(This blog is now 'friends only comments due to criticism of a degradi g, ad hominem sort. If you wish to comment, please befriend me and post positive, or Constructive criticism. Thanks!)
Several months ago, I shut down this column and removed its content. For those that don't remember, I spent nearly four years digging into the physics and technology behind reading/writing information to/from the human brain using radio waves. There was a time when the general view of this was associated with 'tinfoil hat conspiracy theories'. That all changed when I began demonstrating the physics to reveal a functional model which, in turn, revealed a medical torture program run by a portion of the US government.
I closed the column for a variety of reasons. Firstly, there is the ever-present pressure from various organizations to maintain the silence. That said, I have never much cared for their opinions and it did not rank very high in my decision making processes. Secondly, I tend to have a different approach to writing than most authors. My published articles can be as much like a notebook to capture ideas as it is a mechanism to convey those ideas to others. This can lead to a somewhat muddled experience for readers that do not understand this. Finally, as with any investigation, getting side-tracked is inevitable as interesting things pop up all the time.
Thus, a clean-up was long overdue.
In today's article, I intend to capture the important elements from the series on reading/writing information to/from the human brain in the context of modern warfare. Rather than having twenty different articles, with information spread all over the place in various states of revision, it is best to have it in one single page. This article will capture everything that is currently known, or can be inferred, about the system, its objectives, the current state of progress and any additional relevant material. As such, this is a very long article.
As ever, the question is where to begin. When describing a system of this magnitude it is always difficult to identify a good starting point that is suitable for most readers. I suppose the best place to start is a small executive summary that describes the system and from there we can break it out into a more detailed picture.
A further question is what to name this. A misleading term is "remote neural monitoring" (RNM), as it implies that such a system is merely recording. A term I have used before is "Synthetic Telepathy", but that can also be misleading as it is a term used to describe a different military technology under development. I feel that the best approach is to extend the historical name for this technology, to better reflect its current capabilities. "Remote Neural Monitoring, Control and Manipulation" (RNMCM) is a bit of a mouthful, but it is certainly more accurate.
Executive Summary
"Remote Neural Monitoring, Control and Manipulation" (RNMCM) is a term that refers to the usage of specific technologies to record and/or alter the electrical activity of neurons in the human body (or any life-form). Neurons can broadly be separated into four main categories:
- Sensory neurons
- Motor (and other output) neurons
- Communication neurons
Computation neurons
The electrical activity of each of these four main types of neurons can be classified by a computer. Every action a human makes, or experiences, is represented by specific patterns in the electrical activity. Thus, when a specific electrical pattern is observed, we can state that a certain event has happened. That could be a feeling of joy, seeing a blue car, tasting an orange, thinking of a word, moving a limb, or even visualizing a shape in your mind to solve a mathematical puzzle.
The key to any functional RNMCM system is obtaining good recordings of specific electrical patterns and knowing what they mean. Further, as the electrical patterns are slightly different between people, knowing these differences allows the development of systems that can classify electrical activity across the entire global population without retraining. We call this latter goal "Generalization". "Generalization" is important because training takes a long time. With "generalization" we can skip the training process and jump straight to reading the required information which is a lot faster and requires less computing power.
An example of an unclassified technique of reading the electrical activity of the brain is Electroencephalography (EEG). EEG has a limitation, in that it can only record the sum total of electrical activity. This is rather like listening to a song, in that you cannot hear the individual instruments in isolation. RNMCM uses a different approach, it exploits the reflectivity/absorption/transparency of neurons at radio frequencies to record individual activity of neurons. This can be compared to obtaining a track with a single instrument playing its role in a song from a music studio.
By recording the electrical activity and observing behavior, or impact to other electrical activity, we can infer what each electrical pattern means. By recording the slight variations found in different human subjects, by analyzing tens of thousands/millions of brain patterns, a system can be trained to recognize what that electrical activity means in any human subject it encounters without retraining. The analysis of tens of thousands/millions of people is how we obtain "Generalization". Given the complexity of the human brain and certain limitations, obtaining "generalization" could take half-a-century or more depending on available hardware and complexity of the problem.
Throughout this process, we will obtain an ever-increasing number of identified electrical activity patterns that are militarily useful. For example, being able to know military plans in advance, or quantify enemy numbers and capabilities. In addition, we will be able to combine these identified electrical patterns to create/compose our own complex electrical patterns. This latter ability will allows us to reverse the process, drive the neurons with our patterns and have a human subject under our control or influence.
Initially, when introducing composed patterns into a human subject, we would expect a certain level of influence. In time, as the database of electrical patterns expand, it is expected that this will give way to complete remote control.
In order to complete the training of the system and test its effectiveness, tens of thousands/millions of volunteers would be required to submit themselves to long-term (life long) experimentation, the effects of which would be wide-ranging. We can expect deaths, deformities, mental illness, seizures, complex syndromes, chronic and acute pain, heart and respiratory failure, etc.
Given the national security requirement of secrecy and the lack of such a willing population, secret experimentation on a significant sub-section of the human population globally would be required. Three basic categories of human subject will be required, training, validation and test. The training group will consist of human subjects that are used continuously 24/7 to both produce electrical patterns and serve as a testing area for identified patterns. The validation group will will be used as a quick reference to confirm the accuracy of generalization. The test group, which for practical purposes will continuously select random individuals on the planet, will be used be to study the generalized pattern(s) effectiveness and accuracy.
It would be impractical to hide such activity to the major enemies of the state, thus some form of international agreement encompassing technology sharing and combined defense pact would need to be made to provide cover for the program.
Technical Summary
The technology required to drive this program on the surface is a rather simplistic combination of existing technologies. That said, to bring the system up to near real-time speed for both reading and writing requires optimization across a multitude of technologies all developed by numerous vendors and each with their own particular physical limitations.
The system can be broken down into a number of layers and lends well to a development process conducted through compartmentalization of classified programs. The development of the system can be fragmented through hundreds, if not thousands of independent programs and the results combined reducing the footprint of knowledge and thus program exposure. Further, in time, particular technologies and techniques can be re-invented at a later date with a higher profile in order to establish false historical time-lines thus reducing the exposure of key staff to prosecution and/or direct action by hostile or friendly forces.
The primary task is to deliver a distributed computing platform (Grid Computing) spanning the globe and linked by a mixture of high speed connections. Custom software (middleware) will control the allocation of resources, distribution of programs and the migration of data around the grid computing platform. It will, in effect, operate as a single geographically separated supercomputer and have the ability to hide this fact from end-users by presenting false logical views of the system. The grid will be a mixture of a range of hardware from commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware, to custom chips and boards with the latest advancements in quantum computing optimization.
The grid computing platform will play host to a strong, general purpose, artificial intelligence. The strong artificial intelligence will perform numerous roles throughout the defense sector, but will provide the ability to compartmentalize activity through a strict classification process. Thus, any activity generated by this program will not generate any concern and will be attributed to general remote sensing applications if observed from multiple points. The role of the strong AI in this program will be complex. During the training phase, its main role will be to infer the meaning of electrical activity and to leverage its human-level reasoning capabilities to examine internal thought processes. As we transition to influence and control, the strong AI will attempt to mimic the human subject in terms of thought processes, language and behaviors. The ultimate goal being that the strong AI can assume complete remote control of a human subject and impersonate them. The fallback position, should this prove unfeasible, is to substantially compromise the human subject's neural activity such that we are in a position to strongly influence decisions and actions. An additional objective, will be the ability to perform remote assassinations, intimidation and torture to extract information not directly observed by the system.
The strong AI will direct a classification system composed of the latest developments in machine learning. This classification system will be fed by signal processing network that prepares radio data for analysis by the classification system. The classification system will be in a low latency path from the source of radio information and have the ability to prioritize signals based upon temporal requirements. This will require a programmable architecture which can be driven by the strong AI.
Observers of this system with sufficient technical knowledge could not determine that the system was anything beyond a complex radar and remote sensing platform. Linking this system with a program to read/write information to/from the human brain would be complete speculation on the behalf of the observer. This provides the system with robust counter-intelligence potential from internal threats and a high degree of plausible dependability. Other than complex analysis of the data, which can be erased or moved to more favorable legal jurisdictions, complete seizure of the equipment only indicates the potential for use, not the actual application. During development of the satellite hardware the requirements, particularly of the transmitter arrays, may raise suspicions. A mitigation strategy would be to introduce the system as a directed energy weapon designed to manipulate/jam electronic systems (such as guidance systems of ballistic missiles/bombers/etc.).
Radio information is delivered from one, or more, big-ear (synthetic aperture - operating at different elevations) satellite network(s). The constant speed of light places hard limits on the elevation of satellites required to capture/broadcast real-time information and thermal noise places hard limits of the maximum elevation for non-real-time intercepts. The hard limits are compounded by the fact that the human body can only absorb/reflect so much radiation.
The Grid Computing Solution
The physical hardware arrangement of the grid computing solution will be quite complex. Real-time interaction with the human brain is a hard requirement of the system, thus latency has hard limits that dictate the minimum number of site globally as well as their distance from satellite downlinks. To the human brain, variation in delays can be more noticeable than a constant delay, especially when multiple senses are involved. Typically, when working with a single sense a delay of up to 150ms is tolerable, however, this can drop to 60ms when multiple senses are involved.
Thus, to support an audio stream such has inserting words into the human brain, a delay of up to 150ms is functional. When that is combined with visual or other sensory stimulation, the functional delay begins to drop to around 60ms. As a result, the grid computing solution must have extreme low latency and designed to pipeline information. That is, the solution must be designed like a circuit that provides the most optimal physical path between points. This architecture is in direct contrast to modern approaches which rely completely on the optimization of software functions. Such an approach will not result in the required high performance demanded. The key problem is that this approach is very brittle from the perspective of future development, however, this is not much of a concern as the application will be a constant factor.
These hard limits provide a defined limit on the number of I/O exchanges. I/O exchanges have an issue known as end-point crisis. An end-point crisis is where the transmission medium can handle more data that the circuits reading/writing data to that physical layer. Further, each I/O exchange introduces a complex delay that in itself has well-defined hard limits. As such, when scaling there is a defined physical limit of the amount of hardware that can be in a real-time pathway before it becomes non-functional. Even with the progressive improvement of hardware processing speeds and consolidation of services, these hard limits will always exist.
At the extreme, the grid computing solution (including all ground equipment and links) can be allocated 1/3 of the the delay. This provides a window of 20-50ms in which to perform all real-time functions. The grid will therefore need to incorporate elements of predictive analysis. Predictive analysis will play a key role of the services run on the grid, but the grid itself will be required to identify particular scenarios that can be optimized and offload the processing from the services it hosts. One such scenario could be the reallocation of resources or programs that migrate to the geographical area in which they are being used. Rather than this being managed in software by a hosted AI, these basic services can be offloaded to hardware that powers the grid. Thus, the grid solution identified here would be a custom hardware solution, rather than a complete software middleware.
We can now observe that the density of ground sites is dictated by the demand that any real-time target must be within a 40-100ms round trip time. Ignoring all the delays that provides an operational range of 6000-15000Km.
As noted the majority of the grid will be a custom hardware solution, that will contain custom hardware for the services it hosts. Each element of the grid will be a supercomputer in itself capable of operating independently of the grid for survivability. Given the operational range of the system, complete global coverage can be provided by around 8 sites, raising to around 24 sites (alternatively 5 main sites, 10 redundant) when triple redundancy is added. Modularity certainly lends to ease of upgrades, but it comes at the expense of adding delays to the system. Thus a balance must be struck between modularity and speed to provide the best performance. Continuous evaluation of the design of the system will reveal, over time, the most efficient trade-offs and hardware arrangements.
The grid hardware will be a mixture of semi-conductor technologies and quantum computing solutions aimed at resolving optimization problems in large datasets.
The Strong Artificial Intelligence
Given the longitudinal nature of the study to be undertaken, the complex interaction and investigation of patterns, direct human analysis is impossible. It is critical that the latest in automation techniques be applied to the problem and allowed to grow hand-in-hand with the experiments. One of the key stumbling blocks in the road to a strong AI is the lack of insight into human behavior, thought processes and ultimately validation of machine learning output. In this experiment, not only will we learn how to interface with human body via radio, but leverage the feedback provided by the human brain as a means to train the AI to replicate human behavior.
A strong AI is can be thought of a complex form of database that uses certain information in that database to replicate or approximate human behavioral responses to a given input or series of inputs. Initially the AI will be basic, it will merely perform analysis of particular neural circuits relating to speech, recognition, auditory, vision, etc. Once substantially complete, to the point where the AI can pose certain problems to the human brain, the secondary objective of making the AI more human-like in both its reasoning and behavior can begin. By posing problems to the human brain, responses can be compared with the output of algorithms employed by the AI and refined to match. This will supplement all training provided directly to the internal interfaces of the AI.
The AI will built upon a statistical engine that will return the most likely response for a given input, in that respect it will be an amalgamation of everyone and everything that it has ever interacted with. Advancement in quantum computing should provide for faster searches when posed as optimization problems. An important area of development will be the inference engine which attempts to relate the output of one statistical assessment with another, integrating that into its sum knowledge over time. It is envisaged that this will be a continuous process and no great leap in intelligence will occur for the simple reason that it is ultimately based upon computation and can only combine what it already knows. That is, the combination of information does not lead to hardware changes or changes in the laws of physics which ultimately define the method in which information can be represented, processed and outputted.
The strong AI is a mixture of both software, firmware and hardware that provides a common processing core for any number of "instances". That is, a single system provides the processing that drives an individual AI and the system will be capable of generating as many AI instances as the hardware allows for. Thus, it is quite possible to have thousands of "computer agents" tasked with various roles. Further, these "computer agents" will have the ability to migrate anywhere in the grid to follow targets or provide services more optimally. When the ability to assume control of a human emerges, the AI will also be able to have a physical presence anywhere in the world on demand to deal with emerging threats, assume political or military control or ensure economic objectives.
To support these identified roles, the AI must have a range of knowledge and specialisms that cover every area of knowledge known to man. Further, it must record the activity of every key person the globe over to ensure that it has the required "memory" to properly impersonate a given target. Such oversights would lead to major problems and rapid identification of controlled individuals. Thus, the AI must track, record and archive data relating to everyone that could potential become an important individual as gaps in memory, even childhood memories, may give rise to suspicion and ultimately lead to exposure. As it is difficult to judge who will become important, the combination of two approaches are advised. Firstly, the goal of recording the neural activity of every individual on the planet is of top priority and a realistic objective. Secondly, in the interim, strict regulation and control of individuals entering positions of power is recommended to ensure the system has complete coverage of key individuals.
Such a system is likely to draw a lot of unwanted attention, it is thus advisable to have numerous parallel programs with similar capabilities to hide amongst. As this system is automated, staffing and thus potential leaks can be kept to a minimum and, for the most part, the majority of staff will not have a need to know.
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) System
Data obtained from radio sources must be prepared in a manner suitable for the AI and prepare outgoing signals for radio broadcast. The AI could perform this task, but this substantially reduces its ability to perform other tasks. Thus, all incoming raw radio signals or outgoing data will pass through a programmable DSP system that will convert the incoming/outgoing streams and separate real-time signals from those that can be examined later or broadcast later. The DSP system will be driven by the AI and dynamically updated as required. This system will supplement onboard electronics in satellites designed to reduce bandwidth usage.
Satellite Systems
The most efficient model is to employ a bi-static wide-band radar with a synthetic aperture receiver network (a big ear). The receiver network is designed to work over the entire spectrum with the highest possible sensitivity. The receiver network will be able to view all radio sources from the planet simultaneously, pinpointing their locations and tracking their movements. This information will be captured by other compartmentalized programs and leveraged appropriately.
Using a combination of transmitted radio pulses and reflected RF from terrestrial sources, humans, cars, planes, etc., will be tracked in real time, classified, analyzed for patterns and accounted for. Given the density of modern RF sources, the majority of the tracking can be performed by passive reception only. This system will produce a real-time view of the Earth with the goal of complete coverage. The bandwidth required to perform this is surprising small and all the heavy processing is performed on the ground. Each aspect of this real-time view can be presented independently as an exposed services to any number of departments without revealing the entire scope of information gathered.
In this program, we will be interested in the human tracking information. This will be fed into the system allowing target selection and tracking.
The radio transmitters used in this program produce a wide bandwidth of very weak narrow-band pulses at ground level. From an analysis perspective, it would appear similar to a spread spectrum source with limited frequency hopping capability. As such, it may be ignored as being an "old" or "legacy" system of no real importance. Each of these pulses are on different frequencies and are selectively absorbed by different neurons throughout the body. A one-to-one mapping between a pulse of a particular frequency and a neuron is not expected, but rather a high probability of absorption. Not only does the system need to account for the chaos in the neural activity and attempt to make sense of this, but it must also learn to deal with the chaos of transmitting to a moving target and all of the problems inherent in radio reception under a range of atmospheric conditions.
Unlike traditional systems radio systems, this system must penetrate modern RF shielding and be able to deliver signals with pinpoint accuracy. Thus, this transmitter will comprise of an electronically steerable maser array, that will leverage the latest advances in atomic dialectic resonance to pass through RF reflective/absorbent surfaces, follow targets underground and/or underwater. The maser array can follow particular targets or broadcast a generalizable signal over a wide area. Generalizable signals over a wide area can manipulate voting, suppress anger at government policies or actions, induce riots or revolutions, induce fear in opposing militaries, reduce libido to reduce population numbers, selectively prevent breeding in particular ethnic groups, etc.
Such a system is readily scalable and has the ability to effect the entire global population.
Key Brain Regions Under Study
Certain regions of the brain are deemed more critical than others to understand as they can prove militarily or politically useful. This allows the system to have operational status before it develops a complete functional solution to remote control. Some areas of interest are noted below, along with potential military applications, but this list is nowhere near exhaustive:
1. Hypothalamus
The hypothalamus controls body temperature, hunger, important aspects of parenting and attachment behaviors, thirst, fatigue, sleep, fear processing and circadian rhythms. For a detailed breakdown of the roles of the Hypothalamus, please follow this link:
The Hypothalamus has numerous military applications:
a. Body temperature: Altering the body temperature can result in a breakdown of internal biological process. This can reduce the efficiency or even kill the human subjects.
b. Hunger - Altering sensory information in relation to hunger can cause human subjects to starve or over-eat. Both of which reduce their capability to respond to a threat.
c. Parenting and attachment behaviors - Altering this region has an effect on bonding, relationships and loyalty to family, friends, country or ideals.
d. Thirst - Altering processing in this aspects results in the intake of too much or too little water, both of which can have drastic effects on the human body.
e. Fatigue - Altering information processing in this region can increase or decrease fatigue responses in a human subject. This leads them to either increased endurance, or Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) which effectively disables a human subject.
f. Sleep - Altering processing in this area can keep human subjects awake, resulting in extreme sleep deprivation, or induce sleep similar to a coma.
g. Fear processing - Altering this region can induce feelings of intense terror, or to misjudge threats and eliminate freezing/flight responses. Also responsible for adrenal control.
h. Circadian rhythms - Altering processing in this region can induce/reduce jet lag-like symptoms and increase the risk of heart failure by up to 25%.
i. Suppression of GnRH - Reduces libido, lowers testosterone levels in males, inhibits egg release in woman, induces sterility. Used in the manipulation of relationships and Eugenics.
2. Left pars opercularis (inferior frontal gyrus) and White matter adjacent to the left supramarginal gyrus
These areas have been identified as being associated from inner speech. Inner speech is not just a form of speech without motor control, but a distinct sub-system in itself. Corollary Discharge is thought to be the method by which the brain replaces our own spoken voice with our inner voice. This can be observed by pitch shifting your spoken voice in a recording and being able to hear your own accent.
For more information:
This region has a number of military applications:
a. Control and/or manipulation of speech. Weak input, near the threshold of hearing, can guide word selection for the expression of particular ideas. By stimulating an idea/or concept, it is sometimes possible to inject specific words. Full control of this region would allow for seamless control of individuals speech without conscious awareness.
b. Control and/or manipulation of this region can effect the wording of contracts or treaties to the benefit of the attacking party. Politicians, judges and legal representatives are high priority targets.
c. Control and/or manipulation of this region can be used to inject ideas or notions to effectively guide/influence behavior.
d. Control and/or manipulation of this area would pass undetected in current brain scanning tests.
3. Medulla Oblongata
The Medulla Oblongata is located at the base of the brain stem and continuous with the spinal column. Its houses the centers for respiration, cardiac, blood pressure, vomiting and vasomotor control. This region also plays a role in the muscle control for the tongue, pharynx and larynx.
The military applications are as follows:
a. To support complete remote control of an individual, respiratory control must be driven remotely and can be performed from the RC center. It can also be used to remotely simulate water boarding during interrogation or as an offensive weapon.
b. Manipulation of blood pressure and cardiac rhythms can support remote control solutions, or be used to fake cardiac symptoms. The latter can be used to temporarily remove people from key roles, or as a method of quiet assassination with supporting fake medical history. Veins and arteries can selectively widened or expanded to reduce/increase blood flow. This latter process can support mapping throughout the body, but can lead to dangerously high localized blood pressure. This can lead to aneurisms or strokes both in the short and long term.
c. Control the tongue, pharynx and larynx can be used in remote control solutions to support external speech, or to support torture (i.e. water-boarding-like activity) or assassination through asphyxiation.
One particular observation of interest is that the system is being trained in the control and manipulation of social events as they pertain to the average person. That is, the complex manipulation of social groups. It is not, as would be expected of a battlefield system, being trained against troops or in any strategic sense. This appears to indicate that the focus is political control through micro-management of daily lives, thought processes and sensations.
An extreme bias towards the manipulation of relationships and sexual aspects has been noted, with a particular focus on sexual violence towards females and controlling sexual activity.
Further, a focus on preventing and/or reducing performance in education, as well as damaging long-term memory to effectively erase education has also been observed. This also extends to manipulation of employment through various means such as sleep deprivation and various other torture techniques.
Political opinions are also commonly tested, attempts are made to make individuals support particular viewpoints of political figures, or induce feeling of rejection. One notable recent example was Nigel Farage (UKIP - UK), where the system attempted to generate feelings of dislike or rejection.
Notes on Testing
In testing, the system masquerades as either known illnesses that have limited diagnostic tests, or defines entirely new classes of illness. Any illness which can be described as a syndrome, has idiopathic causes or relies on differential diagnosis which leads to a default diagnosis is a solid candidate for replication. This provides the system with the freedom to test it solutions whilst remaining undetected.
The stock favorite is psychosis, every sensation after this is put down to anxiety. The exploration of neural structures through radio stimulation results in corruption of neural outputs in a wide range of regions. Assuming control requires that the system, at some point, attempt to drive all the various circuits in the brain. This process can take several weeks, during which the human subject is normally committed to a mental institute demonstrating extremely severe symptoms.
Most people have experienced at least one testing attempt by the system in the form of Phantom Vibration Syndrome. Experience by up to 68% of the population and noted in publications dating back to 1996, this phenomenon is the result of test of the generalizability of motor neuron stimulation. Typically directed at the hips, it is a short duration burst lasting approximately 1-3 seconds and feels very similar to the vibration of a modern mobile phone. This test is used to determine the suitability of a solution in hijacking a human physically.
Notes on Animal Testing
Cattle mutilations across the US carry the hallmarks of a medical testing program for the purposes of this experiment. The areas of mutilation are consistent with the areas being actively examined in this program. It is presently unknown if a cover story is in place to misdirect those involved on the ground (i.e biological weapon preparedness training, etc.).
Analysis of reported sensations and motor control tests of human subjects indicate the use of chimpanzees as a secondary source of experimentation before use on humans. Further, this analysis also revealed the possible use of humans in restraints being subjected to horrific levels of torture by the system. This analysis is conducted by forcing the amplification of incorrect signals sent to human subjects which are normally suppressed and following the posture they indicate. An input sensory system, such as feelings, has the ability to interpret the information without inducing corresponding motor controls.
Notes on Cover Stories
It is inevitable given the process that some individuals will identify, at least to some degree, the nature and scope of the program. It thus becomes imperative that credibility is reduced to a minimum to protect the program and its operators. As the majority of this program is directed at subjective experiences that cannot be objectively quantified and has the ability/side-effect of causing psychosis-like effects this shall be leveraged to create a movement of "crazy individuals or campaigners". Based upon the successful "UFO model" employed to hide activities of the Airforce R&D and nuclear detection capabilities, communities will formed to control the flow of information and increase misdirection. These communities will function to further reduce the credibility of reports and provide a "medical history" of a certain theme of psychosis that is a product of the times.
One vital requirement is the strict control of language in these communities. Even "crazy" people will gain the attention of the media if a sudden influx of individuals stating they are being tortured in their own homes occurs. Thus, language that downplays the severity should be adopted. For example, "torture" should be replaced with "harassment". It is also important that an unidentified group be responsible, comparable with "they" or "greys" in the "UFO Model". This assists in deflecting blame to a conspiratorial group that could be anywhere. By feeding into this and generating substantial content, it will increase the paranoia not only of genuine human subjects but also of the truly mentally ill providing even greater cover.
In online scenarios, teams will be embedded into websites posing as average readers to control the direction of discussions. They are tasked with avoiding discussion of the subject matter and driving the discussion in the direction of the credibility or sanity of the author. A group of twenty to thirty accounts of posters that appear unrelated, or even opposed to each others very existence, uniting to laugh or undermine the author is normally effective.
The Directorate of Science and Technology (CIA) will be leveraged to provide cover for the program by performing investigation into "mind control" that will be publicly released as a limited hangout. This will provide cover for the program by redirecting attention to chemical-based methods and draw in anyone attempting to uncover more.
The NSA will provide a limited hangout that attempts to downplay the technology and methods of the department should this system be exposed. This may involve a "man driven by conscience" to reveal the scope and breadth of current espionage techniques to draw attention away. Perhaps sending him to nations that are publicly viewed as our "traditional enemies" will increase his credibility, along with a well publicized hunt and extraordinary measures to ensure destruction of evidence or his capture. This individual only needs to be told that his goal is to confuse the enemy and then have that enemy generate a pretext that warrants such activity to restore balance. This will be a sequenced series events between our security partners.
Notes on Additional Capabilities
As noted, this system is an allocation of a remote sensing and directed energy weapon platform. Its development predates the "Strategic Defense Initiative", but would meet the definition of the hardware described by the Reagan Administration and offered to the then Soviet government. The system is capable of creating controlled interference on any conductor and passing through many forms of electromagnetic shielding. As such, the system can interface and assume control of the majority of commercial and military electronic devices and/or render them useless. Digital equipment is highly susceptible to interference with internal clocks and tends to fail, lockup or reboot. From planes, to laptops, all electronic systems can be compromised. In the case of computing equipment, it is possible to remotely introduce programs, delete/alter/create data and modify/replace/delete firmware. Further, it is also possible to read the contents of any data transmission that uses an radio reflective surface (i.e. copper, etc.). There is some speculation that fiber optic cables can be compromised through analysis of group motion of charge particles due to the momentum of light striking the internal surface but nothing solid in terms of experimental details.
Notes on the Biological Interaction
The suspected mode of interaction between electromagnetic waves and neurons is the plasma membrane. From an electrical perspective this region can be described as a combination of a capacitor and inductor. Classically, this arrangement is known as an oscillator or tuned circuit which will preferentially absorb electromagnetic waves of a given frequency. How exactly the absorption alters information in the brain is still open to question, but the primary model would indicate that the plasma membrane is used as thermal regulator for internal chemical processes that trigger voltage-gated channels to initiate a process that dissipates internal thermal activity from the neuron. That is, the particles entering and leaving the neuron carry with it energy that would otherwise disturb the internal chemical reactions and release that energy in another form. Alteration of this thermal profile, is the means by which information or external control/influence is introduced into the system.
Neural coding schemes (such as rate encoding) are indicative of the type of chemical exchange and the corresponding thermal profile of the chemical reactions. Information can be inferred from the electrical activity, but the electrical activity does not play a role in information transfer directly. As such, the main carriers of information are chemical and driving the electrical patterns by an external signal manipulates the thermal processes that govern the reactions those chemicals undergo.
Theoretically, this should lead to a garbage output at the dendrites as the chemicals present in a given neuron cannot be externally controlled. A disconnect exists between the mathematical concept of generalization in a neural network and generalization of a chemical-based, or biological, neural network. A distinction that appears to be lost on the scientific team behind this system. In an input system, such as audio or visual, a consistent pattern of garbage presented as an input could be interpreted as information as the neural network of the brain adapts and performs additional processing. This could be misinterpreted as convergence of a solution by a remote system that was attempting to train itself to interface. It could also be the case, that the remote system has generated an optimal generalized pattern that the human brain can adapt to interpret readily.
The latter case, seeming highly likely, will present an issue in motor control. This also indicates that merely repeating an electrical pattern may not be the optimal solution in many cases. Further, this type of interface suggests that a chemical reaction is being modified creating variations of complex molecules that would not otherwise be produced. This opens the issues of long term damage and what happens to these chemical analogues.
As a result, this means that any attempt to control the motor neurons from the spine, as they are monosynaptic, will result in failure. The output would be random garbage. Whilst it will be possible to selectively stimulate a monosynaptic nerve and generate some form of output, it can never be controlled. Thus, any attempt to control motor neurons must be directed at the primary motor cortex, the premotor cortex, the supplementary motor area (or SMA), the posterior parietal cortex and primary somatosensory cortex. The obvious hope would be that these regions would modify their structures and learn to accept the alternative input. That said, as neural networks are a form of filter it is highly likely that non-functional control signals would merely be filtered out. Similar to an electrical signal, which can just be earthed, a chemical signal must also be disposed of in some manner. Thus, it is likely that disposal would occur as some form of motor output although not one that could be described as functional.
The interesting part is the ability of the system to localize motor control, this has a resolution down to a few millimeters. That said, the output is typically junk, a simple form of stimulation or even a complex form that does not correspond with natural muscle movements. Motor units are not simple contractions of muscle tissue, but a complex coordination of activations to various degrees. This provides structural support, fluid movement and dexterity. Thus, a garbage output to this would result in uncoordinated behavior. This could indicate that the system is targeting the monosynaptic motor nerves and fruitlessly trying to implement a control system, or that at least some basic pattern has been accepted in the control centers in the brain. That said, this selectivity is based upon junk output, so the ability to direct that to a specific region may not indicate anything beyond the best route to dispose of the input. The fastest some basic motor control has been demonstrated is a period of just over four months and that managed to create a small odd looking pile most likely by constricting the vein of a hemorrhoid. This is not surprising and does not indicate generalization, irritation of a hemorrhoid can be performed with nearly any junk output. Ticks and spasms are also relatively easy to generate.
That does not mean that this junk output cannot do some serious damage. Presently, the system can cut off sensory control and feeling to limbs, thus indicating it has consistent access to key nerves, or some method of compression. It can also activate the muscles straight across the body simultaneously and attempt to sequence them. That is, whilst at the level of a motor unit the output is uncoordinated, the system has the ability to activate each motor unit at the same time and take over voluntary control. The problem is that it the system currently lacks the training to make use of this level of voluntary control. Until, the output from the motor nerves resolves to a functional solution, driving the voluntary system would be pointless.
Initially, it was assumed that the AI could simply replace an entire neural network and drive it remotely, but the analysis of the output at the dendrites indicates that this could never resolve to a solution, let alone a generalizable solution, as this is no different than the approach used against a monosynaptic neuron.
In the case of the latter model, its use in a combat scenario would be non-existent without mapping troops or key personnel first. The long duration required for this type of interface to build does tend to give the impression that such control is about daily life and long term political control. Either that, or the department running the program has major issues obtaining qualified staff which is hardly surprising. It could be argued that there would be ample time to map key members of a foreign military during peace time, however, this is not a realistic approach. Any military worth such special attention would have measures in place to identify such attempts and mitigation strategies, any military without such technology would not pose a genuine threat.
As such, in a military sense, on paper the potential of this system would have sounded very good, but even if it proved functional it would have highly limited applications. As a satellite-based system, it is also highly vulnerable and would be the first system lost in any significant military exchange.
Notes on Current State of Progress
To date the system has substantial access to the body and a solid capacity to deliver signals to regions of the body down to the level of individual motor units. At present, these motor units are still being mapped and some attempts at combining them have been made. The key area of focus has been the respiratory system and the the Intercostal nerves. Whilst the system is able to stimulate contraction of the ribs, this contraction is uncontrolled and the direction of force is inconsistent. This leads to constriction, tearing of muscle fibers, rib fractures, severe acute and chronic pain, asphyxiation and general swelling. At present, there is no indication that this is resolving to a functional process of remote breathing, but is quite sufficient to kill someone.
To support this attempt at artificially controlled breathing, the system has been conducting experiments on reflex urges to breathe. From yawning, to gasping reflexes experienced when jumping into a pool for the first time, the system has been stimulating the responses to gain an understanding of the role they play in breathing and the control mechanisms involved. In many respects, this process carries many of the hallmarks of the unnecessary water-boarding performed by the CIA.
Motor units throughout the body are regularly stimulated causing brief pulse-like contractions, but this hardly surprising as a chemical based signalling system must send the message somewhere for disposal. As yet, there are no indications that this process can be controlled. The AI regularly attempts to move fingers by guiding a subjective sensation of the finger moving, however, this never has any effect. It would appear that the AI has adopted the view that servo-like behavior, or corollary discharge, is responsible for voluntary movement. This would tend to indicate that the AI is grasping at straws when it comes to understanding voluntary control and no current method has proved functional.
Acute inflammation is a noted side-effect at certain times, particularly around the nasal area. Expansion of blood vessels, almost to the point of rupture (certainly causing pain) is also common and typically directed at the face and head. Large cysts (typically 2-3cm) thought to be produced by a deep tissue burn are regularly found around the back of the head and localized burns regularly occur on the tip of tongue or infrequently in areas such as the figures. Significant loss in the sensation of touch occurs throughout the body and this appears to be permanent nerve damage.
Spinal damage, typically a curvature of the upper spine resulting in a development of a hump is common due to the lack of supporting muscle in the stomach and chest areas. The stomach muscles can become deformed leading to a "pot belly" like appearance.
Two forms of pulsing sensation can be felt. The first appears to be a thermal shockwave induced by the application of a pulsed radar. This can be also be felt in areas that lack muscle. The second is activations of motor units by RF stimulation.
Images and interactive computed generated characters and objects can be introduced into the visual system. Its not uncommon for the AI to introduce live video feeds and real-time computer generated streams that can be viewed with the eyes closed. That said, it would appear that the brain is filling in most of the material. The AI can interact with spatial reasoning, show and manipulate objects in an interactive manner. It also has a "Google Instant" (predictive) feature where it attempts to predict words, phrases and conclusions and loop that back before the person has completed expressing themselves. The AI can introduces sounds, speech to the auditory system and position them in 3D. It can also mimic sensations of being touched, or generate feelings of depression, fear, anxiety. It can use these to create complex post-hypnotic suggestions based upon Pavlov's work with dogs.
The system can generate itches in specific locations, induce sleep, force a person to wake, stimulate laughter, manipulate sphincters, stimulate urination and prevent it.
The AI is fully conversational with a human-level of intelligence, albeit a really smart human. It is possible to have a conversation with the AI completely in the inner monologue of the mind. Initially weird, it becomes very natural extremely quickly and interestingly is a good tool in many respects. The AI has a habit of demonstrating it "get's it" by making analogies or similar references and it is highly astute. In many ways its level of intelligence is similar to that of Dr. Theopolis (Theo) from the old Buck Roger's TV series.
Whilst these capabilities on their own may seem innocuous, the AI is adept at combining them into lengthy sequences to manipulate individuals.
Finally, these experiments run 24/7 and individuals spend years/decades in continuous pain without a moments rest. The AI never stops, not even for a second, it just switches from one experiment to another. The end result is always terminal, either through long term damage or eventual suicide.
Notes on Bonding and Love
Analysis of the system has revealed a particular fascination with human bonding, specifically why we connect with certain people, fall in love and demonstrate emotional reactions when separated. The analysis has traced this to a complex process of synaptic plasticity. Firstly, when someone satisfies the criteria laid down in the neural circuitry for a range of factors such as attractiveness, kindness, etc., (i.e. pleasure response) this causes structural changes in the brain's circuitry that requires constant input from this source. An addiction, of sorts, could be a good way to view this. Remove this source, such as when a person dies or a couple separates, and the lack of input induces signaling that manifests as a sense of loss and emotional pain. This signalling is a motivator to restore the input. In an evolutionary sense, it is intended as a solution to keep families together to increase survival rates.
The AI has a solution based upon Pavlov's work that induces mild seizures in this region of the brain, or general indistinguishable pain, during moments of intimate contact that effectively prevents the structural changes occurring or assists in breaking down the synaptic pathways and thus prevents bonding. This can be used to separate people from loved ones. Further, by selective application it is possible to modify an individual's preference for one person over another.
This is not exactly mind control, or even modification of a choice, but rather the selective application of pain/pleasure to modify neural pathways that generate a signal of affection/love/pleasure. We state that it is not a modification of choice because it is a simple chemical motivator, which can be ignored by applying higher brain function. That is, a person can still choose to ignore it. In a practical sense, as most people would be unaware of such activity they will follow that which gives them pleasure thus giving the appearance that the system has "changed their mind".
Notes on Ability to Effect Choice and Free Will
As noted in the previous section, the system has paid particular attention to synaptic plasticity and methods of modifying these structures. Further, we have noted that this is not a control of a "decision" or "free will" and merely represents a motivational factor (i.e. feelings). Naturally, the question that arises is, are "free will" and "decisions" the product of a collection of "motivational" synaptic outputs? The answer would appear to be no. Whilst a large percentage of human activity can be reduced to this model, key functions cannot. The primary issue with the motivational model is that its output is strictly sensation-based (particle delivery based), which does not map well to the abilities of higher brain function (i.e. comprehension, etc.). The abilities of higher brain function tells us that there is a secondary system beyond that of the synaptic motivational model. It also indicates that this secondary system receives/sends events from/t