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The Need To Start Running Shit To Destroy All The Technology. People Want Implants You Fucking Stupid And Ass Hole Fucking Bust The Machine You Fucking Looser. If That Machine Gose Through Heads People Like You Cause The Problem You Fucking Idiot. Is This Not A TI Web Page You Dumb Fucking Asshole ? You Seen Enough Technology You Fucking Mutant. You Spose To Be A Fucking TI (Targeted Individuals) AssholeIs This Not A TI Web Page Peacepink ? I Realeased Enough Of Info To Ban Implants So Only A Stupid Mother Fucking Asshole Would Like More Of This Shit.

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treelaw45 TI

#1015 Audio Spotlight Orgered $ !,450 on Ebay New

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#1015 Audio spotlight ordered $1,450 on Ebay new

#1015 Audio spotlight ordered $1,450 on Ebay new

..............We are talking about V2K, hearing inside your head. Isuppose an audio spotlight is something like what you are talking about,directional ultra sound beams from transducers carrying sound like acarrier wave that is dispersed when it hits a solid object. I orderedone a couple of days ago for someone else and it should be in any daynow. We will see if it is effective to demonstrate directed energy,projecting sound through ultrasound. At least it is and example oftechnology most people are unaware of. We can point it at a sign aboutour cause and to someone walking by it will seem as if the sign issaying, "Hey you, read me", and the sound will be coming from the sign.<;-)

Peter Rosenholm
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第一、侦探、窃密及信息的获取。锁定后,目标人的个人物理活动尤其是心理活动之信息,能直接同步被功率强大的人体雷达遥感接收机魔法般远程予以接收。一个活人体是极佳的毫米波发射源,每人都有其特异波谱。遥感机能够使之载于无线电射频(地波)。因而在遥感锁定状态下,人体犹如一个“特殊频道电视发射台”,其可透视性躯体(人体如水晶灯透明发“光”,可见五脏六腑影廓)及至一言一行,所处几十米开外可视周围之动静变幻,其内现形式的何思何想(心语与想象图)以及梦幻过程,所能并耳闻与目睹(听觉视觉信息,耳朵好像话筒器,眼睛颇似摄像机)等,活灵活现的声像信息信号并载辐射,被已目标锁定之特混传感射频发射机和接收机“捕捉”并接收。它其实是一种先进的雷达遥感。接收机所接收的信号就是雷达回波。信号由遥感机电子微处理器处理后,可有选择地通过遥感机综合声像显示器收听收看,这样,监视目标,随时随地。而机密、情报、隐私和精神状况等很轻易得到。即如“你” (被偷窥者)看到了什么,偷窥者也能从视屏上看到,“可以直观地知道他想不想她!”等等。此项让天下人叫绝!无线电波犹像客运轮渡的渡轮,毫米波则似渡轮上的公共汽车,人体相关的光、音、电信号如同车上的人!

第二、 电磁波击,垂直杀伤。高科技下何止无隐私,这个它还能以多种电磁载波形式定向攻击不同位置的被遥感目标人!如次声波、超声波、较低频、低频、中频、高频、微波、红外线和紫外线等,具远程强穿透能力。它其实是特种雷达追踪,并对目标予以波击。而不同的频率、调制方式、功率强度在不同的组织器官产生不同的效率。瞄准视屏锁定目标实施,可准确地使其全身任何部位发热、疼痛、电伤,局部发痒、麻痹、颤动等,以致各个相应器官功能顿失,如饮食、呼吸之瞬时困难,可进而引发咳嗽、呕吐、泄泻、心悸、昏沉、情思绪乱和损伤性炎症等。持续打击可摧残摧毁目标(于耳、目、心脏和大脑等要害部位)。即如,用它能够重创几十公里,借用卫星(能够重创数百万公里)外置身于某一大楼内任何一个房间里的一个或多个目标,“看不见,摸不着,不知所以。”三更半夜用它,可神不知鬼不觉地将一个偌大村子睡着的人(事先锁定)遥以“加热或电击至脑失灵”。另外,可能基于人体毫米波辐射。它尚可实施遥感波击靠近于目标或者揽在其身上的人和物,如怀抱里的小孩,腰系的手机(电磁脉冲)等。此项真是出奇威猛!

第三、 误导、监控与压制。这在于进行系统操作。有以上两项,加之它还能以语音操纵目标人,如下列:



(三)它能让目标人误判声音方向、声音距离,即“你”所“听”到“邻居隔壁”的谈议声,可能是对“你”偷窥操纵者在十几公里借用卫星(可能是在数百万公里)外某处的模拟戏。此要明白,“你” 所接收到的并不是自然声波;


(五)行为控制技术。它有行为控制系统,依照配制系统。“偷窥操纵者”可以游戏一般的控制“你”,如:“头部转动”“操纵肢体”,“方向控制”,“ 生殖器操纵”。


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#1013a RETRACTION on shielded room about blocking V2K

In response to questions from a TI:
It might be that V2K can be generated by another energy source like scalar
waves or something other than microwaves, or that this particular
shielding is inadequate. Welded seams and not magnetic metals may be
required. The outside wall is galvanized steel. I was told originally
that this stopped V2K, I'm disappointed to write the retraction but that
is better than someone buying the room for protection and finding out
that it is ineffective.
This room is also the highest level of protection made by this company. The lower
level shielded rooms have just a grate above the waste so those inside
don't feel claustrophobic. There certainly could be better shielding
than this room as well.
For all I know
it probably has that warning label that, "this devise must accept all
interference", that is on many electronic devises. I'm not saying to
give up on the idea of shielding just that it has to be better than

Peter Rosenholm

--- On Mon, 11/22/10, Peter Rosenholm <> wrote:

From: Peter Rosenholm <>
Subject: [mcactivism] #1013 RETRACTION on shielded room about blocking V2K
To:, "macactivism" <>,,, "FFCHS Daily Harassment Log" <>,
Date: Monday, November 22, 2010, 5:14 PM

#1013 RETRACTION on shielded room about blocking V2K

I'm going to have to write a retraction on some of these pictures about blocking V2K. The
information I'm getting now is that these shielded rooms, "Do Not Block V2K". What they
supposedly do is block many of the other effects we experience. It does
block cell phones, etc(RF and Microwave). I would guess low level at
that. For example even if it blocks V2K via the microwave hearing effect
there is the higher powered MEDUSA.

I was told originally that they blocked V2K, but after pressing for
details found that that is not the case. It does add evidence now that
the V2K we experience today may be something other than microwave. These
rooms are also bolted together from what I have read this is not as
effective as a welded shielding or even shielding paint with no cracks.

I will be modifying the wording on these pictures soon.

Peter Rosenholm

Does this shielded room really protect you from this technology? from a TI

> #1012 Another billboard plus an Implant found

> Added to Images on my Flickr
site, Steve Wilson implant and another Wisconsin billboard put up by
> the father of a young man killed by police. Click link below to see

> images:


> Billboard put up in Wisconsin by father of young man killed by
police. I believe the issue other than the death was that Wisconsin is
the only state where police themselves judge if a crime has been
committed by

> police rather than the courts. The Father
did win his civil law suite. An unanticipated result was that an
officer alleged to have been involved in a cover-up committed suicide.
Another sad turn of events was that the officers involved were given a
> medal.

> Peter Rosenholm

In response to questions from a TI:
It might be that V2K can be generated by another energy source like scalar
waves or something other than microwaves, or that this particular
shielding is inadequate. Welded seams and not magnetic metals may be
required. The outside wall is galvanized steel. I was told originally
that this stopped V2K, I'm disappointed to write the retraction but that
is better than someone buying the room for protection and finding out
that it is ineffective.
This room is also the highest level of protection made by this company. The lower
level shielded rooms have just a grate above the waste so those inside
don't feel claustrophobic. There certainly could be better shielding
than this room as well.
For all I know
it probably has that warning label that, "this devise must accept all
interference", that is on many electronic devises. I'm not saying to
give up on the idea of shielding just that it has to be better than

Peter Rosenholm

--- On Mon, 11/22/10, Peter Rosenholm <> wrote:

From: Peter Rosenholm <>
Subject: [mcactivism] #1013 RETRACTION on shielded room about blocking V2K
To:, "macactivism" <>,,, "FFCHS Daily Harassment Log" <>,
Date: Monday, November 22, 2010, 5:14 PM

#1013 RETRACTION on shielded room about blocking V2K

I'm going to have to write a retraction on some of these pictures about blocking V2K. The
information I'm getting now is that these shielded rooms, "Do Not Block V2K". What they
supposedly do is block many of the other effects we experience. It does
block cell phones, etc(RF and Microwave). I would guess low level at
that. For example even if it blocks V2K via the microwave hearing effect
there is the higher powered MEDUSA.

I was told originally that they blocked V2K, but after pressing for
details found that that is not the case. It does add evidence now that
the V2K we experience today may be something other than microwave. These
rooms are also bolted together from what I have read this is not as
effective as a welded shielding or even shielding paint with no cracks.

I will be modifying the wording on these pictures soon.

Peter Rosenholm

Does this shielded room really protect you from this technology? from a TI

> #1012 Another billboard plus an Implant found

> Added to Images on my Flickr
site, Steve Wilson implant and another Wisconsin billboard put up by
> the father of a young man killed by police. Click link below to see

> images:


> Billboard put up in Wisconsin by father of young man killed by
police. I believe the issue other than the death was that Wisconsin is
the only state where police themselves judge if a crime has been
committed by

> police rather than the courts. The Father
did win his civil law suite. An unanticipated result was that an
officer alleged to have been involved in a cover-up committed suicide.
Another sad turn of events was that the officers involved were given a
> medal.

> Peter Rosenholm
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Dictator of my mind

TheDictator of my MindMind ControlWhether you may or may not believe inMind Control and technology being the main source of it to dominateand control populations in the world, these things are very real andare not science fiction. Every notice cell phone towers everywhere? Imean, in almost every town or city, there is one close by. Maybe youhaven’t because you are oblivious to it and living your daily life,but it is a good thing to not only be aware of your surroundings, butto be aware of your thinking patterns. What am I exactly implyinghere? Ever hear someone say that they didn’t know the lyrics tothis song that they were thinking about? Or how about this; do youhave random songs jamming in your mind and you go along with it? Orare the songs in your mind torturing you and you want it to stop?Maybe you have a mental disease and that’s why you can’t controlit, but a little medicine and an evaluation should do thetrick…right? Or is it even you doing it to begin with since youcan’t control it? Ask someone without making it known what yourintentions are, and see if they’ll agree with you and admit theyhave songs playing in their head. Then ask them if they can controlit at any given time, such as not thinking about it when they feellike it. If they can’t, then they must have a mental disease, sincea mental disease is something uncontrollable and is imbalanced,right? I guess all people are mentally unstable if they have anuncontrollable song playing in their mind? Did you know that cellphone towers are being hidden in different states, especiallyCalifornia, so they can blend in with the environment? Why is that?Are cell phone towers used for Mind Control, or are they used forwhat they say they are used for…cell phone coverage? I mean, thathas to be it since they are being erected up everywhere so they canprovide coverage for people in every city, town, and even in theoutskirts. What if they are not only being used for that purpose?What if they are controlling people’s thoughts? If you haven’tnoticed, take a closer look at all this technology being developed.It seems like almost every other day something new is coming out inthe market that’s so advanced, sleek, and well designed. So, ifthese devices are being created, why wouldn’t it be possible forElectromagnetic Mind Control to be developed? You must have heardabout mind control somewhere? Mind control in other countries?Dictators? Adolph Hitler?Did you know that inSouth Korea, it has a living gallery? The pictures actually makeconversations to you. You can ask it a question and it will give youan answer! Wow, that’s some fancy piece of equipment. Ever look upin the sky and see random planes flying all over the place? Thosemust be test pilots flying around or maybe there’s some kind of airshow practice? Wait, if that’s so…then why is there some kind oftrail coming off the back of them? Oh, that’s just contrail. Youknow, contrail…moisture being left behind because of the altitudeof the air. Wait a minute? Doesn’t contrails disperse after a fewseconds? So why in the world are these trails still in the sky afterhours end? Chemtrails or chemical trails are being sprayed in theatmosphere. Oh, it’s the protect the ozone layer from becomingworse…maybe it is or maybe it’s part of the mind control agenda?The whole ozone layer is a big lie anyways, because the hole hasopened up and nothing has happened. Scientists say there will beanother ice age, no wait! Global warming! No, another ice age, noyour wrong, global warming! Yeah, that’s it…global warming (wink,wink). Okay, moving on to the reason why psychiatrists wereintroduced. If you are having mental problems, what is the firstthing someone may say to you to help you find the solution so you candeal with it? “Maybe you should see a professional who deals withthat kind of stuff so they can help find the right medicine for you.”Ok, so now you end up seeing a psychiatrist and he/she evaluates youby asking questions and referring to their owner’s manual, Howto treat the unstable. By this manual, theymake assumptions on what the problem/s could be and ask for a releaseforum to acquire any medical records and your past history, so theycan verify if you have had signs of a mental disease or have at onetime been diagnosed. I was joking about the manual, but they do go bytheir education and training to make educational assumptions andsuggestions for you. Would anyone listen to someone who isschizophrenic, bi-polar, depressed, or mentally ill when it came toexplaining why he or she believes they have this disease? They wouldprobably listen but not agree since the metal patient doesn’t havea professional education on mental disease. How many psychiatristsactually have had bi-polar or depression? Not the, I got the bluesfor a few days each month depression. I’m talking about the severeI’m a pathetic and worthless human being and I just want to diedepression. I believe a big number of psychiatrists have never feltthis kind of depression. It’s all a trick when you go to apsychiatrist. Once you are labeled, anything you say is disregarded.“He has bi-polar, so he’s coo-coo in the mind. This guy doesn’tknow what he’s talking about.” They give the hamster wheel signalby their head towards the mental patient.Patient:So Mr. or Mrs. Psychiatrist, I have a constant song being played inmy mind and it wont stop. Can you help me? Psychiatrist:Sure I can, all I have to do is find the right medicine that willhelp treat your mental disease. Patient:Mental disease!You could be psychotic or have a formof it, as a psychiatrist would say. What is the first thing you thinkof when you hear the word Psychotic? A crazy unemotional human beingor a Psychopath ready to kill somebody; Psycho the movie…dun dundun dun, and then the murder in the shower scene. At least I used towhen I heard it (probably still would) because of the media,television, radio, movies, and music. Am I Psychotic? Maybe I am,maybe not. I feel I am desensitized with my emotions at times becauseof these electromagnetic mind-controlling devices attacking meconstantly. But, I worry a lot and care too much of what people thinkabout me. Psychopaths don’t have any emotions or a conscioustowards someone. I must be a sociopath!A sociopath isa person who has antisocial personality disorder. Theterm sociopath isno longer used to describe this disorder. The sociopath isnow described as someone with antisocial personality disorder.The main characteristicof a sociopath isa disregard for the rights of others. Sociopaths are also unable toconform to what society defines as a normal personality. Antisocialtendencies are a big part of the sociopath’spersonality. This pattern usually comes into evidence around the ageof 15. If it is not treated, it can develop into adulthood.Visible symptoms includephysical aggression andthe inability to hold down a steady job. The sociopath alsofinds it hard to sustain relationships and shows a lack of regret inhis or her actions. A major personality behavior trait is theviolation of the rights of others. This can appear as a disregard forthe physical or sexual well being of another.Although these symptomsare all present, they may not always be evident. Research has shownthat the sociopath isusually a person with an abundance of charm and wit. He or she mayappear friendly and considerate, but these attributes are usuallysuperficial. They are used as a way of blinding the other person tothe personal agenda behind the sociopath’sbehavior.Many people withantisocial personality disorder frequently indulge in alcohol or druguse. They may use these substances heavily as a way of heighteningtheir antisocial personality. The sociopath sometimessees the world on his or her own terms, as a place of high drama andrisky thrills. The sociopath maysuffer from low self esteem, and the use of alcohol and drugs is away to diminish these feelings.The causes of antisocialpersonality disorder are thought to be either genetic orenvironmental. Children who are influenced by antisocial parents mayadopt these tendencies. Similarly, role models such as one's friendsor peer group may also influence the behaviour pattern ofa sociopath.Antisocial behaviour is more likely to occur in men than in women.About 1% of women have this disorder, while 3% of men are affected byit.It is very rare for aperson with antisocial personality disorder to seek help of their ownaccord. Treatment for antisocial personality disorder is usuallythrough group psychotherapy.Sociopaths often find it helpful to talk through and recognize theirproblems with people they can trust. In a number of cases, this typeof personality disorder tends to diminish from the age of 30 onwards.
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#1012 Another billboard plus an Implant found

#1012 Another billboard plus an Implant found

Added to Images on my Flickr site, Steve Wilson implant and another Wisconsin billboard put up by the father of a young man killed by police. Click link below to see images:

Billboard put up in Wisconsin by father of young man killed by police. I believe the issue other than the death was that Wisconsin is the only state where police themselves judge if a crime has been committed by police rather than the courts. The Father did win his civil law suite. An unanticipated result was that an officer alleged to have been involved in a cover-up committed suicide. Another sad turn of events was that the officers involved were given a medal.

Peter Rosenholm
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Scarf anchoring at the church yesterday

I have seen perps doing gaslighting and anchoring inside of the Catholic
building in Aarau, Switzerland. But I was not sure how far the people
attending Catholic church nor the people involve with the church engage
in gang stalking. In the street, I see people doing anchoring with logos
and such. Sometimes, I frequently see Franciscan and other sisters on
street and they often showed up in a specific intersection where I often
saw people visiting the church. But I can say that would be a
coincidence as not the same person showing up in the area to pass me in
random time. It only happened once in a while.

Yesterday, I haddinner with church people. We were 6 people seated at the table. First
another woman sat left side of me. But the woman in the below picture
came, another woman moved to another chair. I don't know why this
particular woman wanted to sit next to me. She sat next to me last time.
At that time, she asked me to get some potion from my dish. Today, she
came with a long scarf hanged on her left shoulder. She has problem with
her left hand and cannot use it during the meal. When I saw her scarf, I
thought as if it was mine. I have one scarf which I bought before I
travel to Egypt just in case I might be harassed for not covering my
head. I heard that was a possibility of harassment in Arabic countries. I
bought mine in Hungary, and that's a different type than what shops
sell in Egypt. I've never seen the similar type like I have.

So,she sat next to me. When the meal came, she again demanded to take some
potion of my food from my dish as soon as the cock brought it to the
table. I wanted to take a picture of the dish, but she could not resist
eating the potion and tried to take it with her own (used) folk. She was
eating her dish. I hurried to ask her to wait and helped her to put
some potion in her salad plate with my new folk which I did not use yet
for eating. People here in Egypt may have not concern table manners, and
they seem not to care about using same folk or taking some potion out
of another's folk by one's own folk. That she tried to do and I was
successfully just leave some food potion on her plate without her
putting her folk onto my plate nor my folk.

Here is the pictureof her scarf. When I tried to take the picture with others, she tried to
move to somewhere. I asked her to stay for a short period of time. Then
she left the group. I saw her taking off the scarf from her shoulder
and sat down for a while in another table. Then she completely gone. She
was the only one just left from the table. I don't know if that has
relation to her scarf or not. I wonder where in Cairo sells such scarf

And this is the scarf I bought from Hungary. Same color and very similar decoration with same color.

If the perps are encouraged to harass me as a suspicion of me as aMuslim, they could do more extreme harassment on Muslims as they are way
many here in Egypt. I was often asked about if I visited a mosque or
not and a taxi tried to drop me in front of a mosque claiming that was
where I asked. Muslims are encouraging TIs to get suspicion to be
Muslims. They seems crazier than Christians doing so. Either case, I
think anyone engage in the gang stalking are violating their religion.
But I like the idea Muslims and Christians encouraging TIs to be
Muslims, as that only denounces Islamic religion and its values. Let
police and police officers denounce Islams here in Egypt through the
help of FBI tactics.

By the way, I have seem people actingstrange in Pizza King in Talat Harib Mall. They were contacted with 2
young men stood outside and one of them asked to work in the kitchen to
cut pizza and walking around there. Later, the fat employee with glasses
and shirt got something in his trouser pocket by the man. I guess
police informants are working as gang stalkers in Egypt. No wonder the
activist was killed in an Internet Cafe in Alexandria in June this year.
I got more information on which store/restaurant help them for the
psyop and how they are working on it.
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I Caught 2 Perps Today Next To A Store And They Were Trying To Make Some One Buy Them Food And Sum Stuff In A Store. I Witnessed A Guy That Had Place The Food On The Counter Then He Had Left It. A Bit Of Stuff Was Spose To Be Bought. Looked Like He Had Bought One Thing And Left. There Were Others In The Stort The Girl ANd Guy Outsode I noticed Looking At Me i Went Twards A Wendies And Then Turned Around To Go Home I Watched A Hand Off They Were Waiting For Somone. Then I Seen Them Leave. The Girl Tracked Me Home Through The Implant I Watched Her Do It. She Is One Of The Loosers That Was Connected To Me. There Trying To Connect Throught My Wifes Implant And Mine Useing 2 Implants To Hide The Connection.
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I tried to Add a comment to president, it is not going through, from peacepink, kindly suggest me if there is any other possibilities.

Dear Mr. President,
My name is vincent george I am indian by birth, I am a engineer by proffesion, I am married and have a 14 year old son, I lived in the U.S during the year 1997-98, during my tenure in the U.S i became a victim of biochip implant and direct energy weapons, I came to India in 1998 and I am still suffering from this torture, I am sure your government knows about this illegal activity in your country, i was also given to understand that it is a government sponsered research happening on innocent people and FBI and CIA are also involoved in such crimes, they spoiled my whole life I am now 46 years old and still suffering from this torture for the past 14 years, why is that your government not taking any steps to curb such illegal crimes, we have a lot of respect for your country and your people, we expect the same from your government and your people. We request you ta take some immediate steps to curb this illegal activities.

Thanks and Regards

Vincent George

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Hi all,

Just to share with you my observations and also appreciate your comments for the benefit of everyone.

I experience DEW or microwave attack (I don't know if there is any difference, appreciate your comments on this too) in early July 2010.

The perps disguised it so well by pretending it was some drug or chemical that was used to attack me when I was outside. The perps would try to attract my attention and cover their nose and mouths with a piece of cloth.

Then in September 2010, I started experiencing the attack at home, mostly during sleep at night.

I have an ozonator that is used for vegetable washing.

I put it in my room because I thought it was drug or chemical attack, then I can use the ozonator to neutralize it. But the ozonator has limited operating time which is only 15 mins, and not good for lungs.

I tried it during the DEW or microwave attack, I somehow felt the attack became mild with ozonator on.

Once its off at set timer, the microwave attack turned severe again.

I have a unit of air purifier in my room which is emitting negative ions round the clock.

This unit, I believe has been tampered because it doesn't smell like its emitting negative ions like before.

There's is another unit of same air purifier in the living room, which is still working. Strange, isn't it ?

O3, the ozone, is negatively charged and should oxidized anything that comes into contact.

Is it possible that it can also interfere with the microwave ?

Appreciate feedback.

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#1011 Billboard going up in Wisconsin targeted

#1011 Billboard going up in Wisconsin targeted

The Billboard is going up.
These billboards can vary and
probably should but one thing to consider is that this huge 14' by 48' vinyl is
reusable. The cost was a little over $4,000.00, half of that was for
the vinyl and the other half was for displaying it for one month. So if
it is moved and reused it will be half the price at $2000. It may be
possible to add writing to this but I'm not
This started with Ken initially putting
advertisement on his truck. Here is a link to a shielded room and these
vehicle decal advertisements..... Added now is the Billboard:

TI's from Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin met
to discuss his Idea and come up with a few design ideas and donations.
Ken has put up the majority of the financing. Donations would help keep this going with
the hope of moving this from state to state. It is
also hoped that this
$4,000.00 investment can be turned
into a million dollar one if the news media picks this up.
so you know in Wisconsin the father of a young man who was shot by
police had already put up a billboard simply showing a gun pointed at
you and saying, "Should police be allowed to judge themselves", and
below, "Brought to you by the family of Michael Bell", with their
website The billboard consisted of a gray
background with black lettering. The issue was I believe that Wisconsin
is the last state where the police judge themselves in criminal cases
not the court system. The father did win a civil law suit. The
unfortunate part was that along with the son dying an officer who was
involved in a possible cover-up committed suicide.
It created a big stir
and there were news conferences. This is the goal of Ken and the other
TIs who have worked on this project, to bring attention to the plight of
all of us.
The web site on the sign is, "". Jeremy stated that he has beefed up his web site and is ready
for the possible increase in traffic.
It may well be one day that
we can have a phone manned 24/7 like other crisis centers. The
government is a many headed beast they may even fund it if enough
attention is brought to what is happening to us.
We still need
donations so this can keep going. It
isn't who gets the recognition it is a matter of bringing public
awareness to our situation and ending

Peter Rosenholm
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I´m a female victim since feb.2010, living in Sweden. Having TI´s in such a small and non political country is making me think about all the discussions and theories I´ve been reading about, the possible involvment by NSA, CIA.... There is a Brain Science Institute in Sweden that right now, in this moment , is trying hard to acomplish the perfect artificial intelligence, the super intelligence in an artificial brain. Of course there is only lab´s done on rats and FMRI`s studies according to their reports, I yet have a big problem in believing that they can get the reliable results from rats?? Or from in-lab-FMRI studies, and NOT from people in real life thinking and acting in their normal inviorment... They are working together with a lot of companies in the US and other countries. Take a look at the webside, it´s in english.

I also would like to ask if there is someone else on this comunity that is living in Sweden and is a TI?

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Audit of the United States Marshals Service's Oversight of its Judicial Facilities Security Program
U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General regarding the U. S. Marshals Service (USMS). This page has recently been updated with a link to the following report:

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U.S. Department of Justice · 950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW · Washington, DC 20530 · 202-514-2000

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U.S. Department of Justice. This information has recently been updated with the following:

California UBS Client Charged with Hiding Assets in Secret Swiss Bank Account
Thu, 18 Nov 2010 17:13:51 -0600

Jeffrey Chatfield of San Diego pleaded guilty before U.S. Magistrate Judge Nita Stormes to a criminal information charging him with filing a false tax return related to a Swiss bank account that he maintained at UBS.

Operator of Miami HIV Clinic Sentenced to 57 Months in Prison for Role in Medicare Fraud Ring
Thu, 18 Nov 2010 17:11:18 -0600

Jose Garcia, 55, was sentenced today in U.S. District Court in Miami to 57 months in prison for his participation in a Medicare fraud scheme involving a Miami-area HIV clinic.

U.S. Department of Justice · 950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW · Washington, DC 20530 · 202-514-2000

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Description #1 of Ron Price's Blog

My literary activity on the world-wide-web is a personal and quite industrious enterprize. When I can find the time, I am engaged in creating across this global internet a tapestry or a jig-saw puzzle of poetry and prose. At this site, readers will find one of my many internet blogs. Site administrators and moderators have different ways in which they allow writers like myself to place their series of posts. Often, at least at some sites, a writer or author, an editor or publisher, a journalist or independent scholar---roles which I have taken on in the evening of my life---engages with others and the responses to his or her posts by others are included, responses that these site organizers have decided are worthy of being included among the threads of discourse. There is no mechanism for others to reply directly on my website, at least not yet, but should anyone want to do so, they can reply to what I have written on my website within the context of literally 1000s of internet sites.

My series of posts at any one site, posts in addition to my website, are just one of the many parts of my internet tapestry, my immense jig-saw puzzle, of prose and poetry which I refer to above. Sometimes the series of posts at some site becomes lengthy and sometimes it remains brief. Like pieces of cloth or pieces of that jig-saw puzzle, the size, the shape and the length remain a bit of a mystery until some of my story and its interaction with others is told, until time takes its course across life’s path and across the threads that are part of the particular internet site in question.

My website has 42 sub-sections of prose and poetry on topics of personal interest, with nothing for sale and with no aggressive proselytism for one or more of the umpteen causes now proliferating across the planet. There are now some 450,000 words, the equivalent of six books, which readers can get ‘into’ if they so desire.

This literary creation, this literary industry, has been created in the early evening of my life, in the last years of my middle age(56-59) and the first years of my late adulthood(60-66), by this retired teacher and lecturer, tutor and adult educator, now journalist and independent scholar, who became 66 in July 2010. He attempts to endow many a theme from the social sciences and humanities, from spiritual and secular subjects, with many layers of meaning. He tries to combine a high seriousness with a light and humorous style when appropriate and when he is able—for there is more to life than interaction in cyberspace. This literary goal, though, is difficult to achieve. It has been a slowly evolving literary ambition since: (a) settling into Australian society in the 1970s after moving from Canada where I was born in 1944, (b) marrying for a second time in 1975 and (c) raising three children who in 2010 were: 43, 40 and 33 years old.

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One Thing People Overlooked About Nanotech Is That It's From A Plain It Sprays Ever Thing They Forgo The Animales Already Have Nanotech They Already Inhaled The Spray The Trillions Of Animales Are Already Chipped Already Nanotech Is Allowing Other Spicies To Be Chipped. If You Think Of If It They Have A Brain And It's Happened. People May Think It's Crazy But People Are Implanted Already.

People Have Been Reporting There Dogs Have Morgellons Already It's Raly Nanotech Other Animales Do Also.

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to all veterans and future veterans of the psychic wars or READ THIS IF YOU WANT TO LIVE

  • Posted by steve ahmann on November 20, 2010 at 12:30am
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1) Get into the now. watch their talking go in one ear and out the other and stay in the present moment. Let their conversation just flow through your mind and you stay in the present moment letting what they say not stick with you but glide in front of you as a neutral observer. Stay In the now as much as possible. it will give your mind some much needed rest.

Be Here Now; "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." Matthew 6:34; "The Master gives himself up to whatever the moment brings. " Tao Te Ching chapter 50; (Brunton to Raman Maharshi) "Will Mahara-ji express an opinion about the future of the world, as we are living in critical times? M: Why do you trouble yourself about the future? You do not even properly know about the present. Take care of the present, the future will take care of itself."-Osborne;

mentally this can be very powerful as you sail through their comments, jeers, etc. Glide through them let them go in through one ear and out the next. watch them as an neutral observer. keep this up as long as possible. It will give your mind much needed rest.

2) Learn 'the witness'

this is powerful. the witness is a karma yoga technique that is extremely effective against almost all their attacks. I learned of the witness is Ram Dass's Be Here Now. This puts you as the observer 'witnessing' yourself being assaulted this way. now you are no longer being assaulted, you are a neutral party watching the assaults occur. I, hesitantly, inform you that the witness can also be used to perform powerful magics upon yourself that are going to be necessary for the upcoming events. master the witness and you will be led to the next step.

3) Learn self-hypnosis and hypnosis. The Hypnotists Handbook by Cooke and Vogt gives detailed instructions in how to hypnotize yourself and also does an excellent job of explaining the psychology behind hypnotizing people against their will. They are using mind control on only seems fair that we use mind control on them. :) Prepare yourself spiritually so that your ego does not get in the way of a higher purpose that we are called to perform. you can hypnotize yourself to ignore pain, ignore temperature ( coupled with the witness you can walk on coals of fire like sadhus in India), have boosted strength, endurance, agility, give yourself keyword commands that when said reminds, relaxes, or boosts you abilities.

4) Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand

this is much more important than most think. If you have past issues and enemies it is time to fix those issues. You dont just repent to God you do your best to make things right with old mistakes. This will clear your conscience and you will not be afraid to come out into the open and light.

Luke 17:3,4 Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him, and if he repent, forgive him./ and if he trespass against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to the saying, I repent: thou shalt forgive him."; "Once a teacher has arrived, one should confess any former violations or breaches of the commitments, if any; and make amends for any transgressions or downfalls previously committed." Tibetan Book of the Dead from the Actual Application of Consciousness Transference at the Time of Death; "If some day it be given to you to pass into the inner temple, you must leave no enemies behind"-de Lubicz; "But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die." Ezekiel 18:21; "not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." Matthew 7:21

5) Study Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss. Very solid book on herbs and natural is an encyclopedia of knowledge that you should be familiar with. i have cured many personal ailments with its help. Valerian Tea I mentioned in my video is extremely useful to TIs for sleeplessness, panic attacks, and taking the edge off. I also have read several wilderness survival books as well as first aid.

it is my belief that they are doing this in the hopes that they can drive you to some act of violence so they can justify the continued expansion of their powers to the public. Manufacturing terrorsts/Manchurian candidate/patsy. if ...that does not work they try to drive you insane so you cannot talk about it, brainwashed, or suicide. if You can hold on and not fall for any of this you should be ok. I know this sounds nuts...but just try to live life as usual. I have a blog of different techniques I used to help me through it. I need to update this blog on peacepink.

Psychological operations that are effective against them I have come up with are added to the comments here:

psychological operation #!. "thank' lower levels. The lower levels dont always know what the uppers are doing. You can create suspicion in their ranks by making it appear as if you are secretly friends with them in front of their fellow lower level perps.  Be smart, be creative.  Play it safe.


Psychological operation #2 learn hypnotism and use it on them. (and yourself too) they use mind control on is only fair that I use mind control on them. I recommend 'the hypnotists handbook' by cooke and is older and gives the psychology behind hypnotizing someone against their will.

Psychological operation number #3. video stings. If you are fortunate enough to be near other TIs video 'sting' operations. Up until passed this around I could not go anywhere without provoking perps hassling me numerous times. Many people are group stalked so bad that if I were to secretly follow them i could get tons of evidence that the cops would have a harder time ignoring.  Be sneaky with the cam.  I like spy cams myself.

Most important that you film everything.  it is easy enough to just walk down the street with a cam pointed in front of you.  This will stop a lot of their shit.

It helps a lot to get a good, loud mp3 player with your favorite music and listen to that when you go out.  The loud music prevents you from hearing the rude or bizarre comments from strangers (and friends alike).  This does nothing for v2k though.  But you will see that your v2k sometimes is the culprit and not the person in front of you.  The v2k will make a comment and you can see that it is did not actually come from the person in front of you.  They do this to keep you isolated.  Not having to listen to their street theatre helps.  My v2k (or whatever those voices come from) tried to make it hard on me when I first started this to stop me from doing this.  Stick with it is all I can say.

Dont live in the human world all the time.  Live in the plant world or the bird world.  Learn Transcendental Meditation.  Dont be attached to other humans at cannot be a target and be codependent.

Get in the best shape you can.  Workout.

Buy a cheap alarm that is not hooked up to the grid that runs off batteries.  and put that in all your doors and windows.  This will stop the breakins...or at least slow them down some.  DOnt make it easy on them.  Making them have to work to harrass you DOES help.

Try to create a paper trail every chance you get.  If a cop doesn't do something, always go over his head.  same with store managers that participate in this.  Catch them doing something and then call corporate headquarters.  It will slow them down some..even if they are all involved.  Fill out surveys on bisinesses that perp you giving them low ratings and reviews.  Do everything you can to make their life miserable.  This slows them down a lot.........

If you see a perp behaving in a way that could be reported as 'suspicious behavior' all means, report it TO THE NONEMERGENCY POLICE LINE (311 for United States) HOWEVER...leave out the targeted or stalking anything like that.  Treat it like an isolated incedent....just report for example "i saw this man who does not live in the area running when i walked outside." Do you follow me?  leave a note if you dont cause this will help alot.  Dont give the cops a lot of crazy talk...that is what they are hoping for.  Just report suspicious activity...but be smart and a good actor about it.  It is especially good when a perpp actually breaks the law.  Use your head.

Keep a note of everything.  i have tons of notebooks full of events and this does not even come close to all the things that have happened...take  apen and paper (or something) to record events (plates, etc....) with you whereever you go.

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