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funny movie about secret agents


Mortadelo and Filemon two Spanish Spies filemon comic. Devices used to control the mind, working to the TIA (Aeroterráquea Technical Research), almost like the Americans who work for the C: I: A. The atomic sulfate is a cartoon comics Spanish author Francisco Ibáñez, published in 1969, the first long history of Mort Filemón.El atomic number and sulfate is a lotion, according to Professor Bacterio eliminates pests from the field. However, the lotion does just the opposite effect enlarges the animals, thus representing a serious threat to humanity.
I recommend to Ibañez from an accusing glance at the events of reality.






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Characteristics of a Spiritual Warrior

Characteristics of a Spiritual WarriorHappiness is every person’s choice, but few make an effort for it.The Spiritual Warrior is a person who challenges the dreams of fear, lies, false beliefs, and judgments that create suffering and unhappiness in his or her life. It is a war that takes place in the heart and mind of a man or woman. The quest of the Spiritual Warrior is the same as spiritual seekers around the world. The Spiritual Warrior faces this challenge with the clarity and awareness that this war is fought within himself and that Truth and unconditional love are on the other side of these battles. This is what the Toltecs refer to as Personal Freedom. You can find this referenced in the book The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz.Characteristics and TraitsTo win the war against fear requires awareness, courage, discipline, and commitment to transform the emotional body. These are some of the characteristics of a WarriorAwareness of the Spiritual WarriorThe first and most vital tool of the spiritual warrior is awareness. It is easy to we think we are aware, but pure awareness has no thinking involved. It has no thinking because it has no interpretation. Awareness is to perceive with clarity the truth of what is happening without interpretation or opinion. In a moment of awareness the dialogue in the mind stops. We are “seeing” from a point or view separate from the reasoning part of our mind. This could be described as an epiphany. Practiced seer’s live in this awareness in every moment.Awareness is essential because it is the state of consciousness that allows us to discern between the facts and the Truth, and between the story and the lies in our mind. The realm of our mind is filled with false perceptions and false beliefs. While the mind can be very clever with stories and lies, it is the consciousness of awareness that is the discerning intelligence. We may use very intelligent reasoning to make a decision that is not good for ourselves. Only to look at it in hindsight and realize that we discounted indicators that told us otherwise. This can be done in something as simple as a stock investment. The mind is clever, but it is also full of assumptions and limited paradigms of perception. Conscious awareness allows us to see clearly instead of be blinded by these false belief paradigms.Self awareness is the clarity to know who and what you are, and not get caught up in self important images of ourselves. These self important images in our mind distort our sense of who we are. False images can lead us to low self esteem and self confidence, or they can take us into being self centered. If you have an idea of who you are, then consider that you are not that idea in your mind. You are the one creating the idea, and observing it. Self awareness that you are not any of those images in your mind is essential to becoming free of self importance.Courage of the Spiritual WarriorThe courage that makes for a good soldier also makes for a good Spiritual Warrior, but the intent becomes completely different. A soldier has courage to face a challenge that may bring physical harm. The Spiritual warrior has the courage to question challenge his or her own beliefs. By challenging our own beliefs we can dissolve the lies that cause our suffering. To challenge our own beliefs requires courage because it means the end of our illusion of safety. When other people challenge our own beliefs we are usually quick to defend. We defend them even if they cause us to suffer. As a warrior we learn not to defend what we believe, and then to challenge those very beliefs ourselves. In this way we are able to sort out the truth from illusions.Discipline of the Spiritual WarriorA soldier has discipline to follow orders and continues on when faced with challenges. The Spiritual Warrior’s discipline to continue on with their path when faced with challenges from their mind. It is easier to follow orders as a soldier, because we are threatened with consequences and rewarded to motivate us. This is in line with our years of conditioning. A warrior must have the discipline to practice deal with their own mind without someone else providing the motivation with carrots or sticks. A warrior must exercise their own will at the command of their heart, not an outside authority figure. This often means going against the fearful opinions in our mind that tempt us with illusions of punishment and rewards. We must also have the discipline to follow our own heart even when tempted by another person’s opinion. This way of living requires disciplined practice.The Love of the Spiritual WarriorA soldier has a commitment to love his/her country. The Spiritual warrior must have the commitment to love him/her self. The warrior then extends that love to humanity. The commitment is required because in our journey we will certainly fumble and fall many times. It is in having a strong commitment that we get back up again. It is common to fall to judgment. It can be easy to love some people, particularly the people that like us or treat us well. However, it requires a tremendous commitment to love in the face of those that reject us. This commitment will cause us to challenge our beliefs about our judgments and not being compassionate. We must be committed to love beyond our own self-serving interests of what it will bring us. This is how we will become happy beyond our current paradigm of beliefs. In time we become committed to love for the sheer enjoyment of expressing love. This becomes our commitment. We nourish ourselves with the love we express. A warrior acts in this committed way, even when challenged.In my point of view, Jesus Christ was the greatest Warrior. He had the courage, discipline, and openness to Love unconditionally even as he was being rejected and physically persecuted during his days. Even when his body was in physical pain, the only emotions he created and expressed were of love and compassion. He did not use a reason in his mind to hate or judge. This is extraordinary impeccability. If he could love in his challenges, then we can learn to love unconditionally in our challenges.
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Another piece of the puzzle

One of the members of the satanic terrorist cell that have been attacking me is my former landlord Mr. Wong who was living at 2/F, 218 Hung Ling Chuen, Fanling, New Territories. He has been identified as a satanist in disguise by Father YAHUVAH through an email exchange with another Sister in YAHUSHUA. He is also a practitioner of some form of Chinese black magic. I also came across an article about a terrorist incident in ancient China which also involved sorcery.Originally dated August 4, 2014 at 05:03.
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Satan's Tactics

Satan (the name means adversary) main tactics is to keep people in ignorance to the spiritual reality. As long as people are in a state of ignorance, they are easily manipulated into bondage. Once people are in bondage they are very easily controlled. Money, fame, worldly glory are just a few examples. Mankind are created to have a relationship with the one true God, if they cannot have a relationship with God, then they will have a spiritual void. Satan fills this spiritual void with vanity. They are empty, sensual, carnal and only lead the people to hell.

The scripture reminds us not to love the world and the things in it. We have to follow the instructions in the scripture exactly as they are stated, for God will not and cannot lie to us. People need to humble themselves and start seeking God in humility. We need to understand the way of the world is contrary to the way of God. They are mutually exclusive. They cannot co-exist together, that's why God told us in the scripture plainly that in we love God, we would hate the world. The way of the world only leads us to hell, that's the only final reward. The way of God involves total dedication to our Lord, obedience to His commandments, the ultimate reward is the way to heaven.

Satan causes people to disobey God, hence puit them in a state of disobedience. First he puts people in a state of ignorance, then he causes people to worship the wrong things. If you do not have a right relationship with God, you can fall into the folly of worshipping the wrong things like science, religions, power, etc. We who serve God faithfully are in the world but do not live like the world. We are not to commit adultery with the world. We are not to commit idolatry, meaning the worship of false gods. When you are in a state of disobedience, you provoke God to anger. Too few people are aware of this fact that they think they can believe in anything without serious consequences, well they are in for a big surprise.

As stated in the scripture, Satan comes to steal, to kill and to destroy. Following the way of the world is following Satan. Do not be deceived, and be ignorant no more. Satan comes to steal your souls, do not let him, the price of ignorance is too high.

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 my book has taken me ten years to write. It is a documentary of my 14 yrs as a ti and an addict. It talks about me being diagnosed as schizophrenic and locked up. I have had some memorable experiences. I am enrolled in college and carrying a 4.0 . I want to hear people tell me im schizo when they read my book.  

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Tấn công ở Tân Cương, 96 người thiệt mạng

Tân Hoa xã cho biết có 13 thường dân khác bị thương. Cảnh sát Tân Cương bắt giữ 215 “tên khủng bố” trong vụ tấn công bằng dao tại một đồn cảnh sát và một số cơ quan chính quyền địa phương ở huyện Shache, vùng Kashgar thuộc Tân Cương.

Truyền thông Trung Quốc chỉ hé lộ thông tin về vụ tấn công này vào ngày 29-7. Một tổ chức người Uighur ở nước ngoài cho biết gần 100 người thiệt mạng trong cuộc đụng độ giữa những người Uighur nổi loạn và cảnh sát Tân Cương.

Theo Tân Hoa xã, trong số các thường dân thiệt mạng có 35 người Hán và hai người Uighur. Cảnh sát thu giữ nhiều con dao ở hiện trường vụ án và những băng rôn với khẩu hiệu kêu gọi thánh chiến chống chính quyền Trung Quốc.

Bắc Kinh tuyên bố vụ tấn công “được lên kế hoạch từ trước và có liên quan đến nhóm khủng bố Phong trào Hồi giáo Đông Turkestan”. Hôm 1-8, cảnh sát ở Tân Cương bắn chết chín “nghi can khủng bố” và bắt giữ một người khác.

Trong thời gian qua, hàng loạt vụ bạo động nổ ra ở Tân Cương, đẫm máu nhất là vụ tấn công vào khu chợ trời thủ phủ Urumqi hồi tháng 5 khiến 39 người thiệt mạng. Trước đó là vụ tấn công bằng dao ở nhà ga Côn Minh hồi tháng 3, do một số người Uighur thực hiện, khiến 29 người chết.

Các tổ chức người Uighur ở nước ngoài cáo buộc chính quyền Trung Quốc thi hành chính sách đàn áp văn hóa, kinh tế và chính trị đối với người Uighur ở Tân Cương, dẫn tới tình trạng bạo loạn.

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EMP Generator

I have made an EMP Generator. I recently used it on myself. It seems to have worked a bit. I am still experiencing some of the familiar signs of my psychotronic torture, yet they are diminished as long as I stay away from electronics that carry the wave such as Televisions, radios and fluorescent light bulbs. Funnily enough I took a part of the light bulb in question apart and used it for the generator.

I Have two Implants that I am aware of and most likely nano tech inside my body via injection. I was thinking of that recently and decided to put this experiment together.

Since the pulse went off I've been feeling better, much more relaxed.

Whether or not it is simply a game they are pulling is up to time to tell. Until then or maybe even despite this, feel free to make your own EMP Generator with my instructions here:

 Hopefully this works for you.

I have made the instructions easy to follow and the parts very easy to source, you may have the "ingredients" in your own homes.

Take some time out of the day and build your own, these could be what fry the chips and nano tech.

I assure you it is not a complicated project, quite simple in fact.

Let me know how it goes.

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