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Keeping Disposables Alive for Perverts

So if you know anything about me then you know that I don't like the human race very much.  I'm not an enemy of America or Russia but of the entire species.  I love corruption and greed because the more miserable humans are, the more they will hate themselves and create something better than this finite creature that we currently call "home."


Think of the universe that's out there and our pathetic minds in here, on this planet of justification.


The people in our government are sick people, and I delight in it.  Instead of simply killing me because I am an inefficient member of society, they have to justify it and prolong it.  Why? You have the gun, the power, the control.  I'm a number.   He said as he killed me, "she never had a chance." So you honestly believe in something? 

I sure don't.  Did you hear me laughing at the mistake I made against you guys?  One error in calculation cost me my life.  Since you were in my mind, I had to let it go to absolute survival.

Aw poor baby, bad day for me. Wah, 99% of the world doesnt' have a chance, you included, so get back to work.  Hate yourself, disrespect yourself by not valuing the self and spread their realizations so that we can get rid of the species.  The dissidents in this endeavor are amazing.  None of them wanted to do their job.

Because they're human.  This is totally a job for us, retards, autards and other deviants.  Nobody knows when we disappear.  We're all demented and filled with odd emotions and most of us hate humans.  We have animal understandings.

  These people would all be dead if they had to follow my moral code this lifetime.  hehe

"Only perfection will survive," he said lamenting that I was good.  I was pretty and always so determined to be a good person.  hehe  Am I not truly stupid?  Again, you're screwed too so build up all that angst and guilt and go cry over the dog on the side of the road.  Sing with me, "I'd kill a million petty souls, but I couldn't kill you!"  And smile.  I'm used to it because I'm always so pathetically innocent of whatever they've got on me.  There's nothing better that i like seeing myself than some weak human curled up in a ball of depression and guilt, I'll admit.  All those realizations that have kept our species in the dark to their true potential.  It's his fault, the one that choses to suffer, that we have all these problems.

I think they should make death real for you guys.  Like splatter me all over the wall then eat ice cream.  You want to know how it feels to have the power, don't deny it.  It's just an animal.  These humane assassinations are sad.  Who are you kidding? Show a strong ideology. 

I'm just your mom after all.  Once they have control, you'll be singing with Lestat and "Slept so Long."  And I'll laugh at you.  We all die.  Why so immature about it? 




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Stay Caffeinated

Hi.   Lots of TI's get sedated.  One common way is to put something in COFFEE.  That's because perps have child like sense of what is ironic. 


If they keep hitting your coffee, grab some caffeine pills.  Take one or even half of one.  Test them to make sure they are not adulterated.  It can keep you alert and alive.  The perps love a sedated TI.



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Things They Do

I wish there was a way to make this so that it didn't appear on the front page.  Most blogs only put featured posts up there.


One of their many defaming tactics was to accuse me of hitting on the prime minister of Russia.  I know they were in my mind because I never wrote anywhere "I like Putin" or anything else.  In fact, I tried hiding that I had a secret crush on the 1976 version of him.  Now I'm stuck on this because it's destroyed me.  It's like, you have confused me and made me very angry in an animal way.

That's okay.  If it wouldn't have been that, it would have been the ice cream I stole out of the freezer in HS.

I had people in my backthoughts over it--so that I'd lie like they WANTED (since i sometimes lie as I get confused or there's a conflict of interests, I'm a liar and then they can lie and say that it's the truth--screw the truth), and since they knew everything I was thinking, they won by raping me and everything else, as this caused extreme reactions in me.  They said they were going to kill my sister if I didn't kill myself.  Fine.  To dust we all return.  I certainly couldn't protect myself.  They just want that damn pension I get. What is wrong with them? I don't care.  If I get out of here, I'm going to prison because I'm not competing ever again.  It's a waste of my time, capitalism is.


You need me to work or produce offspring.  In order to work, you have to sustain me.  We have an interesting problem with unemployment over here.  How do they not make enough jobs?  It's like, stop making me desperate, grow up.


I don't want in these goddamn traps.  If stealing is wrong, then you are wrong.  We all know that you don't go by morals.  You tried to make this moral.  Be naive, make it all about money instead of efficiency.


Dead people, rays, defaming and another annoyances all caused me to just lose motivation, and that's the reaction they're going to get.  Nobody'll work if we go into the eternal night. Now I know that anything Putin touches turns to dust because social interaction is not a forte of his, but please keep your cooky games away from our retards.

I want revenge.  I can't do anything but be inefficient.  I spite myself.  I'm going screaming today.  that's my "good."  Don't let me get in on yours.  Wanna play a game?  Let's make me work for free.  It's probably turn out better for me, worse for you.


You can blame my attractions only for so long before reality sets in.


All I have to do is take a cognitive test, and you guys are screwed.  I'm trying to avoid that so that I can gain independence.  I'm not going to let my newly formed low IQ hold me back.  I have records of it being around 118.  I got a 111 on the ASVAB.  I can write because I can sit here and think about it.

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We Should "Solve" All Their Problems

So the elites always do sneaky things under the facade of noble agendas.  We dance around each other with illogical agendas that never seem to get us anywhere.


Instead of getting confused when they come at us, we should agree with them and do the following:


+Kill all disabled people.

+Kill all people receiving welfare.

+Kill anyone who shows excess emotion or thinks they matter in any form/ has a demonic god.

+Enslave a good deal of the workforce in camps so that they don't compete with the good people that are chosen by the sun god.

+Tell people what their jobs will be at birth.  If they disagree, kill them.

+abilities such as art, music, writing or anything considering vanity, a hobby, will not be used in the time of the empire that the individual lives in, and they will not gain people any rank in the empire.  The only thing that will gain rank is absolute obedience to the set ideology.  This will cut back on delusion. 

+get rid of money as it does nothing but confuse.  Use a rank system to where people live in good housing if they're loyal to the ideology.  Everyoen that's alive in the empire eats.  Food will not be used in a manipulative mannerism.  It's either you have a good life or you're dead.

+kill anyone that thinks anything bad or hasn't given their head to the sun god.

+spies will be chosen at the beginning of the empire and all their children will be immune, and they will inspect each individual person.  They will not gain any worth from shunning one person over another, however.  They're not competing, as they will be in a community beside.  Their goal will be to solely keep the empire afloat.

+The goal of the empire will be survival with continued understanding of the universe as a forte.


Does anyone have any other obvious solutions?

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Morals in A Modern Society

Now we're all programmed to have a certain set of morals based on our experience.  We learn that it's wrong to hit because we'll get spanked if we do.  We learn it's wrong to steal because we'll get kicked out of the shop.  Still, sometimes people do things out of desperation or out of anger.   Knowing that there's a consequence makes the crime almost right.  It's a trade.  I'm going to do this because my instincts tell me to but then I'm going to get spanked by the law afterwards.  I think that that's pretty preventitive myself. 


We all agreed on the law.  As a people, we sat down and talked about it and it benefitted everyone.  By following the law during our lifetimes and passing the law onto our children, we agreed.  And the law keeps us alive.  It keeps order.


The people that are playing God don't have any consequences and we haven't agreed on mind control, and they certainly aren't our mom or dad, yet they have authority that we haven't agreed on. They don't have our best interest at heart, and they don't even look at the situation as a whole.  All they see are opportunities to exploit. 

Logically, shouldn't that student that took the food stamps and free school lose her benefits and have to work?  If you want to be moral to everyone.  i'm mocking them.  I was targeted for this damn check, and I was looking for a job when they got me. 


They get away by saying, "one doesn't matter," defaming the person or anything else sneaky, but it won't hold the water.  Eventually, people are going to notice that something bad has happened to them.  Whoever is doing this will lose productivity.  I can't adapt to anything, which limits my work.  Basically, I'm a burnden on the state.

it's either everyone is "high" all the time or everyone isn't.  I can't function in a society where people are entitled to their anger.  I can't feel anger.  You need to remove me from society if you want me to work because no social interaction has meaning to me.  I'll get killed or fired.  I can prove that I used to interact.


I go through so many different odd experiences during the day.  Right now, I feel like there's water in my head.  t makes waves of cool go through my body, and I hate it.  There's nothing worse than not having your instincts but having your thought process because you're like, I know I'm not happy right now.  I listen to angry music.

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Caenor habitadis elegans

caenor habitadis elegans is the whole secret about mindcontrol. Its a nematode, putted into the body, It is about 1 mm when its full grown. It lives of bacteries, genetically putted into tobacco and cigarettes. More and more food also contains these bacteries to give the body and the caenorhabitadis elegans food. This nematode is an electrical neurotransmitter, and its produced by a norwegian army-research company, Kongsberg research, and its getting modified in space at the spacestation ISSA. It makes the individual a negativ sender of signals, that is used in geomagnetic manipulation, as a geo-bridge. This is done to make negative fields, so-called morfogenetic fields that is manipulated from the spacestation, to strenghten the magnetic fields of the earth, and prevent poleshift.

This is satanism, to sacrifize humans. Israel, america and Nato is the operators.

The system is also used by drugpolice, and staybehind-forces, socalled sigma-networks (ILETS,LEAA).

If you have been two times to jail, the prisonguards (the corrupted ones) put wires and chips into you, along with bacteries, viruses and nematodes, and worm-egg from Monarch-butterfly.

If you are selling or using heroin, you are connectd to this mind-control-equipment.

If your family was a nazi during the second-world war, you are connected to this mind-control-equipments.

And if you are enlightened, either by natural, or chemical way, you are getting connected to this system, what they call second-world.

Drug-police, secret-police, military-intelligence and LEAA (Law enforcment assistance agency) and ILETS (International Law enforcement Telecommunication seminar) are the players, and the people connected to this system are the puppets.

CIA also is connected to this as a secret stay behind intelligence network. People get eye-chips and microphone-chips, and are ``eyes and ears``behind enemy-lines. That was the intentsion anyway, in the cold war. They build this system on the base of the german nazi gehlen organisation, and called it psychiatry.

At least 1 % of the population should have equipment. But now it have take off, totally.

NSA is the top of all information, the top of the pyramide, and all the intelligence-system in different countries are cooperating. The also distribuating drugs.

They call this secret surveillance-system psychiatry.

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Some of these you might know. Others you might have ignored or aren't relevant to your life. They say them to control us."Master.""Wife.""Husband.""Reality.""Boy/Girl.""Rose." -- This one is a target"Princess/Prince.""Marry.""Baby.""Money.""Veil.""Hard.""Poor.""Rich.""Fuck.""Work."Cliches are often used for group control as well as discrediting an individual. "You need to accept reality." After you. "You think you're special." I've had that one used on me a lot. I'm like, you've made me special. I've noticed that perps kind of bark off what's been told to them, so they think they're special and have a hard time accepting reality. I know you are but what am I? Time to use the cliches back at them. "You think you're entitled." Stay away from my stuff is what I say when they use that. There won't be any selfless suicides from me.Do you have any words or phrases that stick out to you or that have "meaning" when you say them? What word have the perps used against you? What words control you?
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Things I've Learned

I figured in today’s blog post I’d share some things I’ve learned from my experience.   This would be another addition to dog tricks.

One of the biggest tricks that has been used on humans is that they have to be humble and that they’re somehow better if they take this approach and deny themselves.  Nothing is more manipulative than that.  If you have a gift, then you have a gift.  You don’t have to kiss someone’s ass with that gift. Not that you should announce to the entire world that you’re the next Einstein but don’t say, “this imperialist is so much smarter than I am.”  He obviously is if he’s got you saying that and now you’re signing what they want you to and screwing us all over NEWS. “If you got to college and shower you’ll get a job.”  I won’t.  He’s appealing the privileged taxpayers. These people are so desperate for their careers.  I saw a line the other day in CSI that was total brainwashing, “that’s a husband question.  I don’t know what the military needs.”  How humble of you, bitch.  Either our media is a trap or it’s political, which is inappropriate.  Eventually, they make a common decency law about that that’s actually enforced. 

Just like keeping people from oppressing us all.  I’ll look at him and say flat out that I want his stuff and that I hate him for having it, and he’ll try to kill me, but I’m not going to be nervous around people I have no business seeing anyway.  You are not part of my caste and you do nothing for me.  I don’t care if King of the World is in the room, and I see a lot of this kissing imperialist’s ass.  Where do you think that’s going to get us?  You betray us all for a dollar and then your children fall back into “the trap.” I don’t even like using their names because I don’t want to know that they exist.  I want them to disappear with their insanity.  Go away.  You piss me off.  It’s not that I don’t think it’s great that he’s gotten a fortune, it’s what it means.  I mean, he’s like his own little country, and he can target anyone he pleases with that and enslave us with the gun because he has an advantage that makes interaction inappropriate, PUTIN.  I don’t have a master to protect me from that, and I’m tired of it.  I can’t even work without them @ing me.  Okay, cut the crap.  You need me to do something or you don’t need me to do something.  Write it down, create a contract and trade me security.  That line is so stupid.  Of course, I’m willing to trade liberty for security.  That paranoid schizophrenic confused our system.  They always say something that you have to take into account to make their weirdass values work.  I need someone to keep the all-seeing eye away from me.  I need like see-me-not spray, like bug spray.  All it’s going to do is trash me out or use me.

Two, you need them more than they need you.  You need us to fulfill a role in society.  You are so lucky that I’m the trash whore and you’re not. Thank me at least once a year.  Kaela, thank you for being the bad example so that I know what not to do.  If you abuse us and keep us stupid, or do what you did to me over money, you will lose productivity.  In order for there to be progress, there has to be a set number of human rights.  I hate people too, but you have to feed them, and you can’t tell them they’re scum 24/7 or they go crazy and run off into the woods.  Some people, due to comfort, are more sensitive than their third world counterparts, and you have to take this into account and not compare them when deciding what is immoral in your society.  Sarah freaks out because she gets assaulted and is compared with Tina who gets raped every day.  Sarah will still need therapy.

Civilization is a privilege that you too enjoy.  No matter how much you zombie us, you will not keep us here.  I do not want any part of “this.”  I’m going to go chill in my cave and avoid all of your “good.”  I won’t have to explain how much your system sucks and how I’m no longer motivated by capitalism and you know what that means: labor camps.  Goody goody gumdrops.

Three, natural urges are unnatural. We all know that humans are primates and that they follow a certain mating pattern and attraction.  When we became civilized, we stopped following it to the tee, but people, especially young people will still have urges for popstars and such.  If you want your females to have your consciousness, then I would suggest leaving their crushes alone.  If you don’t want them throwing themselves at you in their minds, then be undesirable.  Don’t kill them, and I doubt that you want us circumcised. I’m not going to go into depth with this but we go to dominance.  I politely asked when they tried to use that to be circumcised.  F you too.  Now I have @_@.  You bet I do, and that’s because I’m human.  I’m looking for my hero.  Hey, my boyfriends have sucked.  I get to enjoy at least one Nora Roberts novel.

Four, believing in anything like it makes you safe or is concrete or anything else and enjoying watching a “stupid” person fall.  People will convince you that your belief system is better and that somebody else’s is worse or that they are immature or anything else.  It doesn’t matter what you believe.  And it is meaningless if values aren’t shared and if you don’t have security.  If Fred wants to believe the moon is made of cheese, go for it.  He’s harmless if he’s wrong.

Thinking that you’re superior to anything when you don’t have the biggest gun.  Oh, this is a big one.  People truly believe that they are superior to others, and it’s amazing the power of this.  They do stupid things to prove this.  I don’t want that because the scumbag wants that.  I’m good.  I don’t care.  I want what the scumbag wants, and I’m not better than the scumbag unless there’s a gun to my head. Then we see adaptive preference.  If you have a gun and I can’t protect myself, then you win.  I’m not going to bother with the scream or the manipulative stuff.  I’m going to have a bad day then hopefully know whatever mistake I made for next time.  One of my biggest mistakes is not finding security.  We already know the FBI and CIA doesn’t do anything for me.  Post another picture, Putin.  I just want to see if I can make them feel guilty enough to make him say sorry and compensate me.  It’s not about the money.  It’s about hurting him.


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Found a Perp.

Greetings fans.  Figured out a perp.  The perp is definitely abusing children and bugging me.  Slowly and painfully ratting perp out for child abuse.  They are bugging me and I'm doing it right to their faces.  They don't dare meet with me.  Later you freak perp. LOLOL.

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I figured I'd spend some time explaining how they destroy you.  I am destroyed, so I'll get personal.

1.) One of their favorite tactics is racism. They pick anything that gives individual people a cause. Some people are racist, especially against those of us with Jewish ancestors.  Some of them make us look racist or exploit something in a different light.  It's something that you don't have to prove to stand up for, and it's something that "educated" people know, not us invalids or undesirables. A few years ago, I wasn't even discriminate, I hopped around everyone's eggshells and actually gave anyone that was different special privilege. However, they wrote down on my sheet that I "hated people with ugly colors." I was like? I never said that. But you will become everything they say. You get used to this. Later, after a lot of anger, I became discriminate, I believe, which is more or less like a cough you get over. I get really angry. And what makes you so special? I've been uber discriminated against this lifetime. Everytime I hear that bullshit start, I freak. Like my friend said, I'm mad. I also have Jew in me. Find a more hated race. Oh, they'll come at me for that.

2.) Sexual deviance. Ever wanted to make your habits public? I know we've got some closet freaks out there. I like Putin. <3 If it was 1976, you'd have to fight me off with a pole. Celebrity crush. I don't think Mrs. Putina has anything to worry about with me. I be an ugly one. Well, they're going to use any sexual thing against you, even if you're a virgin. I don't see why this is. If you have a problem, you have a problem and you need to deal with it. I'm not sure why our society doesn't have pedophiles openly confess and group together in like a cause-thing. Like, AA, so and so has a problem. My issues were a little different. I'm pretty sure that I'm a sadomasochist due to not having control. Humans submiss to dominance. You end up with self-defeating personality disorder to protect you. All those voices inside your head. I believe in God and things. Iz melted. At the end of the day, I'm just an animal. Now I'm sexually harassing Putin because I'm making unwanted advances. LOL Don't anyone want you but your wife now. Everyone else is just being nice. I'm declaring that I like you in1976. If that version wants to file, then go for it. I don't think that's possible. By the way, a ray with his name raped me. He advanced. hehe

3.) Finding a fault and using it to spin you around to the trash magnet. This is a game that they played growing up too. We all have a fault, and it can be used against a person in everyway. Whenever they start their games, I'm like, I have no redeeming qualities. It'll start out with that I have messy hair and it'll end that I'm Satan's offspring. There's nothing I can do about it but frame myself as having this or that fault. Give them what they want because they outnumber you.

4.) Rumors. They'll say that they have authority somehow and that you're this or that. I was a "whore." I'm used to that one because I 'm a low caste female. Whenever they come at me with that, I call them a whore. They have sex after all. I don't. Whenever i try to do anything, I get framed trying to get with the dominant male, and i'm destroyed socially. We all have crushes. This one got me a few times because I liked a celebrity or something, and i was like, it's true! Nothing they say is true.

5.) Mental illness. She must be crazy. By this point in life, I know I'm insane, but that's not relevant to the discussion. Trying to psychoanalyze me is pointless. Trying to put me in my box. Try to understand me, and keep in mind that we're all children of God. Why do things really happen? I use that line as a joke because we're all delusional, crazy and messed up somehow.

6.) Lying. It's nice if you know what the dominant truth is. Most of us don't even get that advantage. THere is a difference between lying and being a liar, white lies and big deals. I would like to make this clear. There's a conflict of interests with the truth, and it's fucking complicated. Would you always tell the truth? Honestly? No, nobody does. And if they don't lie, they do something just they same, they get quiet. They asked you a question, didn't they? Answer it like i have to. I'm usually protecting something when I don't say or I'm confused. When there are so many lies about me, it's difficult for me to balance them all. There are schisms. My truth is irrelevant. This used to cause great frustration in me. It no longer does. BTW, there is no weapon greater than a man who's known to be honest, however. It makes his lie that much more potent.

7.) Confusion is delusion. Since they are invisible, I can't say for sure that they are doing anything. They will ultimately confuse me into blaming something false and destroy my credibility. The more I try to exist, the more I will reach out, and it will end in me looking uber delusional. I'll lash out and do all sorts of things in this process.

I often get confused between them and me because I often see a cause-effect thing going on, but I think there are solutions to my burdens. One, it's obvious that I need to be circumcised. Why they won't cut out the curse, I don't know. I cannot handle the privilege of sexual selection. Two, we need to bring back slavery and force all the undesirables into it so that they "don't get in on our good." There needs to be a holocaust to get rid of all the Jews. And we need to swear allegiance to the intelligence service that takes care of us, like I need someone on my side that benefits from me being alive, not "she'll never do anything for you." You got that right because you have control and you make the world. That's right; YOU'RE RIGHT!

With them, there's often a shift away from executive interests, or what we like to say, boxing trash.

Putin owes me. i don't care if we "don't get compensation." I want to be worth something, though I refuse to be human.

I hope the bitch dies in the brainwashing show, A Person of Interest.  It has a doctor that's been targeted by some criminal after she goes to a nightclub. What that means is that I'm targeting her, and it's good they caught me "before" I do something.  She thinks she's so special. It's me who's going to kill her, so then I have to give her extra respect and bow to her in life. No, fucking way. She charges too much and doesn't treat me. I don't owe her anything. She came in my environment, she becomes a part of it. She got eaten. If she couldn't PAY for her own security service then she doesn't DESERVE it. Otherwise, it messes up the equality that is necessary for civil society. yes, we're equal, even a doctor to a regular worker. If you had a myopic awareness, you would know why, but we aren't equal to oligarchs. This keeps our balance.

Nobody helped me against Putin. It's okay, I got that. I don't need your help, you worthless sacks of shit. Just make me look delusional. Aw, poor baby. And then after that treatment, what do I turn into? See, how i get screwed? I'm automatically a school shooting doctor killer homewrecker. Only if I do it.

Edit: It's been confirmed that they did not manage to destroy my submission process this time. While they hacked my account and "scared" me with a fake blog, "just a question," they didn't get to him first. That's right, bitches. While I didn't make it, this gives me hope. They do things like send things I don't say. My credibility has already been destroyed. I can't ever say I'm not lying or that I'm not in denial. I even get confused and then I'm like, but I shouldn't share that or I should protect myself. They're really good at what they do. I'll give them that. Here's the blog they created right after I made first contact this time

This is war.

Kaela: 1 Intelligence service: 999999999999

We celebrate small victories.

Only they would understand the quotes.

The Power

The man of the castle
Said he was strong like
The stones of the walls
He then held the might
Everything he says turns
From a word to right
He gobbles the gold
Heaven such a sight
Nothing can inspire
Except his dear light
We learned that day
All was a dark night


dumagirl.n.jpg  This is the picture that Putin gave me.  Our intelligence service does nothing for me.  This should have never happened.  They put me at extreme risk because he is a person of influence, and his word means something. Didn't protect me then.  F you too, bastard or should I say after stockholm syndrome, sugar pie.  I need your help.  You know what i need.  No more doublespeak from you.  You meant this.  People only see what they want to, and this gave them a cause--heaven forbid. And it caused me harm.  Now fix what you did.
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I know I have real skills that would be of great use to our group (TIs in general). I wish I could put them to use WITH others, not all alone. Are there attournies amongst us? They could help with legalitites. Are there doctors and psychiatrists? They could document the difference between what is true assault and what may be real psychological disorders and they may help find implanted chips. These people would be interested in the truth because they would be TIs, or do the perps not assault them in order to keep them from seeing the need to help us? If we knew our demographics we would have the answers to these simple questions and alot more
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Moore on


“The events at the international political scene, in the last few years, confirm that the concept of remote control of human brain is a matter of negotiations. In January 1999 the European Parliament passed a resolution where it calls for an international convention introducing a global ban on all developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings.”


The term “Mind control” basically means covert attempts to influence the thoughts and behavior of human beings against their will (or without their knowledge), particularly when surveillance of an individual is used as an integral part of such influencing and the term “Psychotronic Torture” comes from psycho (of psychological) and electronic. This is actually a very sophisticated form of remote technological torture that slowly invalidates and incapacitates a person. These invisible and non-traceable technological assaults on human beings are done in order to destroy someone psychologically and physiologically. Actually, as par scientific resources, the human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. They include, but are not limited to, the chemical-electrical activity of the brain, heart, and peripheral nervous system, the signals sent from the cortex region of the brain to other parts of our body, the tiny hair cells in the inner ear that process auditory signals, and the light-sensitive retina and cornea of the eye that process visual activity. We are on the threshold of an era in which these data processors of the human body may be manipulated or debilitated.

Definition of psychotronic (psycho-physical) weapons
Psychotronic Weapons (PF- weapons) this is the totality of all possible methods and means (techno-genic, suggestive, pharmacological, paranormal, complexes, and others) of hidden, forced influences on the psyche of a person for the purpose of modifying his onsciousness, behavior and health for what is desired in the way of influencing aspects of control…” This is not only dangerous, this is deadly!”



The First phase is the harassment/surveillance program.
They use Echelon, Tempest, microchips, implants, see through wall radar, obtain informants, neighbors, and co-conspirators to harass, discredit, and harm an individual. Victims loose their families, jobs, homes, and cars. Ultimate goal to destroy a persons life which will isolate them from family, friends. The isolation is needed to have access to the person to conduct many of the experiments on them.
The second phase is the assaults of Directed Energy Weapons.
After a victim becomes isolated from everyone in the world. The victim now having feelings of regret, remorse, of loss, trauma, and are drained and broken emotionally and physically. During this time many have been implanted with microchips. Many begin experiencing extreme pain to their head. Some hear voices. Then pain is delivered to various other parts of their bodies. The pain is delivered by Directed Energy Weapons.
Directed Energy Weapons.
Some of the weapons were known as non-lethal weapons. They use such weapons as extremely low frequency Elf electromagnetic weapons (which has been used in mind control), acoustics, harmonics (which have been used as a mind control technique), ultrasound, microwave audiograms, microwave pulsed, and radio frequency. Another electromagnetic energy beam can be used to induce “considerable agitation and muscular activity” or “induce muscular weakness and lethargy” this weapon is know as Ultra High Frequency EM. Psychological warfare tactics are being used against unsuspecting citizens to destroy their jobs, their families and their lives. The perpetrators will stop at nothing. Their objective is to utterly destroy a person, very often resulting in a person taking his or her own life, or ending up in a mental hospital. This has been taking place for years and nothing is ever said about it. Nothing is ever written about it. Some people also experience electronic harassment. This is extremely distressing, painful and invasive, and feels like one’s mind and body is undergoing constant rape, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The technology used to do this is unknown, but hundreds of victims report the same physical sensations and experiences. Many take their lives in an attempt to escape the horror. The technology involves the use of electromagnetic waves of various frequencies to achieve different results. Some frequencies will make a person tired, while others may cause confusion or memory loss. “Electronic harassment” or e-harassment is a catch-all term used to describe a group of circumstances which a large number of people are currently experiencing in common.


Saturday, Februar 19, 2011



In October 2010, the congressman Denis J. Kucinich introduced in the American Congress A bill, obliging the American president to get engaged in the negotiations aimed at the ban of space based weapons. In this bill the definition of a weapon system includes: any other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means inflicting death or injury on, od damaging or destroying, a person(or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person) through the use of land-based, sea-based,or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations or the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of cush persons or populations. As in all legislative acts quoted in this article the bill counts with sound, light or electromagnetic stimulation of human brain.Psychotronic fweapons remain, at least for a layman uninformed of secret military research, in the sphere of science fiction, since so far none of the published scientific experiments was presented in the way which would allow for its replication.

That it is feasible to manipulate human behavior with the use of subliminal, either sound or visual, messages is now generally known. This is why in most of the countries the use of such technologies, without consent of the user, is banned. Devices using light for the stimulation of the brain show another way how the light flashing in certain frequencies could be used for the manipulation of human psychic life. As for the sound, a report on the device transmitting a beam of sound waves, which can hear only persons at whon the beam of sound waves is targeted, appeared last year in the world newspapers.

The beam is formed by a combination of sound and ultrasound waves which causes that a person targeted by this beam hears the sound inside of his head. Such a perception could easily convince the human being that it is mentally ill. The acts presented in this article suggest that with the develpment of technology and knowledge of the functioning of human brain new ways of manipulation of human mind keep emerging. One of them seem to be the electromagnetic energy.




Robert Asher, Sandia National Laboratories
June 2002,Arlington, Virginia

Increasingly, the human is being asked to take in multisensory inputs, to make near-instantaneous decisions on these inputs, and to apply control forces to multitask and control machines of various sorts. The multitasking, multisensor environment stresses the human, yet, more and more s/he being asked to operate in such an environment. As an example, the visionary project on uninhabited combat vehicles discusses an increased workload in piloting combat vehicles. DARPA has a brain-machine interface program about to start. This program has as its goal human ability to control complex entities by sending control actions without the delay for muscle activation. The major application for this program is control of aircraft. The intent is to take brain signals and use them in a control strategy and then to impart feedback signals back into the brain.


The DARPA program could be extended to include a broader range of potential impact by including the possibility of other applications: learning and training, automobile control, air traffic control, decision-making, remote sensing of stress, and entertainment. Learning and training might be implemented as information coded into brain signals and then input into the person. Air traffic control in increasingly busy skies can use such capability: the controller has multiple inputs from multiple aircraft. These can be input into his brain in a 3-D aspect and an alertness signal used to “wake him up” when his attention drifts beyond acceptable limits. Not only intellectual data might be passed from one person to another without speaking, but also emotional and volitional information.


Decisionmaking may become more precise as emotional, fatigue, and other cognitive states can be appraised prior to making a critical decision. The potential impact on automobile safety is great. The driver can have quicker control of his automobile (Fig. E.15), allowing for safer driving while reducing the car-to-car spacing on congested highways. This would help alleviate highway congestion and the need for more highways. Furthermore, it would allow for safer driving as driver attention can be measured and the driver “alerted” or told in some manner to pay attention to his or her driving when attention wanders beyond safe margins. It can allow for detection of driver impairment so that the vehicle may be made either not to start or to call emergency.

Direct connection into the brain could yield a revolution in entertainment, as people may be “immersed,” MATRIX-style, into the midst of a movie or educational show. Can you imagine the impact of being immersed in a fully 3-D audio-visual simulation of the battle of Gettysburg?

Hands-off control of an automobile through a device for reading and implanting brain waves.

Role of Converging Technologies

Nano. The brain-machine interface effort will require nanotechnologies in order to make the required experimental measurements and to implement the devices for both receiving brain electromagnetic signals and transmitting signals back into the brain.

Bio. This is a highly biological, neuroscience effort, which requires detailed understanding and measurements of the brain’s electromagnetic activity. It requires a significant measurement protocol.

Cogno. This effort by its very nature will directly affect the cognitive aspects of the individual by externally applied electromagnetic fields by implanting information for the individual. Thus, this effort can lead to increased learning and other cognitive results.

Transforming Strategy to Reach the Vision

To achieve these goals, enter a partnership with DARPA to fund additional technologies and applications that would enhance the brain-machine interface effort. Work should be focused on the goals of using the technologies for cognitional aspects, understanding memory, and learning brain function to be able to design devices to increase their capabilities.

Estimated Implications

This effort would yield a technological revolution, in applications from computers to entertainment. It would give the United States a global competitive advantage while yielding solutions to specific domestic problems such as air traffic control and highway safety in increasingly crowded environments. It will revolutionize education. This effort will yield devices that may be applied to a number of activities and be sufficiently small as to be wearable in a car or at home.




The human mind has never been a simple project. Because of its complexity and plasticity, it has yet not been completely understood. Under the dark ages of brain research, scientists have nevertheless learned how to stimulate and partially control the human brain’s responses. At any time it has been done, it has caused pain and suffering for the owner of the brain: the human subject.

Backed up by the “best” scientists, sponsored by the military and the secret service, thousands of individuals have their lives destroyed in the quest of developing technologies that are not science fiction anymore.

The human brain, is seen as a computer where information can be downloaded and from where information can be uploaded. Cloning the individual’s brain and nervous system is the only hope today’s scientists have to understand the human brain and develop advanced artificial intelligence and synthetic telepathy, allowing people to communication by thought, not speech. The European and World countries governments, faced with this “challenge” are unable to protect their citizens against the greatest possible violations of their human rights. There are no excuses whatsoever for researchers to destroy people’s and entire families lives. Under the secrecy of “national security”, they violate human rights conventions and every universal human right a human being is born with, going deep into the very consciousness of the person that is affected.

Many human rights campaigners from around the world have spent years working on countless books, videos, websites, rallies and symposiums which highlight these matters. These include efforts by prominent persons like Dr Nick Begich, Dr Rauni Kilde (ex chief medical officer for Finland) and well known author Gloria Naylor. To date, all of it has been ignored by the criminally owned/controlled media. However, most importantly, there has been open condemnation of these methods by major political entities and I ask you to focus on these…

1. The United Nations – UNIDIR – (The UN Institute for Disarmament Research) officially recognised a range of weapons (both lethal and non-lethal), including the ones previously listed, and recommended that they ALL be banned as weapons of potential mass destruction. Naturally, the press releases and media guides that they issued on this matter were totally ignored by the mainstream media. This media treachery is the reason the public is unaware of the dangers.

2. The European Parliament – In January 1999, the European Parliament passed a resolution where it calls ” for an international convention introducing a global ban on all development and deployment of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings. It is our conviction that this ban can not be implemented without the global pressure of the informed general public on the governments. Our major objective is to get across to the general public the real threat which these weapons represent for human rights and democracy and to apply pressure on the governments and parliaments around the world to enact legislature which would prohibit the use of these devices to both government and private organisations as well as individuals.” (Plenary Sessions/ EuroParliament, 1999)

3. US Federal politician Dennis Kucinich – In October 2001, Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich introduced a bill to the House of Representatives which, it was hoped would be extremely important in the fight to expose and stop psycho-electronic mind control experimentation on involuntary, non-consensual citizens. The Bill was referred to the Committee on Science, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services and International Relations. In the original bill a ban was sought on ‘exotic weapons’ including electronic, psychotronic or information weapons, chemtrails, particle beams, plasmas, electromagnetic radiation, extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy radiation, or mind control technologies. Despite the inclusion of a prohibition of the basing of weapons in space, and the use of weapons to destroy objects or damage objects in space, there is no mention in the revised bill of any of the aforementioned mind-invasive weaponry, nor of the use of satellite or radar or other energy based technology for deploying or developing technology designed for deployment against the minds of human beings. [the original Bill was called The Space Preservation Act, 2001 (HR 2977) it was reintroduced as The Space Preservation Act, 2002 (HR 3616 )]. Kucinich’s efforts mirrored similar attempts made some years earlier by ex astronaut, Sen. John Glenn.

4. US Federal politician Jim Guest - recently wrote to all members of the US legislature asking for help for the countless victims of electronic harassment/torture (agency black operations being secreted from congressional scrutiny thus allowing corrupt officers to frame/torture innocents). To date, nothing concrete has come of this approach.

5. French National Bioethics Committee – In January 1998, an annual public meeting of the French National Bioethics Committee was held in Paris. Its chairman, Jean-Pierre Changeux, a neuroscientist at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, told the meeting that “advances in cerebral imaging make the scope for invasion of privacy immense. Although the equipment needed is still highly specialized, it will become commonplace and capable of being used at a distance. That will open the way for abuses such as invasion of personal liberty, control of behaviour and brainwashing. These are far from being science-fiction concerns.and constitute “a serious risk to society.” (“Nature.” Vol 391, 1998)



satellite/computer monitoring of all telecommunications worldwide) To intercept conversations, emails etc. To steal ideas and harass targets (writers, whistleblowers etc).To monitor and stop terrorists and other criminals
(Allowing 24/7 surveillance of anyone, even in their homes) To gather blackmail-friendly material; to oppress targets and other citizens; to feed results to media/political criminals.To monitor and stop terrorists and other criminals
16-1-90 L. Rowan. To spy on political targets etc by finding, locking onto and tracking those victims so as to terrorise/torture them To monitor and stop terrorists and other criminals
(Sat-based – Pat US #5123899, 23/6/92 J. Gall + Pat US #5289438, 22/2/94 J. Gall) To alter targets moods by stimulating the brain to exhibit certain rhythms (angry, sad, sleepy etc); EEG cloning/feedback To help the emotionally distressed
BRAIN WAVE ANALYSERS (Remote neural monitoring & electronic brain linking, via sat – Pat US #6011991, 1/4/00
A. Mardirossian) To read the minds of targets; to rob, rape, terrorise and oppress completely yet covertly. Experiments in mind control, AI & cloning are also carried out To help interrogate criminals
(Sat-based – Pat US #3393279 16/7/68 P. Flanagan + Pat US #3647970 7/3/72 P. Flanagan) To make the target hear voices via the laser/MW/R.wave direction of sound that’s been converted to electrical impulse to go straight to the targets brain To communicate with the deaf, stroke victims etc
NOTE: Alone, or in conjunction with subliminal and visual technologies, as well as role playing etc, these technologies can be used for trickery including apparent schizophrenic episodes, paranormal or “alien” encounters and much more.



These Directed Energy (DE) internships are concerned with the research, development and testing of high energy laser and high power microwave components, systems and effects at Federal laboratories and universities at sites around the country. Most of these positions are made possible by funding from the High Energy Laser Joint Technology Office.
Internship Qualifications
These paid summer internship positions are available for currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students at U.S. colleges and universities. Positions are open to U.S. citizens only. The disciplines include but are not limited to these:


• science – physics, chemistry
• engineering – electrical, optical, chemical, mechanical, and materials
• mathematics and computer science

Position Descriptions
Generally, interns will work for the summer in a laboratory or university under the tutelage of full time researchers. Work may include experimental, theoretical, or computer modeling and simulation, depending on the position. Specific work assignments, hours and pay will vary.
The organizations below are expected to offer these internships in 2012. Advertising for open positions will begin in December 2011.

• 711 Human Performance Wing – Texas

• Air Force Institute of Technology – Ohio

• Air Force Research Laboratory – Hawaii, New Mexico

• Army Research Laboratory- Maryland

• Naval Postgraduate School – California

• Naval Research Laboratory (satellite) – Washington, D.C., Florida

• US Army Space and Missile Defense Command – Alabama


A Pilot Study
Arnold J. Mandell, Karen A. Selz, Tom Holroyd, Linsay Rutter
and Richard Coppola

NIMH Core MEG Laboratory and Cielo Institute
Supported in part by the Fetzer-Franklin Trust, DARPA
(Microelectronics) and the Space and Naval Warfare Center


The Eyes Closed, Resting Record

The time dynamics of global brain electromagnetic field activity, recorded in humans as continuous, eyes closed resting MEG (and EEG) records, are regarded by some as reflections of physiologically and psychologically relevant, emergent macroscopic behavior of nonlinearly coupled, cooperative brain systems (Basar et al., 1983; Bucolo et al., 2003; Chen et al., 2003; Friedrich et al., 1989; Haken, 2 1996; Mandell, 1983a). Others, more involved in neuronal current source localization studies of task or state-related magneto-encephalographic records (Cornwell et al., 2008; Fife et al., 2002; Garolera et al., 2007; Nolte et al., 2004) have treated the globally distributed, spontaneous neuronal current generated, brain magnetic field activity as “…high-ranked (leading eigenvalued) background activity… interfering magnetic fields generated from (not relevant) spontaneous brain activities…intrinsic brain noise…” (Sekihara et al., 1996; Sekihara et al., 2008; Sekihara et al., 2006). Covariance matrix-derived beamformers from several minutes of the eyes-closed resting record have been used in “prewhitening techniques”, adding noise in order to get around linear dependency in the matrix if it is too low dimensional and to minimize interfering low dimensional intrinsic brain magnetic field noise (Sekihara et al., 2008; Zumer et al., 2007; Zumer et al., 2008).

Another view of spontaneous magnetic field fluctuations have been
influenced by studies of spatial (neuroanatomical) brain localization using concomitant fMRI techniques. They have suggested the existence of spontaneous, regional, above baseline activity in the normal eyes closed, resting state. This activity is particularly pronounced in medial
prefrontal, parietal and both posterior and anterior cingulate, and is suppressed during goal-directed behavior (Damoiseaus et al., 2006; Griecius et al., 2003; Gusnard & Raichle, 3 2001). Activity in this “network” has been labeled “default activation” by Raichle (Raichle ME et al., 2001). The many second time scale of fMRI imaging demonstrated density variations that were characteristic for the normal eyes closed, resting condition (Biswal et al., 1995). Importantly, the spontaneous activity in the resting state also appears to involve neural network activity across several time scales (Honey et al., 2007).

In two state, task-no task, experimental designs, the resting activity, “default activation, ” has been speculated to reflect spontaneous, task unrelated, images and thoughts (Greicius & Menon, 2004; Greicius et al., 2004; Raichle ME et al., 2001; Vincent et al., 2007).
These transient mental events in the eyes closed, resting condition have also been called “daydreaming” (Singer, 1966 ), “task-unrelated-thoughts,” TUTs(Giambra, 1989), “unrest at rest”(Buckner & Vincent, 2007), “wandering minds,” and “stimulus independent thought”, SITs (Gilbert et al., 2007). Psychologists that have studied inner life subjectively, William James (James, 1902) and Sigmund Freud (Freud, 1914/1955 among many others, have focused on these autonomously arising transient streams of free associations and imagery. James analogized them to the turbulent eddies of the hydrodynamic flow of consciousness which he believed these transients to be among the universal properties of the conscious human brain. Examinations of a subject’s spontaneous 4 internal activity as exteriorized by the psychoanalytic instruction, “…say everything that comes to your mind…” has been central to the practice of psychoanalysis for over a Century {Fenichel, 1945 #8190). It appears that the ostensibly resting “default brain activity” in the “default network” persists in monkeys through anesthesia-induced changes in states of consciousness (Vincent et al., 2007). This result is consistent with a several decade history of research using priming, evoked potentials and task recovery paradigms to demonstrate implicit, working memorial events that occur during even surgical anesthesia (Jordon et al., 2000). The implied relationship between 2-5 second epochs of MEG activation such as that seen below in Fig. 5 as intermittent helical vortices (we call them strudels) and TUT or SIT-like subjective phenomena must remain entirely speculative.


General Premise and Hypothesis
It is the underlying premise of this pilot study of intrinsic brain magnetic field fluctuations that they manifest signatory patterns in transformations and measures which can discriminate among global brain states. We examine this premise by partially isolating and qualitatively and quantitatively characterizing 12.5, 54, 180 or 240 seconds of eyes closed, resting spontaneous magnetic field activity in ten resting controls and ten medicated schizophrenic probands. From our previous 5 work in brain-related physiological systems (Mandell, 1979; Mandell, 1983b; Mandell, 1987; Mandell et al., 1982; Mandell & Selz, 1993), a more specific hypothesis is suggested:

Compared with controls, magnetic field fluctuations in schizophrenic patients will demonstrate relatively higher values for indices of emergent dynamical structure and relatively lower values for a variety of measures reflecting the dynamical entropy “used up” in their formation (Mandell & Selz, 1997c; Selz & Mandell, 1991; Selz et al., 1995; Smotherman et al., 1996).

A MEG Derived Data Series: Symmetric Sensor Difference Sequences, ssds(i)
Ten normal controls and ten age- and sex-matched schizophrenic proband subjects (see Subjects below) were studied in the National Institutes of Mental Health’s Core MEG Laboratory in Bethesda, MD. A 275 channel, superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID radial gradiometer system from CTF Systems Inc. Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada (Anninos et al., 1986; Cohen, 1972; Rutter et al., 2009; Weinberg et al., 1984) was used in data collection (see Magnetoencephalographic Data Collection below).

6 Our approach to MEG-derived signals abrogates source orientation localization and inverse problem tools such as leadfield matrices (Dale & Sereno, 1993; Hamalainen et al., 1993), adaptive synthetic aperture magnetometer, SAM, beamformer techniques, or projection onto Talairached MRI image reconstructed volumes (Dalal et al., 2008; Dalal et al., 2004). For these approaches to this data set, see Rutter et al (Rutter et al., 2009). In their study of spontaneous activity in the eyes closed, resting state, they found a statistically significant decrement in the amplitudes of MEG recorded posterior regional gamma (30-70Hz+) activity in schizophrenic patients compared with normal controls (Rutter et al., 2009). In that study as well as these, a high pass, 0.6 Hz, as well as 60, 120, 180 and 240 Hz notch filters were routinely applied to the individual sensor records before the computation of the sensor pair ssds(i), (the difference between the two sensor). It is our presupposition that the “…spontaneous activity… all over the brain…” (Sekihara et al., 2008) reflects global and neurophysiologically meaningful patterns of complex neuronal activity-generated magnetic field fluctuations in interaction with MEG SQUID sensors (Barone A & G., 1982; Braiman & Wiesenfeld, 1994). A magnetic flux applied to the SQUID magnetometer, gives rise to a circulating current, which in turn modulates the inductance of the autonomously oscillatory Josephson junctions (Landberg et al., 1966; Levi et al., 1977). The great sensitivity of the SQUID devices permits measuring changes in magnetic field associated with even a single flux quantum.

7 If a constant biasing current is maintained in the SQUID device, it is the voltage which is modulated by changes in phase at junctions. Phase at Josephson junctions is sensitive to the quanta of magnetic flux. We dismiss a common generalization of many MEG practitioners that most or all local polarities of the intrinsic magnetic field noise “cancel out.” In the context of the somewhat analogous magnetic dynamo problem: “…given a flow in a conducting fluid, will a small seed magnetic field amplify exponentially with time…” (Finn & Ott, 1988)–we show below that ssds(i)s do– it was argued that the magnetic flux loops nonuniformly stretch and fold into themselves manifesting only partial cancellation and diffuse fine scale oscillations, in a process which can be quantified by a fractional cancellation exponent (Ott et al., 1992) and measures made on temporal-spatial intermittency.

In addition, if some currents run parallel to magnetic fields, which is expected to be the case with poorly localized, multiple neocortical neuronal sources, the magnetic field lines may follow a variety of dynamical shapes in which the magnetic pressure gradient is balanced by the magnetic tension. For example, there may not be any Lorentz force, J x B = 0, leading to a measurable field configuration without any net electrical current at all. We thus don’t infer a particular neuronal current source (or event) for the data series. Characterizing the fluctuations allows the elucidation of patterns in the brain’s global magnetic field flux dynamics without reference to anatomical location (Clarke, 1994).

8 example, we find a common dynamical pattern often involves intermittently appearing, multiple time scale helical vortices. We call them unwindable strudels lest they lead to the brain being called a critically loaded sand pile that spawns avalanches (Beggs & Plenz, 2005; Levina et al., 2007)). In comparison with the several second time resolution of fMRI, the MEG’s superior temporal resolution, ~ 1 ms, combined with its “underdetermined” weaknesses with respect to specific brain localization when used alone (Hamalainen et al., 1993; Im et al., 2005; Lee et al., 2007; Sarvas, 1987; Uutela et al., 1998), suited our goal of characterizing magnetic field (rather than inferred neuronal) properties of what has been called intrinsic physiological brain noise (Nagarajan et al., 2006; Sekihara et al., 1997; Sekihara et al., 2005). The use of ssds(i) exploits the hemispheric symmetry of the human brain (Geschwind, 1970) and serves several purposes:
(1) It imposes a natural gauge (distance serves as a traveling, local normalization procedure; (3) The ssdi(i) reduces the penetrance of electromagnetic field correlates of blink, cough, and movement as well as the cardiac and respiratory artifacts that both symmetric sensors generally share; (4) Using ssds(i) instead of the raw MEG time series tends to cancel the symmetrically shared generic MEG (and EEG) Δ, Θ, α, β, and γ modes, as well as other patterns of bihemispheric covariance; (5) Advantageous from the magnetic field point of view is the fact that using ssds(i) makes issues of 9 neuronal current source location moot; ; the spatial sensitivity profile of the ssds(i) considered as a virtual sensor typically covers a large volume of the brain. The techniques similar to that used here of paired sensor difference series, ssds(i), have been used to reduce or remove the mean and double or more the higher moments in analyses of nonstationary neural membrane conductance noise

(Conti et al., 1980; DeFelice, 1977; Sigworth, 1981).


NAVAL – research laboratory experiments (NRL) Florida


Behavior PROTECTING HUMAN ASSETS Bio-Silico Interface

Brain technology ENHANCED HUMAN PERFORMANCE Energy transduction

Engieneering Proteomics

Pentagon report investigated lasers
that put voices in your head
February 18, 2008
by Lisa Zyga


A recently unclassified report from the Pentagon from 1998 has revealed an investigation into using laser beams for a few intriguing potential methods of non-lethal torture.Some of the applications the report investigated include putting voices in people’s heads, using lasers to trigger uncontrolled neuron firing, and slowly heating the human body to a point of feverish confusion – all from hundreds of meters away.

A US citizen requested access to the document, entitled “Bioeffects of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons,” under the Freedom of Information Act a little over a year ago. There is no evidence that any of the technologies mentioned in the 10-year-old report have been developed since the time it was written
The report explained several types of non-lethal laser applications, including microwave hearing, disrupted neural control, and microwave heating. For the first type, short pulses of RF energy (2450 MHz) can generate a pressure wave in solids and liquids. When exposed to pulsed RF energy, humans experience the immediate sensation of “microwave hearing” – sounds that may include buzzing, ticking, hissing, or knocking that originate within the head. Studies with guinea pigs and cats suggest that the mechanism responsible for the phenomenon is thermoelastic expansion.
Exposure to the RF pulses doesn´t cause any permanent effects, as all effects cease almost immediately after exposure ceases.

As the report explains, tuning microwave hearing could enable communicating with individuals from a distance of up to several hundred meters.
The report explains:

The phenomenon is tunable in that the characteristic sounds and intensities of those sounds depend on the characteristics of the RF energy as delivered… Because the frequency of the sound heard is dependent on the pulse characteristics of the RF energy, it seems possible that this technology could be developed to the point where words could be transmitted to be heard like the spoken word, except that it could only be heard within a person´s head.

In one experiment, communication of the words from one to ten using ´speech modulated´ microwave energy was successfully demonstrated. Microphones next to the person experiencing the voice could not pick up these sounds. Additional development of this would open up a wide range of possibilities.” The report predicts that communicating at longer distances would be possible with larger equipment, while shorter range signals could be generated with portable equipment. Putting voices in people´s heads could cause what the report calls “psychologically devastating” effects. The technology might even allow for communicating with an individual hostage surrounded by captors, although this would require “extreme directional specificity. With another weapon, electromagnetic pulses could be used to disrupt the brain´s functioning, although this technology was still in the theoretical stages at the time.


Under normal conditions, all brain structures function with specific rhythmic activity depending on incoming sensory information.
Sometimes, the brain synchronizes neuronal activity in order to focus on a specific task, but the degree of neuronal synchronization is highly controlled. However, under certain conditions (such as physical stress or heat stroke), more areas of the brain can fire in a highly synchronized manner, and may begin firing uncontrollably. The report describes a method for replicating this highly synchronized neuron firing across distances of several hundred meters. High-voltage (100 kV/m) electromagnetic pulses lasting for one nanosecond could trigger neurons to fire, disrupting the body´s controlled firing activity. Short-term effects may include loss of consciousness, muscle spasms, muscle weakness, and seizures lasting for a couple minutes. These high-voltage pulsed sources, which would require an estimated frequency of 15 Hz, exist today.

Another form of non-lethal torture described in the report is microwave heating. By raising the temperature of the body to 41°C (105.8°F), humans can experience sensations such as memory loss and disorientation, and exhibit reduced aggression. According to the report, humans can survive temperatures up to 42°C (107.6°F), at which time prolonged exposure can result in permanent brain damage or death. The microwave heating technique was tested on a Rhesus monkey, where a 225 MHz beam caused an increase in the animal´s body temperature.

Depending on the dosage level, the temperature increase occurred within a time of 15 to 30 minutes. After the beam was removed, the animal´s body temperature decreased back to normal.

The report suggests the technique could be useful for controlling crowds or in negotiations. While the investigations reveal intriguing techniques for non-lethal torture, the report does not mention plans for carrying out specific experiments or studies in the future.

Vaccine Implants

Implants are now smaller than a hair’s width and are injected with vaccine and flu shots. Millions have had this done unknowingly. These ‘biochips’ circulate in the bloodstream and lodge in the brain, enabling the victims to hear ‘voices’ via the implant.

Fluoride and selenium enable people to ‘hear voices’. ELF waves create disturbances in the biological processes of the body and these can be activated in the population once the diseases are introduced into the body from the chemtrails. Fluoride disables the willpower section of the brain, impairing the left occipital lobe.Some chemtrails have been analyzed and shown to be creating cleavages in spacial perceptions, blocking the interaction of various amino-acids that relate to higher-consciousness and to increase dopamine in the brain producing a listless, spaced-out state of lower reactive mind.

PENTAGON – Flu Vaccine Use to Modify Human Behavior

The Pentagon currently wants to “realistically replicate human behavior and frailties” to improve cyberwarfare tactics.The human brain is one of the most complex organs known to man. To successfully model human populations it is vital that the computer models can successfully account for how an individuals brain would respond in specific situations in a sensory environment.


DARPA – nanotechnology


1.Military Defense Robotics

Machines Will Rise: Becoming Self Aware
The Department of Defense is building robots for the Pentagon. It has been seen as a move that could advance AI research and move the Defense robotics industry into the New Age. As viewed in our Exoskeleton section one of the leading manufactures in the exoskeleton arena is a company called Cyberdyne Technologies. Industry experts are already predicting that when the soldier steps out of this unit the exoskeleton will be able to operate autonomously.



A New Industrial Revolution
In January 2000, U.S. President Bill Clinton requested a $227-million increase in the government’s investment in nanotechnology research and development, which included a major initiative called the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI). This initiative nearly doubled America ‘s 2000 budget investment in nanotechnology, bringing the total invested in nanotechnology to $497 million for the 2001 national budget. In a written statement, White House officials said that “nanotechnology is the new frontier and its potential impact is compelling.” About 70 percent of the new nanotechnology funding will go to university research efforts, which will help meet the demand for workers with nanoscale science and engineering skills. The initiative will also fund the projects of several governmental agencies, including the National Science Foundation , the Department of Defense , the Department of Energy , the National Institutes of Health , NASA and the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Much of the research will take more than 20 years to complete, but the process itself could touch off a new industrial revolution. Nanotechnology is likely to change the way almost everything, including medicine, computers and cars, are designed and constructed. Nanotechnology is anywhere from five to 15 years in the future, and we won’t see dramatic changes in our world right away.


A Short History of Nanotechnology

Feynman gives after-dinner talk describing molecular machines building with atomic precision
Taniguchi uses term “nano-technology” in paper on ion-sputter machining
Drexler originates molecular nanotechnology concepts at MIT
First technical paper on molecular engineering to build with atomic precision STM invented
Buckyball discovered
First book published
AFM invented
First organization formed
First protein engineered
First university symposium
First university course
IBM logo spelled in individual atoms
First national conference
First nanotechnology journal
Japan’s STA begins funding nanotech projects
Japan”s MITI announces bottom-up “atom factory”
IBM endorses bottom-up path
Japan’s MITI commits $200 million
Carbon nanotube discovered
First textbook published
First Congressional testimony
First Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology awarded for modeling a hydrogen abstraction tool useful in nanotechnology
First coverage of nanotech from White House
“Engines of Creation” book given to Rice administration, stimulating first university nanotech center
Nanosystems textbook used in first university course
US Science Advisor advocates nanotechnology
First think tank report
First industry analysis of military applications
Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology awarded for synthesis of complex three-dimensional structures with DNA molecules
$250,000 Feynman Grand Prize announced
First European conference
NASA begins work in computational nanotech
First nanobio conference
First company founded: Zyvex
First design of nanorobotic system
Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology awarded for work in computational nanotechnology and using scanning probe microscopes to manipulate molecules
First NSF forum, held in conjunction with Foresight Conference
First DNA-based nanomechanical device
Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology awarded for computational modeling of molecular tools for atomically-precise chemical reactions and for building molecular structures through the use of self-organization
First Nanomedicine book published
First safety guidelines
Congressional hearings on proposed National Nanotechnology Initiative
Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology awarded for development of carbon nanotubes for potential computing device applications and for modeling the operation of molecular machine designs

President Clinton announces U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative
First state research initiative: $100 million in California
Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology awarded for computational materials science for nanostructures and for building a molecular switch
First report on nanotech industry
U.S. announces first center for military applications
Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology awarded for theory of nanometer-scale electronic devices and for synthesis and characterization of carbon nanotubes and nanowires


First nanotech industry conference
Regional nanotech efforts multiply
Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology awarded for using DNA to enable the self-assembly of new structures and for advancing our ability to model molecular machine systems
Congressional hearings on societal implications
Call for balancing NNI research portfolio
Drexler/Smalley debate is published in Chemical & Engineering News
Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology awarded for modeling the molecular and electronic structures of new materials and for integrating single molecule biological motors with nano-scale silicon devices
First policy conference on advanced nanotech
First center for nanomechanical systems
Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology awarded for designing stable protein structures and for constructing a novel enzyme with an altered function
At Nanoethics meeting, Roco announces nanomachine/nanosystem project count has reached 300 Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology awarded for for designing a wide variety of single molecular functional nanomachines and for synthesizing macromolecules of intermediate sizes with designed shapes and functions
National Academies nanotechnology report calls for experimentation toward molecular manufacturing
Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology awarded for work in molecular computation and algorithmic self-assembly, and for producing complex two-dimensional arrays of DNA nanostructures

Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology awarded for construction of molecular machine systems that function in the realm of Brownian motion, and molecular machines based upon two-state mechanically interlocked compounds
Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems released
Protein catalysts designed for non-natural chemical reactions
Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology awarded for work in molecular electronics and the synthesis of molecular motors and nanocars, and for theoretical contributions to nanofabrication and sensing
An improved walking DNA nanorobot
Structural DNA nanotechnology arrays devices to capture molecular building blocks Design ‘from scratch’ of a small protein that performed the function performed by natural globin proteins Organizing functional components on addressable DNA scaffolds Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology awarded for experimental demonstrations of mechanosynthesis using AFM to manipulate single atoms, and for computational analysis of molecular tools to build complex molecular structures
DNA-based ‘robotic’ assembly begins
Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology awarded for work in single atom manipulations and atomic switches, and for development of quantum mechanical methods for theoretical predictions of molecules and solids
First programmable nanowire circuits for nanoprocessors
DNA molecular robots learn to walk in any direction along a branched track
Mechanical manipulation of silicon dimers on a silicon surface

Military Nanotechnology
Dangers, Preventive Arms Control, and
Challenges to the International System
Jürgen Altmann
Experimentelle Physik III Universität Dortmund Germany Conference Understanding Complex Systems University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana IL, USA 15-18May-2006

NSTC, USA, 1999
1. Nanotechnology(NT)
Analysis and engineering of systems atnanometres(10-9m) size range: between about 0,1nm(atom) and several 100nm(larger molecule).

Mechanosynthesis: molecular machine takes atoms/molecules from surroundings, fits mechanically together and lets bonds work
Concepts Associated with MolecularNT
– Mobile nano-robots
– (Super-)human artificial intelligence
– Automatic research, development, construction
– Modified/improved organs, bodies; cyborgs
– Sense/control brain contents, download to software
– Outer space: mining of asteroids, colonies

3.(European concept different)


Promises of Nanotechnology/Converging Technologies
extremely small, extremely powerful computers, linked everywhere
clean production
clean energy
lighter, more efficient vehicles
longer-duration materials
prosthetic implants, targeted drug delivery, tissue regeneration

Risks/Ethical Problems of Nanotechnology/Converging Technologies
health, environment -at present mainly nanoparticles
fewer jobs
genetic manipulation of plants, animals, humans
implants, body manipulation

Efforts for NT
Rest of world
-each about $ 800 million government funding per year

Military Nanotechnology:
Potential Applications and Preventive Arms Control
Jürgen Altmann
London/New York: Routledge, 2006

brain-wawe1.jpgBrain Waves

With revolutionary changes in nanotechnology (NT) now on the horizon, many countries have started major research and development (R&D) programmes, which are mainly civilian. Often overlooked are military R&D programmes – in particular those of the US government. This is the first systematic and comprehensive presentation of the potential military applications of NT.

In ten to twenty years, these applications may include extremely small computers, robots, missiles, satellites, launchers and sensors. They may also provide lighter and stronger materials for vehicles and weapons, implants in soldiers’ bodies, metal-free firearms, autonomous fighting systems, and smaller chemical and biological weapons. These potential uses raise strong concerns. This assessment is made from a viewpoint of
international security, considering the new criteria of dangers for arms control and the international law of warfare, dangers for stability through potential new arms races and proliferation, and dangers for humans and society. Some military applications, such as computers, will be so close to civilian uses that limits are impractical. Others, such as sensors for biological- warfare agents, may contribute to stronger protection against terrorist attacks and better verification of compliance with arms-control treaties.For preventive limitation of these new technologies, specific approaches are proposed that balance positive civilian uses and take into account verification of compliance, with a view to international peace and security, not national military strength. This book will be of great interest to scholars of military technology, non-lethal weapons, disarmament and security studies in general.



Lothar IBRÜGGER (Germany)
13. While most of the debate over NT focuses on its prospects for informatics and medicine, potential military applications of NT lack proper public attention, despite the fact that NT is becoming increasingly important for military strategists. The funding of military NT makes up a substantial share of total NT funding.
14. The United States is the leader in military R&D of NT. Indeed, the US military has been engaged in this field since the 1980s, focusing on ultra-submicron electronics and scanning-probe microscopy. In 1996, NT was established as one of six strategic research areas for defence. Accordingly, between 25 and 30% of the US National Nanotechnology Initiative funding has gone to the US Department of Defence (DoD) since NNI’s establishment in 2000. In 2005, the DoD is due to receive $276 million for NT, while the Department of Homeland Security will receive an extra $1 million for this purpose, accounting for approximately 28% of the total US NT budget. The US military R&D is focusing on the development of miniature sensors, high-speed processing, unmanned combat vehicles, improved virtual-reality training, and enhancement of human performance.
15. The UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) is also engaged in military R&D of NT,and allocates approximately £1.5 million per annum to this purpose. However, the MOD considers NT development in the United Kingdom as being driven by commercial, rather than military imperatives. NT related expenditure accounts for 0.35% of the annual UK defence scientific research budget and is substantially smaller than that of the Department of Trade and Industry. Sweden has invested €11 million over 5 years in military NT R&D. The European Union had budgeted €65 million in 2004-2006 to enhance the European industrial potential in the field of security research. Even though this does not specifically mention NT, some of the areas might contain NT implications.
16. Most of military NT is still in R&D level. According to Dr. Jürgen Altmann, one of the most prominent researchers of military NT, it will take between 5 and 20 years or more for the applications of this research to arrive. One can expect that NT-based soldier-worn systems will be introduced in the mid-term future. In 2002, the Institute for Soldier Nanotechnology (ISN) was created at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), with a five-year grant of $50 million from the US Army. The goal of this research centre is to greatly enhance the protection and survival of the infantry soldier, using NT to create a bulletproof battle suit. US army planners are hoping to lighten the load that soldiers carry into battle. These systems could also monitor the state of health of the wearer, improve stamina and reaction, ease or even heal injuries, improve communication abilities, and increase soldiers’ protection against biological or chemical weapons.


17. Potentially, NT could dramatically improve warfare technology. Lighter,stronger, heat resistant nanomaterials could be used in producing all kinds of weapons, making military transportation faster, strengthening armour and saving energy. Qualities of nanomaterials can be used for better camouflage.
18. A significant breakthrough in electronics, encouraged by NT, could result in the creation of smaller but very powerful computers, very small sensors and other devices that could be used by the military in a number of ways.Information could be stored and analysed more efficiently, intelligence and surveillance capabilities could be increased considerably by using nanosensors, precision of projectiles could reach extreme accuracy, communication systems could become much more sophisticated, as well as virtual reality systems for training. Tiny sensors or even nanocomputers could be embedded in various military items, munitions, projectiles or uniforms, thus making them “smart”. Some more futuristic visions even foresee development of autonomous fighting robots and military use of artificial intelligence, enabled by the development of NT.
19. It is debatable whether NT could bring significant changes to nuclear weapons, as the laws of physics would still require a critical mass of uranium or plutonium. NT, however, might be used to improve arming or triggering systems of nuclear weapons. On the other hand, Dr. André Gsponer, Director of the Geneva-based Independent Scientific Research Institute, argues that NT can actually contribute to miniaturisation and safety of nuclear bombs, by offering heat- and radiation- resistant materials. Furthermore, NT might be used to create the fourth-generation nuclear weapon, i.e. a low-yield “clean” fusion-fuelled nuclear bomb, which would contain no, or very little, fissionable material. These nukes could potentially be used in earth-penetrating missiles.
20. The potential for NT innovations in chemical and biological weapons is particularly disquieting, as NT can considerably enhance the delivery mechanisms of agents or toxic substances. The ability of nanoparticles to penetrate the human body and its cells could make biological and chemical warfare much more feasible, easier to manage and to direct against specific groups or individuals. Dr. Sean Howard, in his work on NT security implications, has even called the threat of chemical and biological warfare a “real nano goo”.
21. On the other hand, NT offers tools to effectively and profoundly strengthen homeland security policies, aimed at fighting the proliferation of biological and chemical weapons. Sensitive, selective and inexpensive NT-based sensors and materials could detect and bind components of chemical, biological or radiological weapons on the atomic or molecular level, thanks to the large surface/volume ratio of nanoparticles or of nanoporous material (JA). This is very important, as some agents can be lethal even in minuscule quantities. Chemical and biological defence systems with nanosensors could be placed in public places, such as schools or government buildings, public transportation systems, military assets, and border-crossing sites. Finally, nanomaterials could also be used to decontaminate places or individuals affected by chemical or biological weapons.



Nanotechnology in Europe

“Nanoscience and nanotechnologies: an action plan for Europe 2005-2009”.

This plan highlights the following nanotechnology areas:
nanoelectronics, including nanomanufacturing and nanoinstrumentation
nanobiotechnology and nanomedicine, including diagnostics, targeted
drug delivery and regenerative medicine
_ nanomaterials, nanoparticle technology
_ health and environmental risks of nanotechnology


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Synthetic Telepathy,, Brain-Computer-Interaction, Mind Control whith nano implants

Moore on:  and

Scientists Successfully Implant Chip That Controls The Brain Allowing Thoughts, Memory And Behavior To Be Transferred From One Brain To Another Brain

Microcircuits The Interface between Neurons and Global Brain Function

Thoughts, Memory And Behavior To Be Transferred From One Brain ToAnother Brain Scientists Successfully Implant Chip That Controls The Brain Allowing Thoughts, Memory And Behavior To Be Transferred From One Brain ToAnother Brain

In a scene right out of a George Orwell novel, a team of scientists working in the fields of “neural engineering” and “Biomimetic MicroElectronic Systems” have successfully created a chip that controls the brain and can be used as a storage device for long-term memories. In studies the scientists have been able to record, download and transfer memories into other hosts with the same chip implanted. The advancement in technology brings the world one step closer to a global police state and the reality of absolute mind control.

brain eye neuron nano

More terrifying is the potential for implementation of what was only a science fiction fantasy – the “Thought Police” – where the government reads people’s memories and thoughts and then rehabilitate them through torture before they ever even commit a crime based on a statistical computer analysis showing people with certain types of thoughts are likely to commit a certain type of crime in the future.

We already pre-emptively invade nations and torture alleged terrorist suspects with absolutely no due process of law, so the idea of pre-emptively torturing a terrorist suspect before hand to prevent them from committing an act of terrorism in the future really isn’t that far fetched of an idea.

Perhaps a less sensational example, than those I just depicted out of own of Orwell’s famous dystopian novels would be using the technology as it is depicted the modern day Matrix movies, in which computer programs are uploaded into people’s brains allowing them to instantly learn how to perform a wide variety of tasks.

That is exactly the example that Smart Planet uses in their write-up on the USC press release.


Microcircuits The Interface between Neurons and Global Brain Function

-Synthetic Telepathy-


The experience of synthetic telepathy “Artificial Telepathy” is really not that extraordinary. It’s as simple as receiving a cell-phone call in one’s head.

Indeed, most of the technology involved is identical to that of cell-phone technology. Satellites link the sender and the receiver. A computer “multiplexer” routes the voice signal of the sender through microwave towers to a very specifically defined location or cell. The “receiver” is located and tracked with pinpoint accuracy, to within a few feet of actual location. But the receiver is not a cell phone. It’s a human brain.


Out of nowhere, a voice suddenly blooms in the mind of the target. The human skull has no “firewall” and therefore cannot shut the voice out. The receiver can hear the sender’s verbal thoughts. The sender, in turn, can hear all of the target’s thoughts, exactly as if the target’s verbal thoughts had been spoken or broadcast. For this reason, the experience could be called “hearing voices” but is more properly described as synthetic telepathy “artificial telepathy”.

Now, if synthetic telepathy “artificial telepathy” were entirely voluntary, like a conversation between friends sitting across the world, it might be kind of fantastic. One could talk back and forth with one’s friend, exchanging verbal thoughts exactly as if speaking on the phone, but without ever using one’s voice or mouth. It’s a completely silent, subvocal form of speech. Between lovers, this would be beautiful.

The problem is that artificial telepathy provides the perfect weapon for mental torture and information theft. It provides an extremely powerful means for exploiting, harassing, controlling, and raping the mind of any person on earth. It opens the window to quasi-demonic possession of another person’s soul.

When used as a “nonlethal” weapons system it becomes an ideal means for neutralizing or discrediting a political opponent. Peace protestors, inconvenient journalists and the leaders of vocal opposition groups can be stunned into silence with this weapon…


mind control

Microcircuits The Interface between Neurons and Global Brain Function


Civilian, military and multidisciplinary brain experiments for developing synthetic (artificial) telepathy.



What is the pay off, for governments, to get the wiring diagram (blueprint) of the human brain?


What risks are scientists and governments prepared to take to “win” the ultimate race and challenge of mankind?


What consequences will this breakthrough/paradigm in science have for human integrity, identity, and autonomy?


How many human lives/families/children is the government prepared to sacrifice to compete in this emerging technology?



Sweden, europe, a so called democratic nation, is not capable of


  • maintaining human right conventions
  • avoid people being exposed to illegal research with brain-computer-interface avoid people being exposed to mind control experiments with brain-computer-interfaces
  • avoid many years of physical and psychological violence (torture) exercised through brain-computer-interface
  • avoid that patients are injected with bioelectronics implants, without informed consent, when visiting Swedish, european hospitals.


The government solves the problems with illegal research by using their institutions/gatekeepers to cover up for all horrible mistakes and research.


The institution of Psychiatry health care system, and their manual for mental disorder (DSM), acts as guards for the ever-increasing number of people who have their lives exterminated by illegal research with multimedia-brain techniques and never-ending-learning-systems.


The government itself says that they have no insight of abusing the research area brain-computer-interface for remote illegal data collecting from the human brain. The government doesn’t react to information about this topic, and written letters are not answered despite several reminders.


The future and emerging technology, to achieve a computer-brain, is far from being completed. Even if the research pace is extremely high and scientists develop faster than “Moores Law”, it still remains about 20 years before all necessary research on humans is done.


The perception of being a human will, when the brain’s neural code is copied to a computer, changed. Computer-brain interface and the new network technology will make the perception of self consciousness transparent. Man’s thoughts are no longer private.


mind control

The expertise must be enforced to admit that it is the same people who are responsible for both diagnosing mentally illness and implanting brain implants into people’s heads. And that they, by doing so, exterminate human lab rats for life-long copying procedures.


We, the people and the public media, have the right to be informed about the names of the scientists involved in this grotesque and illegal research instead of having more people killed.


Experimenting with brain implants to extract information about the brain has been going on in Sweden, europe, USA  for more than half a century.


Please help all victims to reveal facts in this topic before more victims are dying due to this illegal research area.

Mind Control,The Mind Uploading (reverse engineering the brain) – Targeted Individuals Europe

Not yet published research materials in interdisciplinary brain research and development of computer-brain interface must therefore be attributed to an unknown number of defenseless experimental subjects, many with families whose lives are destroyed in a wild orgy of computer abuse.This is to copy the cognitive behaviors and human perception in the development of quantum physics.Try The items have no options or informed consent, served as on-line research materials on aging.


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Mind Control Victims attend Occupy Washington

Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance

from Derrick Robinson 

Occupation Events in New York and Washington, DC

accounts by Targeted Individual (TI)

Community Participants of Last Week's Demonstrations



Thanks to all of you who attended and are attending the Occupation events in New York, Washington, DC and other cities.  This is a historic occasion and an opportunity our community cannot afford to miss!  Wherever you are, there is an occupation event nearby.  They are happening in all of the major and mid-sized metro areas, and in many small cities and towns. The TI's that participated often spoke of receptive audiences to our issues by event attendees. These people are keenly attuned to government abuses and seem to listen to us with an open mind. 

According to information from JoJo: is the main contact point for demonstrations in now 1,018 cities and towns.  Look up the nearest demonstration near you. 

Below are accounts from Sandy Fields, Marc Burnell, Cynthia L., Karen S., and Max Williams. The place where they "occupied" is listed beside their name. Due to privacy concerns, I've used the last initial for some of the TI's here.


Marc Burnell, Washington, DC
4_w221_h166_s1_PT0_PR15_PB0_PL0_PCeeeeee.jpgReally enjoyed the demonstration. There was a lot of energy in the air. People were very serious. I spoke to a lot people while handing out flyers. A lot of them seemed really smart. Weather was perfect. The artists were better than people thought. Great speeches. The walk to the Chamber Of Commerce was great. They were playing the drums, chanting, singing, etc. Loved the costumes they were wearing throughout the demonstration.

Sandy Fields, New York City

8_w190_h253_s1_PT0_PR15_PB0_PL0_PCeeeeee.jpgOccupy NYC accumulated...over 130,000 people from all over the country who want to eliminate
Wall Street greed, but its focus is beginning to become real society-changing to meet the needs of 99% of the people, a need to update an obsolete society. We came together and spent hours deciding on forming groups of interest. We currently have a legal group-(high powered legal
attorneys) currently suing Mayor Bloomberg, NYPD, and others, for the pepper spraying of people on the Brooklyn Bridge last week.

There is a Community Group, a Media Group, and almost every type of group forming that will serve as a new type of way of reformatting our government and addressing the issues we have not been able to address- like better education, ways of creating more jobs, and ways of living and working communities, utilizing newer money exchanges, and ways of housing homeless. The group has people of all ages and all are very passionate about really making this effort grow and change our society.  We have outgrown our laws.

Everyone asked me about gangstalking and I reached hundreds of thousands of people. There was media coverage and very concerned people about this crime. Media people were all over. The sign was photographed and distributed all around on the Internet, in the media, and by reporters who were writing about issues of grievances.

There will be growing groups of people assembling in many more cities, and it's free advertising and getting the word out about our issues to hundreds of thousands of people. 

Derrick, you need to get people to other cities tomorrow and every day to educate the public on our issues. We cannot let this opportunity pass us by. I will be going back tomorrow and all weekend with flyers and my sign.  There will be food for all and people will make signs for you. All of this is much better than anything else we tried to do. All targeted individuals need to get out to these meetings Now! We can stop this crime.  Media people are listening and taping segments for news casts. We will be heard. 

Cynthia L., Washington, DC


Cynthia L., Washington, DC


There was a cross-section of America at the "October 2011" rally and "occupation," people of all ages and races and from several geographic areas.  I shared photos with Derrick taken from my cell phone and called Derrick and Cassandra a few times during the day to share what was happening and our progress in talking to people.  It was enlightening to me to see so many people who are committed to changing the economic and social justice conditions in our country.  This was the first time I have attended such an event (except many years ago when there was a movement to make Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday a national holiday).  There were young people in their twenties, middle-aged follks, Baby Boomers, and seniors.  There were veterans, mothers with their children, organizations, and private citizens.  People held up large banners to protest the economic condition in the United States.  Others held up modest signs and walked throughout Freedom Plaza to display their message.  There was an air of mutual tolerance and solidarity. 


It was encouraging to be with other TIs, meet them in person, and share our experiences.  This is an important aspect of working together to achieve our mutual goal.  As we work together, we learn more about how to deal with the targeting and recognize that together we can make a difference to end the system of directed energy weapons.  The opportunity to meet in person is especially helpful.


Lessons Learned


Others probably already know these steps.  If we ever gather as a group at an event like this in the future, we could:

- Wear the same tee shirt or other identifying clothing to help us stand out

- Prepare signs in advance to help people know our issue

- Have business cards for Derrick or have his contact information pre-printed on hand-outs


Freedom Plaza


The location of the protest is situated on Pennsylvania Avenue, the corridor between the Capitol building and the White House and the route of many protests and demonstrations throughout the history of the United States.  Freedom Plaza is a broad open area with quotes enscribed in the walkways that reflect the importance of democracy and citizenship.  A stage was set up at one end of the plaza.  The backdrop on the stage was a huge replica of the Declaration of Independence with the words "We the People" emblazoned in large letters.  Music and song was woven throughout the day with recorded protest music, and people with banjos, guitars and other instruments who sang and played their songs.  A huge drum was surrounded by at least a half dozen people who beat the drum to call attention to this social justice movement.




One of the first events of the day was the entry of the parade of veterans into Freedom Plaza.  They had special flags to announce they were veterans and chanted slogans to call for change now.  The assembly welcomed them with applause.  Various stations were set up around Freedom Plaza -- a truth-telling area to video-record people who wished to tell their stories, a "soapbox" area for any who wanted to command the attention of an audience, the Legal Table, and the Registration Table for volunteers to help with logistics.  Reporters and cameras moved throughout the area to ask people what they expected to achieve from the protest.  They were from U.S. media outlets and several from other countries.  In the afternoon, many people in the assembly paraded along Pennsylvania Avenue throughout a route in downtown Washington, DC to the Chamber of Commerce.  Marc was among the marchers.  Max, Karen, and I continued to pass out flyers and talk to people who remained at Freedom Plaza.  The large parade group returned to Freedom Plaza clapping and shouting slogans accompanied by the beating of the large drum.


Outreach to Educate About Our Issues


Max, Marc, Karen, and I distributed about 100 copies of a flyer to ask people to sign the "We the People" petition at the White House website.  We talked to people to introduce them to, or in many instances remind them of, the Church Committee and the excesses of government that were investigated in that era.  Virtually everyone was receptive to listening to us as we discussed this infringement of human rights.  This was in keeping with the tenor of the day and the commitment of the protestors.  We asked them to share the petition with their family members and in their communities.  Many said they had heard about the technologies and the effect they could have on human beings.  They assured us that they would visit the website and sign the petition and share the information.  Others said they would consider our request.  The more we talked with people, the easier it was to approach them and explain our issue.  I think we raised the awareness of many people from all over the country.  We talked to people from Texas, Wisconsin, Illinois, and I'm sure many other places.  It was a rewarding experience to connect with so many people for this cause.  Our conversations included members of "The Raging Grannies," an organization of older women who dress in outrageously-colored outfits with straw hats filled with flowers to draw attention to their work for social justice.  We chatted with women from Code Pink, another grassroots human rights activist group.


Talking to Media Representatives


We gave out flyers to several reporters and shared the contact information for FFCHS.  We talked to them about directed energy weapons and the fact that they are being used against Americans and people around the world.  Some of them found what we were saying was credible.  All of the media we talked to said they would look into the information we presented to them.  I think they were at "October 2011" because they are interested in this protest movement and want to know the issues and what people want to achieve by their presence.  Hopefully, the Media Committee will identify what follow-up we will have with these reporters to share more resources with them and attempt to develop a relationship with them.


Karen S., Washington, DC
6_w174_h130_s1_PT0_PR15_PB0_PL0_PCeeeeee.jpgAdditional lessons learned that I would like to add are as follows:
1) We need to develop a personal brand for the organization. As Cynthia stated, most of the organizations had banners, similar clothing, signs with slogans, etc. Within the branding we need to identify specific communities of people that would be more open to sympathizing and supporting our organization. For instance, I noticed women over 50, (Raging Grannies), were open-minded and very sympathetic. Also, the young, motivated, and zealous men of the Media Research Center were also open.

The commonality between these two groups is that they were not representative of mainstream media.

2)  We need to develop a canned, credible script which TI's can utilize when explaining their circumstances. We need to keep it simple in laymen's terms so that most people can understand it.


Max Williams, Washington, DC
0_w221_h166_s1_PT0_PR15_PB0_PL0_PCeeeeee.jpgI drove to Houston on Sunday October 2, visited with relatives, and flew from there to Washington, DC on Tuesday October 4. On the morning of October 6, I took the metro to downtown Washington. It was 9:00am when I set foot on Freedom Plaza, and people were arriving to join those who had spent the night there. By mid-morning, a large crowd had gathered, and organizers were using a public address system to warm up the group. One of the speakers was an organizer by the name of Kevin Zeese, a very articulate spokesperson who I saw being interviewed later that evening on a couple of local TV channels.

Around noon, Cynthia, Karen, and I met and went to a nearby eatery to have lunch together, where we compared many of the effects that we get from the electronic attackers. Both Cynthia and Karen had taken annual leave from their government jobs to take part in the demonstration. Afterward, we met Marc Burnell, and the four of us “worked” the crowd. Cynthia had reproduced copies of our FFCHS petition, so we fanned out to distribute the petitions and attempt to convince others to sign it. Cynthia and Karen were remarkable in being able to spot reporters to whom to tell about our targeting. Several of the reporters took notes and gave us their cards for further contact.


The four of us became separated as we sought petition signers and listeners. In mid-afternoon, I found myself on the far edge of the crowd on the plaza toward the White House side. When the crowd started moving toward the White House, I joined the march, inadvertently marching with the Occupy Washington group. Walking behind people in the first row, who were carrying a banner that stretched from one side of the street to the other, I later found myself replacing somebody in that row and helping carry the banner. We marched up Pennsylvania Avenue toward the White House, took the right on Thirteenth Street and back to the left on H street, where we ended up in front of the Chamber of Commerce building. The crowd stood chanting in front of the entrance, which was guarded by policemen who videotaped the group through lenses contained in their dark sunglasses. The 'We the People' group later arrived. I left after about an hour at that site.


In all, I was very encouraged by the enthusiasm and the sincerity of the attendees of October2011, who, as Cynthia said, represented almost the entire American population and many of their complaints. I even met a young Palestinian student who had come all the way from Texas to expose the systematic human rights abuses committed against Palestinians and demonstrate for Palestinian statehood. I was pleased that every person with whom I spoke seemingly found my story of targeting credible. However, among all the positive points of my participation, getting to know Cynthia, Karen, and Mark stands out as the highlight of that event.


I flew back to Houston on October 8 and drove back home to Louisiana the following day, glad to be back but very happy to have taken part in an historic event that I hope will help us expose the human rights violations that we suffer.
Read more…

9143028493?profile=originalI'm sorry ladies and gentlemen, but this is not facebook, twitter and is not a market and this is not even a toilet.



I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen, but this is not facebook, twitter and is not a market and this is not even a toilet.
This is peacepink:
Worldwide Campaign to stop the Abuse and Torture of Mind Control/DEWs 

What are you doing here?

You are a Victim or an Activist?

No !!!!!!! Why you are here ???

Silvio Berlusconi  looking  always  new girls "to try"  and also PUTIN and GEORGE BUSH !!!

Do you understund?

freelance marketing consultant ??

freelance marketing consultant ??

Fashion and modeling ? Berlusconi is happy. Let's go, he wait you !!!

Then you have to go in the community of Bush and Berlusconi to sell. This is not a market.
There are people who every day are tortured,

 here there are people who are suffering.
There are people here who are looking for solutions FFCHS. If you are here to sell hygiene products  , you've got it all wrong.You are cold, insensitive, aseptic, malicious and ignorants etc etc etc etc.
Out of here and go to facebook that is the community of the Masons, or go to hell !!!



I am sorry MS LARA, but this is not a pharmacy !!!



I am sorry MS ELLA, but this is not a pharmacy !!!

MS Rebecca

hello my dear, my name is miss rebecca, i saw your profile today and i picked interest in it, i will like to be your friend please don't keep silent, am really serious, contact me with my email ( so that i will give you my full detail and also give you my photo. once again don.t contact me on this, contact me to my email direct.

rebeccasimon621 as stella777 etc





Dearest One,I am Mr. John Williams . I have some thing important to discourse with you which will interest you. contact me strictly through this email address, for more details.Regards.J Williams.















Oh my God,damn, we are full of stars. There are more stars in peacepink, that in the sky (O_o) (-_-)


I have to make the moderator?

I want an answer: What are you doing here?

I want an answer: What are you doing here?

I want an answer: What are you doing here?


here are people being tortured. There are people here who are suffering.

You should be ashamed. "KIDDYS" !!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrr



You think that here on PEACEPINK, we are playing?

You watch this video below.
I want you to watch this video.
What do you see? Tell me what you see. You see how she suffers?


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Electronically gangstalked and voice to skull

Im believe I'm being electronically gangstalked

* I hear voices 24/7 in my home or out & about. I recently moved t out of state but still hear voices

* Niehbors stump and Im being followed by white vans

* Ex boyifriend knows everything Ive do in the privacy of my home also hear him having sex

* Frequent headaches, insomnia, lower abdominal vibrations

Ex- Boyfriend says he put a chip in my head.

* Set up on dates and friendships

* Chanting to make me kill myself

Please need help and answers

Thers alot more to this I will continue to write about

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