Bill Perry's Posts (43)

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cut the POWER!

One of the GS mandates is a 24/7/365 relentless in-your-face tactic(s).  It is necessary to create the illusion of omnipotence.    However, if you refuse to participate and thereby give NO feedback, it can get sort of boring for perps to repeat tactics and not know if they work or flop.   BUT, they still need to have the appearance of "being in your face" all the time.

So, the advent of "set it and forget it" harassment tactics.  These are tactics which are wired in around you in an attempt to make you think someone is always there watching and harassing.  This requires perps to leave devices behind which will harass you automatically w/o their having to actively participate - usually operated remotely via cell phone or remote RF.

ALL DEVICES require POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Whether they are mobile and carried and used by the perp (being powered by battery power), or they are wired into your vehicle (12v battery power and operated remotely via cell phone), or they are hardwired into your home power - they have to be POWERED!!!!!  So, look for the power source being tapped, and cut it off.

This is most easily accomplished in a house with an elec power panel (w/breakers).  Wherever you live, locate the elec power panel and the MAIN power breaker which powers your abode.  EXPERIMENT:  first recharge your mp3 and computer, prepare some food and put it in a thermos - and get set for a couple of hours w/o power.  Without warning, turn off your main power breaker and leave it off for 3-4 hours, or overnight.  IF you have successfully forced your perps to resort to remote controlled harassment (bcz you refuse to participate and they are bored), you will probably be surprised by having some of the electronic harassment immediately STOP when you throw that breaker and cut off all power to your abode.  IF you have a power panel w/breakers, you can shut them off one at a time, and see if you can locate the area of the house where a perp device has been wired into your power.

Stop thinking of yourself as a Victim and FIGHT BACK any way you can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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... color me SUSPICIOUS

     Doesn't it ring anyone's bells when a true TI is relentlessly attacked here on peacepink?  Although I've had my dif of opn w/Deca, there is NO question he is a credible TI who is constantly trying to better our understanding of our condition. 

     Why sling mud?  Makes me suspicious of those doing the slinging.  If you don't have anything better to do than try to discredit another member repeatedly, perhaps your intentions are not aligned with the focus of eliminating this covert crime, and instead are one of its supporters.

     Stick to the underlying idea of peacepink where we are all headed in the same committed direction of exposing this crime, and stop picking on individual members who have proved themselves over the YEARS (yes YEARS!!!!!!!!!) as being a targeted individual.

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Sucked In

One thing that is omnipresent in our lives are perps, that's a given.
     They occupy all our time bcz of some tactic they are presently engaged in to torment/torture us.  BUT, some of that time MUST be forceably reclaimed for ourselves.  We must always remember that WE are at the center of their attention, and but for us and our responses, they have nothing.  WE are sometimes part of our own problem by our giving them what they require - our attention and time.  This is why the sensitizing tactic works so well - we take the bait and see perps all around us all the time - we give them omnipresent power over us.
     As of late, I have decided to sell my home and move.  However, I have noticed (the reason why I'm sitting here typing) that I am delaying getting things ready so I can list with a realtor (painting, repairing, staging, etc) and am instead involved in that old game of "catching them" projects instead.  How easily we can be sucked in to their game, EVEN IN DEFERENCE TO OUR OWN FORWARD MOVEMENT!
     It takes an effort and great determination to aim our attention toward reclaiming our lives and living free.  I urge every TI to set aside an hour each and EVERY day when you force out thoughts and actions concerning your present condition, and begin to think and make plans for a future where you are free.  We are caught in a period of time where this covert crime exists, it will NOT exist forever.  Even Nazi Germany's atrocities eventually came to an end. 
     This post is not aimed at putting an end to this crime, it is aimed at each and every TI's mental health.  Will you be around as a survivor when this is over?  Will you choose to fight to maintain your sanity and hope?

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I must be in one of my pissed off moods, of course I've been pissed off more or less for the past 10 years since this began.  My alternative is to give in and respond emotionally to each and every poke and jab thrown my way, like the opinions of malicious strangers should somehow be valid criticism or matter.

I STEADFASTLY REFUSE to respond in any way, verbal/mentally/emotionally/otherwise, to tactics being used against me.  As for my life (past and present), it is none of anyone's business or concern.  I will not open the door and respond, which in effect is giving some stranger my permission to critique my behavior and spiritual soul.  You answer ONLY to you, not another breathing human being, no matter what their motives.

Shut the door on tactics directed at making you feel bad or guilty.  It's bad enough to be stalked, mobbed, harassed, and intimidated every day by strangers.  You don't need to start ripping yourself apart and destroy what trust and strength you have in yourself.

Change your chin of glass to one of steel, and let the crap run off w/o sticking.  Because we are isolated and perps are practically the only people in our lives does not mean they are our friends and have good motives in mind when they convey their messages.  (("stockholm syndrome"))

Pick up your baseball bat and don your helmet.  Fight for yourself, and focus on what you can do to put a stop to this.  Take action, any positive action!  Don't talk to your perps, don't listen to your perps, don't respond in any way because it may look like a sheep, but it's really a wolf hiding under a sheepskin waiting to eat you alive.

They ONLY have power over you if you GIVE IT TO THEM!  Any other "control & power" is an illusion.

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Problem:  we try to relate what is happening to us, and it makes us look paranoid, schizophrenic, and in laymen terms, just plain nuts!!!!!  We flail around, cry in frustration, and fall to the ground in despair.  We can NEVER get anywhere trying to convince "civilians" of this new type of terrorism if we approach it from our own personal perspective, bcz the tactics are meant to make us sound delusional.

How about presenting it using a different tactic?

Construct and print up a flyer telling how to destroy a person using the tactics which are used on us.  Flat out state that you can destroy a person totally and won't get caught or incarcerated by using the following tactics.  What is happening to us sounds much more credible and logical and believable when presented from the perspective of the perps.

Pass these flyers around your neighborhood and community, send them anonymously to police and legislators, the local newspapers, radio and TV stations, post them in every category on craigslist, pin them up in the post office, tape them to the "OUTSIDE" of local mail boxes, slip them under the windshields of cars in parking lots, tuck them in books at the local library, spread the word on how to destroy a life w/o getting caught!!!!!

I guarantee this will get more "real" attention to our predicament because it seems plausible, then the seemingly delusional rantings we tell about when relating what is actually happening to us.  If it becomes a threat (as it would be perceived if told from the perps "how to" flyer), then people will listen and be aware and afraid it could happen to them.  Look at the audience that in a position to help us, and figure out what will get their attention.  Otherwise, our plight is marginalized and ignored and being spoken from someone who is truly delusional.

It is time to tackle this predatory stalking issue using NEW guerrilla tactics of our own.  We've been terrorized for decades w/o any real successes in stopping this covert crime.  Time to change victim's tactics and hit the public hard with some reality!!!  What will it hurt?  Almost everything we've done so far has been neutralized by perps or been ineffective in stopping this covert criminal movement.  Why not try a different approach?

Need a description to print up for your flyer?  Let me know...    

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Fight to the death - your's or theirs.  NEVER give in to tactics, no matter how painful or invasive.  Your  strength is your ability to adapt and survive.

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GOLDEN advice

Not everyone experiences the same form of torture, or from the same sources.  So, this applies to those who are mainly harassed and tormented/tortured 24/7/365 by clueless minions who are experimenting and looking to you for feedback to see what tactics work and what does not.

I've been GS'd for 15 years.  There is not a room in my home which is not bugged, and that includes GPS trackers on my vehicles.  Some of the tactics and equipment used on me have been uncomfortable, detrimental and downright painful.  WITHOUT exception, I've found that if I can suffer through the current tactic* w/o giving ANY feedback (verbal or visual), the perps eventually change tactics.  Of every 20 tactics tried, usually only one is "almost" intolerable.  It is a horrible cross to bear, especially silently.  But, you have to ask yourself if it's worth more to curse and swear at them (feedback which will sadly only provide perps w/more entertainment and feedback), or suffer in silence and make them think that what they are doing is having no effect.

Perps/bullies need reinforcement.  To get power, they MUST have positive reinforcement that what they are doing is working.  You may not be able to stop them, but you certainly can outsmart them by refusing to respond in the way they need you to.

I sincerely hope my experiences and advice will help at least one tortured TI.

* if the tactic is detrimental, obviously take steps to protect yourself;  incorporate your protection in your life,  then continue as before w/o missing a beat

GIVE THEM  N-O-T-H-I-N-G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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   Many of the devices used on us are first planted in our homes, then remotely operated to torment us.

   Think about your situation, and if you believe something being done to irritate you is operated remotely by your GS'ers, then you may be able to do something to thwart this specific attempt to harass you.

   The next time the harassment occurs, grab your TV remote.  Sit very still and depress & HOLD down one of the keys on your remote (volume, channel, etc).  If nothing happens at first, try pointing the remote in other directions, or move to another room and try it in there.  If the electronic harassment stops, it means your tormentors have been communicating with their planted device via remote.  When you press the keys on your remote, it interrupts their ability to control their device.

   I discovered this little trick quite by accident.  Once I tumbled to the idea of them remote controlling their devices, I built several small circuits which stayed on all the time, so I didn't have to sit with my finger constantly on a remote control button.  I have these little circuits placed in the corners of my home to block incoming signals.

   Try using your remote to see if the idea will work for you.  I would be glad to share the circuit design with anyone interested.

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   After being a TI for what seems like an eternity, I've arrived at the conclusion that for the short term, GS is something I must accept in my life, and learn to live with.  All emotional responses to GS are detrimental to me.  They distract my attention from salvaging what "life" and "living" I am able to eke out.  Making the decision to not let my tormentors win means I DO NOT participate or interact or react, no matter what they do.  They will suck me dry if I let them, so I won't give them anything to feed on - no attention, no responses.

   In the final assessment, who has won and who has lost?

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A little Privacy PLEASE!


If a micro cameras is accompanied by IR for night/low-light viewing, they are relatively easy to find.  There are two types of IR LEDs commonly used with mini cameras - one is 850nm which is visible and emits a dim red light - the other is 940nm LED which is higher in the IR wavelength range and can not be seen.  However, if you take out your digital camera and shut off the lights, a thorough search should detect both the 850nm and 940nm - immediately take photos of the camera in situ and upload them to a "private" youtube evidence account for posterity - once documented, take a hammer to the camera and destroy it (keep pieces if you want, but they will probably disappear).

The devices which are sold for locating hidden cameras are nothing more than mini strobes.  You put your eye next to the strobes (in the hole of the device) and as the light flashes all around the hole, it hits the glass on the hidden camera lens and reflects light back at you so you can locate the camera.  These devices work on cameras which do not have IR LEDs.  Bcz the spy cameras are usually very small, the reflected lens' light will be very small, and the closer you are to the camera, the easier it will be to locate.

Temporary privacy

- pick an empty corner or hallway and surround yourself with temporary hanging screens;  this can be as easy as buying a spring loaded curtain tension rod which is long enough to span the distance between walls, and threading an old sheet onto the rod;  this will give you some privacy; check out DIY hanging room dividers on YouTube for more ideas
- for floor screens, use 2' x 7' panels of rigid styrofoam, masonite, OSB, etc and hinge together accordion style w/lengths of cord to span the desired distance around you; the panels can be covered w/aluminum foil, fabric or painted;  Lowes will cut masonite and OSB for you;  you can even make low cost easy panels by making frames from lengths of pvc pipe (& elbows) and covering them with fabric or yard sale sheets (pined on or sewn to fit)
- just make sure that the area you choose to cozy down in only contains the items you carry into it, like your chair or you may be defeating your purpose by carrying the spy camera in with you

Rise to the occasion and if you can't stop them, you certainly are capable of putting up some road blocks to thwart their efforts.

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Self-Employment & PRIVACY - Linux

When I first began to have interference with my email, I made the choice to switch from Windows to Linux for accessing the internet.  Learning to use Linux was the best choice I ever made concerning my computer privacy.  And for those wanting to be self employed via internet income, I heartily recommend learning to use Linux for security.

Linux vs Windows
   Yes, there is a bit of a learning curve.  Some of the jargon is different, but they are quite similar.  There are many versions of Linux, each a little different, but they are all available free (unlike Windows).  A Linux info site:     I use PCLinuxOS.

   There are at least 2 ways to use Linux as your operating system instead of Windows.  First, you can eliminate Windows from your hard drive and install Linux.  Second, you can leave Windows as your computer's main operating system and boot to Linux on a DVD or thumb drive when you turn on your computer.  Third, you can physically remove your computer's hard drive and just use a DVD/thumbdrive, and store your pictures, documents, etc online or another thumb drive.  (Without a hard drive, there's no place for malware to install itself.)
   My choice is the second one.  Just to give a quick rundown, I boot to Linux and the OS program is temporarily placed in the computer RAM (computer memory which is cleared when computer is turned off).  This means that anything I do, the passwords I used, the cookies, the malware sites I visit and trojans I collect have NO effect because they all disappear when I turn the computer off.  The same is true if you burn Linux to a DVD and use it, no malware can implant itself on a DVD because once the DVD is burned, there is no way to access it.

   Shut down the email access port on your computer (browser) and use an online email like gmail, hotmail, hushmail, etc.  This access port is often the means via which snoop malware will transmit your private information back to the perp who installed the malware.  With the exception of a few pieces of hardware (ie: keylogger, etc), all spyware and malware are software and once installed, live somewhere on your hard drive.
   Access your online email accounts using Linux for complete privacy (at least that's been my experience for the past 8 years).

   I do not access my bank or any other financial account online.  It may be a bit inconvenient, but I don't have to worry about it at all if I don't have anything set up.  I opt for a USPS stamp and pay all my bills by mail, not online.  For those few financial places I do use (Paypal, Amazon, eBay), I have NEVER had so much as one tiny problem using Linux.  Most hackers tend to focus their attention on Windows, and have left Linux pretty much alone.
   If you are considering selling online, or setting up a business website, consider using Linux.  I'm not saying it is 100% guaranteed secure, but it is probably 98 times less likely to experience the intrusive problems you will have using Windows.

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2014 - a Time of HOPE for all TIs?

     Hi all - it's been a while!   I've been quite busy trying to start an online business for support and more financial independence.  Part of working toward escape from GS is to work for yourself instead of someone else.  The additional plans to relocate are difficult to accomplish with the constant harassment, but I'm determined and it will get done.

     I recently learned something I believe is important enough to share with everyone, and I'd like to see what you think about it.  Fasten your seat belts, it's going to be scarey...


     Given our tenuous condition and the short focus on the day to day survival we are forced to live, the state of the economy may have eluded you.  There is a catastrophic economic collapse on the horizon which could make the stock market crash of 1929 and the following Great Depression look mild by comparison.  This is not going to just effect the US.

     The good news is that it will most certainly occupy our antagonists full attention. They will be very busy scrambling to put food in their mouth, and the focus will "temporarily" be off us. At the onset, there will be a window of time where panic and chaos will reign.   (It looks like the gvt may not only be aware of this looming crisis, but has been preparing for it over the past few years. Has anyone wondered why there has been a buildup in the number of police and their powers have greatly risen, or why such a HUGE order for hollow point bullets recently made by law enforcement agencies?)

     Throughout history, there have always been those who foretell disaster being right around the corner.  This time, the circumstances support this scarey threat which is looming large in our immediate future. The US has acquired so much debt through borrowing that it can now not even afford to pay the INTEREST on those loans. As an aside, this is why the interest paid by banks is so low - low interest rates mean the gvt can hide the problem longer.  Pres Nixon ended the gold standard (the value of gold held at Fort Knox backed every dollar printed). The result thereafter was that every time the gvt needed more money, they could simply print it.  Without the value of gold behind the money, money became worth less and less as more and more was printed.  And, this brings about devaluation and inflation.

     Call me crazy, but I see this as an opportunity, albeit a drastic one, for TIs to begin now to carefully plan to relocate during the turmoil, and possibly end their GS.  ALL PERPS are going to have their hands full, and won't be spending time following you, or continuing the harassment.  Tough times are ahead and it won't be easy.  But, as TIs we have all acquired survival skills which may see us through the worst of the coming crisis.  Take advantage of every opportunity that might set you free.

Please listen to one or two of the following and see what you think?

Wishing every one of us a peaceful Christmas Day and Hope for the future.

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TI Finances

     We all know one of the main focal points of GS is to make us destitute and homeless.  Jake Maverick's post to HAS YOUR INCOME DROPPED (by djgTheMediaLady) makes it abundantly clear where we might each be headed sooner or later.  But, do we have to accept that as a given just because this is the goal of those who persecute us?  There are creative ways to make a living (albeit a humble one) to hopefully hold us until this criminal phenomena is finally exposed and dealt with.
     Here are a few ideas.  Each TIs circumstances are different so none of these ideas may apply to you.  However, I challenge you to come up with some ideas and add them to the list.  Let's help each other thru this trying time. Try to come up with ideas which -
   1. minimize TI storage of physical goods
   2. do not require a substantial financial investment
   3. geared more toward anonymous internet sales bcz community may be PERP contaminated; avoid expectation of repeat business w/same customer


DROP-SHIP sales on eBay
- you sell mfg items on eBay and the company ships them to the customer; you receive a commission
- Google "drop-ship business"

- home repair, cleaning, carpentry
- house sitting, dog walking
- sewing alterations

- adult education
- craft classes at stores
- in home classes (musical instrument, sewing, etc)

- convert your designs to a pdf instruction booklet and sell online
- carpentry, sewing, craft, cooking

- Pampered Chef/Tupperware/MaryKay

- write poetry, stories, scripts, song lyrics
- if religious/spiritual, seek publication via Christian publisher

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Basic Survival - MINIMALISM

     It is difficult for those of us who must leave our homes unoccupied while we go to work, or shopping for groceries. The "lurkers" watch and wait so they can enter our homes while we are gone and conduct their mischief.
     We can insulate ourselves against PERP tactics somewhat if we come to terms with what is being done, and reduce ourselves to a survival (minimalist) lifestyle.  Everything in your home is subject to tampering and vandalism when you are not there, so save yourself the aggravation, stress, and pain of coming home to find your pet has been tortured, your grandmother's china is broken or missing, your computer does not work anymore/or has some malware installed on it. 
     If something matters to you, your perps will attack it to get at you and cause you unhappiness.  It is better to find a new home for anything you consider valuable.  When you find a new home for that item, you are saving yourself a lot of grief and pain - even though you will miss them, they are only things and can be eventually replaced.  Find a new safe home NOW for your pets.  Every time you walk out the door, their safety and well being are at risk.

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Basic Survival - COMPUTER hard drives

   A computer's HD (hard drive) contains the operating system (Microsoft Windows or Linux) and all the programs you use.  If you pull the HD out, you are removing the "brains" and the computer is left empty headed, blind and dumb.

  People also store all kinds of personal private information and emails on their computers/HD.  Given access and enough time, most passwords can be hacked - especially if a keylogger, spyware/malware has been installed on your computer.  One way to minimize computer tampering while you are not home is to take your HD with you. 

   If you have a laptop, it will take you less than a minute to pull the drive out.  A tower will take a bit longer, but is straightforward and do-able.  Hard drives are usually mounted in a "caddy/tray" which make it easier to slide the HD into your computer.  Each computer is a little different but once you figure out how to remove the HD, you will see how easy it really is.  Look at your computer manual or use Google to find out how to remove the HD on your specific computer.

   As for carrying your HD with you, choose an appropriate anti-static container.  The HD does not need to be removed from the caddy/tray.

   To add an additional layer of deception, buy a spare HD and caddy and leave this dummy in your computer while you are gone.

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IQ vs. multitude

   There may be more of them, but I have a higher IQ.  That there are more of them is their weakness, as well as their strength.  Robots are mechanical and follow programmed thought, I am not a robot.  I will not respond emotionally, I will respond logically, and not be drawn into the deception of smoke and mirrors.

   In order to control me, there MUST be an army working on it bcz otherwise, my personal center is too secure and strong to successfully attack or undermine.  I am secure in who I am and what I stand for.

   I call on all TIs to reach inside, avoid emotions, and build inner strength based upon who you really are.

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Frequency is often talked about, but its properties are not always understood.  I hope the following will help you to understand why some countermeasures might have a chance at working, while others won't.


   The means used to carry a transmission to a receiver is a frequency (ie: radio station to radio).  Each spy bug, CB radio, and radio station use specific frequencies.  Cell phones, MW and GPS transmitters also use frequencies for transmission.

   You can identify some of the more common frequencies using a cheap frequency counter from eBay, then jam it by transmitting noise/music of your own over the top of the freq signal - without ever setting your eyes or hands on the transmitter.  Another way to block frequency from reaching you is to physically block the incoming transmission before it reaches you.

   Frequency is an electromagnetic wave which travels through the air.  This magnetic line of force varies constantly in intensity and polarity.  The operative word here is "magnetic".

   Have you ever driven under a bridge being held up by metal girders, and lost you car radio signal until you got to the other side?  The metal bridge and metal bridge supports surrounding you are actually absorbing the transmission.

   When a freq wave hits a piece of metal with "magnetic" properties (metal a magnet will stick to - so, aluminum won't work), it will grab this incoming freq (electromagnetic wave) and absorb/trap it in the metal.  This is why you don't hear the radio as you travel under that metal bridge, or for that matter, get cell reception in a store constructed using metal structural supports.

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Forehead Slapper!

The very best countermeasure I have isn't one of my fancy cameras, or the freq counter, or any of the other little toys I've amassed over the past 13 years.  The day it dawned on me to IGNORE perp behavior, I discovered a valuable coping tool.  My life improved and I began to feel a little better because I was doing something besides participating in the "game" right along with the stalkers.  There are a lot of them, but without little old ME, there IS NO GAME.  It's like trying to play basketball without the ball.  To me, this is a real forehead slapper!

I've recently been doing a bit more surfing around than usual, and am amazed at how TIs focus on things like cars w/o hubcaps, cars passing each other at the end of your driveway and other screwy behavior.  This is meant to get TIs FULLY engaged and playing the game.  Perps refuse to leave us any real evidence and throw us the crumbs like synch driving behavior so they can get a good laugh.  Sure, we may be lean in the evidence department, but 4 cars driving by missing a hubcap is not something I want to video and give to the District Attorney, then ask him to prosecute them for harassing me.

If you can not gather useful information/evidence, IGNORE what they are doing - especially when they can not be identified in the picture/video.  I know ignoring the behavior is not always prudent or safe to do, but for the stupid stuff and the tactics designed to elicit an emotional response - you can ignore them.

Another VERY good reason to IGNORE your perps' behavior (unless it is truly life threatening) is because by so doing, you are withholding feedback.  Perps may have spent a lot of time studying you at the onset of GS, but you have evolved into a different person and there is no way for them to know how you will react, UNLESS YOU REACT.  If they try a new tactic, they watch you to see what kind of reaction you have, to know for sure whether it worked or not.  It is really only common sense that if you react negatively, they will continue doing what you do not like.  If you "steel yourself" and force yourself to show no reaction, the new tactic will stop a whole lot quicker than if you start crying or swearing at them.

One last benefit which is important and needs to be mentioned is that if you ignore your perps on a consistent basis and pretty much let them do what they want (in a controlled way), they relax and get sloppy about seeing you as a threat.  They simply figure they have beaten you down and you are not capable of resistance (see you as now being under control).  Trust me when I say that with a little thought and planning on your part, you might just be able to spring some impressive set-ups and traps on them (no, not bear traps).  If you do it right, they will never suspect or see it coming.

Before I get comments hurled at me re "letting them have their way and do what they want", consider that they are pretty much going to do what they want whether you try to stop them or not.  The less you show you care what they do or even notice that they are doing it, the quicker the tactic/behavior will stop.

Stick a pin in their balloon so they don't get to enjoy themselves so much at your expense.

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