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Dear All


We had over 100 victims and supporters send petitions, information and/or their torture and abuse case summaries to the ICC.

And that’s just the number who have told me – hopefully many more sent things without telling me about it.

So now we can be sure, at least, that the ICC knows that these crimes are really going on and that there is a problem.

So does The International Committee of the Red Cross – ICRC, The United Nations High Commissioner For Human Rights – OHCHR and The Council of Europe – COE.

Thanks for all your participation and help – we just have to keep trying.

Please participate in the future email activisms I will send you.

Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627


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Howdy pep's ! I thought I would talk about these last few months and was wondering if the same has been happening to you. They have stolen my short term memory and Ray Ramono is going crazy with this weapon of mass destruction. It's been hell they keep beating me verbally while others block my thought I forget what the heck I was doing as often as they want I leave tools behind It's a sick break-threw and they are on me like a disease. It's sublimination and they don't let up eat, eat, eat  and smoke smoke smoke I can't get rid of the tobacco taste anymore I know they are killing me with it. These people from Hollywood Ramono Eastwood Elliott and more are hurting and hurting bad it needs to stop or we all die slaves. Remember I'm not a lawyer and this is my American and patriotic duty. PS yes my butt still gets burned I still get my erections stolen I know this and constipation are Eastwoods favorite torture. They need to be stopped Thanks and God Bless thetorturedamerican/The Freedom Files /David DeHerrera Cr 5099 Sp.8A  Bloomfield Nm 87413

Be Cool Oh! and PS They have even stole my notes with my E addresses not to mention what they have done to my computer    WORK,WORK,WORK   Hugs and Kisses Patriots, Dave thetorturedamerican and slave DeHerrera  

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信息战威胁民主和人类! (2009-09-15 14:19:24)


Mojmir Babacek
(edited by John Allman)


在2000年的二月,俄罗斯报纸Segodnya在一篇“脑控科技的末日骑士”文章中提到俄罗斯情报机构 FAPSI 警告“资讯科技战争”的后果堪比
大杀伤性武器的破坏力,为此发表了一篇报告 : “资讯武器对俄罗斯国家安全的威胁”。因此,俄罗斯的国会DUMA和前苏联解体后的
独立国联盟的跨国国会机构向联合国,OBSE 和欧盟国会解释与提议国际会议讨论禁止开发与使用资讯武器。Seodnya在其1998年三月的报导中,提到
该事项曾经获得联合国秘书长 Kofi Anan 参与讨论,并被列入联合国常年会议的议程中。后来,相信是美国对此事项动用否决权使之无法在


俄罗斯报纸 Segodnya 的一个报导中描述大部分为“神秘的资讯-心理”科技,它们不仅能够威胁人类的健康,也可以用来封闭人类潜意识中
这些科技也能够谋杀人们。Segodnya 在这个报导下面加插了评论,由俄罗斯国防部提供,有关影响人类心智思维的武器科技的报告。

在2001年美国议员 Dennis J Kucinich 在众议院里提出“外太空保存法草案”中,包括以下能够侵入人大脑思维,损坏人体健康与谋杀的科技
情绪控制或脑控的目的。在 Kucinich 提呈的草案中的“脑控武器”被形容为使用扭(力)矩辐射的武器,这名词来自这本书“脑控武器与俄罗斯的安全”
(作者是俄罗斯科学家Vladimir Tsygankov 与 Vladimir Lopatin,一个政客,曾经在俄罗斯安全委员会,国会与独立国联盟跨国会会议)。

与 CIA皆作过大规模的特异功能现象实验。很可能当时的这些科学家成功发现了这特异功能现象的物理基础。非局部的电子与光子之间

透过 Psychowalkman (光与声音脑控的机械)我们看到光与声音的科技影响人类心理状况的可行性。俄罗斯国会的安全委员会作的结论,还有其它

经由人体内的化学变化产生的微弱生物电流承载人类的神经系统的脉冲讯号。1950 与 1960年代,科学证明了人类的神经系统与行为是可以被
能够干扰使其停止几个脉搏的心跳)皆可以被干扰,包括内脏的功能 - 例如胆囊的分泌。在大脑中控制感觉与情绪的区域进行类似电流刺激
Delgado 因使用这个技术遥控公牛大脑内的导电棒,刺激那只公牛攻击他,在离他数尺之遥时,再遥控发射在公牛大脑的微型导电棒电流刺激,

被翻译成数码讯号与传播,感觉或感知的强弱和大脑内因应产生的电流强弱是相对的。Walter J.Freeman 长时间利用一系列微型导电棒来测量大脑对外界感知
相同频率。换句话说众多神经元在合作处理某个讯息时,这些神经元的活动将互相同步合拍,并在相同频率下振动”。Wolf Singer 的实验

对大脑传输某些频率的额外能量将产生大脑的相应活动,即外界的影响能够人工式设计出大脑内的活动。John Marks在其撰写的书有关 CIA 脑控研究
提到有个资深 CIA 研究员回忆他的同事讲的笑话:“如果你能够找到一个人的括约肌的自然频率,你能够令他以最快速度冲出这个房间。”大部分的大脑活动
时的频率处于1 - 100 赫兹,这个频段的电磁波的波长可以长达数百到数千公里,因此不适宜用来瞄准一个人的脑袋。科学家因此开始研究脉冲式

在大脑内部,电磁波辐射与化学物质的互动可以在以下的实验里演示一番:对着几只被麻醉了的老鼠头部照射微波,强度设置在20与40 mW/cm2,
频率300,600 与 1000赫兹,5分钟内就能够把老鼠给唤醒了。大脑中的神经元发射的微电流讯号是由一种神經傳遞介質的化学物质来斡旋与调整的。
在一个有关“新兴电磁波医学”的会议上,曾经在1970 至 1977年任职美国海军的电磁波辐射计划Paul Tyler 上尉在他的讲学中提到一个Dr Merrit
在研究中测量到以下神经元递质分泌 :去甲肾上腺素,血清素 与 多巴胺,在80mW/cm2强度的电磁波照射之下,其分泌明显的减少了。这些合尔蒙扮演
500赫兹的讯号照射下导致交感神经元(sympathetical neurons)分泌正肾上腺素 (noradrenaline)。这交感神经元控制人类的内脏活动,而正肾上腺素
提供了不少例子有关微波辐射如何影响分泌腺(glands)的分泌活动与血液中的化学成分。 当中有很多的影响是对人体健康有害的。微波辐射也能够影响
DNA 的分子,进而影响生物的成长。耶鲁大学的神经生理学家 Jose Delgado的一个实验证实了这个说法,对鸡的胚胎照射10,100与1000赫兹的辐射
可以导致各种的死亡。 在 McAffee 的试验中,300,600与1000赫兹的微波辐射导致老鼠的呼吸系统损坏(甚至窒息)。这个频率的微波辐射也能够

在1983年的一个有关微波科技的会议 Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems (1983)呈现了一个实验,实验中微波辐射导致血栓。这项
功能也可以被制成武器。同样危险的是 Alan Frey 的研究发现无线射频辐射(radio frequency radiation)会使人类的血腦屏障的功能减弱,血腦屏障
是阻止有毒物质进入大脑。在1986年美国空军发表了一本书“Low Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology"。其中一章标题“Electromagnetic
Spectrum in Low Intensity Conflict",是由 Paul Tyler 上尉所撰写的(Tyler 曾在1970 - 1977任职美国海军电磁波辐射计划的高层)。在文章开头,
Tyler 引述了美国空军的1982年的一份报告“Final Report on Biotechnology Research Requirements for Aeronautical Systems Through the Year
针对我军有威胁的人士。。。。100 mA (miliamperes)强度的路径如果经过目标心脏部位,将令心脏停顿与死亡。如果以这个 RFR 系统快速来回扫描
大范围能够产生电极效果甚至致死。系统的特征包括以下的功能 :能量波,能量场,波长,持续频率, 与承载频率。

如果是比较人性的微波袭击,它也会影响一个人的行为。1985年,Kathleen McAuliffe拜访了Jose Delgado在西班牙的实验室,在那儿他使用微波刺激
大脑作实验。之后Kathleen为 OMNI 杂志撰写了一篇文章。Jose Delgado向她演示如何以适当调整了的微波令猩猩顿时入睡,或令猩猩变得狂躁,或令打架鱼安定下来。

接下来的实验以更错综复杂方式来控制人类行为。在1962年,Allan H. Frey 在“Journal of applied physiology" (生理学刊物)发表了他的实验,以
电磁波辐射传达声音直接到大脑中。传输距离是1000尺。耳聋的或正常人的大脑都能够感应到这“电磁波”声音。Frey 继续写道,在当时,只有
“被针刺的感觉”。Frey 的实验被其他的科学家重复测试了几回。在另一个以更先进的调整电磁波辐射传达声音至大脑的实验, Don R. Justesen
在他的报告中“微波与人的行为”(Microwaves and behavior), 一时疏忽发表了出来他的同事 J. C. Sharp 在电话中告诉他的秘密。

J.C.Sharp 参与美军的秘密实验脑控计划:潘朵拉(Pandora)。在 Walter Reed Army Institute 军事学院里,J.C. Sharp 成功改进了 Frey 以
电磁波传达声音的技术,Sharp 能够传达受测对象所明白的语言,词句。美军能够针对目标大脑制造“人工”语音感知的本领,验证了 Sharon Weinberger
所撰写并刊登在华盛顿邮报的文章“思维游戏”(Mind Games)(2007年1月)。在“民众讯息自由权”法令下,有公众针对对“思维游戏”(Mind Games)

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This is what I've come up with about what's been going on in the world for a long while.
It has everything to do with our past and where this is going.
Don't believe a thing I say without verifying it with yourself meticulously and you will see. This is the shortest path to knowledge and wisdom & it's taken me my whole entire life, mainly though, the last 12 years of research.

First, I'll tell you what this is about, but either in your heart of hearts or mind, you already know. You do your own research if you doubt, as I have no time to post links. If you care and hear truth, you'd be interested in researching the world you live in any day of the week. I won't respond in the comments even one word, because you have all you need in your heart, the scriptures of all religions (some have been perverted with lies, but mostly they are complete.)

1. Forget everything you've ever learned and start by being absolutely true to yourself. Brutally truthful. If you can't prove it, don't allow it in. Say things like, "maybe" or, "it's possible" unless you are beyond a shadow of a doubt.
'The journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step' (make sure it's this one)

2. The part of all of this we're leaving out, what we're overlooking or being manipulated not to believe that makes everything gel is point blank thus, and not received until after a great many truths are, and lies have fallen away.

There is an evil race of beings here spread out across the world. They live underground just like the scriptures have said. They are condemned here for doing what they do to us by a omnipotent/omnipresent magnificent race of beings who work for the one true God of all truth, however name you call this truth by, as long as you are speaking of this force it's of no consequence. Give all thanks to this presence and you will be safe in eternity. The reason they can't show themselves is because they are taking notes and separating wheat from chaff. God is watching and freeing hybrid humans that are good. We await our justice on these foul beings.The good is ever-present. They practice non-invasive interference when possible and are beyond time. This means your whole life is already been predicted and completed.

I'm speaking matter of factly because you will come to these realizations yourself if your absolutely true and do the correct research, and are true of heart. The world governments are connected by these evil beings who have hid our past here as best as they can from us, but you cannot fully hide the truth and where it manifests, it smashes deceit. The news is very very misleading, if you follow the money and trail of bodies , who benefits, all is shown. They have always been hunting good souls, and killing or distracting us, or confusing us with being able to read our minds. You must know, this technology isn't new, it's been used since before biblical times, they just use it for evil though.

The way this information fits in, is that this evil sect. A secret society, has been doing sleep hypnosis, child sexual and physical abuse, verbal abuse, psychological warfare on the true and confused, mostly, they leave the confused alone. The evil work for them and so do some confused. If you make it through all of the abuse without developing a severe imbalance, you must still cut away all the bonds of their lies. For myself, this has been happening while I'm being harrased and psychological attacked. There are many twists and turns, and they can read your minds, but if they were always your God they needn't probe at you to find information. They would also be able to see your past, (which they protect the criminals of) and could surprise you by telling you things only you'd know, they don't because they weren't always listening to you specifically.

The pyramids of the world were from before these beings interfered and tried to change the course of humanity from free to a slave race. One proof is that God put mushrooms and psilocybin here for our spirit to commune with others way beyond our reality, since god wouldnt make his own creation illegal, or eradicate good humans by the thousands, or dumb them down with flouride, msg, aluminum etc.

There are 15,000 underground bases worldwide roughly, at least i hear, and there are definitely some the size of small cities. This means there are roughly 450,000,000 very very bad souls and a lot of grey, confused ones, the ones that are good are hunted daily and killed. We outnumber them at least 14 to 1 at the present day world population.

This is what we're seeing when we open our eyes completely to our own truth and work through the hermetic logical process cutting away fetters. They did tell you satan was a deceiver. They are embedded into our families and peer groups breeding with us and feel we are their property now & not our own or the property of an older race of good beings that once lived here. Humans aren't property, God knows this. They never said the bible is accounts of the story from both sides along with the confused sheep's account of what's happening.

This should leave you with no worries, our Good gracious lord is beyond time and space. The vampires must knock to enter and be invited into your mind. This equates simply to psychology of one kind, humans. Words that are of God, or not of God. Just swat the lies away like a fly.

If your true, you are like neo on the matrix and dodge lies until you realize you dont need to. They all fall away knowing that you are truth, and your God of truth wouldnt lie. Only someone 100% true can see it all the way. So you should listen, not be distracted, be knowledgeable, wisdom comes, it unties your bonds. Always ask yourself 'why?' to everything from this true heart space and you will triumph. Spread the message of truth. Fear the Good God of time and not the technological deceit of the belial, lillith, or the lucifuge. They go by many names. These are fractal distractions from union with the divine force. If i said this was just my opinion, I'd be wrong entirely, but if I said i know everything I'd also be wrong.

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Involvement of close ones

I have many reasons to believe that my family is involved in this and I'll explain why.

The ones that really cared about me are now dead (my mother and my grandparents). 

It's surprising how one of my sisters (who lived with my father most of her life in another town) and one of my cousins got hired in the romanian secret services at about the same time I believe they first started to monitor me.

My boss (the veterinary doctor) where I worked at the industrial farm and where all this started was my brother's (who aswell lived in another town with my father) sister in law. She infested my mind with stories about alledged irregularities that took place there. But they were just stories meant to play with my mind. She posed as the righteous one and made me report all the alledged irregularities that the workers were doing. They were supposingly stealing stuff and chicks from the farm and selling them to the mafia.

My father and my brother aslo told me such stories. And one day when my brother's wife told me to find a girl, and to get married and have a family of my own, my brother replied ironically "haha, what a joke".

One day the workers talked to her, and she acted as she had lost her confidence in me. In the meanwhile, a lot of killer faced guys started to wander around in my neighborhood and throwing threataning looks at me.

I went the next day to my sister's birthay party somewhere outside town. There many suspicious looking guys were present. I was standing in front of my sister's brother in law. Menwhile my brother and his wife came. The first thing his wife asks was "how's work". So I started to talk about the alledged irregularities and that my boss (her sister) lost confidence in me. When my sister's brother in law heard what I was saying, he went to talk to my sister's godfather and I could hear them as they were angrily saying "we have no other choice, we have to get rid of him". When I heard them I started to feel like that was the last day of my life. Then they started to put happy music, and everyone started to dance, and I could hear them making jokes about how some people die younger and everyone was laughing (especially those who were from the secret services). It was horrendous.

Next day I was afraid to leave the house. I went shopping with my father, and I could see how a lot of black vans and suv's (as if they were going to kidnap me) and even more suspicious persons (they were better dressed, as if important local figures were also involved) that threw threataning looks at me started to wander all the places I went to. Nobody believed me when I told them that I was being followed, and when I told my father that I want to quit my job and leave town, he told that "he would be done with me if I did that". But anyway it turned out that it was just a hoax.

Then my family started to avoid me more and more as this experiment (or whatever) advanced through once phase to another. My father treated me badly the whole time I stayed there. It was more than clear to me that he wanted me out of there. And how did they do it? They put me through more and more mental torture as the time of my father's return from the countryside was closing in (he went there shortly after I got hired and he let me live alone all this time). I couldn't stand it anymore, I quit the job and went somewhere in the countryside decided to commit suicide. I spent all my money and smashed my cellphone. But they didn't let me do it. It took me 3 days to return home. In the meanwhile, my other sister (the one who lives in the capital) reported to the police that I was missing. So the day I returned from my journey she came and took me with her to the capital. My father (nor my other brother and sister) didn't stay not even 1 whole day with me since the mental torture began.

I believe that they tried to start this in 2008. He told me back then that he had found a job for me (the same job at the industrial chicken farm). But when I got there, I noticed that they were acting weird so I decided to return to my hometown to live with my grandparents (they were alive back then). I remember he was enraged by my decision.

My father (along with a sister and a brother) left us when I was 2. He never showed any affection and I have many reasons to believe that they are involved.

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Question for tis--If the authorities lie about mental health and say we are hearing hallucinations when we discuss the patented verichip v2k [which speaks to rationally and logically], do they lie about cancer screenings and other medical results.   I think they do.  One ti, a nurse, told me the Mafia  even doctors up xrays to read what they want. She said they were organized crime.  I am worried I just had a mammogram and they want me to come in for  a biopsy I think they want to amputate my breast to humiliate me, I was a whistleblower.   I know they already scared my face in 3 places in car accidents and alleged freak accidents.  I am very afraid. I am tired of being lied to by organized crime.   Remember organized crime is big and organized.   In the Mkultra hearings they were in about  80 INSTITUTIONS, colleges, hospitals, involved etc.  as documented on wikpedia.  Do other tis think or know or have proof that the government insiders lie.  Please share your thoughts, I would love to hear what others have to say.   I would also love to formulate a plan to expose lying on official government records for tis such as false mental health charges much like cointelpro.   I know the CIA was just exposed to Congress for lying about torture.  So government insiders do lie.

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Visual Signs

In my case they have been using a lot of signs that might have no significance. They might be used to keep me hypnotized or maybe they're a false clue. They're used over and over again. These include:
- People walking with dogs
- Steam coming out of sewers
- Airplanes crossing the sky
- Intermittent lights (from cars, trucks, bycicles etc.)
- People walking with their kids
- Cars with certain number plates. Number plates in Romania are comprised of 2 digits and 3 letters. The most common are: ZZZ - suggesting that this is just a dream; MMM - suggesting that they enjoy this sadistic game?; MUM, MWM, MOM - reference to my dead mother etc.

One day last summer, they played a game on me. They made me believe that all female made some sort of signs, and that each certain group of females (single, married, widowed etc.) made certain signs. So I went to the streets to test it. Each and every woman made a sign (the most common were: searching through the purse, carrying a bag, eating ice cream, waving the hand through her hair, throwing a look at me and then looking away, staring at me etc.). My eyes were moving faster than I could have imagined in order not to miss someone (it was them controlling my eyes of course). But the fact was that none of them was apparently single (all of these signs were made both by women who were single and by women who were accompanied by men aswell).

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My Symptoms

These are the symptoms that I had since all this started:

- Induced anger, calmness, affection, repulsion, hornyness, irritation, anxiety, fear, sadness, satisfaction, amusement, desperation

- Urges to kill

- Lack of control over my own body

- Psychosis (hallucinations, delusions, catatonia)

- Mania, derealization, depersonalization, changes in the way I percieve myself

- Illusions (visual, auditory)

- Panic attacks

- Manipulated hearing (hearing even the slightest sounds, echoed hearing, background noise seems louder than it actually is)

- Manipulated smelling (diminished smelling ability, every smell provokes nausea)

- Manipulated seeing (all colours seem brighter or duller than they actually are, ability to see everything that moves in sight at the same time)

- Induced physical pain and stinging, numbing and tingling of limbs

- Manipulated internal organs (heart, prostate, stomach)

- Talking brain, heart and brain tingling

Sometimes I also feel the urge to take off my pants while in public spaces haha.

I can expain why these symptoms have not occured in a natural manner, if anyone is doubting it.

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Soulless-Prick does not need Viagra














Soulless-Prick does not need Viagra (or whatever crap you are spamming us with) because he raised from the death multiple times, it's a proven fact and died at least twice once on April 16th, 2014 then another time in the month May, Kernel of truth indeed so he does not need your merchandise sorry, he does have a lot of testosterone in his body since he is a cyberpath (which is a psychopath behind a computer) but thanks anyways.

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9143175486?profile=originalThis image above CREATED BY MY LATE SPOUSE DURING OUR ORDEAL is copyrighted by
All Rights Reserved © 2015

Read this well. 
I have always been attacked since that  I do exist. When I was a child, given that my ''father'' was a narcissist, I thought that I was deserving what I got and was hating myself until the day that I really met Christ with my spirit. But now that I stand up for myself, there are more perverts who attacked me and nobody is lifting their little finger although it is very easy to see not only his game on YouTube but also to report his videos. (he made a very cruel character assassination of me, this dirty dog) I have ''subscribers'' but no friends, until proven otherwise. I was asking God how I can understand this life, yet I am very far from being ignorant.  Nobody lifted their finger.  I literally am dying and nobody gives a fuck. Not only this daemon wants to indirectly murder me with his monstrous lies but he wants people to hate me once I'm murdered. It is just perfect! And yet, I am far from being a person centered on myself, I do not deserve what is happening to me at all. Then you come to me with ''hell is on earth, we are damned here by political and religious demons''.  I buy this, it makes too much sense to me.  It is not surprising that my soul wants to depart from this life, for this life is a curse. Satan is so against me that he attacked me even before my birth.  Hell is on earth.  Now, this makes sense.

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Lis bien ceci.  J’ai toujours été attaquée depuis que j’existe. Lorsque j’étais enfant, compte tenu que mon père était un pervers narcissique, je croyais mériter ce qui m’arrivais et je me suis détestée jusqu’au jour où j’ai vraiment rencontré le Christ.  Mais maintenant que je me tiens debout, il y a plus de pervers narcissiques qui m’ont attaquée et personne ne lève le petit doigt bien qu’il est très facile de voir non seulement son jeu sur YouTube mais aussi de rapporter ses vidéos.  (il fait une assassination très cruel de ma personne ce démon politique, ce maudit chien sale) J’ai des ’subscribers’, pas des amis jusqu’à preuve du contraire.  Je demandais à Dieu comment je peux comprendre cette vie et pourtant je suis très loin d’être une ignorante.  Pas un maudit chat lève le petit doigt.  Je suis littérallement en train de crever et on s’en fout superbement.  Non seulement ce démon veut me tuer indirectement mais il veut que les gens me détestent lorsque j’aurais été assassinée.  C’est juste parfait!  Et pourtant, je suis loin d’être une personne centrée sur elle-même, je ne mérites pas ce qui m’arrive du tout.  Alors tu m’arrives avec 'l’enfer est sur terre, être damné ici par les démons politiques et religieux’.  J’achète, cela fait trop de sens.  Il n’est pas surprenant que mon âme veut partir de cette vie, c’est trop maudissant.  L’enfer est ici.  Satan est tellement contre moi qu’il m’a attaquée avant même ma naissance.  Je suis le résultat d’un viol marital et ma mère voulait m’avorter.  C’est de la merde.

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Watch Comments: 19 century brand founder Jean-Fran?ois Bautte been discerning, becoming the first batch of the blue into the watch making master watchmaker, was seen as landmark move, the beginning that touch of blue in it from time to time When the count appears Perregaux GP. Girard-Perregaux GP 1966 series sets subtle and elegant style and performance in a time precision timepieces, design layout balance has caused, just the right size ratio, modified to attain flawless workmanship, fine gauge works when it is contemporary elegance. Micro arc put one dark blue dial, subtle brilliance ray texture make subtle shine, with the pointer glide graceful dancing, a touch of blue, elegant, timeless, touching; at 3 o'clock date display watch set; 3,6,9 and 12:00 bit when handsome inlaid gilt bar standard, cartier replica watches which marked 12 bit dual rod; leaf around the needle and in the same position after the second hand plated.

    Rose gold case inlaid beveled bezel, contour lines more prominent; Case diameter 38 mm, thickness of 8.62 mm, the power, the Girard-Perregaux 1966 series 49525-52-432-BB4A watch containing self-Perregaux GP GP03300-0030 automatic movement developed, providing 46 hours rolex replica watches of power reserve, the traverse 28,800, with hours, minutes, seconds and date display; blue alligator strap with rose gold pin buckle, a perfect match with the case and dial , highlighting men's distinctive taste and style, the price naturally a lot of money, it will not let some people love to watch it prohibitive?

Basic Information
ID: 49525-52-432-BB4A
Brand: Girard-Perregaux
Series: Men's Watch
Movement Type: Automatic mechanical
Gender: Men
Price: $ 123,800

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  通货紧缩的原因,砖家的解释一套又一套,看起来似是而非。实际上通货紧缩的根本原因是贫富两极分化,少数拥有亿万财富的贪官富人他们什么都不缺,亿万人民币藏在家里,而真正需要钱买东西的下岗失业人员无钱买,厂家生产的产品卖不出,经济萧条,而中产阶层去国外疯狂扫货,没有扩大内需:周永康贪4千亿元,家藏379亿人民币;徐才厚家藏现金12亿人民币,美元、欧元现金1吨;能源局煤炭司副司長魏鹏远,家藏现金1亿元人民币;秦皇岛市北戴河区供水总公司总经理马超群,家藏现金1.2亿元;原中石油集团副总经理王永春,贪污受贿6.6亿元;原茂名副市长杨光亮,房产14套,家藏现金12亿;原楚雄州长杨红卫,房产23套,家藏现金17亿;原杭州副市长许迈永,房产25套,家藏现金14亿;原山西蒲县煤炭局长郝鹏俊,房产35套,家藏现金30亿,  外逃带走20万亿,近千万亿的资金失踪了,没有参与到流通领域。  网上有一文章《明朝曾因贪官囤藏二亿两白银导致通货紧缩》,说到严嵩家的白银装了十艘大船,刘瑾囤积了百万两白银“富可敌国”,当时明朝一年财政收入也不过百万两银子,造成老百姓只能货物与货物交易,市场上没有流通的银子。  要解决通货紧缩,首先就要加强反腐,把贪官藏起来的、转移到国外的人民币要回来,投放到市场。  另一个方法是,对低收入群体一次性投放几千几万,让这个群体去购物,扩大内需,本来国内家电销量不高,工人工资发不出,通过一次性投放,产品卖出了,工人工资有了,工厂也能运转起来了;如果每户家庭去饭店吃一次,饭店也不会纷纷倒闭,不过,对低收入群体发钱现在也做不到,因为这钱在中途早就被各级贪官瓜分了,你看08年汶川地震,善款近一半变成各路贪官的豪宅豪车,网上有记者拍到照片,汶川地震后,四川各官都换新豪车了,所以,要解决通货紧缩,必须加强反腐。  官员大规模贪腐始于江泽民当政时期,江泽民鼓励官员贪腐,要他们闷声发大财,也就是闷声贪腐,闷声瓜分国有资产,周永康将3000亿辽河油田改制成周永康的私人财产,全国形成大规模瓜分国有企业潮,老百姓看在眼里急在心里却对此毫无办法。  到了胡锦涛任期,温和善良的好官胡锦涛被江泽民势力打压,军队的徐才厚郭伯雄、政法系统的周永康李东生、中央办公厅的令计划、发改委的刘铁男陈斌曹长庆、能源局的魏鹏远、大型国企的蒋洁敏王永春都是江派势力的人,他们只听江泽民不听胡锦涛的指示,胡锦涛竟然调不动军队,各官员看到如此现状,就像恶狼扑食一样强取豪夺国企更加大胆,最典型的是董事长总经理用权力转移资产掏空上市公司,近百个上市公司成了空壳ST公司,08年又碰上金融危机,为增加流动性中央投放4万亿人民币,结果超半数进入董事长总经理等老虎口袋,网传江泽民有10万亿美元(60万亿人民币)存在香港汇丰银行表妹江绮云名下,2014年3月26日,江泽民表妹江绮云拿【10万亿美元定期存款证明书】副本委托钟棣杭取款闹出虚假文书副本事件。  公开资料显示央行这几年发行货币:1999年为11.76万亿,2000年为13.24万亿,2001年为15.28万亿,2002年为18.32万亿,2003年为21.92万亿,2004年为25.01万亿,2005年为29.6万亿,2006年为34.55万亿,2007年为40.34万亿,2008年为47.51万亿,2009年达到60.62万亿,超过美国。2010年超过70万亿大关,2011年超过85万亿,2012年估计90万亿,2013年110.65万亿元,  货币发行15年增长近10倍,算每年经济增长10%,到2013年应发行44.66万亿,货币超发65.99万亿,这些钱全到老虎口袋了,他们使用这些钱就会造成通货膨胀,他们同时买牛奶洗澡,就会造成牛奶紧缺价格上涨,把钱藏在家里超过65.99万亿就会造成通货紧缩。  我国人口约13亿,如果将2013年发行的110.65万亿元货币全部用于发工资,除以13亿得85115元,即2013年百姓月平均工资应在7000元左右,但是大多数人没达到这个数,少数人月薪高得离谱,有权分配财富的给自己定百万月工资。  没有腐败,缩小贫富差距,中国经济才能健康发展。2015.2.28 2015.3.26补充
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9143175465?profile=originalIf you want to be considered at least as a good acquaintance by me here, you don't start by disrespecting me, it's a no no, period because I am worth more than just your respect but that is the base to be accepted by me as a mere acquaintance.  If you disrespect me, don't f***ing expect me to allow you to ''comment'' or ''communicate'' with me, it's not going to happen no matter how hard you try to twist my arm by trying to bend the truth for the simple reason that  I hate discussing with enemies (that's a one sided relationSHIT) and love avoiding them. That is how I operate with my enemies. Nothing more and nothing less.  I love myself, I'm a great person based not on mere beliefs about myself but on facts.  I don't pretend to be perfect but I'm no fool either.
For more information, read the pledge for safe relationships.

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To read the minds of an entire planet....

In order to read the minds of everyone on the entire planet so that its efficient and technologically pheasible, look at the things that are in the open and cant be hidden, but can be lied about.

Here's the lowdown as i presume it to be. It makes sense. 

Global Aerosols are being sprayed constantly (very heavily and regularly since about 2000) these are nano-metals, conductive especially when electrified via HAARP. This is not a microchip.The implantation is for tracking you specifically by drone or aircraft that stays in flight forever. They change them out ocassionally.

It is how to read everything. You blanket the environment with metal, charge it up, and then read it all day and night, to see how it changes. Specifically,  to see how our EM  

WAVES interfere with the electrified plasma. This can also be used to change dreams,  induce a spiritual state, etc. If you perturb the waves by injecting false ones via hardwre, then your reality is changed. We are all experiencing this altered reality now. Some with the voices added via different hardware. So..

this is a multi-faceted,  multiple technology, interconnected deceit...

The people have done gene therapy to themselves and are wicked to the core.

If you want to believe in aliens, im not denying this either, but let's start with what we can prove or disprove.

The debt the USA is in right now begins to make sense in a global way.

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The Policemen who knew it was a lie were ADULTS, he was only a 12 years old boy who wanted to PLEASE THEM and the Police added to the story to falsely convict an innocent man !!  Those are the real guilty party of the story!

Which means that the 12 years old boy was not the real guilty party and I'm so happy that those two men who were in prison both with a lie are now both set free with the truth.  Great ending, I hope for them happiness for the remaining of their lives.

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