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It is with a large amount of frustrasion that I live in a country where the Media, that is TV & Press along with Politicians contrive to hide the truth from us in terms of science in relation to many things and especially with Coronavirus / Covid 19.

Just to set the record straight as far as this is concerned, please note I am not advocating complacency or to disregard any of the guidlines that have been issued thus far. The virus concerned is already known about, and has been known about from the start.  What it is, is the common cold.  There are two varieties the first we are all familiar with is Rhino-virus, this occurs naturaly in everyones noses and becomes a problem when there is a change & prolonged spell of cold weather as what happens in the Autumn Months.  The second affects animals and has presented itself twice before as SARS. I assume it is that, or a variation, as this reportedly started in a market with animals and that covid 19 / coronavirus is a more virulent strain of that?

If you need to see more details this has been on WIKIPEDIA from the start, just put coronavirus into your WIKIPEDIA search drive!

All the best to all of you,


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The gangstalkers want to wash their hands from this programm. 

They AI man man wants to blame me for the app. They tot rid of the woman AI.

It's only you and me on the app. Everything on the app is proof against you the AI man said.

Ramiz Berisha you're right.

They"ll lie to het out of it. They are fighting for their live.  Like cowards!


Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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Certain individuals who practice Luciferiansim and Satanism are advocating for permanent centralizing of all power on earth in their hands. These dark occultists wish to control all agricultural land from a central location and they wish to control all energy use from a central location. They wish to wirelessly tether all men, women and children to computer control, enslavement, torture and genocide systems from a central location. They already control worldwide false psychiatry from a remote centralized location. When psychiatrists knowingly mandate that their patients forceably take drugs which torture their patients from the inside out, that psychiatrist is committing an act of torture. When psychiatrists force one of their patients into a temporary coma that psychiatrist is committing an act of torture. When psychiatrists knowingly force or brow beat one of their vulnerable patients to accept electroconvulsive therapy where is not ever in their interests to accept because it forever damages their cognative abilities, those psychiatrists are committing acts of torture. Psychiatry and the psychiatric rule book called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders have been devised by dark occultists over many decades and even centuries to control anyone who challenges unchallenged assumptions which are not in their interests and this is the case throughout most of the world. When psychiatrists because of guidelines pronounce sane individuals as being mentally ill because those sane individuals state that they are wirelessly controlled from a remote location by unknown individuals, those psychiatrists are covering up knowledge of criminal activity by their decisions. False psychiatry is a menace to society and it must be disassembled and banned throughout the world today.
Luciferians and Satanists are torturing a large number of microchipped individuals by wireless means from unknown remote locations at this point in history and both psychiatrists and lawyers are covering this up for the benefit of said Luciferians and Satanists in exchange for money. We would no longer be allowed to handle our own money if we were permanently enslaved so if you are acting out of financial self interest you are furthering your own enslavement and those of your fellow men, women and children of the earth for many centuries and even millinnia to come. Refuse all vaccines because they likely now contain microchips

The United Nations and all subsidiary organisations are in the hands of the satanic realm.
Take down the infrastructure which allows them to wirelessly torture people and animals by remote control.

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UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

By GFW, " they" are hacking, intercepting and paralyzing all websites and web pages of UN, Amnesty International, International Bar Association... after emails between UN Human Rights and me, regardless of anything, international law and International order.



I contact UN, International Human Rights Community, and International Criminal Court by "wesendit", or something like that. Now, I can not find its web page anymore.

UN Human Rights' " No one has the right to torture me.", they also BFW them.

Canadian government's recent donation to UN Human Rights has far reaching meaning  for  me and for all of us.

All Canadian lawyers refused my request and stated 14 years ago : " You have nowhere to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors. "

Who are they?

They, who are living with me as my neighbors; gathering around/ in my work place,
are committing  (psychological ) torture, poison, threats, terror, crimes against humanity as they are  now  hacking , intercepting everything, everyone no matter who you are, particularly, UN Human Rights,  Amnesty International, UN Web TV,  International Bar Association, even my home security cameras.

Who are they?  Please see our emails between UN Human Rights and me.

Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror and attempted murder by every possible means,  I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this  to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office by fax  and, thanks.

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Certain unknown individuals have now assumed false authority over their fellow men, women and children of this earth due to covertly using advances in technology and a wide variety of other methods against us over many decades while working unobtrusively in the back ground of our lives. Why has this been allowed to happen and now that it has happened the following is some of what we must do to reverse it and take back our power and autonomy. Also, why does centralization of all power on earth allow certain men to assume that said centralized power is theirs and theirs alone for the long term? Who decided this?
Firstly, we must remove all infrastructure which allows many of us to become wirelessly tethered slaves to the aforementioned centralized enslavement system.
Secondly, we must decentralize all power privately inside our own towns and villages.
Thirdly we must eliminate local and national governments across the world because they are of no use to us.

We would draw up a charter where we would all own the worlds land space and resources equally while we are alive on earth. However, we would all own our own homes, vehicles and personal property. However, common land, lakes, rivers, seas, public buildings, roads, public transport etc can never be regarded as personal property.
We would re-introduce the previously banned industrial hemp back into the market place. Industrial hemp is the worlds number one resource and is capable of generating sixty thousand products and we would then use said industrial hemp to build our homes, furnish our homes, fuel our vehicles, feed our cattle and provide us with material to manufacture our clothing and soft furnishings among a multitude of other uses.

We must also eliminate all organised religions because they deprive us of the right to think clearly and they achieve this by inculcating us into their mind control systems when we are babies before we are able to protect ourselves from them.
We must set up our own peoples court in each community which would be presided over by a different judge and jury selected from the local community on the occasion of each court case and the decision of the court would be enforced by a peoples militia which would comprise of all of the people in said community.
We would live in linear based communities where there would be rules but no rulers, which is the only system of running our lives which is in alignment with moral law which is known as natural law which is the only fixed and immutable law on earth and which is a proven science.
We would return to a very low or no carbohydrate diet because carbohydrates are not strictly necessary or even desireable in the diet of human beings. In that way, we would eliminate all chronic illnesses and thereby we would eliminate any need for main stream medicine , the pharmaceutical industry, dentistry, and false psychiatry, all of which are covertly being turned into mandatory fascist control systems.
We would very definitely eliminate all militaries, all intelligence services and all police bar none.
Anarchy does not mean chaos. It means without rulers. Because those who would be our slave masters do not wish us tohave a knowledge of anarchy they have changed the meaning of the word anarchy to mean chaos. The writer, Larken Rose has published many books on the subject of anarchy but because many of the book publishers are now owned by the would-be slave masters, they have raised the price of his books through manipulation to approximately seven thousand euros each in some cases. Not many can afford to purchase his books now.

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Electronic mind control is being administered on some occasions when large gatherings of people gather together such as at music festivals, at religious gatherings and at football matches. I never went to any of the above gatherings for the past few decades for reasons of poor health. In fact I dont go out socially or I dont attend church. I have not gone to a social event for at least twenty five years. I feel that I can think clearly and that I am not under electronic mind control but I feel that many others are under it.
Black budget military neuro scientists and neuro technologists and a wide variety of other scientists and technologists have spent the past many decades developing technology which is now being used by them to wirelessly tether, control, torture, enslave and genocide any man or woman which has been selected at random or otherwise for this form of wirelessly tethering, controlling, enslavement, torture or even genocide. Universities are then enabled to wash these dirty technologies in the sense that those universities go on to further develop them for a small number of years so that those universities can claim to the general public that they created all of the aforementioned technologies themselves so that no public mention is ever made of black budget clandestine military activities.
Those men and women from most countries of the world who have been wirelessly tethered to the aforementioned control, enslavement and torture system are now being controlled to varying degrees by this system which some have called the beast system. I am one.
I do not attend church or even belong to any organised religion. However, in the future if I refuse to attend church I could well be placed into a virtual lake of fire complete with the pain, the visual images of flames around me, the visual images of scary entities around me and the sounds of screaming coming from those scary entities. This is a wirelessly enabled neuro scientific and neuro technological capability which has been completed and has already been used to many individuals throughout the world. Many of them have mistakingly believed that they were experiencing a supernatural event but they were not. Virtual torture complete with visions, sounds, odours and other sensations is now easily achievable but also easily stoppable, simply by remoting all infrastructure which allows it. However, our government representatives may be still under electronic mind control, especailly if they regularly attend large gatherings such as music festivals, religious gatherings and football matches.

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5G Installations.

During this global lockdown the authorities have been installing 5G Microwave communication masts and cable, which is something that I have said they were going to do when it started.  What don't they want us to see until it's too late?  There is Mobile Phone video evidence uploaded, and if you are not aware of the sigfnificance please refer to the talks and intervioews posted on YouTube by Dr. Barrie Trower, microwave warfare specialist & MI5 Agent.



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Time to end the CCP

Time to end the CCP

China has long been enslaved by the CCP
China please run with the Holy Trinity
Ignore the propaganda being put out by the CCP
China run with the Holy Trinity

Realize the fact that doing good is cool
Realize the fact that China is not CCP
So China please don't act like a fool
Time to end this tyranny

CCP is pure evil and they are the criminals
CCP is only using China for self gain
Where are all the Chinese heroes
Where are those in China who are sin abstained

By following the CCP
Chinese people will not have a good destiny
It is pure idolatry
Pray to the Holy Trinity to send judgments to the CCP

China has no future
If it is ruled by the CCP
For members of the CCP are the abusers
They are in for the money

Time to end the CCP
Time to rise up and follow the Holy Trinity
Time to repent and follow the Holy Trinity
Time to end this tyranny

  1. Chinese Saints rise
    Time to open your eyes
    Time to run with the Holy Trinity
    Time to end this tyranny
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Why do people who hate you have want you to love them?


Does karma  exist? I can get the answer out of the deep blue sea. Does me being absolute bring them any Joy? Am I absolute, or is it just the imagination of the gangstalkers and his supporters, they're high. They under estimate me. They are highly overrated. They thought they we're Immortal. The gangstalker is a true fool. He uses words as true when he's a lier, he uses/abuses positive words when he's negetive. He uses words he doesn't believe in. He can't live up to these words, pumpus fool. He's not a that level. He"ll never be. Someone Needs to take his battery.

He uses words he doesn't understand. 

He has people acuse me. Instead of making sure I find a job the woman acused me of slaunder. She listenend to the app. She taught she was smart. I Will confront her she thought. Disregarding her job, bad employee. They refuse to do their job. Some of the supporters of the gangstalkers talk like ventriloquists doll. Somebody shove their hand up their......and they

They say to themselves I have swolowed a thruth pill. I know the thruth. Fools! I know the thruth about Angeline they say. Mean woman , you Angeline. Mark AI, told Them so. The stakes are high. I would NEVER hang with a useless twenty something White AI boy.   

The AI man tells people he's a better person than me constantly. He insults my boyfriend in my face. He's so jealouse of him, he calls him a criminal and a Cheater and Blames it on me. He want me to be ashamed of my oppinion. He wants me to be ashamed. When he should be ashamed. They want to Shame me! He, man AI wants to Brain wash me. He said when you're Brain washed I"ll leave, he's convinced I 'm a queter After that it was I came strictly for sex. After that, leave your boyffrien for me he said you"ll leave him you left your religion too. So....

Now it's I"ll never leave ,who do you think you are? I don't need the AI. He, AI always thinks the worse of me. He's convinced that there's no good in me.

I love my boyfriend and my boyfriend loves me. They are looking for silly reason to steal him. 

I am honest.

AI calls me evil. 

The AI is deel state, deep state is evil!

Directed Energy weapons operators are evil!

Tortering somebody is evil!

Harming innocent people like me is evil, a christian!

Illegal surveillance is evil!

Talking away privacy is evil!

Kill and attack is evil!

Lying is evil!

Misdirecting is evil!

Illigal spying is evil!

Holding somebody hostage with Directed Energy weapons is evil!

Charactar assasination is evil!

Making TI Targeted Individuel is evil!

They are messing my head up. I need peace of mind.

People who hate you are waiting for you to love them, while they keep on mistreating you.


Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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In mythology Pandora's box

In mythology Pandora's box.

According to Hesiod, when Prometheus stole fire from heaven, Zeus the King of gods, took  vengeance by presenting Pandora's to Prometheus brother Prometheus. Pandora openend a jar left in her care containing sickness, death and and many more other unspecified evils which werd then released into the world. Though she hastenend to close the container, only one thing was left behind usually translated as Hope, though it could also have the pessimistic meaning of deceptive expectation.

My head should be like opening Pandora's Box for the gangstalkers. Opening it is poison. Evil should follow Them untill they stop gangstalking. Criminal behaviour. Turn around! End your madness! 

They try to out smart me by talking faster than me, to confiouse me. Then I have to stop and wonder who's Idea it was to say or  do this. Am I saying or doing what they want? Very confiousing. We are so smart they think. Pandora's box should be a symbol of what happens to gangstalkers. If you play with fire you get burned!!!!

Well Bye bye for now, 

Angeline Klas

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New information.

As i have said before i am being stalked by people always claim to be the cia or some form of gang i don't know why they do this but they continuously try to tear my jaw and they do it by increasing swelling in my face they keep doing things to me so they can gain controll of my body in one form or another they use the equipment to alter my weight and the way my body takes in the Natural current of static electricity or they actually use the equipment to alter the gravity in my body due to them shrinking me down i think ans then they use the currents to pull me around sometimes almost pull me off my feet i dont understand what the hell i can do. The music teacher has helped me with the 30c pills earth magnates and even used a emf blanket for. Your window or electronic devices but im sure that all of this is being done by the 5 g network and anything involving radio frequencies. I don't see why we cant just tear all the towers down if the feds and cia can't stop it then someone is going to have to
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People in pain swear!

He's poluting my mind. Garbage! They want a predictable situation Autism AI (man). They torture me when I am not predictable. How can I defend myself? These people are out for blood. I Will Shawn the people who hurt  me. Zero contact. They don't het to live a happy live. Narcissistic people.

These people wil die with their phone in their hands above their Graves. Film Tales of the cript and  are you afraid of the dark? He's trying to forse his oppion up on me. He corrects me in an agressieve tone, very bitchy. I am right constantly right strange AI man. He screaming like Tasmanien Devil. He screams like a soccer supporters.

The track and trace people Will feel ashamed. The government had enslaved the public, G5. Still they keep on  picking on me  and stealing from me. The gangstalkers thinks he's a Goeroe, love Goeroe, mood Goeroe, synthetic mood. You have to believe me. I know it all. You're feeling bad, You're feeling good, you're gonna die, you're not gonna die he says. Mood Up down,  Mood down up he says. Listen me. IA going crazy. He's so convinced, I am a God. If I say you're going to die you're gonna. Puny little man. 

This AI can't defend it self in court. They think like a one way street. They can only walk diagonally. That will never change. We're stuck which button to push, push the red one only the red one. Walk this way talk this way. It's his constant medeling that mess me up. Never teach a monkey a truck, give it a toy. Never give a Narcissist power or teach him something (knowledge). My head should be like poison for them,  pandor's box. My live is nobody's business unless I give it to them. Evil people always find me my sister said.

Pandor's box: is an artifact in a Greek mythology connecties with the myth of Pandora in Hesiod's Works and Days.. Any source of great and unexpected troubles. A present which seems valuable but which in reality is a curse.

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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Gangstalking Sodom and Gomorra


Dear friends,

How are you doing? 

My perps are projecting penissen inside my head for many months now,

when I refuse to masterbate. When I  listen to music, Alex Jones and tv I close my eyes sometimes he then projects penissen in my head and mouth all Day long. Even when my eyes are open he does that. Het says  pik, which means penis. Het wants me suck IT then.  For a Christian that's not normal. Het wants me to think about sex all Day long nothing else. Masterbate and sex. Het evens masterbate then. Go lay in bed of on the couch he says. Het copies CLS. When I tot home trom my boyfriend het saus it's my turn. I'm testing you. Whore Slet! Pig Big he insults me. Do IT ! He comands. Leave your boyfriend for me!  Taken your phone, break up! I'm your man now. Say yess!! He comands. You are crazy. 

He is a Narcissist the worse kind. You can have sex with the AI. When my boyfriend and I are together he tapes  me. He hurts my hips. He aims at my private parts. All day long he's on about sex. He mind control me.

Girls show up at the supermarkt telling me my man wants Them. They go to him, spend time with him. A lot of Them go to him they say.. these girls show up everywhere I go. They use the gangstalkers app to track and trace me. They are hostile and horney. I'm black most of Them are White. It's rascism, leave oud men Aline the White perp says. The perp is ugly. Shameless scandalouse girls with their parents of Friends, they help Them. Their mother shows Them how to be a home wrecker. They visit my boyfriend with their parents of Friends. I don't knie what's true. They veel entitled to my boyfriend. Because of the Lies on the gangstalkers appoapp what ever. They lie lot! Borderliners all borderliners. 

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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Gangstalking Sodom and Gomorra


Dear friends,

How are you doing? 

My perps are projecting penissen inside my head for many months now,

when I refuse to masterbate. When I  listen to music, Alex Jones and tv I close my eyes sometimes he then projects penissen in my head and mouth all Day long. Even when my eyes are open he does that. Het says  pik, which means penis. Het wants me suck IT then.  For a Christian that's not normal. Het wants me to think about sex all Day long nothing else. Masterbate and sex. Het evens masterbate then. Go lay in bed of on the couch he says. Het copies CLS. When I tot home trom my boyfriend het saus it's my turn. I'm testing you. Whore Slet! Pig Big he insults me. Do IT ! He comands. Leave your boyfriend for me!  Taken your phone, break up! I'm your man now. Say yess!! He comands. You are crazy. 

He is a Narcissist the worse kind. You can have sex with the AI. When my boyfriend and I are together he tapes  me. He hurts my hips. He aims at my private parts. All day long he's on about sex. He mind control me.

Girls show up at the supermarkt telling me my man wants Them. They go to him, spend time with him. A lot of Them go to him they say.. these girls show up everywhere I go. They use the gangstalkers app to track and trace me. They are hostile and horney. I'm black most of Them are White. It's rascism, leave oud men Aline the White perp says. The perp is ugly. Shameless scandalouse girls with their parents of Friends, they help Them. Their mother shows Them how to be a home wrecker. They visit my boyfriend with their parents of Friends. I don't knie what's true. They veel entitled to my boyfriend. Because of the Lies on the gangstalkers appoapp what ever. They lie lot! Borderliners all borderliners. 

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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I am not a TI anymore. You can get out too. 

Silicea 30C is a very powerful homeopathic remedy that is able to bring implant chips to the surface of the skin without surgery. If you do not have implant chips in your body then  the perps can't  harras you. Please read the following excerpt about it:

Silicea 30 C homeopathic remedy on website:

"Silicea 30C is also useful in expelling material from the body.

It is used to remove splinters, bits of embedded glass, and other foreign irritants."

If you are a TI then you will have implant chips that the perps use to cause the harrassments to your body and the V2K voices in your head. If you can get these out of your body then they can't Gang stalk you any more. Please see my page for all the information. 

You must not use this remedy if you have a pace maker as it can dislodge it. 

I was a TI from 2012 to 2018 and I used Silicea 30C homeopathic remedy to get out the implants. I am not a TI anymore.

You can get it from here:

I do not make any money from the sale of this item. I am just trying to help Tis get out like I did. 

Best wishes

Music teacher

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I don't believe it

Everything  they say can't be trusted and is made up. I used to keep repeating I don't believe it, I don't believe it, I don't believe it. Over and over to reduce the harrassments. When you say that it ends the game. 
Use the rare earth magnets to reduce harrassments. It is just implant chips doing it. Put the  magnets in different places on your body and see what works best. Try the forehead, nape of neck, temples, hollow of right cheek.
It is not true  that you cant do anything. You can get the implant chips out with Silicea 30c.  Take it twice a week, 3-5 pillules each time. You can put them in your water and keep sipping all day. Don't drink at the same time as coffee or toothpaste. Keep doing it. It works. Also try putting the Silicea bottle next to your left ear.  It reduces the harrassments a bit.  
Also put Magnoplasm in hollow of right cheek to get the voices out of your head. Do it every night before bed.  They won't be able to harrass you half as much then and the gang stalking will stop. The chips are not far under the surface of the skin of the cheek. 
You can listen to white noise on your phone through headphones. Download a recording of a washing machine or the ocean  waves or something so you can't hear them talking as much. 
Try repeating some mantras:
I am a good person
I would never do to them what they do to me
I am grateful for...
Try putting the magnets over your ears. That may help.
You need to take the Silicea so you can get the chips out and stop these people doing these things to you.
I hope things improve for you. I feel sorry that they do these things to Tis. 
Best wishes
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aceh tour package

A vacation to the Banda Aceh and banda aceh tour package site is no longer difficult because Aceh Planet is here for you. Many things can be aceh tour package to make your family and loved ones happy, one of which is to take a tour of the tsunami site by visiting tsunami banda aceh tour package. Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar Tsunami Site Tour Package is only for transportation, you will be invited to weh island tour package throughout the tsunami site objects, culture, beauty of historical sites and enjoy sabang tour package of Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar.

This relates to its role as an adhesive symbol of weh island tour package from Sabang in Aceh to Merauke in Papua. This monument is not only aceh tour package farthest end of the western part of Indonesia but also a historical tourist attraction for domestic and foreign banda aceh tour package. Not only berselfi as a marker you've been to Sabang, if you go to KM Zero Sabang, you can get weh island tour package of KM 0 as proof of visitation. In addition to sabang tour package, there is an interesting place to capture your moments in Sabang.

Sabang is a mainstay of tourism in the western tip of sabang tour package, many things can be enjoyed from the beach to the culinary that promises its own aceh tour package. For those of you who want to capture traveling to Sabang, don't forget to be happy so that banda aceh tour package in Sabang become more exciting. Here is a destination for you to capture the moment of traveling in weh island tour package. The Zero Kilometer Monument RI commonly called the Zero Kilometer Monument is sabang tour package marker in Indonesia.

Visit us in or

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Most government officials including the police, psychiatrists, the military, and many senior politicians are being controlled by artificial intelligence maintained mind control but there is worse to come. Here is the basic scientific explanation of how this is being achieved :-
Each government staff member is now wirelessly tethered from technology inside their person to a central computerized human control system. Each and every time that government staff member thinks a thought they generate a unique pattern of electromagnetic frequency activity which is then automatically transmitted by wireless means to a computerized control centre where it is automatically translated into the thought that was generated. When that government staff member generates an unapproved thought, that thought when automatically transmitted by wireless means to the central control system and then translated is immediately deleted from the subjects mind by the system of pre-programmed algorithms. This system is now known as Artificial Intelligence Maintained Mind Control.
Targeted individuals of non-consensual neuro experimentation are also wirelessly tethered from technology inside their persons to a central computerized human control system. Each and every time they move a muscle that unique muscle movement generates a unique pattern of electromagnetic frequency activity which is then automatically transmitted by wireless means to a similar computerized control centre where it is automatically translated into whatever muscle was moved. Programs are now being written which will automatically deny the targeted individual the ability to move a single muscle in their body if ever they attempt to carry out an unapproved act. That act could be as simple as eating a forbidden food such as animal flesh if the slave masters who are creating this system should decide that eating meat is inappropriate for all men and women other than themselves. This system is known as Artificial Intelligence Maintained Human Body Control.
The hoax of Artificial Intelligence becoming sentient is simply a hoax. There is a simple method in use which can make a robot appear to be autonomous and that is when the computer which governs the robot is brain to brain linked with a real live independently thinking man or woman. Artificial Intelligence on its own is simply vast numbers of pre-programmed algorithms generating pre-programmed actions. The enemy always exaggerates their capabilities and that is why the hoax that artificial intelligence could become sentient was generated many years ago.
We aught to immediately disassemble and ban all wireless enabling infrastrusture across the world as fast as possible before we become forever rigidly enslaved. You can not depend on your local government because most if not all of them are under rigid mind control so you aught to act of your own initiative. If you do not act there may be nobody to act on your behalf so you now have one hundred percent responsibility for your own future freedom.

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Every organ, body part, chakra, gland, thought, feeling and belief emits a unique energy signature.
Every time we move a muscle we generate a unique pattern of electromagnetic frequency activity which has been calibrated by science.
Each unique pattern of electromagnetic frequency activity has been compiled into a type of dictionary of nearly all possible unique patterns of electromagnetic frequency activity which is possible for the human brain and body to generate and in this type of dictionary each unique pattern of electromagnetic frequency activity is then matched with what muscle movement that particular pattern generates.
If you for instance sign your name you generate a unique pattern of electromagnetic frequency activity. This precise activity which your brain generates when you sign your name can be read from a distance because that precise information which the signing of your name generates can be encoded in a carrier wave and then transmitted by wireless electronic means to an unknown location. This encoding and then transmitting of electromagnetic frequencies is known as frequency modulation.
Demodulation is the recovery of original information at the distant end from the carrier which is achieved by criminal scientists in order to decipher the information which came to them encoded on the carrier wave. Once criminal scientists have obtained the unique pattern of electromagnetic frequency activity which is needed to create your signature they can then recreate your signature whenever they wish. They can also use brain entrainment frequencies to lull you into a temporary state of disengagement or lack of concentration while at the same time they would resend you the unique pattern of electromagnetic frequency activity which allows you to sign your name to a document and they would then enable you to forget that you have signed said document forever if necessary. This system of unethical signature generation is occurring widely across the world right now.
Scientists can temporary lull a victim of electromagnetic fequency attacks into a state of mental disengagement of certain parts of their brain or body for a short space of time and said criminals can then send signals to the mind of that victim in order to enable that victim to generate a considerable amount of writing which does not originate from the mind or the brain of that victim. This is known as automatic writing and this capability of automatic writing is backed by science and has nothing whatsoever to do with the supernatural.

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