Some pictures I took recently on one of my walks.
This is pretty much what I see everyday while taking a walk in Santa Maria, California. A lot of cars have their brights on during the day and follow me even behind shopping centers.
This is pretty much what I see everyday while taking a walk in Santa Maria, California. A lot of cars have their brights on during the day and follow me even behind shopping centers.
Military Intelligence Scientist / Microwave and Stealth Warfare Jenny Crwys Williams interviews Barrie Trower Retired British Military Intelligence Scientist in Microwave and Stealth Warfare. Electromagnetic radiation and its effect on the brain:
Read more…Communications from John Allmann Information re: Darrim Daoud I received the following email yesterday from John Allmann in England. He and his organization had been fully aware of Darrim's death threats prior to the event itself and had made agree
Read more…Are psychotropic drugs considered mind control or can some be helpful?...Raven
Read more…FFCHS / Promotional Video / Electronic / Microwave / Harassment
Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance
P.O. Box 9022
Cincinnati, Ohio 45209
Phone: 1-800-571-5618
Fax: 1-866-433-4170
Hi: I need a place a monkey survey again for this morning. I have been taken hostage and I have a contacted a lawyer however it may take a few days. I am gathering the evidence. The crowd and cowards here think I am going to inform on the social s
Read more…Info help for others My site mirrored and preserved by the mindcontrol forum: My Jose Delg
Read more…Hey everybody. My name's Tracy Givens and I've been the victim of gang stalking for well over ten years now. I'm currently living in TX, and my neighborhood is just filled with these dang gang stalkers, man. I'm serious. And they're all crazy as hell
Read more…I will upload a picture in a moment so you can see for yourself the problems i think the nazis are causing at the moment. If anyone wants to add me to thier friends they are welcome, im afraid being friends online does not mean i agree with everyone
Read more…As a former patient of Dr. Harold J. Hoffman of the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children,
it is quite devastating to discover unauthorized brain tissue removal and trespass of 43
metallic implants in the cerebral cortex, with 4 connected to the right opt
How can anyone help us? No one will believe you. The only thing I have going is I think I know who they are. I've also been taking plate numbers off cars. I'm scared. I have no family and do not know who to talk to. My neighbor is involved in this.
Read more…just listening to Cathy O' Brien's voice feeding back ever so slightly in the room she is addressing in the video on google fills me with a real excitement. And I have listened to it before. I can't say that she's my friend. I CAN say that she's my
Read more…Hello. Here lately I found out my (pretend mom) is coming up for a visit. Since then? I have been experiencing a constant spinning feeling, and falling down. Also, I was in my memory. In a blue light,at a hospital, or somewhere like that. This blue l
Read more…Imade the mistake of staying in Miami in 2005 and noticed that most of the locals were insanely cocky and immediately began clashing with people there. people began walking around winking at mt including one biker that owned the hostel where I was st
Read more…Hello – I am asking anyone who can help me in any way to please do so… I am a Targeted Individual. My targeting involves being heavily Gang Stalked. I had the misfortune of buying the house next door to the local neighborhood STALKING GANG leaders!
Read more…I have being attacked by the Nazi Criminal and Terrorist for a few years as I was a student in Germany. The attacks by means of electromagnetism, microwaves, sonic waves, lasers and directed energy including mind control, remote manipulation of Centr
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