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One hundred times I want to give up because I think of what I can think of . However, these or those torturers one hundred and one times madly torture me with every possible means. Why? Two reasons:
1. They hold paranoid belief that no one in the world will and can do anything about what they are doing.
2. They are playing political “games”.
The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues
US presidential bioethics commission might be heard on the Obama's brain project. 2013
The President stated that he will ask the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues to examine the ethical, legal, and societal implications raised by this research initiative. We stand ready to assist the President and will engage in discussions with the White House to determine how we can be most helpful in examining the ethical considerations of this important area.
Here is the link:
It says:
Maintaining our highest ethical standards: Pioneering research often has the potential to raise new ethical challenges. To ensure that this new effort proceeds in ways that continue to adhere to our highest standards of research protections, the president will direct his Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues to explore all ethical, legal and societal implications raised by this research initiative and other recent advances in neuroscience.
This is a great oppurtunity for TIs to be heard, if they overcome discrediting, discarding, denial strategies as the case may be.
Past events
Targeted people in America give testimony Feb 28th, 2011
The Commission and eleven invited experts participate in a roundtable discussion at the end of a day of presentations on the ethics of genetics and neuroimaging testing.
Testimonies from Mind Control Victims at Bioethics Meeting in NYC 18-19 May,2011
From Eleanor White
Many thanks to Peter Rosenholm for this direct link to the video footage of the February 28/11 panel hearing in which some OS/EH targets managed to speak on the topic of human experimentation. The targets of course were talking about involuntary human experimentation.
It's only an hour.
All targets sounded good - and I'd like to comment that by only having a very short time to make your point, that shortness seems to make your spiel far better than if there was no time limit.
From Marc Burnell
Really enjoyed the meeting, got to see the familiar faces that I hear alot doing activism. We really let them have it. Lonnie Ali-wife of Muhammed Ali was down there.\
More reports of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues by Deborah Dupre
From Bob S.
The Bioethics Commission is investigating only one narrow issue: Do present Federal Regulations and international standards adequately guard the health and well-being of participants in scientific studies supported by the Federal Government.
No one who testified at the first Bioethics Commission meeting dealt with the one and only question that the Commission is investigating. Everyone talked about harm suffered from abuse of electronic technology. No one tried to argue that the harm was coming from government. No one tried to argue that the harm was the result of government scientific studies.
DEW technology is available to the public. So the Commission needs to know why the witnesses think that what they experience is coming from government. The commission is not investigating electronic harm that comes from outside government.
Neither is the Commission investigating intentionally harmful attacks that come from within govrnment. It is only investigating the narrow question of whether Federal Regulations and international standards are sufficient safeguards to protect participants in scientific studies supported by the Federal Government. If you say or imply that government is attacking us instead of experimenting on us, you are taking yourselves outside the scope of the Commission's investigation.
How do those of you who will testify at the NY meeting plan to give testimony to convince the Committee that you and hundreds of other TI''s are involuntary participants in government scientific studies? If you know how to do this, you should be sharing your strategy with others who plan to testify. If you don't know how to do it, you should be asking a lawyer how you can present testimony in a way that will be relevant to the Commission's investigation.
I am a lawyer who can answer such questions, but instead of asking me how to present effective testimony, all the witnesses at the last meeting followed their own judgment and gave testimony that the Commission is justified in disregarding as being irrelevant to the Commission's investigation.
The Commission does not have the authority to investigate any issue other than the issue for which the President requested an investigation and report. Not one witness at the first meeting addressed the real issue that the Commission is investigating. All the witnesses wasted the opportunity that they were given at that meeting to provide the kind of evidence that the Commission could not ignore.
I have been giving legal strategy advice to TI's for 8 years. They have always ignored my legal advice and followed instead the advice of Anti-TI Activists who have told them to follow strategies that were useless and harmful. Any strategy that is useless is also harmful beause it prevents TI's from using time and energy in following a strategy that is effective.
Giving useless and irrelevant testimony to the Commission is useless and also harmful because it prevents you from taking advantage of the rare opportunity to speak directly to people who have the power to help us. All of the witnesses wasted the opportunity that they had at the last meeting.
Are the witnesses at the next meeting going to do the same? You have no hope of achieving a solution if you try to be your own lawyers instead of following the advice of a real lawyer who understands the TI situation.
Everyone outside the TI community understands the necessity of obtaining and following the best legal advice they can get. They pay a lot of money for good legal advice, but the results are worth the cost. Incredibly, TI's won't follow good legal advice even when they get it free. So they kept losing for 8 years when they could have been winning. And now they are setting themselves up to lose with the Bioethics Commission.
All the witnesses at the last Commission meeting followed a losing strategy by giving testimony that seemed irrelevant to the Commission's investigation. It looks like witnesses at the next meeting are going to do the same. You are blowing the great opportunity that the Commission is giving you.
Bob S
From Norman Rabin
May 9, 2011:
A blue ribbon U.S. Government panel/commission, the federal Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments [ACHRE], studied their issue and related matters, and concluded that: U.S. Citizens (and others) are not protected from: "Non-Consensual U.S. Classified Human Research/ Experimentation". (October 1995, Final Report, of ACHRE)
Both Senator John Glenn's bill (S.193, 105th U.S. Congress, January 22, 1997, which never became law), and President Clinton's Administrative Order of governmentwide federal policy change (NOT completed before Clinton left office): "Strengthened Protections for Human Subjects of Classified Research", of March 27, 1997 [May 13, 1997, Federal Register], cited ACHRE's recommendation, and attempted to enact such, SPECIFIC protections.
The current Presidential Bioethics Commission does not have to re-invent the wheel. But, they could simply confirm the Truthful, timely, need for that Policy Change to be re-started, and to be completed.
The Original Policy Change Notice was put forward as an 'Interim Federal Rule', which means that it would have taken effect immediately upon publication, and then, after a Public Comment Period, would have become finalized (hopefully intact and effective), an as 'Finalized Federal Rule'.
[[[ As lawyers know, and even as (believe it or not) law enforcement officers know: it is important that laws be
IT IS NOT ENOUGH THAT THE U.S. Constitution outlaws what we are targeted by.
IT IS NOT ENOUGH THAT Federal Rules generally require informed consent for Human Research/ Experimentation (but, there are loopholes, and exceptions, which President Clinton's order sought to close)
IT IS NOT ENOUGH THAT a law outlaws the use of surveillance devices to acquire 'information where we have a reasonable expectation of privacy'.
Rather, in practice, when Classified matters are involved, normal procedures to stop a crime are not taken.
That's why we need laws and federal regulations which specifically INCLUDE, or which specifically are designed for, (alleged or actual) Classified Human Research/ Experimentation.
There needs to be a LEGAL OBLIGATION incumbent upon the U.S. Government to reasonably investigate
the alleged 'classified' wrongdoing.
Law enforcement officers need specific laws to be able to take to a judge, to use as 'legal leverage' to investigate U.S. Intelligence, or U.S. military, facilities, operations, and persons.
And, how many lawyers currently do litigation involving Secrecy?
Answer: not too many at all. But, if a lawyer / lawfirm had a specific law saying 'Classified human Experimentation without informed consent is [strictly] prohibited', then at least they could try to cite that law, on behalf of a client, to cite that law to law enforcement, and/or to a federal judge, and try to assert that their client's specific rights be upheld.
I wish that 'General laws', or the 'U.S. Constitution', or even the 'golden rule' or 'common law regarding assault and battery' were enough for us to be protected, but they aren't.
That's why you had President Clinton [Yale Law grad, Constitutional law professor, Rhodes Scholar], trying to add a new type of, governmentwide, specific, federal regulation, specifically protecting citizens from Classified Human Research / Experimentation, without Informed Consent - NO EXCEPTIONS ALLOWED. ]]]
- U.S. Senator Glenn’s bill on Human Experimentation (S.193, 105th U.S. Congress), can be found at:
[ U.S. Senator Glenn’s Introductory Remarks [of January 22, 1997] in proposing S.193 appear at: ].
President Clinton’s March 27, 1997 Memorandum/ Administrative Order, “Strengthened Protections for Human Subjects of Classified Human Research”, [Federal Registger, May 13, 1997, pp. 26367-26372], which attempted to institute a governmentwide Ban on Non-Consensual U.S. Classified Human Research, appears
at: .
U.S. Representative Kucinich’s bill to Ban Space Weapons (H.R.2977, 107th U.S. Congress), can be
found at: “”.
[ U.S. Representative DeGette most recent: bill concerning Human Experimentation (H.R. 1715 [of March
2009], 111th U.S. Congress), which includes a proposed Ban on federal funding of classified human research;, can be found at: " ":.]
[ The October 1995 final Report of the federal Advisory Committee on Human Radiations Experiments [ACHRE], which is cited in each of: Senator Glenn’s S.193, and, President Clinton’s March 27, 1997 Administrative Order;, including Recommendation 15 (which includes their recommending “the adoption of a federal policy
requiring the informed consent of all human subjects of classified research and that this requirement not be subject to exemption or waiver”), appears at: ,
with Recommendation 15 appearing at: .]
From Soleilmavis
I think that The Bioethics Commission is still a chance for victims to get their voices heard by government.
Prepare your case summary with supporting documents, write to them and try to take a chance to attend the meeting.
Bioethics Comission Boards Meeting ....
More information about Bioethics Commission, please go to following 'Comments' of this post
There is no game, no rule in the CIA mind control FIRM in reality, although CIA trainees were told many rules about a killing game that does not exist at all. Otherwise, the CIA real boss, who does not allow exposing the two secret technologies (electromagnetic remote surgery and remote mind control) in main stream media massively, had been killed a long time ago. The secrets had been exposed a long time ago. I said countless times that “American morons dare not kill the CIA real boss (who is a tycoon) who does not allow exposing the two secret technologies in main stream media massively. They dare not expose the two secret technologies in main stream media massively”.
Only CIA employees and other innocent people are being killed and tortured. The CIA real boss (the tycoon) never suffered. Don’t mention about being killed. The only thing really going on is killings of CIA employees and other innocent people mentally and physically to protect the tycoon family e.g. Rockefeller family, so that no one knows what the tycoon family did using the CIA mind control FIRM. Killing every CIA employee who knows the secrets is the only real plan of the Tycoon boss.
FFCHS – Email America Campaign and Press Release
Link to the Email America Campaign Press Release:
"This press release is being sent to more than 100,000 members of the U.S. and International media, local, state and federal legislators, U.S. District Attorneys, attorneys, public relations firms; and International and U.S. human rights, environmental, constitutional, privacy, advocacy groups and others to create national dialogue on technology that has been covertly developed and hidden from the American public and is currently being used to torture U.S. citizens in America."
Update: Email America Campaign 4/5/13
We launched the official EmailAmerica Campaign April 30th. Since then 4,525 emails have been opened by members of state legislators, media and others. 2144 people who opened the emails have clicked onto the links on the press release to see videos and testimony. We are in the process of setting up a blog on wordpress so that everyone can see the press release. We plan to utilize twitter. This is a learning process and we are working out any "kinks" technically with the company that is distributing the emails. We can see which media organizations are reading the press release and we are going to analyze statistics this weekend. There are volunteers who will be calling the media and others who are reading the press release. Please be patient. This is a campaign which means that this is an ongoing process to utilize a series of events to achieve a goal. For more information on EmailAmerica, please tune into the conference call on FFCHS Saturday night.
Link to the Email America Campaign Press Release:
Contacts:, Derrick Robinson 513.568.1635, Deborah Anne Weber 760.702.7659, Lisa Becker 414.988.5404, Lorraine Thompson 508.888.2256, Cathy Meadows 707.720.7137, Gloria Welburn 610.659.9302, Millicent Black 931.446.2230, Abu Badru 410.644.2910, Nola Alexandra 202.306.6801, Cassandra Lewis 410.532.6223, James Lico 909.281.4306
Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627
Any Authorities *
*I understand clearly that my statements in this website may sound rather fanciful and deserve to be crutinized to the fullest extent.*
*With all of that in mind, I am requesting to anyone who will listen, and assuming that such technology is out there, to please covertly scan me without me knowing and to see if you can trace this signal to the guilty party.*
*Anything that I consciously do can be observed and easily dealt with by the culprits.*
*However, they can't do anything about what they don't know of.*
*Therefore, I am requesting to any branch that can be of assistance, to please study, scan me, and trace the electromagnetic signals that have been locked on me.*
*Thank you very much for your attention to this matter.*
Address: country - state or county - city
They can track the magnetic spectrum for you wherever you are in the city
Satellites have several types and work in space .Operates spy satellites, the humans arrived via electronic outlets and these electronic outlets working on computer programs in the treated super computers,
These programs are working to send a request to read your mind and this reading quickly navigate wave, into super computer
The computer processed several times and puts the odds of the person who leads the process of torture. Returned to take order for the program to address brain Atomitic (how to get it), It's three waves of industrial Alpha, Beta and Delta, Satellite works on the change in values in the brain, which conducts the program moments after the treatment to the so-called mind control
Link explains some thing :
When you hear the voice of the skull (v2k) program is and not as you think (in the mind handles real and artificial waves then believed that man by man spoke to him) that the program,
The program receives the images for reading intervention to the database, and treated and returned arrive rights program to the bounties wanted commander process (solution), there are three things you should do it will succeed in stopping the program and foil the process (it's long, but easy)
1 - to remember in your memory repeatedly that program and not a person and be careful not to speak to him . as long as you speak to him (remember, or intend to in the brain) This will give valuable to know what is happening to you then dominated the computer to note that the address can not be resolved and this indicates the enemy aware that you are not a pig you are human. Will inform you knew and instantly know the possibility of possible police
The program will work will not rest on the waves, but remembering industrial repeatedly three times to stop the program returned
I will put a solution for entertainment with the program or with the enemy (consult a specialist) (See it)
The expert can develop a program to communicate with the enemy using a Nia ocz
2- Natural behavior: Remember that stuff does not value and money, are worthless if I am not alive
You own love always, for all moved away from the hate.Psychological warfare called war psychologically valid questions, the feeling of love and laughter
See to humans and spoke to him and Laugh
(Psychology Information)
Psychological warfare works to be disconnected from the community (do not do), as well as working to frustration (do not do)
I am happy despite the effects on the chest (it waves happiness or sadness and does not value "Laugh as you like")
3-Stay strong and happy: Whenever remained weak whenever you are a victim.Remember that you can succeed tomorrow.
What is the control: Is Devices launches waves, Alpha, Beta and Delta.What is torture Alkahromagnatis is launching waves on the target being tortured
Methods of Treatment
How to change the reality
Satellites in space watching Satellite competent to know its movements and photographed in work situations and to monitor a phenomena indicate malfunction ......
So that the process of stopping a spy satellite is almost impossible for the individual, but states can follow any satellite and to work to bring down the satellite or stop work, the European Union and the United States, Russia and China .. Unable to it ....
Individual developing countries is difficult, but perhaps succeed group
The terrifying world!!!!!!!!!!!
Be sure they benefit. you do to punish them
International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies Link:
Contact with radio broadcaster in the United States (they follow the radio)
Waves can be stopped???
Answer: There are several types of waves and vary in frequency and microwave or nano-Wave or ...
Is Faraday cage benefit?? The answer is probably succeed in the armor!
Can anyone stop the satellite??
The answer is yes, but the person who will do?
Remote sensing centers show magnetic spectrum and there are many ground stations ........... Universities, research centers, space centers, genetic technology centers, technology centers of the brain, military armor psychological centers, ..........
Is one of your voice heard??? I ask
Unforgiving waves, and worked to help others
Do you know that they can change your shape face and body, genes, and memory footprint .............
If you know the country's security officer told him probably think for a moment what is going on and maybe do something
I am a victim can you help me any information or device
Listen to the Koran in the link
I ask dropping (destruction) spy satellite, do you dare to application؟؟؟
The Scarborough Hospital and CEO:
No matter how you block my posting on your facebook wall , no matter how you induced the supervisor appointed by the Government of Ontario, no matter how you fabricated my entire medical record, denied my request for the access to my entire medical record, especially, handwritten notes, voice recording(One vice minister confirmed) ,conspiring with Toronto Police, I will show your letters to the public regarding how you commit medical torture.
Your nurse conducted mental status exams in my home without my “informed consent” (You didn’t inform me before you came) after I reported one case of non lethal weapons with medical expert’s advices and a series of medical checks. This nurse even issued one fabricated “diagnosis” report. One officer confirmed: “No way! Never!”
6 May 2013
An Announcement To The Whole World By Chinese Victims Of Directed Energy And Psychotronic Weapons
First of all, please permit us to introduce ourselves to you. We are some of the Chinese victims from dozens of regions and cities across China , who have been cruelly harassed tortured and persecuted in a covert way by the means of secret remote control on human body & brain. Among us, there are corporate employees, teachers, students, retirees and other intellectual workers and physical workers. Our suffering period ranges from several months till over 30 years.
Thanks to Internet that builds a bridge for us to know each other, and it is same sufferings bring us to work together.
A group of secret criminals who abuse their powers, arbitrarily use “the means of secret remote control on human body & brain”, illegally manipulate our bodies and brains covertly, and also cruelly torture and harass us psychologically and physically and persecute us days and nights so that a lot of victims live a very miserable and horrible life.
Secret criminals utilize the weapons of “secret remote control on human body & brain” and remotely influence us, and consequently our bodies suffer from “physiological diseases and physiological behaviors” caused artificially from their weapons such as aching, itching, coldness, hotness, trembling, unwell feeling and unhappiness, and so that our brains suffer harassments and tortures from “acoasma and hallucination”. Besides, criminals do all they could to shamelessly steal and indecently spread our privacy in our brains in a abnormal psychology and crazily do all they could to intimidate and humiliate victims. All these vices do a great harm us psychologically and physically. Therefore , some innocent victims was forced to hospitals especially for being forced to accept mental treatment, some innocent victims were forced to suicide because of intolerable secret tortures and insults, and others died of “strange fatal diseases” yielded by criminals secretly in a special trap.
Such secret crimes as the wide abuse of their powers, the illegal use of “the means of secret remote control on human body & brain” and illegal violation of fundamental human rights, have resulted horribly in atrocity or the unprecedented anti-human catastrophe of human rights technically. These crimes not only challenge severely Chinese constitution and laws, but also human conscience, the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is NOT permitted by all the human beings at all!
Owing to the above-mentioned cases, Chinese victims jointly lodged “a collective complaint to Chinese President Hu Jintao” (please see attachment 1) on 3rd Dec. 2007, and emailed it to the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee, every ministries of the State Council, major news media and the legal community who we asked to deliver the complaints to Chinese President.
Subsequently, we jointly announced " An Open Letter to the Head of Chinese Secret Institution" on 5th May 2008.(Please see attachment 2)
Chinese Goverment has the undisputed responsibility to take an immediate investigation into the secret criminals who abuse their power, and to sternly punish them according to the clause of "the State respect and protect citizens' human rights" set out by Constitution of PRC China. However, unfortunately, so far we have not received any response on the issue.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UN General Assembly passed and published Resolution 217A (III) on 10th December 1948) stipulates in the following relevant clauses that:
Article 3 Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
Article 5 No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Article 6 Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.
Article 12 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
Article 19 Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
China is one of the creators of the United Nations, a permanent member of the UN Security Council, a member of UN Human Right Council and one of the signers of UN Covenant on Human Rights. Therefore, China should seriously observe and enforce the relevant rules of UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
At present, the quantity of victims are increasingly rising around the globe. Thousands of victims strongly demand for an investigation into the sinful Hi-tech crimes which covertly violate human rights worldwide. A large quantity of the stated facts reveal that these secret fascist criminals are the common enemies of all the human beings who use Hi-tech means to arbitrarily secretly violate human dignity and fundamental human rights. The crazy secret Hi-tech crimes heavily threat and violate the fundamental rights of human livings in the world.
Challenged by the unprecedented worldwide catastrophe of human rights and the severe crimes of damaging human beings, we urge an immediate actions in union and bravely fight against the gangs of secret fascist criminals! We must disclose the horrible crimes which are covertly damaging human beings, and put them into the Judge Courtroom in International Criminal Court!!
Journalist and elites worldwide have the responsibility to provide supports for victims, the lawyers worldwide have the responsibility to stand by and offer a legal aid to victims.UN Human Right Council has the responsibility to safeguard human rights and to protect thinking right, sleeping right, health right and living right of all the human beings. International Criminal Court at Hague has the responsibility to carry out an investigation into the crimes denounced by victims, and to charge these secret fascist,the criminals who severely violate fundamental human rights with the Hi-tech Crime and the Antihuman Crime through and according to the relevant legal proceedings.
We, Chinese victims, support resolutely the global campaign of " Ban the abuse and torture of secret MIND CONTROL/PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS/Remote Human manipulation" through our practical actions. We strongly appeal for the United Nations to immediately stop the abuse of the means of the secret remote control on human body & brain which are used to cruelly harass and torture and persecute covertly common citizens.
We strongly urge the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to do his solemn duty to protect fundamental human rights of the whole world, and hold a urgent international conference on the ban of abusing “the means of secret remote control on human body & brain" so as to protect the validity of the UN Charter and UN Declaration & Covenant on Human Rights. Also, we demand for European Commission for Human Right to immediately put Article 27 of A40005/1999 into practice.
We strongly urge global news media to stand out to support justice, and to take a deep careful investigation into the secret Hi-tech crimes, and to expose truly the sinful facts of secret fascist criminals to the global people.
We strongly urge global legal community to stand out to offer a legal aid to all the victims and support justice based on the UN Charter and UN Declaration & Covenant on Human Rights.
We strongly urge UN Human Right Council to take an urgent investigation into these secret fascist criminals who arbitrarily use “the means of secret remote control on human body & brain” which have been crazily violating fundamental human rights.
We strongly urge International Criminal Court to take an immediate investigation into our complaints, and to charge these secret fascist criminals who heavily violate fundamental human rights with the Hi-tech Crime and the Antihuman Crime, and to make a historic great contribution to guarantee the fundamental human rights of all the human beings!!
With best regards,
Yours Truly
长期以来, 一帮滥用特权的秘密罪犯,肆无忌惮地使用“秘密遥控人体和大脑(精神)技术”,非法秘密控制我们的身体和大脑(精神),日夜不停地实施种种惨无人道的精神骚扰和肉体折磨迫害、阴谋暗害,致使许多受害者每天生活在无比痛苦的、生不如死的恐怖状况中。
他们使用“秘密遥控人体和大脑(精神)技术” ,遥控制造我们受害者身体内日夜交替出现:痛、痒、冷、热、颤抖、难受等人为的“生理疾病和生理行为”痛苦;遥控制造我们受害者的大脑(精神)日夜出现所谓的“幻听、幻觉”骚扰折磨痛苦。他们还竭尽无耻、卑鄙、下流的变态伎俩,窃取传播受害者大脑思维的隐私信息,并且,疯狂地对受害者进行秘密恐吓和种种人格侮辱。所有这一切,都给我们受害者的肉体和精神带来了无与伦比的巨大创痛,身心遭到极度的摧残和伤害。其中,有一些无辜受害者被诬陷并送进“精神病院”;另一些因无法忍受秘密折磨凌辱的痛苦而“自杀”;还有一些则被他们秘密制造身体内出现各种莫名其妙的“绝症怪病”而阴谋暗害,含冤死亡。
为此,我们中国受害者于2007年12月3日,联名写了一封“致胡锦涛主席的集体控诉信” ( 见“附件一” ),并用电子邮件发送给了中共中央和中国国务院各部门,以及全国新闻媒体和法律界人士等,要求转呈给中国国家主席。
接着,在2008年5月5日,又联名发出了一封《致中国“秘密机构”头头的公开信》( 见“附件二” )。
《世界人权宣言》(联合国大会 一九四八年十二月十日 第217A(III)号决议通过并颁布) 的有关条款规定:
我们强烈要求联合国秘书长 潘基文 先生从维护“联合国宪章”及有关“人权宣言和公约”的尊严出发,履行自己维护全世界人民基本人权的神圣职责,紧急召开“禁止使用秘密遥控人体(大脑)技术武器”的国际会议。我们要求欧盟人权委员会立即开展其A40005/1999第27款的工作!
我们是一些被“秘密遥控人体和大脑(精神)技术” 折磨迫害的受害者。网络使我们相识,受害的遭遇让我们走到了一起。
这种秘密“遥控技术手段” 包括:制造我们身体内日夜交替出现:痛、痒、冷、热、颤抖、难受等人为的“生理疾病和生理行为”痛苦;制造我们的大脑(精神)日夜出现被遥控的所谓“幻听、幻觉”的骚扰折磨痛苦。他们还竭尽无耻、卑鄙、下流的变态伎俩,窃取传播受害者大脑思维的隐私信息,并且,疯狂地对受害者进行秘密恐吓和种种人格侮辱。所有这一切,都给受害者的肉体和精神带来了无与伦比的巨大创痛!
据悉,在当今世界上,俄罗斯、美国以及欧盟等许多国家和地区,都不同程度地制订和正在制订一些具体的决议或法规,明确制止这种“秘密遥控人体和大脑(精神)技术武器”对普通平民实施秘密酷刑虐待折磨迫害。如俄罗斯议会的“决议” 就是一例。
这种滥用”特权”的无法无天秘密恐怖罪行,是疯狂的秘密“违反宪法和法律的行为”!我们强烈要求国家从“尊重和保障公民人权”的法律出发, 坚决“必须予以追究”这帮秘密犯罪分子的刑事责任,挖除这些“秘密毒瘤”,将他们绳之以法!为建立一个法治的和谐社会铺平道路!!
脑控常常涉及微小芯片植入到大脑和身体的其它部位,常常用电磁波作为激发的能量,是RFID和晶振技术的充分应用,不需要传统电池。部分只做控制试验的受害者们身体里没有芯片。脑控涉及定向能(Directed Energy),例如X-射线、微波信号和穿墙高能微波。定向能试验的方式非常隐蔽,可能会产生致命的效果。静态造影如MRI和CT可以造假。
“Lida”技术:脉冲射频发射器,可以导致严重的疲劳和昏睡,或者失眠。可以穿墙瞄准目标发射. LIDA技术在1950年代由苏联发明,后来在各国得到了发展。声音直达大脑(Voice to skull)技术:可以传送说话声和其它声音,直达目标的头部,旁边的人听不到,可以穿过墙壁发射。该技术可以在没有脑控芯片的情况下实现。(该技术的美国军方代号是“V2K”。)
意念传输:(Thoughts Transmission) 通过无线传输特定的脑控波曲线到受害者的大脑,实现意念的传输,一般需要有脑控微芯片植入在受害者的大脑。意念传输也叫潜意识(subliminal)传输,例如“受辱感”,能破坏人际关系。默念传输:(Subvocal Transmission) 通过电磁波传输来影响受害者的说话器官和抑制思维器官,来影响受害者说话。这种话不经过大脑的思考说出,特别细心的受害者能够发现。这种传输可以通过脑控激励芯片(又叫脑控钉)或不用脑控激励芯片进行。受害者的主要特点是说话不经过思考或者说错话。武器化的微波技术:可以导致一系列的身体的伤害反应,可以悄悄地,穿过墙壁进行。穿墙雷达扫描技术(例如机场安检。)高级无线计算机控制技术:通过探测主板的特定的电磁辐射和向特定的线路端子发射X波段电磁脉冲,实现输出和输入。相当于别人的计算机通过串口连到了你的计算机。在没有无线网卡的情况下就能够实现无线遥控计算机。潜意识“无声的声音”(Subliminal “Silent Sound”) 设备:可以传送催眠式建议到受害者,但受害者耳朵听不到,声波的频率介于超声波和人可听声波之间。
(二)受害者们总结的常见的身体症状和经验:(在读取和破解脑波阶段,受害者们通常没有严重的症状,但是他们至少有一颗芯片在身体里面,部分只做控制试验的受害者们身体里没有芯片。)• 头皮发麻。头晕, 头痛。
• 无理由的极度疲劳,腿肌及关节的酸痛。
• 梦境制造和操纵,剥夺睡眠。
• 电击感以及肌肉的振动和抽动。
• 不通过思考的说话 (subvocal transmission),语言能力受到影响,经常结结巴巴。
• 没有道理的出现心跳过速和过缓。• 记忆力减退,记忆消失 。
• 强迫肌肉收缩和舒张,由调制神经信号所引起,会导致身体和四肢移动。/模拟脑波产生情绪突变。
• 烧灼皮肤,身体的不同部位出现烧灼感或出现不明切口。
• 脸色变暗,头发变稀。 (与信号发射有关)• 与声音交谈,听见声音(Voice to skull, 美国军方代号V2K。)
• 物体振动,如门、窗户、床和椅子(由声波脉冲或芯片模拟所引起。)。• 电子产品的被控制现象,包括计算机、电视机、汽车和家用电器。(例如电视机自动打开或关闭,由电磁脉冲波所引起)
With best regards,
Yours Truly
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Welcome to join 欢迎加入
Here is a group for members who speak Chinese
Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627
POEM we the people are power
we can relate to the pain
that all over the world suffer
over 400,000 americans alone
the times get tougher
through out the world
there is cancer and other diseases
poverty and war
the goverments dont please us
no love in the world
through distruction and war
depopulation the earth
while more people are poor
but we can lift ourselves up
and make a better tomorrow
rejoice and help one another
without suffering or sorrow
many believe we all live in hope
well it is better than nothing
theres crackheads and dope
to make a change
the public needs to rise and stick together
we use to be a force
things can get better
we need to unite
tell the goverments they are wrong
before they use more technology
their possition will be come strong
fight the barriers
and say we not taking the sh*t
when they come out with taxes
tell them we are not paying it
demand is what we need
one voice is no good
but more than one voice
they would listen,they would
put up banners
protest and demand
freedom of speech
before its too late
and its out of reach
if we all stick together
instead of moaning in silence
we could stop human experiements
with many voices not violence
tell them the truth
they cant lock us away
we live for tomorrow
nevermind today
future generations
will cease to exist
if i do it alone
i raise my own fist
i fight and i fight
till the day i die
people are suffering
and that is why
i will not lay down
and show them i am weak
i am a warrior and i
have a right to speak
i wont take it no more
they can kill me,i dont care
the goverments and police murder
lets make the public aware
tell them the corruption
human experiments through
mind control torture
remember it could be your son
or even your daughter
stop been selfish
we must end suffering now
whats the queen done for our country?
that bitch is a cow
make up our own goverment
the public to fight back
so we will decide our futures
and give them the sack
not telling bullshit
we suffer every hour
tell them no more
we the people are power
love to all denny ♥
POEM we the people are power
we can relate to the pain
that all over the world suffer
over 400,000 americans alone
the times get tougher
through out the world
there is cancer and other diseases
poverty and war
the goverments dont please us
no love in the world
through distruction and war
depopulation the earth
while more people are poor
but we can lift ourselves up
and make a better tomorrow
rejoice and help one another
without suffering or sorrow
many believe we all live in hope
well it is better than nothing
theres crackheads and dope
to make a change
the public needs to rise and stick together
we use to be a force
things can get better
we need to unite
tell the goverments they are wrong
before they use more technology
their possition will be come strong
fight the barriers
and say we not taking the sh*t
when they come out with taxes
tell them we are not paying it
demand is what we need
one voice is no good
but more than one voice
they would listen,they would
put up banners
protest and demand
freedom of speech
before its too late
and its out of reach
if we all stick together
instead of moaning in silence
we could stop human experiements
with many voices not violence
tell them the truth
they cant lock us away
we live for tomorrow
nevermind today
future generations
will cease to exist
if i do it alone
i raise my own fist
i fight and i fight
till the day i die
people are suffering
and that is why
i will not lay down
and show them i am weak
i am a warrior and i
have a right to speak
i wont take it no more
they can kill me,i dont care
the goverments and police murder
lets make the public aware
tell them the corruption
human experiments through
mind control torture
remember it could be your son
or even your daughter
stop been selfish
we must end suffering now
whats the queen done for our country?
that bitch is a cow
make up our own goverment
the public to fight back
so we will decide our futures
and give them the sack
not telling bullshit
we suffer every hour
tell them no more
we the people are power
love to all denny ♥
This Mark Ianniicelli and I want to pump some sunshine instead of some s#it. The U.S. Customs has been doing this and making myself a targeted individual. They are from Brunswick, Georgia where there is a Federal Law Enforcement Training Center that was a former Navy base called Glynco. In the 70s when the cops made the move from Virginia to Georgia. So what you have is redneck law enforcement that put in four years with the State Police and now they are a fed. They hate marihuana , liberals and exposure from the media.
They exchange sex and marriage with brother in law and sister relationships with active and retired federal law enforcement.
Relatives like Joe Moody from Brunswick, Georgia who signed a FedEx receipt and stole my passport in Baltimore Maryland. and through Dept. of Homeland Security grants they supplement his income and he isn't law enforcement.
The 420 Smokeout was on April 20 when shots rang out and people had gunshot wounds and bruises on their legs. Awitness that eas trying to keep from getting trampled said he saw the Denver Police bracing in an offensive position.
See when these rednecks put in their retirement it wasn't enough so now they have learned to steal from the tax payers by sucking up grants. Denver P.D. has met them because of their constant civil liberty violations they play gather around the cop.
After these degenerates were working for Customs for 20 years they created a managerial slot and pay raise just for doing nothing and sucking taxes up. And congratulations you will have another generation of the same shi* who will sit around , do nothing productive and swindle the taxpayers with a B.S. grant.
I know the game and the shooter thinks he was carrying orders for the mafia and they use the jail pay phones and coerce prisoners to beat the perpetrator. I was beaten by the inmates when I was a federal prisoner on a setup in Brownsville, Texas and still got an acquittal on their setup.Someone should examine the disc that record on payphones but it is always them playing dirty and wimming.
I wonder what the Senate Intelligence Committee does when they investigate because DHS is ripping off the taxpayers. Under Reagan I got documents through the F.O.I.,A. but mow they were reclassified under Reagan's PATRIOT ACT. There is believed to be 600,000 targeted individuals. If every TI killed a DHS agent the Stassi tactics that they use might stop. Look at DHS Behavioral Science Unit and their technology unit. The technology unit implants people in the Nassau County jail and deteriorates their bodies with direct energy weapons and they torture and kill Americans with laptop computers programmed to kill while the Senate Intelligence Committee does nothing.
I was a Canadian Permanent Resident from Beijing, China and landed in Calgary on June 2, 2004. I have been targeted by USA's weapon since the winter of 2006 when I was in Calgary: suddently heard "noise" on roof at home, felt being targeted by USA's satellies, was sick. In May 2007, I returned to Beijing. I also can hear "noise" on roof and feel being targeted by USA's satellites. In September 2006, my illness condition started getting worse and had to see doctors immediately in China. In January 2010, I planned to return to Calgary, but started "hearing speech" in my skull. I couldn't return to Canada. In November 2010, I found webpages of Targeted Individual Vicitims of USA's Mind Control weapon from Internet and know that I am also a TI victim of USA's weapon. In December 2010, I submitted my appeal documents and reported my experience to Canadian government, but Canadian government didn't reply anything about USA's weapon and TIs, and refuse to send travel document to me. I couldn't return to Canada to appeal in court in Canada for this reason. The Canadian government refused to renew my Canadian Permanent Resident Card. This is wrong.
In 2012, I began to sue ACCA Bejijng (I worked there from Dec. 2012 to Feb. 2010) after I found that my salgary was much lower than my office head. In this period, my illness condition (brain, heart, etc.) got worse and worse and can hardly sue by myself. On May 3rd, 2013, I received the judgement of my case. I couldn't win. This is also wrong.
I felt that judges purposely made difficulties for me in my two cases. I am infringed.
My life has lost so much till today since I have been targeted by USA's weapon when I lived in Calgary, Canada. I am one of TI victims of USA's mind control weapon. I know that the USA's weapon not only secretly mind control people everywhere throughtout the world, but also kill people remotly and secretly. My Ex-boyfriend (Liu Luyuan, a software engineer from China)'s farther died in Calgary because of heart attack in August 2008. My brain got damaged and my two pat cats died...
USA's military is illegal. USA's military satellites and space-based weapon are in the space of Canada, China and other countries. Please destroy them.
Justice and love!
My ID number of Chinese Citizenship: 11010619750130512X
My Canadian Permanent Resident Card: 5429-0619
My SIN of Canada: 661 666 974
OK, no names this time. I shall call my perp(The Dumb Ass) omaha, ne usa. He got angry last night when I said(thought) that I Hated him for what he did to my Mother with this equip in 2000. Must have been angry with her? He turned it up all night and BAM, pnuemonia took her even with me begging him to stop.
I've noticed a powerful presence of static electricity in my home. it makes my arm hair stand up 4 inches from wall, along with powerful sparks. He got angry when I thought about what he did to My Mother. Suddenly when I thought of this, the glass light fixture went snap and fell to the floor with a loud bang and shattered glass all over. And a battery powered toy cat across the room came on. Either a concussion or static turned it on across the room. it sounded like a gun shot. This equipment is in bad hands with children and intoxicated people.