have their claims confirmed and further to that the non linear junction detector will enable police detectives to determine what direction the forced muscle movement signals are coming from in order to determine who is carrying out the bio-robotization experimentations.
We must ensure that police officers are no longer forced to carry weaponized communication devices close to their person because I believe that these weaponized communication devices are being used to help mind control the police.
We must banish all dictators to an offshore island collectively where they will be treated with kindness and given homes, educational reading material and the ability to generate their own food. Under natural law which is the only fixed and immutable law known to humanity and which ultimately governs us all we are not allowed to cage or murder our fellow human beings. Banishment to an offshore island which is surrounded by an impenetrable electric fence is a moral way of dealing with those who wish to enslave, torture and genocide us by technological means. This is easily achievable in spite of whatever initial ridicule is directed at it and it costs the tax payer nothing in food or security services.
Many individuals including myself are reporting that our muscles are being made to move against our wills. The online youtube channel known as ‘ Ramola D Reports’ features an interviewer called Ramola Darmaraj from Boston, Massachusetts, USA who interviews many individuals who have experienced their muscles being made to move against their wills to the extent of having their own fist hitting their own face against their wills. This type of information is being buried by the main stream media because it is now 95% privatelty owned by dark occultists and it no longer serves the public interest. Please listen to her interviews of Christopher Burton, Galina Kurdina and Philip Walker in particular.

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I recently watched two youtube videos which gave detailed information of how slave handlers are using extremely advanced technology to control their slaves of which I am one.

Hearing Voices? Audio Implants
The Illuminati and Intelligence Agencies began conducting secret research into audio implants in the 20th century and they began implanting victims with audio implants in the 1960s for reasons of experimentation.
In the Vietnam war, the military used audio implant devices to aid communicating to their men who were sent into tunnels and who had to travel through forests.
The Illuminati, the Intelligence and Military Consortium kept the experimentation secret.
By the 1970s the intelligence agencies were willing to start using hundreds of people to experiment on opporationally with the implants. The controllers were very heavy handed with the people they implanted, and they used the full force of the Illuminati Intelligence agencies power to keep these people under their control at all times.
These innocent victims have had their lives totally destroyed. Some tried to fight back in order to get out from under the incessent audio messages that the implants sent but the system was too big and too powerful to fight.
Police, congress men, psychologists and others turned their backs on these victims. Some victims committed suicide and others continued to fight.
In 1925, sounds were created in people by radio engineers, by placing electrodes near the ear with a modulated alternating current.
By 1937, - by passing an alternating electrical current in the audible frequency range from an electrode to the skin, Stephen Jones found that he could make people hear sounds.
The military uses audio implants operationally to be able to talk to soldiers in situations where external noise would compromise the location of the soldiers.
In the 1970s the Illuminati and intelligence services began to secretly implant people, without their permission and at a time when they did not know they were being implanted.
In the 1990s, audio implants alone with other implants began to be used more agressively by the mind control programmers. Many intelligence operations are carried out with the aid of audio implants. Thousands of individuals have received audio implants without their permission by agents of the new world order. These implants contain a receiver, a processor, a transmitter plus electrodes or an electrical stimulating device.
When sound waves arrive to the human ear, sound causes biological reactions all along the auditory pathway from the cochlia to the auditory nerve, the brain stem and the primary cortical projection areas.
For secret implants, the electrical impulse that is generated to stimulate the victim to hear voices is totally unnoticed by everyone but the victim. Psychologists are being used to shut victims up by falsely declaring that the victim is crazy, delusional and insane and they claim audio implants dont exist. Most people who are slaves to audio implant techniques and technologies are being falsely informed that they are have paranoid schizophrenia.
Handlers communicate voice commands and death threats on an almost continual basis. The audio implants are often being used with other mind control implants. The new world order have a full cadre of trained operatives, both men and women who staff their secret basis, from which they monitor and broadcast signals to their slaves. The implants can also produce beta waves.
Certain implants are designed to suppress a certain type of thinking. The body of the victim may even be sent into paralysis or be given various response stimuli in order to suppress a certain thought pattern. If the slave begins to have certain thought patterns that threaten the programming structure, these implants then kick in to divert a persons mental activity to something else.
Engages Neuro Science and Technology as "a means of contending against another" to
1. assess, predict and control particular cognitions, emotions and behaviours.
2 mitigate aggression and foster cognitions, emotions and/or behaviours of affiliation or passivity.
3 incur burdens of morbity, disability or suffering and in this way "neutralize" potential opponents,
4 induce mortality.
They have weapons which are called neuro sensory immobilizing agents. Some of them which are known as high out put sensory stimulators that use high electromagnetic pulse energy that disrupt neurological sensory function and they are already being used.
Another weapon called intra cranial pulse stimulators use direct electromagnetic pulses to disrupt neural network aggrigation. They essentially disrupt the network properties of the brain and create confusion. They are both individual and group disruptors.
Neural networks operate by key controller and influencing nodes that interact with other networks within the brain.
If we can utilize trans cranial mechanisms to be able to disrupt this essentially we can create disrupted neural network aggrigation and literally disrupt peoples sense of time, space and place.
Neuro-modified cyborg systems. They can cybernetic interactive systems to remotely control brain systems.
At nineteen minutes and fifteen seconds into the linked youtube video Professor James Giardino falsely claimed that they are not dropping electrodes into peoples heads and that this is not a large scale program to infiltrate the population with in-dwelling electrodes.
Will this be widely seen as a mechanism of individual and crowd control? He falsely claims that it will not, at least in the immediate future.
The use of neural interfacing and physiological interfacing through the idea of remote controlled small scale systems to be able to modify the behaviour of non-human animals and insects. The pioneering work was done by Darpa for example the darpa beetle and the darpa fly, and more recently a non-darpa funded commercial interprize who calls itself "Dragon Fly" has been able to utilize a combined set of techniques, both direct neural stimulation through the use of macro technology and octogenetic control of key neuron firing patterns to be able to direct the wing beats and pulses and as a consequence, directionality of a dragon fly. They use high level nano or low level micro electrodes which can record and deliver certain types of pay loads.
We can access and effect neural systems to effect, altar, change, direct brains. We can use these systems for interrogation.


My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland.  My landline home phone number is 0949360901.   My website where you will find details of my technological enslavement is  .Unknown operatives issue me voice commands on a  onstant basis.   These unknown neuro operatives also move my facial muscles against my will and without my permission whenever they wish.   Please read my linked website to know more.

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Human energy field cameras are now needed in order to tell the difference between a human and a remote controlled  robot.   Remote controllable robots are being manufactured in all shapes and all sizes which are so expertly controllable from behind the scenes by unknown operatives who work from a remote location that many humans have been and continue to be fooled into believing that they are sentient.    Humans now wrongly believe that they have encountered extra-terresterials when in fact they were speaking to remote controlled robots of every shape and size.   This is one of the main ways that the extra-terrestrial hoax has been perpetrated.    Another way in which the extra-terrestrial hoax has been perpetrated is by the fact that the sky has now been altered to an extreme degree by the use of chemtrail spraying which is sometimes known as geo-engineering.    Parts of the sky can now be turned into a cinema screen for a short space of time and various images are being reflected onto it from the ground that have the appearance of extra-terrestrial craft while flying at enormous speeds while appearing and disappearing at random times. 

If some individuals continue to wrongly believe in the existence of extra-terresterials, the dark new world order will use that false belief system to lay the blame for their own acts of extreme evil on non-existent extra-terresterials.  If you continue to wrongly promote the existence of extra-terresterials you are actively helping to further their evil agenda.    They are using reverse psychology on the human race by secretly using military psychological operations to both create and further a false belief in an extra-terrestrial presence on earth while simultaneously appearing to be distainful of anybody who buys into that false belief.

Whenever the psychological operations of presenting remote controlled robots to human beings as if they were sentient extra-terresterials, the human beings who are at the scene are simultaneously having their brains entrained into a state of believing in the false belief that the remote controlled robots are sentient extra-terresteials and perhaps they are also being subliminally hypnotized in a way that would further their belief in this hoax.   This has been played out on numerous occasions throughout the world so as to distract and terrify the masses of humanity because when human beings are in a state of fear and when they falsely believe that the source of their fear is supernatural and they feel helpless to deal with it they are easier to manipulate and disempower.   The extra-terrestrial hoax has been perpetrated by the dark new world order cabal in the false belief that we are infinitely gullible.  Please further the truth urgently.

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Posted on April 27, 2019
“The dirtiest death I have ever seen. A biologically controlled human being, being taken out is not a pretty sight. Bound from head to toe and no way of moving. We can do what we like with her. We will have our vengeance.”
I am wirelessly linked by a two way link from my brain and body to a computer network which is controlled by criminals. These criminals speak to me whenever they wish throughout each day and throughout each night. I hear their voices coming from inside my head. They send information to my brain and body which makes my muscles malfunction at a moments notice and they make them recover again about twenty minutes later. They have informed me that they will one day paralyse me but they will leave me with the ability to feel pain . This situation has been going on for more than sixteen years. Initially, I was so frightened of them that my teeth would chatter with fear. Now I am so used to their death threats and their torture threats that I would be likely to doze off in the middle of a death threat. It is possible to get used to anything.
Even though I have complained in the past to both psychiatrists and the police there is no longer any point in complaining to agents of the government. That day is gone. If I were to complain to my general medical practitioner, he may decide to send me for mandatory psychiatric evaluation. The chosen psychiatrist would then, under medical law, be obliged to detain me in a psychiatric institution against my will and without my permission. If I complained to the local police they would also be mandated to send me for psychiatric evaluation resulting in the same situation of psychiatric detainment.
I know of many other men and women throughout my country, Ireland, who are also wirelessly linked to a computer network and are being either physically or psychologically tortured by wireless means, by the use of directed energy weapons. The news is not getting out to the rest of the Irish people because the main stream media personnel are two afraid to publicize it which is a pity because there is an easy solution. We must urgently disassemble and ban microwave transmitters and all related paraphernalia. Microwave radiation is an essential tool in the slow and incremental ongoing secret wireless enslavement of the human race.
My name is Gretta Fahey. My address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co.Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website is called

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I am being subjected to classified  mind invasive invisible weapons.  United States diplomats have complained of being targeted with invisible weapons while working in China and Cuba.   How do you report being targeted by invisible weapons to your community in order to warn them of this ?   How do you prove to your community  that you are being targeted by invisible weapons?   If you know the answer please let me know.  

I am non-consensually  wirelessly linked from implants in my brain and body to a computer network by a two way link.  This two way link allows the computer and neuro operatives to speak to me against my will and without my permission.   I am being forced to listen to them throughout each day as I go about my everyday life.   I hear their voices coming from inside my head due implantation with a neuro communication device.   I have heard that a neuro communication device known as a brain radio exists and is being used against some targeted individuals.   However, I don't know what type of chip I have been implanted with.    I keep a daily blog of  where I write what these unknown neuro operatives say to me on an ongoing basis.  Here are some of what the neuro operatives have said in the past twenty four hours,  all of which I have heard coming from inside my head.

"No one was expecting this level of extreme interference in this woman's life."     This was followed by   "If you quote my name I will be endangered."    (I did not know the name of the speaker.)

"If I had my way I would fuckin shoot her."

"Langly Air Force Base have almost total involvement with the processing of the data pertaining to Gretta Fahey.  Norbrook have almost no involvement.   (My name is Gretta Fahey.)

"There is a secondary system in place that has done something extremely evil to the woman, Gretta Fahey.  Her whole face is under our control."

"The program softened her cough for her a bit I suppose."

"You are doing your own loading and unloading.  This is not allowed.  We require a trained expert to carry out all processes which have been deemed to be a danger to human health and safety."   (I was using a wheel barrow at the time I heard this verbiage coming from inside my head.)

" We are now aware that the Irish secret police know what has been happening to you over sixteen years and they have done nothing to alleviate your suffering through fear of their lives and that of their families.   Leo Varadkar knows nothing of this."

"Putting a stop to this woman's harassment is not achievable.  She is locked into the system as tightly as anyone could be locked in. "

"We have developed a way of stopping the majority of human beings of thinking for themselves and of manipulating them to only think in prescribed ways."

"Pull out all the stops.   I need to qualify this woman Gretta Fahey as being insane."

"We wont block the letter.  We will suitably delay it.   (This was in response to the fact that I posted a letter to friend  by ordinary mail, informing her that I have been non-consensually  inplanted and I am wirelessly linked to a computer network from the   implant. )

"We can and we are monitoring the inner dialogue of Irish senior politicians."

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Many good living and good will individuals throughout  the world have been targeted by an illegal rogue criminal enterprise for the purposes of non-consensual human experimentation.    This system is sometimes known as Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation.   The individuals who are selected for this control system are commonly known as targeted individuals and they are electronically harassed and psychologically tortured on a constant basis, every waking moment by a myriad of mostly classified wireless technologies.   Whenever they complain to the police they are routinely being sent for psychiatric evaluation because they can not prove their claims due to the fact that the technologies being used against them are wireless and invisible.

I am a non-consensual targeted individual  of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation and I have been so since 2003.  I am wirelessly connected to a super-computer which is operated by unknown neuro operatives who work from a remote location and  who speak to me by wireless means throughout each day.  I believe that I was selected for this program of unlimited surveillance and human experimentation because  I was at the time and still am in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome which they wish to research.   They have informed me that legal constraints will be placed on individuals who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome to the degree that they are no longer in the workplace, or even everybody who complains  to their general medical practitioner of suffering from irritable bowel syndrome to any degree.   I hear their voices coming from a location inside my head.   I record some of what they say to me and I post it online on an almost daily basis so that others may know the severity of my situation.   Here below is a  small sample of what these  unknown neuro operatives have said to me in the past day or two.

"Produce a recipe for simpering ass Fahey to see us in court."

"Do yourself a favour and stop writing this."

"Any photo shame."    Response   "No. nothing."

"Power outages do not benefit us.  Is there any way we can force her to leave the electricity on in her house each night."

"What the heck are you lying down for, Gretta."

"Remote Neural Monitoring is not only a system of analysis.  It is also a system of correspondence with the client.   Our correspondence is coming back to us."

"We have to deal with this ongoing system of control.  It is encroaching on all of us."

"You think you are the only one writing our comments online.  We hobbled those people straight away just as we are hobbling you."

"I will burn your house by wireless means."

"I don't really like her writing style.  She mentions too much of what we say, on her online social media posts."

"Has she washed yet today."

"Get out to work like the rest of us."

"Put a hole in her shit box so we can get access to her."

"I am taking a reading of the area outside of your anal canal to see if I could detect any leakages."

"This information is going to be posted online tomorrow by Gretta herself.  We will have to contain the information.  We can not allow it to get out."

"A dog wouldn't be treated with this level of disrespect."

"She is lifting the lid on everything.  I didn't see this coming."

"She has no respect for herself if she is going to write this."

"You have nothing on her.  Have you?"

"She watches her Ps and Qs to an extreme degree.  There is no way that we could persuade her to do anything unforeseen."

"Twelve pounds of shit in the colon right now."

"Be careful with this system.  You are being far too incautious." 

"You are being incautious with our words."

"You will be punished suitably."

"We are going to cut back on your income."

This cruel control system is being expanded around the world by agents of the dark new world order evil cabal.   Unlimited money is being spent on this system in order for it to be used to eventually enslave most of the human race by wireless and other means.  The system of paralysing a human being by wireless means could possibly be fully automated in the future for the purposes of human enslavement.   We aught to urgently disassemble and ban all microwave transmitters and other transmitters throughout the world as I believe that they are the linchpin that holds this human enslavement system together.  The existence of satellites are now believed to be an elaborate hoax.  NASA are the one and only source of satellite information in the world and they may all be wirelessly controlled or compromised in some other way.  

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Many targeted individuals of Remote Neural Monitoring in combination with Remote Neural Manipulation have been experiencing a phenomenon known as electronic rape. They first became wirelessly linked by a two way connection to a network of computers which is both owned and operated by neuro operatives. These neuro operatives are generally unknown to the electronic rape victim. These neuro operatives can send signals through the two way wireless connection in order to make the victim feel sensations in specific areas of their body while the victim is most probably alone in the privacy of their own home. Said neuro operatives must also send information to the brain of the victim simultaneously in order to make the victim feel that they are being raped.
I am a non-consensual subject of Remote Neural Monitoring in combination with Remote Neural Manipulation and I constantly hear the voices of the neuro operatives which come through the two way wireless link into implants inside my brain. I have been informed wirelessly via voice to skull bio-communication by colleagues of said neuro operatives that the neuro operatives who perform the electronic rape do not feel an emotional connection when they are electronically raping the victim. They further said that they do not even need to know what the subject is feeling or thinking while the electronic rape is taking place. They electronically rape the victims by wireless means in order to make them come to terms with the system of control so that the victim will not question the control system or them at any time in the future. They electronically rape as part of their job.
Many people throughout the world have yet to come to terms with the phenomenon known as wireless Remote Neural Monitoring in combination with Remote Neural Manipulation. There is still time to disassemble and ban microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia in order to make electronic hostage taking come to an end.

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Classified technology is being used to turn real live human beings into remote controlled human robots to the extent that their bodies can be moved against their wills and without their permission by criminals who use directed energy weapons and work from a remote location by wireless means.  This crime of non-consensual human robotization is happening throughout the world and it is being allowed to continue unabated because any  government officials who have been made aware of these occurrences are locked into secrecy clauses which blocks them from revealing this ongoing crime to the general public. Many targeted individuals have openly confessed to being slowly bio-robotized by wireless remote means and they are being falsely alluded to as being mentally ill in order to maintain stability in society.  It is believed by many that they have inhaled and ingested bio-technology which has then dispersed widely throughout their bodies and this bio-technology is then linked to a network of computers in order to enable this remote manipulation. 

If this epic crime of human robotization is not publicly acknowledged urgently then human beings could be remote controlled to carry out acts of evil against the rest of the human race.  If we succeed in ending the use of microwave transmitters which are being used in this evil process then we will have succeeded in solving one of the cruelest crimes that have ever been committed against human beings at any time in the history of the world.


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Wirelessly enabled Remote neural monitoring is the long term monitoring of neural activity inside the human body combined with the insertion of electronic signals into neural networks. This is often combined with microwave hearing where the remote neural monitoring staff force their voices inside the heads of those who are being remote neural monitored.
Those who are being remote neural monitored have microchips at the base of their brains which allow unknown operatives to i...nterface with the central nervous system of the remote neural monitoring subject by wireless means. After many years of laborous work these criminal neuro operatives can physically remote control a real live human being totally against their will.

I have been a non-consensual and extremely unwilling subject of remote neural monitoring for more than fifteen years on a constant basis. I have committed no crime. My name is Gretta Fahey. My landline phone number is Ireland 0949360901, which I am posting to verify that I am genuine.
Wirelessly enabled Remote Neural Monitoring is meant for everyone other than the would be enslavers of the human race. There is an easy solution. Ask governments to destroy all microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia. Satellites are an elaborate hoax.

If governments fail to act, remote controlled live human beings could become a detriment of the fabric of society.

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Wirelessly enabled Remote neural monitoring is the long term monitoring of neural activity inside the human body combined with the insertion of electronic signals into neural networks. This is often combined with microwave hearing where the remote neural monitoring staff force their voices inside the heads of those who are being remote neural monitored.
Those who are being remote neural monitored have microchips at the base of their brains which allow unknown operatives to i...nterface with the central nervous system of the remote neural monitoring subject by wireless means. After many years of laborous work these criminal neuro operatives can physically remote control a real live human being totally against their will.

I have been a non-consensual and extremely unwilling subject of remote neural monitoring for more than fifteen years on a constant basis. I have committed no crime. My name is Gretta Fahey. My landline phone number is Ireland 0949360901, which I am posting to verify that I am genuine.
Wirelessly enabled Remote Neural Monitoring is meant for everyone other than the would be enslavers of the human race. There is an easy solution. Ask governments to destroy all microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia. Satellites are an elaborate hoax.

If governments fail to act, remote controlled live human beings could become a detriment of the fabric of society.

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Truth - Many human beings throughout Ireland and the wider world are being in-home surveilled and psychologically and physically harassed and tortured by directed energy weapons, neuro weapons and voice to skull voice harassment technology.

Truth - The police, psychiatrists, the main stream media, priests, social workers and all other government agents are now in a deep, deep, deep, mind-controlled stupor and they wrongly believe that their fellow tortured human are mentally ill.

Truth - Dismantle the telephone towers and you might be able to think clearly and your fellow human beings will no longer be enabled to be tortured by wireless digital signals which are being transmitted to nano-bots inside their bodies, which were illegally sprayed on them from chemtrail spraying of the skies.

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