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(1)   Police throughout most of the world are now being trained using the same inculcation methods which are being used to inculcate individuals into religious cults.   

(2)   Many police stations are now being deliberately located close to microwave transmitters, which are being used to mind control the police.  We are bathed in a sea of electromagnetic waves. Unbeknownst to most of us, messages are being secretly carried on those carrier waves into the heads of most of society without their consent.   Our brains work electromagnetically and with frequency vibration. The predatory satanic New World Order cartel agents have been projecting frequencies containing information into the human brain within the frequency band of human brain activity, and the individual human being who unknowingly receives the information contained in the projected frequencies then believes that information is their own thoughts and opinions.
(3)   Police are being used to enforce civil law which is a weapon of dark occultists who wish to enslave us via civil law as well as via technological means.   We must return to the use of common law which is a justice system based on natural law and which empowers the human race against the  dark occultists who sit at the top of the worldwide hierarchical based chain of command.  COMMON LAW serves the human race and is an avenue of justice. CIVIL LAW is a weapon used against the human race by the self proclaimed elite.
(4)   When the police are finished their training they then are being asked to attend an elaborate function similar to a wedding where their parents also attend in order to celebrate the fact that they are now about to begin their new employment.   This situation is designed  to make it difficult and shameful  for those junior police officers to leave the police force after such a well advertised elaborate function attended by their parents and families  when they eventually  discover that they are regularly being asked to enforce immoral laws as part of their work requirements. 
(5)   Police work is now being so heavily compartmentalized that the police themselves are not being allowed to know what is occurring behind the scenes inside their own countries with regard to abuses of electromagnetic weapons.   The only individuals who are allowed to see the overall picture of what is secretly occurring in any country or state are the dark occultists who run each country from the top of the worldwide  false hierarchical based chain of command.
(6)   The dark occultists and their agents, many of  who are high level systems analysts, especially in Dublin City in the Republic of Ireland,  control the actual programming of the human linked computerized control system which is being used to link the brains and central nervous systems of unwilling, non-consenting and largely unaware human beings to said computerized control system.
(7)   Because police stations are being located close to the aforementioned microwave transmitters and because police themselves are being forced to carry communication devices close to their person on a continual basis during their working hours,  it has been reported by Dr Barrie Trower, ex MI5, who is himself a microwave specialist that the numbers of  police officers  who are developing cancer is above  national averages.
(8)   When the police undergo initial training, they are being denied access to important information about the current capabilities of electromagnetic weapons, the capabilities of which would reflect in their decision whether  to complete their police training course or not. 
  I include a resubmitted  brief synopsis of only some of  the current capabilities of electromagnetic weapons here.
When the human brain thinks a thought it produces an electromagnetic frequency which can be measured by wireless means from a distance and automatically translated into what the human subject has just thought about.
When you undergo an EEG examination your brain wave tracings show up on a computer screen. These brain wave tracings show distinctive patterns all of which have been translated into individual words and feelings and they have been compiled into a computerized dictionary which can be translated at the speed of light into what you are thinking , feeling, doing and saying . By this method anyone’s thoughts can be read and anyone’s activities can be monitored from a remote location by unknown neuro operatives.
A frequency modulator can be used to take frequencies from the human brain and mix them with other incoming frequencies so that the incoming frequencies over ride the original brain frequencies and in this way you can effect the thoughts and emotions of a human being, thereby modifying their behaviour, even without their knowledge. A frequency modulator can be used to modify the behaviour of a law court judge and jury so as to manipulate them to find a defendent guilty or not guilty. It can be used to sports men and women to change the outcome of a football match. It can be used to change the outcome of an election. It can be used on senior politicians to change their decisions. It is being used on psychiatrists to make them wrongly believe that individuals who are being remote neural manipulated are mentally insane. It can be used to turn followers of any organised religion into fanatics which I believe is currently allowed to occur.
Electrical signals are generated inside your head and body whenever you move a muscle. When you decide to move a finger an electrical signal is steered through our brain and central nervous system and travels right down to your finger via your neural system. The movement generates and electric current which generates off your brain and body and which can be read by external means by unknown neuro operatives who work from an unknown remote location. These neuro operatives can then read that electric signal and they can reconstruct the strenght of the current and in what direction it is flowing because we have implants and microdust which contains sensors inside our brains and bodies which now allows them to conduct these manipulations on us from an unknown external location. Neuro scientists and neuro operatives who are agents of the dark occultists can now read out elecromagnetic fields in great detail and have a computer analyse them rapidly so that they can now know what a human being is doing inside the privacy of their own home at all times, down to how many times that human subject blinked their eyes or breathed each day.
Further to that, a frequency modulator can be used to demodulate all electrical signals and then remodulate them and send them back to the human subject in ways that can then force the human subject to move a muscle entirely against their will, either knowingly or unknowingly. The electromagnetic field which surrounds your body when you are in inside such and electromagnetic field can be used against you to force an electric current inside your head and force it to travel down your neural system and into your limb and make that limb move against your will. This can be used to make you fall a break your ankle against your will while allowing you to believe that it occurred accidentally.
The hand proprioception and touch interfaces (HAPTIX) program is used to wirelessly stimulate the peripheral nervous system, forcing people to unwillingly feel vivid sensations of touch and proprioception while they are alone in the privacy of their own beds at night. It is very frightening if you have not been informed about this technological capability. I have experienced it many times against my will and without my permission.
Brain chips will be commercialized as deep brain stimulation devices or chip/biosensors for mankind to experience in their homes or businesses, for virtual enjoyment, pleasure, treatment for diseases of the mind, monitoring, diagnostics, energy harvesting, augmentation of artificial intelligences and computers, counter control measures, exploitation, the declaration of a cyber war and physical dominance of human beings at many levels of life according to Dr Hildegarde Staninger in her book “Global Brain Chip and Mesogens.”
The Richard C Walker patent which has also come to be known as the wireless internet of things patent number US6965816 describes the ability of neuro scientists to aggressively go in, take over, control, track and manage any system whether it be an airplane, a car, a motor cycle or a human being.

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I am not a TI anymore. It is possible to get out.

Silicea 30C is a very powerful homeopathic remedy that is able to bring implant chips to the surface of the skin without surgery. Please read the following excerpt about it:

Silicea 30 C homeopathic remedy on website:

"Silicea 30C is also useful in expelling material from the body.

It is used to remove splinters, bits of embedded glass, and other foreign irritants."

If you are a TI then you will have implant chips that the perps use to cause the harrassments to your body and the V2K voices in your head. If you can get these out of your body then they can't Gang stalk you any more. Please see my page for all the information. 

You must not use this remedy if you have a pace maker as it can dislodge it. 

I was a TI from 2012 to 2018 and I used Silicea 30C homeopathic remedy to get out the implants. I am not a TI anymore. 


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That are hacking all VPNs I am using!

You must stop your dirty hands on them. You must restore them . You will be responsible for everything you are doing.

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

Toronto Police , The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers, Ontario Government...who are living with me as my neighbors,  gathering around and in my workplace, even  are driving aircrafts and drones to..,  have disabled my home security cameras.  You must stop your dirty hands on them. You must restore them . You will be responsible for everything you are doing.  Please see this photo below:


 Recently, UN Human Rights historically sent me one set of files.



Fight for my life being threatened ; fight against ongoing torture, terror and attempted murder,  I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this  to International Bar Association by fax  and
 , thanks.

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Am I ?

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

Am I  victim of torture,terror and attempted murder?  Please see  this email letter of
   International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims.

They are madly hacking this photo.

Fight for my life being threatened ; fight against ongoing torture, terror and attempted murder,  I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this  to International Bar Association by fax  and
 , thanks.


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The authority of the (self-proclaimed) elite was derived unnaturally from warfare, conquest and the theft of the earth rather from the consent of the human race. No man or woman has a natural authority over his or her fellow human being and force creates no right.
COMMON LAW serves the human race and is an avenue of justice. CIVIL LAW is a weapon used against the human race by the self proclaimed elite.
The state has conditioned people to use CIVIL LAW to automatically deny their own ability to judge and instead to defer to external authorities. Under COMMON LAW the people judge legal matters for themselves and they become the law. They take action in their own communities to govern themselves as their own judge, jury and police.
In order to set up a COMMON LAW SYSTEM in each country we must set up a PEOPLES ASSEMBLY which are citizen run legislative bodies which replace existing governments and are a direct challenge to existing governments. The people then organise themselves into a peoples MILITIA and they will set up COMMON LAW COURTS in each community. A CONSTITUTION will govern the workings of the peoples assembly.
The peoples assembly, the militia and the common law courts will work together to reclaim the entire countrty for all of the people. Local republican banks and credit unions will then be set up by the peoples assembly and will will dispense with the current central banks which are privately owned and controlled by the self-proclaimed elite and which are being used as a weapon to control the rest of the human race through debt. Agents of the former regieme will be incorporated into the new common law republic.
For further information about how to set up a COMMON LAW REPUBLIC in your country please read the following book which is available online and which is called ESTABLISHING THE REIGN OF NATURAL LIBERTY, A COMMON LAW TRAINING MANUAL which has been issued by the International Common Law Court of Justice.
We can no longer continue allowing ourselves to be governed by individuals who have not been elected to public office and who make decisions for us based on the fact that they belong to privately owned and controlled think-tanks, many of whose members are dark occultists and who regularly practice human sacrifice. These dark occultists are actively attempting to depopulate the earth of most of its people because they now have the ability to fully automate most factories and other places of work so that they no longer need us as labourers. They have sprayed our food, water and air with neural dust which is also known as smart dust which we have inhaled and ingested and which has been enabled to pass through the blood brain barrier because of the administration of electromagnetic radiation. Because our brains and bodies are now imbued with neural dust we can be made to feel electrical sensations pulsating inside our bodies and we can be made to feel pain and even forced muscle movement among other unwanted sensations. We must find a way to apply pulses of magnetic energy to the neural dust inside our brains and bodies in order to render it harmless. We must find ways to disable it, perhaps by ingesting Carbon 60 or some other formula. Many individuals are being tortured inside their own homes by electromagnetic weapons and this process of remotely administered torture is partially enabled because of the neural dust inside their bodies. The main stream media is ninety five percent privately owned by the self proclaimed elite so all news of this remote controlled torture capability is being censored from the main stream news. Please go about setting up a peoples assembly in your area in order to eventually take back control of your country and all other countries from the self-proclaimed elite who practice inside trading among a multitude of other crimes.
For information on my own experiences of being tortured for more than sixteen years by unknown operatives while they work from an unknown remote location please read my website which is called

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IBA and UN Human Rights have sworn to work together to stop torture.

Please forward this  to International Bar Association by fax  and
 , thanks.

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

Earlier, I showed you all  one photo   regarding how "they " are hacking  and blocking my evidence to International Bar Association ( IBA).

Yesterday, I contacted IBA  after UN Human Rights historically  forwarded one set of files to me as follows , because IBA and UN Human Rights have sworn to work together to stop torture:



However, they are hacking all my cellphones and International Bar Association's website. Plus,  they are hacking  my cellphones' screenshot. So,  I can't  screenshot  how they are hacking International Bar Association's website. Please see this photo below:

 I don't have to mention again who  they are and what they are doing to me. Email letters between UN Human Rights and me , UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court, former Mr Attorney General of Canada, Ontario Ombudsman have everything about who they are and have everything  about what they are doing to me regardless of anything.

They are living with me as my neighbors ,  gathering around /in my workplace , and even they are driving  aircrafts and drones to trace me and attack me. The video and photos regarding this ,  you all must see them because I posted them already.

Fight for my life being threatened ; fight against ongoing torture, terror and attempted murder,  I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this  to International Bar Association by fax  and
 , thanks.

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still spitting black stuff out

2 months in lung cleansing and still coughing up this black stuff---got air purifier and humidifier and drinking a lot of water---i am coughing up less than in the beginning--so it is working-----i have set dust traps around to keep track ,after i found where they were getting me at,to make sure it was not continuing---i really do think i have a chance here----they still have all the power to do whatever they want--i am thinking it only takes a little bit of this inhaled---if i had the money ,i would get a lung scrubbing--and end it in 1 day.

i see no more of that red dust around

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 I managed to get the implants out of my body which stopped the voices using a powerful homeopathic remedy called Silicea 30C by Boiron sold at ABC Homeopathy website. It only costs 10 dollars plus postage. I took the remedy 3 pillules once a week for the past 3 years. After about 18 months enough implants had come to the surface of my skin and the V2K stopped. That was the greatest day of my life! Be warned that once the implants started coming out the perps became very aggressive towards me but now I am free of them and their torment. It's a natural remedy but it works. If you want to end this nightmare. This is the answer. Please note that you cannot use this remedy if you have a heart pace maker.   It is possible to get out. I did and you can too.  It is not hard but it takes perseverance. I would also recommend getting some rare earth magnets for shielding. They are only a few dollars on eBay from China. 

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The following is taken from:

In past posts on this blog, we have mentioned the fact that there is evidence to support the claims of many Organized Stalking researchers that Organized Stalking, aka "Gang Stalking" is part of a secret government program which was started by the FBI under J. Edgar Hoover in the mid 1950s.

Called COINTELPRO, this secret counterintelligence program was originally formed to expose "communists," but as the years went on, Hoover used COINTELPRO techniques against anyone he deemed to be "anti-American," including government whistle-blowers, liberal or progressive journalists, anti-war activists, and others.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a target of COINTELPRO because Hoover hated him.

In the 1960s, Dr. King often gave speeches denouncing the Vietnam War, and that infuriated Hoover.

One could argue that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was the first Targeted Individual (TI).

Hoover and COINTELPRO made life hell for Dr. King and almost destroyed his marriage.

Hoover also hated John F, Kennedy and his brother, Robert F. Kennedy, who became Hoover's "boss" after he became Attorney General and headed the Justice Department, which included the FBI.

JFK didn't trust Hoover, but after he became President, he allowed Hoover to remain Director of the FBI.

COINTELPRO continued operations into the 1970s, and was supposedly was ended in 1971 after anti-war activists broke into an FBI field office and stole many documents, including those documents relating to COINTELPRO.

Few legitimate organized stalking researchers believe that the FBI ended the COINTELPRO program after the 1971 break-in.

Previous posts on this website go into more detail on the subject of COINTELPRO.

Suffice it to say that COINTELPRO did not end, but continues to this day, having changed names many times.

(See previous posts on COINTELPRO).

Like COINTELPRO, MK-ULTRA  was also a covert, illegal, counter-intelligence program.

Started in 1953, MK-ULTRA  was a CIA mind-control program which conducted secret experiments on unsuspecting human subjects.

Read more at link above,

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Our bodies and brains are now immersed in neural dust. The electric current which is generated in our neural system every time we move a muscle can be read and examined by external means by neuro scientists while they work from an unknown remote source. This capability allows them to know what muscles you are moving at all times while you are in the privacy of your own home if they should wish to do so. This capability also allows them to reconfigure these electrical signals and then transmit them back to your neural system and force your muscles to move entirely against your will if they should wish to do so. This system also involved you being implanted with many and varied types of implants at a time unbeknownst to you which you may never be allowed to know about.
The neural dust which is now inside our brains and bodies can only allow us to be either mind controlled or body controlled in the presence of strong electromagnetic radiation which comes from microwave transmitters as well as from our digital devices. We also need to be in the presence of an electric field.
We must switch off all microwave transmitters, electric grids and telephone transmissions for a period of at least three weeks in order to allow our leaders to think clearly again because they are certainly not able to do so at this time of technological enslavement of themselves and their people.
We must place dyes in our food supply which would indicate which foods contain neural dust and which foods do not so that we can choose to eat only safe foods and drink safe water.
We must cease to register all births, marriages and deaths because by registering the birth of a child you are signing that child into enslavement to the control and now enslavement system. Nothing can be done to your child without your consent if you refuse to register them.
We must provide all police officers with non-linear junction detectors and spectrum analysers so that individuals who confirm that they are experiencing forced muscle movement will have their claims confirmed and further to that the non linear junction detector will enable police detectives to determine what direction the forced muscle movement signals are coming from in order to determine who is carrying out the bio-robotization experimentations.
We must ensure that police officers are no longer forced to carry weaponized communication devices close to their person because I believe that these weaponized communication devices are being used to help mind control the police.
We must banish all dictators to an offshore island collectively where they will be treated with kindness and given homes, educational reading material and the ability to generate their own food. Under natural law which is the only fixed and immutable law known to humanity and which ultimately governs us all we are not allowed to cage or murder our fellow human beings. Banishment to an offshore island which is surrounded by an impenetrable electric fence is a moral way of dealing with those who wish to enslave, torture and genocide us by technological means. This is easily achievable in spite of whatever initial ridicule is directed at it and it costs the tax payer nothing in food or security services.
Many individuals including myself are reporting that our muscles are being made to move against our wills. The online youtube channel known as ‘ Ramola D Reports’ features an interviewer called Ramola Darmaraj from Boston, Massachusetts, USA who interviews many individuals who have experienced their muscles being made to move against their wills to the extent of having their own fist hitting their own face against their wills. This type of information is being buried by the main stream media because it is now 95% privatelty owned by dark occultists and it no longer serves the public interest. Please listen to her interviews of Christopher Burton, Galina Kurdina and Philip Walker in particular.

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neural dust.

We have been ingesting neural dust in food stuffs for many years to the extent that most of us who eat processed food stuffs are saturated with neural dust. Electromagnetic radiation allows the neural dust to penetrate the blood brain barrier and enter the brain. This neural dust allows unknown agents to read our internal biological functions from a remote location. By this means and others they can draw all kinds of information from our brains and bodies such as how often we eat, what we eat, what we think about and talk about and what activities we participate in. Your smart phone has been programmed to gather information from your brain and body for distant analysis as well as to create a detailed profile of you and all of this has been done without your expressed permission and more than likely against your will.

It is believed that we can destabilize the neural dust inside our brains and bodies through the administration of strong pulses of magnetric energy. The whole subject of magnetobiology has been banned from university curricula for this and other reasons.

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We have been ingesting neural dust in food stuffs for many years to the extent that most of us who eat processed food stuffs are saturated with neural dust. Electromagnetic radiation allows the neural dust to penetrate the blood brain barrier and enter the brain. This neural dust allows unknown agents to read our internal biological functions from a remote location. By this means and others they can draw all kinds of information from our brains and bodies such as how often we eat, what we eat, what we think about and talk about and what activities we participate in. Your smart phone has been programmed to gather information from your brain and body for distant analysis as well as to create a detailed profile of you and all of this has been done without your expressed permission and more than likely against your will.

I believe that the neural dust inside our bodies can be permanently disabled by the use of strong pulses of magnetic energy.  The whole subject of magnetobiology has been censored from university curricula because of this reason and others.

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We are being enveloped in a sea of electromagnetic radiation which is being used to enable mind controlling information to be carried on top of each electromagnetic waves directly into our brains within the frequency band of human brain activity. in such a way that we begin to believe that the information that we have received in this way are our own opinions, feelings and thoughts.
Fine sensors similar to those in an EEG cap have been placed inside our computers and other smart devices which can read and process all of the electrical signals which our brains and bodies generate while we are within range of any smart device which has previously been registered to our name and address. In this way, unknown agents have access to large accumulations of data of all smart device users including everything they think, say and do while they are within range of their smart device throughout each day and night to the extent that they would have a detailed knowledge of such intimate information as how many hours the smart phone user sleeps each night and what location he or she sleeps at. Further to that, another category of individuals being studied by their smart device read outs and by other means are targeted individuals who have been studied to such an extreme degree that their internal biological functions are being come to be known and this is occurring against their wills and without their permission while they are peacefully going about their lives inside their own homes.
Whenever you decide to move a muscle the electrical activity needed to move your muscle is steered from your brain down through your central nervous system and then travels to your muscle via your neural system. The electrical activity which is generated to create this muscle movement can now be read by external means via information gathered from whatever smart device you might be carrying close to your person and individuals can know exactly what muscle you are moving and at what speed you are moving it at. They can achieve this largely because of neural dust which has collected inside your brain and body due to said neural dust being sprayed during chemtrailing of the skies over our heads and by some other means. These neuro operatives who work from a distance can then demodulate those electrical signals and later remodulate them in order to make that muscle move entirely against your will. This forced muscle movement activity is occurring widely throughout the world leading to law abiding individuals suddenly being made to drive their vehicles into crowds of people as well as other law abiding individuals being made to unwillingly stab one or more of their fellow human beings and a likely example of this is the London Bridge stabbing of late last week. The main stream media are under private control and this aspect of the London Bridge supposed terrorist attack is not being examined. Human bio-robotization is now an extreme threat to our freedom on this earth unless we temporary switch off all electricity and all other sources of unnatural electromagnetic radiation for a period of at least three weeks which will allow the populace to think clearly again. The capability of bio-robotizing human beings is contained in patent number US6965816.

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We are bathed in a sea of electromagnetic waves. Secretly and unbeknownst to most messages are being secretly carried on those carrier waves into the heads of most of society without their consent. These messages are being used to render us obedient to the false hierarchical based chain of command that is being set up behind the scenes of our lives. These messages are being used to cause division among us because the strategy of ‘divide and conquer’ is being used to manipulate us.
When you attend a football match or a concert or a movie theatre or when ever you are in church there might be five hundred smart phones in that confined place with you and even if they are all switched off they are still emitting extreme amounts of electromagnetic radiation. The extreme build up of electromagnetic radiation in such confined spaces is being used to experiment with the moods as well as with the belief systems of the individuals who attend these confined places, to the extent that those who regularly attend these places appear to become addicted to reattending as often as possible and their belief systems appear to become more fanatical as time goes by such as becoming religious fanatics as well as becoming fanatical in support for a certain football team or fanatical in support of a certain political party above all others without respect for their activities whatsoever. The police are the most vulnerable to the build up of electromagnetic radiation around their persons because they are required by law to keep a dangerous communication device close to their person at all times during the working day. Many of them are also required to work very close to telephone masts which are a further source of dangerous electromagnetic radiation. When a police officer is heavily surrounded by electromagnetic radiation then messages can then be carried on those electromagnetic waves into his or her brain creating a mind set in the mind of that police officer of being a dominant authority figure that all citizens should be unquestioningly obedient to as well as creating a mind set in the mind of that police officer that the general public who pay his salary and who he is responsible for serving and protecting are inferior to him in some way and that it is permissible for him to treat them with disrespect and distain. This is no fault of the police themselves. It is entirely the fault of whoever is sending the messages on top of the carrier waves into their brains via their communication devices and via the telephone towers. This is occurring now across the United States. The United States police officers tazer their own people for the slightest misdemenor as per hundreds if not thousands of youtube videos of them doing so.
I live in a rural area and due to ongoing ill health I never attend any crowded places whatsoever and I try to avoid becoming bathed in too much electromagnetic radiation by keeping my computer in a different room than the one I sleep in and by keeping my phone inside a wallet which is supposed to safeguard against sending or receiving digital signals. I am beginning to notice changes in the behaviour and belief systems of those who spend a lot of their time in crowded places to the extent that they are no longer able to understand the extreme danger they are in, now more than ever from the capabilities of this electromagnetic radiation and electromagnetic weapons in general.

"Our brains work electromagnetically and with frequency vibration. The predatory satanic New World Order cartel agents have been projecting frequencies containing information into the human brain within the frequency band of human brain activity, and the individual human being who unknowingly receives the information contained in the projected frequencies then believes that information is their own thoughts and opinions, which would most certainly not be the case if they know what was really occurring behind the scenes of our lives." By David Icke
According to Cambridge University educated scientist Dr Katherine Horton, there are fine sensors and strong processing power inside our computers and other smart technology which can read all of the electromagnetic signals being generated by our bodies and brains, and also the better the processing power and the finer the sensors that are inside those smart devices the further away the smart devices can be from our heads and bodies and still be able to read the electrical activity being generated by us.
If you keep a smart device on your person all day each day and if you leave it on your bedside table all night beside you near enough for the sensors inside it to read your internal biological functioning at all times, then you are uploading all that you think, all of what you say and do, how long you sleep for, how often you visit the bathroom, what moods you are normally in and all other private details to an online forum for many others who work in the media and intelligence services to see and to use at will. This information is then automatically used to build an extensive personal profile of you and the details of it are now stored at a central location which a large number of people have access to.

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An industrialist who is now resident in the United States called Elon Musk has set up a company called NeuroLink for the expressed purposes of connecting the human brain to the internet. Elon Musk and many other private industrialists are being financed and indirectly monitored and controlled by agents of the Satanic New World Order. Some of said private industrialists who are being indirectly monitored and controlled by agents of the Satanic New World Order are Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Besos, and many others, too numerous to mention.
" Whoever controls the sea then controls the fish "
Quote by David Icke.
We are now swimming in a sea of electromagnetic radiation which is being secretly used by the predatory satanic New World Order cartel to control our bodies and minds. There are ways to block this phenomenon which we must urgently make use of because if we succeed then true freedom, abundance and piece of mind will be ours.
Our brains work electromagnetically and with frequency vibration. The predatory satanic New World Order cartel agents have been projecting frequencies containing information into the human brain within the frequency band of human brain activity, and the individual human being who unknowingly receives the information contained in the projected frequencies then believes that information is their own thoughts and opinions, which would most certainly not be the case if they know what was really occurring behind the scenes of our lives.
In order to be programmed to believe this false information, extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields or pulsed microwaves need to be first of all applied around the human being. This is allowed to occur whenever a human being keeps smart technology close to their person. Many individuals who have been keeping some if not all mobile phones or other types of technology close to their persons are receiving more of those projected frequencies containing false information that the rest of us. They are the individuals who receive promotions into positions of power within communities, such as newspaper editors, journalists and politicians. Their brains have been rewired to the extent that they are no longer able to interpret the warnings of their fellow human beings accurately and with appropriate outrage and action. They are now only able to see things from the perspective of what is sanctioned by the dark occultists who wish to eventually enslave them by slow and incremental means over many years and decades, in what is in essence as a war of attrition. ” Why are police stations and government offices placed directly under microwave transmitters?

If a scientific experiment is being conducted and the experimentation subject is wearing a cap over their brain which has electrodes on it while looking at a picture of an orange the evoked potentials which are generated on the computer screen of the scientist are automatically translated into information which lets him know that the subject is looking at a picture of an orange. If the subject simply conjures up a mental image of an orange with their imagination and no picture of an orange is present the scientist will then be allowed to know that no picture of an orange is present and the subject is simply conjuring up an image of an orange with their imagination. However, it is possible that their is a second scientist in another room looking at the same evoked potentials but that second scientist is not allowed to know whether the image of an orange which is presented on his screen is conjured up by the imagination of the subject or whether the subject is actually looking at a picture of an orange.Every time you think a thought you generate a unique electromagnetic frequency which is downloaded to the smart phone and it is then wirelessly transmitted to a central location where it is automatically translated into that unique thought.

. All of your other thoughts, words and actions which also generate their own unique electromagnetic frequencies are stored at that central location as well. That central control centre stores unique details about you such as how long you sleep each night, how often you eat, what your moods are like and many other personal details.
By reading and translating the vastly different types of electromagnetic frequencies which are constantly being generated by my brain and body this internet of things system allows my thoughts to be read as well as allowing unknown neuro monitoring operatives to reply to them in real time, among many other unwanted experiences
.When you undergo an EEG examination your brain wave tracings show up on a computer screen. These brain wave tracings show distinctive patterns all of which have been translated into individual words and feelings and they have been compiled into a computerized dictionary which can be translated at the speed of light into what you are thinking and feeling. By this method anyone’s thoughts can be read. Further to this, the brains of all targeted individuals who are also known as smart citizens have been turned into antennas to the extent that their brains can be read wirelessly in real time by unknown neuro scientists and ancillary staff who work from a remote location and without the permission and without the targeted individual ever having met any of them. These unknown neuro scientists then use the human antenna capabilities that have been internalized inside the body of the targeted individual to reply in real time to the thoughts and words generated by the targeted individual.
The human brain and body and the environmnet all work off electromagnetic frequencies. The television, radio, internet, mobile phone, RFID chips etc all work off electromagentic frequencies. When the human brain thinks a thought it produces an electromagnetic frequency which can be measured by wireless means from a distance and automatically translated into what the human subject has just thought about.
In order to measure the electromagnetic frequencies of the human brain, an electroencephalogram is used. It is also known as an EEG machine.
In the 1970s at Stanford University, United States, Dr Pennial put electrodes on the scalp of human subjects and gave them cards to look at. He captured the electromagnetic frequency for each though and emotion of each human subject while that human subject looked at pictures and words on those cards.
Dr Pennial compiled a dictionary of the differnet brain patterns and electromagnetic frequency measurements which corresponded with each picture or word. He then computerized his dictionary to the extent that each brain pattern and electomagnetic frequency measurement would automatically be translated into whatever picture or word that it corresponded with.
When this automatic translation capability was fully completed Dr Pennial could then use it to read the thoughts of human subjects by having a long series of their brain patterns automatically translated into what they were thinking about by using the computerized automatic translating capability to do so.
By using this method Dr Pennial could also determine the emotional state of each human subject he studied.
If you take the electromagnetic frequency for ice cream and send it to the brain of a human being who is not hungry and who has not been thinking of eating ice cream you can manipulate them to then eat ice cream.
If you take the electromagnetic frequency for any possible human emotion and if you send it by wireless means to the brain of an individual you can change their mood instantly in any way you wish. You can use the electromagnetic grid to send the electromagnetic frequency of any human emotion to a whole household or to a whole city.
60 hertz electric wires are to be found in every home and work place. The 60 hertz electric wires in our walls or in our electronic devices have a dual purpose. Ultrasonic wave form pulses ride on top of the sixty hertz power lines and are being used for mind control purposes. This wave form is called the lilly wave after the inventor John Lilly. This wave form is being used to bypass the resistance of the human mind and program the brain. The signature for any emotional state can be placed in this mind controlling wave form. It can be used to create civil unrest or it can be used to create a state of happy apathy in individuals whose freedom is being taken away from them which is currently the case unless we find a way to stop it.
Patent Number US 5123899 which was filed in 1992 can stimulate your brain in order to alter your state of consciousness. You can be put to sleep or rendered uncouscious. You could then be raped. Many women have reported that they have woken up from sleep to find that their clothes are on backwards and they are in a state of disarray but they have no memory of what occurred while they were asleep or unconscious. It is no longer safe for women to travel alone.
Dr Robert G Malech created a frequency modulator machine. A frequency modulator machine is used to play back the electromagnetic frequency of a particular emotion to a human being or a selection of human beings.
A frequency modulator can be used to take frequencies from the human brain and mix them with other incoming frequencies so that the incoming frequencies over ride the original brain frequencies and in this way you can effect the thoughts and emotions of a human being, thereby modifying their behaviour, even without their knowledge. A frequency modulator can be used to modify the behaviour of a law court judge and jury so as to manipulate them to find a defendent guilty or not guilty. It can be used to sports men and women to change the outcome of a football match. It can be used to change the outcome of an election. It can be used on senior politicians to change their decisions. It is being used on psychiatrists to make them wrongly believe that individuals who are being remote neural manipulated are mentally insane. It can be used to turn followers of any organised religion into fanatics which I believe is currently allowed to occur.
The individuals who currently have access to mind reading systems and frequency modulators are the military industrial complex and the medical industrial complex among others.
Most human beings no have nano sized neural dust inside their brains and spinal cords which allow neuro scientists and others to remote neural monitor and remote neural manipulate them at will. We have been turned into antennas. We currently have no defence against remote neural monitoring or remote neural manipulation. This technology has become so advanced that in a selection of cases neuro scientists can access the visual cortex of our brain and translate the evoked potentials of said visual cortex in order to show them what we are currently looking at. They can translate the evoked potentials of the auditory cortex of a human being into what that human being is hearing. They can manipulate the motor cortex of a human being in order to control their movements or in order to curtail their movements or in order to temporary or permanently paralyse them and they can do all of this by wireless means while working from a remote location.
Because a number of the police are under mind control themselves they are wrongly being led to believe that all who complain of wireless electronic harassment and torture are insane. Most of the targeted individuals who are being wirelessly electronically harassed and tortured are anti-authoritarians and dissidents. They are then be taken away, locked up and drugged without due process. This is why their complaints never get dealt with.
I obtained some but not all of the above information from a youtube channel called Sherry’s Research and Reviews.
1. Keep a piece of carbonized ionized iron (steel) on your skin such as a a necklace. Any type of steel which doesn’t rust will do such as stainless steel. It will absorb the digital signals and keep you safe.
2. Take a product called carbon 60 or C60 mixed with olive oil. Toxins are neutralised within minutes of taking it because the toxins in the human body pull electrons off the carbon 60.
3. Use shungite which is a stone found in Russia and if you keep it near you of if you hold a peice of it in each hand it will cause coherence from electric bombardment. It neutralises radiation and it makes the bio-electric energy of our bodies more coherent.
4. Take a product called ormus which puts your brain waves into gamma waves. Your brain waves go into harmony when ormus is in your mouth.
5. Use an antenna sink hole in your home.
6. Take bentonite clay in order to detoxify your body from neural dust.
7. Peat moss can be turned into a fibrous material and worn as clothing and will act as a faraday cage.
8. Make printed sigils, free copies of which can be obtained from and place them around your home.
9. Purchase a qube which transduces erratic electromagnetic energy into coherent energy among other capabilities according to the owner of
10. The American Intelligence Media youtube presenter Douglas Gabriel said that there is a way that negative energy waves can be cohered into positive energy waves so that the more we are bombarded by 5G the more positive energy will be in our homes. Please check the following youtube link for information

Electrical signals are generated inside your head and body whenever you move a muscle. When you decide to move a finger an electrical signal is steered through our brain and central nervous system and travels right down to your finger via your neural system. The movement generates and electric current which generates off your brain and body and which can be read by external means by unknown neuro operatives who work from an unknown remote location. These neuro operatives can then read that electric signal and they can reconstruct the strenght of the current and in what direction it is flowing because we have implants and microdust which contains sensors inside our brains and bodies which now allows them to conduct these manipulations on us from an unknown external location. Neuro scientists and neuro operatives who are agents of the dark occultists can now read out elecromagnetic fields in great detail and have a computer analyse them rapidly so that they can now know what a human being is doing inside the privacy of their own home at all times, down to how many times that human subject blinked their eyes or breathed each day.
Further to that, they can now demodulate all electrical signals and then remodulate them and send them back to the human subject in ways that can then force the human subject to move a muscle entirely against their will, either knowingly or unknowingly. The electromagnetic field which surrounds your body when you are in inside such and electromagnetic field can be used against you to force an electric current inside your head and force it to travel down your neural system and into your limb and make that limb move against your will. This can be used to make you fall a break your ankle against your will while allowing you to believe that it occurred accidentally.
The sensors that read your brain and body activity do not have to be in your brain and body. They can be further away. There are sensors hidden in your smart technology that are being enabled to read your brain and body activity whenever you are within five feet of your own personal computer or your own personal smart phone. This is possibly because one of your energy fields extends our from your body for a distance of five feet. However, if you were inside a smart television store which was full of smart televisions your body activity would not then be read on that occasion because none of those smart televisions would be directly linked to your name and address. Not alone are all of the electromagnetic frequencies which are generated by the brains and bodies of individuals who are wirelessly and non-consensually connected to the smart grid automatically stored at a central location and also automatically translated into everything we think, say and do but as well as that, a frequency modulator is used to send us back other electromagnetic frequencies which are made to over ride our own electromagnetic frequencies to the extent that now our arms and legs can be forced to move against our wills among many other unwanted experiences. Information is being wirelessly sent to my brain and central nervous system over many years to the point that now I can be grounded at the will of the unknown bio-engineers who illegally remote neural monitor and remote neural manipulate me. At this stage, my right leg can be disabled for a short space of time by wireless means at their will. When I am cycling my bicycle I can be made to come off it in a state of pain and I am unable to complete my journey until I recover, a process which can take between five and twenty minutes. This has happened to me on many occasions while said bio-engineers speak to me by live link directly to the hearing centre of my brain.

Some partially bio-robotized human beings have been interviewd on Ramola Dharmaraj’s youtube channel which is called Ramola D Reports, namel y Chris Burton, Galina Kurdina, Philip Walker and others. Philip Walker also known as Skizit has often endured take over of his muscles to such an extent that his own hands and fingers were manipulated to move against his will and to delete his own website which he has been working on for many years and which contained much important material about his experiences. Galina Kurdina experienced whole body takeover and was forced to walk against her will. Chris Burton was forced to hit himself against his will with his own fist among other unwilling acts. Both human and animal whole body takeover and bio-robotization is real and is here to stay if governments refuse to disassemble and ban all technological infrastructure which enables this capability.
It has now become apparent to all well informed and free thinking human beings that the Vatican controllers are the real and only power throughout the world. All roads lead to the Vatican. It is being estimated that the Vatican controllers now own up to forty percent of all transnational corporations and they are entitled to receive sixty percent of all profits from worldwide commerce. Further to that, many countries have signed secret contracts to donate up to four percent of the annual public purse to the Vatican controllers who are known to be dark occultists, Said dark occultists wish to implant each and every one of us with a variety of microchips and then wirelessly link our brains and central nervous systems to their computer control system and they wish to use the technological capability which is outlined in the internet of things patent number US6965816 to achieve their aims. I have already become secretly and non-consensually wirelessly linked to an unknown computerized control system by both my brain and central nervous system to the extent that I know without any doubt that this capability exists and is being widely used to electronically harass and torture a selection of targeted individuals from most if not all countries throughout the world already.
It has also become apparent to all well informed and free thinking human beings that all agents of the Vatican are simply wealthy slaves who are being controlled through fear. All of the European monarchies, the Knights of Malta, the British monarchy, the British Privy Council, the American Senior Executive Service, some movie stars as well as the Pilgrim Society are simply wealthy slaves with no free will whatsoever. They all have take oaths of allegiance either directly or indirectly to the Vatican which require them to be unquestioningly obedient to all of the dictates of the Vatican who themselves appear to be controlled either directly or indirectly by the Ninth Circle of Satanists who regularly conduct human blood sacrifices inside crypts of churches after dark throughout most of the world.
It is being claimed widely that Prince Frieso of the Netherlands attempted to leave the Ninth Circle and he was then ritually sacrificed by the Ninth Circle in a very painful manner, while the privately owned main stream media falsely published a report that he had died in a skiing accident. Many of the wealthy slaves are being given the job of precuring sacrificial victims and they possibly carry out this act because of extreme fear of what will become of them if they refuse.
According to the high profile Vatican watcher and well known author Kevin Annett all church congregations aught to place a statement in the church collection box in lieu of money stating that they will no longer contribute financially to the support of their church until it breaks off all ties with the Satanically controlled Vatican. Please urgently set this program in motion in your area because many have become wirelessly controlled already and you aught to act urgently in order to save your own children from being wirelessly controlled by said Ninth Circle Satanists who would select children at random for ritual and extremely painful human sacrifice. Please find link to youtube video of Dr Katherine Horton and Kevin Annett discussing this and other topics.
I am a long term victim of non-consensual remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation. Over many years unknown neuro operatives have attempted to wirelessly gain more and more external control over my central nervous system which would lead to them having more and more control over the muscles of my face and body. Their ultimate aim is to bio-robotize me so that they can wirelessly control me from an unknown remote location.They have now gained almost total control over my facial muscles which has led to me not always being unable to synchronise my mood with my facial expression.

“We have a few blissful years left until enforced telepathic reading.” Quote by Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks.
The Richard C Walker patent which has also come to be known as the wireless internet of things patent number US6965816 describes the ability of neuro scientists to aggressively go in, take over, control, track and manage any system whether it be an airplane, a car, a motor cycle or a human being.
Non-consensual human experimentation is secretly being carried out with a view to eventually technologically enslave most of the human race. I am being subjected to non-consensual remote neural monitoring Knowledge of this and other processes are continually being suppressed through psychiatry. I hear the voices of the neuro experimentators coming from inside my head because they have been enabled to wirelessly send me voice commands and other digital signals by wireless means. I write about all my experiences on my website which is called
( According to Cambridge scientist Dr Katherine Horton, there are fine sensors and strong processing power inside our computers and other smart technology which can read all of the electromagnetic signals being generated by our bodies and brains, and also the better the processing power and the finer the sensors that are inside those smart devices the further away the smart devices can be from our heads and bodies and still be able to read the electrical activity being generated by us.
If you keep a smart device on your person all day each day and if you leave it on your bedside table all night beside you near enough to read your energy imprint at all times, then you are uploading all that you think, do and say, how long you sleep for, how often you visit the bathroom, what moods you are normally in and all other private details to an online forum for many others who work in the media and intelligence services to see and to use at will. This information is then automatically used to build an extensive personal profile of you and the details of it are now stored at a central location which a large number of people have access to.
One one occasion in the recent past I decided to take a break from all digital devices and I got rid of them from my environment for more than a week. Then I heard the following conversation being conducted by the neuro operatives who speak to me directly inside my head by still classified military communication technology which is sometimes known as voice to skull as follows:-
"Gretta Fahey has no digital media screen for us to draw our research from."
"We can then place a camera in her home."
"No we can not because she is innocent of all crime."
"Gretta Fahey is an unwilling and non-consensual participant in our research. She lives in a rural area and she only visits her local town by bicycle on one occasion each week where there are no appropriate cameras from which we could gain a picture of her digital imprint from which to continue our research."
"If there is no visual access to her home we will illegally take her out of it."
"By what means."
"No means will work at this stage. We have tried everything."
"Is Gretta Fahey a transactional participant in our research?"
"No she is not and never has been and never would be so of her own free will."
Later on I was informed that if I refused to use my own personal digital media device which was registered under my own name in the future agents would be sent to my home late at night and they would send energy beams through my bedroom window in order to take the energy imprint from my brain and body which would be necessary for their continued research of me. I then resumed using my digital media screen again because I find it helpful to post and share information online as a stress releaving measure because the non-consensual neuro weapon research I am experiencing is psychological torture.

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Silicea 30C is a very powerful homeopathic remedy that is able to bring implant chips to the surface of the skin without surgery. Please read the following excerpt about it:

Silicea 30 C homeopathic remedy on website:

"Silicea 30C is also useful in expelling material from the body.

It is used to remove splinters, bits of embedded glass, and other foreign irritants."

If you are a TI then you will have implant chips that the perps use to cause the harrassments to your body and the V2K voices in your head. If you can get these out of your body then they can't Gang stalk you any more. Please see my page for all the information. 

You must not use this remedy if you have a pace maker as it can dislodge it. 

I was a TI from 2012 to 2018 and I used Silicea 30C homeopathic remedy to get out the implants. I am not a TI anymore. You can get it from the ABC Homeopathy website. The remedy is by Boiron. 

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All victims shall contact the following organization.


Link:  New York City Commission on Human Rights


"In the city of New York, with its great cosmopolitan population, there is no greater danger to the health, morals, safety and welfare of the city and its inhabitants than the existence of groups prejudiced against one another and antagonistic to each other because of their actual or perceived differences, including those based on race, color, creed, age, national origin, alienage or citizenship status, gender, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, partnership status, caregiver status, sexual and reproductive health decisions, uniformed service, any lawful source of income, status as a victim of domestic violence or status as a victim of sex offenses or stalking, whether children are, may be or would be residing with a person or conviction or arrest record. The council hereby finds and declares that prejudice, intolerance, bigotry, and discrimination, bias-related violence or harassment and disorder occasioned thereby threaten the rights and proper privileges of its inhabitants and menace the institutions and foundation of a free democratic state. The council further finds and declares that gender-based harassment threatens the terms, conditions and privileges of employment. A city agency is hereby created with power to eliminate and prevent discrimination from playing any role in actions relating to employment, public accommodations, and housing and other real estate, and to take other actions against prejudice, intolerance, bigotry, discrimination, sexual harassment and bias-related violence or harassment as herein provided; and the commission established hereunder is hereby given general jurisdiction and power for such purposes."

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