For (122)

Eu realmente acredito que TIs podem estar em risco iminente e têm que se preservar e ter cuidado com suas ações, escritos e conteúdos solicitados em meu país e ao redor do mundo. No Brasil você ouve falar disso e há publicações temendo mudanças drásticas em torno da pandemia, vírus e suas mutações:

1 - Nova Constituição Federal;

2 - Estado de defesa;

3 - Estado de sítio.

Pela legislação, os estados seriam promulgados em tempos de guerra, portanto, a hermenêutica interpretativa do avanço viral no Brasil é considerada o “estado de guerra” que justificaria mudanças radicais no comportamento governamental e militarista no contexto atual. Mas, não existem certezas, provas. Gostaria que você prestasse atenção na "linguagem figurativa" das ações em torno do vírus corona, covid 19, existem outras interpretações que estão dando origem a ações que eu acredito, risco para a causa dos TIs e daqueles que sofrem com os direitos humanos violações. Preocupo-me com a origem do covid em ter ocorrido na China, pois os alvos individuais têm grande liderança na Ásia e na China. Descobri em pesquisas que soldados chineses estão invadindo edifícios e com os infectados, tirando pessoas que são contra as ações do governo, essa realidade é descrita em um vídeo, e eu tive que transcrever o vídeo do chinês para o português para entender o que estava acontecendo no vídeo, eu mesma compartilhei e publiquei uma transcrição em português no Brasil. Se eles estão se aproveitando de cobiça para se livrar de "pessoas inconvenientes" politicamente, acredite, eles podem aproveitar a pandemia para se livrar dos alvos individuais que incomodam ou se livram de um problema, porque somos a prova viva de humanos violações de direitos em todo o mundo. Serei mais claro com vocês, colegas, exemplificando. No Brasil existem vários estados. Ilustrarei com dois estados, o 1º Rio de Janeiro e o 2º estado do Amazonas, um forte CONTRASTE em torno da realidade e versões sobre a pandemia e possibilidades de infecção-contaminação.


Veja como os TIs podem incorrer em riscos e impedimentos na aplicação do Estado de Defesa e do Estado de Sítio se entrar em vigor, mesmo sendo pessoas honestas e decentes, muitos TIs fazem publicações denotando descontentamento com as políticas governamentais,
Se vier o Estado de Defesa em vigor em nome da guerra gerada pela pandemia, recusa da população em vão, movimentos políticos contrários ao Governo, ou confrontos entre Governo e Senado, ou motivados por qualquer motivo e se o Estado de Defesa não for eficiente , resultados State of Siege.
Tanto o Estado de Defesa como o Site são violadores motivadores e justificáveis ​​da Constituição Federal de forma “legalizada” e todos os Direitos Fundamentais do cidadão como idas e vindas, liberdade de imprensa, expressão, liberdade de reunião estarão comprometidos.
Mesmo na hora de publicar publicações nos Canyons, grupos e redes sociais podem fazer com que cidadãos sejam apreendidos, TIs ou não, mesmo que estejam agindo de boa fé, pois nesses contextos as interpretações dos militares podem acontecer em outro nível.
Sou um patriota e gosto do nosso atual Presidente Jair Messias Bolsonaro, sempre mantive contatos nas redes sociais com as Forças Armadas, sou um profundo admirador e seguidor, mas eles têm um Código Militar que, se comprovado, é uma situação de guerra ou equivalente devido a características diferentes no pedido pode mudar.
Art. 139. Durante o estado de sítio decretado com base no art. 137, I, apenas as seguintes medidas podem ser tomadas contra pessoas:

I - obrigação de permanência em local determinado;
II - detenção em prédio não destinado aos acusados ​​ou condenados por crimes comuns;
III - restrições à inviolabilidade da correspondência, ao sigilo das comunicações, à prestação de informações e à liberdade de imprensa, radiodifusão e televisão, nos termos da lei;
IV - suspensão da liberdade de reunião;
V - busca e apreensão em domicílio;
VI - intervenção em empresas de serviço público;
VII - requisição de bens.

Parágrafo único. Não se enquadra nas restrições do inciso III a divulgação de declarações de parlamentares proferidas em suas Casas Legislativas, desde que divulgadas pela respectiva Mesa.
Arte. 141. Cessado o estado de defesa ou o estado de sítio, cessarão também os seus efeitos, sem prejuízo da responsabilidade pelos atos ilícitos cometidos pelos seus executores ou agentes.

Parágrafo único. Tão logo cesse o estado de defesa ou o estado de sítio, as medidas aplicadas serão comunicadas pelo Presidente da República, em mensagem ao Congresso Nacional, com especificação e justificativa das medidas adotadas, com lista nominal das pessoas afetadas e uma indicação das restrições aplicadas. ”.
As consequências serão essencialmente políticas, podendo ou não abranger crimes de responsabilidade, já aqui tratados, e “impeachment”, para além das penas.

EM PORTUGUÊS: Eu realmente acredito que TIs pode estar em risco eminente e ter que se preservar e ter cuidado com seus ações, escritos e conteúdos peticionados em meu país e em todo o mundo. No Brasil ouve-se falar e existem publicações temendo mudanças severas em torno da pandemia, vírus e suas mutações:

1 - Nova Constituição Federal;

2 - Estado de Defesa;

3 - Estado de Sítio.

Por legislações são estados decretados em tempo de guerra, portanto, uma interpretativa hermenêutica do avanço virótico no Brasil é considerado o "estado de guerra" que justificaria muda radicais no comportamento governamental e militarista no contexto atual. Mas, não existem certezas, comprovações. Gostaria de que atentassem para uma "linguagem figurada" das ações em torno do vírus corona, covid 19, existem outras interpretações que estão originando ações que acredito, risco para a causa dos TIs e dos que protegidas violações dos Direitos Humanos. Me preocupo com a origem do covid in ter ocorrido na China, porque "obrigada a alvos" tem grandes lideranças na Ásia e na China. Verifici em pesquisas que soldados chineses estão invadindo prédios e junto aos infectados, removendo pessoas contrárias às atuações do governo, esta realidade está correta em vídeo, e que transcrever o vídeo do chinês para português para entender o que estava ocorrendo no vídeo, eu o compartilhei e publicamente transcrição em português no Brasil. Se estão aproveitando o covid para se livrar de "pessoas incovenientes" politicamente, creiam, podem se aproveitar da pandemia para se livrarem dos indivíduos que incomodam ou se livrarem de um problema, porque somos provas vivas de violações dos Direitos Humanos em todo o mundo. Vou ser mais clara com vocês, colegas, exemplificando. Nenhum Brasil existem vários estados. Vou ilustrar com dois estados, o 1º Rio de Janeiro, e o 2º estado do Amazonas, CONTRASTE gritante em torno da realidade e versões sobre a pandemia e possibilidades de infecto-contaminação. Vou postar,


Veja como TIs podem incorrer em riscos e impedimentos na aplicação de Estado de Defesa e Estado de Sítio se entrar em vigor, mesmo sendo pessoas honestas e decentes, muitos TIs fazem publicações denotando descontentamento com políticas governamentais,
Se entrar em vigor Estado de Defesa em nome da guerra gerada pela pandemia, população recusando vaicinação, movimentos políticos contrário ao governo, ou confrontos entre Governo e Senado, ou motivado seja por qual motivo para, e se o Estado de Defesa não for eficiente, resulta Estado de Sítio.
Ambos, Estado de Defesa e de Sítio são motivadores e justificáveis ​​violadores da Constituição Federal de maneira "legalizada" e todos os Direitos Fundamentais do cidadão como o de ir e vir, liberdade de imprensa, expressão, liberdade para reuniões serão comprometidos.
Até mesmo nas realizações de publicações nas canias, grupos e redes sociais podem fazer com que os cidadãos possam ser apreendidos, TIs ou não, mesmo que agindo de boa fé, porque dentro destes contextos, como interpretações pelos militares podem acontecer num outro nível.
Sou patriota e gosto do nosso atual Presidente Jair Messias Bolsonaro, sempre mantive contatos em redes sociais com Forças Armadas, sou profunda admiradora e seguidora, mas eles tem um Código Militar que se, provado para, situação de guerra ou equivalente por características diversas a ordem nacional pode mudar.
Arte. 139. Na vigência do estado de sítio decretado com fundamento no art. 137, I, só será nomeado contra as pessoas as seguintes medidas:

I - obrigação de permanência em localidade fornecida;
II - detenção em edifício não destinado a acusados ​​ou condenados por crimes comuns;
III - restrições relativas à inviolabilidade da correspondência, ao sigilo das comunicações, à prestação de informações e à liberdade de imprensa, radiodifusão e televisão, na forma da lei;
IV - suspensão da liberdade de reunião;
V - busca e apreensão em domicílio;
VI - intervenção nas empresas de serviços públicos;
VII - requisição de bens.

Parágrafo único. Não se inclui nas restrições do inciso III a difusão de pronunciamentos de parlamentares efetuados em suas Casas Legislativas, desde que liberada pela processamento Mesa.
Arte. 141. Cessado o estado de defesa ou o estado de sítio, cessarão também seus efeitos, sem prejuízo da responsabilidade pelos ilícitos cometidos por seus executores ou agentes.

Parágrafo único. Logo que cesse o estado de defesa ou estado de sítio, as medidas aplicadas em sua vigência serão relatadas pelo Presidente da República, em mensagem ao Congresso Nacional, com especificação e justificação das providências adotadas, em relação aos afetados nominais e indicação das restrições aplicadas ”.
As consequências serão essencialmente políticas e abertas ou não crimes de responsabilidade, aqui já tratada e “impeachment”, além das penais.

ESPANHO L: Realmente creo que los TI pueden estar en riesgo inminente y deben preservarse y ser cuidadosos con sus acciones, escritos y contenido solicitados en mi país y en todo el mundo. No Brasil, uno se entera y hay publicaciones que temen cambios drásticos en torno a la pandemia, los virus y sus mutaciones:

1 - Nueva Constitución Federal;

2 - Estado de defesa;

3 - Estado de sitio.

Por legislación, los estados serían promulgados en tiempos de guerra, por lo que la hermenéutica interpretativa del avance viral en Brasil es considerada o "estado de guerra" que justifica cambios radicais en el comportamiento gubernamental y militarista en el contexto real. Pero no hay certezas, pruebas. Me gustaría que prestaran atención al "lenguaje figurativo" de las acciones en torno al virus corona, covid 19, hay otras interpretaciones que están dando lugar a acciones que creo, ponen en riesgo la causa de las TI e los que sufren los derechos humanos violaciones . Estou preocupado com a origem do covid haya ocurrido na China, porque os objetivos individuais são un gran liderazgo na Ásia e na China. Encontré nas encuestas que os soldados chinos estão invadindo edifícios e com os infectados, sacando a las personas que están contra as acciones del gobierno, esta realidad está comprada em video, y tuve que transcribir el video del chino al portugués para entender lo que estaba pasando en el video. Yo mismo lo compartí y publiqué una transcripción en portugués en Brazil. Si se está aprovando del covid para deshacerse de las "personas inconvenientes" políticamente, créanme, pueden aprovechar la pandemia para deshacerse de los objetivos individuais que molestan ou se deshacen de un problem, porque somos una prueba viviente de la existencia humana. violaciones de derechos en todo el mundo. Seré más claro con ustedes, colegas, ejemplificando. Feno no Brasil em vários estados. Ilustraré con dos estados, el 1º de Río de Janeiro e el 2º de Amazonas, un marcado CONTRASTE em torno da realidade e versões sobre a pandemia e as possibilidades de infecção-contaminação. Ahora publicar dos vídeos, um de cada estado, apresentando a realidade de que cada um de ellos está viviendo na pandemia, a pesar de todas as restrições e a atenção publicada.

EXPLICACIÓN: Vea cómo los TI pueden incurrir en riesgos e impedimentos en la aplicación del Estado de Defensa y del Estado de Sitio si éste entra en vigencia, aunque son personas honestas y decentes, muchos TI hacen publicaciones que denotan descontento con las políticas gubernamentais,
Si entra en vigencia el Estado de Defesa en nombre de la guerra gerada por la pandemia, la población se niega a movimientos políticos vanos, contrarios al Gobierno, o enfrentamientos entre Gobierno y Senado, o motivados por cualquier motivo, y si el estado de defesa não es eficiente, da como resultado do estado de sitio.
Tanto o Estado de Defesa como o Sitio son violadores motivadores e justificáveis ​​de la Constitución Federal de manera "legalizada" y se verán comprometidos todos los Derechos Fundamentales del ciudadano como ir y venir, libertad de prensa, expresión, libertad de reunión.
Incluso al publicar publicaciones em Los Cañones, los grupos e las redes sociales pueden provocar la aprehensión de ciudadanos, TI o no, aunque actúen de buena fe, porque de estos contextos, las interpretaciones por parte de los militares pueden suceder a otro nivel.
Soy patriota y me gusta nuestro atual presidente Jair Messias Bolsonaro, siempre he mantenido contactos en las redes sociaises con las Fuerzas Armadas, soy un deep admirador y seguidor, pero ellos tienen un Código Militar que, si se prueba, es una situación de guerra. o equivalente debido a diferentes características en el pedido puede cambiar.
Arte. 139. Durante o estado de sítio decretado com base no art. 137, I, solo se podrán tomar las siguientes medidas contra las personas:

I - obrigação de permanecer em um lugar específico;
II - detención en un edificio no destinado a acusados ​​de condenados por delitos comunes;
III - restrições en cuanto à inviolabilidad de la correspondencia, la confidencialidad de las comunicaciones, el suministro de información y la libertad de prensa, radiodifusión y televisión, según dispone la ley;
IV - suspensión de la libertad de reunión;
V - registro e incautación en el hogar;
VI - intervenção em empresas de serviços públicos;
VII - requisición de bienes.

Párrafo unico. Não se inclui nas restrições do ponto III a difusão das declarações dos parlamentares realizados em suas Câmaras Legislativas, sempre que o mar difundido pela Mesa cobrada.
Arte. 141. Uma vez cesado o estado de defesa ou o estado de sitio cesarán también sus efeitos, sen perjuicio de la responsabilidad por los ilícitos cometidos por sus ejecutores ou agentes.

Párrafo unico. Tan pronto como cese o estado de defesa ou o estado de local, as medidas aplicadas en vigor serão informadas pelo Presidente da República, em uma mensagem no Congresso Nacional, com especificação e justificativa das medidas retornadas, com uma relação nominal de los afectados e uma indicação de restrições aplicadas. ”.
Las consecuencias serãon esencialmente políticas y podrán abarcar ou nenhum delitos de responsabilidad, que ya se han tratado aquí y el “juicio político”, además de las penas.



                                una semana atrás - uma semana atrás

                                                                 Este vídeo foi gravado por um turista,
Rami Travel, que está viajando como Américas, e está no Brasil, o vídeo tem uma semana.   

Este vídeo fue agarrado por um turista,
Rami Travel, quien está viajando por América, y está no Brasil, el vídeo tiene una semana.

Este vídeo foi gravado pela turista,
Rami Travel, que está viajando pelas Américas, e está no Brasil, o vídeo tem uma semana.


                                          CIDADE DE VÍDEO MANAUS - ESTADO DE AMAZONAS - COUTRY BRASIL


                                                                                   una semana atrás - uma semana atrás

Pessoas desesperadas atrás de cilindros de oxigênio e do gás oxigênio, este vídeo foi gravado por pessoa do Brasil, canal confiável de comunicação, UOL.

Pessoas desesperadas em busca de cilindros de oxigênio e gás oxigênio, este vídeo foi gravado por um brasileiro, um canal de comunicação confiável, o UOL.

Personas desesperadas that buscan cilindros de oxígeno y gas oxígeno, this video fue grabado by una persona de Brazil, un canal de comunicación confiable, UOL.

TÍTULO DO VÍDEO: Estamos em uma operação de guerra - Wilson Miranda Lima, é um jornalista e político brasileiro filiado ao Partido Social Cristão. É o atual governador do estado do Amazonas.

TÍTULO DO VÍDEO: Estamos em operação de guerra - Wilson Miranda Lima, é um jornalista e político brasileiro filiado ao Partido Social Cristão. Ele é o atual governador do estado do Amazonas.

TÍTULO DEL VIDEO: Estamos em uma operação de guerra - Wilson Miranda Lima, é um periodista e político brasileño afiliado ao Partido Social Cristiano. É o atual governador do estado do Amazonas.

É um contraste muito grande, enquanto no Rio de Janeiro, as pessoas saem para a vida noturna e durante o dia estão nas praias, em Manaus ou desespero é geral e a população que correr atrás do gás oxigênio que está em falta e grande número de óbitos .

Es un contraste muy grande, mientras que en Rio de Janeiro la gente venda a vida noturna y durante o dia está em las playas, en Manaus la desesperación es generalizada y la población tiene que correr tras el gás oxígeno que falta y registrar una gran número de muertes.

É um contraste muito grande, enquanto no Rio de Janeiro as pessoas saem para a noite e de dia nas praias, em Manaus o desespero é geral e a população tem que correr atrás do gás oxigênio que falta e registrar uma grande número de mortes.

Não somente no Brasil, mas em outros países das Américas anunciados com muitos mortos pelo covid, a realidade é como se "nada acontecesse".
Vejam em Medellin, na Colômbia, vídeo gravado há 04 semanas atrás, vida noturna.

Não só no Brasil, mas em outros países das Américas anunciados com milhares de mortes pela cobiça, a realidade é como se "nada estivesse acontecendo".
Veja Medellín, Colômbia, vídeo gravado há 4 semanas, vida noturna.

No solo en Brasil, sino en otros países de América anunciados con miles de muertes por el covid, la realidad es como si "no pasara nada".
Vea Medellín, Colômbia, vídeo grabado hace 4 semanas, vida nocturna.

Ficamos confusos com as estatísticas e pensamos que são mantidas para justificar os que morrem "por covid 19 ou por outros motivos, mas que sejam justificados pelo covid 19".
Atestados de óbitos não denúncia devida averiguação, esta é a verdade.
Orientam tratamento preventivo, depois retiram tal orientação e publicam que as pessoas morreram porque fizeram tal tratamento.
Cada dia apresenta medicações "eficaz", posteriormente, voltam atrás e anunciam mortes por tais medicações.
Apresentam vacinas, depois, mortes por tais vacinas, e suspensão de algumas e continuidade com outras.
Não faz sentido.
É um processo de experimentação e torturas.
Mais grave é alegarem que uma pandemia produz problemas psicológicos, mentais, psíquicos e pessoas podem se matar pelo isolamento social.
O mesmo tipo de isolamento, não tão pior como às quais lançam todas as mortes de TIs.
E aqui, no Brasil, buscar saúde mental pública e solicitar ajuda para provar a existência do SISTEMA MARGINAL DE TORTURAS junto a classe médica, e contar o que praticam com atingido é RISCO em ser internado em estabelecimento psiquiátrico sem dados para sair e sob ação de medicamentos fortíssimos e com graduação crescente.
Classe médica tem a coragem e audácia de afirmar e reafirmar que "nada disto existe ou acontece", e que NUNCA ouviram falar em torturas psicotronicas, telepatia sintética e de imediato se juntam para internar a vítima ea comprometer em todos os sentidos o resto de suas vidas.
Aqui, há duas vítimas interditadas, uma delas foi defendida pela mãe, e o Poder Judiciário não voltou atrás sequer com a defesa e depoimento da mãe da vítima.
Comecei publicações e campanha para que busca não buscassem Psiquiatras e se mantivessem longe das tarjas pretas, porque ficariam incapazes de se defender psíquica e fisicamente, e não estou mentindo.
Com este envolvimento negacionista da classe médica, fico muito preocupada com a estratégia que o SISTEMA DE TORTURAS pode montar em torno de incapacitar as vítimas como feitas loucas, dementes ou esquizofrênicas para que seus depoimentos eram impedidos, invalidados, e foram tutelados pelo Estado para que engavetar e impedir todas as petições e demais atos em defesa da vida e dos Direitos Humanos das vítimas denunciantes.

Nos confunden las estadísticas y pensamos que se guardan para justificar a los que mueren "por el covid 19 ou por outros motivos, pero que están justificados por el covid 19".
Los certificados de defunción no se investigan adecuadamente, esta es la verdad.
Aconsejan un tratamiento preventivo, luego retiran esa orientación y publican que las personas murieron porque recibieron ese tratamiento.
Cada día presentan medicamentos "efectivos", luego regresan y anuncian muertes por dichos medicamentos.
Presentan vacunas, luego muertes por dichas vacunas, suspensión de algunas y continuidad con otras.
No tiene sentido.
Es un proceso de experimentación y tortura.
Más grave, afirman que la pandemia produz problemas psicológicos, mentais, psicológicos e las personas pueden suicidarse por aislamiento social.
El mismo tipo de aislamiento, no tan malo como el que sufren todas as víctimas de las tecnologías de la información.
Y aquí, en Brasil, buscar salud mental pública y solicitar ayuda para acreditar na existência do SISTEMA DE TORTURA MARGINAL con la profesión médica, y contar lo que pratica con las víctimas es RIESGO de ser ingresado en un estabelecimento psiquiátrico sin fecha de salida. y bajo la acción de medicamentos muy fuertes con graduación creciente.
Classe médica tem a coragem e audácia de afirmar e reafirmar que "nada disto existe ou acontece", e que NUNCA ouviram falar em torturas psicotronicas, telepatia sintética e de imediato se juntam para internar a vítima e o comprometedor em todos os sentidos o resto de sus vidas.
Aquí tenemos a dos víctimas proibidas, una de ellas fue defendida por la madre, y el Poder Judicial não retrocedió ni siquiera con la defensa y testemunho de la madre de la víctima.
Inicié publicaciones y una campaña para evitar que las víctimas busquen psiquiatras y se alejen de las rayas negras, porque não podrían defenderse física y psíquicamente, y não miento.
Con esta implicación negacionista de la profesión médica, me preocupan mucho las estrategias that el SISTEMA DE TORTURAS pueda construir en torno a incapacitar a las víctimas como locas, dementes o esquizofrénicas para que sus testemunhos sean prevenidos, invalidados y perdidos por el Estado para que archivar y prevenir todas as peticiones y demás atos em defesa da vida y los derechos humanos de las víctimas denunciantes.

Ficamos confusos com as estatísticas e pensamos que elas são guardadas para justificar aqueles que morrem "por cobiça 19 ou por outras razões, mas que são justificadas por cobiça 19".
Certificados de óbito não são devidamente investigados, esta é a verdade.
Eles aconselham o tratamento preventivo, aí retiram essa orientação e publicam que pessoas morreram por terem feito esse tratamento.
A cada dia eles apresentam medicamentos "eficazes", depois voltam e anunciam as mortes por tais medicamentos.
Apresentam vacinas, depois mortes por tais vacinas e suspensão de algumas e continuidade de outras.
Não faz sentido.
É um processo de experimentação e tortura.
Mais sério, eles afirmam que a pandemia produz problemas psicológicos, mentais, psicológicos e as pessoas podem se matar pelo isolamento social.
O mesmo tipo de isolamento, não tão ruim quanto aquele em que todas as vítimas de TI são lançadas.
E aqui, no Brasil, buscar saúde mental pública e pedir ajuda para comprovar a existência do SISTEMA DE TORTURA MARGINAL com a classe médica, e contar o que ela pratica com as vítimas é RISCO de ser internada em estabelecimento psiquiátrico sem data para sair e sob a ação de medicamentos muito potentes com graduação crescente.
A classe médica tem a coragem e a audácia de afirmar e reafirmar que “nada disso existe ou acontece”, e que NUNCA ouviu falar de torturas psicotrônicas, telepatia sintética e imediatamente se reúnem para internar a vítima e comprometer em todos os sentidos o resto de suas vidas.
Aqui temos duas vítimas interditadas, uma delas foi defendida pela mãe, e o Judiciário não recuou nem mesmo com a defesa e depoimento da mãe da vítima.
Iniciei publicações e uma campanha para evitar que as vítimas procurassem psiquiatras e ficassem longe das listras pretas, porque não teriam como se defender psíquica e fisicamente, e não estou mentindo.
Com esse envolvimento negador da profissão médica, estou muito preocupado com as estratégias que o SISTEMA DE TORTURAS pode construir em torno de incapacitar as vítimas enquanto elas eram loucas, dementes ou esquizofrênicas para que seus depoimentos fossem prevenidos, invalidados e tutelados pelo Estado para que elas pode arquivar e prevenir todas as petições e outros atos em defesa da vida e dos direitos humanos das vítimas denunciantes.


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"I was blown away by a study by the Californian neurologist, Professor Dale Bredersen. He took ten patinets with Alzheimers disease and cured nine out of ten of them with a Paleo Ketogenic diet plus other simple nutritional interventions. (The one failure was a lady who could not stick to the diet.) A feature of his regieme was that the daily ration of food had to be eaten within a ten hour window of time - that is fourteen hours of the day had to be fasting."
Quote from the PK COOKBOOK by Dr Sarah Myhill and Craig Robinson.
Amy Berger, MS, CNS, NTP, author of a book called "The Alzheimers Antidote" has written in her book that Alzheimers Disease is largely a problem of brain fuel metabolish. She further wrote that the brain is an energy-hungary organ and that anything that interferes with fuel delivery or processing in the brain will have dramatic effects on memory, emotions, behaviour and cognition. The human brain becomes unable to metabolize glucose efficiently . At its core, Alzheimers disease is the deterioration and death of brain cells via starvation.
Dr Amy Berger went on to say that glucose uptake and utilization are impaired in the Alzheimer's brain and she further said that a Canadia Research Team led by Stephen Cunnane, PhD, has proven that brain ketone uptake and metabolism are not impaired in Alzheimers Disease. Results show that ketones are actually the preferred energy substrate for the brain because they enter the brain in proportion to their plasma concentration irrespective of glucose availability: if the energy needed by the brain are being met by ketones, glucose uptake decreases accordingly.
Ketones are produced as a by-product of the breakdown of fats.
When you go on a low-carbohydrate diet for a prolonged period your body eventually uses up all of its glucose and glycogen stores. Once you run out of glucose, your body starts to look for an alternative source of fuel. In the case of the low carbohydrate ketogenic diet ⁠— it’s mostly fat.
People following a ketogenic diet specifically reduce their carbohydrate intake for this reason: to create ketones for energy. The human brain, even an aged Alzheimers ravaged brain can fuel itself with ketones efficiently, leading to a full recovery from Alzheimers in nearly all cases.
Both a ketogenic diet and a carnivore diet will cure Alzheimers. I myself have been following a carnivore diet for a number of months for the purposes of curing irritable bowel syndrome which I have successfully done because of this diet. I herebelow outline the diet I am following in order to make it easier for others to begin to use this diet.
Breakfast - Six eggs beaten with a whisk plus sea salt and fried in butter.
Lunch - One or two tins of sardines, or else tins of tuna or mackerel,
Dinner - Either minced lamb, minced beef, fresh fish, bacon or brisket,
Snacks - Large punnet of natural yoghurt.
Due to following the above carnivore diet my grocery shopping bill increased from approximately fifty Euros per week to approximately seventy five Euros per week. You must expect this increase when switching away from eating any and all plants to eating animal products only

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Grooming for sex slavery being carried out via brain to brain interface in the Republic of Ireland. I am a long term non-consensual victim of remote controlled directed energy enabled non-consensual neuro experimentation. I am connected from nano materials inside my brain and body to either a human controlled network of computers or a human controlled supercomputer or both. My brain has been turned into a type of two way radio where voices and moving images as well as pain, electric shock, disablement and many other unwanted experiences are downloaded to me on a constant basis. Information is also being transmitted to my peripheral nervous system which forces me to feel various sensations such as hands touching me or pulsations of energy touching me on numerous occasions throughout each day. The science of manipulating someones peripheral nervous system from an unknown remote location to make them feel sensations throughout the surface of their skin is called haptic or haptix science and technology and it is being made to happen to most if not all targeted individuals of non-consensual neuro experimentation throughout the world at this time. Today, 20th July, 2020 at 9. am, my own head was forced to nod for several seconds against my will and without my permission. This type of forced muscle movement is often experienced by both my fellow targeted individuals as well as myself. My right thigh has been forced to move against my will on another occasion as well as many other muscles throughout my body. My facial muscles are being moved against my will on several occasions throughout each day and I observe them in the mirror while they move against my will. Some targeted individuals of non-consensual experimentation have come forward on public interviews on the Ramola D youtube channel and informed the world that they were forced to walk against their own wills on occasion. This is all being achieved under the capabilities which are described in United States scientific patent number US6965816. I am a sixty year old Irish woman from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland and I live a very quite life in my own home in the Irish countryside. I have not attended a social gathering in the last twenty five years. I am single and alone and I have no wish whatsoever to meet a partner. The neuro operatives who also appear to be slave handlers appear to be now grooming me via brain to brain interface for some time of a sexual role. I am horrified by this and I will describe it briefly here so as to warn the world as to the current capabilities of brain to brain interface technology. In the past few days a pornographic image was transmitted to me via a type of brain to brain interface and I could not block it from my mind. This morning on 20th July, 2020 at 7am Irish time I was between asleep and awake when I am most susceptable to manipulation and at that exact time a digitally transmitted voice was transmitted into my head which was heard by me to say the following:- "Give us a little kiss." If I had imagined doing the act of kissing someone inside my head at that time the imprint of my behaviour would have been recorded and it could be remodulated and transmitted back to me at some future time if and when my brain had been slightly damaged so that I would not have free will to think my own thoughts in such a way that I could be programmed to automatically carry out acts against my will. I believe that this is how grooming for future sexual behaviour is being carried out by brain to brain interface at this point in time in secret throughout the world. Later on another digitally transmitted voice was transmitted to me and was heard by me to say the following "Does she have a negligee.". I further heard the following by the same method "She is no good for anything. We have to put her to some use. I dont have a negligee and I have no use for one. I am a lady in my late middle age and I have no interest whatsoever in physical intimacy. However, the reason I am writing about it and posting it online is because if a young lady was non-consensually brain to brain interfaced with in the manner in which I am being brain to brain interfaced with they would be vulnerable to sexual grooming by predators who use advances in technology to enslave people and then force them to do their bidding. When the young lady informed their parents that they were hearing voices they would be wrongly presumed to be mentally unwell. Since I became non-consensually connected to a computerized control, enslavement and torture system I write and speak about all of my experiences often in the hope of warning the rest of the world of the urgent need to disassemble and ban the technological infrastrucutre which enabled this type of technological enslavement.

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"I am going to cite you for wasting food". That is what the voice to skull staff member communicated to me a short while ago when I was alone in my own kitchen throwing away some pop corn for the reason that I became a carnivore approximately one month ago. I responded as follows:-
"Run and tell the slave master that I have been wasting food."
This is what it is like to be a wirelessly connected slave. My neurological system has become harnessed to a control, enslavement and genocide system from implants which I have inhaled and ingested. I am observed and monitored and manipulated constantly throughout each day and night. I have no mental or physical privacy because there is a three dimensional embodiment of me at an unknown location where I am under close observation on a constant basis. This capability is classified but it is in widespread use throughout most of the world in preparation for worldwide enslavement of most of the worlds citizenry by means of harnessing the neurological systems of all future slaves to a super computer where they can be manipulated at will by unknown others who appear to be under duress themselves.
Please act now to disassemble all the infrastructure which would allow your impending enslavement.

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I herewith enclose the following youtube link where the online researcher Celeste Solum gives us most of the following information. I added some of my own opinions at the end of the post.
In the past microchips were forceably injected into some non-consenting individuals but those non-consenting victims were sometimes able to have them removed. What is now being implemented to be injecting into us can never be removed.
Injectible nano particles known as Hydrogel is placed in a syringe and then injected into us. The hydrogel then begins to self assemble inside us and it then fuses to our tissue, it fuses to our cells, it fuses to our ligaments, it fuses to our muscles and it fuses to our our bones. It grows and grows inside our bodies and we then become interfaced with our own computers and smart phones. We become part of them and they become part of us. We become one with artificial intelligence then.
Artificial intelligence will report your health status to the department of public health without your participation or consent. You will not be allowed to ever leave your own home unless you accept the hydrogel injection. You will not be allowed to buy or sell unless you accept the hydrogel injection.
We must stop this from ever occurring. It is a system of remote controlled enslavement, torture and genocide. We must refuse to accept the hydrogel. We must disassemble and ban all of the infrastrusture which enables this system to work. We must take down the United Nations and the World Health Organisation. We must arrest the policy makers who made these decisions to enslave us in this manner if we ever succeed in identifying them. They are outside the system. They have enabled themselves to be outside the system because we live in a flat and fixed earth where parts of it are not under full spectrum dominance like they wish us to believe. The main stream media is owned and controlled by them and it has been used to create a false reality construct for us over the past several decades.

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Industrial hemp is the worlds number one resource and it is capable of generating sixty thousand different products and yet it has been banned from the market place by individuals who wish to empoverish us for some of the following reasons:-
The first step to taking over a country and its people is to first of all find ways to empoverish the people of that country. That has already been achieved by banning industrial hemp and by thereby banning all of its products from the market place. We could build, furnish and carpet and power our homes by using industrial hemp as the main raw material to achieve this. We could feed our animals with industrial hemp. It takes only ninety days for industrial hemp to grow to full maturity from seed. It has been banned from the world market place by individuals who wish to take over our countries and to enslave us.
A second step to taking over a country and its people is to destroy the health of the people of the country which has been designated for takeover and enslavement. In medical school, students are being deliverately misinformed about all aspects of human health. This has now become apparent because medical practitioners are coming to the fore online and relating stories of how they given misinformation at medical school and since then through their own private endeavours have found much better ways of treating and curing illnesses, information which was denied to them during their medical training. Further to that, Iatrogenic events in medical practice is the third leading cause of death in the United States at this time.
A fourth step needed in taking over a country and its people is to intellectually dumb them down so that they are unable to think logically and rationally. Magical thinking is encouraged in all areas. Government education is mainly about subjugation, brain washing, mass control and conformity. Children are not been taught how to think critically. A future dictatorship does not wish to be challenged by individuals who are truely educated and independend minded. They would like the population they control to think collectively because they hate individuality because they can not and never could mind control individual thinkers. School has become a process of non-educational programming. Schooling is also being used to make children aware of time constraints so that they could be controlled by this means in the future. Public schooling is now being used to indoctrinate students into the political principal of collectivism which means central control of people.
A fifth step needed to take over a country and its people is to take total control over the main stream media which has already been achieved throughout the world. The dark occultists and others who aim to enslave us have purchased most newspapers, magazines, television stations,publishing houses and film studios. They push the same propaganda from all avenues so that it then becomes more believable when people begin to hear the same message from several different sources. All avenues of information have now been centralized into fewer and fewer hands and those fewer hands are attempting to manufacture a false reality where we would be given fewer basic human rights that those within the dictatorship.
A sixth step needed to take over a country and its people is to take control of the police of that country. At present, masts over police stations affect the beta rhythm of their brains which is responsible for sound judgement in emergency situations. Police are being forced to enforce unjust laws. Police are being denied access to information about directed energy weapons and their true capabilities. They are being wrongly guided to send complainers of directed energy weapons attacks for mandatory psychiatric evaluation, thereby mistakingly covering up in-home wireless torture and in-home attempts at wireless enslavement of good living people through attempts at controlling them through their central nervous systems. An attempt to turn human beings into cyborgs through control of their nervous systems has been partially achieved. With the use of invisible and silent weapons, peoples biological and electrical systems and their minds can be controlled via telephone masts.
A seventh step needed to take over a country and its people is to use brain entrainment and subliminal programming of the populace through television, smart phones and wifi whenever the would be enslavers wish to introduce unjust government ligitation such as privatising property which is owned by the people of that country and thereby allowing it to be purchased by unknown investors who are acting for the dictatorship. Such brain entrainment and subliminal programming and other mind control techniques are being used on you without your knowledge and consent during elections, political meetings, conferences, demonstrations, large consumer purchases such as when purchasing private homes or holiday homes, as well as during court cases. Brain entrainment and subliminal programming has become so advanced now that it can be used to cover whole countries or whole continents at the same time.
An eight step needed to take over a country and its people is to keep them working continually while often performing pointless tasks so that they will not have time to figure out what is really occurring behind the scenes in their lives. It has been widely discovered that at least eighty percent of all work being performed across the world only benefits the would-be enslavers of the human race. In order to provide ourselves with everything we need and in order to lead lives of absolute abundance each man and woman in this world would really only need to work one day per week. Further to that, it is advantageous to the would-be dictatorship to keep both students and workers permanently tired and stressed because conditioning which is installed when somebody is in a state of stress or fatigue goes deeper that conditioning which is installed at other times.
A nineth step needed to take over a country and its people is to deny the people a platform of complaint whenever they are being subject to unjust treatment or when they are being wirelessly tortured inside their own homes. The main stream media refuse to print our stories and politicians refuse to act on our requests for assistance and they refuse to provide technology which would enable us to prove that we are under wireless attack. Universities refuse to reply to our requests for help.
A tenth step needed to take over a country and its people is to encourage everyone to belong to groups or teams. Anyone who lives alone or who acts alone or who is an individual thinker is to be portrayed with suspicion by agents within the main stream media. Group members try to minimize conflict in order to reach a consensus often without critical evaluation of alternative viewpoints. If you belong to a group you are often isolated from outside influences.
An eleventh step to taking over a country and its people is to manipulate the young people into becoming addicted to substances and to sexually depraving themselves by offering them misleading advice when they are too young to be able to assess it critically. If we live lives of loyalty and fidelity to one partner throughout our lives and if sexual behaviour is moderate rather than extreme then we will have peace of mind throughout our lives. The nuclear family is destroyed when people become sexually promiscious thereby paving the way for greater intervention into our lives and manipulation of our lives by a would-be dictatorship.

A twelfth step needed to take over a country and its people is to deny the people adequate living space because by living in over crowded spaces we are being subjected to undue stress which would make us move maleable to being controlled by false authority figures . If there were a stable six billion individuals on earth and each apartment building was only six floors high we could then give every man, woman and child on earth their own large fifty square metre apartment for the duration of their whole life and it would take approximately twelve million acres of space to build those six floor apartment buildings on and considering that there are thirty six thousand, seven hundred and ninety four million acres of land on earth, after we subtracted the twelve million acres of land needed for the spacious apartment blocks, we would then have thirty six thousand, seven hundred and eighty two million acres of land left for food and for wild animals.
36,794,000,000 Acres of land on earth.
- 12,000,000 Acres needed to give every one their one fifty square metre apartment for life
provided each apartment building was six floors high and the population of earth
remained at a stable six billion.
36,782,000,000 Acres left over for farm land and wild land.
We should enact laws where we are all entitled to own personal property such as our own fifty square metre large home which could be built by industrial hemp building blocks and furnished by industrial hemp furniture and carpeted by industrial hemp carpets. Nobody could then accuse us of wasting the resources of the planet because it only takes ninety days to grow industrial hemp from seed to full maturity so therfure we would not be burdening the planet in any way whatsoever. We would no longer allow laws which would entitle us to own private property such as land, roads, lakes, seas, apartment blocks, banks, museums and government buildings because these publicly owned resources are now being privatized all over the world and are being purchased by the same group of would-be dictators of the world who if allowed to continue would eventually own all of the resources of the planet and legally enslave the rest of us so that we would not be able to live if we ever dared to challenge their future dictatorship. Please raise awareness of this.

Whenever those who run governments from behind the scenes commit crimes they apply the word "classified" to each crime and by this means secrecy allows evil to flourish. Senior politicians and other government staff should refuse to sign secrecy clauses and they should disclose whatever they know about government criminality because full disclosure allows good to flourish. Honesty and truth holds society together.
We must become self-sufficient within each country. We must refuse to finance the intelligence services. We must switch back from digital to analogue communications. We must own and control our own central banks. We must use common law courts whose laws would be enforced by a peoples militia. We must take down HAARP phased arrays. We must not allow children to become unquestioningly obedient order followers because by becoming unquestioningly obedient they could in later life easily be persuaded to commit acts of extreme evil by the would-be dictatorship.

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"Morgellons (também conhecido como doença ou síndrome de Morgellons), é um nome dado por Mary Leitão, após uma condição proposta pela Centers for Disease Control and Prevention como dermopatia inexplicável, caracterizada por uma variedade de sintomas na pele, como formigamento, mordeduras e sensações de ferrões." Morgellons (also known as Morgellons disease) is a name given by Mary Leitão after a condition proposed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as an unexplained dermopathy characterized by a variety of skin symptoms such as tingling, biting and sensations of stings. Sintomas e diagnósticos Morgellons não é reconhecido como uma doença única e tem atualmente nenhuma lista de sintomas ou diagnóstico diferencial que é geralmente aceito pela comunidade médica. Os pacientes geralmente fazem o auto-diagnostico com base em relatos da mídia e informação a partir da Internet. O principal sintoma da suposta Morgellons é "uma crença fixa" que as fibras são incorporadas em ou de extrusão a partir da pele. Rhonda Casey, chefe de pediatria da Universidade Estadual de Oklahoma Medical Center, enquanto trabalhava com o Centro Estadual de Oklahoma Universidade de Ciências da Saúde (OSU-CHS) para a investigação da doença de Morgellons, afirmou que seus pacientes pareciam doentes com sintomas neurológicos, que incluiu confusão, dificuldade para andar e controlar o seu pé (queda do pé), e uma boca flacidez quando se fala. Symptoms and Diagnoses Morgellons is not recognized as a single disease and currently has no list of symptoms or differential diagnosis that is generally accepted by the medical community. Patients usually do self-diagnosis based on media reports and information from the Internet. The main symptom of the supposed Morgellons is "a fixed belief" that the fibers are incorporated into or extruded from the skin. Rhonda Casey, chief of pediatrics at the Oklahoma State University Medical Center while working with the Oklahoma State University University of Health Sciences (OSU-CHS) to investigate Morgellons disease, said her patients appeared to be ill with neurological symptoms, which included confusion, difficulty walking and controlling your foot (falling of the foot), and a sagging mouth when speaking. LEIA MATÉRIAS PERTINENTES AO ASSUNTO NO LINK:







Dentre materiais químicos e contaminantes na lama de Brumadinho temos composição encontrada nos Morgellons.
Among chemical materials and contaminants in Brumadinho mud we have a composition found in Morgellons.


Doentes - Vítimas
Autores das Exclusões - Criminosos por Ação e Omissão.
O que surgiu primeiro?
Morgellons ou Zica e Chicugunha?
Ambos lesionam o neurocerebral.
Por que está ocorrendo reformas a Previdência Social em quase todo o mundo?
55 países 
Países não tem condições de pagar Previdência Social integral, como seria justo, mas criam Projetos Viróticos e Bacterianos que podem levar a população a necessidade de tal Previdência.
Há verba para experimentação humana com base militarista e no subterfúgio de defesa territorial, mas não há verba para aplicar na Previdência Social.

"Subvida, Subhumanismo", Subdesenvolvidos e Ratos de Laboratório.
Countries are not able to pay Social Security fair and full, as it would be fair, but they create Viral and Bacterial Projects that can lead the population the need of such Welfare.
There is money for human experimentation with a militarist base and in the subterfuge of territorial defense, but there is no money to apply in Social Security.

"Subdued, Subhumanism," Underdeveloped and Laboratory Mice.
Vamos a alguns tópicos publicados:
1- Publicações mundiais sobre MORGELLONS, podem verificar através do You Tube e canais médicos.
2 - A seguir surgiram ZICA E CHICUGUNHA;
3 - A criação do vírus ZIKA em laboratórios;
4 - OMS informa que não houve relatos de contaminação pelo Zika vírus durante Jogos Olímpicos do Rio de Janeiro.
Um fato é obvio, mosquitos não se "recolheram" para implementar a economia e turismo durante as olimpíadas, a não ser que "esse recolhimento siga uma linha laboratorial e de controle humano".
Não duvidem que vírus e bactérias podem ser criadas e modificadas em laboratórios, a guerra biológica tem como armas esses elementos.
Alvos de experimentações são países de segundo, terceiro mundo, e quando em países de primeiro mundo para não ser muito evidenciada tal verdade, usam pessoas de cor, raça contra as quais há predomínio do preconceito, e os bairros mais pobres das grandes cidades destes países.
Let's go to some topics I've posted:
1- Worldwide publications on MORGELLONS, can check through You Tube and medical channels.
3 - The creation of the ZIKA virus in laboratories;
4 - WHO reports that there were no reports of contamination by the Zika virus during Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.
One fact is obvious, mosquitoes did not "gather" to implement the economy and tourism during the Olympics, unless "this gathering follows a laboratory and human control line."
Do not doubt that viruses and bacteria can be created and modified in laboratories, biological warfare has these weapons as weapons.
Experimental targets are second- and third-world countries, and when in first-world countries for not being very evident, they use people of color, race against whom prejudice prevails, and the poorer districts of the big cities of these countries .
1 - MORGELLONS (Parasitas, vírus ou bactérias?)
2 - Example of the application of viruses and populations chosen for reasons of exclusion.
3 - In this video, we confront the region where the Zica virus appeared that came from monkeys isolated in forests, Uganda (exclusion) and research carried out by the Rockefeller Foundation, and the interviewee classified it as "rumor" that the virus was made in the laboratory.
Inside the Morgellons Syndrome, the internet disease
by Kate Knibbs
published April 8, 2015 @ 07:49

Joni Mitchell was hospitalized last week. But the artist has been ill for years. She described her debilitating illness as "a slow and unpredictable killer - a terrorist disease. She will blow one of your organs, leaving you in bed for a year. "However, doctors describe this same disease as an internet meme, an illusion that spreads online.

Mitchell talked about Morgellons syndrome, a disease whose victims claim that their skins are filled with parasitic fibers, often arising from wounds and injuries. In addition, the disease would cause fatigue and other health problems associated with itchy skin. Morgellons disease is not accepted as a reality within the medical community. Many physicians and researchers credit the internet for the creation of symptoms to spread Morgellons self-diagnoses as a kind of folie à la deux digital. "It seems to be a socially transmitted disease on the internet," said Robert E. Bartholomew, the mass illusionist (yes, there is).
In 2008, a panel of doctors answered questions about Morgellons for the Washington Post. At the time, Dr. Jeffrey Meffert explicitly accused the Internet and digital communities as guilty of the spread of the disease. Skeptics do not see Morgellons syndrome as a virus, but rather as a lie that viralized.

In 2012, the US Government's Centers for Disease Control (CDC) investigated Morgellons and concluded that it is a psychosomatic illness. A CDC spokeswoman told me that the center did not collect any more reports on the syndrome since the study was published. Many physicians believe that people who self-diagnose with Morgellons have illusions of parasitosis and infestation, and inflict the bruises on themselves. In other words, it's all their head.
People who identify themselves as Morgellons patients - or "Morgies" - are annoyed by this assessment. And where do people go when they think the medical community will reject them? For the internet! People who have what the CDC calls "unexplained dermopathy" are largely self-diagnosed through web searches, or diagnosed by other community members over the internet. The term "Morgellons" spread through the web because of a Pennsylvania state woman named Mary Leitao, who blogged about her son's unexplained skin disease in 2002 and called it "Morgellons," referring to a obscure disease described in the 17th century.

Most Morgellons patients began reporting the symptoms after 2002, which causes some more skeptical physicians to believe that information about Morgellons on the Internet infects people with a mass illusion by offering too vague information for them to understand which is making them feel bad.

Feeling betrayed by modern medicine, people began to develop a collective unofficial digital bibliography about the disease. They organized themselves into groups such as the Morgellons Research Network, in addition to the closed Morgellons Research Foundation, and the Charles E. Holman Morgellons Disease Foundation. Joni Mitchell has even talked about abandoning music to focus his energies on publicizing the syndrome. When you take a look at Morgellons' victim support groups on the internet, you may notice a clear emphasis on proving that Morgies are not simply crazy: they are people obsessed with documenting such fibers in photographs and videos.

The persistence and outcry of the digital community has prompted the CDC to create a million-dollar task force to investigate the disease. The fact that the CDC concluded that the problem is probably psychological did not cause the Morgies to stop seeking a cure.

Illusion or not, the paranoia explains
Some of the efforts to prove that Morgellons syndrome is real certainly do much to remind what conspiracy theorists do on the internet. It does not help much the fact that groups believe the disease is caused by chemical compounds released by airplanes - the chemical trails, or "chemtrails."

More than 14,000 people enrolled in the Morgellons Research Foundation, most of them women. It is true that there is a lot of paranoid conspiracy among the Morgies, but many of them simply want to understand why doctors can not explain the itch with a better explanation than "it is the symptom of a psychological illness."

So, is it a lie or not?
One thing needs to be said-and it's usually said by people with Morgellons and some doctors, like Dr. Greg Smith: The diagnosis of the illusion is wrong. Dr. Anne Louise Oaklander, an associate professor at Harvard Medical School who studies neurology and itching, explained to the Guardian that this is a case of a group of misdiagnosed people:

"In my experience, patients with Morgellons are doing their best to believe that the symptoms are real. They suffer from a chronic disease of itching that has not been diagnosed. They were mistreated by the medical community. "
Looking at the conspiratorial tendencies of some patients with Morgellons and the lack of medical evidence pointing to any physical issue, it is tempting to simply label the disease as some web-like malice perpetuated. But that would be a crude stance. We do not know if this disease - or set of diseases - called Morgellons by many people is a psychological or neurological issue. Maybe it's caused by some parasitic as yet undiscovered.

Even if the medical community never finds a physical root for the causes of Morgellons, the pain suffered by those who identify with it is clearly real. Joni Mitchell is not kidding. And whether or not the internet contributed to the popularity of Morgellons syndrome, it just did it to function as a support system for a desperate community to be heard.

Photo: Collage of lesions Morgellons via David / Flickr

Further History

The medical records revealed that M.C. had been to the emergency department on three previous occasions:

Four months earlier, he had been admitted for a suicide attempt by heroin overdose. He cited drug use as his stressor and claimed command auditory hallucinations telling him to “end it all.”

A month later, he returned with similar complaints, describing his stressor as being asked to leave the Salvation Army because of drug use and curfew violation.

One week before his presentation, M.C. returned complaining of “bugs crawling out of my skin” for 1 week; the bugs originated from scabs acquired while working as an aluminum press operator. He admitted to a history of crack, cocaine, and heroin use terminating 1 month prior. He received a 10-day course of mupirocin cream and diphenhydramine and a referral to a psychiatry clinic.

At all three visits, the patient’s urine drug screen was positive for cocaine and opiates.

Current Findings

The physical findings included a heart rate of 117 bpm and a blood pressure of 144/90 mm Hg. The patient was noted to be mildly distressed and anxious; he was oriented to person, place, and time and displayed multiple scabs, which he was picking. No bugs or parasites were visible. Additionally, a urine drug screen was positive for cocaine and opiates ( Appendix 1 ). The patient received lorazepam, 1 mg, in the emergency

During his psychiatric interview, M.C. reiterated, “I fell asleep in an abandoned building last week and woke up and found I was infested with bugs.” He complained of “seeing and feeling” bugs on his skin, that his vision was distorted by “bugs in my eyes,” and that “my urine smells funny.” He experienced an urgency to pick the “worms” from his hair follicles, which yielded a sense of relief. He reported no auditory or visual

Day Two

The following morning, M.C. reported no itching, noting it only occurred at night. Later he recounted “white mites and worms” emerging from his “sores” upon squeezing and agreed to collect a specimen for examination. Clonidine was added for presumptive opiate withdrawal. The patient also requested a nutrition consultation, claiming to have lost 40 lb in 2.5 months (body mass index=22.1 kg/m 2 ). A dermatologist

M.C. continued to complain of bugs in his skin and frustration that the dermatologist did not provide him with a medication to kill the insects. He continued to endorse suicidal ideation. The patient consented to treatment with cephalexin, 250 mg four times a day for 2 weeks, and olanzapine when it was specifically explained to him that they would help treat the feeling that bugs were infesting his skin.

Day Four

The patient was noted in the early morning to be lying in his neatly arranged bed complaining of itching and seeing bugs and worms—“their legs coming from bites”—on his arms, neck, torso, and legs. Despite persisting symptoms, M.C. insisted on discharge on the evening of day four because of occupational obligations; he reported no suicidal ideation and contracted for safety, agreeing only to continue cephalexin.

M.C. returned twice to the emergency department:

Six days postdischarge, he returned complaining of skin irritation and itching. He stated he had been diagnosed with scabies and had received permethrin cream from an unknown physician 3 days earlier. He reported no suicidal ideation but admitted to using heroin and cocaine that day. Upon examination M.C. was calm, cooperative, and well oriented. Multiple ulcers were appreciated on his scalp and extremities with blood at the bases. No burrows or other signs of scabies were appreciated. The patient was referred to outpatient dermatology.

Two months after discharge, M.C. was seen for a complaint of “scabies all over me” and considerable itching despite the use of permethrin. He had suicidal ideation and had just been discharged from a local crisis center. He admitted to using heroin earlier in the day. The patient was well oriented and picking at sores. A urine drug screen was positive for benzodiazepines, cocaine, amphetamines, tetrahydrocannabinol, opiates, and barbiturates. He was discharged with permethrin and diphenhydramine.

The patient was ultimately lost to follow-up and as of the writing of this article was incarcerated for possession of crack cocaine.

Diagnosing M.C.’s Chief Complaint

Since appearing in the literature at the turn of the 19th century, delusions of parasitosis—the conviction of infestation with parasites in the absence of objective evidence—has presented dilemmas in diagnosis and management. It has variously been classified a as a phobic disorder, delusional disorder, tactile hallucinosis, and monosymptomatic hypochondriacal psychosis (2) . Today the classification schema of the symptom complex of delusions of parasitosis consists of three categories: 1) primary psychotic, 2) secondary functional (underlying psychiatric disorder), 3) secondary organic ( Appendix 2 ). The primary form (the most common) (2) is marked by the absence of other disturbances of thought or thought process and is classified under delusional disorder, somatic type, in DSM-IV-TR (3) . Notably, delusions of parasitosis occupy the nexus of delusion and hallucination because most patients experience tactile and/or visual and auditory hallucinations of parasites as well as a fixed belief of infestation (4) . The DSM-IV specifies that a diagnosis of delusional disorder still applies in this context: “tactile and olfactory hallucinations may be present in Delusional Disorder if they are related to the delusional theme” (5) .


Delusions of parasitosis occur most often in patients over 50, with an equal sex ratio for patients younger than 50 and a 2:1 female predominance in those over 50; men commonly present at an earlier age. Bimodal peaks occur at 20–30 years and greater than 50. The prevalence is higher in patients with less education and of lower socioeconomic status. Around 10% of cases present as folie á deux (shared psychotic disorder). Because the American literature on delusions of parasitosis consists mainly of case reports and series, the incidence of the disorder is unknown but considered extremely low. For example, the incidence of delusions of parasitosis in southwest Germany was estimated at 83.2 per million per year. The incidence of past psychiatric disorders is actually low in delusions of parasitosis patients, and a small percentage of patients have a history of dermatologic conditions (6 , 7) .


The patients’ confidence in their delusional system often manifests in the “matchbox sign”—patients bring in particles of lint, skin, paper, or food for inspection by health professionals—and the fact that 90% of the patients present for nonpsychiatric care, generally refusing subsequent psychiatric evaluation. Many patients describe detailed lifecycles for their parasites and are able to draw the organisms, even in the absence of visual hallucinations. Reports describe patients developing elaborate cleansing rituals and self-mutilation to remove the parasites (6) . Before modern psychopharmacology, the remission rate for delusions of parasitosis was 33.9%; more recent data cites a rate of 51.9%, with relapse remaining common (7) .

Addressing the differential diagnosis

The first step in approaching a patient with apparent delusions of parasitosis is to assess for objective evidence of infection (especially scabies) or other skin conditions such as Grover disease (transient acantholytic dermatosis). Next, the strength of the patient’s conviction should be assessed to distinguish delusions of parasitosis from hypochondriasis or obsessive-compulsive disorder, in which patients generally maintain relative insight regarding their conditions. Once the patient is deemed truly delusional, an attempt should be made to discern between primary and secondary delusions of parasitosis and to assess the degree of functional impairment. Patient rapport is critical to successful treatment and compliance.

It is important then to investigate potential medical conditions that may underlie the delusions. Specifically, conditions marked by symptoms of itching or abnormal skin perception (8) , including liver failure, obstructive jaundice, renal failure, anemia, vitamin deficiencies, and HIV/AIDS, are vital to consider because they represent potentially treatable underlying etiologies. In M.C.’s case, though, clinical and laboratory evaluation uncovered cocaine use as the only suspicious secondary organic cause.

Formication, a tactile hallucination of something creeping or crawling on or under the skin, is often referenced and is reported by 13%–32% of cocaine abusers (“cocaine bugs”). Formication is hypothesized to result from parietal lobe stimulation (8) . It is important, though, to recognize that delusions of parasitosis in younger patients are more likely to have an underlying cause and not to dismiss prematurely M.C.’s symptoms as substance-induced psychosis. Most cocaine users are familiar with formication, maintain cognizance of it as a hallucination, and do not go on to form delusions (9) . Although reports suggest that most cocaine psychoses abate within 24–48 hours of discontinuation (10 , 11) , M.C. came to the emergency department with a systematized delusion about his infestation, including an attributional narrative (sleeping in an abandoned house, preexisting work-related lesions), that was stable over at least 1 week. However, reports, although uncommon, exist of chronic psychoses in long-standing, heavy users (12 , 13) . Given his suicidal ideation and history of attempt, it was critical to approach his chief complaint with caution and seriousness because it may have signaled a psychiatric emergency; it is not uncommon for patients with delusions of parasitosis to experience depression and suicidal ideation with the motivation to end infestation, and there is at least one report of fatal delusions of parasitosis in which a 40-year-old man completed suicide during treatment (14) . Finally, because M.C. agreed to admission to the voluntary psychiatric service for the stated purpose of using social work services, malingering must be considered.

M.C. was diagnosed with cocaine- and/or schizophrenia-related delusions of parasitosis, although a primary delusional disorder, exacerbated by cocaine use, remained under consideration.

How This Case Fits Into the Literature

In M.C.’s case, as in many delusions of parasitosis cases, confident categorization of his symptoms is challenging given his inconsistently self-reported psychiatric history (none, schizophrenia, and depression) and positive drug screens. In particular, case reports have linked cocaine psychosis with delusions of parasitosis (distinct from classic formication) (15) ; delusions of parasitosis have also been reported in the context of schizophrenia (3 , 16) . Taken together, suspicion is high for a secondary organic and/or functional etiology. The potential interaction between multiple secondary factors in delusions of parasitosis is unknown. A secondary etiology would help explain M.C.’s younger age (the mean is the sixth decade of life), earlier presentation in disease course (the mean is 1 year), and unusual claim of ocular involvement (7 , 17) . Although inadequate follow-up complicates interpretation, M.C.’s apparent co-occurring somatic delusions of weight loss and urine odor represent interesting phenomena; one other report exists of delusions of parasitosis with the delusion of body odor in a schizophrenic patient (16) . Phenomenologically, though, M.C.’s insistence of a dermatologic condition with detailed delusions, his skepticism of psychiatric involvement, and the persistence of the condition comport with current reports.

A controversial phenomenon possibly related to delusions of parasitosis inspiring discussion and media attention is Morgellons’s disease. As in delusions of parasitosis, patients describe insects/parasites crawling on or under the skin, are convinced they are infested and contagious, and produce physical “evidence” of infestation. In particular, though, patients complain of fibers extruding from the skin; such particles produced for examination have been variously identified as cellulose, fibers with “autofluorescence,” fuzz balls, specks, granules, Strongyloides stercoralis, Cryptococcus neoformans , “alternative cellular energy pigments,” and various bacteria. In no case, however, has an infectious etiology for these mysterious symptoms been confirmed. Morgellons’s disease is largely regarded in the dermatology literature as a manifestation of delusions of parasitosis (and potentially a means of promoting patient rapport through destigmatization), despite the efforts of the Morgellons Research Foundation to promulgate an infectious rather than a neuropsychiatric etiology. Until a treatable infectious component is identified, patients can continue to be treated with neuroleptics—pimozide, risperidone, aripiprazole—which have been reportedly effective (18 , 19) .

Current Etiologic Hypotheses

The debate over the classification and etiology of delusions of parasitosis has revolved around a central question: do delusions of parasitosis reflect a delusional system that arises in response to anomalous sensory perceptions (sensorial view), or does a primary delusion “induce” supporting hallucinations (cognitive view) (4 , 8) ? Etiologic hypotheses have arisen addressing this paradox, and it now appears likely that both mechanisms contribute in different patients, suggesting that delusions of parasitosis are not a homogenous entity. For years, the dopamine D 2 receptor has been implicated in the genesis of psychotic symptoms, including the characteristic of delusions of parasitosis. Involvement of the D 2 receptor in the mesolimbic system could account for the successful use of typical and atypical antipsychotics in treating the primary delusional disorder (6) . This has been traditionally viewed as support for the cognitive view of delusions of parasitosis. However, it is now believed that pimozide, a highly potent typical antipsychotic and the classic treatment for delusions of parasitosis, antagonizes central opiate in addition to D 2 receptors, which may mitigate pruritus and formication that underlie/accompany the delusion of infestation (6 , 20) . In fact, pimozide has effectively treated formication in the absence of delusion (e.g., in delirium tremens). Furthermore, naloxone, an opioid receptor antagonist (21) , has been used to treat cases of delusions of parasitosis, supporting the sensorial view.

A recently proposed hypothesis focuses on the decreased function of the striatal dopamine transporter. This presynaptic protein is responsible for dopamine reuptake and hence modulates the concentration of synaptic dopamine and the duration of synaptic signals. It follows that decreased functioning of the transporter results in dysregulation of extracellular dopamine concentration. The authors propose that both primary and secondary delusions of parasitosis develop because of dysfunctional striatal dopamine transporter (3) . Primary forms result from an exaggeration of age-related striatal dopamine transporter density decrease (there is a mean physiologic decrease in striatal dopamine transporter density of 6%–8% per decade), which would help explain the prevalence of cases in patients over 50 (3 , 6) . Secondary etiologies of delusions of parasitosis affect the striatal dopamine transporter through a variety of mechanisms ( Table 1 ). Psychostimulants, for example, are known to inhibit the striatal dopamine transporter, resulting in increased dopamine levels. Psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and depression are thought to decrease striatal dopamine transporter binding (3) .

Enlarge table
Other studies offer a connection between delusions of parasitosis and cerebral hypoperfusion documented by single photon emission computed tomography. It has been found that active delusional thought is associated with hypoperfusion of the left temporal and parietal lobes. Blood flow normalizes with the resolution of the delusion (22) . Some argue that successful t

The majority of case reports and reviews of delusions of parasitosis have concentrated on defining a demographic profile, investigating associated conditions, describing response to treatment, and suggesting neurophysiologic etiologies. Given the growing evidence and interest for cognitive and affective models of delusion formation, maintenance, and content (24) , an integrated, neuropsychiatric narrative of M.C.’s delusions of parasitosis is fruitful and contextualizes the particular presentation and course of illness.

First, it is reasonable to regard M.C. as a psychosis-prone individual. Although it remains undocumented, his stated history of schizophrenia is supported by complaints of command auditory hallucinations and prior treatment with antipsychotics. It is not possible to determine with confidence the etiology of M.C.’s past psychiatric history due to presumed long-term drug use. Indeed, it is well-documented that cocaine increases the risk for psychotic experiences (one of Freud’s patients treated with cocaine developed delusions of parasitosis) (25) . The most common form of cocaine-induced psychosis is paranoid delusions. Studies have identified risk factors for true psychosis formation in cocaine users as male sex, lower body mass index, earlier initiation of regular use, and greater degree of use (12) .

It seems intuitive that M.C.’s psychosis proneness and substance use contributed in concert to the development of his delusions of parasitosis. It has been found that in schizophrenic patients, chronic substance abuse correlates with significantly increased rates of visual and olfactory hallucinations ( Table 2 ). Furthermore, substance abuse is associated with decreased medication responsiveness in schizophrenic and bipolar patients with auditory and tactile hallucinations (26) . Perhaps this is related to the previously discussed findings that schizophrenia and cocaine act at the striatal dopamine transporter in distinct ways to increase dopamine levels (3) . In addition, it has been posited that auditory and tactile hallucinations are associated with changes in the superior and inferior temporal lobes in schizophrenia patients; drug use may contribute to the development of psychosis in these compromised individuals by accelerating brain tissue loss (26) .
How exactly these biologic findings lead to psychosis formation remains unclear. Growing evidence for cognitive dysfunction and bias in delusions has led to a number of cognitive models describing delusion formation. Significantly, cognitive models help explain why delusions, which make sense for the believer and are held to be evidentially true, are often resistant to change despite psychopharmacologic treatment(24) . Over the last decade, research has unveiled a number of cognitive biases in those prone to psychosis. Patients with auditory hallucinations have been shown to have impaired source monitoring (the ability to discriminate between one’s internal verbal thoughts and other stimuli) (27) . Source monitoring in psychosis-prone patients has also been shown to be excessively influenced by external factors and suggestion (28) .
Cognitive theories have also been posed to account for the formation of delusional thoughts in addition to that of hallucinations, and one could easily apply these theories to the formation of delusions regardinghallucinations. One early study showed that delusional patients showed a “jumping-to-conclusions” reasoning bias, whereby initial probabilistic estimates and subsequent revision of hypotheses were made based on less evidence than in control subjects, a finding that is stronger when reasoning regarding emotional material (24) . In the formation of paranoid delusions, significant attention has been paid to attributional biases in delusion-prone individuals. Most people are neither rational nor fair minded when generating and selecting causal explanations for events, demonstrating a “self-serving bias” toward internal (self) blame for positive events and external blame for negative events. Paranoid patients have anexaggerated self-serving bias (27) . Although incompletely understood, it has been shown that when cognitive resources are taxed or individuals feel threatened, people tend to resort to external attribution. Finally, studies have found that latent inhibition is particularly disrupted in acute psychosis and suggest that an impairment in attentional filtering might underlie symptom development (e.g., M.C. preferentially attended to threatening tactile stimuli) (24) .
A number of current models approach delusion formation as a variation of normal belief formation. It has been argued that perceptual disturbance is a necessary “first factor” in delusion formation and that cognitive biases influence the content of hypothesis generation. A necessary “second factor” accounts for how unusual hypotheses result in full-blown delusions (i.e., how does M.C. go from feeling like he has bugs on his skin to a deeply held conviction of infestation?); this factor is thought to be a deficit in the rational evaluation of candidate hypotheses (24) .
A heuristic model for the acute development of delusions of parasitosis in M.C. can be derived from a synthesis of the two-factor cognitive model of Bell et al. (24) and some of what is known about the neurobiology of psychosis and substance use. Consistent with such a model would be a situation in which M.C. woke up on the morning of admission experiencing formication related to cocaine use and/or opiate-induced pruritus. He regarded this as an anomalous, threatening experience, and in the context of the stressor of losing his housing, preferentially attended to this aversive stimulus. The disorientation of unfamiliar surroundings as well as his cognitive and attributional strategies that constituted his psychosis proneness biased hypothesis generation toward externalization and concretization. An error in probabilistic reasoning resulted in delusion formation of parasitosis, a hypothesis that comports with M.C.’s persistent denial of cocaine use. Factors that favor maintenance of the delusion include cognitive reinforcement (e.g., the literature recommends against empirically diagnosing or treating delusions of parasitosis patients for scabies) (9 , 29) and continued “anomalous” sensory perception with resumption of drug use. Such a heuristic model generates implications for designing therapeutic intervention. Rigorous attention should be invested in M.C.’s housing troubles, and of course, intensive treatment of his substance use is critical. Furthermore, once the patient’s baseline cognitive strategies removed from substance use become clearer, appropriate attempts at disrupting the maintaining factors of the delusion could be made, including education and long-term antipsychotics as needed.

Considerations for the Future

This case highlights some important gaps in our current understanding of delusional parasitosis. First, in Trabert’s 1995 meta-analysis of delusions of parasitosis (7) , substance-induced cases were excluded, resulting in a dearth of information regarding these particular cases. Specifically, very little has been written about the appropriate management of delusions of parasitosis in the context of substance use other than that it is notoriously difficult. Are the same antipsychotic medications used for primary delusions of parasitosis effective for substance-related delusions of parasitosis? Will they shorten the disease course or help mitigate symptom severity as part of a harm-reduction strategy? Similarly, when delusions of parasitosis occur in the context of schizophrenia, how should management be adjusted to address these symptoms? Although studies are difficult because of the condition’s rarity, a closer examination of delusions of parasitosis and their associated conditions as well as a multicenter randomized clinical trial are needed to better understand delusions of parasitosis and the mechanisms of delusion formation in general.
Received March 2, 2007; revision received May 8, 2007; accepted May 17, 2007 (doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2007.07030381). From the Department of Psychiatry, UMDNJ–Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Dunn, Department of Psychiatry, UMDNJ–Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Cooper University Hospital, One Cooper Plaza, Camden, NJ 08103; (e-mail).
All authors report no competing interests.
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Here below is a synopsis of the following linked youtube video by American Intelligence Media of how a small group of individuals enslaved the human race economically and otherwise over the past more than one hundred years.
A hierarchical based chain of command is being set up throughout the world and less than two thousand people sit at the top of that hierarchy. They are the Pilgrim Society and they are now in the driving seat of worldwide economic fascism. They are a terrorist group who practice economic predatory tactics and because of this we have all become economic slaves to them. They are mostly composed of the grand children and great grand children of a small number of men who held enormous power in the early twentieth centure.

Cecil Rhodes of the British East India Company is known to have been a psychopathic insane individual. He visited South Africa on behalf of the British empire and while he was there he stole both their gold and diamond resources. He distributed the gold among the Rothschilds and he gave the diamonds to the deBeers who were also members of the Rothschild family. While he was in South Africa he had tens of thousands of people killed under the auspices of British Imperialism. He set up the Round Table Society which was a fore runner of the Pilgrim Society. The Pilgrim Society control the United States by their control of the Senior Executive Service and they control the United Kingdom by their control of the British Privy Council. Many other feeder groups feed into their worldwide control system including The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, The Bilderburgers, The World Economic Forum, The Aspen Institute, The Bohemian group, the FBI, the CIA and the United States state Department.

In 1909 members of the british parliament recruited spies inside the Duma in Russia. In 1917 the British cabinet authorized the war cabinet to provide funds to the Tsar of Russia for the purposes of stopping the Bolshovicks. Sir Alfred Milner was assigned to go to Russia and to provide the Tsar with the assigned money. They met in Linengrad and Sir Alfred Milner pulled the plug on the plan and refused to hand over the money to the Tsar. He defied the instructions of his own parliament. In order to be able to get away with such an act Sir Alfred Milner would have to have been the head of the British Empire with total decision making power. He continued the Round Table which Cecil Rhodes had set up and which later became the Pilgrim Society. Sir Alfred Milner went on to set up concentration camps with the help of General Lord Roberts and he had thirty thousand people killed in the Transvaal region of South Africa. Sir Alfred Milner made British Imperialism which was really fascism corporate and world wide.

In 1905 the British parliament hosted a meeting where Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin were present. Trotsky, Linen Stalin and later Marks and Engels all received similar if not the same British Marksist training.

In 1909 a similar meeting was held by the British parliament which luckily for the world has been documented. At that meeting Mi5, Mi6 and GCHQ were set up. They were composed of newspaper men whose job it was to lie.

Currently we have no free markets. The Federal Reserve bank makes sure of that. Algorithms are being used to set prices of all goods and services. The United States is now a collective corporate dictatorship.

The Pilgrim Society are using their own privately owned main stream media to attack United States President Donald Trump. They are white supremacists and racists. A portion of the top members of the Pilgrim society are Sabbatean Satanic Sorcerers. They are experts at creating false flag events. False flag events are known by the extreme levels of details which are published on the main stream media only one day after the event. The whistleblowers names are never mentioned which generally means that what is being published is propaganda rather than news. No one is doing any investigative journalism anymore.

The agenda of the Pilgrim Society has gone on for more than one hundred years without being exposed because they use several layers of secrecy to cover up their activities. Cecil Rhodes instructed them to use Jesuit like tactics of layers of secrecy. Not alone do they use Jesuit secrecy methods but they also use state secrets of each country to help cover up their deeds. Further to that, the British Privy Council has its own supreme court which trumps all of the other courts in the United Kingdom and in the British common wealth and which they use to get them out of trouble.

The Power of the Pilgrim Society mostly lies in Fleet Street, London, England because the British Privy Council is situated there and the Inner temple of lawyers is situated there and both the media and intelligence service and worldwide banking centre is based there. All is based in Fleet Street.

The most senior members of the United States Senior Executive Service are also members of the Pilgrim Society. They do not control all of what occurs in the United States, they merely control the direction of what is occurring. The United States Senior Executive Service belong to a union which means that with one command they all must obey.

The United States voting machines are now being controlled through optex software. The people of the United States must return to paper voting rather than electronic voting.

The Jesuit methodologies of taking over a country from the inside are as follows:-
Inter a country and infiltrate its control system. Take over the education system and the communication system and use both of them for the purposes of brain washing the citizenry. Receive the keys of the city from the citizenry and by the time their army arrives they come out and hand the keys of the city to the army. The Jesuits own and control over twenty universities in the United States. These universities are thought by some to be brain washing centres in the sense that the students are taught to be materialistic rather than spiritual.

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Here below is a synopsis of the following linked youtube video by American Intelligence Media of how a small group of individuals enslaved the human race economically and otherwise over the past more than one hundred years.
A hierarchical based chain of command is being set up throughout the world and less than two thousand people sit at the top of that hierarchy. They are the Pilgrim Society and they are now in the driving seat of worldwide economic fascism. They are a terrorist group who practice economic predatory tactics and because of this we have all become economic slaves to them. They are mostly composed of the grand children and great grand children of a small number of men who held enormous power in the early twentieth centure.

Cecil Rhodes of the British East India Company is known to have been a psychopathic insane individual. He visited South Africa on behalf of the British empire and while he was there he stole both their gold and diamond resources. He distributed the gold among the Rothschilds and he gave the diamonds to the deBeers who were also members of the Rothschild family. While he was in South Africa he had tens of thousands of people killed under the auspices of British Imperialism. He set up the Round Table Society which was a fore runner of the Pilgrim Society. The Pilgrim Society control the United States by their control of the Senior Executive Service and they control the United Kingdom by their control of the British Privy Council. Many other feeder groups feed into their worldwide control system including The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, The Bilderburgers, The World Economic Forum, The Aspen Institute, The Bohemian group, the FBI, the CIA and the United States state Department.

In 1909 members of the british parliament recruited spies inside the Duma in Russia. In 1917 the British cabinet authorized the war cabinet to provide funds to the Tsar of Russia for the purposes of stopping the Bolshovicks. Sir Alfred Milner was assigned to go to Russia and to provide the Tsar with the assigned money. They met in Linengrad and Sir Alfred Milner pulled the plug on the plan and refused to hand over the money to the Tsar. He defied the instructions of his own parliament. In order to be able to get away with such an act Sir Alfred Milner would have to have been the head of the British Empire with total decision making power. He continued the Round Table which Cecil Rhodes had set up and which later became the Pilgrim Society. Sir Alfred Milner went on to set up concentration camps with the help of General Lord Roberts and he had thirty thousand people killed in the Transvaal region of South Africa. Sir Alfred Milner made British Imperialism which was really fascism corporate and world wide.

In 1905 the British parliament hosted a meeting where Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin were present. Trotsky, Linen Stalin and later Marks and Engels all received similar if not the same British Marksist training.

In 1909 a similar meeting was held by the British parliament which luckily for the world has been documented. At that meeting Mi5, Mi6 and GCHQ were set up. They were composed of newspaper men whose job it was to lie.

Currently we have no free markets. The Federal Reserve bank makes sure of that. Algorithms are being used to set prices of all goods and services. The United States is now a collective corporate dictatorship.

The Pilgrim Society are using their own privately owned main stream media to attack United States President Donald Trump. They are white supremacists and racists. A portion of the top members of the Pilgrim society are Sabbatean Satanic Sorcerers. They are experts at creating false flag events. False flag events are known by the extreme levels of details which are published on the main stream media only one day after the event. The whistleblowers names are never mentioned which generally means that what is being published is propaganda rather than news. No one is doing any investigative journalism anymore.

The agenda of the Pilgrim Society has gone on for more than one hundred years without being exposed because they use several layers of secrecy to cover up their activities. Cecil Rhodes instructed them to use Jesuit like tactics of layers of secrecy. Not alone do they use Jesuit secrecy methods but they also use state secrets of each country to help cover up their deeds. Further to that, the British Privy Council has its own supreme court which trumps all of the other courts in the United Kingdom and in the British common wealth and which they use to get them out of trouble.

The Power of the Pilgrim Society mostly lies in Fleet Street, London, England because the British Privy Council is situated there and the Inner temple of lawyers is situated there and both the media and intelligence service and worldwide banking centre is based there. All is based in Fleet Street.

The most senior members of the United States Senior Executive Service are also members of the Pilgrim Society. They do not control all of what occurs in the United States, they merely control the direction of what is occurring. The United States Senior Executive Service belong to a union which means that with one command they all must obey.

The United States voting machines are now being controlled through optex software. The people of the United States must return to paper voting rather than electronic voting.

The Jesuit methodologies of taking over a country from the inside are as follows:-
Inter a country and infiltrate its control system. Take over the education system and the communication system and use both of them for the purposes of brain washing the citizenry. Receive the keys of the city from the citizenry and by the time their army arrives they come out and hand the keys of the city to the army. The Jesuits own and control over twenty universities in the United States. These universities are thought by some to be brain washing centres in the sense that the students are taught to be materialistic rather than spiritual.

Read more…



Here below is a synopsis of the following linked youtube video by American Intelligence Media of how a small group of individuals enslaved the human race economically and otherwise over the past more than one hundred years.
A hierarchical based chain of command is being set up throughout the world and less than two thousand people sit at the top of that hierarchy. They are the Pilgrim Society and they are now in the driving seat of worldwide economic fascism. They are a terrorist group who practice economic predatory tactics and because of this we have all become economic slaves to them. They are mostly composed of the grand children and great grand children of a small number of men who held enormous power in the early twentieth centure.

Cecil Rhodes of the British East India Company is known to have been a psychopathic insane individual. He visited South Africa on behalf of the British empire and while he was there he stole both their gold and diamond resources. He distributed the gold among the Rothschilds and he gave the diamonds to the deBeers who were also members of the Rothschild family. While he was in South Africa he had tens of thousands of people killed under the auspices of British Imperialism. He set up the Round Table Society which was a fore runner of the Pilgrim Society. The Pilgrim Society control the United States by their control of the Senior Executive Service and they control the United Kingdom by their control of the British Privy Council. Many other feeder groups feed into their worldwide control system including The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, The Bilderburgers, The World Economic Forum, The Aspen Institute, The Bohemian group, the FBI, the CIA and the United States state Department.

In 1909 members of the british parliament recruited spies inside the Duma in Russia. In 1917 the British cabinet authorized the war cabinet to provide funds to the Tsar of Russia for the purposes of stopping the Bolshovicks. Sir Alfred Milner was assigned to go to Russia and to provide the Tsar with the assigned money. They met in Linengrad and Sir Alfred Milner pulled the plug on the plan and refused to hand over the money to the Tsar. He defied the instructions of his own parliament. In order to be able to get away with such an act Sir Alfred Milner would have to have been the head of the British Empire with total decision making power. He continued the Round Table which Cecil Rhodes had set up and which later became the Pilgrim Society. Sir Alfred Milner went on to set up concentration camps with the help of General Lord Roberts and he had thirty thousand people killed in the Transvaal region of South Africa. Sir Alfred Milner made British Imperialism which was really fascism corporate and world wide.

In 1905 the British parliament hosted a meeting where Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin were present. Trotsky, Linen Stalin and later Marks and Engels all received similar if not the same British Marksist training.

In 1909 a similar meeting was held by the British parliament which luckily for the world has been documented. At that meeting Mi5, Mi6 and GCHQ were set up. They were composed of newspaper men whose job it was to lie.

Currently we have no free markets. The Federal Reserve bank makes sure of that. Algorithms are being used to set prices of all goods and services. The United States is now a collective corporate dictatorship.

The Pilgrim Society are using their own privately owned main stream media to attack United States President Donald Trump. They are white supremacists and racists. A portion of the top members of the Pilgrim society are Sabbatean Satanic Sorcerers. They are experts at creating false flag events. False flag events are known by the extreme levels of details which are published on the main stream media only one day after the event. The whistleblowers names are never mentioned which generally means that what is being published is propaganda rather than news. No one is doing any investigative journalism anymore.

The agenda of the Pilgrim Society has gone on for more than one hundred years without being exposed because they use several layers of secrecy to cover up their activities. Cecil Rhodes instructed them to use Jesuit like tactics of layers of secrecy. Not alone do they use Jesuit secrecy methods but they also use state secrets of each country to help cover up their deeds. Further to that, the British Privy Council has its own supreme court which trumps all of the other courts in the United Kingdom and in the British common wealth and which they use to get them out of trouble.

The Power of the Pilgrim Society mostly lies in Fleet Street, London, England because the British Privy Council is situated there and the Inner temple of lawyers is situated there and both the media and intelligence service and worldwide banking centre is based there. All is based in Fleet Street.

The most senior members of the United States Senior Executive Service are also members of the Pilgrim Society. They do not control all of what occurs in the United States, they merely control the direction of what is occurring. The United States Senior Executive Service belong to a union which means that with one command they all must obey.

The United States voting machines are now being controlled through optex software. The people of the United States must return to paper voting rather than electronic voting.

The Jesuit methodologies of taking over a country from the inside are as follows:-
Inter a country and infiltrate its control system. Take over the education system and the communication system and use both of them for the purposes of brain washing the citizenry. Receive the keys of the city from the citizenry and by the time their army arrives they come out and hand the keys of the city to the army. The Jesuits own and control over twenty universities in the United States. These universities are thought by some to be brain washing centres in the sense that the students are taught to be materialistic rather than spiritual.

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Here below is a synopsis of the following linked youtube video by American Intelligence Media of how a small group of individuals enslaved the human race economically and otherwise over the past more than one hundred years.
A hierarchical based chain of command is being set up throughout the world and less than two thousand people sit at the top of that hierarchy. They are the Pilgrim Society and they are now in the driving seat of worldwide economic fascism. They are a terrorist group who practice economic predatory tactics and because of this we have all become economic slaves to them. They are mostly composed of the grand children and great grand children of a small number of men who held enormous power in the early twentieth centure.

Cecil Rhodes of the British East India Company is known to have been a psychopathic insane individual. He visited South Africa on behalf of the British empire and while he was there he stole both their gold and diamond resources. He distributed the gold among the Rothschilds and he gave the diamonds to the deBeers who were also members of the Rothschild family. While he was in South Africa he had tens of thousands of people killed under the auspices of British Imperialism. He set up the Round Table Society which was a fore runner of the Pilgrim Society. The Pilgrim Society control the United States by their control of the Senior Executive Service and they control the United Kingdom by their control of the British Privy Council. Many other feeder groups feed into their worldwide control system including The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, The Bilderburgers, The World Economic Forum, The Aspen Institute, The Bohemian group, the FBI, the CIA and the United States state Department.

In 1909 members of the british parliament recruited spies inside the Duma in Russia. In 1917 the British cabinet authorized the war cabinet to provide funds to the Tsar of Russia for the purposes of stopping the Bolshovicks. Sir Alfred Milner was assigned to go to Russia and to provide the Tsar with the assigned money. They met in Linengrad and Sir Alfred Milner pulled the plug on the plan and refused to hand over the money to the Tsar. He defied the instructions of his own parliament. In order to be able to get away with such an act Sir Alfred Milner would have to have been the head of the British Empire with total decision making power. He continued the Round Table which Cecil Rhodes had set up and which later became the Pilgrim Society. Sir Alfred Milner went on to set up concentration camps with the help of General Lord Roberts and he had thirty thousand people killed in the Transvaal region of South Africa. Sir Alfred Milner made British Imperialism which was really fascism corporate and world wide.

In 1905 the British parliament hosted a meeting where Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin were present. Trotsky, Linen Stalin and later Marks and Engels all received similar if not the same British Marksist training.

In 1909 a similar meeting was held by the British parliament which luckily for the world has been documented. At that meeting Mi5, Mi6 and GCHQ were set up. They were composed of newspaper men whose job it was to lie.

Currently we have no free markets. The Federal Reserve bank makes sure of that. Algorithms are being used to set prices of all goods and services. The United States is now a collective corporate dictatorship.

The Pilgrim Society are using their own privately owned main stream media to attack United States President Donald Trump. They are white supremacists and racists. A portion of the top members of the Pilgrim society are Sabbatean Satanic Sorcerers. They are experts at creating false flag events. False flag events are known by the extreme levels of details which are published on the main stream media only one day after the event. The whistleblowers names are never mentioned which generally means that what is being published is propaganda rather than news. No one is doing any investigative journalism anymore.

The agenda of the Pilgrim Society has gone on for more than one hundred years without being exposed because they use several layers of secrecy to cover up their activities. Cecil Rhodes instructed them to use Jesuit like tactics of layers of secrecy. Not alone do they use Jesuit secrecy methods but they also use state secrets of each country to help cover up their deeds. Further to that, the British Privy Council has its own supreme court which trumps all of the other courts in the United Kingdom and in the British common wealth and which they use to get them out of trouble.

The Power of the Pilgrim Society mostly lies in Fleet Street, London, England because the British Privy Council is situated there and the Inner temple of lawyers is situated there and both the media and intelligence service and worldwide banking centre is based there. All is based in Fleet Street.

The most senior members of the United States Senior Executive Service are also members of the Pilgrim Society. They do not control all of what occurs in the United States, they merely control the direction of what is occurring. The United States Senior Executive Service belong to a union which means that with one command they all must obey.

The United States voting machines are now being controlled through optex software. The people of the United States must return to paper voting rather than electronic voting.

The Jesuit methodologies of taking over a country from the inside are as follows:-
Inter a country and infiltrate its control system. Take over the education system and the communication system and use both of them for the purposes of brain washing the citizenry. Receive the keys of the city from the citizenry and by the time their army arrives they come out and hand the keys of the city to the army. The Jesuits own and control over twenty universities in the United States. These universities are thought by some to be brain washing centres in the sense that the students are taught to be materialistic rather than spiritual.

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Posted on August 19, 2019 by gretta fahey
If community activists are making leaflets or other documents to offer to members of the public they should create the original leaflet with a pen or marker in their own handwriting and their own drawings rather than creating it digitally. When they photocopy the original leaflet it can not be decoded by digital means and blocked from the printing process which is now an ongoing capability.
Currently there is an effort by the would-be enslavers of the human race who are strongly believed to be mostly members of the British Privy Council combined with bloodline families, members of the Vatican and Washington DC to create a false belief in the ability of machines to make uninformed decisions. According to a group of researchers who are known as the American Intelligence media, computer code does not drag ideas out of the sky.  Instead of making uninformed decisions as we are being asked to believe by the would-be enslavers of the human race, computers rely on hundreds of pre-programmed algorithms acting simultaneously to come up with a decision.    Computer programmers are renewing computer code on an almost daily basis because of anomalies. Subroutines are being implemented in computer software to make it appear that a computer can make uninformed decisions but said subroutines are being constantly created by hundreds of millions of computer programmers in the background. The would-be enslavers of the human race constantly create hoaxes in order that we direct our anger away from them and towards a non-existent enemy.
We must consider removing the sovereignty of the Vatican State, Washington Dc and The British Financial district all of which are legally considered sovereign states within sovereign states and which act as one unit in an effort to control and enslave the human race.

My website is called

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Posted on September 16, 2019 by gretta fahey
I am a non-consensual targeted individual of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation. The electromagnetic frequencies which are being generated by my brain and body are being collected wirelessly and translated into everything I think, do, say, feel, how often I eat, how often I visit the toilet, and how much exercise I take on a constant basis among other things. Electromagnetic frequencies are also being sent to my brain and body in order to force me to hear voice commands, feel electric shocks, feel pain signals, see visions, see pictures, be deprived of sleep, be artificially made to feel extremely cold, be artificially made to feel extremely hot, and have my own muscles move against my will among a number of other things. I have been placed on this program because I am in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome and the so called world management team wish to create a policy where individuals who are in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome can have their lives controlled by government agents and government laws. I hear the voices of the criminals who terrorise me all day long every day of my life. They threaten my life, they insult me and demean me on a constant basis. I often post online some of what they say to me in order to prepare other targeted individuals of these programs for what they might experience in the future themselves if these programs are not stopped by banning all transmitters and wireless enabling capabilities. Here is some of what the perpetrators of this technological enslavement program have said to me today as follows:-
“Showing your arse to the men.” (I was alone in my yard and I bent down in order to free out a water channel that had become blocked.)
“We will take you down with that action, you stupid cunt.” ( I was alone in my yard and I held my hand behind my back in order to stop the perpetrators from place swirling energy around my nether regions which they often do because they wish to establish if I have any bladder or bowel problems which I am claiming disability allowance for.)
“My staff need to get readings of bowel anomalies so that we can verify that you have irritable bowel syndrome.”
“Put a marker on this system.”
“She shouldn’t be living alone for one thing. Should she?”
“Put an end to her life. That’s all I’m saying.”
“Well done. We have now got a system in place where we can now monitor her from inside for the rest of her life.”
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My website is called

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A covert enslavement system is being set up throughout Ireland at the moment. Members of the public are being non-consensually implanted with programmable bio-chips which are then wirelessly linked to a computerized human control and enslavement system. This wireless link allows two way traffic. All electrical activity being generated inside the brain and body of the human subject is uploaded to the computerized human control and enslavement system where a portion of it is automatically translated into what the human subject has been thinking, saying and doing throughout each day. This wireless link allows the neuro operatives who control the computerized human control and enslavement system to send information into the brain and body of the human subject, such as voice commands and pain as well as a multitude of other unwanted and negative experiences.

Whenever the neuro operatives who run the computerized human control and enslavement system  are tasked with informing a member of the government about this covert system of enslavement they immediately blame the government staff member for setting up and running this computerized human control and enslavement system themselves so as to falsely give the general impression to government officials that governments are involved in this cruel partial enslavement of their own people. Many government officials have already fallen into the trap of believing that their own governments are involved in this enslavement plan. However, that is never the case. Please warn all government staff throughout Ireland of this reality. This situation is still ongoing throughout Ireland and most of the rest of the world.  I am such a  wirelessly tethered human subject and I have received no help in my quest to be freed from this wireless tethering, constant voice commands and pain etc. People are unwilling to believe me and all other human subjects due to the fact that black budget neuro science which has been hidden from the general public is being used against us. Electronic mind control is also being used against the general public which further influences them to disbelieve us.

This computerized human control and enslavement system is also known as the internet of things or the cerebral internet or remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation.

My name is Gretta Fahey. My address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website is called I do not and I never have and I never would accept payment for anything I write about neuro weapons and their capabilities because I am only interested in raising awareness of this topic in order to help free the human race from impending technological enslavement

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Hundreds of thousands if not millions of human beings are being attacked with directed energy weapons while they are inside their own homes or while they are going about their everyday lives. They are being linked by wireless means to either networks of computers or to super computers or to both. They are having experiments conducted on them by wireless means while they are inside their own homes and whenever they report the matter to the police, their general practitioners or psychiatrists they are being wrongly diagnosed with some form of mental illness. They then go on to be wrongly incarcerated inside psychiatric hospitals where they are mandated to take extremely poisonous substances which have torturous side effects. If we all become technologically enslaved we will know who to blame – psychiatrists. Psychiatrists are blocking the truth from coming out to the public. We can not speak openly for fear of psychiatry. Are psychiatrists under electronic mind control? They are being allowed to commit acts of extreme evil each and every day they come to work by falsely diagnosing individuals who attempt to tell the truth to their fellow human beings about in-home wireless torture as being mentally ill.

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A system of control is being set up throughout the whole world behind the scenes of our lives, which has been engineered by dark occultists to be a severe and unrelenting control system. I am under direct contact with this cruel control system because I was selected by individuals who work within the control system to be placed on continual monitoring and manipulation via a two way wireless link from my brain and body to one of their computer networks. Because they employ directed energy weapons and some other energy systems to monitor and manipulate me this dark occultist owned and managed control system leaves very little trace of evidence of its existence or of its power.
I have been informed that there is a policy of demeaning the staff who work within the control system if they show signs of disobedience to the code of behaviour created by the dark occultists for their staff. The male staff are forced to remove their lower clothing and display their posterior to their employers as an act of unquestioning and submissive obedience to the code. The female staff and indeed all women throughout the world will no longer be allowed to work outside the home at all if the dark occultists ever succeed in taking over control of the whole world. They plan to set up a rigid hierarchical based chain of command where dark occultists would own and run the whole world by wireless means. We would not even be allowed to know who they are because we would all be connected by two way wireless means to the computerized control system where our daily lives would be micro-managed possibly by computer generated voice commands via a voice induction process which is commonly known as voice to skull. These voices would give us orders throughout each moment of each day and if we failed to obey said orders we would possibly receive a pain signal or be paralysed for a few hours or even a few days at a time. I know this situation is on the agenda for everybody because I and many others throughout my country, the Republic of Ireland and indeed most other countries have been subjected to parts of this system for many years. We are all continually warning the world of our plight in the hope that they can over ride the electronic mind control they are under long enough to believe us. There are easy ways to circumvent this system if we all act urgently to tear down all microwave transmitters, millimetre wave transmitters and related paraphernalia now.
Inculcation methods as well as electronic mind control is in widespread use against politicians, senior civil servants, university staff, the police, the military, psychiatry and students and many other individuals throughout the world. Many of us are aware that there are many ways to circumvent this control and eventual enslavement system which is currently moving towards you and your family. I offer a few suggestions here below.
Supply the lower level police forces with technology which can easily detect anomalies in the human energy field of all individuals who come to the attention of the police. You can no longer trust some members of the higher level police because I believe that all police forces throughout the world have been infiltrated and manipulated by the afore-mentioned dark occultist would-be controllers and enslavers. I firmly believe that the United States patent office is currently under the control of the afore-mentioned dark occultists and I believe that they have been stealing patents for many decades because a differential in knowledge eventually leads to a differential in power. We must take back control of and make public all available patents. We must stop registering babies at birth because by doing so you are legally handing over your baby to enslavement by the state. We must refuse to recognise and legitimise psychiatry because it is a pseudo science which is backed by the violence of the state and it has provided false cover for criminals who are targeting individuals with directed energy weapons for many decades. Please spread this warning to others to let them know that they will be enslaved if they do not act urgently. My name is Gretta Fahey. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividuals

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A diet high in carbohydrates and sugar causes an increase in the levels of insulin in the human body. High levels of insulin causes the intestines to become inflamed which is just one of many possible reasons to experience chronic irritable bowel syndrome.
A diet high in carbohydrates is recommended by nutritionists who developed the food pyramid. It is not the optimum diet for human health. When the levels of insulin in the human body become far too high due to eating a diet high in carbohydrates this invariably leads to the that human being experiencing false hunger. This false hunger then leads to constant eating of still more carbohydrate food which allows the chronic hunger to increase which often leads to irritable bowel syndrome, type two diabetes and obesity among many other chronic illnesses.
The real reason we have been wrongly encouraged to eat a diet high in carbohydrates instead of the optimum diet for human beings which is a diet very low in carbohydrates is because slaves are more easily controlled when they are chronically hungary and the individuals who created the food pyramid belong to the new world order cabal whose ultimate aim is to enslave the rest of the human race by any and all means possible.
When human beings avoid carbohydrate and sugar rich foods their insulin levels then stabilize. After several weeks of eating a low carbohydrate diet of mostly above ground vegetables, freshly ground flax seeds, chia seeds and a large variety of other seeds as well as any and all animal products the cells of their bodies then become adaptive to burning fat as their body fuel instead of glucose as their body fuel. Fat is a much cleaner fuel to sustain the human body than glucose. Once the human being who adheres strictly to a low carbohydrate diet becomes effecient at burning fat as their fuel they lose all of their false hunger, the can easily skip a meal without becoming weak, they lose excess weight, the recover from type two diabetes and they cure their irritable bowel syndrome over time.
I suffered from irritable bowel syndrome for many years and I received disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome during that time. I still am in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome. As there is no legal medical model to assess if somebody who is in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome is entitled to it I was secretly placed on a new type of a constant monitoring and control system by wireless means from what I believe are either illegal implants inside my body or micro technology inside my body or else my unique brain signature or unique DNA signature or my energy field or all of the above. This new type of constant monitoring and control system is now known as the cerebral internet-of-things and it is a human enslavement and psychological torture system which I have written about in extreme detail in my website which is called
I now eat only a low carbohydrate diet which is composed of mostly above ground vegetables, a large variety of freshly ground seeds and any animal products I wish. My irritable bowel syndrome is almost completely cured but it will probably be a few more months before it is entirely cured. The individuals who have illegally wirelessly tethered me to the human control and enslavement system which is called the cerebral internet-of-things have informed me that they wish to introduce legislation to control all applicants of disability allowance under the cerebral internet of things so that they become enslaved by the system. However, I believe that it would be much preferable if they promoted the optimum diet for human health instead. However, I belive that they do not wish to do this because their ultimate aim is to enslave the whole human race and they know that they can not enslave a vibrantly healthy and intelligence race of human beings. Therefore it is in their interests that we remain unaware of the optimum low carbohydrate diet and continue to live lives of chronic ill health.
I have been illegally wirelessly tethered to the cerebral internet-of-things for sixteen years. I am wirelessly tethered to it by what I am led to believe is a two stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy which allows unknown neuro operatives to send me voices, images, sensations, feelings, forced muscle movements and a wide variety of other experiences. These unknown neuro operatives collect data from my body and brain and they translate this data into what is occurring throughout my brain and body throughout the course of every day as I go about my life, while I myself am totally aware that I am being monitored to a level bordering on the forensic. These neuro operatives speak to me constantly and I am forced to hear their voices coming from inside my head. They interfere with my minds eye to the extent that they often send me unwanted and upsetting mental images whenever they wish. They can and have sent me visions of various kinds. They force some of my facial muscles to move whenver they wish. They have once nodded my head vigorously against my will and on another occasion they have shaken my head against my will. They have moved my eye balls around in many directions against my will. At this advanced stage of brain scientific and technological research anybody who has access to specific brain scientific and technological equipment can enslave a human being by wireless means and from a remote location, while leaving no trace of their crime.
I have so far been unable to prove that this has happened to me and that I am now a neuro slave. However, I write about it constantly in the hope that somebody, somewhere will believe I am telling the truth and will come to my aid and free me from wireless enslavement. I know of many others throughout the Republic of Ireland who are currently undergoing the same fate as myself and I know of one young lady who committed suicide because of being targeted by this technology.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland.

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I have become non-consensually, wirelessly connected to a remote neural monitoring in combination with a remote neural manipulation program, by a two way link. I non-consensually hear the voices of the neuro staff who manage and control the computerized remote neural monitoring in combination with remote neural manipulation control system which is also known as the internet-of-things or the cerebral internet-of-things. These voices are heard my me coming from inside my head. Just a moment ago at 18.38 approximately on the 23rd June, 2019, Irish time, I heard the voice of one of the neuro staff tell another member of the neuro staff that their role is to observe and guide whenever they are observing me. I am now officially asking who exactly decided that I needed to be observed on a continual basis as well as guided on a continual basis for the past more than sixteen years? I am also now officially asking why I needed to be observed and guided on a continual basis for the past more than sixteen years? I am also now officially asking who exactly throughout the entire world has been given the authority to authorize other individuals to both observe and guide me for more than sixteen years totally against my will and without my permission? I am equal to every other human being in this world so take that into consideration when answering these three questions. My name is and always has been Gretta Fahey. I reside at Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website which I alone own and control and where I detail many of my experiences over the past more than sixteen years is called ; I never have and I never would in the future accept money for anything I write in my efforts to expose this human control and enslavement system which is known as the internet-of-things which I am wirelessly tethered to.   I have never met and I never wish to meet any of the individuals who place their voices inside my head or indeed any of the individuals who own or  control or  who work in this aforementioned human control and enslavement system. I have no wish to ever meet any of them.

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I have been subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation for slightly more than sixteen years. During all of that time I have been monitored twenty four hours per day for the entire sixteen years. This type of continual monitoring is achieved wirelessly because I am non-consensually linked by a two way stream of energy to a network of computers and other equipment from implants in both my brain and body. In this way all electrical activity being generated by both my brain and most parts of my body are available for scrutiny as well as data analysis and collation by teams of remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation staff.

These criminal staff use the two way stream of energy linking me to their equipment to speak to me on a continual basis and I hear their voices coming from inside my head. Earlier today I heard them say the following “We have not ascertained any social problems with the human subject of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation so therefore we can not code the system yet.” My own response to that was as follows “What does the phrase “code the system” mean in the context of my own situation of being continually monitored?” The response which I heard from that particular voice which I heard coming from inside my head was as follows – “We can not code the system until we gain substantial evidence against you. Whenever some body causes a problem in the social world we then ascertain that they may cause a similar problem at some time in the future so we frequently make that problem occur ourselves by outside manipulation of either or both the human brain and/or human body of the human subject that we have earlier placed on both remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation.

I have not been working since 1992. I was suffering from irritable bowel syndrome on and off for a large part of my life and I had been attending general medical practitioners and specialists in an effort to get help for it. I was refused disability allowance by Dr John Connolly of Pontoon Lodge, Pontoon, Castlebar for irritable bowel syndrome even though I had attended him on and off between five and seven occasions about my problems. He informed me at the time that people in receipt of disability allowance lead aimless lives and eventually commit suicide so he denied me my request for disability allowance. I was so worn down and impoverished by that time that I did not have any further energy to beg any other medical practitioners for help. Many years later I am now in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome and I don’t go out very often but when I do go out I am monitored by wireless remote means by teams of remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation staff who have informed me that they have total wireless control over my bowel and they have also informed me that they plan to make me have a bowel malfunction in a public place in order to use the opportunity to then create laws which would disempower all individuals who continue to receive disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome so that they can bring them under strict government control

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I am non-consensually wirelessly connected to a network of computers for the purposes of illegal and immoral experimentation on my brain and body which has been ongoing for more than sixteen years. The connection from the network of computers to my brain and body is a two way link which allows these unknown criminal neuro scientists as well as neuro operatives to force me to listen to their voice commands against my will and without my permission. It also allows them to non-consensually move some of the muscles of my body and to externally control my vocal cords and my facial muscles against my will and without my permission. Just now at approximately 19.25 hours on 21st June, 2019 I began to rub the back of my neck and immediately the voice of one of the unknown neuro scientists who experiment on me was heard by me to complain to his colleagues that I had just destroyed about two years of his work. He then asked for legal advice from one of his advisors. His advisor was heard by me to inform him that he was considered a criminal and he had no right to be there.
If you are a targeted individual of non-consensual wirelessly enabled experimentation which has come to be known by those in the know as remote wireless torture, try rubbing the back of your neck often because said back of your neck is a key area that illegal research scientists often focus on during their wirelessly enabled research which is being conducted from a remote location while leaving no visible trace for the police to investigate.

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