Moscow Housing Ecology Committee
Москва, ул. Ферганская 28¥7, кв.151
еmail:, fax/tel. 00-7495-3764987
Dear Sirs, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, UN Deputy Secretary-General, Jan Eliasson, a group of senior executives, special representatives and envoys
On behalf of environmental organizations around the world and from people of the world we would like to remind you when, under what circumstances and for what purposes was created your organization?
After the defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945, a conference of the winners was held in Yalta and in 1946 in San Francisco where the constitution was written and the United Nations was created. Your organization of United Nations is a unique international organization, that supports the course to maintain peace and security in the world, the development of friendly relations between countries, the provision of promoting social progress, better living conditions and the state of affairs in human rights.
The activities of the United Nations known in the most remote corners of the planet. You have done a great deal in the interest of global security.
According to the UN Charter, your body, the Security Council has the primary responsibility for the maintenance of the international peace and security. The Security Council has played a leading role in determining the existence of threats to the peace, or acts of aggression. In addition to that, the Council elects judges of the International Court of Justice.
Seeking to promote the world the ideas of humanism and democracy, the General Assembly in December 1948 adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This declaration, as emphasized in the introduction, was adopted "as a task, to execute which all people and all states on Earth" have to aspire. In this document the right of each person to life, freedom, private property, integrity of human beings, etc. without distinction of race, skin colour, sex, religion, political convictions, a national and social origin is declared.
Then there is a question why you are silent, when all over the world peaceful people are dying of undeclared psychotronic war with the use of psychotronic, radiofrequency, ultrasound, infrasound, radiological, direct energy weapons, with application of hardware and computer technologies and psychotropic drugs. These weapons are used by certain countries from which again the peaceful people suffer and those who create these terrorists and manipulate their minds with this technology are left unpunished. With the application of such weapons good, innocent people are tortured and tormented turning their lives into a living hell. Yet according to the Committee on Torture of the UN, torturing people using non-lethal weapons does not constitute a torture!
In April 13, 1989 by J. Fetzer Center, the Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States participants in the International Colloquium "New Frontiers of Experimental Medicine and Energy Fields ", made a statement in which they appealed to the Governments and scientists around the world. -"Never, under any circumstances, use such weapons and to sign the international Convention on that. " This appeal was signed by the scientists from over 20 countries, including the scientists from the U.S., Canada, Germany, France, Sweden, Italy, Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary and Russia. At the colloquium member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Chairman of the "Bioenergy" VP Kaznacheev said:
“It is not a secret that military organizations and military authorities of the various countries were and remain today interested in the obtaining of such new psychotronic weapons, their classification and secrecy, in financing of both the special scientific and production of such weapons and organizations and even financing of subsidiary organizations. This is - the same pattern that is well known in the fields of any weaponry. The Humanity in international agreements and treaties banned chemical, biological and psychotronic weapons. As today, the humanity, at UN level, should not only prevent its creation and development, but also to establish international control over possible covert attempts of such activities. Another world war - is the destruction of the planet, the death of humanity”
On 20.02.12 the Russian newspaper published program material by the Russian presidential candidate at that time Vladimir Putin stating "to be strong: the guarantee of national Security for Russia. " This article speaks of "the creation of new weapons based on physical principles of radiation, geophysical, wave, genetic, psychophysical, etc. Such weapons will be comparable to nuclear weapons. " Putin said ‘the creation of these weapons‘, but he was being disingenuous – they have long been created and successfully applied.
All the Internet is screaming about these weapons that drive people around the world, looking for a safe place to run and to hide only to find that there is no such place left. In fact, globally there are already millions of victims of such technology and weaponry. Modern technologies allow the use of these weapons on any person (regardless of their social position), a group of people or the whole city, a state or the country.
As such, we hope you realize that all the so-called terrorists (people with altered consciousness) are created artificially in different countries, yet it is the innocent, peace loving people who suffer from this. These Sept. 11 terror attacks in New York, in Boston, in Belgorod. It is a time we stopped pretending that everything is fine and nothing is happening in the world. The World is in danger because of these weapons that have covertly been developed, experimented on innocent people without their knowledge or consent and used with impunity totally ruining people’s lives and livelihoods.
All men are equal before the law. Everybody’s right to life should be protected. Nobody should be subjected to torture or held in slavery. Any technologies and techniques capable of endangering the human physical and/or psychological health, to modify the individuals’ autonomy and affect their dignity should be strictly prohibited.
One would ask. How come with the existence of UN the lives of millions of people in developed countries have been reduced to the lives of caged animals with total control and slavery by invisible handlers and their invisible plausible technology in addition to the organized stalking that become a true phenomena and an open secret all over the world. What we have now after 9/11 is war on our streets where communities are trained to attack one innocent person. And all this is happening because of the psychotronic weaponry and technology that is not regulated and controlled. This is a modern barbarism and it has to be stopped!
We demand:
1.At the level of the UN to ban the development and use of psychotronic weapons.
2.Ustanovit??? international control over attempts to use these weapons.
3.Recognition of people affected by the application psychotronic weapons, and rehabilitation and compensation made.
Yours sincerely
Alla Petukhova
Ref: European Coalition Against Covert Harassment International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies
1. At the UN level to ban the development and use of any psychotronic weapons and non-consensual experimentations using remote influencing technologies and techniques on the human mind and body.
2. To ban the use of covert technologies and techniques that enable the manipulation of human beings.
3. To create an appropriate legislation to protect citizens from this kind of covert crimes and to establish an international control over attempts to use such weapons.
4. To establish of clear ethical boundaries to strictly regulate the use of systems enabling the manipulation and control of human beings.
5. To compensate all the victims of non-consensual human experimentations globally of remote influencing technologies and techniques on the human mind and body whose lives have been ruined by this covert crimes. It added Galina Roberts