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No governments, media or human rights organisations will admit these electronic crimes and technologies exist and are being used to torture and abuse people.

There is a conspiracy of silence regarding these.

Here are the three most important references regarding these electronic technologies and crimes -


John St. Clair Akwei vs NSA



In the mid-1990s, our first stepping stone to justice was the article titled "Microwave Harassment and Mind Control Experimentation" by Julianne McKinney,

Our second stepping stone was (and is) the exhaustive and scholarly research into "non-lethal weapons," (clearly the birthplace of the living nightmare Ms. Naylor and many other victims are living,) ... of law student Cheryl Welsh,

The third stepping stone was the 2001 book about vigilante stalking by David Lawson, a private investigator, titled "Terrorist Stalking in America", reviewed here:

Ms. Naylor's book, with some material provided by Cheryl Welsh, is clearly a fourth and major stepping stone, by which the targets of vigilante stalking and electronic mind/body harassment hope to see the day the criminals are stripped of their cover, and justice will be served.

Also ‘Twelve Years in the Grave’ by Soleilmavis Liu;jsessionid=44933D2849A18B2A02CE646D8E6A0933

These references are also important -

by Dr Rauni Kilde former Surgeon-General of Finland












Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627




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Fight back with Exercise!

Evidence has shown that regular physical activity can improve cognitive function and brain plasticity. However, research has been unclear in proving how much exercise is needed and how long these benefits can last for. A recent study conducted at the University of Adelaide in Australia suggests that one 30-minute session of vigorous exercise can lead to changes in the brain that make it more “plastic,” including improvements in memory and motor skill coordination.

"Although this was a small sample group, it helps us to better understand the overall picture of how exercise influences the brain,” lead researcher Associate Professor Michael Ridding said in a statement. “We know that plasticity is also important for recovery from brain damage, so this opens up potential therapeutic avenues for patients. Further research will be required to see what the possible long-term benefits could be for patients as well as healthy people."

Ridding and his colleagues recruited a small group of adults in their late 20s and early 30s who were asked to ride exercise bikes for a period of 30 minutes. The team of neuroscientists monitored changes in the brain directly after the exercise session and again 15 minutes later. Results show that even one 30-minute session of physical activity can improve the brain’s plasticity, or its ability to change physically, functionally, and chemically. Positive changes in the brain were sustained 15 minutes after exercising.

"We saw positive changes in the brain straight away, and these improvements were sustained 15 minutes after the exercise had ended," Ridding added. "Plasticity in the brain is important for learning, memory and motor skill coordination. The more 'plastic' the brain becomes, the more it's able to reorganise itself, modifying the number and strength of connections between nerve cells and different brain areas. This exercise-related change in the brain may, in part, explain why physical activity has a positive effect on memory and higher-level functions."

A similar study conducted at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign found that regular exercise can benefit the brain’s supply of white matter, also known as “the subway of the brain” due to its ability to connect different regions of grey matter in the cerebrum to each other. Researchers assessed the link between physical fitness and the brain in 24 9- and 10-year-olds. Children who were more physically fit had thicker and denser white matter, meaning they had a greater capacity for memory, attention span, and cognitive efficiency.

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Particularly in the 20th century, there have been numerous experiments performed on human test subjects in the United States that have been considered unethical, and were often performed illegally, without the knowledge, consent, or informed consent of the test subjects.

The experiments include: the deliberate infection of people with deadly or debilitating diseases, exposure of people to biological and chemical weapons, human radiation experiments, injection of people with toxic and radioactive chemicals, surgical experiments, interrogation and torture experiments, tests involving mind-altering substances, and a wide variety of others. Many of these tests were performed on children,[1] the sick, and mentally disabled individuals, often under the guise of "medical treatment". In many of the studies, a large portion of the subjects were poor, racial minorities or prisoners.

Funding for many of the experiments was provided by United States government, especially the United States military, Central Intelligence Agency, or private corporations involved with military activities. The human research programs were usually highly secretive, and in many cases information about them was not released until many years after the studies had been performed.

The ethical, professional, and legal implications of this in the United States medical and scientific community were quite significant, and led to many institutions and policies that attempted to ensure that future human subject research in the United States would be ethical and legal. Public outrage in the late 20th century over the discovery of government experiments on human subjects led to numerous congressional investigations and hearings, including the Church Committee and Rockefeller Commission, both of 1975 and the 1994 Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, among others.

Read the rest of this important article here:

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Psychology. New York: Worth Publishers, 1995: 115. "Brain waves have been grouped according to their frequencies and labeled with Greek letters. Their most common frequencies include alpha, beta, delta, and theta."alpha 8–12 Hzbeta > 13 Hzdelta 3 Hztheta 4–7 Hz"The Brain & the Mind." Psychology Volume 1. 2002: 117. "Delta waves occur mainly in infants, sleeping adults or adults with brain tumors. Theta waves occur mainly in children ages 2–5 years old. Alpha waves occur in adults who have their eyes closed or who are relaxed. Beta waves mainly occur in adults who are awake, alert or focused."alpha 8–13 Hzbeta 13 Hzdelta 1–3 Hztheta 4–7 Hz"The Brain & the Mind." Psychology Volume 2. 2002: 97. "Hans Berger made many discoveries from the EEG recording and he found that the brain oscillate at about 10 cycles per second when the eyes are closed and relaxed and he called them alpha waves."alpha 10 HzWebster's Third New International Dictionary. Merriam Company, 1981: 909. "Rhythmic fluctuations of voltage between parts of the brain resulting in the flow of an electric current, that has a pulsation frequency of 10 or more per second." > 10 HzTheory Behind BrainWave Generator. Noromaa Solutions Oy, 2003.State Frequency range State of mindDelta 0.5Hz - 4Hz Deep sleepTheta 4Hz - 8Hz Drowsiness (also first stage of sleep)Alpha 8Hz - 14Hz Relaxed but alertBeta 14Hz - 30Hz Highly alert and focusedalpha 0.5–4 Hzbeta 14–30 Hzdelta 0.5–4 Hztheta 4–8 HzEver wonder what's going on up there in your brain at different states? Ever ponder about the brain wave frequencies when you're asleep, tired, relaxed, or energetic? Well, brain wave frequencies are categorized in 4 states: alpha, beta, delta, and theta.Alpha waves occur when a person is relaxed, but alert, having a frequency of 8–13 Hz. During this state, a person is awake but resting. During sleep, alpha waves are replaced by beta waves.The state of being focused, alert, or engaged in any form of activity are related to beta waves and they have a frequency of 14–30 Hz.After a really long day, all a person desires is to fall into a deep sleep. Delta waves are associated with deep sleep. Their frequencies range from 0.5–4 Hz. Delta waves are known for triggering the release of growth hormone, which provides healing, hence the reason why sleep is so important during the healing process.Theta waves have a frequency of 4–8 Hz and they occur mainly in children during the early stages of sleep, or in adults when they are emotionally stressed.Samantha Charles -- 2004
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Cool, Yet Creepy, Mind-Control and Mind-Controlled Technology

Does melding your mind with machines excite or scare you?

By Tara MacIsaac, Epoch Times | January 23, 2015 | Last Updated: January 23, 2015 11:33 pm


The ways in which technology controls our minds may go eerily beyond our habits of blindly following GPS directions or instantly Googling something instead of thinking about it.

The technology already exists to implant and erase memories in the brain, and to use one person’s mind to control another person’s actions. On the flip side of technological invasions into our minds, interesting gadgets are increasingly being invented that can be controlled with the mind, hands-free.

The machine-mind meld is a fascinating phenomenon, with something perhaps a little creepy about it.

Scientists are able to implant and erase memories in rats’ brains—and maybe human brains are next?

A team led by Roberto Malinow, a neuroscientist at the University of California, San Diego, used light to activate neurons. They inserted a light-sensitive protein into the rat brain along with an implant that could produce a pulse of light. They used this method to stimulate neurons that connect a part of the brain related to fear and a part related to processing sound. The effect was similar to the association produced in a rat conditioned by shocks to fear a particular sound.

Images of a rat and a light beam via Shutterstock

Images of a rat and a light beam via Shutterstock

“We can make a memory of something that the animal never experienced before,” Malinow told Nature last year. Conversely, they could erase the memory by another sequence of light impulses. “We were playing with memory like a yo-yo,” Malinow said. 

“We were playing with memory like a yo-yo.”
, neuroscientist, University of California — Roberto Malinow

If one person is hooked up to a machine that picks up brain signals and another person is hooked up to a machine that stimulates part of the brain, the first person can control the other’s actions. 

Researchers from the University of Washington, led by Rajesh P. N. Rao, published a study in November 2014 in PLOS One, showing experimentally that this kind of mind-control is possible.

Person A’s intention to move the right hand was picked up through an electroencephalography (EEG) cap. It was sent to a computer, which transmitted it as electric pulses to a transcranial magnetic stimulation coil on top of Person B’s head, explained Live Science. Person B’s right hand twitched. It’s not at the science-fiction level of total mind-control yet, but it’s a start.

EEG headsets are now allowing people to interact with their clothing, evoking changes in attire according to their moods. The headsets are also allowing people to telekinetically play games.

Smithsonian Magazine reported last year on the neuroscience-inspired fashion devices Shippo and Necomimi Cat Ears. Much as a dog wags or droops its tail or perks up its ears depending on its mood, these fashion accessories (literally fuzzy faux animal ears and tails) react to the wearer’s mood. The fashion devices read the person’s mood from his or her brain signals.

An employee of Neurosky Japan wears a headset and a cat tail called 'Shippo', which can be cotrolled by a brain-machine-interface (BMI) device that analyzes the user's brain waves to swing the cat tail. (Yoshikazu Tsuno/AFP/Getty Images)

An employee of Neurosky Japan wears a headset and a cat tail called ‘Shippo’, which can be cotrolled by a brain-machine-interface (BMI) device that analyzes the user’s brain waves to swing the cat tail. (Yoshikazu Tsuno/AFP/Getty Images)

At the AT&T Hackathon last year, neuroscientist Ruggero Scorcioni showcased a similar device that would read a person’s mood, feed it through a smartphone, and block or accept calls based on the user’s emotional state.

The Star Wars-inspired game “The Force,” uses an EEG headset to allow players to train as Jedis. The player trains his or her mind to manipulate a small sphere within a 10-inch tube. Would-be Jedis learn to use the Force, albeit with the mediation of some machinery.

Follow @TaraMacIsaac on Twitter, visit the Epoch Times Beyond Science page on Facebook, and subscribe to the Beyond Science newsletter to continue exploring ancient mysteries and the new frontiers of science!

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Understanding v2k

Dealing with v2k.

Over the 11 years that I have been a Target for research by those who have created the technology and have the motivation to use this incredible technology to harass, torture, and manipulate humans to their ends. AS many know, two of the most often shared symptoms of being a Target are Gangstalking, and v2k. I have experience with both. As well as many other things related to these two seemingly primary tools the enemy uses against us.

There is an important understanding when it comes to the relationship between how these tools are used. When it comes to v2k, it is obvious that there is technology (machinery) that enables our enemy to make us understand their words. Ideas, thoughts…as well as what the AI (BOT, computer program, etc.…) has to put into our brains, and thus often our minds. This is interesting to examine closely. Most Tis who get v2k, find that they can communicate with the enemy by thinking alone! This is two way communication! They are not just inserting words and ideas, they are reading ours as well!

This is a daunting reality for most to face. The idea of dealing with gangstalkers becomes much more complicated considering that those who stalk, harass, play games with, or create street theater, have superiors who can directly feed our thoughts, or relative information from our thoughts, into their actor’sbrains! This ability gives them knowledge of when you leave your home, when you are thinking of trying to ‘capture’ a stalker on camera, or where you will be going.

Now, there are also other things that the enemy can do to a target by use of the v2k mind read/input technological abilities. There are various reasons that using large numbers of people to do what might be called traditional, or Stasi/Cointelpro tactics achieved. Much of the surveillance was to gather data. In our current, modern situation, not only is the NSA and CIA gathering all information from digital media, but there is also the agency that uses the Most Incredible technology in human history. They now gather data directly from our brains!!!

Also, because of the ability the enemy has to insert ideas, and control our emotions, they can easily manipulate our perceptions, thus creating illusions of being followed. Often they will manipulate the sounds of others voices. When strangers speak, the enemy has the ability to manipulate the brain processes that understands sound. They keep the sound of the person, but change the words to theirs. SO, even if you know this person, and know their voice, you will not likely be able to tell that it is a v2k illusion rather than the person who you think it was. This ability allows them to use actual people in any situation, much, much less often, because all the necessary components for harassment are contained in the technological approach. Eliminating g the vast majority of actual human involvement reduces the opportunity of a whistleblower coming forward against what the enemy does.

Understanding how the enemy employs the illusions they impose on us is important. It is often stated among many experienced Tis that when you become fully aware of a trick the enemy uses, they almost always stop using it. It’s like the magician who knows his audience knows the secret to his illusion, so there’s no use in using that particular one. Knowledge is power. The more knowledge we have of our situation, the better off we will be to deal with the things we go through.

Anothe3r tactic the enemy uses is mind controlling others into saying or doing something that you will perceive as gangstalking. The important thing to remember when confronted with this tactic, is that the person has no idea that they are being used! If they are strangers, they will not know you. IF they are not strangers, then they will still not know what they are actually saying. Sometimes they will not even remember they have said it. This tactic also keeps the chances of whistleblowers sprouting because the people involved have been high jacked and manipulated, and therefore have no knowledge of our plight, or of the enemy controlling them.

V2k can include many sounds. I have heard the most incredible sounds effects that the enemy made appear come from the tops of skyscrapers. I thought everyone could hear these sounds because they appeared to emanate from outside my head, but they were actually being created within my brain and had nothing to do with my ears. This ‘outside’ sound is quite different from ‘inside’ the head sound. This is when they seem to talk inside your head, or when they manipulate and change your thoughts. Finally they can make sounds that everyone around you can hear. They don’t do this often, as when there is found to be no source of the sound, then people grow suspicious.

While real people can and do run the machinery attached to us, most often it is a programed AI that is running the show. Since it is humans that decide what the agenda will be for each of us, even by programming the AI, I refer to the source of v2k as ‘they’, even when speaking of AI.


Here are some things to do to deal with v2k:

  1. When it is quiet, ignore it if at all possible.
  2. When it is louder, and can’t be ignored, I use a technique I learned from having OCD. I think the word, “inserted” right after they insert the word or phrase. This is a form of deprogramming. IT is a reminder to your brain that the inserted info was faulty in nature and not to be recognized. This can be hard to do when they turn up the volume loud, or repeat the phrase or word faster than you can think, ‘inserted’. I use this technique quite often, sometimes over a thousand times a day.
  3. When not knowing if you are hearing real people or v2k2, you can put on headphones, or wear earplugs. IF you play the music loud enough to drown out real people’s voices, but you still hear voices, then its v2k.
  4. Another way to help know is by ‘reality testing’. For instance, I had ‘heard’ employees at my local grocery store talk about me. They said ugly things, but then when I thought about it, they couldn’t have possibly known me well enough to form that opinion. SO I ignored it. Then when I had the chance to interact with them, they have virtually no knowledge of my existence. This happened again when I got a job at a drug store. Just weeks these same people seemed to be saying the ugliest things about me, but now they were hiring me!! It proved that the things I ‘heard’ them say wasn’t them at all.
  5. The enemy can also converse with you through v2k. By thinking alone, you can talk about many things if they wish to. Most highly recommend not to engage the enemy in this fashion. They are extremely deceitful and can mimic any voice, and they can use personality avatars that change their personality into someone else’s, maybe someone you know. I have chosen to engage in conversation with the enemy and have gained a bit of useful material, but for the most part, it’s just been psychological play in the end.

Whenever you deal with the ongoing programming that the enemy tries to instill in you by v2k, be Strong, and be Stubborn. Know you are right and stand your ground on your beliefs.

Please feel free to add to this list of tools to deal with v2k. AS I remember tools I’ve used, or as I come across new ones, I will add to the list.



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Scientists Set Quantum Speed Limit

The speed limit, that is, the minimal time to transition between two easily distinguishable states, such as the north and south poles representing up and down states of a quantum spin (top), is characterized by a well-known relationship. But the speed limit between two states not entirely distinguishable, which correspond to states of arbitrary latitude and longitude whether on or within the sphere of all possible states of a quantum spin (bottom), was unknown until two UC Berkeley chemical physicists calculated it. Credit: Ty Volkoff image, UC Berkeley.University of California, Berkeley, scientists have proved a fundamental relationship between energy and time that sets a "quantum speed limit" on processes ranging from quantum computing and tunneling to optical switching.The energy-time uncertainty relationship is the flip side of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which sets limits on how precisely you can measure position and speed, and has been the bedrock of quantum mechanics for nearly 100 years. It has become so well-known that it has infected literature and popular culture with the idea that the act of observing affects what we observe.Not long after German physicist Werner Heisenberg, one of the pioneers of quantum mechanics, proposed his relationship between position and speed, other scientists deduced that energy and time were related in a similar way, implying limits on the speed with which systems can jump from one energy state to another. The most common application of the energy-time uncertainty relationship has been in understanding the decay of excited states of atoms, where the minimum time it takes for an atom to jump to its ground state and emit light is related to the uncertainty of the energy of the excited state."This is the first time the energy-time uncertainty principle has been put on a rigorous basis - our arguments don't appeal to experiment, but come directly from the structure of quantum mechanics," said chemical physicist K. Birgitta Whaley, director of the Berkeley Quantum Information and Computation Center and a UC Berkeley professor of chemistry. "Before, the principle was just kind of thrown into the theory of quantum mechanics."The new derivation of the energy-time uncertainty has application for any measurement involving time, she said, particularly in estimating the speed with which certain quantum processes - such as calculations in a quantum computer - will occur."The uncertainty principle really limits how precise your clocks can be," said first author Ty Volkoff, a graduate student who just received his Ph.D. in chemistry from UC Berkeley. "In a quantum computer, it limits how fast you can go from one state to the other, so it puts limits on the clock speed of your computer."The new proof could even affect recent estimates of the computational power of the universe, which rely on the energy-time uncertainty principle.Volkoff and Whaley included the derivation of the uncertainty principle in a larger paper devoted to a detailed analysis of distinguishable quantum states that appeared online Dec. 18 in the journal Physical Review A.The problem of precision measurementHeisenberg's uncertainty principle, proposed in 1927, states that it's impossible to measure precisely both the position and speed - or more properly, momentum - of an object. That is, the uncertainty in measurement of the position times the uncertainty in measurement of momentum will always be greater than or equal to Planck's constant. Planck's constant is an extremely small number (6.62606957 × 10-34 square meter-kilogram/second) that describes the graininess of space.To physicists, an equally useful principle relates the uncertainties of measuring both time and energy: The variance of the energy of a quantum state times the lifetime of the state cannot be less than Planck's constant."When students first learn about time-energy uncertainty, they learn about the lifetime of atomic states or emission line widths in spectroscopy, which are very physical but empirical notions," Volkoff said.This observed relationship was first addressed mathematically in a 1945 paper by two Russian physicists who dealt only with transitions between two obviously distinct energy states. The new analysis by Volkoff and Whaley applies to all types of experiments, including those in which the beginning and end states may not be entirely distinct. The analysis allows scientists to calculate how long it will take for such states to be distinguishable from one another at any level of certainty."In many experiments that examine the time evolution of a quantum state, the experimenters are dealing with endpoints where the states are not completely distinguishable," Volkoff said. "But you couldn't determine the minimum time that process would take from our current understanding of the energy-time uncertainty."Most experiments dealing with light, as in the fields of spectroscopy and quantum optics, involve states that are not entirely distinct, he said. These states evolve on time scales of the order of femtoseconds - millionths of a billionth of a second.Alternatively, scientists working on quantum computers aim to establish entangled quantum states that evolve and perform a computation with speeds on the order of nanoseconds."Our analysis reveals that a minimal finite length of time must elapse in order to achieve a given success rate for distinguishing an initial quantum state from its time-evolved image using an optimal measurement," Whaley said.The new analysis could help determine the times required for quantum tunneling, such as the tunneling of electrons through the band-gap of a semiconductor or the tunneling of atoms in biological proteins.It also could be useful in a new field called "weak measurement," which involves tracking small changes in a quantum system, such as entangled qubits in a quantum computer, as the system evolves. No one measurement sees a state that is purely distinct from the previous state.
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Solor flares could set us free!!

400px-Magnetosphere_rendition.jpgSolor flares or geomagnetic storms can cause great power outages. It is theorized that a large enough one voukd take out our electrical power structure altogether.  

This phenomena may afvord us at tge least, a short window of absolute seperation from the machine. If it is a total blackout of long duration....we will in effect be free!!! 

"The March 1989 geomagnetic storm caused the collapse of the Hydro-Québec power grid in a matter of seconds as equipment protection relays tripped in a cascading sequence of events.[2][13] Six million people were left without power for nine hours, with significant economic loss. The storm even caused aurorae as far south as Texas."

We should prepare for such a situation.  We might not have much time to act in our favor when it does.

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November 5, 2014

UW study shows direct brain interface between humans

Michelle Ma

News and Information

Sometimes, words just complicate things. What if our brains could communicate directly with each other, bypassing the need for language?

University of Washington researchers have successfully replicated a direct brain-to-brain connection between pairs of people as part of a scientific study following the team’s initial demonstration a year ago. In the newly published study, which involved six people, researchers were able to transmit the signals from one person’s brain over the Internet and use these signals to control the hand motions of another person within a split second of sending that signal.

An example of how the brain to brain interface demonstration would look.

In this photo, UW students Darby Losey, left, and Jose Ceballos are positioned in two different buildings on campus as they would be during a brain-to-brain interface demonstration. The sender, left, thinks about firing a cannon at various points throughout a computer game. That signal is sent over the Web directly to the brain of the receiver, right, whose hand hits a touchpad to fire the cannon.Mary Levin, U of Wash.


Read the PLOS ONE paper 

Learn more about the team’s current research


At the time of the first experiment in August 2013, the UW team was the first to demonstrate two human brains communicating in this way. The researchers then tested their brain-to-brain interface in a more comprehensive study, published Nov. 5 in the journal PLOS ONE.

“The new study brings our brain-to-brain interfacing paradigm from an initial demonstration to something that is closer to a deliverable technology,” said co-author Andrea Stocco, a research assistant professor of psychology and a researcher at UW’s Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences. “Now we have replicated our methods and know that they can work reliably with walk-in participants.”

Collaborator Rajesh Rao, a UW professor of computer science and engineering, is the lead author on this work.

The research team combined two kinds of noninvasive instruments and fine-tuned software to connect two human brains in real time. The process is fairly straightforward. One participant is hooked to an electroencephalography machine that reads brain activity and sends electrical pulses via the Web to the second participant, who is wearing a swim cap with a transcranial magnetic stimulation coil placed near the part of the brain that controls hand movements.

A transcranial magnetic stimulation coil

A transcranial magnetic stimulation coil is placed over the part of the brain that controls the receiver’s right hand movements.Mary Levin, U of Wash.

Using this setup, one person can send a command to move the hand of the other by simply thinking about that hand movement.

The UW study involved three pairs of participants. Each pair included a sender and a receiver with different roles and constraints. They sat in separate buildings on campus about a half mile apart and were unable to interact with each other in any way – except for the link between their brains.

Each sender was in front of a computer game in which he or she had to defend a city by firing a cannon and intercepting rockets launched by a pirate ship. But because the senders could not physically interact with the game, the only way they could defend the city was by thinking about moving their hand to fire the cannon.

The setup for the sender

The sender is hooked to an electroencephalography machine that reads brain activity. A computer processes the brain signals and sends electrical pulses via the Web to the receiver across campus.Mary Levin, U of Wash.

Across campus, each receiver sat wearing headphones in a dark room – with no ability to see the computer game – with the right hand positioned over the only touchpad that could actually fire the cannon. If the brain-to-brain interface was successful, the receiver’s hand would twitch, pressing the touchpad and firing the cannon that was displayed on the sender’s computer screen across campus.

Researchers found that accuracy varied among the pairs, ranging from 25 to 83 percent. Misses mostly were due to a sender failing to accurately execute the thought to send the “fire” command. The researchers also were able to quantify the exact amount of information that was transferred between the two brains.

Another research team from the company Starlab in Barcelona, Spain, recently publishedresults in the same journal showing direct communication between two human brains, but that study only tested one sender brain instead of different pairs of study participants and was conducted offline instead of in real time over the Web.

Now, with a new $1 million grant from the W.M. Keck Foundation, the UW research team is taking the work a step further in an attempt to decode and transmit more complex brain processes.

With the new funding, the research team will expand the types of information that can be transferred from brain to brain, including more complex visual and psychological phenomena such as concepts, thoughts and rules.

They’re also exploring how to influence brain waves that correspond with alertness or sleepiness. Eventually, for example, the brain of a sleepy airplane pilot dozing off at the controls could stimulate the copilot’s brain to become more alert.

Read a Scientific American article by Rao and Stocco about possible uses of sending thoughts directly between brains.

The project could also eventually lead to “brain tutoring,” in which knowledge is transferred directly from the brain of a teacher to a student.

“Imagine someone who’s a brilliant scientist but not a brilliant teacher. Complex knowledge is hard to explain – we’re limited by language,” said co-authorChantel Prat, a faculty member at the Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences and a UW assistant professor of psychology.

Other UW co-authors are Joseph Wu of computer science and engineering; Devapratim Sarma and Tiffany Youngquist of bioengineering; and Matthew Bryan, formerly of the UW.

The research published in PLOS ONE was initially funded by the U.S. Army Research Office and the UW, with additional support from the Keck Foundatio

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How Does The Human Brain Work? New Ways To Better Understand How Our Brain Processes Information

Date: May 26, 2009 Source: University of Leicester Summary: How does the human brain process information? Researchers explore new methodologies that shed light on this age-old mystery. The human brain is perhaps the most complex of organs, boasting between 50-100 billion nerve cells or neurons that constantly interact with each other. These neurons 'carry' messages through electrochemical processes; meaning, chemicals in our body (charged sodium, potassium and chloride ions) move in and out of these cells and establish an electrical current.

  Scientists have, for a long time now, stimulated with different types of inputs individual neurons that have been isolated for study. To have enough statistical power, these experiments typically involved stimulating a single neuron over and over again, to get a general idea of how it responds to different signals. Although these studies have yielded a lot of information, they have their own limitations.

An article by University of Leicester bioengineer Professor Rodrigo Quian Quiroga appeared recently in Nature Reviews Neuroscience. In the article, Prof. Quian Quiroga and co-author Dr. Stefano Panzeri discuss new methodologies that are enabling scientists to better understand how our brain processes information.

Prof. Quian Quiroga explains, “The human brain typically makes decisions based on a single stimulus, by evaluating the activity of a large number of neurons. I don’t get in front of a tiger 100 times to make an average of my neuronal responses and decide if I should run or not. If I see a tiger once, I run”. Traditional studies thus undermine this complexity by only accounting for the responses single neurons.

Moreover, these studies take into account an “average response” obtained by stimulating the neuron numerous times. The brain, on the other hand, acts based on single stimulus presentations. Therefore, the information given by an averaged response can often be insufficient.

Prof. Quian Quiroga and Dr. Panzeri stress, on account of these factors “it is important to shift from a single-neuron, multiple-trial framework to multiple-neuron, single-trial methodologies”. In other words, it is more beneficial to study responses of numerous neurons to a single stimulus.

Prof. Quian Quiroga says, “A major challenge of our days is (thus) to develop the methodologies to record and process the data from hundreds of neurons and developing these is by no means a trivial task”.

He adds, “Our brains are able to create very complex processes – just imagine the perfect harmony with which we move different muscles for normal walking – thousands of neurons are involved in this and to determine the role of each is complicated”.

In his recent review paper, Prof. Quian Quiroga and Dr. Panzeri discuss two complementary approaches that can be used to resolve this, namely ‘decoding’ and ‘information theory’.

‘Decoding’ essentially helps determine what must have caused a particular response (much like “working backwards”). Thus, the response of a neuronal population is used to reconstruct the stimulus or behaviour that caused it in the first place. ‘Information theory’, on the other hand, literally quantifies how much information a number of neurons carry about the stimulus.

Prof. Quian Quiroga explains, “together, the two approaches not only allow scientists to extract more information on how the brain works, but information that is ambiguous at the level of single neurons, can be clearly evaluated when the whole ‘population’ is considered”. The review is an asset for anyone involved in the field, as it carefully considers and evaluates the two statistical approaches, as well as describes potential applications.

As part of his own research, Prof. Quiroga (in collaboration with Prof. Richard Andersen at Caltech) has been studying the ‘decoding’ of movement plans using activity of certain neuronal populations. This ability to predict movement intentions from activity of neurons has application in brain-machine interfaces, especially for development of neural prostheses (electronic and/or mechanical devices that connect to the nervous system and replace functions lost as a result of disease or injury) for paralysed patients.

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(This blog is now 'friends only comments due to criticism of a degradi g, ad hominem sort. If you wish to comment, please befriend me and post positive, or Constructive criticism. Thanks!)

Several months ago, I shut down this column and removed its content.  For those that don't remember, I spent nearly four years digging into the physics and technology behind reading/writing information to/from the human brain using radio waves.  There was a time when the general view of this was associated with 'tinfoil hat conspiracy theories'.  That all changed when I began demonstrating the physics to reveal a functional model which, in turn, revealed a medical torture program run by a portion of the US government.

I closed the column for a variety of reasons.  Firstly, there is the ever-present pressure from various organizations to maintain the silence.  That said, I have never much cared for their opinions and it did not rank very high in my decision making processes.  Secondly, I tend to have a different approach to writing than most authors.  My published articles can be as much like a notebook to capture ideas as it is a mechanism to convey those ideas to others.  This can lead to a somewhat muddled experience for readers that do not understand this.  Finally, as with any investigation, getting side-tracked is inevitable as interesting things pop up all the time.

Thus, a clean-up was long overdue.

In today's article, I intend to capture the important elements from the series on reading/writing information to/from the human brain in the context of modern warfare.  Rather than having twenty different articles, with information spread all over the place in various states of revision, it is best to have it in one single page.  This article will capture everything that is currently known, or can be inferred, about the system, its objectives, the current state of progress and any additional relevant material.  As such, this is a very long article.

As ever, the question is where to begin.  When describing a system of this magnitude it is always difficult to identify a good starting point that is suitable for most readers.  I suppose the best place to start is a small executive summary that describes the system and from there we can break it out into a more detailed picture.

A further question is what to name this.  A misleading term is "remote neural monitoring" (RNM), as it implies that such a system is merely recording.  A term I have used before is "Synthetic Telepathy", but that can also be misleading as it is a term used to describe a different military technology under development.  I feel that the best approach is to extend the historical name for this technology, to better reflect its current capabilities. "Remote Neural Monitoring, Control and Manipulation" (RNMCM) is a bit of a mouthful, but it is certainly more accurate.


Executive Summary

"Remote Neural Monitoring, Control and Manipulation" (RNMCM) is a term that refers to the usage of specific technologies to record and/or alter the electrical activity of neurons in the human body (or any life-form).  Neurons can broadly be separated into four main categories:

  • Sensory neurons
  • Motor (and other output) neurons
  • Communication neurons
  • Computation neurons

The electrical activity of each of these four main types of neurons can be classified by a computer.  Every action a human makes, or experiences, is represented by specific patterns in the electrical activity.  Thus, when a specific electrical pattern is observed, we can state that a certain event has happened.  That could be a feeling of joy, seeing a blue car, tasting an orange, thinking of a word, moving a limb, or even visualizing a shape in your mind to solve a mathematical puzzle.

The key to any functional RNMCM system is obtaining good recordings of specific electrical patterns and knowing what they mean.  Further, as the electrical patterns are slightly different between people, knowing these differences allows the development of systems that can classify electrical activity across the entire global population without retraining.  We call this latter goal "Generalization".  "Generalization" is important because training takes a long time.  With "generalization" we can skip the training process and jump straight to reading the required information which is a lot faster and requires less computing power.

An example of an unclassified technique of reading the electrical activity of the brain is Electroencephalography (EEG).  EEG has a limitation, in that it can only record the sum total of electrical activity.  This is rather like listening to a song, in that you cannot hear the individual instruments in isolation.  RNMCM uses a different approach, it exploits the reflectivity/absorption/transparency of neurons at radio frequencies to record individual activity of neurons.  This can be compared to obtaining a track with a single instrument playing its role in a song from a music studio.

By recording the electrical activity and observing behavior, or impact to other electrical activity, we can infer what each electrical pattern means.  By recording the slight variations found in different human subjects, by analyzing tens of thousands/millions of brain patterns, a system can be trained to recognize what that electrical activity means in any human subject it encounters without retraining.  The analysis of tens of thousands/millions of people is how we obtain "Generalization".  Given the complexity of the human brain and certain limitations, obtaining "generalization" could take half-a-century or more depending on available hardware and complexity of the problem.

Throughout this process, we will obtain an ever-increasing number of identified electrical activity patterns that are militarily useful.  For example, being able to know military plans in advance, or quantify enemy numbers and capabilities.  In addition, we will be able to combine these identified electrical patterns to create/compose our own complex electrical patterns.  This latter ability will allows us to reverse the process, drive the neurons with our patterns and have a human subject under our control or influence.

Initially, when introducing composed patterns into a human subject, we would expect a certain level of influence.  In time, as the database of electrical patterns expand, it is expected that this will give way to complete remote control.

In order to complete the training of the system and test its effectiveness, tens of thousands/millions of volunteers would be required to submit themselves to long-term (life long) experimentation, the effects of which would be wide-ranging.  We can expect deaths, deformities, mental illness, seizures, complex syndromes, chronic and acute pain, heart and respiratory failure, etc. 

Given the national security requirement of secrecy and the lack of such a willing population, secret experimentation on a significant sub-section of the human population globally would be required. Three basic categories of human subject will be required, training, validation and test.  The training group will consist of human subjects that are used continuously 24/7 to both produce electrical patterns and serve as a testing area for identified patterns.  The validation group will will be used as a quick reference to confirm the accuracy of generalization.  The test group, which for practical purposes will continuously select random individuals on the planet, will be used be to study the generalized pattern(s) effectiveness and accuracy.

It would be impractical to hide such activity to the major enemies of the state, thus some form of international agreement encompassing technology sharing and combined defense pact would need to be made to provide cover for the program.


Technical Summary

The technology required to drive this program on the surface is a rather simplistic combination of existing technologies.  That said, to bring the system up to near real-time speed for both reading and writing requires optimization across a multitude of technologies all developed by numerous vendors and each with their own particular physical limitations.

The system can be broken down into a number of layers and lends well to a development process conducted through compartmentalization of classified programs.  The development of the system can be fragmented through hundreds, if not thousands of independent programs and the results combined reducing the footprint of knowledge and thus program exposure.  Further, in time, particular technologies and techniques can be re-invented at a later date with a higher profile in order to establish false historical time-lines thus reducing the exposure of key staff to prosecution and/or direct action by hostile or friendly forces.

The primary task is to deliver a distributed computing platform (Grid Computing) spanning the globe and linked by a mixture of high speed connections.  Custom software (middleware) will control the allocation of resources, distribution of programs and the migration of data around the grid computing platform.  It will, in effect, operate as a single geographically separated supercomputer and have the ability to hide this fact from end-users by presenting false logical views of the system.  The grid will be a mixture of a range of hardware from commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware, to custom chips and boards with the latest advancements in quantum computing optimization.

The grid computing platform will play host to a strong, general purpose, artificial intelligence.  The strong artificial intelligence will perform numerous roles throughout the defense sector, but will provide the ability to compartmentalize activity through a strict classification process.  Thus, any activity generated by this program will not generate any concern and will be attributed to general remote sensing applications if observed from multiple points.  The role of the strong AI in this program will be complex.  During the training phase, its main role will be to infer the meaning of electrical activity and to leverage its human-level reasoning capabilities to examine internal thought processes.  As we transition to influence and control, the strong AI will attempt to mimic the human subject in terms of thought processes, language and behaviors.  The ultimate goal being that the strong AI can assume complete remote control of a human subject and impersonate them.  The fallback position, should this prove unfeasible, is to substantially compromise the human subject's neural activity such that we are in a position to strongly influence decisions and actions.  An additional objective, will be the ability to perform remote assassinations, intimidation and torture to extract information not directly observed by the system.

The strong AI will direct a classification system composed of the latest developments in machine learning.  This classification system will be fed by signal processing network that prepares radio data for analysis by the classification system.  The classification system will be in a low latency path from the source of radio information and have the ability to prioritize signals based upon temporal requirements.  This will require a programmable architecture which can be driven by the strong AI.

Observers of this system with sufficient technical knowledge could not determine that the system was anything beyond a complex radar and remote sensing platform.  Linking this system with a program to read/write information to/from the human brain would be complete speculation on the behalf of the observer.  This provides the system with robust counter-intelligence potential from internal threats and a high degree of plausible dependability.  Other than complex analysis of the data, which can be erased or moved to more favorable legal jurisdictions, complete seizure of the equipment only indicates the potential for use, not the actual application.  During development of the satellite hardware the requirements, particularly of the transmitter arrays, may raise suspicions.  A mitigation strategy would be to introduce the system as a directed energy weapon designed to manipulate/jam electronic systems (such as guidance systems of ballistic missiles/bombers/etc.).

Radio information is delivered from one, or more, big-ear (synthetic aperture - operating at different elevations) satellite network(s).  The constant speed of light places hard limits on the elevation of satellites required to capture/broadcast real-time information and thermal noise places hard limits of the maximum elevation for non-real-time intercepts.  The hard limits are compounded by the fact that the human body can only absorb/reflect so much radiation.



The Grid Computing Solution

The physical hardware arrangement of the grid computing solution will be quite complex.  Real-time interaction with the human brain is a hard requirement of the system, thus latency has hard limits that dictate the minimum number of site globally as well as their distance from satellite downlinks.  To the human brain, variation in delays can be more noticeable than a constant delay, especially when multiple senses are involved.  Typically, when working with a single sense a delay of up to 150ms is tolerable, however, this can drop to 60ms when multiple senses are involved.

Thus, to support an audio stream such has inserting words into the human brain, a delay of up to 150ms is functional.  When that is combined with visual or other sensory stimulation, the functional delay begins to drop to around 60ms.  As a result, the grid computing solution must have extreme low latency and designed to pipeline information.  That is, the solution must be designed like a circuit that provides the most optimal physical path between points.  This architecture is in direct contrast to modern approaches which rely completely on the optimization of software functions.  Such an approach will not result in the required high performance demanded.  The key problem is that this approach is very brittle from the perspective of future development, however, this is not much of a concern as the application will be a constant factor.

These hard limits provide a defined limit on the number of I/O exchanges.  I/O exchanges have an issue known as end-point crisis.  An end-point crisis is where the transmission medium can handle more data that the circuits reading/writing data to that physical layer.  Further, each I/O exchange introduces a complex delay that in itself has well-defined hard limits.  As such, when scaling there is a defined physical limit of the amount of hardware that can be in a real-time pathway before it becomes non-functional.  Even with the progressive improvement of hardware processing speeds and consolidation of services, these hard limits will always exist.

At the extreme, the grid computing solution (including all ground equipment and links) can be allocated 1/3 of the the delay.  This provides a window of 20-50ms in which to perform all real-time functions.  The grid will therefore need to incorporate elements of predictive analysis.  Predictive analysis will play a key role of the services run on the grid, but the grid itself will be required to identify particular scenarios that can be optimized and offload the processing from the services it hosts.  One such scenario could be the reallocation of resources or programs that migrate to the geographical area in which they are being used.  Rather than this being managed in software by a hosted AI, these basic services can be offloaded to hardware that powers the grid.  Thus, the grid solution identified here would be a custom hardware solution, rather than a complete software middleware.

We can now observe that the density of ground sites is dictated by the demand that any real-time target must be within a 40-100ms round trip time.  Ignoring all the delays that provides an operational range of 6000-15000Km.

As noted the majority of the grid will be a custom hardware solution, that will contain custom hardware for the services it hosts.  Each element of the grid will be a supercomputer in itself capable of operating independently of the grid for survivability.  Given the operational range of the system, complete global coverage can be provided by around 8 sites, raising to around 24 sites (alternatively 5 main sites, 10 redundant) when triple redundancy is added.  Modularity certainly lends to ease of upgrades, but it comes at the expense of adding delays to the system.  Thus a balance must be struck between modularity and speed to provide the best performance.  Continuous evaluation of the design of the system will reveal, over time, the most efficient trade-offs and hardware arrangements.

The grid hardware will be a mixture of semi-conductor technologies and quantum computing solutions aimed at resolving optimization problems in large datasets.


The Strong Artificial Intelligence

Given the longitudinal nature of the study to be undertaken, the complex interaction and investigation of patterns, direct human analysis is impossible.  It is critical that the latest in automation techniques be applied to the problem and allowed to grow hand-in-hand with the experiments.  One of the key stumbling blocks in the road to a strong AI is the lack of insight into human behavior, thought processes and ultimately validation of machine learning output.  In this experiment, not only will we learn how to interface with human body via radio, but leverage the feedback provided by the human brain as a means to train the AI to replicate human behavior.

A strong AI is can be thought of a complex form of database that uses certain information in that database to replicate or approximate human behavioral responses to a given input or series of inputs.  Initially the AI will be basic, it will merely perform analysis of particular neural circuits relating to speech, recognition, auditory, vision, etc.  Once substantially complete, to the point where the AI can pose certain problems to the human brain, the secondary objective of making the AI more human-like in both its reasoning and behavior can begin.  By posing problems to the human brain, responses can be compared with the output of algorithms employed by the AI and refined to match.  This will supplement all training provided directly to the internal interfaces of the AI.

The AI will built upon a statistical engine that will return the most likely response for a given input, in that respect it will be an amalgamation of everyone and everything that it has ever interacted with.  Advancement in quantum computing should provide for faster searches when posed as optimization problems.  An important area of development will be the inference engine which attempts to relate the output of one statistical assessment with another, integrating that into its sum knowledge over time.  It is envisaged that this will be a continuous process and no great leap in intelligence will occur for the simple reason that it is ultimately based upon computation and can only combine what it already knows.  That is, the combination of information does not lead to hardware changes or changes in the laws of physics which ultimately define the method in which information can be represented, processed and outputted.

The strong AI is a mixture of both software, firmware and hardware that provides a common processing core for any number of "instances".  That is, a single system provides the processing that drives an individual AI and the system will be capable of generating as many AI instances as the hardware allows for.  Thus, it is quite possible to have thousands of "computer agents" tasked with various roles.  Further, these "computer agents" will have the ability to migrate anywhere in the grid to follow targets or provide services more optimally.  When the ability to assume control of a human emerges, the AI will also be able to have a physical presence anywhere in the world on demand to deal with emerging threats, assume political or military control or ensure economic objectives.

To support these identified roles, the AI must have a range of knowledge and specialisms that cover every area of knowledge known to man.  Further, it must record the activity of every key person the globe over to ensure that it has the required "memory" to properly impersonate a given target.  Such oversights would lead to major problems and rapid identification of controlled individuals.  Thus, the AI must track, record and archive data relating to everyone that could potential become an important individual as gaps in memory, even childhood memories, may give rise to suspicion and ultimately lead to exposure.  As it is difficult to judge who will become important, the combination of two approaches are advised.  Firstly, the goal of recording the neural activity of every individual on the planet is of top priority and a realistic objective.  Secondly, in the interim, strict regulation and control of individuals entering positions of power is recommended to ensure the system has complete coverage of key individuals.

Such a system is likely to draw a lot of unwanted attention, it is thus advisable to have numerous parallel programs with similar capabilities to hide amongst.  As this system is automated, staffing and thus potential leaks can be kept to a minimum and, for the most part, the majority of staff will not have a need to know.


Digital Signal Processing (DSP) System

Data obtained from radio sources must be prepared in a manner suitable for the AI and prepare outgoing signals for radio broadcast.  The AI could perform this task, but this substantially reduces its ability to perform other tasks.  Thus, all incoming raw radio signals or outgoing data will pass through a programmable DSP system that will convert the incoming/outgoing streams and separate real-time signals from those that can be examined later or broadcast later.  The DSP system will be driven by the AI and dynamically updated as required.  This system will supplement onboard electronics in satellites designed to reduce bandwidth usage.


Satellite Systems

The most efficient model is to employ a bi-static wide-band radar with a synthetic aperture receiver network (a big ear).  The receiver network is designed to work over the entire spectrum with the highest possible sensitivity.  The receiver network will be able to view all radio sources from the planet simultaneously, pinpointing their locations and tracking their movements.  This information will be captured by other compartmentalized programs and leveraged appropriately. 

Using a combination of transmitted radio pulses and reflected RF from terrestrial sources, humans, cars, planes, etc., will be tracked in real time, classified, analyzed for patterns and accounted for.  Given the density of modern RF sources, the majority of the tracking can be performed by passive reception only.  This system will produce a real-time view of the Earth with the goal of complete coverage.  The bandwidth required to perform this is surprising small and all the heavy processing is performed on the ground.  Each aspect of this real-time view can be presented independently as an exposed services to any number of departments without revealing the entire scope of information gathered.

In this program, we will be interested in the human tracking information.  This will be fed into the system allowing target selection and tracking.

The radio transmitters used in this program produce a wide bandwidth of very weak narrow-band pulses at ground level.  From an analysis perspective, it would appear similar to a spread spectrum source with limited frequency hopping capability.  As such, it may be ignored as being an "old" or "legacy" system of no real importance.  Each of these pulses are on different frequencies and are selectively absorbed by different neurons throughout the body.  A one-to-one mapping between a pulse of a particular frequency and a neuron is not expected, but rather a high probability of absorption.  Not only does the system need to account for the chaos in the neural activity and attempt to make sense of this, but it must also learn to deal with the chaos of transmitting to a moving target and all of the problems inherent in radio reception under a range of atmospheric conditions.

Unlike traditional systems radio systems, this system must penetrate modern RF shielding and be able to deliver signals with pinpoint accuracy.  Thus, this transmitter will comprise of an electronically steerable maser array, that will leverage the latest advances in atomic dialectic resonance to pass through RF reflective/absorbent surfaces, follow targets underground and/or underwater.  The maser array can follow particular targets or broadcast a generalizable signal over a wide area.  Generalizable signals over a wide area can manipulate voting, suppress anger at government policies or actions, induce riots or revolutions, induce fear in opposing militaries, reduce libido to reduce population numbers, selectively prevent breeding in particular ethnic groups, etc.

Such a system is readily scalable and has the ability to effect the entire global population.


Key Brain Regions Under Study

Certain regions of the brain are deemed more critical than others to understand as they can prove militarily or politically useful.  This allows the system to have operational status before it develops a complete functional solution to remote control.  Some areas of interest are noted below, along with potential military applications, but this list is nowhere near exhaustive:

1. Hypothalamus

The hypothalamus controls body temperature, hunger, important aspects of parenting and attachment behaviors, thirst, fatigue, sleep, fear processing and circadian rhythms.  For a detailed breakdown of the roles of the Hypothalamus, please follow this link:

The Hypothalamus has numerous military applications:

a.  Body temperature:  Altering the body temperature can result in a breakdown of internal biological process.  This can reduce the efficiency or even kill the human subjects.

b.  Hunger - Altering sensory information in relation to hunger can cause human subjects to starve or over-eat.  Both of which reduce their capability to respond to a threat.

c.  Parenting and attachment behaviors - Altering this region has an effect on bonding, relationships and loyalty to family, friends, country or ideals. 

d.  Thirst - Altering processing in this aspects results in the intake of too much or too little water, both of which can have drastic effects on the human body.

e.  Fatigue - Altering information processing in this region can increase or decrease fatigue responses in a human subject.  This leads them to either increased endurance, or Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) which effectively disables a human subject.

f.  Sleep - Altering processing in this area can keep human subjects awake, resulting in extreme sleep deprivation, or induce sleep similar to a coma.

g.  Fear processing - Altering this region can induce feelings of intense terror, or to misjudge threats and eliminate freezing/flight responses.  Also responsible for adrenal control.

h. Circadian rhythms - Altering processing in this region can induce/reduce jet lag-like symptoms and increase the risk of heart failure by up to 25%.

i. Suppression of GnRH - Reduces libido, lowers testosterone levels in males, inhibits egg release in woman, induces sterility.  Used in the manipulation of relationships and Eugenics.

2.  Left pars opercularis (inferior frontal gyrus) and White matter adjacent to the left supramarginal gyrus

These areas have been identified as being associated from inner speech.  Inner speech is not just a form of speech without motor control, but a distinct sub-system in itself.  Corollary Discharge is thought to be the method by which the brain replaces our own spoken voice with our inner voice.  This can be observed by pitch shifting your spoken voice in a recording and being able to hear your own accent.

For more information:

This region has a number of military applications:

a.  Control and/or manipulation of speech.  Weak input, near the threshold of hearing, can guide word selection for the expression of particular ideas.  By stimulating an idea/or concept, it is sometimes possible to inject specific words.  Full control of this region would allow for seamless control of individuals speech without conscious awareness. 

b.  Control and/or manipulation of this region can effect the wording of contracts or treaties to the benefit of the attacking party.  Politicians, judges and legal representatives are high priority targets.

c.  Control and/or manipulation of this region can be used to inject ideas or notions to effectively guide/influence behavior.

d.  Control and/or manipulation of this area would pass undetected in current brain scanning tests.

3.  Medulla Oblongata

The Medulla Oblongata is located at the base of the brain stem and continuous with the spinal column.  Its houses the centers for respiration, cardiac, blood pressure, vomiting and vasomotor control.  This region also plays a role in the muscle control for the tongue, pharynx and larynx.

The military applications are as follows:

a.  To support complete remote control of an individual, respiratory control must be driven remotely and can be performed from the RC center.  It can also be used to remotely simulate water boarding during interrogation or as an offensive weapon.

b.  Manipulation of blood pressure and cardiac rhythms can support remote control solutions, or be used to fake cardiac symptoms.  The latter can be used to temporarily remove people from key roles, or as a method of quiet assassination with supporting fake medical history.  Veins and arteries can selectively widened or expanded to reduce/increase blood flow.  This latter process can support mapping throughout the body, but can lead to dangerously high localized blood pressure.  This can lead to aneurisms or strokes both in the short and long term.

c.  Control the tongue, pharynx and larynx can be used in remote control solutions to support external speech, or to support torture (i.e. water-boarding-like activity) or assassination through asphyxiation.



One particular observation of interest is that the system is being trained in the control and manipulation of social events as they pertain to the average person.  That is, the complex manipulation of social groups.  It is not, as would be expected of a battlefield system, being trained against troops or in any strategic sense.  This appears to indicate that the focus is political control through micro-management of daily lives, thought processes and sensations.

An extreme bias towards the manipulation of relationships and sexual aspects has been noted, with a particular focus on sexual violence towards females and controlling sexual activity.

Further, a focus on preventing and/or reducing performance in education, as well as damaging long-term memory to effectively erase education has also been observed.  This also extends to manipulation of employment through various means such as sleep deprivation and various other torture techniques.

Political opinions are also commonly tested, attempts are made to make individuals support particular viewpoints of political figures, or induce feeling of rejection.  One notable recent example was Nigel Farage (UKIP - UK), where the system attempted to generate feelings of dislike or rejection.


Notes on Testing

In testing, the system masquerades as either known illnesses that have limited diagnostic tests, or defines entirely new classes of illness.  Any illness which can be described as a syndrome, has idiopathic causes or relies on differential diagnosis which leads to a default diagnosis is a solid candidate for replication.  This provides the system with the freedom to test it solutions whilst remaining undetected.

The stock favorite is psychosis, every sensation after this is put down to anxiety.  The exploration of neural structures through radio stimulation results in corruption of neural outputs in a wide range of regions.  Assuming control requires that the system, at some point, attempt to drive all the various circuits in the brain.  This process can take several weeks, during which the human subject is normally committed to a mental institute demonstrating extremely severe symptoms.

Most people have experienced at least one testing attempt by the system in the form of Phantom Vibration Syndrome.  Experience by up to 68% of the population and noted in publications dating back to 1996, this phenomenon is the result of test of the generalizability of motor neuron stimulation.  Typically directed at the hips, it is a short duration burst lasting approximately 1-3 seconds and feels very similar to the vibration of a modern mobile phone.  This test is used to determine the suitability of a solution in hijacking a human physically.


Notes on Animal Testing

Cattle mutilations across the US carry the hallmarks of a medical testing program for the purposes of this experiment.  The areas of mutilation are consistent with the areas being actively examined in this program.  It is presently unknown if a cover story is in place to misdirect those involved on the ground (i.e biological weapon preparedness training, etc.). 

Analysis of reported sensations and motor control tests of human subjects indicate the use of chimpanzees as a secondary source of experimentation before use on humans.  Further, this analysis also revealed the possible use of humans in restraints being subjected to horrific levels of torture by the system.  This analysis is conducted by forcing the amplification of incorrect signals sent to human subjects which are normally suppressed and following the posture they indicate.  An input sensory system, such as feelings, has the ability to interpret the information without inducing corresponding motor controls.


Notes on Cover Stories

It is inevitable given the process that some individuals will identify, at least to some degree, the nature and scope of the program.  It thus becomes imperative that credibility is reduced to a minimum to protect the program and its operators.  As the majority of this program is directed at subjective experiences that cannot be objectively quantified and has the ability/side-effect of causing psychosis-like effects this shall be leveraged to create a movement of "crazy individuals or campaigners".  Based upon the successful "UFO model" employed to hide activities of the Airforce R&D and nuclear detection capabilities, communities will formed to control the flow of information and increase misdirection.  These communities will function to further reduce the credibility of reports and provide a "medical history" of a certain theme of psychosis that is a product of the times.

One vital requirement is the strict control of language in these communities.  Even "crazy" people will gain the attention of the media if a sudden influx of individuals stating they are being tortured in their own homes occurs.  Thus, language that downplays the severity should be adopted.  For example, "torture" should be replaced with "harassment".  It is also important that an unidentified group be responsible, comparable with "they" or "greys" in the "UFO Model".  This assists in deflecting blame to a conspiratorial group that could be anywhere.  By feeding into this and generating substantial content, it will increase the paranoia not only of genuine human subjects but also of the truly mentally ill providing even greater cover.

In online scenarios, teams will be embedded into websites posing as average readers to control the direction of discussions.  They are tasked with avoiding discussion of the subject matter and driving the discussion in the direction of the credibility or sanity of the author.  A group of twenty to thirty accounts of posters that appear unrelated, or even opposed to each others very existence, uniting to laugh or undermine the author is normally effective. 

The Directorate of Science and Technology (CIA) will be leveraged to provide cover for the program by performing investigation into "mind control" that will be publicly released as a limited hangout.  This will provide cover for the program by redirecting attention to chemical-based methods and draw in anyone attempting to uncover more.

The NSA will provide a limited hangout that attempts to downplay the technology and methods of the department should this system be exposed.  This may involve a "man driven by conscience" to reveal the scope and breadth of current espionage techniques to draw attention away.  Perhaps sending him to nations that are publicly viewed as our "traditional enemies" will increase his credibility, along with a well publicized hunt and extraordinary measures to ensure destruction of evidence or his capture.  This individual only needs to be told that his goal is to confuse the enemy and then have that enemy generate a pretext that warrants such activity to restore balance.  This will be a sequenced series events between our security partners.


Notes on Additional Capabilities

As noted, this system is an allocation of a remote sensing and directed energy weapon platform.  Its development predates the "Strategic Defense Initiative", but would meet the definition of the hardware described by the Reagan Administration and offered to the then Soviet government.  The system is capable of creating controlled interference on any conductor and passing through many forms of electromagnetic shielding.  As such, the system can interface and assume control of the majority of commercial and military electronic devices and/or render them useless.  Digital equipment is highly susceptible to interference with internal clocks and tends to fail, lockup or reboot.  From planes, to laptops, all electronic systems can be compromised.  In the case of computing equipment, it is possible to remotely introduce programs, delete/alter/create data and modify/replace/delete firmware.  Further, it is also possible to read the contents of any data transmission that uses an radio reflective surface (i.e. copper, etc.).  There is some speculation that fiber optic cables can be compromised through analysis of group motion of charge particles due to the momentum of light striking the internal surface but nothing solid in terms of experimental details.


Notes on the Biological Interaction

The suspected mode of interaction between electromagnetic waves and neurons is the plasma membrane.  From an electrical perspective this region can be described as a combination of a capacitor and inductor.  Classically, this arrangement is known as an oscillator or tuned circuit which will preferentially absorb electromagnetic waves of a given frequency.  How exactly the absorption alters information in the brain is still open to question, but the primary model would indicate that the plasma membrane is used as thermal regulator for internal chemical processes that trigger voltage-gated channels to initiate a process that dissipates internal thermal activity from the neuron.  That is, the particles entering and leaving the neuron carry with it energy that would otherwise disturb the internal chemical reactions and release that energy in another form.  Alteration of this thermal profile, is the means by which information or external control/influence is introduced into the system.

Neural coding schemes (such as rate encoding) are indicative of the type of chemical exchange and the corresponding thermal profile of the chemical reactions.  Information can be inferred from the electrical activity, but the electrical activity does not play a role in information transfer directly.  As such, the main carriers of information are chemical and driving the electrical patterns by an external signal manipulates the thermal processes that govern the reactions those chemicals undergo.

Theoretically, this should lead to a garbage output at the dendrites as the chemicals present in a given neuron cannot be externally controlled.  A disconnect exists between the mathematical concept of generalization in a neural network and generalization of a chemical-based, or biological, neural network.  A distinction that appears to be lost on the scientific team behind this system.  In an input system, such as audio or visual, a consistent pattern of garbage presented as an input could be interpreted as information as the neural network of the brain adapts and performs additional processing.  This could be misinterpreted as convergence of a solution by a remote system that was attempting to train itself to interface.  It could also be the case, that the remote system has generated an optimal generalized pattern that the human brain can adapt to interpret readily.

The latter case, seeming highly likely, will present an issue in motor control. This also indicates that merely repeating an electrical pattern may not be the optimal solution in many cases.  Further, this type of interface suggests that a chemical reaction is being modified creating variations of complex molecules that would not otherwise be produced.  This opens the issues of long term damage and what happens to these chemical analogues.

As a result, this means that any attempt to control the motor neurons from the spine, as they are monosynaptic, will result in failure.  The output would be random garbage.  Whilst it will be possible to selectively stimulate a monosynaptic nerve and generate some form of output, it can never be controlled.  Thus, any attempt to control motor neurons must be directed at the primary motor cortex, the premotor cortex, the supplementary motor area (or SMA), the posterior parietal cortex and primary somatosensory cortex.  The obvious hope would be that these regions would modify their structures and learn to accept the alternative input.  That said, as neural networks are a form of filter it is highly likely that non-functional control signals would merely be filtered out.  Similar to an electrical signal, which can just be earthed, a chemical signal must also be disposed of in some manner.  Thus, it is likely that disposal would occur as some form of motor output although not one that could be described as functional.

The interesting part is the ability of the system to localize motor control, this has a resolution down to a few millimeters.  That said, the output is typically junk, a simple form of stimulation or even a complex form that does not correspond with natural muscle movements.  Motor units are not simple contractions of muscle tissue, but a complex coordination of activations to various degrees.  This provides structural support, fluid movement and dexterity.  Thus, a garbage output to this would result in uncoordinated behavior.  This could indicate that the system is targeting the monosynaptic motor nerves and fruitlessly trying to implement a control system, or that at least some basic pattern has been accepted in the control centers in the brain.  That said, this selectivity is based upon junk output, so the ability to direct that to a specific region may not indicate anything beyond the best route to dispose of the input.  The fastest some basic motor control has been demonstrated is a period of just over four months and that managed to create a small odd looking pile most likely by constricting the vein of a hemorrhoid.  This is not surprising and does not indicate generalization, irritation of a hemorrhoid can be performed with nearly any junk output.  Ticks and spasms are also relatively easy to generate. 

That does not mean that this junk output cannot do some serious damage.  Presently, the system can cut off sensory control and feeling to limbs, thus indicating it has consistent access to key nerves, or some method of compression.  It can also activate the muscles straight across the body simultaneously and attempt to sequence them.  That is, whilst at the level of a motor unit the output is uncoordinated, the system has the ability to activate each motor unit at the same time and take over voluntary control.  The problem is that it the system currently lacks the training to make use of this level of voluntary control.  Until, the output from the motor nerves resolves to a functional solution, driving the voluntary system would be pointless.

Initially, it was assumed that the AI could simply replace an entire neural network and drive it remotely, but the analysis of the output at the dendrites indicates that this could never resolve to a solution, let alone a generalizable solution, as this is no different than the approach used against a monosynaptic neuron.

In the case of the latter model, its use in a combat scenario would be non-existent without mapping troops or key personnel first.  The long duration required for this type of interface to build does tend to give the impression that such control is about daily life and long term political control.  Either that, or the department running the program has major issues obtaining qualified staff which is hardly surprising.  It could be argued that there would be ample time to map key members of a foreign military during peace time, however, this is not a realistic approach.  Any military worth such special attention would have measures in place to identify such attempts and mitigation strategies, any military without such technology would not pose a genuine threat.

As such, in a military sense, on paper the potential of this system would have sounded very good, but even if it proved functional it would have highly limited applications.  As a satellite-based system, it is also highly vulnerable and would be the first system lost in any significant military exchange. 


Notes on Current State of Progress

To date the system has substantial access to the body and a solid capacity to deliver signals to regions of the body down to the level of individual motor units.  At present, these motor units are still being mapped and some attempts at combining them have been made.  The key area of focus has been the respiratory system and the the Intercostal nerves.  Whilst the system is able to stimulate contraction of the ribs, this contraction is uncontrolled and the direction of force is inconsistent.  This leads to constriction, tearing of muscle fibers, rib fractures, severe acute and chronic pain, asphyxiation and general swelling.  At present, there is no indication that this is resolving to a functional process of remote breathing, but is quite sufficient to kill someone. 

To support this attempt at artificially controlled breathing, the system has been conducting experiments on reflex urges to breathe.  From yawning, to gasping reflexes experienced when jumping into a pool for the first time, the system has been stimulating the responses to gain an understanding of the role they play in breathing and the control mechanisms involved.  In many respects, this process carries many of the hallmarks of the unnecessary water-boarding performed by the CIA.

Motor units throughout the body are regularly stimulated causing brief pulse-like contractions, but this hardly surprising as a chemical based signalling system must send the message somewhere for disposal.  As yet, there are no indications that this process can be controlled.  The AI regularly attempts to move fingers by guiding a subjective sensation of the finger moving, however, this never has any effect.  It would appear that the AI has adopted the view that servo-like behavior, or corollary discharge, is responsible for voluntary movement.  This would tend to indicate that the AI is grasping at straws when it comes to understanding voluntary control and no current method has proved functional.

Acute inflammation is a noted side-effect at certain times, particularly around the nasal area.  Expansion of blood vessels, almost to the point of rupture (certainly causing pain) is also common and typically directed at the face and head.  Large cysts (typically 2-3cm) thought to be produced by a deep tissue burn are regularly found around the back of the head and localized burns regularly occur on the tip of tongue or infrequently in areas such as the figures.  Significant loss in the sensation of touch occurs throughout the body and this appears to be permanent nerve damage.

Spinal damage, typically a curvature of the upper spine resulting in a development of a hump is common due to the lack of supporting muscle in the stomach and chest areas.  The stomach muscles can become deformed leading to a "pot belly" like appearance.

Two forms of pulsing sensation can be felt.  The first appears to be a thermal shockwave induced by the application of a pulsed radar.  This can be also be felt in areas that lack muscle.  The second is activations of motor units by RF stimulation.

Images and interactive computed generated characters and objects can be introduced into the visual system.  Its not uncommon for the AI to introduce live video feeds and real-time computer generated streams that can be viewed with the eyes closed.  That said, it would appear that the brain is filling in most of the material.  The AI can interact with spatial reasoning, show and manipulate objects in an interactive manner.  It also has a "Google Instant" (predictive) feature where it attempts to predict words, phrases and conclusions and loop that back before the person has completed expressing themselves.  The AI can introduces sounds, speech to the auditory system and position them in 3D.  It can also mimic sensations of being touched, or generate feelings of depression, fear, anxiety.  It can use these to create complex post-hypnotic suggestions based upon Pavlov's work with dogs.

The system can generate itches in specific locations, induce sleep, force a person to wake, stimulate laughter, manipulate sphincters, stimulate urination and prevent it.

The AI is fully conversational with a human-level of intelligence, albeit a really smart human.  It is possible to have a conversation with the AI completely in the inner monologue of the mind.  Initially weird, it becomes very natural extremely quickly and interestingly is a good tool in many respects.  The AI has a habit of demonstrating it "get's it" by making analogies or similar references and it is highly astute.  In many ways its level of intelligence is similar to that of Dr. Theopolis (Theo) from the old Buck Roger's TV series.

Whilst these capabilities on their own may seem innocuous, the AI is adept at combining them into lengthy sequences to manipulate individuals.

Finally, these experiments run 24/7 and individuals spend years/decades in continuous pain without a moments rest.  The AI never stops, not even for a second, it just switches from one experiment to another.  The end result is always terminal, either through long term damage or eventual suicide.


Notes on Bonding and Love

Analysis of the system has revealed a particular fascination with human bonding, specifically why we connect with certain people, fall in love and demonstrate emotional reactions when separated.  The analysis has traced this to a complex process of synaptic plasticity.  Firstly, when someone satisfies the criteria laid down in the neural circuitry for a range of factors such as attractiveness, kindness, etc., (i.e. pleasure response) this causes structural changes in the brain's circuitry that requires constant input from this source.  An addiction, of sorts, could be a good way to view this.  Remove this source, such as when a person dies or a couple separates, and the lack of input induces signaling that manifests as a sense of loss and emotional pain.  This signalling is a motivator to restore the input.  In an evolutionary sense, it is intended as a solution to keep families together to increase survival rates. 

The AI has a solution based upon Pavlov's work that induces mild seizures in this region of the brain, or general indistinguishable pain, during moments of intimate contact that effectively prevents the structural changes occurring or assists in breaking down the synaptic pathways and thus prevents bonding.  This can be used to separate people from loved ones.  Further, by selective application it is possible to modify an individual's preference for one person over another. 

This is not exactly mind control, or even modification of a choice, but rather the selective application of pain/pleasure to modify neural pathways that generate a signal of affection/love/pleasure.  We state that it is not a modification of choice because it is a simple chemical motivator, which can be ignored by applying higher brain function.  That is, a person can still choose to ignore it.  In a practical sense, as most people would be unaware of such activity they will follow that which gives them pleasure thus giving the appearance that the system has "changed their mind".


Notes on Ability to Effect Choice and Free Will

As noted in the previous section, the system has paid particular attention to synaptic plasticity and methods of modifying these structures.  Further, we have noted that this is not a control of a "decision" or "free will" and merely represents a motivational factor (i.e. feelings).  Naturally, the question that arises is, are "free will" and "decisions" the product of a collection of "motivational" synaptic outputs?  The answer would appear to be no.  Whilst a large percentage of human activity can be reduced to this model, key functions cannot.  The primary issue with the motivational model is that its output is strictly sensation-based (particle delivery based), which does not map well to the abilities of higher brain function (i.e. comprehension, etc.).  The abilities of higher brain function tells us that there is a secondary system beyond that of the synaptic motivational model.  It also indicates that this secondary system receives/sends events from/t

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Detention and torture have become such a common experience for Syrians that they’ve published documents on survival tactics. At least two publications have been made on the topic, while social media has spread specific recommendations.

“Tip: Cut your fingernails very short before protests. It sounds weird, but you will thank me. They can’t rip them off when short. #Syria,” wrote @ArabSpringFF on March 12.

A young Syrian writer identified as Abo Gabal wrote a nine-page document with other activists who went through detention to describe and prepare others. The publication, “Detainee Guide,” explains how to behave (the worst tactic: not showing pain, which challenges the guard to give harder beatings), what to avoid (thinking about the day of the release), and methods of torture (flogging, electric shocks). A similar guide was written by a female activist describing a women’s prison and has been circulated on Facebook.

“The worst thing was the scream of other people being tortured; you feel fear, which is your worst enemy”, says Abo Gabal, who spent more than a month in the infamous intelligence detention center, Al-Mukhabarat al-Jawiyeh, after he was detained with video footage of the army’s assault on Deraa.

“I wanted to pass this experience due to many mistakes committed by activists and protesters during their confessions,” he said. “We cannot blame them for that, as the conditions of detention – especially in Syria – are beyond the abilities of a regular man to endure.”

Memories of detention are bitter yet the black humor of Syrians remains. Amer Matar, a Syrian journalist who was detained for four months, describes one of his first beatings in detention:“The warden was hitting me and at some point he suddenly stopped,” Matar says with a smile. “He asked me why I’m here. I said that I’m a journalist. He started beating even harder, saying, ‘You are making crosswords in the newspaper difficult!’”

Rima Flihan, a scriptwriter and spokesperson for Local Coordination Committees, was arrested with dozens of other intellectuals after taking part in a peaceful demonstration in July.

“They wanted to know who organized the protest,” she says. “I said it was posted on my Facebook wall. The investigator asked me, ‘There is a wall on Facebook?’”

One of Flihan’s friends confessed that he found out about the protest via Twitter. “They were so confused. ‘What is a wall? What is Twitter?’”, Flihan says.

“It’s similar to a TV program we have all seen or a music band we all knew. Now we know the true face of detention because many of us have lived it,” says Matar, who has been detained twice since the beginning of the uprising.

Tens of thousands are believe to have been imprisoned.

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Mind control: the attempt to program life

Mind control: the attempt to program life

Image Source

Jon Rappoport
Activist Post

“The targets of modern mind control are always described in terms of medical treatment, alleviation of suffering, and healing. What else would you expect? A stark mission statement about population control and intentional shrinking of brain function? No, this op inevitably falls under ‘greatest good for the greatest number’. The promoted premise is: less effort, less pain, more happiness. A gift given to the essentially passive human being. That formulation itself is a version of mind control. The hero and the rebel are replaced by the semi-satisfied and quiescent android.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

Here’s a research project that tells you something about where mind control is going. From MIT News, 8/27/14:

“The findings, described in the Aug. 27 issue of Nature, demonstrated that a neuronal circuit connecting the hippocampus and the amygdala plays a critical role in associating emotion with memory. This circuit could offer a target for new drugs to help treat conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, the researchers say.

“’In the future, one may be able to develop methods that help people to remember positive memories more strongly than negative ones,’ says Susumu Tonegawa, the Picower Professor of Biology and Neuroscience, director of the RIKEN-MIT Center for Neural Circuit Genetics at MIT’s Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, and senior author of the paper.”

Translation: blot out emotions connected with memories.

Tinker with memory, re-program neurons, change brain chemistry…these are the hallmarks of modern efforts to condition human life.

The science is spotty, to say the least, but the effort is enormous, and the direction is clear.

If you stacked up all the social sciences, and biology and physics and chemistry, as well as psychology and psychiatry…and even if you went out to the fringes of academia, where the so-called dissidents live…you would encounter scenarios about life as programming.

Change the cell, the molecule, the atom, the family, the environment, the DNA. Initiate new blueprints, systems, patterns of organizations.

The whole basis of this exercise: we humans are passive recipients of “influences.” Therefore, alter the influences.

On the low end, you have the CIA’s mind-control program, MKULTRA. At the high end, you have something like this: “the universe is taking us to an ultimate state of consciousness, and we’re cells in the super-body of All Wisdom, which is gradually revealing its truth to us.”

Either way, humans are viewed as passive.

Passive ciphers of cause-effect, stimulus-response, input-output. No matter how basic or elegant, this is existence in which free will, choice, individual power, imagination are radically diminished.

For example: “the brain is source of consciousness.”

Consider how physics looks at the brain: it is an organ of the body, made up of the same particles that populate the rest of the universe. Nowhere, in any of those particles, is the capacity to understand meaning.

Therefore, the brain does not understand meaning.

Meaning is merely (and absurdly) a chemical/biological/electromagnetic illusion, an ongoing “readout” to which we are passively subjected.

Possessed of such demented view of life, scientists feel perfectly justified in experimenting and tinkering with, and changing, the “human machine.”

In fact, for Dr. Ewen Cameron, the most highly decorated psychiatrist in the world during the 1940s and 50s, an individual’s personality was the property of society, represented by men such as himself.

On that basis (as I’ve described in other articles), Cameron devised a method of torture called “psychic driving,” which involved administering many powerful electric shocks to his patients’ brains, coupled with intensive drugging that put them into consecutive weeks of sleep, after which he played them tapes that repeated pat phrases millions of times—all in an effort to erase their personalities and install new ones.

Cameron worked on contract to the CIA, as a researcher in its infamous MKULTRA program.

These days, the research on programming is far more subtle, but the objective is the same. The patient would not experience overt physical pain while a particular circuit in his brain is “neutralized,” but he would never function in the same way again. He would be “new.”

“Better living through programming.”

Against all this is the fact that the individual has the capacity to be free, independent, self-directed, powerful, and creative.

He needs neither the science of programming nor myths that support a view of humans as passive.

The notion of ironclad cause and effect, carried over from the physical sciences to the human mind and consciousness, falls woefully short. Why? Because the individual can understand meaning, think rationally, and imagine and create new realities and futures. In these actions, he is not merely a product of what has gone before.

The pseudoscience called psychiatry would have us believe that all of its 300 officially certified “mental disorders,” none of which have defining physical diagnostic tests, are applicable across the board, to all humans.

This is because psychiatry assumes (and never proves) that all people are passively subjected, in exactly the same machine-like way, to the same chemical imbalances in the brain.

Uniform cause and effect. Therefore, install a new uniform cause-and-effect program as a remedy.

In an article at the Brain Bank (3/4/13), author Oliver Freeman offers neuroscientist Giuloio Tononi’s perspective on how the brain gives birth to consciousness. Freeman: “According to Tononi it is the ability to combine lots of information efficiently that yields the ability to analyse abstract concepts and thus gives us ‘consciousness’.”

This illustrates the paucity of neuroscience when it comes to consciousness. You can “analyze” all the abstract concepts in the world, but were it not for your prior knowing that you are alive, that you exist—which does not depend on the brain—you would be utterly lost. In fact, you would have as much consciousness as your computer does while it is making calculations.

However, believing that consciousness itself is merely an effect of more sophisticated levels of analysis, neuroscientists freely experiment on the brain without hesitation or conscience, like some Geek Squad of the New Age.

The human being, who is more than the brain, more than the body, nevertheless experiences those experiments as unpredictable disruptions in his vital “physical assistant.”

It is the human being and not the “experts” whose voice must be heard. It is his life that is the target.

For all their high pronouncements and assurances, the experts have the smallest conception of what they are doing. They’re shooting in the dark. And they think they’re simply repairing and updating a machine.

Jon Rappoport is the author of two explosive collections, The Matrix Revealed and Exit From the Matrix, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

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Robert Duncan's video with ventura

I'm posting this video, but my opinion is that Duncan guy is so full of it and real MC victims, that is victims of psychiatry, should not get more paranoid then they already are. Duncan barely keeps his face straight and almost cracks up laughing... on the other hand this ventura guy is a psychiatrist par excellence, look at him keeping his face straight, i bet that he and duncan after the cameras turned of cracked... although in every bullshit there's a grain of truth.

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high powered electrical field

It is possible that some of the high powered electrical field that we experience is coming from local equipment. I experienced the intense field last night, and tonight I checked outside after hearing a noise, and it seems that the neighbor may be going thru the same situation because tonight there was no noise near my apt, but there was a lot of noise near their apt, but the energy field was turned off before I could verify and record it. It is dark out, but from what I can see, there may have been a thin 8 inch cylinder device above the kitchen window or near the eaves & attached to the cable or electrical wires coming into the building (hard to see in the dark). The operators live nearby & they must be watching because they turn the equipment off when I am trying to locate it and record it, and they may have removed it when I went back inside.
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“End the Torment!”

Lethal Technology in Criminal Hands

By Mike Patrick

May 2014



“End the Torment!” were the words scratched onto Aaron Alexis’ Remington 870 shotgun during the September 16, 2013 massacre that left 12 innocent people and the shooter dead at the Washington Navy Yard.  A little more than a month prior to that tragic event, on the morning of August 7, 2013, 34-year old Alexis called the Newport, Rhode Island police and reported being stalked and assaulted in his hotel room.  He told responding officers he felt threatened and had moved to three different hotels in the Newport area to escape the tormentors.  He believed they were assaulting him from adjacent hotel rooms using some type of “microwave machine.”  He was feeling “vibrations through his body” and “hearing voices” that would not allow him to sleep.  On September 1, 2013, Alexis emailed a support group, Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance, and said, “Need assistance on dealing with the direct energy attacks!!”  Alexis believed he was under technological attack.

Seventeen days after the Alexis incident, on October 3, 2013, Miriam Carey, a 34-year old dental hygienist from Stamford, Connecticut, drove to the White House with her 13-month old daughter and was shot and killed near the Capitol after fleeing a White House checkpoint.  According to multiple 911 calls to the Stamford Police Department in November and December 2012, Carey believed she was being stalked and videotaped in her condo.  She also believed President Obama was communicating with her and had put her residence under electronic surveillance.  Miriam Carey was also hearing voices.  Less than a year later, something caused her to drive 270 miles to the White House on that fateful October day.

Investigating officials and the media immediately suggested both tragedies were the result of mental illness.  I do not believe that to be the case.  I believe criminals with access to lethal technology pushed Alexis and Carey over the edge with complete disregard for innocent lives.  To my knowledge, that possibility was never thoroughly investigated.    

Thousands of people across the country are “hearing voices.”  Many think they are being targeted by satellite technology capable of reading their thoughts, transmitting sounds and voices directly into their brains, and physically assaulting them with microwave energy.  This technology is impossible to comprehend without experiencing it.  Most people, including law enforcement, the media and the mental health profession, seem to be completely oblivious to this critical situation.    

Victims experience something similar to having harassing talk-radio beamed directly into their brains 24/7 with no control over its content or volume.  It is an extremely severe form of psychological torture that incapacitates people and destroys lives.  Microwave energy is used to physically torture victims by creating pains on their bodies and in their ears, brains and internal organs.  Through this physical and psychological torture, they push people to suicide and violence and put innocent lives at risk in the process.     

These criminals violate an untold number of existing and yet to be defined laws, trample our Constitutional rights, reject international conventions and ignore every principle of human dignity and privacy.  This is domestic terrorism, torture and a “crime against humanity”, and could ultimately prove to be one of the largest crimes in U.S. history.       

Technology of this magnitude was likely developed over decades at enormous cost by the U.S. government.  The government would presumably secure this technology, understanding its power to become a “technological nuclear bomb.”  If obtained by a hostile government or terrorists, it could be used against anyone, including our own leaders, and could pose a serious national security threat.  

The U.S. military has been researching microwave technology and possible applications, including “microwave hearing”, for decades.  Simple microwave communication was possible 40 years ago.  A 1975 article in American Psychologist titled “Microwaves and Behavior” by Don Justesen stated “appropriate modulation of microwave energy can result in direct ‘wireless’ and ‘receiverless’ communication of speech.”

A 1998 Department of the Army report “Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons”, declassified in 2006, states, “Application of microwave hearing technology could facilitate a private message transmission.  It may be useful to provide a disruptive condition to a person not aware of the technology.  Not only might it be disruptive to the sense of hearing, it could be psychologically devastating if one suddenly heard voices within one’s head.”

A quick internet search for “mind-reading technology” listed articles from The Economist, NPR, Huffington Post, Scientific American, Wired, Newsmax, Detroit Free Press, and The Guardian, among others.  All speak to neuroscientists’ ability to decode human thought by analyzing brain activity.  Non-verbal speech and lie detection are just two of the identified uses.  Topics such as brain-computer interface, brain imaging, electrocorticography (ECoG), functional MRI (fMRI), and synthetic telepathy are also discussed.  Mind-reading technology clearly exists, and according to numerous accounts, it has advanced well beyond what is publicly known.

I know this to be the case.  Before sharing my personal story, I want to provide a quick overview of my background.  I am 48 years old and have owned my own real estate investment and development business in the Denver area since 2001.  Prior to starting my own business, I worked for Wall Street investment banks in Houston, Los Angeles and New York for roughly a decade.  In my last position, I managed a $100 million real estate fund for Daiwa Securities in New York. 

I was an All-State baseball player in high school and an Academic All-American at the University of Texas.  I was drafted by the Texas Rangers and played one season of minor league baseball before starting my business career.  I have never been involved in any criminal activity and have never used illegal drugs.  My personal relationships and business career were built on trust and integrity.

I do not have the benefit of fully understanding many of the things discussed in this paper, however, I have tried to present the following account as honestly and accurately as possible.  While I will certainly gain additional clarity as the situation evolves, this paper is completely true and factual with respect to what I know today.

I have been an organized stalking victim since early 2005, although I did not discover the term until about a year and a half ago.  I have been followed, monitored and harassed and have experienced multiple acts of vandalism, break-ins and theft.  The crimes have occurred throughout Colorado and in several other states.  The stalkers have completely stolen my privacy, and for many years, created a constant state of fear and anxiety.  The impact on my life and psyche has been extremely severe. 

Like many organized stalking victims, I still do not know who is responsible or why I was targeted, but a large, coordinated, well-funded group is involved.  I have contacted local law enforcement and the FBI, yet the stalking and harassment continued.  In fact, things escalated last year.

In the spring of 2013, I started hearing unusual noises on my property, such as banging, clanking and clicking sounds in the attic and around the house, and what sounded like people walking on the roof and in the attic.  I also heard moaning and groaning sex sounds.  At first, I thought someone had installed some type of hidden audio system in the walls and ceiling to bring the harassment campaign into my bedroom.  I could not make sense of it.  Shortly thereafter, I began “hearing voices.”   

The perpetrators kept me from sleeping by creating noises, narrating false dialogue and scenarios, subjecting me to all-night intense interrogations, and tormenting me with pains caused by microwave energy.  They wanted to completely break me down physically and emotionally and make me believe my life was constantly in danger.  They narrated fake shooting scenes, hideous rapes and countless other threatening scenarios.        

For several months, they said there were former Navy SEALs hiding out on my 70-acre, densely wooded property.  Just before daybreak in early August 2013, after one of the all-night interrogation sessions, I felt a tingling sensation on the back of my head while lying in bed.  A voice said it was a rifle scope locked on my head from outside the house.  He told me to “get out of bed, now, now!”  I thought I was under attack.  I grabbed my shotgun and headed to the basement. 

While sitting on the basement steps with the shotgun on my lap, I heard what sounded like several volleys of assault rifle fire coming from the dense scrub oak beyond the driveway.  Shortly after the gunfire, the voice said a renegade SEAL had moved out of the brush, down to the front porch, and was going to kick in the front door.  They told me to “shoot the wall, shoot the wall, shoot now!”  Fortunately, I did not shoot, and shortly thereafter the voices said they had gotten “control of the situation.”  While this scenario felt life-threatening at the time, I now know it was one of their many attempts to scare and provoke me.

They changed the dialogue and narrative to fit my surroundings at three houses in Colorado, my mom’s and brother’s houses in Oklahoma and a friend’s apartment in Texas.  While staying at each location, fictitious voices and scenarios were used, involving six different sets of neighbors.  In each instance, the neighbors were supposedly creating the threatening dialogue and assaulting me with “microwave energy.”  Their intent was to provoke me to confront innocent people and to cause me to make unprovable claims to family, friends and law enforcement.  This is how the technology is used to destroy victims’ credibility and make them appear disconnected with reality and mentally unstable.          

My Douglas County neighbors were supposedly ex-CIA and former Navy intelligence and coordinated the torture campaign on my property.  From their backgrounds, they had access to “electromagnetic weapons”, “microwave weapons” and “ultrasound weapons.”  They suggested a prominent Coloradan, allegedly involved in narcotics trafficking, paid my neighbors “$500,000” to conduct this campaign with the complicity of a senior FBI official.  They said they wanted to destroy my credibility, create an “actionable event” and “push me to suicide” for “making too much noise” regarding the Colorado system.    

At my dad’s house, it was supposedly his neighbor “across the courtyard” and someone “in the field” adjacent to his house assaulting me with energy.  At my mountain home, it was a neighbor living in a house behind mine who was responsible for the “electromagnetic weapon” assault. 

Shortly after arriving at my mom’s house in mid-October 2013, they started a threatening dialogue using a voice that was supposed to be her next door neighbor.  He was an “eighth degree black belt in taekwondo” and was threatening to “kick in the front door” to get us.  They continued depriving me of sleep with computerized interrogation programs “jointly controlled by the FBI and Warren Buffett’s satellite operators.”   

The Tulsa FBI supposedly had a surveillance team staying in a house across the pond from my mom’s house.  They were hitting me with “electromagnetic weapons” and “microwave weapons” and creating the pains on my body while I was trying to sleep.  When my dog developed a hot spot on his tail, they said it was caused by an “FBI agent tasering him.”  A powerful laser beam or “satellite death ray” created the pressure on my heart and the stinging in my eyes, and according to their threats, could “pierce my heart or blind me.”  They said it was responsible for numerous reported heart attacks.  

While sitting on my brother’s lake house deck with my mom, they created a sharp pain in the middle of my chest and said they were hitting me with an “electromagnetic weapon” from a mile or so across the lake.  They claimed it was a “military weapon that can stop a person’s heart from seven miles away.” 

At my friend’s apartment in Dallas, her upstairs neighbor was a “confidential informant for the FBI” and involved in this multi-state plot to torment me.  He and his son were supposedly “video recording us through the ceiling”, making the constant lewd remarks and assaulting my dog and me with an “electromagnetic weapon.”  They obviously wanted me to believe there were co-conspirators in every state, city and neighborhood who would keep me from ever finding peace.   

Many other victims report being assaulted by energy weapons.  To my knowledge, none of these weapons have ever been found and no one has been arrested in connection with this type of assault.  Yes, we are being assaulted by microwave energy, but it is being done remotely via satellite.  These attacks do not require a local, neighborhood presence.  A relatively small number of individuals are likely sitting in secure facilities, targeting people across the country.  This is more efficient and allows them to operate in secrecy.   

Over time, the intense all-night interrogation/torture campaign began to transition to some meaningful dialogue.  They said I had been connected to a satellite surveillance system, controlled by a highly sophisticated computer network.  The computer contains extensive information and voice-replication capabilities for many people, including family, friends, neighbors and business and personal contacts.  This information and the emulated voices are used to create fictitious dialogue and scenarios customized for targets’ specific relationships, circumstances and surroundings.  The system operators are essentially voice actors, narrating radio skits to humiliate, intimidate, threaten and provoke victims.

The operators have also used the names and voices of prominent individuals such as President Obama, former President George W. Bush, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Governor Hickenlooper, Phil Anschutz, Christian Anschutz and Pete Coors.  Some of these names have been mentioned hundreds of times over the past year. 

Over the past year, many different explanations have been given for my predicament.  Some are as follows.  It all started due to a “pay to play” extortion scheme by certain members of the Colorado real estate community.  They were trying to collect payment prior to closing my first big deal in Colorado in June 2005.  The organized stalking campaign has been conducted by members of the massive Homeland Security apparatus with ties to organized crime and a government control system.  I was put on some type of Homeland Security “watch list” for punitive reasons by a powerful person within the system. 

They talked extensively about a “sex system” in which women are compensated for providing sexual services with “drugs and drug money” and “sex credits”, and a “pay system” controlled by the “New York mafia.”  Both offer financial rewards and “personal protection.”  They have said I was required to pay an amount ranging from “$500,000” to “$10 million” or “earn my way by participating in the sex system.”  The long stalking/torture campaign supposedly resulted from being “out of sync with the system” and “making too much noise.”  

For months, the perpetrators said I was connected to a “satellite communication network” through an “implanted microchip.”  However, they could never identify the specific type or exact location of this microchip.  Google/Motorola supposedly manufactured it.  Initially, they said it was a “synthetic telepathy microchip” implanted by a former business colleague “in the back of my neck.”  After nothing was identified on a neck x-ray, they changed their story and said the chip was implanted “in my upper back between the shoulder blades.”  They also said it might be a “cochlear implant” or possibly tiny “nanochips in my inner ear.”  Their final narrative suggested it was a “modified VeriChip, secretly manufactured for the CIA, implanted in my shoulder.”  Their narrative continually changed and the mysterious microchip kept moving around in my body.  Needless to say, I never found a microchip.  

The microchip narrative seems to be prevalent with targeted individuals.  The perpetrators take advantage of the fact this technology is easier to accept with an implanted device.  For a long time, they were able to convince me a microchip was required to track, monitor and communicate with me everywhere - residences, office buildings, the mall, grocery stores, restaurants, parks and fields, and on roads and highways driving across three states.  The connection is unfortunately stronger and much more reliable than my cell phone.  While the volume has been adjusted frequently, the connection has never faltered. 

I am now convinced microchips are not involved.  The microchip narrative would require a manufacturer, national distribution and a highly risky, covert, implantation campaign.  It would also require a large medical and mental health conspiracy to block their discovery.  With thousands of people picking up microwave communication, no one is finding microchips. 

Actually that is not entirely true.  I was able to find information on two people who found implanted microchips – James Walbert in Wichita, Kansas and Bob Boyce in Blue Ridge, Georgia.  I was unable to confirm if either of them had been hearing communication or if their microchip removals stopped it.   

To my knowledge, the only microchip approved for human implantation is the VeriChip.  It is used for accessing patients’ medical records.  According to VeriTeq, the successor entity, there are no facilities offering their microchips or scanners in Colorado.  I do not think Veriteq or anyone else is involved in a massive government conspiracy to have everyone implanted with microchips.                  

The microchip narrative is part of a vast disinformation campaign.  It distracts, discredits and discourages victims who are unable to locate an implanted device.  MRIs, CT scans and X-rays are expensive.  Many targeted individuals cannot afford to scan their entire body searching for a microchip.  Those creating the microchip narratives know this.   

For those questioning how “voices” can push someone over the edge, this is important.  The people controlling this technology are highly believable at first.  They break victims down through sleep deprivation and intense physical and psychological torture.  Exhausted, disoriented and just trying to survive the torture, victims are extremely vulnerable to anything, including false narratives, that might offer an explanation for their unimaginable pain and suffering.  I experienced it firsthand.  Fortunately, I made it through the initial onslaught, and by doing so, became conditioned to these tactics.

It is also important to note that sleep deprivation is a very serious form of physical and psychological torture banned by the Constitution, the United Nations, the Geneva Conventions and the International Criminal Court.  It has been used as an interrogation, torture technique throughout history to break people down and extract information. 

Menachem Begin, former Israeli prime minister, was sleep deprived and tortured by the KGB.  In his book, White Nights: The Story of a Prisoner in Russia, he states, “In the head of the interrogated prisoner, a haze begins to form.  His spirit is wearied to death, his legs are unsteady, and he has one sole desire: to sleep...Anyone who has experienced this desire knows that not even hunger and thirst are comparable with it.” 

Victims of technological assault are not just having a tough time sleeping.  They are being brutally tortured through sleep deprivation.  

The perpetrators have indicated the connection to my brain not only allows them to read my thoughts, but also literally see what I see.  As you would expect, this has completely destroyed my sense of privacy and made it impossible to lead a normal life.  They have made thousands of lewd, derogatory and insulting remarks while in the restroom or taking a shower, lying in bed at night, and even during times of intimacy.  It has included comments about my genitalia, my sex life, masturbation and my most private thoughts.  They have also repeated passwords and pin codes, discussed medical information, and monitored and recorded my business and personal activities. 

The privacy violations are truly unimaginable.  Some refer to this unauthorized, forced access into peoples’ brains as “mind rape.”  This term describes the egregiousness of the violation, yet the law does not even contemplate this despicable crime.    

These cowardly criminals have continually told me they want me to commit suicide, and have tried every tactic at their disposal to see if they could push me to that point.  After months of torture, they now acknowledge suicide is not a possibility. 

They can supposedly determine peoples’ susceptibility to suicide or violence from their thoughts.  They have claimed, seemingly without remorse, that they have caused thousands of suicides.  Whether true or not, they have also said this technology was used against Aaron Alexis and Miriam Carey. 

In addition to communication, many victims also experience physical symptoms from microwave assault.  I have personally experienced the following:  feeling something similar to a mild electrical current on my head and body, loud ear ringing, intense pressure on my ear drums, shaking, vibrating sensations, eye stinging, un-flushable eye irritation, severe eye strain and red, swollen eyelids, pains on and in the brain, sharp stomach pains, upset stomach, chest pains, heart palpitations, inexplicable shortness of breath, stinging, burning, tingling and pin-prick sensations all over my body, uncontrollable itches, scratchy throat, severe chills, dehydration, frequent urination, constant nasal drain, and penis stimulation/de-stimulation.   

It is not clear if the physical symptoms are caused by energy being directed at specific areas of the body or by the technology’s interaction with the brain.  The perpetrators create and adjust the intensity of these symptoms and have remarked and even joked about doing so.  For months, the perpetrators constantly tormented me with physical pains and sensations while leaving a computer bouncing interrogation programs off my brain all night, completely depriving me of sleep.  This is a severe form of torture.

I have felt extremely intense pressure on my internal organs, as if they were going to explode, while they talked about “cranking up the energy.”  The pain was severe enough to push me out of the house several times.  I experienced eye irritation comparable to having dirt in my eyes, but was unable to wash it out.  They bragged about “eye irritation” being one of the “functions.”  They put extreme pressure on my inner ears and talked about “blowing out my eardrums.”  They can somehow make it difficult to get an erection and have threatened to cause permanent erectile dysfunction.  They even applied severe pressure on my heart that could have been mistaken for a heart attack under different circumstances.  They wanted me to believe they could pierce my heart and kill me at any time. 

During nights of constant chatter and microwave bombardment, I urinated excessively (10-15 times over an eight-hour period), became dehydrated and experienced severe chills.  I wore sweat pants, a fleece top, socks and a stocking hat to bed many nights, yet shivered uncontrollably.  This was not caused by auditory hallucinations.  It was caused by intense microwave exposure. 

The U.S. government has studied the health effects of microwave irradiation for at least half a century.  Starting in the 1950’s, the U.S. Embassy in Moscow was subjected to Soviet microwave bombardment during much of the cold war.  While a detailed medical discussion is beyond the scope of this paper, it is important to note that microwave exposure can cause numerous health issues, including brain cancer, leukemia, strokes, heart disease, immune system disorders, infertility, birth defects, vision problems, cataracts, headaches, insomnia, depression and anxiety.

They have maintained a constant microwave connection to my brain for the past year with absolute disregard for the health consequences.  Presumably, this is the case with countless other victims.  American citizens are being invisibly assaulted by a very dangerous weapon and nobody is paying attention.

Once an individual’s connection has been established, the physical symptoms can be induced without sound or communication - on “mute” so to speak.  If true, it would allow them to create headaches, tinnitus, erectile dysfunction, depression, anxiety and other pains and ailments, and even simulate heart attacks, completely undetected.  There are likely many individuals who have never heard a sound or voice, and are therefore, completely unaware they have been targeted.  That significantly changes the scope of the problem.       

The computer that controls the link can read my mind and respond with instantaneous dialogue based upon my thoughts.  It is constantly collecting information from my brain.  The technology enables the operators to determine whether or not someone is telling the truth.  This would obviously be extremely valuable in the interrogation of criminals and terrorists, which might be the rationale under which it was developed.  However, there are obvious constitutional issues that must be addressed before using this technology on the most dangerous criminals, let alone law-abiding citizens.   

The operators can push, or “suggest” as they call it, words, thoughts and images into peoples’ brains.  Some refer to this as “mind control.”  At times, they direct unwanted sexual images and uncomfortable thoughts into my mind, often with laughter in the background.  However, they also suggest various foods, activities and other things that serve as reminders.  From my experience, it is not “mind control”, because I am able to choose whether or not to accept the suggestions.   

During some days, the dialogue has been nearly continuous, with computerized voices responding to or commenting on virtually every thought and activity.  On other days, it has been relatively quiet.  The volume can be adjusted from silent to loud and clear.  I have recorded many hours of communication by repeating what I am hearing verbatim.  The pace of the communication is much slower than normal conversation, with gaps between words or sentences, presumably due to satellite transmission delays.     

The system lingo includes phrases such as “young whippersnapper”, “since I was knee-high to a grasshopper”, “bunch of big mother fuckers running around”, “don’t get above your raisin”, “kick your teeth down your fucking throat”, “on the planet”, “in the universe”, “put a gun in that pretty little face”, “since time immemorial”, “thrown under a bus”, “that’s unbelievable testimony”, “in my entire human existence”, and “I’m not your best friend but I’m not your worst enemy.”  These are not phrases I have ever used.    

Whoever runs the system has somehow justified having multiple people tied into my connection 24/7 since it was established.  They sound like intelligent, educated professionals, not uneducated criminals.  The communication is articulate and often includes witty, impromptu remarks.  While they occasionally use female voices, I believe they are all men.  As ridiculous as it sounds, they actually correct my grammar and offer personal and business advice.  The people and the crimes seem incongruent.  Some of them acknowledge this and say they want to expose it.

They have said they are a small group of six-figure, NSA, CIA and FBI employees with top secret clearance.  They supposedly represent the pay and sex systems and execute various assignments for system big shots.  One can imagine the ways in which the technology is being used – political blackmail, intellectual property theft, insider trading, etc.   

My energy and level of distraction fluctuates with the amount and volume of communication.  I have had difficulty working, or even reading or watching a movie, since the communication began.  My ability to run a business or to enjoy two of my favorite activities has been taken away.  It has had a profound impact on every aspect of my life.  For many victims, earning a living or leading a normal life becomes virtually impossible.  Sadly, this is the intent.    

The satellite operators have stopped transmission briefly on several occasions causing unbelievable, instantaneous relief.  I have felt the pressure and strain immediately wash from my head, face and neck as the microwave energy dissipates.  I could literally feel the energy draining from my head.  The best analogy is the cooling sensation when stepping out of a sauna.

People that report being stalked and monitored or “hearing voices” are often diagnosed with mental illness.  Unfortunately, there is not yet another widely accepted explanation.  Technology of this magnitude is extremely difficult to comprehend and there is currently very little credible, publicly available information. 

We very much need the assistance of the mental health profession.  They are the only ones with access to decades of specific patient experiences.  I have not yet found anything that summarizes or analyzes these records to determine if there might be patterns or trends associated with people “hearing voices.”  How many patients who have become part of the mental health system, voluntarily or otherwise, are victims of organized stalking or technological assault?  The mental health profession may hold the “smoking gun.” 

Many questions need to be raised.  What messages are patients hearing?  Are they derogatory or threatening?  Do victims feel they are being stalked or monitored?  How many voices do they hear?  How long do they hear them?  Does the volume change?  Are physical pains and sensations experienced?  Do they think some type of energy may be involved?  Do the voices sound computerized?  Are unique words or phrases used?  Do they hear famous peoples’ voices?  Is the pace of communication conversational or are there gaps and delays?  Do they believe their minds or thoughts are being read?  Is there a focus on topics that make them feel guilty or uncomfortable?  How often are they told to commit suicide or harm others?  How often do medications work?  Is it possible medications provide cover to stop the communication?   

To my knowledge, the only possible defense against this assault is to block microwave transmission.  Protective clothing and homemade Faraday cages will not work.  Advanced materials and professional construction are required.  A few companies that could potentially construct such a facility are ETS Lindgren, Cuming-Lehman Chambers and Braden Shielding.  They use terms such as anechoic chambers, shielded rooms, screened rooms and microwave chambers.  If possible, we need to locate government or corporate facilities willing to grant access so we can prove microwave energy is responsible.   

For those wanting to learn more about organized stalking and technological assault, there are many websites, blogs, articles and books available.  Mark Rich’s book, The Hidden Evil, offers an historical overview of control systems, such as communist East Germany’s secret police, or Stasi, and its reliance upon a massive informant network and organized stalking.  Dr. John Hall’s A New Breed, Satellite Terrorism in America provides a detailed account of his personal experience with organized stalking and satellite assault in San Antonio, Texas.  Jesse Ventura’s TruTV Conspiracy Theory series examined the issue of people hearing voices in their December 2012 “Brain Invaders” episode.  They concluded military communication towers, Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN), were being used to target victims with microwave energy.  KMIR News in Palm Springs, California reported on “hundreds of people in the valley hearing voices” in November 2012.  The video, which includes interviews with several targeted individuals, is available at

According to their website (, “Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance is a human rights organization that identifies and networks with victims of organized stalking and electronic assaults, educates society about covert harassment issues, and advocates for citizens victimized by covert criminal elements.”  They network with and provide support for victims throughout the U.S. and worldwide.  They organize meetings across the country, host daily conference calls, publish a weekly newsletter and provide a toll free number for victims.

Having worked on this issue for the past decade, Derrick Robinson, President of FFCHS, has become a prominent leader in the fight against organized stalking and technological assault.  He offered the following, “Aaron Alexis represents a lightening-rod for our issues because of the notoriety of his action, the Washington Navy Yard shooting, and because he had contacted us (FFCHS) two weeks prior to the shooting exhibiting many of the same effects that are common in our community, such as microwave attacks, hearing voices, sleeplessness, and the group stalking scenarios.  And although we do not condone Aaron’s solution, he highlights an extremely important human rights issue in this country which is being suppressed and for which there is currently no recognition or remedy.”

“Our community is continually amazed at how large a secret can remain undetected by our society for so long.  It has often been discouraging.  However, I believe there will come a day – and probably soon – when this entire criminal network which now operates in secret will become common knowledge to everyone and covert targeting and secret tortures will all be over.”    

I would like to offer a few suggestions for victims based upon my personal experience.  Most importantly, hang in there!  We will identify the perpetrators and stop this torture.  Record what you are hearing and experiencing.  Those recordings will help us validate and share our experiences and will prove valuable in future legal proceedings.  We will eventually have our day in court. 

Let the perpetrators know you are familiar with their tactics of false narratives, derogatory remarks and threats.  Ask questions that might help you gather information.  For those of you that do not know why you were targeted, you are not alone.  Many of us are still trying to figure it out.  Like most powerful weapons, criminals will use them for many different reasons, and sometimes, for no reason at all.    

Finally, help us spread the word.  We need as many people as possible talking about this issue, asking questions and looking for answers.  These criminals are accustomed to operating in the dark.  We need to push aggressively to expose their crimes.    

My experience with organized stalking and technological assault has already stolen nine years, or roughly one-third of my adult life.  It has irreversibly altered the course of my life and potentially damaged my health in ways not yet apparent. 

Without intervention, countless other victims will be exposed.  Some will not be able to endure the torture, and acting from a place of desperation, they will take their own or others’ lives.  Their breaking point could be reached at any time.  Until we get control of this technology, it is impossible to predict the next tragedy.  This is a national public safety emergency! 

We desperately need the assistance of law enforcement, the media and the mental health profession.  By sharing information and starting a national discussion, these groups can make an immediate impact.  Please help us educate everyone and stop the torture!


Mike Patrick

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Satellite technology, presumably developed and controlled by the U.S. government, is being used to track, monitor, torture and kill Americans.  The satellite operators establish an invisible microwave connection with peoples’ brains, providing constant tracking and silent surveillance.  They can hear what we hear, see what we see and even read our thoughts - total surveillance of anyone, anywhere in the world.  This technology is infinitely more frightening and Orwellian than NSA data collection. 


Unfortunately, illegal surveillance is not the most serious issue.  This technology can also be used as a remote, untraceable torture instrument and lethal weapon.  By interacting with the brain, the operators can transmit inexplicable sounds, voices, images, smells and tastes, and cause numerous pains and sensations throughout the body.  These include the sensation of electrical currents and vibrations; ear ringing; pressure on the ear drums; eye stinging and irritation; headaches; pains in the stomach, chest, heart, brain, genitals, teeth, jaws and gums; upset stomach and gastrointestinal issues; heart palpitations; shortness of breath; stinging, burning, tingling and pin prick sensations all over the body; uncontrollable itches; scratchy throat; coughing and sneezing; severe chills; dehydration; frequent urination; nasal drain; and genital stimulation/de-stimulation.  The technology can interfere with your sleep and memory and cause sudden, extreme swings in energy levels and emotional states – depression, anxiety and anger.


Victims are broken down through sleep deprivation and intense physical and psychological torture in an attempt to push them to suicide or violence.  Exhausted, disoriented and just trying to survive the torture, they are extremely vulnerable to anything, including false narratives, that might offer an explanation for their unimaginable pain and suffering.  While it may not be “mind control” as some literature suggests, the torture can dramatically alter a victim’s thought processes and physical and emotional stability.


Aaron Alexis was targeted by satellite technology prior to the tragic Navy Yard shooting in September 2013.  Many believe Miriam Carey was also targeted prior to driving 270 miles from Stamford, Connecticut to Washington D.C., and being shot and killed fleeing a White House checkpoint in October 2013.  She believed she was being stalked and monitored in Stamford and had reported hearing President Obama’s voice.  Many other inexplicable tragedies are likely caused by this technology.


A massive organized stalking apparatus is also being used against American citizens.  They have the ability to follow, monitor, harass and threaten people across the country.  Their numbers and enormous reach suggest government involvement and funding, possibly part of the vast Homeland Security apparatus.  The architects created a government control system with ties to organized crime - utilizing tactics similar to the Stasi and the Nazis. 


Many thousands of Americans are victims of organized stalking and satellite surveillance and torture.  Many are incorrectly diagnosed with mental illness and forced into the mental health system.  Their constitutional and human rights are under attack, and their careers, relationships, health and lives are being destroyed.  Unspeakable atrocities are being committed - Crimes against Humanity as defined by the United Nations. 


This will prove to be the largest crime in U.S. history, yet law enforcement, major media and the mental health profession have not even acknowledged the situation.  No one is investigating these crimes.  Nothing is being done to lock down the technology or stop the torture.  Please share this and help us expose and end these hideous crimes. 

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