" target="_blank">https://www.bitchute.com/video/XVKecLhUPX6h/
Of (396)
The Weapons of Subjugation are being introduced inside our brains and bodies by means of vaccination as well as by means of inhalation and ingestion. Please watch linked video for further information.
We must urgently have all infrastructure which enables wireless mind and body enslavement disassembled and banned.
My website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net. ; I am being wirelessly tortured and data is being stolen from my brain and body on a continual basis under the wireless internet of bodies capabilities.
Eu realmente acredito que TIs podem estar em risco iminente e têm que se preservar e ter cuidado com suas ações, escritos e conteúdos solicitados em meu país e ao redor do mundo. No Brasil você ouve falar disso e há publicações temendo mudanças drásticas em torno da pandemia, vírus e suas mutações:
1 - Nova Constituição Federal;
2 - Estado de defesa;
3 - Estado de sítio.
Pela legislação, os estados seriam promulgados em tempos de guerra, portanto, a hermenêutica interpretativa do avanço viral no Brasil é considerada o “estado de guerra” que justificaria mudanças radicais no comportamento governamental e militarista no contexto atual. Mas, não existem certezas, provas. Gostaria que você prestasse atenção na "linguagem figurativa" das ações em torno do vírus corona, covid 19, existem outras interpretações que estão dando origem a ações que eu acredito, risco para a causa dos TIs e daqueles que sofrem com os direitos humanos violações. Preocupo-me com a origem do covid em ter ocorrido na China, pois os alvos individuais têm grande liderança na Ásia e na China. Descobri em pesquisas que soldados chineses estão invadindo edifícios e com os infectados, tirando pessoas que são contra as ações do governo, essa realidade é descrita em um vídeo, e eu tive que transcrever o vídeo do chinês para o português para entender o que estava acontecendo no vídeo, eu mesma compartilhei e publiquei uma transcrição em português no Brasil. Se eles estão se aproveitando de cobiça para se livrar de "pessoas inconvenientes" politicamente, acredite, eles podem aproveitar a pandemia para se livrar dos alvos individuais que incomodam ou se livram de um problema, porque somos a prova viva de humanos violações de direitos em todo o mundo. Serei mais claro com vocês, colegas, exemplificando. No Brasil existem vários estados. Ilustrarei com dois estados, o 1º Rio de Janeiro e o 2º estado do Amazonas, um forte CONTRASTE em torno da realidade e versões sobre a pandemia e possibilidades de infecção-contaminação.
Veja como os TIs podem incorrer em riscos e impedimentos na aplicação do Estado de Defesa e do Estado de Sítio se entrar em vigor, mesmo sendo pessoas honestas e decentes, muitos TIs fazem publicações denotando descontentamento com as políticas governamentais,
Se vier o Estado de Defesa em vigor em nome da guerra gerada pela pandemia, recusa da população em vão, movimentos políticos contrários ao Governo, ou confrontos entre Governo e Senado, ou motivados por qualquer motivo e se o Estado de Defesa não for eficiente , resultados State of Siege.
Tanto o Estado de Defesa como o Site são violadores motivadores e justificáveis da Constituição Federal de forma “legalizada” e todos os Direitos Fundamentais do cidadão como idas e vindas, liberdade de imprensa, expressão, liberdade de reunião estarão comprometidos.
Mesmo na hora de publicar publicações nos Canyons, grupos e redes sociais podem fazer com que cidadãos sejam apreendidos, TIs ou não, mesmo que estejam agindo de boa fé, pois nesses contextos as interpretações dos militares podem acontecer em outro nível.
Sou um patriota e gosto do nosso atual Presidente Jair Messias Bolsonaro, sempre mantive contatos nas redes sociais com as Forças Armadas, sou um profundo admirador e seguidor, mas eles têm um Código Militar que, se comprovado, é uma situação de guerra ou equivalente devido a características diferentes no pedido pode mudar.
Art. 139. Durante o estado de sítio decretado com base no art. 137, I, apenas as seguintes medidas podem ser tomadas contra pessoas:
I - obrigação de permanência em local determinado;
II - detenção em prédio não destinado aos acusados ou condenados por crimes comuns;
III - restrições à inviolabilidade da correspondência, ao sigilo das comunicações, à prestação de informações e à liberdade de imprensa, radiodifusão e televisão, nos termos da lei;
IV - suspensão da liberdade de reunião;
V - busca e apreensão em domicílio;
VI - intervenção em empresas de serviço público;
VII - requisição de bens.
Parágrafo único. Não se enquadra nas restrições do inciso III a divulgação de declarações de parlamentares proferidas em suas Casas Legislativas, desde que divulgadas pela respectiva Mesa.
Arte. 141. Cessado o estado de defesa ou o estado de sítio, cessarão também os seus efeitos, sem prejuízo da responsabilidade pelos atos ilícitos cometidos pelos seus executores ou agentes.
Parágrafo único. Tão logo cesse o estado de defesa ou o estado de sítio, as medidas aplicadas serão comunicadas pelo Presidente da República, em mensagem ao Congresso Nacional, com especificação e justificativa das medidas adotadas, com lista nominal das pessoas afetadas e uma indicação das restrições aplicadas. ”.
As consequências serão essencialmente políticas, podendo ou não abranger crimes de responsabilidade, já aqui tratados, e “impeachment”, para além das penas.
EM PORTUGUÊS: Eu realmente acredito que TIs pode estar em risco eminente e ter que se preservar e ter cuidado com seus ações, escritos e conteúdos peticionados em meu país e em todo o mundo. No Brasil ouve-se falar e existem publicações temendo mudanças severas em torno da pandemia, vírus e suas mutações:
1 - Nova Constituição Federal;
2 - Estado de Defesa;
3 - Estado de Sítio.
Por legislações são estados decretados em tempo de guerra, portanto, uma interpretativa hermenêutica do avanço virótico no Brasil é considerado o "estado de guerra" que justificaria muda radicais no comportamento governamental e militarista no contexto atual. Mas, não existem certezas, comprovações. Gostaria de que atentassem para uma "linguagem figurada" das ações em torno do vírus corona, covid 19, existem outras interpretações que estão originando ações que acredito, risco para a causa dos TIs e dos que protegidas violações dos Direitos Humanos. Me preocupo com a origem do covid in ter ocorrido na China, porque "obrigada a alvos" tem grandes lideranças na Ásia e na China. Verifici em pesquisas que soldados chineses estão invadindo prédios e junto aos infectados, removendo pessoas contrárias às atuações do governo, esta realidade está correta em vídeo, e que transcrever o vídeo do chinês para português para entender o que estava ocorrendo no vídeo, eu o compartilhei e publicamente transcrição em português no Brasil. Se estão aproveitando o covid para se livrar de "pessoas incovenientes" politicamente, creiam, podem se aproveitar da pandemia para se livrarem dos indivíduos que incomodam ou se livrarem de um problema, porque somos provas vivas de violações dos Direitos Humanos em todo o mundo. Vou ser mais clara com vocês, colegas, exemplificando. Nenhum Brasil existem vários estados. Vou ilustrar com dois estados, o 1º Rio de Janeiro, e o 2º estado do Amazonas, CONTRASTE gritante em torno da realidade e versões sobre a pandemia e possibilidades de infecto-contaminação. Vou postar,
Veja como TIs podem incorrer em riscos e impedimentos na aplicação de Estado de Defesa e Estado de Sítio se entrar em vigor, mesmo sendo pessoas honestas e decentes, muitos TIs fazem publicações denotando descontentamento com políticas governamentais,
Se entrar em vigor Estado de Defesa em nome da guerra gerada pela pandemia, população recusando vaicinação, movimentos políticos contrário ao governo, ou confrontos entre Governo e Senado, ou motivado seja por qual motivo para, e se o Estado de Defesa não for eficiente, resulta Estado de Sítio.
Ambos, Estado de Defesa e de Sítio são motivadores e justificáveis violadores da Constituição Federal de maneira "legalizada" e todos os Direitos Fundamentais do cidadão como o de ir e vir, liberdade de imprensa, expressão, liberdade para reuniões serão comprometidos.
Até mesmo nas realizações de publicações nas canias, grupos e redes sociais podem fazer com que os cidadãos possam ser apreendidos, TIs ou não, mesmo que agindo de boa fé, porque dentro destes contextos, como interpretações pelos militares podem acontecer num outro nível.
Sou patriota e gosto do nosso atual Presidente Jair Messias Bolsonaro, sempre mantive contatos em redes sociais com Forças Armadas, sou profunda admiradora e seguidora, mas eles tem um Código Militar que se, provado para, situação de guerra ou equivalente por características diversas a ordem nacional pode mudar.
Arte. 139. Na vigência do estado de sítio decretado com fundamento no art. 137, I, só será nomeado contra as pessoas as seguintes medidas:
I - obrigação de permanência em localidade fornecida;
II - detenção em edifício não destinado a acusados ou condenados por crimes comuns;
III - restrições relativas à inviolabilidade da correspondência, ao sigilo das comunicações, à prestação de informações e à liberdade de imprensa, radiodifusão e televisão, na forma da lei;
IV - suspensão da liberdade de reunião;
V - busca e apreensão em domicílio;
VI - intervenção nas empresas de serviços públicos;
VII - requisição de bens.
Parágrafo único. Não se inclui nas restrições do inciso III a difusão de pronunciamentos de parlamentares efetuados em suas Casas Legislativas, desde que liberada pela processamento Mesa.
Arte. 141. Cessado o estado de defesa ou o estado de sítio, cessarão também seus efeitos, sem prejuízo da responsabilidade pelos ilícitos cometidos por seus executores ou agentes.
Parágrafo único. Logo que cesse o estado de defesa ou estado de sítio, as medidas aplicadas em sua vigência serão relatadas pelo Presidente da República, em mensagem ao Congresso Nacional, com especificação e justificação das providências adotadas, em relação aos afetados nominais e indicação das restrições aplicadas ”.
As consequências serão essencialmente políticas e abertas ou não crimes de responsabilidade, aqui já tratada e “impeachment”, além das penais.
ESPANHO L: Realmente creo que los TI pueden estar en riesgo inminente y deben preservarse y ser cuidadosos con sus acciones, escritos y contenido solicitados en mi país y en todo el mundo. No Brasil, uno se entera y hay publicaciones que temen cambios drásticos en torno a la pandemia, los virus y sus mutaciones:
1 - Nueva Constitución Federal;
2 - Estado de defesa;
3 - Estado de sitio.
Por legislación, los estados serían promulgados en tiempos de guerra, por lo que la hermenéutica interpretativa del avance viral en Brasil es considerada o "estado de guerra" que justifica cambios radicais en el comportamiento gubernamental y militarista en el contexto real. Pero no hay certezas, pruebas. Me gustaría que prestaran atención al "lenguaje figurativo" de las acciones en torno al virus corona, covid 19, hay otras interpretaciones que están dando lugar a acciones que creo, ponen en riesgo la causa de las TI e los que sufren los derechos humanos violaciones . Estou preocupado com a origem do covid haya ocurrido na China, porque os objetivos individuais são un gran liderazgo na Ásia e na China. Encontré nas encuestas que os soldados chinos estão invadindo edifícios e com os infectados, sacando a las personas que están contra as acciones del gobierno, esta realidad está comprada em video, y tuve que transcribir el video del chino al portugués para entender lo que estaba pasando en el video. Yo mismo lo compartí y publiqué una transcripción en portugués en Brazil. Si se está aprovando del covid para deshacerse de las "personas inconvenientes" políticamente, créanme, pueden aprovechar la pandemia para deshacerse de los objetivos individuais que molestan ou se deshacen de un problem, porque somos una prueba viviente de la existencia humana. violaciones de derechos en todo el mundo. Seré más claro con ustedes, colegas, ejemplificando. Feno no Brasil em vários estados. Ilustraré con dos estados, el 1º de Río de Janeiro e el 2º de Amazonas, un marcado CONTRASTE em torno da realidade e versões sobre a pandemia e as possibilidades de infecção-contaminação. Ahora publicar dos vídeos, um de cada estado, apresentando a realidade de que cada um de ellos está viviendo na pandemia, a pesar de todas as restrições e a atenção publicada.
EXPLICACIÓN: Vea cómo los TI pueden incurrir en riesgos e impedimentos en la aplicación del Estado de Defensa y del Estado de Sitio si éste entra en vigencia, aunque son personas honestas y decentes, muchos TI hacen publicaciones que denotan descontento con las políticas gubernamentais,
Si entra en vigencia el Estado de Defesa en nombre de la guerra gerada por la pandemia, la población se niega a movimientos políticos vanos, contrarios al Gobierno, o enfrentamientos entre Gobierno y Senado, o motivados por cualquier motivo, y si el estado de defesa não es eficiente, da como resultado do estado de sitio.
Tanto o Estado de Defesa como o Sitio son violadores motivadores e justificáveis de la Constitución Federal de manera "legalizada" y se verán comprometidos todos los Derechos Fundamentales del ciudadano como ir y venir, libertad de prensa, expresión, libertad de reunión.
Incluso al publicar publicaciones em Los Cañones, los grupos e las redes sociales pueden provocar la aprehensión de ciudadanos, TI o no, aunque actúen de buena fe, porque de estos contextos, las interpretaciones por parte de los militares pueden suceder a otro nivel.
Soy patriota y me gusta nuestro atual presidente Jair Messias Bolsonaro, siempre he mantenido contactos en las redes sociaises con las Fuerzas Armadas, soy un deep admirador y seguidor, pero ellos tienen un Código Militar que, si se prueba, es una situación de guerra. o equivalente debido a diferentes características en el pedido puede cambiar.
Arte. 139. Durante o estado de sítio decretado com base no art. 137, I, solo se podrán tomar las siguientes medidas contra las personas:
I - obrigação de permanecer em um lugar específico;
II - detención en un edificio no destinado a acusados de condenados por delitos comunes;
III - restrições en cuanto à inviolabilidad de la correspondencia, la confidencialidad de las comunicaciones, el suministro de información y la libertad de prensa, radiodifusión y televisión, según dispone la ley;
IV - suspensión de la libertad de reunión;
V - registro e incautación en el hogar;
VI - intervenção em empresas de serviços públicos;
VII - requisición de bienes.
Párrafo unico. Não se inclui nas restrições do ponto III a difusão das declarações dos parlamentares realizados em suas Câmaras Legislativas, sempre que o mar difundido pela Mesa cobrada.
Arte. 141. Uma vez cesado o estado de defesa ou o estado de sitio cesarán también sus efeitos, sen perjuicio de la responsabilidad por los ilícitos cometidos por sus ejecutores ou agentes.
Párrafo unico. Tan pronto como cese o estado de defesa ou o estado de local, as medidas aplicadas en vigor serão informadas pelo Presidente da República, em uma mensagem no Congresso Nacional, com especificação e justificativa das medidas retornadas, com uma relação nominal de los afectados e uma indicação de restrições aplicadas. ”.
Las consecuencias serãon esencialmente políticas y podrán abarcar ou nenhum delitos de responsabilidad, que ya se han tratado aquí y el “juicio político”, además de las penas.
una semana atrás - uma semana atrás
Este vídeo foi gravado por um turista,
Rami Travel, que está viajando como Américas, e está no Brasil, o vídeo tem uma semana.
Este vídeo fue agarrado por um turista,
Rami Travel, quien está viajando por América, y está no Brasil, el vídeo tiene una semana.
Este vídeo foi gravado pela turista,
Rami Travel, que está viajando pelas Américas, e está no Brasil, o vídeo tem uma semana.
una semana atrás - uma semana atrás
Pessoas desesperadas atrás de cilindros de oxigênio e do gás oxigênio, este vídeo foi gravado por pessoa do Brasil, canal confiável de comunicação, UOL.
Pessoas desesperadas em busca de cilindros de oxigênio e gás oxigênio, este vídeo foi gravado por um brasileiro, um canal de comunicação confiável, o UOL.
Personas desesperadas that buscan cilindros de oxígeno y gas oxígeno, this video fue grabado by una persona de Brazil, un canal de comunicación confiable, UOL.
TÍTULO DO VÍDEO: Estamos em uma operação de guerra - Wilson Miranda Lima, é um jornalista e político brasileiro filiado ao Partido Social Cristão. É o atual governador do estado do Amazonas.
TÍTULO DO VÍDEO: Estamos em operação de guerra - Wilson Miranda Lima, é um jornalista e político brasileiro filiado ao Partido Social Cristão. Ele é o atual governador do estado do Amazonas.
TÍTULO DEL VIDEO: Estamos em uma operação de guerra - Wilson Miranda Lima, é um periodista e político brasileño afiliado ao Partido Social Cristiano. É o atual governador do estado do Amazonas.
É um contraste muito grande, enquanto no Rio de Janeiro, as pessoas saem para a vida noturna e durante o dia estão nas praias, em Manaus ou desespero é geral e a população que correr atrás do gás oxigênio que está em falta e grande número de óbitos .
Es un contraste muy grande, mientras que en Rio de Janeiro la gente venda a vida noturna y durante o dia está em las playas, en Manaus la desesperación es generalizada y la población tiene que correr tras el gás oxígeno que falta y registrar una gran número de muertes.
É um contraste muito grande, enquanto no Rio de Janeiro as pessoas saem para a noite e de dia nas praias, em Manaus o desespero é geral e a população tem que correr atrás do gás oxigênio que falta e registrar uma grande número de mortes.
Não somente no Brasil, mas em outros países das Américas anunciados com muitos mortos pelo covid, a realidade é como se "nada acontecesse".
Vejam em Medellin, na Colômbia, vídeo gravado há 04 semanas atrás, vida noturna.
Não só no Brasil, mas em outros países das Américas anunciados com milhares de mortes pela cobiça, a realidade é como se "nada estivesse acontecendo".
Veja Medellín, Colômbia, vídeo gravado há 4 semanas, vida noturna.
No solo en Brasil, sino en otros países de América anunciados con miles de muertes por el covid, la realidad es como si "no pasara nada".
Vea Medellín, Colômbia, vídeo grabado hace 4 semanas, vida nocturna.
Ficamos confusos com as estatísticas e pensamos que são mantidas para justificar os que morrem "por covid 19 ou por outros motivos, mas que sejam justificados pelo covid 19".
Atestados de óbitos não denúncia devida averiguação, esta é a verdade.
Orientam tratamento preventivo, depois retiram tal orientação e publicam que as pessoas morreram porque fizeram tal tratamento.
Cada dia apresenta medicações "eficaz", posteriormente, voltam atrás e anunciam mortes por tais medicações.
Apresentam vacinas, depois, mortes por tais vacinas, e suspensão de algumas e continuidade com outras.
Não faz sentido.
É um processo de experimentação e torturas.
Mais grave é alegarem que uma pandemia produz problemas psicológicos, mentais, psíquicos e pessoas podem se matar pelo isolamento social.
O mesmo tipo de isolamento, não tão pior como às quais lançam todas as mortes de TIs.
E aqui, no Brasil, buscar saúde mental pública e solicitar ajuda para provar a existência do SISTEMA MARGINAL DE TORTURAS junto a classe médica, e contar o que praticam com atingido é RISCO em ser internado em estabelecimento psiquiátrico sem dados para sair e sob ação de medicamentos fortíssimos e com graduação crescente.
Classe médica tem a coragem e audácia de afirmar e reafirmar que "nada disto existe ou acontece", e que NUNCA ouviram falar em torturas psicotronicas, telepatia sintética e de imediato se juntam para internar a vítima ea comprometer em todos os sentidos o resto de suas vidas.
Aqui, há duas vítimas interditadas, uma delas foi defendida pela mãe, e o Poder Judiciário não voltou atrás sequer com a defesa e depoimento da mãe da vítima.
Comecei publicações e campanha para que busca não buscassem Psiquiatras e se mantivessem longe das tarjas pretas, porque ficariam incapazes de se defender psíquica e fisicamente, e não estou mentindo.
Com este envolvimento negacionista da classe médica, fico muito preocupada com a estratégia que o SISTEMA DE TORTURAS pode montar em torno de incapacitar as vítimas como feitas loucas, dementes ou esquizofrênicas para que seus depoimentos eram impedidos, invalidados, e foram tutelados pelo Estado para que engavetar e impedir todas as petições e demais atos em defesa da vida e dos Direitos Humanos das vítimas denunciantes.
Nos confunden las estadísticas y pensamos que se guardan para justificar a los que mueren "por el covid 19 ou por outros motivos, pero que están justificados por el covid 19".
Los certificados de defunción no se investigan adecuadamente, esta es la verdad.
Aconsejan un tratamiento preventivo, luego retiran esa orientación y publican que las personas murieron porque recibieron ese tratamiento.
Cada día presentan medicamentos "efectivos", luego regresan y anuncian muertes por dichos medicamentos.
Presentan vacunas, luego muertes por dichas vacunas, suspensión de algunas y continuidad con otras.
No tiene sentido.
Es un proceso de experimentación y tortura.
Más grave, afirman que la pandemia produz problemas psicológicos, mentais, psicológicos e las personas pueden suicidarse por aislamiento social.
El mismo tipo de aislamiento, no tan malo como el que sufren todas as víctimas de las tecnologías de la información.
Y aquí, en Brasil, buscar salud mental pública y solicitar ayuda para acreditar na existência do SISTEMA DE TORTURA MARGINAL con la profesión médica, y contar lo que pratica con las víctimas es RIESGO de ser ingresado en un estabelecimento psiquiátrico sin fecha de salida. y bajo la acción de medicamentos muy fuertes con graduación creciente.
Classe médica tem a coragem e audácia de afirmar e reafirmar que "nada disto existe ou acontece", e que NUNCA ouviram falar em torturas psicotronicas, telepatia sintética e de imediato se juntam para internar a vítima e o comprometedor em todos os sentidos o resto de sus vidas.
Aquí tenemos a dos víctimas proibidas, una de ellas fue defendida por la madre, y el Poder Judicial não retrocedió ni siquiera con la defensa y testemunho de la madre de la víctima.
Inicié publicaciones y una campaña para evitar que las víctimas busquen psiquiatras y se alejen de las rayas negras, porque não podrían defenderse física y psíquicamente, y não miento.
Con esta implicación negacionista de la profesión médica, me preocupan mucho las estrategias that el SISTEMA DE TORTURAS pueda construir en torno a incapacitar a las víctimas como locas, dementes o esquizofrénicas para que sus testemunhos sean prevenidos, invalidados y perdidos por el Estado para que archivar y prevenir todas as peticiones y demás atos em defesa da vida y los derechos humanos de las víctimas denunciantes.
Ficamos confusos com as estatísticas e pensamos que elas são guardadas para justificar aqueles que morrem "por cobiça 19 ou por outras razões, mas que são justificadas por cobiça 19".
Certificados de óbito não são devidamente investigados, esta é a verdade.
Eles aconselham o tratamento preventivo, aí retiram essa orientação e publicam que pessoas morreram por terem feito esse tratamento.
A cada dia eles apresentam medicamentos "eficazes", depois voltam e anunciam as mortes por tais medicamentos.
Apresentam vacinas, depois mortes por tais vacinas e suspensão de algumas e continuidade de outras.
Não faz sentido.
É um processo de experimentação e tortura.
Mais sério, eles afirmam que a pandemia produz problemas psicológicos, mentais, psicológicos e as pessoas podem se matar pelo isolamento social.
O mesmo tipo de isolamento, não tão ruim quanto aquele em que todas as vítimas de TI são lançadas.
E aqui, no Brasil, buscar saúde mental pública e pedir ajuda para comprovar a existência do SISTEMA DE TORTURA MARGINAL com a classe médica, e contar o que ela pratica com as vítimas é RISCO de ser internada em estabelecimento psiquiátrico sem data para sair e sob a ação de medicamentos muito potentes com graduação crescente.
A classe médica tem a coragem e a audácia de afirmar e reafirmar que “nada disso existe ou acontece”, e que NUNCA ouviu falar de torturas psicotrônicas, telepatia sintética e imediatamente se reúnem para internar a vítima e comprometer em todos os sentidos o resto de suas vidas.
Aqui temos duas vítimas interditadas, uma delas foi defendida pela mãe, e o Judiciário não recuou nem mesmo com a defesa e depoimento da mãe da vítima.
Iniciei publicações e uma campanha para evitar que as vítimas procurassem psiquiatras e ficassem longe das listras pretas, porque não teriam como se defender psíquica e fisicamente, e não estou mentindo.
Com esse envolvimento negador da profissão médica, estou muito preocupado com as estratégias que o SISTEMA DE TORTURAS pode construir em torno de incapacitar as vítimas enquanto elas eram loucas, dementes ou esquizofrênicas para que seus depoimentos fossem prevenidos, invalidados e tutelados pelo Estado para que elas pode arquivar e prevenir todas as petições e outros atos em defesa da vida e dos direitos humanos das vítimas denunciantes.
The internet of bodies connects the human body to an enslavement network through devices which are ingested, inhaled, vaccinated or implanted. The human body becomes melded together with software and remote machines. I have become connected to the internet of bodies against my will and without my permission. Reject all vaccines. Please share this message throughout the world now. Most people have become mind programmed through emotional and thoughth manipulation which come through their smart phones and/or through their TETRA police and military communication devices.
Many people throughout the Republic of Ireland including myself are being attacked and tortured from unknown remote locations by means of frequency weapons. The Gardai are disbelieving of their complaints and generally tend to send them for psychiatric evaluation. Psychiatrists are disbelieving of their complaints and tend to erroneously diagnose them as being mentally unwell. I herewith enclose a post by Magnus Olson on the topic of torture by means of frequency weapons which is known as cyber torture or no touch torture.
Magnus Olsson, Geneva 8 March 2020
UN Human Rights Council (HRC) Special Rapporteur Professor Nils Melzer on torture revealed during the 43rd HRC that Cyber technology is not only used for internet and 5G. It is also used to target individuals remotely – through intimidation, harassment and public shaming.
On the 28th of February in Geneva, Professor Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and other Cruel Inhuman Degrading Treatment and Punishment, has officially confirmed that cyber torture exists and investigation is now underway on how to tackle it legally.
Electromagnetic radiation, radar, and surveillance technology are used to transfer sounds and thoughts into people’s brain. UN started their investigation after receiving thousands of testimonies from so-called “targeted individuals” (TIs).
Professor Nils Melzer is an expert in international law and since 2016 he holds the Human Rights Chair at the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. His team has found evidence that Cyber technology is used to inflict severe mental and physical sufferings.
“Judges think that physical torture is more serious than cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment,” he told the Guardian on 21 February. “Torture is simply the deliberate instrumentalization of pain and suffering.” These psychological torture methods are often used “to circumvent the ban on torture because they don’t leave any visible marks”. (1)
Cyber psychological systems like cognitive radio are used to interrupt human perceptions and memory. They can also be used to spy on people violating personal integrity which could lead to corruption and slavery in society. Cyber torture is also called no-touch torture or brain-machine interface.
One way to handle this situation is to regulate new technologies and use AI control mechanisms by independent and impartial investigators. The evidence gathered could then be used to convict criminals easier and quicker in the future.
Professor Meltzer and his team is now underway to create an international legal framework covering cyber technologies that can cause torture which previously was hard to prove. In the future it may be necessary to establish Radio Frequency Spectrum police in order to protect humanity from cyber terrorism. Nils Meltzer also revealed to me personally that the HRC will release several reports on this subject soon in the future.
- Owen Bowcott, ‘UN warns of rise of ‘cybertorture’ to bypass physical ban’ (The Guardian, March 2020) https://www.theguardian.com/law/2020/feb/21/un-rapporteur-warns-of-rise-of-cybertorture-to-bypass-physical-ban?fbclid=IwAR0mIvFNEpODW8KspG0XulW8MqkmzSSiO2gskQOgHicfxRjCTgKWV3vjlh0
On February 28, 2020, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Professor Nils Melzer, issued his World Report on “Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” This report included a definition of “Cybertorture,” the Crime Against Humanity where millions of targeted victims worldwide are remotely assaulted with Electromagnetic Weapons in actions directed via computer, often from Supercomputers.
(A/HRC/43/49) Cybertorture:
1. A particular area of concern, which does not appear to have received sufficient attention, is the possible use of various forms of information and communication technology (“cybertechnology”) for the purposes of torture. Although the promotion, protection and enjoyment of human rights on the internet has been repeatedly addressed by the Human Rights Council (A/HRC/32/L.20; A/HRC/38/L.10/Rev.1), torture has been understood primarily as a tool used to obstruct the exercise of the right to freedom of expression on the internet, and not as a violation of human rights that could be committed through the use of cybertechnology.
2. This seems surprising given that some of the characteristics of cyber-space make it an environment highly conducive to abuse and exploitation, most notably a vast power asymmetry, virtually guaranteed anonymity, and almost complete impunity. States, corporate actors and organized criminals not only have the capacity to conduct cyberoperations inflicting severe suffering on countless individuals, but may well decide to do so for any of the purposes of torture. It is therefore necessary to briefly explore, in a preliminary manner, the conceivability and basic contours of what could be described as “cybertorture”.
3. In practice, cybertechnology already plays the role of an “enabler” in the perpetration of both physical and psychological forms of torture, most notably through the collection and transmission of surveillance information and instructions to interrogators, through the dissemination of audio or video recordings of torture or murder for the purposes of intimidation, or even live streaming of child sexual abuse “on demand” of voyeuristic clients (A/HRC/28/56, para.71), and increasingly also through the remote control or manipulation of stun belts (A/72/178, para.51), medical implants and, conceivably, nanotechnological or neurotechnological devices.1 Cybertechnology can also be used to inflict, or contribute to, severe mental suffering while avoiding the conduit of the physical body, most notably through intimidation, harassment, surveillance, public shaming and defamation, as well as appropriation, deletion or manipulation of information.
4. The delivery of serious threats through anonymous phone calls has long been a widespread method of remotely inflicting fear. With the advent of the internet, State security services in particular have been reported to use cybertechnology, both in their own territory and abroad, for the systematic surveillance of a wide range of individuals and/or for direct interference with their unhindered access to cyber technology.2 Electronic communication services, social media platforms and search engines provide an ideal environment both for the anonymous delivery of targeted threats, sexual harassment and extortion and for the mass dissemination of intimidating, defamatory, degrading, deceptive or discriminatory narratives.
5. Individuals or groups systematically targeted by cybersurveillance and cyberharassment are generally left without any effective means of defence, escape, or self-protection and, at least in this respect, often find themselves in a situation of “powerlessness” comparable to physical custody. Depending on the circumstances, the physical absence and anonymity of the perpetrator may even exacerbate the victim’s emotions of helplessness, loss of control, and vulnerability, not unlike the stress-augmenting effect of blindfolding or hooding during physical torture. Likewise, the generalized shame inflicted by public exposure, defamation and degradation can be just as traumatic as direct humiliation by perpetrators in a closed environment.3 As various studies on cyber-bullying have shown, already harassment in comparatively limited environments can expose targeted individuals to extremely elevated and prolonged levels of anxiety, stress, social isolation and depression, and significantly increases the risk of suicide.4 Arguably, therefore, much more systematic, government-sponsored threats and harassment delivered through cybertechnologies not only entail a situation of effective powerlessness, but may well inflict levels of anxiety, stress, shame and guilt amounting to “severe mental suffering” as required for a finding of torture.5
6. More generally, in order to ensure the adequate implementation of the prohibition of torture and related legal obligations in present and future circumstances, its interpretation should evolve in line with new challenges and capabilities arising in relation to emerging technologies not only in cyberspace, but also in areas such as artificial intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology and neurotechnology, or pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences, including so-called “human enhancement”.
1. Al Elmondi, “Next-generation nonsurgical neurotechnology”, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, available at www.darpa.mil/p…/next-generation-nonsurgical-neurotechnology.
2 See Human Rights Council resolutions 32/13 and 38/7. See, most notably, the 2013 disclosures by Edward Snowden of the global surveillance activities conducted by the United States National Security Agency and its international partners, see Ewan Macaskill and Gabriel Dance, “NSA files: decoded – what the revelations mean for you”, The Guardian, 1 November 2013.
3 Pau Pérez-Sales, “Internet and torture” (forthcoming).
4 Ann John and others, “Self-harm, suicidal behaviours, and cyberbullying in children and young people: systematic review”, Journal of Medical Internet Research, vol. 20, No. 4 (2018); Rosario Ortega and others, “The emotional impact of bullying and cyberbullying on victims: a European cross-national study”, Aggressive Behavior, vol. 38, No. 5 (September/October 2012).
5 Samantha Newbery and Ali Dehghantanha, “A torture-free cyber space: a human right”, 2017.
Optogenetics is being used to remotely and wirelessly enslave many men and women throughout the world in a completely invisible deniable way.
Green algae is light sensitive.
A protein in green algae causes green algae to swim towards or away from light.
Light is now being used to control the behaviour of human brain cells.
Criminal neuro science operatives take the gene that encodes the green algae protein and another piece of DNA called a promoter and put them in a virus which they then inject into unaware human beings while those human beings are unconscious. Neurons in the human brain will activate the promoter. The virus grows inside the human brain where it infects neurons and delivers the gene. The green algae protein is then expressed in the brain cell membrane. This situation gives the criminal neuro science operatives the ability to precisely control portions of the brains of non-consenting and unwilling living, moving, human beings and they can achieve this brain control from a distance by the use of pulsed microwaves while remaining unknown to the brain controlled victim.
This method of controlling the brains of human beings from a distance is being used to both physically control the movements of some human beings andis also being used to control the thinking processes of other human beings most especially senior officials in each country throughout the world. I know about it because I have been partially enslaved by it for many years.
If the team ofcriminal neuro science operatives who have partially enslaved me by the use of optogenetics find a way to fully enslave me by the use of both optogenetics and preprogrammed algorithms they will then use optogenetics and preprogrammed algorithms to control and enslave you as soon as they have managed to persuade you to or to mandate you to accept a vaccination which contains green algae protein plus a promoter.
According to an article by Mojimar Babacek called 'Optogenetics: A New Technology to Control the Human Brain' to be found online 'Dr Sarah Lisanby from the National Institute of Mental Health in Maryland, United States, can use brain maps to make different parts of the human body move by the magnetic stimulation of the brain, even against this will of the human beings in question.
I am a subject of non-consensual neuro experimentation which is being carried out from an unknown remote location on me by means of signal intelligence. I have lost the right to control some of my own muscles which are now being externally physically controlled by an unknown team of criminal neuro science operatives who remote control me on occasion from unknown remote locations. What will I do in order to regain sovereignty over my own human body and brain? I know others who have also lost the right to control their own muscle movements at random times. We remain unable to prove this external remote control of our physical bodies because this capability is invisible and highly deniable. What is to be done about this. Why are tax payers continuing to finance brain science because it is being used against those tax payers who finance it?
Please raise awareness of this serious matter. I will not return to the police to report my situation because the last time I reported my situation to them they brought me for mandatory psychiatric evaluation which immediately made it unsafe for me to continue explaining my situation to them. This is the way that most if not all targeted individuals of remote wireless non-consensual experimentation and manipulation are being dealt with by the police in their respective countries. I believe that the police are under technologically induced mind control.
I am a non-consensual and unwilling targeted individual of neuro research and I do not know who those who are researching my brain and central nervous system are because they conduct all of their research from unknown remote locations while remaining unknown to me. Dr Michael Persinger in his document which is called 'On the Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain by Electromagnetic Induction of Fundamental Algorithms' asserts that all brains on this earth can be accessed in a similar way to the way my own brain and body are being accessed. This is not the case. We are being forced to accept a false worldview by those at the top of the false hierarchical based chain of command in this world and this false worldview is being forced on us for many centuries. If we challenge it we are ridiculed or accused of being mentally ill. Both church and state enforce this false worldview on us from our birth to our deaths. However, our own intelligence and ability to think logically tells us not to accept this false worldview. The false worldview I am referring to the spinning ball earth worldview. The earth is fixed and flat which means that not all parts of the earth are under full spectrum surveillance. There are parts of the earth which have never been sprayed with electrically conductive metals or other nano materials which are meant for human control and surveillance. Those at the core of the false hierarchical based chain of command live in those parts of the earth. The reason for the spinning ball earth hoax is to make us believe that we are all under the same level of surveillance and full spectrum control. However, those that are perpetrating the hoax have become very frightened that we will wake up to this hoax so they constantly present us with what are imaginary images of a spinning ball earth and they also repeat the word 'global' on the main stream media dozens of times each day so as to create deeply entrenched neural pathways in our brains to force us to believe this hoax throughout the course of our whole lives without us ever questioning it. In order to fully escape from the slow and incremental enslavement which we are experiencing right now we must fully accept that the earth is fixed and flat, a fact which is easily scientifically proven in a myriad of different ways.
All of the creaters of the spinning ball earth myth have been freemasons. From Pythageros to Copernicus, Galileo and Newton to modern astronauts such as Aldrin, Armstrong and Collins to Director of NASA and Grand Commander of the 33rd degree C Fred Kleinknecht all the creaters and promoters of the spinning ball earth have been freemasons. The Duke of Kent in the United Kingdom who is a first cousin of Queen Elizabeth the second of England is the head of freemasonry throughout the whole world. He has alot to answer for.
Because the earth is fixed and flat some parts of the earth are obviously not under surveillance from the skies and therefore not all human brains can be accessed by electromagnetic induction of fundamental algorithms. For further information on the fixed and flat earth please read the following book 'Two Hundred Proofs That The Earth is Not a Spinning Ball' by Eric Dubay.
My website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net. My name and address are as follows :-
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
My landline home phone number is 094 9360901.
My email address is gretta2011@hotmail.com.
Optogenetics is being used to remotely and wirelessly enslave many men and women throughout the world in a completely invisible deniable way.
Green algae is light sensitive.
A protein in green algae causes green algae to swim towards or away from light.
Light is now being used to control the behaviour of human brain cells.
Criminal neuro science operatives take the gene that encodes the green algae protein and another piece of DNA called a promoter and put them in a virus which they then inject into unaware human beings while those human beings are unconscious. Neurons in the human brain will activate the promoter. The virus grows inside the human brain where it infects neurons and delivers the gene. The green algae protein is then expressed in the brain cell membrane. This situation gives the criminal neuro science operatives the ability to precisely control portions of the brains of non-consenting and unwilling living, moving, human beings and they can achieve this brain control from a distance by the use of pulsed microwaves while remaining unknown to the brain controlled victim.
This method of controlling the brains of human beings from a distance is being used to both physically control the movements of some human beings andis also being used to control the thinking processes of other human beings most especially senior officials in each country throughout the world. I know about it because I have been partially enslaved by it for many years.
If the team ofcriminal neuro science operatives who have partially enslaved me by the use of optogenetics find a way to fully enslave me by the use of both optogenetics and preprogrammed algorithms they will then use optogenetics and preprogrammed algorithms to control and enslave you as soon as they have managed to persuade you to or to mandate you to accept a vaccination which contains green algae protein plus a promoter.
According to the following article by Mojimar Babacek called 'Optogenetics: A New Technology to Control the Human Brain' to be found online 'Dr Sarah Lisanby from the National Institute of Mental Health in Maryland, United States, can use brain maps to make different parts of the human body move by the magnetic stimulation of the brain, even against this will of the human beings in question.
I am a subject of non-consensual neuro experimentation which is being carried out from an unknown remote location on me by means of signal intelligence. I have lost the right to control some of my own muscles which are now being externally physically controlled at random times by an unknown team of criminal neuro science operatives who remote control me on occasion from unknown remote locations. What will I do in order to regain sovereignty over my own human body and brain? I know others who have also lost the right to control their own muscle movements at random times. We remain unable to prove this external remote control of our physical bodies because this capability is invisible and highly deniable. What is to be done about this. Why are tax payers continuing to finance brain science because it is being used against those tax payers who finance it?
Please raise awareness of this serious matter. I will not return to the police to report my situation because the last time I reported my situation to them they brought me for mandatory psychiatric evaluation which immediately made it unsafe for me to continue explaining my situation to them.
A group of very wealthy organised criminals wish to take over the world and enslave us under the protocols which have been set forth in U.N. Agenda 2021.
They have invented threats so that we would ask for their protection. Some of those invented threats include the covid-19 hoax and the climate change hoax.
They successfully faked space travel and the moon landing because all of those involved in those aforementioned hoaxes are freemasons who have sworn oaths of secrecy which they are either afraid to break or are happy to uphold.
The group of wealthy organised criminals who wish to enslave the rest of us covertly use frequencies to alter our thinking processes and behaviour into docile states but they can only alter our thinking and processes when we are in artificially induced electromagnetic fields. For further information on this phenomenon please read a book called 'Project Soul Catcher' by Robert Duncan and the Mind Hacking Strategy Group.
The aforementioned organised criminals have taken over the main stream media and they are using it to force a false reality onto the world by invalidating what is self evident such as the fact that the earth is flat and fixed. They forcefully impose a false regimented worldview onto their believers through academia, the school system, the main stream media and entertainment.
They wish us to give up all of our rights to own private property under the guise that by owning and using private property we are hurting the earth.
They wish us to belong to an organised religion and almost any organised religion will suffice because when we are successfully inculcated into any organised religion we are no longer able to think logically so that we can be further mind controlled. It is sufficient to obey moral law and to love our fellow man. Organised religions have nothing to offer. They deny their followers the right to think and speak logically and this denial of the human rights of their followers is enforced throughout the entire life of the religious follower.
They wish civilians to hand over their guns to the state so that those civilians are then more easily controlled and enslaved.
They are now implementing a health dictatorship because they successfully manipulated many individuals into believing that the covid-19 hoaxed pandemic is a real phenomenon.
They imply that we live in a planet of limited resources. This is not the case. We have been denied the right to place industrial hemp products in the market place. Industrial hemp is the worlds number one resource and it is capable of generating sixty thousand different products including building materials, animal food, paper, furniture, carpets and bio-degradeable plastic among many other products. It only takes industrial hemp ninety days to grow to full maturity.
The aforementioned organised criminals have partially wirelessly enslaved many of their fellow non-consenting and extremely unwilling men and women by implanting them with technology and then transmitting and receiving information via a bi-directional interface to and from the brain and central nervous system of the partially wirelessly enslaved man or woman. They use the wireless interfaces to send voice commands, pain, forced muscle movement and a wide variety of other unwanted and unnatural information to the brain and body of the partially wirelessly enslaved individual. They plan to connect most of the rest of their fellow human beings to this computerized wireless enslavement system in the near future without ever asking for their consent.
Because the earth is flat and fixed the central core of would-be enslavers do not live in regions of the earth which are being sprayed with conductive metals which they cite is for reasons of solar radiation management. They do not live in regions of the earth which are under aerial surveillance and they do not live in regions of the earth where technological brain entrainment or technological mind control of populations is being carried out.
The aforementioned organised criminals plan to continue the lockdown, mask wearing and social distancing forever along with enforcing mandatory vaccinations which would contain nano materials which would make it possible for them to connect each and every vaccinated individual by by-directional wireless means to a computerized enslavement system.
We can easily stop this enslavement process by raising awareness of this situation, by refusing to accept any and all vaccinations, by having all infrastructure which allows wireless technology to work disassembled and banned and by having all aerial spraying of the skies over our heads with any and all materials banned immediately. Please do your part to make this happen.
Freemasonry is a secret society. Secrecy allows evil to flourish. Full disclosure allows good to flourish. NASA is a freemasonic organisation. Most of the actors who roll play 'astronauts' are openly members of freemasonic lodges. The leader of freemasonry throughout the whole world is the Duke of Kent who is a first cousin of the Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth ll. The Duke of Kent aught to be questioned why his organization has hoaxed the moon landing and faked space travel in general and why his organisation has accepted large amounts of tax payers money by falsefying the sending of satellites into outer space, none of which were actually ever sent. So called 'space rockets' are in fact helium filled balloons with Jet Assisted Take Off.
All of your smart technology including your smart phone can be externally wirelessly controlled. Under both the internet of things protocol as well as the internet of bodies protocol your every move would be assessed and managed by preprogrammed algorithms which would be wirelessly transmitted from a centralized control location. Do not purchase smart technology ever.
You would not be allowed to have a long warm shower in a future of new world order dictatorial tyrannical control. Your presence would be detected as being close to the smart shower from digital technology inside the smart shower and digital technology inside your brain and body. Preprogrammed algorithms would be in place to run the shower for a short time while maintaining the temperature of the water at a cool temperature under the guise of sustainable development.
The distance from your brain to your smart phone would be calculated from digital technology inside the smart phone and digital technology inside your brain. If your smart phone was calculated to be close to your brain then preprogrammed algorithms would transmit information into your brain in order to technologically mind control you to be obedient and docile at all times. If the program managers wished to cause political unrest in order to enable themselves to then inforce more stringent laws they could cause you to be aggressive in public. Both of these scenarios are already occurring. Carefully dispose of your smart phone by removing its sim card and battery and then by wrapping it up in tin foil. Use a landline home phone in future, preferably an old model without a digital screen.
You would be wirelessly connected to the internet of bodies under the power of the self-appointed memberst the World Economic Forum. All of your actions and bodily functions would be uploaded to their super computer on a continual basis by wireless means from materials inside your brain and body and this system would be run by pre-programmed algorithms. You would be allowed to eat only the type and amount of food that they decided you were entitled to eat. You would be allowed to use only the amount of water for showering that the preporgrammed algorithms would allow you to use. Preprogrammed algorightms would even decide the temperature of your shower water under the guise of sustainable development. You would be considered immoral if you were overweight and your food allowance would be reduced. You would be considered immoral if you had any luxury items because they are now consudred unsustainable. Pre-programmed algorithms would decide where you live. Preprogrammed algorights would decide if you are allowed to live or die.
Every bite of food you eat would be assessed by preporgrammed algorithms to see if you deserved to eat it. Your clothing would have bio-sensors which would detect the level of cleanliness of them. If they did not pass at all times you would be removed from society. Your brain and body may already contain much of the artificial material necessary to connect you to the internet of bodies. One of the only ways to protect yourself from the internet of bodies abject enslavement system is to help most of the rest of the human race take down the wirelessly enabling infrastructure which enables this internet of bodies system of enslavement. Some of the technology which enables the internet of bodies to work is based in the skies over our heads such as drones but they rely on ground based infrastructure to run them. Therefore all we need to do to free ourselves from this enslavement, torture and genocide system is to destroy the ground based infrastructure. We need to do it in a hurry because as soon as this system is installed preporgrammed algorithms would be used to paralyse you if you attempted to take down any and all infrastructure then. You can also be sent pain signals if you disobeyed the preporgrammed algorithms.
There is a problem in the sense that technological mind control is now being used to mind control many leaders in society to unquestioningly push the agenda of the would be slave masters. They wrongly push the need to vaccinate because they dont realise that the vaccinations themselves may contain the materials needed to help connect the recepients of the vaccinations to the internet of bodies. They dont realise that the covid-19 is a hoaxed pandemic which has been hoaxed using false science and that anybody who is already unknowingly connected to the wireless internet of bodies can be wirelessly eliminated from a long distance away by unknown operatives and they also dont realise that deaths from other means have been wrongly attributed to covid-19 in order to artificially create numbers of so called covid-19 casualties.
I believe that when we have all wireless internet of bodies systems removed from the face of the earth that those who are heavily technologically mind controlled now will be able to think clearly again. Their minds are being controlled in a similar way to programming a computer. It is heart breaking to listen to them on our national airwaves.
I am already connected to this internet of bodies and it is a known torture system in my case. I am speaking the truth. You are in grave danger of being enslaved. You must attend to this message now by taking some action.
My name is Gretta Fahey. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. I am being subjected to remotely administered wireless no-touch torture which is also being called virtual torture and microwave torture among other names. I am in contact with many other men and women who are also being subjected to similar experiences which we have not consented to ever. However, there is an easy solution to no-touch torture. Our elected senior politicians must stop all ability of criminals to subject their fellow country men and women to remotely administered no touch torture by passing laws which would make chemtrail spraying of our airspace illegal and by using our military to enforce those laws. In order for no touch torture, wireless mind control and wireless enslavement to continue those who wish to enslave us need to maintain the atmosphere in an ionized state at all times by continually spraying our airspace with highly conductive metals and other nano materials. If all chemtrail spraying of our airspace is discontinued the ionized atmosphere would gradually dissipate over one month and all remotely administered wireless torture and enslavement would come to a natural halt except for instances where individuals are being wirelessly tortured by the use of transportable and hand held wireless torture weapons which the police could easily have stopped.
The Vatican which is also known as the catholic church has the enormous responsibility of maintaining the inculcation levels of up to two billion followers. The Vatican hierarchy are and have always been experts in psychology. They use trauma based mind control to initially inculcate each child into their belief system.
In order to trauma base mind control a child you first need to put the child into a state of extreme fear or extreme shock. Then you give them a message and because they are in a state of fear or shock they will not be able to rationally analyse the content of the message so the message will go straight into their sub conscious minds as if it is true, without any analysis whatsoever.
Young children are informed that they will burn in the fires of hell for all eternity if they fail to be unquestioningly obedient to the teachings of the catholic church. The young children are in such a state of extreme fear and shock because of this message that they unquestioningly believe that message about burning in a fire for all eternity if they fail to obey. That is how the catholic church inculcate their followers. They then use repetition in order to keep them obedient to the end of their days. Repetition is one of the corner stones of mind control.
The catholic church manipulates their followers away from being ever able to think logically or critically. If their followers were able to think logically the catholic church would not have any followers.
For the past few decades the Vatican has found a new way of keeping its followers inculcated. Technology is being employed in order to technologically enhance the thought patterns of the followers of catholicism.
Conductive metal particulates and other nano materials are being sprayed on us from the sky. They permeate the air around us and we also inhale and ingest them. This allows others to transmit and receive signals to and from our brains and bodies. Transcranial analysis is one of the tools being used against us from afar, totally without our consent. Transcranial brain stimulation is being used to technologically enhance thought patterns inside our minds. Unknown others are now stimulating our neural pathways in order to co-ordinate the thinking patterns of whole communities at the same time. They are also using advanced technology to block thought pathways to thoughts which challenges their as yet hidden agenda.
I have noticed that many citizens of the United States are constantly repeating the name 'Jesus Christ' in almost every conversation when they are speaking in online forums. Many of them assure us that they are followers of Jesus Christ in almost every video. They were never fanatical to this degree before in the whole history of the United States. Their minds are being manipulated to an extreme degree. There is no proof that the so called 'Jesus Christ' ever existed. There is no basis in reality for catholicism or for any other organised religion. It is enough that we follow moral law
In order to bring this era of hidden mind and body control to an end we must have all chemtrail spraying of the skies brought to an abrupt end and we must ensure that all of the infrastructure which supports this hidden mind and body control is disassembled now.

I am a targeted individual of non-consensual research, electronic harassment and psychological torture via voice to skull. The perpetrators of this crime against me expect me to be clean to the point of being almost sterile throughout each entire day and night. I take a daily shower and I put on a complete fresh outfit of clothing each day and wash the clothes that I had been wearing previous to taking the shower. However, that is not satisfactory enough for the criminal perpetrators who monitor, harass and psychologically torture me. They send pulsating energy under my arms and around my nether regions which I can feel quite strongly and they do this in order to check if I am clean enough to meet their standards. I reiterate that they expect me to be almost sterile. If I am less than sterile they taunt me and criticize me and harass me because of it. No human being can be spotlessly clean twenty four hours per day. It is impossible to live up to such an expectation. I know that there exists a field of psychological study about inducing guilt in human beings because they are never entirely clean and they can never be because we are made of dirt and the planet which we live on is also made of dirt. I know that the criminal perpetrators harass me about this matter because they have nothing else to criticize me about because I am not addicted to any substance and I am not in financial debt and I get on well with everyone I know. They get paid to goad me and they find it difficult to find reasons to goad me so this is what they are doing a lot. Further to that, they or any other criminal can now take images of the keys in your pocket by sending energy into your pocket and they energy can be used to take precise measurements of your keys in order to have copies of said keys made. Therefore, put barrel bolts in your outer doors for protection while you are sleeping at night.
By analysing the temporal lobes of the human brain using electromagnetic radiation scientists can identify unique EEG patterns and relate them to the individual words, thoughts, body movements and emotions of the human research subject. In 1972 Dr Lawrence Pinneo of the Stanford Research Institute created an EEG dictionary of each unique EEG pattern and its related unique thought or unique word. That EEG dictionary can now be used to translate your unique EEG patterns into the thoughts that you think and the words that you say. Now, whenever you are in the presence of electromagnetic radiation, specificially extremely low frequency waves your thoughts and words can be monitored without your awareness and can then be transmitted by your digital device to a computerized storage capability so that the intelligence services can know what you are thinking and speaking at all times when your smart phone is on your person or when you are in front of your computer screen. For this and still further information about this topic please read a book called ‘Guinea Pigs’ by Dr John Hall.
We all have neural dust inside our brains and bodies and it got there mostly through inhalation and ingestion. Each neural dust mote contains a piezoelectric crystal. The neural dust motes inside our brains and bodies are being used to read our brain signals and the data gathered from our brains and bodies is collected by whatever smart phone is registered to the name of each individual. The smart phones can automatically transmit the data to a central control system. This has all been achieved without the permission of the majority of the human race by individuals who wish to wirelessly enslave or else torture or genocide us.
When our neurons fire and pass signals to each other they reach what is known as an action potential when generates and electrical pulse. These electrical pulses are measured using EEGs and are automatically translated into what you see, hear, feel, smell, touch, taste and they are also translated into all of your muscle movement including the smooth muscle movements of your intestines. This information is extracted from your brain and is transmitted wirelessly to a central storage system. This process is called A BRAIN COMPUTER INTERFACE.
A COMPUTER BRAIN INTERFACE writes information into your brain using transcranial magnetic stimulation or by a number of other means. Phosphene induction is used to write information into the brain. The process of writing information into your brain is used to stimulate your action potentials which generates electrical pulses. The process is called SSVEP. The electrical pulses which are generated by this process cause you to see, hear, feel, smell, touch and taste what is not actually real. It is simply an illusion but yet you can be made to feel as if you are inside a virtual reality setting which can be used to either torture you or to allow you to experience a state of bliss. Some of the electrical pulses which are generated when information is written into your brain can be used to cause the muscles of your face and body to be remotely controlled against your will, which can be used to turn you into a bio-robot. This process is currently being used throughout the world as a form of wireless remote controlled secret torture. I am one of the victims of this type of secret torture.
A BRAIN TO BRAIN INTERFACE is created by attaching a BRAIN COMPUTER INTERFACE TO A COMPUTER BRAIN INTERFACE. By means of brain computer interface the brainwaves are extracted from one human being and they are stored inside a computer. They can then be sent thousands of miles across the world to another computer which can be owned and controlled by criminal neuro operatives. The criminal neuro operatives write this information into the brain of a second human being, often against the will and without the consent of that second human being.
The industrialist Elon Musk has stated that he plans to inject a neural lace into the brains of members of the public in such a way that the neural lace would form a brain computer interface which would in turn enable him and and his colleagues to connect the brains of members of the public to the internet. Targeted individuals whose brains are already permeated with neural dust can now be accessed by thousands of criminals with knowledge of neuro science who the victims do not know and who work at remote locations which are unknown to the victims. The victims can be remotely harassed, tortured, enslaved, bio-robotized and even genocided by any number of unknown brain and body hackers. Targeted individuals of remote wireless torture can have their bodies externally controlled to such a level that a hoax of demonic possession was created as one of many cover stories in order to cover up the extremely advanced current capabilities of science and technology. Targeted individuals can now have their facial muscles and their speech controlled to such an extent that criminal neuro scientists and neuro operatives can actually speak through the targeted individual and by this means force the targeted individual to confess to a crime that they did not commit and even to unwillingly sign a statement to that effect.
I am brain to brain interfaced against my will and without my permission to an illegal human control system which is being set up across the world without the knowledge or consent of most of the world. I spend a lot of my time raising awareness of it online. I have lots of friends throughout Ireland who are also non-consensually brain to brain linked with this illegal system but because it is wireless and invisible we find it difficult to convince the relevant authorities that this is what is happening to us. However, everybody will know about it soon. If you would like to know more about it you should then read the following books:-
'Guinea Pigs' by Dr John Hall.
'Project Soul Catcher' by Dr Robert Duncan.
The Irish government will eventually have to disassemble and ban the infrastructure which allows this human brain to brain interfacing system because it is not in the best interests of the Irish people. In fact, it is a wireless enslavement system and many Irish people and others are already partially enslaved by it but because it is wireless and invisible they do not have the technological capabilities to prove that they are wirelessly connected to it so they are being disbelieved.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
My landline home phone number is 094 9360901.
My website is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net
My youtube channel is called gretta fahey
Targeted individuals of directed energy weapon attacks and other types of harassment and torture are being put through trauma for reasons of measuring their responses.
After a targeted individual is selected for non-consensual scientific research they are connected from nano implants and other foreign materials which have become embedded inside their brains and bodies to a super-computer as well as to a secret research group which is known as a hive mind team.
There is a carrier frequency frequency embedded in the electromagnetic radiation that is coming from the supercomputr to the mind of the targeted individual, and that carrier frequency is directly compatable with the EEG fingerprint of the brain of the targeted individual. This allows the leader of the hive mind team to inject his thoughts directly into the mind of the targeted individual. The team subject the targeted individual to continuous hostile and negative harassment in order to trauma the trageted individual and they then measure and map all of the responses of the targeted individual to each act of trauma. They continually enforce acts of trauma on to the targeted individual in order to get the information they wish for about the will, intellect and emotions of the targeted individual which then gets downloaded on to the super computer. By this method the personality of the targeted individual is then captured and put on a chip. It can later be uploaded onto the body of a robot and this allows an artificial copy of the personality of the targeted individual to continue long after the targeted individual has passed away.
I obtained most of this information from a targeted individual based in the United States called Bryan Tew.
I am being wirelessly and invisibly and slowly enslaved from an unknown remote location by unknown criminals who use nano technology which has permeated my brain and body to conduct wireless experiments on me to the extent that they may one day be able to immobilize me if I refuse to obey them.
These criminals speak to me by wireless means using a brain to brain interface system or other bio-communication systems. They have informed me that their brains have been programmed in a way that is similar to computer programming to the extent that they can not break their programming and they must carry out their work on me despite serious misgivings.
Who programmed them to commit the aforementioned illegal acts? Who ordered the aforementioned programming to be carried out? Who paid for the aforementioned programming as it was being carried out? Whoever ordered, paid for or programmed them to commit the aforementioned illegal acts should be placed under arrest immediately.
I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland and my youtube channel is called gretta fahey.