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After some discussion, I decided to change the day and time the calls occur. The new day and time reflects the amount of TI's who could not be on the Thursday call.
Our next call will be on Friday at 9PM EST and 6PM EST on The focus of the call will be Affidavit Completion and News concerning the TI community. If you will like to participate, please call 724-444-7444. ID: 83319 # pin: 1 #.
You can also visit Click on "LIVE". Then scroll down until you see "Government Sponsored Stalking". Click on "JOIN IN". A new browser window will open up.
The goal of these conference calls is to establish legal credibility. This is accomplished through the writing of an Affidavit. Once we receive 10 Affidavits, we will be starting a coalition.
The purpose of the coalition is to establish alliances with other human rights organizations and to seek their assistance in the legal process. The legal process involves several things, which would be discussed in the new coalition.
If you are interested in getting involve, your cooperation will be gladly appreciated.
Thank you for your participation and have a nice day. 2
Chris J. Brunson
on for, not years, but across generations
at least at the local level.
I don't know where this is going.
Maybe that is a good place to start.
My guess is that these controlled attacks and harassments will keep occurring
until outside world events dictate, determine, confirm course
of action. Outside events are also being controlled
but areas such as foreign affairs are subject to some variables.
Is this torture coordinated across the
country? Is there a protocol that is being
followed day to day? How many years ahead
do my handlers plan?
The following video is 13 years old and has nothing
specific to do with my/our situation. But it says
a lot about how demographers think once you get
past the fact that they are breaking it down for
public consumption. We are now going through the
time period described and predicted. It's amazing to
see the accuracy of this book The Forth Turning.
Two more books have been written since.
They are written for entertainment value but give you
an idea of how various contingencies are planned by
the various levels of bureaucracy. It is amazing.
As with UFO's the military will encourage you to think
they exist and also that they don't exist.
The same is true with the technology that we think/know
is being used on us. Some of it I know about
and some I am guessing about. I will be given
clues to the existence of tech that does not exist.
I will be given clues to the non-existence of tech
and weapons that DO exist. This is the
nature of military PR.
Some Of These People Also Admitted To Being Illeagle Imagrants. Useing Master To Have Women Try To Have There Imagrant Kids So They Can Stay In America.
Seattle was once a gaming town. People were geting"Plugged" (chipped ) of theri own accord to ebd up being some on an underground . their are many who want out but are takin in as intranet as
"Family". there are also those like me who does not wknow how, when, where, or by who "Plugged" me. I learned to use it to my advandage because it was set up so people could hear me speak remotely. Listening to two years worth of input, and a connection with mainstream media, dave me hope. I was promised millions if I could figure out the code. The code always changed so I could never actualy get any money. I was't meant to.
While in a visit to Yakima I was terribly tortured psycholgically. Arriving bacck in Seattle I found my self as a TI.
Implants Used C++ Unix And Even Can Be Edited To Run Other Operating Systems. We Have Had This Going On In The United states For Months even TO Trojan An Implant And Run Through A Hidden Connection Through Other Implants. These Implants Interface With The Human Brain And Can Also Be Programmed Through A Wireless Router And A Basic Computer. Also I Have Been Programming stuff For Years Streight Through My Brain And My Implant. The Implant Tunes Into THe Human Brain And Is Easy Programmed.
Implants Used C++ Unix And Even Can Be Edited To Run Other Operating Systems. We Have Had This Going On In The United states For Months even TO Trojan An Implant And Run Through A Hidden Connection Through Other Implants. These Implants Interface With The Human Brain And Can Also Be Programmed Through A Wireless Router And A Basic Computer. Also I Have Been Programming stuff For Years Streight Through My Brain And My Implant. The Implant Tunes Into THe Human Brain And Is Easy Programmed.
Re: Release - Morgellons Implants Moved To The Back Of The Brain To TheBrain Stem To Master People And Moved To Touch The Voice Box To MakePeople Talk The Secreat A Slime. This Is Used To Make People Slaves.People Use This With Mind Control To Master Others Into Doing Things. IKnow I Have Been A Master Since 2006. And Hey Still Call Me Anubis. These Organisms Can Also Be Programmed Also With Scripts And Embeddings. They Can Can Also Be Placed In Others Areas To Make Peoples Body Become Controlable.
Stanford Research Institute Int'l, Biosciences Division, has a long and successful history of drug discovery and development, which includes both screening of licensed drugs and finding and studying new chemical and biological therapeutics and vaccines. Drugs That Fight 2009 H1N1 Influenza A Swine Flu To Be Screened By SRI International
SRI International Seeks Twin Pairs for H1N1 Seasonal Flu Vaccine Study on August 17, 2009 11:39:32 AM
OR SRI International Seeks Twin Pairs for NIH Seasonal Flu Vaccine Study