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NSA TORTURE TECHNOLOGY, NEWS and RESEARCH (Insider Tells All Found by Accident)





Nov 4 2010, 4:28 am


A MUST READ for every one
“…I was eventually offered a place in the syndicate. The syndicate was
presented to me as a kind of fraternity, a masonic-like mutual profit
organization with strong police- like overtones. I was told that I was
helping to build a better society. However, I have never been given
any of the advancement opportunities I was promised. The “advancement
system” of the syndicate is a slippery slope. They make you give up
your security priveliges, so eventually all of your communications
are watched (which is why I composed this email offline where they
can’t see me, and sent it via an internet cafe) and you have to attend
meeting after meeting of mind-numbing pledges and chants.

The premise is that if you sign contracts giving up personal
liberties for the group, and you are genuinely innocent, then you
will be promoted. I have only been promoted once, to the rank of manager,
and I don’t feel as if it is a rewarding experience.

Worse, you are never allowed to leave because they think you will
give away secrets. Leaving is only permissible with a special contract
that permits the syndicate to destroy your credibility (usually they make
sure that the most attention any secrets that you reveal get is from
crackpot UFO magazines, or diagnose you with schizophrenia).

There are other problems. If you have children, you have to send them to
education in syndicate owned schools. If you have a wife, you have to
report on her, allow her to be spied upon, and be prepared to target her
if they decide to turn her into a TI. The official “compensation” policy
is that you will get to keep the children if she lodges a divorce. However,
you won’t get to keep most of her material goods. They only want her to
lose in the divorce proceedings so she gets nothing, not so the husband
gets anything, so the syndicate takes it back as a tithe.

I suppose I should introduce the syndicate in a little more detail.
I’m still not sure precisely what it is trying to do. To everyday citizens,
it presents itself as a group trying to monitor terrorists (or any other
kind of flavour- of-the-month undesirables like gays/communists/witches)
and drive them out. To other people, its a rotary club/chamber of commerce
type operation. To others still, the most twisted conspiratorial minds,
it is an organization that pulls the strings behind everything. To the
puritan, it is a cleansing force. To the deviant, it is a gang of other
deviants where everything is permissible. It’s the syndicate to everyone,
though. I don’t know the extent of what it owns.

I do, however, know a great deal about the targeting process. When we
get targets, we divide them into four categories: mercenary, practice,
planning, and enemy. Mercenary targets are bought by outside parties. We
advertise under a range of guises, from ads by “individuals” claiming to
be able to kidnap people, to practical jokers. Some groups, like big
corporations and some governments (the government of Xxxxxx pays us to
keep some people busy, so do the Xxxxxxs when they have too many people
protesting whaling) know fully well what sort of services we do, so we
don’t really hide them.

We get a lot of money from them, but we can still muster up a fair bit
if worst comes to worst. I’m not sure so much about the NWO theory.
Maybe the Xxxxxxx count, but you’d be surprised at how much money we can
get from crime. I don’t mean that we go out robbing people, but we can
outsource money from biker gangs/skinheads/drug dealers pretty easily.
Our syndicate gets a lot of support from people in rough areas like Xxxxxx
and Xxxx’s Xxxx. Because there are areas with a lot of people in genuine
need, who would leap at the thought of fighting back at the criminals,
we can always find allies to pressure the criminal portions of society.
Of course, they are only pressuring them into giving us money, but it’s
a pretty cozy arrangement.

The second type of target is the practice target. We use them to train
mobs. The targets don’t actually change, because we don’t want TOO
many people fighting back at us. But we do rotate trainees between
practice targets. This stops the person seeing the same people every
time there’s a street show.

Then there are planning targets. These are selected by the syndicate
for some reason or rather but aren’t paid for by mercenaries. You can
usually tell the difference between planning and practice targets
because they send people with experience after them. They’re still
chosen by the same people though. The practice ones are of course chosen
for their timidity. I don’t know how the planning ones are chosen.
Enemy targets are people that decide they’ve had enough and turn
against us. Since they protest and try to foil our plans (which,
considering that our jobs are already nervy, is a real pain in the arse),
we try to really give them hell. The best way, of course, is through
the psychs. My supervisor used to say that the Soviets had it right with
Sluggishly Progressing Schizophrenia.

Some people up-top are proposing that we just kill them and have them
declared Natural Causes or Accidental by the coroner. It isn’t likely
to happen, though.

Anyway, I should introduce the main branches of the syndicate. Each
branch recruits its own (everybody is a member of one of the branches)
instead of people just joining a common pool. This keeps the work
separate and stops people from finding stuff out that they shouldn’t.
My branch is the Scripting, Observation, and Execution Bureau (or “The
Theatre” as it is popularly known). By execution, I mean the execution
of orders, not the other kind. We do the work that the majority of people
with any knowledge of gang stalking will be familiar with: pestering
and scripting minor incidents.

The Theatre is actually divided into two sub-branches: Scripting
Orchestration Officers (or “playwrights” as they call themselves)
and Field Officers (or “thespians” as we call ourselves).

We have the most variety in our recruits. Popular sources are the police,
the fire department, the zoo, and technicians of any kind. But we
recruit from all places. Most members are neighborhood watch types
(not official Neighborhood Watch, but “concerned people”). Ironically,
we make sure that we do a lot of good, just to get some credibility.
Then there is the Bureau of Authority (“The Moneybags”). They don’t
actually control the syndicate, but they have all the right jobs and
connections. So, a judge might have control over the judicial process,
but he will answer to a superior in the syndicate. Psychiatrists belong
here too.

The Moneybags are so-called because they raise a lot of the money.
It would be suspicious if big corporations funded groups like this,
but they can invest money into front- groups. And the majority of the
syndicate’s work is done through completely legitimate fronts. We can
tap phone lines and access people’s records from behind government
agencies. Usually, these are the guys that go after Enemy Targets.

Normally, harrassment is organized under several “action
“. If a target isn’t an enemy, a standard policy is enforced.
Low level organizers (the aforementioned “playwrights”) play around
with the target for a while and rotate crews.

When a target is an “enemy“, the policy doesn’t immediately change, but
orders filter down from high-level organizers (usually the Supreme Council)
which direct ‘Thespians’ to provoke the target or a similar action,
and Moneybags to crack down on them once they get in the way of the system.
This is called Mincing, because the thespians lure the “meat” (by making it
complain or fight back) into the “mincer”.

The Bureau also protects members of the syndicate. Normally, in a court
case/psych examination or similar situation where a syndicate member is
at the mercy of a moneybag, a special order arrives from above telling the
moneybag to take it easy on the guy and let him off scott free. The order
is always printed in blue, on fancy cherry-blossom paper, but in a very
official border/font.

Cherrying” is the name for this secret process. The Bureau of Authority
has a very organized system of lawyers, judges, medical officers, etc.
Whenever you’re committing a crime for the good of the syndicate, you
must always report your location. Then they send Cousin Nancy (this is
an affectionate term for the police in the employment of the syndicate
that they send to arrest you instead of non- syndicate cops, so you can
go straight through the appropriate channels without anything suspicious
being seen) to tail you and “arrest” you the moment somebody calls 911.
They all follow a minimalist strategy though. For example, the mayor of
Xxxxx isn’t a member of the syndicate. But several of his advisors and
aides are. This way we can get laws passed in a discreet manner, and if
a high-profile figure is targeted, our hold on an organization doesn’t
loosen. We try to arrange elections of mayors that aren’t too headstrong.
Though the governement is mainly used as a minor nuisance. We prefer the
courts for most activities.

The Bureau of Technology (Field), BoT(F) is the group in charge of the
electrical equipment. They work alongside us thespians and “gaffer” the
targets by giving them the usual fatigue/headaches/medical problems.
They can also destroy equipment, screw up televisions, the works. I
think they are particuarly sadistic.

Different crews use different Techs, but they’re all unpleasant. The
incapacitators come in a lot of different forms. There are ones that
come as a lightbulb that slowly gives people eye-strain and makes them
tired. You can fit some in computer/TV monitors and the glare irritates

I’ve heard they’re even building fridge magnets with electronic devices
in them. That isn’t the extent of the BoT(F)’s machinery.

They manufacture pills that can cause deformities in the womb, as well
as miscarriage and give them to women in their food. They can fake
HIV/AIDS so the test shows up positive the first time, but subsequent tests
show that it was a false positive. This faux-HIV can be put in the target’s
food. They usually give the target a few health scares, but they don’t like
to physically hurt anyone.

One Field Tech I knew had a penchant for giving people Syphillis. They
could treat it easily enough with pennicillin (and the syndicate always
made sure that it would be diagnosed on time), but it showed up on the
targets’ permanent records for medical treatment. They also conduct
extensive testing without the target’s knowledge.

One TI we were monitoring was found to have a malignant tumor in his
head (not our doing). He wasn’t experiencing any of the symptoms, so we
gave him some through the incapacitators and had a few of his friends
warn him about cancer. He had a test done, and just for fun, we had the
doctor tell him how dangerous it could be and how he could die soon. We
gave him a six month waiting period and told him that by then the tumor
could progress so far that it could never be removed. That’s a lie, of
course. Our BoT(F) had it out in a jiffy by sending one of their brain
surgeons to do the job, but it’s the fear that counts.

The Bureau of Technology (Communications) monitors the target’s phone
calls, emails, and absolutely everything else. They tend to recruit from
the national archives, census takers office, records office, credit card
companies, medicare, insurance, etc. They are the logistics branch. As I
said, most of the syndicate’s work is done from within legitimate areas.
What the BoT(C) does (very often) is send a “receptionist applicant”
over to a credit card company or government agency pretending she knows
nothing about hacking computers or accessing records. We pull a few strings
and she’s in. She then steals information while nobody is looking. A few
old-timers like to have 100% control over the “records farm” but most
prefer the minimalist approach. This is the bureau that gives out
information and orders to everybody else, and also acts as a communications
post for the whole syndicate.

The Supreme Council delivers orders through them. Outside orders are
also taken in through the BoT(C), which advertises as a mercenary group
through certain channels.

The Bureau of Alliances, or “trading partners” handles our allies. As
far as I know, the syndicate is Xxxxxxan only. The only other gang
stalking group in this country is a West Xxxxxxxxan organization called
the confederacy. Very often they try to move into the xxxxx xxxxx so we
have to hold them back, diplomatically or otherwise. However, we have
contracts with Xxxxxxan groups whereby we handle their targets when they
move into Xxxxxx. The same with the Xxxxan groups and the confederacy.
The other groups pay for their targets to be “handled” while they travel
here. We make millions of dollars this way.

Finally, the Supreme Council controls the entire operation. I have no
idea who they are, except that they have a fancy name instead of being
a Bureau. They do not recruit their own men. They promote from the other

Most of them seem to be wealthy individuals with inheritances that manage to
maintain their fortunes from investments. Not one is a CEO, Judge, or
Politician. They are all just old money family types that live in the Xxxxxx
Xxxxx and seem unusually lucky with their money (no doubt through insider

Despite this, they have a lot of spiffy technology. They have a kind of
reverse incapacitator that improves their health and increases their
performance. Most of them look incredibly young for their age. We don’t
see them much, though. Often, an audience with one of them is a kind of
reward for good service.

There are also ranks in our syndicate. The lowest members are pawns.
They’re not technically members, because there’s no permanent service
contract and they don’t know they’re working for us. They take orders
from us but they’re not expected to attend meetings. We call our pawns
“concerned citizens”, the Authority bureau has “office boys” or
“secretaries”, the BoT(F) has “lab rats” (who very often are paid
volunteers for experiments, or people who don’t know what they’re testing),
the BoT(C) has “spelunkers”, the BoA has “travel agents”.

Unfortunately, we’re not obligated to give protection to any of these
people. So, we can give a vet an order to put down a dog, without telling
him that it isn’t consented to by the owner, and he will do the job and
get sued without us giving him legal protection. A lot of our street
theater is done by people that don’t even know they’re part of a syndicate.
They think they’re a grass roots movement and don’t know that there are o
ther people harrassing the target.

The BoT(C) recruits people that think they’re joining l33t hacker groups on
the internet, or people that think that they’re just following orders from
the archives. The BoT(F) does 80% of its research at legitimate agencies
like Xxxxxx’s XXXXX and its drug companies. The task of pawns is to think that
what they’re doing is either normal and routine, or criminal in an individual
isolated manner.

Recruits, however, are aware of a conspiracy. However, they still remain at
a misinformed level. We simultaneously maintain teams of “religious” actors
and “punk” actors. A person might join us thinking he’s going to clean up
the community. Another person might join us thinking he’s going to cause trouble
and anarchy. And they can go about their merry ways.

We even deliver information to them in different ways. To the religious
ones, it’s wrapped up in prophecy and revelation. To the punks, it’s given
a communist candy coating. However, they’re all aware that the group is

They’re also aware of a mutual benefit aspect to the operation. Only greedy
un-idealistic people get beyond the recruit rank.

All the Bureaus wrap themselves up in different colours. The Moneybags
pretend to be a secret club for the elite (and many of them are indeed quite
powerful and wealthy, second only to the Supreme Council). The BoT(F) claims
to be a “humane” research agency, or a means by which scientists can resist
corporate greed, though it still attracts deviants. The BoT(C) is
conspiratorially minded, and pretends to be a group searching for the
‘secrets of the illuminati’ or the illuminati themselves. The BoA claims
to be a contract agency, traveller’s club, or accounting firm.
Recruits perform tasks that they know are illegal, or immoral, but they
still generally believe that they’re doing it for a reason.

Managers like me come above the recruits and do some actual organization,
whether leading a crew to a street theater match or planning an attack.
Generally, managers know everything about the syndicate except what its
goal is. Most are greedy enough to accept that it isn’t a morally motivated
group. We also engage in communication with other Bureaus to co-ordinate our

Different terms are used for different MOs.

The Theater has “Playwrights” and “Leading Roles”. The moneybags have
“Success Stories”. The BoT(F) has “Research Directors”. The BoT(C) has
“Information Awareness Officers”. The BoA has “Arrangers“.

Finally, a rare few are promoted to the Supreme Council.

GLOSSARY OF TERMS (both coloquial and official):

Contract: A TI or Target. This is the official term. Used as “Enemy
Contract” or “Planning Contract”. Enemy contract is often referred to as
“hostile contract”.

CHERRYING: Getting out of a legal tangle through the syndicate’s

NIPPLE-KISSER: a ‘deviant’ recruit, recruited because of a desire for

HOLY POLY: a ‘religious’ puritan recruit.

THE EFFECT: the fact that greedy and sadistic recruits are selected for
managing jobs more readily than anybody with integrity.

FBG (fertile breeding ground): a crew of nipple-kissers, based on the idea
that they are a fertile breeding ground for future managers.

MINCING: Luring a target into the legal system.

DEFACING: making faces at a contract, or otherwise intimidating them.

XXXXXX XXXXX SYNDROME: having a target so socially unpredictable and
badly-off that you can’t really think of many ways to make their life much

RAINBOW SHOCK: the fact that you have to act nice to the rest of the public
immediately after you’ve stopped defacing a contract.

BREAK-A-LEG JOB: a particuarly hostile attack against a contract, or a plan
which involves appoaching the target and talking to them.

SAKURAKAI: a crew that is particuarly overt in its stalking and gets caught
too often. In other words, it has to be cherried all the time.

CREW: A unit of recruits and pawns under a single MO. In other words, a
group of gang stalkers.

ZAPPERATING: using electronic devices to affect the health of a target.

XXXXXXX XXXXX: rhyming slang. for big mistake, roughly means “we shouldn’t
have used this method”.

UNCHAINED, UNCOVERED: authorities that are not pawns or recruits.
COVERED: A member of the public that is under the control of the syndicate
(as a pawn).

PUBLIC FACE: A recruit or manager’s official life outside of the syndicate.
PRIVATE LIFE: a syndicate member’s activities with the syndicate.

INCAPACITATOR: a device that affects the sleeping patterns/
stress/fatigue/headaches of a contract.

VOODOO: the means of acting hostile to a target (pointing, staring, etc).

LOMOSEXUAL: a syndicate member with a knack for photography. (“There’s a
lomo in every crew!”)

NYUNKIA: (Not Your Usual Nipple-Kissing Incapacitator Asshole), the “yu” is
pronounced as the “oo” in ‘moon’. refers to a particuarly sadistic or
deviant BoT(F) member.

BONER: another word for an enemy target.

YELLOW MEAT: criminals, as opposed to “concerned citizens”. refers to
criminals recruited into the syndicate.

XXXXXXXX (verb): to Xxxxxx somebody is to run them over or chase them with a

GIGOLO-BOP: to make sexual advances to an unattractive target, term mainly
used by “nipple kisser” deviants.

CANCELLING: causing a miscarriage.

CRASH TEST DUMMY: a practice target.

HANG-JOB: the experience of having a target that one has enjoyed tormenting
suddenly commit suicide. Term used mainly by nipple kissers/nyunkias.

COUSIN NANCY: a police unit sent to tail a crew and arrest them before an
unchained police unit can do it.

XXXXXX NECKTIE: a death threat made with no intention of it being carried

GENERAL LEEING: randomly chasing after a target and threatning to rape them
before immediately running away.

XXXX’S LAW: a police department that is thoroughly under the syndicate’s




DEJA VOOOO: doing the same skit over and over again.

I hope this glossary is of help. If you have any questions, please reply.
Xxxxxxxx”. The end.

*The above article maybe disinformation. I do know for sure supercomputers run this mess. I've seen huge crowds,SPORTING EVENTS, traffic lights and large amounts of traffic and too many people mind controlled at one time to be controlled by a couple of actors.

"And the world passeth away and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever." I John 2:17


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The trap beam electrons by mail: OUR AURA ELECTROMAGNETIC
Posted by Paragon DOES NOT HAVE the October 10, 2014 at 1:43 AMView blog
An atom without electrons !!! THE AURA ELECTROMAGNETIC mythical.
Would you like psychically raping a Martian from home?
Just inoculate nanoparticles microchip or something .... invading your space with positron emissions which are the antimatter electron. And a golf interior light was generated, with the consequent bubble bioplasma.
Wow with FREE WIFI system that is going to love will have controlled us all.
OUTMET, wow for all satellites.
And the casting data
Datacasting (data broadcasting) is the transmission of data over a wide area via radio waves. It most often refers to the additional information sent by television stations along with digital television, but also can be applied to digital signals analog TV or radio. Usually it does not apply to data that is inherent to the medium, such as PSIP data that defines virtual channels to DTV systems or direct broadcast satellites; or for things like cable modem or satellite modem, using a completely separate data channel.


"In physics, EBIT stands for electron beam ion trap or ion trap electron beam. This is a device that allows ionize atoms, creating positively charged ions are trapped by the electric field these electrons induced by its negative charge.'s a compact device that allows to reach higher states of ionic charge, reaching to
I start all electrons even heavier elements, including uranium U92 + to the level that is leaving the bare core electrons. "

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cronaca 10.10.2014

Dopo la pubblicazione delle foto su questo sito, assicurandovi che sono le meno indicative, ho passato due notte con gli ounuchi sciacalli concentrati a effetti punitivi, vibrazioni come un elettrodo alla coscia sinistra,  scosse generalizzate per interrompere il sonno, e scosse sullo stomaco per bloccare la digestione e provocare nausea, stamattina mi accompagna un leggero stordimento forse causato da scosse sulla cervicale, se sentono chiaramente rigonfiamenti ossei.

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Humans will be kept between life and death in the first suspended animation trials

The stasis/suspended animation chambers, in Alien

At a hospital in Pittsburgh, surgeons are now allowed to place patients into a state of suspended animation. If a patient arrives with a traumatic injury, and attempts to restart their heart have failed — if they’re on the doorstep of death — they will have their blood replaced with a cold saline solution, which stops almost all cellular activity. At this point, the patient is clinically dead — but if the doctors can fix the injury within a few hours, they can be returned to life from suspended animation by replacing the saline with blood.

Or at least, that’s the theory. The technique of suspended animation (or “emergency preservation and resuscitation” as non-sci-fi doctors prefer to call it) was first trialed on pigs in 2002. Hasan Alam, working with his colleagues at the University of Michigan Hospital, drugged up a pig, created a massive hemorrhage to simulate the effect of a massive gunshot wound, and then replaced its blood with a cold saline solution, cooling the pig’s cells to just 10 Celsius (50F). After the injury was treated, the pig was gradually warmed back up by replacing the saline with blood. Usually the pig’s heart started beating on its own, and despite the pig being dead for a few hours, there was no physical or cognitive impairment. Now, it’s time to try it out on humans. [Research paper: - "Learning and memory is preserved after induced asanguineous hyperkalemic hypothermic arrest in a swine model of traumatic exsanguination"]

Roughly once a month, UPMC Presbyterian Hospital in Pittsburgh receives a patient who has suffered a cardiac arrest after some kind of traumatic injury (gunshot, stabbing, etc.), and hasn’t responded to normal methods of restarting their heart. Because there’s currently no other kind of treatment, and because these kinds of wounds are nearly always fatal, the surgeons don’t need consent to carry out the suspended animation. The technique will be used on 10 patients, with the outcome compared against 10 people who didn’t. Samuel Tisherman, the surgeon who is leading the trial, told New Scientist that they’ll then refine their technique and try it out on 10 more patients — at which point, there should be enough data to work out whether suspended animation is worth rolling out to other hospitals.

The process is much the same for humans as it was for pigs. The first step is to replace all of the blood in the heart and brain — the two areas most sensitive to hypoxia — with with cold saline. Then, the saline is pumped around the rest of the body. After 15 minutes, the patient’s temperature reaches 10C — they have no blood, no brain activity, and they’re not breathing. Technically they’re dead — but because the metabolism of your cells slow down at low temperatures, they can survive for a few hours using anaerobic respiration (usually it’s just a few minutes). “We’ve always assumed that you can’t bring back the dead. But it’s a matter of when you pickle the cells,” said Peter Rhee, who helped developed the suspended animation technique.

The head of Thomas Jerome Newton, cryogenically frozen, gets reattached in Fringe

In the TV show Fringe, they cryogenically freeze a head… then thaw it and reattached it to a body.

For now, this process is only being used for cardiac arrests following traumatic injuries, but in the future Tisherman says he hopes to use the technique for other conditions as well. The other big question, of course, is whether this technique can be used to suspend animation for more than just a couple of hours. If I have my blood replaced with saline, and then use cryonics to cool my body down yet further, could I be “dead” for a few months or weeks or years before being warmed up again? If sci-fi has taught us anything, it’s that suspended animation (or stasis as it’s sometimes called) is one of the most potentially exciting technologies — not only for rich people trying to extend their lives, but for the possibly centuries-long journeys that our first interstellar explorers will embark upon.

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Gentrification and GENOCIDE of the world population.
Swiss bank bankruptcy as secretos.Se need something to keep the CRAP X.
Banks virtual underground servers with information stored in personal space, and that is transmitted through airspace.
Be untouchable belongs to Department of Defense
The airspace INTOCABLE because there is a legal vacuum, only international relations and treaties.


"The UB of Wrath" should be the title of a front page of the newspaper. In Barcelona you are making a blanket with Virtopsy paperclips, the ultimate "analytical corpses" not open fisicamentes are scanned with MRI.
But you need to earn money for a release, and in our world is speculation "Epigenetics of psychiatry" and selling information is save on server host. The servers are part of the air space, and is untouchable because there is a big loophole, the airspace is governed by the Department of Defense and as a representative chief of staff. Defense has international treaties for the protection of its airspace ... but we know nothing on the subject telecommunications.
Switzerland disappear as "City of Secrets", wants to be part of the European community and it takes a alamacen to account purchasing power. Money as we know it will disappear and banks will pump air space to populate the cloud.
Once the information is saved in the airspace will not be able to compel
the state to get the names and accounts .... And no scams will be known ... WOW. What do we do now? I mean for all those people who are bypassing the targeted individually we are denouncing the misuse of our electrons to create a force field with which to steal our personal images of cortex to epigenetics.
Two counts: destruction of electrons as particles of matter which are to create a source of etheric plasma by colliding a beam of positrons with our brain, from any remote location.
And right about personal image, rob us with PET (positron emission tomography)
In the physical world this would be punishable, but in the astral world the psychic (which is unknown to too many people) you can not prove if we are not many people that scream ... With quantum physics and Newtonian physics can explain. Brownian mobimiento: electrons travel from atom to atom molecule to molecule according to the survival needs of the body, for the cohesion of matter.
It is a reptilian act, and the artificial electromagnetic aura, this relentece and locked, so we are asleep and our governments placid while people blithely pocketed money at the expense of the people.
Those who are striving to expose those politicians and etc.With so hard to not be able to do anything ... I recommend that the issue be studied to do something really smart.

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Daily Harassment log (Melbourne Australia)


The past few days starting from church camp at Yarra Junction till today....I was attacked with that "liquid seeping down my ass" sensation which was really strange considering that when I looked at my undie at was almost always clean....its probably the squid aliens doing their eeg heterodyning or whatever shit they call it....last weekend at yarra junction. ...have witnessed a freak wind storm on sun night ....


Today after dinner was washing dishes and chatting with lillian at the same time...I was sort of squatting and felt my ass being manipulated again....just then the freak alien's synchrotron kicked in and she started saying something about making "chicken" note hot word here is "chicken"....she obviously was not aware of their modus operandi. ...just then "the voice" made an appearance this time in the form of a

Malaysian/singaporean female voice.. "u know what we r going to do to u.." 

I thought "what"

and the putrid voice said:

"we r going to do something to ur mum"..

I then started talking to lillian about the aussie game show "the biggest loser..."

u know what I mean...

10/10/2014 Friday

Today at closing while counting the tills..."the voice" made an appearance and this time in the form of "the people of sunshine"....

"I can work also....why do u have a job and we dont ?"

freak or what ?

then on the way back the freak alien synchrotron kicked in while turning into hoppers railway station in my car.....I felt that familiar tingling in my anal region and a female passenger waiting to cross the traffic lights had on a tshirt that says...

"im coming out..." or something to that effect..usual modus operandi done ad nauseum...


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Thursday October 9th

Dreams are still very vivid and can't seem to get enough sleep after the nights I dream I literally have to peel myself off my pillow in the caught up feeling a bit better today, going to be pushing myself through a busy few days Had a banana chocolate smoothie for breakfast and a vegan pasta wondering if that has anything to do with feeling better the pasta contained organic kamut which *note to self* I think I'm going to pick up more of there is a cereal of it. I'm nervous about social blunders due to v2k and intruders but I will make sure I keep my paddle as I wouldn't want to be up shit creek without one! Hopefully these perps will keep at bay as things have gotten a bit better I still have zero privacy.I will be doing fun things at least.


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This is from my Wordpress blog, Gang stalking MysteriesObviously this is a theory. This is my argument.Gang stalkers engage in a range of weird, inexplicable behaviours, according to their Targets. These include the following:-1. Harassing the Target in public places, wherever they go.2. Noise harassment, both within the house and outside. Some Targets have reported that when they open a window, noise starts outside. When they close it, the noise stops.3. Poisoning, abducting and killing pets.4. Targets report that their food is tampered with, and fear poisoning.5. Financial attacks, causing Targets to lose their homes. Then they are lucky if they can find sub-standard accommodation in a multiple-occupancy address, usually a small room.6. In multiple-occupancy addresses, stalkers move into the rooms above, below, and beside the Target.7. Gang stalkers spread rumours about the Target, saying that the Target is a drug addict, or mentally disturbed.8. Targets report they cannot get doctors to deal with their health complaints. They are often fobbed off by doctors, told they are imagining their symptoms, and need psychiatric advice.Targets complain that as a result of the continuous harassment they are mentally stressed, and their health is damaged. At times they may become ill and suffer vomiting, which they attribute to their food being poisoned. They believe they are being attacked by some invisible method, suffer aches and pains, dizziness, loss of coordination, black-outs, mental instability and may experience hallucinations. Targets in families report often the whole family suffers.Most of the health complaints that Targets complain of are characteristics of carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide poisoning is the leading cause of poisoning worldwide. The gas is invisible, odourless, and is undetectable to human senses. The illness it causes mimics so many conditions, doctors rarely suspect it, and often do not detect it. It is likely many deaths by cardiac arrest or stroke have been triggered by carbon monoxide poisoning, and have been counted natural events.So why do I think gang stalkers may be using carbon monoxide poisoning against their Targets?If you wanted to subject someone to carbon monoxide poisoning what would you do?You would bring about a situation where your Target lives in a small room. You would occupy the surrounding rooms. You would get rid of the Target’s pets, as pets suffer the effects of carbon monoxide poisoning quicker than humans. You would encourage the Target to spend as much time in their room as possible, by harassing the Target every time they go out. Some Targets become virtual recluses as a result of persecution and rarely leave their homes. You would encourage the Target to keep their windows closed by creating noise every time they open them. Or turning off the heating in the house. By tampering with the Target’s food you would create the fear of food poisoning, a condition which resembles carbon monoxide poisoning. The difference is, with food poisoning you have a temperature. With carbon monoxide poisoning, your temperature is normal. By spreading rumours that the Target is a drug dealer or mentally unbalanced, the symptoms of poisoning are explained away, possibly even to the Target’s doctor, as substance abuse or mental illness. Carbon monoxide poisoning can cause mental instability. Carbon monoxide poisoning can also cause hallucinations, the “haunted house phenomenon”.If gang stalkers are subjecting their Targets to carbon monoxide poisoning, they bring about a situation where the Target can be exposed; they bring about conditions to maximise exposure (rarely leaving the house, closed windows); they remove the canary in the mine – any pets; they undermine correct diagnosis from doctors by slandering the patient as a substance abuser and/or mentally unbalanced; the same rumours spread to every associate of the Target, explains away the Targets health problems and mental instability while giving credence to the rumours; interfering with the Target’s food leads the Target to believe their symptoms are caused by food poisoning.If Targets are suffering health complaints, might be an idea to check the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning and GET A CARBON MONOXIDE ALARM, and keep it with you at all times.
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Leonardo da Vinci presents a strange picture (for me at least) the virgin of the rocks ... Masons give as an example of the ascension of consciousness in a human being with a imagne of symbolic hermenutica is unpolished rock.
On the other hand mensagera dove is a cross. "The rock dove (Columba livia) is a species of bird columbiforme the Columbidae family. It is the ancestor of domestic pigeons, with which it is interwoven, demonstrating the closeness of their kinship. nests in the rocky walls, so it's also commonly called "rock dove".
The virgin is a woman who conveys the spirit to his spiritual children, maybe it's an allegory to mensagera..Una pigeon homing pigeon is a variety of rock pigeon (Columba livia) that are trained to return to their nests from long distances I carried some sort of message or letter, called columbograma in an annular tube are placed in one leg.
The dove has been taken by different cultures as a symbol to convey different emotions. For example, in the biblical tradition which would be a dove brought to Noah's message receding flood waters after returning with an olive branch in its beak, becoming the symbol of paz.La use of pigeons as a means of distance communication are known since antiquity. The Greeks transmitted to cities the names of the winners of the Olympic Games by the Roman legions pigeons and mobile dovecotes had that housed thousands of copies. For example, it is known that were used during the Siege of Modena Marco Antonio at 43 a. C.7.
Let's not be silly for a pigeon arrives at a point some magnetic device that has a frequency determionada for her to guide them in the airspace by radio frequency is needed.

The physiological basis of migration relies on endogenous processes, caused by external stimuli received by the Nervous System Central.La noocepcion birds to tell them where they go to feel good and will do so grupalmente.HAce cold, no light , etc ... cyclical things ...

But to send a certain castle Soria a pigeon that has no clue to behave unnaturally for a bird, (Do what the man wants) is impossible because your brain is not ready.
The more primitive or more advanced chips given the time have always existed.


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sidereal litigation psychic primer


The only thing that differentiate us from the serious to the male female genotype is given by the sexual programming, depends on the species distintas.Los characteristics humans share 96% of the genome with chimpancé.Es say we are animals with a very reptilian behavior close. What differentiates us is a very small part of the physical and what we are sending to our consciousness teleportation quantified to be different.
Another high benchmark tells us: The scientific name of the bonobo is Pan paniscus. As 98% of the DNA is identical to that of the Homo sapiens

Adversity can be overcome only with the spirit! And that they have succeeded in creating a electromagnetic aura in the chimpanzee likely that physically modified to create an animal hominido.Un uses violence to overcome obstacles or flight, but the hominid began thinking to solve. The spirit is linked to the sacred that not religion. Being able to think and choose is a sagrada.Pero release there are people who prefer to live in precarious reptilian behavior with the intelligence to harm a human being. That is, they have not given us the intelligence to have a destructive behavior but to be like our parents ... and scientific care of our habitat.

What differentiates a man from a woman is sexual animalistic traits, but the reptilian behavior is the same. If we would think like beasts only the strongest would win.

For the intelligence involved it has to change the time / space and accelerate the cognitive system.
That makes them aware of right and wrong that each individual can reflect and. Then there are the biorhythms that differentiate men from women. The woman is more likely to know states of consciousness through the highs and lows that have given period. If you only know the sky you can not understand the hell. Men do not have that ability, they are flat. To learn you have to drop a stink over moment and then reflect and rectify. A woman can identify and rectify emotional states before they happen. So the female is so important to take care of the tribe.
The fact is that there is currently a SIDERAL Gazpacho of PRIMER PSYCHIC everywhere with everyone, and we have fucked.
"A meme (or mem) is, in theories of cultural diffusion, theoretical unit of information cultural1 transmissible from one individual to another or from one mind to another, or from one generation to the next. It is a neologism coined by Richard Dawkins in the Selfish Gene (The selfish gene), the phonetic similarity with 'gene' gen Englishman in language and to point out the similarity with 'memory' and 'mimesis' "

We got screwed because we have confused everyone, and we can not help us without speaking out of mind control.

Each culture gives a different fruit and be treated separately.
And moreover there is now a global business selling cognitive limbo humans. 's Air space and if we must turn to denounce chief of which is defense. But needless friends, because we have something more fun, the electron, for an electromagnetic limbo needed to destroy chemical and physical matter with radiation. I mean we have it more affordable, we only have to show that we are destroying the electrons to generate light and use the PET remotely view ... and took a lot of people.

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Compassion and Justice

Watch this short video of the miserable. There is a separate reality in which people turned into tin men, for his teleport cuantificadamente sensory deprivation, ie traveling with their cognitive system to settle on cognitive systems of others and live emotions.
A person who has been given birth by a mother and has lived with his humanity and reminds people crying inside for being a prisoner of circumstances. Then find a way out: to live the lives of others.
Not defending the situation just express a reality. Any animal for survival does.
And that's where the characteristics AWARENESS PARASITIC a nasty perverted act. PSYCHIC IMPIMACION as a gravcio on a tape that is unspoiled or levied on the taxed.

COMPASSION IS NO JUSTICE! It has to be fair and see both sides of reality. If we behave like children llorons not going to solve the problem.

This is a personal thought .... But back to the video, imagine the number of people with sídrome kaspar hausser (people who have lived isolated sensory) KIDNAPPED IN CHAIN ​​FOR THE BUSINESS OF SCIENCE AND ESPIONAGE, and are encapsulated in electromagnetism and can not feel anything. Someone promises to live their lives to please others and accept in order to feel alive .... the SPIRITISM ANGELES EACH TIME :: .....

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Polyphony and psychic violation
This video shows about POLIFONIA the voice of a woman can create various patterns of sound at a time, a similar composition to which it psychotronic to create states of consciousness.
They are oi the Russian Kosovo but did not know what it was, but I instinctively horrified cost me four years to find out it was a type of popular song typical of their land, so these women when they speak can create psychic discomfort. I am very sensitive to sound, and detected but could not name it.
Imagine a psychotronic induced a state of consciousness parbebral person, in which the system only retains the essential awareness not to die ... A woman using that property of sound modulated his voice to send through the telecommunications, neurolinguistic programming can make a man into believing what you want by creating a SUBCONSCIOUS IDEA, which will be developed in the future when something happens outside ...

As my belief is X, and I keep it in the pocket of my subconscious reaction to what happens outside X. Everything will be psychically programmed.

LA painting represents the HILANDERAS ARACNE myth, compounder Gobelins ...
The Gobelin is a tapestry created in France as a major industry.
A tapestry is a tapestry made ​​at the Manufacture Royale des Gobelins Paris or an imitation of his. Among the Gobelins are famous series The story of Constantine, The Muses, The History of Alexander, The Life of Moses and Don Quixote.
Named after Jehan Gobelins, a dyer of wool that was unveiled mid-fifteenth century by getting scarlet. It was a Jewish merchant who changed his surname to Eurpeizarlo.

Gobelin in French makes a magical allegory spaces, elves etc ...
Namely; Arachne was a weaver who dream ... that made up the story.

The arachnoid system is part of our body.This between the pyramid and the dura mater.
The system piramidal-
System consisting of the central nervous system pathways responsible for carrying nerve impulses from the motor cortex to alpha motor neurons of the ventral horn of the spinal cord.

If the arachnoid in some way controlled foreign issuable false nerve impulses ...

In a case of resonances, the electromagnetic aura that captures the human body, can be channeled quantified bioresonance and confuse the pyramidal system. That must be so easy to create chaos in our body, to learn the secrets of epigenetics. Only you know how your body reacts to troubleshoot if the system is attacked, to bring a resolution.


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positron emission tomography

How it works positron emission tomography to extract physical data from sick people?
The positron is the antimatter of the electron, ie, scientists have worked hard to create an artificial beam of radiation with electrons to pop in our tissues. Thus causing a huge light source with MRI scan and store virtually computers.
Thus is how to create real-time images visionadas in molecular Medicia, and can also study human epigenetics. Ie everything related to the formation of tissues and homeostatic conservation thereof. LIFE.

The problem is that we get our vital conservation due to Brownian mobimiento that carry electrons imitating the noble gases to unite living matter. Simply electrons are delivered by sympathy of an atom to another, from one molecule to another to keep the body's needs. AND FOR THE LOVE OF haughtiness Electronia unselfishly.
If there haughtiness electronics would be the death of the body, a sodium atom would feel larger than a potassium and sodium potassium pump not exist and die .... The sodium potassium pump gives fluid balance.

  This drawing represents the idea that the electron is the soldier of sound body and the scientific GoD ​​carrying a book of AZ, com allegory of I AM THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA.

The electronic and electromagnetic harassment involves the creation of an electromagnetic aura sacrificing to create the plasma electrons which emit and receive.


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围绕香港普选问题,江派势力不断制造乱局试图“绑架”习近平让其 停止反贪的用意,被外界越来越看得清晰。

张D江虽然在江时代飞黄腾达。这一次,处理香港问题,完全暴露了他与习近平针锋相对的政治立场,表明了他是江蛤蟆 安在习近平身旁的卧底。

江派想利用香港问题搞倒习近平 ,或者最起码使其吃个大苦头,以迟滞反腐运动的蔓延,应该是香港问题出现的最深刻背景。








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Note: You are trying these tips at your own risk, the writer Connie Marshall is not responsible for any disabilities, deaths, service problems, loss of service, etc that may result from the use of these tips.


1) The sound of Massagers help in some ways, especially if you can change the levels, which changes the frequencies. Purchase several massagers (i.e. neck massagers that are flexible and that you can use on different areas of the body, not specifically for the massage but for the noise to help intercept the frequencies that are aimed at us). Also full body massagers with several levels are good at night in bed when under attack because you can turn it on and lay on it, next to it, across it, under it, etc. you'll figure it out. Keep two or three around the bed at night ready to turn on, even all at the same time, if necessary. These do not stop the attacks, but they do help.

2) "LEAD" - Someone in the medical field told me that "Lead" helps in shielding against the electromagnetic assaults. I also understand that some of the TI's (Targeted Individuals) are investing in the Xray Vest that are worn when getting Xrays because I believe lead is in the vest. Also I have tried lead wrapped in covering in my ears that seems to help more than ear plugs. Note: You can also cut a pencil down to a small size and cover it in a napkin, tissue, etc. to put in your ears (the pencil has lead in it).

3) "SOLID ALUMINUM" is better to use than aluminum foil, due to the fact that the electromagnetic beam/frequencies will eventually come through the aluminum foil (you will see the holes in the aluminum foil and sometimes you can hear the patter of the electromagnetic beams as they are trying to penetrate the aluminum foil).

4) A radio with ear phones is good sometimes at night. Put it on your favorite gospel channel and try to get use to it to get some sleep. After a while you'll get use to it, after all it is either pleasent music or the directed energy frequecies all night.

5) Head flexes seem to be helpful in interfering with assaults on the inside of your head. Head flexes are similar to using your muscles to raise your eyebrows, but instead of doing that you are using the muscles in your face and head and flexing your head in different areas. When you do flex your face and head - you are still - but you are concentrating on moving the head when you flex. Practice this and it seems that the flexes are also moving the inside as well providing a little relief when they send frequencies to your head. Yes, you can


Aluminum foil is helpful in (not stopping) but helping to detour some of the electromagnetic frequencies.
I have personally tried this for relief.
Directions: Take sheets of aluminum foil (Reynolds) not the cheap dollar store kind, shiny side up and then cover head. Before putting this on your head, put something under it, because - I think I read somewhere -aluminum foil can absorb and cause alzheimers. After covering head with the foil, try to shape on head. You can tape it, bobby pin it, tie a scarf around it or purchase a hat to hold it on your head.

After being attacked by Electromagnetic frequencies I have held my head against an ordinary box fan. The vibration of the fan and/or the copper coil in the fan seems to give some relief from the electromagnetic frequencies. Also, putting a box fax close to you - particularly when you are sleeping - and having the fan directly blowing toward your head gives some relief. It is better to have more than one fan blowing in different directions at the same time.

Note: For heavy electromagnetic frequency targeting to the mind and sleep deprivation, use both the aluminum foil shielding tips and the box fan at the same time.

Another TI (Cassandra) stated that moving around while the perps are attacking you with the electronic devices also helps. I have tried this tip and it is also a temporary aide. So the next time you are being attacked, move to another location in your home (i.e. if you are sitting on the sofa and you are being attacked, get up and go sit in a chair in your home in a different location, also if you are sleeping at the head of the bed, switch to the foot of the bed, etc.). Also try sleeping in different rooms (i.e. bedroom, living room sofa, basement, guest room, etc.)

Soak in warm water and Epsom Salt. It draws the toxins out of your body and seems to also give some temporary relief from the Electromagnetic frequencies. Directions or on the Epsom Salt box. Put your entire body under water in the Epsom Salt. Yes, put your head under water, too, for as long as you can, but don't drown yourself. (smile). Soak for at least 20 minutes.


Purchase a good set of ear plugs (this helps block out the projected sound). If you do not have ear plugs use kleenex, toilet paper or napkins. Push them down in ears and fill entire ears (this helps block out the projected sound). If necessary put your aluminum foil shielding over your head and ears for extra shielding.


Since the perps want to read your mind and control your thoughts give them something to read. Clog your brain with the "Word of God," in other words read from the Bible. Doing this not only helps you, but forces them to hear the word of God, which in time will change even the way that they think. (Remember you must also have faith in the word of God).


I have found that putting mirrors reflecting outward over the ears helps block out the transmission noises and frequencies. I usually use earplugs, than cover my head and ears with aluminum foil (you can bobby pin the aluminum foil on your head with a couple of bobby pins). Then tie a long scarf (a long scarf can be wrapped) around your head (you'll figure out a way to do it) and put the mirrors facing outward over your ears. You can slip the mirrors in between the scarf as you tie it around your head (you'll figure it out). The mirrors somehow help bounce the frequency away from you.


A. Drink lots of water. I like to buy my water in the bottles, just to be safe.
B. I drink Green Tea. Don't get the sweet honey flavored. Get some green tea bags and make you some green tea. I like my tea hot. Green tea is also good for getting some of the toxins out of your body.
C. Buy some Dan Active (Dannon Yogurt drink in the dairy section of the grocery store). Be sure to get the kind that says that it supports your immune system on the carton.
D. Broccoli is a good healing food. Salads help clean out your system.

You have to exercise, even if you just start by walking down your steps and back up or walk to the corner and back, eventually you will increase your workout. Exercise is good for clearing the mind, relieving stress and also cleaning toxins out or the body. If your body is broken down with stress, depression and electromagnetic frequencies, you become an easier victim to manipulate with these frequencies.

I have more than one set of friends. Some I can talk to about what is happening and some I only talk about it as much as I need to to explain what is going on. I never deny what is happening to me because I am not going to suffer in silence. If I lose a friend, then it's time to make a new one. If I have had a really bad day because of being targeted and I need encouragement, I talk to some TI's that I have grown close to and feel comfortable confiding in.

Tell them that Ray Charles' (the singer) son is a victim. Tell them that Joan Heffington (Candidate for Governor of Kansas) is a victim of Stalking, etc., Tell them that Kathryn Moore, (Former Vice Mayor) is a victim. Refer them to Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance. Remember, you did nothing wrong, you have been targeted. You have nothing to hide or be ashamed of.

Go online and search these subjects. There is a lot of information on the internet. Talk to other victims and find out how they are coping. The more you know, the more prepared you will be in protecting yourself, preserving your health and saving your life.


If you are sincere in your prayer and keep your faith. God will answer your prayers.


You will have to use your own judgment with this one. Try to distinguish if the people that you are talking to that state that they are TI's are truly TI's. The Perps try to hold you on the telephone for long periods of time. When they do this they are also attacking you (you will feel the frequencies coming through your telephone). But again, they will also attack you when you are truly speaking with genuine TI's, so be careful and use your own judgment on this one.


1) Telephones
Cell Phones - You can also be tracked through your cell phone, even when it is turned off. I have also been assaulted via electromagnetic frequencies through my cell phone. To alleviate this problem, take the battery out of your cell phone. Also, always talk on speaker phone and if you are being attacked cover the phone with aluminum and push the aluminum foil down all over the phone. The person at the other end can still hear you.

2) Television
When you are not watching the television, unplug it. Also unplug the connection to the audio and video on the back of your television set. It will say audio and video on the back of the television. This is necessary because when you turn off your television, your audio is still on and they can listen to what you are talking about in your home. I'm not sure about the video, but I can tell you that I know I am watched in my home, and some very strange things have happened with my television.
For instance - For over a week, I did not have service through my provider because due to the financial stress this puts on a person's life, I could not afford to pay the bill. I used to have a tv set in my bedroom and I woke up and felt as if someone was watching me. I looked at the cable box and it was on, however I did not turn it on and I did not have service. I got up out of bed and started walking toward it and it suddenly turned off. I no longer put television sets in my bedroom. There have been many other occurrences that I will share with you at a later date, but my point is you may need to unplug your tv, audio and video.

3) When going to bed at night try to remove electrical appliances from your bedroom, particularly tvs, clocks, radios, telephones, etc. Some Electrical Appliances are used by the perpetrators to transmit frequencies and attack you.
For instance - I used to keep a telephone in my bedroom. I woke up to buzzing coming from the telephone and the telephone was extremely warm. There have been many other occurrences that I will share with you at a later date.

4) Be aware of your environment. I have noticed that in the day time I see small helicopters and when these helicopters fly over I am attacked through electromagnetic assaults. I have also noticed that between 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. I usually see the star or moon shaped Drone airborne cameras or low flying satellites. I have noticed that when these are around they are attacking you and attempting to intercept your mind. Note: It is July 3, 2010 and the time is 4:17 p.m. I am being attacked through electromagnetic assaults to the mind, head and brain while I am typing this entry. I am in extreme pain and developing a headache. They are attacking me possibly through my computer as I type. I have also been told that they may have planted something in my home or just outside my home.

The Following Shielding Tips are from a Newletter Emailed in July 2010 by Freedom From Covert Harrassment and Surveillance

Shielding Tip 1
Very good shielding tip against V2k attacks: Play two different music channels or anything else you might enjoy. I prefer playing iTunes music in the background and get the radio talk show host Alex Jones on Prison Planet.TV on the other. They can't get a clear lock on you and therefore you can barely hear them. I found it very useful. Please let everyone else know I can't stress enough the importance of it.

Sheilding Tips II (cont.)

I have been testing easy home shielding for my bedroom:

So far I purchased for myself and my son - Life Energy Shields - they were $79.95 each. Working very well so far...I like to use it in my groin area...Will probably get another one for my body..I put my fingers on the back of the shield during an attack and felt an extremely large quantity of currency hitting the it does work.

Life Energy home shields, $69.97 one on each side of the house..plug in..This is also working out extremely well. I immediately felt a reduction in my room.

They also carry Gauss Insoles..which I plan on buying $29.95. Jewelry and more.

Shield your bed..layer up using flannel sheets lined with heavy duty aluminum foil, shiny side up (you can use multiply layers of aluminum foil for this). Secure it to the 4 corners of your bed..shield under your bed, same way, shiny side of the foil facing the floor..Use wooden 2 by 4's to help prop up the sheets from off the bed..Have one box fan blow up the sheets and the other to blow across and under your bed.. make sure the sheets are in motion..I have felt a tremendous difference when underneath this shielding..hope this helps...
Laura in New York

Sheilding Tips II

A natural dietary supplement to help your body recoup form the radiation; microwave, radio and emf attacks.

Melatonin supplement - naturally found in body to help you sleep..take 4 - 3mg tabs daily.

Gingo Biloba - helps organic brain syndrome.

Use one teaspoon a day from one of the following:
Cod liver oil, Extra Virgin olive oil or flax seed oil

Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids - Coats brain and nervous system, neuro immunity and strength.

Sublingual or tabs B Multi Vitamin Complex - Mental Health Absorption

Black Grapes - Rebuild DNA

Blueberries - Help Memory

Apples 3/day

Green Vegetables - Brain food
Pasta - Carb Energy
Banana - Potassium

Laura in New York

Someone in Baltimore stated:

Buy uv (ultra violet) sunglasses and you can sometimes see evidence of the electromagnetic beam coming from a wall socket, where you may have a night light plugged in.


Detecting and Shielding Tip sent to Derrick Robinson/Freedom From Covert Harrassment and Surveillance
to be shared among TI's (Targeted Individuals)

Keiko states:
I bought a bat detector to detect ultrasound. Between 20-60khz the device has detected some ultrasound in our house. When it is set to 40khz and the microphone is near the light switch and phone and wall outlet, I and my family have heard some loud noise and voice which could be recorded. I think anyone who is experiencing V2K and physical harassment might have possilility of ultrasound device used for their attack. I think we can ask some engineers to eliminate those devices. Keiko give the following link

Keiko further states:
I put the bat detector on back of my ears around range of 20khz and it has detected ultrasound. I have tried this with non-TI (Targeted Individual) and it did not happen. From this result I can assume that 20 khz range ultrasound is beamed to back of ears of some victims for V2K and other attacks.


Jen stated the following:
For those getting those nasty stinging or electrical shocks a magnified mirror placed over the affected area with the reflective side facing away from you will bounce the signal. You will find the stinging will stop and move to another area. I discovered this after being constantly stung in the side while driving my car. The signal was bouncing off my drivers side mirror and hitting my side. If I turned my mirror out so it wouldn't reflect on me the stinging would stop then move to my back. Place a mirror behind my back with reflective side out it would stop A mirror wall tile with a couple of small 10x or 5x sunction mirrors (available at your local dollar store) attached to it can have a nice return to sender effect with a little practice. My experience is that this stuff is being directed from a neighbors house, or person stalking you when you are away from home. Remember the walls and floors of your house provide no protection. Hope you find this useful.
I found this tip on they also have a picture of this item.
Author Unknown: I have experimented in July by covering my hat, jacket and my pants with roofing heat (see picture) insulator sheet made of double side tin foil. I did get rid of the stalkers for 1 day. Their usual traffice formation which was guided by some system (presumed it's GPS) was disrupted.
Jen stated the following:
Shielding can be accomplished with mylar emergency blankets (camping supplies) that are taped together with foil tape which is available in the heating and cooling departments. It may take more than one layer depending how heavy the mylar emergency blankets are. Once assembled you have to ground it. A preassembled ground clip is available at lesson emf or you can make your own. Remember singnals can come through walls and floors. The conductive grounded metal provides a path to redirect the signal away from you. Hope you find this helpful.

Jason stated the following:
There is a tool/device that you can and "have" to make by yourself - because it is illegal to sell it due to FCC regulations - that can and will block all RF EMF UHF MW and any other electronic weapons they use on you within a 20 foot radius. This means that they cannot use "voice to skull" or "read your thoughts" while this device is on. They also cannot cause any forms of "electronic physical attacks." The device is called the Wave Bubble. I want to get this but I am not electronically savvy. I would not know the first thing about building one, but the company that provides the parts to make this device gives tutorials on how to do it.


states to help give some relief from voice to skull (V2K) he puts a penny in his ears (sometimes it works and sometimes it makes it worse). He stated that silver coins seem to give more relief.

From a Victim in Japan

I am a victim in Japan and would like to share the following data which might serve as evidence of DEW attacks. We had about 10 victims who are suffering of shocks, pain, itching, vibration, tinnitus, muscle twitch, etc. scan their bodies with a bat detector at home. All 10 of them have detected ultrasound from few centimeter area of their bodies.

One of the medical schools in our country has confirmed that usually you would not detect ultrasound from bodies. The bat detector will also detect electromagnetic fields. By covering microphone with plastic, you can make the device only detecting electromagnetic fields, and some victims have also detected electromagnetic fields from part of their bodies.

A bat detector engineer said that it must be a high powered beam to cause electromagnetic fields and ultrasound only to part of human bodies.


Someone Stated (in an Email)

If your bed is targeted, buy an air mattress in the camping dept. of a Walmart store or any sporting goods store. A twin sized mattress that comes with an automatic air pump runs about $30 - $40. (At Walmart, it's about $20 and comes without the pump). The pump takes 4 "D" batteries. You turn it on and the little motor inflates the mattress all by itself. The mattress is very comfortable, and is approximately 36"x78". You can also travel with it since it only takes about 10 minutes to pump up with the pump provided. Make sure that it says on the box that the air comes with the mattress. Note: these are not the little air mattresses made for swimming pool play.

Another Tip in Email

Radiation Shielding - Copper works better as more thickness is added. Lead shielding and Heavy Aluminum will also work.

Another Tip in Email

Someone slept on couch cushions

Someone stated (in an Email)

I took 300 magnets (bought at Michael's) the 3/4" discs, aoubt 3/8" thick and placed them on a piece of flannel fabric with a drop of yellow wood glue (very common) about 1/4" apart, in rows 11 rows x 28 rows or so. I then put a drop of glue on top of each magnet and covered this with another piece of flannel. Placing the magnets a small bit apart from each other allows the fabric to bend, so that you can wear this on your shoulder or neck or head. I recommend you wear this all night on your head.

Another tip (in an Email)

For the head pains, make sure that you massage your head with all ten fingers vigorously for over 1 minute. This starts to break up the signals a bit. But really, you need head protection.

Someone stated (in an Email)

They spend a lot of time lining up many drones and/or satellites - or whatever - to target you from many angles where you're sitting or lying down. Moving from that spot is the first defense. Protecting yourself with massage, magnets, copper, etc., is the second.


Note: Buy and/or try at your own risk

they sell Foils, Tapes, Cloth, Mesh, etc.

they sell EMF Shielding Fabric

they sell Necklaces and Powerbars (protection against electromagnetic pollution)

they sell Foil Coatings for Windows, Conductive Foils and Tapes, and much more. They provide EMI and RFI protection. They specialize in providing Electromagnetic Shielding solutions for the electronic, medical, space and defense industries.

gives a few tips and a kinesiologist states that a copper coated coin taped to a mobile phone draws the radiaton to itself meaning less/none goes to the person.

give tips on shielding and directions on how to use products that interfere with the digital imagery received by the perpertrators while they are assaulting you with v2k (voice to skull) etc. Some of the products were zinc oxide ointment and 100 spf sun tan lotion.

they sell shielding paint for inside walls (interiors and exteriors). They also sell shielding canopies to put over your bed at night and shielding mats to put under your bed.




Note: I know these tips will not help totally protect you from the atrocities that we are expericiencing, however this is information to help you create as safe of an environment as you possibly can
(some sections reproduced under the fair use exception of 17USC & 107 for noncommercial, nonprofit, educational purposes)


Find the spot where your electrical panel is located (sometimes also know as the circuit breaker box) and move your bed, sofa or office chair away from that area)

Do not sleep on metal. Get rid of your innersprung mattress, or box springs. When you sleep on the box springs you are sleeping on a big metal grid. Replace with a latex mattress or an all natural futon.

Remove all electronic devices from your sleeping area. This includes alarm clocks, radios, stereos, TVs and computers. If this is not pratical then at least unplug them before you go to sleep.

Choose a home far away from powerlines. Make sure your home is at least 1 km from a powerline.

Anyone interested in vibrant health should avoid eating or drinking anythng from a microwave oven. Microwave ovens rearrange the molecules of our food and our body has trouble recognizing them

Protect yourself from your electrical system. You can protect yourself from EMFs from your electrical system with a
15cm Tachyon disk

Protect yourself from computer screen and TV screen radiation. All screens and monitors give off radiation that can zap your energy, make you dizzy, and cause eye strain. Use a 10cm Tachyon disk to protect yourself

Protect yourself from cell phone and cordless telephone radiation. If you use these find a product that does a good job protecting you, otherwise you may be cooking your brain

Replace flourescent lighting with full-spectrum incandescent lighting. Flourescent light need electrical transformers called "ballasts" in order to function. These ballasts combined with the flourescent bulbs put out much more EMFs than incandescent light bulbs.

Buy only high quality electrical appliances and gadgets. Their superior construction will make a difference in the amount of EMF's you absorb


Connie Marshall's personal message to all TI's (Targeted Individuals)
"Stop crying and get up, ok cry sometime, but then get up and try to help yourself, no one else is going to." As a fellow friend and TI stated to me, "Connie God provides food and shelter for the animals, but they have to go out and get it."

"But the wisdom from above is pure, first of all; it is also peaceful and full of compassion and produces a harvest of good deeds: it is free from prejudice and hypocrisy." James 3:17

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