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Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde (born Värtsilä, 15 November 1939) is a Finnish physician who has been an author and lecturer on parapsychology, ufology and mind control since 1982. She now lives in Norway.
Luukanen-Kilde had to flee with her family in infancy during the Second World War and was raised in Helsinki.She studied medicine at the universities of Oulu and Turku, graduating in 1967. She was at one point the only medical practitioner at the hospital in Pelkosenniemi, performing dental and veterinary work as well.In March 1975, she became a provincial medical officer in Rovaniemi, Lapland;she became chief medical officer for Lapland.
In 1982, as Rauni-Leena Luukonen, she published Kuolemaa ei ole (There Is No Death).She has been interested in the paranormal since she was a teenager, but her interest in UFOs may date to a 1985 car accident which led to her retirement. She has since been a featured speaker at UFO conferences, helped organize the first international conference on extraterrestrials in Finland and authored books about UFOs, alien abductions, mind control and conspiracy theories. Luukanen-Kilde has claimed to have been "rescued" from danger by extraterrestrials, and to have esoteric skills and knowledge as a result of her relationship with them. She maintains that there is a secret exchange program between humans and aliens that is being deliberately suppressed by "powerful Western governments", particularly the United States. Luukanen-Kilde also claims there are secret military and intelligence agencies practising mind control technology on the world population using cell phones and supercomputers and that a plot to kill most of the Earth's population using the swine flu vaccine is being carried out by the WHO, Henry Kissinger, and the Bilderberg Group. Her article on cybernetic implants as a means of control is widely circulated. She appears in the 1999 film Revelations: The End Times, Volume 2.
Luukonen-Kilde has lived in Norway since 1992;she married a Norwegian diplomat in 1987.
Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde (nata a Värtsilä , 15 novembre 1939) è un medico finlandese che è stata autore e docente di parapsicologia , ufologia e di controllo mentale dal 1982. Ora vive in Norvegia.
Luukanen-Kilde dovette fuggire con la sua famiglia durante l'infanzia mentre c'era in corso la Seconda Guerra Mondiale ed è stato cresciuta a Helsinki,ha studiato medicina presso le Università di Oulu e Turku , diplomandosi nel 1967. Ad un certo punto era l'unico medico presente presso l'ospedale di Pelkosenniemi , eseguendo pure interventi odontoiatrici e da veterinario. Nel marzo 1975, è diventato un medico provinciale in Rovaniemi , Lapponia,con la qualifica di "Chief Medical Officer" per Lapponia.
Nel 1982,Rauni-Leena Luukonen, ha pubblicato Kuolemaa EI OLE (There Is No Death). Ella si è interessata al paranormale sin da quando era un' adolescente, ma il suo interesse per gli UFO potrebbe risalire ad un incidente d'auto del 1985, che ha condotto al suo pensionamento. Da allora è stata un oratore a conferenze UFO, ha contribuito a organizzare la prima conferenza internazionale sugli extraterrestri in Finlandia e sulla matrice aliena ed è autore di libri sugli UFO, sui rapimenti alieni (abduction) e sul controllo mentale e teorie cospirative . Luukanen-Kilde ha sostenuto di essere stata "salvato" dal pericolo da extraterrestri , e di avere competenze e conoscenze esoteriche come risultato della sua relazione con loro. Lei sostiene che c'è un programma di scambio segreto tra umani e alieni, che viene deliberatamente soppresso da governi potenti "occidentali", in particolare gli Stati Uniti.Luukanen-Kilde sostiene inoltre che ci sono segreti militari e che le agenzie di intelligence praticano tecnologia di controllo mentale sulla popolazione mondiale, utilizzando telefoni cellulari e dei supercomputer e che c'è in atto un complotto per uccidere la maggior parte della popolazione della Terra utilizzando il vaccino contro l'influenza suina effettuata dal WHO , Henry Kissinger , e il Gruppo Bilderberg. Il suo articolo su impianti cibernetici come mezzi di controllo è ampiamente diffuso. Ella appare nei cinema nel 1999 in Rivelazioni: Fine dei Tempi, Volume 2.
Luukonen-Kilde ha vissuto in Norvegia dal 1992 e ha sposato un diplomatico norvegese nel 1987.
Des milliers d'individus demandent que soit faite une investigation internationale d'énormes violations des droits de l'homme qui sévissent actuellement dans le monde entier, dans le plus grand silence.
Ces dernières années, le nombre de ces crimes contre l'humanité s'est accru à tel point que nous pouvons visiblement parler d'agression de la population civile.
Cette agression est commise avec une technologie qui agit, à distance, dans l'ombre,au-delà des limites des frontières, et qui est utilisée contre des civils sans défense et qui ne se doutent de rien.
Il y a une pression continuelle de la part des victimes pour dénoncer ces crimes auprès des hauts fonctionnaires de l'état, des organisations pour les droits de l'homme, des dirigeants internationaux et à la presse. La plupart du temps, elles n'obtiennent pas de réponse en raison d'une méconnaissance généralisée de cette technologie. D'après les diagnostics des établissements psychiatriques, les victimes ont des hallucinations. De plus, les plaintes déposées dans les commissariats de police locaux sont souvent considérées comme des problèmes psychologiques ou sont tout simplement passées sous silence.
Cela risque de prendre plusieurs années avant que "l'holocauste silencieux" ne soit connu du public. Pour les victimes, cette comparaison est tout à fait juste.
L'ampleur des crimes dénoncés et la gravité des accusations justifient une investigation internationale urgente.
Etant donné le nombre considérable de victimes à l'échelle planétaire, qui a engendré un mouvement mondial coordonné par le biais de l'internet, seuls les plus zélés et les plus consciencieux parmi les victimes dénoncent ce crime, le nombre réel de victimes étant, de loin, plus important que ce groupe d'activistes.
En janvier 2007, la journaliste Sharon Weinberger a publié dans le "Washington Post", l'article intitulé "Mind Games" sur les victimes américaines et l'organisation militante "Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance" (Droit de vivre sans surveillance ni harcèlement occulte).
Entre-temps, de nouvelles victimes de plus en plus nombreuses se font connaître des quatre coins du monde. Elles demandent que ces crimes soient rendus publics, elles insistent pour qu'une investigation soit faite sur ce problème et entament une campagne contre le harcèlement par les Armes à Energie Dirigée (DEW: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS) et contre le harcèlement collectif -
Thousands of people, are asking for an international investigation of enormous human rights violations that are silently taking place worldwide at this moment.
In recent years the numbers of those crimes against humanity rose so much that we can openly speak about the civilian population being under attack.
This attack is committed with technology working invisibly at a distance, beyond the bounds of borders, and is at this moment being used against helpless and unsuspecting citizens.
The victims are constantly lobbying to report these crimes to government officials, human rights organizations, world leaders and the press. Mostly, they don't get answers because of a general lack of knowledge about the technology. Mental institutions may diagnose the victims as delusional. And complaints lodged a t local police stations are often treated as psychological problems or ignored.
It may take several years, before the "silent holocaust" becomes public knowledge. And for the victims, the comparison is very real.
The scale of the crimes being reported, and the seriousness of the accusations, justifies an urgent international investigation.
Because there are so many victims worldwide, spawning a worldwide movement coordinated via the Internet, it is only the most diligent and conscientious of victims who are able to report this crime; the actual number of victims being many times larger than this group of activists.
Sunday 14 January 2007 , the article "Mind Games" appeared in "The Washington Post", written by journalist Sharon Weinberger, about the American victims and the activist organization, Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance.
Meanwhile, from all parts of the world new victims are showing up in greater numbers. They are asking for these crimes to be made public and are insisting on an international investigation of this problem. And starting a collective campaign against DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS (DEW) TORTURE AND ABUSE.
Some of our DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING TORTURE AND ABUSE CASES detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history, including the most horrendous psychological tortures, rapes, sexual abuse, surgical mutilations, ‘mind control’, and other mental and physical mutilations.
3. Обращение к средствам массовой информации:
Как специалист в области работы психики человека я обращаюсь с просьбой, к средствам массовой информации (газеты, журналы, радио, телевидение). Одна надежда на Вас, потому что только Вы можете поднять всю мировую общественность и остановить тех, кто не думая о наших детях и внуках, создают и испытывают оружие, уничтожающее человека как личность. Недопустимо чтобы сегодня, когда человечество достигло такого технического прогресса, люди возомнившие себя Богами над людьми, управляли разумом человека через вмешательство в человеческую психику делая из человека послушного робота. Не останьтесь равнодушны к моей просьбе, пожалуйста, и помогите донести знания всем людям земли для защиты от зомбирования теми, кто пользуется человеческой слепотой в духовности. Ни одна религия или атеизм не способны защитить душу человека - жизнь человека от так называемого психогинератора, который был создан Гитлером и Сталиным в годы Второй Мировой войны и в настоящее время продолжаются официально подобные исследования над человеческим разумом. Прямое назначение такого оружия - это подчинение воли человека и создание послушных рабов.Об этих разработках сегодня в очередной раз заявила официально газета "Взгляд".
C уважением Светлана Ясиновер
Geheime geophysische Waffen. Folterung und Missbrauch mit gerichteter Energie und psychisch-neurologischen Waffen.
Viele tausend Menschen fordern eine internationale Untersuchung der ungeheueren Menschenrechtsverletzungen, die gegenwärtig weltweit geräuschlos grassieren.
In den letzten Jahren haben diese Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit derart zugenommen, dass wir offen von einem Angriff auf die gesamte Zivilbevölkerung sprechen können.
Dieser Angriff wird mit einer Technologie verübt, die unsichtbar auf Distanz jenseits aller Grenzen und Begrenzungen funktioniert und die in diesem Augenblick gegen wehr- und ahnungslose Bürger eingesetzt wird.
Die Opfer betreiben fortwährend Lobbyarbeit, um diese Verbrechen an verantwortliche Regierungsvertreter, Menschenrechtsorganisationen, internationale Führungskräfte und die Presse heranzutragen. Meistens erhalten sie keine Antwort wegen des allgemeinen Mangels an Wissen
über diese Technologie. Psychiatrische Einrichtungen diagnostizieren die Opfer häufig als psychotisch.
Und Anzeigen, die bei den örtlichen Polizeirevieren erstattet werden, werden oft als psychische Probleme behandelt oder ignoriert. Es mag einige Jahre dauern bis der „stille Holocaust“ öffentlich bekannt wird. Für die Opfer ist dieser Vergleich sehr real!
Das Ausmaß der beklagten Verbrechen und die Schwere der Beschuldigungen rechtfertigen eine dringende internationale Untersuchung.
Während es weltweit so viele Opfer gibt, die sich mit Hilfe des Internets zu einer global koordinierten Bewegung vernetzen, sind nur die eifrigsten und bewusstesten in der Lage, über diese Verbrechen zu berichten; die tatsächliche Zahl der Opfer ist um ein Vielfaches größer als diese Gruppe von Aktivisten.
Im Januar 2007 erschien der Artikel „Mind Games“ („Psycho-Spiele“) in der „Washington Post“, geschrieben von dem Journalisten Sharon Weinberger, über die Opfer und die Selbsthilfeorganisation "Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance" (Recht, ohne heimliche Folter und Überwachung zu leben).
Seitdem treten überall auf der Welt neue Opfer immer zahlreicher in die Öffentlichkeit. Sie fordern, dass diese Verbrechen publik gemacht werden, bestehen auf einer internationalen Untersuchung und initiieren eine gemeinsame Kampagne gegen organisiertes Stalking und Folterung und Missbrauch mit gerichteter Energie und psychisch-neurologischen Waffen (DEW: Directed Energy and Neurological Weapons). Aufruf an die Medien
Als Fachmann auf dem Gebiet der Psychiatrie wende ich mich mit der Bitte an die Medien (Zeitungen, Zeitschriften, Radio und TV- Sendungen). Ich hoffe, dass Sie bei diesem Problem helfen können, weil nur Sie die Weltöffentlichkeit aufrütteln können und diejenigen stoppen, die weder an unsere Kinder noch Enkelkinder denkend eine Waffe produzieren und testen, die den Menschen als Persönlichkeit zerstört. Es ist nicht hinnehmbar, dass heute nachdem die Menschheit einen solchen technischen Fortschritt erreichte sich bestimmte Leute als Götter über die Menschen erheben, indem sie das Bewusstsein der Menschen durch Eindringen in die menschliche Psyche steuern, um aus ihnen gehorsame Roboter zu machen. Bleiben Sie meiner Bitte gegenüber nicht gleichgültig und helfen Sie, das Wissen darüber allen Menschen der Erde nahe zu bringen als Schutz vor der Programmierung der Menschen. Wehren Sie sich gegen diejenigen, die die menschliche Blindheit geistig ausnutzen. Weder irgendeine Religion noch der Atheismus sind fähig, die Seele und das Leben des Menschen vor dem Psychogenerator zu schützen, der von Hitler und Stalin während des Zweiten Weltkriegs geschaffen wurde. Und auch gegenwärtig werden die Forschungen am menschlichen Bewusstsein offiziell fortgesetzt. Der tatsächliche Zweck dieser Waffe ist das Beherrschen des menschlichen Willens und die Schaffung gehorsamer Sklaven. Die Zeitung „Ansicht“ berichtete über die gegenwärtigen Forschungen offiziell noch einmal.
Mit freundlichem Gruß Svetlana Yasinover
成 千上万的人要求对目前正在全世界范围内悄悄发生的极大的侵犯人权的事件进行调查。近年来这种反人类的大脑控制技术滥用和酷刑的罪行逐渐上升,我们可以公开 地说,平民百姓正在受到攻击。这种攻击是远距离,超越国界的,利用看不见的技术,目前正在被用来对付无助和不知情的平民。
同时,来自全世界各地数量很多的受害者。他们要求将这一罪行进行公开,并坚持就这一问题进行国际调查。并且正在就大脑控制技术和定向能武器 (DEW) 酷刑虐待和骚扰和有组织的跟踪. 展开一项世界性的集体运动。(DEW: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS ) 中国受害者也已经努力多年,要求政府立法禁止这些技术的滥用和酷刑。
Migliaia di persone chiedono che sia fatta un' indagine internazionale su enormi violazioni dei diritti dell'uomo che imperversano attualmente nel mondo intero, nel più grande silenzio.
In quest'ultimi anni, il numero di questi crimini contro l'umanità è aumentato a tal punto che possiamo apertamente parlare di aggressione alla popolazione civile.
Quest'aggressione è commessa con una tecnologia che agisce a distanza, nell'ombra, oltre i limiti delle frontiere, ed è utilizzata contro civili ignari e senza difesa.
C'è una richiesta continua da parte delle Vittime di denunciare questi crimini presso gli alti funzionari dello stato, le organizzazioni per i diritti dell'uomo, i dirigenti internazionali e la stampa. Di solito non ottengono risposte a causa di un'ignoranza generalizzata su questa tecnologia. Secondo le diagnosi degli istituti psichiatrici, le vittime hanno allucinazioni. Inoltre, i reclami depositati nei commissariati di polizia locali sono spesso considerati come problemi psicologici o sono semplicemente passati sotto silenzio.
E tutto ciò nonostante le ammissioni, l' 8 ottobre 1995, del Presidente degli Stati Uniti in materia, e nonostante numerosi testi di militari e specialisti, pubblicati e conosciuti, circolino in internet e nelle librerie, senza alcun commento particolare da parte dei partiti politici di governo dei paesi occidentali e dell'Italia in particolare. Ricordiamo che in Italia sono stanziate circa 120 basi militari americane, alcune delle quali di migliaia di uomini e donne in armi.
Ciò rischia di far passare molti anni prima che "l'Olocausto silenzioso" sia conosciuto dal pubblico. E per le Vittime, questo raffronto con l'Olocausto è completamente giusto.
L'ampiezza dei crimini denunciati e la gravità dei carichi giustificano un'indagine internazionale urgente.
Dato il numero considerevole di Vittime su scala planetaria, che ha generato un movimento mondiale coordinato tramite l'Internet, solo i più zelanti ed i più coscienziosi fra le Vittime denunciano questo crimine, essendo il numero reale di Vittime di gran lunga più importante di questo gruppo di attivisti.
Nel gennaio 2007, la giornalista Sharon Weinberger ha pubblicato nel "Washington post", l'articolo intitolato "Mind Games" sulle vittime americane e l'organizzazione militante "Freedom From Covert Harassment and surveillance" (Diritto di Vivere senza Sorveglianza e Molestie Occulte).
Nel frattempo, nuove Vittime sempre più numerose si fanno conoscere dai quattro angoli del mondo. Chiedono che questi crimini siano resi pubblici, insistono affinchè sia fatta un'indagine internazionale su questo problema. Ed iniziano una campagna contro LA TORTURA E L'ABUSO CON ARMI AD ENERGIA DIRETTA (DEW: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS ) E NEUROLOGICHE.
Millares de personas piden que se haga una investigación internacional de enormes violaciones de los derechos humanos que prevalecen actualmente en todo el mundo, en el mayor silencio.
Estos últimos años, el número de estos crímenes contra la humanidad ha aumentado tanto que podemos obviamente hablar de agresión contra la población civil.
Esta agresión se comete con una tecnología que actúa, a distancia, en la sombra, más allá de los límites de las fronteras, y que se utiliza contra civiles sin defensa y donde no se duda de nada.
Hay una presión continua por parte de las víctimas para denunciar estos crímenes a los altos funcionarios del estado, a las organizaciones para los derechos humanos, a los dirigentes internacionales y en la prensa. La mayor parte del tiempo, no obtienen respuesta, debido a una ignorancia generalizada de esta tecnología. Según los diagnósticos de los establecimientos psiquiátricos, las víctimas tienen alucinaciones. Además, las denuncias presentadas en las comisarías de policía locales a menudo se consideran como problemas psicológicos o se han silenciado simplemente.
Se corre el riesgo de tardar varios años antes de que "el holocausto silencioso" sea conocido del público. Para las víctimas, esta comparación es totalmente justa.
La amplitud de los crímenes denunciados y la gravedad de las acusaciones justifican una investigación internacional urgente.
Dado el número considerable de víctimas a escala planetaria, que ha generado un movimiento mundial coordinado por medio de Internet, solamente los más afanosos y los más concienzudos entre las víctimas denuncian este crimen, el número real de víctimas sigue siendo, con mucho, más importante que este grupo de activistas.
En enero de 2007, la periodista Sharon Weinberger publicó en el "Washington post", el artículo titulado "Mind Games" sobre las víctimas americanas y la organización militante "Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance" (Derecho a vivir sin vigilancia ni acoso
Mientras tanto, nuevas numerosas víctimas cada vez más se hacen conocer de las cuatro esquinas del mundo. Piden que estos crímenes se hagan públicos, insisten para que una investigación se haga
sobre este problema y empiezan una campaña contra el acoso por las Armas a Energía Dirigida (DEW: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS) y contra el acoso colectivo.
8. COMUNICADO DE IMPRENSA (em português):
Nestes últimos anos, o número destes crimes contra a humanidade aumentou tanto que se pode obviamente falar de agressões contra a população.
Estas agressões são cometidas com uma tecnologia que actua à distância, e na "sombra", para além dos limites fronteiriços, e que é utilizada sobre cidadão indefesos, que não desconfiam de nada.
Existe uma pressão contínua, por parte das vítimas, para denunciar estes crimes a altos dirigentes do estado, nacionais e internacionais, a organizações para defesa dos direitos humanos e também à imprensa. Na maior parte das vezes, sem obter resposta, devido à falta de conhecimento generalizada sobre esta tecnologia. Segundo os diagnósticos apresentados por várias instituições psiquiátricas, as vítimas têem alucinações. Para além disso, as denúncias apresentadas nas esquadras de polícia são frequentemente tratadas como problemas psicológicos ou simplesmente ignoradas.
Podem passar alguns anos, até que o "holocausto silencioso" se torne do conhecimento público. E, para as vítimas, a comparação é bem real.
A escala dos crimes que são denunciados, e a gravidade das acusações justificam uma investigação internacional urgente.
Porque existe um número tão grande de vítimas à escala planetária, que gerou um movimento mundial coordenado através da Internet, apenas as as vítimas mais conscienciosas, denunciam este tipo de crime, sendo o número de vítimas muito superior ao deste grupo de activistas.
Em Janeiro de 2007, o artigo "Mind Games", da autoria da jornalista Sharon Weinberger, foi impresso no "The Washington Post", retratando as vítimas americanas e a organização activista "Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance" (Liberdade de Viver sem Assédio Oculto nem Vigilância).
Entretanto, de toda a parte do mundo, novas vítimas estão a aparecer em número cada vez maior, pedindo que estes crimes sejam tornados do conhecimento público e insistindo numa investigação internacional deste problema e começando uma campanha colectiva contra o abuso com Armas de Energia Dirigida (DEW: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS)
Χιλιάδες άτομα ζητούν τη διεξαγωγή διεθνούς έρευνας σχετικά με τεράστιες παραβιάσεις ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων που λαμβάνουν χώρα σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο, με κάθε μυστικότητα.
Τα τελευταία χρονια, ο αριθμός αυτών των εγκλημάτων κατά της ανθρωπότητας αυξήθηκε σε τέτοιο βαθμό ώστε να μπορούμε καταφανώς να μιλάμε για επίθεση κατά αμάχων.
Η εν λόγω επίθεση διαπράττεται με τη βοήθεια τεχνολογίας η οποία ενεργεί εξ αποστάσεως, με μυστικό τρόπο και η οποία δεν γνωρίζει σύνορα. Η ενέργεια αυτή χρησιμοποιείται κατά άοπλων, ανυπεράσπιστων ανθρώπων οι οποίοι δεν υποψιάζονται καν την ύπαρξή της.
Τα θύματα ασκούν συνεχή πίεση για την καταγγελία των εγκλημάτων αυτών ενώπιον κρατικών αξιωματούχων, οργανισμών υπεράσπισης των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων, διεθνών ηγετικών προσωπικοτήτων και του τύπου. Τις περισσότερες φορές, δεν λαμβάνουν απάντηση λόγω της πλήρους άγνοιας αυτής της τεχνολογίας από τους ιθύνοντες. Με γνωματεύσεις τους, ψυχιατρικά ιδρύματα χαρακτήρισαν τα συμτώματα που παρουσιάζουν τα θύματα παραισθήσεις. Επιπλέον, τα συμβάντα που κατατίθενται από τα θύματα στις μηνύσεις τους στα κατά τόπους αστυνομικά τμήματα, αποδίδονται συχνά σε ψυχολογικά προβλήματα ή πολύ απλά αποσιωπούνται.
Η αποκάλυψη αυτού του «σιωπηλού ολοκαυτώματος» - χαρακτηρισμού ιδιαίτερα επιτυχούς για τα θύματα – στο ευρύ κοινό θα αργήσει ακόμα.
Το εύρος των καταγγελλόμενων εγλημάτων και η οξύτητα των κατηγοριών δικαιολογούν επείγουσα διεθνή έρευνα.
Παρά τον σημαντικό αριθμό τους σε πλανητική κλίμακα και το συντονισμένο παγκόσμιο διαδικτυακό κίνημα που προκάλεσε, μόνο τα πιο ένζηλα και συνειδητά θύματα προβαίνουν σε καταγγελία. Ο πραγματικός αριθμός θυμάτων είναι πολύ σημαντικότερος από αυτήν την ομάδα ακτιβιστών.
Τον Ιανουάριο του 2007, η δημοσιογράφος Sharon Weinberger δημοσίευσε στην Washington Post, το άρθρο με τίτλο «Mind Games» και με θέμα τα θύματα στις ΗΠΑ και το σωματείο Freedom From Covert harassment and surveillance (Λύτρωση από τη συγκεκαλυμμένη παρενόχληση και παρακολούθηση).
Εντωμεταξύ, όλο και περισσότερα νέα θύματα εμφανίζονται από όλα τα μέρη του κόσμου για να ζητήσουν τη δημοσιοποίηση των εν λόγω εγκλημάτων, να επιμείνουν στη διεξαγωγή σχετικής έρευνας και να συμμετάσχουν στην εκστρατεία κατά της παρενόχλησης με όπλα κατευθυνόμενης ενέργειας (DEW: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS) και κατά της συλλογικής παρενόχλησης.
Tusindvis af mennesker beder om en international undersøgelse af enorme krænkelser af menneskerettighederne, der er tavst, der finder sted på verdensplan i øjeblikket.
I de seneste år er antallet af disse forbrydelser mod menneskeheden steget så meget, at vi kan tale åbent om den civile befolkning er under angreb.
Dette angreb er begået med teknologi arbejder usynligt i en afstand, ud over grænserne for grænser, og er i dette øjeblik bliver anvendt mod hjælpeløse og intetanende borgere.
Ofrene er konstant lobbyvirksomhed til at indberette disse forbrydelser til regeringens embedsmænd, menneskerettighedsorganisationer, verdens ledere og pressen. Oftest, at de ikke får svar på grund af en generel mangel på viden om teknologi. Mental institutioner kan diagnosticere ofrene som vrangforestilling. Og klager, der indgives på de lokale politistationer er ofte behandlet som psykiske problemer eller ignoreres.
Det kan tage flere år, før den "tavse holocaust" bliver offentlig viden. Og for de ofre, den sammenligning er meget reel.
Omfanget af de forbrydelser, der rapporteres, og alvoren af de anklager, berettiger til en hurtig international undersøgelse.
Fordi der er så mange ofre på verdensplan, gydende en verdensomspændende bevægelse koordineret via internettet, er det kun de mest flittige og samvittighedsfulde af ofre, som er i stand til at rapportere denne forbrydelse; det faktiske antal af ofre er mange gange større end denne gruppe af aktivister.
I januar 2007, artiklen "Mind Games" udkom i "The Washington Post", skrevet af journalist Sharon Weinberger, om de amerikanske ofre og aktivist organisationen, frihed fra Covert Chikane og overvågning.
I mellemtiden fra alle dele af verden nye ofre viser op i større tal. De beder for disse forbrydelser, der skal offentliggøres, og insisterer på en international undersøgelse af dette problem. Og starter en kollektiv bekæmpelse rettet energi våben (DEW: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS) chikane.
TITKOS geofizikai fegyverek -- kínzások és kegyetlenségek idegbénitó- és közvetlen energiájú fegyverekkel.
Több ezer ember követeli, hogy induljon egy nemzetközi vizsgálat az emberi jogok súlyos megsértésének ügyében mely jelenleg a legnagyobb csendben tombol az egész világon.
Az utóbbi években, az emberiség elleni bűntettek száma annyira nőtt, hogy nyíltan beszélhetünk a polgári lakosság elleni agresszióról.
Ez egy olyan technológiával elkövetett agresszió, amely a távolból működik, a háttérben, túl a határokon, és a gyanútlan és védtelen civilek ellen használják.
Az áldozatok részéről egy folyamatos kérelem van a legmagasabb állami tisztségviselők, az emberi jogokat védő szervezetek, a nemzetközi vezetők és a sajtó felé, melyben kérik, hogy jelentsék fel ezeket a bűncselekményeket. Általában nem kapnak választ, az erről a technológiáról, széles körben elterjedt tudatlanság miatt,.
A pszichiátriai intézmények diagnózisa szerint, az áldozatok hallucinációban szenvednek. Ezenkívül, a helyi rendőrségen benyújtott panaszokat gyakran úgy tekintik mint lelki problémák, vagy egyszerűen csendbe búrkolóznak.
És mindez annak ellenére, hogy 1995 október 8-án, az Egyesült Államok elnöke beismerő nyilatkozatott tett a témával kapcsolatban, és annak ellenére, hogy több ismert katonai és szakkönyv megjelent, melyek az interneten és a könyvtárakban terjednek, a nyugati országok és különösen Olaszország kormányának a politikai párjai különösebb kommentárja nélkül. Emlékezzünk vissza, hogy Olaszországban mintegy 120 amerikai katonai bázis állomásozik, amelyek közül néhány több ezer felfegyverezett férfiból és nőből áll.
Sok évig eltarthat, mielőtt a "néma holokauszt" ismert lesz a nagyközönség előtt. És az áldozatok részéről, ez az összehasonlítás a holokauszttal teljesen igaz.
A feljelentett bűncselekmények nagyságrendje és a terhek súlyossága indokolja a sürgős nemzetközi vizsgálatot.
Tekintettel a áldozatok nagy számára globális szinten, amely egy világméretű, az interneten keresztül koordinált mozgalmat inditott el, az áldozatok közül csak a legbuzgóbb és a legtudatosabbak jelentik fel ezt bűncselekményt, mivel a tényleges áldozatok száma sokkal jelentősebb, mint ez az aktivista csoport.
2007 januárjában, Sharon Weinberger újságíró a "Washington Post"-ban közzé tett cikke címe: "Mind Games" az amerikai áldozatokról és a militáns szervezet "Freedom From Covert Harassment and surveillance " (Felügyelet- és Titkos Zaklatásmentes élethez való jog) .
Közben egyre több új áldozat jelentkezik a világ négy sarkából. Azt követelik, hogy ezek a bűncselekmények kerüljenek nyilvánosságra, ragaszkodva ahhoz, hogy nemzetközi vizsgálat induljon erről a problémáról. És hogy kampány induljon a kínzás és az idegbénitó- és a közvetlen energiájú fegyverekkel való visszaélés miatt (DEW: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS).
Thanks to EVA POLLAK for this version
Duizenden mensen vragen om een internationaal onderzoek van de enorme schendingen van de mensenrechten die op dit moment geluidloos doorgaan op wereldschaal.
De laatste jaren is het aantal dergelijke misdrijven zodanig toegenomen dat we openlijk mogen zeggen dat de gehele bevolking onder vuur ligt.
Deze aanvallen worden uitgevoerd met technologie die onzichtbaar werkt, van op afstand, over de grenzen heen, en die op dit moment wordt gebruikt tegen hulpeloze en nietsvermoedende burgers.
De slachtoffers ijveren constant om deze misdrijven te rapporteren bij de overheid, mensenrechtenorganisaties, wereldleiders en de pers. Gewoonlijk krijgen ze geen antwoord wegens het gebrek aan kennis over de technologie. Psychiatrische inrichtingen verklaren het slachtoffer gewoonlijk geestesziek. En klachten die worden ingediend bij de politie worden meestal afgedaan als psychologisch probleem of ze worden genegeerd.
Het zal nog jaren duren voordat de “stille holocaust” algemeen bekend wordt. Maar voor de slachtoffers is de vergelijking wel degelijk realiteit.
De schaal waarop de misdrijven worden gerapporteerd en de ernst van de beschuldigingen verantwoorden een dringend internationaal onderzoek.
Omdat er wereldwijd zoveel slachtoffers zijn, waardoor een wereldwijde beweging is ontstaan, gecoördineerd via internet, zijn slechts de meest ijverige en gewetensvolle slachtoffers in staat om dit misdrijf te rapporteren; het werkelijke aantal slachtoffers zou wel eens vele keren groter kunnen zijn dan deze groep activisten.
In januari 2007 verscheen het artikel "Mind Games" in "The Washington Post", geschreven door journalist Sharon Weinberger, over de Amerikaanse slachtoffers en de activistenorganisatie Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance.
Ondertussen duiken er nieuwe slachtoffers op in grotere aantallen in alle uithoeken van de wereld. Ze vragen dat deze misdrijven overal bekend worden gemaakt en dringen aan op een internationaal onderzoek van dit probleem. En ze starten een collectieve campagne tegen FOLTERING, AANSLAGEN EN VERMINKING DOOR SATELLIET- EN BREINWAPENS.
Sommige van onze FOLTERINGEN, AANSLAGEN EN VERMINKINGEN DOOR SATELLIET- EN BREINWAPENS getuigen van de meest extreme en totalitaire schendingen van de mensenrechten, met inbegrip van de meest afschuwelijke psychologische folteringen, verkrachtingen, seksueel misbruik, chirurgische verminkingen, ‘mind control’, en andere psychische en fysische verminkingen
被 害者は、絶え間なくこれらの犯罪を政府関係者、人権団体、世界の指導者、報道機関に報告するロビー活動を行っています。多くの場合、彼らは一般的な技術に 関する知識不足のせいで返事を貰うことはありません。精神病関係の機関は被害者を妄想壁があると診断するかもしれません。そして、地元の警察に送られた苦 情は、心理的な問題として扱われるか、無視されます。
2007年の1月に、シャロン・ワインバーガー記者による、アメリカの被害者と「極秘のハラスメントと監視からの自由(Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance)」という活動家団体についての「マインド・ゲームズ」の記事がワシントンポスト紙上に発表されました。
Thanks to Miyoko for this version. Ariagatou Gozaimasu.
14. Comunicat de stampa Română
Mii de oameni cer o să fie făcută a anchetă internaţională cu enormi încălcări si cu violenţă drepturilor emului care să iau în tăcere în toata lumea,in cea mai mare tăcere.
În ultimii timp, număricul de aceste crime împotriva populaziei a crescut atât de mult că putem vorbi direct despre populotia civilă tinnd sub atac.
Aceast atoc a fost fŏcut cu o tehnologie care se mişcă la distanţă, în umbră, peste frontieră, şi este folosită împotriva cetăţenilor neajutoraţi şi fŏră ajutor.
Există o cerere din partea Victimelor unde denuntă aceste crimine, infracţiuni, la oficialitătile de Stat, înalt ai statului, Organizăn pentru drepturile omului,lideri si Presă. De obicei,nu se obţin răspunsuri din cauză că lipseşte o cultură su această tehnologie. După cum spun deduc analizele de instituţii psihiatrice, victimele au halucinaţii şi delirantă. Si plângerile fâcute în secţie de poliţie,sunt aproape mereu luate în calcul ca: probleme psihologice un sunt fâcute în tăcere.
#### Şi aceasta în ciuda admiterea, în octombrie "8, 1995, preşedinte al Statelor Unite pe această temă, şi în ciuda numeroase texte şi specialişti militari, publicate şi cunoscute, care circulă pe internet şi în biblioteci, fără nici un comentariu special din partea partidelor politice Guvernul de ţările occidentale şi Italia, în special. Reamintească faptul că în Italia sunt staţionate aproximativ 120 de baze militare americane, dintre care unele sunt mii de bărbaţi şi femei în braţe.
Acest lucru este probabil să ia mai mulţi ani înainte de "Silent Holocaustului", este cunoscut publicului. Şi pentru victime, această comparaţie cu Holocaustul este complet corect.
Amploarea şi gravitatea crimelor raportate sarcini justifica investigaţii de urgenţă internaţional.
Având în vedere numărul mare de victime pe o scară planetară, care a generat o mişcare la nivel mondial coordonat prin intermediul internetului, numai cei mai zeloşi şi mai conştiincios dintre victimele să denunţe această crimă, deoarece numărul real de victime mult mai importante decât acest grup de activişti.
În ianuarie 2007, jurnalistul Sharon Weinberger a publicat "Washington Post", articol intitulat "Jocurile mintii" pe victime americane şi militant organizaţia "Libertatea de hărţuire şi de supraveghere ascunsă" (dreptul de a trăi fără supraveghere şi hărţuire ocultă) .
Între timp, mai multe victime şi mai nou să se facă cunoscute din cele patru colţuri ale lumii. Ei cer ca aceste crime sunt făcute publice, aşa că insistă pentru a se face o anchetă internaţională a acestei probleme. Şi să înceapă o campanie împotriva tortură şi abuz Cu armele direct de energie (de rouă: ARME cu orientare de energie) şi neurologice.
15. Česká tisková zpráva
16. Polska informacja prasowa
17. Саопштење за јавност
18. יהודי
agar memulakan penyiasatan antarabangsa terhadap jenayah yang senyap yang tengah berlaku di merata
tempat di seluruh dunia pada saat ini.
dan setakat ini telah mula digunakan terhadap rakyat jelata yang langsung tidak dapat lawan malah tidah
tahu dirinya telah menjadi salah seorang mangsa.
mangsa mengadu, adalah memadai supaya penyiasatan antarabangsa dilakukan oleh pihak kerajaan dengan segera.
antarabangsa melawan jenayah sulit ini. Hanya mangsa-mangsa yang masih bertekad dan bersemangat
membongkar jenayah sulit ini, membuat aduan demi aduan secara persendirian. Banyak mangsa telah menjadi terlalu lemah dan patah semangat membuat sebarang aduan kepada pihak berkenaan. Banyak lagi mangsa yang langsung tidak tahu dirinya telah menjadi mangsa. Jadi bilangan sebenar mangsa-mangsa di serata tempat sedunia adalah jauh lebih banyak dari bilangan dalam kumpulan aktivis ini.
SEKRET gjeofizik ARMËT - Tortura dhe keqtrajtimi me armë të energjisë të drejtuara dhe psychoneurological
Mijëra njerëz kërkojnë që të bëhet një studim "të madh ndërkombëtar për shkeljet e të drejtave të njeriut duke ndezur të gjithë botën, me heshtje të madh.
Në vitet e fundit, numri i këtyre krimeve kundër njerëzimit është rritur aq shumë sa që ne mund të flasim hapur e sulmit ndaj civilëve.
Ky agresioni është kryer nga një teknologji që punon në një distancë, shihet, përtej kufijve të kufijve, dhe është përdorur kundër civilëve të pafajshëm dhe të pambrojtur.
Ka një kërkesë të vazhdueshme nga ana e viktimave për të raportuar këto krim në të zyrtarëve të lartë shtetëror, organizatave për të drejtat e njeriut, drejtuesit ndërkombëtarë dhe të shtypit. Unë zakonisht nuk do të marrë përgjigje për shkak të injorancës të përhapura në lidhje me teknologjinë. Sipas diagnozës së institucioneve psikiatrike, viktimat kanë halucinacione. Përveç kësaj, ankesat e paraqitura në stacionet e policisë këtu shpesh trajtohen si probleme psikologjike apo janë thjesht kaloi mbi ne heshtje.
Dhe e gjithë kjo pavarësisht nga pranimi, '8 tetor 1995, Presidenti i Shteteve të Bashkuara në këtë çështje, dhe pavarësisht nga tekstet e shumta dhe ekspertë ushtarakë, të publikuara dhe të njohura, që qarkullojnë në internet dhe në biblioteka, pa ndonjë koment të veçantë nga partitë politike Qeveria e vendeve perëndimore dhe në Itali. Kujtoj se në Itali janë të stacionuar rreth 120 bazave ushtarake të SHBA, disa prej të cilave janë mijëra burra dhe gra në krahët.
Kjo mund të jetë shumë vite para se të "holokaustit heshtur" është i njohur për publikun. Dhe për viktimat, krahasimi me e Holokaustit është plotësisht e drejtë.
Madhësinë e krimeve të raportuara dhe ashpërsia e ngarkesave të justifikuar hetim urgjent ndërkombëtar.
Duke pasur parasysh numrin e madh të viktimave në një shkallë globale, e cila gjeneroi një lëvizje të gjithë botën koordinuar nëpërmjet internetit, vetëm më të zellshëm dhe më i ndërgjegjshëm në mesin e viktimave të raportit të krimit, pasi që numri aktual i viktimave shumë më e rëndësishme se sa kjo grup aktivist.
Në janar 2007, gazetari Sharon Weinberger ka botuar në "Washington Post", artikullin me titull "Mind Games" në viktima amerikane dhe të organizatës militante Liria Nga fshehtë Ngacmimi dhe Mbikqyrjes (e drejta për të jetuar pa mbikqyrje dhe ngacmimet okult) .
Ndërkohë, një numër në rritje i viktimave të reja bëjë të njohur veten nga të katër qoshet e botës. Pretendojnë se këto krime janë bërë publike, këmbëngulin se një hetim ndërkombëtar të bëhet për këtë çështje. Dhe të fillojnë një fushatë kundër torturës dhe abuzimit me armë të energjisë drejtohet (DEW: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS) dhe Neurologjisë.
خفیہ جیو فیزیکل ہتھیاروں کے ، کو ہدایت کی توانائی کے ہتھیاروں کے تشدد اور بدسلوکی اور اعصابی
ہزاروں لوگ ، بہت زیادہ انسانی حقوق کی خلاف ورزی اور وہ چپ چاپ اس وقت دنیا بھر میں جگہ ہو لینے کا ایک بین الاقوامی تفتیش کا مطالبہ کر رہے ہیں.
حالیہ برسوں میں جرائم کے خلاف انسانیت کی تعداد میں لوگ گلاب کے پھول اتنا کہ ہم سویلین حملے کی زد میں ہونے کی وجہ آبادی کے بارے میں کھل کر بات کر سکتے ہیں.
اس حملے کی ٹیکنالوجی کی دوری پر خفیہ سرحدوں کی حد سے بڑھ کر کام کرنے کے ساتھ مصروف عمل ہے ، اس وقت ہے اور مجبور و بے بس اور پہلے سے نہ سوچا شہریوں کے خلاف استعمال ہورہے ہیں.
متاثرین کو مسلسل یہ جرائم لابنگ حکومت کے حکام ، انسانی حقوق کی تنظیموں ، عالمی رہنماؤں اور پریس کو رپورٹ کرنے کے لئے کر رہے ہیں. زیادہ تر ، وہ کیونکہ اس ٹیکنالوجی کے بارے میں علم کی کمی کی جنرل کے جواب نہیں ملے گا. ذہنی اداروں مئی اوہام کے طور پر متاثرین کی تشخیص. اور مقامی پولیس سٹیشنوں پر شکایت اکثر نفسیاتی مسائل یا نظر انداز کے طور پر برتاؤ کر رہے ہیں.
یہ "خاموش ہولوکاسٹ" سے پہلے کئی سال لگ سکتے ہیں عوامی علم ہو جاتا ہے. اور متاثرین کے لئے ، اس کے مقابلے بہت حقیقی ہے.
ہونے کے ناطے روايت جرائم کی پیمانے پر ، اور ان الزامات کی سنگینی کا ، ایک نہایت اہم بین الاقوامی تحقیقات جواز.
کیونکہ وہاں بہت سے دنیا بھر کے متاثرین ، ایک پوری دنیا میں انٹرنیٹ کے ذریعے مربوط تحریک افزائش کرنا ہیں ، یہ صرف ہے میہنتی اور ئماندار متاثرین جو اس جرم کی ، بہت سے کارکنوں کے اس گروہ سے زیادہ بار ہونے کے متاثرین کی اصل تعداد کی رپورٹ پر قادر ہیں زیادہ تر.
Weinberger Sharonجنوری 2007 میں ، مضمون "کھیل پر توجہ" میں "دی واشنگٹن پوسٹ ، صحافی نے لکھا ہے کہ امریکہ کی آزادی کی خفیہ حاراسمینٹ اور نگرانی سے متاثرین اور کارکن تنظیم ، کے بارے میں ظاہر ہو ،.
اسی اثناء میں ، دنیا کے تمام حصوں سے نئے متاثرین گریٹر تعداد میں دکھائے جا رہے ہیں. انہوں نے یہ جرائم کی پاداش میں مطالبہ عوام کی بنا پر ہو رہے ہیں اور اس مسئلے کا ایک بین الاقوامی تحقیقات پر زور دے رہے ہیں. اور اعصابی اور یہ ہدایت کی توانائی (وس) اذیت اور غلط استعمال ہتھیاروں کے خلاف ایک اجتماعی مہم شروع.
ہماری ہدایت کی توانائی کے ہتھیاروں اور اعصابی آرگنائز کیا تھا ، اور پیچھا تشدد اور بدسلوکی کیس کی تفصیلات انتہائی بڑا ہے اور انسانی تاریخ میں انسانی حقوق کی ادنایکوادی کی خلاف ورزی کا بڑا خوفناک نفسیاتی اتیاچار ، عصمت دری ، جنسی استحصال ، جراحی ویئتیکرن ، 'من کنٹرول' سمیت بعض ، ، اور دیگر ذہنی اور جسمانی طور پر ویئتیکرن -- دیکھیں
يطالب الآلاف من البشر بإجراء تحقيق دولي في الإنتهاكات الصارخة لحقوق الإنسان والتي تحدث بصمت فيأرجاء العالم في هذه اللحظة.
لقد ارتفع في السنوات الأخيرة عدد الجرائم ضد الإنسانية تلك إلى درجة أنه يمكننا القول بأن السكان المدنيين يتعرضون لعدوان غاشم.
هذا العدوان يتم اقترافه بواسطة تكنولوجيا تعمل خـُفية وعن بعد، متجاوزة الحدود بين الدول وهي تـُستخدم في الوقت الراهن ضد مواطنين عُـزّل لا يعرفون ما يتعرضون له.
يبذل الضحايا قصارى جهدهم للإبلاغ بشكل مستمر عن هذه الجرائم إلى المسؤولين الحكوميين ومنظمات حقوق الإنسان وقادة العالم ووسائل الإعلام، إلا أنهم لا يجدون في الغالب أي استجابة نظراً لغياب الوعي بشكل عام حول هذه التكنولوجيا. ليس ذلك فحسب، بل قد تقوم المصحات العقلية بتشخيص الضحايا على أنهم مرضى توهم. ويتم التعامل مع الشكاوي المقدمة إلى أقسام الشرطة المحلية على أنها مشاكل نفسية أو يتم تجاهلها.
ربما يستغرق الأمر العديد من السنوات قبل أن يعرف الناس "المحرقة الصامتة"، وهذه ليست مبالغة فبالنسبة للضحايا، ما يحدث لهم يعد محرقة بكل ما تحمله الكلمة من معنى. إن المدى الذي بلغته هذه الجرائم التي يتم الإبلاغ عنها وجسامة الإتهامات يحتـّمان إجراء تحقيق دولي عاجل.
نظراً لوجود عدد كبير من الضحايا حول العالم، والتي تمخضت عنها حركة عالمية منسقة عبر الإنترنت، فإن الضحايا الأكثر صبراً وثباتاً هم فقط من يقوم بالإبلاغ عن هذه الجريمة. إن العدد الفعلي للضحايا يفوق عدد أفراد هذه المجموعة من النشطاء مرات عديدة.
في شهر يناير من عام 2007م، نـُشـِر مقال في صحيفة "واشنطن بوست" بعنوان "الألعاب العقلية" للكاتبة الصحفية شارون وينبيرجر عن الضحايا الأمريكيين والمنظمة الناشطة في هذا المجال "الحرية من المضايقة والمراقبة الخفية".
في هذه الأثناء، يظهر المزيد من الضحايا في جميع المناطق حول العالم. إنهم يطالبون بالكشف عن هذه الجرائم ويلحّون على إجراء تحقيق دولي في هذه المشاكل وأطلقوا حملة جماعية لمناهضة التعذيب والإعتداء والتشويه بواسطة أسلحة الأقمار الصناعية والأسلحة الدماغية.
تمثل بعض الحالات المسجلة ضمن حملة مناهضة (التعذيب والإعتداء والتشويه بواسطة أسلحة الأقمار الصناعية والأسلحة الدماغية) أشد إنتهاكات حقوق الإنسان تطرفاً وشمولية في التاريخ البشري بما في ذلك الأساليب البشعة في التعذيب النفسي، والإغتصاب، والإستغلال الجنسي، وتشويه الأعضاء جراحياً، والسيطرة على العقول، وغيرها من التشويهات العقلية والبدنية. للإطلاع يمكنكم زيارة الروابط التالية:
Miloj da homoj, demandas por internacia esploro de enormaj homaj rajtoj kiuj silente okazas tutmonda tiumomente.
En lastaj jaroj la nombro de tiuj krimoj kontraŭ homaro leviĝis tiel ke ni povas malkaŝe parolas pri la civilan loĝantaron esti atakataj.
Ĉi tiu atako estas kompromitita kun teknologio laborante invisibly al distanco, preter la limojn de limoj, kaj estas en ĉi tiu momento esti uzata kontraŭ senhelpaj kaj konfiditaj civitanoj.
La viktimoj estas konstante cabildeo raporti tiujn krimojn al ŝtatoficistoj, homaj rajtoj organizoj, mondaj gvidantoj kaj la gazetaro. Parte, ili ne iras respondojn pro ĝenerala manko de scio pri la teknologio. Mensa institucioj povas diagnozi la viktimoj kiel delusional. Kaj plendoj tranoktis ĉe loka polico stacidomoj estas ofte traktata kiel psikologiaj problemoj aŭ ignorita.
Ĝi povas preni plurajn jarojn, antaŭ la "silenta holokaŭsto" fariĝas publika scio. Kaj por la viktimoj, la komparo estas tre reala.
La skalo de la krimoj estis raportitaj, kaj la seriozeco de la akuzoj, pravigas urĝa internacia enketo.
Ĉar estas tiom da viktimoj tutmonda, generante tutmonda movado kunordigita tra interreto, tio estas nur la plej diligenta kaj konsciaj de la viktimoj kiuj kapablas raporti ĉi krimo; la reala nombro de viktimoj esti multoble pli granda ol tiu grupo de aktivuloj.
En januaro 2007, la artikolo "Menso Ludoj" aperis en "The Washington Post", skribita de ĵurnalisto Sharon Weinberger, pri la usonaj viktimoj kaj la aktivisma organizado, Libereco De Covert persekutadas kaj viglado.
Dume, el ĉiuj partoj de la mondo novajn viktimojn montras supren en granda nombro. Ili petas tiuj krimoj oni faris publikaj kaj estas insistante en internacia esploro de ĉi tiu problemo. Kaj komencante kolektiva kampanjo kontraŭ DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS (DEW) torturo kaj misuzo.
__Our foes and enemies of "mk-ultra 2000" or project Monarch__
In order to understand torture and its practice, it is important to dispel certain myths about its nature and purpose.
MYTH: Torture is practiced by "less civilized" societies
REALITY: There is no solace in the misconception that "others", that is, people different than ourselves practice torture. Modern torture has occurred on every continent and employed within regimes of both the left and the right.
MYTH: Torture is used primarily to obtain information or signed confessions.
REALITY: Obtaining information and confessions is not the primary purpose of torture. Signing such confessions seldom leads to relief or release. Torture is directed towards instilling and reinforcing a sense of powerlessness and terror in victims and the societies in which they live. It is a process which generates a situation designed to destroy the physical and psychological capabilities of survivors to function as viable individuals.
MYTH: Torture is meant to destroy the body
REALITY: Torture is not intended to kill the body, but the soul. Doctors and medical personnel often participate during torture sessions so as to ensure that the victim will live long enough for the strategy to be effective.
MYTH: Torture is practiced randomly
REALITY: Rarely, if ever, is torture practiced randomly. Rather torture is used as part of a continuum of repressive measures and suppression of rights or as part of state policy in order to deter real or suspected dissidents.
MYTH: Torture is punishment carried to an extreme
REALITY: While torture may be utilized for a variety of purposes (for example, to punish, to obtain information, or to coerce a third party), a primary reason for its use is as a means of social control.
MYTH: Torture exists outside of governmental responsibility
REALITY: The state is often involved in torture, either directly or indirectly. Such involvement provides adequate authorisation and even a measure of justification for the torture.
MYTH: Torture is performed by psychopaths or sadists
REALITY: While there is no doubt that there are torturers who are drawn to the trade because they are sadists, most perpetrators are not. They are part of a larger apparatus of terror that can act to shield them from the consequences of their actions.
Compounding the problem of misperceptions about torture is a "wall of sustained disbelief" that prevents full comprehension of the enormity of torture. Most people simply try to avoid the topic entirely. 7
Though I can not say I post at every site I frequent, there were sites before where I wanted to exchange thoughts with posters who had interesting views.
With the cyber harassment though, I can barely even do that. Every time I frequent a site, the gang would come in droves and would join whatever site or chat room or community I visit and do their astro turfing bit, trying to create a raucus and planting themselves right in the middle of the community.
This has prompted me to stay out of online groups , networks and communities , not wanting to expose others to the gang stalking cabal, the hunter's tribe, that's continually bugging me online.
When I saw peacepink, I thought it would be different. I thought they'd either think twice about coming here. No chance.
In any case, I believe the real victims in this forum will be more discriminating and cautious given that they already experienced electronic attacks (and I assume, cyber harassment attacks as well).
If I inadvertently exposed the group to more sociopaths/cyber stalkers by visiting this site, I apologize. I believe this is a forum where victims can glean AND FILTER important information though, so to the site owner/s, may I continue to visit (and post)?
I'll just continue to be vigilant. I'll just remind myself every now and then that this being a haven for victims, it is logically the focal point of perps who seek to divide and conquer.
Barely three days and my throat's already sore.Based on experience, this means the exposure to radiation is extreme.
My baby has had two bruises, a big one on the back , a small one on her chest. I do not even know how it happened. I just saw the marks when I changed her clothes. The first one was on her back, the next day, the one on her chest. I am with her every time.
I tarry as I think of the best way to get out of the prison I am in. I am at a standstill because I don't wanna offend the person who tried to find ways to help me. Or so he thought. I couldn't tell him he's throwing me right into the pit, I can't as of yet. There's a right time for everything.
It's difficult when the ones who are hurting you are enmeshed in a close-knit circle. You have to think that each small movement you make will throw the very mesh in different directions, pulling everyone along.
Although I cannot divulge a lot of details, I want to immortalize my reason for not IMMEDIATELY fleeing, in the event that something happens.
***The one I respect, I couldn't refuse right away because i know you were just trying to help us. You didn't want to see us on the streets but believe you me, being on the streets is preferable if you know what I know which I can't divulge to you as of yet.
I know that you realized immediately you made a mistake when you called and told me I should find a way to leave immediately and you'll do your part to help me do that as well. I thank you for that. I thank you that you have tried to coordinate with people who you believe may be able to help me stand again.
But if you only knew, they are sabotaging your attempts. In one of their own's words, "it's better this way. We can monitor their every move".
I am placing this here so if the time comes when you'll need to understand some facets of the situation, this may help you.***
More than the physical pain I am undergoing due to the electronic attacks, it's the blow to the soul and the emotional tug that hits right home.
How can people who are supposed to be concerned (and who pretend to be concerned) do such cruel and evil acts? How can they collaborate with one's abusers and pepper the salt to one's wounds with feigned altruism?
I remember this is where I first realized the world isn't what I thought it was. Love isn't real. People pretend. Some attack others just because they see happiness in them, the thing which they lack. So they rob them of it, and continue robbing without ceasing.
(*** Writing about this in a public platform is difficult so i will provide just a minute tip of the iceberg. I will continue to document this in some other private means though. Private meaning, I am taking all possible means of making it my own journal alone, so if someone still tries to read thru my notes, it is only through illegal and improper means that he will come across my musings.)
I noticed that although a lot of posts here were made by people who are obviously the perpetrators, some look like they really are undergoing electronic harassment.
I write to document what I am going thru.
As this site has helped me realize what other victims like me have gone thru, I hope that when another real victim will see this in the future, he will shed light on some of his experiences as well.
I will post as I gain insight on the harassment. I will try to document some details as well. In case something happens to me, I just want somebody to know how the attacks occur.
"Hong Kong Justice And Microwave Beam Radiation" VERY EXTRAORDINARY PHENOMENON and ALL COMPASS IN HK DISORIENTED in URGENT Appeal and Petition to WHO on 'Google/Yahoo'. Recognizing and Precautionary for the NEUROSCIENCES Radiating Technologies 'BIO-EFEFCTS'(US Patent: 4877027; 5800481; 6011991; 6167304; 6488617)in X-Hi Radiation with lowest 1,300 mSv/Hr(65Folds Ove the Absorbtion Limit for Human Per Yaer)coupling satellite intrusions PRIVACY in anywhere effectings DEEP LIVELIHOOD, SAFETY and HEALTH of complete population in HK AND the NEUROTransmittings Effects of anywhere from HK effectings others Territories in Pacific Region and far to North America. The NeuroTechnologies irradiaitons Effects in have the Humans BIO-PHYSIOLOGICAL Health depletions("Neurological Effects of Radiofrequency Electromag-netic Radiation.Dr,Henry Lai on 'Internet'), and the Lesionings of Immunological Reactivities, Neuophysiology disarrays, Celluous Lipd and Proteins Sugars Enzymes Interpretations irregularities, Hormonal pathology Dysfunctions, and DNA Strands damages of its profound Repairing Functions and Health Gens incoporates, and of ENDURE exogenous SURGING POWER resonances bioelectric pulses-trains irritations of Bio-Celluous dynamics impairments of CANCER INCIDENCES("EMF Effects on Cencer, Melatonin and Tamosiffen"), and the modulated stimuli-impulses-trains frequencies in of VITAL direct Intrsuive STIMULATINGS of Humans BRAIN and of NEUROLOGICAL Disruptive Mental Health("Microwave Bioeffect Congruence with Schizophrenia")in which BLIND can SEE, DEAF can HEAR, Biophysical-Physio Abnormalities, Hallucinations phenomenon, and in subtle various morphologies, EEGs, Neural Activities Resposnses, Intra-Cortexes and Memories functioning and cognition, emotions, Stupefy, neurasyphilis, and of non bio-physio functional bindings mechanism of BRAIN producing interferings, to 'Blood-Brain-Barrier' in impairments, Dreams manipulation, Specializig PSYCHIC-PSYCHO Effects instatings. EXTRAHarm Effects towards PREGNANCY-FETAL development and Motherings("World Health Organization(WHO)Pandemic Phases"), of insist Predisposed the HIGHEST vulnerabilities to Diseases and Faulties Growths, with later-on developing, AGED of the depletings Biofunction and NEUROendocrine-Fribil Degenerative, IMPAIRED Brian Blood-Flow with Extensive Calcium Effluxes, and MULTIPLIED Oxidations, of High Increases Brain Diseases with early Ages Tracking, SICKED patients and DISABLES of Bio-Physio Negative, the inequality, and of the Co-Morbidity, in the Absoulte discriminating Pateints RIGHT to LIFE. Decaying effects to Structures ATOMIC materials infusings, YEASTS baterials Logics, and BIO-ECOLOGICAL environmental, the Drugs interacting effects, and Extreme Effects to Electric Over Hazardous and Gas Fumes hazards, and Metallurgy Fatique("High Power RF weapons A Threat to Stealth and Cruise"/"The Effects of Microwave to the Wildlife and Trees"). MULTI-Damagings of populations' Re-Interactings and the Social Justic and Standard Values and of progressions. GLOBE Regions POPULATIONS with of Damagings BIO-NEURO-PHYSIO noxious effectings and FREE MIND of Mind Effected, substantiate unfathomable Malaise; Concentration Impairings; fatique; Physical Abnormalities; vertigo; Sleep Deprivations; Dysphoria; neurasthenia; Apraxia; Sleepiness; FEARS and Aversions and Impulsions and Unrest sensations, emotions disorders and volatile; MEMORIES lost and distortings; chaotic and fractured and slow-processings THOUGHTS; Distress; consciousnesses impairings; and of MENTAL HEALTH morbidity, and in the deteriorated damagings of Jobs, and Works Cognitive and inspirations, Efficiencies and Effectivenesses, daily Works Livings and Health energo, and of Productivities. BE in the Light when HK of the consistent of SHARP Increases of, Accidents, Wildlife and Poultries and Trees Health deteriorations and Deaths, INEQUALITIES-BIRTHS-DEFECTS, BREAST CANCER of to Male and Female early ages incidences, Thyroid Cancer in with Young Ages and Cancerous Diseases with young ages onset, Heart-Vascular-Blood Diseases, Diabetes, Obesities, Hypertensions, High Fats and Choleaterol, Brain Hemorrhage and Defects, Flu and Pneumonia and Tuberculosis infections diseases with Yougn ages as severe compromising of Immune System, Premature Aging syndromes of Healthy Adults and Mental-Brain Health morbidity, Aged of Brain Diseases with young ages Trendings in Alzheimer and Dementia Mortalities, Psychiatric-Psycho Illnesses with YOUNG ages, irreparable Involuntary Suicides grounds of with young child and Youngs(Suicide Among Childern and Adolescents in HK"/"A Psychological Autopsy Study of Suicides in HK"), Sicknesses, HighCrime Incidents, professionals and Hospitals erronous, Drugs and Sex Offences and Thuggish Brutalities, youngs pupils with ADHD prodromes and Asperger/Autism syndromes and Social Un-Corporate Attitudes, Domestics Abuses Violences and Child Negligences, and so on. ("Clinical Monitering Areas" & "Long-Term Effetcs of RF Range EM Fileds Expsoures"/"Mnestic Disorders caused by UHF-Fields and their pharmological corrections"). WORLDS Regions population esentailly have in forcefully INVOLUNTARY depletings WELL-BEINGS, SOCIAL and ECONOMIES, and PERSONALS Securities SUFFERINGS conditions, and the Theorizing of unconditioning SECURITIES and JUSTICES of Society Circumstances, in of continuous-crossings-effects of undue HIGH LOADINGS and ILLimited Efficacy of Social-Health-Care Functionings and instituting, and SOCIETY, and in of the distinctive Damagings of Social Harmonious, Rmifications and Affluences. And VERY IMPACTS toward Society in of the growings Stamina Social-Conetndings and Intensities, to the undeniable of DEBILITAINGS HUAMNS HEALTH GROWTH geneis of population, and particular the severe underminings and degradations of the growings Ultimate VALUES of individuals and popualtion Health-Schemings-Cares of its necessarilies, and the derogations from Highest sustainable HEALTH GROWTHS of population and of the International Society. ("High Frequency EM Fields Effects--Biophysical Actions of Microwave"). The Perpetual of the HKSAR Govt. Exercisings in of the Microwave Neurosciences Radiatings Technologies 'Bio-Effects' toward FEEBLE population, WITH the CLOCKLESS profound TOXICITY contexts Exposures to Oceans-Contenients conditions situation, where deserve International Community, NGOs, professionals and law bodies, and others govrenments of High CONCERNS, and adequate measures of its imminent, with grave CONSIDERTIONS of Citizens RIGHT, SAFETY and HEALTH developments, investments and Universal Basic Livings Standard, and of the Social Interests to the supreme national interests, and the worldwide recognized Health Risks Scare Adversary HUMANS HEALTH GROWTH genosis of the growings problems worldvice, wouls be in the course of International Justice and Worlds Health Development. WISH ALL POPULATIONS worldwide in HEALTH and HAPPY always. Thanks.
I do not understand why half the world, incorporates my youtube channel with some music and now, I discovered that my peacepink was violated.
This for me is lack of respect and fairness.
Why these people embody all automatically?
Where is the privacy?
I want to see if you understand that I do not understand your intentions.
Someone can explain me what is this?
You have to use mozilla firefox it works only with Microsoft or ubuntu and not with mac
click here
In automatic mode, all my arguments on my account peacepink, are copied.
This is the Home Page of the site
להסביר מה אתה עושה עם כל הודעה שלי?
Why, instead, you do not like to help me to translate this media release every in Hebrew?
Help me in your language instead embled all my blog peacepink.
FOE EXAMPLE: THANKS TO (your name) for these version and I add a hyperlink to your site.
Heiiii GENIUS, CLICK HERE -_-" sgrunt
Please to see.
1) Media release in 20 language (under construction)
I add your site down Hebrew version and your name or nickname.
OK? It's ok for you?
Oh my God, My toutube channel of music is... is ... is every embled.
Every on toutube same...
etc etc etc.
My MUSIC and all's my video is embled and download in INDIA, RUSSIA, CHINA, NEW ZELAND, CANADA, USA, BRASIL, ARGENTINA, MEXICO, EUROPE and every in the website of AFRICA.
I don't understund. Why all's my video are embled in automatically in WORDLVIDE...
Please, for me it's important to translate this TEXT in others language.
Help me !!!
Why do not you help me with translation?
This text is 40 lines. Only 40 lines.
Do you speak Hebrew? Why do not you help me to translate the Hebrew text?
Please help me to translate the text.
The text is below.
Please click here and help me to translate the Hebrew text, instead of incorporating my TOPIC. SGRUNT!
1) Media release in 20 language (under construction)
You see the flag of Israel in this argument? I have a question to you: "Why I have already put the Israeli flag"? Because I want the translation into also in Hebrew.
please, help me to translate this text and I add your site and your name or nickname !!!
________________האחים HUIATE___________
________________ ABRAHAM 01 ____________
____________________ /_\ _________________
___________________ /___\________________
__________________ /____ \________________
______02_ISHMAEL _/__and__\__ ISAAC 03____
______05_MOHAMMAD________JESUS 04______
__________ 06 Mahdi Īsā ibn Maryam ___________
░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒Ά▒▒▒\/ ][\/][ \/▒▒▒Ω▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
░░▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓GENESI 35 (BIBBIA)▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
░░▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Long Life Jacob▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
* 聞くは一時の恥聞かぬは一生の恥
* Kiku ha ittoki no haji kikanu ha isshou no haji.
* Domandare è lecito, rispondere è cortesia
* Il domandare è senno, il rispondere è obbligo.
* Chiedere è vergogna di un momento,NON chiedere è vergogna di una vita.
* To ask is permissible,to answer is courtesy.
* Demander est permis, répondre est courtoisie.
* Zu fragen ist zulässig, zu antworten ist Höflichkeit.
Do you like my MURALES for you?
SHALOM !!! PEACE !!! PAX !!!
13 I 13 13 I A
"Your name is Jacob.
You shall be called no more Jacob,
but Israel shall be thy name. " (35-9)
I LIKE CABALA. I AM 27/01/1977
What is 27 JANUAR? SHOA' and I am A VICTIM OF MIND KONTROL as victims of SHOA'
Do you understund my bad english?
Im 27 and have been being harrassed by them for 3 years now, though at the start like many i thought i was just going crazy and hearing voices but ive been on the meds for years now and nothing has really changed. I have been doing research on this for a few months now and sespect i well could be a victim like many many other people out there so thought i might as well add my story even if 'them' (cia whatever/who) are harrasment me everyday of my life.
it started in 2009 and i can say ive had almosy all the electronic symptoms on the list. and still hear voices from them threating me 24/4 - embrassment or people hearing my thoughts and no privatcy as well as the weapons they use. anyway if want know more lets talk!
cheers take care glad to find others in same situation.
finn peace x
ok well i thought id write my own story of what happend to me. but first off a few sites that have helped me find out what is going on with myself and that im not mad as a thought.If you are hearing voices from 'them' as i do id love to chat on here and know ur story.
here are a view videos tand sites helped me.
Please provide updated information and statistical data, disaggregated by crime, geographical location, ethnicity, age and gender, on complaints relating to torture, attempted torture and complicity or participation in torture and acts amounting to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, which have been filed during the reporting period, as well as related investigations, prosecutions, convictions and penal and disciplinary sentences.
Please provide updated information on: The training of forensic doctors and medical personnel, especially on the use of the Istanbul Protocol
I'm not sure that we're weak or what they classify as red, though you'll hear me mock it occasionally.
When completely and utterly dominated on every level, the human animal seems to have a reaction of submission to where it serves the dominance. People get melted and then they become one with the dominant awareness. It's like they're conquered and then they enter in the pack with a new social position under the dominance--protected.
We'll get mad if our awareness is hurting us or if what we perceive to be dominance rejects us, and yes, we appear to be mating with it, at least chemically. You want the approval smile? :) Our third eye is open and we serve God @:)
I know this sounds really weird, but it's a simple observation. They drown me with their shallow awareness or purity.
What about you guys?
Sending them out on the world is easy. We're all thinking it or at least 10,000, but thoughts aren't as loud as words. this is just fun, especially for youth that are playing with the symbols. They all have different meanings depending on the yuga and society. No need to rip out the tongue, eyes and ears.
Ive been targeted since 1989 and it wasn't until 6 mos ago i found the term gang stalking and Dews there really isn't anything i haven't experienced from these people I would call it black market research,didn't do anything wrong so what it didn't make any sense to me I thought we lived in a haunted house ,anyways they ruined my marriage, almost had my kids taken away,lost jobs ,ect.Mentally I have them beat ,but years of being exposed to their direct energy weapons takes a toll on your body. I constantly have two black eyes, among other things.
\I cant change what has happened to me,but hat does concern me is the children.Does anyone on this site have any lids.I dont mean as targets ,but are you a mother or a father Just Curious !
This is an appeal to your vanity. Of course you know and accept it like EVERYONE. I'd say that most of us are dead. I don't know about you guys but the sheer amount of crap that they want me to dig through is too much. I already know, however, that I'm on fire and drowning because I'm poor. I'm lithium/lilith against water. And they expect me to live my life? This is why I refuse to vote or even pay attention to them minus my baby. I did tell Rice that she could shove her wisdom up her ass, as they were framing me, and I saw their killer plans. THey have morals? I laugh at them. Putin stole all the children's money from the charity. THey have $_$ I have @_@ eyes. I have been conquered. I have to survive. Putin's got this down. We're children of God and allowed to worship. That's all I ask. My paradise is on the floor, which pisses you all off, but it hasn't gotten to that special level for you guys. Can I have a statue? Don't you guys know who religion is for? Poor people. I'm poor because none of my money is mine. I see poor people burning.
Please visit
It is also called