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Few days ago, I went out often and when I came back, I saw the 19 years old guy was with many friends drinking. Later, I found out he was going to his room with a woman. I heard some voices from the hallway. I suddenly needed to go to bathroom and left my room. On the hallway I met a man and we chatted as he offered me some drink for the gathering. They often have party in weekends. I saw him and the girl leaving the house. It was last Sunday.
On Monday, I saw him with some others in the kitchen. But when I came back around the dinner time, they left and he seemed to be in his room alone.
Yesterday was the same. He seemed to be in his room alone. It's just strange as normally he goes out in afternoon and sometimes he doesn't come back till late night around 3am or something.
Then today, he was still in his room whole day and I could hear no noise. I saw his room door open though. At night, his half-Japanese friend seemed to come and they had dinner together.
Something seemed to be changed. I don't know what happened. So far, I did not see him today even we stay in the same house. I saw him in the kitchen around the dinner time though. I wonder what happened here.
Also, I found my underwear separately washed in the laundry today. I put my underwear and socks together in a washing net and somehow I found one of them in different place. And when I went out, I found an underwear sticked to my windbreaker. I don't think it stacked naturally, but it was a bit strange to find something like this happening. I bought new underwears since V2K perps last week saying the 19-year old boy used the old ones for masturbation. For the laundry, I just kept the new ones in a separate bag in another spot but one of them was stacked on my jacket. Anyone could enter my room while I was working with the laundry and hanging them for drying.
Last time I saw one of them got hole on the side. And now is something like this. Outlaw nonconsensual human experiments now
Article Highlights
- Throughout the Cold War, the U.S. government experimented on American citizens without their knowledge.
- A 1995 government report called for the prohibition of such human-subject experimentation without informed consent.
- Yet today, some officials still have the power to waive regulations requiring informed consent in classified government experiments.
About 15 years ago, a reporter at the Albuquerque Tribune discovered evidence that during the Cold War, the U.S. government carried out radiation experiments on U.S. citizens without their knowledge or consent, all under the shadow of classified research. When the story hit the newswires, the U.S. public was outraged. President Bill Clinton responded by establishing the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE), calling on it to review Washington's past actions and recommend steps that would prevent such heinous human experiments from ever taking place again. They already are ILLEGAL and hence outlawed- This law would ...not exist if the weapons did not exist- TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 113B > §2332h
§ 2332h. Radiological dispersal devices
(3) Special circumstances.— If the death of another results from a person’s violation of subsection (a), the person shall be fined not more than $2,000,000 and punished by imprisonment for life.- Star wars and HAARP... are in In violation of US Federal Public Law- Pub. L. No. 85-568, 72 Stat. 426-438 (Jul. 29, 1958) If you watch one documentary from the Scientists and military personal... that warned us of weather weapons, ELF waves, plate techtonic earthquake radiation and the threat of global mind control with supercomputers- watch this- This law would ...not exist if the weapons did not exist- TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 113B > §2332h
§ 2332h. Radiological dispersal devices
(3) Special circumstances.— If the death of another results from a person’s violation of subsection (a), the person shall be fined not more than $2,000,000 and punished by imprisonment for life. Weapons of Mass Destruction- Non Lethal Weapons, Mind Control Weapons, or psychotronic weapons has been listed as weapons of Mass Destruction by UNIDIR-UN
..... In 1969 Dr Jose Delgado, a Yale psychologist, published a book: “Physical Control of the Mind: Towards a Psychocivilized Society”. In essence, he displayed in practical demonstrations how, by means of electrical stimulation of the brain which had been mapped out in its relations between different points and activities, functions and sensations, - by means of electrical stimulation, how the rhythm of breathing and heartbeat could be changed, as well as the function of most of the viscera, and gall bladder secretion. Frowning, opening and closing of eyes and mouth, chewing, yawning, sleep, dizziness, epileptic seizures in healthy persons were induced. The intensity of feelings could be controlled by turning the knob, which controlled the intensity of the electric current. He states at the end of his book the hope that the new power will remain limited to scientists or some charitable elite for the benefit of a “psychocivilized society.”
Dear Human Rights Watch:
CC: To whom it may concern
Please pay close attention to Amnesty International “ Briefing to UN Committee Against Torture, Canada” . Here is the copy of my letter to AI. Thank you very much.
Best regards,
Robin yan
Dear Amnesty International:
On behalf of myself, thank you for your “ Briefing to UN Committee Against Torture, Canada” ( Torture with Non Lethal Weapons, Page 30)
Here are two videos below to support your statement regarding torture with Non Lethal Weapons in Canada. Please read the explanations under these two videos. Thank you again.
Video 1:
First response to the Government of Canada after our tabled petition for a public inquiry into acts of torture with Non Lethal weapons ( mind control weapons) was refused. The House of Commons of Canada stated: "The Government has no information on any such activities."
Video 2:
Torture and Crimes Against Humanity with Non Lethal Weapons, Heart Attack Guns, Noise Weapons
Best regards,
Robin yan
US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights Violations and Continuing Research in Electromagnetic Weapons- 2006 Very Important PDF from Sanoma University in California By Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton. You will have to hit save as once the PDF is open and print from a pdf application this 48 page document US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights Violations and Continuing Research in Electromagnetic Weapons- 2006 Please download and print the entire document. It has all information of the chemtrials, weather modification, directed energy as well as the projects Tesla worked on in 1908 inside the USA- such as moving the earth distance from the sun to change climate.
Do you get alot of personal harassment from the perps, do they oppose all your opinions, ideas, thoughts and put you down constantly? I dont have the cleanest past. Ive been a substance abuser for many years (in hindsight i think they had alot to do with giving me addiction problems) Apart from that I was in a relationship and cheated on the person and wasnt the best girlfriend i guess. They say my sins are worse than a child-abuser???? What the???
They say im a cheating, lying slut etc etc, paint me to be one of the WORST people on the face of the earth. Im like surely im not that bad am i? I know its all crap i should ignore but when its fed to you daily you start to believe their lies. They have a really low opinion of me and constantly tell me so......etc etc etc......tune out, tune out, tune out
To all TI´s in the UK and other parts of Europe, there is a TI meeting planned on the 25th of April.
I dont know any further information about where its planned to be located, but will put information out here when I know. Pls contact the organisation for more information./Annie
Report on TETRA Strictly for the Police Federation of England and Wales B TROWER WHAT IS BELIEVED TO HAPPEN AS THESE WAVES ENTER OUR BODIES? I will try to summarize the thousand or so research papers written over ...the last 20 or so years and explain or summarize what happens when the electric and magnetic part of the wav.e goes into our bodies. We being water based animals act like aerials to these waves. As the waves go into our bodies an electric current is generated inside our bodies which is how aerials work; waves come in and electricity is generated. The electricity generated in our bodies like all electric currents goes to ground through our bodies and like all electric currents it takes the path of least resistance. Unfortunately the path of least resistance through our bodies, although only representing 10% of our pathways, carries 90% of our traffic rather like the M1 motorway. The traffic in our bodies, namely hormones, antibodies, neurotransmitters know where they are going because they also carry an electric charge. The hormones, antibodies and neurotransmitters know where to "get off" because there is a corresponding opposite charge at the site of delivery rather like the positive and negative ends of a battery. The problem is if you have an electric current passing through the body it can change this charge, either on the hormones, antibodies or neurotransmitters or the site of delivery.See More Confidential Report on TETRA Strictly for the Police Federation of England and Wales B TROWER INTRODUCTION ... With respect to my fellow scientists I shall be writing this report in non-scientific speak for all of those readers who have not had the benefit of a scientific education. WHAT IS ALL THIS REALLY ABOUT? Imagine the field around a magnet and imagine ordinary everyday static electricity. If you put the force field from the magnet with the force field from the static electricity you make a wave. This wave is called an electromagnetic wave. There are lots of different types of electromagnetic waves but they are all made of the same two things – magnetic and static. The only difference between the waves is their wavelength or the length of the wave and the number of waves that can be produced a second, i.e. the frequency. All of these waves are put into a table called the electromagnetic spectrum. At one end of this electromagnetic spectrum you have the very short waves, namely gamma rays and x-rays and at the other end of the spectrum you have the very long ways, namely radio, TV and waves from overhead power cables. All of these waves have the same properties; that is to say they all behave the same. They can all be reflected, refracted, and they all travel at the same speed, which is the speed of light. For interest, if you were one wave of light you would be able to travel around the world nearly seven times every second; that is the speed of light. The electromagnetic spectrum is ordered so that at the short wave end you have the gamma rays, x-rays, ultra-violet, visible light, infra red, microwaves, radar, TV and radio in that order. The ultra-violet and above are known as ionising waves and there is no argument as to the damage they can cause when entering the body. Below ultraviolet is said to be non-ionising and this is where arguments occur between scientists as to whether damage can occur inside the human body through exposure to these waves. The microwaves used in the TETRA system are in the non-ionising section of the electromagnetic spectrum and I will be discussing the arguments concerning microwaves and health in this report.
Hello, All.
I am still alive but my situation got to be mad.
***6 countries goverment got to be serious ciminals for me when I sent the mail to help me
from the Cult Soka Gakkai and Yamaguchi Maffia of Hakone (箱根プリンスホテル).
***6 coutnries means the following ;
2 Russia : FSB
3 England : MI6, SAS
4 France : Nut meldo DGSE(??)
5 Gemany :
6 Islael : MOSSAD
6 goverments are injurring my chest , my womb, uterus , my female genitallia with the satellite Weapon since 2007.07,
especially japanese real police spread the nasty case to my friend , my family, my all important persons.
The most terrible criminal is Japanese Police Koan ( 公安) from Tokyo main police office (警視庁 keisicho ) and Jewish from 5 goverments (except Israel).
This is big shocking fact that the Japanese real police have the Satellite weapon with hiding, and attacking the people in Japan.
Some Nut crazy Japanese police are not Soka Gakkai.This was the most big shocking for me.
This nut police are using the satellite Wapon to commit the just sexial crimes like taking the nasty video, touching the women body , and stealing the much money.
I try to solve all real heavy criminal case around me,
BUt already my family cat were already killed by Jewish CIA, her name is Crea from Ohio ,USA.
I try but might be killed by 6 countries spy.
I try and Ireally hope your everyone are helped .
Thank you,
Haruka Ohmori
from Tokyo,
对准人的卫星微波武器除了可以对准人的大脑,实现脑控(mind control),还可以杀伤人的心脏,使人因心脏病死亡,并且受害者还会得其他的疾病,可以参见电磁波对人体的危害等文章。
Come join the celebration! We will be hosting the “HPSS LAUNCH PARTY” tonight on the RECLAIX TI COMMUNITY CONFERENCE CALL @ 9PM EST!
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I truly must say this is a poignant moment! After years of hard work, sacrifice, and selflessness displayed by the entire Reclaix team, I am proud to announce that Mellhedek, owner of Reclaix and d…
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This is as close to home as I can place my situation. I'm sure I even see the implant. God help us.
I am living in Taiwan, but Taiwan is because 120 years ago research selfish no emotional human beings, we look back at all the neighbors and All my friends and all the school and political and financial groups and banks and work, can bear witness in onof interest and a variety of practices taiwan the official position of those people as various practices to create conflict, but also because Taiwan is not a normal person, so I want to make the friends of different countries. Taiwan's lineage will definitely of the more disaster to the world.
Violation of Federal US Law. TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 113B > § 2332h
§ 2332h. Radiological dispersal devices
(3) Special circumstances.— If the death of another results... from a person’s violation of subsect...ion (a), the person shall be fined not more than $2,000,000 and punished by imprisonment for life Weapons of Mass Destruction- Non Lethal Weapons, Mind Control Weapons, or psychotronic weapons has been listed as weapons of Mass Destruction by UNIDIR-UN
The dollar store in Berkley California summer of 2007- After Church I went to buy some toothpaste- and then- threw it away- Colgate is owned by Proctor and Gamble. and Prescott Bush and Cheney are tied to Proctor and Gamble- internet poison toothpaste new york- the toothpaste killed people in 2006 in new york, ohio, mihigan, parts of Ontario Canada, Vermont, New Hampshire, California, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland,
This life is too hard to live. All i want to do is throw myself into my mothers arms and cry non-stop telling her everything im going through, but of course no-one believs me. This is somewhat the most painful part, the inability to get support from the people you love. Im thinking of ending my life, really feeling so much pain its unbearable. I want to take an overdose. Im doing all the wrong things, smoking pot, drinking, dabbling in heroin all in an effort to escape. I hate this existence , i cant find anything to live for anymore. They have stolen all I love and all I live for. Sorry to be so negative i dont mean to depress anyone, I just dont know why im here anymore except to suffer. So much for all my plans and dreams - everything is broken by them!!
FEDERAL LAW- Star Wars was and is Illegal- based on this Federal Public Law- Pub. L. No. 85-568,
72 Stat. 426-438 (Jul. 29, 1958)
To provide for research into problems of flight within and outside the earth's atmosphere,
and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America
in Congress assembled,
Sec. 101. This Act may be cited as the “National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958”.
(a) The Congress hereby declares that it is the policy of the United States that
activities in space should be devoted to peaceful purposes for the benefit of all mankind.
(b) The Congress declares that the general welfare and security of the United States requirethat adequate provision be made for aeronautical and space activities. The Congress further declares that such activities shall be the responsibility of, and shall be directed by, a civilian agency exercising control over aeronautical and space activities sponsored by the United States,
except that activities peculiar to or primarily associated with the development of weapons systems, military operations, or the defense of the United States (including the research and development necessary to make effective provision for the defense of the United States) shall be the responsibility of, and shall be directed by, the Department of Defense; and that
determination as to which such agency has responsibility for and direction of any such activity
shall be made by the President in conformity with section 2471(e).