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Why i beleive this is they can hit me in all these spots with signals.Another reason is i use Peroxide for after shave the white on my face i can pick off with tweziers and hold a direct flame under this and it don't disapeare and it will bounce on the counter top.I could have waited to long to find out how the signals effects peoples Health like mine.Everything i do to protect my self has been Sobotoged because they enter my home at will when i am gone.Every time i leave my Ground Sheild wont work at all when i return, my Farraday Cage 10 hours labor and $200.00 to build worked very well for a while and this gets Sobotoged now allso.When i got very sick and seen my doctor office with no medication i had to go get me some Goji juice and magostein super fruit i mixed these i took three ounces a day for three days and all my sickness and back pain left.I got very sick again while taking the Goji juice so i got a Colindal Silver Ion machine a few months ago and the silver ions was working very well but the silver ions have been Sabotoged allso.They used siler ions to cure diseases before medication came along.I will say this i heard them say that he is curing himself again and this can't happen.I was taking a few ounces a day and aged spots was dissapering and warts was falling off and my face was healing and then someone started sobotoging all my things even my ions.They were amased at how well the ions was working for me.I have a hard time now and can't funtion very well at home.What they can do to the Blood in the body and cells is very bad,i will try to make my vedio now but i have no help from no one. Thanks and God Bless!
I don't remember committing treason anymore, but I know the song was written before that because I committed treason in 2009. I was in "I Want to Believe" before that and that's what made me so paranoid because they were after me. I think I wanted them to get it over with. I went to the hospital, and they didn't believe that I was in the movie because they live in bubbles.
They have kooky issues, and they are terrible leaders.
L'intelligence artificielle
système expert
Le Traitement automatique du langage naturel
reconnaissance de formes (ou parfois reconnaissance de motifs
L'apprentissage automatique It's Kaela at 2:01, and I'm going to end him. This was all setup.
Tell us the rules so that we can follow. I want to kill myself like this. I'd gladly get on the floor and worship as opposed to this. IF that's what they want... It's hard to think straight. I can't remember things. I simply react to stimulus. I have no idea how to form an opinion or do anything. I can't keep an opinion, I guess. I have no morals. I can't reason. Here is the song that advertises that one.
Have they erased any of your minds? What do you struggle with?
I don't even vote. here's what I am.
...Im soo fucking tired of being needlessly tortured...Monday n Tuesday im at dentist getting stuff done to my jaw..and EVERY TIME this happens, (any medical procures done to me), So wed thr, Fri I end up getting monitored and seeing and feeling blackhalks circling me 4 times a day for last 3 days. with dizziness illness and very weak. Heat rashes on my head and face cant stand wanting to puke. stomach cramps and hard to breath. micro holes in hat liner(Microwave coupled w.Rf waves in short burts, every 10-15 sec.). then end up in hospital again ALL night and day hooked up to brain and heart monitors 30 hours with Dr, telling me they dont know what the Hell is going on with me. but I can easily die from what ever it is..Dr. tells me he thinks its a t Wave signal from my brain to my heart..!!! NO FUCKING SHIT I v been trying to tell everyone 1/2 my funking life you would thing after the 3rd 9th 14th 28th time iv been hospitalized for this.. THEN they would .......Sending me to ANOTHER cardiologist...and neurologist .. I go through this 2-3 times a year for 20 years. Besides my leg... Then it goes away like nothing ever happens. And I act like nothing ever happens to me, Because No one can Deal with the Truth...No trace other then my medical records.and pictures and radar pic of the helicopters flying over and around me every time. 4 times a day.. And I was unable to take Lorna to her Oncology appointments because she was in the hospital with me worried. looking very ill My dr. asking her if she feels alright because she looks so bad.....It looks like my life is going back to my normal....
the time of property of induction should be minimized based on mass out put levels of electrical energy potential output. Unless it is in the case of micro processing, or mechanically (even mechanical drowns on out put and voltage drop can electrocute a human nor even a child?.. In other such Cases such as mil AMP's and Volt's ranges. These such cases where by a lower strength values needs to be presented then any persons BPI (Body mass Potential Induce) reference) These measures should be check, measured and balanced with safety laws.
Know my question is why would so much be beholder to spectrum, OHS(occupational health and safety), Canadian signal (Owen at sea) team mate; as well as the NSA. bills and measurement's need to be past, if any occupational participant in any health and safety comity, or regional carrier cared, they would need to prevent action such as running neutral lines on transmitter and induce power into some ones house. That is a act of murder rather then turning it off, that is murder not negligence buy any stretch of the imagination.. These subsidiaries' owners running for what ever obvious purpose, run with Low Frequency sweeps (trying to sweep me L.T).
This acts would be presented and hidden behind. laws need to be presented where by such action can be charged by. steal customers singles with low frequency sweeps off each other transmitter or receiver. during power up, to steal customers is wrong. We are not gunny pigs.
to mediate the problem potential with investors but as well as charging the murders that induced these energy potential, this is my plea to the public.
the time of property of induction should be minimized based on mass out put levels of electrical energy potential output...
Tom Mac
Asedio moral: un ensayo sobre la expropiación de la dignidad en el trabajo
Roberto Heloani
Alguns autores costumam colocar a questão do assédio moral como essencialmente individual, como uma "perversão do ego" no âmbito estritamente psicopatológico, em que se dá um silencioso assassinato psíquico. Entre os mais conhecidos, podemos citar aquela que popularizou o conceito, Marie France Hirigoyen, em sua primeira obra Assédio moral: a violência perversa no cotidiano, embora em sua segunda obra, Mal estar no trabalho: redefinindo o assédio moral , essa autora relativize a variável idiossincrática.
A par disso, existe uma outra concepção à qual nos filiamos que, não obstante mais complexa, também considera cada indivíduo como produto de uma construção sócio-histórica.. Sujeito e produtor de inter-relações que ocorrem dentro do meio-ambiente social, com suas leis e regras. Diretrizes estas que funcionam dentro de uma determinada lógica macroeconômica, a qual subentende e incorpora relações de poder.
Costumamos dizer que a discussão sobre assédio moral é nova. O fenômeno é velho.Tão velho quanto o trabalho, isto é, quanto o homem, infelizmente...
No Brasil colônia, índios e negros foram sistematicamente assediados, ou melhor, humilhados por colonizadores que, de certa forma, julgavam-se superiores e aproveitavam-se dessa suposta superioridade militar, cultural e econômica para impingir-lhes sua visão de mundo, sua religião, seus costumes.
Não raro esse procedimento, constrangedor sob vários aspectos, vinha acompanhado de um outro que hoje denominamos assédio sexual, ou seja, constranger-se uma pessoa do sexo oposto ou do mesmo sexo a manter qualquer tipo de prática sexual sem que essa verdadeiramente o deseje.
De fato, relembrando as idéias de Gilberto Freyre , em sua obra clássica Casa-Grande & Senzala: formação da família brasileira sob o regime da economia patriarcal, as relações entre brancos e "raças de cor" foram, no Brasil, condicionadas bilateralmente – de um lado pela monocultura latifundiária ( o cultivo de cana-de- açúcar) no que diz respeito ao sistema de produção econômica; e de outro, pelo sistema sócio-familiar de cunho patriarcal, que se caracterizava pela escassez de mulheres brancas na colônia. Essa monocultura açucareira acabou impossibilitando a existência de uma policultura e de uma pecuária que pudessem se instalar ao redor dos engenhos, suprindo-lhes, inclusive, as carências alimentares. A criação de gado deslocou-se para o sertão, e a casa-grande adquiriu características essencialmente feudais –senhores de engenho, em sua maior parte patriarcais e devassos, que dominavam, do alto de suas moradias, escravos, lavradores e agregados, com mão-de-ferro.
Sem querermos radicalizar ou extrapolar, considerando a atual sociedade brasileira nos moldes da escravocrata, pensamos que a humilhação no trabalho, ou o assédio moral, sempre existiu, historicamente falando, nas mais diferentes formas. Humilhação esta embasada no próprio sistema macroeconômico, que, em seu processo disciplinar, favorece o aparecimento dessa forma de violência, em que o superior hierárquico detém um certo poder sobre seu subordinado.
Em um mundo que passa por grandes e rápidas mudanças, as organizações nacionais, pressionadas pelo processo de globalização, substituem cada vez mais o homem pela máquina. Assim, novas tecnologias são implementadas nas empresas, obrigando o trabalhador a adaptar-se rapidamente a elas e impondo um novo perfil profissional tecnicizado.
Fruto de um processo cada vez mais intenso de globalização, de automação fabril, de informatização nos serviços e de agilização nos processos, a hipercompetitividade é um fenômeno recente, que vem chegando ao Brasil e, efetivamente, estimula a instrumentalização do outro.
Nessa nova lógica pós-moderna ou pós-fordista, como queiram, que legitima uma ampla reestruturação produtiva, onde os salários sofrem cada vez mais reduções e a educação emerge como "salvadora" e principal ferramenta da atualização, o trabalho torna-se cada vez mais precário e seletivo. O Estado vem, mediante uma ideologia neoliberal, retirar e diminuir benefícios e direitos do trabalhador, modificando a relação capital-trabalho; surgem, então, novas relações, como o contrato de trabalho por tempo determinado e várias formas de terceirização, que geram, desse modo, o subemprego e o trabalho informal, novas ameaças ao trabalhador, que antes tinha a garantia de alguns direitos historicamente consolidados.
Busca-se desse modo um paradoxo: a conciliação de dois sujeitos historicamente desiguais, capital e trabalho. Por meio de discursos de cooperação e de trabalho em equipe, consultores organizacionais acabam por perpetuar elementos antagônicos: a necessidade da cooperação em equipe e a competição pela aquisição e manutenção de um posto de trabalho.
Essa hipercompetitividade não seria em si mesma uma forma de violência? Uma guerra, como bem coloca Christophe Dejours em A banalização da injustiça social , onde o fundamental não é o equipamento militar, mas o desenvolvimento da competitividade; em que o fim pode justificar os meios, mediante um atropelamento da ética, da própria dignidade humana.
É certo que a violência faz parte da própria condição humana, como o amor, o ódio, o poder, a submissão, o orgulho, a inveja e tantas outras facetas da personalidade. Mas, como Roberto Da Matta em A violência brasileiralucidamente posiciona, não se pode deixar de investigar o conjunto de valores que estão associados a certas formas de violência em sociedades específicas.
Em um sistema em que a "racionalidade instrumental" se sobrepõe à "racionalidade comunicativa" ,(para usarmos a expressão de Habermas em Teoria de la acción comunicativa: crítica de la razón funcionalista ),o que gera uma distorção comunicacional, a violência torna-se uma resposta a um sistema desumano e não pode ser considerada um mero mecanismo individual. Em outras palavras, nesse processo a violência passa a ser uma perversão da perversão, ou seja, uma armadilha motivada pela crueldade do sistema.
Em nossa opinião, a violência reflete, tal como uma imagem no espelho, as formas de poder constituídas socialmente. Se for certo que o furor expansionista do capital conquistou-nos financeiramente, é também exato que nesse processo de expansão comprometeu-se o nosso discernimento, ou melhor, a nossa saúde moral. Alguns fragmentos de discurso como "enxugar as gorduras", "exterminar os dinossauros" e mesmo "fazer uma faxina" são expressões recorrentes na "mídia especializada", que costumamos chamar de subliteratura organizacional.
Situando o assédio moral
O assédio moral foi apontado como objeto de pesquisa, em 1996, na Suécia, pelo psicólogo do trabalho Heyns Leymann, que, por meio de um levantamento junto a vários grupos de profissionais chegou a um processo que qualificou de psicoterror, cunhando o termo mobbing (um derivado de mob, que significa horda, bando ou plebe), devido à similaridade dessa conduta com um ataque rústico, grosseiro.
Dois anos após, Marie-France Hirigoyen, psiquiatra e psicanalista com grande experiência como psicoterapeuta familiar, popularizou o termo por meio do lançamento de seu livro Le harcèlement moral : la violence perverse au quotidien, um best-seller que ocasionou a abertura de inúmeros debates sobre o tema, tanto na organização do trabalho como na estrutura familiar.
Com formação em "victimologia" na França e nos Estados Unidos, a postura de Hirigoyen é empática em relação à vítima e discordante de algumas teorias psicanalíticas que debitam boa parte da culpa ao agredido, como se de certa forma este estivesse conivente com o agressor ou desejasse inconscientemente a própria situação de agressão, por masoquismo ou mesmo por expiação de culpa. Provavelmente foi essa faceta inovadora e humana de sua abordagem o que motivou o enorme sucesso de seu livro e fez com que, em sua esteira, uma revista francesa, Rebondir, especializada em informações sobre o emprego, realizasse uma vasta pesquisa, em empresas francesas, referente ao assédio moral.
Les victimes de crimes psychotronic identifié le type de la souffrance HARCÈLEMENT DANS TOUS LES SECTEURS DE LEUR VIE, NON SEULEMENT DU TRAVAIL Le harcèlement moral: un essai sur l'expropriation de la dignité au travail
Siege moral non ensayo sobre la la dignidad expropriation en el trabajo
Roberto Heloani
Certains auteurs ont tendance à mettre la question de l'intimidation comme essentiellement individuel, comme une «perversion de l'ego" dans le strictement psychopathologique, ce qui arrive assez assassiner psychique. Parmi les plus connus, on peut citer celui qui a popularisé le concept, Marie France Hirigoyen, dans son premier livre Mobbing: la violence perverse au quotidien, bien que dans son second ouvrage, Ill être au travail: la redéfinition de l'intimidation, à relativiser cet auteur la variable idiosyncrasique.
En outre, il ya une autre notion à laquelle nous nous associons que malgré plus complexe, considère aussi chaque individu comme un produit d'un contexte socio-historique .. Sujet et producteur d'interrelations qui se produisent dans l'environnement social, avec ses lois et ses règles. Ces lignes directrices pour travailler dans une logique macro-économique donné, ce qui implique et intègre les relations de pouvoir.
Nous disons que la discussion sur l'intimidation est nouveau. Le phénomène est aussi vieux velho.Tão travail, qui est, l'homme, malheureusement ...
Dans colonial Brésil, les Indiens et les Noirs ont été systématiquement harcelés, ou plutôt humilié par les colons qui en quelque sorte se croyaient supérieurs et ont profité de cette supériorité militaire supposé, culturel et économique de leur imposer leur vision du monde, leur religion , leurs coutumes.
Souvent, cette procédure, embarrassant à bien des égards, a été accompagnée par une autre qui appellent désormais le harcèlement sexuel, ou vous embarrasser une personne du sexe opposé ou de même sexe d'organiser tout type de pratique sexuelle sans que veulent vraiment.
En effet, rappelant les idées de Gilberto Freyre dans son classique Casa Grande et Slaves: formation familiale économie brésilienne sous le régime de relations patriarcales entre les Blancs et les «races de couleur" étaient au Brésil, conditionné bilatérale - pour d'un côté par propriétaire de monoculture (la culture de la canne à sucre) par rapport au système de production économique, et l'autre, par inclinaison patriarcale socio-familial, qui a été caractérisé par une pénurie de femmes blanches dans la colonie. Ce sucre monoculture tout simplement impossible l'existence d'une polyculture et un élevage qui pourrait être installé autour des moulins, leur fournissant, notamment les pénuries alimentaires. Bétail déplacé vers l'arrière-pays, et la grande maison a acquis des caractéristiques essentiellement féodal planteurs, essentiellement patriarcales et les fornicateurs, qui a dominé de la tête de leurs maisons, les esclaves, les agriculteurs et les ménages, la main- chemins de fer.
Sans vouloir radicaliser ou extrapoler, compte tenu de la société brésilienne courant le long des lignes de l'esclavage, nous pensons que l'humiliation au travail, ou l'intimidation a toujours existé, historiquement parlant, de différentes façons. Ancré dans leur propre humiliation ce système macro-économique, qui, dans son processus disciplinaire, favorise le développement de cette forme de violence, dans laquelle le supérieur détient un certain pouvoir sur ses subordonnés.
Dans un monde en pleine mutation et les grandes organisations, nationales, sous la pression de la mondialisation, de plus en plus remplacer l'homme par la machine. Ainsi, les nouvelles technologies sont mises en œuvre dans les entreprises, ce qui oblige les travailleurs à s'adapter rapidement et à imposer un nouveau profil mise en œuvre technique professionnel.
Résultat d'un processus de plus en plus intense mondialisation, l'automatisation industrielle, l'informatisation des services et des processus de rationalisation, le hypercompetitiveness est un phénomène récent, qui vient au Brésil, et stimule efficacement l'exploitation d'autrui.
Dans cette nouvelle logique post-moderne ou post-fordiste, si vous voulez, qui légitime une vaste restructuration de la production, où les salaires sont de plus en plus souffrent de coupures et de l'éducation apparaît comme un «sauveur» et mettre à jour l'outil principal, le travail devient de plus en plus précaire et sélective. L'État a été à travers une idéologie néolibérale, supprimer et réduire les prestations et les droits des travailleurs, la modification du ratio capital-travail, lève-toi, alors, de nouvelles relations, comme le contrat de travail à durée déterminée et diverses formes de sous-traitance, qui génèrent cette ainsi, le sous-emploi et le travail informel, de nouvelles menaces pour le travailleur, qui avait déjà garanti certains droits historiquement consolidé.
L'objectif est donc un paradoxe: concilier deux sujets historiquement inégaux, le capital et le travail. Grâce discours de coopération et de travail en équipe, consultants organisationnels finalement perpétuent éléments antagonistes: la nécessité d'une coopération et compétition par équipe pour l'acquisition et le maintien d'un emploi.
Cette hypercompetitiveness ne serait pas en soi une forme de violence? Guerre, ainsi que dans des endroits Christophe Dejours La banalisation de l'injustice sociale, où la clé n'est pas le matériel militaire, mais le développement de la compétitivité et à la fin peut justifier les moyens, grâce à un piétinement de l'éthique, la dignité humaine.
Il est vrai que la violence fait partie de la condition humaine comme l'amour, la haine, la puissance, la soumission, l'orgueil, l'envie et beaucoup d'autres facettes de la personnalité. Mais comme Roberto Da Matta dans les postes de brasileiralucidamente de la violence, on ne peut manquer d'enquêter sur l'ensemble des valeurs qui sont associées à certaines formes de violence dans les sociétés particulières.
Dans un système où les «rationalité instrumentale» recouvre «rationalité communicative» (pour reprendre l'expression de Habermas Théorie de la acción communicative: la critique de La Razón fonctionnaliste), ce qui conduit à une distorsion de la communication, la violence devient si une réponse à un système inhumain et ne peut être considéré comme un simple mécanisme unique. En d'autres termes, dans ce cas, la violence est une perversion de la perversion, c'est un piège motivé par la cruauté du système.
À notre avis, la violence reflète comme un miroir, les formes de pouvoir socialement constituées. S'il est vrai que le capital expansionniste de fureur nous a gagné financièrement, est aussi exact dans le processus d'élargissement se sont engagés notre discernement, ou plutôt notre santé morale. Quelques fragments de discours comme "Éliminez la graisse", "exterminer les dinosaures» et même «faire un grand nettoyage de printemps» sont des expressions récurrentes dans le «spécialiste des médias», que nous appelons habituellement subliteratura organisationnel.
Situer l'intimidation
L'intimidation a été nommé en tant que sujet de recherche, en 1996, en Suède, le psychologue qui travaille Heyns Leymann, qui, à travers une enquête auprès de divers groupes professionnels a atteint un processus qu'il a appelé psicoterror, inventant le terme mobbing ( un dérivé de la foule, ce qui signifie horde, troupeau ou mob), en raison de la similitude de ce comportement avec une attaque rustique, grossier.
Deux ans plus tard, Marie-France Hirigoyen, psychiatre et psychanalyste ayant une vaste expérience en tant que psychothérapeute familiale, a popularisé le terme à travers le lancement de son livre Le harcèlement moral: la violence perverse au quotidien, un best-seller qui a provoqué l'ouverture de nombreuses discussions sur le sujet, tant dans l'organisation du travail et la structure familiale.
Avec une formation "victimologia" en France et aux Etats-Unis, la posture est empathique Hirigoyen égard de la victime et de désaccord avec certaines théories psychanalytiques qui débitent trop blâmer quand attaqués, comme si d'une certaine manière cela a été de connivence avec l'agresseur ou inconsciemment voulu propre situation d'agression, par masochisme ou même expiation de la culpabilité. C'était probablement cet aspect de son approche novatrice et humaine qui a motivé l'énorme succès de son livre et en fait, dans son sillage, un magazine français, Rebondir, spécialisée dans l'information sur l'emploi, mener une recherche approfondie dans des sociétés françaises liés à l'intimidation.
VICTIMS OF CRIMES psychotronic IDENTIFIED THE TYPE OF HARASSMENT SUFFERING IN ALL SECTORS OF THEIR LIVES, NOT ONLY LABOR! Moral harassment: an essay on the expropriation of dignity at work
Siege moral un ensayo sobre la la expropriation dignidad en el trabajo
Roberto Heloani
Some authors tend to put the issue of bullying as essentially individual, as a "perversion of the ego" in the strictly psychopathological, which happens quite psychic murder. Among the best known, we can mention the one that popularized the concept, Marie France Hirigoyen, in his first book Mobbing: perverse violence in everyday life, although in his second work, Ill be at work: redefining bullying, to relativize this author variable idiosyncratic.
In addition, there is another concept to which we join that despite more complex, also considers each individual as a product of a socio-historical .. Subject and producer of interrelationships that occur within the social environment, with its laws and rules. These guidelines to work within a given macroeconomic logic, which implies and incorporates power relations.
We say that the discussion on bullying is new. The phenomenon is as old velho.Tão work, that is, the man, unfortunately ...
In colonial Brazil, Indians and blacks were systematically harassed, or rather humiliated by settlers who somehow thought themselves superior and took advantage of this supposed military superiority, cultural and economical to foist them their world view, their religion , their customs.
Often this procedure, embarrassing in many ways, was accompanied by another who now call sexual harassment, or embarrass yourself a person of the opposite sex or the same sex to hold any type of sexual practice without that truly want.
Indeed, recalling the ideas of Gilberto Freyre in his classic Casa Grande & Slaves: family formation Brazilian economy under the regime of patriarchal relations between whites and "colored races" were in Brazil, conditioned bilaterally - for one side by monoculture landowner (the cultivation of cane sugar) with respect to the system of economic production, and the other, by socio-familial patriarchal slant, which was characterized by a shortage of white women in the colony. This sugar monoculture just impossible the existence of a polyculture and a livestock that could be installed around the mills, supplying them, including food shortages. Livestock moved to the hinterland, and the great house acquired characteristics essentially feudal-planters, mostly patriarchal and fornicators, who dominated from the top of their houses, slaves, farmers and households, with hand- railways.
Without wanting to radicalize or extrapolate, considering the current Brazilian society along the lines of slavery, we think that the humiliation at work, or bullying has always existed, historically speaking, in different ways. Grounded in their own humiliation this macroeconomic system, which, in its disciplinary process, favors the development of this form of violence, in which the superior holds a certain power over his subordinate.
In a world undergoing rapid changes and large, national organizations, pressured by globalization, increasingly replace the man by machine. Thus, new technologies are implemented in companies, forcing workers to adapt quickly to them and imposing a new professional profile technical implementation.
Result of a process increasingly intense globalization, factory automation, computerization of services and streamlining processes, the hypercompetitiveness is a recent phenomenon, which is coming to Brazil, and effectively stimulates the exploitation of others.
In this new logic postmodern or post-Fordist, if you like, that legitimizes a broad restructuring of production, where wages are increasingly suffering cuts and education emerged as a "savior" and update the main tool, the work becomes increasingly precarious and selective. The State has been through a neoliberal ideology, remove and reduce benefits and worker rights, changing the capital-labor ratio; arise, then, new relationships, as the employment contract for a definite period and various forms of outsourcing, which generate this so, underemployment and informal work, new threats to the worker, who had previously guaranteed certain rights historically consolidated.
The aim is thus a paradox: reconciling two subjects historically unequal, capital and labor. Through discourses of cooperation and teamwork, organizational consultants ultimately perpetuate antagonistic elements: the need for cooperation and team competition for acquiring and maintaining a job.
This hypercompetitiveness would not be in itself a form of violence? War, as well as in places Christophe Dejours The trivialization of social injustice, where the key is not the military equipment, but the development of competitiveness and in the end can justify the means, through a trampling of ethics, human dignity.
It is true that violence is part of the human condition as love, hate, power, submission, pride, envy and many other facets of personality. But as Roberto Da Matta in violence brasileiralucidamente positions, one can not fail to investigate the set of values that are associated with certain forms of violence in particular societies.
In a system where the "instrumental rationality" overlaps "communicative rationality" (to use the expression in Habermas Theory of Communicative la acción: critique de la razón functionalist), which leads to a distortion of communication, violence becomes if a response to a inhuman system and can not be considered a mere single mechanism. In other words, in this case the violence is a perversion perversion, ie, a trap motivated by the cruelty of the system.
In our opinion, the violence reflects as a mirror image, the socially constituted forms of power. If it is true that the furor expansionary capital won us financially, is also exact in the process of expanding pledged our discernment, or rather our moral health. Some fragments of speech as "wipe the grease", "exterminate the dinosaurs" and even "do a spring cleaning" are recurrent expressions in the "media specialist", we usually call subliteratura organizational.
Situating bullying
The bullying was appointed as a research subject, in 1996, in Sweden, the psychologist working Heyns Leymann, who, through a survey of various professional groups reached a process which he called psicoterror, coining the word mobbing ( a derivative of mob, which means horde, flock or mob), due to the similarity of this behavior with an attack rustic, coarse.
Two years later, Marie-France Hirigoyen, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst with extensive experience as a psychotherapist familiar, popularized the term through the launch of his book Le harcèlement moral: la violence perverse au quotidien, a bestseller that caused the opening of numerous discussions on the subject, both in the organization of work and in the family structure.
With training "victimologia" in France and the United States, the posture is Hirigoyen empathetic towards the victim and disagreement with some psychoanalytic theories that debit too much blame when attacked, as if somehow this was colluding with the abuser or unconsciously wanted to own situation of aggression, for masochism or even expiation of guilt. Probably it was this aspect of his innovative and humane approach which motivated the huge success of his book and made it, in its wake, a French magazine, Rebondir, specializing in information on employment, conduct an extensive research in French companies related to bullying.
W-vindo. Este site é dedicado a explicar um programa global de tortura, assassinato e perseguição que eu chamo de mal oculto . Ele inclui uma vasta rede de informantes à paisana do cidadão, que é usado para perseguição públicos, e do uso de armas de energia dirigida a indivíduos específicos. Todas as facções principais da comunidade estão envolvidos, e todos, desde idosos a crianças, participa Stalking Gang. Os governos têm usado esses grupos de alguma forma desde o Império Romano. The Evil Invisível é um exemplo desse padrão se repetindo.
Patrulhas a rede dos cidadãos nas ruas de seus bairros. A evidência sugere que esta rede não é apenas parte de uma sub-cultura dentro da sociedade, mas que, literalmente, permeia todos os seus aspectos, e é, portanto, parte do mainstream. Como vou demonstrar, isso já aconteceu antes. A rede é a criação de supra-governamental Think Tanks, que são feitas por pessoas de uma enorme riqueza. Estes Think Tanks manipular o seu governo como um fantoche. Então, em essência, esses indivíduos ricos controlar suas ruas.
A frente do público parte do programa atualmente parece emanar do Departamento de Segurança Interna. É apoiado por indivíduos e grupos de informantes, que não têm laços oficiais com qualquer organização estatal. As agências federais trabalham diretamente com os governos locais para coordenar as atividades desta rede colossal. Outros países têm aparentemente semelhantes.
As patrulhas de cidadãos (Stalking Gang) é feito sob o pretexto de manter um olho sobre ameaças internas à segurança do Estado e limpeza de bairros. Como vou demonstrar, é exatamente isso que as redes de informantes na Alemanha Oriental e Rússia disseram quando eles foram recrutados para estes programas patrocinados pelo Estado. Estes são essencialmenteglobais guerra psicológica operações, realizadas com o apoio da população civil. No nível da vizinhança, apesar das afirmações de patriotismo, os principais motivos da sua participação e empoderamento aventura.
Programação Neuro-Linguística (PNL) e outras ferramentas de modificação de comportamento são usados como armas durante o assédio do público. Estes ataques são combinados com nível militar, silencioso,-the-wall através armas de energia dirigida (DEW), e avançados equipamentos de vigilância eletrônica. Muitas pessoas são atacadas noite & dia com essas armas.equipamentos de vigilância .Muitas pessoas são atacadas noite & dia com essas armas.
Eu descobri que esse patógeno social é um sintoma de uma sociedade fortemente corrompido sob o domínio psicopata. O programa, em sua forma básica, faz parte de um tema histórico re-ocorrência, que inclui os psicopatas ganhar o controle de governos, e utilizando uma porcentagem da população para destruir seus inimigos. Isto é feito para pavimentar o caminho para umaditadura aberta, e é sempre feito sob a bandeira da justiça . Em sua forma atual, é parte de um movimento político conhecido como a Nova Ordem Mundial . Neste site, eu vou descrever o que Think Tanks estão por trás dele. De cima para baixo, o Mal Invisível é sobre o poder e controle.
A notícia mainstream, congresso, parlamento, e outros políticos abertamente negar que isso existe. Ou será que eles minimizar o seu significado. Organizações sob o controle da elite financeira também irá negá-lo, e pode ser usado para desacreditar quem expõe. Os meios também será utilizado desta forma.No futuro, quando os autorizados historiadores escrevem os oficiais, livros de história, esta parte será deixado de fora ou caiada.
Portanto, este site também servirá como um registro. Será um testemunho para quem quer aprender a verdade sobre como as ruas das nações da OTAN foram assumidas por empresas multi-nacionais, que utilizou grupos assédio patrocinado pelo governo federal para Gang Stalk sua oposição, a fim de preparar o caminho para uma ditadura corporativo-fascista.
O melhor lugar para começar é ler os livros on-line, The Hidden Evil: guerra secreta da elite financeira contra a população civil , e nova guerra mundial: métodos revolucionários de controle político .Obrigado, Mark
W welcome. This site is dedicated to explaining a global program of torture, murder and persecution which I call the hidden evil. It includes a vast network of informants plainclothes citizen, which is used for public persecution, and the use of directed energy weapons to specific individuals. All the main factions of the community are involved, and everyone from the elderly to children, participates Gang Stalking. Governments have used these groups in some form since the Roman Empire. The Hidden Evil is an example of this pattern repeating itself.
Patrols network of citizens on the streets of their neighborhoods. The evidence suggests that this network is not just part of a sub-culture within society, but that literally permeates every aspect, and is therefore part of the mainstream. As I'll demonstrate, this has happened before. The network is the creation of supra-governmental Think Tanks, which are made by people of enormous wealth. These Think Tanks manipulate your government as a puppet. So in essence, these wealthy individuals control their streets.
The front of the public part of the program currently seems to emanate from the Department of Homeland Security. It is supported by individuals and groups of informants, who have no official ties to any state organization. Federal agencies work directly with local governments to coordinate the activities of this network colossal. Other countries have apparently similar.
The citizen patrols (Gang Stalking) is done under the guise of keeping an eye on internal threats to state security and cleaning neighborhoods. As I'll demonstrate, this is exactly what the networks of informants in East Germany and Russia were told when they were recruited for these programs sponsored by the state. These are essencialmenteglobais psychological warfare operations, carried out with the support of the civilian population. At the neighborhood level, despite the claims of patriotism, the main reasons for their participation and empowerment adventure.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and other behavioral modification tools are used as weapons during the siege of the public. These attacks are combined with military-grade, silent, through-the-wall directed energy weapons (DEW), and advanced electronic surveillance equipment. Many people are attacked night & day with these armas.equipamentos surveillance. Lots of people are attacked night & day with these weapons.
I discovered that this pathogen is a social symptom of a society heavily corrupted under the rule psychopath. The program, in its basic form, is part of a historical re-occurring theme that includes psychopaths gaining control of governments, and using a percentage of the population to destroy their enemies. This is done to pave the way for umaditadura open, and is always done under the banner of justice. In its current form, is part of a political movement known as the New World Order. On this site, I will describe what Think Tanks are behind him. From top to bottom, the Hidden Evil is about power and control.
The mainstream news, congress, parliament and other politicians openly deny that it exists. Or do they minimize their significance. Organizations under the control of the financial elite also will deny it, and can be used to discredit anyone who exposes. The media will also be used this forma.No future, when historians write the authorized official history books, this part will be left out or whitewashed.
Therefore, this site will also serve as a record. It will be a testimony for anyone who wants to learn the truth about the streets of the NATO nations have been taken over by multi-national companies, which used harassment groups sponsored by the federal government to Gang Stalk their opposition in order to pave the way for a corporate dictatorship- Fascist.
W bienvenus. Ce site est dédié à l'explication d'un programme mondial de torture, assassiner et de la persécution que j'appelle le mal caché. Il comprend un vaste réseau d'informateurs en civil citoyen, qui est utilisé pour la persécution du public, et l'utilisation des armes à énergie dirigée à des individus spécifiques. Toutes les principales factions de la communauté sont impliqués, et tout le monde des personnes âgées aux enfants, participe Traquer Gang. Les gouvernements ont utilisé ces groupes dans une certaine forme depuis l'Empire romain. Le mal caché est un exemple de ce schéma se répète.
Patrouilles réseau de citoyens dans les rues de leurs quartiers. La preuve suggère que ce réseau n'est pas juste une partie d'une sous-culture au sein de la société, mais qui imprègne littéralement tous les aspects, et fait donc partie de la majorité. Comme je vais le démontrer, ce qui s'est passé avant. Le réseau est la création de supra-gouvernementale de réflexion, qui sont faites par des gens de l'énorme richesse. Ces think tanks manipuler votre gouvernement comme une marionnette. Donc, en substance, ces individus fortunés contrôlent leurs rues.
La face avant de la partie publique du programme semble actuellement émaner du Department of Homeland Security. Il est soutenu par les individus et les groupes d'informateurs, qui n'ont pas de liens officiels à toute organisation de l'Etat. Les agences fédérales travaillent directement avec les gouvernements locaux pour coordonner les activités de ce réseau colossales. D'autres pays ont apparemment semblable.
Les patrouilles de citoyens (Traquer Gang) se fait sous le prétexte de garder un œil sur les menaces internes à la sécurité de l'Etat et les quartiers de nettoyage. Comme je vais le démontrer, c'est exactement ce que les réseaux d'informateurs en Allemagne de l'Est et la Russie ont dit quand ils ont été recrutés pour ces programmes parrainés par l'État. Ce sont essencialmenteglobais opérations de guerre psychologique, menée avec le soutien de la population civile. Au niveau du quartier, malgré les prétentions de patriotisme, les principales raisons de leur participation et l'autonomisation aventure.
Programmation Neuro-Linguistique (PNL) et d'autres outils de modification du comportement sont utilisés comme des armes pendant le siège du public. Ces attaques sont combinés avec de qualité militaire, silencieux, à travers le mur armes à énergie dirigée (DEW), et de l'équipement de surveillance électronique. Beaucoup de gens sont attaqués nuit et jour avec ces armas.equipamentos surveillance. Beaucoup de gens sont attaqués nuit et jour avec ces armes.
J'ai découvert que cet agent pathogène est un symptôme social d'une société fortement endommagé sous le psychopathe règle. Le programme, sous sa forme de base, fait partie d'un thème historique ne se reproduise qui comprend psychopathes prendre le contrôle de gouvernements, et en utilisant un pourcentage de la population pour détruire leurs ennemis. Ceci est fait pour ouvrir la voie à umaditadura ouverte, et se fait toujours sous la bannière de la justice. Dans sa forme actuelle, fait partie d'un mouvement politique connu sous le Nouvel Ordre Mondial. Sur ce site, je vais décrire ce think tanks sont derrière lui. De haut en bas, le mal caché est une question de pouvoir et de contrôle.
Les nouvelles du grand public, congrès, le parlement et d'autres politiciens nient ouvertement qu'il existe. Ou minimisent-ils leur importance. Organisations sous le contrôle de l'élite financière seront également nier, et peuvent être utilisés pour discréditer quiconque expose. Les médias seront également utilisés cette future forma.No, lorsque les historiens écrivent les livres d'histoire officiels autorisés, cette partie sera laissé de côté ou blanchis à la chaux.
Par conséquent, ce site servira également un record. Ce sera un témoignage pour tous ceux qui veulent apprendre la vérité sur les rues des pays de l'OTAN ont été pris en charge par les entreprises multi-nationales, qui a utilisé des groupes de harcèlement parrainés par le gouvernement fédéral pour Gang Stalk leur opposition afin d'ouvrir la voie à une entreprise dictature fasciste.
这几天,我在“颅骨里的说话声音”中“听”到我的一位朋友(中文名字叫:高玉城)的内容,美国人要用武器秘密使我的这个朋友得癌症。他在1999年冬天从北京移民加拿大,在多伦多登陆,他在加拿大给我寄过明信片,署名:Yuzhao Gao。我有些担心这个朋友。
1. Websites about High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), Mind Control Weapons, Targeted Individual (TI) Victims of Mind Control Weapons, Directed Energy Weapon (DEW), military satellite and space weapons...
2. CNN Explains: U.S. drones By Josh Levs, CNN February 8, 2013 -- Updated 2043 GMT (0443 HKT)
3. Drone attacks in Pakistan
4. 我从大脑里的“声音”知道了铁道部贪官张曙光,我的思想被利用
5. 我在颅骨里的说话声音“中“听”到有关中国政府征地、批地盖房、社会保障、高考、阿桑奇的内容,我的精神受折磨
6. Express(UK) News Artile: CIA's Bourne identity plot (keyword: MK-Ultra...)
More than 250 people who claim they are "brainwashing" victims of America'sCentral Intelligence Agency ae set to win a multimillion-dollar legal battle for compensation. Published: July 8, 2007
7. etc.