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2011-05-09 16:40:59|  分类: DNA-生命的密码 |  标签:dna  实验  光子  物质  电磁场   |字号  订阅

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实验1 生物场导实验
实验2 细胞死亡紫外传递实验 (The Kaznacheyev Experiments)
实验3 DNA幻影效应实验 (phantom DNA experiment)
实验4 人类情绪改变DNA形状的实验
实验5 情绪对远距离DNA的影响实验

实验6 DNA语言波调制实验




实验1 生物场导实验
1955-1957年姜堪政(Цзян Каньчжен;Tszyan Kanchzhen)提出了“场导论”,认为“既然生物体有电磁场的交换,那么该电磁场必然会有一部分传递到有机体之外。如果被另外的有机体所接受,作为生物信息,必然会定向控制该生物体的生命活动过程。”DNA 只是一个生物电磁信号(生物信息场)的“磁带记录”材料。换句话说,遗传物质存在两种形式:被动- DNA和主动-电磁场。DNA提供了稳定的有机体遗传物质,而电磁场立场可以去改变它,足以影响这些生物电磁信号。”为了验证自己的理论,姜堪政进行了一系列实验。


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姜堪政的动物、植物场导实验,以惊人的结果证明了自己的场导论,无可辩驳地说明了遗传信息可以通过电磁场远距离传递。这是一项改变遗传基因的重大发现,更是对传统遗传学的重大挑战[注:以姜“场导论”的开创性及实验证明的惊人结果,足以让他问鼎诺贝尔奖了]。 [01]

实验2 细胞死亡紫外传递实验 (The Kaznacheyev Experiments)
1974年Kaznacheyev(Казначеева,卡兹纳切耶夫)相信他已经通过一系列实验证明了“死亡可能由来自远方的紫外线引起[02][03]。在实验中,两个密封的容器并排放置,中间用薄薄的光学窗口分开。这两个容器在环境方面完全屏蔽以避免光耦合(optical coupling)。一个细胞组织被分成两个相同的样本,分别放置在两个容器内。使其中一个细胞样本遭受有害媒介,如选定的病毒、细菌感染、化学毒物、核辐射、致命的紫外线辐射等,这导致暴露的/受感染的(exposed/infected)细胞样本生病和死亡。然后观察第二个细胞样本,以确定是否有任何来自第一个细胞样本的传播效应。

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当窗口是普通玻璃(ordinary window glass)时,无论第一个细胞样本[注:受感染的样本]出现什么样的症状,第二个细胞样本[注:未受感染的样本]完好无损,并保持健康。以正统医学观点来看,这是理所当然的事。
当窗口是石英玻璃(quartz)时,最意想不到的事情发生了。第一个细胞样本出现疾病的一段时间后,第二个细胞样本中竟然出现了同样的疾病症状。Kaznacheyev和他的同事做了5,000多次实验,发现这种惊人的“通过光学耦合发生的感染(infection by optical coupling)”出现的几率相当高,有70%-80%;而且遵循一个合理的时间,例如在第一个细胞样本生病和死亡后的2-4个小时。从正统的医学观点来看,这些结果出人意料,闻所未闻。[04][05]

20世纪20年代A.G. Gurvitsch的研究表明,细胞能释放出可导致有丝分裂的辐射(光子),从而影响到其它细胞。20世纪60年代Popp(波普)等人证明了这通常被称作“生物光子(biophotons)”的超微弱光发射[06]。遵循这些发现,Kaznacheyev研究小组通过寻找受感染细胞发出的光子(photons)来探求答案。他们发现,受感染的细胞在死亡时释放出近紫外光子(photons in the near ultraviolet)。

石英玻璃和普通玻璃的相同点是都可以传播可见光(visible light),主要区别是,石英的紫外线(ultraviolet)和红外线(infrared)传播都很好[注:石英对紫外线各波段都有很高的透过率,达80%-90%],而玻璃对紫外线和红外线而言几乎是不透明的[注:普通玻璃只能透过约1%的紫外线]。因为普通玻璃对这些近紫外线光子(near-UV photons)是不透明的并且吸收它们。所以,在窗口另一面的未受感染的细胞(第二个细胞样本) 没有受到来自死亡细胞(dying cells)的紫外线死亡光子(the UV "death" photons)的影响,因而它们仍然安详健康。然而,石英窗口对紫外线死亡光子是透明的,未感染的细胞吸收了死亡光子而生病和死亡,并出现相同的疾病症状。[04][05]

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卡兹纳切耶夫实验(Kaznacheyev experiments)证明细胞的死亡和疾病模式(death and disease patterns)能被传播(be transmitted)和电磁诱导(be induced electromagnetically) [04]。类似效应的复现实验还有:德国马尔堡大学(University of Marburg)研究者使用病变细胞发出的红外线照射测试细胞。悉尼大学(University of Sydney)研究者使用可被称作是“标量电磁辐射(scalar EM radiation)”的东西,在超过100尺(feet)的距离实现了此效应[07]。事实上,前苏联将卡兹纳切耶夫机制(Kaznacheyev mechanisms)作为诱导疾病的武器,进行扩展和武器化,并秘密地用在了美国驻莫斯科大使馆人员身上造成疾病[08][09]

实验3 DNA幻影效应实验 (phantom DNA experiment)
DNA幻影效应,最初是俄罗斯科学院使用激光光子相关光谱仪(laser photon correlation spectrometer, LPCS)测量溶液中DNA的振动模式时发现的。伽利耶夫(Peter Gariaev)和琶普宁(Vladimir Poponin)对此进行了分析和解释。1995年,Poponin发表了关于此实验的研究论文。实验中用到的激光光子相关光谱仪装置原理:用激光器(Laser)作为光源,照射到盛有DNA的样品池(Temperature controlled chamber or Scatter chamber)内;光电倍增管(Photomutiplier)作为光探测器用以测量散射光信号,数字相关器(Photon counting & Correlation)对光电倍增管输出的脉冲信号进行计数,并计算自相关函数送入计算机。

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DNA物质未放入散射室时,没有任何幻影DNA场(phantom DNA fields)呈现,散射光的自相关函数如图a所示,表明背景噪声的强度非常小而且分布是随机的。

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在重复了许多次实验并且在每一处可想到的地方检查了设备之后,结果仍然如此。研究者们被迫接受假设:从物理真空(physical vacuum)中激发了一些新的场。研究者称其为DNA幻影(DNA phantom)场,以强调它的起源是与DNA物质相关的。另外,没有观测到其它物质能有这种现象。因此这种现象被称为体外DNA幻影效应(DNA Phantom Effect in Vitro),简称DNA幻影效应。DNA幻影效应发现后,研究者进行了更严格更持久的研究,发现只要散射室不受干扰,就能长时间测量到这种效应,有几次竟持续了一个月。这些实验最重要的意义是,提供了一个机会,可以用严格科学的和定量的方式研究真空结构,由于DNA幻影场(phantom field)的固有能力,它可以与激光辐射的电磁场(electromagnetic field)耦合。它们之间的耦合常数(the coupling constant)值可以从散射光强度估计出来。[10-14]

这个实验造成的冲击相当真实,它清楚呈现出DNA与组成世界的能量有直接关系,并且以图像方式呈现了这种关系。实验结果影响深远,并导出许多结论,其中两项尤其不容置疑:1. 过去我们忽视了某种能量的存在。2. DNA能透过上述能量形式(DNA幻影场)影响物质(电磁场)。

实验4 人类情绪改变DNA形状的实验
1991年心数研究所(Institute of HeartMath) [15]成立,主要关注情绪与感觉在身体上的发源地——人类的心,目的是探索人类情感对身体的影响力,以及情绪在世间扮演的角色。一个重要发现是,Ralph Wilson博士描述了一个环绕在心脏并向人体外围扩张的电磁能量场,具有环形圆纹曲面,半径约1.5米-2.4米[16]

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1992-1995年Glen ReinRollin McCraty展开了实验,他们首先将人类DNA分离出来,放在玻璃烧杯中然后暴露在一种强烈情绪之中,也就是所谓的协调情绪(coherent emotion)。透过“运用特殊设计的自我心神及情绪管理技术,刻意使心神安静下来,将注意力移转到心脏部位,专注于正面情绪”,就能创造出这个生理状态。他们进行了一系列测试,最多有5位受过协调情绪训练者参与,还运用特殊技术分析DNA的化学及视觉变化,侦测任何改变的产生。测试结果显示:不同的意图能对DNA分子创造出不同效果,导致DNA扭转或松开,也就是说人类情绪改变了DNA的形状!参与测试者除了在体内创造出精准的感觉之外,并没有实质接触或外力介入下,就能影响烧杯中的DNA分子。[17]

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实验5 情绪对远距离DNA的影响实验
1993年巴克斯特博士(Dr. Cleve Backster),在基于他先前植物感知(又名巴克斯特效应) [18]的研究基础上,为美国陆军设计了一个实验,看看DNA从人体取出后,人的情绪是否还会对其有影响。研究人员首先在受试者的口中采取DNA和组织样本,经分离后被送到同一栋楼的另一个房间,并放在特殊装置中,通过测量其电流来检测它是否对受试者的情绪有反应,而受试者就在100米外的另一个房间。受试者在房间里观看一系列影片,内容包括战争影像、色情片、喜剧等,藉此引发他体内的本能情绪状态。也就是说,实验目的是让受试者在短时间内经历各种真正的情绪。受试者看影片时,研究人员则在另一个房间内测量DNA的反应。当受试者经历情绪“高潮”及“低潮”,他的DNA也在同一瞬间呈现出强烈的电流反应。尽管受试者与其提供的样本相距100米远,DNA却表现出仿佛仍处在与身体实质连接的状态中。

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1953年沃森(Watson)与克里克(Crick)这二位杰出的分子生物学家,发现了DNA双螺旋结构,奠定了现代分子生物学的基础。长期以来普遍认为只有占2%的“编码DNA(coding DNA) ” 有遗传功能,而剩余的占98%的“垃圾DNA(junk DNA)”不含遗传信息,因而被视为垃圾(junk)。但彼得?伽利耶夫[21]的研究发现,被西方主流科学完全忽视和遗忘了的垃圾DNA,根本不是进化的多余残留物。语言学研究表明,对非编码DNA的密码子排列遵循一些基本的语法规则,有一个明确的结构和逻辑顺序,像某种生物语言。研究进一步显示,密码子实际上形成了像人类语言一样遵循着语法规则的文字和语句。

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1984-2009年彼得?伽利耶夫(Гаряев Петр Петрович;Peter Gariaev)以数十年的研究系统建立了波遗传学,专著有3本:《波基因组》(1994年);《波遗传密码》(1997年)和《语言学波基因组-理论与实践》(2009年)。波遗传学成功地对理论生物学和数理描述进行系统的公式化阐述,解释和证明了在波/场水平上遗传分子行使功能的基本原则,修正并完善了姜堪政的场导论。

波基因组(wave genome)理论的精华可用一句话来概括:高等生物的基因组可以看作是一台生物计算机,形成生物系统的时空栅格。epi-gene-matrix - wave fronts作为场的载体被使用,由基因全息图(gene-holograms)和DNA上的孤波(solitons on DNA)[不同于声场和电磁场(acoustic and electromagnetic fields)]来分配,由有机体/生物系统的生物发生装置(biogenetic apparatus)产生,成为细胞、组织、生物器官之间调控数据/信息交换的媒介。[21]

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实验6 DNA语言波调制实验
伽利耶夫研究小组曾完成了一项惊人的实验,使用调制激光对DNA密码子序列重新编程。他们发现,DNA语言的语法句法能够调制激光相干光,甚至无线电波,并对载波添加语义(意义)。 这样,他们能够通过使用合适的DNA共振频率,对活生物体内DNA重新编程。迄今最令人印象深刻的发现是,口语(spoken language)能够以相同的重编程效应(reprogramming effect)调制到载波中,这是一个令人困惑和令人惊叹的科学发现!我们自己的DNA仅通过人类讲话( human speech)就能被重新编写,如果被调制的词语有合适的载波频率的话。西方科学使用复杂的生物化学过程在DNA分子中剪切粘贴DNA密码子,而俄罗斯科学家利用调制激光做着同样的事情,并且藉此非常成功地在体内修复受损的DNA物质。基于伽利耶夫研究结果的激光疗法已经应用在一些欧洲学术医院,治愈了各种皮肤癌,且没有任何剩余疤痕。

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长期以来通常认为DNA的唯一目的是作为控制生命复制的遗传信息的载体。但伽利耶夫在题为“DNA波生物计算机(DNA wave Biocomputer)”的文章中提出,DNA不仅仅是一台智能的生物计算机,还是一个生物互联网(biological internet)装置,能够存储和检索所有体内细胞的生物信息,把所有细胞的染色体连接成一个有机整体。DNA染色体从发生在每个细胞中的代谢机制中获得无限信息,并作为反馈产生调控电磁信号(regulative electromagnetic signals),组成身体的亿万细胞彼此瞬间沟通。用量子力学的术语来说就是,它们是非局域连接的(non-locally connected)。这意味着基因组信息并非只限于DNA分子本身。DNA的分子只是充当一个存储设备,它能够读写来自非局域分布场(non-local distributed field)的基因组信息。DNA的作用就像激光全息碎片那样存贮了相干激光的所有信息,这个基因全息图(genomic hologram)能通过电磁场或声场来读取[22]

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1955-1957年,姜堪政(Kanchzhen)提出“场导论”,认为DNA 只是一个生物电磁信号(生物信息场)的“磁带记录”材料,遗传物质存在两种形式:被动- DNA和主动-电磁场。随后以一系列场导实验证明了自己的理论。
1992-1995年,瑞恩(Glen Rein)和麦克拉迪(Rollin McCraty)的实验证明:人类情绪可改变DNA的形状
1993年,巴克斯特博士(Cleve Backster)的实验证明:不论细胞是在同一房间或相隔几百里远,人的情绪都可以对自身DNA产生影响,而且这种效应是同步发生
1995年,琶普宁(Poponin)的DNA幻影效应实验证明:存在一个新的能量场——DNA幻影(DNA phantom)场,它可以与电磁场(electromagnetic field)耦合。


1905年,爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)发现光电效应,他就将光视为“量子”。之后,光的量子即被称为“光子”。并提出他最著名的质量转换方程式:E=mc^2,亦即,物质与能量是同一回事,质量只是能量外显的形式之一
1923年,德布罗意(Louis de Brolie)发现:电子在运行的时候,居然同时间伴随着一个波的产生。他在博士论文中提出一个假设:所有物质都可以用波来描述,他称之为“物质波”。这个理论暗示了物质不再只是粒子,物质亦将有波的性质,因此物质将会受到能量波动的影响而改变物化性质
1925年,薛定谔(Erwin Schrodinger)根据德布罗意“物质波”的概念,提出了轰动 20 世纪物理史的薛定谔波动方程,利用波动的数学模式来描述物质。薛定谔肯定地说:“波,只有波才是唯一的实在。不管电子也好,光子也好,或者任何粒子也好,他们的本质都是波,也都可以用波动方程式来表达基本的运动方式。
1926年,狄拉克(Paul Dirac)提出量子场论(Quantum Field Theory),认为粒子是一个连续波动场中浓缩聚集的现象,因此要描述一个物质必须同时包含位于场中间的浓缩体及往外无限扩展的量子场(quantum field)。
1940年代晚期,费曼(Richard Feynman)、施温格(Julian Schwinger)和朝永振一郎(Sinitiro Tomonaga)将狄拉克原来略显粗糙的量子场论进一步修正为量子电动力学 (Quantum Electrodynamics, QED)理论。透过QED理论,人们可以更精确描述光与物质交互作用时的场效应(field effect),而这种场效应就是隐藏在物质作用背后的真正影舞者

1952年,物理学家波姆(David Bohm)在《物理评论》(Physical Review)期刊上发表了一篇「以隐藏变量尝试诠释量子论」的论文,将薛定谔波动方程解释为信息场的概念。他认为要完整描述一个物质应包括三个面向:物质、能量、信息。物质是我们在三度空间可见的实际显现,能量是物质间可见或不可见的交互作用效应,信息则是潜藏在这两种现象背后的隐藏秩序。他将这种看不到但可感受的隐藏秩序称为量子势(quantum potential)或隐秩序。量子势的「势」,就是一个事件发生与否的倾向,就好像是事件发生的形成因,因此物质的量子势也就可以解释为物质的信息场。物质的量子势愈高,对外放送的信息场愈强,事件发生的几率也愈大。波姆的量子势理论解巧妙解释了薛定谔物质几率波函数的物理内涵。依据波姆的量子势就可推论:物质的本质隐含看不见的信息场,每种物质就有每种物质特有的信息场,透过波的干涉作用,个别物质可向周围的信息场(其它物质或环境所形成)汲取信息,同时物质也会不断地向周遭信息场释放自身的信息。波姆的理论可简化为:物质粒子倘佯在一望无际的信息海中,这一片信息海,是宇宙间所有物质所共享与共同营造的,所以宇宙万物共享全体物质共同释放的信息场,也就是说,宇宙就是一个全息体

奇妙的DNA - 探索者2012 - 你从哪里来,要往哪里去


1975年,物理学家卡普拉(Fritjof Capra)在《物理之道》(The Dao of Physics)一书中提到:量子场是物理学的根本实存,一个连续的媒介遍布的空间,粒子不过是场的局部凝聚;是来、来、去、去的能量集中体。依据波姆的隐秩序理论,物质的内在隐藏着高维度的「能量海」或「信息海」。在这一望无垠的能量海中蕴含所有事件发生的可能态,而我们三维空间的物质现象,只不过是由隐秩序中特定量子态所投射或绽放出来的一种显像。波姆的能量海是由包含所有电磁波频谱的光所构成,海中的光振动频率最高,当振动频率变慢时,光就浓缩凝聚成三维空间的电磁波、声波或物质。在古典物理的眼中,组成物质的原子就像是一颗颗坚硬的撞球。在量子物理的眼中,原子结构就像是一座足球场中,有一颗棒球大小的原子核孤零零站在足球场的中央,围绕在外面的就是神出鬼没无以名状的电子云。整个足球场其实是空空荡荡的,在这近乎真空的空间里,就隐藏着看不见的量子场,而原子核与电子的电磁效应,就是来自于这个隐藏的能量场(信息场)交互作用的显现。由于物质背后是依赖信息场的运作,信息场是波所组成,场的作用其实就是波的作用。波具有共振的特性,可使低振频转换变成高振频[23]

奇妙的DNA - 探索者2012 - 你从哪里来,要往哪里去


生物DNA:生物场(电磁场) —>生物光子—>DNA幻影场—>DNA语言波—>DNA是一个基因全息图


奇妙的DNA - 探索者2012 - 你从哪里来,要往哪里去


姜堪政场导实验,证明了DNA 遗传信息可以通过电磁场传递。
卡兹纳切耶夫实验,证明了死亡(DNA 遗传信息)可以通过紫外线光子传递


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       在《光学快报》(Optics Express)杂志上,法国里昂大学的科学家和美国的研究人员联合公布了公布了他们的最新实验情况。法国里昂大学的杰姆·卡斯帕里安是此次研究的负责人,他说,在著名的本杰明·富兰克林风筝实验的现代版中,研究人员们在位于美国新墨西哥州高10500英尺(约3200米)的南伯帝峰顶端放置了一个移动激光器,并向2个经过的雷暴发射激光脉冲,结果在云中产生了雷电活动。杰姆·卡斯帕里安说,“在此次新墨西哥实验中,我们并没有真正产生从空中延伸到地面的全面雷击,不过果真创造出了云中电流的小型局部放电。这项工作展示了人工闪电中先期的闪光。这是使用激光束引发雷击中最重要的第一步,我们首次在雷雨云中发出了闪电先兆。”






       然而感兴趣的不止是美法两国,前苏联也曾进行过相关的研究。我的前一篇博文《阿尔扎马斯-16》中的“俄罗斯科学院实验物理研究所”,以及即将出场的“俄罗斯科学院联合高温物理研究所(ИТЭС) ”,都有着这样的技术,而且成果甚丰,尽管俄国人现在没有宣布过什么实验结果,但在他们公开发表的文献里,你隐隐约约的可以感受到那莫名的杀气。请记住一句俗话:咬人的狗不叫!





       该技术将化学能(5兆焦耳/公斤的高密度炸药)转化为高电磁脉冲,主要应用的科学和技术领域如带电粒子加速、受控热核聚变等离子体加热、多种应用能源转化、激光器泵浦、高分辨率雷达、材料转化等。主要技术指标: - 质量0,1-1,0公斤;- 能量5-100千焦



    2.     利用电子束和使用爆炸磁通发生器产生强大的电磁辐射的实验测试设施
















最大脉冲功率10 13瓦(10T

最大流脉冲功率10 19/cm2







X射线和伽玛 - 激光器











便携式 超宽带无线发射器









爆炸高炉 VBC - 2







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Earth is wrapped in a donut shaped magnetic field. Circular lines of flux continuously descend into the North Pole and emerge from the South Pole. The ionosphere, an electromagnetic-wave conductor, 100 kms above the earth, consists of a layer of electrically charged particles acting as a shield from solar winds.

Natural waves are related to the electrical activity in the atmosphere and are thought to be caused by multiple lightning storms. Collectively, these waves are called ‘The Schumann Resonance´, the current strongest at 7.8 Hz. These are quasi-standing extremely low frequency (ELF) waves that naturally exist in the earth´s ‘electromagnetic´ cavity, the space between the ground and the ionosphere. These ‘earth brainwaves´ are identical to the spectrum of our brainwaves.

(1 hertz = 1 cycle per second, 1 Khz = 1000, 1 Mhz =1 million. A 1 Hertz wave is 186,000 miles long, 10 Hz is 18,600 miles. Radio-waves move at the speed of light.)

The Creator designed living beings to resonate to this natural frequency pulsation in order to evolve harmoniously. The ionosphere is being manipulated by US govt. scientists using an Alaskan transmitter called HAARP, (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) which sends focused radiated power to heat up sections of the ionosphere, which bounces power down again. ELF waves from HAARP when targeted on areas can weather-engineer and create mood changes affecting millions. The intended wattage is 1,700 billion watts of power. A former govt. insider deduced they want to flip the world upside down. 64 elements in the ground modulate, with variation, the geomagnetic waves naturally coming from the ground.

The ‘earth´s natural brain rhythm´ above is balanced with these. These are the same minerals as the red blood corpuscles. There is a relation between the blood and geomagnetic waves. An imbalance between Schumann and geomagnetic waves disrupts biorhythms. These natural geomagnetic waves are being replaced by artificially created very low frequency (VLF) ground waves coming from GWEN Towers.

GWEN (Ground Wave Emergency Network) transmitters placed 200 miles apart across the USA allow specific frequencies to be tailored to the geomagnetic-field strength in each area, allowing the magnetic field to be altered. They operate in the VLF range, with transmissions between VLF 150 and 175 KHz. They also emit UHF waves of 225 - 400 MHz. The VLF signals travel by waves that hug the ground rather than radiating into the atmosphere. A GWEN station transmits circularly up to 300 miles, the signal dropping off sharply with distance. The entire GWEN system consists of, (depending on source of data), from 58 to an intended 300 transmitters spread across the USA, each with a tower 299-500 ft high. 300 ft copper wires in spoke like fashion fan out from the base of the system underground, interacting with the earth like a thin shelled conductor, radiating radio wave energy for very long distances through the ground. USA bathes in this magnetic field which rises to 500 ft, even going down to basements, so everyone is mind-controlled. The whole artificial ground-wave spreads out over USA like a web. It is easier to mind-control and hypnotize people who are bathed in an artificial electromagnetic-wave. (Covering the entire floor with aluminum and buying a CET cylinder from Nordic Living Water Systems helps.) GWEN transmitters have many different functions including controlling the weather, mind, behavior and mood control.

These work in conjunction with HAARP and the Russian Woodpecker transmitter, similar to HAARP. The Russians openly market a small version of their weather-engineering system called Elate, which can fine-tune weather patterns over a 200 mile area and have the same range as the GWEN unit. One operates at Moscow airport. The GWEN Towers shoot enormous bursts of energy into the atmosphere in conjuction with HAARP. The website wrote an expose of how the major floods of the Mid-West USA occurred in 1993.

Invisible enormous rivers of water, consisting of vapors that flow, move towards the poles in the lower atmosphere. They rival the flow of the Amazon River and are 420 to 480 miles wide and up to 4,800 miles long. They are 1.9 miles above the earth and have volumes of 340 lbs of water per second. There are 5 atmospheric rivers in each Hemisphere. A massive flood can be created by damming up one of these massive vapor rivers, causing huge amounts of rainfall to be dumped.

The GWEN Towers positioned along the areas north of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers were turned on for 40 days and 40 nights, probably mocking the Flood of Genesis. (This was in conjunction with HAARP, that creates a river of electricity flowing thousands of miles through the sky and down to the polar ice-cap, manipulating the jet-stream , like The Woodpecker.) These rivers flooded, causing agricultural losses of $12-15 billion. HAARP produces earthquakes by focusing on the fault lines. GWEN Towers are on the fault lines and volcanic areas of the Pacific Northeast.

In 1963 Dr Robert Becker explored effects of external magnetic-fields on brainwaves showing a relationship between psychiatric admissions and solar magnetic storms. He exposed volunteers to pulsed magnetic-fields similar to magnetic-storms, and found a similar response. US 60 Hz electric power ELF waves vibrate at the same frequency as the human brain. UK 50 Hz electricity emissions depress the thyroid.

Dr Andrija Puharich in the 50´s/60´s, found clairvoyant´s brainwaves became 8 Hz when their powers were operative. He saw an Indian Yogi in 1956 controlling his brainwaves, deliberately shifting his consciousness from one level to another. Puharich trained people with bio-feedback to do this consciously, making 8 Hz waves. A healer made 8 Hz waves pass into a patient, healing their heart trouble, her brain emitting 8 Hz . One person emitting a certain frequency can make another also resonate to the same frequency.

Our brains are extremely vulnerable to any technology which sends out ELF waves, because they immediately start resonating to the outside signal by a kind of tuning-fork effect. Puharich experimented discovering 7.83 Hz (earth´s pulse rate) made a person ‘feel good´ producing an altered-state. 10.80 Hz causes riotious behaviour and 6.6 Hz causes depression. Puharich made ELF waves change RNA and DNA, breaking hydrogen bonds to make a person have a higher vibratory rate. He wanted to go beyond the psychic 8 Hz brainwave and attract psi phenomena. James Hurtak, who once worked for Puharich, also wrote in his book The Keys of Enoch that ultra-violet caused hydrogen bonds to break and this raised the vibratory rate.

Puharich presented the mental effects of ELF waves to military leaders but they would not believe him. He gave this information to certain dignitaries of other Western nations. The US govt burned down his home in New York to shut him up and he fled to Mexico. However Russians discovered which ELF frequencies did what to the human brain and began zapping the US Embassy in Moscow on 4 July 1976 with electromagnetic-waves, varying the signal, including focusing on 10 Hz. (10 Hz puts people into a hypnotic state, Russians and North Koreans use this in portable mind-control machines to extract confessions.

Found also in an American church to help the congregation believe!) This Russian "Woodpecker" signal was traveling across the world from a transmitter near Kiev. The US Air Force identified 5 different frequencies in this compound harmonic Woodpecker was sending through the earth and atmosphere. Nikola Tesla revealed in 1901 power could be transmitted through the ground using ELF waves. Nothing stops or weakens these signals. The Russians retrieved Tesla´s papers when they were returned to Yugoslavia after his death.


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Beam weapons almost ready for battle

Directed energy could revolutionize warfare, expert says

Image: Space laser
A laser fires from space toward Earth in this artistic rendering.
The Air Force Research Laboratory’s Directed There is a new breed of weaponry fast approaching — and at the speed of light, no less. They are labeled "directed-energy weapons," and they may well signal a revolution in military hardware — perhaps more so than the atomic bomb.

Directed-energy weapons take the form of lasers, high-powered microwaves and particle beams. Their adoption for ground, air, sea, and space warfare depends not only on using the electromagnetic spectrum, but also upon favorable political and budgetary wavelengths too.

That’s the outlook of J. Douglas Beason, author of the recently published book "The E-Bomb: How America’s New Directed Energy Weapons Will Change the Way Wars Will Be Fought in the Future." Beason previously served on the White House staff working for the president’s science adviser under both the Bush and Clinton administrations.

After more than two decades of research, the United States is on the verge of deploying a new generation of weapons that discharge beams of energy, such as the Airborne Laser and the Active Denial System, as well as the Tactical High Energy Laser, or THEL.

"History has shown that, without investment in high technology, fighting the next war will be done using the 'last war' type of technique," Beason told Putting money into basic and long-range research is critical, Beason said, adding: "You can’t always schedule breakthroughs."

A leading expert in directed-energy research for 26 years, Beason is also director of threat reduction here at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. However, he noted that he was expressing his own views rather than the policy of the laboratory, the Defense Department or the Energy Department.

Image: Airborne Laser

Ripe for transformation? Though considerable work has been done in lasers, high-power microwaves and other directed-energy technologies, weaponization is still an ongoing process.

For example, work is continuing in the military’s Airborne Laser program. It utilizes a megawatt-class, high-energy chemical oxygen iodine laser toted skyward aboard a modified Boeing 747-400 aircraft. Purpose of the program is to enable the detection, tracking and destruction of ballistic missiles in the boost phase, or powered part of their flight.


Similarly, testing of the U.S. Army’s Tactical High Energy Laser in White Sands, N.M., has shown the ability of heating high-flying rocket warheads, blasting them with enough energy to make them self-detonate. THEL uses a high-energy, deuterium fluoride chemical laser. A mobile THEL also demonstrated the ability to kill multiple mortar rounds.


Then there’s Active Denial Technology — a non-lethal way to use millimeter-wave electromagnetic energy to stop, deter and turn back an advancing adversary. This technology, supported by the U.S. Marines, uses a beam of millimeter waves to heat a foe’s skin, causing severe pain without damage, and making the adversary flee the scene.

Beason also pointed to new exciting research areas underway at the Los Alamos National Laboratory: Free-electron laser work with the Navy and a new type of directed energy that operates in the terahertz region.

Niche for new technology While progress in directed-energy is appreciable, Beason sees two upfront problems in moving the technology forward. One issue has to do with "convincing the warfighter that there’s a niche for this new type of weapon," and the other relates to making sure these new systems are not viewed as a panacea to solve all problems. "They are only another tool," he said.


Image: Ground-based laser
 Northrop Grumman
This is a conceptual look at putting a solid-state laser on an armored ground combat vehicle for potential use in the U.S. military’s Future Combat Systems program.
Looming even larger is the role of those who acquire new weapons. "The U.S. could put ourselves in a very disastrous position if we allow our acquisition officials to be non-technically competent," Beason explained.


Over the decades, Beason said that the field of directed-energy has had its share of "snake-oil salesmen", as well as those advocates who overpromised. "It wasn’t ready for prime time."

At present, directed-energy systems "are barely limping along with enough money just to prove that they can work," Beason pointed out. Meanwhile, huge slugs of money are being put into legacy-type systems to keep them going.

"It’s a matter of priority," Beason said. The time is now to identify high-payoff, directed-energy projects for the smallest amounts of money, he said.


Unknown unknowns In Beason’s view, Active Denial Technology, the Airborne Laser program and the THEL project, as well as supporting technologies such as relay mirrors, are all works in progress that give reason for added support and priority funding.

"I truly believe that as the Airborne Laser goes, so goes the rest of the nation’s directed-energy programs. Right now, it’s working on the margin. I believe that there are still ‘unknown unknowns’ out there that are going to occur in science and technology. We think we have the physics defined. We think we have the engineering defined. But something always goes wrong … and we’re working too close at the margin," Beason said.

Stepwise demonstration programs that spotlight directed-energy weapon systems are needed, Beason noted. Such in-the-field displays could show off greater beam distance-to-target runs, mobility of hardware, ease-of-operation, battlefield utility and other attributes


Directed-energy technologies can offer a range of applications, from botching up an enemy’s electronics to performing "dial-up" destructive strikes at the speed of light with little or no collateral damage.

Beason said he has a blue-sky idea of his own, which he tags "the voice from heaven." By tuning the resonance of a laser onto Earth’s ionosphere, you can create audible frequencies. Like some boom box in the sky, the laser-produced voice could bellow from above down to the target below: "Put down your weapons."

Relay mirrors Regarding use of directed-energy space weapons, Beason advised that "we’ll eventually see it."

However, present-day systems are far too messy. Most high-powered chemical lasers — in the megawatt

class — require onboard fuels and oxidizers to crank out the amount of energy useful for strategic applications. Stability of such a laser system rooted in space is also wanting.

On the other hand, Beason said he expected to see the rise of more efficient lasers — especially solid-state laser systems. "What breakthroughs are needed … I’m not sure. Eventually, I think it’s going to happen, but it is going to be a generation after the battlefield lasers."

Shooting beams "through space" is another matter, Beason quickly added. Space-based relay mirrors — even high-altitude airships equipped with relay mirrors — can direct ground-based or air-based laser beams nearly around the world, he said.

"So you’re using space … exploiting it. But you are going through space to attack anywhere on Earth," Beason said.

History lesson Late last year, speaking before the Heritage Foundation in Washington, Beason told his audience that laser energy, the power sources and beam control, as well as knowledge about how laser beams interact with Earth’s atmosphere, are quite mature technologies that are ready for the shift into front-line warfare status.

"The good news is that directed energy exists. Directed energy is being tested, and within a few years directed energy is going to be deployed upon the battlefield," Beason reported. "But the bad news is that acquisition policies right now in this nation are one more gear toward evolutionary practices rather than revolutionary practices."

"Visionaries win wars … and not bureaucrats. We’ve seen this through history," Beason observed.

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  约翰·曼金斯(John C. Mankins)向《探索频道》演示了这项太阳能传输技术。《探索频道》为这次历时4个月的实验提供了经费,并于美国东部时间9月12日晚9点播出了实验结果。曼金斯的构想是将重达1102磅(约合500公斤)的轨道卫星收集的太阳能传输至地面一个大型接收站。



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  ▲3D人脑神经元活动模拟图。  了解神经元之间的沟通规则非常重要。单个神经元不随意沟通,而是寻求目标明确的沟通伙伴。虽然每个神经元都是独一无二的,但是,研究人员已经发现不同大脑的线路有着共同的模式。































  (史春树 上官颐欣)

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掌上型电脑发明人霍金斯( Jeff Hawkins )如今迷上人脑研究。身为 Handspring 公司董事长兼财务长,他每周拨出一天研读神经学,经常参加学术研讨会,也在长岛冷泉港实验室董事会取得席位,更准备成立研究机构。
  有钱人企图影响学术界并非罕见。如一度被喻为垃圾债券之王的米尔肯( Michael Milken )在和癌症病魔对抗之际,也赞助癌症研究。但非比寻常的是,霍金斯亲自投入研究印证自己的假设。
  过去 20 年来,霍金斯断断续续进行头脑研究,向公司请假专注於研究工作。他拒绝透露已在研究上投入多少资金,但他形容只是「少量的资金」。他说,必要时准备投入大部分的财富,但他强调大量资金对研究没有多大助益,重要的是如何花。霍金斯财力雄厚,他的财产包括价值约 2.15 亿美元的 Handspring 公司持股。冷泉港实验室理论神经学教授布洛迪说∶「他乐於提供赞助,很多人都愿意听他的话。」
  1980 年代初期的人工智慧研究挑动霍金斯对人脑的兴趣。尽管多数科学家的研究工作以资讯输入和输出为基础,霍金斯却认为,这种模式是错误的。 1980 年代中期他进入柏克莱加州大学博士班追求他的这套理论。
  二年後,学术界的官僚体制让霍金斯深感挫折而退学。他决定到矽谷上班四年,赚了钱後重新投入研究。但事情并未如计画进行。霍金斯和他的事业夥伴杜宾斯基 1992 年成立掌上公司( Palm ), 1996 年推出 Palm Pilot 个人数码助理器这项划时代产品。他俩後来离开掌上另立 Handspring 。
  霍金斯并未忘情於人脑研究,不时阅读学术性刊物。 1997 年年底和 1998 年,他开始每周放几天假,将自己的理论写成书。但成立 Handspring 後须全心投入公司营运,这本书只写了两章。去年,他重新投入研究。
  霍金斯表示,他不会离开 Handspring ,会将大部分多时间放在这家公司上面。但他希望可以完成著作,并完成一部以型态/完成模式为模型的机器。


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中新网北京8月5日电 (记者 孙自法)“目前,第六次科技革命正向我们走来。”中国科学院中国现代化研究中心主任何传启研究员5日表示,从人类文明和世界现代化的前沿角度看,大约在2020-2050年间,将有可能发生以生命科学为基础,融合信息科技和纳米科技,提供满足人类精神生活需要和提高生活质量的第六次科技革命。







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THE CIA'S SECRET WEAPONS SYSTEMS by Andrew Stark Exploding wine bottles, guns constructed out of pipes, bullets made of teeth, aspirin explosives: they sound like props from a second-rate spy story. Horrifyingly enough, they are real. The CIA has spent a great deal of its time-- and your money--developing countless bizarre weapons for assassination, sabotage, and mass destruction. If that's news to you, it's because the CIA doesn't want these products, some of which are quite easy to put together, to fall into the "wrong hands." As for whether they are in the right hands now--judge for yourself. The CIA has developed many exotic and sophisticated devices intended for use in interrogation, sabotage, and assassination. These weapons are necessary--if you grant that what the CIA itself does is necessary. If the CIA wants to eliminate a key KGB agent operating in Hungary, it faces certain problems. It would be virtually impossible to slip a deadly weapon, such as a gun or bomb, past Hungarian customs officials. Thus, the CIA assassin must assemble his weapon from commonly obtainable materials after he crosses the border. The CIA agent might decide to construct a urea nitrate explosive, commonly known as a urine bomb. This weapon is quite deadly, easily exploded, and consists primarily of nitric acid and urine. The urine bomb is one of literally hundreds of murderous weapons in the CIA arsenal. "The New York Times" of September 26, 1975 revealed the existence of guns that shoot cobra-venom darts. Then there was the shoe polish compound intended to make Fidel Castro's beard fall out, so that he would lose his "charisma." And CIA laboratories in Fort Monmouth, New Jersey developed the famous rifle that shoots around corners. Some CIA weapons are designed to kill many people--deadly germs can be released in subways; others are intended to kill a single, specific individual--the Borgia ring contains deadly poison to be slipped into a victim's drink; and still others are standard weapons supplied for such missions as overthrowing the Allende government in Chile in 1973. The information about CIA weapons that you will read in this article generally has not been made public before. It was not intended to be. But your tax dollars pay for these devices; it is your right to know about them. There is a booklet, written in 1977 and distributed to a select group of U.S. mercenaries, titled "CIA Improvised Sabotage Devices." This instructional guidebook, part of "the Combat Bookshelf," was published by Desert Publications, P.O. Box 22005, Phoenix, Arizona 85028. If you want to know how the CIA turns a cigar box into an explosive that can destroy a 10,000-gallon capacity storage tank, then "CIA Improvised Sabotage Devices" is what you should read. You will need it if you want to build the "Water-Drip Electric Delay," a bomb that requires little more than wood scrap, a tin can, and a battery. The "Pocket Watch Electric Delay" requires little more than a watch, a screw, and a battery. The "Mousetrap Electric Release" is another bomb, this one requiring a mousetrap, a trip wire, a battery, and little else. It is described as "an excellent device to use with bazooka rockets against trucks, tanks, or locomotives." The "Chemical

Instantaneous Initiator" is made from a sugar-chlorate mix and is effective in sabotaging trains. The "Martini Glass Shaped Charge" is a bomb that also can be made out of a beer can. You might want to try to construct the "Vehicle Booby Trap." The "Potassium Chlorate and Sugar Igniter" and the "Sawdust, Moth Flakes, and Oil Incendiary" can be made with only what you see in their titles. For these and more than fifty other CIA devices, step-by-step instructions on how to make them and illustrations of what they should look like when completed are given. Turn a wine bottle into a bomb. Build a land-mine rocket. Manufacture napalm in your basement. Even the simple how-tos of causing a dust explosion can be found in "CIA Improvised Sabotage Devices." Why is the CIA so deeply involved in sabotage techniques? The CIA might think it is in this country's interest to delay scientific work being done by another nation. Or, the CIA might want to disrupt a nation's economy in the hope that the resulting chaos will lead to civil unrest and the overthrow of the existing government (some of this actually happened in Chile). The original John Rockefeller used such tactics against his competitors. He simply had their refineries blown up. Another pamphlet the CIA would not like you to see is titled "How to Kill," written by John Minnery, edited by Robert Brown and Peder Lund, and published by Paladin Press, Box 1307, Boulder, Colorado 80306. The reason the CIA would prefer that you not see this eighty-eight-page pamphlet, which is unavailable at bookstores and newsstands, is because it contains a number of "ingenious" methods of doing what the title says. Also, Paladin Press, which published a book called "OSS Sabotage and Demolition Manual," is widely regarded by journalists as an organization with close ties to mercenary groups and the CIA. Paladin Press doesn't want you to know that, but how else could they have published the "OSS Sabotage and Demolition Manual?" The Office of Strategic Services was the precursor of today's CIA. This writer's call to Colorado yielded the following conversation: "How could you publish the "OSS Sabotage and Demolition Manual," I asked Peter Lund, editor and publisher of Paladin Press, "if your organization, at the least, was not dealing with former OSS agents? And what about "How to Kill?" "I don't talk to journalists," Lund said. "You're called the Paladin Press. You must publish books. Can I order them?" "No." "Why not? You're a publisher, aren't you?" "We're afraid our publications might fall into the wrong hands." "What are the right hands?" I asked. "I don't talk to journalists." "Have you ever heard of Desert Publications?" I asked. "A fine outfit," Lund said. "If they recommend you, I'll send you our material." "That's my problem," I said. "They don't seem to have a phone number." "Well, they're a good group." "Listen," I said, "wasn't your group, and Desert Publications besides, involved in CIA mercenary activity in Africa?" "I don't know anything about that." "Were you in the Special Forces?" "July 1967 to July 1968 in Vietnam." "Were you CIA?" "I was MACV [Military Armed Forces Command Vietnam]."

"You weren't affiliated with CIA?" "I didn't say that." "What do you say?" "We did joint operations with CIA on the Phoenix Program." "Wasn't that a murder operation?" "No. It was snatching people." The Phoenix Program was designed for a job that the CIA euphemistically described as "eliminating the Viet Cong infrastructure." In reality, it was a rampant reign of terror run out of CIA headquarters at Langley, Virginia. Former CIA director William Colby later termed the program "effective." The Phoenix Program was a naked murder campaign, as proved by every realistic report, ranging from the Bertrand Russell Tribunal to the Dellums Committee to admissions by CIA agents themselves. The program killed--and *none* of these killings occurred in combat--18,000 people, mostly women and children. But what about Peder Lund, editor and publisher of Paladin Press? The book he edited and published, "How to Kill," outlined a surfeit of murder methods, horrific techniques of causing people to die. For example: "Without getting too deeply into the realm of the bizarre," wrote John Minnery, the author of "How to Kill" as he proceeded to just that, "a specially loaded bullet made from a human tooth (bicuspid) could be fired under the jaw or through the mouth into the head. The tooth is a very hard bone, and its enamel shell would allow it to penetrate into the brain. The intention here is also to hide the cause of death because the examiner in his search for a projectile will disregard bone fragments." One last example from "How to Kill" should give you the flavor of the book: Lesson Nine: Hot Wire "Essentially, the weapon is an electrified grid in the urinal basin. This can take the form of a screen cover for the drain or a metal grill. If the urinal is completely porcelain, the screen must be added by the assassin. The drain cover is connected to the electrical system of the washroom by means of an insulated cord that is hidden behind the plumbing. "What happens when the subject uses the urinal should be obvious now. The subject's urine, which is a salty liquid and a perfect conductor of electricity, makes contact with the charged grid, and the shock will kill him." This reporter's investigation revealed that the "Hot Wire" was child's play compared to certain other CIA weapons devices. For instance, I was able to obtain Volumes One and Two of the "CIA Black Book" on improvised munitions, volumes that are stamped "for official use only" on almost every page. It is obvious why the CIA would like these books to remain secret. With elaborate instructions, they describe how to make high explosives from aspirin, how to construct a nail grenade, and how to turn a Coke bottle into a bomb. Described in detail in the "Black Book" is the previously mentioned urea nitrate explosive, or, as it is known to the pros, "the piss bomb." Instructions for the preparation of this weapon assure the maker that animal urine will do as well as human; the important thing is to have ten cups of it, boil it down to one cup, and mix it with the nitric acid. Also described in the "Black Book" is how to construct a pipe

pistol, which, as the name indicates, is a gun constructed out of a pipe. Other weapons include a cooking syringe filled with poison that can be stabbed into "the subject's" stomach; a cyanide gas pistol; a throat cutter gauntlet knife (razor sharp and only an inch or so in length); and a mixture of fertilizer and aluminum powder that can be made into a powerful bomb. Why build murder weapons out of such weird material? Is the CIA insane? No. In its own way, the whole thing is perfectly logical. The pamphlet "How to Kill" explained it all: "As most of these devices are homemade, this precludes the possibility of their being traced. They are, in effect, `sanitized' and perfect for assassinations, where weapons are prohibited, or where customs in the hostile country are stringent, so these can be made from local materials." Being a contract killer for the CIA is not all roses. You cannot kill in just any way. A number of attempts have been made on Fidel Castro's life--some with the CIA and the Mafia cooperating--and some of them may have failed because of restrictions imposed on the potential assassins. It would be unacceptable for Castro's murder to be laid at the door of the CIA. This would make Castro a martyr in the eyes of his countrymen. Thus, a method that would suggest death by natural causes must be found. Abundant speculation and considerable evidence suggest that the CIA or some other government agency arranged for the "natural" deaths of David Ferrie, Jack Ruby, George De Mohrenschildt, and other potential witnesses into the assassination of John Kennedy. Some methods of killing, like the injection of an air bubble into the bloodstream, will often go unnoticed by medical examiners. Another hard-to-trace method of killing is to mail a snake to the victim. This is known as killing by long distance. A disadvantage to this method is that the snake might bite an innocent third party who just happens to open the package. The advantage is that once the snake has struck, the evidence can simply slither away. Sometimes, as the CIA knows, killing has to be done at close range. For this purpose, a valuable weapon is the ice pick with a blood arrester attached. The blood arrester is a cloth wrapped near the tip of the ice pick. When the pick is shoved into the victim, the spurting blood is absorbed by the blood arrester. People who see the victim fall will probably think he has had a heart attack. While the onlookers try to help the victim, the assassin uses this valuable ten or fifteen seconds to escape unnoticed. Often it is advisable to use what is called in the trade a "quiet weapon." Silenced weapons can include pistols, rifles, and even machine guns. Poison is a quiet killer. Here is a partial list of the poisons the CIA has become expert at administering: oil of bitter almonds; ant paste; cadmium, used in vapor form, and death is delayed four hours; radiator cleaner, also causing a delayed death; Cantharides (Spanish Fly); ethyl mercury; and freon, heated by a flame. These poisons and many others are listed in "How to Kill." The author then cautions the reader: "Unless otherwise stated, these poisons are either to be injected into the subject, or taken orally by him by adding it to his food. Use common sense in the application of these potions and, if possible, double the O.D. necessary." W.H. Bowart, in his book, "Operation Mind Control" described the CIA's use of drugs: "In 1953, the CIA made plans to purchase ten

kilograms of LSD for use in `drug experiments with animals and human beings.' Since there are more than 10,000 doses in a gram, that meant the CIA wanted 100 million doses. The CIA obviously intended to `corner the market' on LSD so that other countries would not be ahead of the U.S. in their potential for `LSD warfare.'" Dr. Albert Hoffman, an early researcher into the uses of LSD, was horrified by what the CIA was doing: "I had perfected LSD for medical use, not as a weapon. It can make you insane or even kill you if it is not properly used under medical supervision. In any case, the research should be done by medical people and not by soldiers or intelligence agencies." Perhaps the most frightening weapon of all is the one that can be used to alter weather and climate. It was used with considerable success in Vietnam. It slowed troop movements with heavy rains, and it destroyed the rice crop, as well. The danger is that these climatological changes may become permanent, affecting not only enemies of the United States, but also the entire planet. Finally, considerable evidence exists that the United States, through the CIA, employed germ warfare during the Korean War. A number of captured pilots testified that germ warfare was used, but their testimony was dismissed as brainwashing. A Marine Corps colonel named Frank H. Schwable signed a germ warfare confession and, according to W.H. Bowart, "named names, cited missions, described meetings and strategy conferences." Schwable later repudiated his confession. But the charges of germ warfare were taken up in front of the United Nations, and a number of countries believed them. The United States, incidentally, was later charged with using nerve gas in Vietnam. What you have read on these pages is pretty revolting stuff. Yet, if the world ought to be saved from Communism, who can say it is not necessary? One danger, of course, is that these terrible weapons have been introduced into our body politic and have produced strange and terrible fruits on our own native soil. When assassination becomes government policy, when men are trained to kill in every conceivable way, when morality is set aside for a "higher good," can even the President of the United States consider himself safe? Andrew Stark is a pseudonym for a weaponry specialist.


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military intelligence researches

The link between the explosion of government neuroscience research and classified cold war/post cold war weapons programs

The new neuroethics conferences have not included military research in their discussions and yet many articles describe weapons which target the nervous system and brain. This summary of 2004 developments, includes the long-term military interest in nonlethal, electromagnetic weapons and human rights expert’s comments on the continuing problem of excessive secrecy. The excessive secrecy prevents evaluation of the new weapons by human rights groups. The Reuters World Service, May 30, 1996, Microwave and acoustic weapons pose new threats, Jim Della-Giacoma reported;

”…There are indications that [electromagnetic weapons] may have adverse affects on the brain,” she [Louise Doswald-Beck, Deputy Head of the legal division of the Geneva-based ICRC(International Committee for the Red Cross)] …Doswald-Beck said all developed countries were doing research on microwave and acoustic weapons. ”The U.S. makes a lot of mention of it in its specialised literature but then they say it’s classified. The same goes with some European countries. The West assumes that Russia’s doing it, but it is kept under wraps,” she said. Doswald-Beck said the ICRC was unable to do the early research on banning microwave and acoustic weapons because they were shrouded in secrecy.


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  科學家指出,戴上這個所謂的“思考帽”(thinking cap)接受一項簡單算術測試的人,其表現顯著加強。在接受這項算術測試的60人當中,戴著“思考帽”作答並完成測試的人,比沒有使用“思考帽”的人多了三倍。

  聯合早報報道,這個由悉尼大學才智中心(Centre for the Mind)的主任斯奈德教授和博士研究生Richard Chi發明的“思考帽”,一邊壓抑和知識及記憶力有關聯的左腦,一邊刺激進行創意思考的右腦,讓人們思考問題時能夠跳出舊框框。





'Thinking Cap' Designed to Promote Creativity

The new device passes low levels of electricity through the brain to try and help wearers think more clearly.

Thu Feb 10, 2011 08:47 AM ET
Content provided by AFP
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  • Australian scientists have developed a cap to wear over the head that is meant to promote creativity.
  • The cap works by passing low levels of electricity through the brain.
  • The goal is to suppress past mental templates to see situations as they really appear.
brain stimulation

Australian scientists have developed a device that they believe promotes creativity in the brain. Click to enlarge this image.

Scientists in Australia say they are encouraged by initial results of a revolutionary "thinking cap" that aims to promote creativity by passing low levels of electricity through the brain.

The device, which consists of two conductors fastened to the head by a rubber strap, significantly boosted results in a simple arithmetic test, they said.

Three times as many people who wore the "thinking cap" were able to complete the test, compared to those who did not use the equipment. Sixty people took part in total.

Allan Snyder, director of the University of Sydney's Center for the Mind, said the device worked by suppressing the left side of the brain, associated with knowledge, and stimulating the right side, linked to creativity.

"You wouldn't use this to study or to help your memory," Snyder said. "You would use this if you wanted to look at a problem anew.

"If you wanted to look at the world, just briefly, with a child's view, if you wanted to look outside the box."

He said goal was to suppress mental templates gathered through life experiences to help users see problems and situations as they really appear, rather than through the prism of earlier knowledge.

Snyder added that the work was inspired by accident victims who experienced a sudden surge in creativity after damaging the left side of their brains.

"We know that from certain types of brain damage and abnormalities or injuries, people who suddenly have damage to the left temporal lobe will burst out in the arts or other types of creative activities," he said.

Snyder said the device had been in use by scientists for a decade, but this was the first study into how current passing through the brain could amplify insight.

He said the "thinking cap" had potential applications in the arts and problem-solving, although the science remained in its infancy.

"The dream is that one day we may be able to stimulate the brain in a particular way to give you, just momentarily, an unfiltered view of the world," Snyder said

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美研究用脑电波代替脚更快刹车 《新华网》

【美国《科学新闻》周刊网站7月2 9日报道】题:脑电波带来快速刹车———司机们只需产生念头就能使车辆停止












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Tonights been stressful but I accomplished alot. I posted a utube vid of my watchers from the sky and somehow by the grace of God turned my directed milimeter waves into record radio waves using android apps. No cpu. Im able to slow down filter and even stop and isolate parts of the talking. What I've heard terrifies ms though
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